Sweat analysis Definition. SWOT analysis as an effective business assessment tool

Decor elements 14.10.2019
Decor elements

Business must constantly improve and adapt to changing market conditions. But before making changes, it is necessary to analyze - to identify the strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities for development.

Many entrepreneurs do not pay due attention to their company's analysis. They believe that to obtain analytics, it is necessary to spend a large amount of time, money and effort. However, this is not always the case.

With this task you will help to cope with the SWOT analysis. You will spend only a few hours on his holding. And, as a result, you will receive data that will make a development strategy at least for the next six months.

From the article you will learn in the details how to check your business to the strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities for development.

What is SWOT analysis

SWOT Analysis is one of the most common and easy-to-use business analysis species. With it, you can identify internal and external factors affecting the success of the company.

SWOT Business Analysis Allows you to evaluate the company's activities in four factors:

S - Strengthh (Strengths). Competitive advantages of your enterprise. For example,

  • low cost production,
  • cohesive community of brand fans,
  • high KPI email mailing.

W - Weakness (weaknesses). Internal factors that make it difficult to grow business reduce your competitiveness. For example,

  • insufficient number of support staff,
  • lack of configured trigger mailings
  • high cost of attracting the client.

O - OpportUnities (Opportunities). External factors that can positively affect business growth. For example,

  • improving site position in organic search results,
  • "Care" competitor from the market.

T - Threats (threats). Negative external factors that may adversely affect the further development of the enterprise. For example,

  • reducing the size of the market
  • access to a large competitor's market with plenty of advantages,
  • tightening business conditions from the state regulator.

Who will come in handy SWOT analysis of the company

SWOT Analysis of the organization is suitable for absolutely all types and size of business.

With its help, start-ups and owners of new enterprises will be able to take into account all the risks and draw up a development strategy in such a way as to become competitive even in the first stages after launch and, soon, to overtake competitors.

For existing companies, it is important to conduct SWOT Analysis of the company at least once a year, even in cases where things go well.

The analysis will help determine the strategy for the development of the company in accordance with the relevant conditions of the market.


After conducting an analysis, you can transform it into the company's growth marketing strategy for the next period (6 months / 1 year). Knowing its strengths, marketing messages will be more accurate.

At the same time, knowing the weaknesses, you can make every effort on their leveling.


The popularity of SWOT analytics is due to several factors.


Regardless of which market share you own, you are engaged in manufacturing or retail, online or offline, such an analysis method is applicable to all enterprises. It can also be assessed by the effectiveness of specific departments of the company.


SWOT Brand Analysis can hold owner or manager of the enterprise. It does not need to resort to difficult computing and conduct large research. It is enough to just be aware of the real state of affairs in the company and on the market as a whole.

A complex approach

During SWOT, analysts are taken into account both external and internal factors affecting the company's activities. Therefore, the results of the analysis will help to understand the real state of affairs, and they will not show only one side of the medal.


Despite the fact that SWOT is a very efficient and convenient way to carry out analytics, he has some drawbacks.


There is no standard set of indicators that need to be considered when analyzing. It is necessary to rely on the personal opinion of analysts about the enterprise and its position in the market.

Blur results

It is often impossible to assess the analysis factors in quantitative indicators. Therefore, SWOT analysis helps to form a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise and its position in the market, but does not allow to assess and compare the effect of various factors.

How to use Analysis

Getting Started with the SWOT analysis, it is necessary to clearly define the main objectives of your organization. In order to make out advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and risks in annex to the implementation of the tasks.
When analyzing, consider only significant factors. For example, delivery price 5 UAH is lower than competitors should not be treated as one of the advantages of the company.

5 Rules for Effective SWOT Analysis

  1. Conduct a study for each market segment, a product, product to get more objective results.
  2. Do not confuse with advantages and threats with disadvantages. Advantages and disadvantages are internal factors of the enterprise. You can control them. Opportunities and threats are external non-control factors.
  3. Define the strengths and weaknesses from the point of view of the buyer. To make sure your assumptions, spend interviewing or questioning among customers.
  4. Use accurate unambiguous wording.
  5. For each factor of deficiencies and risks, try to find ways to eliminate or minimize. For advantages and opportunities - ways of gain and use. All data write down in the solutions matrix.

Preparation for analysis

Before analyzing, it is necessary to explore the market on which the company works. Special attention should be paid to the study of your target audience in order to clearly understand the "pain" of a potential client and orient your business to meet the needs of the user, and not just sell it your product. This is a key factor in building long-term customer relations.

Highlight the main competitors and analyze their companies from the point of view of a potential client. Stripping from this, you can highlight your strengths and weaknesses.

Step-by-step algorithm how to make information analysis

There is a special method of holding a SWOT analysis to obtain the highest quality results. It consists of 5 stages.

Step 1. Highlight questions for analysis

It is necessary to answer the following questions. They will help you allocate the most important information and tune in to further work.

Examples of questions to identify strengths:

  • What is our main competitive advantage?
  • What are we superior to our competitors?
  • What advantages have our employees?
  • What resources do we possess?
  • What is our uniqueness?
  • Why do customers use our services?
  • What assets do we have?

Questions to identify weaknesses:

  • What is the advantage of competitors?
  • What competitors are superior to us?
  • What are our customers not satisfied?
  • What resources are we tested?
  • What are our employees complain about?
  • What are the disadvantages of the product?
  • What factors prevent the product better?
  • What internal processes can be improved?

Questions to identify the possibilities of the enterprise:

  • How can current political and economic situation contribute to business growth?
  • What external resources can be attracted to accelerate development?
  • How can current market trends come to us benefit?
  • Opportunities are permanent or temporary?

Examples of questions to determine threats:

  • What new market participants are potentially dangerous for us?
  • How can political and economic situation worsen our effectiveness?
  • What new products and technologies can be more attractive to users than ours?
  • Can market trends negatively affect our business?

Step 2. Make a SWOT Table Analysis

Using the table (matrix), you can structure all the information received. It consists of four parts: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. All identified factors need to be added to the SWOT matrix into the appropriate blocks by sorting it according to the degree of importance.

Step 3. Search for strengths and weaknesses

Resect the main internal factors affecting the company's success. Factors that are better than competitors - strengths that are worse - weak.

Sort the resulting data so that at the top of the list there are the factors that influence the final profit to the greatest extent.

Step 4. Search for growth opportunities

Step 5. Search for business threats

Determine what can reduce the income level of your company. At the same time, never forget that external factors understand under threats. They are not controlled you - you can't influence them.

Quantitative analysis method

In practice, a quantitative method is often used. Its essence is that after identifying all the factors you evaluate them on the score scale. Due to this, the results of the analysis will become more visual, as they give an understanding of how important this or that factor is.

To carry out a full quantitative SWOT analysis requires high time costs. But there is an alternative method that is most practically inferior to the classical and requires less time.

SWOT analytics on the example of an online store

Consider the compilation of the SWOT table of analysis on the example of the home appliance online store.

  • Top positions in the search results of Google on relevant key requests provide 80% of traffic and 70% of conversion.
  • Call center operators, on average, have 3 years of experience and are well oriented in the range and specifications of household appliances.
  • Independent import of products of certain brands provides low cost.
Weak sides:
  • The mobile version of the website is too heavy. This makes it not comfortable using the site using the mobile Internet.
  • The goods are located on different warehouses of the country, and therefore the client often needs to wait for the order up to 5 days.
  • Not implemented remarketing on Google Ads, abandoned baskets and trigger distribution to hold potential and existing customers.
  • The stable development of the e-commerce market will probably increase the total number of sales.
  • New YouTube Channel can increase brand awareness and increase the total number of traffic to the site.
  • The main competitor plans to close its business. His customers can go to us.
  • The increase in the dollar will increase the cost of purchasing goods in national currency. Accordingly, the revenue will fall.
  • Reducing the standard of living in the country can negatively affect the overall revenue.
  • An increase in the number of mobile traffic will negatively affect the conversion of the site in connection with the outdated mobile version.

Factors in the table are sorted by level of importance. Of the most important criteria, you can draw the following conclusions:

  • It is worth continuing to engage in search optimization, because it is the most efficient traffic channel.
  • Mobile version of the site must be updated. This is guaranteed to affect the conversion indicator from mobile devices and the total number of purchases.
  • Do not go to Offline, because the market is developing steadily.
  • If the dollar rate will grow, you will have to raise prices in the store.

5 examples of solutions based on SWOT analysis

The main goal after SWOT analytics is to correctly interpret the data obtained. This will help to cope with difficulties and to ensure further business development. Consider 5 examples of tasks with a potential solution.

1. Employees of the marketing department do not fulfill the tasks in the deadlines established by the head of the department.

Decision: Hire a project manager. It will help competently put the tasks, prioritize them and correctly assess the time for their execution.

2. Rental for offline shops is growing while income from them is steadily decreasing.

Decision: Create an online store and start carrying sales online.

3. Reduced living standards negatively affects the sales of premium segment clothing.

Decision: Increase the share of products for the middle class.

4. 65% of organic traffic comes from a corporate youtube channel. In case of unexpected channel lock, most of the traffic will disappear.

Decision: Start developing other traffic sources. For example, deal with search engine optimization or develop a corporate page on Facebook.

5. An old extruder often fails at the manufacturing plant for manufacturing products from polyethylene, and there are no funds to buy a new.

Decision: Find partners, on the equipment of which you can produce products, giving them part of the profits.


SWOT Analysis of small businesses or large enterprise allows you to identify shortcomings and threats, as well as strengths and opportunities for development. Thanks to this, you can organize the company in such a way as to effectively resist external threats, successfully compete in the market and consistently increase the efficiency of your business.

To ensure the most complete and reliable data in SWOT analytics, analyze not only for the entire company, but also for specific departments and products. At the same time, try to find out the opinion from how much more knowledgeable people can get objective data. Thanks to this, you can make the right and effective solutions in the development of your business.

INhave you ever wondered about what makes a good warlord before the fight? He studies the field of the upcoming battle, looking for all winning hills and dangerous swampy places, assesses his strength and power of the enemy. If he does not do this, he will trust his army for defeat.

The same principles work in the business. Business is an endless series of small and large battles. If you do not appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise before the battle, do not determine the market opportunities and threats (the most irregularities of the terrain who are gaining great importance in the midst of battle), your chances of success will decrease sharply.

To get a clear assessment of the forces of your enterprise and the market situation, exists SWOT analysis. It is a special variety of expert method, enjoying great popularity. He received such a name according to the first letters of four English words, which in Russian translation means: strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. ABBPEVYTYPA COVERNA from PEPLAX BYKV Anguli Casts:

Strength - power; Weakness is weakness; Opportunities - opportunities; Threats - Threats.

SWOT analysis - This is determining the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the possibilities and threats emanating from its nearest environment (external environment).

This methodology can be used as universal. It has a special effect in the study of processes in the socio-economic system, which is inherent in the dynamism, controllability, the dependence of the internal and external factors of functioning, the development cyclicity.

According to the methodology of this analysis, the distribution of factors characterizing the subject of research on these four components, taking into account the belonging of this factor to the class of external or internal factors.

As a result, a picture of the ratio of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and hazards, which suggests how to change the situation to have the success of development.

The distribution of factors for these quadrants or sectors of the matrices is not always easy. It happens that the same factor simultaneously characterizes both strong and weaknesses of the subject. In addition, factors are situationally. In one situation, they look dignity, in another - disadvantage. Sometimes they are incommensurable in their significance. These circumstances can also be considered.

The same factor can be placed in several quadrants, if it is difficult to unambiguously determine its place. It will not affect the study. After all, the essence of the method is to identify factors, place them in such a way that their concentration suggests the solution to solve the problem so that they become manageable.

In each quadrant, factors do not necessarily have the same weight, but they must be presented in full of their own totality.

The filled matrix shows the real state of affairs, the condition of the problem and the nature of the situation. This is the first stage of SWOT-analysis.

At the second stage, it is necessary to carry out a comparative analysis of the strengths and favorable opportunities, which should show how to use the strengths. At the same time, we must analyze the weaknesses relative to existing dangers. Such an analysis will show how likely the crisis. After all, the danger increases when it occurs under conditions of weakness, when weaknesses do not allow to prevent danger.

Of course, it is very useful to make a comparative analysis of strengths and existing dangers. After all, the strengths can be poorly used while preventing the crisis, the strengths must be seen not only about the favorable opportunities, but also relative to the dangers.

In the study of control systems, the subject of this method can be various problems of management development. For example, efficiency, personnel, style, distribution of functions, management system structure, control mechanism, motivation, professionalism, informational support, communication and organizational behavior, etc.

The use of specially trained and selected experts or internal consultants makes it possible to increase the efficiency of this method.

There are many modifications of the SWOT-analysis method. Most interesting of them development method and analysis of goals.

It is known that the purpose of the management is a decisive factor in success, efficiency, strategy and development. Without a goal, it is impossible to develop a plan or program. But this applies not only to the goal of management, but also the objectives of the study. After all, it is not easy to formulate this goal. The study program, the use of methods of its conduct depends on the purpose.

The goal should be developed by the criteria for achievability, concreteness, measurability (measurability), taking into account the place and time. These criteria reflect English words - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed, in the abbreviated name is Smart. So this method is called.

The method involves a consistent assessment of the objectives of the set of criteria located in the matrix form. Here is a set of comparable factors reflecting the characteristics of the target: difficult-to-do-suit, high costs - low costs, has staff support - does not have personnel support, has priorities -not has priorities, it requires a lot of time - it requires a little time, it has a wide impact - has a limited effect , focused on high technologies - related to low (ordinary) technology, is associated with a new management organization - is not related to a new management organization.

At the next stage, the matrix of the definition of problems is made. To achieve a goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems. But for this they must first determine.

The distribution of problems is carried out according to the following criteria: an existing situation, the desired situation, the possibility of achieving the goal. These criteria characterize the matrix horizontal. The verticals consider the following criteria: determining the problem, evaluating the problem (quantitative parameters), organization of solutions (who, where, when), the costs of solving the problem.

Steps of SWOT-analysis:


Strengths Enterprises - what it succeeded or some feature that provides you with additional features. The power can be in your experience, access to unique resources, the presence of advanced technology and modern equipment, high personnel qualifications, high quality products manufactured by your brand, etc.

Weak sides Enterprises are the absence of something important for the functioning of the enterprise or what you have not yet succeeded in comparison with other companies and puts you in an unfavorable position. As an example of weaknesses, a too narrow range of products produced, poor reputation in the market, lack of financing, low level of service, etc.

Market features - This is a favorable circumstance that your enterprise can use to get advantage. As an example of market opportunities, it is possible to determine the positions of your competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new technologies for the production of your products, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the possibilities from the point of view of SWOT-analysis are not all the possibilities that exist in the market, but only those that can use the enterprise.

Market threats - Events whose offensive can have an adverse effect on your enterprise. Examples of market threats: entering the market of new competitors, tax growing, changing buyers' tastes, decline in fertility, etc.

Please note: the same factor for different enterprises can be both a threat and the ability. For example, for the store trading in expensive products, the growth of income of the population may be the ability to increase the number of buyers. At the same time, for an economy store, the same factor may become a threat, as its buyers with growth wages can go to competitors offering a higher level of service.

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9.2 Specific methods for studying the interaction of facts

In the management study, which is intended to coordinate the joint activities of people, ensuring the integration of activities, a major role playing the method of studying the interaction of factorsdefining the behavior of objects, the nature of situations, the content of the problems.

This is one of the well-known and important methods. Any problem or situation can be presented in the aggregate of the factors of its manifestation and existence. All factors exist each separately. They are in collaboration, which discloses the essence of the problem and suggests its decision. But not always these interactions are noticeable, understood, structured and ranked in the consciousness of the researcher. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the composition and nature of interactions. This is based on this.

Its use is as follows. A clear selection of factors according to certain criteria and clarity in understanding interaction is necessary. Next, on this basis, a matrix of interactions are built, which should show the picture of existing and possible interactions between different factors. These interactions can be ranked by groups: interactions are essential, insignificant, desirable, unwanted, sustainable, unstable. Other gradation of interactions and quantitative assessment of their importance are possible.

The matrix designed in this way can show an existing picture, new faces of the problem, possible ways to solve it. In many cases, this method can be quite effective in researching.

In management systems, this method can be explored by the interaction of functions and links of the control system, factors to increase efficiency or innovative development, interaction between restrictions in the implementation of strategy, informal interactions in the management processes, etc.

Lecture 10 Diversification of the study. Methods of intuitive search. The "brainstorming" method.

10.2 Composition and system of diversified research methods.

10.3 Methods of intuitive search in the study of management systems.

10.4 Method "Brainstorming"

10.1 Research diversification processes: need, present,

Diversification - One of the notable phenomena of modernity. It is a connection of various phenomena, processes or trends, allowing the best way to use available resources and achieve goals .

It is known that the production of diversification is manifested in the transformation of many firms and corporations into diversified complexes, connecting the production of various purposes and using various technologies. Under these conditions, the effect of better use of resources is achieved, the ability to vary the products with the change in demand, increasing competitiveness. But there is another advantage of diversification. It lies in the creation of conditions for mutual enrichment of one technology of another, using related principles and approaches, to ensure the diversity of products due to the "effect of transferring" an idea or approach. This reminds known in quantum methodology the principle of external complementarity, which begins to manifest itself and act when it is connected to the external and internal when it comes to look at the internal or fundamentally different positions. This can be called the effect of diversification.

At the same time, the diversification of management occurs, which is manifested in a variety of forms and types of management systems, in conjunctioning them according to the needs of the management of diversified organizations.

The diversification processes penetrate into the research scope. Here they find themselves in the growing diversity of approaches and research methods and the needs of the connection of these approaches in a particular study.

For example, the use of even traditional research methods can be combined with psychological regulation of research and a special form of its organization. It turns out a fundamentally new research method with its advantages and disadvantages and different from other methods. In this regard, you can call the syktics method and many varieties of this method. It can be called a diversified study method, because it is not just a method of analyzing or collective intellectual activity, this is a method of motivating collective intuition, a kind of imagination, psychological setting, purposeful search, etc.

An important feature of diversified research methods is the combination of original research methodologies with specific organizational forms of their conduct. It is in this, perhaps that the effect of diversification is most pronounced.

Diversified research methods are greatly developed in modern conditions, and they own a big future.

10.2. Composition and system of diversified research methods

Famous diversified research methods should be presented in the system, for their system representation allows you to most successfully choose certain methods in specific conditions.

The system of diversified research methods includes brainstorming methods, methods of systematized search, methods of deep immersion in the problem, methods of intensifying mental activities, methods of fantastic transformation of the problem, methods of synthetics, intuitive search methods, etc.

All these are various methods, but they are closely connected with each other. In general, they are that they connect different, sometimes contradictory, this is the basis of the effect of their use.

The difference between these methods in combination of the methodology and organization of research, combinations of approaches and the simplest methods. Each of these methods need to be described and considering separately.

10.3 Methods of intuitive search in the study of control systems

Several research strategies can be distinguished, which suggest various intuition uses: a random search strategy, a focused search strategy, a systematic search strategy, an intuitive search strategy, a strategy of algorithmic (ordered) search

Methods of random, intuitive search They are in finding or accumulating new ideas regardless of practical activities and specific problems that are faced here. Often such ideas arise even with the uncertainty of the purpose of the study or awareness of its need these methods that arise from the needs of creativity, extraordinary thinking, developed intuition, intellectual abilities.

Collective forms of use of such search methods are widely used in the form of a brainstorming and all its varieties.

Systematic search method It is characterized by the ordering of all search procedures, their focus, the exact criterion basis of estimates, sequence. Here are widely used matrix methods of analysis, classification methods, decomposition.

Logical search method It has a more rigid ordering, which manifests itself in the algorithm of all search procedures aimed at a very specific subject of research or system element.

Methods of logical search begin with determining the subject of research or its adjustment, clarification, additions in the event that such a definition already exists.

These strategies differ not only by the methodology of their implementation, but also by organizational factors. They do not necessarily imply an algorithm for individual research, but are used and used with a collective study, where they may have the greatest effect. For example, intuitive and intuitive-target strategies are most effective when they are built on the separation of functions between different research groups in order to accumulate and present ideas, their strictly and thorough system analysis.

Strategies are distinguished not only by the combination of logic and intuition, but also in the following parameters: The purpose of the study and the nature of the problem, what to do to solve it, how to solve .

An important factor in the choice of the strategy is also the availability of information at the initial stage of the study, the possibility and necessity of its accumulation, the forms of use (quantitative data, a systematic description, properties characterizing quality, etc.) The smaller the initial information, the greater the need for an intuitive search strategy.

It may seem that the intuitive search is fully built on random insights and in essence is the opposite of system analysis methods, formal logic, "Mind Technology". This is not entirely true. Any mental, and even more so, creative activity has two components - conscious and unconscious. Each person has a different combination of their combination, and in all people it manifests itself in different ways depending on the specific circumstances in which they turn out to be.

Until certain limits, this combination can be controlled and you can develop the unconscious component of thinking, you can motivate its manifestation. On this and built various strategies for creative search.

10.4 Method "Brainstorming"

The "brainstorming" method has greater fame and practical distribution. The use of it showed indisputable efficacy in the creative solution of many complex research and not only research problems. It is used in the development of managerial solutions of various classes. That is why it is also said in the textbooks on management, and in special textbooks on the development of management decisions.

Study - It is always the development of the unknown, search for the future, the explanation of the complex. Therefore, in studies, the "brainstorming" method is of particular importance. With it, you can achieve such results that are impossible when using traditional methods of analysis.

Method "Brainstorming" Built on a specific combination of the methodology and organization of research, separate use of the efforts of researchers of pants and investigators with investigors analysts, systemers, skeptics, practitioners.

Fig. 8. Structure of the "Brain Attack" method

The main goal of "brainstorming" is the search for as much as possible spectrum of ideas and solutions to the problem under study, the way out of the boundaries of those ideas that exist from a narrow profile specialists either in people with a rich past experience and a certain official position.

People of various specialties, practical experience, scientific pace rame meter, individual qualities, as a rule, own various research methods. The connection of these methods can be very useful in solving complex research issues. This is the essence of the "brainstorming". Other its quality is the connection of logic and intuition, scientific fantasy and scrupulous calculation.

"Brainstorm" is held in two stages: the stage of generation of ideas and the stage of practical analysis of the extended ideas.

Each of the stages are carried out according to specific principles reflecting its appointment and the essence that determines its effectiveness. (Scheme 48.).

First stage (Ideas generation) implies the following principles:

1. The principle of the formation of a group of ability to scientific imagination and developed intuition, antidogmatic thinking, intellectual discharge, a variety of knowledge and scientific interests, positive skepticism.

2. The selection of the group to generate ideas can be made according to the results of special testing, which will reveal and take into account the criteria for this principle. In addition, other socio-psychological characteristics of a person, such as enthusiastic, sociability, independence, can be very useful.

3. All this is necessary in order to create an atmosphere of ease, creativity, mutually acceptability in this group.

4. The principle of strictly prohibiting any criticism. She can limit the flight of fantasy, to create concerns in the statement of ideas, worsen the socio-psychological atmosphere, to make an analyze ideas, to flicker thinking, switch attention and concentrate it to any one idea and thereby reduce their number and variety. After all, the main task of the first stage of "brainstorming" is to search as much as possible various solutions to the problem, ways to achieve goal, ideas and thoughts. And all the work of the group should be sent only to search for ideas, and not on their criticism. Explanation, justification. Therefore, one should formulate another principle.

5. The principle of prohibiting the rationale for the advanced ideas. It is necessary to exclude this natural need for human communication. You can offer only additional ideas other than expressed. It is impossible to "join the opinion" or "decrypt" your or other people's ideas.

6. The principle of motivation of various ideas, reliating restrictions on the field of knowledge, the wealth of experience, official status, age, social situation. You can express absolutely unreal and fantastic ideas, moreover, it is precisely this and necessary to motivate in the work of the group.

7. Such motivation is determined by the selection of the group and the organization of its work. The group may include specialists in various fields of knowledge, different experience and scientific and practical status. A variety of work participants contributes to the generation of ideas.

8. The principle of the rules of time on the nomination of ideas. It is desirable that ideas are made on the basis of insight, Evrica, therefore, for the nomination of ideas, a time limit is established for thinking to exclude the possibility of "looping" in contradictions, concerns, relieve uncertainty, psychological complexes.

In the second stage The "brainstorming" (analysis stage) also has a number of principles reflecting the purpose and the essence of this stage.

1. The principle of completeness of the analysis of ideas and their generalizations. No idea expressed, as if skeptical, it is estimated initially, should not be excluded from practical analysis. All ideas presented must be classified and summarized. It helps to free them from possible emotional moments, external distracting factors. It is the analytical generalization of ideas sometimes gives very successful results.

2. The principle of analytical potential. The group should consist of analysts that are well understanding the essence of the problem, goals and scope of the study. These should be people with a sense of increased responsibility, tolerance for other ideas, clear logical thinking.

3. The principle of criteria clarity in assessing and analyzing ideas. To ensure objectivity of assessment and analysis of ideas, extremely clear criteria should be formulated, which must be guided by all members of the analytical group. The main ones should be: compliance of the purpose of the study, rationality, reality, resource security, including - and sometimes mainly a time resource.

4. The principle of additional development of the idea and its concretization. Many originally expressed ideas need to be clarified, concretization, add-on. They can be analyzed, accepted or excluded from analysis only after appropriate refinement.

5. The principle of positivism in the analysis of ideas. It is possible to analyze on the basis of various approaches: negativism and positivism. The first is carried out on the installation of critical assessments, skepticism, rigidity of practical criteria. The second is to find a rational, positive, constructive in any manifestations.

6. The principle of constructivism, involving the orientation of ideas on building a concept, reality, a program of action, carry out the linkage of ideas.

In practical use of the method of "brainstorming", the personality and activities of the leading value are of great importance. After all, the work and the first, and the second groups should be appropriately organized and regulated in the process of their conduct. This role is carried out presenter. Various options are possible: the presenter may be for the first and second groups one and the same or can be differentiated leading. But in that and in another case, the leading should be a person with great creative activity, benevolence, deep understanding of the problem being solved, the ability to organize and maintain the intellectual process.

The feasibility of using the method of "brainstorming" is determined by the assessment of the complexity and originality of the research problem and the presence of specialists who can effectively participate in the processes of "brainstorming". Most often these are people selected on special tests and the necessary learning.

Of great importance in the success of the "brainstorming" has the formulation and formulation of the purpose of the study, as well as its subject matter - problems.

The problem can be made in generalized form or in a specific practical one. Problem is also possible in the form of a problem - analogue (anti-slip) or from an adjacent area of \u200b\u200bactivity, or in the "inverse" wording (change, displacement or rearrangement of accents to disturb the usual thinking, allocating new faces of the problem, stimulating its creative understanding).

The formulation of the problem also implies various degrees of its concreteness. It may also be useful to ensure the "freedom" of the creative process, the discrepancy of thinking.

The choice of formulation of the problem and the wording of its content depends on the professional composition of the group, its structure on psychological data that has developed or non-existent human relations (unfamiliar people), the organizational conditions of the Group, the objectives of the study (the first approach to the problem or a specific decision, the time factor and the time etc.).

When selecting a group to generate ideas, it should be borne in mind that by the abilities to creative generation people are different. Three types of personalities can be distinguished.

The active generator responds quickly to the problem set, shows a noticeable interest in solving the problem, reacts positively to criticism, not "eaten" into the content of the problem, shows claims to leadership.

The inert generator does not have a high level of claims, but has significant abilities to creative work. He seeks to get into the essence of the problem, feel her depth, understand its origins and content, is not in a hurry to express ideas, analyzes his own thoughts, requires more heating in generation of ideas.

The use of the "brainstorming" method can only be effective in creative attitude towards this method. It is not only the method of using and stimulating creativity in the study, but also implies a creative approach to the implementation of the method itself.

The "brain attack" method is focused on the opening of new ideas and achieving agreement in the expert group based on intuitive thinking. Participants in collective generation of ideas express their opinions regarding the solution to the problem. It is expressed as much ideas as possible, preferably nontrivial. Evaluation and discussion of ideas is made at the end of the entire procedure.

With this method, you can successfully solve a number of risk management tasks, namely:

Identification of sources and causes of risk, establishing all possible types of risks;

Selection of directions and risk reduction paths;

Forming a complete set and a qualitative estimate of options in which various ways of reducing the risk or their combination, etc. are used.

The disadvantages of using this method include a significant level of information noise created by trivial ideas, spontaneous and natural nature of the generation of ideas.

Third type of expert proceduresallows largely. Eliminate these disadvantages of the first and second types of group estimates. An example of the methods of this type of examination is the Delphi method, the name of which occurred from the Greek Dolphic Oracles.

The Delphi method is to conduct a survey of experts in several tours, which allows the use of feedback by referring experts with the results of the previous survey tour and accounting for these results in assessing the importance of expert opinions. The phased survey continues until the maximum rapprochement of points of view is achieved. The essence of the Delphi method can be represented as a scheme (Fig. 6.2)

The Delphi method is most appropriate with quantitative estimates of individual risks and risk of the entire project as a whole, that is, when determining the likelihood of risky events, an assessment of the magnitude of the loss, the probability of losses to a certain risk zone, etc.

One of the widespread methods of expertise is also the "Script" method. The "Script" method allows you to streamline information about the relationship of solved problems with other issues and on possible development paths. The essence of the method is that a group of highly qualified specialists is a screenwriter plan with which the branches of science, technology, economics, policies that must be taken into account when formulating and solving the problem. Different sections of the script write different groups of specialists or individual specialists. In these sections, the script is trying to display a possible time in time, starting with an existing state or some event in the future.

Accordingly, the question "how to make a SWOT analysis" is of particular importance in the life of the entrepreneur. It is about how to do a SWOT analysis, we will talk today and talk. Rather, we will develop such a step-by-step instruction - the questionnaire, after which the very question () It will be finally closed for you.

First, let's look at what a SWOT analysis is (I apologize in advance for those who are superfluous). SWOT Analysis - Planning Tool and Four Comparative Business Elements. These items are: Strengths (strengths), Weaknesses (Weaknesses), Opportunities (Opportunities) and Threats (Threats). Properly made SWOT Analysis gives an entrepreneur a huge amount of useful information necessary for the adoption of the right business solutions.

Learning to make SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis - 4 pitch instructions

For greater clarity, we divide the SWOT process analysis process, each of which is submitted by several issues. Answers to these questions and there are, in fact, the process of holding SWOT analysis. So.

Step 1 - Scanning Business Surroundings

In this step, inspecting our business environment, we must determine the factors that affect or can affect our business. All factors can be divided into internal and external. In order to determine these factors, answer the following questions:

1. What legal factors (laws and other regulatory norms) influence (or may affect) on my business?

2. What environmental factors affect (or can affect) on my business?

3. What political factors influence (or can affect) on my business?

4. What economic factors influence (or can affect) on my business?

5. What geographic factors influence (or can affect) on my business?

6. What social factors influence (or can affect) on my business?

7. What technological factors influence (or can affect) on my business?

8. What cultural factors affect (or can affect) on my business?

9. What market factors influence (or may influence) on my business?

Answers to the first 9 questions give you information about external factors, i.e., about the impacts on your business that are in your environment regardless of your business existence. All these questions, one way or another, is worth asking to fully understand that it can have any impact on your business. Of course, different factors will have a different impact in different business areas, but you will just understand, responding to these questions.

10. Does it affect whether to influence my business competition factor?

11. Does it affect whether to influence my business management factor and business management?

12. Does it affect whether to influence my business factor of the selected business strategy?

13. Does it affect whether to influence my business business structure factor?

14. Does it affect whether to influence my business factor of employees?

15. Does it affect whether to influence my business factor of the business goals?

16. Does it affect whether to influence my business leadership factor?

17. Does it affect whether to influence my business management factor of operational management?

18. Does it affect whether to influence my business factor technology in business?

Answers to questions from 10 to 18 will give you information about what factors associated with the appearance on the market of your business will be in general. The list may not be exhaustive, there is a lot depends on the scope of activity, but these are the highlights.

And so, responding to the above questions, you will have an almost complete set of factors from which your business depends to one degree or another. Next, they should be analyzed and put out the correct conclusions for themselves. In this regard, go to the next step of our instruction, how to make a SWOT analysis.

Step 2. Analysis of the business environment

In this step, SWOT analysis we need to disassemble all the factors listed above and understand that they are for us and our business actually represent. Let's do it as you guess, after a few questions. Here they are:

19. What legal factors for our business can be a threat, and what is the opportunity?

20. What political factors for our business may be a threat, and what is the opportunity?

Any head of the enterprise should know the strengths and weaknesses of the SWOT analysis, because it should be ready for unexpected and not always pleasant surprises, quickly and clearly respond to them. For these purposes and provides SWOT-analysis technology.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of SWOT analysis, through the use of a similar kind of marketing research on the practice of marketing research, the entrepreneur will always be able to find the best solution in any situation.

SWOT analysis, general concept

The concept of "SWOT" is borrowed from English and essentially an abbreviation of English-language words:

  • S - Strengths (Force) - Speech about the strengths and advantages of the enterprise;
  • W - weaknesses (weakness) - disadvantages, weaknesses;
  • O - opportunities (favorable opportunities) - meaning possibilities from outside, thanks to which in case of favorable conditions, the likelihood of creating additional advantages in the Company's activities is great;
  • T - THREATS (threats) - circumstances with the opportunity to organize harm.

Conducting a SWOT analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, it is possible to clearly clarify whether the company (even) internal sides are applied to complete, and also identify positions that can become strong, those that need to be corrected, etc.

What is needed SWOT analysis

The standard SWOT study is intended to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, risk assessment (including) and better opportunities. It is important not to just get the information you are interested in, but also to compare the results of the study with the indicators of the most important competitors.

The SWOT analysis carried out allows you to answer important questions, namely:

  1. Whether the company is used by personal strong qualities in full.
  2. What distinguishing features in the implementation of their own strategy has an enterprise.
  3. Are there any weakened side and how they need to be corrected.
  4. What favorable opportunities are likely to lead to success.
  5. What are the likely threats the head should seriously do. Features of the actions taken in this case.

The most optimal time for SWOT analysis is the period when the direction is formulated, in accordance with which further business development is planned.

What rules need to be adhered to when conducting a SWOT analysis

By performing a SWOT analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, it is important to adhere to the well-known rules.

  1. Studies vector should be clearly specified. When analyzing the entire business as a whole, the results will turn out very generalized and will be completely useless. Therefore, the SWOT analysis is recommended in specific directions.
  2. All SWOT analysis concepts must be clearly understood.
  3. Conducting assessment from the market position. Analysis, it is necessary to use strengths and weaknesses in that condition, what they seek competitors and consumers. After all, the strengths will be such only if they are so visible from the market position.
  4. Lead objectivity to the chapter. Input information must be versatile. Research does not have only one person. The possibility of deep analysis is allowed only when the assessment is given to the group.
  5. The wording should be clear. Do not allow extensive and ambiguous phrases. The result depends on their accuracy.

The principle of operation of SWOT-analysis

The principle of operation of SWOT-analysis is easy and reduced to a specific scheme.

The first is the designation of the strengths and weaknesses by experts. These characteristics are internal.

There is a designation of strong and weak elements typical of the company. In many ways, it depends on the literacy of the production of long-term.

To compile an expert opinion, it is enough to arrange a survey of the company's management.

Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses should be carried out at least three different directions:

By analyzing the internal factors, you can apply such a model. Rate vectors:

  • how important the marketing activity of the company meets external environment;
  • degree of adequacy to the marketing channel of the sales system;
  • whether the organization of processes of production of the adequacy of the manufactured market is compliant;
  • how are logistic processes organize and whether they are adequate to the marketing channel;
  • how appropriate the financial status of its tasks;
  • does the administrative system comply with the quality of the administration of business processes.

The second is a description of the possibilities and threats.

This includes external factors, situations that are emerging outside the firm, the company's business environment.

Threats, as a rule, are the same. They are:

  1. Analysis of the strengths of the enterprise, evaluation of opportunities and threats, depending on the degree of impact on the company.
  2. The SWOT matrix is \u200b\u200bcompiled, where all the information is reduced in the form of tables.
  3. Analysis of factors is analyzed.
  4. After drawing up a description and conduct of marketing analysis, a strategy is determined, which is based on the results of the descriptions proposed above, using the strengths and compensation for disadvantages.

SWOT Matrix

All information received is entered into a special table consisting of 4-fields. A similar table was called the SWOT-analysis matrix.

How to analyze factors

In accordance with the information received, the analysis is made and there is a relative reason how "strengths" enterprises are able to implement the company's capabilities in achieving certain planned targets.

The SWOT analysis matrix after filling the required data will look something like this:

Matrix strategiesSWOT-Analysis

The conclusion is drawn up the SWOT strategy matrix. This, in fact, is that for what everything was stood.

All data obtained as a result of SWOT-analysis are used to develop certain directions of the strategy for which subsequent work will be built.

As a rule, the organization carries out work immediately in several directions, namely:

  • implementation of strengths;
  • adjustment of weaknesses;
  • taking measures to compensate for threats.

According to the results of the analysis of tabular data, the matrix of measures aimed at correcting flaws in the activities of the company is drawn up. All information is recorded in the same table represented by four fields:

After analyzing all the information presented in the table, a list of probable actions, the so-called "marketing plan" is drawn up.

Strong and weak sides of SWOT-analysis

SWOT analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise has both positive moments and disadvantages.


  • makes it possible to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the organization, as well as initiate the likelihood of threats and opportunities;
  • it is easily ease of use and sufficient efficiency;
  • conducts the relationship between the potential and the problems of the company, makes a comparison of strong and weakened parties.
  • for analysis, extensive data is not needed;
  • selects options in which the institution will deserve to exist;
  • helps to establish a promising direction of the development of the company;
  • allows us to evaluate the profitability indicator and compare it with similar data of competitive organizations;
  • forms conditions for evaluating the resources of the institution;
  • analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the project, the manual receives a warning about which problems may arise;
  • the governing makeup appears the opportunity to enhance and strengthen competitive advantages;
  • thanks to SWOT analysis, the formation of a clearer representation of the position in the market;

The SWOT analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise contributes to avoiding trouble, dangers and choice of the most favorable way of development.

SWOT analysis and its weaknesses:

SWOT analysis is a simple tool aimed at ensuring information structuring. Such a procedure does not offer any specific answers, quantitative assessments or clear recommendations.

The role of such analysis is to obtain an adequate assessment of the main factors and with a certain percentage of the probability to predict the development of specific events. Analyst has already to put forward the relevant recommendations.

In addition, it is only at first glance it seems that the analysis procedure is simple. In fact, the objectivity of the result is determined by how fully and qualitatively information was provided.

To obtain the data as close as possible to the reality, it will be necessary to attract an expert, which will evaluate the current state and determine the likely vector of the further development of the market.

If errors were made when filling in the matrix table, it is not possible to identify them in the analysis process. Therefore, in the event that any extra factor is added, or on the contrary, there was a loss of an important element, the conclusions may be erroneous.

Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise made by SWOT analysis allows the entrepreneur to choose the most correct direction for the development of his business. That is why it is necessary to approach the organization and conduct of such a procedure.

SWOT analysis. Part 1 - Strong and Weaknesses

Life makes us daily make decisions. And every our decision, one way or another affect our future. Our fate on years and even decades depends on some decisions. To make any important decision you need a thorough analysis of what is happening, this is necessary both in business and in household life. Qualitative analysis is very difficult. And despite the fact that it is necessary to be able to do absolutely every person, this function of management is not taught at school. Today we will tell about one of the most common ways to analyze - the SWOT method.

What is SWOT analysis

SWOT Analysis is a primary assessment method. The current situation is based on its consideration from four sides:

  • Strengths - Strengths;
  • Weaknesses - weaknesses;
  • Opportunities - opportunities;
  • Threats - Threats;

Strong and weaknesses are your inner environment, the fact that you already have at the current time. Opportunities and threats are factors of the external environment, they can occur, and may not, it depends on your actions and decisions.

For the first time, the SWOT abbreviation was performed at Harvard in 1963 at a conference on business policy issues by Professor Kenneth Andrews (Eng. Kenneth Andrews). In 1965, SWOT analysis was proposed to develop a firm's behavior strategy.

SWOT Analysis helps to make a structured description of a specific situation, based on this description, conclusions can be drawn. This allows you to make right and weighted solutions. SWOT Analysis occupies a significant role in, he should master everyone who is engaged in managing staff and marketing.

SWOT analysis rules

Before proceeding with the compilation of the SWOT analysis, it is necessary to learn a number of rules.

  1. Need to choose the most specific area of \u200b\u200bresearch.. If you have chosen too wide, the conclusions will not be specific and weak applicable.
  2. Clear separation of elementsSWOT.. No need to confuse strengths and opportunities. The strengths and weaknesses are the internal features of the organization, it is subject to it. Opportunities and threats are associated with an external environment and directly beyond the influence of the organization, the organization can only change their approach and adapt to them.
  3. Avoid subjectivity. It will be naive to rely on your opinion if the market does not agree with him. Perhaps you consider your product unique, but it is above all to ask consumers. Without them, your personal opinion has no meaning.
  4. Try use the opinion as much as possible people. The more sample, the more accurate the study. Remember about?
  5. Maximum specific and accurate wording. I often ask the subordinates - "What do you need to do to make more?" Almost always answers me that you need to work more. This is not a specific wording, it is not clear what particular actions for what time a person should do.

Using these not complex rules, you can go to the compilation of the SWOT matrix.

SWOT Matrix

SWOT Analysis is customary to use, drawing a table, it is often called a SWOT matrix. This method of use does not depend on the globality of the problem being solved. It does not matter whether you decide whether to spend your weekend or in which business to invest your millions, the essence and appearance of the SWOT analysis will not be treated. Looking a SWOT matrix something like this:

The first line and the first column are simply indicated for the convenience of understanding, it is not necessary to draw them if you understand the SWOT method of analysis well.

How to use SWOT analysis

So, there is a certain task in front of you and you need to understand how to solve it. First of all, you need to draw a SWOT matrix. You can do it, sharing a sheet of paper into four parts. In each part, you need to write as much information as possible. It is advisable to first write more significant factors, then go to less significant.

We analyze the strengths and weaknesses

It is not surprising, but it is with a description of the strengths of the strengths. There are more problems in people who took the SWOT analysis for the first time. In general, you can ask for help in assessing your employees, friends and acquaintances, but it is better to learn to analyze yourself. Strong and weaknesses are evaluated by the same parameters.

In business, the strengths are estimated primarily in the following parameters:

  • Management and human resources as a whole. First of all, the competence and experience of personnel;
  • The presence of a clear system. Business processes and understanding of employees what to do;
  • Finance and access to money;
  • Clearly. This is a very important success factor, the lack of a sales department is a serious obstacle and the absorber of other resources;
  • Productivity of marketing policies;
  • The presence of production costs.

When conducting a SWOT analysis of their identity, you can rely on the following criteria:

  • Education and knowledge;
  • Experience and your skills;
  • Links in society, useful dating and other opportunities to use an administrative resource;
  • Recognition and authority;
  • Availability of material resources;

When analyzing the strengths, it is worth navigating what you like to do and that you get good. As a rule, what we do not like we get worse.

Analysis of opportunities and threats

Opportunities and threats create changes in the environment and the changes that you can personally take. It is worth noting that to analyze the external situation in the market, and even more so to predict the worst market you need to have serious qualifications. To predict that it will happen very hard and it is necessary to rely primarily on current facts and trends. At the same time, making long-term planning needs to be taken into account, including the most pessimistic scenario for the development of the situation.

Opportunities and threats in business are primarily assessed by the following parameters:

  1. Market trends. Increase or decrease in demand.
  2. Economic situation in the country. During the growth of the economy, the business will, with other things being equal, will grow proportionally with the growth of the economy, and vice versa.
  3. Competition, the lack of competitors today does not guarantee their absence tomorrow. The arrival of the large player to the market can turn the industry from the legs on the head.
  4. Infrastructure changes. Large changes in infrastructure can fill both profit and losses.
  5. Legislation and political trends. Probably, the year so 2003 no one assumed that after 5 years, all casinos will close.
  6. Technological coups. Progress inevitably destroys the whole industry, creating new ones.

In any field of business, there are experts and professionals, to compile a high-quality SWOT matrix, you can contact them for advice and expert opinion.

Technique SWOT Analysis

So, we have a filled SWOT matrix that contains: strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats. Based on this matrix you need to work according to which you will work. To do this, perform the following actions:

  1. It is necessary to rank all factors according to the degree of influence;
  2. All far-fetched and not important factors should be excluded;
  3. We disassemble how much strengths can help avoid threats and achieve opportunities;
  4. We look at what influence your weaknesses can afford and threats;
  5. How strengths can help fix weaknesses;
  6. How we can reduce the threats;

Based on the work done, you constitute the main vector versions. SWOT Analysis This primarily tool for a descriptive assessment of the situation. In it, large analytics arrays are not analyzed and there are no comparison of indicators over the past years. Based on SWOT, the parameters are not quantitatively not measured. And that is why the SWOT method will always be a fairly subjective analysis tool.

Application SWOT Analysis

The simplicity of SWOT analysis makes this tool very versatile, as we wrote above it can be used both lives and in business. SWOT Analysis is used both separately and compound with other analysis and planning tools. The most widespread use of SWOT analysis received in and management primarily for strategic planning of the organization's activities.

SWOT self-analysis

Separately, I want to tell about the use of the SWOT method analysis to determine priorities in personal development. You can use this tool to determine the goals as at work, for example, how the activity you should do, so in your personal relationship.

I highly recommend the leaders of the middle and senior asking for their subordinates to do a personal SWOT analysis no less often than once a year. It is also an excellent tool for determining management abilities when receiving a new employee. For the first time I read this idea in the book Igor Manna number 1. Mann recommends giving SWOT to everyone who came to the interview.

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