Ceiling heights - standards and ways to increase. Standard ceiling height for an apartment Minimum floor-to-ceiling height

Site arrangement 16.06.2019
Site arrangement

1.4. The height of the premises from floor to ceiling of public buildings and residential premises of sanatoriums should be taken at least 3 m, and residential premises in other public buildings- in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89. The height of the main premises of baths and bath-health complexes for 100 or more places should be taken at least 3.3 m, and industrial premises laundry and dry cleaning - at least 3.6 m.

Notes: 1. In separate auxiliary rooms and corridors, depending on the space-planning solution of buildings and technological requirements, a corresponding decrease in height is allowed. In this case, the height must be at least 1.9 m.

2. The height of premises in public buildings with a total capacity of up to 40 people, and enterprises retail a trading area of ​​up to 250 m 2 is allowed to be taken according to the height of the floor of a residential building where they are built.

3.* In a room with a sloping ceiling (except for rooms on the attic floor) and with parts of different (stepped) heights, the height in any part of the room must be at least 2.5 m.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 4, 5).

The height of the premises of the attic floor, subject to the functional and technological requirements, may be reduced under an inclined ceiling in the area of ​​​​the premises not exceeding 40%. At the same time, the minimum height of the inclined part of the ceiling (wall) must be at least: at an inclination of 30 ° to the horizon - 1.2 m, at 45 ° - 0.8 m, at 60 ° or more it is not limited. For intermediate ceiling (wall) inclinations, the height is determined by interpolation.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 4).

1.5*. The height of technical floors is determined in each individual case, depending on the type of engineering equipment and engineering networks placed in them, and their operating conditions. The height in the places of passage of service personnel to the bottom of the protruding structures must be at least 1.8 m.

When designing a technical floor (technical underground) intended to accommodate only engineering networks with pipelines and pipeline insulation made of non-combustible materials, the height from floor to ceiling may be at least 1.6 m.

1.6. Through passages in buildings should be taken at least 3.5 m wide (clearly) and at least 4.25 m high.

This requirement does not apply to through openings in buildings and structures at ground or first floor level (pedestrian walkways and others not intended for the passage of fire engines).

1.7. The level of the floor of the premises at the entrance to the building must be at least 0.15 m higher than the level of the sidewalk in front of the entrance.

It is allowed to take the floor mark at the entrance to the building less than 0.15 m (including the depth below the sidewalk mark), provided that the premises are protected from precipitation.

1.8. The list of premises of public buildings that are allowed to be located in the basement and basement floors is given in the mandatory Appendix 4 *. The design of public facilities located wholly or mainly in the underground space is carried out according to special design assignments.

1.9. In separate public buildings, determined by the layout of structures civil defense, dual-use premises should be designed in accordance with SNiP II-11-77 *.

1.10. Placement of workshops, storerooms and other premises intended, according to the design assignment, for storage or processing of combustible materials, under the auditorium and assembly halls, as well as in the basement and basement floors of children's buildings preschool institutions, schools, dormitories of boarding schools and boarding schools for schools, hospitals of medical institutions and dormitories of sanatoriums are not allowed.

Placing ski storage directly under sleeping quarters is not allowed.

1.11*. Technical underground, in which are laid network engineering, must have exits to the outside (through hatches measuring at least 0.6 × 0.6 m or doors).

1.12. In each compartment of the basement or ground floors(deepened more than 0.5 m) there must be at least two hatches or windows 0.9 m wide and 1.2 m high, except as specified in SNiP II-11-77 *. The area of ​​such a compartment should be no more than 700 m 2.

1.13. Ventilation chambers, pump rooms, engine rooms refrigeration units, heating points and other rooms with equipment that is a source of noise and vibrations should not be located adjacent to, above and below the auditorium and rehearsal rooms, stages, sound equipment rooms, reading rooms, wards, doctors' rooms, operating rooms, rooms with children in children's institutions, educational rooms, work rooms and offices with a permanent stay of people, living quarters located in public buildings.


1.14*. The floor area between fire walls of the 1st type, depending on the degree of fire resistance and the number of storeys of buildings, should not exceed that indicated in Table. 1, buildings of consumer services enterprises - in table. 2 *, stores - in the table. 3 .

Table 1

The degree of fire resistance of the building

Largest number floors

Area, m 2, floors between fire walls in the building



3-5 storey

6-9 storey

10-16 storey

III a and III b

* For cinemas and clubs - see table. 7; indoor sports facilities - item 1.42; schools - tab. 6.

Notes: 1. In buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, if available automatic fire extinguishing the floor area between the fire walls can be increased no more than twice.

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Ceiling height: 17 questions and answers that will change your ideas about comfort

The topic of this article is ceiling height. In it, the reader and I will have to find out what restrictions apply to the minimum and maximum height of the room. You will also learn about methods for changing it up and down, both physically and visually.



  1. What is the minimum ceiling height of a dwelling that does not cause discomfort to its inhabitants?

It is believed that it is equal to 2.4 meters. However, in practice, the answer depends heavily on the anthropometric data of your family. Agree that people with a height of 160 and 210 centimeters have slightly different ideas about comfort.

The lower limit of comfort is a kitchen with a height of 240 cm.


  1. What is limited maximum height floor coverings? Why do developers avoid building housing with ceilings higher than 3 meters?

Offhand, there are two reasons:

The higher each individual floor, the more expensive the house as a whole. With rising cost square meter housing is losing its competitiveness. Majority potential buyers limited in funds and with equal usable area apartments will choose the cheaper offer.

In addition, with an increase in the height of the room, heating costs increase: following the height of the flow, the volume of the apartment increases.

In practice, heating a high room is additionally complicated by the stratification of air by temperature: heat is collected under the ceiling, and the floor remains cold.


  1. What is the standard ceiling height in Soviet-built houses?

In houses different projects she is different. I will give some examples from my own experience:

  • In the city of Khabarovsk, I happened to be in a building built by Japanese prisoners of war shortly after the First World War and October revolution. The distance from floor to ceiling was 4.5 meters, which made it possible to build a mezzanine with a sleeping place or a small office in the living room;

  • In the 1960 Stalinka building, in which I lived for several years, the ceiling was at a height of 3.2 meters;
  • Built just eight years later, the Khrushchev house in Komsomolsk-on-Amur “pleased” with a height of 250 cm.

Such low ceilings were associated with the program for the construction of social housing adopted under the unforgettable Nikita Sergeevich. From 1958 to 1985, houses were built with the most compact apartments and without any architectural excesses.

  1. What will please more modern houses?
  • The height of the ceilings p44t - a series built from 1979 to 1999 - is 2.7 meters;

  1. And what is the optimal height?

In my opinion - 260 - 270 centimeters. This value will save you from feeling crowded, but will not force you to overpay for heating. In any case, it was this ceiling height that I chose when building my own attic.

The interior of my attic. The distance from the horizontal section of the ceiling to the floor is 260 cm.

non-residential premises

  1. How low can you go suspended ceiling In bathroom?

2.3 - 2.4 meters is a reasonable minimum. If you make the bathroom even lower, the person is above average height, standing in the bath or shower tray will experience significant discomfort.

  1. And what are the requirements for a toilet or a combined bathroom?

The same. The exception is attic: if it is located under an inclined section of the ceiling, the distance from it to the floor will in any case be less. When designing this room, consider the height of the tallest member of the family: he should not touch the ceiling with his head.

  1. What is a comfortable height in a sauna or Russian bath?

2.2 meters with a height of the upper shelf 0.95 - 1 meter. Such dimensions will allow you to swing a broom and at the same time not suffer from overspending of firewood when heating the room.

In the washroom or rest room, it is better to raise the ceiling lining to 2.35 - 2.40 meters. It does not need to be heated to such a high temperature as a sauna or steam room, which allows you to increase the volume of the room.

Tension, suspended

  1. What is the minimum height stretch ceiling from the ceiling of the room?

Ideally, about 4 centimeters. The distance that the stretch ceiling eats up can increase in two cases:

  • If the slab has noticeable irregularities and differences. In this case, a distance of 4 cm is laid off from the lower overlap point;

  • If the space between the canvas and the ceiling is used for mounting built-in lights, ventilation ducts or air conditioning lines. Everything here is determined by the dimensions of the fixtures or the cross section of the engineering communications that you plan to lay.

  1. How much height will a drywall suspended structure take?

With an even overlap - about the same as the stretch ceiling takes, about 4 cm. The lowering height is the sum of the height of the walls ceiling profile(27 mm) and drywall thickness (12.5 mm for wall and 9.5 mm for ceiling).

  1. How much will the ceiling level decrease when it is sheathed with plastic panels?

When constructing a suspended structure along a frame from a profile, the same simple arithmetic applies as in the case of gypsum boards: the profile thickness is 27 mm, the panel thickness is 7 - 10 mm. Total 34-37 mm.

However, on a relatively even overlap, the panels can be mounted not on the frame, but on glue or silicone sealant. Then only 7-10 mm (panel thickness) is lost.

Problems of the rich

  1. How to reduce the height of the ceiling in the room to save on heating?

Any suspended structure or stretch fabric will reduce the heated volume of the room. However, a cold ceiling in conditions of limited ventilation can begin to freeze, which will lead to its rapid damage by fungus and the appearance of puddles of condensate on the floor.

A smarter solution is to leave the height of the room the same and use an underfloor heating system. It redistributes the temperature inside the room, providing maximum heating where it is needed - at floor level.

  1. How you can use the excess height of the living room?

I already mentioned the solution: the space above human height is used for habitable mezzanines. They can be placed on sleeping place, study or nursery. With a room height within 3 meters, compact mezzanines are used to store rarely used items.

The poor also cry

  1. How to increase the height of a room in an apartment building?

Here are a couple of the most obvious solutions:

  • Remove the wooden flooring along with the joists. It will allow you to win at least ten centimeters. For alignment slab floor use a self-leveling floor, for sound insulation - linoleum with insulation or laminate with a thick (5-10 mm) and dense (for example, cork) substrate;

  • Remove the screed poured over the ceiling. Its typical thickness is 5-8 cm. On the first floors, a layer of insulation 3-5 cm thick is often laid under a reinforced screed; in this case, the height of the ceiling will grow by an impressive 8 - 13 cm.

Of course, after removing the insulated screed, you will have to seriously be puzzled by the insulation of the basement under the apartment.

  1. How to make a room higher in a wooden house?

And here I will offer you a couple of ideas:

  • Sew the ceiling not on the beams, but on the stuffed on them side surfaces cranial bars;

  • Cut out the floor beams and lay on the ground on top of the concrete preparation (a layer of low-grade concrete) insulated.

In the latter case, window and door openings will noticeably rise relative to the floor level. Be prepared to cut an extra crown and change window and door blocks.

  1. How to visually increase the height of the ceiling, if there is no way to physically raise it?

Play with contrast. At human vision there is interesting feature: light objects seem more distant to him than they really are, dark objects seem closer. If you paint the ceiling white or just as much as possible light color, it will seem higher to you; the effect can be emphasized by decorating the walls with a dark finish.

The reverse is also true. Dark ceiling light walls will look lower than it really is.

A couple more tricks:

  • High baguettes, moldings or just white stripes at the top of the walls will further increase the apparent height of the ceiling;

  • Similarly, gloss and in general any finish that has a mirror effect will work. All surfaces that fully or partially reflect the interior of the room will deceive your vision and make the surface of the ceiling look more distant than it actually is.

  1. How to visually increase the height of the ceiling if no major repairs are planned in the room?

Lighting affects the visual perception of distances in the same way as the light colors of the finish. By brightly illuminating the ceiling with relatively dark walls, you again make it taller. For this purpose, you can use spotlights, spotlights or bright led strip hidden behind a ceiling plinth.


From the article you learned what is the minimum and maximum ceiling height. At your disposal there is always the opportunity to change the size due to design tricks. As always, I would appreciate it if you share own experience ceiling design. Good luck, comrades!

December 7, 2016

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Entering the room and paying attention to the interior, few people think that the existing ceiling height in the apartment is standard. Meanwhile, from the height ceilings largely depends on the space around us. How comfortable and airy it is, or vice versa - it acts depressingly.

When buying an apartment in new buildings or old housing stock, many, when examining the premises, pay attention to the height of the ceilings. During construction own house the project includes parameters for the height of the ceilings.

Based on the definition - the height of the ceiling in the house - you can create a design project for an apartment, design ceilings, think over lighting, the type of lamps or chandeliers, which undoubtedly affects the entire environment of the room.

There are no maximum parameters for the distance from the floor to ceilings, there is only an estimated minimum ceiling height.

For buildings of various purposes, they have their own. For example, in sanatorium-type buildings, the standard ceiling height cannot be lower than 3 m. This applies to living rooms and public spaces. Sports and recreation complexes are being built with an average ceiling height of 3.3 m.

Building codes and regulations (SNiPs) oblige to build premises where the minimum ceiling height is observed. For residential buildings, the ceiling height in the apartment should not be less than 2.5 m. It is worth noting that such ceiling ceilings are not common. When buying a home, new settlers try to level the ceilings, make good floor coverings, so each such procedure reduces the standard.

AT different time, during construction, there were unspoken norms for the height of ceilings in apartments:

  • the famous "Stalin" to this day have not lost in value thanks to their tall apartments 3-3.5 m, large windows and spacious rooms, despite the fact that communications in such houses are morally and physically outdated;
  • post-war devastation and tightness forced the government to quickly build "Khrushchev". Rooms and hallways in houses of this layout are small, toilets and bathrooms are combined. Despite the fact that the ceiling height in the apartment was standard, reaching 2.5 m, the whole space seemed low and uncomfortable. The effect of a closed space was created, where the ceilings "press";
  • "Brezhnev" houses and panel high-rise buildings are distinguished by a ceiling height of 2.5-2.7 m. Apartments of this generation were considered "improved planning" in comparison with houses of earlier development;
  • new buildings can be considered the best option housing construction. The premises here are being built without partitions, and the new owners plan a living room, bedroom or nursery based on their preferences, especially since in such apartments the optimal ceiling height is 2.7 m, so you can diversify the floors in each room.

General measurements of a standard house

Design solutions and ergonomics

From the point of view of ergonomics, the parameters of the room should be such that a person feels comfortable in an apartment, gym, cinema.

There are several basic postulates of room comfort:

  1. optimal microclimate (comfortable temperature and humidity);
  2. the necessary supply of fresh air;
  3. adequate natural or artificial lighting.

The standard ceiling height in the apartment will make it possible to perform almost any floor structure, excluding, perhaps, heavy multi-tiered suspension devices. When making such design solutions, the height from floor to ceiling should be maximum.

In other cases, you can use any materials:

  1. ceiling tiles;
  2. tension structures;
  3. simple suspended ceilings.

Suitable for finishing rooms with any wall height. Practically does not hide and does not reduce the spatial scale. Easy to install and maintain. During the repair, anyone can handle gluing House master. The only drawback is that it will not be able to align the floor slabs, moreover, when sticking to uneven surface can move away and bring all the work to nothing in the future.

When leveling the ceiling with drywall slabs, all the savings in height will not matter, since the frame of the structure will “eat” the necessary centimeters.

The most acceptable option for finishing ceilings. They do not require special surface preparation. The width of the profiles on which the canvas is attached is not too large.
But, it is worth noting that multi-level structures in rooms with low ceilings should not be used. In such rooms, a single-level glossy or matte canvas with spotlights.

Original lighting is also possible, which can be selected taking into account the fact that the ceiling will visually look higher.

Suspended ceilings can bring to life the most daring design solutions. Installation of structures is carried out without preparing the base, especially since it is possible to hide light fittings and other communications under such a ceiling.

With a high ceiling height, you can create a multi-level stylish and elegant shape. In a room with low ceilings, it is better to stay on a single-level version with original built-in lights or a chandelier that allows you to illuminate the ceiling surface from below.

Color and lighting solution

With a low level of overlap, the problem is solved by choosing a color. For example, a mirrored ceiling or glossy canvases will visually increase the height of the room. You can raise the structure by painting the surface in cold light colors (light green or bluish shades). A stretch fabric of contrasting colors will allow you to zone the room, correctly selected shades will visually raise the ceiling.

Designed correctly selected furniture will raise the level of ceilings. Dark lower cabinets and made in light colors the upper shelves will increase the vertical space.
A ceiling framed around the perimeter with an LED strip will appear higher.

Illumination with spotlights, mounted correctly on the surface of the coating, will increase spatial perception.

When choosing a new place of residence, you need to pay attention to the height of the ceilings, but it is worth noting that you can visually change the spatial perception, knowing little secrets for the decoration of the premises.

The comfort and quality of living in it depends on the height of the ceiling in the apartment. Most people start thinking about this indicator only when they are going to buy an apartment. In addition to a comfortable stay in the apartment, the height of the ceiling also affects the psychological state of a person, as well as the ability to implement various design projects. For example, the ability to implement a multi-level ceiling in an apartment with a ceiling height of 3 meters is higher than with a height of 2.5 meters. Are stretch ceilings harmful? Read.

Ceiling height in panel houses

Apartments designed and built in Stalin's times are called "Stalinki". Them distinctive feature is the height of the ceilings, or rather a high height, at least 3 meters, more often even more. Apartments "Stalinka" are quite spacious and large apartments filled with light. In addition to high ceilings, they have wide corridors and spacious kitchens, large door and window openings.

Apartments, which are called "Khrushchev", were built in order to save building materials and heating. The ceiling height in "Khrushchev" after construction is 2.5 meters, due to the low height of the ceilings and there is savings on heating. In addition to the ceilings, such apartments have a very small area, especially kitchens, small windows and doors. Flights of stairs and landings in the entrance are also made of modest size, again in order to save money.

"Berezhnevka", built in large quantities during the reign of Brezhnev, are very similar to the "Khrushchev", but have slightly improved performance. "Berezhnevki", as a rule, were built at least 9 floors, they have more spacious areas, there are already 2-3 apartments on the floor, not 4, the ceiling height has increased to 2.7 meters. The apartments have become more comfortable with an improved layout, the rooms in Berezhnevka have been made isolated.

Standard ceiling height in the apartment

  1. New housing that is currently under construction has a ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters, with an average height of 2.6 to 2.8 meters. At the same time, developers of elite apartments offer apartments with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters.
  2. The ceiling height in panel residential buildings of the P-44T series should be 2.7 meters according to the standards.
  3. The maximum ceiling height in residential buildings of series 137 is 270 cm.
  4. The height of the ceilings in the five-story buildings "Khrushchev" is 2.5 meters from the floor after the builders hand over the house.
  5. The height of the ceilings in the nine-story building is 2.7 meters. Such houses already belong to Berezhnevka, unless, of course, they are currently being built. How to plaster the ceiling with Rotband, read here:.

Ceiling height in a private house

  1. One of the most important components in the construction of a private house is the height of the room from floor to ceiling. Compliance with proportions is very important here, since the ceiling height of a private house is measured based on strict proportions with the length and width of the entire room. According to various calculations, the optimal ceiling height for a private house is 2.7 meters, which will allow you to easily maintain the premises and perform various repair work and cleaning.
  2. Minimum Height ceilings in a private house allows 2.5 meters, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out any design of ceiling systems or embed various interior solutions.
  3. According to SNiP and fire safety, at present, the permissible minimum ceiling height in a residential area, including in a private house, should not be lower than 2.6 meters. Practice shows that the most optimal ceiling height in a private house can be 3 meters, which will create more space and comfort, as well as organize any design project.

Bath ceiling height

When building a bath on their site, many people think about the issue optimal height baths. Here it should also be taken into account what kind of bath is planned to be built, if it is Russian, then this is one value, if there is a sauna, then the height will be different. Read on for how to apply it correctly.

There are no specific standards for the device of the bath. The main thing is to make the room of such a size that everyone who is there is comfortable. Since steam accumulates upstairs under the ceiling, someone likes to sit on a shelf in the heat, while others at this time are below the level and also feel comfortable. It is believed that a ceiling height of 3 meters in the steam room of the bath will be quite optimal in order to quickly warm up and keep the heat in the bath for a long time.

For a sauna, the height of the ceiling is much less, since it is customary here to warm up while sitting on the benches, and not to wave brooms. Based on this, a value of 200-230 cm from the floor is considered to be optimal for a sauna device.

Ceiling height in the garage

As a rule, when building a garage, the height should be calculated based on the car and its dimensions. For passenger car a height of 2 meters will be enough. If the area and opportunities allow, you can make the ceiling height much higher, and the garage itself is more spacious. Perhaps in the future you will purchase a new machine that is larger than the current one. For a jeep, the optimal garage ceiling height will be 3 meters.

When installing a lift in your garage, you need to add 1.9 meters to the height of the car - this is the maximum height of the lift, and another 350 mm - the lifting distance of the frame with the car. It is also necessary to leave a margin of clean ceiling space, approximately 300 mm. For a passenger car, the ceiling height in a garage with a lift will be 3390 mm, for a jeep this value will increase by half a meter.

Other ceiling heights

  1. There are many factors that affect the distance of the eaves or curtains from the ceiling. With average indicators, the installation height of the cornice from the ceiling is from 5 to 10 cm.
  2. The height of the ceilings in the bathroom according to the approved standards should be at least 2.5 meters.
  3. The height of the ceiling in the attic, according to the standards, is calculated based on the percentage of the size of the room with low and standard ceiling values. SNiP does not standardize the ceiling height standard in rooms where the slope is 45 degrees.
  4. Standard change houses are made with a height of 1.95 m, in the case of an individual order, the height can be adjusted.
  5. According to SNiP, the ceiling height standards in an office located in a residential building or in a factory building correspond to the height of the ceiling installed in these premises. In other cases, the height office space must be at least 3 m from the floor to the stream.

How to visually increase the height of the ceiling?

For visual magnification ceiling heights, there are various design techniques:

  1. With the help of color - it is enough just to remove the line connecting the ceiling and walls, that is, paint the surface of the ceiling and walls in a single color, or just upper part ceiling walls. This technique allows not only to visually raise the ceiling, but also to expand the entire space of the room.
  2. The use of vertical lines in the interior also allows you to increase the height of the ceiling. You can use wallpaper with vertical lines, or you can draw them on the walls yourself.
  3. The use of mirrors in the interior, or reflective surfaces of the floor or ceiling. Such techniques visually seem to extend the space.
  4. An innovation among stretch ceilings - soaring ceilings, perfectly cope with the task of visually increasing the height of the ceiling.

By how much do stretch ceilings reduce the height?

Installation of stretch ceilings in different occasions affect the height of the ceiling in different ways:

  • in the case of installing the simplest design of a stretch ceiling with the installation of one chandelier, the size of the ceiling will be reduced by several centimeters, which will not significantly affect the overall height of the room and will not be noticeable to others;
  • if with a stretch ceiling it is planned to install additional lighting, for which it is necessary to create electrical wiring and special fasteners, then here the height can be reduced to 10 cm, depending on the maximum length of the luminaire fasteners;
  • if additional fire protection and security systems, then such communications may require an inter-ceiling space of 15 cm.


Watch a video about the effect of ceiling height and other factors on your well-being:

As can be seen from the above, different apartments and the premises can have completely different height. When buying an apartment and planning finishing and repair work, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and possible reductions in the height of the ceiling even at the stage of designing ceiling structures, then in the future it will be possible to avoid disappointments and alterations. The ceiling putty is described.

The standard height of the ceilings in the apartment is a very convenient value. If you have typical apartment, then you always know exactly what the height of the ceiling is in it. When buying an apartment, a house, or independently carrying out construction, each owner takes into account that this is not enough important point- ceiling height. This indicator is one of the main ones, and not only how the space will be perceived, but also the possibility of implementing various design ideas in interior design, the choice of one or another method of finishing ceilings.

Normative documents regulating the height of ceilings

Ceilings today often act as elements decorative design, therefore, in addition to the standard minimum set performance characteristics(height standards, environmental friendliness, safety), they must have other additional qualities. These include:

  • heat resistance;
  • waterproofing;
  • the ability to absorb and reflect sound;
  • resistance to mold, fungus, etc.

In addition to complying with sanitary standards great importance given to the convenience and installation of not only the ceiling, but also lighting devices.

The device technology of the surface in question is also subject to control, therefore it is regulated by the relevant rules and documents.

Previously, to save space, buildings were built in such a way that the distance from ceiling to floor was no more than 2.4-2.8 m. According to modern rules construction according to SNiP, ceilings having a height ( h) less than 2.4 m cannot be designed in residential buildings. However, the standard ceiling height in an apartment of 2 m 50 cm is not always appropriate and convenient. It significantly limits the design possibilities, creates a feeling of oppressive space.

If you decide to build a house yourself, do not limit yourself to standard indicators, do not save on space. It is worth making spacious rooms (with h\u003d 3-3.5 m), then you can use a variety of designs in decoration.

According to the standards h ceilings for individual rooms is determined by the following indicators:

  • living quarters, kitchen - 2.5 m and above;
  • corridor - at least 2.1 m;
  • boiler room with a heat generator - 2.2 m or more;
  • basement - at least 1.6 m.

However, h Ceilings in one room can vary greatly. For example, for an attic on the top floor under a roof structure, the ceiling height parameter may be significantly less than the established standard. Then max h ceiling space in such a room should occupy at least 50% of its total area.

The height of ceilings in such structures is also regulated by SNiPs and includes different standards for individual rooms:

  • public buildings, sanatoriums - 3 m;
  • industrial premises, dry cleaners - at least 3.6 m;
  • additional premises, passage corridors - at least 1.9 m;
  • for attic floors it is possible to lower the ceilings at an angle. Then must be observed technical requirements and the functional purpose of the room, and the maximum height of the ceiling space should occupy at least 60% of the total area of ​​the room;
  • for technical floors, the indicator is set individually depending on several factors: the purpose of the premises, the equipment installed in it, utilities;
  • for premises where only engineering communications will be placed - at least 1.6 m;
  • for offices and administrative premises - at least 3 m.

Standard ceiling height

For typical high-rise buildings, the minimum ceiling height is determined by the type of building, as well as the time of its construction. Apartments located in different parts countries are identical to each other not only in terms of layout, but also in standard ceiling heights, which can vary slightly by several centimeters.

This is perhaps the only version of buildings that are distinguished by a large scale. The height of the ceilings in such houses is approximately 3-3.5 m. Previously, ceiling spaces were often decorated with stucco elements to give the room additional comfort and harmony.

From the name it is clear that these residential buildings built during Khrushchev's time. They are represented by standard five-story buildings in which Russian families have been living for several decades.

These apartments have the following features:

  • the height from the floor to the ceiling space is small (a person with a large stature can easily reach the surface of the ceiling with his hand);
  • The area of ​​the apartment is also small. So, the kitchen is 6 m², rooms - 12-14 m².

The standard height in Khrushchev is 2.5 m, but thanks to low ceilings, such apartments have some advantages:

  • less money spent on heating bills;
  • ceiling structures are presented reinforced concrete slabs overlaps, therefore, are durable.

Similar apartment buildings began to be built in the 70s of the 20th century. The average ceiling height in the rooms of such apartments is 2.5-2.7 m, and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire housing reaches 80 m.

These values ​​make it possible to implement many design solutions without the need to spend large sums of money on repairs and decoration. With a floor-to-ceiling distance of 2.7 meters, you can lower the ceiling space by no more than 20 cm. Therefore, even complex suspension systems or two-level tension structures.

Their initial construction took place in the 80s of the 20th century. These houses are characterized by a large number floors, spacious rooms and kitchens. The height of the ceilings in block buildings is 2.65-2.75 m.

Ceiling decoration allows you to use many different techniques.

In modern new buildings, apartments are distinguished by a variety of layouts. In the real estate market, you can find both luxury and economy class apartments. The main differences between them are the area and the degree of comfort, which are directly related to the height indicator. For example, if this is a small studio apartment, then in order to save money, when determining the height of the ceiling surface, its permissible minimum in the living room is used. As a rule, it does not exceed 2.7 m. Large luxury apartments boast ceilings of 2.8-3.2 meters high.

Repair of apartments with high ceilings is best left to designers. They will help you choose the optimal distance from the floor to the surface of the decorative structure, which will express the advantages of the finish and hide the disadvantages of the layout.

Your home provides endless possibilities for the development of fantasy. Here you can already choose absolutely any layout and height of the rooms. Usually, the architect helps to decide on the last indicator.

In order not to create a feeling of emptiness, and the room was cozy and comfortable, ceilings should be made no higher than 2.9-3.2 m.

You can finish the ceilings in private houses different ways. Under wooden beams most often install stretch fabrics or suspended ceiling structures. Often used combined options. FROM reinforced concrete ceilings it is allowed to use almost any method of finishing - from traditional painting to the installation of complex systems.

On a note! Decide on the view decorative finishes necessary in advance, then it will be easier to choose the optimal ceiling height.

Outbuildings and premises

For such premises, there are no strict restrictions on h. It is defined functional purpose buildings. For example, for a sauna or bath, it is better to make the distance from the floor to the top smaller in order to reduce the time to warm up the room.

For a garage, h must be such that the transport for which the building is intended fits freely in it.

In addition to the standard indicator h, regulated by the relevant documents, when choosing an apartment for living or when building a private house, it is necessary to take into account optimal value ceiling height, which is convenient and comfortable. It depends on:

  • growth of people who will live in the apartment / house. From the outstretched arm of a person to the ceiling should remain at least 30 cm;
  • area of ​​the room. If this Big hall, the indicator in question can be from 3.5 m, a kitchen or dining room of 20 m² - 2.8 m. This method of determining the optimal height is only suitable for a private house, when you can draw up a project even before its construction. Despite the fact that the cost of a multi-level structure will be more expensive, it will be much more comfortable to live in it;
  • remaining distance from floor covering to the ceiling structure after the completion of the repair. For example, installing tension and suspended structures together with warm floors in an apartment can take up to 20 cm in height.

When determining the ceiling height in your apartment, consider your own preferences. Some people feel comfortable with a minimum height of 2.5 m, while others find 3 m comfortable. Also, do not forget that ceiling height plays a decisive role in interior design. With a sufficient distance from floor to ceiling, you can install not only ceiling lights, but also other original lighting devices, as well as mount complex multi-level structures.

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