Non-material motivation methods and tools. The correct choice of methods of non-material motivation of personnel

The buildings 21.09.2019
The buildings

Good day! Today we will have on our agenda an interesting article about non-material motivation of personnel. Much has already been said and written about this, however, the issue of increasing the dedication of employees without additional cash costs is quite acute for the head. After all, an increase in wages sooner or later ceases to produce results. Moreover, an unjustifiably high salary has a demotivating effect on an employee's work: why work well when you can work “sloppy” and still get good money?

Therefore, in order to prevent such a situation, each company must create its own system of non-material motivation of personnel, which will be based on certain rules... More about them.

System of non-material motivation of personnel - 5 basic rules for creating

1. Intangible motivation should solve the tactical problems of your business

First of all, the incentives used should be aimed at solving the specific problems facing your business. For example, if you are developing a branch network, then you must form teams that can work according to the standards adopted in the head office. Accordingly, your non-financial motivation should be aimed at training your employees, for example, attending trainings on effective communication and team building.

2. Non-material motivation should cover all categories of workers

In most cases, when we talk about motivation, the emphasis is on those people in the company or department who make a profit. However, one should not forget that besides them there are also accountants, secretaries, production workers. For such people, not only motivational programs can be applied, but simply recognition of labor, praise.

3. Intangible motivation should take into account the stage of development of the company

In a small family business the main motivator is enthusiasm. When a company moves to the next stage of its development, when there are more employees and part of the processes are formalized, incentive programs should be focused on recognizing the merits of each employee, but it is also important to take into account the possibility of collective recognition of services, for example, of a department or division of the company.

4. The correct choice of methods of non-material motivation of personnel

We often think that what motivates us will motivate others as well. But this is not the case. In order to find the right motivation methods, you need to initially collect information about the true needs of employees. And in in this case Abraham Maslow's pyramid of needs will help you. With its help, the system of non-material motivation of personnel takes on an understandable form. So, it is important to determine which needs are leading for your employees, and to develop appropriate motivation factors.

  • Physiological needs. If this group is important for an employee, then it is necessary to provide him with a comfortable level of wages.
  • The need for protection and safety. It is important for such people to organize a friendly atmosphere in the team. Accordingly, information on the negative components of work should be minimized: bankruptcy, layoffs.
  • Social needs. It is important for employees from this category to receive support from colleagues and management, and it is also important for them to constantly be in the circle of people.
  • Need for respect and self-respect. These employees need to be gifted with constant attention. It is important for them to realize that their actions will be appreciated.
  • The need for self-realization. This is the main need for creative employees. It is important for such people to do creative work. They are able to solve the most complex, non-standard problems.

And remember that any of your employees constantly want something. And when the desired is achieved, the needs move to a higher level.

5. The effect of novelty

Rewards should not become commonplace, because consistent incentive programs only depress your employees. Therefore, once every six months it is worth coming up with some new motivational program.

Ways of non-material motivation of personnel

You can think of a large number of different ways intangible motivation of your employees, but we have tried to give you only the most effective of them. So there they are.

  • Motivating meetings
  • Contests and competitions
  • Congratulations on significant dates
  • Service discounts
  • Communication of achievements
  • Incentive business trips
  • Peer ratings
  • Help in family matters

And here are some more secrets of daily inspiration for your employees.

  • Greet employees by name
  • Do not forget to say "Thank you" in letters and verbal communication.
  • Reward employees with extra days off or let them leave work early
  • Bring something delicious to the office once a month: cake, pizza, candy, apples
  • Place a sign with the employee's name on each desk. People like to feel important.
  • Make sure you have the opportunity to listen to the worker and not just inform
  • Design a special reward for people who are usually overlooked
  • Try once a week to arrange meetings with employees with whom you usually do not have the opportunity to talk. Ask them about work, problems.
  • Tell employees about an important issue and ask them to suggest their solutions. Simply put, give you advice.

Based on the books by Bob Nelson "1001 Ways to Motivate Employees" and "1001 Ways to Encourage Employees" (both - M. [et al.]: Williams, 2007)

Examples of non-material motivation of personnel from the life of some Russian companies

We have tried to collect for you the most striking examples of non-material motivation of employees that we came across in various companies. We hope you find something interesting for yourself.

This is the CEO speaking

Victor Nechiporenko, General Director of LLC "Information service" Red telephone ", Moscow

We have small company but it often requires additional effort to work on projects. Here are some examples of non-financial staff motivation that we use.

  • A flexible schedule that allows you to study and do household chores, which is relevant for our women's team... It is more convenient for some to start earlier, for others to finish work later. For women, it is especially important to have the opportunity to have an extra day off during the week in order to solve household problems (in this case, the need to take time off from work on personal matters can be excluded). For the company, the main thing is that during the whole working day someone is there. In addition, you can always highlight areas of work that the employee is able to do at home (for example, create databases). We offer employees who have reduced their working week, for an additional fee, to carry out a certain amount of work at home.
  • The ability to earn extra money. I give people the opportunity to try themselves in a different kind of activity (not in our company). The employee continues to work with us, but part-time and not for full salary, until he makes a final decision. We also have another practice of combining: we invite people to separate projects.
  • Personal work area. The status of an employee appointed in charge of his area rises, the attitude of colleagues towards him changes, a person grows in his own eyes and, in addition, gains managerial experience. In the resume, he will be able to write that he was responsible for the project or direction. And it becomes clear for the manager whether it is possible to entrust the employee with more responsible work. We in the company practice appointing employees as project managers, that is, they perform management functions temporarily, to solve any problem.
  • Nice job title. We are actively using this method. For example, a person does not want to be called, as is customary in our country, an operator. We named him a manager - he is happy and works with great pleasure.
  • Participation in important meetings... It is clear that the presence of an employee at negotiations is not necessary, but the very fact that you invited him with you and presented him to your partners as a leading specialist increases his importance in your own eyes, in the eyes of partners, clients and colleagues. Of course, there is a danger that the acquired connections are used by the employee for personal purposes. But if the company has created normal conditions, then for the sake of the extra two rubles people will not run anywhere. Practice shows that a favorable work climate is of significant value to employees.
  • The right of first choice. The employee whom you want to encourage can be offered to the first one to choose the time for vacation, or the exhibition at which he would like to work (more interesting, with a more convenient location, more acceptable working hours), or the client he would like to lead (no secret that clients are different - both pleasant and difficult). The rest of the employees choose from the rest.
  • Personalized help. We must try to respond to requests, for example, to advise literature, write a review on thesis, register an internship in the company. There was a case when I went to the institute to see the son of my employee and, posing as the student's uncle, convinced the dean's office that the young man was allowed to take the exam (he himself did not know how to negotiate, and my mother panicked, as there was a threat of transfer to paid education).
  • Seeking advice. If an employee can provide real help in solving any issue, you should ask him for advice - among other things, this will help him to feel his importance and your respect.
  • Public gratitude. It's always more enjoyable than face-to-face praise. Unfortunately, there are more cases when more attention is paid to disadvantages rather than advantages.

Konstantin Melnikov, Head of Human Resources, 1C: VDGB, Moscow

I think the most effective non-material motivation is attention to the personality of their employees, recognition of their success in the professional niche. In particular, you should show an individual approach to employees, personally congratulate you on your birthday - for example, a postcard signed by the CEO. You can emphasize the individuality of the employee - for example, thanks to a personalized camera, pen or other accessories.

Also Special attention we pay public recognition of the success of our employees. Today, such methods of recognition as certificates of honor or gratitude in an order do not lose their relevance. I can also recommend master classes by the best specialists - they are interesting for the speakers themselves and are very useful to the listeners.

Practice experience

Alexey Gerasimenko, General Director of CargoSoft LLC, Moscow

The scope of our company is the development of software projects. There is always an element of creativity in such activities. Consequently, the employee needs certain working conditions - they are also factors of motivation: a well-equipped workplace, flexible working hours, the possibility of growth (and additional training), maximum material reward, a healthy atmosphere in the team.

I believe that the main component of non-material incentives for employees is a human attitude towards them - only in such a situation can one count on effective work and the appreciation of the team, and this is worth a lot. Human relation- this is a mandatory recognition of merit, praise for the work done, understanding the difficulties and problems that arise during its implementation and, if possible, help in neutralizing these difficulties.

Another important point: I always praise the employees for the work done, both personally and with the whole team, and also in conversations I always give examples of the successful implementation of a project, naming the name of a distinguished employee.

The system of material incentives is used in our company only for the "production" department: programmers, designers and administrators. However, the company continues to develop and the motivation system may change over time.

Valery Porubov, General Director of OJSC "Shadrinsky House-Building Plant", Deputy General Director for the production of LLC "Technokeramika", Shadrinsk (Kurgan region)

In my opinion, taking care of employees is one of the primary responsibilities of a production manager. I also adhere to this principle.

Our motivation system is based on guarantees of stability and an honest, open attitude towards employees. Namely - registration strictly in accordance with the Labor Code, clear payment of wages (twice a month). Gradually, we are completing our motivation system brick by brick: a profit appeared - we provided the workers of the main and most numerous workshop (270 people) with free meals (before that, they simply gave out kefir, as it should be in production). In the nearest future (possibly by the end of the year) there will be free meals for employees of other shops. We have also recently renovated and refurbished a utility building, where workers can relax, take a shower, go to the sauna, and change in comfortable changing rooms.

It would seem that I have listed the obvious things, but we did not emphasize them by chance. I repeat, the main thing is attention to employees. After all, if normal working conditions are not created, employees will simply leave or work carelessly. All the measures that we carry out to create positive motivation for our employees, the desire to work in our production, are always negotiated with the heads of the shops, that is, with those who work side by side with the workers every day. It is they who can tell what is relevant now, and what can wait a bit, what is really missing, and what is secondary. That is, we always proceed from the real needs of our employees and, as far as possible, provide them with exactly what they need, even if not immediately.

Valery Shagin, President of MITS, Moscow

We tried different options for motivating employees, but we abandoned many schemes. For example, from health insurance, because it was not popular. Most likely, the reason is that the company then employed mainly young people. The money invested just disappeared. When I saw this, I introduced the 50:50 scheme (half of the amount is paid by the company, half by the employee), but it also did not take root. We are currently working to renew free health insurance. The employees have grown older, and in my opinion there is a need.

We also refused free lunches. When we were in another office, where there was a cafeteria, we paid the staff for food stamps. However, we were faced with the fact that someone did not like the dinners in the canteen and these employees asked to pay them the cost of the coupons in cash.

We hope that after reading this article, you were able to answer your questions, as well as find interesting examples of non-material motivation of staff.

Modern economic realities force company leaders to look for solutions to how to stimulate the growth of efficiency of their employees. Usually, bonuses are paid and salaries are raised to achieve these results. This leads to the required output, but cannot be practiced for a long time. This kind of motivation can gradually turn into an expensive pleasure. The costs are increasing dramatically. Therefore, non-financial incentives, practiced in different countries the world.

How to stimulate the efficiency of your employees' work without increasing salaries and paying bonuses. Everything about non-material incentives for staff.

What is meant by intangible motivation

Incentives, defined as intangible, include those types of incentives that do not require the direct involvement of monetary resources. The value of a particular company for many of its employees lies not only in the size of the salary. People are also interested in something else:

  • career growth;
  • acceptable working conditions;
  • friendly staff, etc.

Employees are ready to reciprocate if they feel that the company is interested in them. Growing loyalty is little that can be achieved through non-material incentives.

The proposed type of motivation is more relevant for that part of the staff who is interested in development that can lead to career growth. Labor collective heterogeneous. Some strive for something, while others serve a kind of duty imposed by the environment of existence. The latter want a little: get paid on time and no more. There can be no question of any development here. This makes it necessary to test employees in order to understand which category they belong to.

Types of incentives

Usually, the classification of motivations within the team leads to the formation of two groups: material and non-material. At the same time, individual and collective incentives are distinguished.

Material incentives do not require lengthy explanations. And so everything is clear. Prizes and various bonuses are given. This has a positive effect on the quality of work, since monetary reward is an effective incentive. At the same time, the system regulating labor remuneration requires an annual review. Employees must understand that their quality work will be rewarded under all circumstances.

As for non-financial motivation, it can be of an indirect nature: paid vacations, sick leave, provision of health insurance, training aimed at increasing, etc.

Also, the appropriate motivation is provided by:

  • creating conditions for career growth;
  • recognition of the importance of employees, which is confirmed by thanks and letters from the management;
  • creating a comfortable environment within the team, reinforced at various events. Joint activities bring workers together, which ultimately leads to positive change. Work of employees becomes more efficient.

In the West, the term team building is often used, meaning the process of forming a team, which is done in order to successfully develop a company. Competitions are held, joint trips are organized, sports competitions are organized and much more, which could contribute to the so-called team building. As for companies from Russia, they are just beginning to get involved in this type of practice.

If you think that intangible motivation does not require spending money on the part of the company, then you are wrong. The implementation of activities that feed this kind of motivation cannot be carried out without the investment of funds. Although direct cash payments to employees are not made in this case.

The development of motivation without a material component must be carried out individually in accordance with certain factors that characterize a particular company. The corporate culture, development resources, goals and objectives should be taken into account. TO important points include the life position of workers, their importance, gender and age. All this helps in identifying the priorities of employees in relation to not only work, but also life.

The motivation system is largely based on the individuality of companies, but there are also general principles based on three provisions:

  1. The goals and objectives of a particular company are the basis for creating the considered type of system. It is necessary to introduce the selected incentive methods only when their effectiveness in terms of contributing to the company's strategic plans is clear.
  2. The resources and budget of the company are important elements, without which it is impossible to stimulate labor, even if it is intangible. For example, issuing certificates to employees confirming their professional development can be a good motivating decision. But this is only available if there are funds for it.
  3. When creating motivators, it is required to identify the individual needs of employees. You cannot operate with information obtained based on the requests of the average employee. This does not contribute to the efficiency of the system.

Types of intangible motivation

The company's success is ensured not only by cash rewards for employees. Everything great importance begins to acquire intangible incentives, which may be as follows:

  1. Creation... It requires the creation of conditions for workers to express themselves. If a person has ambitions, then they must be realized. Employee training provides an opportunity to improve their quality. This should not be neglected.
  2. Satisfaction... Working for a company must be rewarding. It is good if employees are involved in solving company problems. They must have the right to vote.
  3. Moral component... Physical fatigue and nervous strain require relaxation. It is necessary to help employees, which is achieved by providing additional free time, increasing the duration of vacation (?), Making the work schedule more flexible, etc. Public incentives are important to maintain moral motivation. Quality work must be confirmed by oral gratitude, certificates and medals.
  4. Education... Improving the level of skills (knowledge) of employees is costly, but it pays off. Labor efficiency increases when implemented in a company. The opportunity to improve their qualifications is appreciated by the majority of employees. Rotations associated with job changes are required within the company.

Requirements for the incentive system

To create an effective incentive system, it is necessary that its functioning correlate with the following:

  1. The selected motivators are directed towards solving priority problems.
  2. The incentive methods defined within the system cover everyone: from workers in production to management employees.
  3. Non-financial incentives keep up with business development. The growth of a company is a movement from stage to stage and the solution of the corresponding problems. The incentive system requires the same approach. Its development is natural.
  4. Methods of non-financial motivation correlate with the requests of employees. This can only be achieved if information is collected on the individual needs of the staff.
  5. Changes to the concept of non-financial incentives are made on an annual basis. Over time, the motivation system becomes outdated. She stops stimulating.

Human Resource Management: The Case of Japan

The rapid development of the Japanese economy in the middle of the last century is due to how relations with personnel are built in this country. The achieved success is associated with three principles:

  1. Guaranteed employment when a Japanese worker has worked in the same company all his life.
  2. Career growth depending on age and length of service.
  3. Features of the trade union movement.

Collectivism is too developed in Japan. Employees of one company are almost relatives. Group psychology contributes to the solution of not only production problems, but also personal ones related to the achievement of individual goals.

Incentive system tools

Companies may define specific goals and principles of intangible motivation in different ways, but the general set of motivators is approximately the same for all:

  • benefits - reduction of working days. A scheme is gaining popularity when an employee is given the opportunity to use several days a year at his own discretion;
  • events - celebrations, excursions and other kind of collective pastime. They create a “family” atmosphere in the team, which has a positive effect on the quality of work;
  • recognition of merits - career growth and various incentives for those whose activity has significantly helped the development of the company;
  • non-financial rewards - symbolic gifts, benefits, health insurance, etc.

Material and non-material rewards, as well as mixed ones, are considered as incentives. Moreover, they can be somewhat peculiar.


  1. Incentives of a material nature, aimed not at the employee, but at his household: a subscription to a salon, providing an opportunity additional education and etc.
  2. For the lower tier of employees, bonuses, for the middle tier - a percentage of profits, and the top tier - the ownership of the company's securities.
  3. Celebrations, gifts and awards for those who have been with the company for a long time.
  4. Gift certificates giving the right to purchase goods in a particular retail network for a specified amount.
  5. Subscription to high-end magazine products, membership in clubs and all sorts of associations, which is offered to the employee to choose from.
  6. Lunch certificates allowing family members to visit expensive restaurants.
  7. Specific gifts related to employee hobbies.

Non-material incentives for employees

  1. Oral gratitude.
  2. Awarded the title of "Best Employee" at the end of the month.
  3. Transfer to another job horizontally, when not career growth is expected, but the provision of more comfortable working conditions.
  4. Hanging out in a specially designated place thank you letters framed.
  5. Posting on a notice board located in the place of rest of the personnel, information that the encouraged employee performs all the tasks that are assigned to him on time and with high quality.
  6. Planning work schedules and rest times, taking into account the wishes of the employee.
  7. Placement of a photo in a newspaper issued by the company in the form of a corporate publication.
  8. Issue a thank you message for a good job.
  9. Organization of ceremonial farewells for employees who have shown themselves on the positive side, who leave the company in connection with a change of place of work.
  10. Expansion of the terms of reference without changing the workplace.
  11. Writing to a personal file, which can be understood as work book(see?), thanks.

Mixed methods of staff incentives

  1. Creation of a photographic album with reflection in it labor activity employee.
  2. Symbolic gifts with inscriptions such as "The Best Employee": a mug, a T-shirt, etc.
  3. Original badge.
  4. Stationery, characterized by a high quality of performance, in the form of a rolling pennant: from one employee to another as a result of labor success over a certain period (week, month).
  5. Lunches, when proven employees meet at the same table with the management of the company.
  6. Referral to seminars or similar events outside the city where the company is located, the subject of which is of interest to the encouraged employee.
  7. Visiting exhibitions that differ in a certain specialization.
  8. Training paid for by the company, in view of possible career growth or expansion of existing powers.
  9. Mentoring (paid) within the company, carried out at the peer level.

It can turn out to be a much more effective tool than material incentives. An increase in the salary of the company's employees motivates more active and hard work only for a short period, while the methods of non-material motivation of personnel will help to constantly keep employees "in good shape", stimulating creative activity, increasing the professional level and loyalty to the company.

The goals of non-material motivation of personnel are identical to those set by the company's management when introducing a system of material incentives. First of all - increasing the efficiency of employees and the entire company as a whole. Other purposes of non-financial incentives include the following:

  • increase in the company's profits;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere in a team with elements of a healthy competitive environment;
  • formation of new skills and abilities among employees;
  • professional development of personnel, development of creative potential.

Unlike material species incentives, non-material motivation of the staff does not separate the team (“Petrov received an award, but I did not, although we worked the same way”, “Ivanov has more wages, but his position is lower”), but unites. Due to the regular holding of joint corporate events, trainings, meetings, each employee feels that he belongs to the common cause, which is very good for the overall atmosphere in the team.

Free catalog of policies and procedures for staff motivation payment

Types of intangible motivation

An employee who works solely for monetary rewards and does not accept praise and intangible rewards at all, probably does not exist at all. According to the theory of Abraham Maslow, everyone needs the fulfillment of creative needs, respect and recognition of merit. It is on these needs that the system of non-material incentives for personnel and methods of motivation are built. Depending on the existing corporate culture, financial capabilities of the company, leadership style, various types of non-material incentives for employees can be considered.

In general, the following types of non-material motivation of personnel are distinguished.

  1. Social motivation. This includes health insurance, the possibility of training and self-development, the designation of career prospects. The implementation of social motivation implies an increase in the employee's sense of their own worth by involving them in decision-making, participating in team management, and delegating important powers.
  2. Psychological motivation. Based on the communication needs of each person. It is necessary to motivate non-materially by the method of psychological motivation in the first place. Work on creating a favorable environment in the team is built taking into account the interests of all employees. Also in this type of motivation, an important role is played by the example and authority of the leader, the regular holding of corporate events.
  3. Moral motivation. Affects the need for respect from the team and company management. The most effective tool is recognition of merit, for which you can use oral public praise, a board of honor, insignia and certificates.
  4. Organizational motivation. It manifests itself in taking care of the employee, the organization of his workplace, food and rest during breaks in work. This motivational program is usually implemented through the purchase of new office equipment for employees' workplaces, the opening of a canteen, the arrangement of gyms and recreation rooms.

With the help of the listed types of non-material motivation of personnel, holistic efficient systems non-monetary motivation of employees, who will necessarily take into account the legal, economic, political and social external conditions in which an enterprise or organization operates.

Ways of non-material motivation of personnel

Each company can create and apply its own methods of non-material incentives for staff. The set of motivating tools will depend on the nature of the team, the specifics of the work, and the style of management.

For example, a team of young and active professionals can perfectly motivate joint leisure activities (a picnic, a group hike, a corporate event, participation in sports events), while for the older generation, it may be of great importance to get additional vacation days or a family trip to relaxation.

The most effective methods of non-material incentives for staff are as follows:

  • provision of paid time off, extra days vacation;
  • providing flexible working hours for employees;
  • presentation of tickets for cultural events, travel vouchers;
  • organization of corporate events;
  • staff training;
  • personal public praise;
  • organization of contests and quests among all employees;
  • drawing up plans for the career development of employees (it is necessary that the employee knows that upon reaching a higher professional level he will be promoted);
  • the possibility of continuous professional development;
  • congratulations to employees with significant dates(anniversary, wedding, birth of a child);
  • creating comfortable working conditions;
  • providing more freedom of action when performing assigned tasks;
  • conducting motivating meetings;
  • involvement of employees in decision-making;
  • incentive business trips;
  • informing the team about the employee's achievements;
  • assistance in family matters (for example, providing transportation when moving);
  • provision of discounts for company services;
  • the possibility of additional work;
  • beautiful job title;
  • seeking advice from employees;
  • organization of catering for employees, gyms or the provision of subscriptions to sports clubs;
  • organizing the possibility of a personal meeting with senior management.

This is far from complete list ways of non-material motivation of personnel for labor achievements without direct payment of cash bonuses or salary increases. Such methods, as a rule, affect the entire collective of the enterprise as a whole, which gives a much greater effect for the company than the “point” material motivation of the most successful employees.

System of non-material motivation of personnel

Employee motivation will have the greatest effect with systematic action. A well-functioning system of non-material motivation of personnel should become part of the corporate culture. At the same time, the system should be as open as possible, which will enable the employee to know what kind of support the company provides for loyal employees.

When developing a system of non-material incentives, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. The motivation system should focus on the development of the most significant areas of the company's work.
  2. The motivation system involves all employees of the company.
  3. The motivation program should be periodically reviewed and updated.
  4. For the system to work effectively, it is necessary to identify the needs of all employees and "adjust" approaches and incentive tools for each group.

One more important requirement To the current system non-material incentives for personnel - documentary evidence. This significantly increases its transparency and allows each employee of the company to get acquainted with the motivation system. When developing a project for non-material motivation of personnel, it is necessary to involve specialists from the HR department and line managers. Only in this way will it be possible to get real, most effective tools to influence the productivity of workers.

Non-financial motivation of employees translates into certain costs for the company. But collectively, they have a much greater effect than the cost of direct payment of premiums. An additional factor of success is recruiting with internal self-motivation. It is easy to "tune" such employees to maximum efficiency and high loyalty to the company. Energetic, active and proactive employees are the key to success, therefore a well-designed personnel incentive system is the most important task of personnel policy.

Successful business development implies that every employee working in an organization should be interested in the results of their work. To achieve this, leaders of the organization must apply special methods of personnel motivation. Their use must be individual, otherwise the ultimate goal may not be achieved.

general information

Motivation of personnel in an organization is a set of measures aimed at stimulating the work of employees in order to develop the organization in which they work.

Management should strive to meet the personal, physiological and social needs of workers as a matter of priority.

What are the reasons for decreasing motivation?

Many employees come to work and are full of initiatives. However, if the labor motivation of the staff is not fulfilled, disappointment in their work may come. This happens for a number of reasons:

  1. Strong management intervention in the activities of a particular employee.
  2. There is no support from the organization, there is no psychological assistance.
  3. There is a lack of information that is necessary for an effective workforce.
  4. The head of the organization has little interest in employee questions.
  5. There is no feedback between the management of the organization and employees.
  6. An employee may be incorrectly assessed by a manager.
  7. Remaining unchanged for a long time wages.

As a result, employees have a feeling of the need to do their job as a duty for their existence, but initiative, pride, and striving for career growth disappear.

To avoid all this, it is necessary to motivate staff.

Stages of loss of interest in work

It is believed that interest in work disappears in 6 successive stages:

  1. Confusion. This is where the employee begins to experience the first signs of stress. He does not understand that he is failing. Communication with colleagues continues, it is even possible to enter more intensive work, which can lead to more stress.
  2. Irritation. Some leaders give some directions one day and others the next. This starts to irritate employees. Labor productivity at this stage may still increase, but irritation is growing.
  3. Hopes in the subconscious. The employee is convinced that the boss is to blame for the failure of something at work. He waits for the leader to make a mistake to show that he is right. Labor productivity remains the same.
  4. Disappointment. Here labor productivity is already reduced to a minimum. Reviving an employee's interest in work is hard enough, but all is not lost. The employee still hopes that the manager will pay attention to him.
  5. The desire and willingness to cooperate is reduced to zero. Here the employee does only what he is supposed to do. A number of employees are beginning to treat their work with disdain. Relations with subordinates and colleagues begin to deteriorate. Lost interest in work, it is important to maintain self-esteem.
  6. The final stage. An employee who has lost interest in work moves to another company or treats the work as unnecessary for him personally, but necessary for his existence. It can be noted with regret that a large number of workers are working today according to the second option.

All this necessitates the use of special methods designed to motivate personnel in the organization.

Motivation theory

According to this theory, most of the motives are in the realm of the unconscious. At the same time, the conscious behavior of the organization's personnel is motivated. The manager must be able to identify the needs of the organization's employees and motivate them to perform those tasks that are necessary to improve the efficiency of the organization.

At the same time, motivation should not be static, there should be a constant improvement of personnel motivation.

Personnel motivation should be focused on each individual.

Psychologists distinguish three types of focus - towards yourself, towards the task and towards other people. Employees are mostly self-directed, and managers want employees to be focused on a task. From here follows the task of the manager, which consists in ensuring that employees perform their duties effectively in order to achieve the task required for the organization. In order to fulfill it, it is necessary to stimulate employees.

There is little difference between motivating and incentivizing staff. From the point of view of psychology, a stimulus is an external influence on a person, and a motive is an internal one.

Method classification

All methods of personnel motivation are divided into two large groups: material and non-material.

Management's use of specific methods is determined by what it wants to achieve. If it is necessary to increase the implementation rate, material motivation is used, which is an additional payment to the employee in the form of a percentage for the sale. If it is necessary to raise the morale of employees, then the manager plans to hold corporate competitions or joint trainings.

However, it is rare when it is possible to do with the use of only one methods of motivation. Mostly a combination of them is used. In this case, they talk about the personnel motivation system.

Material incentive methods

Motivation is directly related to incentivizing employees, therefore, in many cases, these two concepts are combined in one and speak of motivating and stimulating personnel.

Consider the methods of material motivation and incentives:

  • Individual cash bonuses. Most of the work is done by a team, but not the whole team works evenly. Some employees work more, invest more strength, skills, abilities, and others - less. Encouraging active workers in cash can serve as a method of stimulating them for self-development, as well as a method of motivating personnel who take a less active position. When applying this method at the enterprise it is possible to retain the most qualified personnel, which will contribute to the growth and development of the enterprise.
  • The percentage of sales is aimed at motivating personnel in organizations involved in the sale of real estate, perfumery and cosmetic products, household appliances, mobile devices or product promotion. This interest can be paid directly in wages or be a bonus to it. Thus, the staff becomes interested in selling as much of the product (goods, work or services) as possible.
  • Payment of bonuses for quality work performed, overfulfilment of the planned, introduction of know-how that brought real benefits to the organization. This method is used by the leaders of those organizations where the ultimate goal of activities commercial organization depends on the quantity and quality of the work performed. Such bonuses can be paid for any innovative projects that attract new clients.
  • Redistribution of profits. This method is similar to the first, but here the profits received by the organization are redistributed. Redistribution can be carried out evenly among all employees, or a large share can be distributed in favor of those employees who make a greater contribution to the common cause.

Intangible principle

To stimulate the work process in the organization, you can use not only material, but also non-material methods, which are best applied in combination, since an increase in wages only begins to gradually decompose employees, their craving for self-development begins to disappear. Methods of non-material motivation of personnel include:

  1. Bringing to the attention of employees information about the dynamics of the organization's development, its plans and prospects, which can serve as one of the incentives to perform their tasks more responsibly.
  2. Public recognition best workers... A striking example of staff motivation is the holding of a competition for best project the organization in which the winner will be selected, who will receive the corresponding distinction, or even better, if a special report is made about him with coverage of his activities in the media.
  3. Congratulations to employees on holidays, organization of corporate trainings, provision of vouchers.

At the same time, it is necessary to constantly improve the motivation of personnel, since the same different methods quickly become boring, become commonplace.

Personnel motivation management

The main goal of motivation management is to create a system in which the objectives of the organization are achieved while jointly meeting the needs of its employees. In this case, each employee will be focused on improving the performance of the organization, because this directly affects his income, satisfaction of interests and needs.

Motivation management goals:

  • improvement economic indicators the activities of the organization;
  • reduced staff turnover;
  • improving employee loyalty while increasing their degree of involvement;
  • creating a team of managers who must constantly monitor and improve the personnel motivation system.

These goals should be specified for the organization, its divisions and for each employee individually.

Motivation and stimulation of personnel can be achieved by involving employees in management. However, the results can be opposite to those expected if such motivation is aimed at lumpen-type employees.

Motivation principles

Motivation of personnel in an enterprise should be carried out not just for the sake of what is necessary, but for effective motivation, which can be achieved only if the management of the organization adheres to certain principles:

  1. The interests of employees in motivation should be taken into account, but at the same time the capabilities of the enterprise should be taken into account.
  2. Motivation tools should be based on the principles of fairness and objectivity.
  3. The use of motivation tools should be accompanied by a short time lag between the work performed and the reward for this work.
  4. The motivation program must be communicated to all employees of the company.
  5. When using motivation methods, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each employee.
  6. The management of the organization must itself or by delegating these powers to interview employees for their motivation.

The motivation program in the enterprise must be constantly analyzed, which makes it effective.

Individual methods of motivation

As mentioned above, the achievement of motivation goals is possible if individual methods of motivation are used.

These methods include:

  • Material bonuses to employees for completing the assigned task. Each organization itself sets the criteria for awarding employees. Each person is interested in more pay for his work, so he will strive to fulfill the instructions of the leader.
  • Work for a specified period of time without sick leave. This is facilitated by playing sports, giving up bad habits, which can be encouraged by special cash payments to specific employees, as well as to those employees who simply did not go on sick leave.
  • In heavy industries, it is necessary to provide workers with a full social package so that they feel that in the event of a temporary disability, they will be protected, which will allow them to perform their work better.
  • Training and retraining of employees as new knowledge emerges. This contributes to the self-development of employees, and the organization can receive a wide range of specialists.
  • Badges, awards, cups and other incentives are non-material methods of motivation. As a result of the completion of any work, certain employees are allocated, which contributes to raising their morale and striving for improvement.

Motivation problems

Personnel motivation management presupposes competent management. However, today in domestic enterprises there are problems of motivation, which must be eliminated if the head wants to ensure the effective operation of the organization.

These problems include:

  1. Legal problems. Employees of the organization very often have poor knowledge of the regulatory framework in the field of labor law, which allows some managers to put pressure on these workers and humiliate them. As a result, the motivation of personnel at the enterprise reduces its efficiency, employees cease to receive satisfaction from the work process.
  2. Economic problems. Many managers believe that it is enough for employees to pay wages... However, in the absence of various incentives, both material and non-material, employees of the organization lose initiative, labor productivity decreases, which negatively affects the efficiency of the organization.
  3. Moral problems. Employees of domestic enterprises have always been distinguished by the fact that they brought home from work that which was lying badly. Basically, these actions are punishable by serious anti-motivational actions - various fines, punishments.


Thus, the motivation of personnel at the enterprise is a rather difficult task. It requires an individual approach to each employee, which is very difficult for managers. The main methods of motivation are material. However, they must be combined with non-material motivation of personnel, which will allow more effective impact on the subconscious of workers, and increase the efficiency of the organization.

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