Public movement 60 years of the 19th century. Liberal movement at the end of the XIX in

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Since the 60s of the XIX century. Russia entered into a new revolutionary democratic or middle stage in the liberation movement. During this period, neither noble revolutionaries, who suffered a defeat in December 1825, did not have a bourgeoisie, which in the conditions of serfthrough Russia had not yet shared as a class.

The differences (people from different estates of society, the people of "different ranks") - representatives of the democratic intelligentsia and in the 40s-50s played a prominent role in Russian public movement, now they headed this movement, which was aimed at eliminating feudal-serfaceous remnants in the country.

Objectively, the ideology and tactics of the differences reflected the struggle of the peasant masses, and the main issue that stood in the 1960s was participating in the People's Revolution, which would end up with autocracy, landing land tenure, estate restrictions.

The task of preparing the revolutionary speech required the association and centralization of democratic forces in the country, creating a revolutionary organization. In Russia, the initiative to create such an organization belonged to N.G. Chernyshevsky and his associates, abroad - A.I. Herzen and N.P. Ogarev.

The result of these efforts was the creation in St. Petersburg "Russian Central People's Committee" (1862), as well as local branches of the organization, called "Earth and Will". The organization included several hundred members, and branches, except the capital, existed in Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Tver and other cities.

According to members of the organization, the peasant uprising should have broken out in Russia in the spring of 1863, when the term has expired to compile statutory literacy. The activities of the Company were aimed at campaigning and propaganda, which should have given the future performance organized and stirred by the wide layers of the masses. Illegal publishing activities were established, a typography in Russia was created, a typography of A.I. was actively used. Herzen. Attempts were made to coordinate the Russian and Polish revolutionary movement. However, the Polish uprising of 1863-1864. Ended by defeat, the peasant uprising in Russia did not happen, and the "Earth and the Will" was unable to organize a revolutionary performance.

Already in the summer of 1862, self-adjustment passed on the offensive. The magazines "Contemporary" and "Russian Word" were closed, arrests in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities were held. Part of the revolutionaries, fleeing the persecution, emigrated.

N.G. Chernyshevsky, D.I. Pisarev, N.A. Serno-Solovyovich was arrested (Chernyshevsky, convicted of hard work, spent on the cowle and in the link 20 years).

In 1864, the society, weakened by arrest, but not disclosed, self-disgraced.

The defeat of the rebels of Poland strengthened the reaction in Russia, and the Polish uprising was the last wave of the revolutionary situation of the end of the 50s and early 60s.

The first revolutionary situation in Russia did not end with the revolution due to the absence of a necessary subjective factor: the presence of a class capable of becoming hegemon during the brewing bourgeois revolution.

As a result of government repression in the mid-1960s, the situation in a democratic environment has significantly changed. The motion outlined the ideological crisis, which splashed on the page of democratic press. The search for an exit from the crisis was led to discussions on the prospects of the movement (the controversy of the "contemporary" and "Russian word"), the creation of new circles (N.A. Ishutina and I.A. Khudyakova, G.A. Lopatina). One of the members of the mug of Ishutina, D.V. Karakozov, April 4, 1866, he shot Alexander II in St. Petersburg. However, neither the execution of Karakozov, nor the band of a government terror that followed over her did not interrupted the revolutionary movement.

Public movement in Russia in the 60-70s. XIX century

History lesson in grade 10 (2 hours)

The purpose of the lesson : To talk about the main directions of the social movement in the 60-70s. XIX century

Lesson plan:

  1. Public lift 60s. XIX century

Zemstvo movement 60-70s. Liberal and conservative movement. Beginning of the allocating stage of the Russian liberation movement. Student movement of 1861. Movement for the Constitution. Polish uprising of 1863. Democratic journalism in the mid-60s. The question of constitution and reforms. The question of earth.

  1. Radicals and government

"Earth and Will" (1862-1864). Revolutionary mugs of the second half of the 60s. Revolutionary population of the 70s. Methods in nationality. Outstanding representatives of population: biographies and views. "Walking to the people." The process of faith Zasulich. "Earth and Volia" of the 70s. "Black convey." "Folk Volya." Attempts on Alexander II.

Records on the board:

I.Well dates:

1863- Polish uprising

1866- Attempt on Alexander II D. Karakozova.

1874-1875 - "Going to the people"

1876- Creating a revolutionary organization "Earth and Will"

1878 - Process over faith Zasulich

II. Prominent figures:

A.I. Herzmen

N.G. Chernyshevsky

MA Bakunin

P.L. Lavrov

PN Tkachev

III. Basic concepts






Equipment of the lesson:

  1. Presentation
  2. Materials with text sources

Teacher's activities
1. Using the presentation.
2. The production of laboratory work with documents and text of the textbook in order to solve cognitive tasks (lesson-seminar).
3. Registration of the main conclusions on the topic in the reference abstract.

I. Studying a new material.

  1. Teacher reports:

During liberal reforms, the bodies of Zemsky and urban self-government were created. The thoughts of Liberals, the next step should be the adoption of the Constitution and the introduction of Parliament. Liberals almost annually guided the king of the address with a request to complete the creation of a representation system.

However, conservative forces increased pressure on the king. The representatives of the liberal movement began to apply repression (conclusion in the Petropavlovsk fortress of world mediators of the Tver province, after they dare at their meeting to criticize the government and sent Alexander II address in which they pointed out the need to create a representative office of elections to coordinate reforms).

Questions: 1. Who are these liberals?

2. Why do liberals differ from the conservatives?

3. How did liberals, in your opinion, were to be treated by government reforms of the 60-70s.?

Under Alexander II, the main ideologue and inspirer of the conservative course was M.N. Ratops, Russian publicist, publisher, literary critic, editor of the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti", The founder of Russian political journalism. The main task of this direction of public thought was the proof of the disadvantage of liberal and even more so radical ideas that destroy "nationality" and lead to the revolution. Ratops also proved the degradation of the reforms for Russia. The main printed organ of the conservative was the magazine "Russian Bulletin" and the newspaper "News". Katkov welcomed the suppression of the Polish uprising, considered it necessary to conduct a rigid policy against the Poles.

Question: What estates reflected a conservative movement?

The public lifting of the early 60s led to a sharp placement of revolutionary and liberal directions. Liberals, although they were in ideological opposition to the government, were still afraid of revolutions - their wishes were reduced to restriction of autocracy and conducting further bourgeois reforms. In early 1862, the poet, public figure, one of the leadersslavophilic movement

I.S. Aksakov in the newspaper "Day" spoke with the project of "self-exploitation" of the nobility aimed at the destruction of the model structure of society. But Russian liberals were not consistent in defending their beliefs, very temperate and contradictory. So, Liberal A.I. Koshelev in his brochures "What is the outcome for Russia from its current position?" And "Constitution, autocracy and Zemskaya Duma" was expressed for the convening of the Zemstvo Duma, compatible with the autocracy, and at the same time proved the need for a decisive struggle against the revolutionary and peasant movement.

Questions: 1. What do you see the point of contact between the liberals and the conservatives of the flame era?

2.Well, what were the peculiarities of the poreframe liberalism?

In 1863, the liberation rebellion broke out in Poland. Poles hoped to support European states. Aware of the danger of external intervention in the internal affairs of Russia, the Minister of Internal Affairs P.A. Valuev suggested creating a certain semblance of a representative body. The Valuev project was approved in 1863. According to him, elected representatives from zemstvo were introduced to the State Council, but when maintaining the entire completeness of the monarch authorities.

Question: How do you think this meant the creation of a valid representative body?

However, soon the Polish uprising was suppressed, and the government abandoned the project. Nevertheless, the liberal movement did not weaken. In 1865, representatives of the Moscow Noble Assembly, and then the St. Petersburg Zemsky Assembly in the addresses addressed the emperor to create a selection of election representative office. Alexander did not agree and even dissolved the St. Petersburg Zemstvo collection for a while.

Question: It is known that Alexander II was not a principled opponent of the Constitution and the creation of a representative system. What then explain to his reluctance to make concessions to the requirements of society?

Alexander II feared that with the restriction of autocratic power, Russia will plunge into the inner junction. Strong central government seemed to him the only guarantee from the inner turmoil.

Starting from the address of St. Petersburg Zemstvo, a leading role in the movement for the Constitution proceeds to Zemsky institutions. The peak of the Zemsky movement falls at the end of the 70th-beginning of the 80s.

Since 1861, a new, allocating, stage of the Russian liberation movement begins.

The differences are "People of different ranks and titles." The difference was called a person who does not belong to any of the established classes: not attributed to anynobilitynor meritiesnor k promansnor k peasantrynot had personal nobility or spiritual sana. The differences treated came from clergy, merchants, meshness, peasantry, small bureaucratism. INartistic literature and published That time, the allocations were often opposed to nobles. They were perceived not only as a social layer, but also as carriers of a new ideology -liberal, democratic, progressive, revolutionary.

Questions: 1. What social processes led to the appearance of misconduct? 2. Give the social and psychological characteristics of the allocating.

The characteristic feature of the social movement of the Poreform Russia was student unrest. A bright political color acquired a memorialist, arranged by Kazan students in April 1861 by the peasants, shot in the village of the abyss.

Question: What are the causes of peasant unrest after the cancellation of serfdom?

In the middle of 1861, the government has introduced new "temporary rules", who had the goal to limit access to the university to the allocates. The liberation of those who needed students from the training fee was canceled, student gatherings were prohibited. In response to government measures, mass student speeches were held. September 25, students of the University of St. Petersburg conducted the first street demonstration in Russia.

Questions: 1. What does "radical" mean? 2. How do you think with what the rise of a radical movement in Russia is connected?

In the first defective years, the magazine "Bell", published by A. I. Herzen in London from July 1, 1857, continued to enjoy great influence in Russia.

Question: Recall that you know about A.I. Herzen and N.P. Ogarev.

Based on a detailed analysis of "Regulations on February 19" N.P. Ogarov concluded: "In general, the serfdom is not canceled. The people of the king are deceived! ". In the autumn of 1861, referring to student youth, expelled from universities, A.I. Herzen put forward the slogan: "In the people! To the people! ". For revolutionary youth, the program character of the word from the article N.P. Ogareva printed in the "bell" and as a proclamation widely spreading across Russia: "The people need land and will".

The new factor in the revolutionary movement was the proclamation, leaves and appeals, which from the second half of 1861 spread in St. Petersburg, Moscow and a number of other cities of Russia. The beginning of the procimation company laid the famous appeal "by the Barsky peasants from their goodwires bow!". In the center of the procimation company stood Russian revolutionary and thinker, writer, economist, philosopher N.G. Chernyshevsky.

In June-October 1861, there were three numbers of the "Velikoruss" leaf. The authors of "Velikoruss" appealed to "society" to "Enlightened People". The sharp criticism of the peasant reform, the authors of the sheet were combined demanding the transfer of the peasants of the whole land, which they used to reform, with redemption "due to the nation." The political program "Velikorussi" was in the requirement of the Constitution, the court of jury, freedom of speech and press, in the elimination of class privileges. In the same 1861, the proclamations "to the youngest generation" were distributed, written by N.V. Shelgunov, and "Young Russia", the author of which was P.G. Zichevnevsky. The appearance of "young Russia", where all means of combating existing buildings were justified, coincided with grandiose fires in St. Petersburg. Revolutionaries were accused of arson.

In June 1862, the "Contemporary" and "Russian Word" magazines were closed, the Sunday schools for adults created on the eve of the reform were prohibited. N.G. were arrested. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Serno-Solovyovich, D.I. Pisarev, part of the revolutionaries emigrated. Chernyshevsky was convicted of hard work, at Katorga and in the link in Siberia he spent 20 years.

Question: How do such repressions combine with a course of liberal government reforms?

Despite the arrest of N.G. Chernyshevsky and eight-month break, the leading body of the democratic press remained the magazine "Contemporary" since 1863 it was edited by N.A. Nekrasov and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Huge influence on revolutionary youth provided published in the journal Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?". Readers attracted the author of the author to the victory of the revolution, his ideal of the socialist society of the future.

Questions: 1. When N. G. Chernyshevsky was the "ruler of the Dum" of the Youth of the 60s.?

2.What did the effect manifested?

Among the part of the allocating youth, the Russian Word magazine was popular. The leading employee of the magazine was D.I. Pisarev. In the mid-60s. There was a controversy between the "contemporary" and "Russian Word" ("split about nihilists"). After the attempted D.V. Karakozova on Alexander II both journals were closed.

After the revolutionary direction in 1862-1863 in 1861 is activated. worried a decline due to government repression. However, the will of revolutionaries was broken. In 1862, the underground organization "Earth and Will" appears. The first to led her brothers N.A. and A.A. Solovyovichi, then led N.I. Utin and G.E. Blessness. The main task of revolutionaries was to collect revolutionary forces into a single secret society in order to be ready for the peasant uprising, which was expected in the spring of 1863. "Earth and Volia" organized an illegal printing house in Russia to propaganda their ideas, used the typography of A.I. Herzen. N.P. Ogarev developed a detailed plan of the organization's Action for 1863. The plan provided for the provision of the claimation of the convening of the Zemstvo Assembly, and in case of refusal - a universal uprising. But, by setting itself the task of uniting all the anti-government forces, "Earth and Volia" failed to overcome ideological disagreements in the revolutionary environment. The peasant uprising in 1863 did not occur, and the organization was not enough for an open speech.

Question: Why do you think the universal peasant uprising broke out in 1863?

In 1863, in Moscow, an illegal circle appeared in Moscow on the basis of the Farmers, the head of which was the student N.A. Ishutin. Members of the mug according to the example of the heroes of the novel "What to do?" Organized various kinds of workshops - artel (binding and sewing workshops, school, carriage association, etc.). In 1865, they establish connections with the St. Petersburg revolutionaries, which was headed by I.A. Khudyakov. April 4, 1866 Member of the circle D.V. Karakozov shot at Alexander II. The attempt was unsuccessful. Karazov was captured, and then executed, the Ishutinsky circle was crushed.

In 1867 there was a circle of G.A. Lopatina, whose members studied Western European revolutionary literature, read the works of K. Marx. Together with F.V. Volkhovsky Lopatin began the creation of a society called in the size of the entrance fee "Rublev". Members of the "ruble society" should have woozy in Russia, enlighten the peasants with the help of specially written textbooks and books.

In 1869, after the excitement of students in St. Petersburg, most active participants in student speeches were arrested. One of the leaders of Students S. G. Nechaev managed to run abroad. Nechaev deployed publishing and published on behalf of the Organization "People's Railway" a number of appeals. S.G. Nechaev amounted to the "Catechisis of the Revolutionary" - the set of rules that his supporters were to be guided. The revolutionary for Nechaeva is a doomed person. It does not have personal interests, affairs, feelings, attachments, property, even name. Everyone in it is captured by one exceptional interest, one thought, one passion: revolution. " Returning to Russia, he tried to create a "folk violence" in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Seeking blind subordination, he forced the Moscow cell to agree to the murder of student I.I. Ivanova, who expressed dissatisfaction with Nechaev methods. Ivanov was killed. Nechaev disappeared abroad again. The emerging organization was crushed. In 1872, Nechaeva issued the Swiss authorities to Russia, he was tried and sharpened in the Petropavlovsk fortress, where he died 10 years later. The image of Nechaeva removed F.M. Dostoevsky in the novel "Demes".

At the same time, in 1869, a revolutionary circle formed in St. Petersburg, whose members (MA Nathanson, N.V. Tchaikovsky), without taking non-Spea methods, set themselves the task of distributing in Russia of self-education circles, where future revolutionaries were to be formed. . By 1871, the circle turned into an organization called a large propaganda society.

Another large populist organization of the early 70s was a circle of A.V. Dolgushina, which emerged in 1872 in St. Petersburg. In one of the near Moscow villages, Dolgushini organized a secret typography, constructing a primitive printed machine on which proclamation and appeals were printed. True, one day, the peasants decided that they would print fake money, and Dolgushin had to relieve them with the help of a pistol.

Much popularity in the 60s in youth, first of all, the ideology of Nihilism has gained in a student environment. What was a typical nichist? Recall the type of nihilist, imprinted in the formation of Bazarov in Turgenev. "Nihilists" in the preformal period sought to acquire practical knowledge in the spheres that they considered the most useful: engineering, medicine, education, agronomy, etc. The choice of specialty determined the ideology of "nihilists": the desire to be useful society. Young people reached down to higher education, but student unrest, shook Russian universities shortly after the abolition of serfdom, led to the fact that many students were deprived of opportunities for various reasons, graduate. They found themselves in Zemstvo institutions, serving doctors, teachers, agronomists. Many of them followed by AI appeal. Herzen: "Return the duty to the people", "repent" before the people. The image of the "focused nobleman", serving the people in the village became very popular among young people. So began "walking in the people". This movement received the name of populism.

Question: Is there a connection between nihilism and dispense?

The foundations of the ideology of nationality were set forth in the works of A.I. Herzen and N.G. Chernyshevsky. The main theorists of the revolutionary population of the 70s. were MA Bakunin, P.N. Tkachev, P. L. Lavrov.

Socio-revolutionary direction

In historiography, this direction is also called "conspiracy" or " blankistsky" The main theoretics of the socio-revolutionary course of Russian nationality -P. N. Tkachev and to a certain extentN. A. Morozov. Tkachev argued thatautocracy In Russia, there is no social support in any estate of Russian society and it will be possible to quickly eliminate. For this, "carriers of the revolutionary idea", the radical part of the intelligentsia, should have created a strictly regular organization capable of seizing power and turn the country into a large community-community.

Liberal revolutionary direction

Leading ideologues of this destination in nationality (received the name in Soviet historiographypropagandist", And in the post-Soviet -" moderate ") wereP. L. Lavrov and N. K. Mikhailovsky.

Anarchist direction

If Tkachev and its followers believed in the political association of like-minded people in the name of the establishment of the state of a new type, the anarchists challenged the need for transformation within the state. Their ideologists wereM. A. Bakunin and P. A. Kropotkin. Both were skeptical about any power, considering it overwhelming the freedom of personality and enslaving it.

Bakunin considered the Russian man with a rebellious "on instinct, by calling", and the people in general, he believed, for many centuries I had already developed the ideal of freedom. So he believed that the revolutionaries remained only to go to the organization of the Nationalbunta (Hence, the name in the Marxist historiography headed by the wing of the "Bunlet" wing). The goal of Bunta in Bakunin is not only the elimination of the existing state, but also the prevention of the creation of a new one.

Kropotkin made an emphasis on the decisive role of the masses in the reorganization of society, called the "collective mind" of the people to create communes, autonomy, federations.

Questions: 1. With the similarity and what the difference in the views of MA Bakunina, P.L. Lavrov and P.N. Tkacheva? 2. Whose ideas seem to you least utopian?

Tchaikov, even before the defeat of their organization, after a grievous hunger 1873-1874. They initiated the "walking of the people", expecting that in these difficult circumstances the people will be more susceptible to propaganda. In many ways, the movement was spontaneous. Two waves of propagandists moved part in the Volga region, part - through the central provisions south. They changed into peasant clothes, hired on false passports with simple loaders and chernobykh and agitated the people. In general, the preaching of the ideas of socialism among the peasants did not have success, it was not possible to raise the uprising anywhere. After the police began searching for propagandists, the action was actually discontinued. The remains of populists returned to the city. By the fall of 1874, the movement was defeated, the authorities arrested about a thousand people. The investigation, which lasted three years, ended with the famous process of "hundred ninety-three", a brilliant speech on which the population of I.N. Myshkin.

Questions: 1. Will the specific characteristics of population?

2. What methods used in their practical activity of populi? 3. What reasons were caused by "walking in the people"?

4. What were the features of this movement and its results?

5. Why did "walk in the people" failed?

The largest secret society of populists of the 70s arose in St. Petersburg in 1876. During 1876-1879. She entered the revolutionary clubs of the Volga region, Central Russia, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine. Caucasus and Transcaucasia. The name "Earth and Will" was obtained at the end of 1878, when the printed body was published under the same name. For the first time about his existence, the organization openly declared the Kazan demonstration. On October 6, 1876, several hundred demonstrators were gathered in St. Petersburg to the Kazan Cathedral, mainly students. A red flag with the inscription "Earth and Will" was thrown over the crowd. Police dispersed the demonstration, some of its participants were injured.

The leaders of "land and will" paid a lot of attention to the development of the program and the tactics of the organization. Initially, their program requirements were to transfer the entire land to the peasant communities, in the division of the Russian Empire into parts, "respectively local desires." They considered these demands possible "only through a violent coup". In later refinements of the program (May 1878), anarchy and collectivism were recognized as the final ideal. For the disorganization of the government, revolutionaries were to work in the troops, attract "robbing gangs" to their side, publish "inland sheets". The program "Earth and Will" proceeded from ideas M.I. Bakunina, recycled with accumulated experience.

The special importance of the "Earth and Will" figures were attached to the creation of a combat centralized organization. They consistently implemented the statutory requirements of centralism, conspiracy, discipline, mutual comrade control, subordination to most minority.

The first disorganisor acts of "land and will" wore the character of revenge and self-defense. In January 1878 V.I. Zasulich shot in the St. Petersburg city history F. F. Trepova, who ordered to subjected to corporal punishment in a political prisoner prison. Jury Court justified Zasulich. The police attempt to arrest her at leaving the courtroom was repulsed by revolutionary youth. The process in the case of V. Zasulin attracted the attention of Russian society to the struggle of revolutionaries. In 1878-1879. Separate landselts provided armed resistance during the arrest, they lost the attempt on government officials. In August 1878 S.M. Kravchinsky killed a dagger on St. Petersburg Street Street Neva N.V. Mezentseva. Gradually, the part of Zemoltsev came to thoughts by terror to disorganize the government and cause a revolutionary explosion.

April 2, 1879 Zemolets A.K. Solovyov shot Alexander II. The attempt was unsuccessful. Solovyov was hanged. To consider the issue of terrorist struggle, it was decided to convene the congress of members of the Society "Earth and Will". The congress gathered in June 1879 in Voronezh. The congress left the unchanging organization's program, but agreed with terror as one of the methods of conducting political struggle. The participants of the congress spoke at the tsarubiyism. In August 1879, a new congress was gathered in St. Petersburg, where the "land and will" split occurred. "Villagers", those who advocated propaganda among the peasants, amounted to the Society "Black Redone", and "Politicians", who supported terror, "People's Volay".

Questions: 1. Give the characteristic and assessment of the activities of the organization "Earth and Will". 2. What are the reasons for the collapse of the organization "Earth and Will"?

In the future, attempts of the figures of "black redist" (G. V. Plekhanov, P. B. Axelrod, O. V. Apectheman, M. R. Popov, L. G. Dach, V. I. Zasulich) Continue propaganda in the village in The conditions of mass government repressions ended in failure. Many of them, fearing arrest, left abroad, others moved to the "People's Volay".

The program and the statutory foundations of the "People's Will" were set forth in the documents: "Program of the Executive Committee", "Preparatory Work of the Party", the program of workers' members of the People's Volia Party. His closest tasks of "Folk Volya" considered the preparation of a political coup, the overthrow of the autocracy and the transfer of power to the people. The practical activity in the program shared on propaganda and destructive. People attached great importance to propaganda in the army and among the workers. The program of destructive activities was reduced to an individual terror. The United States was created by the organization, at the head of which the Executive Committee stood. The members of the Executive Committee were professional revolutionary; AD played a leading role among them. Mikhailov, A.I. Zhelyabov, N.A. Morozov, N.E. Sukhanov, S.L. Perovskaya, V.N. Figner, M.F. Froloenko. In 1880-1881 They carried out a number of unsuccessful attempts on Alexander II, including an explosion in the Winter Palace, which was produced by Stepan Halturin. On March 1, 1881, Alexander II, led by S. Perovskoy, the terrorists killed.

Questions: 1. What are you seeing the differences between populists of the 60s and 70s.?

2.Well, the people's movement became increasingly radical?

3. What is your attitude to the murder of Alexander II?

4. Is it possible to argue that the murder of Alexander II led the pests to the goal?Why did the king of the king not led to the revolution in Russia?

5. Avoid why the emperor, called the "liberator", who canceled the serfdom, spent liberal reforms in the country, was killed?

6. On the example of "People's Will", determine the effectiveness of the revolutionary terror.

II. Presentation on the subject of the lesson.

See Attachment.

III. Work with sources.

See Appendix 1.

Reading materials sources. Discussion read.

IV. Total test

Abstract of Russia's history

Preparation and cancellation of serfdom at the turn of 50-60. XIX century contributed to the rise of the revolutionary movement. The unrest of peasants, dissatisfied with reform, was activated by other sectors of society, especially students. Revolutionary Democrats, who united around the magazine "Contemporary" and Chernyshevsky, originated a plan for revolutionary agitation. Chernyshevsky in the proclamation "Barsky peasants from their goodwires bow" wrote that freedoms can only be achieved by an organized uprising and called for him to prepare. In 1861, a leaflet "to the younger generation" appeared, written by Puddle Shelgunov. Then followed the series of leaflets of the revolutionary group "Velikoruss". The publication of illegal campaign literature intensified in 1862-1863.

In 1861-1862 After the unification of the revolutionary circles, a secret organization arose " Earth and Volia"With the center in St. Petersburg and departments in Moscow and other cities. The eyes of Chernyshevsky, Ogarev, Herzen and Bakunin were decisive on its ideology. The program provisions of the Zelevtsev are formulated in the illegal printed organ" Freedom ". The head of the corner was raised agitation and propaganda. Objectives: Elimination of autocracy, establishing democratic freedoms through a revolutionary uprising. Soon the hope for a universal rise was melted - after the suppression of the national liberation struggle in Poland in 1863, the government passed into the offensive. The wave of revolutionary voltage slept. In 1862, Chernyshevsky was arrested in early 1864 . "Earth and Will" ceased to exist.

The revolutionary movement of the second half of the 60s. Developed in deep underground. Against the background of liberal reforms, extremely revolutionary trends were not popular. In Moscow, the organization of Ishutin, in which, along with propaganda work, existed terrorist group "hell". Its participant of Karakozov in 1866 committed an unsuccessful attempt on Alexander II. This allowed the government to deploy repression. In 1869, a secret organization "People's Spravel" was created by Student Nechaev. Nechaev elected intimidation, blackmail, violence method. This caused a protest in the organization. Nechaev organized the murder who did not obey him the student. The members of the "folk violence" were arrested. Nechaev fled abroad, but was issued, convicted and died in the Petropavlovsk fortress.

In the 70s, a new revolutionary rise began. Active participants became petrols. They were called so because they went to the people to raise him to the revolution. People's teams were A.I. Herzern and N.G. Chernyshevsky. They formulated the main position of the populist doctrine - the possibility of direct transition of Russia through a community device to socialism, bypassing capitalism.

Populists of the 70s. denied statehood, political struggle, believed in the possibility of a radical revolution in the near future. Initially, two tendencies were present in nations - revolutionary and reformist. The radical intelligentsia perceived the ideas of peasant socialism as a call for a direct armed uprising; A more moderate part of it is as a program of gradual movement along the path of reform.

Revolutionary publication was divided into three main directions: Bunlet, propaganda and conspiratorial. Bunlet is connected with the ideologist anarchist M.M. Bakunin. He considered the destruction of the state in the main task, which will lead to socialism and universal equality, the driving forces saw in the peasantry (peasant riot) and lumpen-proletariat. Propaganda direction that ratked for the preparation of the propaganda revolution, headed by P.P. Lavrov. In his "historical letters" and the publication "Forward", he defended the role of the intelligentsia in the propaganda of revolutionary ideas. Conspiratorial, relatively small, represented by P.N. Tkachev. He laid hopes for the seizure of the power of the intellectual group and decreasing on top of socialist transformations.

The first practical verification of the ideology of revolutionary nationality has become mass "walking in the people", undertaken by radically tuned young people in 1874, but the peasantry turned out to be immunity to the ideas of revolution and socialism. "Walking" ended with mass arrests (more than a thousand) populists. At the same time, the experience of "walking to the people" contributed to the organizational cohesion of the revolutionary forces. Failure helped to realize the need for a serious organization.

In 1876, a secret revolutionary organization was created " Earth and Volia"- Centralized, disciplined and reliablely regularized. Its goal is to transfer the entire land to peasants, community self-government. Zemoltsy worked on the village of doctors, teachers. However, they did not achieve success, and their views appeal to terror. In 1878, Fair Zasulin came to The town team of Trepova, Kravchinsky killed the chief of gendarmes Mezentseva. In 1879, Solovyov unsuccessfully seeps on Alexander II. In the same year, the "Earth and the Will" decays into two organizations "black convey" and "folk will". The first remains in the position of propaganda. " Folk will "goes to a mass terror against the dignitaries and the king.

People are put forward self-adjustment liquidation program, introduction of democratic freedoms and universal election law. To achieve this was calculated by Terror, which would raise society to a general revolution. At the turn of 70-80. Again there was a revolutionary situation. Two attempts on the king - undermining the railway near Moscow and an explosion in the Winter Palace (Halturin) - forced Alexander II to begin a number of liberal measures against zeal, censorship, enlightenment. But on March 1, 1881, the king was mortally wounded by the people. The murder on March 1 led to the offensive of counterposses of 1881-1890. Using the perturbation of the population, the new king began a political response. Since that time, there is a decline of the revolutionary flow in nationality.

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Public movement in Russia

The main components of the historical process are the Supreme Power and Public Force, the interaction of which largely determines the development of the entire society. In the XIX century In the socio-political life of the Russian Empire, there were three directions of the chaperner reflected the interests of the conservative part of the official government, landowners who stood on the soil of the inviolability of serfdom and autocracy. This direction has developed before others. Liberal reflected the interests of the advanced part of the Russian nobility and the intelligentsia, which became the main participant in the country's social movement. The revolutionary expressed interests of the wide masses of the peasantry and other segments of the population who were committed to the elimination of autocracy and serfdom.

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Stages of social movement in Russia in the second half of the XIX century.

In the mid-50s - early 60s. The most important issue of the country's political life was a peasant associated with the problem of the country's further development. All the main forces of the social movement performed for the abolition of serfdom. Main events: Attempts to create software documents that unite all liberal forces. The main provisions of this document were the freedom of a person from serfdom: freedom of conscience; public publicity; openness of the actions of the government; Freedom of teaching and other conservatives tried to influence government circles, seeking to prevent basic changes. Successful success was achieved: the main developers of the peasant reform were derived from the government. The activities of revolutionaries were associated with the theory of "Community Socialism", developed by A.I. Herzen.

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In the second half of the 60s - 70s. The movement of populists increases, the main purpose of which was the preparation of the peasant revolution in the country. They repeatedly changed the methods of struggle, which was associated with the acquisition of their practical experience. From the mid-70s. Representatives of populism go to the people to make the ideas of a fair social system in his consciousness. However, propaganda tactics and terror of revolutionaries did not cause active actions from the peasantry in the preparation of the social revolution. In the late 70s, the new lift of liberal movement was commissioned, caused by the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. Motion leaders called on the government to deepen the reform transformations in Russia. The Liberals, the Liberals submitted addresses to government agencies demanding the introduction of "civil liberties" and others. Zemstvo figures made an attempt to negotiate with revolutionaries on joint actions, but the negotiations were not crowned with success.

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In the 80s - early 90s. There was a new alignment of socio-political forces in the country. Popolis began to look for new theories of revolutionary struggle. Under the influence of Marxism, some of them revised their views on questions about the revolutionism of the peasantry and the socialist essence of the community. Liberal movement adopted new forms. The focus of Liberals has now been drawn to personal problems. The land refused to immediately introduce the Constitution and rebuilt their activities in the interests of society. Liberals went out of politics, but did not oppose her. The political arena after them was taken by conservatives and revolutionaries. In the rule of Alexander III, conservatism became the leading direction of the entire government policy, whose main ideologue was the closest adviser to the emperor K.P. Victorious. The basis of the conservative direction was the ideas of inviolability of the autocratic power and its divine origin.

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Revolutionary movements

Publicism. Ideal flows. Bunlet (anarchist) M.A. Bakunin "State is a source of operation, so it must be destroyed. Instead of the state, a union of self-managed communities is created. Propaganda P.L. Lavrov "The peasant is not ready for the revolution. The intelligentsia should bear revolutionary and socialist ideas. The conspiratorial PN Tkachev "It is necessary to create a revolutionary organization that will prepare and capture power. It will give the push of the revolution

Slide 7.


Main representatives: M.N. Katkov, K.P. Victorious residents, D.A. Tolstoy. Ideas: the desire to protect the royal power from the influence of liberal democracy and adjust reforms in the interests of the nobility, all socialist teachings, nihilism, student unrest in the capitals are provoked by the enemies of Russia. M.N.Katkov with the transition M.N. Katkova in the Moscow Vedomosti newspaper It happened to turn it into the root of conservatives from 1862.

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Representatives: I.I. Petrunkevich, S.A. Muromers, M.T. Loris Melikov, Milyutina Brothers Requirements: Introduction of civil liberties, expanding the rights of zeal and the soda of central representative institutions, convening a constituent meeting (only some representatives), mainly maintained their moderate positions. I.I. Petrunkevich

Slide 9.

"Black convey." In 1879, part of Zemoltsev (G.V. Plekhanov, V.I. Zasulich, L.G. Dach, PB Axelrod) formed the organization "Black Redone" (1879-1881). They retained loyalty to the basic program principles of "land and will" and agitation and propaganda methods of activity. "Folk will". In the same year, the other part of Zemolov created the organization "People's Volia" (1879-1881). She was headed by A.I. Zhelyabov, A.D. Mikhailov, sl. Perovskaya, N.A. Morozov, V.N. Figner and others. They were part of the Executive Committee - the Center and the Chief Headquarters of the Organization. The program of the People Reflects their disappointment in the revolutionary potency of the peasant masses. They believed that the people were crushed and brought to the slave state of the Tsarist government. Therefore, they believed their main task with this government. Group "Liberation of Labor". Former active participants in the black redistribution G.V. Plekhanov, V.I. Zasulich, L.G. Deach and V.N. Ignatov turned to Marxism. In this Western European theory, they attracted the idea of \u200b\u200bachieving socialism through the proletarian revolution.

Slide 10.

Public movement in the second half of the XIX century, in contrast to the previous time

became an important factor in the political life of the country; The diversity of directions and flows, views on ideological and theoretical and tactical issues reflected the complexity of the public structure and the severity of social contradictions; In the public movement of the second half of the XIX century. The direction that the country's evolutionary modernization was not yet developed, but the foundations for the formation of political parties in the future were laid.

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In the pureforming period developed three directions in public movementconservatives liberals radicals. They had different political goals, methods of struggle, spiritual positions.


Social foundation: reaction nobility, clergy, bubble, merchants and peasantry. Ideological foundationtheory of official nationality (autocracy, Orthodoxy, Nature). Believed unnecessary reforms 60-70, sought restrictions on their results. Performed by preservation of landowners and peasant community. It was believed that the strengthening of the nobility would consolidate the foundation of the state. In foreign policy the idea has developed pancalavism(Unity of Slavic peoples around Russia). In the spiritual sphere patriarchal Lifestyle, religiosity, Submission of power. Ideas: Victorious, rollers, Moscow Vedomosti newspaper.

Conservatives denied any social actions, performed for order, calm, tradition.


Social foundation: landowners, part of the bourgeoisie, intellectuals (scientists, writers, teachers, doctors). Ideological foundationcommon with Western Europe path Historical development of Russia. Liberals insisted on thethe introduction of constitutional started, democratic freedoms reform. Admitted for the elected body (Zemsky Cathedral), the empowerment of the rights and functions of local governments (zemsti). Political ideal - a constitutional monarchy. Dreamed of establishing elements of the legal state and forming civil society. In economics greetings to the development of capitalism and freedom of entrepreneurship , strengthening private property, reducing redemption payments . Required recognized independent personality , Her right to free development. Admitted for the evolutionary path of development - reforms. Served the name of the king the petition with the program of transformations. Ideas: Cavelin, Chicherin, Rodichev, etc. Magazines "Russian Thought", "Journal of Europe". Featuresrussian liberalism: his noble character due to the political weakness of the bourgeoisie


Active anti-government activity, sought to violentmethods of transformation of Russia, to the indigenous reorganization of society (revolutionary path). Expressed the interests of workers and peasants. In their movement participated suitesfrom different layers of society (differences),dedicated to serving people. Radicalism manifested itself in reactionary policy Governments. Their organizations could only be secret. Theorists lived and acted abroad. In the history of the movement of radicals, stages are allocated:

60g.- Secret allocating circlesand registration of revolutionary-democratic ideology. Hoped for the rising peasantsdispleased reform. Two centers Radicals: London, Editorial "Bells."- Herzen promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunity socialism . Russia , around the editorial office of the magazine "Contemporary", Idener Chernyshevsky. The left radicals were preparing a revolution, launched active publishing activities, explained the tasks of the revolution, the need to overthrow the autocracy, the democratic transformation of Russia.

"Earth and Volia" 1861-1864 . The organization urged to unite all revolutionary forces. The main requirement is transfer of land peasants. Several hundred members from different layers of society. The branch of the Company acted throughout the country.

The secret circles of conspirators and terrorists appeared again, they were headed by Nechaev, Tkachev.

70g.- Publication, agitation and terrorist activities of the organizations of revolutionary populists.

Revolutionary populists believed that capitalism in Russia is put on top and does not have social roots. Peasants can perceive socialist ideas, change of Russia through the revolution, the forces of the peasantry. Ideas - Bakunin, Lavrov, Tkachev. They developed basics of three flows revolutionary population.

Bunlet. Bakuninit believed that the Russian peasant Buntar was ready for the revolution. Task - Go into the people and wrest the riot. Called to destroy states as element of violence And he believed that the federation of self-governed free communities should be created - this is the basis of anarchism theory.

Propaganda. Lavrov did not consider people ready for the revolution, just needed propaganda in order to "awaken" the peasantThis is the case of the intelligentsia.

Conspiratorial. Tkachev did not consider the peasant ready for the revolution, but it was assumed that Russian the people "Communist Instinct»And narrow group consignors capturing state power will quickly involve people into a socialist reorganization.

"Going to the people" did not have any results, the movement was defeated, agitators were arrested. Survived create a new organization with old name "Earth and Will" 1876-1879. At the head of Plekhanov, Mikhailov, Kravchinsky. Program: Socialist revolution, overthrowing self-adjustment, land peasants, self-government. Second walking in the people. Peasants, workers, soldiers, conducted strikes, the first political demonstration in St. Petersburg in Russia. Participants sent to Katorga and reference.

1878 Vera Zasulich shoots in the St. Petersburg city team of Trepova. Jury justifies the court Her - these were the circumstances of the case. Populists return to K. the idea of \u200b\u200bterror. "Earth and Will" split for two organizations - "Black convey" (advocated campaign) and "Folk will" (Preparation of political coup, overthrowing autocracy, land - peasants, factories - workers, destruction of private property, democratic system) the main objective - killing of the king. On March 1, 1881, Alexander II was mortally wounded and died.

80g. - Activation of liberal populists.

Believed that Rossi its development path, non-capitalist. Speakers vs violent methods of struggle. Expressed the interests of the peasants, They demanded the destruction of the residues of serfdom, the elimination of landlord land ownership, prevent capitalism to Russia. Called to reforms. Basic activity- Cultural and educational. Theory of "Small Affairs". Ideas: Vorontsov, Mikhailovsky.

In the 90s, former populists turned to Marxism. 1883 - In Geneva, a group "Liberation" was formed. (Propaganda of Marxism). Marxist circles appear in Russia - all this prepared the soil for the emergence of the Russian political party of the working class.

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