Ferapontov Mother of God-Christmas monastery. Ferapontov monastery in the Vologda region: opening hours, schedule of services, address and photo

Engineering systems 25.09.2019
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Historical and cultural monument of federal significance of the Kirillovsky district of the Vologda region. In the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, the paintings of Dionysius with his sons have been preserved. This is the only temple where such a voluminous (with a total area of ​​600 m2), documented painting of Dionysius, has survived. Now within the walls of the Ferapontov Monastery there is a museum of Dionysius frescoes. In 2000, the monastery was listed World heritage UNESCO.

The monastery was founded in 1397 by Saint Ferapont Belozersky, an associate of Saint Cyril Belozersky. In the 15th century, the monastery became widely known, it was visited by many outstanding politicians... At the beginning of the 16th century, the famous Moscow master Dionysius and his sons painted the Mother of God Cathedral of the Nativity. The cost of the icon painter's work was approximately equal to the cost of building the monastery itself.

In the period from 1666 to 1676, the exiled there stayed in the Ferapontov Monastery former patriarch Nikon.

In 1798, the monastery was abolished by a decree of the Synod as it had fallen into disrepair, and only in 1904 was it renewed as a nunnery. However, it existed in this form for 20 years and was closed in 1924. Since 1975, the creation of the museum began.

Foundation of the monastery

The Lives of the Monks Ferapont and Cyril tell us that the future founders of the northern monasteries, named by Andrey Nikolaevich Muravyov as the Russian Thebaida in the North, were monks of the Moscow Simonov Monastery. Together they asceticised in labor and prayer, and often communicated with the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who visited the monastery. When Cyril had the appearance of the Mother of God, who indicated the place of the foundation of the new monastery, it was Ferapont who was chosen as an ascetic as a companion. Having reached the shores of Lake Siverskoye, the elders dug up their cells and gradually began the construction of the future Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. After a short time, Ferapont left Cyril and went further to the northeast, until at a distance of 15 versts (20 km) from Lake Siverskoye, he discovered Lakes Pass and Borodavskoe, connected by a small river Paska. "I have a desire, and it constantly attracts me, to go to a special place to be silent," Ferapont said simply sincerely, and Cyril answered him just as sincerely: "If God's will is there, you can do it in practice." On a hill between two lakes, the elder founded his monastery. The years of foundation of the Kirillov and Ferapontov monasteries coincide - 1397. The monastery began to develop, but Ferapont was forced to leave it and, at the request of Prince Andrei Dmitrievich Donskoy, go to Mozhaisk to found a monastery on the banks of the Moskva River. This is how the Luzhetsky Monastery arose.

Monastery inXV-XVII centuries

In the Ferapontov monastery itself, Martinian Belozersky, a student of Kirill Belozersky, became hegumen. It was under Martinian in 1409 that the wooden church of the Nativity of the Virgin was erected with a refectory. The monastery became widely known, in the second half of the 15th - early 16th centuries it became, along with the Kirillo-Belozersky and Spaso-Kamenny monasteries, the spiritual, cultural and ideological center of the northern lands. For a long time after the death of Martinian and the uncovering of the relics, the monastery was called "Martemyanovsky".

In 1490, the construction of the stone cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin was completed, on which Rostov craftsmen worked, invited by the Archbishop of Rostov Joasaph, a native of the monastery itself. Joasaph, in 1502, invited the famous Moscow artist Dionysius to paint the new cathedral. An inscription located on the surface of the arch of the cathedral's northern entrance informs about the time of creation (1502) and the record time of execution (34 days) of the painting by the icon painter Dionysius “with his children”. A striking fact is that the paintings have survived to this day without renovation.

The monastery flourished in the 16th century. It was during this period that the monastery received many contributions and letters of gratitude from the king and princes. People come to the monastery on pilgrimage Vasily III, Elena Glinskaya, Ivan IV. At the same time, the monumental Church of the Annunciation with a refectory, a government chamber, service buildings - a stone drying chamber, a guest chamber, a cooking chamber were erected.

However, in 1614 the monastery was ravaged by the Poles, the cells and gates were burned, the surrounding villages were plundered. A quarter of a century later, the monastery recovered from the invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian troops. In 1643, a shrine with the relics of the monk was installed in the Martinian church, built in 1495. In 1645, a two-sided gate church was built. In 1666 Patriarch Nikon was exiled to the Ferapontov Monastery. He spent 10 years in captivity in the monastery. There is a well-known worship cross, carved and installed by Nikon on a small island in the middle of Lake Borodavskoye.

Monastery inXVIII-XXI centuries

In the 18th century, the monastery gradually fell into desolation, until in 1798 it was abolished by a decree of the Synod. Monastic churches became parish churches.

In 1904, the monastery was reopened as a nunnery, but closed again in 1924.

Since 1975, the formation of a modern museum began.

In 2000, the ensemble of the Ferapontov Monastery with paintings by Dionysius was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In 2002, the 500th anniversary of the painting of the Nativity Cathedral of the Ferapontov Monastery, created by the great Russian icon painter Dionysius, his sons and craftsmen who were part of his artel, was celebrated.

Traditionally, the date of foundation of the Ferapontov Monastery is taken as 1398. At that time, on a hill between two lakes, Borodaevsky and Pasko, Ferapont, an associate of St. Cyril of Belozersky, settled separately.

01. Gateway churches of the Epiphany and the Monk Ferapont. 1650

In the second half of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century, the Ferapontov Monastery became a significant spiritual, cultural and ideological center of Belozerye, one of the famous Trans-Volga monasteries, whose elders had a serious impact on Moscow's politics.

In the center there is a three-tiered hipped-roof bell tower (1680) of a very rare type with a square ringing plan and a tetrahedral marquee. There are 17 bells hanging on the ringing tier. The tent contains a unique mechanism of the earliest battle clock from 1638 preserved in Russia.

On the right is the Church of the Monk Martinian. The porch was added in the middle of the 19th century. 1641 year

In the XVI century. in the monastery, a monumental Church of the Annunciation with a refectory, a treasury chamber, service buildings - a stone drying chamber, a guest chamber, a cooking chamber are being built. Having recovered after the devastation of Lithuania, in the middle of the 17th century. the monastery erects gate churches on the Holy Gates, the Martinian church, a bell tower.

Church of the Annunciation (right) with a refectory. 1530 - 1531.

According to historians, the church with a refectory was built on the contribution of Grand Duke Vasily III to commemorate the birth of the heir of the future Tsar Ivan IV, begged in Kirillov and Ferapontov monasteries.

In 1798, the Ferapontov Monastery was abolished by a decree of the Synod.

In the 19th century, during the parish period, the narrowed monastery territory was surrounded by a stone fence. When erecting the fence, bricks from ancient buildings were used.

04. North gate. Wow and the wind today!

In 1904 the monastery was reopened as a nunnery, closed again in 1924.

05. The refectory, behind it is the Church of the Annunciation.

Currently, the Monastery of Ferapontov Monastery houses the Museum of Frescoes of Dionysius, which has the status of a historical, architectural and art museum-reserve. The museum, which arose at the beginning of the XX century, during the 1930-1960s carried out the protection of monuments with the help of only one watchman.

And now to the museum itself.

07. Frescoes, including over the relics of Martinian Belozersky. The Monk Martinian of Belozersky is the abbot of the monastery. He contributed to the flourishing of his spirituality, introduced rewriting, collection of books.



10. In the church of the Monk Martinian. The tent-roofed church dates from 1641.

11. Since 1838, the church has a two-tiered iconostasis made by the Vologda bourgeoisie Nikolai Milavin. The carved royal gates did not preserve the figures of the Archangel Gabriel and Mary from the scene of the Annunciation. The inscription "Immortal meal" speaks of the mystery of the transformation of bread and wine into the Holy Gifts - the Flesh and Blood of Christ.

12. There is an entrance in the bell tower, we go through it and go up to the second floor. To the right is the Church of the Annunciation with frescoes by Dionysius, but we will first walk along the left corridor to the end, here is the exposition of the museum of monastic life.

The interior of the Refectory Chamber with a massive central pillar and sail-like vaults resting on it is completely preserved from the middle of the 16th century.

13. Priznik (XV century), cancer (XVI, XV I I century), felonne (XV century) of the Monk Martinian

14. Reconstruction of the monastic cell according to the charter of Kirill Bezozersky
“In the cell, however, no one was allowed to have anything except the most necessary things, they were not allowed to call anything their own, but, according to the apostle, everything was common ... Even a piece of bread was not allowed in the cell, nor any drink. If anyone was thirsty, he went to the refectory and there, with blessing, quenched his thirst. If anyone happened to enter the cell of a brother, then he saw nothing else in it, like icons, books and a vessel with water to wash his hands. So from all attachments they remained free, having only one concern - to please God, to keep humility and love for each other, and to work for the sake of common needs ...
And everyone worked non-knowingly, but according to his strength; not as for people, but for God .. "

Pakhomiy Logofet. Life of Kirill Belozersky.

15. In the far corner is a sample of the brotherly refectory.


17. In the refectory, each novice sat, according to the rank of seniority, in his place with meekness and silence, and no one was heard, only the reader. They were supposed to have three dishes, except fast days, in which the monks either refused to eat at all, or were interrupted by bread and water.

18. Workplace Abbot.
At this table, the letters and decrees sent to the monastery were read, the decisions made by the abbot and the elders of the council were announced.

19. The ceremonial dress of the priests.


21. The place of the elder builder.

At the southern edge was the place of the elder-builder. The scope of his duties is not entirely clear. Among the elders of the council, he took first place. Apparently, his main responsibility was the spiritual nourishment of the brethren. In the last period of his life, Martinian was an elder builder ..

22. The restorers have done a great job to preserve the legacy of their predecessors for posterity.
The tools used by the restorers.

In the main temple of the former Ferapontov male monastery, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, there are paintings created in 1502 by the famous Moscow artist Dionysius and preserved without renovation to our time.

24. Miraculously preserved, Dionysius's murals were unknown until 1898.

The icon painter Dionysius, known for his icons and murals in Moscow and in the monasteries of the Moscow principality, was invited with his artel to paint the first stone cathedral of the Ferapontov Monastery.

Inside, the cathedral is divided into three naves by four square pillars, on which the raised supporting arches under the drum rest. Murals with nearly 300 subjects and individual characters.

27. In the dome of the cathedral Christ the Almighty is represented, under him are the archangels and forefathers, in the sails - the evangelists, on the supporting arches - the saints in medallions,

28. Fresco in a drum - Christ the Almighty.

29. All elements of architecture have been completely preserved in the churches above the gates.



32. Another remarkable collection of the Museum was formed from objects of the peasant and urban economy and everyday life, and from the very beginning the Museum employees collected things originating from the Kirillovsky district, or rather from the near and distant environs of Ferapontov.

33. Inhabitants of many villages willingly donated to the Museum the objects of the 19th and 20th centuries that they have preserved: icons, books, pottery, krosna, tackle for crozenes, grindstones and millstones, scales and steelyards, glass and wooden dishes, spinning wheels and rolling pins, chests and boxes , antique fabrics, casual and party wear, old letters, photographs and documents and many other obsolete items.

34. This is how the ethnographic collection in the Museum was formed, which gives a good idea of ​​the peasant culture of the Belozersk Territory. Dozens of villages around Ferapontov have existed since the 15th and 16th centuries and, presumably, the peasant life of those ancient times was not much different from that of the 19th or early 20th century, so the ethnographic collection of the Museum also has historical significance.

35. Ruffled, combed, spinning wheels and looms were covered with sacred (mainly solar) patterns, and the cloth woven on them possessed a light power that protected the human body from hostile influences.

In a low light, a light burns.
A young spinner is sitting by the window.
Young, beautiful, brown eyes,
A light brown braid is developed over the shoulders.
(Russian folk song)

The spinning wheel accompanied the girl from birth to marriage. Spinning, as a rule, was done by girls. By the time they reached adulthood, they fully mastered this skill and became skilled spinners, which, according to popular beliefs, predicted happy love and marriage.

In the museum of the Ferapontov Monastery there is a pagan Slavic Siversky idol - a symbol of fertility and worship of the god Rod or Yarila. Dated to the IV-IX centuries, the height is about 1 meter. Found in the village of Siverovo of the Sukhoverkhovsky village council of the Kirillovsky district.

At the exhibition, you can see three types of cross: root, the hind legs of which and the pony were made from a single piece of wood, composite, assembled from separate parts, and mixed, that is, machines in which the root part of the tree was used for the pony, but it was not associated with hind legs. The main adornment of the cross were carved fillings and eyelids. The museum's collection now contains more than 20 crozenes. On such machines, you can weave any patterned fabrics, the only limitation will be only the width of the resulting fabric.

44. In the Vologda dialect: " Harness the cross "- prepare a hand loom for work.

Wonderful wonder in the Russian wilderness!

And heavenly earthly Dionysius,
Appearing from the neighboring lands,
Exalted this wondrous wonder
To hell, unprecedented hitherto ...

Address: 161120, Vologda region, Kirillovsky district, s. Ferapontovo.

The small village of Ferapontovo is located. Here, on a not high hill, located between the Borodaevskoye and Pasko lakes, there rises a small-sized Ferapontov monastery - one of the notable places of interest in the Belozersky region.

Ferapontov monastery history

The Ferapont Monastery was founded by the Monk Ferapont in 1398. The historical weight of the monastery, a significant cultural and spiritual center Belozeria. It is determined by his participation in the epoch-making moments of the era of the formation of the Russian centralized state. In the second half of the 15th - early 16th centuries, the Ferapont elders exerted a serious influence on Moscow's policy.

Ferapontov Monastery in the 17th century.

In 1614, the Ferapontov Monastery was captured by Cossack detachments, but its buildings were subjected to only a relatively small devastation. At the same time, the economic decline associated with the Lithuanian invasion delayed further construction works more than two decades. By the 1640s, there was a short period of a new rise of the monastery, which caused a revival of stone construction. This was followed by a gradual decline of the entire monastery economy.

Ferapontov Monastery.

In 1798, the Ferapontov Monastery was abolished by a decree of the Synod. In 1904, the monastery was reopened as a nunnery, and again closed in 1924.Since the same year, a museum was housed in the monuments of the Ferapontov Monastery, which later became a branch of Kirillo - Belozersky Historical - Architectural and Art Museum - Reserve ... In 2000, the ensemble of the monastery with the paintings of Dionysius in 1502 was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Ferapontov monastery architectural ensemble.

The architectural ensemble of the monastery was formed in the period from the end of the 15th to the 17th century. The core of the architectural ensemble of the Ferapontov Monastery is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, built in 1490. This is the first stone building of the monastery and one of the first stone buildings in Belozerye. The murals of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin are of particular importance for Russian and world culture. According to the text of the chronicle on the slope of the northern door, it was painted by Dionysius and his sons from August 6 to September 8, 1502. This is the only fully preserved painting of an outstanding representative of the Moscow school of icon painting, the main artist of the country at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries - Dionisy.

Ferapontov Monastery.

In the 1530s, Rostov craftsmen, forming the ceremonial courtyard of the monastery, built the Church of the Annunciation with a refectory. It is a unique architectural monument of the first third of the 16th century. The church was built on the contribution of Grand Duke Vasily III to commemorate the birth of the heir, the future Tsar Ivan the Terrible, begged in the Kirillov and Ferapont monasteries. In the tier of the belfry there was a cache and a book depository, where manuscript monastic books were kept.

Ferapontov Monastery. Treasury chamber.

The Treasury Chamber of the monastery was built in the 1530s. It is one of the most ancient stone monuments of civil architecture of the 16th century that have survived in the North of Russia and was intended to store monastic documents. The architecture is simple and monumental - massive walls, small window openings are devoid of frames.

Ferapontov Monastery Martinian Church.

The Martinian Church was built in 1641. The porch was added to it in the middle of the 19th century. The gateway churches of the Epiphany and Ferapont above the Holy Gates were built in 1650. The churches were built over the two-span main entrance to the monastery. Together with the Treasury Chamber adjacent to the south, they form the main facade of the Ferapontov Monastery.

Ferapontov monastery

From the cathedral church to the refectory there are covered two-tier passages with a bell tower built in the center. The bell tower was built in the 1680s. Three-tiered, hipped roof of a very rare type with a square ringing plan and a four-sided marquee. There are 17 bells ringing on the tier. The unique mechanism of the battle clock of 1638 has been preserved in the tent. In the 19th century, during the parish period, the monastery was surrounded by a stone fence.

Well, it's even somehow difficult to assess, such antiquity. Of course this is a wonderful miracle. Such preservation in such a climate. The monastery looks great. Very correct organization of the presentation of the material. First viewing and the story of where and what to watch, then the story itself

A small, almost pocket-sized monastery, snow-white. In winter, there are practically no people. We came to see the frescoes specially. Very good condition for works 500 years ago. It is good that before personal acquaintance with the frescoes, they conduct an educational program with the help of a film.

Constantine ★★★★★


They often came here to admire, but have not been to the museum for a long time. This time we decided to go all the way. The exposition consists of 4 parts, tickets are separate. In the amount of about 500 rubles per adult (including 250 rubles - the actual frescoes), pensioners have a discount of 20 percent. You can pay by card.
The frescoes are launched in groups on a schedule, before that a documentary is shown. We also visited the church. Martiniana and the top and bottom of the refectory (church art and folk objects).

Ferapontovo, about 130 km, the road is good. Don't come up with adorable epithets for this place. If you have not joined the frescoes of Dionysius in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, you most likely happy man- You have much to strive to discover the Beautiful. And when you see the paintings, you simply absorb the great beauty of the master, sometimes you can soar to the domes. Anticipating the fleetingness of communicating with this place, we agreed in advance with the most knowledgeable specialist of the museum, Elena Nikolaevna, she is a researcher of the reserve with 30 years of experience, knowledge is not limited to the same domes. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

We spent two hours with her, while talking mainly about the paintings. For myself, I managed to understand how such a non-canonical creation was born. Ferapontov was in such a wilderness that here the master could afford to deviate from the ordinary canons, the eye of the churchmen did not hang over him, trying to present the faith as a flock of eternally repentant sinners. In Ferapontovo, the master simply created as he himself felt Vera - a holiday of the soul. Therefore, all the figures turned out to be moving, and the faith in his frescoes turned out to be joyful, giving a person inner spiritual grace,

The monastery is small but very nice. Looks nice. The frescoes are quite interesting from a historical point of view, when they were painted, but of course not really. But it is worth seeing once, of course. Museums and exhibitions seemed weak. And of course it shouldn't cost as much money as they charge for tickets.

Alexander ★ ☆☆☆☆


First of all, the rudeness and the "bull" are surprising standard way communication with visitors and the gloom of the locals. Everyone is rude - the seller in the store, the driver of a minibus (not a regular bus, but a registered one, which received 6,000 rubles for a 3-hour route), the hostess of the house, which was rented not for pennies for the whole company. They are rude and rude for no reason, in response to smiles and politeness.
Prices are being raised on the go, despite previous agreements.
The places are beautiful, it is strange that not far away, for example, in Kargopol, people are extremely helpful and welcoming.
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The monastery itself is beautiful, both architecture and atmosphere.

A very small "pocket" monastery. Interestingly, it is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites not only because of its frescoes, but also as an example of Russian monastery construction at that time.
The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin is architecturally very simple and modest. The frescoes are amazing, wonderful. They seem to "sing". Would the year-round access hurt them ?!
There is a functioning church of the Epiphany, inside it is very good and blissful, although the space is small and dark (the darkness in this church adds a sense of mystery). ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

The church has miraculous icon Mother of God"Quick to hear" - according to the candlewoman, she has a special grace to help with infertility.

I will say right away that people come to Ferapontovo with almost a single purpose: to see the frescoes of the great icon painter of the Russian Middle Ages, Dionysius (they have been preserved only here). Therefore, if you are not particularly interested in this art form, you may be disappointed. For a person who is fond of icon painting, the question of money and the rest is not in the first place. To each his own. And the restored frescoes are really perfect, Rublev in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir or Veliky Novgorod are not even close. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

Advice: come in a non-tourist season (for example, we were in April), then you can look at the creations of Dionysius as much as you like.

I have known about the museum of Dionysius frescoes for a long time, so as soon as the opportunity fell, we arrived there with my wife. The impressions are twofold: on the one hand, the unique paintings of the famous master are in excellent condition; on the other, the expectation of something more. In general, I experienced ambivalent feelings from everything in Ferapontovo. The "front" (southern) side of the monastery flaunts a dilapidated fence, ridiculous vegetable gardens and dilapidated sheds that spoil the view; but on the north side there is a beautiful lake, clean shore and pine trees. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

The monastery courtyard is clean but small. In addition to the frescoes of Dionysius, there is nothing special to see. For the ticket price (250 rubles) it becomes especially offensive when the caretakers are trying to force them to pay separately for photography.
Because of the Renaissance masters mentioned in the video (Leonardo, Raphael, etc.) - contemporaries of Dionysius, the comparison for a layman is not in favor of the Russian master (tested on other visitors). Perhaps you need to know well why you are going to Ferapontovo in order to avoid disappointment.

If you find yourself in Kirillov, then you should definitely stop by Ferapontovo. A nice place, beautiful frescoes, but it does not cost 250 rubles. for a ticket !!! For visiting other attractions on the territory of the monastery, you still have to pay 200 rubles. from the nose. We stopped only at the frescoes + the ticket price includes watching a movie for 10 minutes. Everything is clear in time: we entered at 16.15 - watched a film about frescoes - left - went to the temple at 16.30 - watched 10 minutes - left, tk. the next group comes on the heels. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

It's just a museum and nothing else, but you can visit it once.

The monastery is small but very pleasant. Located in a picturesque place on the shore of the lake (more precisely, between the Borodaevskoye and Pasko lakes). The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin works as a museum of frescoes - Dionysius's murals have been preserved since 1502 (some work was carried out to preserve the paint layer, but not restoration, which implies restoration). In the church of St. Martiniana is a cancer with the relics of St. Martiniana (the only wooden carved cancer ancient Russia completely preserved). In the Refectory Chamber there is an exhibition of ancient monastic icons, as well as paintings. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

The functioning Temple in honor of the Epiphany (gate church).

We were on New Year's holidays. A separate ticket is bought for the frescoes, the price is 250 rubles. I didn't go to the museum itself, because there was an old dream to see frescoes. I was afraid that there would be a lot of people. But I watched the film in splendid isolation, there were 4 people in the church itself. + caretaker. So organizationally, everything is fine.
As for the frescoes themselves .... For me, the standard in this art form is the painting of the Church of the Prophet Elijah in Yaroslavl. Whoever has seen will understand. Here and the palette is different, pastel (blue, ocher, brown) and style. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

And, of course, the question is that the frescoes of Dionysius have not been renovated, but 500 years is still a period! I tried to imagine what it looked like freshly drawn - probably great!
Summing up: it's definitely worth looking at once.

Beautiful nature, monastery, silence, few people. If I was an artist, I would sit and paint landscapes. The prices for the frescoes of Dionysius agree too high, the pension saved) But they must be looked at !!! Taking pictures is not allowed, but they give out a sheet with photos and placement of frescoes.

As a place - great! Wonderful lands - silence, but the water surface, incredible landscapes! As a museum - wretched, and even expensive! Tickets to the Hermitage are cheaper. For inspecting the frescoes - 250 rubles, for the rest of the museum 210 rubles, which is a museum of peasant life, an exhibition of local artists (we got to pictures depicting sunny Italy ...) and a wooden church. Elijah the Prophet in the village of Tsypino - perhaps the most interesting of this. In addition, in order to see different expositions, we had to look for caretakers so that they could be opened for us. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

But in spite of everything, come architecture and nature are worth it!

We visited the monastery yesterday. Booked an excursion to the cathedral to see the frescoes, (1500 to 5 people). We listened with pleasure, liked it very much, worth the money spent. What is the advantage of visiting such places out of season, walk and look calmly. Unfortunately, a terrible cold wind was blowing, we realized that we were in the north, so we couldn’t visit another tour of the monastery, but the impressions were already great. By the way, Monday is a day off at the museum. But there was nowhere to eat: the hotel was open, but the restaurant ... continued src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

As this place does not dispose to conversations, more to
Especially when the sun breaks through the narrow windows and snatches out a fragment of the PAST, which is like the present!
Arranged underfloor heating now also allows people in winter
to these masterpieces In such a wilderness (with such roads!) and
such a sonorous beauty!

Museum! As a museum, it is weak and almost incomplete. All attention to the frescoes, which at first ruined for almost 70 years, have now been restored. By the way, in the churches where the services are held - mold and fungus, which they fight, performing the feat, restorers - do not live at all ... And where the service has recently been restored, the murals are often cleaned by themselves.
Something apparently does not allow mold to live where they serve ...
The territory is poorly maintained. Such a monument! And this almost negligence ... There is no devastation, but there is no love care either. Which is not surprising. Nobody will give money to the museum. They will give them to the temple, but not to the museum ...
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I saw a lot of temples with such murals. But apparently there is no more with such old paintings.
The place itself is amazingly beautiful. And the lake and the pines and the monastery on the hill
Museum of Peasant Life - a warehouse for spinning wheels and looms. No more. A very interesting gallery of paintings by local artists. Very light joyful work.
There is a tiny gate church ... nothing caught my eye in it.
But a must visit. I actually then went to Vologda.
Road from Vologda. Excellent in places, patch on patch in places.

Elena ★★★★★


Visited at the end of March 2012 after the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (which I didn't really like). We ordered an excursion and were completely delighted. We also have something to be proud of. Stunning frescoes by Dionysius, a well-organized modern conservation system. In the Mirozhsky monastery in Pskov, the frescoes are older, but their author is not known, so museum workers preserve them with improvised means. Here, the state has invested money (thanks to the dedication of the local director) and this is great. Around the silence is not real. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

I was surprised to learn that after this monastery Ferapont founded the Luzhetsky monastery in Mozhaisk (there is even a font there, but not on the territory of the monastery, but in the nearest village). We have a dacha nearby, we have been to the monastery a hundred times, but they did not know this. The gap has already been filled !!! It is imperative to book an excursion: it is much more informative and informative.

The road from Vologda is very decent, I don’t even know why people here write that it’s bad. The entrance to the territory is free. Exhibition on the walls vintage photos and paintings by local artists. Services are now taking place in the gate church. I confess that we didn’t go to look at the frescoes - it’s expensive. All around, beauty - a lake, given. In general, it is good, although not as extensive as Kirillov, but a must visit.

svetlana ★★★★★


on a single ticket for 200 rubles. there is practically nothing to watch. well, very expensive. frescoes are not included in this price

Andrey Klochkov ★★★★ ☆


Unfortunately, the museum closes at 17:00, and already at half past four, they are not allowed into it.
But there are wonderful views around !!!

Elena ★★★★★


Were on May 2. Turned out to be the only visitors. Outside, it seems nothing special, but when we entered the temple - the feeling of some kind of miracle! Most of all I liked the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, he is simply extraordinary! I didn't want to leave !!!
It is striking that in such a wilderness (120 km from Vologda along a terribly broken road, in a village "in 2 houses"), the entire painting of the church of 1502 has been preserved. in the FIRST form! It (as the guide explained to us) was not restored, all restoration work was aimed only at preserving and clearing brick dust and fungus. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

And 250 rubles. Absolutely not big pay, if we consider how much it costs to maintain all systems (and there is an air purification system, and maintaining a given temperature and humidity, and God knows what) and salary to the staff who is there and works, even for single tourists, which we turned out to be ...

vorchun ★★★★★


Visited for the third time. The first two murals were not available. Now, thanks to the teppa floors and equipment,
a miracle became possible (even in winter). The sun only helped, and the rays inside the temple worked wonders!
I didn't want to leave! Special thanks to the guide and the scheme of the frescoes, according to which you can understand everything!
And everything is forgotten and the bad road and long distances.
You need to visit and PENETRATE!

Uralochka ★★★★★


The monastery and museum are, alas, not even open every day! On January 9, we did not manage to get there, apparently on the occasion of Monday and New Year's holidays.

Mariyka ★★★★★


It is definitely worth a visit, but just once for those who do not understand anything in Old Russian painting, it will be enough. The places are incredibly beautiful and amazing. There were 09/24/2011, 250 rubles. for viewing frescoes in such a wilderness, in my opinion, is expensive. the rest of the museum workers (also for money) did not go. I recommend going up to the gate church, it is active (right above the entrance gate) - this is antiquity and holiness!

Were here on July 14, 2011. We watched the film and murals. They won't let you look for a long time, but the wrong is so necessary - temperature regime and so on. Generally, of course, a little expensive for 10 minutes of viewing without a live tour. I appreciate the frescoes and the work of the restorers, I would put less for the museum.

tata ★★★ ☆☆


We visited the monastery on June 19. Both the place is wonderful and the frescoes are good, but instead of a guided tour, a 10-minute lecture on TV with eerie sound quality. If you remember anything, go and look at the frescoes. All this for 250 rubles. per person. The general disappointment was corrected by communication with an employee of the Tsypin Church museum. The church is part of the Ferapontov Monastery Museum and is located 2 km from it. I give "Tsypin" 5 points.

Elena ★★★ ☆☆


I want to warn all travelers who come to the monastery. The frescoes of Dionysius can only be seen with a separate ticket worth 250 rubles for demolition. A single ticket does not give such an opportunity! And you cannot return it. And we got caught. We had to buy both tickets, although we were going to see only the frescoes (unfortunately, we were running out of time). The aunty museum workers do not really explain anything, and no one was going to conduct the excursion. I will never go here again, because from such an attitude towards tourists the sediment remains for a long time. ... continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

And the place is very beautiful. Worth seeing.

Visited Ferapontovo for the second time in January 2011. We arrived at sunset, and the monastery was illuminated by the setting sun in pink colors... Great views, nature. Draws to come there again and again. Once again I admired the frescoes of Dionysius. Now, before the inspection, they show a film about the frescoes, and then a tour with a guide. Cost for January 2011 - 250 rubles.
And also, if you are in winter, do not forget to take a sled or ice-float with you and slide down the mountain straight to the lake with the local children))

Natalia ★★★★★


The place is amazing! Most of all, I like that the city has not appeared around, so the monastery is located in a marvelous corner of nature on the shore of a beautiful lake. Monks knew how to choose a place. I like the antiquity, the lack of gloss. The tour of the museum also seemed interesting. I have not seen such a blue sky as above the Ferapontov Monastery anywhere in the central and northern Russia... Maybe we were just lucky with the weather.

Maryam ★★★★★


Visited by a group from Moscow State University in May 2001 (after visiting the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, where in the evening in the rays of the sunset - which still left an unforgettable impression of Nature in my soul) this majestic, powerful monastery rose up, and then in the morning, having just arrived by bus, we climbed to the Ferapontov Monastery against the background of a lake bathing in the rays of the sun, this graceful monastery glows so in memory - everything is sacred here, and when soon in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery there was an exhibition of Dionysius frescoes (we are ready ... continued src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

were to take with interest the information about Dionysius) How do you want to come back here in this ring- Cyril- Belozersky-Ferapontov- Goritsy (in what state is the latter now - then they were just beginning to restore)

The monastery was not impressed, as was the museum housed in it. I do not like monasteries-museums with Soviet grandmothers-museum workers. These are not living monasteries that have lost grace and holiness. In monasteries, one should pray, not stare at exhibitions. Well at least the gate church was given to the parishioners - there is where to pray and light a candle ...

Yes, the monastery is good. In the working part, there are shawls for women on the railing. But the operating church is very small. And it is really expensive to see the frescoes - 200 rubles. In general, you can call in. The lake is very clean, and the view of the monastery from the lake is unrepeatable ...

Anna ★★★★★


In Kirillov and Ferapontov were in October 2009, there was a magical golden autumn. Beautiful places, lakes, forests, villages ... And when from behind a hillock they saw a monastery shining with white walls over the lake, they stood on the sidelines for ten minutes in admiration, simply admiring in silence, it was breathtaking. There are plenty of attractions, do not be lazy to move to the sides of the main road.
We will definitely return to those lands!

Yes, the place is unique. Some of the frescoes have been restored, restoration work continues. There is nothing special to see in the museum of everyday life and at the exhibition of local artists. The gate church is active. Although the tickets, I agree with Maria, are expensive. For compatriots, it could be cheaper.

We were very lucky with a guide, a live girl told how she sang :). A completely different vision of history, other legends.
Dionysius's frescoes are not allowed to be photographed at all, not because they will deteriorate from the flash, but in order to prevent "personal enrichment".
The monastery itself looks much more beautiful from below, from the square.

Mikhail G. ★★★ ☆☆


We visited the monastery in June 2008. Impressions are sharply negative. Achievements of commercial results nullify all spiritual perception of what you see. 10 years ago I was delighted with this place, although at that time it was less well-groomed and "civilized". The monastery makes a much greater impression from the water at sunset, if you take a boat from local population and swim on the lake. This will at least a little remind of the former spirituality of this place.

Maria ★★ ☆☆☆


The monastery is located on the shores of a picturesque lake. Beautiful! Fits well with the surrounding landscape. Inside is commerce! Tickets to the museum are expensive (see the frescoes of Dionysius - 160 rubles / person). Ticket-keepers and museum caretakers are as stern as overseers.
Dionysius's frescoes did not impress me, they do not touch the soul.

Rucheva ★★★★★


The main thing, of course, is the frescoes, their quantity and their remarkable preservation. Been here twice. For the first time in 1983, in winter. Then there was no knowledge of frescoes and ancient Russian painting. We arrived, everything around was dilapidated, neglected, someone opened the door of the church for us, and we saw a miracle. In the midst of winter, mud and desolation - another world, the blueness of the frescoes, and for many years the feeling of a wondrous vision and wonder how this could have survived for 500 years. Not a stone, not powerful fortress walls, but a thin pattern on a layer of plaster.
...continuation src = "/ jpg / plus.gif">

The second time was in 2007. Accomplishment, control of the number of visitors. Everything is quite understandable - the museum is unique, but the feeling of a miracle is gone. There is an understanding that you are in a museum, however, in a unique museum. You can look at the frescoes as much as you want, they only ask to leave if a group comes and there are more than 10 people in the church.

I really liked the exposition with household items, precisely because there are so many of them. It was interesting both at the book exhibition and at the exposition dedicated to the history of the monastery. For a place so remote from the capitals, the museum as a whole (there is no question of frescoes, unique, that says it all) cannot but admire, very worthy.

Towering over the village of Ferapontovo, it is a unique beauty ensemble, which is a historical monument of world significance. On this moment it is included in the UNESCO list. The history of the monastery is directly related to those significant events that took place in Moscow in the 15th-17th centuries. Here, in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, there are many frescoes made by the famous icon painter Dionysius.

The ensemble of the monastery

The Ferapontov Monastery was built on a hill between the Borodaevsky and Pavsky lakes, which are connected by a small river Paska. His ensemble harmoniously combines architectural details the most different centuries. Of particular interest is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. This is the main church of the monastery, the construction of which was started in 1490. Not far from the Cathedral in 1530 the Church of the Annunciation was built, and in 1640 the construction of the Church of St. Martimian began.

How the monastery was founded

Ferapontov was founded in 1397 by Ferapont, a native of the ancient Poskochin family. The saint took tonsure at the Simonov monastery in Moscow at the age of forty. Here he became friends with the Monk Cyril of Belozersk. Together they listened to the sermons of Sergius of Radonezh, who often visited the monastery. Fulfilling obedience, Ferapont went north to Beloozero. The saint liked the harsh northern edge, and a little later he decided to return there for exploits. This time they went north together with the Monk Cyril. Here they founded the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.

After a while, Ferapont founded his monastery on a hill between the Pavskoye and Borodaevskoye lakes. At first he lived in a hermitage built by him. He had to endure a lot of hardships. Over time, monks began to come to him, who also built cells here. So gradually this place turned into a monastery.


The Ferapontov Monastery became widely known thanks to the efforts of the Monk Martinian, a disciple of Cyril Belozersky, who, at the insistence of the brethren, became its abbot. The most famous representatives of the Russian nobility - Elena Glinskaya, Ivan IV, Vasily III and others - once came here to worship. In the 15th-16th centuries. from the walls of this monastery came the most prominent figures of the Russian Church - Bishop of Vologda and Perm Philotheus, Bishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov Joasaph and others. Over time, the monastery became a place of exile for prominent figures who fought for the primacy of the Church in the state - Patriarch Nikon, Metropolitan Spiridon-Savva, etc.

Among other things, the Ferapontov Monastery was also the largest patrimony. In the XVII century. the monastery owned about 60 villages, three hundred peasants and 100 wastelands.


Despite the fact that many stone buildings were erected in the monastery, from the 15th to the 17th century, it never became a real fortress. Its fence remained wooden until the 19th century. This was the reason for the devastation of the monastery in 1614 by the Polish-Lithuanian robbers. Stone construction was resumed only 25 years after the invasion. It is the fact that the monastery has fallen into decay that we owe the preservation of the frescoes in their original form. The monastery was not rich, and therefore the renovation of the murals was never carried out.

In 1798, by the decree of the Synod, the monastery was abolished. In 1904, a monastery was reopened here, but this time for women. It did not last long - until 1924. Today, there is a museum of Dionysius frescoes on the territory of the monastery.

Icon painter Dionysius

In 1502, the icon painter Dionysius with an artel was invited to the Ferapontov Monastery. His task was to paint the Nativity Cathedral. By that time, Dionysius was already famous and considered the leading Moscow master. He received his first serious order between 1467 and 1477. At this time, he was offered to participate in the design of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in 1481, he began to fulfill another important task - the execution of icons for the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral (Moscow Kremlin). The master coped with the order just fine and since then has become the personification of the Moscow school of painting.

Ferapontov Monastery. Frescoes of Dionysius

The frescoes of Dionysius in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin are the only murals of the master that have survived to this day. Before the alterations of the facade in the 16th century. the plots depicted on it were visible from afar. Michael is also depicted on both sides of the gate. The portal is decorated with scenes of the Nativity of the Virgin and the fresco "Desus". At the top you can see a medallion with the image of Christ. Above the door, Dionysius placed the image of the Mother of God herself, surrounded by Kozma Mayumsky and Ioan Damascene. It is this fresco that becomes the beginning of the plot-related images dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. The central viper depicts the Mother of God Hodegetria sitting on a throne with angels kneeling before her. In the temple there are other frescoes representing the attention of the viewer to the Virgin Mary. The Ferapontov Monastery is famous, first of all, thanks to the murals of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin.

Features of the murals of the temple

The painting system of the temple is organized very strictly and concisely. The frescoes are made taking into account the architectural features of the building. Another special feature that makes the design of the temple harmonious is the skill of composition. This can be attributed both to the placement of the frescoes and to each individual plot. The drawing is distinguished by the flexibility of the lines and at the same time their laconicism. All images look weightless, directed upwards. The murals are crowded and dynamic. In order to see all the frescoes in the sequence of the plot, it is necessary to go around the entire temple in a circle several times.

Another of distinctive features The frescoes of Dionysius is the softness of colors and ornateness. The images are dominated by white, sky blue, yellow, pink, cherry and light green tones. For the background, the icon painter used mainly a bright blue color. The paints were supposedly delivered to the artist from Moscow. The richest in plan color scheme the medallions under the drum and on the spring arches are painted. In their implementation, both pure colors and mixtures were used.

The wall of the Nativity of the Theotokos can be confidently called the pinnacle of Dionysius' creativity. An interesting fact is that all the frescoes of the Ferapontov Monastery were completed in just 34 days (from August 6 to September 8). And this despite the fact that their total area is 600 m 2.

Ferapontov Luzhetsky Monastery

In the 15th century, Beloozero belonged to Prince Andrey, the son of Dmitry Donskoy. In 1408 he turned to Ferapont with a request to found a monastery in the city of Mozhaisk. After long deliberation, the saint agrees to become the abbot of the new monastery. The one built on the shore was named Luzhetsky. In 1420, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin was erected there. Not far from the Luzhetsky Monastery, a source with healing water... They call it the well of St. Therapont. According to legend, it was discovered by the saint himself.

Saint Ferapont remained in the Luzhetsky monastery until his death in 1426. In 1547 he was canonized. His relics still rest in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. The Vologda and Luzhetsky Ferapontov monasteries today are the most valuable monuments of medieval Russian culture.

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