Parquet lining. Laying parquet boards on cork underlay

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

How comfortable and durable the parquet will be depends on the quality of the outer surface of the wood, the accuracy of its installation and the correct selection of the substrate under parquet board. Many expensive parquet floorings failed and turned into a squeaky playing surface only because their owners saved on the installation of lining material, or the thickness of the substrate under the parquet board was chosen incorrectly. In this case, inappropriate, penny savings can ruin the parquet of several hundred dollars.

Why is underlayment needed?

The underlay may not be used if the parquet flooring is laid on the floor with a traditional sticker on mastic or polyurethane composition. With external simplification and saving money, walking on such parquet is uncomfortable, it's the same as on concrete - cold, hard and noisy. In apartments multi-storey buildings the use of underlay for parquet flooring is often the only possible option the following reasons:

  • Thin, only a few millimeters thick, lining material is able to well level defects in the surface of the base. Interfloor slabs overlaps are rarely made smooth and even. In this case, it is easier to use a high-quality substrate than to build up a concrete screed several centimeters thick;
  • The substrate dampens the sound of footsteps very well, any noise coming from ground floor, reduces heat loss and makes the flooring slightly springy, which increases comfort for both the residents of the apartment and the neighbors below;
  • A high-quality lining material increases the service life of the parquet flooring by several times due to the transformation of a local load, for example, from furniture legs, into a distributed load over the base surface.

When planning the parquet flooring, the thickness of the parquet board with the underlay is taken into account. After laying the parquet, the floor height changes, so you can get a surprise in the form of non-opening interior doors. The maximum thickness of the underlay should be no more than ¼ of the thickness of the parquet board, i.e. parquet 16 mm thick will require a lining material of maximum 4 mm.

Water is the worst enemy of parquet

Another feature of the parquet is that the board has a two to three times denser structure than the most durable laminate 34 classes. Therefore, water vapor and condensate accumulating on the concrete base will try to break through the waterproofing film to the substrate and the supporting surface of the wooden board. If the parquet laying technology is fully implemented, then the moisture on the parquet surface will not be able to break into the parquet cake, since the seams and joints will be covered with hydrophobic mastic, adhesive composition or varnish.

Thus, the waterproofing film and parquet board must be impervious to water, otherwise the parquet wood will rot and crack over time. But, on the other hand, ideal joints and seams do not exist in nature, therefore, in the old days, parquet flooring was regularly rubbed and polished to close microcracks and microcracks through which part of the condensing water vapor or cold air could get inside the board.

Important! In addition to leveling and thermal insulation, the substrate plays the most leading role a capillary pump that draws out the remaining moisture from under the base of the parquet.

Part of the water vapor is removed through the cracks and leaks between the boards, under the skirting boards and furniture, part is absorbed by the wood. But in any case, the residual amount of condensate and water vapor is not enough for swelling or the development of putrefactive processes.

The most successful substrate options for parquet flooring

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to formulate what should be the most the best substrate for parquet board:

  1. The optimal thickness of the material depends on the quality of the preparation of the concrete base, the more humps and holes, the thicker the substrate, but not more than 6 mm, optimal value is 2-3 mm;
  2. The substrate material must have elastic and simultaneously dissipative properties. Energy from mechanical pressure and load must be absorbed and dissipated without "rubber rebound";
  3. The texture of the substrate must be fibrous or microporous, such a device allows water vapor to freely escape from under the wood;
  4. The material must be safe and durable.

An important role is played by the price of the substrate. There are many different types of underlays from Chinese and European manufacturers on the market, so it makes no sense to pay more for the underlay than the parquet itself costs.

Lining fabrics from natural materials

The most famous and popular is the cork substrate under the parquet board. Cork really has excellent compensating and leveling properties.

The material wrinkles well and allows you to gently absorb the pressure of the board. Cork sheets are produced in the form of rolls and in the form sheet material. For a parquet board, it will be best roll version, but sheets can also be used. The cut out canvases are spread on a glued film and connected with a wide construction adhesive tape. The size of the grain or pores for the lining material does not matter. For high-quality parquet, Spanish and Portuguese brands Maestro Club, Aberhof, Ipocork are used.

In second place is considered to be cardboard material manufactured by Kahrs. The backing is made from coarse paper pulp impregnated with water-repellent compounds. Such lining material is excellent for laying parquet over underfloor heating.

Practice shows that paper and cardboard substrates are best able to withstand regular temperature changes. According to the reviews of the masters, in some cases in old houses, aged 40-50 years, were repeatedly opened parquet flooring with substrates from newspapers and multilayer cardboard. Even after half a century of operation, the material has practically not lost its strength and texture integrity.

Coniferous pressed roll lining in the form of mats or mats. The material is softer and more elastic than cork, has good heat and sound insulation. The service life of a coniferous cloth is half that of a cork or cardboard version.

An intermediate option can be called a mixed substrate of cork chips and bitumen, called Parkolag. The material is noticeably cheaper than cork, provides the maximum level of heat and waterproofing, but categorically cannot be used in conjunction with underfloor heating systems. At the same time, the bituminous component of the substrate emits toxic fumes when heated, therefore it is not used for residential premises.

Composite and foam backing materials

The indisputable favorite of the rating of lining materials is the three-layer Tuplex. The development of French manufacturers has been repeatedly copied and modernized by Chinese, Russian, Turkish and Polish manufacturers under their own trademarks. Repeated fake only confirms good performance. Lining structure is a sandwich of two layers polyethylene film, between which the smallest polystyrene balls are pressed. Tuplex is valued for its excellent cushioning qualities and the ability to capture and unidirectionally remove moisture from the parquet "pie".

The lining fabric gets along well with film heating and not quite even concrete floor base. Basic soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics materials are close to the properties of natural cork, despite the fact that Tuplex is much cheaper and is not afraid of pathogenic microflora and fungal formations.

Second most popular among synthetic materials called foamed and extruded polypropylenes. It is one of the toughest and resistant species lining material. It does not allow moisture and water vapor to pass through, perfectly retains heat and isolates noise. For underfloor heating, perforated versions of the substrates are produced, providing improved heat transfer. The cost of foamed propylene is one of the lowest, so most parquet manufacturers, as a bonus, complete lots of boards with a free XPS underlay.

One of the inherent disadvantages of foam substrates is the short service life of such a gasket. For 8-10 years, due to the secondary polymerization, polypropylene begins to rapidly break down and lose elastic properties. For a good parquet board, 10 years is not even half of the resource, so XPS is used for laminate and the cheapest types of parquet.

The most ambiguous and cheap lining material are bubbled and foamed polyethylenes. The simplest linear polyethylene is practically not used as a substrate for a parquet board due to its rapid punching. Modified grades of polyethylene, more rigid and resistant to stress and heat, are used for thin parquet boards and some types of laminate with increased wear resistance. The price of such a substrate can be more than 10 times less than the cost of cork and composite materials.

The parquet board is a demanded material for the formation of high-quality, reliable, interesting and universal coverage gender. It is formed from natural ingredients and has a delightful appearance. However, its laying must be carried out with the indispensable preliminary application of the substrate. The substrate under the parquet board is presented in several varieties, and each type has its own characteristics and parameters. Therefore, a lot of attention is paid to the selection process in order to ultimately get the perfect result of the work.

What is an underlay?

It performs many important functions:

  • acts as an optimal shock absorber;
  • hides small irregularities on the surface;
  • increases the heat-insulating and sound-proofing parameters of the coating;
  • protects the parquet board from moisture from the base.

If you do not use this element during the installation process floor covering, then it will not last too long, and it can also quickly collapse and lose its attractive appearance under the influence of various factors.

Some types of flooring are produced already with a substrate glued in the factory. They usually have a significant cost. The thickness of the parquet board with the underlay is optimal for laying in different rooms.

Main varieties

What are the best underlays for parquet boards? There are several materials that are ideal for this flooring. Any option has its own characteristics, so before buying a particular type, it is recommended to study all its parameters.

Made from expanded propylene

The advantages of propylene substrates include low cost and excellent vapor barrier properties. Excellent dampens vibrations that occur during movement on the floor. It has good thermal insulation properties, as well as excellent sound insulation parameters. However, the material is not without some significant drawbacks. These include a short service life, not exceeding 10 years, and after this time the material simply turns into dust, therefore it ceases to cope with its purpose. It is also flammable and toxic when burned.

Due to the numerous disadvantages of expanded propylene, the substrate made of it is considered unsuitable for use in residential areas or in rooms where there is a possibility of fire.


Cork flooring underlay is considered the ideal choice.. It has many advantages:

  • high thermal insulation parameters;
  • cork is a good sound insulator;
  • has excellent shock-absorbing parameters;
  • is different high strength and elasticity;
  • durable and environmentally friendly.

Ideal for laying in residential areas and even in children's rooms. It is allowed to use it if under the floor covering there will be a system of warm floors. Desirable choose a cork with a thickness of 2 mm or more for laying, because if you use a thinner material, it will not withstand significant loads, so it will begin to crumble. This will lead to him short term services. The disadvantages of cork include low resistance to moisture. From high humidity the material begins to swell, therefore, before laying the elements, it is desirable to form a high-quality waterproofing layer.

Tuplex material

Three-layer underlay for parquet board Tuplex is right choice for each floor and room. It contains three layers:

  1. The lower one is represented by a special porous film that easily passes moisture to the middle layer;
  2. The middle layer is represented by small balls, and between them there is a free ventilated air space, and this layer ensures the stability of the substrate dimensions;
  3. The top layer is made of polyethylene.

tuplex underlay is considered the ideal choice for installation on damp substrates or in unheated areas. Moisture from the base will pass into the second layer, where it is optimally weathered. Therefore, high-quality protection of the parquet board from possible exposure to high humidity is guaranteed.

Tuplex underlay is considered to be the ideal choice in the process of laying parquet boards.

On video: laying the substrate Duplex.

park camp

This material is formed using bituminous mastic. It is considered the newest material on the Russian market. Its advantages include excellent thermal insulation properties, as well as excellent sound insulation parameters. It has good moisture-proof properties and long service life. However, mastic emits formaldehydes at high temperatures, and this is especially true for places located near heating devices. For residential premises, the park camp is considered unacceptable.

With foil layer

It has many advantages, such as good thermal insulation, resistance to moisture and sound insulation. It is considered an ideal choice if the parquet board is laid on logs using a rigid fixation of each plank. It has a rather high cost due to the creation of an additional layer. Often chosen for parquet boards.

Choosing the Right Options

It is important not only to correctly choose the type of substrate itself, but also its size. Width and length are usually standard, but the thickness varies significantly in different types.

The optimal thickness of the substrate laid under the parquet board is 2 mm.

Thickness is considered an important parameter, since the operational parameters of the entire created coating depend on its competent choice. Therefore, the material should not be too thin or too thick. The standard indicator is 2 mm, and it is this thickness that smooths out irregularities and protects the coating from various negative factors.

If soft materials are chosen, and these include cork or foam backing, then they begin to shrink when pressed. If you choose an excessively thick layer, this will lead to the formation of a height difference. As a result, a backlash will certainly appear on the joints of parquet boards. Therefore, the wear of the locks will be significant, and an unpleasant creak may also appear.

It is impossible to determine the wrong choice of thickness immediately after laying, since problems appear about a couple of months after the creation of the coating.

Do I need to use waterproof materials?

If a substrate is chosen that is not equipped with a foil or polyethylene layer, then a waterproofing layer is certainly formed before laying it. For this, polyethylene or other suitable films are used. Modern membranes are perfect. Without this material, there is a high probability of violation of the integrity of the substrate and the floor covering itself from high humidity coming from the screed.

Thus, the substrate is an indispensable element in the process of laying parquet boards. It performs many important functions, and is also presented in numerous options. The material is selected according to the available financial resources, base parameters and the requirements of the selected flooring. It is important to complete it with high-quality waterproofing. Its thickness is certainly correctly selected, since the durability and reliability of the entire floor covering depends on this factor.

Overview of types of parquet substrate (3 videos)

The substrate is versatile and available material, laying a parquet board on it is easier than on a regular base or mastic.

What is the best underlayment for parquet boards? The choice depends on financial capabilities, and on the basis, and on the requirements for the floor.

All substrates that can be bought on the market can be divided into two large groups:

  • Single material substrates
  • Substrates made from multiple materials

Single material substrates are available on the market in the form of foamed plastics, softwood and technical cork. Strictly speaking, technical cork is a composite material, which is a cork crumb glued with a special glue. Foamed plastics are used for two types - polyethylene foam and polyurethane foam:

  • Polyethylene foam backing is an excellent choice. It has good elasticity and is quite durable. Well extinguishes noise and vibrations, practically does not pass moisture. However, it also has a number of disadvantages. Over time, it loses its properties, especially if exposed to high temperatures. It is worth considering this when it is planned to hang heating radiators, and when using a polyethylene substrate, do not place them too close to the floor.
  • The polyurethane foam backing is slightly less durable, but it resists temperature effects better, therefore it is more durable. It has all the same properties - perfectly dampens noise and vibrations, has good sliding on wood and concrete, as well as on other materials. Over time, however, polyurethane loses its performance properties and will require replacement in 5-10 years.
  • The foamed plastic underlay should not be too thick. The fact is that when laying a parquet board, the connection goes to the lock. If the backing is too thick, the locks may break under load due to excessive deformation.
  • The cork substrate is a technical cork rolled into special rolls. The cork substrate has one advantage - it has the greatest durability. It is practically unaffected by heat and can be used when heating radiators are located close to the floor. The thickness of the cork is taken not less than 2 mm, and you need to use not a decorative cork, but one that is specially designed for this purpose. Otherwise, it will collapse soon enough. Cork is afraid of exposure to moisture, and it must be used in combination with additional vapor barrier under the cork. There is a cork on sale with an additional layer of vapor barrier at the bottom, but it is more expensive, and it is cheaper to use a separate vapor barrier.
  • The coniferous substrate is a material which is made from needles of the cut down trees. This is an environmentally friendly material, practically not subject to decay. It has many advantages over cork and the main one is the price. The properties of this substrate are approximately the same as those of the cork floor, but the ability to absorb moisture is much less. Laying this material, like others, is desirable to produce at an angle of 45 degrees to the direction of the seams of the parquet board. This is done both so that the material is less deformed, and so that the seams of the board and the substrate layer do not coincide anywhere. A coniferous substrate with additional vapor barrier is not commercially available, and it is desirable to lay a layer of vapor barrier under it. Nevertheless, even if the vapor barrier is not laid, the needles perfectly resist the effects of moisture and its effects due to their natural antiseptic properties.
  • Composite substrates made from several materials are widely available on the market. The most famous such substrates are manufactured by Tuplex. The most widely used substrates are cork chips on a bitumen-rubber synthetic base and three-layer substrates of elastic balls enclosed between two plastic membranes.

If you are in doubt which underlay is best on a wooden floor or on concrete base, you can choose any of these options without hesitation.

Both of them are perfect, and can have a significant thickness - up to 7 mm. The option with cork chips is more expensive, but more durable.

It weighs much more and is much harder to work with. The option with a three-layer substrate is much cheaper, it weighs less, but is inferior to cork in terms of durability.

Both of these options are comparable in durability to polyurethane foam underlay.

Application area

The use of a substrate under the board is due to both the type of base and the floor that is planned to be laid on it. Which underlay is best for a concrete floor is determined by its condition. Usually, a concrete floor means a base leveled with a screed, on which an additional layer of leveling agent may have been applied.

The surface of the screed itself is not designed for walking and requires a distributed load, which is leveled by the substrate. One of the most important properties parquet board is a construction of locks.

Usually a parquet board is laid in the form of square panels on a plywood base, on top of which a parquet riveting is glued. Sometimes a parquet board means an array of boards. In both cases, the connection is carried out either with an overlap using protrusions and depressions on the parquet board, or with a tongue and groove.

The last connection is quite rigid, however, it will require a thinner substrate and a better base - the spike can break on a substrate that is too thin or on a substrate that has bumps.

On the video - how to lay a parquet board on a substrate:

A high-quality substrate for a parquet board is the most important factor that determines both the operational properties and the service life of the used finishing material. Choosing as a floor covering, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements when laying it.

Do you need underlayment for hardwood flooring?

Experienced craftsmen advise when installing a parquet board, it is imperative to lay a layer that separates the base and the direct floor covering. The substrate under the parquet carries several functional points:

  1. Corrects irregularities and defects in the rough screed.
  2. Normalizes the microclimate between the base and parquet board.
  3. Provides additional heat and noise insulation.
  4. Simplifies installation of the finish coat.
  5. Creates depreciation, provides the possibility of increased load on the parquet floor.

The thickness of the substrate under the parquet board

The opinion that the thicker the substrate under the parquet board, the softer the walking on the floor and the less the load on it, is a common misconception. After a long operational period the material will be compacted, which will lead to a difference in its thickness. Due to the deformation of the substrate, the floors will begin, and a backlash is formed in places interlock connections and they will crack.

The standard underlay for parquet boards is available in a thickness of two millimeters, which allows it to keep the floors of this flooring intact and undamaged when shrinking. In order to ensure the possibility of using a two-millimeter substrate without violating the standard level of differential, it is necessary to carefully level the base under it.

Substrate under the parquet board - which is better?

Market building materials offers several options for insulating materials, it is difficult to determine which parquet underlay is better, each type has its own, both positive and negative properties. Manufacturers offer the following types:

  1. Cork. Best natural material, environmentally friendly, with good heat and noise insulation qualities. The disadvantage is the ability to swell after absorbing moisture and crumble if its thickness is less than two millimeters.
  2. Polypropylene foam. The material is toxic and flammable, short-lived (8-10 years of service), a budget option least suitable for living quarters.
  3. Coniferous. Chopped coniferous wood is used for manufacturing, it is a good sound and heat insulator, it is environmentally friendly. The disadvantages include a high price compared to analogues.
  4. Tuplex. Artificial three-layer material, the most popular among specialists.
  5. Parkolag. It is made on the basis of bitumen, which is toxic. Good insulating properties can be considered an advantage.

Cork flooring under parquet board

The advantage of this type of substrate is its environmental friendliness and ease of installation. The cork underlay for parquet, having a rough surface, soft structure, is easily attached to both concrete and soil surfaces, and to parquet boards. This does not use glue, which in subsequent operation may be harmful to human health, and additional clamps are not required.

The service life of the cork substrate is not limited, over time, crumbling into granules, it will not change its height and will not lose its functional qualities. To get the most out of your underlay, cut it into long strips to match either the length of the room or the width of the space. The parquet board should be laid on it in such a way that all the parquet planks are on the same cork strip.

Coniferous substrate under the parquet board

This type of underlayment is one of the most commonly used, due to its heat-insulating properties, it makes the parquet floor noticeably warmer. According to experts, the best substrate for parquet boards is coniferous, as it has the best balance of rigidity and thickness. After 15 years of operation, the material will not sag, dry out and keep its shape.

Coniferous substrate under the parquet board is produced in sheets, slabs or rolls. It is most convenient to carry out installation when the material has the form of plates, they are small in size, their laying is easy and fast. An important condition for its use may be the presence of a rigid base, for example, if it is laid on a base of wooden planks, you need to make sure that they do not bend.

Penohome underlay for parquet and laminate

This type of substrate is flexible, roll material, efficient and high-tech, based on polyethylene foam. It has increased resistance, does not react to aggressive environments, smooths uneven concrete floors, protects floors from cold, improves sound insulation. Its physical and chemical properties are not lost over time, it is not subject to the processes of decay and mold.

Having previously cut the substrate into strips of the desired length, lay it end-to-end using double-sided tape for this. In order to exclude the displacement of the strips, the joints can be glued. Before choosing a flooring underlayment, study performance characteristics material and, if factors such as quality and price match each other, feel free to purchase.

Substrate under the parquet board Tuplex

The Tuplex substrate can be characterized as a special, composite type, consisting of two polyethylene layers, between which polystyrene foam granules are located. Due to the film applied to the bottom layer with holes on it, it has the ability to ventilate, has high strength, and is suitable for "floating" floors. If you have to make a choice of a substrate for a parquet board, Tuplex will become good decision, it is able to maintain its shape for 20 years, not allowing the floors to deform.

When choosing a substrate for a parquet board, it should be taken into account that none of them will provide high quality flooring if the rough work to create the base is poorly done. When purchasing the material you like for the substrate, evaluate it in terms of safety and strength, and ease of installation and durability are also an important factor.

Thanks to the underlay, the performance of parquet can be improved. Parquet is one of the most popular floor coverings. But its laying requires a perfectly flat surface. But even a visually smooth floor has some defects. That is why the substrate is used. It allows you to smooth out minor defects and has other useful and necessary functions.

Functions of the underlay for parquet

Laying the substrate under the parquet is a mandatory event that ensures the normal operation of the floor. Lining carries a number of functions that relate to both ease of use and the quality of the parquet board. Without the presence of a substrate, the floor will quickly become unusable.

With the help of the substrate, you can make the floor of the parquet board more even and warm.

Parquet underlay functions:

  1. Hides all minor defects and uneven floors.
  2. Thermal insulation. In the manufacture of substrates, materials are used that do not transmit heat well. Because of this, the optimum temperature is maintained in the room.
  3. Soundproof function. Any movement on the floor, walking, work of equipment is absorbed by the lining.
  4. Waterproofing. Thanks to it, the negative effect of moisture is eliminated.

These are the main functions of the lining. Based on the material of manufacture, the substrate is characterized by other qualities. These include durability, naturalness, reliability, fire resistance.

Many people base their choice of lining material on price. But keep in mind that cheap options can be highly toxic.

Naturalness can boast only one type of substrate. Almost all varieties of chemical origin release toxins when heated. Durability is also not included in the characteristics of some linings.

Which substrate is better for parquet board: main types

When choosing parquet as a floor covering, you need to have a perfectly flat floor. But even he does not guarantee the durability of the parquet, and even the smallest defects lead to damage to the flooring and the floor begins to play. This creates a lot of inconvenience, both for the residents of the house and for the neighbors, who begin to clearly hear any movements. That is why it is advised to lay the substrate under the parquet. On the market are different types, and determine which lining is better to use only after familiarizing yourself with each variety in more detail.

Underlayment for parquet board may vary in thickness, color and quality

Types of substrates:

  • Cork;
  • Foil;
  • Polyethylene foam;
  • Polypropylene foam;
  • duplex;
  • Parkolag.

Cork under the parquet board is a traditional option. In addition, it is the only environmentally friendly lining material. This is the most optimal type for the substrate.

Benefits of cork lining:

  • Guaranteed sound insulation;
  • Keeps warm;
  • Environmentally friendly material.

The only drawback is the instability to the action of moisture. Under the influence of water, the cork begins to swell. Also, for a good service of such a substrate, you need to take care of its thickness, which should be at least 2 mm. Otherwise, the cork will begin to crumble, and the parquet will diverge.

Before laying the cork variant, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier. Some options are sold complete with it, which simplifies the installation of the substrate.

The foil backing provides the desired insulating properties. The foil layer is usually applied to polyethylene foam pads. Its optimal installation is when the laminate is placed on logs with rigid fixation.

The polyethylene foam option will please with low cost and availability. In operation, it is unpretentious, and this has earned its popularity. The thickness for parquet is 2 mm.

Advantages of polyethylene foam:

  • moisture resistant;
  • Possesses all insulating properties;
  • Resistant to chemicals and does not rot.

By laying a substrate under the parquet, you will improve its thermal insulation properties.

But there are downsides as well. this material. It is not natural, flammable, not durable. Over time, it begins to settle, which is superimposed on the state of the laminate.

Expanded polypropylene is characterized by toxicity and the possibility of rapid ignition. This option is not suitable for residential premises. At the same time, there are some common features with the previous version. But at the same time there are also distinctive features.

Polypropylene foam ignites faster and is more toxic than polyethylene foam. The service life of this material is also inferior. After 7-10 years, it will turn into dust. Its price is quite cheap, but the performance does not allow installing such a gasket in an apartment.

Park camp - a good option to install the underlay. But when heated, it can release toxic substances. This is due to the fact that bituminous mastic is used in the manufacture of parkolage.

Among the advantages of the material, it is worth noting good performance. Also pleased with the price of such a lining. But due to the toxicity of the material, the life of the inhabitants of the house is in danger.

Duplex is a multi-layer lining, which is the most the best option. Thanks to three layers, all the functions of the substrate are carried out. At the same time, it is installed on a concrete screed. Thanks to the middle layer, moisture is removed and evaporated.

Properties of each duplex layer:

  1. The lower part is a porous film. It holds the middle layer together and allows liquid to pass through.
  2. The middle part protrudes in the form of small balls that retain the shape of the substrate. They also provide ventilation.
  3. The top layer is polyethylene. It provides vapor barrier.

Now on the market is a popular coniferous substrate. This natural material, but its thickness does not allow the use of such a lining under parquet. In the event of problems with the laminate, the entire responsibility will remain with the buyer.

The main parameters of the underlay: the thickness of the parquet board with the underlay

This question should be of interest to everyone who decides to install parquet at home. It is the thickness that affects the quality of the substrate and the floor. It is necessary to understand this parameter in more detail.

Before laying the underlay on the floor, it is worth carefully cleaning it from debris.

The thickness of the lining should not be too large or small. The height of the difference is 3 mm per 2 cm square. This figure is due to the possibility of shrinkage of the material and uneven floors. The minimum lining thickness is 2 mm.

Soft pads are mounted with pressure. If their size is large, then there will be height differences. Because of this, the parquet boards will begin to diverge, gaps will appear and the floor will begin to creak. But such problems will arise some time after using the laminate.

Installation of a cork substrate under a parquet board: basic rules

Lining under the laminate can hide minor floor defects, but not all. In some cases, it can brighten them and aggravate the problem. It is for this that the preparation of the base is necessary before installing the substrate. Its evenness should be maximum. To do this, use a concrete screed. On its basis, a lining is installed.

When laying the substrate itself, it must be remembered that it is not necessary to process the entire floor at once. This is due to the ability of the coating to change its dimensions. Therefore, each part is installed after closing the previous one. Each type has its own styling features. Consider laying cork material.

Using cork backing, you can hide minor irregularities and damage to the floor

Rules for installing a cork lining:

  1. An interval of 10 mm must be left between the wall and the substrate;
  2. The lining must be overlapped and fastened with tape;
  3. The laying direction is determined by the instruction;
  4. Joints must not coincide with parquet joints.

When installing a polypropylene foam substrate, it is also necessary to overlap on the walls. After installing the main coating, the lining is cut. This is done to create circulation of moisture and air.

Varieties of the substrate under the parquet board (video)

Select correct option help numerous reviews that say that the best lining for engineering and parquet floorboard is a duplex. At the same time, environmentally pure material is a cork. And in some cases this plays a decisive role.

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