When they gave the name of the RNO Alania. North Ossetia is Russia or not, the ancient land of Alanov

Gardening 22.09.2019

It was founded back in 1924. Indigenous population - Ossetians, but other nationalities live in this territory.

Let's see where North Ossetia is located, that is, what is her geographical position. This republic is part of the North Caucasus Federal District. Hence the simple conclusion that the entire territory of the state is located in the Caucasus. To be more accurate in the wording, then on the northern slope of a large mountain system - a large Caucasus. The relief is distributed here as follows: plains and lowlands occupy most The terrain, and Highlands - less than half.

In total, about 700 thousand people live in the republic. Of these, more than 60% - urban population. In economically, the strategic partner is Russia. The Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (its full name) in the list of subjects of the Federation under the area occupies the 80th place (less than 8 thousand square meters) of the State of the State of Vladikavkaz. It is located in the south of Russia on the shores at the foot of the Caucasian Mountains.

Briefly about the main thing

Vladikavkaz was founded in the Catherine Epoch. This name is "Vlad Kavkaz" - from Pavel Sergeevich Potemkin in 1784 received a fortress, erected as a Russian outpost in the southern part of the modern city. The status of the city is the future capital of Ossetia North received in 1860.

Now there are few more than 300 thousand people, most of which are Ossetians, Russian and Armenians.

Vladikavkaz (in Ossetian Dzaoudzhikau) is located in the center of the Caucasus. Here are short winters and long warm summer. The city is surrounded by picturesque places and natural wealth in the form of therapeutic mineral springs and high-quality drinking water.


Currently, Vladikavkaz can be proud of perfectly developed transport network. There is an international airport with regular flights to Moscow. Also, it is from these places that the famous military-Georgian road begins. It is important by messages between the two states - Russia and Georgia. However, for 4 years (2006-2010), the government was forced to temporarily close it. But since March 2010, the movement resumed. There is also a Vladikavkaz railway, which connects the city with Rostov-on-Don.


Intellectual and cultural lovers The capital of Ossetia North (Vladikavkaz) will delight numerous theaters, concert halls, museums, libraries, among whom the oldest in the North Caucasus is republican. From architectural monuments - Russian Theater, department store, metallurgist palace, government house, and, of course, business Cards Vladikavkaz - Sunni Mosque Mukhtarov and the Orthodox Church of Christmas, called the Ossetian Church.

The mosque built on the left bank of the Terek Azerbaijani patron of the oil industry Murtus-Aga Mukhtarov. In the Soviet era, this building was used to accommodate the branch of the museum of local history. Church of Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary He is the oldest orthodox templewhich can be proud of Vladikavkaz. Up to the 90s. XX century Church served as a tomb for prominent citizens of the republic. Also in Vladikavkaz, the recently built St. George Cathedral, which is the main Cathedral of the Vladikavkaz diocese, is located.


The city is erected by many monuments of cultural, art, national heroes. Among them are an unusual monument to A. S. Pushkin. The poet is depicted sitting in a barn, harmful will, in which he traveled through the Caucasus.

During the Great Patriotic War In the city and its surroundings were bloody battles. In 2007, the capital of Ossetia North received the honorary title one of national heroes Ossetian is the general that has become 2 times the hero Soviet Union. In his honor, the most recognizable monument of Vladikavkaz was installed on the Embankment of the Terek - the equestrian statue of Pliyev.

City development

For the rest of the locals and tourists in the city there are many parks. The most popular among them is the Park of Culture and Rest of the Poet K. L. Khetagurov. There is a restaurant, tennis courts, mini-golf courses. Another famous park - Olympic, built in 2014, the main attraction of which is a glowing musical fountain. In the heart of Vladikavkaz, in his historical and cultural part, there is a tram-pedestrian zone - prospect of the world, almost all buildings of which are architectural and cultural monuments.

From May to October for small citizens and guests of the city, North Caucasian Small Railway named after Valentina Tereshkova. The capital of Ossetia North has a beautiful embankment of the River Terek.

Improvement and sport

Most popular sports in Vladikavkaz and North Ossetia - Football and Fighting. All Ossetians are sick for the Local Football Club "Alanya", which became the champion of Russia in 1995.

Near the city, there is a village of Redan, close to the famous Sanatoriums "Ossetia", "Redan", Turbases, Arboretum.

Subject Russian Federation

North Ossetia Republic - Alanya




-% aqueous. Stand.

7987 km²


- density

↘ 701 765 (2018)

87.86 people / km²

Total at current prices

125.5 billion rubles. (2016)

Per capita

178.4 thousand. rub.

Federal District

Economic district

North Caucasian

Official language

Ossetian, Russian

Head of the Republic

Vyacheslav Bitarov

Chairman of the government

Taimuraz Tuskayev

Chairman of Parliament

Alexey Machnev
Anthem Anthem North Ossetia

Code of the subject of the Russian Federation

ISO 3166-2 code RU-SE

OKATO code



MSK (UTC + 3)


Official site


Memorable coin of the Bank of Russia with a par value of 10 rubles (2013)

North Ossetia Republic - Alanya (Ost. Republics Tsægat Iryston - Alani as it sounds; short name: North Ossetia) - The subject of the Russian Federation, the republic in its composition. It is part of, is part of the North Caucasus Economic Area.

During the Great Patriotic War to North Ossetia, the territories of deported Ingush were joined, Ossetians from North Ossetia were resettled in the empty settlements, as well as from the South Ossetian Autonomous Region and the inland regions of Georgia. Ingushem returned in the 1950s, they returned a part of the territory, and instead of the suburban area remaining in the SAIASR, while the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was transferred to the land of the Stavropol Territory.

In the composition of the Russian Federation

Sculpture in honor of Wastardji

In 1992, due to territorial disputes between Ossetians and Ingush, broke out armed conflict. As of 2015, the situation in the region is not finally solved.

Ethnic composition

People Number
human (*)
Number, 2010.
Ossetians ↗ 445 310 (62,7 %) 459 688 (64,5 %)
Russians ↘ 164 734 (23,2 %) 147 090 (20,6 %)
Ingush ↗ 24 442 (4,1 %) 28 336 (4,0 %)
Armenians ↘ 17 147 (2,4 %) 16 235 (2,3 %)
Kumykov ↗ 12 659 (1,8 %) 16 092 (2,3 %)
Georgians ↘ 10 803 (1,5 %) 9 095 (1,3 %)
Turks ↗ 2 835 3 383
Ukrainians ↘ 5 198 3 251
Azerbaijanis ↗ 2 429 2 857
Kabardians ↘ 2 902 2 802
Chechens ↘ 3 383 2 264
Greeks ↘ 2 332 1 880
Gypsies ↗ 1 553 1 684
Koreans ↘ 1 841 1 458
Tatars ↘ 2 108 1 411
The peoples with a number of more than 1000 people are shown


Population facilities with a population of more than 5,000 people.

Administrative-territorial division

As part of the administrative and territorial structure, the republic is divided into 1 city of republican subordination () and 8 districts.

Within the framework of the municipal device, 111 municipalities were formed within the borders of the administrative and territorial units of the republic, including: 1 urban district, 8 municipal areas, which include 5 urban settlements and 97 rural settlements.

Name Administrative
Thousand km²
person / km²
City of republican significance (urban district)
city of Vladikavkaz 0,291 ↘ 323 998 1072,9
Areas (municipal regions)
Alagir district 2,01 ↘ 36 763 18,2
Ardon district Ardon 0,37 ↗ 31 830 77,5
Digorsky district 0,64 ↘ 18 265 31,9
Iraf district Chicola. 1,37 ↘ 15 160 11,2
Kirovsky district Elhhotovo 0,36 ↘ 27 406 74,7
Mozdok district 1,08 ↗ 88 123 81,1
Right-Bank District 0,38 ↘ 57 088 146,3
Suburban area Oktyabrskoy 1,46 ↘ 103 132 70,0


North Ossetia is the region whose budget is subsidized from the federal budget of Russia. One of the export items of the Ossetia of the Ossetia is the manufacture and export of alcohol. Most alcohol production factories are in and. In total, there are 23 alcohol enterprises in North Ossetia.

In 2000-10 in the media, phrase ossetian alcohol It was used to refer to illegal low-quality alcohol products produced in Ossetia. In this regard, in 2006, the Ossetian authorities recognized the presence of a scandal around the vodka business.


Main industries: non-ferrous metallurgy (Plant "Electrozink" - owned by the company UMMC, the plant "Wins" - specializes in the production of heavy and hard alloys based on tungsten and molybdenum), mechanical engineering, mining (non-ferrous metals, building materials), electronic, light, glass, food.

"Baspik": production of high-tech products.


In the region several hydroelectric power plants total capacity 108.8 MW and production of 363.6 million kWh:

  • Ezminskaya HPP (45 MW with a capacity of 231 million kWh)
  • Hiseldon HPP (29.4 MW, 56.9 million kWh)
  • Head HPP (15 MW, 31 million kWh) as part of the Zaramyagskaya HPP complex
  • DZAU HPP (9.2 MW, 41.9 million kWh)
  • some smaller power plants

Basic investment projects

  • building ski resort "Mammines" (length of the tracks 120 km, the total volume of investments - 15.3 billion rubles);
  • construction of a cement plant with a capacity of 1.5 million tons per year (the expected investor is the company "UMMC");
  • creating a HPP network on small rivers (estimated amount of investment - up to 200 million euros).


In the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania on transport and logistics accounts for 7.7% of the gross regional product.

In terms of infrastructure security, republican indicators exceed all-Russian and regional. According to the density of roads with the "firm" coating, the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania occupies the fourth place in Russia.

Through the territory of North Ossetia there are two main road roads through the main Caucasian Ridgeconnecting Russia with the countries of the Transcaucasus and the Middle East - the Military Georgian road and Trankam.

The reconstruction of artificial covers of the runway of the airport "Vladikavkaz" is carried out.

The Vladikavkaz city trams are noteworthy - one of the oldest tram systems in Russia (opened in 1904).

State device

The main law is the Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya.

Name of the position of the head

On May 20, 2005, the North Ossetian Parliament has made changes to the republican constitution, providing for the renaming of the post of President North Ossetia as head of the republic.

The initiator of the amendment was the Fraction "United Russia". The idea of \u200b\u200babolition in North Ossetia of the presidency of the presidency was put forward by the secretary of the political council of the Republican branch of this party Taimaraz Mamsurov (he was the chairman of the republic's parliament).

The adopted amendment was not concerned about the President of North Ossetia Alexander Zasokhov, who, before the expiration of his authority, could be called president (although the practice of naming his "head of the republic" was established before the official decision on this issue).

On September 13, 2015, Tamerlan Kimovich Aguzarov, a majority vote of the North Ossetia-Alany parliament, was elected head of the republic. On February 19, 2016, Aguzarov died as a result of pneumonia, Vyacheslav Bitarov became temporarily acting by the head of the republic.

Science, education and culture

Higher education

As of 2015, more than ten universities, academies, institutions and branches, both public and private ones operate in North Ossetia. Most are in.


  • Academic Russian Theater named after Vakhtangov (Vladikavkaz)
  • North Ossetian State Academic Theater. V. Thapsaeva (Vladikavkaz)
  • North Ossetian State Opera and Ballet Theater (Vladikavkaz)
  • Vladikavkaz State Philharmonic (Vladikavkaz)
  • State Theater for Children and Youth Sabi (Vladikavkaz)
  • Digorsky State Drama Theater (Vladikavkaz)
  • State Equestrian Theater "NARTS" (Vladikavkaz)
  • State Music Rander Theater "ARVYANDAN" (Vladikavkaz)
  • Youth Ossetian Theater Studio "Amran" (Vladikavkaz)
  • Youth Russian Theater "Premier" (Vladikavkaz)
  • Mozdok State Puppet Theater
  • Mozdok Dramatic Theater.
  • Kumyk Drama Theater (with. Kizlyar)
  • Ossetian dramatic folk theater (with. Nogr)

National Cultural Associations

In North Ossetia there is more than a dozen active national-cultural societies. The main objectives of national associations is the introduction to ethnic culture, strengthening the inter-ethnic consent and friendship between the peoples of North Ossetia in particular and Russia as a whole.

  • List of Heroes of the Soviet Union (North Ossetia)
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alanya


Mainly in the republic is represented by Orthodoxy, traditional Ossetian beliefs and Islam. According to a large-scale survey of the research service "Wednesday" conducted in 2012, the item "Confessing the traditional religion of ancestors, worship the gods and forces of nature" in North Ossetia chose 29% of respondents - the highest percentage in the Russian Federation (the next - only 13%). Item " Confessing Orthodoxy and belong to the ROC "chose 49% of respondents," Confessing Christianity, but I don't consider myself to any of the Christian denominations "- 10%," I do not believe in God "- 3%," Confessing Islam, but I am neither a Sunnit nor shiite "- 3%," Confessing Orthodoxy, but I do not belong to the ROC and I am not an old supplement "- 2%," Believe in God (in higher power), but not confessing a specific religion "- 1%. The rest are less than 1%.

see also

  • Ossetian-Ingush conflict
  • Ossetian aristocracy
  • Tourism in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alanya


  1. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2018. Checked July 25, 2018. Archived July 26, 2018.
  2. Gross regional product according to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. (Rus.) (XLS). Rosstat.
  3. Gross regional product per capita in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. MS Excel Document
  4. Biography Taimuraz Tuskayev
  5. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Art. 5, PP. 12
  6. Osetini.com: Ossetia Geography - Soil
  7. the federal law from 03.06.2011 N 107-FZ "On the calculation of time", Article 5 (June 3, 2011).
  8. https://s23.postimg.org/aze2tqr9n/2fec9d793e3d.jpg?noredir\u003d1
  9. Abaev V.I. On the language substrate. // Reports and reports of the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1956, t. IX.
  10. R. G. Dzattati
  11. E. Yu. Shestopalova. Dagom catacomb grave VII centuries. In North Ossetia // Archaeological discoveries of 2005 M.: Science, 2007.
  12. Ossetians - article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia.
  13. V. V. Beshanov, year 1942 - "Training". On the Mozdok direction
  14. V. V. Beshanov, year 1942 - "Training". Nalchik - Ordzhonikidze
  15. Chelysati, Kazbek Sergeevich Ossetia and Ossetians // Vladikavkaz - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Il", 1994. - P. 359, p. 364-365. - ISBN 5-7358-0132-5
  16. Information materials about the final results of the All-Russian Census of 2010
  17. All-Russian Census of 2010. Official results with advanced lists on the national composition of the population and by region: see
  18. The results of the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population on RNO-Alania. The population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements and settlements
  19. North Ossetia authorities demand to stop the production of alcohol from waste recycling waste
  20. Under Petersburg detained a whole tank of smuggled Ossetian alcohol
  21. 15 tons of Ossetian alcohol detained on one of the federal highways of Krasnodar
  22. In Saratov, caught suppliers of poisonous alcohol
  23. Ossetian vodka prescribed surrogate
  24. Interview: Taimaraz Mamsurov, President of North Ossetia // Vedomosti, No. 162 (1936), August 30, 2007
  25. Information and analytical materials on the results of monitoring the activities of educational organizations higher education 2015 - the Republic of North Ossetia-Alanya.
  26. Arena (atlas of religions and nationalities of Russia)
  27. North Ossetia. Religion


  • Grigorovich S. F. On the mountains and plains of North Ossetia: tourist satellite, local history and excursion. - ed. 2nd, modifications. -: North Ossetian Book Publishing House, 1960. - 128 p.
  • Beroes B. M. In North Ossetia. - ed. 2nd, copy. and additional .. - M.: Physical Culture and Sport, 1984. - 144 p. - (by native expanses). - 50,000 copies.


  • Official Website of the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya
  • Permanent Mission of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya under the President of the Russian Federation
  • The history of Ossetia from ancient times to end XIX. in.
  • Sights of North Ossetia

Waving a turning event in the history of the Ossetian people, accession to Russia created real conditions for overcoming feudal fragmentation, achieving national unity, ensuring security and progressive development in the Russian community of peoples. Ossetians got access to the values \u200b\u200bof Russian and world culture

The territory of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania was mastered by a man in ancient times. Favorable climatic conditions contributed to the occupation of agriculture and cattle breeding, the birth of the mining and production of copper. At the turn of the II-I Millennium BC, there was a transitional from bronze to the early gland "Coban culture", monuments of which are numerous.

From VII century BC e. The North Caucasus penetrate the Iranian-speaking tribes Scythians, and from IV century. n. e. - Sarmaty related to them, of which Alans, direct ancestors of modern Ossetians stand out at the turn of our era. The ethnonym "Ossetians" comes from the overall self-discharge of medieval Alan "AS" (according to Russian sources - "AS" or "Yas", Georgian - "OVS" or "OS", hence the name of the country "Oviet" or "Osseti" - "Country of Ovs / Osov. "Nowadays the general self-esteem of Ossetians" Iron ", the country -" Iryston ", and on their dialectage -" IR "in the East of the Republic and Digora - in the West.

By participating in the great resettlement of peoples, a significant part of Alan went to Western Europe, the rest of the same part moved to Kuban and Terek intercourse, as well as in the mountains.

In IX-X V.V. The early refortel state is Alanya. Penetrating to Alanams with V c. From Byzantium, and later from Georgia, Christianity became in the X century. their official religion. In Western Alanya (Verkhovaya R. Kuban), the Alanian Archbishopskaya Department was formed, subordinate to the Constantinople Patriarchate, large church construction unfolded - in the Greater Zemerchuk gorges, Teberda and Kuban are constructed by the monumental dome churches of East Byzantine architecture. At the same time in the eastern part of Alanya, the missionary activity of Christian Georgia is activated, typically Georgian in the composition of the church are being built. Ancient monument Early Christian Alanya, preserved and functioning to this day (1945), is a Sovan temple near. Costa Hetagurovo in Karachay-Cherkessia.

In the X-XII V.V. Alanya was a powerful state that conducted an active foreign policy. Tight political and trade connections were maintained with Georgia, Kievan ruus, Byzantia. In Alanya passed and had a deep influence on her economic development existing with II century BC e. until the XVI century n. e. famous " Silk Path"(moving Chinese silk and other Eastern goods through Central Asia, North Caucasus to Western Europe). In the VIII-XII V.V. The formation of Alano-Ocan (Ossetian) nationality began.

The terrible blow to Alanam was caused by the Mongol-Tatar invasion, which caused a sharp decline in the population, destruction and destruction of many monuments of material culture. A considerable part of the Alanian ethnos was forced to move to Europe, Byzantium and on Far East. The remaining were driven into the mountains, almost completely lost the plain lands - a powerful production base. For a long time the development of many areas of society's life was suspended. The final defeat of Alan completed Timur, the repeated invasions of which were held at the end of the XIV century on Alania.

As a result, Alans were locked in the mountains of the central part. North CaucasusAnd their land on the plain became the property of Kabardian feudal and Turkic-speaking tribes. From the end of the XIV century, Islam begins to penetrate into North Ossetia, which is associated with the proximity of Muslim Kabarda and its influence due to the land dependence on it of the Cross-Border Ossetian population (now Muslims are not more than one quarter of the believers of the republic). With XV for CV. Northern Ossetians lived in mountain gorges between the tops of R.R. Terek and Urum (IRAF) and made up four separate societies - Tagur, Kurtatinskoe, Alagirskoye and Digorskoe. To objective difficulties associated with natural conditions, repeated epidemics are added. So, at the beginning of the XIX century. Due to the plague, the number of residents has decreased to 26 thousand people.

The difficult economic conditions and the need to ensure their external security have identified the orientation of Ossetia to the Russian state. Starting from the middle of the center in., Ossetians began to raise the question of making them into Russian citizenship. Patriotic representatives of all Ossetia's Mountain Societies, headed by a prominent diplomat of their time Zurab Elikhanov (Magkayev), starting from the late 30s of the Countd Caly., Consistently carry out a number of energetic measures to achieve this goal. As a result of long negotiations with russian governmentThe Ossetian Embassy headed by Z. Elikhanov (Magkayev), which arrived in February 1750, was achieved in St. Petersburg (Magkayev), Russia's fundamental consent to the occurrence of Ossetia. In 1774, after the signing of Russia Kuchuk-Kainardzhi peace treaty with Turkey, Ossetia became part of Russian state. In 1784, near the Ossetian Aul Dzaoudzhikau, located at the entrance to the Darialya Gorge, was founded by the Fortress of Vladikavkaz (transformed into the city in 1860).

Waving a turning event in the history of the Ossetian people, accession to Russia created real conditions for overcoming feudal fragmentation, achieve national unity, security and progressive development in the Russian community of peoples. Ossetians got access to the values \u200b\u200bof Russian and world culture (in late XVIII in. The first books in Ossetian with the use of alphabet based on Russian graphics were printed. Built by Russian troops with the participation of the local population, the Military Georgian road through the Cross Pass (1799) and the Military Ossetian road through Mamsonsky Pass (1888) brought Ossetia from century-old isolation and opened her transport links to the center of Russia and the Transcaucasus.

FROM early XIX. in. Ossetians were allowed relocation from the mountains to the plain. This made it possible to move to a higher farming culture, slightly remove social tension and raise the standard of living, especially landless and small-earth peasants-immigrants.

Culture Ossetians in the first half of the XIX century. The organization of the Missionary, Military Schools, and then civilians who later served as the basis for the development of education in Ossetia subsequently. At the same time, Ossetian writing was translated from the Georgian alphabet into Russian. An important event The compilation of the Russian scientist Academician A. Shegran has a more advanced alphabet of the Ossetian language and the creation of "Ossetian grammar", which was published in 1844

As a result of serious shifts in the socio-economic development of the Ossetian society, a rapid development of socio-political thought was obtained. The second half of the XIX century. - Start XX century. Amenched by the appearance of bright names in culture, literature, ethnography, journalism and historical science. Since the 80s, the socio-political activity of the outstanding poet and publicist, the founder of Ossetian literature, the Revolutionar-Democrat K.L. Hetagurova. In April 1871, the Russian Drama Theater was opened in Vladikavkaz, now became an academic and wearing name E.B. Vakhtangov, a native of Vladikavkaz and one of the director of the theater. Since 1904, in Vladikavkaz and a number of villages, amazing Ossetian theater groups arise and actively work, on the basis of which in 1933 the North Ossetian Dramatic Theater was created.

Ossetians willingly served in russian army, actively participated in all military campaigns held Russian Empire. The most significant is their participation in the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. A separate Ossetian division was awarded by the Georgievsky banner with the inscription "for the difference in turkish war 1877-1878. "Until 1917, 33 Ossetian became generals of the Russian army and 22 - full cavaliers of the Order of St. George. The Ossetian military intelligentsia has also made a lot for the development of national culture, enrich its spiritual values \u200b\u200bof other peoples and the achievements of science, support cultural workers and talented students.

Intensive development of capitalist relations in Russia in the second half of the XIX century. It could not do not affect the socio-economic development of Ossetia. In the 50s of the XIX century. The mining industry is born with the participation of foreign capital on the basis of the development of Sadonian mines; Built Alagir Silvervitz Plant. Local fineware production is developing. Everything more important Acquires trade in goods from Russia, and Vladikavkaz becomes a shopping center of the entire North Caucasus. Vladikavkaz railway lines were built - Rostov-on-Don and Vladikavkaz - Petrovsk (the current Makhachkala).

On November 17, 1920, at the congress of the peoples of Terek, the Gorskaya ASSR was proclaimed, in which North Ossetia entered the Ossetian (Vladikavkaz) district. July 7, 1924 North Ossetia was allocated in North Ossetian autonomous region. December 5, 1936 was transformed into the North Ossetian ASSR.

Mass political repression, violent methods for the implementation of large-scale political and economic transformations in the first decades of Soviet authorities did not pass and North Ossetia. Many executives of the republic, active participants of the revolution and socialist construction, prominent figures of science and culture, separate social groups were repressed.

At the same time, the overwhelming majority of the population of the republic, sincerely adopting the ideals of a new building, included in the active labor to implement them. Thanks to this, a powerful economic base was created in North Ossetia. Great development got hard and light industrycollectivized agricultureA cultural revolution was carried out, as a result of which North Ossetia, in the 40s - 50s, became the republic of continuous literacy, national personnel were grown in all branches of economy and culture, a powerful technical, scientific and pedagogical and creative intelligentsia was formed.

During the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 Over 89 thousand citizens of the republic were called to the current army, of which more than 48 thousand people died in battles. From the end of October 1942 to January 1, 1943, a significant part of North Ossetia was occupied by the German-fascist troops. In early November 1942, the enemy was stopped under Vladikavkaz, and then as a result of multi-day fierce battles from the territory of the republic. For manifested courage and heroism at the fronts of the war 75 natives of North Ossetia (of which 35 - Ossetians) were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, including Generals I.A. Pliev and I.I. Fezin - twice, 9 people were awarded the Order of the Fame of Three Degrees, thousands of residents of the republic are marked by orders and medals for military and labor valor. In the military and post-war years, 50 natives of North Ossetia were awarded the title of generals and admirals, including M. Vorobyev - Marshal of Engineering Forces, I. Pliev and G. Hetagurov - General Army, H. Mamsurov, Yu. Mamsurov, N. Naumenko, . Cocolaev - Colonel-General.

In the post-war period, the economy and culture of the republic received significant development. New enterprises, mainly advanced industries, transport and communications have been restored and put into operation. The network of spectacular institutions, libraries, kindergartens, secondary schools, vocational schools has been significantly expanded educational institutions, the material base of all 4 universities of the republic was strengthened, new institutions of medicine were built, including a number of these specialized hospitals - children's, ambulance, physiotherapeutic, oncological, psycho-neurological.

As a result of democratic transformations in the USSR, which began in 1985, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the transition of the Russian Federation to capitalist market relations in North Ossetia there were serious political and socio-economic changes. In November 1994, a new Constitution was adopted, the republic received a new name - the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, a presidential form of government was introduced; The multipliness of the economy, the ideological and political diversity, the principle of separation of the authorities; democratization of the electoral system was carried out; Created real conditions for freedom of religion. Privatization and incorporation of a significant amount of small, medium and some large industrial enterprises, Systems of trade, domestic services and banking sector. At the same time, as a result of the destruction of the established economic ties with the regions former USSR There was a significant decline in industrial and agricultural production, the number of unemployed increased, the standard of living of the population of the republic increased dramatically.

The separatist trends of the late 80s - early 90s led to the emergence of local armed conflicts in many regions of the former USSR. So, in 1989, Georgian-Ossetian conflict was unleashed, which took hundreds of human lives. Tens of thousands of citizens were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in Russia. Over 40 thousand refugees from South Ossetia and Georgia adopted North Ossetia.

At the end of October - early November 1992, an Ossetian-Ingush armed conflict occurred, as a result of which hundreds of innocent citizens died, a significant damage was caused by the economy of the republic, and thousands of her citizens became refugees.

The consequences of these conflicts could not not affect the overall socio-economic situation in the republic.

It took tremendous efforts to overcome the consequences of military-political upheavals. The process of post-conflict construction, despite the inevitable difficulties, became an insurpection, which creates favorable conditions For deployment in full the contestanta of the people of the republic.

Russian civilization

Geographic Encyclopedia

North Ossetia - Alanya. The figures are indicated: 1. Dagestan 2. Chechen Republic 3. North Ossetian reserve reserve: V.F. - Upper Fiagdon D. - Dargavs S. - Sadon North Ossetia, the Republic of North Ossetia Alanya, is located in the south ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

- (Republic of North Ossetia Alania), in the Russian Federation. Area of \u200b\u200b8 thousand square meters. km. Population of 678.6 thousand people, urban 67% (2001). Ossetian main population (53%), Russians (29.9%), Ingush (5.2%), Armenians (2.2%), etc. (2001). 8 districts, 6 ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

North Ossetia, Republic of North Ossetia of Alania, the subject of the Russian Federation; Located in the south of the European part of Russia. Included in the North Caucasian Economic District. Pl. 8 thousand km2. Population of 663.2 thousand people. (1998). Capital G. ... ... Russian history

- (Republic of North Ossetia) in the Russian Federation. 8 thousand km & sup2. Population of 651.5 thousand inhabitants (1993), urban 69%; Ossetians (335 thousand people, Census 1989), Russians, Ingush, Armenians, etc. 8 districts, 6 cities, 7 urban villages ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 republic (21) ASIS synonyms dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

North Ossetia - Republic of North Ossetia Alania as part of the Russian Federation. The name of Ossetia is learned Russian. tongue no earlier than the end of the XVI century. In Russian Chronicles are repeatedly mentioned Jasa Iranian-speaking Cavk. Alans, Ancestors Sovr. Ossetian; They are in Mongolo Türk. ... ... Toponymic Dictionary

North Ossetia - Republic of the Russian Federation. The name of Ossetia is learned by the Russian language not earlier than the 16th century. In Russian chronicles, Yasy - Iranian-speaking Caucasian Alans, ancestors of modern Ossetians are repeatedly mentioned; They are in Mongolo Turkic ... ... Toponymic dictionary of Caucasus

NORTH OSSETIA - The Republic of North Ossetia Alanya is included in Ros. Federation. Pl. 8 thousand km2. Us. 634 thousand people (1989); 53% of Ossetians, among other naib peoples. Numerous Russians, Armenians, Georgians, Ukrainians, Kumykov. Capital Vladikavkaz. In 1989 per 1000 people ... ... ... Russian pedagogical encyclopedia

North Ossetia - SP Šiáurės Osètija AP North Ossetia / Severnaya Osetiya Rusiškai Sp AlÃnija AP Alanya Osetiškai LF Respublika ... Pasaulio Vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė.


  • South Ossetia in conflicts of Russian-Georgian relations, M. Blies. This book will be made in accordance with your order using Print-On-Demand technology. The thorough book of Mark Lois is immerses the reader in history from ancient times, including centuries ...
  • North Ossetia. Photo Album, H. A. Gokayev, T. A. Dzatzeva. Colorful photo album will tell the reader about the history of North Ossetia, nature, people. The book is printed on the cooled paper and illustrates the set ...
  • Kalmykia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechen, Kabardino-Balkar, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Stavropol Territory. Car card ,. You are offered two-way full-color folding map of the Republic of Kalmykia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechen, Kabardino-Balkar, Karachay-Cherkess, Stavropol ...

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