Features of commercial activities. Family Business - Organization Rules

The buildings 21.09.2019


to the state exam in the specialty 1-25 01 10 "Commercial activity"

by discipline: "Commercial activity"

1. The market of goods and services and factors affecting its condition

2. The concept, the role and task of commercial activities in the market of goods and services

3. The main elements of the content of commercial activities of the trading enterprise and their relationship

4 Characteristics of the subjects of commercial relationships and requirements for commercial workers

5.Information provision of commercial activities

6.commercial mystery and its protection

7. Confirmed the buying demand and the task of studying it


9. Methods of studying the supply of the population

10. The benefits of studying demand in wholesale trade

11.Connery of the market: the concept, tasks and objectives of its study

12.Thenium, Essence of the Assortment Policy of the Trading Enterprise

13.Productors characterizing the state of the assortment of store goods

14. Formation of the range of goods in wholesale enterprises

15. Principles and stages of the formation of an assortment of goods in retail enterprises

16. Formation of the range of goods in stores on consumer complexes

17.Commodity reserves and their role in ensuring the uninterrupted trade

18. Surprise and classification of household connections for goods

19. Common work and its content

20. The right regulation of household connections for the supply of consumer goods

21. Economy relations for the supply of goods for state needs in the Republic of Belarus

22. Optic purchases and suppliers of goods on the market

23. Others Fairs: Concept, purpose of holding and classification

24. Methods and operations wholesale goods from warehouses wholesale businesses

25.Things, role and indicators of economic efficiency of advertising in commercial activities

27. Surprise and objectives of commercial activities in retail sales of goods sales

28. System of indicators characterizing the effectiveness of commercial activities

29.Thenium, Essence, Item and Leasing Subject

30. The duration of franchising and its role in the development of small business.

Private Education Establishment

Institute of Business Activities

Department of Commercial Activity


to questions on discipline

"Commercial activity"

for students specialty

1-25 01 10 "Commercial activity"

Dectery has been developed

departments of commercial activity

Holopovsky V.P.

Minsk 2009.


(Questions and Answers on Discipline to GEK)

Question 1. Market of goods and services and factors affecting its condition .

Answer. The category "market" is a capacious and diverse concept, which generates many points of view on its nature and origin. The issue of market definition has a long history. His it can be determined as a socio-economic sphere of relations in the system of commercial economy arising between sellers and buyers in the process of commercial exchange.

Therefore, the market can be spent in two aspects:

as about a certain sphere, space, territory where the intentions of sellers and buyers are materialized, and both are about the specific relations of the subjects and market objects that are present in the named sphere.

This is the dual character of the market as a category and its specificity as a control object.

As for the market of consumer goods, it can be determined as a sphere and essence of relations between the subjects and objects of the market arising in the process of implementing a part of the total public product aimed at personal consumption.

As an object of control market, the market is characterized by the following main elements:

demand, supply of goods, the degree of balance of supply and demand, capacity, conjuncture, macro- and microstructure, market infrastructure, purchasing funds of the population and price.

The following factors affect the consumer market. :

-economic (state of the country's economy, domestic production of consumer goods, lending, solvency of organizations and enterprises, the availability of economic crisis, etc.), social (population solvency, salary, pensions, scholarships, benefits, other social payments, share of workers, employees, intelligentsia), demographic (Number of Population, including Women, Men, Children, Pensioners) political and legal (the degree of influence of state power on the country's economy, state and updating of the right base), scientific and technical (Level of development of scientific and technological progress, state of science, innovation of production, etc.) , cultural (level of total culture, production of production, trade, national traditions, customs) , external (state of foreign economic and international relations, etc.

Question 2. The effect and role of commercial activities

Answer. Commerce - The word of Latin origin (Commercium - trade). Commerce - the type of commercial entrepreneurship or business, but the business of the noble, the business, which is the main part of any truly civilized market economy

Dictionary Living Great Russian Language V.I. Dalya defines commerce as "bargaining, trade, trade turnover, merchant crafts"

The concept of CD as an object of the study was formulated by the Harvard CD Management School in 1958.

The classical definition states: commercial activities exist in order to meet consumer demands with profit.

commercial activity - a narrower concept than entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship - This is an organization of economic, industrial and other activities that bring income to the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship can mean the organization of an industrial enterprise, a rural farm, a trading enterprise, etc. From all these types of entrepreneurial activity, only a trading business is in a pure form of commercial activities.

In this way, commerce should be considered as one of directions (species) of entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, and in business activities can be carried out on the purchase and sale of goods, raw materials, harvested products, semi-finished products, etc., i.e. directions or elements of commercial activity May be inherent in all types of entrepreneurship, but not for them defining, main.

Consequently, commercial work in trade It is an extensive sphere of operational organizational activities of trade organizations and enterprises aimed at performing the processes of purchase and sale of goods in the consumer market to meet the demand of the population and profit.

Commercial activity is characterized as:

activities in the market in the field of commodity relations;

activities carried out on marketing principles and aimed at obtaining maximum profits;

management activitieswhich includes targeted managerial solutions to the objects of collecting and processing the necessary information and the implementation of the relevant decisions.

The purpose of CD It is the sale of the highest amount of goods with the highest income and simultaneous provision of a high reputation of the company, achieving a sustainable maximum sales in the future.

Features CD:

commercial work arises only when trading organizations carry all the completeness of economic responsibility for the purchase and sale of goods;

commercial work is not limited to the trading industry, as robust enterprises act as wholesalers and buyers of goods and services;

commercial work has its own content and therefore requires special service and relevant professionals.

Principles of CD: inseparable communication with marketing principles; selection of priorities;

responsibility for the fulfillment of commitments made by trade transactions;

the focus on profit.

CD functions:

marketing research; Management of assortment and quality of goods;

sales, promotion of goods and services.

Question 3. The main elements of commercial activities of the trading enterprise and their relationship

Answer. Commercial activity consists of the following elements:

study of buying demand and the definition of the need for goods;

formation of a competitive assortment;

the choice of partners to establish household connections and channels of promotion of goods;

establishment of household connections between partners * and purchase of goods

control over the implementation of contractual obligations for the supply of goods;

inventory management;

commercial activities on the wholesale of goods;

services or service;

commercial activities on the organization of the retail sale of goods;

study and prediction of market trends;

collection and processing of information on possible competitors;

formation of the policy of price strategy;

rationalization of the process of selling goods.

All elements of the CD are in relationships, create a unified system, despite their different orientation. In this case, the elements of the internal environment are more important.

Each element of the CD performs certain functions, and in the aggregate, they represent a system or subsystem in the overall structure.

Question 4. Characteristics of subjects of commercial legal relations .

Subjects of commercial legal relations are parties entering into contractual relations on the purchase and sale of goods or the provision of services.

They may be national and foreign commercial enterprises, organizations, their associations (alliances, associations), non-commercial organizationsengaged in business activities, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Subjects of commercial legal relations depending on their legal status are divided into legal Persons and persons engaged in commercial activities without the formation of a legal entity.

To legal entities include commercial Organizations, the main purpose of which is to extract the profit, and non-commercial Organizations that are not intended to make earnings profit and do not distribute it between the founders.

The individuals involved in commercial activities without the formation of a legal entity will organize it in the form of a simple partnership and a commercial concession (franchising).

In accordance with the international classification, the subjects of commercial legal relations are divided into four groups:

Firms ; unions of entrepreneurs; state bodies;

Public organizations .

Firms. The term "firm" is applied in world practice for legend Economic Relations Partner Pursuing Commercial Objectives - Extracting Profit.

.Joint-stock company Represents the organizational form of unification of enterprises, organizations and individuals (shareholders). Its funds are formed by issuing and placement of shares ..

By the nature of the property firm are divided into public and private .

According to the accessories of capital companies can be national, foreign, mixed.

For the purpose of unification, the degree of independence of the company are divided into cartellers, trusts, concerns, holding companies, financial groups.

As subjects Commercial operations in the market of the Republic of Belarus work industrial enterprises and trade organizations of various forms of ownership and departmental affiliation.

Public industrial enterprises and trade organizations .

These include trade organizations and industrial enterprises of ministries, departments, committees: Ministry of Commerce, Local Soviets, Orsov, Trade Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Communications, etc.

On the consumer market of the Republic of Belarus as state subjects of commercial operations is a series concerns subordinate to the government :

"Belneftekhim", "Bellemprom", "Belmestprom", "Belgospishcheprom", "Belbiofarm", "Belmorrebprom", "Bellesbumprom" and others.

They carry out wholesale and retail trade.

Non-state trading organizations . Collective responsibility organizations:

Commercial organizations of consumer cooperation; collective farms; cooperatives; Rental organizations Small businesses, limited liability companies, etc.

Organizations with mixed property, including joint ventures.

Private organizations.

Subjects of commercial operations may be unions of entrepreneurs . Unlike firms (enterprises), the purpose of their activities is not profit, but the presentation and protection of the interests of the groups of entrepreneurs within them in government bodies, assisting and support in expanding their activities.

There are situations when the relationship between the purchase and sale of goods and services enter public organizations . These can be international organizations of the UN system, which are like large buyers of goods, medicines, medical equipment, services, etc. ,. In addition, such public organizations such as the Society of Hunters and Fishermen, the Union of Artists, the Society of Nature Society, the Society of Disabled, Society, the Society of the Deaf, Association of Disabled Persons, are also working on the market of the Republic of Belarus.

Question 5. Information support for commercial activities .

Answer. Information (Lat. - information ) - Message about anything.

Commercial Information - this is information about the current situation in the market of various goods and services. This includes quantitative and qualitative indicators of the trade activities of the company (commercial structure, commercial enterprise, etc.), various information and data on commercial activities (prices, suppliers, competitors, delivery conditions, calculations, assortment of goods, etc.).

The purpose of commercial information is that it allows sales organizations (enterprises) to analyze their commercial activities, plan it, monitor the results of this activity (performance efficiency).

Kommersant for successful work necessary as air Commercial information. He needs permanent information about customers, competitors, dealers (intermediary dolzes). Operational data for analysis, planning, control.

Market situation constantly changing Or it may change at any moment. And if continuous arrival (update) of information data is not established, the company can do not respond on time on those or other changes. Any commercial western firm before answering the question "What is the situation of a specific product in the market?" Will turn to the database about this product listed in the computer (Internet).

Sources of commercial information Can serve:

-marketing research on specific goods;

An important source of commercial information is internal materials and documents of the trading company, in particular, information on the volume of trade, the cost of sale, inventories, profits, commercial expenses, etc.;

Another of the sources of commercial information are data of external statistics and published in funds mass media Information about the state of the market.

Recently, more and more distribution gets purchase information from various firms

The most important element of commercial activities is a comprehensive research of the market for goods and services:

1. Study of buyers and shopping motives.

2. Study of market requirements for the product

3 . Careful studying its conjuncture ;

4. AND freedom of competitive environment and competitors;

5 .Studying the potential opportunities of the trading organization and its competitiveness .

Information about consumers is economic foundation Commercial activities, as it contributes to the formation of proposals in the market of goods and services in accordance with their demand. Information about consumers and their requests increases commercial efficiency Work.

For successful commercial activities, it is important proper choice of goods and services that should be traded.

The main thing expert When evaluating goods is buyer So it is important to find out exactly how the goods are perceived by the end user.

Competitiveness T. Owar is a combination of its characteristics associated with the sale and consumption of services.

Trade organization you must have the following product information:

his quality (technical and economic indicators, operational characteristics ; Consumer properties, environmental friendliness, safety, ergonomic, aesthetic indicators, compliance with the requirements of standards, technical conditions, regulatory documents, certificates, etc.). Attention is drawn on the ratio of quality and price.

Equally important is it packing goods ..

Studying the goods, it is necessary to determine which is acceptable scheme promoting it to the market which methods of selling and stimulating sales, what will work work With this commodity market.

Question 6. Commercial mystery and its defense.

Answer. Unlike state trade secret Determined directly by a specific enterprise (organization) on its own, is its property and is protected by the security service of the enterprise itself. With the development of market relations, the role of commercial information is increasing. It becomes a commodity and a means of competitive struggle. In this regard, the attitude towards its protection changes.

The legislation of the Republic of Belarus has established the right to certain freedom of entrepreneurship, the protection of its interests in relations with the state and other subjects of market relations.

In the Republic of Belarus, the concept of commercial mystery is given in Regulations on commercial mystery, Approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Commercial mystery - deliberately hidden economic interests and information on the various parties and areas of production and economic, management, scientific and technical, financial activities of the business entity, the protection of which is due to the interests of competition and the possible threat of economic security of the business entity.

The information constituting commercial secrecy is the property of a business entity. In a real situation, commercial mystery always acts in the form of commercial secrets. Therefore, every mystery is a secret, but not every secret is secret.

Commercial Secrets - a form of manifestation of commercial secrets ..

Classified I am commercial secrets by nature, commercial secrets, according to the owner, the appointment of commercial secrets.

Carrier of a commercial secret It is a person who is aware of the commercial secrets of the enterprise, and the sources of closed commercial information are documents, schemes, technology, samples, products, know-how.

Greater damage to organizations can apply industrial espionage . This is the illegal collection of information constituting a commercial secret.

As a document in which the principles accumulated international practice are formulated, paris Convention is on the protection of industrial property (1883).

In the Republic of Belarus, a unified concept of commercial mystery and special legislation regulating and protecting it is formed.

Different aspects are regulated by laws on patents for industrial samples; About trademarks and maintenance signs; About patents for image and useful models; Regulations on commercial secrets. The last document identifies the economic and legal framework for the protection of commercial secrets. Formulated uniform information requirements, component commercial mystery involving the following:

commercial mystery may amount to information that has a valid or potential value;

information should not be well known and publicly available;

Information that is commercial secret, must be appropriately marked (completely secret, for official use, etc.);

information should not be a public secret and defend by copyright or patent law;

should not concern negative activities of a business entity capable of damage to the interests of the state.

In a commercial secret position, it is clearly defined for business entities of all forms of ownership and departmental affiliation, what information cannot be attributed to a commercial secret, namely:

constituent documents , licenses for licensed activities;

intelligence, stipulated by the established formulations of financial reporting economic activity enterprises; Data required e to verify the correctness of tax payments and other mandatory payments; documentation about solvency, etc.

Methods of assigning certain information for commercial secrets in the Republic of Belarus not formed . Each organization, its leader solves this issue independently.

The object of commercial secrecy is the information that can be divided into the following two groups :

Business information ; Scientific and technical (technological) information :

According to the degree of secrecy, it can be :

strictly confidential, confidential not subject to publicity ,.

Sociological surveys indicate that among methods of illegal mastering commercial the first place occupies the first place bribery of employees . human factor. Followed by espionage . Currently, very widely used technical funds Penetration, which requires special protection measures.

Information protection involves preventing leakage, embarrassment, loss, unauthorized access, copying, destruction, distortion, modifications (fakes), blocking information, etc.

The mechanism for the protection of commercial secrets should include the following blocks:

On macroevna : norms rights aimed at protecting the interests of its owner (laws, decrees, provisions, etc.).

On micro level : norms installed by the head organizations (orders, orders, instructions);

special structural divisions;

effective system of mer. on the protection of commercial secrets, which should be complex;

Organizational work . It includes development concepts ensuring the safety of information constituting commercial secrecy, and the formation of a package of the necessary organizational and planning documentation that ensures its effective protection confirmed by the competent authorities.

Question 7. The concept of buying demand and the task of studying it

Answer. Demand - The effective need for goods and services on the market or the form of manifestation of that part of the need, which is provided with purchasing power, that is, money.

In consumer demand distinguish volume and structure.

Volume of demand Determined by the amount of money that the population has a deduction of non-unique costs.

Total demand Fixed only in monetary terms, and the amount of demand for individual goods in total and in physical terms.

Structure of demand Expresses a quantitative ratio of solvent requirements for individual goods.

Tasks for studying demand. The essence of demand, its relationship with the needs, commodity proposal, as well as the dependence of demand from many factors is the necessary prerequisite for clarifying the goal, the tasks and importance of its study.

The process of studying demand in retail trade is a collection, processing and analysis of the necessary information for strategic, tactical and operational decisions on the development of production of consumer goods, inventory management, and by purchasing and selling them. From this definition, the strategic importance of working on the study of demand for trade is becoming clear to the subsequent use of this information by manufacturing enterprises. This information can be offered to manufacturers to enterprises as a marketing service and from this trade may have additional income.

Question 8. Types of customer demand.

Answer. P Reference demand is divided into:

implemented (the demand that has found its satisfaction in the form of a purchase of goods or services; quantitatively expressed by the sum of the goods sold);

dissatisfied j. (the demand for goods that were absent at a certain point in the sale, although they are produced and are in circulation);

forming (The demand for goods that are preparing for production).

When learning in demand, the following classification signs:

By the nature of the need to purchase:

* Sustainable demand (non-replacement of goods);

* unstable (Finally with the directly formed in the store

familiarize yourself with the goods);

impulsive (arises under the influence of motives; decisive role of the seller; advertising; a wide selection of goods).

According to the degree of repeatability:

* primary (the demand for goods for the first time acquired);

* repeated (The demand for goods familiar or replacement).

By frequency of demand:

* casual; * Periodic: * Episodic.

According to the degree of prevalence:

* unit; * limited; * mass.

Question 9. Methods for studying the supply of the population

Answer: Study of demand - This is the collection, processing and analysis of the information necessary for

adopting planned solutions for the production of goods and the adoption of commercial solutions for the purchase and sale of goods.

Methods for studying demand - A combination of methods and techniques with which the collection, processing and analysis of demand information is made, its quantitative sizes and a qualitative characteristic are determined.

The methods of studying demand are chosen depending on the type of store, the specifics of the goods, types of demand, information support, tasks and research objectives.

Realized demand : When studying, the methods of systematic and periodic accounting of demand are used.

Methods of systematic study:

* Automated accounting using computers;

* Registration of purchases in special journals with the allocation of various signs of products necessary for conducting research;

* Accounting for cash checks, allowing to determine the cost of goods sold at a well-known price of their quantity;

* Accounting for commercial checks;

* Accounting for the sale of goods in two labels.

Periodically study the realized demand can be using balance method.

Implementation \u003d stocks at the beginning + receipts - stocks at the end - documented consumption. Exhibitions - sales also to study realized demand.

Unsatisfied demand By goods of a sufficient range can be studied by the following methods:

* Polls of buyers in writing and oral form;

* according to the magazine accounting for unsatisfied demand, in which store employees must register the goods requested by the buyer, but not available on sale;

* registration of sheets of unsatisfied demand, which fill buyers;

* Conduct days of unsatisfied demand.

Forming demand . Methods: Exhibitions - Views of the samples of new products, testing new products by specialists, trade workers and buyers, testing, exhibition-sale, exhibition-tasting, oral and written surveys, purchasing conferences.

In addition to these methods for studying demand still apply:

- Expert estimates of the balance of the intragroup structure of supply and demand. Experts are experienced specialists who have knowledge and capable of expressing an argued opinion on the considered phenomenon and process;

- merchase examinations of new products;

Question 10. Features of the study of demand in wholesale trade.

Answer. The main objectives of the study of market conditions and demand of wholesale businesses :

Organization and implementation of integrated observations of trade in trade and demand of wholesale buyers in the area of \u200b\u200btheir activities;

Organization of obtaining and processing information on trade in trade and population's demand from enterprises and retailers;

Organization of obtaining and processing information on the Panach development of production and supply of new products from industrial enterprises and other suppliers;

Organization of preparation of predictive calculations, conjunctural review of the state of the market required to determine the volume of purchases of goods, as well as working with suppliers to improve the range and quality of goods.

Commercial observations for the development of market conditions, satisfying demand Wholesale businesses are carried out by a special program that covers:

Analysis of the regulatory impact of the state at the price level and quality requirements;

Study of the volume and structure of the supply of goods of industrial enterprises and other suppliers;

Determination of the total demand and its structure in groups of goods; Studying and forecast of the structure of demand in the assortment;

Study of demand by type: Implemented, dissatisfied, forming;

Evaluation of the degree of satisfaction of demand by analyzing the information on the production, supply and sale of goods.

Besides For exploring demand wholesale enterprises are held active events Such as: exhibitions and sales, exhibitions, previews, purchasing conferences, polls of buyers and experts, merchandise examination of new products and much more.

Question 11. Market conditions: the concept, tasks and purpose of its study

Answer: Market Conjuncture - This is a specific economic situation in the market of consumer goods, which characterizes a certain relationship between supply and demand, price level, inventory levels, and subject to dynamic changes.

Considering this under conjuncture It should be understood the entire set of developing on the market in each this moment Economic conditions under which the process of implementing goods and services is being implemented.

Figuratively speaking, market conjuncture There is an indicator of his "Health".

Purpose of study . The main objectives of studying the market conditions are:

* organization and direct implementation of integrated observations of the situation and the demand of wholesale buyers in the area of \u200b\u200btheir activities;

* organization of obtaining and processing information on the conjuncture and supply of the population from enterprises and retail organizations;

* Organization of obtaining and processing information on the plans for the development of production and supply, the introduction of new products from industrial enterprises and other suppliers;

* Organization of preparation of predictive calculations, conjunctural review of the state of the market required to determine the volume of purchasing various goods, as well as for current work with suppliers to improve the range and quality of goods

Considering that conjuncture It is a set of conditions, factors under the influence of which there is a certain relationship between supply and proposal to the commercial service should be aware of these factors and the degree of their influence, the demand of the population, its structure, causes of change, features of formation and development.

Commercial service should have data on the possible amounts and structure of the commodity proposal, the degree of updating the range, information about updates, information characterizing the goods, price level, suggestions from suppliers and the possibilities of their increase.

Objects of conjuncture - market participants; structure and volume of movement of goods on the market; demand and consumption of goods; competitors policy; Commercial terms sales conditions.

Tasks : -from Excreation of changes in the market of goods, their nomenclature;

Control over the constant availability of the installed range of goods and its timely replenishment;

Registration of implemented and unsatisfied demand;

Identification of formative demand;

Conducting selective accounting for sale and reserves for the intragroup product structure;

Preparation of proposals for improving the quality and assortment structure of goods manufactured.

Market conjuncture can be favorable (The demand of the population on goods and services is fully satisfied, the product proposal for the range and quality meets the requirements of consumers and the high level of customer culture is ensured).

Unfavorable i (The results of conjunctural observations are summarized in the conjunctural review).

Question 12. The concept and essence of the assortment policy of the trading enterprise .

Answer In the context of the development of competition and increasing the uncertainty of external with respect to the enterprise, the environment becomes more and more necessary strategic approach To manage a sales assortment. This approach ensures the development of assortment policy of the organization of trade. Assortment Policy of the Trade Organization - strategic measures system aimed at creating a competitive model providing sustainable positions of the enterprise in the market and obtaining the necessary profit.

This policy is the central element of the commercial strategy of the organization in the retail market. Its main goal in modern conditions The management is to determine the set of goods most preferable for served consumers.

However, it is difficult to meet the needs for all consumers without exception, as they are different in their requirements for the goods and service. Allows this problem segmentation - separation of potential buyers for certain groups for some signs (gender, age, level of money income, social position, etc.).

The main goal of segmentation - Ensure the targeting of the sold goods and services being implemented. Market segmentation - One of the most important assortmental policy tools, and on how correctly the segment (segments) of the market is chosen, the competitiveness of the organization is largely.

The selection of the segment (segments) of the market and the development of all components of the policy of trade in the area of \u200b\u200bthe range, taking into account the requirements of a specific consumer group, taking into account the factors of the activity environment allow determine such assortment policies as active.

In this way, active assortment policy suggests the decision of the following most important tasks: satisfying the demand of specific consumer groups; flexible response to market requirements; Ensuring the financial sustainability of the trade organization.

Assortment policy for a particular store (or trade organization), expressed in the developed, approved and coordinated assortment (assortment) list (lists) requires implementation assortment positioning .

Assortment positioning of the trade organization - The process of selection of special competitive advantages in the area of \u200b\u200bthe range of products and services offered, and reporting information about them to the target consumer.

Positioning goal - to find a special niche inside the target segment, which is not engaged in competitors. For example, branded shops "Milavitsa" represent themselves in the group of kiss products in all types and significant number of varieties.

Development and implementation of assortment policies requires compliance with the following conditions:

Clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe commercial strategy of the organization on the retail market;

Good knowledge of the retail market and the nature of consumer requirements;

A clear idea of \u200b\u200bits capabilities and resources is currently in perspective.

A well-thought-out assortment policy of the retail organization is a kind of guarantor not only to build an optimal assortment model of the store, but also to preserve competitive positions on the market, affects the formation of an enterprise image

Question 13. Indicators characterizing the status of the assortment of store goods .

Answer. Assortment of any store can characterize the system of indicators . This will allow the process of managing a trade assortment on a scientific basis, that is, to plan, organize its formation, control and regulate the range, improve the motivation of sellers and stimulating sales.

Latitude range - The number of groups and subgroups of goods included in the assortment of the store. According to their specific weight in turnover and stocks distinguish the assortment structure specialized and universal shops .

Depth of the range - The number of species and varieties (items) of goods inside groups and subgroups in the assortment of the store.

For example, latitude The range of department store with a trading area of \u200b\u200b650 m 2 is represented by the following groups: fabrics, sewing products, knitted goods, shoes and haberdashery. A 99 types of tissues, 316 types of sewing products, 311 species of knitted goods and 139 varieties of shoes and 109 - haberdashery define depth of the assortment of this store .

Structure assortment - This is the ratio of groups, subgroups, species and varieties of goods in the store assortment. It is characterized by latitude and depths. The structure of the range is determining when organizing its formation in the store.

Distinguish concepts macro and microstructure Assortment of store goods.

Under macrofructure understand the relationship between groups of goods in the general range, and under microstructure - The ratio of species and varieties in each product group.

In maintaining the range of goods in accordance with the supply of the population, an important role is played fullness and stability Assortment of goods in the store.

Fullness range - This is the correspondence of the actual availability of goods in the store approved by the assortment list.

Upgrade Assortment - Replenishment of the assortment with new varieties of goods in accordance with the range of enterprise's assortment policy. Acceptable is an update to 10% of the shopping assortment a year.

A special place among the indicators of the state of the range occupies the indicator of its profitability. Under profitability of the trade assortment Understand such an assortment set, which in its totality ensures the receipt of economic entities of the planned amount of net profit, i.e. Of some income over the cost of selling goods and tax and non-tax payments

Question 14. Formation of an assortment of goods in wholesale enterprises

Answer: Wholesale trade, acting by an intermediary between production and consumer, should ensure the rhythmic retail chapter in the number, assortment and quality of demand buyers. Therefore, the formation of the assortment of the wholesale base is the most important commercial function.

Formation of commodity range In the wholesale trade involves the development and establishment of goods in a certain order of goods, designed to satisfy the demand of buyers and ensure cost-effective operation of the base

The formation of an assortment of goods of wholesale organizations affect:

1. Wholesale intermediary specialization

2. Contingent wholesale buyers

3. Conditions of community and others.

Assortment of wholesale organizationsProduces group and intragroup

structure of goods, so the formation of the range is carried out in two stages, i.e.:

Install a group assortment based on marketing research;

Calculate the number of varieties of each type of goods;

The formation process The assortment of the wholesale organization includes:

1. Assessment of the current situation in wholesale trade

2. Development of a commodity policy strategy

3. Expanding the range at the expense of new goods and improving its structure;

4. Ensuring the sustainability of the range of goods of mass demand;

5. Achieving conditions that contribute to the growth of turnover and trading income


In practice, it is often used to develop assortment models for wholesale bases.

It consists of three stages:

Definition of a group assortment structure of the wholesale database;

The rationale for the number of types of goods necessary for the formation of an annual range;

Determination of the minimum required amount of varieties of goods, which must be constantly in the base warehouses (unsigned assortment

Question 15. Principles and stages of the formation of the range of goods in retail enterprises

Answer: Basic principles formation of product range In trade organizations are:

1. Compliance with the established assortment profile organization

2. Ensuring complexity in the choice of goods in accordance with the supply of the population

3. The range of goods in organizations should stimulate the consumer to buy and be wider than the nomenclature of the asked goods in order to provide him a choice.

Specific factors affecting the formation of the range of goods reflect specific conditions for the work of the trade organization. These include the type of store and size of the store, the conditions of the comma, the number and composition of the serviced population, transportation conditions, the presence of other trade organizations in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of this store.

The process of forming an assortment of goods in various stores has its own characteristics. Thus, in the supermarkets, food and non-food products are distinguished, and inside groups produce division of the entire nomenclature of goods on commercial subgroups, groups and names, and there are varieties inside the items.

In the RT, the process of forming an assortment includes 3 stages:

1. The group assortment of goods is established

2. The structure of the group assortment is calculated

3. It is determined by an intragroup detailed range of goods, specific types of goods within each group are selected.

Question 16. Formation of an assortment of goods in stores on consumer complexes

Answer. When forming an assortment in non-food stores by consumer complexes products combine the principle of the unity of their consumer purposes . The introduction of such complexes into the practice of trading organizations allows:

1. Increase the buyer's service culture at the expense:

Maintenance of a certain category of buyers and reducing the cost of their purchase time;

Providing services for the acquisition in one place of several purchases, including not planned in advance related products;

The best shows in consumer complexes, consultation, service provision, etc.

2. Ensure the systematization of the product range.

3. Remove patterns in the needs and in the formation of the range of goods.

The range of consumer complexes can be formed by the following features:

Half-age groups (women's clothing, men's clothing);

Lifestyle, leisure to the population (goods for young technique);

Solemn events (goods for wedding gifts);

Traditions and habits of buyers (knitting, sewing and needlework);

Seasonality demand (winter clothing), etc.

Distinguish macro and micro complexes.

The macro complexes presents sets of goods that are formed from the point of view of specialization with a certain latitude of the range and volume of turnover; as an independent department store.

Micro complexes are highlighted in macro complexes to meet the needs of consumers. They create a deep range of goods, attention to the inclusion in the range of different kinds of smallest things is enhanced.

Question 17. Inventories, their role in ensuring the uninterrupted trade process.

Answer. Wholesale, speaking mediator between production and consumer must provide rhythmic comma prison Retail retail network, in charge of quantity, assortment and quality of demand buyers. Correctly formed commodity reserves play a large role in raising the level of commercial service. Work on the creation of optimal commodity reserves on wholesale bases include:

size definition optimal freeware;

operational stock reserves and control over their condition;

regulation Commodity reserves.

Proper work with inventories solves a number of commercial tasks associated with the formation and maintenance of the range of goods at the required level in order to meet the demand of buyers.

The need for commercial inventory management activities is related to demand for specific goods dynamic is subject to the influence of many factors, which makes it difficult for the adoption of the right decisions regarding procurement. therefore there are eroshes In this activity, which lead to the formation of stocks above the need or lower. For the presence of excess goods . Goods that are not in demand that slow or suspended their movement increase the costs of the wholesale organization for their storage, lending, costs associated with the worsening of quality.

Laptop inventory leads to dissatisfaction of buyers' demand. As a result, the volume of sale of goods is restrained, which leads to a deterioration in the economic and financial state of the wholesale organization

The size of the inventory and their turnover affects various factors : consumer properties, quality of goods, price, conditions of transportation, packaging and etc.

One of the main tasks of inventory management is ensuring the acceleration of the turnover of funds invested in commodity reserves.

For the wholesale organization, the goods presents the main income statement only if it is sold if it has been purchased for resale in order to profit. therefore commercial service wholesale base should conduct competent purchase work Competitive goods satisfying consumer demand.

If a range , number, quality of goods do not correspond to consumer Demand, this testifies to the unsatisfactory state of commodity reserves, ineffective commercial activities.

Increased inventory purchasing their large quantity requires big Financial means ..

Commercial reserves that are not in demand are not a valuable investment of capital for wholesale base. .

The rate of circulation of goods is an qualitative indicator The activities of the wholesale organization and characterizes the efficiency of the use of funds invested in inventory.

Working with commercial stocks It is necessary to take into account the reliability of the delivery contracts, time to bring the goods from the manufacturer to the end user, the data of the analysis of the volume and the structure of the sale of both the current and statistical reporting.

Inserting considerable funds in the purchase of goods, wholesale bases expose themselves commercial risk . Justify commercial risk can only profitable activities. If this does not happen, the base activity will be unprofitable.

The slowdown in commodity proceedings leads to a decrease in turnover, which, in turn, means a decrease in the capital turnover of the wholesale base and leads to an increase in the costs of storage and maintenance of inventories in the normal state. This interdependence reflects the essence of commercial work on inventory management both in wholesale and retail

Question 18. Essence and classification of household connections for goods

Answer. The wholesale market is the market of enterprises (organizations), acquirements for their subsequent resale in order to profit.

The wholesale market is sufficiently capacious and characterized by small compared to the retail market the number of subjects operating on it. Main subjects of the wholesale market are manufacturers of goods, mediators and retail organizations. As a rule, they buy goods by large parties. This trading is called wholesale. It connects almost all sectors of the economy, material production and commodity treatment, includes all stages of promoting goods from manufacturers to retail organizations.

Wholesale trade in the product market is part of spheres of circulation. Through it, it is managed by the accumulation and movement of goods in space and in time, there are almost all commodity resources. It is an important arm of maneuvering in commodity resources both by region and by product markets. Through wholesale trade, the consumer's effect is carried out on the manufacturer in the direction of non-balance and supply.

In turn, the manufacturer searches for the market for its products, selects the buyer, taking into account its capabilities and on arranged conditions.

The main commercials tasks Wholesale trade are:

Comprehensive study of wholesale and retail markets;

Distribution of commodity resources by regions in accordance with the demand, movement of goods from production points to consumption items;

Accumulation and storage of inventories in the amounts required for uninterrupted providing goods in a wide range of intermediary, retail organizations, end users;

Balanced by the importation and export of goods to the regions, taking into account the reasonable needs;

Rhythmic comma;

Ensuring the reliability and stability of household connections based on the priority of the consumer;

Management of the relationship of the subjects of the wholesale market with the help of economic levers, reducing the cumulative costs associated with the promotion of goods from manufacturers to consumers;

providing services to business partners.

Commercial work in the wholesale market consists of operations on wholesale purchases and wholesale of goods .. Unlike the bases, retailers are mainly in the role of wholesale buyers. Wholesale sale, they only carry out in order of minor wholesale to state institutions (hospitals, kindergartens, etc.).

The legal mechanism of regulation of commercial activities is an integral part of the relationship between business entities and forms their legal relations with each other and with government agencies, as well as with arbitration consideration of economic disputes.

In the process of promoting goods to the market, trading performs binders between production and consumers. The arising relationship between them is called economic relations.

The concept of "business relations" includes economic, organizational, commercial, legal, administrative and other relations, developing between buyers and sellers in the process of supplying goods.

The system of economic relations is formed on the basis of freely performed acts of purchase and sale on the initiative of the parties and the central distribution of certain types of goods by quotas and for state needs.

The ability to independently regulate the relationship between the subjects of the market on the basis of the legal norms stipulated by the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus is expanding.

The Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus defines the procedure for concluding, changes, execution and termination of supply contracts.

It defines the right of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus to argue Regulations on the supply of goods. For certain types of goods can be developed Special Supply Terms who are approved in the manner established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Economic communications on the supply of goods are distinguished by the structure and number of participants, the terms of action, a departmental basis.

Structure of household connections maybe simple and challenging .

Simple economic ties They are directly between the manufacturer of goods and retailers. They are established when purchasing many food products, especially perishable, as well as non-food, having a simple assortment and large-sized. Such connections are called straight. The advantages of direct household connections are that the unnecessary links of goods transshipment are eliminated, turnover is accelerated, the effectiveness of the impact on the manufacturer on the renewal of the range, improve the quality of goods, is reduced, the time for approval of the delivery conditions is reduced.

Complex structure of economic relations It intends to participate in them intermediaries, the number of which can be different. Such a structure of economic relations is less effective, reduces the efficiency of managing the process of bringing goods to the consumer, reduces the effectiveness of the impact on the manufacturer for the release of the desired range. It is advisable for deliveries of goods when accumulation is required, deported, converting an assortment from an intermediary.

By timing Prisoners of contracts distinguish between one-time, short-term (up to one year) and long-term (more than a year) economic relations. If the need for products is systematic, preference should be given to direct long-term economic relations, they guarantee greater stability.

On departmental accessories Participants distinguish between intersystem and intrasystem economic relations.

For intersystem Economic relations with the supply relationships are established between organizations of various systems, ministries, departments.

Intrasystem Economic connections are negotiable between organizations of one system, such as consumer cooperation. The organization of economic relations involves the implementation of the following commercial functions:

Impact of trade to the production of industrial enterprises of the necessary market of goods through its participation in the formation of production plans;

Work on the conclusion of economic contracts;

Ensuring the implementation of contractual obligations and property responsibility for their non-compliance;

Establishing optimal relations between economic relations;

Legal regulation of economic relations, etc.

These functions and their significance change as market relations and improving the independence and responsibility of the parties entering

Question 19. Negotiated work and its content.

Answer. The general provisions and basic rules regulating the system of contractual relations are established by the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus. They are based on the principles of contractual law. In connection with the announcement of the Republic of Belarus, the sovereign state and the transition to the market, the organization of contractual relations has undergone a major change. The essence of these changes is that the circle of business entities has significantly expanded and much independence is provided.

The supply contract is a document where the rights and obligations of the parties to the supply of goods are agreed.

Subject of contract Deliveries is a product. The supplier undertakes to the underestimate time, which do not coincide with the moment of the conclusion of the contract, transfer it to the buyer to the property for business activities (and not for personal consumption), and the buyer undertakes to pay for it a certain price.

Parties to the contract are supplier and buyer both legal and individualscarrying entrepreneurial activities. The supplier can be both the manufacturer and the mediator. The buyer can be both a wholesale intermediary and retail trade organization.

The supply contract creates a long relationship between the parties, its execution, as a rule, is carried out in parts of the agreed parties and within a certain time.

The delivery contract is in writing.

Depending on the location of the parties, the contracts for the supply of goods can be divided:

On the enterprises of the Republic of Belarus concluded between the business entities (intrarospinic);

Contracts concluded with business entities of other states ( interstate) .

They, in turn, are divided:

On contracts concluded on the basis of free will

Delivery contracts for state needs.

In the new economic conditions, the contract is a priority, because the independence of business entities is expanding, it becomes possible to more quickly respond to changes in market conditions, it is better to take into account the interests of the end user.

Preparation for the conclusion of supply contracts. The development of the draft treaty in commercial organizations is entrusted to commercial and legal services. All interested services visiting contracts. Signatures of the heads of planning and economic, production and financial departments, as well as the chief accountant are mandatory.

In commercial practice, the use of widespread typodes X contracts for the supply of goods.

Typical contract is approximate contractin which the unified conditions developed taking into account trade practices are set out in writing. A typical contract can be used in two ways.

First method - The unconditional consent of the parties with the terms set out in it, which should be expressed by the signing of the contract. Second way - The use of a typical agreement as a sample, which can be changed in accordance with the agreement by the Parties on Specific Terms.

The procedure for concluding contracts. Contracts may be based on:

State order for the supply of goods for state needs;

Initiatives of the Parties and mutual agreements to conclude an agreement (commercial contracts).

Contractual relations based on the state order. State regulation of the economy is used in almost all countries of the world, but the forms and degree of such regulation are different. In the Republic of Belarus, one of the tools for this is the order for the supply of goods for state needs, which is widely applied in other states.

All contracts, regardless of the forms and grounds of concluding, should be documented, signed by officials and recorded on material carrier with props that allow you to identify signatures. These documents should reflect the consent of the parties to mandatory conditions contract.

The contracts concluded in this way come into force. After that, mutual responsibility for execution of the terms of the contract arises. Disputes arising between the parties are treated with economic courts. The procedure for changing and terminating the supply contract is regulated by the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus and is reflected in Regulations on the supply of goods in the Republic of Belarus. The initiator side must prevent the partner on termination or change the contract in the term established in the contract. The party who received a proposal to terminate or change the contract must respond within a 10-day term. If she agrees, is issued supplementary agreement And signed by both parties or the parties exchange letters, telegrams.

Question 20. Legal regulation of household connections for the supply of consumer goods


Question 21. Economic ties for the supply of goods for state needs in the Republic of Belarus


Question 22. Sources of wholesale purchases and suppliers of consumer goods

Answer: Source of arrival Goods to the domestic market of the Republic of Belarus is:

1. Intrapublican sectors of national economy producing TNP

2. Transportation of goods from CIS countries

3. Centralized procurement for imports

4. Cooperatives, joint ventures, small enterprises

5. Barter transactions carried out in centralized order

Suppliers of goods are specific enterprises various sources arrivals. All suppliers of goods are divided by:

a) T. yarriternal sign:

* Local

* interregional (regional)

* Republican

* Foreign

b) According to accessories to economic various systems

* Intrasystem

* Systems

in) In terms of activity

* Manufacturers Suppliers

* Intermediary Suppliers (wholesale organizations of the republican and regional level of various product range)

Question 23. Wholesale fairs (concept, purpose of conducting, classification )

Answer: In the fair industry, two directions are determined depending on the nature of trading operations:

1. Fairs for the sale of products entered into the primary turnover

2. Fairs for implementing unused and excessive products

In front of fairs first view There is a wide range of tasks:

Strengthening the active impact of market trading on the formation of production plans based on marketing research;

Introduction into the production of new products that meet the requirements of world standards; The simultaneous determination of products with moral wear, economically inexpedient in operation, and, therefore, recommended for removal from production;

Work related to demonopolization in the field of production and product circulation;

Obligations to ensure the priority of consumers, strengthening the economic impact on the supplier in case of violation of the contractual obligations; An obstacle to the volitional receptions and decisions of the central bodies in relation to the production and sale of products contrary to the economic interests of enterprises, regions, industries.

Trade fairs second type Decide the tasks of the rational use Labor, financial, material, production resources.

Scale and character Fair trade operations are divided into:

International fairs;

Republican fairs are connecting the interests of a large number of enterprises, associations with various directions of economic activity, production specialization. The goods focus on the goods a very wide profile and assortment;

Regional (regional, edge, republican) fairs are functioning to quickly satisfy consumers with the necessary goods. IN organizational plan They are more accessible to participants. Place, time, the topics of the fair is determined by the relevant departments with the participation commercial structures enterprises and associations. Fairs work on schedule with pre-Installation time and place. When coordinating graphs, prevent the coincidence of the timing of the fairs to avoid parallel to their work in the nearby regions.

Specialized exhibitions can be stationary and mobile .

At the exhibitions of each industry, the beneficial opportunity is provided annually to know something, something to appreciate and sell something.

If the exhibition is visited by a wide public, the manufacturer has a unique chance to sell part of their goods and directly communicate with a large number of finite buyers and find out their opinion on their quality and range.

On the question 24. Operations performed during wholesale goods

Answer: commercial activity - the scope of the operational and organizational activities of trade organizations and enterprises aimed at committing the processes of purchase and sale of goods to meet the demand of the population and profit.

Question 24. Methods of the wholesale of goods from warehouses of wholesale enterprises

Answer. Methods wholesale goods

Question 25. Concept, role and indicators of economic efficiency of advertising in commercial activities

Answer. The term "advertising" is widely used by the Latin word. reclamare. - shout Ancient Greece And Rome trading announcements were loudly shrinking or read out on the squares and in other places of the cluster of the people).

By its essence, advertising - information on the consumer properties of goods and various types of services in order to implement them, creating demand for them. The law "On advertising" says that advertising is distributed in any form, with the help of any means of information about the physical or legal person, goods, ideas and endeavors (advertising information), which is intended for a certain circle of persons and is designed to form or maintain interest in these goods, ideas and endeavors and promote the sale of goods, ideas and undertakings. "

The most common sphere of promotional activity is trading advertising, the object of which is the goods, trade enterprises, services provided by these enterprises. By its essence trade advertising - targeted dissemination of information on the consumer properties of goods and various, accompanying the sale of these goods, types of services to attract consumers' attention to them in order to create demand for these goods services and increasing their sales.

From ordinary information advertising messages, they differ from the fact that they perform the function of admonitive impact on a person in order to encourage it to acquire some kind of goods (services). Advertising is part of the marketing, the task of which to ensure the smooth sales of manufactured products.

Advertising must accurately and truthfully inform the consumer about the quality, properties, assortment, rules for use (operation) and consumption of goods, as well as report other information about goods and services. It is unacceptable to use exaggerated data on the quality of goods in advertising messages or, moreover, to deceive consumers, to issue a falsified product for a full, affect the low-lying inclinations a person's other negative motivations. Advertising must meet modern aesthetic requirements, and its organization should not exceed the mind (rational) sizes.

Advertising, on the one hand, brings different information necessary for the purchase and use of goods, on the other - combining its information content with persuasive and suggestibility, has an emotional and mental impact on humans.

In addition, trading advertising should contribute to improving customer sales quality. With the help of advertising, buyers find the goods they need themselves faster, acquire them with the greatest amenities and the lowest time.

No less important to inform the public about individual trading enterprises, the services they offer, the time of work, the methods of sale, the features of their activities.

Truthfulness - Compliance of information about goods, their quality, advantages and advantages of reality

Concreteness It is expressed in convincing arguments and digital data used in the text of the advertising message, respectively, in the advertising chart, compliance with this principle excludes unjustified formalism and incomprehensible to a wide range of users of advertising techniques

Focality Advertising means that its starting point is advertised goods and market conditions, and its object is a consumer. Compliance with this principle prevents irrational consumption of funds, allows you to assess the effectiveness of the use of TOG: or other means of advertising, its impact on the increase in turnover of the trading enterprise, as well as its emotional and psychological impact.

In modern conditions, a wide variety of advertising agents are used, among which it is primarily to allocate printed advertising, radio and telecommunications, advertising in the press, audiovisual, outdoor, showcase advertising and other types of it.

Determination of economic efficiency

Determination of psychological efficiency (assessment of the consumer's response on

communication complex).

Economic efficiency is determined by measuring the influence of advertising on the turnover, profits and profitability.

Additional trade turnover under the influence of advertising is determined by the formula:

T d \u003d (T 2 - T 1) D, where:

N \u003d t d / 100 - z, where

P - profitability of sales;

Profitability Calculated by the formula:

The main means of internal advertising store is the interior of the trading hall; advertising layout and display of goods inside the commercial enterprise; Advertising signs, posters and posters, as well as advertising events such as radio advertising in the store, tasting new products, usually food, etc.

Advertising targets are not only window shop windows, but also an intra-magazine exhibition of goods. The placement of goods inside the store should be convenient for inspection and selection, improve customer independence, help make purchases with the lowest time. In stores that apply the traditional method of sale, the intra-magazine exhibition is arranged on a pretty and countercourse equipment, which is the basis of the workplace of the sellers. In self-service stores, the trading hall must be an exhibition of goods that orients buyers, helping them to find the desired section and "bypass goods. In modern self-service stores (supermarkets, supermarkets), the facade of the building is often a solid glass wall, through which the entire trading room is clearly visible. Therefore, in these stores it is necessary to organize intra-magazine exhibitions of goods viewed through a glazed facade, or set multi-tiered double-sided windows-racks close to the glazed facade. On the one hand, such a showcase-rack facing the trading room, buyers select the goods.

When self-service, the first place is put forward decorative and decoration of shop windows and shopping hall, and advertising information for visitors. This information concerns the location of departments, sections and placement of goods in the trading room, indicating the most rational schemes of the flow of buyers, the order of selection of goods.

Print advertising - ads and articles in newspapers and magazines, as well as posters, leaflets, prospectuses, catalogs, advertising letters, posters, and leaflets, memo and liners, commercial labels, labels, advertising texts on packaging materials etc. This type of advertising occupies the main proportion in advertising goods. With the help of printed advertising, you can inform the population on the most diverse issues of purchase, use, consumer properties of goods implemented by the store.

- Radio advertising broadcasts - This is an operational and massive means of communication and psychological impact on buyers both inside the store and out of the store. According to the forms of radio advertising transmissions is highly varied. The radio advertising is used genres such as dialogues, reports, ads, often accompanied by music.

- Demonstration advertising implies a show (demonstration) of new models of finished clothes, hats, shoes dedicated to the beginning of the corresponding season; Show in the action of technically complex products and advice on the rules of their use; Tasting new, little-known population of food, etc.

Question 27. Essence and objectives of commercial sales incentives

Answer . Sales stimulation - a set of techniques used throughout life cycle Goods for three market participants (consumer, wholesale merchant, seller) with the aim of short-term sales increase, as well as increasing the number of new buyers.

Depending on the destination Stimulating tools can be:


price .

The establishment of sales promotion objectives is focused on the main objectives of the Retail Organization for Commercial Activities. Therefore, along with strategic objectives, specific and one-time can be implemented.

Control, and therefore, the establishment of the objectives of incentives are engaged in the management of the commercial department, taking into account the views of managers of trading halls and sales representatives of manufacturers.

Independent sales stimulation

Under incidental In stimulation means understand the use of opportunities for a commercial, technological, organizational and economic nature, aimed at increasing sales, but not related to the change in the price of goods.

Among the non-price means of stimulating a special role belongs oral consultation and advertising seller .

The effective means of non-responsive stimulation is also rational accommodation and effective layout of goods. The main task of the sales hall manager is the most favorable representation of the entire range and every product separately.

The concepts "accommodation" and "laying" of goods in the trading hall should be distinguished.

Accommodation of goods It involves the distribution of the range over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe trading room, taking into account the frequency of demand, the complexity of the acquisition, interchangeability, dimensions and the mass of goods, specific properties of the goods.

Under calculation of goods Specific ways of laying and showing goods on the demonstration area of \u200b\u200bthe trading room should be understood. For each product should be determined the most appropriate way to calculate it.

In stores apply vertical, horizontal, combined system of calculating goods and layout "in bulk".

Laying in self-service stores, taking into account the principles Merchandising

The layout for self-service stores plays a special role, since it is the layout that should influence the decision to purchase.

In self-service stores, the following types of calculations are distinguished:

Basic - layout on the shelves of island and wall slides;

Standing for products on trays;

Special display.

The manager of the trading hall should be aware and ensure the implementation of the following principles of accommodation and calculation of goods based on the knowledge of the psychology of the buyer and merchandising:

1. "Inexpensive forward." Cheap goods create a favorable impression of the level of the store prices, so they are placed at the beginning of the trading hall.

2. "The principle of the Checziness". Goods S. low prices And high-profile goods alternate along the movement of the buyer in the trading room. But the goods that ensure the greatest profits should not be placed at the end of the route, otherwise, reaching it, the buyer will already have a full basket, and the wallet is empty.

3. "The principle of two fingers." The shelf in height must comply with the goods sold. It is believed that if between the upper edge of the goods and the next shelf you can shove two fingers, you need to change the distance between the shelves.

4. "Shelves' extension." The use of plywood, wire, metal extension holders shelves, wire baskets makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the shelving calculation.

5. "Review and accessibility." The goods must be laid out the facial packaging to the buyer.

6. 6."Deficiency of the calculation and constant replenishment of stocks."

7."Filling the shelves." Maximum turns in self-service stores are possible only with fully filled shelves. If the goods of the main assortment is sold out, you can fill the empty shelves with a product of impulsive demand.

World experience. The human eye can perceive the goods if at least 3-5 the same packs (packages) are presented nearby. Whatever the width of the shelf, the goods should be relatively free.

Laying products on trays - A popular way to place goods as on the shelves (if there can be many front row goods) and in mass calculations.

Packaging is a tray with a stretching thin film and has the following characteristics:

Special display. The main layout on the slides creates the necessary background for special calculation of goods in the trading room (takes about 5% of all store sales). It serves as the main means to attract the attention of buyers to sell special, from a commercial point of view, goods.

Mass calculations Apply mainly for the goods of everyday demand and goods that are in high demand.

Price tools for sales assistance

All types of stimulation based on direct or indirect, immediate or delayed a decrease in sales costs belong to price.

A fairly common price-based stimulation is to sell at discounted prices.

Specialists in the field of retail sales often allocate not only the advantages, but also commercial flaws of sales at discounted prices. The generalization of different points of view made it possible to allocate the following advantages and disadvantages.

Question 28. The system of indicators characterizing the effectiveness of commercial activities.

Answer. Estimate and analyze the activities of the trading enterprise is very difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that any commercial organizationRegardless of its size, the sphere of activity, profitability or unprofitability is a complex system that interacts with the market environment. Therefore, it is unlikely that there is such a single indicator that could be exhaustively reflected by all parties to the enterprise's business. Such an indicator may not even be profit.

For a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of commercial activities, it is necessary system of indicators. These indicators are: (in the first place will be profitable)

Profit (from sales and balance) - is the most important indicator of the efficiency of commercial activities of the trading enterprise. It reflects the results of the entire trade activities of the enterprise - the volume of products sold, its composition and assortment structure, labor productivity, the level of costs, the presence of unproductive costs and losses, etc.

The volume of trade and the rates of its growth;

Commodity reserves (in sum and days) and compliance with their standards;

Turnover (in days and revolutions) - the time for which the goods are implemented;

Profitability (the ratio of the amount of profit to the turnover);

The level of costs of circulation (the ratio of the amount of costs of accessing trade);

Financial stability coefficient (the ratio of own and borrowed funds);

The coefficient of current liquidity (the ratio of working capital to the amount of current short-term obligations, payables and loans);

Property ratio working capital (SOS ratio to the same current assets).

Question 29 .. concept, essence, subject and leasing subject

Answer. The term "leasing" comes from the English verb to. 1EaSe - Rent, donate. The history of leasing relationships leads its beginning from the XX century. BC e., as evidenced by archaeological excavations in the ancient state, the Sumer, and not as it is considered, in the past century in America. However, the term "leasing" was used in 1877, when Bella's telephone company decided not to sell his telephone sets, but to rent them. The first independent leasing company "UNITED STATTS Leasing Corporation" was created in San Francisco (USA) in 1952

"Leasing - type of investment activity for the acquisition of property and transferred it on the basis of a lease agreement to individuals or legal entities for a certain fee, for a certain period and under certain conditions, due to the contract, with the right of property to the lessee ". In addition, there is a definition that is given by the group World Bank: "Leasing - This is a contractual relationship between the two parties, which allow one side (lessee) to use property, which is the property of the other side (lessor), in exchange for agreed periodic payments. "

From economic positions The property is transferred to leasing for a certain period (leasing period) with the condition of his return, for which the owner receives remuneration (leasing payments). Thus, all the conditions of credit relations are observed: urgency, repayment and pay, and, therefore, leasing can be considered as a specific lending method.

Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus (Art. 636) establishes the concept of a financial lease agreement: "Under the financial lease agreement (leasing agreement), the landlord undertakes to acquire the specified property from a specific seller and provide a tenant this property for fee in Temporary possession and use for business purposes. "

According to the current legislation (Art. 637 GK of the Republic of Belarus) lessing "There may be any inaccessible things used for entrepreneurship, except land plots and other natural objects."

The obligation to use the property transmitted to leasing is predetermined only for entrepreneurial activities that the subject of leasing can be both movable and immovable property, which is the object of fixed assets.

To objects real Estate There are buildings and facilities of industrial purposes.

Leasing subjects. IN Federal Law The Russian Federation "On Leasing" defines three lease entities: the lessor, the lessee, the seller.

Depending on the deadline for the use of property acquired under the contract, distinguish financial and operational leasing .

financial leasing - The type of leasing, in which the lessor undertakes to acquire property of a certain seller specified by the lessee from a certain seller and transfer the lessee of this property as a leased object for a certain period for a certain period and on certain conditions for temporary possession and

Operational leasing - The type of leasing, in which the lessor purchases at its own risk of property and transmits it to the lessee as a leased object for a certain fee, for a certain period and under certain conditions for temporary possession and use

Mixed leasing - This is leasing containing elements of financial and operational leases.

Question 30. The essence of franchising and its role in the development of small businesses

Answer. The word "franchising" happened from French " franchise. ", What means "benefits, privilege, exemption from tax, contribution". Subsequently, this word was gained in English-speaking states. In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 1027), this term was called "Commercial Concession" and "Agreement of a commercial concession.

By its essence franchising represents The relationship system, which consists in compensated transmission by one party (a company that has, as a rule, a pronounced image and a high reputation in the market of goods and services) to the other side (a company or an individual private entrepreneur) of its means of individualization of manufactured goods, work performed or provided services ( Trademark or sign of service, corporate identity), business technology and other commercial information, the use of which the other Party will promote growth and reliable consolidation of goods and services in the market.

At the same time, the transmitted party undertakes to assist in the establishment of a business, to provide technical and consulting assistance.

The appearance of franchise is referred to the beginning of the 1800s., To the so-called system of associated houses used by British brewers. In 1860, according to the scheme, the Singer Factory, specializing in the production of sewing machines, worked.

Designed in 1886 formula "Sosa-co1a "And her sale in 1900 led to a powerful impetus in the development of franchising; the system began to spread up to the Sosa-So1a brand known to all so far. The greatest success in the development of this system managed to achieve in the 50s. last century brothers Mac Donaldam . Currently, the McDonalds franchise system has about 20 thousand enterprises in different countries of the world.

In RB, the McDonalds McDonalds serve as a franchise example.

Stabilization and further revival of the Russian economy are directly related to solving small business development. The role of this sector of the economy was seriously rethought in recent decades. It is now considered as a necessary condition for self-development and stability of its economic System. So, in the United States there are about 20 million small firms, in Japan - more than 6.5 million ..

Franchising proved its high efficiency and viability and in the conditions of the economic downturn of the mid-70s. Especially strong is the position of franchising companies since the beginning of the 80s, when during the presidency of R. Reagan, the United States experienced the rise of the economy. In the American literature, such statistical data was given: during these years one franchise enterprise was opened in the USA every 6.5 min.

Having gained great internal experience, American franchising moved abroad to let sprouts in other markets. Many companies sold their franchises in other countries, and some of them began to expand their international network with a rapid pace. Currently, more than 350 American firms and their franchisees own more than 32,000 trade enterprises in other countries.

The stormy development of franchising is observed in Canada, Western Europe, Japan, the states of the Pacific region, Australia, the countries of the Caribbean region. Franchisors from other countries are also looking at the Russian market. Apparently, international franchising will soon develop even faster pace. Franchisors are looking for potential franchisees in foreign countries, and many individuals and firms are actively looking for franchisors from other countries to acquire their license and rights and with their financial support, on their production and maintenance technology to make their profitable business.

There are various ways of commercial cooperation. But, family business, among them, occupies a special position. According to statistics, worldwide family business is about 70% of companies from their total number.

Unfortunately, in the Russian Federation, there are still no legal acts that would regulate the concept of "family business". But, in practice, the following definition of this business variety:

The implementation of commercial activities by the whole family, in the conditions of market relations, which brings profit and various types of income. At the same time, the family includes not only people related to the bonds of blood relations, but also other persons consisting in close relationship.

In the theory, the family refers to the circle of persons who are associated with various property and personal non-property rights and the responsibilities arising from them. At the same time, the connection is due to signs of kinship, marriage, adoption and other forms.

Experts of the European Commission approved the pan-European definition of family business, under which they understand:

Business management by persons who have created a company (or purchased its share capital), as well as the adoption by most of the solutions related to the implementation of commercial activities.

Business management if the majority of decision-making rights belongs to direct or indirect grounds.

If in the process of direct management of the company participates, at least one family member.

If the authorized capital of the family is 25% of the rights from the total number of capital.

Currently there are many actual problemsrelated to the management of family business. For example, in Russian legislation there is no standard for providing any tax benefits to people leading family business. The minus of the family business can be attributed to the dissolution of marriage. In the presence of such circumstances, it can be threatened. But despite all the shortcomings, there are advantages of family business. For example, in labor legislation (Art. 27 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) there is an indication that when creating an organization without the presence of a share in state ownership, you can organize joint work in the positions of the head and the chief accountant, regardless of the availability of related links. And this is all regardless of whether there is a subordination or control of it.

Also, the advantages of family business can be attributed:

Lack of time spending on creating relationships with colleagues;

Guarantee of mutual execution, as well as help and understanding;

Fast making management decisions. This advantage is important in working with market relations. Indeed, in this industry, the situation sometimes change radically.

At the growing offspring are assigned certain hopes.

Traditionally, family business is made in the form of a joint stock company, as well as limited liability companies. This is due to the fact that Western practice gave the basis and belief that with any cataclysms, this form of doing business will remain indispensable. In addition, if any crisis situations occur in the country, such a business has more survival opportunities, because family relationship is characterized by the presence of not only common goals, but also to obtain a common benefit.

One of the most unsuccessful forms of family business is to register as an individual entrepreneur. The fact is that according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 24), the PP carries personal property responsibility. If the state is imposed of the recovery, for any violations, then, first of all, it will be calculated on the basis of the property of the entrepreneur. That is why, JSC and Ltd. is the most optimal form of conducting a family business, since the participants of these societies do not carry any property responsibility for obligations arising from business.

Family business is a promising direction of entrepreneurial activities, because family traditions can lead a business on very large vertices.

Date of placement of the article: 18.10.2012

See: Avilov G.E. Commercial concession (chapter 54) // Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part Two: Text, Comment, Alphanumeric Index / Ed. OM Visor, A.L. Makovsky, S.A. Khokhlov. M.: International Center for Financial and Economic Development, 1996. P. 553 - 554.

The term "franchising" comes from the French word "Franchir" - "exemption from slavery", which determines the right to freedom of conducting any activity. This term is mentioned in the domestic literature and in some regulatory regulations. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 20 of the Methodological recommendations for the development of regional trade development programs approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Communist Party of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2010 N 637, the creation of enterprises using the franchise mechanism, ensuring methodological, information and consulting and training services in the field of franchising , expansion of the use of franchising in the field of trade as a means of increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as improving the quality of commercial service. The term "franchising" is also used in the Siberian socio-economic development strategy until 2010, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2010 N 1120-p. This regulatory act provides for the allocation of subsidies for compensation for various costs, including under loan agreements, franchising agreements.

Career. 2002. N 10. P. 16 - 17.

See: Pine S.A. New in civil law: franchising // State and law. 1997. N 7; Rijnikov A.S. Agreement of commercial concession. M.: Statute, 2009.

Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2010. N 33. Art. 4444.

Moreover, there is no unity over the content of the terms used. So, according to F.G. Pankratova and because Sergina, according to the practice of the practice "Franchising", is used mainly to denote a certain system of organizing market relations in general, and the term "franchise" - to determine contractual relations between specific partners in the implementation of this system of relations in practice. " According to L.A. Trachherthertz, the concepts of "franchising" and "franchise" are equivalent, equivalent to the name "Commercial concession" in Russian law.

See: Pankratov F.G., Sergina. Commercial activity. M., 2000. P. 521.

Cyt. By: Commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation / Ed. IS HE. Sadikov. M., 1996. P. 614.

Exploring the terminology, it should also be noted that when borrowing foreign concepts and terms should be used in accordance with the meaning they have in the original language. Thus, the term "franchising" means a certain way to organize entrepreneurship and legal institution (as, for example, appeared in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the term "agency"), and not the type of contract, whereas the contract corresponding to it is indicated in English terms "Franchise Agreement" and "Franchise CONTRACT" (similar to this in french The concepts of "Franchisage" and "Franchise") differ.

What is modern franchising? Formulate a single franchise definition is quite difficult. According to V. Bark, franchising is the concept of chameleon, the content of which changes depending on the type of relationship under consideration. At the same time, some researchers give the definition of the franchise itself, others reveal the relationship of franchise through the definition of a contract with which this kind of relationship is mediated.

See: Korah V., Rothnie W.A. Exclusive Distribution and The EEC Competition Rules: Regulations 1983/83 & 1984/83. 2D ED. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1992. P. 7.

See: Filin F.N. Franchising: Legal basis of activities. M., 2008. P. 9.

See: Cherepanova E.A. Franchising in Russia: legal aspect. Yekaterinburg: Eid "Uralurizdat", 2005. P. 25.

It must be borne in mind that franchising is not just a purchase or sale of the franchise, this is a whole complex of the most complex relationships. The essence of the franchise is to provide a large and well-known company to another enterprise, often only the beginning of its own business in the market, the rights during a certain time and on the agreed territory to conduct entrepreneurship, similar to the activity of the franchisor, using the already exhaust technology, a well-known and popular trademark, with The ability to train personnel and obtain the necessary advice. The franchisor may assume the obligation to supply equipment, raw materials and materials, assist in business management, provide its franchisee financial assistance. Remuneration under the franchise agreement is usually paid by the user in the form of a fixed initial contribution, license fees, as well as subsequent deductions from revenue or otherwise, for example, by purchasing equipment and materials from a franchisor.

The type of franchise strategy in foreign countries allocate the following types of franchising:

Hoffman R., Preble J. Franchising: Selecting a Strategy for Rapid Growth // Long Range Planning, 1991, # 4. P. 74 - 85.

- Business Format Franchising; "Package Franchise") - a single trademark owned by a franchisor, work methods; The franchisor exercises current support, advises and teaches franchisees (for example, McDonald's);

- Conversion Franchising (Conversion Franchising) - the transformation of the current enterprise in a member of the franchise system without a radical change of working methods in order to survive in conditions of strong competition, thanks to the franchisor brand, improving services and reduce costs (for example, Holiday Inns has created a huge hotel chain of hotels for several years Each of which has its own unique appearance).

The specific type of franchise is determined on the basis of the market situation, the type of activity and the strategic goal of the company. For example, in a fast-growing market of a company with a strong competitive position, it is more expedient to use a trading franchise, creating a dealer network, but while maintaining hard control over the market. If, when doing business, it is very important to comply with technology and uniform working methods by all network participants, it is better to create a franchise system of a business format. In fragmented markets, where many small and medium-sized firms are working, which is not allowed to merge (no economy scale, small isolated local markets are serviced), it is possible to effectively use a business format or conversion franchise, which largely retain the independence of the enterprise.

Since franchising contracts are used in various fields and have many species, certain types of franchise agreements have many common features with other types of obligations.

See: Kochetkov GB Franchising: Small business organization. USA, Canada: Economy, Politics, Culture. 2002. N 4. P. 102 - 118.

The agreement of the sales or commodity franchise is sometimes compared with the contract on the exclusive sale of goods or in relation to the international purchase and sale of goods with an agreement on exceptional imports, i.e. with dealership contracts. The differences, as in the previous case, are that the dealer before buyers acts as an independent legal entity, which is engaged exclusively for the sale of the rightholder goods. The franchisee of the franchisee contract is fully identical to its franchisor for consumers of its goods and services.

Franchise agreements should also be distinguished from entrepreneurial contracts related to the management of one legal entity Another legal entity. Their similarity is that the contract of franchising and the management agreement is characterized by control and actual management from one person in relation to the other. The difference is that the purpose of the Franchise Treaty is the transfer of the "business complex" as an object and profit by the use of this enterprise by another person. The main purpose of the entrepreneurial management contract is to establish control of one person over the authorities of another person. At the same time, these person, in contrast to the parties to the franchise agreement, can carry out various activities.

The franchise agreement in the case of a payment franchiseer in the form of a fixed one-time payment can actually be perceived by close to the contract of sale, since in both cases the transmission of a similar civil rights object should be a cash payment. However, legally the difference between them is great. First, the subject of the contract of sale is things, and the subject of the contract of franchising may be things, but primarily the right to use intellectual property objects. Secondly, under the contract of sale, the alienation of the object of the contract takes place. Under the franchising agreement, property (things) may also alienate, but the rights to intellectual property, despite the transfer of rights to its use to another subject, are stored for the franchisor.

When the franchisee of the remuneration franchisee for the right to use the franchise in the form of periodic payments, the franchise agreement is similar to the property hiring agreement (lease), since in both cases the object of civil rights is transmitted to temporary use for the fee. But the difference is that the subject of the lease agreement is things, and not an object of intellectual property. In addition, the attitude of the landlord and the tenant is reduced to a simple scheme - use for remuneration. The attitude of the franchisor and the franchisees are much wider.

Experts of the World Intellectual Property Organization define a franchise as "an agreement on which one person (copyright holder), which has a developed system of conducting certain activities, allows another person to use this system according to the requirements of the franchise owner in exchange for remuneration."

Cyt. By: Evdokimova V. Franchise and a commercial concession agreement in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation // Household and Law. 1997. N 12. P. 113.

See: Dovgan V.V. Franchising: Path to business expansion (organizational, technological, methodical aspects). Tolyatti, 1994. P. 20.

Civil and commercial law of capitalist states / Ed. E.A. Vasilyeva. M., 1993. P. 385.

Franchising, possessing a complex character, mediated through various systems of contractual relations. Under the system of contractual relations in the field of franchise, it is necessary to understand the combination of contracts, the conclusion of which is a condition for achieving the economic goals of entrepreneurial activities based on the franchise agreement. This system of contractual relations has a specific structure manifested in ordering to conclude contracts and the relationship of their conditions.

The central place in the specified system of contractual bonds in the field of franchising on the Russian law belongs to the contract of a commercial concession, according to which one party (the copyright holder) undertakes to provide the other party (user) for the remuneration for a period or without specifying the right to use in the user's entrepreneurial activity The copyright holder of exclusive rights, including the right to a trademark, a service sign, as well as the right to other contracts provided for by the contract of exceptional rights, in particular on commercial designation, the secret of production (know-how) (Art. 1027 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In other words, this agreement regulates relations about using one person in its entrepreneurial activity of the exceptional rights of another person on objects of intellectual property and the means of individualization of the goods and its manufacturer, as well as some non-exclusive rights, in particular on protected commercial information, commercial designations . Since the provision of similar rights under the contract in the overseas right is referred to as franchising, the question arises: how do these treaties relate?

The answer to the question about the ratio of the contract of commercial concession and franchising is not only in theoretical, but also in the practical sense. First, it is possible, based on the principle of freedom of the contract, to conclude not only the contract of commercial concession in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but also not marked in it by the franchise agreement? If these are different contracts, then is it possible to regulate the rules of chapter 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation? If the contracts relate as part and the whole, then the question arises: how to regulate relations according to this agreement, which has no special regulation in law, what way to replenish this gap?

Answers to the questions raised should be sought in the history of the development of concessions as an economic and legal phenomenon. Abroad, the subject of the contract of commercial concession in the initial stage of the historical development of this institution of civil law was different from the subject of the franchise agreement, since it did not provide for the obligatory provision of the user the right to the corporate name or commercial designation of the right holder. A commercial concession agreement (an agreement on the exclusive sale of goods) exists in the practice of foreign states and now. His subject is the provision of exclusive right to sell the goods produced by one person, to another person, i.e. a kind of assignment of the exclusive legislation of the owner - disposal of goods by selling it. And only with time, when the right to provide the user with the right to the means of individualization of the copyright holder was not only included in the terms of the duties of the latter, but also became a constitutive sign of the contract itself, the franchise agreement was an independent type of contract, separating from the commercial concession agreement.

See: Civilian and commercial law of capitalist states / Ed. E.A. Vasilyeva. M., 1993. P. 380 - 384.

See Vitryansky V.V., Braginsky M.I. Contract law. T. 3. M., 2006. P. 977.

According to the criterion of the need to include other contracts, the system of contractual bonds based on franchising to achieve the objectives of the Franchise's provision, all contractual relations based on the franchise agreement can be divided into two levels.

The system of contractual bonds of the first level occurs in cases where the copyright holder is simultaneously by the monopoly owner of raw materials, equipment, materials, other things (hereinafter - the exclusive product), it is necessary for the production of goods, fulfilling the work or provision of services by the Rasual user using the right holder franchise. In this case, the obligatory inclusion in the system of contractual relations along with the Franchise Agreement is subject to an agreement of the supply of exclusive goods.

In contrast to the contractual bonds of the first level, forming the inextricative synthesis of the relationship of franchising and supply, the implementation of the entrepreneurial activity of the legal user also requires the conclusion of associated (providing) agreements for the content of which the franchise legal relationship does not have such a strong influence. These treaties are subject to the inclusion in the system of contractual relations of the second level on the criteria for the provision of legal advantage of the necessary non-residential premises, material resources and money.

The franchise is based on the idea that one day a successful model, organizational and commercial business scheme based on a strong brand can be reproduced by many market participants. For franchisor he is good to a tool Expansion and development of the case, the success of which has already been proven, the spread of the brand, which has already confirmed its viability and attractiveness both for consumers and for the most business organization as a stable basis for its corporate culture.

For companies or individual entrepreneurs - franchisees Franchise mechanisms also provide a number of advantages. Of principled importance is the fact that franchising schemes make it possible to combine individual entrepreneurial initiative, independent creative activity, independence with belonging to a large business structure, which ensures security and reduction of risks. First, they receive ready-made proven effective business management models, a successful brand, business style, etc., allowing, even having experience, lead their own successful business. Secondly, the link of the franchiser and franchisee is constant, and any unforeseen situations that inevitably arise are permitted together, with the help of a more experienced, organized and large resources of the senior partner. Thirdly, the franchisee entrepreneur has competitive advantagewhich will never have a beginner individual entrepreneur- name, brand, reputation as a senior partner - franchiser. As a rule, the contract of franchise implies a certain territory of doing business, which the franchisee is mastered, which makes it relatively protected from competition.

In franchising research, a point of view was repeatedly expressed that franchising did not receive due regulatory regulation in national legislation. It refers to the lack of special regulatory acts about franchising. Indeed, despite universal recognition and tremendous popularity around the world, the use of franchising as a special way of doing business in Russia remains insignificant. The current situation is partly able to explain the "youth" of this contractual institution. However, most researchers explain the non-proliferation of franchise in our country with legal problems - the lack of legal regulation of franchise relations, the lack of a special law on franchising.

See: Rykov I.V. Franchising in the activities of domestic producers // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2001. N 1. P. 87 - 88; Evdokimova V. Franchise and a commercial concession agreement in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation // Household and Law. 1997. N 12. S. 114.

See: Yushchenko N.A. Legal regulation of a commercial concession and franchising in Russia and abroad: author. dis. . Cand. jurid science Kazan, 2008. P. 4 - 5.

commercial activity Represents one of the key areas for organizing a business. Commodity treatment and commerce are a combination of a commercial operation and a process that are aimed at the prosperous buying and selling goods, as well as to bring goods to consumers. To get a good profit, selling goods is carried out thanks to the orientation of demand.

Term " commercial activity"Or" commerce "can be based in several directions. At first, she meant merchant or trading activities in the market, which had to make a profit from trading operations for their own purposes. Often, these operations carried out merchants first between countries, and then inside their countries. Now, this activity applies to the grandiose scope to all countries where the purchase and sale of goods and services are carried out.

In this way, commercial activity - This one of the most important areas that arose as a result of labor. This activity is as follows - to fulfill trade and organizational events that are aimed at selling and buying goods and services in order to gain the greatest profit.

In general, commercial activities are an integral part of the consumer market. It exercises processes that are associated with the sale of services and goods. Thus, with the help of this activity, the demand of the consumer is carried out, carried out, and the goods are developing. To purchase goods and convey it to the consumer, it is necessary to study the market, establish connections with suppliers, carry out commercial transactions, conclude a contract and make commodity-money exchange.

Russian market for last years found a lot of difficulties, but despite this, commercial activities of the trading enterprise Constantly strengthens the material, legal and economic base. In addition, commercial activity It has a huge impact on the best and efficient production, it affects various indicators of any enterprise. commercial activity It can affect the product, on the level of costs in commerce, as well as on turnover indicators.

In any country, trade is the largest direction in the economy. The activities of enterprises are connected to meet the need of their customers, while covering the whole range of issues of economic, financial and organizational and technological nature.

Many trading houses are engaged in commercial activities, and in most cases they specialize in retail. It is trading homes that have a great influence on the development of the economy.

commercial activity It can be carried out as within the native country, so in other countries. So, international Commercial Activities Also aim to extract profits. International business can be carried out on both sides - by the private firm and from a government agency. But now more characteristic is the activities based on interfirm and intrafyrna operations. International Commercial Activities It is based on making it possible to benefit from the benefits of business intercountry operations.

Thus, it can be said that commercial activity Enterprises in many countries defines a single goal for themselves - this is to get the maximum profit from the goods, in turn, is determined on the basis of the needs. Commercial activities today are the most huge range of the provision and implementation of services and goods.

In the conditions of a market economy, commodity-money relations are dominant. Therefore, almost every product of labor produced in enterprises is necessarily for sale and bought, i.e. Passes the stage of exchange. Sellers and buyers of goods conclude purchase and sale transactions, sell and purchase goods, provide intermediary and other services.

Commerce As a variety of human activity, most of us are associated with trade. This is completely natural, since this term is happening from Latin Commercium. (trade). However, such an interpretation of commerce as a term is too narrow and clearly insufficient to clarify the concept and essence of commercial activities.

commercial activity It is part of entrepreneurial activity in the commodity market and differs from it by and large only by the fact that the process of manufacturing the goods or the provision of the service itself does not cover. In a broad sense, any organization offering products to the market of labor products of their employees, and, therefore, participating in the exchange process can be attributed to the category of subjects of sale. It is important to take into account that if this subject involves receiving revenues from the sale (sales) of goods or the provision of services exceeding the cost of their creation, then its activities are customary to qualify as commercial. The same way The idea of \u200b\u200bthe acquisition of raw materials, materials and products for the production of goods and the provision of services is also formed.

The entrepreneur always seeks to acquire resources and use the services in accordance with its own commercial interests. The task that the market poses is reduced to the need to create a quality product and it is beneficial to implement it. Therefore, material and technical supply (procurement, etc.), as one of the main conditions for the creation of goods, should be fully attributed to commercial activities and consider as its most important element.

The interpretation of the term "commercial" has, first of all, practical importance, as the organization of the work of commercial services involves the accounting of many specific features, starting with the economic bases and ending the structure of document management. A special way is made by professional training of commercial workers. In addition to traditional knowledge in the field of economics and management, the merchant must have a number of specific skills in the field of business communication and negotiations, be able to take non-standard solutions to identify highly profitable areas of employment.

Professional activities of the merchant are carried out in the field of production and commodity treatment and is aimed at ensuring the functioning of enterprises of all organizational and legal forms in order to a rational organization of commercial activities, taking into account the sectoral, regional and nomenclature specifics of the enterprise. The merchant must, on the basis of professional knowledge, ensure effective commercial activities and thereby contribute to the solution of an important socio-economic task - to meet the needs of customers.

The objects of professional activities of the merchant are material goods and intangible benefits and services to be purchased or exchanged in the field of circulation.

Main types of commercial activities:

  • organizational and commercial;
  • merchandising expert;
  • marketing;
  • trade and economic;
  • analytical;
  • trade and procurement;
  • foreign trade.

Science is very important to correct definition of the essence of commercial activities. Many problems related to the study of economic patterns in the field of production and commodity treatment are also expecting their solution. Among them are the most relevant:

  • system of criteria and methods for assessing the results of the work of the enterprise's commercial service;
  • the system of payment and economic stimulation of labor workers of commercial services.

A significant problem is a clear definition of commercial borders for tax purposes. So, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the main criterion for the assignment of a particular type of activity to a certain category of taxation is the presence of an appropriate enterprise or organization of a statutory goal for profit. At the same time, a form of ownership and organizational and legal form of a management entity does not play. From the position of taxation, it is important only to clearly establish the belonging of a commercial enterprise to a specific type and field of activity: the production and sale of any products (materials or raw materials), the provision of production or non-production services, trade and intermediation operations, etc. Income tax rates in various cases differ from each other in magnitude.

All enterprises, organizations and institutions operating in the commodity market can be conditionally divided into two main groups: commercial and non-commercial. The commercial number includes almost all enterprises of the material production (factories, factories), a significant part of the manufacturing infrastructure (transport and intermediary enterprises, communication enterprises, etc.) and non-productive sphere (household services, entertainment industry, etc.) Almost all subjects of the securities market.

Non-profit activities are traditionally concentrated in the field of health and education, although recently, entrepreneurship sprouts appeared here. The activities of any non-commercial ("non-profitable" - in Western economic literature) the subject is based on the principle of maintaining the balance of equality of income and expenses. RUSSIA Tax legislation clearly defines the directions on which expenses included in the cost. In addition, the sources of formation of income of a non-profit organization are also strictly defined. In the event of profit, this organization should use it in strict accordance with the requirements of legislation or implement a special procedure for calculating the state budget by revising the amount of financing or paying relevant taxes. Non-commercial organizations include government agencies (federal and municipal).

The subject of commercial activity is the purchase and sale of goods. However, in the broadest sense, the word should consider not only the material and real objects, but also services, and even intellectual property objects. The goods as an object of commercial operations (purchase and sale transactions) has potential and real utility.

Potential utility of goods (services, etc.) or the ability of any product of labor to satisfy individual specific needs, taking into account the availability of the price, is determined by two inherent characteristics: quality and price. The relationship between them, which established in a particular market situation, makes it possible to solve the fundamental question to a potential consumer - Is it necessary and is available to him this proposed product?

Real utility The goods appear at the time of its acquisition by the consumer (sales by the Seller), i.e. As a result of exchange.

Prerequisites that potentially useful goods become really useful for the buyer serve:

  • the presence of potential utility for this product, the compliance of its consumer properties with existing requests, i.e. the presence of an internal factor affecting the preliminary choice of the buyer;
  • the presence of a sufficient number of potentially useful goods in the right place and at the right time or external conditions for the implementation of the choice.

Creating conditions for the realization of the potential utility of the goods is the most important task of commercial activities. It is for these purposes that the relevant sales services are formed, material reserves are accumulated, trading and mediation firms are created.

The main varieties of commercial activities fully reflect its essence. First, we are talking about supply Enterprises required for it with raw materials, materials and products. The work associated with their procurement includes the following main operations:

  • planning material needs;
  • organization of the acquisition of resources and delivery of them to the enterprise;
  • regulation of material reserves;
  • the organization and control of consumption of resources in the enterprise must be carried out by special divisions.

In typical situations, them (divisions) are assigned such names:

  • material and technical supply department (collateral); department of production (production and technical and industrial and technological configuration);
  • completion service of facilities under construction.

In modern conditions, when the professional lexicone of the merchant includes all new terms and concepts, units in this role can act management of material resources and logistics. The procurement service of the enterprise is usually engaged in the issues of obtaining the necessary commercial information.

It is necessary to highlight sales finished products (services). The sales function is performed by the special service of the enterprise, which organizes the formation of shipment batches, is engaged in promoting the goods to the market, searches for the design and registration of relations with buyers (clients). In modern conditions, the success of this activity is largely depends on the professionalism of sales staff and therefore marketing is becoming the main technology of the sales service.

In a separate category should be allocated chamber of Commerce in the consumer and industrial (business) market, bearing in mind, above all, wholesale and retail. The participation of an intermediary in the process of broadcasting in many cases is a prerequisite for the conclusion of a purchase and sale transaction, as it provides wider consumer access to the product. Moreover, in the consumer market, the buyer, almost always, can purchase goods only through an intermediary (retail), since manufacturers practically never work with individuals.

Commercial activities are always associated with the execution of operations on bringing material resources from suppliers to consumers. These operations include:

  • at manufacturers - preparation of products to dispatch, shipping, vacation and its documentary;
  • in warehouses of intermediary and transport enterprises In the process of movement of products - its acceptance, storage, formation of complete parties, shipment;
  • in consumer warehouses - acceptance of products in quantity and quality, storage, bringing acquired materials to a high degree of technological readiness for production consumption, vacation and delivery of materials to workplaces.

In general, all these operations, depending on the specific situation, can be conditionally distributed into two categories - sales and equipped. Sales operations and processes are associated with the production and supply of products. The production process is completed by the sale of products. Supplied operations are related to the production consumption of material resources, obtaining material resources and the provision of enterprises of the industrial and non-productive sphere.

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