An increase in the specific gravity of urine is called. Specific gravity of urine in children

Decor elements 03.07.2020
Decor elements

The relative density of urine, in another way it is called the specific gravity, shows the degree of concentration of salts and urea in the total volume of excreted urine. It should be noted that these indicators should not go beyond the boundaries of the norm. Otherwise, the development of the pathology of the urinary system can be suspected.

What is the normal specific gravity of urine in women, men and children? What to do if the indicators are exceeded or decreased? You will learn about this and much more in our article.

Determination of the specific gravity of urine

The specific gravity (SG) of urine is determined under laboratory conditions. For the analysis, it is necessary to collect urine and deliver it to the laboratory with a direction indicating the type of study.

The relative density of a given biological fluid is determined using special equipment - a hydrometer or urometer.

Algorithm for determining the indicator using a urometer:

For some diseases, the patient excretes small amounts of urine and it is not enough to carry out a study according to the above algorithm. In this case, the urine is diluted with distilled water. After determining the result, the laboratory assistant takes into account the degree of dilution.

With insufficient quantityanalysisurine for research is carried out as follows:

  • A mixture of chloroform and benzene is poured into a glass cylinder;
  • Then add a small amount of urine (a few drops);
  • Little chloroform or benzene is added gradually. This is necessary in order for the biological material to be investigated to be in the middle of the mixture of liquids;
  • Then the laboratory assistant calculates the final indicator.

It should be noted that the values ​​of the urometer are influenced by the ambient temperature.

All devices are calibrated for a temperature of 15 degrees. Therefore, with an increase in temperature, the laboratory assistant adds the calculated values ​​to the results obtained, and with a decrease in temperature, on the contrary, subtracts.

Normal values ​​of the indicator

It should be noted that the rate of relative density of urine depends on the age of the patient. However, age is not the only factor affecting this indicator. The specific gravity changes throughout the day. For the same person, the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof morning and evening urine are slightly different.

Factors affecting fluctuations in biomaterial during the day:

  • The amount of fluid consumed during the day;
  • Ambient temperature;
  • The presence of certain foods in the diet (salty, spicy, fried);
  • Time of day at which urine was taken for examination.

Table of specific gravity norms depending on the patient's age:

The specific gravity in women during pregnancy differs from those in adults, which is associated with the peculiarities of the course of biological reactions in her body (changes in hormonal levels, toxicosis, and others).

Increased specific gravity (up to 1.033 grams / liter) are recorded in the first trimester of pregnancy in the presence of severe toxicosis.

Regardless of all of the above, the indicators of the relative density of urine should not go beyond the normal range for a particular age group. A deviation from the norm can be a sign of a pathological process in the human body.

Deviation above normal

An increase in the specific gravity of urine above normal - hypersthenuria. In this case, a large concentration of inclusions (salts, sugar, protein compounds) is detected in the biological fluid.

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Reasons for the deviation of indicators above the norm:

  • Drinking a small amount of liquid;
  • Dehydration of the body associated with profuse vomiting and repeated diarrhea;
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs in large doses;
  • The use of diuretics and herbal preparations;
  • Pathology of the urinary organs, including congenital;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  • Toxicosis and gestosis (late toxicosis) of pregnant women;
  • Extensive thermal burns;
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency, which is accompanied by severe swelling;
  • In infants, hypersthenuria may be associated with the dietary habits of a nursing woman (a large amount of fats and animal proteins in the diet).

To eliminate hypersthenuria, it is necessary to identify the cause, because the treatment must be etiological.

What to do if the specific gravity of urine is above normal:

  • In case of violation of the drinking regime, it is necessary to increase the consumption of liquid, mainly pure water. To calculate the body's daily need for fluid, it is necessary to multiply 30 by the patient's weight. The result obtained is the required volume of liquid;
  • With toxicosis and gestosis in pregnant women, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist, adjust the diet, control the drinking regime, sleep and rest. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe enzymatic and other drugs;
  • When the body is dehydrated, it is necessary to eliminate its cause (treatment of the underlying disease).
  • In the presence of an intestinal infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, detoxification therapy and vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • In the presence of inflammatory and infectious processes in the urinary organs, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and restorative treatment is carried out;
  • Cancellation or adjustment of the dose of antibiotics and diuretics;
  • Treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine pathology under the supervision of a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

What to do with a reduced specific gravity

A decrease in the relative density of urine below normal - hypostenuria. In infants up to 12 months, this condition is a variant of the norm, provided that there are no pathologies from the internal organs.

The causes of hypostenuria are the following conditions:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, that is, drinking plenty of fluids;
  • Eating disorder. Unbalanced diet with complete elimination or significant reduction of protein in the diet. Prolonged fasting and strict diets for weight loss;
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Inflammatory kidney disease(nephritis, pyelonephritis, glamerulonephritis) acute and chronic course;
  • Dysfunction of the pituitary gland and / or hypothalamus;
  • Diabetes insipidus: nephrogenic, neurogenic, nervous genesis, in pregnant women;
  • Taking diuretics, which causes polyuria;
  • Pathology of the central nervous system of an inflammatory nature (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • Cysts and other benign neoplasms of the kidneys.

What to do if the specific gravity of urine is below normal:

  • Identification of the cause of hypostenuria;
  • In case of violation of the drinking regime, the amount of fluid consumed should be adjusted. In this case, you should slightly reduce the amount of water and other drinks you drink;
  • Correction of nutrition. It is necessary to establish a nutritious and varied diet. The diet should contain foods that include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Fasting diets should be abandoned;
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy in the presence of pathology of the organs of the urinary system;
  • Etiological treatment of the underlying disease under the supervision of the attending physician;
  • General strengthening therapy (vitamins, minerals).

Functional tests

In addition to determining the relative density of this biological fluid, a number of laboratory studies are also carried out. They help to identify the functional capacity of the kidneys. These laboratory tests are called functional tests, they allow you to identify:

  • Concentration ability of the kidneys;
  • Excretory ability of the kidneys.

In the table below, you can see what the purpose of a particular sample is and its brief description:

Functional test The purpose of the sample Brief description of the sample
Zemnitsky test · Assessment of the concentration function;

· Assessment of excretory abilities;

Evaluation of the ratio of night and day diuresis

Urine is collected throughout the day. To collect the material, 8 cans are prepared. Each container is designed for an interval of 3 hours (each can is signed in time).
Dilution test · Assessment of the indicator with water load;

Assessment of the amount of excreted urine after water load

The patient must comply with bed rest. After a night's sleep, the bladder is completely emptied. A water load is carried out (the patient drinks liquid at the rate of 20 milliliters per 1 kilogram of body weight). The urine sample is taken 4 times and at an interval of 60 minutes. In the interval between the intake of material, a water load is carried out.
Concentration test · Assessment of the amount of excreted urine;

Assessment of the concentration capacity of the kidneys

During the day, the patient must refuse liquid food and any liquid (it is allowed to drink in small sips with strong thirst, no more than 350 - 400 milliliters in 24 hours). Urine is collected every 4 hours.

The specific gravity of urine is a measure that provides doctors with important information about the correct functioning of the kidneys. The relative density indicator is constantly fluctuating and takes on different values ​​during the day. It depends on the nature of the food taken, the amount of fluid consumed and the amount of extrarenal losses. Deviations from the norm indicate a violation in the functioning of the excretory system.

Treatment of any pathology begins with a thorough examination and laboratory tests, the results of which show how correctly one or another body system is functioning. If the value of the specific gravity of urine is higher or lower than the norm, experts recommend additional examinations to determine the cause of the deviations in the analyzes. It is not worth delaying the diagnosis, since many conditions that cause such deviations can threaten human health.

The specific gravity of urine is understood as the level of concentration of urine.

The specific gravity of urine is understood as the ability of the kidneys to increase or decrease the level of urine concentration. At the same time, it does not matter at all how much fluid has entered the human body during the day. Due to the constant work of the paired organ, all products formed in the process of metabolism leave the body naturally. With a small amount of liquid drunk, urine will contain a high concentration of minerals. In this case, the specific gravity of urine increases. This condition is called hypersthenuria and it occurs in the following cases:

  • with insufficient blood circulation;
  • persistent diarrhea and vomiting;
  • significant blood loss;
  • severe burns covering most of the skin;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • swelling;
  • abdominal trauma.

Hypostenuria is a phenomenon in which there is a decreased density of urine. This condition can occur due to renal tubular damage, chronic renal failure, and various types of diabetes insipidus.

Thanks to modern technologies and developments, it is not a problem to establish the density of urine. The analysis of urine for specific gravity is carried out using a special device - a urometer. It helps to determine adequate kidney function. This indicator depends on many factors and changes during the day under the influence of factors influencing it:

  • the presence in the human diet of spicy, fried, salty and fatty foods;
  • fluctuating amount of fluid drunk or consumed;
  • intense sweating due to an increase in body temperature (during an illness) or due to an increase in the temperature of the external environment;
  • loss of fluid when breathing.

It is possible to say that the specific gravity of urine is normal if the value of this indicator is in the range of 1.010-1.030. These rates are the same for both women and men. However, during the carrying of a child for a woman, a value of 1.005-1.030 is considered the norm. In the first months of pregnancy, many expectant mothers have a low specific gravity of urine. The reasons may be associated with toxicosis, which often manifests itself through vomiting. During this period, the body loses a lot of fluid, which is the reason for such indicators.

Normal urine readings are between 1.010-1.030

In order for the analysis of urine to be as accurate and informative as possible, it is morning urine that is surrendered. In a dream, a person's breathing slows down, the process of sweating decreases, and there is no replenishment of fluid reserves in the body. All of these factors contribute to obtaining accurate data on how the kidneys function.

When the specific gravity of urine is increased, this is a kind of signal from the body about the presence of pathologies and health problems. Hypersthenuria often manifests itself through edema due to renal failure. The reason for the deviation from the norm of this indicator is often hormonal failure. Experts observe a definite relationship between problems with the production of hormones and a decrease in fluid in the body.

The reasons for the increase in urine density can be as follows:

  • significant blood loss;
  • vomiting due to poisoning or with toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • damage by burns to a large area of ​​the skin;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • the presence of pathologies and diseases of the excretory system, occurring in an acute or chronic form;
  • a long course of antibiotic treatment or antibiotic treatment uncontrolled by a doctor in excess of the permissible dosages.

Vomiting due to poisoning, with toxicosis or diarrhea can affect the density of urine

All factors causing an increase in the specific gravity of urine are divided into pathological and physiological. The table lists in more detail the reasons due to which there is a high density of urine.

If pathological causes are dangerous to human health and require the obligatory intervention of a doctor, then physiological ones are completely natural processes, therefore they should not cause concern.

Symptoms of hypersthenuria

Regardless of what factors provoked a deviation from the norm of urine indicators, the following symptoms are characteristic of hyperstenuria:

  • a noticeable decrease in the amount of urine during each urination;
  • urine becomes dark and rich in color;
  • the presence of an unpleasant smell of urine, which was not there before;
  • the appearance of edema of the limbs, face;
  • constant feeling of weakness, drowsiness and fatigue;
  • appearance or belly.

Since each organism is individual, it is possible that other symptoms and conditions may appear that were not previously inherent in humans. To determine the nature of the sensations that have appeared, you need to contact a specialist.

The appearance of hyperstenuria in children and in diabetes mellitus

If the child has an increase in the specific gravity of urine in the tests, this may indicate congenital or acquired diseases of the urinary system. Since the immunity of babies is not fully formed, and there is also a high vascular permeability, children are prone to intestinal and gastric infections. This leads to vomiting, diarrhea and hypersthenuria.

If a patient has diabetes mellitus, an increase in urine glucose level is characteristic. Analyzes will show an increased density if there is an increased concentration of protein and their degradation products. To determine the exact reason why there are abnormalities in the analysis of the specific gravity of urine.

With diabetes mellitus, the level of glucose in the urine rises

Patients who have already encountered the problem of increasing urine density in the past are advised to purchase special test strips from the pharmacy. With their help, it is easy to determine deviations in this indicator at home. If the test showed values ​​different from the norm, you should go to the doctor for an examination.

For patients undergoing treatment for diseases of an infectious nature or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors recommend consuming large quantities of liquid in order to replenish the body's reserves. This leads to the development of hypostenuria - a decrease in the relative density of urine below normal. A factor such as drinking plenty of fluids, for example, in the hot season, refers to physiological factors, therefore, a decrease in the amount of dry residue does not apply to deviations. A similar deviation from the norm also occurs due to the intake of natural or medicinal diuretics.

In addition to physiological, pathological causes are distinguished, which mainly have the form of diabetes insipidus of various origins:

  • neurogenic character. In the absence of proper treatment, the patient experiences constant dehydration;
  • nephrogenic character. With this type of disease, the urinary system is disrupted due to the lack of response to antidiuretic hormone;
  • in pregnant women. This disease disappears after the birth of the child;
  • due to nerves. Develops due to nervous breakdowns. Prolonged depression, constant exposure to stressful situations are considered favorable conditions for the onset of the disease;
  • the presence of problems in the work of the excretory system of a chronic nature. Due to such diseases, the filtration and excretion of urine from the body fails;
  • or other inflammatory kidney diseases.

Breakdowns and prolonged depression cause low urine density

If in the analyzes the specific gravity of urine is lowered, that is, it is less than 1.015, specialists have every reason to talk about the presence of hypostenuria. With this diagnosis, a thorough examination is required to establish the factors provoking a decrease in the activity of the paired organ and their function in terms of the concentration of the dry residue.

There are several laboratory tests that assess the functional state of the kidneys. Since the density of urine changes an arbitrary number of times during the day, samples are taken several times at different times of the day.

Zimnitsky test

With the help of this analysis, the functional activity of the paired organ is assessed while maintaining the usual drinking regime. To obtain the most complete information, the patient collects material for analysis every three hours. Eventually, after 24 hours, 8 separate urine samples should be collected from the patient.

Urine sample according to Zimnitsky

The analysis is carried out with a special device - an urometer.

Concentration test

From the name of the sample, it can be understood that the analysis is based on restricting fluid intake, that is, the patient is not allowed to take any fluid for 24 hours. To eliminate the feeling of hunger, eat food rich in protein. Not every person can withstand a whole day without drinking, therefore, some patients are given an indulgence in the form of several sips of water.

For concentration samples, urine samples are collected every 4 hours. If the density indices deviate from normal values, it means that the kidneys are not coping with their functions of concentrating urine.

Patients who have had a history of kidney disease are advised to monitor their health and undergo regular examinations, as well as take urine tests. Detection in the early stages of the disease increases the chances of a complete and quick recovery.

General clinical tests can help diagnose many diseases. The specific gravity of urine is the standard for the general analysis of urine, which indicates the ability of the kidneys to collect, purify and excrete primary urine. Deviations in this indicator allow us to talk about many diseases, increase the likelihood of their early detection, and therefore start treatment on time.

Laboratory study of urine for specific gravity allows you to see a number of pathologies of internal organs.

How is urine formed?

The appearance of urine in the kidneys takes place in three stages: filtration, secretion. The first of these occurs in the renal glomeruli. Here salts, toxins, glucose, creatinine and other chemical substances are filtered from the blood. This produces 180 liters of primary urine. The second stage occurs in the kidney tubules and is characterized by the return of nutrients needed by the body to the bloodstream. At the last stage, ions of hydrogen, potassium, ammonia and drugs get into urine. After that, 1.5-2 liters of secondary urine is formed, which enters the bladder and is excreted.

Reasons for the analysis of the specific gravity of urine

The study of urine demonstrates the ability of the kidneys to collect it, cleanse it and remove it from the body. This indicator is called the specific gravity, which is determined by the abundance of substances soluble in it and depends on the amount and nature of food and liquid taken. A low specific gravity of urine will be observed if the body receives little water, and, conversely, with increased hydration.

Urine analysis

When analyzing urine for specific gravity, the values ​​are compared by 7 parameters.

A general urine test makes it possible to determine the physical and chemical properties, as well as the results. Normal urine is light straw in color. It is transparent, with a faint odor and a specific gravity of 1012-1025. The ratio of daytime and nighttime urine output is 3: 1. The chemical properties of urine, as well as the number of sediment elements, will differ depending on the age and gender of the patient. Most of the normal analysis indicators are shown in the table.

Urine density rate

Urine contains uric acid, its salts, creatinine and other elements. Their abundance determines the density of urine. The determination of the specific gravity is carried out in the laboratory with a urometer or at home using a test strip. Normally, in an adult, it should be in the range of 1012-1025. In a child under one year old, the concentration is lowered to 1002, but as he grows, the indicator increases and by the twelfth year it reaches adult norms. The determination of the specific gravity of urine is carried out in a portion collected in the morning on an empty stomach. The relative density of urine is variable. Its increase or decrease is due to:

  • food intake;
  • temperature conditions of the environment;
  • loss of fluid by a person with sweat and breathing.

Increased urine density

An overestimated specific gravity of urine occurs with glomerulonephritis, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, diathesis.

The deviation of this sign above the norm is hypersthenuria. This increase may be due to a lack of water in the body or a reaction to the appearance of edema. It is observed in oliguria in patients with acute glomerulonephritis, heart failure, edema, as well as in pregnancy with toxicosis, diabetes mellitus, hypovolemic conditions. An increased specific gravity of urine may be after intravenous infusions, taking certain medications, thermal injuries, and prolonged dyspeptic manifestations. With hypersthenuria, a rather small daily urine output, the color of urine becomes saturated, a pungent odor appears. There are swelling in various parts of the body, pain in the abdomen and lower back, high fatigue.

Reduced urine density

If the specific gravity of urine is lowered, then they speak of hypostenuria. The condition can develop under the influence of extrarenal causes, for example, due to a lack of secretion of antidiuretic hormone or renal - associated with abnormalities in the work of the glomerular and tubular nephron and a decrease in their cumulative capacity. In this case, the patient notes symptoms such as thirst, increasing swelling in the head and extremities, lumbar pain, itching. A decrease in the specific gravity of urine below the norm is manifested if the following are diagnosed:

  • diabetes insipidus;
  • chronic kidney failure;
  • parenchymal kidney disease - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • kidney cyst;
  • polydipsia.

The density of urine is an indicator that changes physiologically and pathologically. The cause and range of deviation can be established using a general analysis and subsequent consultation with a specialist.

What is a consistently reduced density level?

Reduced urine density in all daily portions is characteristic of pyelonephritis in remission, insufficient kidney function, with diuretic therapy. Hyperizostenure - a condition when the level of density is equally increased, it is observed in diabetes mellitus, hypovolemic conditions, uric acid diathesis. Hypoisostenuria - means the presence of severe pyelonephritis and tubulopathy.

Depending on how the kidneys cope with their main function, excretion of metabolic products from the body, the concentration of excrement also changes, thus, the specific gravity of urine determined in the course of laboratory studies, demonstrates the ability of the kidneys to dilute or concentrate it. The relative density of urine is determined in relation to the density of blood, depends on natural factors, and may indicate the presence of certain disorders in the functioning of the kidneys.

The rate and deviations of the specific gravity of urine

It is believed that the normal specific gravity of a healthy person's urine ranges from 1003-1028 g / l. During the day, the specific gravity of a person's urine can fluctuate, since the metabolic rate changes, not to mention the flow of fluid into the body. A morning urine density of 1018 g / L or more is also considered normal. This indicator is mandatory when conducting a general urine analysis, since according to these physical properties, the doctor determines whether the kidneys are working normally. Studies are carried out using a urometer, which is, in fact, a hydrometer, calibrated to determine the density of urine. In the presence of quantitative deviations from the norm in the general analysis of urine, the doctor prescribes an analysis according to Zimnitsky, which makes it possible to determine the functionality of the kidneys depending on the time of day.

Depending on what relative density of urine is detected in the test material, determine:

  • hypostenuria - low relative density of urine (does not exceed 1010 g / l);
  • isostenuria - blood plasma density and urine density are the same (1010 g / l);
  • hypersthenuria - increased urine density (more than 1010 g / l).

Abnormalities in the specific gravity of urine

Deviations in the specific gravity of urine from the norm indicate to the doctor the existence of certain diseases in the patient:

  1. With hypostenuria, doctors call the following reasons for a low specific gravity of urine:
    • polyuria, which can be caused by both the intake of diuretics and heavy drinking;
    • pyelonephritis in the acute stage of the disease;
    • diabetes insipidus;
    • chronic renal failure.
  2. The causes of hypersthenuria (increased relative density of urine) can be the following diseases or conditions of the patient:
    • toxicosis of pregnant women;
    • nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis;
    • diabetes;
    • dehydration;
    • a tendency to swelling.

A large number of diseases, which are indicated by changes in the specific gravity of urine, indicate the need for the help of a qualified urologist who can establish an accurate diagnosis.

A general analysis of urine is done in order to understand how the internal organs of a person work, whether they fully cope with their functions, and whether there is a latent pathology in the body that may not manifest itself externally.

There are certain standards that the urine to be examined must meet. Deviation from them indicates a particular deviation, which requires further diagnosis and, possibly, immediate treatment.

One of the parameters that is paid attention to during a general study is the specific gravity of urine. The human kidneys can get rid of metabolic products regardless of how much fluid is ingested.

If it is not enough, the kidneys begin to save money, and remove the necessary particles with urine in a small volume - in this case, it turns out to be concentrated, and its specific gravity is quite large. If there is too much liquid, the volume of urine, on the contrary, increases, and the density and concentration decrease.

Specific gravity, also called density, is a parameter that measures the kidneys' ability to concentrate and dilute urine.

Normal indicators

The specific gravity of urine in women and men who are healthy usually fluctuates between two numbers - 1.010 (lowest threshold) and 1.028 (highest threshold). A digit within this range is considered normal.

Indicators can change during the day, and differ at different times, because they are affected by:

  • Eating a person at different times - as a rule, for breakfast, food is usually eaten in a larger volume than for dinner;
  • Loss of fluid from sweat, especially in the summer;
  • The amount of air exhaled.

In order for the final figure to be adequate, and as close to reality as possible, it is recommended to take morning urine, preferably on an empty stomach.

Phenomena when the specific gravity of urine is lowered, or vice versa, turns out to be too high, require diagnosis and additional tests.

Depending on the result, the following conditions are distinguished:

  • Hypostenuria - when the specific gravity indicator reaches 1, 010 and below;
  • Isotenuria - indicators are equal to 1.010;
  • Hypersthenuria - the final figure is more than 1.010.

Density is a parameter that tends to vary greatly, depending on the time of day. Therefore, a final conclusion cannot be reached on the basis of a general analysis alone - an additional study according to Zimnitsky will be required, during which the density of urine is measured by its portions collected at different hours.

The norm of the specific gravity of urine in children depends on age - for a one-year-old baby, it ranges between 1, 002 - 1.030, and for a ten-year-old child, between 1.011 - 1.025.

If the density is increased

This is due to protein and glucose. When the specific gravity of urine is increased, this may indicate:

  • Diabetes mellitus. It is possible to suspect this disease on the basis of one general analysis, if the final density indicator reaches 1.030. In some cases, it can reach 1.040 or even 1.050;
  • Nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Intravenous infusion of drugs such as dextran or mannitol;
  • Lack of fluid in the body, or water imbalance;
  • Severe dehydration, which can be caused by vomiting in case of poisoning or intestinal infection, diabetes mellitus, prolonged exposure to the sun or in the sauna;
  • Toxicosis (in pregnant women);
  • Oliguria - a decrease in the amount of urine produced by the kidneys;
  • Heart failure and other diseases that are accompanied by edema;
  • Hepatic diseases.

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