Summaries: Formation of trade assortment and inventory management in the Domo store. Stages and methods of forming the assortment of goods in the store

The buildings 21.09.2019
The buildings

The process of forming an assortment of goods includes three stages.

1. Establishing a group assortment of goods. The group assortment corresponds to the profile, specialization and type of store and is developed on the basis of marketing research market.

2. Determination of the structure of the group assortment, i.e. quantitative ratios of individual groups of goods (shares of product groups in the total turnover of the store). The assortment structure is determined on the basis of an analysis of the volume and structure of trade for the past period, the state of demand and trade conditions, etc.

3. Determination of the intragroup (expanded) assortment, i.e. selection of specific types of goods within each group. This stage requires a good knowledge of consumer demand and the range of products offered by industry and businesses. wholesale trade.

Trade turnover is one of the most important indicators in activities commercial enterprise since the value of gross income and profit ultimately depends on it. In addition, the turnover characterizes the value of the realized demand and, therefore, is the result and the main criterion for the effectiveness of assortment management. It should be borne in mind that the assortment of goods is constantly being updated. This process takes place under the influence of scientific and technological progress, fashion, seasonal fluctuations in demand and other factors.

Therefore, at retail trade enterprises, work must constantly be carried out to create demand by actively including new products in the offered assortment. In addition, retailers must expand their range of products during seasonal trading. In this case, buyers need to be informed about the appearance of new products. Meduzov V.S. "Range and quality of manufactured products", Omsk: "Knigolyub", 2005. p. 34-35.

At present, the formation of the commercial assortment in many stores is carried out not only on the basis of the commodity group principle, but also on the basis of the consumer purpose of the goods. The essence of this approach is that in trading floor store, all goods are offered not for separate product groups (for example, "outerwear", "hats", etc.), but for consumer complexes that combine goods focused on one consumer group or a certain need (for example, together with the upper hats and scarves are offered). Consumer complex - a list of groups of goods, formed according to functional and consumer characteristics (gender, age, characteristics of the lifestyle of buyers). Assortment formation for consumer complexes performs two tasks:

Minimization of time for the buyer, the ability to satisfy their needs in one store or department;

Using the effect of interconnectedness of purchases and generating additional profit.

Consumer complexes are divided into micro-complexes. For example, in the complex "Goods for women" there are microcomplexes: "Clothes", "Hats and scarves", "Underwear", "Hosiery", etc. Each microcomplex includes goods of certain names, which, in turn , are divided into varieties.

The main tool with which the planning and regulation of the assortment of the commercial enterprise is carried out is the assortment list. It contains a list of the names of the goods on sale. The assortment list is formed by the trading company independently. It must be approved by the head of the organization. The assortment list is usually developed for a year, during the year it can be changed.

Principles for the formation of the assortment of goods of retail enterprises:

Ensuring that the assortment meets the needs of the target consumers of the retail organization; The implementation of this principle involves the formation of an assortment of goods on the basis of consumer goods. This principle of assortment formation makes it possible to create great convenience for buyers, makes it easier for them to familiarize themselves with the goods offered for sale, reduces the time spent on making purchases, and contributes to making “impulse purchases”.

Ensuring the stability of the assortment; A stable assortment of goods in the store leads to a reduction in the time spent by buyers on the search for goods, makes it possible to standardize all the most important trade and technological processes and operations, to organize their implementation with minimal expenditure of labor, material and financial resources.

Ensuring the profitable operation of the enterprise. In the transition to a market economy, profitability is a prerequisite for the functioning of any commercial enterprise.

A number of economic, social, demographic, natural, specific and other factors affect the construction of the trade assortment in retail trade enterprises.

Economic factors include: monetary incomes of the population and their distribution between individual groups of the population; the level of retail prices and their ratio between certain types and groups of goods; the volume and composition of non-commercial food supply to families at the expense of personal subsidiary plots; the degree of provision of the population with durable items. Social factors - social and professional structure of the population served; the level of education and cultural development of people; historical traditions, holidays, national customs, fashion, etc.

Demographic factors: changes in the population and its composition by sex, age, place of residence; changes in family size and composition. Natural factors: climatic conditions, the length of the seasons, the physiological characteristics of the human body, depending on gender, age, etc. Vasiliev G.A., Gaidaenko T.A. Marketing. M., 2006. p. 246-256.

Specific factors affecting the construction of the assortment of goods in each particular store include the type and size of the store, its specialization, technical equipment, conditions of supply (availability of stable sources, remoteness, type of supplier), the number and composition of the population served, transport conditions, availability other retail outlets in the area where the store operates. When forming the assortment of food products in retail trade enterprises, one should take into account some features of the demand for food. Thus, the demand for food products, in comparison with the demand for non-food products, has a higher degree of stability, and in some cases - a certain conservatism.

The consumer gets used to certain types of products (types of bread, cheese, butter, confectionery, etc.), so it is important to achieve stability in the formation of the range of such goods, ensuring their uninterrupted sale. When forming the assortment of food products in the retail trade network, it is necessary to take into account the factor of their interchangeability. In the absence of the desired product on sale or unsatisfactory quality of the offered product, the buyer, as a rule, does not postpone the purchase, but looks for a replacement by buying another product with a similar nutritional value. This is especially true for goods of the 1st group, but there is also intergroup interchangeability: meat can be replaced with fish, potatoes - with cereals, pasta, etc.

In addition, the demand for food products is complex, i.e. at the same time, products are purchased that complement each other, for example, meat, fats, vegetables, bread, milk, tea, sugar, cookies, etc.

This should be taken into account when forming the range of food products. The demand and consumption of many goods is influenced by the seasonality of their production (dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc.) or the characteristics of the consumption of goods (with the change of seasons, people's needs for clothing, footwear, sports goods, and drinks change significantly). As a result, there is an uneven consumption of food products throughout the year and the demand is switched to products that replace them. For example, in winter and spring, the demand for canned vegetables and fruits increases, replacing fresh fruits and vegetables; in summer, in conditions of an abundance of vegetables, berries and fruits, sales of cereals and pasta, etc. sharply decrease.

The problem of smoothing seasonality in consumption food products is solved to a certain extent by creating seasonal stocks of the relevant goods, which should also be taken into account when forming the assortment. With the modern rhythm of life, the demand for semi-finished products, concentrates, culinary products, i.e. for products that are maximally prepared for use with a little heat treatment.

Another important factor in the formation of the trade assortment is the product life cycle (Fig. 2.). The concept of the life cycle of a product is based on the assumption that sooner or later any product is squeezed out of the market by another, more perfect or cheaper one. Some products are intended for sale for a limited period, others are market “long-livers”, but there can be no eternal product. Products become obsolete both technically and morally and psychologically.

Any product from the moment of its inception goes through certain stages, stages, phases of development common to all products:

Market launch stage. Product testing. Putting on sale a small amount of goods.

Growth stage. Increase in the volume of supplies of goods to stores. Introduction to the sale of product varieties (different colors, tastes, sizes, etc.).

Maturity stage. Organization of the sale of goods in all stores. Entering it into the main assortment of stores. Variation of product varieties according to store profiles.

Decline stage. Selling only the main types of goods. Delivery of goods to stores, depending on the demand for it. Removal of goods from sale.

Figure 2 - Product life cycle

Many products are intended for sale for a limited period only: the needs and tastes of buyers change, the technological capabilities of the industry change. Products are aging both technically and morally and psychologically. The concept of the life cycle of a product is based on the fact that any product goes through certain stages, stages, phases of development: the stage of product introduction into the market, the stage of growth, the stage of maturity and, finally, the stage of obsolescence. There are three very important characteristics and characteristics associated with these stages.

1. The speed of passing through the stages of the life cycle for different products is not the same. Some products go through the whole cycle very quickly, others go slowly through each stage; there are also some products that still fail to move from the implementation stage to the growth stage.

2. The profit earned from the sale of a unit of goods increases steadily during the growth stage, and somewhere in the stage of maturity, it begins to decrease as a result of pressure from competitors. At the end of the maturity stage, the increase in sales almost always outstrips the increase in profits.

3. The policy and tactics of a retail organization in relation to the sale of a particular product are different and depend on at what stage of the life cycle this product is included in the assortment.

Thus, the formation of a trade assortment is a serious and responsible commercial work. It requires knowledge of the composition of the population, needs, its purchasing power, knowledge of fashion, taking into account climatic, seasonal and national characteristics.

The definition and use of indicators characterizing its completeness and sustainability in the process of analyzing the assortment of goods allow not only assessing, but also comparing the assortment of one store with the assortment of another store serving the same target market.

Thus, the development of an assortment list of goods by each particular store and the implementation of control over its observance contributes to better service to customers of the target market and the creation of a sustainable assortment.

They include many methods for classifying goods, but one of the most important principles of sorting is the characteristics of the assortment. Basic indices will help to identify significant differences between products of different types, names and purposes.

Assortment of goods

The totality of commodity items, united by similar characteristics, can be divided into separate groups according to certain characteristics:

  • location of goods;
  • breadth of coverage;
  • the nature of the needs.

Let's consider these elements of the classification in more detail.

Groups of goods, divided by location, mean the sorting of products according to commercial or industrial characteristics. include all the main points that are involved in the turnover of trade - for 95% of stores, diversity is an absolute advantage. An exception is the networks of highly specialized stores dedicated to promoting a brand - for example, the Yves Rocher cosmetics store, garments from famous ateliers, and so on. Industrial classification sorts all products by industry - for example, car dealerships or retail outlets that offer food, the promotion of automotive and food products.

The breadth of coverage implies the formation of a simple or complex assortment. Simple is represented by a small number of brands and product groups that can satisfy the minimum demands of buyers. For example, optics offering glasses and contact lenses of various modifications is a classic example of a simple assortment. A large list of products is called complex, which is represented by many types, groups and names of commodity items that satisfy the needs of buyers. Classic examples outlets that offer a mixed assortment are supermarkets.

According to the nature of the needs, all presented products can be divided into an actual list available in the specifications of suppliers, and a predicted one - an ideal assortment that fully satisfies the buyer.

Assortment indicators

In general, we can call a set of different products, the choice of which is formed according to certain criteria, taking into account and satisfying the needs of each customer.

The assortment range has various indicators that characterize the products by various parameters:

  1. Latitude. So you can call a set of types, names, brands of various goods of heterogeneous or homogeneous groups.
  2. Completeness. Characteristics of the assortment range according to the list of various types of the same type of products.
  3. Novelty (update). The ability of the presented assortment to satisfy changing customer needs through the introduction of new products.
  4. Stability. The ability of the presented assortment range to meet daily demand.

Examples of

To conduct a practical analysis of the assortment indicators, consider the assortment list of a small atelier that produces clothes.

Currently, the garments presented by this manufacturer are limited to seven types of women's clothing, and each of the listed types is presented in four models. From here, you can determine the depth of the assortment, which is calculated by the formula:

Number of species × number of models = 7 × 4 = 28.

Let's define the manufacturer's latitude factor. This parameter is defined by two indices:

  • W p - real latitude as the actual number of items of goods available.
  • Ш б - basic latitude as a basic indicator taken as a basis. This indicator is individual for each enterprise and is calculated based on the production capabilities of the manufacturer.

Current range of products:

  • K w = W p: W b × 100.

If the company sews twenty women's blouses, and has the ability to sew forty, then this coefficient will be equal to:

  • K w = 20: 40 × 100 = 50%.

The calculation of assortment indicators will be incomplete without calculating the completeness parameter. This is the name of the manufacturer's ability to meet the same type of customer needs. Completeness depends on two indicators:

  • P p - the real number of types of goods presented.
  • P b - the planned number of types of goods.

For example, the specification provides for 7 varieties of blouses for women, but in fact, 4 have been sold for sale. The completeness of the assortment is 0.57. The coefficient of completeness of goods can be represented in the form of the formula:

  • K p = P d: P b x 100.

This means that the completeness of the assortment will be 57%.

The indicators of the assortment of the enterprise include such a value as sustainability. This value (Set) characterizes the supplier's ability to meet the demand for the product available in the specification:

  • K y = Ust: W b × 100.

If our manufacturer is able to regularly provide customers with twenty-five blouses a month, then its sustainability coefficient will be equal to:

  • K y = 20: W b × 100.

Or the property of the assortment "sustainability" will be equal to: 25: 40 × 100 = 62.5%.

Expansion of the assortment is impossible without taking into account the parameter of the novelty of the product - this is the name of the supplier's ability to quickly respond to the demands of the time and satisfy the changed wishes of the customers. The novelty of the assortment is characterized by a real update - the number of new items in the general specification (N) and the degree of renewal (K n), expressed through the ratio of the number of new products to the total product names (or actual latitude).

For example, in the above problem about a sewing workshop, out of twenty-five blouses on sale, 7 models are new. The share of new products in the overall specification will be:

  • K n = N: W p × 100,

or numerically:

  • K n = 7: 20 × 100 = 35%.

Expansion of the assortment due to renewal takes place in two stages:

1) presentation of new nomenclature items;

2) exclusion of obsolete goods from the State Register.

Assortment list

The choice of the required product for a given outlet forms an assortment list. This is the name of the minimum number of acceptable goods that must be presented in a given outlet. The assortment list should be characterized by such parameters as depth, variety of presented trade brands, wide choice.

The assortment classification of a commercial enterprise is usually represented by products of both an industrial and a trading group. But all this product must be consistent with the assortment list. A minimum set of everyday goods should be in stock at each outlet. In turn, representatives of retail chains must coordinate it with local authorities.

Important! Ignoring the assortment list can lead to serious administrative fines.

The assortment key figures determine the selection structure. So you can call the numerical proportions of various commodity items in the general product list. The indicators of the assortment and its structure are expressed in monetary or natural parameters, calculated as the percentage of individual groups, brands, types and own names to the total weight of the entire product list at the outlet.

Assortment management

Various actions and activities aimed at establishing, maintaining and ensuring a certain variety of goods on the shelves of stores and other retail outlets are called assortment management. The indicators of the assortment of goods directly depend on the structural transformations associated with the turnover of products, its logistics - from the manufacturer through the distributors and the retail network to the end consumer.

The structure of the entire available assortment (C) can be characterized as the specific share of each type or in the total mass of items sold at the outlet. The parameters of the assortment structure have natural and monetary indices and are expressed as a percentage. They can be represented as a fraction, in the numerator of which there will be an index of the number of individual goods of individual goods (A), and in the denominator - the total number of all goods in the assortment (S):

  • C = A / S.

How to manage assortment

Assortment management technologies directly depend on the general technical progress, on the stage of development Agriculture and industrial production, from the achieved level of scientific progress, which allows us to offer consumers various technical innovations, etc., from the citizens' welfare index. The completeness of the assortment presented at the outlet is achieved using various formulas used in trade to achieve the most acceptable level of stocks and optimal turnover.

Assortment formation

The rational formation of the assortment contributes to the qualitative satisfaction of the needs of the population. Its modernization should overtake demand, thereby taking a direct part in its formation. On the other hand, it is impossible to lag behind the current demand, because in this case the market, through the introduction of new items of the product line, will be able to directly influence the tastes of buyers. A large assortment obsolete products will be the beginning continuous series losses - the buyer will not purchase outdated household appliances, and the manufacturer will not take them back. The basis for updating the list of goods offered for sale is moral and physical deterioration.

The foundation for assortment management is the ability of different manufacturers to propose a specific specification in a timely manner. The presented groups of goods must correspond to the direction of economic activity of the manufacturer and at the same time fully satisfy the needs of certain segments of buyers.

The basis for the selection of a commodity list is the planning of virtually all major activities aimed at selecting goods for further production and subsequent sales. The other side of assortment selection is the adjustment of the characteristics of various properties of a particular thing or product to the wishes of potential buyers. The selection of goods on the basis of a well-developed assortment is a constant continuous action that continues throughout the entire life cycle of a commodity item. A similar process begins from the moment the idea of ​​the existence of a specific type of product is conceived. The last point will be the washing out of this unit from the shelves of retail chains, removal from the manufacturer's product specification.

10 principles of the assortment formation system

The principle of creating an assortment list includes the following points:

1. Determination of current and probable requests, requirements of potential buyers, analysis of the possibilities of using products of this type and principles of consumer choice in the respective markets. For example, in pharmaceuticals, current seasonal demands (autumn colds or seasonal flu) must be satisfied by an expanded pharmacy assortment, which includes a large number of anti-cold drugs.

2. Review and analysis of existing commercial analogues offered by competitors.

3. Critical assessment of the offered goods in the same assortment as in items 1 and 2, but from the point of view of the consumer (very little, enough, in excess).

4. Deciding what exactly should be included in the main assortment, and what items to exclude from it due to changes in the proposals of competing enterprises and general condition sales market. For example, rumors about the introduction of an additional tax on the sale of imported medicines can significantly narrow the range of the pharmacy - in this case, it will be more profitable to trade in domestic medicines.

5. Analysis of incoming proposals regarding the creation of a new assortment of goods, modernization of the existing product base, as well as analysis of new opportunities for the use of goods.

6. The emergence of updated specifications for improved products or products that appear for the first time on the market, in accordance with existing requirements.

7. Analysis of the profitability of the production of new or improved products.

8. Testing (testing) of new products, taking into account the opinions and requests of potential buyers. Such testing is carried out in order to find out how the new product meets the needs of the market.

9. Development of special instructions and recommendations for the production sectors of the company, including the required parameters of quality, model, cost price, name, packaging, pre-sale service, etc. Such recommendations are written based on the results of tests confirming the acceptability of product characteristics, and are agreed upon by government agencies.

10. Analysis of the entire existing assortment.

Assortment management is part of any marketing

Even well-developed sales and advertising plans will not be able to nullify the consequences of omissions and shortcomings that may have been made when developing the assortment list. Assortment management involves coordinated actions of interrelated segments - design and technical, holistic analysis of sales, signing contracts with distributors, subtleties of service, advertising, stimulating demand.

The complexity of solving such issues lies in the difficult combination of all of the above positions to achieve the desired results: optimization of the assortment, taking into account the capabilities of the business entity and the set marketing goals. If this goal is not achieved, the product list will include products developed for the needs of the company itself and its divisions rather than for a potential client. The underlying marketing principles point to this contradiction and provide guidance for an ongoing course of action. The main goals of planning and forming the assortment are, first of all, to approve the required "consumer" specification with a list finished products, give it to the development sector, and then make sure that the prototype is tested and brought to the level of current customer requests. When forming the list of finished products, the last word should be said by the heads of the marketing department of the enterprise, who will provide explanations as to when it is more expedient to invest in the modernization of the finished product, rather than incur increasing costs to promote obsolete products or reduce its cost. It is the marketing manager who must answer the question of whether it is time to introduce new products into the range to replace existing ones, or whether it is better to update the old specification with modified products.

Marketing and assortment formation

A wide range of products offered can be formed by various methods. It mainly depends on:

  • sales volumes of manufactured products;
  • specifics of the offered goods;
  • objectives and final goals facing the manufacturer.

All three parameters have in common that assortment management should be subordinate to the head of marketing. Updating or modifying a product allows you to more fully use the "absorbing" opportunities of the markets, taking into account the specifics of their requirements in certain areas, to fill those product niches where there is no competition (or it is small). But the designation of the upcoming tasks in the assortment strategy is a rather costly business, the main aspects of which are associated with the need for a significant update and expansion of production capacities, the purchase of new equipment, a deep restructuring of the established networks for the sale of products, and the expansion of the entire existing marketing complex. The use of uniform rules in the production of products, differentiation of individual groups of goods or their combination depends on the individual conditions of the manufacturer's activity and is determined only after summing up. At the end of a certain period, the results are summed up: how much the level of economic efficiency of sales has changed, whether the sales volumes that were planned using these methods have increased, whether the financial result has improved. After that, conclusions are drawn about the profitability of the production of this product and the prospects for its further release are determined.

Effective management

Rational use of the product range allows the company to:

  • reduce the number of sales lost due to lack of necessary goods;
  • accelerate the rate of turnover of goods at the point of sale;
  • reduce the surplus of goods;
  • reduce the risk of writing off goods due to the expiration date; · minimize the total costs associated with stocks.

If we look at the processes of forming an assortment from the point of view of delivery and storage of goods (logistics), then a competent correlation of commodity stocks is a constant balancing on a fine line between two mutually exclusive parameters: reducing costs associated with transportation, storage and accounting of goods and providing the necessary (minimum ) stock, which will be sufficient for uninterrupted sale.

At the same time, an increase in the inventory of unsold products makes sense as long as the economic effect exceeds the cost of maintaining additional inventory and spending on this working capital.

Introduction 2

1. Formation of trade assortment 4

1.1. The concept of an assortment of goods and a commodity nomenclature.

Assortment building principles 7

1.2. Stages and methods of forming the assortment of goods in the store. Factors influencing its formation 13

1.3. Assortment and inventory management in retail

trade enterprises 16

2. Formation of assortment in the supermarket "Domo" 20

2.1. Description of the store and assessment of its location 21

2.2. Formation of the trade assortment in the store and its assessment 23

2.3. In-store inventory management 27

2.4. Analysis of performance indicators of commercial activities 28

assortment and inventory management 30

Conclusion 32

References 33


For the successful development of a retail trade enterprise, the correct solution to the assortment policy is of great importance.

The business practice of retail trade enterprises shows that most entities leave the market due to an ill-considered approach to the choice of the assortment profile of stores, the static assortment of goods and an inflexible response to changes in the market under the influence of macro- and microenvironment factors. Therefore, commercial enterprises need to learn how to manage their assortment.

The composition of the timely renewal of the assortment of goods in stores determines the degree of satisfaction of demand, the consumption costs of the population associated with the purchase of goods, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the economic activity of retail trade enterprises.

The lack of individual goods in stores, their narrow, unstable or inappropriate assortment of customers generates unsatisfied demand, increases the time spent on finding the right goods, creates mobile demand - when buyers are forced to purchase goods outside their places of permanent residence.

Product assortment formation is both a means and a method of assortment management. The correct assortment policy of an enterprise is the basis of stability, profitability and, ultimately, its competitiveness in the market. The assortment policy is based on marketing research of the market and helps to bring demand into line with supply, is aimed at developing a scientific basis for the formation of an assortment, optimizing its group structure, which requires expanding or reducing the number of assortment positions, and updating it on a qualitatively new basis.

The constant availability and wide selection of goods in the retail trade network is one of the most important conditions for the culture of trade.

Effective management inventory allows you to maintain a wide and stable range of goods in the enterprise.

Currently, electronic technology is becoming more and more widespread for the formation and management of inventory in stores. First of all, these are cash registers with a system of accounting for goods movement, scanners and printers of bar codes, etc. with the help of this technique, it is possible to carry out not only effective control of stocks in a store or an entire company, but also to manage other areas of commercial activity (pricing, work with suppliers etc.).


The following factors influence the construction of the assortment of goods in retail trade enterprises: the type and size of the store and its technical equipment; conditions for the supply of goods to the retail trade network (first of all, the availability of stable sources); the number of the population served; transport conditions; the presence of a network of competing stores, etc.

It is known that one of the important features that determine the type of store is its assortment profile. Therefore, the first thing to consider when forming the assortment of goods is type of retail outlet .

In addition, in stores of the same type, but with different retail space, the assortment of goods will differ both in breadth and depth. In this case, the equipment of the store will also have a significant impact, for example, refrigeration equipment.

In order to ensure the continued availability of certain goods for sale, it is necessary that the store is supplied with them from stable sources and preferably in a centralized manner.

The formation of the assortment of goods in retail trade enterprises is strongly influenced by the social composition of the population served and the nature of its work, the level of cultural development, social security and the level of income of the population. A very significant factor is the level of prices for goods. In addition, one should take into account the gender, age, professional and ethnic composition of the population, its traditions and customs, as well as the number and structure of families served.

When forming the assortment of goods, one cannot ignore the presence of a network of competing stores, the assortment of goods presented in them, the level of prices for goods, methods of sale, services offered, etc.

The formation of the assortment of goods in stores should be primarily subordinated to the interests of the fullest satisfaction of the demand of the population, i.e. sufficient completeness of the assortment of goods, well known to the population, the complexity of their offer must be ensured... In addition, a profitable store operation must be ensured.

Goods of proper quality must be sold in stores.

It should be borne in mind that the assortment of goods is constantly being updated. This process takes place under the influence of scientific and technological progress, fashion, seasonal fluctuations in demand and other factors. Therefore, at retail trade enterprises, work must constantly be carried out to create demand by actively including new products in the offered assortment. In addition, retailers must expand their range of products during seasonal trading. In this case, buyers need to be informed about the appearance of new products.

Taking into account the need for constant regulation of the assortment of goods, taking into account changes in market conditions and other factors, in stores, as well as in wholesale enterprises, assortment lists of goods can be used, which are set for each specific store depending on its type, size of the retail space, location and other factors. The presence of such lists allows not only to rationally regulate the assortment of goods, but also to systematically control its completeness and stability. The completeness of the assortment is understood as the possibility of a wide selection of their varieties, and by stability - the constant availability of goods of the corresponding type on sale. They can be determined using the coefficients of completeness and stability of the assortment.

The assortment completeness factor (K p) can be determined by the formula

where Q f - the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of the survey (check);

Q n - the number of varieties of goods provided for by the assortment list.

The coefficient of stability, or stability, assortment (K y) is determined by the formula

where Q f1 Q f2 ... Qфп - the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of individual inspections;

Q P - the number of varieties of goods provided for by the assortment list;

n - number of checks.

The assortment stability coefficient is determined for a specific period (month, quarter, year).

In the context of the transition to market relations, the work on the formation of the assortment in stores becomes much more complicated. The breadth and depth of the assortment of goods sold largely depends on the qualifications of workers in stores and commercial services of trading firms and organizations, which must have extensive information about customer demand, sources of possible goods receipt, prices of goods and other commercial information.


Assortment building principles.

An assortment of goods is a set of goods formed according to certain characteristics and satisfying a variety of similar and individual needs.

Commodity nomenclature - a list of similar and dissimilar goods or similar purposes.

Thus, the above concepts are close to each other. What they have in common is that they are both lists of goods.

The differences lie in the purpose: the assortment of goods is designed to meet the needs of consumers, the product nomenclature may have a different purpose - to regulate a certain professional activity or another area of ​​application.

There are the following types of product range:

1) production assortment - the range of goods produced by a separate enterprise (industry, agriculture, etc.) or by the industry as a whole.

The production assortment of an individual enterprise depends on the nature of the industry (narrow-range, wide-range), the degree of specialization of production, the technology used, and orientation to a particular market (regional, country, international). The goods produced by them may require the participation of trade enterprises to bring the products to the final consumer.

2) trade assortment - a range of goods sold by wholesale and retail trade enterprises.

As a result of marketing research of the relevant calculations and assessments, the merchant draws up a document called the "assortment list of goods".

This list, containing group and expanded nomenclature, is the basis for daily operational work commodity experts, should be adjusted to reflect changes in the market situation. Wholesale and retail trade enterprises strive to have (and sometimes they are obliged, which is a form of government regulation of their activities) a mandatory assortment (assortment minimum).

A wide range of goods should be concentrated in trade enterprises, which is a combination of products produced by various industrial enterprises.

For this purpose, the production assortment is converted into a trade assortment (for sorting goods). The transformation of the production assortment into a commercial one is carried out mainly by wholesale trade enterprises, primarily for goods of a complex assortment. For some non-food items of simple assortment, the process of converting the production assortment into commercial assortment can be carried out directly in retail outlets. Thus, the trade assortment is a list of goods selected for sale in the retail trade network.

Technological progress and the growth of people's needs brings to life more and more new goods, leads to a continuous expansion and renewal of their assortment. More than one million varieties of goods are circulated in trade, the assortment of which is constantly expanding and updating. According to experts, the range of non-food products is being renewed by half in five years, and for technically complex goods, the renewal occurs even more quickly - in 7-10 years, the renewal is 80.0-100.0%. The trade assortment, from the point of view of the organization of commercial work with it, can be divided according to a number of characteristics into the following types.

Depending on the homogeneity of the raw materials and materials from which the goods are made, they are subdivided into products made of metal, leather, glass, etc.

For consumer purposes, goods are subdivided into sports, music, household goods, clothing, footwear, etc.

An important feature of the classification is the special properties of goods. So, taking into account the limited implementation time, the need to create special storage regimes, goods are divided into perishable and non-perishable.

Taking into account the complexity of the assortment, a distinction is made between simple and complex assortment goods. The goods of a simple assortment include goods consisting of a small number of types or varieties.

Complex assortment goods - having their own internal classification within the same type different signs(styles, sizes, heights, models, etc.), or, in other words, within one group there are a large number of subgroups, types, names.

Product groups are divided into product subgroups, which are homogeneous on the basis of the unity of the production origin of the goods. For example, the commodity group of footwear is divided into subgroups of leather, textile, felted and rubber footwear, the group of tableware consists of subgroups of metal, glass and porcelain ware.

Each subgroup consists of various types of goods. The type of goods is understood as the same goods for various purposes (boots - for women, men and children; furniture - for the kitchen, living room, etc.). Within each type, goods may differ from each other in special features(articles, grades, etc.), i.e. it is subdivided into varieties.

Taking into account the division of goods into groups, subgroups and types, it is customary to distinguish a group and intragroup (expanded) assortment of goods. Group assortment is a list of product groups included in the nomenclature. Intragroup assortment is a detailing of the group assortment for specific types and varieties of goods.

Depending on the frequency of demand from buyers, goods are classified into three groups:

1) everyday demand - the most frequently and even daily purchased goods by the population (bread, sugar, milk, soap, etc.). These goods are basic necessities and are purchased most often, daily or after a few days;

2) periodic demand - goods, the purchase of which is carried out periodically (clothes, shoes, fabrics, dishes, delicacies, vintage wines and cognacs, etc.);

3) rare demand - durable goods, the service life of which usually exceeds five years (furniture, televisions, computers, refrigerators and washing machines, motorcycles, etc.).

The selection of the assortment according to the specified types allows you to rationally organize trade, delimit service areas between stores, more correctly place and build a retail network. So, for example, consumer goods, simple assortment should be as close as possible to the population, be within walking distance from it.

In financial activities, it is of great importance to take into account seasonal fluctuations in demand, in connection with which “seasonal goods” are distinguished. The fact is that the demand of the population for some goods fluctuates throughout the year, sharply increasing or decreasing in certain periods. Seasonality is caused either by the conditions of production, or by the characteristics of the consumption of the goods.

Impulse-demand goods are goods that are often purchased by the buyer accidentally, incidentally, impulsively, simultaneously with other basic goods (for example, handkerchiefs, soap cases, small household items, laces, children's books). These goods form the basis of the so-called accompanying assortment (in shoe stores - stockings, shoe polish; in stores and underwear sections - ties, cufflinks; in tobacco sections and stores - matches, pipes, cigarette cases).

The inclusion in the assortment of the store of goods of related demand makes it possible to increase the store's turnover and improve the quality of customer service. Among the product range, complete products are also distinguished - furniture sets, skis, tableware sets and many technically sophisticated goods (refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, etc.). When building an assortment, it is necessary to ensure that all parts and details of complete goods are provided on sale.

The construction of the assortment of trade enterprises is also influenced by the specifics of demand for certain goods, determined by the national composition of the population. These products constitute the so-called goods of national demand. In accordance with the ethnic composition of the population, it is necessary to include in the assortment of goods of national demand.

Finally, fashion products.

Fashion is a short-term, as a rule, the domination of a certain taste, in any area of ​​life or culture, in clothes, shoes, lifestyle. Fashionable goods are characterized by a change in the forms and images of clothing, footwear, hats, which occurs over relatively short periods of time. Fashion has a strong influence on the formation of the assortment of clothes, shoes, hats. Fashionable dress is an important factor for many people. Especially the young ones.

For the rational formation of the assortment of goods in the retail trade network, the grouping of goods according to the complexity of buyers' demand is of great importance, when the complex includes goods of various groups intended for the complex satisfaction of demand. The development of complexes can be based on a gender and age characteristic (goods for women, etc.), peculiarities of lifestyle and leisure activities (goods for tourists, etc.), as well as other characteristics. Consumer complexes are divided into micro-complexes.


Stages of assortment formation:

1.the assortment profile and the direction of specialization of the store are determined in accordance with the chosen commercial strategy of the retail and retail enterprise;

2. the structure of the assortment is established (list and ratio of groups, subgroups of goods);

3. a certain number of types of varieties of goods in the context of individual groups and subgroups of goods with reference to a specific trading area;

4. develop a specific assortment list of goods for this store.

Assortment formation methods:

1. method of the assortment list.

It assumes the availability of the product offer standard on sale, declared in the assortment list. This method is focused on meeting a well-established demand.

For specific stores, assortment lists are allowed taking into account the type of store, its sales area, location, the presence of competitors, the contingent of buyers. The assortment list approved by the trade enterprise is coordinated with the local administration bodies and the territorial center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. The lists are developed and approved for 1 year. But with changes in the market, they can be corrected and re-approved.

2. the method of the consumer complex.

This method is more progressive, since it is focused on the fuller satisfaction of certain needs, helps to save buyers time for making purchases, facilitates the choice of goods, and promotes impulse purchases. However, this does not take into account the specifics of the demand of individual market segments within the same complex.

To take into account individual preferences, differentiation of the assortment is necessary, the main principle of which is a deep study of the requirements of specific groups of consumers. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the market situation becomes a decisive condition for the correct formation of an assortment of goods that meets effective demand.

Factors influencing the formation of the assortment.

There are two groups of factors, general and specific, affecting the formation of the assortment in the store.

1. General factors - these do not depend on the specific operation of the retailer.

These include consumer demand and the production of goods. The existing changes in demand are accompanied by changes in the formed assortment. When forming the assortment, the presence of consumer demand for goods of a simple and complex assortment is taken into account. For goods of a simple assortment, demand is mainly specific, firmly formulated and does not allow the replacement of these goods. For goods of a complex assortment in demand, their wide interchangeability is allowed, moreover, and which are goods of periodic demand. When forming the assortment, the nature of the demand is also taken into account.

1.1 stable demand is presented for certain goods and does not allow replacement even by a homogeneous product.

1.2 alternative demand - is finally formed in the store in the process of direct acquaintance of buyers with the goods.

1.3 impulsive demand - arises directly in the store under the influence of advertising, display of goods, seller's offers.

2. Specific factors - reflect the specific operation of the store (type and size, conditions of commodity supply, composition of the population, the presence of other retail outlets in the area of ​​the store's operations).

When constructing the assortment of goods in stores selling non-food products, they proceed from the products of the entire range of goods for complexes, micro-complexes and names, and in stores selling food products and in stores "FMCG" - for product groups and names. Moreover, each name can be represented by a different number of its varieties, depending on the depth of the assortment of goods.


To maintain inventory at an optimal level, a well-established management system is required.

Optimal inventory means the minimum quantity of goods that would ensure their uninterrupted supply to customers.

Inventory management involves rationing, operational accounting and control, as well as regulation.

Rationing of commodity stocks allows you to develop and install them required dimensions.

The required size of inventory for stores is set taking into account the volume of daily sales of goods, the optimal size of a one-time delivery and other factors. Store employees monitor the compliance of actual stocks of goods with their established required sizes and take measures to accelerate the delivery of goods to the store or activate the sale of replacement goods.

If the actual stocks in the store have exceeded the required size, then the store employees must first of all establish the reasons for the excess, of which the most probable may be:

1) a decrease in consumer demand under the influence of changes in fashion, rising prices, the emergence of new, more perfect goods, etc.;

2) miscalculations of store employees when determining the needs for goods;

3) low quality of the supplied goods;

4) failure to comply with the terms of delivery of goods to the store.

The regulation of commodity stocks consists in maintaining them at a certain level, in maneuvering them. It involves the making of various commercial decisions by the salespeople in order to normalize the inventory.

Since the bulk of goods is concentrated at retail trade enterprises, the supply of goods to the population largely depends on the level of their management in the store. Therefore, in each store, constant monitoring of the state of commodity stocks should be carried out, which provides not only monitoring of their compliance with the established sizes, but also day-to-day control over the storage conditions of goods.

For the management of stock in stores, electronic technology is becoming more widespread. First of all, these are cash registers with a system of accounting for goods movement, scanners and printers of bar codes, etc. Using this technique, you can exercise not only effective control over stocks in a store or an entire company, but also manage other areas of commercial activity (pricing, work with suppliers, etc.

Inventory management involves planning a certain volume and structure of stocks in accordance with the goals set for the trade organization, as well as monitoring that the inventory constantly meets the established criteria.

Inventory management should be carried out systematically.

Inventory management includes:

1. determination of the size of the optimal inventory;

2. operational accounting of stocks and control over their condition;

3. regulation of stocks.

Inventory management solves a number of commercial problems associated with the formation and maintenance of the range of goods at the required level in order to meet the demand of buyers.

The need for commercial work on inventory management is due to the fact that the demand for specific goods is dynamic, subject to the influence of many factors, which makes it difficult to make correct decisions on relative purchases, therefore, miscalculations in this activity lead to the formation of inventories in volumes higher than needs or lower, which leads to negative consequences.

The management of surplus goods involves a decrease in the volume of purchases of these goods, refusal to supply them in the next period, advertising and other methods of activating the sale of goods up to a reduction in prices. A shortage of inventories leads to a dissatisfaction with the demand of buyers, a decrease in the volume of sales, which leads to a deterioration in the economic and financial condition of the enterprise. The size of inventories and their turnover is influenced by various factors, primarily the consumer properties of the goods, quality, price.

One of the main tasks of inventory management is to ensure the acceleration of the turnover of funds invested in inventory.

When managing commodity stocks, it is necessary to take into account the reliability of the fulfillment of supply contracts, data from the analysis of the volume and structure of sales, both current and statistical reporting, which should be studied over time.

When analyzing commodity stocks, they are checked for compliance with the standards.

Inventory ratio is the optimal size of inventory to ensure uninterrupted sale of goods at a minimum cost. Over the normative stocks are formed as a result of the delivery of goods in quantities exceeding effective demand, the receipt of goods of inadequate quality, violation of the storage conditions of the goods, as a result of which their presentation is lost, the quality deteriorates.

Retail trade enterprises establish the standard of inventory for a certain period (quarter, month) in the amount and days of turnover in general and by groups of goods.

The most common method for normalizing inventories is considered to be technical and economic, which consists in calculating the norms of the stock of goods by elements in relation to the process of forming the stock. The elements of the inventory norms include the time for acceptance, verification and preparation of goods for sale, the time the goods stay in the form of inventory, the guarantee stock applied in conditions of uneven supplies, changes in turnover and customer demand.


The essence of the formation, management and forecasting of the assortment lies in the fact that the commodity producer should promptly offer a certain set of goods that would, in general, correspond to his profile. production activities, most fully met the requirements of certain categories of buyers.

The formation of a product range is the development and establishment, in a certain order, of the nomenclature of goods that form the necessary aggregate for trade. One of the important principles of the formation of the assortment of goods is to ensure its sustainability.


"Domo" is a chain of supermarkets for home and interior products throughout Russia, which also presents products for the kitchen, bedroom, living room and goods for outdoor activities. "Domo" - shops with an area of ​​1000 sq. m and more, the assortment of stores has from 10 to 15 thousand positions.

Domo stores are created for people who love themselves, their family and their home, who are willing, ready and able to maintain and express this feeling.

The market for household goods in Novosibirsk is mainly represented by small stores, and there are no universal supermarkets with an assortment covering the entire range of household goods, from furniture to, for example, mugs. In this regard, the Domo supermarket is currently the only large-scale store on the household goods market in Novosibirsk, which is the primary competitive advantage and therefore has no serious competitors.

Thus, today the Domo supermarket chain is the only one that allows you to maximize the level of services provided and manage the level of prices, using, for example, a skimming strategy.

It should be noted that in general, the quality of products and the number of services provided does not differ much from the quality of products and the number of services provided by individual stores. Therefore, the increase in supermarket sales is achieved through a wide range of products and large areas.

The chain of stores is an independent business entity created to perform work and provide services in order to meet social needs and make a profit.

The main activity of the trading network enterprises is retail sale of household goods.

The object of observation is a store located on the street. Gusinobrodskoe highway, 20.


Assortment formation in the Domo store is based on the following principles.

1. Ensuring the correspondence of the assortment of goods to the nature of the demand presented by the contingent of buyers selected for service.

In general, the assortment of goods sold through the Domo supermarket consists of the following product groups:

trial lots of new goods (main group), 10%;

traditional (previously approved) goods of this enterprise (association), 55%;

goods received by exchange of goods, i.e. from other enterprises producing related or additional types of goods, 15%;

related products, 20%.

The assortment for the listed groups is compiled on the basis of the prevailing function of ensuring the approbation of new products and studying the demand. The rest of the groups are formed according to the results of a previously conducted demand study in order to compose an assortment.

2. Rational construction of the assortment of goods.

Since for any person, comfort means a special, created environment and atmosphere in the kitchen and bathroom in the first place, and in living rooms secondly, it is in this direction that priority groups of goods have been created.

These products fall into the niche of "prestigious" products, i.e. goods intended not only for their intended use, but also capable of meeting the highest aesthetic demands of consumers in relation to products of this type.

Priority product groups create the store's image, and it is with them that customers should associate "Domo".

The priorities of the first level mean that shoppers spontaneously associate Domo stores with them, while the priorities of the second group imply a certain proportion of induced associations.

First level priorities:

goods for the kitchen and dining room;

bathroom and sauna products.

Second level priorities:

goods for the bedroom and living room.

This group with separate and different from the priority working technologies, filled with goods that are not included in the main product strategy and with a predominance of unique product offerings (killer goods), which creates a positive image of the Domo store in terms of price and increases the share of spontaneous purchases.

The priority of products means the breadth and depth of presentation of the group (relative to the maximum product matrix) in each format. The maximum product matrix includes an approved style and price matrix:

product groups related to the priorities of the first level are represented by the largest possible product matrix in all store formats;

product groups related to the second priority are presented in full by the breadth of the assortment, but with the possibility of reducing its depth while maintaining the style matrix (minor quantitative, but not structural changes are possible) and the price matrix (minor quantitative, but not structural changes are possible);

ZSUP product groups are presented in all formats in direct proportion to the area available in this store;

non-priority product groups have been completely removed from the company's assortment since the end of 2009.

The store policy in the field of assortment - you need to be the first and unique.

The task of the store in the area of ​​assortment is to be a leading supermarket in priority areas, therefore, in a supermarket, the maximum possible breadth of assortment is presented in priority areas and sufficient in secondary ones.

3. Ensuring the depth of the assortment.

The depth of the company's assortment is sufficient and operates in terms of "lines" of goods. In the most important subgroups of goods, the number of lines can reach 5-6 (more - only as an exception, for example, in dishes for table setting), in important subgroups - 3-4 lines, in other subgroups - 2-3 lines.

Secondary groups contain 1 (as an exception - 2) product line.

A product line is understood as a set of products united by a single price category, style, quality, which maximally “cover” the area of ​​application indicated by a subgroup of goods. As a rule, the concept of a line in relation to style, price category, quality, should be continued as much as possible in other groups and areas of the product range. Ideally, a Domo supermarket should have the same product lines in all directions.

Thus, the formation and management of the assortment is built taking into account the needs of the consumer, which is a positive quality in the activities of the supermarket. Price incentives for sales, as well as an orientation towards equal style preferences, allow satisfying the needs of any customer who has visited the Domo supermarket.


Systematic monitoring of the amount of inventory, comparing them with the current regulations and identifying deviations on this basis is the first main task of analyzing inventory in the Domo supermarket.

Table 2.1. - Management of stocks of the store "Domo"

Analyzing the profit of the store "Domo" for 2009-2010, the following can be noted: the profit from sales in 2010 compared to 2009 increased by 25.1% (in an absolute increase of 890.72 thousand rubles). The increase in the amount of profit from sales is due to the fact that in the analyzed period the organization has undertaken to pursue a new policy of the organization's development, the volume of retail trade has increased.

In general, the Domo supermarket makes efficient use of the available resources, which is evidenced by the growth in profit and profitability of sales.


Table 2.2 shows the main indicators characterizing the financial activity of the supermarket LLC "Domo" in 2009-2010.

Table 2.2.

p / p Indicators units rev. 2009 r. 2010 r. Deviation (+; -) Deviation in%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Retail trade turnover in comparable prices thousand roubles. 26200,70 31050,20 4849,50 18,51
2 Gross income thousand roubles. 7860,21 9310,56 1450,35 18,45
3 Level of gross income to turnover % 30,00 29,99 - -
4 Treatment costs thousand roubles. 4310,89 4870,52 559,63 12,98
5 The level of distribution costs % 16,45 15,69 - -0,76
6 Tax thousand roubles. 566,03 715,2 149,17 26,35
7 Sales profit thousand roubles. 3549,32 4440,04 890,72 25,10
8 Profit from sales to turnover % 13,55 14,30 - 0,75
9 Other income thousand roubles. 628 790 162 25,80
10 other expenses thousand roubles. 1190,87 1460,03 269,16 22,60
11 Net profit thousand roubles. 2420,42 3054,81 634,39 26
12 Profitability % 9,24 9,84 - 0,006
13 Average number of sales workers people 69 75 6 8,70
14 Profit per employee thousand roubles. 35,08 40,73 5,65 16,11
15 Number of sellers Human 15 13 -2 -13,33
16 ORT for 1 seller thousand roubles. 1746,71 2388,48 641,76 36,74
17 Trade area sq. m. 1500 1500 - -
18 ORT for 1 sq.m. retail space thousand roubles. 17,47 20,70 3,23 18,49
19 One-day turnover thousand roubles. 71,78 85,07 13,29 18,51

As can be seen from table 2.2, data on the activities of the trading enterprise "Domo" indicate an increase in the efficiency of the commercial operation of the enterprise, further analysis should reveal the reasons and indicate the factors that influenced the increase in profits.

Analysis of the volume and dynamics of retail turnover is based on data from accounting, statistical and operational reporting. The trading activity of retail enterprises is characterized, first of all, by the degree of fulfillment of plans and the dynamics of retail turnover. During the study period, there was an increase in retail trade turnover by 18.51%. This is due to the appearance of new product groups in the assortment, such as tableware, bedding, leisure goods and the deepening of the existing ones. Net profit in the reporting year compared to last year increased by 26% or by 634.39 thousand rubles. rubles.


To improve the activity on the formation of the assortment.

The problem of managing the assortment in the Domo store includes two main tasks: determining the list of products sold (what) and the volume of sales (how much). As part of the recommendations, we will dwell in more detail on the task of forming a rational assortment and managing it.

Assortment decisions can be represented as the end result of the interaction of three variables:

business goals;

resources of its subject;

market conditions.

Despite the external variety of business goals, all of them, ultimately, can be reduced to the achievement of certain economic results (high profit, profitability, higher business prices, etc.) or concepts that are in one way or another closely related to them. (market share, competitive position, etc.).

Forming the product range, the Domo store, when achieving its goals, is first of all forced to reckon with its own resource potential(working capital). Consequently, resource funds act as a limitation for that potentially attractive assortment, which initially corresponds to the goals of a given subject.

At the same time, the correspondence of the seller's resources to his goals is only a necessary, but not yet sufficient condition for the final formation of the assortment. Not all of the many positions, the implementation of which is beneficial for the business entity under consideration and, possibly, will necessarily meet the conditions external environment... Therefore, when managing the assortment, in addition to achieving the correspondence of the assortment to the goals and resources of the business, it is necessary to ensure its compliance with the conditions of the market of LLC "Domo".

For these purposes, the supermarket is represented by several (four) styles that are most widespread today, characteristic of modern European and Russian society.

Having all the styles in the same proportion does not make sense as the market is mainly focused on the already familiar styles. In the future, if there is a steady demand from the list listed in the assortment, it is recommended to increase one or another style of supermarket goods.


Trade occupies an important place in the economic complex, closely interacting with many sectors of the economy, contributes to meeting the effective demand of the population, increasing labor productivity, strengthening the monetary and financial system, and ensuring a high level of organization of the retail trade network is an important condition for further increasing the socio-economic efficiency of trade. The organization of the retail trade network has a direct impact on the quality of trade services for the population, the growth rate of turnover, turnover, profitability of retail facilities. Reducing the time spent on purchasing goods and preparing food creates the necessary conditions for the development of a market economy, a technical process, an increase in labor productivity and the efficiency of social production.

"Domo" is a chain of supermarkets for home and interior products throughout Russia, which also presents products for the kitchen, bedroom, living room and goods for outdoor activities. "Domo" - shops with an area of ​​1000 sq. m and more, the assortment of stores has from 10 to 15 thousand positions. Domo stores are created for people who love themselves, their family and their home, who are willing, ready and able to maintain and express this feeling.

Assortment formation is the process of determining a set of product groups, types and varieties that is most preferable for successful work in the market and ensuring the economic efficiency of the organization.

The assortment is constantly being formed in all links of commodity circulation - from production to consumption. Each of them has a different assortment of goods. At the same time, the trade assortment in the final link of commodity circulation - a retail trade enterprise acts as a target setting for the entire process of movement of goods and the formation of an assortment, since it allows satisfying customer demand and making a profit from the sale of goods and services.

The formation of the assortment of goods in a particular store is carried out taking into account the action of a number of factors.

The study of the influence of these factors is carried out in the process of a comprehensive market research by marketing specialists, as well as by specialists of the commercial department of a trade organization. All factors are conventionally divided into general and specific (Table 1).

The main factors that determine the construction of the trade assortment:

Table 1

Are common do not depend on the specific conditions of the enterprise (determine the direction of specialization and the type of enterprise) Specific reflect the specific operating conditions of the enterprise (determine the breadth and depth of the assortment of a particular store)
Social: social composition of the population; level of culture; social security of the population; nature of labor activity; Economic: development of production of goods; level of income of the population; - household: ethnic composition of the population traditions, customs, customs Natural and climatic: geographical location (cities, villages, administrative regions) climate Natural resources and etc. Taken into account when determining the breadth of the assortment: the role of this store in the shopping service system the presence of other stores in the area of ​​operation, their specialization type and capacity of the enterprise characteristics of the segments of transport links, etc. Taken into account when determining the depth of the assortment (number of types and varieties) the level of income by segment specifics of demand within the segments, the size of the retail space and characteristics, equipment parameters, etc.

Common factors include all external factors affecting the overall commercial activity of a trade organization.

Specific factors affecting the construction of the assortment of goods in each particular store include: the type and size of the store, its technical equipment, the conditions of commodity supply, the number and composition of the population served, transport links between settlements, the presence of other retail trade organizations in the area of ​​activity of this particular store. store, assortment strategies of competitors, etc. Thus, the type of store determines the group assortment of goods, the size of the selling area - the breadth of the intra-group assortment, the degree of equipping the trade organization with refrigeration equipment - the list of perishable products sold, etc.

When forming the assortment, the factor of interchangeability of goods is also taken into account. This is especially evident within the group of goods, but there is also intergroup interchangeability: meat can be replaced with fish, potatoes - with cereals, pasta, etc. However, the level of development of production and the breadth of supply of goods on the market completely remove the problem of shortages and the consumer becomes more demanding for the availability of all necessary goods for sale. Therefore, their periodic absence can lead to significant losses in turnover and the formation of a negative image of the enterprise.

An important factor in the formation of the range of food products is the complexity of demand for individual food products. Formation of an assortment of goods without taking into account this factor can lead to a reduction in turnover, a decrease in the culture of trade.

When forming an assortment of goods, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the seasonality of consumption and production of individual products. So, in winter, the consumption of fats, meat, cereals increases, and in summer and autumn, more dairy products, sugar, and soft drinks are sold.

The formation of the assortment of goods in stores is also influenced by such a factor as holidays and traditions. For a number of food products, this factor leads not only to an increase in the volume of demand, but also to its structural changes. During the holiday periods, increased demand for high quality grocery products, confectionery, etc.

When forming the assortment, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the demand. Distinguish between stable, alternative and impulse demand, the characteristics of which were considered earlier.

Also, when forming an assortment, the price of a product is important, which depends on the choice of sources of income, channels for promoting products and the pricing strategy of competitors.

Thus, the formation of an assortment of goods on the basis of a comprehensive market research and taking into account the factors listed above will make it possible to form a competitive trade assortment. The commercial service of the retail trade organization, having summarized information about the factors of influence on the trade assortment, carries out its formation taking into account the main provisions that have constant significance and content, that is, taking into account the principles of constructing the trade assortment.

The fundamental principle is that the assortment of the store matches the nature of the demand presented by consumers. Demand is a category that is constantly changing both qualitatively and quantitatively, therefore, the assortment of the store must be flexible and change in accordance with demand. This presupposes the implementation in the system of commercial activity of organizing work on the study of purchasing demand, taking into account the professional and gender and age composition of the population, its purchasing power, etc.

The principle of comprehensive satisfaction of demand involves the formation of a range of goods, taking into account the complexity of their consumption. This principle provides maximum convenience for customers and saves time in the process of making a purchase, allows you to make a complex of purchases under one roof without visiting other points of sale.

The principle of ensuring optimal latitude, depth, and the stability and renewability of the assortment is taken into account in the process of developing the assortment model of the retail trade enterprise and the sale of the assortment and allows to ensure maximum sales from each square meter of the retail space. It assumes the presence of an extremely wide range of goods, taking into account objectively existing restrictions: the size of the trading area, the state of trade and technological equipment, financial capabilities and taking into account the adopted assortment policy.

Keeping your store running profitably is indispensable commercial condition and, accordingly, the principle of assortment formation. Ideally, every item included in the assortment should be cost-effective. At the same time, turnover and other economic indicators are analyzed and taken into account.

The formation of the assortment of goods in the stores of the trading system is carried out in several stages.

1.The assortment profile and the direction of specialization of the store are determined in accordance with the chosen commercial strategy in the retail market, taking into account the specialization already existing network stores in the area and the assortment strategy of competitors.

2. The structure of the assortment (list and ratio of the main groups and subgroups of goods sold) in the store is established. At this stage, the quantitative ratio of individual groups of goods is determined and they are linked with the planned indicators of the store and the profitability of groups and subgroups of goods.

3. If trade is carried out by complexes, then the distribution of individual groups and subgroups of goods in the amount of consumer complexes and micro-complexes is determined.

4. The selection of an intra-group assortment is carried out according to distinctive features, linking it with a specific trading area, the profitability of goods.

Retail assortment planning

Assortment policy is an important part of the overall retail strategy. Some enterprises seek to optimize the assortment by narrowing its breadth and decreasing the depth; they trade only the most popular and popular product groups, and within the groups - the most popular and fast-moving products. This policy allows you to reduce the money invested in inventory, and accelerate their turnover. For example, if the executives of a retail outlet find that 80% of the turnover in a product group of 10 items comes from 4 items, then it is very likely that they will exclude the remaining 6 items from the assortment altogether. The logic of such a decision is clear: it is not worth investing funds and labor in most of the product group, which gives only 20% of the turnover; better focus on fast-moving goods trading.

The decision to narrow the range in the described example is quite logical, but this is by no means the only possible commercial logic. Other enterprises, on the contrary, will certainly trade in all 10 types of goods, no matter how little demand some of them may be. These are the retailers who have made the idea of ​​an extremely wide and deep, almost exhaustive assortment the dominant feature of their store image: "you can buy anything that you can buy anywhere from us."

The breadth and depth of the assortment should be selected taking into account the general goals and objectives that it sets itself retail organization, and, of course, consumer preferences.

The problems related to assortment balance are much more complex. The current trend is to sell all products "under one roof". Therefore, it is often necessary to think not about whether a given product or product group corresponds to the general purpose of the assortment, but about whether it is possible to trade them profitably. The profitability of trade can be increased not only by excluding goods from the assortment, but also by adding new products.

It should be emphasized that the profitability of trade in one or another product should not be understood too narrowly - as the difference between the volume of sales of this product and its purchase price, together with distribution costs. A broader view of profitability can be formulated as follows: will the profitability of trade in the commodity department as a whole increase if a decision is made to include (or not include) this product in the assortment? Indeed, in many cases, trade executives base decisions about breadth, depth, and consistency on this broad and sensible approach.

Yet in practice, the concept of overall profitability does not always play an appropriate role in assortment-related issues. Very often, managers make decisions to include or exclude a particular product from the assortment based on habit or tradition, imitation of competitors, or even simply on the basis of intuition. But assortment decisions should by no means be based solely on profitability, profitability as the only criterion; such decisions should be the result of a comprehensive examination and analysis of the problem.

Chapter 2. Research of the commercial assortment of LLC "Yana"

2..1. Organizational and economic characteristics of Yana LLC

The Yana Limited Liability Company was chosen as the object of the study. Legal address: Voronezh region, Novousmansky district, Orlovo village, st. Lenin, house 160, office 1. The company was founded for an unlimited period of activity. The purpose of this company is to conduct business and make a profit. The main activities of the company are:

Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food predominantly, including beverages and tobacco;

Retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer;

Retail trade in pharmaceutical and medical products, cosmetic and perfumery products.

As well as other types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A limited liability company in its activities is guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" and the company's charter.

Limited Liability Company "Yana" - entity, which has an independent balance, bank accounts, seal and other details. The company is responsible for its obligations with all property belonging to it. Not responsible for the obligations of its members.

The property of the society is made up of financial resources and material values ​​that are on the balance sheet and are the property of the society. The sources of the formation of the company's financial resources are profit, depreciation charges, personal funds of participants invested in the authorized capital.

The management structure of an organization is an ordered set of connections between links and employees who are engaged in solving managerial problems. Within the framework of the governance structure management process, between the participants of which the functions and tasks of management are distributed, that is, the rights and responsibility for their implementation. Therefore, it should be built in such a way as to ensure the achievement of the organization's goals with the least expenditure of labor, material and financial resources, should correspond to the functional division of tasks and the scope of the employees' powers, should correspond to the conditions of the socio-cultural environment in which it is to operate.

LLC "Yana" has a linear organizational structure (Fig. 1). This is one of the simplest organizational management structures. At the head of each structural subdivision is a one-man leader, endowed with all powers, exercising sole leadership and concentrating all management functions in his hands. Each link and each subordinate has one leader. Solutions are chained from top to bottom. Vertical communications are established between the subdivisions.

The advantages of this organizational management structure include:

Unity and clarity of management;

Consistency of actions of performers, rigidity and simplicity of building a structure;

Clearly expressed responsibility; efficiency in making managerial decisions;

Personal responsibility of the head for the results of the activities of his department.

The disadvantages include:

High demands placed on the leader, who must have comprehensive knowledge in order to ensure effective management;

Lack of links for planning and preparation of management decisions;

Overload of information and many contacts with higher and subordinate structures;

Concentration of power in the management elite, as well as the orientation of the head towards solving the current tasks of his unit to the detriment of the overall development strategy of the enterprise.

Rice. one Organizational structure management of LLC "Yana"

The documents governing the relationship between all participants in the trading process are:

Contracts for the purchase and supply of goods;

Consumer's corner;

Quality certificates for goods;

Inner order rules.

The text of these documents, in particular, stipulates:

Delivery schedule, delivery method, price, quantity, assortment, quality characteristics, etc .;

Samples of cash and sales receipts, consumer rights.

The form of settlements with counterparties - in cash and non-cash through the bank.

Since 2005, the store has been constantly expanding the range of products sold.

It should be noted that the assortment of the Yana store is aimed at the average customer. The buyers of the store are residents of nearby areas, houses located in the immediate vicinity of retail outlets.

Let's consider the main indicators of the economic activity of LLC "Yana" in the period from 2008 to 2010 (Table 1).

Table 1

Economic indicators of financial and economic activities

LLC "Yana" for 2008-2010

(thousand roubles.)

Indicators Years Deviation (+; -) Growth rate in%
To To To To
Revenue from the sale of goods (turnover) 439,2 100,2
Cost of goods sold (value of purchased goods) 544,2 101,1
Gross profit ( trade margin) -75 101,7 84,6
Selling expenses (distribution costs) -224 -8 4,7 27,2
Sales profit -67 194,3
Net profit -67 1405,8
Average headcount, people 104,2
Labor productivity, thousand rubles / person 84,5 356,1 330,4 271,6 -25,7 421,4 92,8

It should be noted that for 2008 - 2010. there is an increase in retail trade turnover. Against this background, distribution costs increased at a faster pace in 2010.

This fact led to the fact that the profit from sales increased by 17%, which was due to a faster reduction in distribution costs compared to turnover. Thus, with an increase in trade turnover by 0.2% in 2010 compared to 2009, the trade margin decreased.

Circulation costs decreased at a somewhat rapid pace - by 72.8%.

Despite the decrease in selling costs, there was a decrease in the amount of net profit.

In 2010, the number of personnel increased by 3 people, but this did not lead to an increase in labor productivity, which indicates an illiterate policy of management in the field of work with personnel.

To summarize, we can conclude that in order to maintain sustainable functioning in a competitive market, Yana LLC is constantly working to improve the quality of retail trade, to analyze the markets for purchased goods, to expand the range of goods, to take measures to stimulate employees and increase labor productivity. timely settlements are carried out with both suppliers and personnel.

2.2 Commodity policy of LLC "Yana"

The product policy of Yana LLC is a pre-formulated course of action for an enterprise producing (or promoting to the market) a certain type of goods, based both on the long-term (3-5 years) development strategy of this enterprise and on the current opportunities arising for it on market.

The main purpose and objectives of the product policy of Yana LLC is to ensure the continuity of measures and decisions on the following aspects of the production and sales activities of a trade organization:

Searching for acceptable product niches for the products being sold;

Providing pre-sale service to buyers (clients);

Formation of the product range and its operational adjustment;

Ensuring the competitiveness of the goods sold;

Improving the display of goods;

Providing after-sales service.

When forming the product policy at Yana LLC, it is taken into account that the product must be considered as:

A physical product is a product in the narrow sense of the word, has certain physical properties(weight, dimensions, etc.);

Advanced product - a physical product endowed with specific special characteristics that distinguish it from competing products;

An aggregate product is an extended product, taking into account the qualities that the consumer derives from it.

The product policy of Yana LLC is designed to ensure the continuity of decisions and measures for the formation of the assortment and its management, maintaining the competitiveness of goods at the required level, and servicing the goods.

The product policy of Yana LLC is developed on the basis of taking into account a number of factors: the state of demand and expectations of buyers, the availability of similar products from competitors, etc.

When forming the product policy of LLC "Yana" take into account that the goods may differ in type and periods of use, durability, service, warranty, etc.

When developing a product policy, the main problems are:

Ensuring the quantity and competitiveness of goods;

Creation and optimization of the product range;

Questions about brand names;

Product life cycle analysis and management;

Positioning of goods on the market.

The majority of those who regularly visit the Yana LLC grocery store are consumers aged 10 to 75 years. This is due to the fact that most of the visitors to the store are residents of nearby houses, heading to work or home. The shop is, in most cases, the ultimate destination of their trip.

The product policy of the store allows us to see as the most attractive consumers - residents with an average monthly income per family member from 8,000 to 15,000 rubles. Basically, this is the able-bodied working population aged 19 to 45 years.

The product policy of the Yana LLC retail store is carried out in the following directions:

1) Increased use of existing products. This is created by changes at the level of the product itself. In this case, a specific product is given additional benefit in the eyes of the consumer, moreover, this benefit should be relevant from the standpoint of "survival", and not "idleness" - great nutritional value, the energy value, health benefits, for work, for life in any aspect.

2) Proof of necessity. This no longer concerns changes in the product itself, but the delivery of information to the consumer. Some goods, objectively, are not needed for life - for example, confectionery. And there is no way to make them useful. But without them, life is bleak and dull, full of stress, and, therefore, their absence is harmful. They are not helpful, but necessary. Thus, LLC "Yana" places an advertisement for the confectionery brand "Konti" (poster) in the sales area.

An essential element of the product policy is the corporate name of Yana LLC - a sign above the store. It is expressed by several components: a verbal name, a symbol, writing in a certain font, a sign.

The product range has four main price groups, covering the main customer flows:

A limited number of the most popular goods at lower prices (aimed at the low-income buyer);

A wide range of products for the discerning buyer at reasonable prices (main line of business);

Availability of an "elite", expensive product (aimed at a discerning buyer);

A wide range of semi-finished products, cookery and ready-made products of our own production (aimed at a wide range of buyers).

Assortment management (nomenclature) plays an important role in product policy, the main goal of which is its optimization.

2.3 Formation of the assortment of goods of LLC "Yana"

The assortment of LLC "Yana" is a list of the names of the products manufactured by the enterprise with an indication of their output for each type. It can be complete, group and intragroup. Analysis of the assortment of products consists mainly in establishing the parameters of homogeneity, the degree of obsolescence of products.

The assessment of the dynamics of the assortment is based on a comparison of the reported and past output of the main types included in the assortment.

Consider the structure of products for 2008-2010. (Table 1).

Table 1

Yana LLC assortment structure for 2008 - 2010

Name of groups
thousand roubles. % thousand roubles. % thousand roubles. %
Meat and sausages
Milk products
Cereals, pasta
Tea, coffee, juices
Alcoholic drinks
Bakery products
Fruits vegetables

According to the table. 1, the dynamics of the structure of the retail trade turnover of Yana LLC becomes obvious.

It is obvious that by 2010 the share of sales of meat and sausages and products, as the most expensive type of food, increased. This is primarily due to an increase in prices for this type of product, and, as a consequence, an increase in the profitability of sales. The share of this type of goods, such as dairy products, increased by 3% over the entire period (over 3 years), which can be considered significant, since this group is more affordable in price and taste for mass consumption.

Also, a change in the structure of retail trade turnover of Yana LLC products occurred due to the introduction of a new type - "Vegetables and Fruits", which in 2010 accounted for 6% of the total retail turnover.

Let's analyze the specialization of the assortment of Yana LLC. Specialization is a quantity that can be measured

quantitatively. So, subject specialization can be
characterized by the corresponding coefficient:

where К тс - coefficient of product specialization, units;

Qi - sale of the selected type of goods, thousand rubles. ;

Q - all commercial products.

Let us analyze the range of products of Yana LLC using formula 1 (table 2).

table 2

Specialization of Yana LLC for 2008-2010.

Name of assortment groups Turnover, thousand rubles Specialization coefficient, units
Meat and sausages 0,16 0,15 0,17
Milk products 0,18 0,20 0,21
Cereals, pasta 0,13 0,14 0,10
Tea, coffee, juices 0,14 0,13 0,12
Alcoholic drinks 0,09 0,12 0,11
Bakery products 0,11 0,09 0,10
Confectionery 0,09 0,10 0,08
Fruits vegetables 0,00 0,06
Other 0,1 0,07 0,05
Total 1,0 1,0

Note that the main specialization of LLC "Yana" in 2008 - 2010. is the sale of dairy products, as evidenced by the fact that for this assortment group the indicator of specialization has a maximum value (0.18).

Planning of sold products in Yana LLC is carried out for a month based on the actual sales of the last month. Replenishment of commodity stocks is carried out on the basis of an order, which is provided to the purchasing department by the merchant every day.

Thus, the actual implementation at the beginning of the month following the reporting month is compared with the planned implementation. The same way annual implementation plans are drawn up.

Let us determine the level of marketability that developed in Yana LLC in 2008-2010. (Table 3).

The level of marketability is the ratio of the volume of goods sold to the volume of their purchases in comparable prices.

Table 3

The level of marketability of products of LLC "Yana" in 2008-2010.

Thus, we are seeing a decrease in the level of marketability. This means that not all products are sold, that is, stock balances are formed at the end of the period.

V in this case an analysis of the fulfillment of contractual obligations is required, as well as accurate planning of the range of products.

In a market economy, the formation of the assortment is the prerogative of the trading enterprises themselves. The assortment lists operating in stores are based on the production and technical feature of the grouping of goods, which does not allow to sufficiently take into account the complexity of demand, the mutual complementarity of goods, seasonal characteristics of the development of demand and other conditions.

The assortment policy of Yana LLC takes into account the following factors: availability of various goods in stores; stability and flexibility of the assortment, its compliance with changes in demand and seasonal fluctuations; rational placement of goods in stores. The stability coefficient is determined by the formula:


where K mouth is the coefficient of stability of the assortment of goods in the store for the period (month, quarter, year);

Р 1 Р 2 Р 3 Р n - the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of individual checks;

R n - the number of varieties of goods provided for by the assortment list;

n is the number of checks.

Table 4.

Assessment of the stability of the product range of LLC "Yana"

The number of varieties, according to the assortment list, is growing every year. LLC "Yana" is constantly updating its assortment. The sustainability coefficient for 2008-2010 is increasing. This has a positive effect on the store.

When forming the assortment of food products in the retail trade network, the specialists of Yana LLC take into account the factor of their interchangeability. If the desired product is not available for sale or if the buyer is not satisfied with the quality of the offered product, he, as a rule, does not postpone the purchase, but looks for a replacement, buying another product with a similar nutritional value. This is especially evident within the group of goods, but there is also intergroup interchangeability: meat can be replaced with fish, potatoes with cereals, pasta, etc. In addition, demand for food products is complex, that is, when making a purchase, products are purchased that complement each other, for example, meat, fats, vegetables; bread, milk; tea, sugar, etc. Taking into account the constancy of requirements and the complexity of demand for goods from the diet, when forming the assortment, the head of Yana LLC gives them priority.

Consumer demand for goods of a simple and complex assortment also has its own differences, which must be taken into account when forming the assortment. So, for goods of a simple assortment, which have an insignificant number of varieties, the demand is mainly specific, firmly formulated and does not allow replacement of these goods. On the contrary, when purchasing goods of a complex assortment, numbering tens and hundreds of varieties, their wide interchangeability is allowed in demand. Moreover, many of these goods are goods of periodic demand, that is, they are not bought or consumed on a daily basis.

A number of food products can be prepared in production conditions as much as possible for consumption in the form of semi-finished products, concentrates, culinary products. With the modern pace of life, the demand for these goods is especially growing. In 2011, the Yana LLC store plans to sell such semi-finished products as frozen beans, cauliflower, empanadas and cutlets.

It should also be noted that the demand and consumption of many goods, especially food products, is influenced by the seasonality of their production (dairy, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc.). As a result, there is an unevenness of their consumption during the year and the demand is switched to goods that replace them. For example, in winter and spring, the demand for canned vegetables and fruits increases, replacing fresh fruits and vegetables; in spring and early summer, when there is a shortage of potatoes, sales of cereals and pasta increase, etc. The problem of smoothing out the seasonality in food consumption is solved to a certain extent by creating seasonal stocks of relevant goods, which should be especially taken into account when forming the assortment.

Demand is also influenced by social and economic factors, such as:

The size of the monetary income of the population, its size, social, professional and gender and age composition;

The level of retail prices and their ratios;

Geographic and climatic features of the population;

Features of work and life of the area and others.

Most of the listed demand factors are taken into account by the commodity specialist of Yana LLC when forming the assortment of goods, since many have a specific numerical expression and are permanently valid for a certain area.

An essential factor in the formation of the assortment of LLC "Yana" is the price of the goods. The buyer most often necessarily determines for himself the maximum price or price range within which he is going to pay for the purchase. Therefore, one of the criteria for the rational construction of the assortment of goods is to ensure the correct combination of goods with different values.

The type of store and the area of ​​its activity also influence the formation of the trade assortment. The Yana LLC store is a one-stop grocery store and is characterized by the availability of food products of all main product groups with a certain detailing by subgroups and names of everyday goods

Formation of the assortment of goods in the "Yana" LLC store, taking into account the above-mentioned main factors, allows to ensure the satisfaction of consumer demand, increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise and the level of trade services for the population.

Chapter 3. The main directions of improving the assortment in LLC "Yana"

The most important factor determining the level and profitability of sales is the correspondence of the assortment to the needs of consumers. The formation of the assortment and consumer demand in their development have a direct connection, i.e. changes in demand should be accompanied by changes in the formed assortment.

Assortment formation is the process of selecting groups, types and varieties of goods in accordance with the demand of the population in order to satisfy it more fully. Assortment formation in retail pharmacies is a complex process that takes into account the action of a number of factors. Assortment formation cannot be abstracted from a specific organization and is based on pre-selected goals and objectives that determine the direction of its development. This determines the assortment policy of the organization.

To improve the assortment of Yana LLC, you can use the ABC analysis method. ABC analysis is a method that allows you to classify the resources of a firm according to their importance. It is based on the Pareto principle - 20% of all goods give 80% of the turnover. In relation to ABC analysis, the Pareto rule can sound like this: reliable control of 20% of positions allows 80% control of the system, whether it be stocks of raw materials and components, or the product range of an enterprise, etc. ABC analysis is an analysis of stocks by dividing by three categories: A - the most valuable: 10% - commodity stocks, 60% - profits; B - intermediate: 20% - commodity stocks, 30% - profit; С - the least valuable and the main list of commodity items: 70% - commodity stocks, 10% - profits.

An arbitrary number of groups can be selected depending on the purpose of the analysis. Most often, 3, less often 4-5 groups are distinguished.

The result of ABC analysis is the grouping of objects according to the degree of influence on the overall result.

Let's perform an ABC analysis of the "Confectionery" assortment group, since the share of this group in total amount retail turnover decreased in 2010 by 2% (tab. 1).

For our ABC analysis, we will divide the assortment of pastry shops into 3 categories:

A - the most sold, 4-6% of sales; B - intermediate, 2-4% of sales; С - least valuable, 0-2% of sales.

As can be seen from table 7, confectionery of group C prevails in Yana LLC - as having a sales volume of 0-2%.

ABC analysis of confectionery products of Yana LLC

Table 1

Name Amount, rub. Specific gravity,% Group
Waffles "Auto Racing", 36Og, Voronezh 0,5 WITH
Zephyr Tlazirovanny ", kg, Voronezh 0,7 WITH
Iris "Golden Key", kg, Cr. October 0.3 WITH
CARAMEL "Alenka", kg, Cr.October 2,5 V
Caramel "Duchess", high quality, kg, Voronezh 4,5 A
Caramel "Strawberry with cream", premium quality, kg, Voronezh 4,5 A
Caramel "Crayfish necks", kg, Cr. October 4,4 A
Caramel "Super milk", kg, Voronezh 2,1 V
Assorted sweets, 300g, 8pcs, Babaevsky 1,7 WITH
Sweets "Belochka", 400g, 8pcs, Babaevsky 0,6 WITH
Sweets "Babaevskie chocolate-milk praline", 350g, Babaevskiy 3,2 V
Sweets "Inspiration with almond cream and whole almonds", kg, Babaevsky 3,4 V
Candy "Kara-kum", w / and, kg, Voronezh 5,2 A
Candy "Levushka with caramel filling", kg, St. Osk. 6,1 A
Sweets "Little Miracle", kg, St. Oskol 3,2 V
Sweets "Medunok with raisins", St. Oskol 3,2 V
CANDIES "Bear-footed", kg, Cr.October 4,1 A
Sweets "Mousse air kiss", Voronezh 2,8 V
Candy "Ordinary Miracle", kg, F / P, St. Oskol 1,8 WITH
Sweets "Koltsov's Songs", w / w, kg, Voronezh 5,5 A
"Bird's milk" sweets, butter, f / p, kg, Voronezh 2,5 V
Sweets "Bird sweetness", St. Oskol 3,1 V
Sweets "Slast" vanilla nougat caramel, f / p "St. Osk. 2,4 V
Candy "Fant with nut", kg, St. Oskol 1,8 WITH
Sweets "Fars" coconut pulp, kg, St. Oskol 1,9 WITH
Cookies "Roasted nuts with peanuts", kg, (Voronezh) 3,4 V
Cookies "Bee with peanuts", kg, (Voronezh) 6,1 A
Rusks "Vanilla", Tula 5,6 A
Rusks "Kievskie", kg Tula 2,1 V
Cake "Chocolate-waffle in yoghurt with hazelnut", piece, Alphabet of Chocolate 2,4 V
Sunflower halvah, kg, Azov 4,5 A
Chocolate "Inspiration" 100g "Babaevsky 1,2 WITH
Chocolate "Lux" 100g, Babaevsky 1,3 WITH
Sherbet "Fruit with prunes", Yoshkar-Ola 1,4 WITH
Total 100,0

Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the assortment of group A, and reduce the goods of group B, since specific gravity their sales are less than 2% of the total turnover for this assortment group.

The key to the success of any commercial enterprise is to strike a balance between maximizing customer satisfaction and optimizing the company's resources. Effective assortment and inventory management ensures this balance and makes the business profitable and profitable.

Thus, the use of ABC-analysis will allow improving the assortment of Yana LLC in order to extract the maximum possible profit from retail trade, as well as satisfy the existing customer demand.


Formation of the optimal trade assortment is the basis of the effective commercial activity of a retail trade enterprise.

An assortment of goods is a collection of goods, their types, varieties and varieties, combined or combined according to a certain criterion. The assortment should have the most attractive impact on buyers.

Formation of the assortment of goods is the process of selection and establishment of the range of goods corresponding to the demand of buyers and ensuring high profitability of the trading enterprise. The formation of an assortment of goods is one of the most important factors in the life of a modern trading enterprise.

The range and structure of production and sales of products have a great impact on the results of economic activities.

When forming the assortment and structure of product output, an enterprise must take into account, on the one hand, the demand for these types of products, and on the other hand, the most efficient use of labor, raw materials, technical, technological, financial and other resources at its disposal. The assortment formation system includes the following main points:

· Determination of current and future needs of buyers;

· Assessment of the level of competitiveness of manufactured or planned products;

· Study of the life cycle of products and the adoption of timely measures to include in the assortment list of new, more popular types of products;

· Assessment of economic efficiency and the degree of risk of changes in the range of products.

A correctly developed assortment policy is very important. It is designed to ensure the continuity of decisions and measures for the formation of the assortment and its management, maintaining the competitiveness of goods at the required level, and servicing goods.

I analyzed the formation of the range of products of the limited liability company "Yana". The purpose of the creation of the company is to organize a retail network of food products. The assortment of LLC "Yana" is a list of the names of the products manufactured by the enterprise with an indication of their output for each type. It can be complete, group and intragroup. Analysis of the assortment of products consists mainly in establishing the parameters of homogeneity, the degree of obsolescence of products. The type of store and the area of ​​its activity also influence the formation of the trade assortment.

To improve the assortment of Yana LLC, you can use the ABC analysis method. During its existence, the enterprise has formed the conditions for the fullest satisfaction of the customers' demand for products. Provided a high level of trade service. This helped Yana LLC to increase the number of buyers, thereby increasing its profits. The amount of net profit has a favorable upward trend.

  • 1. Determination of current and future needs in the market, taking into account purchasing behavior in target segments.
  • 2. Evaluation of the corresponding competitors' counterparts in the aggregate areas of consumer value of assortment goods.
  • 3. Justification of the concept of a new product in order to timely remove obsolete samples from production.
  • 4. Solving the issues of completeness of the assortment, taking into account the possibilities of using attractive investors.
  • 5. Planning and managing the assortment in order to:
    • a) development of a production program;
    • b) marketing programs;
    • c) advertising and public relations events;
    • d) development of service and sales promotion system.

It is known that demand is an essential element of the market mechanism. Demand determines the size of the market - that part of the product offer that must be sold in exchange for the means of payment of market entities. These are specific solvent needs presented on the market that are satisfied in the presence of a product offer. Thus, demand reflects not only a certain amount of money, but also the requirements for use values. And the main goal of forming a product range is precisely the satisfaction of consumer demand. With the development of market relations, it became necessary to take into account the requirements of consumers for the composition of the product offer, consumer assessments of goods.

Consumer assessments are the objective attitude of buyers to a particular product or its individual functional and aesthetic properties: prestige; affordability; reliability; ease of use; fashion and other requirements in the process of choosing to buy a product on the market. Consumer assessments can be manifested in the form of direct preference or refusal to purchase, or in the form of judgments about its advantages or disadvantages over other goods of a similar purpose, expressed by potential consumers when familiarizing themselves with the product range. When forming the assortment, goods are grouped according to functional and consumer characteristics. On the basis of this grouping, a consumer complex is being developed - a list of varieties of groups of goods aimed at forming an assortment and meeting complex demand. The balance of supply and demand allows satisfying the interests of all market participants. The products needed by the market create a real basis for their inclusion in the formed product range. Moreover, a significant role is assigned to service. The item must be presented required quality, in a place convenient for consumers, in certain time otherwise, we can talk about dissatisfaction with consumer demand.

However, market research begins not with the product, but with the needs of the customers. The need is concretized in the demand for certain technological methods of its satisfaction. Technological methods can be implemented using various specific technical and technological solutions. At the next level, specific types of products are selected. Within the framework of a product of a certain type, there are specific types of product that also have their own life cycles, usually short, although brands can remain on the market for a very long time if the company successfully and timely carries out a number of measures that ensure the preservation of the main qualities of the brand: change of technology, design, service components.

For the correct orientation in the prospects of a certain product, you need to know about all the components of the life cycle of needs. But even when the nature of the life cycle curve can be identified, it is not entirely clear how to use this information, because there is no unambiguity in determining the manifestation of characteristics that identify a particular stage. It is generally accepted that at the stage of rapid sales growth, profit margins grow rapidly, however, if the barriers to entry into a given market are low and competition in the industry is high, then profit growth in the industry may be low.

Therefore, the main thing is to try to deduce the causes of changes, and not to study their consequences using life cycle curves. Identifying these reasons will allow you to anticipate future changes and develop a product policy that is maximally adapted to them. When developing and implementing a product policy, it should be borne in mind that the same product in different markets may be at different stages of its life cycle. In practice, more often than not, most firms trade multiple products in different markets. Therefore, you can use such a concept as a product portfolio. A product portfolio is a collection of products manufactured by a firm. It should be balanced and include products that are at different stages of the life cycle, which will ensure the continuity of the organization's value chain. Continuous profit will reduce the risk of not receiving the expected amount of profit from the sale of goods at the initial stage of the life cycle.

One of the directions of development of the product policy is the development of packaging and labeling corresponding to the product. It is difficult to overestimate the capabilities of these components. Separately, it should be noted the role of packaging as a component for maintaining the competitiveness of a product. Its main function is to ensure the safety of the goods and their quality, plus the convenience of transportation, at the present time constitutes only an insignificant part of the total volume of its functional purpose. Packaging informs potential buyers about the product, is an advertising medium, takes part in the formation of both the image of the product and the manufacturing company, contributes to the recognition of the company and the product, its identification. We touched upon the role of labeling in the development of product policy earlier, in particular, any absence of a brand reduces the price of a product by up to 20% compared to competitors.

Packaging, labeling, serviceability determine the emotional factor, i.e. what feelings this product evokes in the consumer when he first meets him. And it certainly influences the final purchasing decision. This is especially important in the context of the existing competition on the market - a catalyst for constant movement and development. An effective product policy allows you to dictate your conditions to competitors, to interest buyers, to increase the level of monopoly (in its good manifestation). The constant need to revise and update the product offer has posed the problem of developing the release of products with completely new and better product characteristics than competitors. If the consumer quality of a new product meets the requirements of market entities - consumers of this product, then it wins a strong place in the market, being at the same time a condition for increasing the market capacity by attracting additional monetary investments from funds held by consumers. The development of goods capable of creating strong competition in the market is based on ideas arising from the achievements of scientific and technological progress (resource conservation, completeness, consumer appeal.).

Systematizing the above, we can single out certain principles that are necessary in the implementation of the company's product policy:

  • 1. Focus on marketing research.
  • 2. Identification of unmet needs and requests of buyers in the segment (s) of the market in which the company plans to carry out its main activities.
  • 3. Coordination of interrelated activities in the field of production, research, design and engineering and technological.
  • 4. Coordination of interrelated types of activity in the sphere of circulation (research of market conditions, ensuring balanced supply and demand, organization of commodity circulation).
  • 5. Differentiation and modification of goods.
  • 6. Formation of the service strategy of the company.
  • 7. Systematic control over the behavior of the product on the market, for its life cycle.
  • 8. Making a decision on the abandonment or withdrawal of goods from the assortment program, the development of a new or improvement of already manufactured marketable products.
  • 9. Making fundamental decisions regarding the product range, packaging, labeling.
  • 10. Development of directions to increase the consumer value of the product.
  • 11. Financial support for the rationalization of product policies.

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