Add that the project of intertime and. Two best ways to get a survey project and project planning project

Engineering systems 14.10.2019
Engineering systems

The release of the land plot is associated with numerous, rather expensive, but pleasant troubles when the owner has far-reaching plans that he intends to implement, for example, the installation of the landmarks of the land of the land.

After the territory of the site is registered in accounts, in accordance with which the area determination, the site configurations and the integrated signs are set, you can proceed to further stages of work with the site. These stages can be the creation of land survey and planning projects.

Project of the territory of the territory (PMT) - A special type of town-planning documentation, which is developed in accordance with certain types of activities requiring the internal interaction of the site. It differs from the survey for the purpose of allotment and is not defined in the cadastral records.

Thanks to the survey of the territories, the marking of the area is created, on which construction or other work is planned, taking into account the creation of structure on the ground. That is, if the common area is subject to separation into the most fractional parts - the need for the preparation of PMT is arising.

Based on the preparation and preparation of the project of the territory of the territory, information from urban planning and architectural plans is included, which determine the possibilities for transferring the plans of the developer. This document coordinates their actions, creating their consistency and a harmonious combination of actions.

Information from PMT is available to all citizens interested. Specialized geodesic departments in the composition of the architectural controls of municipalities expose all information on sites to familiarize themselves with them.

Draft planning of the territory (PPT) - also refers to urban planning documentation. Directly associated with the landline project, but in contrast to it has more detailed characteristics, based on the smallest details of information that takes into account the optimal effect of the work planned at the site and minimize the risks of errors during construction.

In addition, the PPT contains data that goes beyond the limits of the site where the internal intertaries are planned, it covers the complex context in which the construction of the site should be signed.

This document is created in conjunction with the landline project, but includes some additional and sufficiently important information, on the basis of which the analysis is subsequently possible to conduct an intertarization. These include:

  • drawings of linear objects;
  • infrastructure facilities;
  • capital construction facilities.

Indicated projects are used in the creation of preliminary activities for the preparation of the site to construction work. Documents can be used not only on newly allocated empty areas, but also in areas with an already developed structure.

If construction works are planned on an empty section - then the will of the developer has practically no restrictions. However, here will have to take into account the structure of soil and the possibility of building in accordance with those or other features. Almost every owner knows that lands features can be an obstacle to its maximum overhaul workload.

Moreover, in some cases, highlighted areas should harmoniously combine all available buildings and objects in a single style, a defined urban planning context. This feature is charged with these important project documents, it is obliged to provide for all the nuances of future construction.

No less important features are projects in planning construction work on the territory with already erected capital buildings. Here, the role of design work will be special - new buildings in an already existing urban planning structure.

In addition to specific goals, which pursues the creation of projects, they carry the overall function of the system organization of construction.

Special importance Systemic construction of construction is for large urban planning complexes.

Metropolitan and regional, as well as some regional city arrays, where land for construction is distinguished by highly high prices, in pursuit of profit may violation in the operation of land under the buildings buildings.

In such cities, both Moscow and St. Petersburg, such violations are already quite a lot. For these cities, the highest possible requirements for the development of interviewing and planning projects will be provided for them to be through not only to comply with the required regulations, but also to adjust the existing shortcomings.

In what cases may be needed projects?

In addition to construction, the Meadreese project is used in all cases of separation of the site into smaller parts without separated and without setting these parts into cadastral accounting. Accordingly, it may be necessary:

  1. In determining the boundaries of the use of a land plot in total share ownership, a common array is marked for individual parts.
  2. Alienated as a result of establishing the burden, part of the site is rewarded from the general territory.

But in these cases, projects are issued at the request of the owners. They may need and give the exploitation of land maximum efficiency, but are not obligatory to use.

In addition, the interdependence of the need for one project to create another. They carry various information. Basic information provided by the planning project is an auxiliary tool for creating PMT. And also - on the contrary. By virtue of this inseparable mutual communication, projects need to be coordinated with each other.

The composition of information

The content of project information has the character of the standard. PMT includes textual and cartographic part. In the textual part, the central link is a table, it lies in a detailed description of the information message, which characterizes the main trends of the territory designed on the ground. It includes the following sections:

  1. Basic provisions.
  2. Basic and private resolutions for the preparation of textual and cartographic parts.
  3. Sections of the text and cartographic part of PMT, which occupy a significant amount of the project and consist of individual items and sub-clauses.
  4. Content.

The project begins with a title list, where information about the work performer is indicated and brief overview data on its structure and content are presented. The project is attached separate information in the form of applications, and an explanatory note is attached.

An important stage of design is the compilation of a map.

It is reproduced in the paper version. The electronic medium for its creation is a basic system, the context of the site is copied to it, reflecting the existing position at the time of the project.

New project information reflects the existing potentially or ideal context, so it is applied to a copy of an interactive card with specialized topographical signs.

On request, the project information is applied on the cartographic basis manually, always - in blue color, in compliance with all the rules specified as the requirements for the preparation of the project.

Preparation requirements

The project is drawn up on the basis of standards and requirements defined by federal law. It relies on the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from 03.08.2011 N388.

PMT preparation items include a number of provisions:

  1. Map compilation rules.
  2. Using the A-4 sheet format.
  3. Use of relevant stationery.
  4. Use only Russian language.
  5. The numbering rules of sheets and the use of only Arabic numbers.
  6. Special rules for transferring information to the next sheet.
  7. Project items.
  8. Total text.
  9. Rules for the preparation of PMT.

The designated requirements form standard data processing procedures in PMT for a number of information data:

  • data about the customer and artist;
  • on the content of the explanatory note;
  • according to the cadastral (initial) section of the site;
  • according to cadastral data on the parts of the site to be design;
  • information on admission to the site of specialists;
  • on a graphic plan;
  • by applications.

Procedure for training

You can order an intersection project in the local administration, where the urban planning committee should be. It is authorized to plan architectural works and, among other things, to manufacture a land project.

It is provided with relevant qualified specialists and is licensed in accordance with the requirements of state legislation. He fully takes responsibility for the project. In Moscow, the approval of project documentation is carried out in the main architectural and planning management.

To prepare PMT, you will have to negotiate the project of the territory of the territory.

Prepare a package of documents:

  • project planning project;
  • sketch of the master plan of the land plot (with the schemes of communications);
  • cadastral passport of the site;
  • topographic shooting to the site.

Thinking about who can perform this work, know that the head of the local executive committee (administration) should approve your project, at the place of finding a land facility intended for design work. He is a statement submitted by the owner of the site, or the decision of the Commission from the architectural or urban planning committee responsible for the preparation of PMT.

Project coordination is made by hearing on the basis of a qualification commission appropriate verification. The requirement to coordinate is the technical compliance with the planned characteristics, as well as the general urban planning (municipal) plan, presented in topographic form.

The result of the hearing will make a decision on the issue. It can be both positive and negative, which is due to the objective nature of the situation in the planned to design the land zone. It is important to consider a number of factors that may affect seismic processes and on a holistic landscape background.

In the presence of a negative decision, the refusal motives will be detailed in detail by individual items and are supported by expert opinions.

If there are errors or flaws in the project, which revealed after its preparation and approval, a revised additional document is attached to the project, which makes the necessary changes. The project itself is not redone.

To prepare PMT, you can contact the mediator by a lawyer who will take on your troubles. In this case, the listed documents need to attach a power of attorney to a representative decorated in a notary office.

Terms of completion of 30 days, at this time the administrative commission will check the compliance of the area for the planned work and determines the date of the hearing. After the decision, it should be reported within 3 days.

The preparation of the project of the survey is carried out on average from 4 to 7 months, depending on the complexity of the work carried out. If both projects are performed at the same time - terms will be significantly increased.

Payment of work is made after the permission issued for you to prepare projects. The cost of work is determined by their complexity and volume, and accordingly, it is established in each case individually.

When accessing the services of an intermediary, the preparation of a survey project in licensed companies is estimated from 30,000 rubles, the remaining elements necessary to prepare the project are calculated additionally.

This project is the basis for the formation of an intertarization project on its basis and is manufactured similarly. The basis for its manufacture will be your application to local authorities. It must be prepared before you begin to prepare the project of intertime or together with it.

If you submit an application to the local administration for the preparation of both projects - the algorithm of actions will be the same for the Meeting Plan and the planning project, as one of the stages of creating a holistic base picture for subsequent occupancy of the territory taking into account the data specified in the planning.

Since PPT is basic, then before proceeding to its preparation, it is necessary to find out whether the planned type of development is allowed on your site in accordance with the General Plan. If allowed - you can apply to the authorities on the preparation of the project.

Keep in mind that the manufacture of planning project has legal force almost equal to the building permit issued to you. Therefore, to its manufacture, the municipality is especially attentive.

Accordingly, to create PPT to you have to collect a large number of documents. These include:

  • architectural and planning task;
  • certificate of connection to power systems;
  • technical task for design;
  • urban conclusion;
  • topographic shooting;
  • expanding documents for a plot.

In addition, other documents may be requested in accordance with the specifics of planning goals. These documents will need to apply the permission of the administration after it is issued.

Coordination must be produced:

  • with the administration of the municipality;
  • chief architect;
  • engineering services.

In some cases, coordination can be requested with the Committee on Cultural Heritage and the Department for the Protection of Natural Resources. Coordination is performed by the customer.

The deadlines for execution and the cost of work depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory on which PPT is compiled. For multi-storey housing PPT on the plots:

  • up to 5 hectares - 400 000 rubles total - term 20 working days;
  • 5-20 hectares - 80,000 rubles for 1 hectare - period 25 working days;
  • 20-50 hectares - 75 000 rubles for 1 hectare - period 25 working days;
  • more than 50 hectares - 65,000 rubles per 1 ha - a period of 30 working days.

To designate all the external borders, as well as to apply the boundaries of special zones, the so-called projects of planning and interactions are created. These are technical documents containing drawings of various sites and a description of them. About how the stages make up the procedure for developing and coordinating such documents - in this article.

Legislative description, the composition of the content of documents is given in the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation:

  • article 42 - Planning Project;
  • article 43 - Arrow Project.

From a technical point of view, such documents are the detailing of the master plan for the development of the city or other settlements, although formally (from a legal point of view) they are not related to each other. Comparison of these types of documentation is presented in the table.

compared feature Project planning the territory General plan
what objects are described only a separate element of the settlement (it refers to the so-called planning structure) is separate areas, quarters, etc. the settlement as a whole (a plan for the development of the territory of a particular city is submitted)
what drawings are part of the document detailed drawing, fully reflecting the scheme of terrain
  • card with accurate boundaries of an existing or arising settlement (in the project);
  • map of individual functional zones - residential, production, natural.
what is included in the descriptive (text) part of the document
  • analytical materials, justifying borders and possible changes in boundaries;
  • technical characteristics of the development of the territory and their change in time (for example, density of development).
  • analytical materials that substantiate such boundaries, solutions for a possible change in boundaries, as well as the location of individual functional zones;
  • all technical parameters of functional zones (area, house height, etc.).

Thus, the considered documents relate to project documentation, and their main goal is to reflect the existing borders of the entire settlement and its individual zones (external and internal). In this case, the boundaries of all land plots are subjected to the borders already built up, as well as with the planned development (in this case, the estimated deadlines and the area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment of the territory are additionally indicated).

For example, on the map of the city, as a rule, there are several such planning zones. Each of these areas has its names, which are usually given by the name of the areas, the banks of the rivers (for example, the right bank of Irtysh).

For each project, one ruling of the administration is drawn up signed by the head of the settlement (in the case of the regional center - mayor), as shown in the figure below. The document contains:

  • the content of the changes made (with the further development of the territory, the formation of new sections by separating or uniting already existing);
  • square of each zone - residential buildings, road zones, streets, landscaping zones;
  • specifications of various departments of the local administration with a description of further actions in connection with introduction changes.

Annexes to this resolution contains a detailed description of the main indicators of the territory (technical and economic):

  • square of each zone (residential, streets, roads, etc.);
  • data details for each zone (area of \u200b\u200bresidential houses of different heights - 1-2 floors, 3-5 floors, 6-18, from 18);
  • building density;
  • population population;
  • data on objects related to the educational sphere (place, visits to shift, minimal area);
  • data on health facilities;
  • data on objects of physical education and recreation centers with bringing their areas.

For each of these parameters, 2 values \u200b\u200bare indicated - the current and planned.

The second part of the application is the actual planning of the territory reflected in the scheme with symbols.

Composition of the planning project

Any project describing this or that element of the structure of the city's planning or other settlement consists of technical (drawings) and descriptive (analytical materials) parts. Content requirements are clearly regulated by law, therefore, regardless of the destination, location and other features of the territory, the following sections of the planning project should be processed:

  1. The main part is the actual drawing (scheme) of the site. It is applied:
  • all the boundaries of the built-up, mastered areas, as well as zones on which the construction of residential and / or production facilities is expected;
  • the so-called red lines that highlight the boundaries of the Earth with linear objects.
  1. Analytical part is a detailed position containing materials on the estimated development of the territory, as well as on the technical characteristics of the development and change in time:
  • residential buildings;
  • industrial premises;
  • objects of any infrastructure serving the area (roads, engineering networks, hospitals, schools, etc.);
  • the order of introducing objects that are supposed to be erected in this area.
  1. Finally, a section with materials that substantiate the features of such a project stand out separately:
  • results and interpretation of research results of engineers;
  • justification of the boundaries of each zone, as well as a possible change in this border provided for in terms of development;
  • scheme with the location of each capital facility;
  • passages to all water bodies (artificial and natural) intended for free access;
  • a complete list of planned activities related to the protection of nature, civil defense measures, environmental protection of the territory (especially for those settlements, which are located near nuclear power plants);
  • the so-called vertical layout of the site, as well as other materials that take into account the individual features of the land.

An example of a real project is shown in the figure.

The composition of the interview project

  1. The main part with drawings, the patterns of establishing boundaries, land survey. In the drawings and schemes of the territory should be taken into account:
  • red lines and the magnitude of the retreat from them to establish a zone where the construction of capital buildings is allowed;
  • borders and a description of the public servitude - for example, for a passage to the water reservoir, for special work on Earth (drainage), etc.
  1. Analytical part contains:
  • square and methods of land plots, which are formed as a result of the procedure of intertime;
  • types of use of the territory in accordance with the approved classifier (for example, for the cultivation of crops, for the construction of high-altitude houses, individual houses, etc.).

Terms of creation and coordination

Any project documentation related to findings for organizing the planning of the territory, its intersalism is committed to the mandatory coordination of the project with the local administration authorities (departments for urban planning). Dates in each case can be different, including significantly increase due to the specifics of the territory or disagreement between stakeholders, legal proceedings, etc. In the case of a standard procedure approximate period is about 3-4 months.

At the same time, all stages can be divided into 3:

  1. The order of the relevant authority, which gives an indication of the start of work on the planning project.
  2. Actually development. It is carried out only by licensed companies. Approximate cost of the service from 400 thousand to 1 million rubles.
  3. Coordination with the local administration of the finished project, making the adjustment and final approval of the documentation, after which the project comes into force and is legal importance.

Stages and estimated time shown in the table

Detailed consideration of the development stages

In practice, the development is a complex technical procedure, during which appropriate survey work is carried out. A distinctive feature of the stages of this process is that the focus is on the project itself. While the matching stage is observing exclusively legal requirements for documents, the correction of individual parameters in accordance with the requirements of local authorities. The following is detailed each stage.

Getting an order of KGA

To begin work on the preparation of drawings and analytical materials, you should get permission from the Committee on Town Planning and Architecture. The document performs 2 functions:

  1. It gives permission to hold the construction in the designated area.
  2. It gives a technical task to develop a project for this territory, taking into account the characteristics of its planning.

NOTE. The term of such a document is 1 year from the date of its signing. However, if the term has expired, there is no need to file a reapplication - it suffices to contact the Committee for Prolongation.

Appeal to the administration and conduct of public hearings

After receiving the order, the CGA should contact local authorities, which is served another statement. In response to the application, the head of the administration publishes directly and appoints an authorized person who oversees this project. Along with this, the same employee organizes mandatory public hearings to which presentation materials are prepared for further approval.

In public hearings take part:

  • owners of the territory of the territory, presupping for development;
  • representatives of the Expert Community;
  • persons whose interests can directly be affected due to the decision taken;
  • representatives of the local administration authority.

After the adopted positive decision, the relevant reviews of all stakeholders make up a protocol, which is published in open sources (website, official newspaper in the region). The term of this solution is 11 months, i.e. It is during this period that the project planning project must be prepared and agreed in the final version.

NOTE. According to the established rules, the main source of research financing should be a municipal or regional budget. Nevertheless, civil law does not exclude the attraction of funds from other sources. In practice, funding is most often carried out at the expense of interested parties (investor, developers).

Preparation for the creation

After receiving permission to develop technical documentation, the company proceeds to the creation of the project. At the preparatory stage, a detailed analysis of information of legal and geodesic nature is carried out:

  1. The study of cartographic materials, the results of topographic surveys to determine the physical characteristics of the territory (relief, the absence / availability of surface reservoirs, natural zones).
  2. Obtaining comprehensive information on the legal status of the site, as well as its individual zones. Such data are contained in EGRN: the owners of the site, the presence / absence of encumbrance, the history of the change in the owners of the site and its individual territories.
  3. Analysis of cadastral documentation for Earth is primarily interested in cadastral value and the corresponding conclusion of state appraisers.
  4. Analysis of specific data that is requested from the forest register and the registry over surface reservoirs.
  5. Receipt of reference, which confirms the absence of mineral resources in the depths of the land under consideration. Such a document is important, since otherwise the company intentional to use subsoil can challenge the development and approval of the project.

Preparation of documents confirming the selection of the site

The main task of the conducted surveys is reduced to the rationale for the choice of the land plot under the advance targets (construction of capital facilities, the features of their placement). To do this, it is necessary to submit the following documents:

  • explication of land and individual zones;
  • the results of calculating the areas of each zone and the entire area as a whole;
  • justification of preliminary calculations;
  • documents confirming the informs of citizens living in this territory and all stakeholders (land owners, users based on a long-term lease, landlords);
  • positive conclusions from all authorized supervision bodies;
  • conditional documentation, reflecting the consent of representatives of organizations whose interests can be directly affected during the development of the territory (large enterprises with emerging underground and overhead networks);

The land survey project is a document required for the planning of the area. The plan is required to prepare relatively built or preparing for building development. Territories are located within the boundaries of the planning value structure.

The center plan is being developed to determine the boundaries of the variable landings and newly formed.

The legislative level regulates the preparation of the project, the rules are enshrined in Article 43 of the Urban Planning Code. Below will be a sample plan.


It will not be enough to develop documentation for the construction, it is necessary to obtain permission to carry out work marked in the project. When the project of interviewing and planning is approved, these two plans are consistent and certified as a single document. It contains planning to land and build a plot. This happens in the case when:

  • land was built up;
  • earlier, such documents were approved.

In other situations, assurance will be like two different documents. The approval procedure is regulated by urban planning legislation and acts of municipal.

Planning and surveying territory

The process includes:

  • study of submitted documents;
  • obtaining results.

The verification is carried out relative to the compliance of the documentation provided by the legislation. The coordination of the planning plan is entrusted to the municipality. There are several committees who are involved in coordination:

  • the leadership of the district where construction work will be held;
  • engineering support;
  • improvement;
  • environmental preservation;
  • energy;
  • the protection of cultural and history monuments;
  • providing order.

When the papers are consistent, the plan is transmitted to the Gradential Committee testing them. One month is assigned to the document. If the planning program is approved, then the appropriate order is taken. The approved project is posted on the portal of the municipality.

For approval, the conditions are required:

  • documentation is provided on electronic and paper carrier;
  • the presence of the organization and the signature of the responsible;
  • sheets are flashed, numbered.

The statement of papers is entrusted to the head of the local administration, at the location of the object. To do this, provide a statement written by the owners of the Earth or the decision of the Committee responsible for the preparation of the plan. Coordination occurs by holding hearings.

Meeting project

If in the project, after it is approved, errors are detected, the document itself does not change. A modified act is applied to it. In case of adoption of a negative decision regarding the approval of the plan - the decision must be reasonable.

Development of technical specifications

In terms of technical specifications, it must be specified:

Planning procedure

In addition to the construction work, the interaced project will be applied when the land is separated into smaller components, even if the cadastral value is not made. The plan is required at:

  • alienation from the total territory, which was endowed with burdensions;
  • definition of the boundaries of the use of parts of the site located in total equity property.

Registration in these cases of project documents is associated with the desire of the landlord. Legislative acts are not established rules regarding their mandatory use, however, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the use of land.

The creation of project documents for intertime and planning is interconnected, since it contains different information and when you design one, you need to create another. For this reason, plans must be coordinated.

The composition of information

The information that is contained in the documentation has a regulatory character. In the midwayer project includes the cartographic and text part. In the latter case, the main component is the table, which contains a message of an information and descriptive value, which gives the characteristics of the projected area, which includes:

  • plan sections;
  • general and private resolutions;
  • basic provisions.

Example of planning and surveying a real project

Particular attention is required to pay the map. Its reproduction is carried out on paper. The base is the carrier, from where the current information is copied relative to the projected territory.

According to the established requirements, project information is applied to the cartographic basis by means of a manual method using blue ink. At the same time, the rules established to prepare this kind of projects should be strictly followed.

Attention! The file cannot be used as a document. It serves for informational purposes.

Preparation requirements

The project is drawn up on the basis of the requirements prescribed in the laws. One of these acts is the order adopted by the Ministry of Economic Development in 2011 No. 388.

Provisions taken into account when drawing up a plan:

  • use of the Russian language;
  • application of certain stationery accessories;
  • the rules that must be respected during transfer;
  • numbers of sheets;
  • items reflected in the project;
  • card preparation rules;
  • text volume;
  • use a sheet of paper in A4 format.


Book the preparation of the project of the intersection in the administration of the municipality, where the Committee on Town Planning is located. Its powers include planning works of architectural significance, in particular the manufacture of land plans. The specified body has the necessary license to carry out activities, is also supplied with specialists.

To prepare the Mechanical Plan, you will need to coordinate it, what documents are required for:

  • cadastral passport of land;
  • sketch of the General Plan;
  • topographic shooting;
  • project planning area.

detailed instructions

If the planning project is based on the intestinal plan - is manufactured similarly. It is necessary to contact the administration of the municipality with a statement. The project is preparing before the preparation of an intertarization plan or with it.

When contacting the administration, the algorithm of action is the same. Given the fact that the planning project acts as a basic one, it will be necessary to clarify whether construction work in the selected land is possible in the selected land plot.

Application can be applying only on the condition that construction is permitted by the Genplan.

The project under consideration has a force equal to the one that has permission to carry out construction work. For this reason, the municipality pays great attention to his coordination.

To receive the project, you need to collect a package of documents in which:

  • topographic shooting;
  • setting architectural and planning type;
  • conclusion of a town-planning nature;
  • documentation of the right-exploitation value relative to the Earth;
  • help confirming connection to power supply networks;
  • technical task for design.

Competent authorities may require other documents depending on the specifics of the plan. Coordination is produced:

  • chief architect;
  • administration of the municipality;
  • engineering services.

Linear object

The planning project for a linear value object consists of the main part you want to approve the materials to substantiate it. The main part includes provisions where data is specified regarding the placement of linear objects. Outful materials are presented by an explanatory note and the graphic part.

It reflects:

  • the plan of the route, which indicates the designation of transport networks, communication lines, power transmission;
  • the boundaries of the territories, within the boundaries of which planning a linear object.

Design and interviewing the territory of a linear object

The figure shows the design and interaction of the territory on which a linear object will be built.

How to make changes to the project?

The project requires adjustments in the case of technical or cadastral value errors. These errors are performed during land work or documenting documents. If necessary, clarify some of the cadastral procedures, amendments and additions are also made.

If errors are detected in the Meeting Plan, it is required to make an application and contact him to the settlement administration. After approval, the plan does not change, the document contains a document containing amendments.

Cost and timing

In the case when the survey or planning project is prepared in the form of a separate document - the term depends on the land area. For example, when the land area is small, it can be designed within one month. If the land plan is formed in conjunction with the planning project, the deadlines are required to clarify the developers.

The cost of manufacturing plans affects the area area, as well as its location. The average cost is 60-70 thousand rubles. However, this value can vary both in the large and in a smaller side.


Nuances that may arise in the preparation of projects for the planning and interviewing land plots depend on the categories of land, where construction is expected.

Special economic zone

When developing a plan, the parameters of land, its location relative to the structure of the municipality, also pays attention to the existing and planned surroundings. Based on the analysis of the specified data, the format of construction is selected.

Special Economic Parts of the Russian Federation

Conditions are required:

  • communication with the environment;
  • building density is low;
  • accommodation in the territory remote from the center or suburbs;
  • the presence of transport links;
  • the territory is landscaped;
  • others.

The main task is to form a medium that will ensure the functioning of enterprises located in the SEZ, as well as a comfortable stay in it of organizations of these organizations.

SNT plan

When landtaining a land plot located on the territory of SNT, it is necessary to coordinate the procedure with persons whose land is located next door, as their interests can be affected.

To obtain consent, you can spend a general meeting or contact each neighbor separately. The invitation to the meeting must be in writing. It is sent with the receipt notice.

In the case when contacting the neighbor with the help of a letter sent by postal ties is not possible - you can put an ad in the newspaper.

Compilation of planning and survey is quite laborious, with the design of these documents. With collective construction, the payment of the work is made at the expense of joint funds, which is less reflected in the state of the budget of each, rather than when the participant is one.

1. In accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the territory layout is carried out by developing and approving the following types of documentation on the territory planning:

1) project planning projects;

2) projects of the territory of the territory;

3) urban planning plans of land plots.

3. The objects of developing project planning projects are the territories of reorganization, the boundaries of which are determined by the general plan of the city of Moscow or territorial schemes.

4. The objects of developing projects for the territory of the territory are built up and subject to construction. Territory projects are developed as part of project planning projects or in the form of separate documents. In the territories of reorganization, the projects of the territories are developed as part of project planning projects or in accordance with the approved project planning projects. In the complex improvement areas, the projects of the territories are developed in the form of separate documents based on the master plan of the city of Moscow, land use rules and development, taking into account territorial and sectoral schemes.

5. Lost power.

6. Developing urban planning plans for land construction facilities of the federal, regional importance can be carried out:

1) based on the master plan of the city of Moscow in the form of separate documents;

2) as part of territorial, industry schemes, project planning projects, projects for the territory of the territory or based on individual documents.

7 - 8. Raised power.

Article 39. Contents of the project planning project

1. The project planning project contains:

1) drawings composed on the basis of topographic plans on 1: 2000;

2) Regulations on the planning of the territory.

2. In order to prepare the project planning project, materials on the rationale for this project are being developed.

3. In the drawings of the project planning project are displayed in the corresponding borders:

3) specially protected natural areas, natural and landscaped areas with the display of categories, species, protection modes, the use of these territories, as well as zones, regulatory modes of urban planning activities within the boundaries of these territories;

5) the territories of linear objects indicated by red lines;

6) designated red lines of common areas;

7) land plots intended to accommodate the objects of capital construction of federal, regional importance with the display of the appointment and the planned parameters of the specified objects, functional, construction, landscape purposes of such sites;

8) areas of the territory intended to be placed other than those specified in paragraph 7 of this part of capital construction facilities, with the display of functional, construction, landscape to the territory of such sites;

9) land plots or areas of the territory intended fully or partially to create public spaces;

10) the land within the boundaries of the territories specified in paragraphs 3, 5, 6 and 7, planned for reservation for state needs;

11) territory of follow-up development in accordance with the draft planning of the territory of projects of the territory, urban planning plans of land plots, projects of landscaping.

4. Regulations on the territory layout contain:

1) The main indicators of the development of the territory, including indicators:

a) project balance of the territory;

b) planned within the territory of the population of the population, including the number of residents engaged in visitors;

c) planned development volumes by types of capital construction facilities;

d) the planned development of objects of social, transport, engineering infrastructures, landscaped territories and indicators of the public and territory and territories of social, transport, engineering infrastructures, landscaped territories;

e) other indicators;

2) A list of key planning activities indicating the sequence of such events.

6. Materials for justifying the project planning project contain:

1) characteristics of the existing state and use of the territory;

2) analysis of prerequisites and prospects for the development of the territory;

3) Justification of project decisions of the project planning project.

7. The composition and structure of project planning projects, materials to substantiate the territory planning projects are established by the Government of Moscow in accordance with this article.

Article 40. Development, coordination and approval of the project planning project

1. Development of a project planning project is carried out in accordance with the plan to implement the master plan of the city of Moscow. The basis for the development of the project planning project is the city target program for the development of the built-up territories, the reorganization of the territories, in accordance with which the Government of Moscow carries out one of the following:

1) concludes an agreement on the development of the built-up territory in the manner prescribed by the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation;

2) at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, the construction of the territory for the purpose of its reorganization, the construction of infrastructure facilities and the formation of land plots for the construction of capital construction facilities, after which the formed land plots are provided on a competitive basis to individuals and legal entities;

3) carries out for the purpose of development in the reorganization of regional importance, at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, the entire range of activities for the reorganization of the territory, including the construction, reconstruction of the objects of social, transport, engineering infrastructures, other capital construction facilities, as well as the landscaping of the territory.

2. The project planning project is subject to:

1) consideration in accordance with this Code on public hearings;

2) coordination with the territorial executive authorities of the administrative districts, the districts of the city of Moscow, within the borders of which the project planning project, other bodies of the executive authority of the city of Moscow, carrying out individual powers in the field of urban planning activities;

3) coordination with federal executive bodies in cases established by federal legislation.

3. The Municipal Assembly of the Municipal Education, which is within the limits of developing a project planning project, sends its proposals to the specified project in accordance with Part 2 of Article 69 of this Code.

4. To approve the project planning project to the Moscow government:

1) the project planning project and draft legal act of the Government of Moscow on approval of the project planning project;

2) a list of materials to substantiate the project planning project indicating their content;

3) the minutes of public hearings, the conclusion of the results of public hearings on the project planning project;

4) proposals of the municipal assembly of the relevant municipality;

5) Conclusions about the coordination of the project planning project.

5. On the basis of documents and materials specified in Part 4 of this article, the Moscow government decides on the approval of the project planning project or its refinement.

6. The approved project planning project may be challenged in court in accordance with federal legislation.

7. Public authorities of the Russian Federation, Moscow City Council, deputies of the Moscow City Duma, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, the municipal assembly of the relevant municipality, interested individuals and legal entities can submit to the Government of Moscow proposals for amending the approved project planning project.

8. The procedure for developing, reviewing and coordinating project planning projects is established by the Government of Moscow in accordance with this article.

Article 41. Content of the project of the territory of the territory

1. The territory of the territory of the territory contains:

1) Drawings of the territory of the territory prepared on the basis of the topographic plan on the scale of 1: 2000;

2) provisions on the territory of the territory;

3) urban planning plans of land, developed as part of the project of the territory of the territory.

2. In the drawings of the project of the territory of territory are displayed in the corresponding boundaries:

1) territories of cultural heritage objects;

2) zones with special terms of use of territories;

3) specially protected natural areas, natural and landscaped areas;

4) functional and planning formations of residential, social and business, industrial, recreational purposes;

5) Land plots of linear objects;

6) land plots of general territories;

7) Land plots built and subject to development, including:

a) existing, planned objects of capital construction of federal, regional importance;

b) existing capital construction facilities, whose copyright holders are individuals and legal entities;

c) planned to provide individuals and legal entities for construction;

8) land plots to be reserved for state needs;

9) The zones of public servitude.

3. In the provisions on the territory of the territory in relation to each of paragraph 7 of this article specified in paragraph 7 of this article, the land plot indicates:

1) functional, construction, landscape purpose of the territory established in accordance with this Code;

2) types of permitted use of the land plot, capital construction objects established by land use and development rules;

3) the limit (maximum and (or) minimum) parameters of the permitted construction of capital construction objects;

4) restrictions on the use of land, overhaul objects.

4. In order to prepare the project of interviewing the territory, materials are being developed to substantiate this project, which contain those implemented in accordance with regional standards and in accordance with part 4 of Article 43 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation calculations of land plots.

5. The composition and structure of the interactions of territories are established by the Government of Moscow in accordance with this article.

Article 42. Development, coordination and approval of land survey projects

1. The basis for the development of projects of the territory of the territory is the legal acts of the Government of Moscow.

2. Coordination and approval of projects for the territory developed as part of project planning projects are carried out in accordance with Article 40 of this Code.

3. The procedure for the development, coordination and approval of the projects of the territory developed in the form of individual documents is established by the Government of Moscow.

4. According to the projects of the interviewing of the built-up residential areas, public hearings are held in accordance with this Code.

Article 43. Town planning plans of land

1. The development of urban planning plans of land plots is carried out in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and with the form of a city-planning plan of the land plot established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The city-planning plan of the land plot is a mandatory document that is represented by the developer or the Customer for the State Examination of Project Documentation, obtaining a permit for the construction, obtaining permission to commission the Object Commission. The discrepancy between the project documentation of the urban planning plan of the land plot is the basis for the negative conclusion of the state examination of project documentation, for refusing to issue a construction permit. The inconsistency of the construction planned as a result of construction, the reconstruction of the capital construction facility, the urban planning plan of the land plot is the basis for refusing to issue permission to commission the Object.

2.1. The preparation of urban planning plans of land plots is carried out in relation to built-up or intended for construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities (with the exception of linear objects) to land plots.

2.2. Preparation of urban planning plans of land plots is carried out as part of projects of the territory of the territory or in the form of a separate document.

2.3. In order to develop a town-planning plan of the land plot of the capital construction of regional importance or land plot from the city of urban land planned to provide individuals and legal entities for the construction of a body authorized in the field of urban design and architecture, materials can be prepared to substantiate the placement on such a land plot of capital construction facilities (hereinafter referred to as a town-planning rationale).

3 - 7. Suffered power.

8. Urban planning plans of land plots are approved by the Government of Moscow or the authority authorized in the field of urban design and architecture in the case of its relevant authority.

9. The procedure for the development, design and approval of urban planning plans of land plots, the composition, requirements for the content of town planning justifications and the procedure for their development are established by the regulatory legal acts of the Government of Moscow in accordance with federal legislation and this Code.

Article 44. Features of the development of urban planning plans of land plots intended for accommodation and construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities for non-reorganization of residential territories

1. The residential territories are not subject to reorganization are the built-up areas of quarters and functional and planning formations (residential groups, residential microdistrics) of housing, with the exception of these territories to be in accordance with the General Plan of the city of Moscow reorganization, including by demolition in accordance with the Urban Planning Code The Russian Federation of apartment buildings recognized in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation by emergency and subject to demolition, as well as apartment buildings to be demolished, reconstructions on the basis of targeted urban programs.

2. In order to protect on non-reorganization of residential areas, the right of residents for a favorable environment of life and the rights and legitimate interests of the right holders of land plots, capital construction objects, residential and non-residential premises Construction in these territories of new objects of capital construction, as well as the reconstruction of existing capital construction facilities Can be resolved in the following cases:

1) in order to build, reconstructs on the basis of urban programs of individual objects of social, transport, engineering infrastructures of district importance, the provision of which population on non-reorganization of the residential area does not comply with regional regulations;

2) in order to build, reconstructs on the basis of urban programs of individual residential buildings intended for citizens who need social protection in the housing area, if such construction, reconstruction does not contradict technical regulations, sanitary standards, regulations in terms of population and (or) accessibility For the population of social, transport, engineering infrastructures and common areas, as well as if, with such construction, reconstructions are complied with regulatory indicators of the provision of existing capital construction facilities in areas of the territory;

3) on the initiative of a physical or legal entity - the right holder of the land plot, provided that the construction planned by the specified face, the reconstruction of the capital construction facility:

a) ensures compliance with the requirements established for the construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities on the basis of urban programs and specified in paragraph 2 of this part;

b) does not require gaskets to the land plot of engineering communications, travel devices, entrances to the land plot, does not violate the established system of improvement and gardening of the territory, including during the preparation of the territory to the construction, reconstruction and implementation of construction, the reconstruction of the capital construction facility.

3. Projects of the interviewing non-reorganization of residential areas developed in the composition or in accordance with such projects of the territory of the territory of the projects of urban planning plans of land and materials for their substantiation, as well as projects of urban planning plans of land plots developed as a separate document on the application of land holders of land , considered the relevant district commission, are submitted in the procedure established by Articles 68 and 69 of this Code to public hearings and for consideration of the municipal assemblies of the respective municipalities.

4. Public hearings on the project of the interviewing non-reorganization of the residential area, the project developed in the form of a separate document of the city planning plan of a land plot designed for construction, the reconstruction of the capital construction facility for not subject to reorganization of the residential territory is required in accordance with this Code. The municipal assembly of the relevant municipality sends its proposals to the specified projects in accordance with Part 2 of Article 69 of this Code.

5. According to the results of public hearings and proposals of the Municipal Assembly of the Municipal Education, the District Commission decides on the presentation of the project of the territory of the territory, the urban planning plan of the land plot for approval or to make changes to the specified projects.

6. Town planning plans of land plots on non-reorganized residential areas are approved by the Government of Moscow or the authority authorized in the field of urban design and architecture, in the manner prescribed by the Government of Moscow. Projects of these urban planning plans of land plots are submitted for approval with the obligatory application of the following materials:

1) the decision of the District Commission on the representation of the urban planning plan of the land plot for approval;

2) the materials specified in Part 2.3 of Article 43 of this Code;

3) the protocol of public hearings and the conclusion of the results of public hearings;

4) proposals of the municipal assembly of the relevant municipality.

    • Chapter 1. (Articles 1-10)
      • Article 1.
      • Article 2.
      • Article 3.
      • Article 4.
      • Article 5.
      • Article 6.
      • Article 7.
      • Article 8.
      • Article 9.
      • Article 10.
    • Chapter 2. (Articles 11-18)
      • Article 11.
      • Article 12.
      • Article 13.
      • Article 14.
      • Article 15.
      • Article 16.
      • Article 17.
      • Article 18.
    • Chapter 3. (Articles 19-22)
      • Article 19.
      • Article 20.
      • Article 21.
      • Article 22.
    • Chapter 4. (Articles 23-27)
      • Article 23.
      • Article 24.
      • Article 25.
      • Article 26.
      • Article 27.
    • Chapter 5. (Articles 28-30)
      • Article 28.
      • Article 29.
      • Article 30.
    • Chapter 6. (Articles 31-33)
      • Article 31.
      • Article 32.
      • Article 33.
    • Chapter 7. (Articles 34-37)
      • Article 34.
      • Article 35.
      • Article 36.
      • Article 37. lost strength
    • Chapter 8. (Articles 38-44)
      • Article 38.
      • Article 39.
      • Article 40.
      • Article 41.
      • Article 42.
      • Article 43.
      • Article 44.
    • Chapter 9. (Articles 45-50)
      • Article 45.
    • Chapter 10. (Articles 51-57)
      • Article 51.
      • Article 52.
      • Article 53.
      • Article 54.
      • Article 55.
      • Article 56.
      • Article 57.
    • Chapter 11. (Articles 58-65)
      • Article 58.
      • Article 59.
      • Article 60.
      • Article 61.
      • Article 62.
      • Article 63.
      • Article 64.
      • Article 65.
    • Chapter 12. (Articles 66-70)
      • Article 66.
      • Article 67.
      • Article 68.
      • Article 69.
      • Article 70.
    • Chapter 13. (Articles 71-74)
      • Article 71. (Articles 76-78)
        • Article 76.
        • Article 77.
        • Article 78.

The draft planning of the land plot is an application to PMT and is based on it, in compliance with the same requirements. Oriented to build planning, taking into account:

  1. nuances zoning territory;
  2. elements included in the project structure;
  3. planning goals;
  4. town planning context for the limit of inter-borders.

Why do I need PMT and PPT?

Projects of interviewing and planning of the territory fulfill the role of the documentation necessary for the construction of capital buildings and conducting infrastructure linear objects. Include:

  1. drawings of surveying memory;
  2. elements of structural objects;
  3. text Description application.

Topographic information and regulations for construction and other works are focused on. In accordance with it, the territory of the site fits into the general context of the construction of the settlement. You can get acquainted with the GPZ filling instruction in.

An important nuance is architectural calculations conducted with regard to facilities under construction. At their foundation, admissible standards of the buildings are established, corresponding to the state of soils and reduced land overload risks by buildings and structures.

Difference between PMT and PPT

The survey project is focused on the procedure for zoning the territory according to the established shares or marking of the territory under the construction of the building. Accordingly, the main information here is the data on the flight boundaries:

  1. distinguishing memory from a general context;
  2. separating memory to installed parts.

The planning project makes the data of the part in accordance with the goals of the customer, designing geodesic location schemes on them:

  1. development elements;
  2. transport lines;
  3. engineering communications.

Also, there are drawings of the objects of capital construction issued beyond the boundaries.

The planning is carried out on the basis of the composed of the survey project., taking into account compliance with the standards of construction and the required indents from.

Situations of use of PMT and PPT

Indicated documents based on ones are related to both functions and content and regulated by Article 11.3 of the RF RF. It is used for land ownership grounds.

For example, for located in the country array of SNT, DNT and other. In this case, the common area set on one, admits the division based on the project of intertarization and planning the territory. The project establishes the borders of the country, and the planning represents the picture of the location of transport lines, water pipes and the power system, throughout the territory of the country's partnership.

For lands intended for IZhSThe documentation is issued as much as the area ownership. In other cases - if the area of \u200b\u200bthe site is large and requires an additional partition by the conditional crushing of the territory. As a rule, this requirement is relevant for multi-storey buildings providing for the planning draft both in relation to the building and relative to the elements of the purchase area.

Territory projects: Sample of the gas pipeline removal from Ustyug and from Chusovoy

This is how one of the sheets of these projects looks like:

Step-by-step instructions for training PMT and PPT

With project planning projects of the land plot (your samples are available) We got acquainted, we have a presentation that it is. We now turn to their receipt.

You can prepare documentation in two different instancesThe specificity of which provides for a number of nuances and the difference in the algorithm that needs to be observed when contacting. Document standards are focused on SNiP No. 30-02-97.

So, who can carry out the project of the territory of the territory? We will understand in the options below.

First option - appeal to the administration

To do this, contact the Department of Town Planning and Architecture, under the administration. In Moscow and St. Petersburg - to the Committee of Urban Building and Architecture. Get a technical task for design and place an order for the preparation of PMT. Apply to the head of the administration or another authorized person, for example, the head of the Department of Land Management.


When contacting, apply to the authorized person, with the documentation application:

  1. (or other form of law);
  2. sketch of the General Plan Zue., with the scheme of communications;
  3. on the presence (absence) of capital buildings;
  4. With the designation of communications.

Preparation of the project of the territory of the territory

Based on the obtained documentation, project preparation is carried out. The documentation submitted by the applicant and the documents existing in the administration are studied. Attention is drawn:

  • on the analysis of the soil structure in the construction zone;
  • the specifics of the architectural context;
  • analysis of the environmental friendliness of the work;
  • technical support of the work;
  • analysis of development results.

This basis is considered the admissibility of the stated work on the site.. With a positive decision of the administration, the technical task is compiled, on the basis of which designated.

Development of the project planning and interviewing the territory

The development of the project of the interactions and project planning project includes a prerequisite for the execution of the topographic part, which is to copy the cartographic basis from the cadastral card, located in the Rosreestra information bank, with the already dedicated relevant borders framing the site. On the designated basis, the lines of internal borders corresponding to the intestinal goals are applied. When preparing PPT, linear and other objects are applied, which are planned to be raised.

Coordination of PMT.

After drawing up the drawing and the text formation with applications, the document coordination is required in the local administration. To approve, an extract from the master plan for building a zone, which includes the designated memory. Coordination is carried out on public hearings.

Terms and cost

Make up at least two months, one of which goes to get permission for work.

In the administration, this service is made free.

Second option - Appeal to commercial companies

This is allowed on the basis of local regional orders and local acts. In this case, you need to contact local architectural companies that have a license for the corresponding type of work.

Preparation of the project of intertime and documents

In this case, happens similarlyBut it is allowed to order the development of a technical task and its approval with the administration, due to the efforts of the artist.

In this case, there may be a sketch of the master plan, which the company will receive its own authority.

Development of PMT and PPT

The company's specialists independently remove a copy from the cadastral card, which cause design elements, under the terms of the technical task.

Terms and cost

In this case, the timing can be reduced to one month.

Depends on the terms of the contract and the volume of work. Each element of work is calculated individually. For small sites, it is calculated from 30 thousand rubles, which includes only the preparation of the project. To prepare a project for the construction of a multi-storey building, the cost can reach 400 thousand rubles and exceed it.


Also held on public hearings. Responsibility for the presentation of the project on the hearing is established by the terms of the contract.

The presence of this documentation at the beginning of work on the construction of a capital structure allows replacement for other documentation required to permit for construction.

More information about interviewing can be found in.

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