Do-it-yourself sandwich panel house. Houses made of sandwich panels Residential building made of metal sandwich panels

Site arrangement 23.06.2020
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The construction of a house from unified elements of a large area, but of low weight, is very attractive in many cases.

For example, for the construction of industrial, commercial or auxiliary buildings, this option is optimal.

A striking example of such building materials are sandwich panels, which make it possible to build quickly, relatively cheaply and quite efficiently.

The work is carried out with minimal need for equipment, requires little time, does not require the participation of highly skilled workers, which makes the construction very economical.

Sandwich panels are two layers of sheet materials (profiled metal, PVC, OSB or magnesite boards), between which a layer of insulating material (mineral wool, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, etc.) is installed.

The dimensions of the plates are different, with a width of 1-1.2 m, the length of the panel can be from 50 cm to 13.5 m. The thickness of the panels depends on the size of the insulation and ranges from 5 to 25 cm. Such dimensions with low weight (a square meter of the thickest panel weighs only 42 kg) make it possible to build buildings in a matter of days or hours.

The most common are panels with outer layers of profiled metal with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm. The surface has a protective and decorative polymer coating that is resistant to external influences and protects the metal from corrosion.

Two types of panels are produced:

  • Wall. They have a small profile wave height, withstand large compressive or shear loads. Lock connection folded.
  • Roofing. They are made with an increased profile height (usually trapezoidal). The lock connection provides overlapping of the front layer with an overlap on one wave.

The panels are connected using locking profiles applied to the side edges. The end sides are usually open, during installation, the joints are filled with sealant and special flashings are installed on top. The panels are mounted on a supporting structure - a frame, the bearing capacity of which ensures the strength and stability of the walls and roof to all loads.


There are types of sandwich panels that have self-supporting properties and do not need a frame.

Photo of sandwich panels:

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of sandwich panels include:

  • Possibility of installation at any time of the year.
  • High installation speed.
  • No finishing work.
  • The light weight of the building allows you to save on the foundation.
  • The high heat-saving qualities of the panels help to save on heating the building.

There are also disadvantages, which should be:

  • The impossibility of multi-storey construction.
  • Weak bearing capacity of the walls, the inability to use them to install attachments, furniture or other items.
  • Possibility of damage to the protective coating during installation or transportation.
  • The need for careful sealing of panel joints, the possibility of condensation.

Some deficiencies are unavoidable, others can be easily eliminated - for example, damage to the coating can be painted over, in the most difficult cases the entire panel can be replaced.

What are the advantages of sandwich panel houses

For the construction of residential buildings, SIP panels are most often used. This is a type of sandwich panel, the outer layers of which are made of OSB, or oriented strand board.

Houses built from SIP panels have a lot of advantages:

  • Walls made of such material have high heat-saving properties, they are light, do not load the foundation.
  • Since the construction of SIP panels cannot be higher than 2 floors, which is prescribed by the regulations, the use of construction equipment is not necessary. Usually cost the simplest lifting devices.
  • Any materials are suitable for exterior decoration, and, as a rule, there is no need for external insulation.
  • The cost of construction is much lower than with traditional materials.
  • The panels do not contribute to the appearance of fungus, mold or insects.
  • Communication is not difficult.

In addition, high speed and a small number of workers needed to complete the installation contribute to the growing popularity of sandwich panel construction.

Prefabricated buildings

Buildings constructed from sandwich panels are classified as prefabricated buildings.

The main type of such buildings is non-residential industrial or administrative buildings.:

  • Warehouses.
  • Public spaces.
  • Sports or fitness complexes.
  • Car dealerships.
  • Commercial or entertainment centers.
  • Industrial refrigerators.
  • Hangars for large aircraft or automotive equipment.

The construction of housing of their sandwich panels is gaining more and more popularity. For users, low cost, speed of construction and undemanding to the presence of a powerful foundation are increasingly attractive.

The construction of prefabricated buildings is carried out according to a standard scheme:

  • The erection of a metal frame from unified elements, enabling a wide combination of assembly options - as if from a children's designer.
  • Installation of sandwich panels. Installation of panels takes a matter of minutes, most of the time is taken by sealing the joints and installing additional elements.
  • Installation of roof panels, decoration of overhangs and other elements with extensions.
  • Decoration of window and door openings.

All work is done at a very high pace. The main labor costs and financial investments fall on the construction of the foundation, the cost and type of which is determined by local geological conditions.

modular buildings

Modular buildings are one of the fastest and most efficient options for the construction of prefabricated buildings. The building is being built from ready-made modules - block containers, ready-made parts of a residential building with a finished factory exterior and interior finish.

Such projects are effective and very convenient for shift camps, construction sites of large facilities, geological exploration sites, meteorological or other scientific stations, etc. Modular buildings gained particular popularity in the regions of the Far North, in the development of oil or gas fields.

Buildings can be dismantled, transported and reassembled elsewhere without any damage. The configuration, dimensions of the house can be changed. You can attach any part of the house, or, conversely, reduce its size. Such mobility, combined with the ability to transform, is appreciated by builders and workers.

Trade pavilions

The ability to have your own point of sale and not pay a huge rent is a significant bonus for any businessman, be it a beginner or an experienced and successful one. T the trading pavilion is convenient for business in that it has precise specifics and random people do not enter it.

In addition, the pavilion is in plain sight, and not among hundreds of similar ones in a large center, so the probability of successful trading in it is much better.

For the construction of a trade pavilion, sandwich panels are the best option. The main advantage is the speed of construction - all the time is spent only on the construction of the zero level, and in some cases this is not done.

For example, when using a pile or pile-screw foundation, the speed of construction is measured in a matter of days, which is an invaluable advantage for trading activities. For small pavilions, a shallow strip foundation is usually made, which does not require a significant investment of time or money.

With a small pavilion, its cost will be comparable to the price of a used car, and the functionality of the building will be completely similar to an expensive capital building.


There are a large number of organizations that perform the installation of pavilions from sandwich panels at low prices in the shortest possible time. If there is no time or opportunity for self-construction, this option will be an excellent way out.

Is it worth making a cottage or a private house from sandwich panels?

The use of sandwich panels for the construction of housing or country houses in our country is not yet very popular. This is due to the traditional thinking and distrust of innovations that exists among the population..

At the same time, most private houses of a budget price category abroad are built using this or a similar technology, which indicates the great potential and high performance of sandwich panels.

Moreover, almost all buildings in the north of Europe - in Finland, Norway - are built from sandwich panels. Finally, in Antarctica, all scientific stations are built in this way, and there are no complaints about their quality.

At the same time, there are a lot of advantages, from the speed of construction to the cost-effectiveness of construction. The specificity of the panels is such that they are most suitable for low-rise housing. If we also take into account the possibility of independent construction, without the use of construction equipment or a large team of workers, then the benefits of this method become obvious.

The network very often raises the question of the harmful effects of sandwich panels (in particular, SIP panels) on human health or well-being. Some argue that the inhabitants of such houses live in a cloud of formaldehyde, others scare the people with phosgene released from the insulation.

At the same time, no one knows where this information came from, everyone read it somewhere on the Internet. Nobody tried to acquire exact knowledge about the amount and composition of the emitted substances. At the same time, many people live in houses insulated with mineral wool or polystyrene, everyone is alive and well and has no problems.

The practice of foreign construction under conditions of very strict sanitary or technical requirements completely refutes these assertions. The technique would not have found such wide distribution if any negative effects or manifestations were observed.

No material company wants to drown in health loss lawsuits, so you can be quite confident in the quality of the material.

Useful video

In this video you will learn what are the houses of sandwich panels:


Sandwich panels are an affordable and very convenient building material that allows you to build houses of any configuration in a matter of days at no extra cost. The ease of installation work is enhanced by the possibility of restoring or replacing panels, savings on construction are multiplied by lower heating costs.

The construction of sandwich panels has great potential, they have not yet fully revealed their capabilities to Russian consumers. Popularity and demand are constantly increasing, making panels an increasingly successful building material.

In contact with

How to build a house so that it is inexpensive, warm and prefabricated? To accomplish this task, you can use the design of the sandwich panels. Sandwich panel is a building material, which is a slab consisting of three layers.

The middle layer is insulation. It can be polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, mineral wool or fiberglass. The two outer layers are metal, thermoplastic vinyl chloride polymer (PVC), fibreboard (Fibreboard) or magnesite board.

The use of sandwich panels ensures a high speed of work on the construction of the building. In order for the assembly speed to be maximum, it is necessary to design the building with high quality. With the finished project, you should contact the panel manufacturer. According to a given project, all blocks will be made individually. After that, it will not be necessary to adjust the joints during installation.

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House building technology

To start building a house from sandwich panels, you need to purchase the necessary tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • syringe device for applying construction foam;
  • building level;
  • paint brushes for applying mastic;
  • panel saw.

Construction begins with the construction of the foundation. A house made of sandwich panels is lightweight, so a monolithic strip shallow foundation or a foundation on screw piles with a wooden grillage is suitable for it. Before arranging the foundation, communications should be laid: sewerage, water supply and electricity supply.

Fastening panels to reinforced concrete structures. Option number 1: 1. Wall panel. 2. Flashing. 3. Self-tapping bolt. 4. Thermal insulation. 5. Self-tapping screw. 6. Silicone insulation. 7. Seal.

A wooden strapping beam with a section of 100 x 150 cm is laid on the foundation. Before laying, the foundation is smeared with bituminous mastic for waterproofing. The beam is attached to the concrete with anchor bolts, recessed into the foundation by at least 10 cm. In the corners, the beam is connected “in a paw” or “half a tree”.

Along the entire length of the timber, anchor bolts must be additionally provided for fastening in increments of half a meter. The heads of the bolts or their ends with nuts must be completely recessed into the tie bar.

The floor is proposed to be mounted in two versions. In the first version, the floor is made as usual: boards are laid on the logs, and insulation is laid between the logs. The joists are installed with support on the strapping bar and are connected to it “half-tree” in such a way that their level coincides with the level of the strapping bar. With this option, it is easier and more affordable to make repairs in the future.

The second option suggests using the same sandwich panels as the floor. They provide adequate insulation. In this variant, beams are used, which are both lags and spike beams that form a connection between the panels. The cross section of these beams depends on the dimensions of the sandwich panels and is available in two versions: 150 x 50 mm or 200 x 50 mm.

Fastening panels to reinforced concrete structures. Option number 2: 1. Wall panel. 2. Flashing. 3. Self-tapping bolt. 4. Self-tapping screw
5. Silicone insulation. 6. Seal. 7. Supporting corner. 8. Self-tapping screw.

The floor boundaries in the second option will coincide with the contour of the strapping beam along its outer edge. The panels are laid out on a strapping beam and cut to the desired size. Trimming can be done with a regular saw. Then the panels are placed on the edge and on one of the sides, which will be at the bottom when laying, bituminous mastic is applied.

If it is required to remove the insulation from the end of the panel, then a thermal cutter is used. The thermal cutter is sold complete with sandwich panels. It can also be made independently. The principle of operation of the thermal cutter is based on the manufacture of a tubular electric heater - a heating element. It looks like a rectangular frame with a side of 150 or 200 mm. The frame should have a limiter for the depth of immersion in the end of the sandwich panel.

The panel groove is filled with building foam, a beam is inserted into it and pressed for a few seconds. The beam in the panel is fixed with self-tapping screws or wood screws in increments of one and a half decimeters. Further, from the side of the beam, a second panel is attached with preliminary foaming.

The grooves remaining along the perimeter of the floor are tied with boards 2.5 cm thick. The entire floor around the perimeter is attached to the strapping beam with long screws. On the surface of the floor, it will be possible to lay a warm floor with electric or water heating in the future. Sandwich panels are strong enough to withstand furniture and other indoor furnishings on the floor.

Further along the perimeter of the floor, a strapping board is laid, which is a beam with a cross section of 150 x 200 mm, on which the walls are mounted. The dimensions of the board depend on the thickness of the sandwich panels. The first wall panels are mounted from the corner. Installation of panels is checked by level. The fastening of the panels to each other is done in the same way as on the floor. When all wall panels are installed, a strapping board is installed in their upper common groove.

Fastening panels to reinforced concrete structures. Corner option: 1. Wall panel. 2. Flashing. 3. Self-tapping bolt. 4. Thermal insulation. 5. Self-tapping screw. 6. Silicone sealant. 7. Seal.

To reinforce the floor structure, additional beams are installed using mounting brackets or brackets. Overlapping can be done according to the same principle as the floor, using sandwich panels. On top of the ceilings at the ends of the building, a pediment is installed, which structurally consists of the same sandwich panels. The roof is trussed.

The gable roof rests on the end gable of the building. A ridge beam is laid at the top of the pediment, which has bevels made at an angle that provides the necessary slope. Parallel to the ridge beam, additional load-bearing beams are laid in the grooves on the pediment. The lower part of the slope does not rest on the wall, but on the Mauerlat. This is a beam that fits on top of the wall and rests on a groove in the pediment of the building.

An attic roof made of sandwich panels is laid on the ridge beam, load-bearing beams and mauerlat, as well as the floor and walls. The rafters in this design are at the same time beams connecting the panels to each other. For windows in the walls, openings in the construction of sandwich panels should be provided. Openings can be cut into a solid mounted wall. Windows are standard.

In rainy weather, work should not be carried out, because the ends of the panel cuts are not protected.

The scale of modern dacha construction in recent decades has increased several times. Someone prefers wooden dachas, while others like powerful brick buildings. In addition, sandwich panels are widely used today.

Advantages of frame construction

Prefabricated dachas and country houses from sandwich panels have undeniable advantages, namely:

  • acceptable price;
  • quick installation of a summer house with minimal costs;
  • there is no need to build expensive powerful foundations;
  • the material has high heat and sound insulation performance;
  • environmental friendliness and hygiene;
  • positive consumer feedback.

Organization of the construction of frame buildings

To build country houses, you need to lay the foundation. There are several options here. You can install the foundation on screw piles or pour a monolithic base. Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out the laying of all engineering networks.

So, the foundation for the future country house is laid. The next step is building a house. Installation of sandwich panels is carried out on a metal frame. The construction of the walls begins with the organization of the corner panels. Initially, with the help of self-tapping screws, an extreme rack is installed, after which the wall panels of the future cottage are mounted.

Installation of upper levels

After completing the stage of installing the walls, they proceed to the interfloor ceilings and roofing. The assembly of the roof of the house is carried out in full accordance with the drawings. To avoid distortions, you need to evenly distribute the load on the floors. The photo shows the simplest designs of country houses. In addition to budget options, if you wish, you can order solid houses in which you can live all year round.

Sandwich Panel Technologies

How popular frame houses can be judged by the reviews of the owners. The uniqueness of the dacha is that its construction is very simple: sheet material is attached to the erected frame. In addition, such a house is easy to dismantle, repair and move. It is enough to remove the upper sandwich panels, lay an additional row and reinstall the sheet material.

Cons of frame technologies

As with any construction, apart from the advantages, there are some disadvantages associated with sandwich panels:

  1. At very high temperatures, the inner insulation layer of the material may crumble.
  2. The service life of the panels is not more than 50 years.
  3. Another significant disadvantage is that frame cottages cannot be built above 2.5 floors.
  4. The exterior decoration of such a structure cannot be postponed until later. It should be done in the same season.

With all the simplicity of building a dacha from prefabricated materials, careful monitoring of the progress of work and the quality of materials is required. When building on your own, it is advisable to watch videos and photos, as well as carefully study the reviews of cottage owners.

When transporting sandwich panels, it is necessary to securely fasten the panels to prevent them from moving. Cutting the blocks themselves must be carried out using special saws. You can't use a grinder.

When choosing materials for a summer residence, it is necessary to take into account the natural and climatic parameters and the conditions in which the building will be operated. Special requirements are imposed on the relief and the depth of groundwater.

When equipping frame cottages, thermal insulation can be omitted, since the plates themselves have good insulating properties. Those who decide to build suburban housing and outbuildings on their own have something to see in the photo.

Easy and clean construction

Sandwich panel dachas are a vivid example of energy-saving, low-budget and easy-to-build technologies. The maximum period during which the building will be erected is one to two months. There are many customers who prefer modern design and original solutions. Having become owners of comfortable and convenient dachas, many owners choose a country lifestyle. In confirmation of this - positive feedback from users. If you wish, you can look at the photos of finished or still under construction objects. This will allow you to build on the project you like and, with a little change, create your own.

Sandwich panel housing is easy to maintain. Heating costs are minimal. Due to its compactness and small dimensions, there is no need to build an expensive massive foundation. During operation, there is no settling of the cottage. A very important point: the price of construction and timing. The owner will not have to build long and expensive, and in winter pay twice as much for heating the premises from cinder blocks.

The RUSSIP catalog contains hundreds of house projects with detailed layouts. Having studied the offers of the company, you will be able to choose the best option for your land. If for some reason you want to make changes to the project, designers and architects are ready to do it for you. Experts are also engaged in the individual design of houses from SIP panels.

The company "RUSSIP" is:

  1. Dozens of implemented projects of houses built using SIP technology.
  2. Residential facilities built in different regions of the country, cottage settlements, commercial real estate - car repair shops and washing kits, hotels and mini-hotels, restaurants and catering establishments, helipads and equipment service stations.
  3. Own production and technologies. The structure of the company is a design and engineering department and a plant with woodworking workshops, powerful production lines for the creation of SIP panels and extensive warehouses for storing finished products.

Inexpensive SIP houses are the specialization of RUSSIP employees. Using the convenient navigation on the site, you will select a suitable project for a house of the required area and with the necessary technological and design solutions in the shortest possible time.

SIP panels or sandwich panels are now in great demand in the construction of structures such as low-rise buildings, cottage villages, hotel complexes, private houses and recreation centers. It is possible to build a house from sandwich panels at any temperature, and the price of this building material is considered quite acceptable. In addition, the projects of such houses are characterized by a beautiful appearance and are environmentally friendly.

Pros and cons of projects of residential buildings from sandwich panels

Before proceeding to the direct design of a house from sandwich panels, you should understand what is advantage of such structures:

  • It will take a little time to build such a house.
  • Building a house from sandwich panels can be carried out at any time of the year.
  • The erected structure has thin walls, as a result of which it is possible to expand the usable area inside the house.
  • Excellent thermal insulation performance. Such a house warms up very quickly and keeps heat for a long time, so you do not have to think about.
  • Residential buildings made of sandwich panels are not subject to shrinkage and deformation. It is possible to carry out finishing inside and outside the building immediately after it has been erected.
  • Excellent level of soundproofing.
  • Savings on heating.
  • It is not required to erect a reinforced base.
  • Houses made of this material are highly durable.

Read also about insulated street entrance metal doors.

Each material has its pros and cons. SIP panels are no exception, for them the following shortcomings:

  • Short service life.
  • Full tightness, as a result of which, in order to obtain optimal conditions, it is necessary to equip special ventilation.
  • Material such as SIP panels undergoes a combustion process, as a result of which a large amount of toxic substances are released.
  • If used incorrectly or if there is no adequate ventilation, fungus and mold can live in the panels.

In the case of the sale of such a structure, its price will be much less than that of a house built of brick.

Learn about the types of locks for metal doors.

Building design process

There are a large number of projects of houses made of sandwich panels. Today, two-story buildings erected from SIP panels with an area of ​​​​100 m2 are in great demand.

Thanks to a convenient layout, such houses are very convenient in terms of use, as a result of which such buildings become more functional. In the basement, you can place a garage in which you can store tools.

On the second floor, it is best to place the living room, hall, kitchen, bathroom and boiler room, which would lead to the garage. Connect the first and second floors with an elegant staircase, climbing which you would get into the office. On the second floor there can be an additional bathroom and 3 bedrooms. You can enter the house from the main facade. The kitchen, located on the ground floor, should have its own exit to the terrace. Equip the attic as a study or bedroom.

How to build a private house

You can easily build a private house from sandwich panels with your own hands if you have at least a little experience in the field of construction.

Main stages of construction:

  1. Building a foundation.
  2. Installation of crown beam.
  3. Floor arrangement.
  4. Wall construction.
  5. Roof installation.

Foundation construction

Prefabricated houses made of sandwich panels have the appearance of a lightweight structure, so there is no need to equip a reinforced foundation. For example, consider the arrangement of a shallow tape base:

  • Mark the area for construction and excavate the soil, 50-60 mm deep.
  • To compact the soil, fill in a layer of sand, 10 cm thick, then tamp it well and cover it with a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness, tamp again.
  • Install wooden formwork, 500 mm high. Prepare air holes in it in advance.
  • Tie the reinforcing cage and install it in the trench.
  • Prepare a solution of concrete, pour the foundation. Remove air bubbles with a vibrator.
  • Wait 28 days for the foundation to dry completely before removing the formwork.
  • Lay 2-3 layers of roofing material, and apply bituminous mastic on top. It is better to carry out this procedure before you build walls so that the waterproofing material is not exposed to the open air for a long time.

The installation process of the crown beam

This process involves the following procedure:

  • Install a beam with a section of 250x150 mm in the middle of the base. It is extremely accurate to measure the horizontal position of its placement.
  • Using a notch "in the paw", connect the timber in the corners.
  • Secure the connection using a wooden dowel.

The burs can be attached to the foundation with anchors 350 mm long and 10-12 mm in diameter.

Floor and floors

When you build a prefabricated sandwich panel house, installation of the floor and ceilings is carried out according to the following plan:

  • Prepare the boards that will be used as the floor lag and stud beams, and insert them between the panels. In order for the laying of the beam on the base of the house and in the groove-cutting to be easy, you need to choose its correct length. The cross section of the beams is selected depending on the thickness of the SIP panels.
  • Lay out the floor panels, cut them to the desired size using a regular saw. To remove the insulation, you need to use a homemade thermal cutter. Between the edge of the plate and the surface of the insulating material, a space of 20-25 mm must be left, then it is possible to achieve a tight connection of the panels with a bar, the thickness of which is 50 mm.
  • The assembly must begin with the corner panel, connecting them in a row along the length. Foam the panel groove with mounting foam and insert the beam inside. Fix with galvanized self-tapping screws at a distance of 150 mm.
  • From the side of the beam, fasten the 2nd panel in the same way. As a result of repeating all the steps described, assemble the entire floor.
  • All grooves that are around the perimeter must be filled with boards, the thickness of which is 25 mm. This procedure is practically no different from the previous one.

How to make a crate for corrugated board, you will read.

Using heavy equipment, place the resulting structure on the floor area. Those parts of the lag that protrude should be attached to the foundation with anchors. The installation of the log is carried out at the cutting site in the strapping beam.

Wall construction

When you have erected the foundation, floors and equipped it, you can proceed to the next stage, namely, the construction of walls:

  • Lay a board with the required cross section (here it all depends on the thickness of the material used) on top of the floor strictly horizontally and fix it using self-tapping screws 5x70 mm for this purpose, at a distance of 350-400 mm from each other. When building walls from the presented material, it is very important that the installation of the first corner panels occurs perfectly evenly. Subsequent panels will be located similarly to these two, and here it will be impossible to make a mistake.
  • Install 2 panels vertically in a corner, pre-foaming the groove of the panel at the bottom, put it on the bed. Panels must be installed strictly vertically and horizontally. Using self-tapping screws 3.2x35 mm, screw the panels to the bed at a distance of 15 cm.
  • To fasten two panels to each other, you need to insert a board with a square section, foam the grooves and screw them using self-tapping screws 12x220 mm, at a distance of 50 cm.
  • Installation of all other panels is carried out according to the same principle. The groove and the bottom of the installed panel must be filled with mounting foam, and the latter is put on the bed. Taking a board with a section of 50x200 mm, you need to install it between the already delivered and mounted panel. Fixing the connection occurs when using self-tapping screws 3.2x35 mm.
  • At the end of the installation of the walls, the upper groove of the panels should also be filled with foam, after which the correct strapping board with a section of 150x200 mm should be inserted into it. The fastening of the beam occurs when using self-tapping screws 4.2x75 mm. Panels are fastened to the board with self-tapping screws 3.5x40 mm.
  • Window and door openings are best made in already mounted walls.

If the attic is planned to be used as a living space, then it is necessary to insulate it. To do this, lay the insulation and close it from the inside with a vapor barrier film.

This completes the construction of the house from metal sandwich panels.

Video story about building a house from sandwich panels

How to build a private house in one day from sandwich panels, see the video block.

For a more detailed acquaintance with the construction of a house, you can see if you watch a video where a house is built from sandwich panels. Upon completion of all work, you will receive a beautiful, warm and cozy building in which you will feel comfortable at any time of the year.

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