Russian manufacturers of cast marble bathtubs review. The advantages of bathtubs and sinks made of cast marble include a whole list of characteristics

The buildings 04.03.2020
The buildings

Despite the appearance of functional, compact shower cabins on the construction market, bathtubs traditionally occupy a strong position in Russia. This is due to the fact that this plumbing fixture is considered in the country not only as a means of maintaining hygiene, but also as a place of rest, relaxation, and health promotion.

Therefore, homeowners are responsible for choosing a container for washing, comparing the pros and cons of models from different materials. The last word in the design was a stone bath, characterized by a long service life, aesthetic qualities and increased wear.

Due to the appearance of artificial stone, the price of products made from this material has decreased, but they still belong to the “luxury” category, therefore they are produced in very limited quantities. In this article we will talk about the types, popular forms, features of the manufacture of stone sanitary bowls.


A stone wash basin is a durable, strong, hygienic sanitary ware with excellent performance characteristics. The use of this natural material indoors makes the interior stylish and modern. The price of stone models starts from 100 thousand rubles and depends on the size, quality or complexity of the product.. For the manufacture of bathtubs, the following types of stone are used:

Important! Many homeowners are put off by the high price of natural or artificial stone when choosing a bathroom. However, professional craftsmen claim that these investments quickly pay off, because stone bowls have a longer service life than other types of baths.


For the sophisticated modern buyer, the variety of models and dimensions of the bathtub plays an important role. Stone models are produced in a symmetrical or asymmetrical form, therefore they are used in rooms of any size. They produce the following from stone:

Professional designers note that a stone corner bath is more suitable for small spaces, because it allows you to increase the comfort of performing hygiene procedures, saving free space. In addition, often such models are equipped with hydromassage equipment, built-in lighting, storage places, which contributes to maximum relaxation and recovery.


The exorbitant price often makes buyers wonder if the performance of stone baths justifies the high cost. More often people pay attention to the external attractiveness of stone products, however, in use they show their practicality and functionality. According to professional craftsmen, stone bath models have the following advantages:

  • High strength. Artificial and natural stone have increased strength, so it is almost impossible to damage models made of this material during operation.
  • Long service life. Bathtubs made of stone are considered almost eternal, therefore, having bought such a model once, you can use it for the rest of your life.
  • Hygiene. The surface of the stone does not absorb pollution, does not allow mold, fungus and other pathogenic microflora to spread, therefore bathtubs made of this material are considered the most hygienic and safe for health.
  • Low thermal conductivity. The low coefficient of thermal conductivity of the stone allows you to keep the temperature of the water for a long time, which ensures the comfort of hygiene procedures.
  • High decorative potential. Bathtubs made of natural and artificial stone in the interior look exclusive, expensive, stylish. By complementing the wash basin with a sink or countertop, you can get a modern, relevant and memorable design.

Interestingly, a bathtub made of artificial stone has its own advantages, despite the fact that the price for it is less than for natural models. High-quality stone bathtubs are covered with a layer of polyester resin during the production process, due to which they have a non-porous surface. Due to the absence of pores, artificial stone products have antibacterial properties and a self-cleaning effect.


Every material has disadvantages, including natural and artificial stone. Before purchasing a plumbing product, the price of which reaches hundreds of thousands of rubles, it is necessary to study the features of installation and operation, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of such a choice. A bath made of artificial stone or natural raw materials has the following disadvantages:

  1. Low maintainability. Repairing stone bathtubs is quite difficult, so restoring a damaged coating can be expensive for the owner. It is more difficult to repair a product from natural raw materials. Artificial stone products are much easier to restore. It is best to close the crack immediately after detection, without tightening, so as not to bring the case to the formation of a through hole.
  2. Prohibition of the use of abrasive detergents. Every housewife knows that sometimes the easiest way to remove dirt is with a hard sponge or abrasive detergent. However, it is not allowed to use stone products for cleaning, as they abrade the outer coating of the bathtub and leave scratches.
  3. risk of staining. Care should be taken when using hair dye or other coloring compounds in a stone wash basin, as they can soak into the material, changing color. The cup must be rinsed after each use.

Important! The main disadvantage of stone sanitary ware is the high price, which makes this type of bathtub out of reach for many homeowners. It is believed that low cost indicates internal defects and questionable product quality.

Video instruction

Acrylic or cast iron, quartz or cast marble - what is the best material? When buying a bath, all buyers have the same question - and today I propose to consider in detail the properties of each material, compare the pros and cons in order to make the right choice.

First hand information: this article presents conclusions based on many years of personal experience - and not copying disparate information scattered in the vastness of the network.

Expert staff when creating the material, they are represented by the company's specialists HydroMAS who know firsthand what each bathtub looks like and what it consists of from the inside – over many years of work, we have drilled and installed thousands of bathtubs.

Your new bath: what's inside?

It is no secret that modern technologies and industrial design possibilities allow you to create a bathtub from almost any material. From steel, whose only advantage, as you all know, is low cost, to exotic ones such as glass, stone, and even wood. In most cases, the choice is presented from acrylic bathtubs, classic cast iron, cast marble and a relatively new material - quartz. We will consider them in the article.

Acrylic: versatile and popular

So let's start with some of the most popular - acrylic bathtubs . When choosing, pay attention to two key characteristics: the type of acrylic sheet and its thickness.

Of course, you already know about the variety of shapes and sizes that acrylic allows you to create, but I would like to highlight a lesser known fact. So, did you know that the acrylic sheet from which the bathtub is made can be of 3 types: cast, extruded, and combined. Depending on which acrylic is used in production, the final cost of the bath is added up.

cast acrylic - the most durable, reliable, but at the same time the most expensive material. Its feature is in a specific manufacturing technology by casting. Due to this, cast acrylic has a longer molecular chain, which means that your bath becomes much stronger and more reliable.

Extruded Acrylic Sheet manufactured by rolling molten acrylic granules between rollers. The molecular chain in such a material is shorter and directed towards rolling - accordingly, it is less durable than cast acrylic, but still reliable enough for use in standard conditions. There is also a definite plus - the price of a bathtub made of extruded acrylic will be less due to the low cost of production of the material itself.

Combined sheet consists of two layers glued together - ABS plastic at the bottom and acrylic extruded sheet at the top. The percentage of layers can be different, depending on this, the price also changes - as you might guess, the thinner the layer of acrylic, the cheaper. Such material is quite reliable, affordable and very popular among manufacturers of economy segment baths.

Acrylic: what you need to know about the thickness of your bathtub?

Speaking of thickness, it is necessary to divide into two concepts: the thickness of the bathtub wall and the thickness of the acrylic sheet. By itself, acrylic is a very plastic material, which in its pure form will not withstand even the weight of a person, not to mention the weight of water in the bathroom. For strength, acrylic is reinforced (reinforced) with a layer of fiberglass with epoxy resin and embedded elements (usually plywood inserts) are installed in the bottom and upper sides of the bath.

When we talk about the thickness of the bathtub wall, we mean the total thickness of the acrylic sheet and the reinforcing layer. The thicker the reinforcing layer, the stronger, and the thicker the acrylic sheet, the longer the bath will serve you. The normal thickness of an acrylic sheet is 4 - 5 mm, but it is worth remembering that this is the thickness of the initial material and during the molding process the sheet is stretched and in some places it can be 2 times thinner, which is absolutely normal.

It is interesting: the thickness and number of layers can be clearly seen on the cut of the tub or on the overflow hole.

Acrylic bathtubs: a few more nuances

What else can affect the longevity of your acrylic bathtub? I also recommend paying attention choice of frame (frame). It must be strong and must have support posts that rest against the upper sides of the bath and prevent them from bending. It is better if the frame is solid (welded), and not twisted from longitudinal and transverse parts with bolts. The monolithic structure is more stable and will not loosen over time.

Another tip for those who buy bathtub with hydromassage . Acrylic would be a good choice for bowl material as it is the easiest material to use and does not require expensive tools to install. It is worth knowing that 95% of these baths are equipped with hydromassage systems already in Russia, even if the bath itself is made in Europe. This is due to the fact that a hot tub brought (already assembled) from another country costs several times more than a bathtub assembled from us - while the same European components are used in the assembly.

Cast iron bathtubs - an ageless classic of the genre

Cast iron- the next most popular material after acrylic. The reliability and harmlessness of this material is known, probably, to everyone. Indeed, from a professional point of view, cast iron is the safest material, it does not emit any toxins, and all possible bacteria were killed when enamel was applied at 900 degrees Celsius. In turn, the large weight of the material makes the bathtub resistant to tipping over.

At the same time, weight may seem like a certain disadvantage - the buyer is often afraid of the difficulties in delivery and installation. In our opinion, this minus is very conditional, since you encounter delivery once in 20 years, and even today all stores have a delivery service that will take care of all the worries.

Also, the limitations of the design can be attributed to the disadvantages. - if you choose an angular or asymmetric shape, then you can not look for cast-iron bathtubs, they do not exist. But the hydromassage is installed on cast iron without any problems - you can easily buy it in our salon.

Categories of cast iron bathtubs: what determines the cost?

  • Category 1 - "Euro" - European standard "CE"
  • Category 2 - "Standard" - first grade
  • Category 3 - "Commercial" - second grade

Depending on what grade the bath belongs to, its quality and cost depend. The difficulty is that when buying it can be difficult to find out the category of a cast-iron bath - you have to determine this yourself.

How to determine the category and quality of a cast-iron bath? Here are some professional tips:

On my own behalf, I can advise manufacturers for whom I will not be ashamed:

  • cast iron baths (Spain)
  • cast iron bathtubs (France)
  • cast-iron bathtubs Recor (Germany)

The quality of bathtubs of these brands has been pleasing our customers for many years and does not make sellers blush.

Cast marble bathtubs

Such baths as soon as they are not called. On the Internet and in the markets they can be found under the names: marble, stone, artificial stone, stone mass. But their production process is the same.

Making bathtubs from artificial stone can be compared to building a foundation for a building, only instead of crushed stone and sand, the composition includes ground natural marble or quartz sand, and polyester resin instead of cement. The surface of the bath is covered with a layer of gelcoat, which, like armor, protects the bath from various kinds of damage. To understand the strength, I can say that yachts and boats, as well as billiard balls, are covered with a layer of gelcoat, and they usually get great.

What are the main advantages of an artificial stone bath?

    High coating strength - about which I spoke above.

  • Great stability to tipping - on average, the wall thickness in a marble bath is 2 - 3 cm, while the weight is not much inferior to a cast-iron bath.
  • Long-term preservation of water temperature.
  • Simple and inexpensive restoration. Even if you dropped a hammer into the bathtub and a chip formed, this trouble can be easily fixed at home using a repair kit for 100 rubles.
  • Design variety. Marble bathtubs can be absolutely any color - from classic white to imitating the structure of any natural stone.

Note: the cost is usually indicated for a bathtub in white, and for the color version, manufacturers ask to pay about 25% of the price. Colored bathtubs are made exclusively for the customer's order, and this may increase the delivery time.

And of course, as a specialist in hydromassage systems, I cannot but add: they are suitable for hydromassage equipment. This is made to order, the installation period for the hydromassage system is 5 working days.

Kvaril bathtubs - a new word in the world of plumbing

Kvaril- This is a relatively new material in the production of bathtubs. The process of its manufacture is quite interesting: particles of quartz sand are enclosed in an acrylic granule, due to which the latter becomes much stronger.

Then these granules
heated to a certain temperature and pour the resulting mass into special forms. This method allows you to make bathtubs of any shape and any size.

In my opinion, this is exactly what the main nuances that you need to consider when choosing a bath material look like. If you still have questions - feel free to write in the comments or through the form on this site, I will try to answer in detail.

Novikov Alexander Evgenievich, a specialist in the installation of hydromassage systems.

Work experience - 9 years.

The range of modern plumbing amazes consumers with its diversity. In stores, you can choose a bathtub from almost any material: steel, cast iron, wood, glass. But in order to give the bathroom a noble and aristocratic appearance, it is worth installing marble bath.

It will emphasize the impeccable taste and high status of the owner, and will also please you with good technical characteristics, which are described in more detail in the article.

Plumbing fixtures made of natural stone began to be made quite recently.

But even despite the high cost, such products are in demand among buyers, because they are reliable, durable and give the room a special aristocratic charm, bring an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication into the interior.

Natural marble is a fairly soft material that lends itself well to processing. Thanks to this quality, the product can be given absolutely any shape.

For the production of sanitary ware from natural material, a large solid block of stone is taken. The process of its manufacture is quite difficult and takes a lot of time. This explains the high cost of plumbing. Of course, a bowl is cut out of a block of marble not by hand, but with the help of modern equipment.

A feature of fonts made of natural stone is a unique pattern on the product. There are no two identical devices with identical patterns - unique blotches and stains on marble give decorativeness to plumbing.

Natural stone is divided by type and amount of impurities in the composition. It happens:

  • white;
  • pink;
  • green;
  • black;
  • silver-blue.

The rarer the color of the stone, the more expensive the product from it will cost. Blue marble is considered the rarest and most expensive.

Fake diamond

Thanks to the development of modern technology, sanitary ware manufacturers have learned how to create artificial marble.

This made it possible to significantly reduce its cost, reduce weight, and improve the performance of products. Artificial marble is made in different ways. But the most popular is the injection (cast) method, what is it?

Production of a font from a casting composition

The process of casting an artificial marble bathtub is as follows:

  1. Marble chips are mixed with acrylic resin.
  2. For coloring, additional pigments are introduced into the composition.
  3. The prepared solution is poured into a special form.
  4. To protect the surface of the product and to give it a decorative effect, a gel-like mass of pigmented resin is used.
  5. Next, the vibropress is connected and after a certain time the bowl is removed from the mold.

With the help of vibration, excess air is removed from the material, which gives it high strength. Additional processing and polishing of plumbing makes its surface perfectly smooth and even.

At the production stage, absolutely any shade of color can be given to the bath with the help of coloring pigments. This allows you to embody the most daring design solutions.

Thanks to the injection method, bowls of various shapes and sizes can be made:

  • corner;
  • round;
  • asymmetric;
  • stand-alone;
  • rectangular.

Most models are equipped with hydromassage, headrests, orthopedic devices for the back and legs. Below are the main pros and cons of cast marble fonts.

A photo

Below are pictures of marble bathtubs in different shapes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of sanitary ware made of natural marble include:

  • Immunity to sudden changes in temperature. You can pour boiling water and cold water into such a product without worrying that it will crack.
  • High heat capacity. Natural marble bathtubs heat up slowly and keep warm for a long time.
  • Sustainability. Due to the high weight, no additional supports are needed.
  • Sound absorption. Water in the plumbing will be poured completely silently.
  • Long service life. With care, the font will last for decades.
  • Tightness and strength. Bathtubs are made from a single piece of stone.
  • Simplicity and ease of care. This material does not absorb water, dirt and soap stains do not remain on its surface.

As for the disadvantages of such plumbing fixtures, they include:

  • Too much weight. It is impossible to install such a product on your own. In addition, it can only be placed on solid floors.
  • White stone over time turn yellow, which will significantly spoil its aesthetics. Also, the product may appear cracks and chips, and this will complicate the process of its operation.
  • High price. Only wealthy people can afford such plumbing.

Advantages of cast marble bathtub:

  • High abrasion resistance. Even after many years of use, the surface remains perfectly smooth and even.
  • Such plumbing can be used by a person of any complexion.
  • Fast heating material and the ability to retain heat for a long time .
  • A wealth of shades and shapes. You can choose for any interior.
  • Ease of creation technological holes in the product for installing hydromassage jets.
  • Ease of care. On the surface of the material do not leave stains and plaque. To make the product look like new, it is enough to wipe it with a clean cloth after taking water procedures.
  • Resistant to fungus. The material does not rot, does not rust, and retains its original appearance for a long time due to the lack of porosity of the structure.

The bathtub from artificial marble will harmoniously fit into any interior of the room. If necessary, it lends itself to restoration and does not require special care.

Also, the distinctive features of such models is the fact that cast marble is a completely safe and environmentally friendly material. It does not release toxins, and does not cause allergic reactions in users.

But like any other material, cast (cast) marble has its drawbacks:

  • Big weight products, compared with acrylic and steel models. Installing plumbing will take you a lot of time and physical effort.
  • High price. Compared to acrylic and cast iron models.
  • Production complexity. There is a high probability of buying a low-quality product.
cast marble cannot be cleaned with abrasive products, as microcracks may appear on its surface.

What to look for when buying?

When choosing a bath, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • dimensions;
  • color and style of your interior;
  • material quality;
  • manufacturer.

We will discuss them in detail below.


As for the size of plumbing, here it is necessary to take into account the height and weight of the owners of the apartment. For comfortable adoption of water procedures, a person should be placed in the bath in full growth. Models with depth bowls 50-60 cm.

Of course, the size of the font should directly depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself. If the bathroom is small, it is worth installing a compact corner or rectangular model in it. And for spacious rooms, there are no such restrictions. Here you can place round or oval plumbing in the center of the room.

Color and style

Marble products harmoniously fit into the classical directions: baroque, Renaissance, classicism. For such areas, it is recommended to choose massive freestanding models with curved legs. Their color can be anything from snow-white to dark blue. The choice should be made based on the main color palette of the bathroom. But most often, in classic interiors, plumbing is installed, designed in white, gray or yellow. .

If you are choosing a bathroom for the Provence style, then you should pay attention to a simple product without unnecessary decor. Its color palette should be kept in light colors. Below is an example of a good combination of a delicate French interior and an “airy” free-standing marble font.

Also in this direction, a golden bathroom made of oval-shaped molding material will look beautiful. For modern trends, such as minimalism, hi-tech, loft or modern, you should choose freestanding, built-in or wall-mounted models in white, gray or black.


It is very important to pay attention to the quality of plumbing. When buying a bathtub made of natural stone, it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

This material cannot be confused with another. Since all models have quite thick walls from 2 cm, they weigh over half a ton, and have a unique texture. Most often, these products are made to order. But keep in mind that if the manufacturer used a low-grade stone, cracks and chips can go through it.

If you notice that there are roughnesses, bumps or other flaws on the surface of the material, it is best to buy refuse. The thicket of the product should be perfectly smooth, even and uniform. Checking the high quality of a natural marble bathtub is quite easy. To do this, just run your palm over its bowl. If traces of a stone remain on the hands, this indicates a low quality material that is not suitable for use.

But the choice of sanitary ware made of cast marble is much more difficult. Unscrupulous manufacturers under the guise of this material often sell products from other compositions that do not have a long service life.

Also, there are often models in the manufacture of which all casting technologies were not observed. Outwardly, such bathtubs are no different from high-quality ones. The only thing is they are slightly lighter. To avoid mistakes when buying a cast marble bath, you should follow the following tips:

  • for a quality product Wall thickness will be at least 2 cm;
  • surface should be perfect flat and smooth, warm and shiny;
  • color models should be evenly dyed;
  • along the lines of drawings there should be no seams;
  • when tapping with fingers on the product, should be heard clunk.


The manufacture of marble sanitary ware is a complex process, so you should give preference to manufacturers who have long been engaged in sanitary ware from cast (cast) and natural marble. Below is a list of brands that will definitely not disappoint you:

  • Kaldewei;
  • Alpen;
  • Aqua Stone;
  • clearwater;
  • Marmorin.
Do not forget to ask the manufacturer for a quality certificate for the product and a long-term warranty.

Care and restoration

Everyone knows that despite its strength, marble is a malleable material.

On its surface, in the process of improper operation, cracks, chips and stains form. Therefore, the product must be protected from shock and exposure to aggressive substances.

After each use, such products must be rinsed with clean water and wiped with a soft cloth. It is recommended to wash the font once a week with soapy water, but without abrasive substances.

Manufacturers do not recommend bathing pets in marble tubs. Since they can scratch its surface with sharp claws.

As for the artificial material, it is more resistant to negative factors. Cracks and chips practically do not appear on its surface. But the use of abrasives and acidic compounds can destroy the protective layer. To care for a marble bathroom, it is recommended to purchase special liquids. They are suitable for both artificial material and natural.

If during the operation some defects appeared on the plumbing, then you can easily and simply get rid of them:

  • Makeup or paint stains removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Grease spots sprinkle with starch or chalk and leave until completely absorbed. A day later, all this is washed off with hot water and wiped dry.
  • To get rid of rust will be much more difficult. Here you will need to apply a special paste, which is applied to the stain for a few minutes, and then washed off with water.
  • In order to get rid of chips, scratches and small cracks you will need to purchase special repair kits. They contain instructions for use, which must be strictly followed.
  • If on the surface appeared mold or fungus, they can be removed with ammonia.


We offer you to watch interesting videos about how marble baths are made:


Finally, it is worth noting that a bathtub made of artificial or natural marble has a lot of advantages. Such products amaze buyers with their luxurious and noble appearance, they are distinguished by high technical characteristics, ease of maintenance and operation.

Compare marble, steel, acrylic and cast iron bathtubs

Starting the repair of the bathroom, it is necessary to determine the location of the bath, its shape, dimensions and method of installation. But before choosing from a variety of models, it is worth deciding what material the bath will be made of - cast iron, steel, acrylic or cast (cast) marble.

Cast iron bathtubs are familiar to everyone, as are the black chips on their surfaces. This is due to the fact that the enamel is already applied to the finished cast-iron mold. Some manufacturers still practice manual coating with an enamel thickness of 0.8 to 1.2 millimeters, which wears out over time. And this devalues ​​all the advantages of cast iron itself - stability, low thermal conductivity, lack of resonance with pouring water. Of the minuses of cast-iron bathtubs, one can note the limited form, significant weight, and difficulties in installing the hydromassage.

Steel bathtubs are slightly more expensive, five times lighter than cast iron, but at the same time thinner-walled. Enameling of a steel mold is carried out at high temperatures, so the enamel is literally baked on the metal. But when thin walls are deformed, it cracks and crumbles. Low sound absorption forces the owners of these baths to build entire podiums, tiling them. But there are many more models on the market.

Acrylic tubs and liners spawned a refurbishment boom a few years ago, with happy owners shelling out huge sums for this quiet, non-slip, and versatile material. Only over time, exclusively white bathtubs turned yellow, absorbed dyes, and also lost the smoothness of surfaces due to the formation of chips and roughness. Of the benefits - such baths are light, ergonomic and easily equipped with a hydromassage function. Here are just the most sophisticated devices cannot work in such a bath with full dedication just because of its lightness.

Now in the production of high quality bathtubs, artificial stone is used, which surpasses natural stone in its properties. This is a composite composition, in which 80% is a specially prepared marble chips, and 20% are pigments and binders. The material was called "cast marble" and is four times stronger than natural. A bathtub made of cast marble consists entirely of a composite - which means that the surface layer will not rub off over time and will not change its color. When cast marble is exposed to dyes (hair dyes, fabrics with an unstable color), spots are formed that can be removed with an acidic environment - for example, rubbed with a slice of lemon. Abrasives should not be used - artificial stone, like any natural stone, is additionally polished to achieve a smooth surface. The higher the polish, the more respectable the bath looks, but the easier it is to scratch it.

The advantages of bathtubs and sinks made of cast marble include a whole list of characteristics:

  • stability (for the installation of some models it is necessary to use the supports provided by the designers);

  • variety of styles and forms (from classic to ultra-modern);

  • the ability to choose juicy monochrome shades or stylize the textures of natural stones;

  • lack of vibration, as a result - a high level of noise absorption and optimal operation of hydromassage devices;

  • maintainability (the restoration of damaged surfaces is theoretically carried out by specialists, but in practice the need for such a service is close to zero);

  • increased resistance to liquid aggressive environments when using a gelcoat for finishing the bath;

  • low thermal conductivity (baths made of cast marble retain a comfortable water temperature for a long time).

Unlike cold natural stones, cast marble is very comfortable to the touch. But the most pleasant bonus is that with the help of a bathtub made of such material it is easy to compensate for the flaws of the project and construction work (within reasonable limits) - if the bathtub has sides that do not fit into the allotted space, then they can be cut using special tools right at the installation site. Naturally, we are talking about those ends that should adjoin the walls of the room.

The only conditional drawback of such baths can be considered that they are not budgetary. But the list of benefits is clearly worth it.

Mankind has been using baths for decades. The oldest of them - presumably made five thousand years ago - archaeologists discovered during excavations on the island of Crete. During its existence, the shape of the reservoirs has not changed. But the material from which they were made was very different.

Bathtubs were made of wood, granite and ceramics, bronze and cast iron, steel and plastic. But, more recently, the time has come for products made of artificial stone. These are stone baths or cast baths.

Bathtub made of artificial stone - technology for the manufacture of molded products

As a filler or base component in this material, stone chips are used. Often these are products of processing marble or serpentine, granite or jasper, onyx or malachite, as well as quartz sand. Manufacturers use acrylic or polyester resins as a binder, and catalysts specially designed for this purpose are added to accelerate the solidification of the liquid mass. The proportions of the ingredients, as well as the manufacturing technology of molding bathtubs, are selected depending on the specifics of each manufacturer.

Such products made of stone mass are not installed on the usual supports. Included with them are special mortise legs.

The process of casting a bathtub from an artificial liquid stone, as a rule, includes the following steps:

  • Surface polishing inside the matrix and gelcoat coating for mechanical protection. A thin, even layer of this gel-like dyed resin component highlights the originality of the piece.
  • Obtaining a liquid mass from stone chips, an adhesive, dyes and a catalyst.
  • Pouring the composite into the mold after the gelcoat hardens and connecting the vibropress. To create an imitation of a particular breed of natural stone, the mass is stirred in a special way, sequentially adding coloring matter - pigments to the composition.
  • Removing the finished product from the mold after a set period of time.

Pros and cons of an artificial stone bath

Let's look at the recognized advantages and obvious disadvantages of an artificial stone bath. Products made by casting are diverse, since the production method allows the production of models of various shapes, sizes and colors. These are corner and wall baths, round and rectangular, with an original pattern or snow-white.

The equipment is provided with hydromassage systems, orthopedic headrests, devices for the legs and back. Baths made of stone mass are distinguished by their advantages, which have already been appreciated by discerning consumers.


  • Attractive design. In appearance, the products are similar to models made of natural stone - expensive and elegant, but the surface is exceptionally smooth and warm, which is not characteristic of natural material.
  • Exceptional thermal insulation properties. Due to the relatively thick walls (12-20 mm) and the fact that the stone mass is an excellent heat insulator, a comfortable water temperature in such a bath is maintained for hours.
  • Ease of care. Artificial stone is a heavy-duty material that is resistant to all kinds of detergents and cleaners. Small chips and scratches on such a surface are easily polished. A layer of stone mass or gelcoat is applied to the places of thorough damage, and polishing is carried out.
  • Antibacterial properties. The surface of artificial stone bathtubs is so polished and dense that even microscopic cracks and pores are absent. This structure does not allow the growth of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
  • Reliable soundproofing. When filled with water due to the composition of the material of the product, there is no vibration and noise.
  • Strength and resistance to mechanical stress. The technical characteristics of artificial stone are not inferior to natural ones, therefore products made from it are heavy-duty and do not receive damage after impacts when heavy objects are accidentally dropped.
  • Health safety. Baths made of liquid stone mass do not emit substances harmful to humans and, unlike models made from natural material, are not radioactive.

Artificial stone products are also not perfect. But the important thing is that they have much fewer weak points than those made from other materials.


  • Significant weight. Only natural stone bathtubs are heavier than stone mass bathtubs. Installation will require a lot of physical effort and professional skills.
  • The high cost of the product and accessories to it. Unfortunately, not everyone can buy such plumbing.
  • Risk of staining on the surface when in contact with dyes, such as hair dye. Therefore, you should avoid such situations or immediately rinse the bath.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners. If a product made of stone mass is covered with a light protective layer of 1-1.5 mm, the use of these substances will lead to its thinning. However, casting bathtubs from recognized manufacturers do not have such a coating, since an expensive technology for grinding the surface of artificial stone is used in the manufacturing process.

Of course, the advantages of a stone mass bath are greater than the disadvantages. If, however, this sanitary ware is handled with care, provided with proper care and operation, and even subtle surface damage is eliminated in time, then the service life will be long and practically unchanged from its original appearance.

Buying an artificial stone bath is easy. In specialized stores, collections of sanitary ware, which include these products, are constantly on display.

But a potential buyer should definitely pay attention to the fact that retail chains contain both respected brands and inexpensive products of dubious quality, produced without observing the necessary technology.

It is clear that such baths will not please the owners with the desired service life. This is what visitors of forums and social networks tell about them. nets, as about cracked, non-removable stains or products that have lost their original color.

  • when tapping the walls of a high-quality bath, the sound seems deaf and the same in every place of touch;
  • the product does not contain seams along the edges of the pattern;
  • the thickness of the walls at the bath corresponds to 12-20 mm, and the protective coating on them is not less than 1 mm;
  • the surface of the product is warm to the touch, smooth and shiny, without defects - scratches, roughness, chips;
  • the color of the color models is uniform and uniform;
  • a list of related accessories and instructions describing the required technical characteristics are attached to the bathroom;
  • the manufacturer provides a guarantee for the product;
  • a good quality casting bath is expensive.

The most worthy among the manufacturers of molding bathtubs:
- Marmorin and Kerasan in Italy;
- Vispool in Latvia;
- Marmite - joint production of Sweden and Poland;
- Riho in the Czech Republic;
- Marmorin in Poland, etc.

Bathtubs made of artificial stone of Russian enterprises are prestigious and popular with buyers:
- Astra-Form LLC;
- LLC "Estet".

Bathtubs from the stone mass of these manufacturers are not cheap, but the high cost is justified by the exceptional quality. Prices are formed depending on the size, model, availability of additional accessories. As a rule, manufacturers provide a service for making a bathtub, taking into account the wishes of the consumer. Of course, the ordered model will be more expensive than the one presented on the trading floor.

It is clear that the buyers themselves make the decision in the difficult choice of the main and obligatory plumbing item in the house. But spectacular modern bathtubs made of artificial stone do not go unnoticed.

Photo gallery of bathtubs made of artificial stone

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