Woodcarving by an engraver for beginners: material with interesting and useful tips, a video selection and high-quality photographs of the work. Wood engraving Wood engraving for beginners

Decor elements 29.08.2019
Decor elements

Significantly facilitate your task by performing relief wood carving, you can use a drill (electric engraver) with various nozzles. Personally, I buy nozzles for a drill at a bird market. These are, first of all, various dental burs and cutters for metal:

Usually, the drill is equipped with a flexible shaft. It is convenient to use it when making small details in the thread. However, when using a flexible shaft, the drill loses half the power.
So, carving is best done on wood species with a monolithic structure: these are linden, beech, alder, pear. Pine, ash and oak are less suitable for this purpose. However, I am in this case carved on pine, for lack of other material.

First, we transfer the sketch to the board and shade the background that we will choose with a pencil:

Now we take a small bur with a round star-shaped section and circle the elements of our drawing along the contour with it:

Then we select the background with the same bur, only with a larger diameter:

To select a background large volume, it is convenient to use the nozzle-limiter that comes with the drill:

The depth of cut must first be adjusted and practiced on an unnecessary piece of wood.
Having chosen the background, we grind it with a fine sandpaper:

Now we move on to cutting through small elements of the thread, in this case, the vein on the leaves and the eyes on the berries:

We finally grind all the panels and cover it with a water stain:

Now we take a small skin and go through the whole drawing with it. The stain will remain in places where the background is lower:

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Elements of arts and crafts, made in the technique of wood carving, serve as decoration for the home and decorative elements in outdoor decoration premises. The traditional tools used for wood carving include knives, needle files, chisels. Now drills are being added to this list. They help increase the speed and accuracy of wood processing and facilitate the process of translating ideas into objects of applied art.

The main characteristics of the drill include: engine power, maximum speed and torque. Wood cutting equipment can be powerful, able to withstand heavy loads, or miniature, working long time with high turnover. Depending on the work performed, both types of tools are used. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase two types of wood carving drills with different characteristics.

You can make a powerful drill with your own hands. To do this, you need to take the electric motor from the old washing machine or any powerful engine and attach the sleeve from the drill to it through a belt drive. The sleeve and tip will have to be purchased separately.

To make a homemade engraver, you can use a drill or screwdriver. You need to purchase a flexible shaft that is installed directly on the drill, and a tip for attaching the tool. Using a flexible shaft helps with fine patterns, but the drill loses half its power. When working with a drill, it is convenient to use a tripod. It is designed to hang a tool on it and engrave with a tip with nozzles through a flexible shaft.

Types of nozzles

A wide variety of nozzles for a wood engraver is dictated by the variety of work performed. In the home workshop, the following types of nozzles are most often used:

Engravers are often equipped with collet chucks. This is not very convenient, because under heavy loads the shank can rotate. You can use key chucks, where the tool is securely clamped by cams.

Technical machines

Devices of this type have considerable power and can be used for industrial purposes for drilling, boring holes, countersinking and grinding. Russian manufacturer produces sleeveless drills brand "Profile" which are equipped with a pedal. This makes them comfortable to work with. The cartridge of such machines allows the use of nozzles with a shank diameter of up to 6.5 mm. This equipment only works at low speeds.

Powerful drills for technical purposes are produced by the American company Foredom SR. This reliable tool operating under high loads.

Compact hand engravers

Compact drills or micromotors differ in that they do not have a flexible shaft. The motor is located at the back of the machine. Such engravers are used for fine carving. Micromotor Russian production"DPM 25−2" is convenient for fine work Oh. It is equipped with a medical tip and can be used with a variety of attachments. The disadvantages include the fact that the medical handpiece is not suitable for intense loads, and the device can only perform light work.

Micromotors are not designed for heavy work. They are only used with small burs and cutters. The use of large burs reduces tool life. In case of failure, it is necessary to replace the engine, which cannot be repaired.

Wood carvings, made by the hand of a master, attract attention with their filigree finish, fineness and elegance of the pattern, the beauty of the material itself, which has been given a new long life.

The art of wood carving has a long and glorious history, from carved architraves in the huts of the Russian outback to decorative masks from African villages. Each professional has his own technologies for carved wood processing in order to obtain a highly artistic product, as well as a set of tools for performing this delicate and painstaking work.

Hard, durable and heavy woods - boxwood, ironwood, hop-hornbeam and many others - attract the attention of real professionals their original structure and beauty, although their processing requires great patience and skill.

Choosing a drill for woodcarving

Exists a large number of aggregates that facilitate the work of the cutter. Wood carving with a drill for beginners involves right choice tool. The success of training and the rapid acquisition of the necessary skills depend on this. This work requires considerable perseverance, patience and care.

The most important criteria for determining the quality of the device - is the spindle speed and amount of torque. The rotational speed can be from three to thirty thousand revolutions per minute. The cutter holder is made in a collet and more reliable key form. To ensure the highest quality of work and the most comfortable and safe operation It is recommended to have two types of engravers. One should be relatively low speed but have high torque, and the second high speed for finishing and polishing parts.

The range of prices for wood carving drills is quite large, but a high price is not a guarantee good quality and reliability. Basically, you need to focus on well-known brands that have proven themselves in the world market as leading manufacturers. Powerful and reliable engines are produced, for example, by the American company Foredom S. R., which supplies its products with a wide range of accessory nozzles, holders and engraving cutters. The Russian brand "Profile" fully meets the requirements for power, reliability and speed, which, combined with an affordable price, makes the device quite attractive.

Professional wood carving drills are distinguished by a set of specialized nozzles and cutters for performing particularly delicate and precise operations that require mastery skills and knowledge of specific technologies. Such machines are also called mini-drills. or hand engraver.

An engraver for woodcarving can be made independently, at home. For this purpose, an electric motor from a washing machine with a power of up to 300 watts is suitable. It will be necessary to buy a flexible shaft and a set of heads. In addition, it is necessary to have cutters, polishing and grinding nozzles. different sizes. Well, if there is an opportunity to regulate the number of revolutions of the engine.

Types and purpose of cutters and nozzles

A wide variety of dental instruments allows them to be successfully used in artistic carving. High strength and wear resistance provide durable and quality application products.

Finishing products

To polish surfaces ready for final finishing, felt circles are used, on which a special paste is applied, which makes it possible to achieve a mirror finish. After the work is completed and the required quality has been achieved, a thin layer of clear varnish is recommended for soft woods. This will ensure the isolation of the model from moisture and increase the durability of the product. After varnishing you can polish the surface again until a homogeneous mirror structure is obtained. Solid varieties do not require varnishing and allow you to enjoy the natural beauty of the material.

Working as an engraver is a fascinating procedure with which you can create various patterns and inscriptions on the surface of the workpiece, grind and polish small parts, as well as decide whole list other tasks. In order for the results of the work of an engraver, which can be used as a typical drill, to be of high quality, it is necessary not only to understand why it is needed, but also to know all the nuances of using such equipment.

The engraver allows you to work not only with wood, but also with other materials.

Equipment selection

When choosing an engraver or drill, you must decide for what work such a device will be used, as well as what materials will be processed with it. Knowing this, choose an engraving machine for working on metal and other materials or a drill for woodcarving (even considering the huge variety of such devices presented on modern market) you can without any problems.

The most significant characteristics of engravers that you should pay the main attention to are:

  • the power of the drive motor, which determines the ability of the equipment to work for a long time under significant mechanical loads and process various materials;
  • the number of revolutions developed by the working body in which the engraving tool is fixed.

Nowadays, there are plenty to choose from, each manufacturer produces several models of engravers that differ both in price and in functionality.

Very often, those who are going to purchase an engraver for their professional activity or for work at home, you have to make a choice between the two above characteristics. No matter how much one would like to effectively combine high power and speed, no modern engraving device from among serial models is capable of effectively combining. That is why specialists who often have to use the engraver immediately acquire both powerful and resourceful models. Best Choice in such cases will be:

  • powerful engraver, the working tip of which has a reinforced design;
  • compact and lightweight micromotor capable of operating at high speeds.

For heavy work a tool with an additional handle will be convenient, and it is better to apply fine engraving with a compact device

For not too complex work engraver at home, you can make such a device yourself, endowing it with exactly the functionality and characteristics that are needed. There is a wide variety of designs of homemade engravers and videos on their manufacture, so choosing an acceptable option is not difficult. For example, you can make an engraver that will be powered by an electric motor from an old household appliances. However, to make it convenient to work with a home-made engraving machine, it is necessary to equip it with a flexible drive and a special nozzle in which the tool used will be fixed.

Using a home-made engraver at home, you can not only apply inscriptions and patterns to the product, but also perform different kinds machining parts made of metal, plastic and bone. It is also possible to carve wood with a hand-made engraver. Depending on the working tool installed in the nozzle of such a device, it can be used as a mini-drill, a small milling cutter, a compact grinder and polisher.

To choose serial model An engraver who will effectively cope with all the tasks should be guided not only by the rating of such equipment among specialists, but also by its characteristics and functionality.

Serial models of engravers

Serial models of engravers, which are equally successfully used both at home and in the professional field, can be divided into the following categories.

Technical drills

These are powerful sleeveless devices with which you can successfully perform various technological operations, namely: drilling, grinding, milling, etc. Such units, operating at low speeds, are equipped with a convenient foot pedal and can be used in conjunction with both collet and quick-release chucks.

The power of technical drills allows them to be used for various operations with the help of additional nozzles and accessories.

Micromotors without flexible drive (sleeves)

Compact drive motor, which is equipped with engravers of this type, is attached to the back of the working nozzle. Such small and high-speed engravers, not designed for heavy loads, are used mainly for the most delicate work. At the same time, the micromotor that these engravers are equipped with cannot be repaired, it can only be replaced with a new one. That is why it is advisable to use these devices for not too complex work, without subjecting it to significant loads.

Engravers or drills with a flexible shaft

Such drills are very convenient to use for engraving and fine carving. However, it should be borne in mind that the flexible shaft with which they are equipped reduces their power by almost half.

How to work as an engraver

In order for the work performed by the engraver to be more comfortable and efficient, certain rules should be followed.

Workplace preparation

The working surface on which the engraving is performed with a drill must be well lit, so it must be equipped with a powerful lamp that allows you to easily examine all the processed elements in great detail. If a paper template is used for engraving, then masking tape is required, with which the template is fixed on the surface to be treated. Sometimes a sketch of a drawing or an inscription to be engraved is applied to the workpiece with an ordinary felt-tip pen or pencil. The surface must be degreased with alcohol.

Tool preparation

To perform engraving, various tools installed in the engraver are used. Each of them performs certain functions. So, a tool with a working part in the shape of a cone is needed in order to apply the contour of the picture, and a cylindrical burr is needed to create small strokes. Before starting work, all tools should be laid out on the desktop in exactly the order in which they will be used.


The hand in which the working nozzle of the engraver is held must slide freely over the surface to be treated; for this, it is recommended to wear a fabric glove. Such a glove will also allow you not to leave marks from the hand on the degreased surface of the workpiece. In the event that you have no experience in engraving yet, it is better to work at minimum speed. This will allow you to cut an even pattern consisting of strokes of the same depth, and at the same time not damage the workpiece.

All engraving methods assume that the contour of the drawing is first performed, and only then its details are “drawn” with the appropriate tool. The made drawing should be processed with a felt roller, which will give it a neater look and remove all burrs left by the tool from the treated surface.

If the design of the engraver or drill that you use does not provide for a forced ventilation system, then after 10–15 minutes of operation, the equipment should be turned off and allowed to cool naturally.

Video painting master class: Engraving and gilding according to the old lacquered furniture
Type of creativity / technique / style: engraving, gilding (drawing-painting)

Materials: screwdriver, grindstone, gold (copper?) "dust", quick-drying varnish

Opening hours: not exactly known (continued with bursts of inspiration)

The process of creating the "golden Volodya". Demonstration of two original visual methods at once - engraving with a sharpened screwdriver on old lacquered furniture and "gilding" by mixing copper chips with quick-drying varnish.

Hand engraving is also called live engraving, because it is done by hand, which means that a piece of the master’s soul is invested in the product.


Manual engraving of a tree happens with the help of a drill. There is also engraving with a chisel.

Manual engraving can also be done by “burning out” the contour on a wooden surface. The color of what will turn out as a result depends on the chosen material. The color range is from pale yellow to dark variations of brown and black. Moreover, after removing paint or lacquer from the product, the color of the tree may be radically different from the expected.

Engraving can also be done on other materials. But, nevertheless, it is woodwork that looks the most solid. The complex of material properties gives it not only an unusual color, but also an original relief.

Hand engraving originated a long time ago, but remains popular to this day. As a rule, earlier hand engraving was used to apply convex images to metal, wood or stone using a special tool - a chisel. Stichel is a special type of chisel, the blade of which is located perpendicular to the axis of the tool. With the help of a graver, the master engraver cuts "grooves" on the surface to be treated, leading the tool along the line of the desired pattern.


V modern world hand engraving is usually done with a special engraving drill. The drill fits easily in the hand of the master, and high speed and a sharp cutter allows you to get a high quality drawing. Hand engraving is now more often used for single works, for example, for inscriptions on wedding rings.

Benefits of hand engraving:
Low requirements for the shape and material of the workpiece
Low equipment cost
Aesthetics of the received image and ease of processing

Disadvantages of hand engraving:
High cost even with a single order
Requires a highly skilled engraver
The terms for applying complex images are quite long

Mechanical engraving now very common all over the world. With this technology, a human-computer-machine link is most often used for processing products. The engraving machine has a horizontal working field, above which is a rotating cutter. The cutter, as in the case of a drill, when moving along the surface of the product, cuts grooves to give required form and drawing a picture or text. Mechanical engraving has an increased accuracy of the resulting image when using high-end equipment and the latest software. recognized leader in the production of machines for mechanical engraving is the Japanese company Roland, which has established itself throughout the world due to trouble-free technology and the ability to integrate with many other systems and software products


The principle of this method, most of you have checked yourself in the dentist's office. scratched out upper layer. How it's done? Just! As you write with a pen, so do the engraving. Due to the ease of handling of the tip, you can write or draw on almost any surface. Convex or concave, ribbed or waves, but anywhere. The main thing is to adapt to hold the product. Either fix it or hold it with your hands. If this is a samovar, then you have to keep it on your knees. If we make an inscription or drawing inside the ring, then it is necessary to hold the ring firmly with your fingers.
It is difficult with large mirrors, paintings under glass, in general, everything that large sizes. Have to do it while standing up. Somehow they asked: "Can I engrave on a motorcycle?". Yes, you can, if you bring the electrical outlet to the motorcycle, or vice versa


Advantages of mechanical engraving:
Low production cost for small runs
High image quality
The image applied by mechanical engraving is not subject to abrasion
Ability to use diamond engraving technology
Virtually any complexity of the pattern with small requirements for the layout

Disadvantages of mechanical engraving:
Restricting the image size to the dimensions of the working field of the machine
Can only be applied to flat surfaces
The speed of applying a complex high-quality image is quite low


Wood - the texture is not uniform, soft material. Boron literally goes in like a knife through butter. Therefore, hand pressure must be constantly monitored. During operation, a chip may fly off. To prevent this from happening, the speed must be kept under control. Wood engraving can also be covered with paint. Just be very careful. Each line is outlined with a brush with paint. Patience must be heavenly. If the hand trembles, all the work is for nothing. But if it worked out, moral satisfaction from the work performed is ensured, and those who received the gift will be pleasantly surprised.

If you yourself decide to practice scratching on your old furniture, I suggest using the stencils of Japanese engraving masters:

Antique Japanese woodblock prints of birds and botanicals

Given the fact that the handwriting of all people is different, then the engraving, respectively, is also different. The fear that a thing can be spoiled casts doubts. How will everything look like? Therefore, before giving a thing to work, ask what opportunities the master has, samples, photos.

Hand engraving requires maximum patience, accuracy, and certain skills. This is taught not for a day, not for a week, but for a month or two. And they hone their skills throughout, one might say, their entire lives.

Good luck with the change! @Milendia

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