Texts of letters of thanks - Base of developments - Community of mutual aid of teachers Thanks to the teacher

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Thank you letter to teacher- this is an information letter with the purpose of expressing gratitude to the teacher, teacher, coach for teaching the student. A teacher (teacher) is one of the most significant people in the life of each of us. His hard work often determines the abilities, future profession and fate of the student. Therefore, an understandable desire was the desire to thank the mentor for his contribution to the education and development of our children and ourselves. One way to formally express appreciation to a teacher is a thank you note.

Sample texts of the thank you letter to the teacher, we offer to read below. A letter of thanks can be written to the teacher on his own behalf, from the student's parents and from the head of the educational institution, this article describes the features of writing letters of thanks: “”

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Thank you letter to a teacher. Texts

Letter of appreciation to a teacher from the director of an educational institution

Gratitude from the director of the educational institution should be written on company or special letterhead and designed in the style of a regular business letter.

It is a written expression of gratitude. It is addressed to a specific teacher, for example, a class teacher. Such a document is drawn up on a ready-made form, which can be purchased at specialized stores or at a printing house.

A letter of thanks to a teacher is written not only by parents, but also by students. There is no specific reason for expressing words of gratitude to their beloved teacher, so the guys give them not only on the occasion of the end of the school year, but also in connection with the birthday, teacher's day.

If the children or parents decide to write a letter of thanks to the teacher, they can purchase a ready-made colored form, write the text they like on it.

Design style

From parents it is written as a business letter. A teacher can receive gratitude from the administration of an educational institution, for example, for high performance, professional attitude to his profession. It is desirable to format the text in word format, leaving one and a half spacing between lines.

Approximate text of congratulations from students

How to write a thank you letter to a teacher from a class? We offer a variant of the text that can be taken as a basis:

Dear Maria Orestovna!

We sincerely thank you for the respect and patience you have shown us over these two years. Your professionalism, the ability to choose an individual approach to each of us, to discover hidden abilities and talents, helped us decide on the choice of a future profession.

You have become a real friend to us, you could always find words of support, help in difficult times. Thanks to your amazing teaching abilities, we have grown into purposeful and full-fledged individuals who are focused on acquiring new knowledge.

We are grateful to you for everything, we wish you to remain happy and healthy.

Sincerely, students of the 10th grade.

This sample letter of thanks can be taken as a basis, supplementing it with sincere wishes to your beloved teacher.

Letter from parents

We offer a sample letter of thanks written on behalf of the parents of secondary school graduates:

Dear Anna Leontievna!

We are grateful to you for the fact that for five years you have remained the same class teacher. You made friends with our guys, instilled in them a respectful attitude towards adults, taught them patience, accuracy, and literacy.

You have managed to choose an approach to each child, to identify individual abilities, to form the children's self-confidence. The children's victories at olympiads, competitions, conferences are your merit. You will forever remain in our hearts.

Sincerely, parents of the 9th grade.

This version of a letter of thanks to the teacher expresses the attitude of parents towards the teacher, who for many years has been a second mother to their children.

Option from the school administration

A letter of thanks to a teacher from the principal of the school is a variant of moral stimulation for teachers. It is issued on the letterhead of the school or on a special printed sheet of A4 format. In the text, one can note the indifference of the teacher, his desire for the development of schoolchildren.

The letter is signed by the director of the educational organization in which the teacher works.

We offer a letter of thanks to the teacher, compiled on the occasion of his anniversary:

Dear Irina Akimovna!

We thank you for many years of conscientious work aimed at developing a positive attitude towards the educational process in schoolchildren. Thanks to you, the guys are happy to comprehend the basics of research, achieve high results in the unified state exam in chemistry.

Congratulations from the parent committee

A letter of thanks to the teacher can be drawn up from the parent committee of the class, school, Council of the general educational organization. We offer a sample:

Dear Margarita Igorevna!

We express our heartfelt gratitude to you for the respect and patience you show our children throughout the school year. Your professionalism, responsible attitude to the educational process, the desire to form in children a respectful attitude towards the older generation, the nature of their native land, contributed to the formation of tolerance. It was through your efforts that the guys learned to build trajectories for self-development for themselves.

We wish you to remain the same competent specialist, a true professional in your field of knowledge. Be healthy and happy.

Sincerely, the parent committee of the 3rd "b" class.


The profession of a teacher differs from other specialties in increased responsibility, selflessness, selfless service to people. That is why it is so important that parents, administration, children express words of sincere gratitude and love to teachers.

The text of a letter of thanks to the teacher is an excellent way for schoolchildren to show respect for teachers, an option for moral encouragement for the school administration.

There are several options for compiling them. Regardless of who draws up a thank you letter, business style rules should be used when writing it. The text contains an appeal to the teacher, a description of his main professional achievements. In addition, official ones will be appropriate. At the end of the text, its author is indicated. If the letter is written by the school administration, it is signed and stamped.

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Thank you letter to teacher

A letter of thanks can be written to the teacher on his own behalf, from the student's parents and from the head of the educational institution, this article describes the features of writing letters of thanks. A letter of thanks to a teacher from the director of an educational institution A letter of thanks from the director of an educational institution should be written on a company or special letterhead and designed in the style of a regular business letter. The letter is signed by the head or rector of the institution, indicating the position and date of compilation.
It is presented at a solemn meeting, with personal words of gratitude. An example of a letter of thanks from the director to the teacher Dear Lilia Anatolyevna! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your pedagogical gift, competence and long-term work in teaching and educating our students.



We wish you the best of health, optimism, well-being and success in your difficult, but such an important matter! Sincerely, the parent team of grade 11-A GBOU secondary school No. 791 Words of gratitude to the teacher Dear Olga Ivanovna! Please accept my gratitude for your high professionalism, competence, pedagogical talent and devotion to your noble cause for many years. I express my sincere gratitude for your responsibility, goodwill, enthusiasm and individual approach to each student. I wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your business! Sincerely, the director of GBOU secondary school No. 791 Zhukova A.

A. Zhukova It is better to express gratitude to teachers, a class teacher on a holiday postcard or on the letterhead of an educational institution.

Lawyer's Handbook

Thank You Letter Last year my son decided to give his class teacher a postcard for Teacher's Day. The impulse was sincere, from the bottom of his heart, so he himself came up with the text, wrote it himself and, without showing it to anyone, took it to school. At lunch, the teacher called me and read the text. “Dear Anna Alexandrovna,” the child wrote.
I congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you to be healthy, happy and swear at us less. And also so that you get rid of the wart on your chin ”(the spelling in the original looked a little different). Well, I don’t know, in my opinion, Anna Alexandrovna should have appreciated the sincere impulse.


After all, the child wrote with all his heart. But for some reason she was upset. Even very upset, I would say. They don't know how to appreciate a truly creative approach in our schools. So this year we have already written a postcard according to the template.

Examples of a thank you letter to a teacher (texts)


You revealed the creative abilities of every student of grade 11-A, gave rise to a desire for creation, self-development. You filled our children with self-confidence, directed them to formulate and achieve goals of various scales. Everyone managed to express themselves at the graduation concert without embarrassment, feeling the support of students, teachers, parents, guests.

The children realized that it is important to be not only a grateful spectator, but also to take an active part in the performances and their organization. Sincerely, the parent team of grade 11-A, school No. 3 2. A sample text of a thank-you letter to the teacher from the school principal Dear Svetlana Sergeevna! Thank you for holding a quality timely subbotnik.

The cleanup not only transformed the schoolyard, but also had a positive impact on the behavior of the children.

Thank you letter to teacher

A thank you note is a written thank you note addressed to a specific person, such as a teacher, for a job well done. Gratitude can be issued by the parents of schoolchildren, or by the top management of the school. How to write a thank you letter so that it looks attractive and beautiful, you can read in this article.
Below are the texts of a letter of thanks addressed to the teacher of the school, from the director of the school, from the parents of the students. Sample letter of thanks to the teacher 1. The text of the letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents of the students Dear Elena Aleksandrovna! We express our sincere gratitude to you for the painstaking work, patience and individual approach to each student in preparing the graduation party.

Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from parents

The schoolchildren who took part in the subbotnik appreciated the importance of public works, the advantages of collective work, and learned how to help each other. We would like to note that the children had a genuine desire to participate in such events again thanks to the skillfully planned by you competitive and gaming methods of cleaning the territory, as well as further encouragement in the form of an excursion. Sincerely yours, Director of School No. 35 Renker V.A. 3. Another example of a thank you letter addressed to a teacher from the school management. Dear Valentina Ivanovna! As the class teacher of the 9th grade, we thank you for your attentive, patient attitude towards each student. We highly appreciate your pedagogical talent, the ability to find an approach to each student, the possession of any situation that has arisen and the necessary information regarding each of them.

Thank You Letter to Teacher (Samples)

We sincerely wish you to raise more than one generation of grateful students, as many sunny days and constant peace of mind as possible! 2. A sample letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents of the students: Dear Galina Viktorovna! Together with us, you rejoice at the successes of the students and together with us cope with their failures, support them in hours of despair. You accompany our children throughout their lives, making them open up like a flower, discover new talents in themselves and believe in themselves.

You are always ready to listen, give useful guidance and help, even if the situation seems insurmountable. We are very grateful for all the attention paid to us and our children and the sensitivity shown during the joint work on the upbringing of students. We, parents, sincerely thank you for your sensitivity, attentiveness and care.

Thank you letter to class teacher sample

We wish you, our dear and beloved teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positive. We say a big thank you on behalf of all parents to you, our wonderful teacher, mentor of our children. Being the first teacher is the most difficult thing: you always need to know where and how to start, how to interest all the children and set them on the path of true knowledge.

Thank you for being able to give our children a craving for knowledge and discoveries, the desire to rush to school every day and open new pages of the book of miracles. We wish you great victories and creative success, incredible strength and bright happiness on your life path. You are a kind, sensitive teacher with a huge soul, and today we say: “Thank you very much!” You teach our children Read, write, communicate. They came to you in the first grade, they love you, they are not afraid.
It is also written not mandatory, but voluntary.

  • The text of the letter of thanks to the teacher - contains words of gratitude to the class teacher, teacher.
  • Signature - the letter ends with the indication of the full name and the signature of the person expressing gratitude to the teacher.
  • Sample letter of thanks to the class teacher Dear Elizaveta Petrovna! Please accept my sincere gratitude for the education and upbringing of our children. Thanks to your pedagogical talent and sensitive attitude towards each of the students, our children received solid knowledge, were able to reveal their abilities and talents. I bow to you for your diligence, patience, readiness to provide all kinds of support.

A frequent recipient of letters of thanks are teachers, to whom words of appreciation and gratitude are expressed by both the parents of the students and the management of the educational institution. In this article, we offer sample texts of a thank you letter to a teacher.

As a rule, a letter of gratitude is written to the teacher from the parents of the students at the end of the school year in order to express appreciation for the patience and work shown in relation to their children. In addition to gratitude, words of wishes are also written. An exemplary text of a thank you letter addressed to a teacher is below.

For registration, it is appropriate to use a special typographical form or a suitable postcard.

We also suggest that you read the article about.

Sample texts

1. A sample letter of thanks to a history teacher from the parents of students

Dear Olga Vladimirovna!

Your professional approach to teaching our children, your patience, and your ability to make your lessons interesting and bright cause a storm of emotional delight in our children. They look forward to your lessons, carefully prepare for them, and discuss the acquired knowledge among themselves. Your creative nature makes children plunge into the world of bygone times right at the lesson, because the history lesson is one of the most interesting among school subjects.

Undoubtedly, not everyone can remember a lot of dates and the sequence of historical facts, but your ability to properly organize the flow of knowledge has borne fruit: the repeated victories of students at city Olympiads are proof of this.

We, the parents of 7th grade students, treat your work with respect and reverence, we wish you to continue to remain a sensitive and competent teacher, as well as health and happiness!

A thank you note is often written to a teacher. The author can be the leadership of the school, thanks for the successful work, for special merits and dedication. Also, a letter can be drawn up from the parents of students, as a rule, it is written at the end of the school children, before graduation, on the occasion of the end of the school year. The students themselves can be the initiators.

Below we offer several samples of the text of a thank you letter addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal). Features of writing letters of thanks are considered.

Thank you letter to the teacher - examples of texts

1. The text of a letter of thanks to the teacher from the students:

Dear Anna Pavlovna!

Everyone knows that the school is the second family, and the teachers are the parents. Without you, we would not be who we are today. You are the person who instructs us throughout the school path and always leads others, serving as a great example. Your strictness and justice do not interfere with your kind and sensitive heart. We really appreciate that you always help your wards in everything and give the right advice, even not always related to schoolwork. You inspire us to great deeds and give us the strength to move on.

We sincerely wish you to raise more than one generation of grateful students, as many sunny days and constant peace of mind as possible!

2. A sample letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents of the students:

Dear Galina Viktorovna!

Together with us, you rejoice at the successes of the students and together with us cope with their failures, support them in hours of despair. You accompany our children throughout their lives, making them open up like a flower, discover new talents in themselves and believe in themselves. You are always ready to listen, give useful guidance and help, even if the situation seems insurmountable. We are very grateful for all the attention paid to us and our children and the sensitivity shown during the joint work on the upbringing of students.

We, parents, sincerely thank you for your sensitivity, attentiveness and care. Once again, we say many thanks for the difficult path that you shared with us, and may your path continue to lead to new pedagogical heights!

3. A sample text of a thank you letter to a teacher from the school administration:

Dear Olga Vladimirovna!

Who, if not teachers, should know that the profession of a teacher requires high responsibility, physical strength and mental balance? You are doing an excellent job with your pedagogical task and for many years you have been an excellent example not only for children, but also for your colleagues.

We thank you for your tremendous contribution to the work of the school, the organization of educational activities, class management, extracurricular activities and active participation in the work aimed at teaching, educating and developing students, as well as developing new teaching methods. Your high professionalism and pedagogical competence lead more than one generation of grateful students and teachers.

On behalf of the entire teaching staff and the school administration, we wish you success in this difficult field and good luck in all your endeavors.

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