Do-it-yourself installation of a lamp in a suspended ceiling. Secrets of choosing and installing spotlights in a stretch ceiling Ceiling lamp mount on a stretch ceiling

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings

Consider how the installation of fixtures in stretch ceilings. Most often, spotlights are installed. They are good because they are suitable for any room. In addition to them, there are other types of lamps that can be installed in a stretch ceiling.

Varieties of lamps

To date, the following types of lamps are distinguished:

  • LED (do not heat up, last up to 5 years, high cost);
  • halogen (direct light in the right direction, shine brighter than conventional lamps, at the same power);
  • incandescent lamp (most often installed in rooms with high humidity e.g. in a bathroom or swimming pool);
  • luminescent (do not heat up, have good light output and reasonable cost);
  • point (the most common, suitable for any room).

So, to answer the question, how to install in stretch ceiling luminaires, you need to know the requirements for installation.

Basic installation requirements

First of all, it is worth noting that the light source must have a small power. This is necessary so as not to damage the film coating.

Advice: When choosing spotlights, you need to pay attention to the presence of wide sides. They must be mandatory, as they will hide the reinforcing ring.

Hiding a model, you must choose trusted manufacturers, since it is very difficult to open them, if necessary.

Mount the light bulbs in such a way that the light falls down, and not on the surface of the ceiling. The distance between the surface and the ceiling must be at least 10 cm (this is especially true for incandescent lamps, 6 cm is enough for halogen lamps).

Before stretching the canvas, it is necessary to fix the wiring.

Fixing spotlights

In order to fasten the light bulbs to the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to carry out their installation very carefully and carefully, since the PVC film is very delicate and it is easy to spoil it.

To install a spotlight in a stretch ceiling, you need:

  • lighting device;
  • cyanoacrylate glue and knife;
  • a special ring to strengthen the material;
  • acrylic box (its size must match the lamp).

Before you begin to mount the light source, you need to prepare the coating:

  • conduct all communications in the interceiling space;
  • firmly mount the frame.

On a note: It is worth noting that all preparatory work must be completed before the tension coating is installed. Of course, it is quite possible to mount a lamp in the finished ceiling, if the wires were pre-wired into the coating structure.

Mounting technology:

  1. First of all, you need to install the mounting profile.
  2. At the marked height, boxes with lamps are installed, each of which must have a nut (it is necessary so that you can adjust the desired height). The bottom edge of the box should always be no lower than the canvas.
  3. In order to remember the location of the devices in the future, it is necessary to make notes on the floor using a laser.
  4. Stretch the canvas.
  5. Make holes for lights.
  6. On the film mark the middle of all lighting fixtures. Then apply glue to the marked places. A reinforcing ring is put on the glue.
  7. Carefully make a hole in the middle of the ring through which you can adjust the height of the acrylic box.
  8. Connect to electricity.
  9. The light source is placed in a box.

Chandelier installation

Not every chandelier can be mounted in a stretch ceiling, so it must be chosen correctly.


In this case, it is necessary to follow a few rules so that the installation goes smoothly.

Selection rules:

  • first of all, when choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that the design is not made in the form of a plate (the base gets very hot when illuminated, since it is made of thin metal);
  • it is best to give preference to simple models, rather than intricate ones, if you are going to mount it yourself;
  • so that spots do not form on the surface of the canvas, preference should be given to models with a ceiling and an internal light bulb;
  • in case the design was chosen without a ceiling, it is recommended to give preference to the model that is endowed with a mirror reflector;
  • energy saving light bulbs are the best option.


To date, there are two ways to attach the chandelier to the surface. The most popular mounting method is ceiling hook». Additional Tools, fasteners and material is not required. Preference should be given to the anchor hook, as it is reliable and durable.

Mounting process:

  • make a hole in the surface with a perforator;
  • hook attached;
  • the hook must be positioned so that it is a few centimeters above the canvas.

Mounting the chandelier using the mounting plate:

  • the lamp is tried on to the surface;
  • if there is an old hook, then it is not necessary to remove it (suddenly it will come in handy for the next chandelier), so it is enough to bend it;
  • using the bar, make marks where fasteners will take place;
  • make holes;
  • install dowels;
  • fastening the bar (it is installed either above the ceiling or at the level).

In order for the installation to be successful, without difficulties, it is worth considering some nuances:

  1. Before installation work you need to make sure that the electricity is temporarily turned off. All work must be done with construction gloves.
  2. In order not to spoil the canvas, it is not necessary to fasten the lamp strongly. If you still need to firmly attach it, then in this case a gasket must be placed between the panel and the bar.
  3. Before starting installation work, you need to look at the plan concealed wiring. If there is no plan, then in this case you can use a special device with which you can determine the location of the wiring.

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If you have planned self-installation fixtures in suspended ceiling, it would be useful to understand in detail the features of such an operation. Then the completed installation will ensure uninterrupted and quality work lighting sources.

Suspended ceiling structures today are quite popular among fans beautiful interiors in various residential areas. For such ceilings, lighting devices should be selected especially carefully. This is due to the fact that the lamps on them perform not only a practical function. They, in addition, make it possible to divide rooms into several separate zones and form harmonious design premises.

Lighting with spotlights

Traditional incandescent lamps are now rarely used. They are an outdated lighting option - uneconomical and not appropriate. current trends design living rooms. Mounting heavy chandeliers on a suspended structure also does not make much sense. Especially if the height of the room is modest in size. Bulky chandeliers and ordinary lamps have been replaced by better quality fixtures these days. If you are planning to create original design ceiling, experts advise using LED or spot lighting devices for these purposes.

The first of these requires a minimum of electricity, they differ long term services. But they are usually not used as a full-fledged source of illumination, which is objectively low power such lamps. Most often they are installed to focus on any details of the interior.

But point fixtures (they are often called spots) are recognized by professionals ideal option complete lighting of the premises. These lamps are used different kinds lamps, they work from networks with a voltage of 12 and 220 V, differ from each other in a constructive scheme. It is point devices that are now mounted on suspended structures in most dwellings. Spots evenly distribute light throughout the room. At the same time, the installation of spotlights in a false ceiling is done without problems by hand. More on this later.

To install the light sources of interest to us, you will need to purchase the lamps themselves and lamps for them - halogen or fluorescent (you can also use traditional incandescent bulbs, but it is better to do without them), power wire, electrical tape or special heat shrink (insulating), sleeves (as an option - terminal blocks ) for wiring connection, switch. The power of lamps for a false ceiling should be no more than 40 watts. If you take stronger products, the ceiling structure may deteriorate due to excessive heat.

Halogen lamps

Halogen lamps are expensive. But they have a lot of operational advantages:

  • compactness (their height does not exceed 4 cm);
  • high profitability;
  • wide light spectrum.

Such light bulbs work with a transformer that lowers the voltage to 12 V, or from regular network. You can go to them if you want to independently adjust the brightness of the glow of halogens. But the dimmer is not connected to luminescent products. And the dimensions of such light bulbs are quite large, which complicates the process of their installation in false ceilings. The electrical wire for lighting installation is selected taking into account what specific material the ceiling structure is constructed from.

If you make it from plastic or wood-fiber products (MDF), you need to buy an RKGM cable (it is characterized high level fire safety). For drywall and aluminum surfaces, you can use a simpler VVG wire with three or two cores. Buy any terminal blocks. But remember - such electrical wire connectors are classified as regularly serviced. This means that you will have to check their tightness every 6 months. Otherwise, there is a possibility of their charring caused by the heating of the lamps.

Such problems do not arise in cases where the wires are connected with tinned copper (or pure copper) sleeves. Therefore, it is better to use them. We add that in order to protect the connection areas of the wiring with the lighting fixture, it is necessary to apply heat shrink tube or regular electrical tape. Direct installation of a spotlight in a suspended ceiling is carried out in several stages:

  1. Design of the lighting system.
  2. Electrical wiring to the points where the light bulbs will be located.
  3. Creation of holes for lighting devices.
  4. Connection of fixtures, their fixation and subsequent check for operability.

Below we will talk about all these steps in more detail so that you can easily make your own lighting.

The configuration of the lighting system for ceilings is developed before all elements are mounted. suspended structure. This is especially important when you are implementing multi-level ceiling solutions. At this stage, it is important to remember that wall surfaces luminaires should be at least 0.6 m away, and a distance of about 100 cm should be maintained between individual lighting devices. The design is carried out so that not a single luminaire falls on the details of the crate, on which the facing material is subsequently attached.

Installation of fixtures

Also, before the stage of forming the frame, you need to separate the wiring (each lamp must be connected to its own wiring), and then fix the electrical cables. Then it will not be difficult for you to get the wires after drilling holes for the lamps and connect them. It is desirable to fix the wiring with plastic ties. Use tie-downs with some slack in the cable, do not overtighten it. Thus, you will protect the wiring from rupture during its thermal deformation observed during lighting operation.

Be sure to make small loops (13-15 centimeters) in places where holes for lamps will be drilled. In this case, it will be very easy for you to connect the wires.

After installing the ceiling structure, start making holes in the skin. This operation is easiest to perform with a crown on wood. It is also used to prepare recesses for mounting boxes for electrical outlets. The cross section of technological holes is selected as follows. Drilled holes should have a diameter slightly smaller than the size of the inner part of the spot and 3–4 mm larger than the outer part of the lighting device. Typically, the size of the holes is 6-7.5 cm.

Now you can connect the wiring to individual fixtures. Pull out the cable for pre-made loops, cut it along the bend, strip it. After that, connect the wire (one end is connected to the supply core, the second is clamped in the terminal on the spot). It is important not to make a mistake here. Carefully study the markings on the lighting device (zero is indicated by the letter N, phase - by the letter L). As you understand, all work with electrical wiring is carried out exclusively in a de-energized room.

The next step is fixing the fixtures. Everything is elementary here. Bend the brackets on the sides of the spot. Insert them into the ceiling structure. After such an installation, the brackets themselves will press the lighting fixture to the ceiling. Now you can connect the supply main cable to the junction box and switch. Turn on the lights and admire how chic you were able to decorate your ceiling with spot devices. notice, that LED lights mounted in the same way. But them in without fail must be connected to a step-down voltage (up to 12 V) power supply.

Despite the existing restrictions on stretch ceiling fixtures, there are still many options for lighting system equipment. Installation of optical fiber, LED and fluorescent devices must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

The content of the article:

Competently organized lighting divides the room into zones, visually expands the space and makes it more comfortable. Having decided on the type and location of the fixtures in the stretch ceiling, you need to choose correct method fixation, taking into account the characteristics of each device. There are several ways of fastening, which depend on the type of lamps and their location relative to the stretch fabric. However, before starting work, you should prepare the coating, draw up a diagram and conduct wiring.

Preparatory work before installing fixtures in a stretch ceiling

In order for the lighting system to perform all the functions assigned to it, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work before stretching the canvas:
  • Calculation of the number of fixtures in the stretch ceiling. If you are planning the installation of spot products, then proceed from the calculation: one device - for 1.5-2 m 2. For example, in a room with an area of ​​40 m 2, it is optimal to use 27 lamps. However, when calculating, also consider the power of the lamps and the purpose of the room. Perhaps you will have additional sources of lighting. Pay attention to the size of the fixtures for stretch ceilings, their number should be proportionate to the dimensions of the room.
  • Wiring preparation. If it is planned to install more than 20 lamps in the room, then it is better to group them and connect them to different power sources. All wiring must be in a corrugated sleeve and securely fixed to the ceiling. Using halogen lamps, you need to install an additional transformer.
  • Preliminary marking of the ceiling. Even before fixing the canvas on the ceiling, you should decide how the light sources will be located. This is especially true for multi-level ceilings. It is necessary to highlight each tier in a separate lighting circuit. After that, the light sources need to be distributed accordingly. The places of the lamps should be distributed so as not to fall on the baguettes. From the nearest profile to the hole for the spotlight withstand minimum distance- 25 mm. When using a chandelier and point light sources at the same time, move them apart. Spotlights can illuminate individual areas in the room.

Remember that oversaturation of the stretch ceiling with spotlights can not only adversely affect the appearance of the suspended structure, but also lead to deformation of the canvas.

Features of installing suspended chandeliers in a stretch ceiling

Hanging lamps are recommended to be installed in a room with a high ceiling. At the same time, it is desirable to give preference to models with ceiling lamps directed downwards in order to prevent overheating of the material. The optimal distance from the ceiling to the canvas is 25-40 cm, depending on the type of lamps used.

Outdoor installation of the luminaire is one of the simplest and can be done with a hook, mounting bar or plate. We carry out work after de-energizing the room.

Features of mounting a pendant chandelier using a mounting plate:

  1. We cut out a 15 * 15 cm plate from plywood and make a hole with a diameter of 2 cm in the center.
  2. We mount this part on suspensions using dowels to the ceiling.
  3. We pull the bolt to determine the level of the located plate in relation to the ceiling baguettes.
  4. We pass the wire through the hole and test the circuit.
  5. We stretch the canvas and glue the thermal ring in the place of the central hole of the plate.
  6. After complete gluing, cut out a circle around the perimeter inside the ring.
  7. We pull out the wire and connect it to the chandelier.
  8. Screw the holder to the mounting plate.
  9. We fix the chandelier and connect to the network.

When installing with a hook, we perform the work in the same sequence, but instead of the mounting plate, a hook from the reinforcement is fixed. With this method, you can make several fixtures in stretch ceilings.

Technology for fixing spotlights in a stretch fabric

Before placing the lamps in the stretch ceiling, we determine the power of the lamps used. It should not exceed 40 watts. Choose a lamp with wide sides.

During the installation process, follow these instructions:

  • We determine the location of the fixtures in the stretch ceiling and draw up a diagram.
  • After laying the wiring, we attach the adjustable racks to the base coat according to the drawing.
  • We project a mark on the floor with a laser beam at the place where the rack is fixed. You will need this for easy locating of the studs after the ceiling is installed.
  • We stretch the canvas.
  • A day after the installation of the ceiling at the locations of the racks, we glue several thermal rings on superglue.
  • After reliable fixation, we cut a hole inside the rings.
  • We insert the tread ring and put it on the ceiling from the inside.
  • We fasten the outer fastener bar.
  • We take out the cable and connect it to the terminals of the device.
  • We install a decorative profile and adjust the position of the lamp along the height of the canvas.
  • We press the spring fasteners to the body and stretch it into the hole.
Please note that incandescent lamps cannot be used for ceiling mounting due to strong heat dissipation. The only exception is spotlights. closed type. However, in this case, the distance from the base surface to the material should be from 10 cm. If halogen lamps are used, then it can be reduced to 6 centimeters.

Rules for mounting LED strip in a stretch ceiling

Placing fixtures between the stretch fabric and the main ceiling is rare, but this method is often used by designers to create original stylistic effects. For internal installation the LED strip is optimal, but in this case the canvas itself must be made of reflective film.

We carry out work before stretching the canvas in this order:

  1. We calculate the required length of the tape and the power of the power supply. If it exceeds 10 meters, then it is more expedient to equip a parallel connection.
  2. We mount an RGB controller to control the color of the LEDs.
  3. We make marks at the attachment points.
  4. We remove the protective film and glue the tape according to the scheme to the main ceiling.
  5. We connect the diode tape and the power supply.
  6. We check the operation of the lighting system and proceed to stretching the canvas.

Do-it-yourself starry sky from fiber optics on a stretch ceiling

Using optical fiber, you can recreate the effect of a burning flame or a starry sky.

You can make such lighting yourself according to the following instructions:

  • We fasten baguettes to fix the canvas at a distance of five centimeters from the base ceiling.
  • On the surface we draw the location of the fiber optic strands.
  • Carefully, so as not to break, we fix the bundles with special brackets.
  • We fix the projectors and connect the threads to it.
  • We stretch the canvas.
  • We attach a thin wire to the tip of the soldering iron and make a hole in the place where the “star” is fixed.
  • We pull the tip of the fiber through the hole made, cut it to the desired length and process it with glue.

Please note that fiber optics are only suitable for creating decorative lighting, but are not used as the main lighting for the room.

The method of mounting fluorescent lamps in a stretch ceiling

Bright and intense lighting can be arranged using fluorescent lamps. They can be used as the main light sources. Among the shortcomings, uneven light supply due to a broken connection is distinguished.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. Before installing a lamp with a fluorescent lamp in a stretch ceiling, we draw a layout diagram.
  2. Before starting the installation of lighting fixtures, it is necessary to de-energize the room.
  3. We install the boxes according to the scheme on the base ceiling.
  4. Using a connecting cable, we connect the lamps together and mount them in boxes.
  5. We connect to the power supply.

It is undesirable to install more than 12 devices of different power in one chain.

How to install a lamp in a stretch ceiling - look at the video:

Installing a luminaire in a stretch ceiling requires a serious and responsible approach. Only taking into account the features of each type of device, it is possible to recreate the lighting system in accordance with all the rules. The durability of the canvas and the serviceability of the entire system depend on the literacy of the installation.

The beauty of a stretch ceiling is hard to dispute, it is obvious. But what about the functionality? More precisely, with the arrangement of lighting. How exactly is the installation of fixtures in a stretch ceiling formed by a heat-sensitive and easily damaged sharp objects pvc film? - Consider in detail the features of the selection and installation of fixtures in a stretch ceiling.

As a rule, two types of lighting are used in the house: main and backlight. The main source of lighting can be a ceiling lamp: raster, fluorescent or LED, located in the center of the room. Recessed spotlights and led strip are used as an additional source of illumination - illumination. With stretch ceilings, you can use almost any lighting fixtures, but due to the heat sensitivity of PVC film, there is a limitation in the power of the lamps (incandescent up to 60 W, halogen - up to 36 W). Installation of fixtures in a stretch ceiling is carried out according to a pre-planned scheme, while taking into account the layout of the room and the necessary general illumination.

Fixing points for fixtures must be prepared in advance (before installation of a stretch ceiling) and electrical wiring must be connected to them.

Possible mounting options

When choosing a chandelier, one should be guided not only by personal preferences, color compatibility and stylistic consonance lighting device with the rest of the interior. First of all, it is important to meet the following requirements:

  • the base of the chandelier should not heat up;
  • lamps should be placed inside the shades, have a side or bottom direction.

Try to avoid complex structures whenever possible. It is highly desirable to use energy-saving lamps.

Preparation of the place of fastening of the chandelier before installation of the stretch ceiling depends on design features fastening of one or another model. There are several mounting methods.

Mounting the device on a hook

The traditional way, which existed even before the mass use of stretch ceilings, it is familiar to almost everyone and to this day is the most reliable. The essence of the method is that the chandelier is hung on a metal anchor or hook built into the floor slab during the construction of the house.

It is only necessary to choose a hook of the required length, make sure that it is strong and matches the level of the ceiling (the hook must be above the level of the film so that there is no visible gap between the chandelier cup and the ceiling).

Luminaire with mounting plate and step-down transformer

Fastening with a mounting plate

In this case, the chandelier is mounted on a special mounting plate (included with the chandelier). Need to make wooden base, the height of which is determined by the level of the stretch ceiling film. Such a base should be firmly fixed to the main ceiling with dowels and self-tapping screws. A puncher is used to drill holes for dowels. Subsequently, you need to attach the mounting plate of the chandelier to this base.

The cross-shaped plate for fixing the chandelier is fixed with dowels and self-tapping screws

Mounting with cross plate

Chandeliers are fastened in this way large sizes. The cruciform plate is made from a piece of plywood to which tin legs are attached. The legs are securely attached to the ceiling, thanks to their flexibility, the height of the plate is adjusted. In the center of the plate is a hole for wires.

Plate for mounting the chandelier, the position of the lighting device is adjusted by bending the tin legs

Installation of spotlights

It makes sense to purchase spotlights even before installing the stretch ceiling, in which case it is possible to measure the length of the spotlight with the distance between the base and stretch ceiling (if it is necessary to install spotlights, the stretch ceiling should be at least 6 cm lower than the base one). In spotlights, fluorescent, LED, halogen and incandescent lamps are used.

In our case, spotlights with additional thermal insulation, or fluorescent and LED light sources, are best suited, since they heat up the least.

Scheme of mounting a spotlight in a stretch ceiling

Before mounting the ceiling, it is necessary to perform preparatory work - laying wires and installing fixtures for fixtures. In the case of using lamps with a voltage of 12V, provide a place for placing a step-down transformer. In places of installation of spotlights, special suspensions on metal plates are attached to the base ceiling, which makes it possible to adjust their height - the lower suspension plane should be located at the level of the stretch ceiling.

After the preparatory work a stretch ceiling is mounted, special glue is glued to the places where it is necessary to make a hole in the film plastic ring when the glue is firmly “grabbed”, the film in the center of the ring should be carefully cut with a clerical knife. Then, pre-laid wires are taken out through the hole obtained and connected to the lamp with special contacts. Then follows the installation of the lighting fixture in a manner consistent with its design.

Installation of fixtures in a stretch ceiling requires accuracy, accuracy, certain knowledge and skills. Such work can be entrusted only to a professional in their field.

Bright light sources in the form of small lanterns have become very popular in the design and lighting of residential and office space. Suspended and stretch ceilings provide their optimal placement. Various materials of stretch ceilings using spots in combination with spotlights create a huge variety of interiors. Moreover, the installation of spotlights in a stretch ceiling is simple and quite within the power of home craftsmen. To help them install a spotlight on their own, this article is written.

Embedded platforms

Structurally, spotlights must match the stretch ceiling. Its material is located at some distance from ceiling. Therefore, the dimensions of the spotlight must be less than the mentioned distance. The base part for the installation of these illuminators is the embedded platform. Fixing fixtures to the stretch ceiling is based on these platforms. The sizes of spotlights installed in stretch ceilings can be different, but standardized.

Therefore, you can purchase a mortgage with the appropriate dimensions to make the installation of fixtures in a stretch ceiling. Usually such platforms are more decorative, which contributes to the decoration of the ceiling and better perception built-in lamps.

But if the conditions for performing the work do not allow to determine in advance which lamp will be built into the stretch ceiling, universal platforms are purchased. They are specially made to fit required size to embed the chassis.

Before installing a spotlight, the dimensions of its body are measured. From the concentric circles applied in the form of irregularities on the surface of the platform, the nearest one with a slightly larger diameter is selected. An incision is made along it with a mounting knife and then the unnecessary cut off part of the platform is removed. This is convenient, but not as decorative as a ready-made mortgage platform. It is made in order to install only a case of one diameter.

  • The lamp installed in the ceiling is not only round, but also square in shape. For such built-in square illuminators, there are square embedded platforms.

Square illuminator and platform for it


The stretch ceiling begins with markings. This is milestone, on which depends appearance ceiling. If the illuminators are arranged in one or more rows, a noticeable deviation from a straight line spoils all the beauty. Ceiling markings are tedious in and of themselves. In addition, on the ceiling it will need to be done the first time to fix the lamps and the second time on the already stretched material. But there is a technology in which you can work on markup only once. To do this, it is done on the floor and projected onto the ceiling.

  • First, on the floor, by eye or otherwise, the approximate locations of the light sources are determined when they are located on the ceiling.
  • Adhesive tape is glued to these places. It is designed for labeling.
  • For markup, it is convenient to use a template that can be made from improvised materials.
  • First, the marking is done with a pencil. If something is wrong, the lines are erased and redrawn. When it becomes obvious that the line is marked correctly with a pencil, it is drawn with a marker.
  • Using ready-made markings made on the floor and a light level, the marks are transferred first to the main, and then to the stretch ceiling.

We apply markings on the floor using a template, and transfer it to the ceiling with a light level

The light mark will be in the same place after the installation of the film. Having transferred the markup to the ceiling, they begin to attach mortgage platforms to it. To perform this and subsequent operations, you need a set of tools and accessories shown in the image below.

Fixing platforms to the ceiling

Universal platforms are cut to fit existing luminaires. Each of them must be checked by inserting the lamp into the resulting hole. Then you need to prepare the platforms for installation on the base ceiling. For this, a metal perforated tape is used. It cuts and bends as required. To obtain the dimensions of the workpiece for attaching the platform, it is necessary to measure the distance to the ceiling over the profile supporting the stretch ceiling. For each platform, one mounting bracket and one wire tie are made.


Stretching the wire from one attachment point to another, it is folded in the form of a loop. It is passed through the mortgage platform. Later, the loop will be cut to attach the lamp fittings. A wire or cable runs along the ceiling. It is recommended to use multi-core cable due to better flexibility.

When laying the cable, there may be several fixing points with cable sagging. Between them, the cable should not sag. Long spans are fastened between the lamps with additional clamps. If the ceiling is wooden, the cable spans are threaded through a metal corrugated pipe.

The ends of the cores obtained after cutting the loop are stripped of insulation. After that, lamp holders are mounted either by soldering or using terminal blocks.

Cable cores clamped in the terminal block

Soldering is the most reliable type of connection of contacts during installation. However, it is slower and more labor intensive. But when soldering, there are no costs for the purchase of terminal blocks. In terms of costs, soldering is cheaper and more reliable. Which type of installation to choose, the customer decides. When soldering, the wires of a pre-prepared lamp socket are soldered to the stripped wires.

When all the platforms are mounted, the wires are removed inside so that they do not hang down and do not interfere with the tension of the ceiling material. After that, you can stretch the canvas of the suspended ceiling. Install a stretch ceiling with your own hands home master quite capable.

On the finished ceiling after tension, using the previously made markings on the floor, marks are applied indicating the centers of the embedded platforms.

Final stage

According to the markup, rings are glued to the canvas. If the housing does not heat the canvas, as, for example, in an LED illuminator, one ring is enough. For a halogen lamp, it is recommended to glue two rings, one on top of the other. It is very important to glue the first ring qualitatively. It will hold the stretched canvas. After an incision with poor-quality gluing and separation from the ring, the even stretched surface may be lost and it will be difficult to restore it. The installation of fixtures on stretch ceilings can only begin after the rings are securely glued to the ceiling canvas.

Further, the web material is cut along the inner contour of the ring. A terminal block or a lamp connector is threaded through the resulting hole, depending on the choice of installation. If a connection is made to the terminal block, it is recommended to bend the stripped conductor in half. This improves contact.

Spotlights are connected to the electrical wiring and put into place in the embedded platforms. This completes the installation of fixtures in the stretch ceiling.

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