Is it possible to combine the living room with the hallway. Is it possible to expand the bathroom through the corridor - recommendations and tips

Engineering systems 03.03.2020
Engineering systems

Expanding the bathroom through the corridor is a great solution, because the bathrooms in typical apartments are not large in size.

Many people make combined rooms from separate rooms, but a more common option is to expand the bathroom and toilet through the corridor.

This solution allows you to rationally arrange appliances, appliances, equipment, and even accommodate a shower cabin. The main condition is compliance with building codes and regulations.

Redevelopment norms

The small area of ​​​​the bathroom is a problem of typical apartments, not only of the old model, narrow bathrooms can also be found in new buildings. Houses of the I/700A, P/44K, P44 and Barikon series are characterized by cramped rooms for hygiene procedures.

To solve the problem, you need to move one wall a few centimeters. The width of the hallway must be at least 1 m when connected to living quarters and at least 85 cm if there are other corridors.

At the same time, the reduction of the bedroom cannot exceed 14 sq.m. in a one-room apartment. To increase the bathroom, you will need to coordinate the work in the relevant authorities.

The approval procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Call to the house of the measurer of the technical inventory bureau.
  2. Obtaining a conclusion from a specialist.
  3. Drawing up a project and plan.
  4. Approval of documents in the district administration.
  5. Making changes in the cadastral register and technical passport.
  6. Direct repair.
  7. Delivery of documents with a mark on the new dimensions in the BTI.
  8. Obtaining a new technical passport.

If the apartment is located on the first floor, the problem is much easier to solve, since you can expand the bathroom at the expense of living rooms. In other cases, it is necessary to take into account the location of the bearing walls.

Entry rates

The bathroom must be arranged in such a way that the entrance to the sanitary zone is from the hallway.

It is forbidden to make a doorway to living quarters or to the kitchen, in accordance with epidemiological standards.

In addition, it is unethical, the smells of the toilet and the dining room are incompatible, even with the most careful hygiene.

But there is a loophole - the entrance to the room with the toilet can be organized from the bedroom, if it is an additional room for hygiene procedures.

And the doorway of the first still joins with non-residential space.

If it is planned to expand the area without a toilet bowl, the exit from it can be done anywhere.

The corridor in any apartment is an evacuation zone in case of fires. If due to it to increase the space of the bathroom, it is important to accurately calculate the allowable footage of the transfer of walls.

Wet area and floor level standards

With any, there is a risk of violating the rules for the location of wet areas. After all, the bathroom always provides high-quality waterproofing, which needs to be joined to the new area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Otherwise, there is a chance of getting a bathroom with constantly weeping walls, mold and fungus. In addition, neighbors will not be happy with regular flooding.

The floor level in the wet area, according to the regulations, should be 2 cm below the surface height in the living quarters.

In order to avoid a sharp drop, a 4 cm dividing threshold is installed, which will not release flow into other rooms in the event of a leak or an accident.

Some owners choose to install an innovative water control system that shuts off the jet in the event of a sudden burst of pipes, preventing it from getting wet.

Ventilation rates

The movement of air masses is designed for a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom. Even with the existing tunnels, this is not enough.

Many make an additional system or build a powerful fan into the channel.

If the bathroom is expanded through the corridor, moist air, fumes and odors from all floors below will constantly accumulate in the room.

To calculate the ventilation parameter, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

What is prohibited?

There is a set of rules, the violation of which is fraught with decent fines due to the creation of a dangerous situation for all residents of the house.

The following actions are not allowed:

  1. Move wet areas to residential areas.
  2. Disrupt the thermal circuit of the building.
  3. Chasing or destroying load-bearing walls.
  4. Block access to communications, violating operational requirements.
  5. Demolish air ducts or merge with the total area.
  6. Block access to risers or demolish them.
  7. Increase the load on the supporting structures.
  8. Replace light partitions with heavier ones.

Independent redevelopment of an apartment without agreement with the relevant authorities is not allowed, especially when the issue concerns the combination of residential and non-residential premises.

Redevelopment options

There are several ways to expand the bathroom through the corridor. Depending on the type of apartment, it is possible to equip a hygienic area with an increase in area in several ways.


A series of houses 2-18/0108 and 2-18/0109 are distinguished by combined small-sized bathrooms. The bathroom space does not exceed 1.8 m in width and 1.2-2.4 m in length.

In this case, the toilet is located as close as possible to the doorway. If you simply swap the bowls, the problem will be solved only partially, it is impossible to put the washing machine in the room.

If this is a one-room apartment, there is a certain advantage - there are no load-bearing walls inside.

The wall between the kitchen and the living rooms can be completely dismantled, but if there are gas appliances, you will have to install a sliding partition.

Usually the entrance to the kitchen is laid, the opening is made a meter further, combining two rooms.

Due to the resulting segment, the space of the bathroom is expanding. Even such a small piece can be rationally used by replacing a standard bathtub with a corner model or a shower cabin.

The washing machine is traditionally placed under the sink. The doorway to the hallway is made on the other side, not forgetting to observe the floor level and taking into account wet areas.

It is in this case that the air flow is more intense, ventilation improves. But the convenience of the residents should be taken into account.

Not always two people live in small apartments, so a combined bathroom often causes quarrels.

Panel house

In apartments of different series, it is realistic to move the partition by a meter and a half, but it is important to know for sure that the selected wall is not a carrier.

In such buildings, all foundations are concrete, and it is much more difficult to break them than brick ones in Khrushchevs.

As for the level of the floor, the surface must also be lowered by cutting off the metal rods and the concrete layer.

If you plan to install a large bath and shower, you will have to move several entrances.

In this case, you can get into the kitchen through the room, and the hygienic zone expands due to a decent part of the long corridor.

You will have to sacrifice the combination of the dining room and living room, but the design possibilities for the bathroom are improving.

New buildings

In most houses, the water treatment room is made taking into account the wishes of future owners, but some types of layout make you think about expansion.

Recently, two bathrooms have been made in new buildings - a classic and a smaller version with a toilet bowl and a washbasin.

By combining rooms and capturing a meter-level corridor, you can build a large room to fulfill all needs.

It will fit:

  • standard equipment;
  • additional equipment;
  • cabinets and cabinets.

Since the layout is often atypical, the design of the entrance depends on the characteristics of the dwelling. The main thing is not to combine the doorway with the kitchen, not to occupy the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway.

Sometimes the only solution is to make a bedroom door.

This will also create some inconvenience, but for a family of two it is considered a good way out.

And if the apartment has two hygienic rooms located in different places, then one of them is increased due to the hallway, in the second one you can install only a shower cabin.

Reserve option

In some houses, the bathroom was located in a special cabin made of reinforced concrete, located between the walls and ceilings. This is a corner limited by thin panels, only 8 cm thick on the outside and 6 cm inside.

It is not a carrier, its dismantling can be carried out without hindrance. But it should be noted that in this box there is a ventilation riser, which is forbidden to touch.

Between the cabin and the walls there is a gap of about 5 cm. By removing the structure, you can get a margin of 20 cm in width, in addition to the zone formed by increasing towards the corridor.

The length depends on the material from which the new partition will be built. In this case, the owners acquire two advantages: the floor level will come out lower and the ceiling higher.

It is not difficult to demolish the partition between the bathroom and the toilet; special skills are not required for such work.

How to place equipment

After expanding the area, it is necessary to rationally plan the location of plumbing and appliances.

If the bath was opposite the doorway, it is better to move it closer to the sink. Then a corner zone for the washing machine is formed.

Modern types of overhead washbasins suggest a countertop, which is convenient in terms of creating additional space for cabinets or electrical appliances.

Using wall cabinets and shelves to save space is also considered a good solution.

If a large font takes up a lot of space, it is better to choose a corner model or a shower cabin. The tray can be deep enough to organize washing or bathing a child.

A small bathroom can be increased due to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway or corridor.

  1. It is better to calculate in advance all the options and the possible use of footage.
  2. New partitions should be made of lightweight materials so that they are thinner and do not take up space.
  3. The doorway must be placed in such a way that all the equipment is freely located on the square.
  4. If the bathroom door opens outward, there will be more areas for installing equipment.
  5. Waterproofing in the new area must comply with all standards: the floor, walls and ceiling are protected from moisture as carefully as in the rest of the space.
  6. Be sure to lower the floor level in accordance with the standards, install a dividing threshold.
  7. Rationally arrange the equipment.
  8. Do not forget about design techniques for visually increasing the area with mirrors, well-arranged lighting, and the use of shades in decoration.

It is important to carefully prepare for the redevelopment process, go through the registration procedure, and make accurate calculations.

The formalities take about a month, but if all the steps are properly thought out and implemented, the result is a large, cozy and comfortable space for hygiene procedures.

Corridor redevelopment is a fairly common change in typical apartment layouts. The fact is that most of the corridors in standard apartments, like other auxiliary premises, are not spacious, rational and convenient layout.

In a typical corridor in a typical Khrushchev or Brezhnevka, as a rule, it’s quite difficult, so most families sooner or later decide to either expand the corridor to a full-fledged entrance area, or completely abandon the corridor in favor of the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen, and often combining the corridor with living quarters.

For many standard apartments, ready-made solutions for corridor redevelopment projects have already been developed.

If you plan to expand the corridor space, then this can be done, for example, at the expense of the living room. True, to carry out such a redevelopment, it should be taken into account that the final area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room should not be less than the established norms (14 square meters for a one-room apartment and 16 for two, three or more room apartments).

It will also be impossible to expand the corridor at the expense of an adjacent room if the wall separating the rooms from each other turns out to be load-bearing. In this case, the maximum that is possible is to arrange between the corridor and the room.

Despite the fact that after such a redevelopment of the corridor, you can organize a full-fledged living room, such changes in the layout of the corridor are not common. Much more often you can find a redevelopment of the corridor, when due to the entrance area the area of ​​\u200b\u200bauxiliary premises increases, for example, a bathroom or kitchen.

Redevelopment with the transfer or expansion of the bathroom in the corridor:

An increase in the bathroom due to the corridor is a fairly common redevelopment option. For example, if you need to expand the initially cramped bathroom space, then you can try to combine it with a restroom - such a redevelopment of the premises helps to win some additional usable space.

But sometimes one combination of a bathroom and a toilet is not enough to create a full-fledged desired interior, and under certain conditions it is possible to further expand the bathroom due to an adjacent corridor. To perform such a redevelopment of the corridor, it is necessary that the wall separating the premises is not a load-bearing one.

Redevelopment with the transfer of the kitchen to the corridor:

It is also very common to move the kitchen to the corridor. If the area of ​​​​the corridor allows, then it is possible to place a kitchen in its place, which will allow us to place, for example, an office in the place of the former kitchen.

That is, in fact, we will win one more room. And this type of redevelopment with the transfer of the kitchen to the corridor is used very often, especially in open-plan new buildings.

Redevelopment of a long corridor:

There are two main types of apartments that are commonly called - plowing and ruler. The bellows are of little interest to us, since in the bellows the corridor is usually more or less regular in shape, but in the rulers the corridor just happens to be extremely inconvenient.

This is due to the fact that all the rooms are located on one side of the house and we get a long corridor, a rational redevelopment of which many owners plan to make.

The list of documents for redevelopment of the corridor depends on the complexity and type of work.

You will have to contact the design organization for the development of the project even if you want to expand the premises of the “wet zones” at the expense of the corridor. Since such changes in the layout will require not only the transfer of the partition, but also additional work on laying waterproofing, special calculations will be required, which means that you cannot do without it.

Often, the redevelopment of the corridor is carried out independently, bypassing the stage of preparing the necessary documents. In the future, the fate of such redevelopment depends on how well the work complies with building codes and requirements.

If you have completed an unauthorized redevelopment of the corridor, while partially or completely dismantling the partition between the corridor and the room, combining the premises, then the Housing Inspectorate will most likely meet you and legitimize the redevelopment "backdating".

This requires a type of documentation called - . In the event that your unauthorized work has affected the load-bearing walls of the house, you will not be able to legitimize the unauthorized redevelopment of the corridor, and after paying the fine, you will have to return the apartment to its previous appearance, corresponding to the BTI floor plan.

Today, many seek to blur the boundaries of the apartment. Many produce a combination of rooms, due to which the expansion of the room occurs. It is important to obtain the appropriate permission for this, otherwise all actions will be illegal. A corridor is a space that can have a different area. According to the size, it can be expanded or another room can be expanded at the expense of it. Corridor expansion is a responsible business that requires advance planning.

Many apartment owners cannot boast of a large corridor area. Sometimes this can be a real problem. If a lot of people live in an apartment, a small entrance hall causes great discomfort.

You can solve the problem of a small corridor by redevelopment of the room. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom allows, you can expand the corridor at the expense of it.

In order to carry out redevelopment, you need to contact the relevant authorities. You should be aware that redevelopment can be agreed both before and after its implementation. However, you need to be sure that all actions were lawful.

Benefits of remodeling:

  • Increase in space.
  • Possibility to put more furniture.
  • Provide storage for more items.
  • Create coziness and comfort for the whole family.

Remodeling is serious business. Especially when it comes to the bathroom. It is very important not to hurt communications. Before repair work, you should carefully study the rules for redevelopment of the apartment.

Is it possible to enlarge the bathroom due to the corridor

A small bathroom brings discomfort and inconvenience to its owners. That is why many are interested in the possibility of enlarging the bathroom due to the corridor. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway should allow this to be done, otherwise it will cause discomfort.

The increase in space due to another room should always be agreed with the services that deal with this issue.

Permits for redevelopment are given by housing inspections. However, they are not always available. It all depends on whether the documents and plans are prepared correctly. In order not to get into a mess, you need to know in advance detailed information on this issue.

Remodeling options:

  • By sketch;
  • According to the project.

After a successful redevelopment, it is necessary to start making changes to the documents. This may take some time. You will need to call an inspector who will check the quality of the work performed.

How to enlarge a room through a corridor

Very often, apartment owners plan to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room at the expense of the corridor. Such a decision will have both positive and negative sides. It is important to remember that any expansion of space leads to changes in its design.

Before carrying out repairs, make sure that the wall is not load-bearing. If so, then permission to demolish it cannot be obtained.

If the wall allows for demolition, it can be removed completely or partially. When the wall is partially removed, an arch is made from it. Which looks pretty stylish. Such a solution will not completely combine the space, which will help to delimit the functional areas.

Benefits of remodeling:

  • Large area of ​​the room;
  • Penetration of more light;
  • Increasing design possibilities;
  • Cosiness and comfort for the family.

The disadvantage of combining is that dirt and dust from the hallway will enter the room much faster. This will require additional cleaning. It is important to properly arrange the space and choose the appropriate style for it.

Repair rules: is it possible to increase the corridor at the expense of the room

Some apartment owners, starting repairs, may suddenly decide to combine the corridor with the next room. The main thing is not to make hasty decisions. If such an idea has got into your head, it should be carefully considered. The entrance hall can be combined with neighboring rooms, which will maximize the available space.

Before performing repair work, you need to draw up a project, draw a sketch that will clearly show how the redevelopment will take place, and how the room will look after it.

Here an important point is the coordination of redevelopment with housing services. It's best to get permission before starting repairs. Actions without permission will be considered illegal and illegal.

Step by step redevelopment:

  • Select the rooms to be combined.
  • Draw a sketch or detailed plan.
  • Take it to the Housing Inspectorate for verification.

In the case of a positive answer, you can proceed to the demolition of the wall. You can do it yourself, or you can hire a professional master. After completion of the work, it is necessary to choose a style for the design of the renovated premises. To do this, you can seek help from professionals.

Proper extension of the corridor (video)

Today, the small size of the rooms forces the owners of apartments and houses to redevelop the premises. It is designed to expand the area, practically or visually. Due to the corridor, you can also expand the combined bathroom. Sometimes the opposite happens, and at the expense of the rooms they expand the corridor. This allows you to make it practical and convenient for use by the whole family. It is important to coordinate all your actions with special services. Otherwise, the actions will be illegal and will entail fines.

Examples of corridor expansion (photo of interiors)

Most of our citizens live in the most ordinary apartments built in the era that began in 1961. At that time, a separate apartment was already a luxury and there was no talk of additional amenities in the form of a separate bathroom or large rooms with high ceilings. This means that in dwellings, small kitchens, small bathrooms, practically no entrance area or corridor, and the rooms also do not differ in a large number of square meters.

The first thing a guest sees when visiting an apartment is the entrance area, which is usually limited to 1-4 meters in size. You can call it the face of the apartment, and therefore the "facade" of housing must be treated with respect and attention. Redevelopment of the corridor can literally transform the apartment. The opposite situation also arises (mostly - in) - the corridor is too long and occupies a useful one, which the hands are itching to attach to the residential one. In this article, we will consider options for redevelopment of the corridor - with a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridor and with an increase.

When redevelopment in a non-residential room, which is the corridor, it is possible to implement a much larger number of options. In general, we can say that the area of ​​​​the corridor is most in demand when redeveloping an apartment in an apartment building, which does not apply, since this room belongs to the "wet zones" and, accordingly, when redeveloping the corridor with the addition of part of the corridor to the bathroom, the functional purpose of the premises simply changes.

Kitchen niche, as an option for using the useful area of ​​​​the corridor, photo:

Redevelopment of the corridor with an increase in its area

The situation usually concerns apartments in Khrushchev houses with long and large corridors. The corridor in such cases expands due to. Due to what it is possible to increase the corridor? Naturally, only at the expense of adjacent premises. In most typical apartments, this is either the living area of ​​a room, or a bathroom and a bathroom. As for the process, the corridor refers to non-residential premises, and it must be understood that by reducing the living area due to the corridor, you reduce the total living area of ​​​​the apartment, which will be registered in the technical passport.

With a small area there are several options for redevelopment of the corridor : The first option - the redevelopment of the corridor, suggests that delimits the corridor and the adjacent room. With this option, the corridor and the living room are combined and these rooms look visually more spacious due to the absence of partitions, in addition, this redevelopment gives a lot of room for the activities of designers and decorators.

Also, often in the corridors there are built-in niches, which in general do not carry any functional purpose. It is most rational to use these niches under the built-in wardrobe, so as not to occupy another space of the hallway under it. It does not make sense to separately redevelop the corridor, it is usually associated with the general repair and redevelopment of the apartment, because the owner of the apartment, in addition to redevelopment of the corridor, has something else to think about. For persuasiveness, we give a few examples.

Here is a redevelopment project with an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridor, designed for an apartment in a house of the "" series. In the illustrations, you can see that the area of ​​​​the corridor on the one hand was increased due to the living room, on the other hand, it was reduced for the installation of a built-in wardrobe on it.

Redevelopment project with a reduction in the area of ​​​​the corridor

Much more often it happens that the corridor is reduced, usually in favor of the area of ​​​​the bathroom or living room, leaving something like a vestibule at the entrance. Sometimes a similar passage corridor is left in the center of the apartment. The rooms are completely isolated.

Next, you need to consider the option of dismantling the partition separating the kitchen and the corridor. With this redevelopment, we get a free passage from the hallway area to the kitchen area. The useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen also increases, as a result of which an additional one can be placed in the kitchen.

You can also consider another option, this is the closure of a part of the corridor that leads from the corridor to the kitchen. With this redevelopment option, the corridor becomes significantly smaller, but the zone wins significantly. The only limitation of this redevelopment of the corridor is the organization of an opening in the wall for getting into the kitchen area. Often this wall is, which imposes some encumbrances on both the cost of redevelopment and the timing of its approval.

Redevelopment of the corridor with a kitchen niche device

One of the options for using the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridor is to install it in it after moving the kitchen. In this case, the kitchen turns into a living room, and part of the corridor into a kitchen niche. A kitchen niche can not be arranged in every apartment; such a redevelopment requires a combination of many circumstances. You can read more about this in a separate article.

Coordination of redevelopment with a change in the configuration of the corridor

Previously, before the adoption of amendments to the housing legislation, when performing work that did not affect, it was possible with a high probability that this redevelopment be agreed upon "". Now this type of negotiation is called simplified negotiation. It should be noted that all work on the redevelopment of the corridor must be agreed in the prescribed manner. You can read more about "re-planning by sketch" here.

If during the work the supporting structures are affected, then in this case, in order to agree on the redevelopment, it will be necessary to develop project documentation and a technical opinion from the author of the house project on the admissibility and safety of the redevelopment. You can also see a link to the section describing the "" approval on the main page of our site.

First of all, you need to collect the following documents. after the documentation is collected, it is necessary to submit it for consideration to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate. If the documents are drawn up correctly, you will receive an order for redevelopment and start repairs, filling in the process and inspection certificates. After the repair comes to an end, you will need to go through. If in this case everything went without problems, then you get. Based on it, you can get a new one.

Without false modesty, we can say that our company has vast experience in the development of redevelopment projects, and the redevelopment of the corridor takes place in almost every document. In addition, we are engaged in the coordination of this project documentation. You can contact us for cooperation either by e-mail or by calling the numbers indicated in.

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