Bedroom layout - Possible simple and complex interior creation options (75 photos). Tips How to put furniture in the bedroom, photos of successful layouts Development of bedroom planning

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings

The importance of the bedroom in the apartment is difficult to overestimate. This is a place where people relax are recruited. Therefore, it is so important to create a harmonious environment here so that the premises not only contribute to relaxation, but it was multifunctional.

In this article we will look at how to furnish the bedroom correctly, taking into account the peculiarities of its planning, dimensions. You will also learn how to choose optimal location Furniture in the rest room. Various options The setting of the bedroom in the photo from our gallery is demonstrated visual.

How to furnish the bedroom

Choosing an optimal planning

Before placing furniture in the bedroom, you need to make a plan of the room. This will determine how the room will look after buying and installing the headset. When developing planning should be taken into account:

  • placing windows in the room;
  • wall dimensions;
  • location of sockets for television, cables;
  • placing the door, the presence of niches, protrusions.

All necessary for comfort - a bedroom furnishings of 14 square meters. m.

How to furnish a bedroom 15 meters? Planning the room of such an area allows you to put a full-fledged bedroom set. The furniture kit should be supplemented with beautiful textiles to create a calm, promoting relaxing atmosphere.

Idea: The interior of flowers, green plants will be revived.

Noble interior in beige tones for 15 mq. - layout bedroom, photo


No matter what sizes and configurations is a bedroom, everyone seeks to make it most comfortable as possible. Competent layoutThe choice and placement of furniture will help create a cozy and harmonious setting in the room. AND correct location Beds in the bedroom will provide a deep and healthy dream.

Bedroom is one of important premises In our house, because it is here we rest, we relax after a difficult day. But so that it was really comfortable here, it is convenient, it is pleasant to be, it is important how the bedroom layout is made. Most extends exclusively from their own preferences, and the most responsible appeal to the interior designers, which form the space as clear as possible, taking into account the preferences of tenants.

The main thing is ergonomics

A good design of any room depends on the design of the design. In order for the sleep zone to be cozy and suitable for our requirements, it is important to proceed from the basic foundations of the organization of the required zones and furniture arrangements. Only in this case, the layout of the bedroom will be placed to calm and nice to rest. Start the arrangement of this room is needed from the plan. It includes a scheme for the placement of furniture and other items while maintaining the minimum permissible distance between them. It is clear that the layer of a small bedroom will differ significantly from the project of a spacious room.

Consider the rules

There is a certain concept that you need to equip the bedroom. So, the layout of the bedroom will be correct if the following nuances are observed:

  1. The distance from the side of the bed to the wall or other items in the room should be at least 70 cm. It does not apply to bedside table. The main thing is that you can calmly approach the bed, undress and lie down. If the bed is double, then the passages to it should be on both sides.
  2. The dressing table or bedside table must be located so that it was convenient to use them. At the same time, they should not shock and so small useful space.
  3. The wardrobe in the bedroom can be chosen any, but its dimensions should be harmonized with the volume of space. To open and close the cabinets should be convenient, therefore, the passage to them should be thought out.
  4. You should not put the furniture in front of the window - you will also have to constantly enclose the windows, go to the balcony, open the window.

If the bedroom is atypical ...

Rules rules, but not always there is a purely physical opportunity to follow them. That is why the bedroom layout is always individual. So, very often there are cases when the window is closed by headboard or tremor, or the bed is placed to one wall so that the rest of the room remains free. Especially interesting is the rooms in which there are niches, additional corners, entrance tambura. Of course, with their layout you have to work out, but in general, you can create a very interesting interior here.

If the room is narrow and elongated and has a small window, you should not put cabinets in it all length. Task - make the room shorter and give it right shapeUsing for this storage system. Bed is better located next to the window, and with the help of a low dresser to separate sleeping area.

It is even more difficult to furnish the room with two doors. It is important here to correctly arrange the bed so that both entrances from it. The living and passing zone is best separated by cabinet furniture: most It is worth putting long Wall - It will make the room more correct.

Features of zoning space

Interior can be designed in different stylistic solutions - From classics and minimalism to exotic. In any of the options, the layout provides proper zoning, and it depends on whether this room is intended for sleep only or a working or training zone will be located here.

The main features a sleeping place: here, if the space allows, you can equip a real women's corner. But often you have to put in the bedroom the desktop or a crib. But there is a typical set of furniture, which is always in any bedroom. It is about the chest of drawers, bedside tables, a dressing table, a wardrobe and a pouche. But the main room in the plan will be a bed: it is the most overall element of furniture, and the most functional. The layout of the bedroom in the apartment begins with the installation of the bed, and the remaining elements will "rotate" around it.

Furniture selection rules

Specialists suggest that the bed should be maximum sizeBut the chest of drawers and the wardrobe can be chosen and compact. The bedside table, of course, is needed, since it is possible to put a night light on it, put a book or glasses. In this case, it will have to add it all on the floor. If there is no place under the dresser, you can hang the shelves: various accessories are put on them, the decor is still the room should be alive and comfortable.

Bedroom is different

When planning the space of any room, it should be processed from its size and dimensions. The easiest option is to lay the rectangular bedroom or square room. If the size of the room is sufficient, you can think about not only the recreation area here, but also workplaceWhen removing free corner under it. If you like to read or knit, in the same corner you can put a chair or pouf and supplement them and a small table. Those who change clothes in the bedroom will need big mirror - Where else to admire your loved one?

Plan the easiest whole bedroom of a simple form, however, modern building increasingly offers incorrect configurations. Too long I. narrow rooms, for example, hard to think from the point of view planning solutionSo it is necessary to place furniture with the proportionality of space. Such a bedroom layout (photo allows you to estimate such non-standard premises from the point of view of design) involves the installation of long furniture for short Walls - With this option, it is possible to divide the space on the functional zones.

For small rooms

If the room is small, visually increase it with the use of racks and cabinets with meresers under the ceiling. You can correct the space with visual illusions that suggest a combination of certain designer moves. A particularly careful approach requires the layout of the children's bedroom. Most often, the smallest room is given under it, in which you need to leave the place also under the game and working area. But the compact rooms are the most comfortable and comfortable, which is especially important for children. Specialists advise to pay attention to such details of the decoration of the children's bedroom, like:

  • the use of bright wallpapers visually increasing space;
  • wallpaper is better to choose with a horizontal pattern;
  • more mirrors - the room will noticeably increase the bedroom space;
  • get rid of the compact room from unnecessary chairs, shelves, tables.

In any case, the layout of the room in which you need to save the available space requires victims in the form of amenities. So, creating the design layout designs of small sizes, you can abandon the bedside table, and instead of them to hang such an interior will not be cluttered, but light.

If the bedroom and the living room are one room

Even more difficult case - Living room layout, which is aligned with the bedroom. In this case, it is important to take place and recreation area, and a zone where you can spend time with the whole family or with friends. Most often, this occurs in one-room and two-room apartments. requires a choice proper furniture. For example, from the bed will have to refuse, replacing it with a folding sofa bed. Good option - Furniture with numerous spacious boxes in which bed linen can be hidden.

If the room is sufficient, then it is possible to make a room and a full bedroom, and a cozy guest zone. Such a bedroom layout assumes that the sleeping place will not pass through, so the bed is put at the window, opposite the door. Of course, you can make a partition, but it is not good solution. First, the room will be too cluttered. Secondly, any partitions are cleaned with a useful space and deprive it of natural light.

If the partitions are still not enough, you can use the bedroom zone from the living area can be different color decor outdoor coating or the location of the floor on different levelThe original lighting system will help. Partitions should not be used in small rooms. In this case, you can decorate the fabric room or bamboo curtain. When choosing, it is important to take into account the overall stylistic compliance of the selected option. general design space.

Pros and cons

It is clear that there is no possibility of choice, and the bedroom has to be combined with the living room. According to designers, it is functionally and practical, since all zones will focus on a single space. In addition, it is possible to arrange each zone in a certain style, which will make it individual and original. But there are a number of nuances that do not forget about:

  • it is not necessary to clutter the space of excessive parts and elements of furniture;
  • division into zones is possible after all spacious room, not in a small room, which is impossible to divide something.

If the bedroom is 12 square meters. M.

A small quadrature of bedrooms is a fairly frequent phenomenon in urban development. However, the layout of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m can be very interesting if the design is competent. Literacy is understood as the correct location of furniture, the organization of all necessary zones, selection decorative elements. Basic furniture acts as usual, bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside tables, and you can choose a TV or a dressing table as additions. We offer several ways to arrange furniture in a room of 12 square meters. M:

  1. With the first scenario, all furniture elements are located in the room symmetrically. Of the minuses such a solution, you can note too narrow passing, which remains between the wall and the bed.
  2. The use of numerous cabinets and storage boxes that are arranged symmetrically. Among the disadvantages can be noted a complex design from cabinets that can not be cluttered under the string.
  3. The use of a large wardrobe, which is located opposite the input and makes general form Rooms are more beautiful. It is only important that the distance from the cabinet to the rest of the furniture is sufficient.

In general, you also need to say that it is very difficult to plan a 12-thyme room, since it is necessary to fight for each useful centimeter of the square.


Bedroom layout is not easy, especially if it is complicated by small or non-standard dimensions. But if there are doubts, you can always contact professional designers: They already know exactly how to make a candy even from the smallest room. In any case, you should not try to put in one room great amount Furniture, because the bedroom is a place to relax, comfortable, calm and pleasant.

The area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floors have much smaller sizes, it concerns the bedrooms, which do not exceed 12 square meters. of course, from some elements of furniture and from the dressing room, you will have to refuse, but this does not mean that the bedroom is 12 square meters. Meters from this will be less attractive.

As with any other repair, finishing works in the bedroom begin with the execution of draft works. Bedroom 12 square. M provides for the organization of the sketch to determine the style and see what will come to the finish.


  • The first thing is to determine the interior style, in which the decor of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m.
  • The decisive factor in the bedroom stylist will be furniture, which will later be placed in the room.

Note. Therefore, before proceeding with the repair work itself, you need to view the furniture, decide what it will be purchased and how it is placed.

What style to make a small bedroom

Of course, a dominant role in choosing an interior style for 12 square bedroom. m. Play personal preferences. But at the same time do not forget that it is this case It goes about a small spoolnka, where bulky is not welcomed at all, and will symbolize about the lackless of the owners.

Therefore, such interior styles will be more winned for such premises as:

Features of each of these styles:

Style / Features Classical Minimalism High tech
Used colorsWhite, gray, black, gray-blue, flax color, sea wave and ivory.In the interior, two colors are used: neutral and bright, standing.All existing bright acid colors: Lemon, green, heavenly, combination of bright red color with light black, gray tint.
LightingChandelier in the center of the room, sconce or flooring.The muffled lighting is used, the light bulbs are covered.Light bulbs ne. large sizes extraordinary forms.
Furniture styleCompleted in a calm, not screaming style.

Bed in the color of alder.

Wooden cabinet and cabinet with doors, or alternatively, a modern wooden wardrobe.

The minimum number of furniture: a bed having a high headboard, a square-shaped cabinet without a cabinet, a mirrored tremor.The furniture is uneven, wavy edges, such as a table with uneven edges on low legs. Could be as standard rectangular shape, so have oval shape.
Ceiling, floorsCeiling and floor are drawn up in classic style, Ceiling is smooth white, floors in a tree color.Garmoniously fitting suspended ceiling, gray or beige color.The ceiling is harmonious there will be curvilinear areas from plasterboard.
Applied materialsWood.Plastic, mirror, tree.Tree, plastic, burlap.
Key pointsAll additional interior details in classic style: paintings, mirrorsPermissible presence only one bright detail: pillows, lamp or.A large number of Souvenirs and stylish accessories.

Basic Little Bedroom Interior Design Design Rules

As in any other room, which has a small area, the interior in the bedroom is 12 square meters. M must be designed so that the space of the room is as easy as possible and expand visually space of the room.

To achieve this goal, designers use several techniques that are used in the design of the following areas of the room:

  • Ceiling. In a compact bedroom, 12 square meters. m. The classic smooth ceiling of white will look better.

Council. Of the modern technologies used in the decoration of the premises, the glossy will be most concise stretch ceilingwhich will add a room more light. And the gloss effect will visually increase the height of the ceilings, at the same time adding an additional volume.

  • People who do not accept glamorous bright details In the interior of the house you can stop your choice on the matte or satin PVC film. Or take advantage of traditional forms of decorating the ceiling in a bedroom of 12 square meters. M.- Painting the ceiling of paint classic white.

Floors B. small bedroom:

  • When choosing an outdoor coating for use in a 12 kV bedroom. m. You should pay attention not only to the color selected finishing materialbut also on the laying method.

Council. So if the floors indoors are wooden, then best option will be diagonal laying Board.

Thus, when decorating floors, the basic rule applied to designers when working with small squares - Visual expansion of space.

Methods for decorating walls in a bedroom of 12 square meters. M.

Most people believe that dark color The walls are heavy, gone, so choosing 12 square meters. m, stop your choice on wallpaper light, pastel tones.


  • But here you can apply a more interesting technique, thereby adding paints and life in the interior of a small room.
  • For example, you can choose a bed with a dark headboard or to give a dark color only a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, such a decision will only emphasize the presence of taste and creativity from the owner of the apartment.

Council. If it is planned to decorate the wall of the carpet, then its sizes must be small in this case it will decorate the room, and will not make it heavy and gone.

Finishing windows:

  • To the selection of curtains and porters for registration window Operactions In a small room you need to approach, also taking into account all the available details of this room.
  • In such a room, it will be more expedient to use lightweight, translucent curtains and tuna.
  • If, when decorating the bedroom, a combination of contrasting paints was used, the use of massive, dark curtains will be very organic.

Council. For people who are not fans of classic curtains, but prefer to close their windows in the dark, you can decorate windows by Roman curtains.

Selection of furniture for a small room

Since the bed is the main subject in the bedroom, it is inconvenient, put the bedside tables.

Additional details:

  • It is not bad to look the shelves on the walls. You can attach them over the headboard.
  • Ideally, it will look like a wardrobe with an inner mirror or high bedside tables.

Council. It will be not bad to attach a wall-mounted TV. It is important to pay attention to the way to open doors. It is best if it will open to the side or out.

It will help to visually increase the size of the room and correctly selected lighting. It will not only make the room spacious, but will create comfort.

So even 12 square meters It will be convenient:

  • Choosing a chandelier for the room, you need to pay attention to it to be combined with a shade of finishes. It is also important that the light rises upstairs.
    So you can visually make the room above. It is recommended to choose chandeliers with lampshade or ceiling. They scatter light, making it useful for people.
  • If there is high ceilings in the room, then the light should scatter throughout the room. It is necessary that the room is well lit.

Council. Of modern options Lighting can be recommended by the LED. After all, it can be placed in any place, and the instructions for its use are available even to novice designers.

Also from the lamps you can make a chain and cover it with screens. It will look very beautiful.
Elegantly will look in the room night lights or sconces. Especially if the area is 12 meters, the bedroom design will hardly take a bulky lamp.

5 layers of a small room

It is worth considering the design options 12 square bedroom. M. Their advantages and disadvantages will be presented in the form of a table.

Method of planningprosMinuses
The bed and the closet are opposite the TV.Convenience of symmetrical location of interiors details.Little sizes of a cabinet and a small passage, there is no chest near the TV.
Two cabinet near the TV. The bed is located parallel to the TV. Near the bed there are two stands.Symmetry, many cabinets and Tumb.A similar design is cumbersome and loads space.
Parallel beds with two couches are located. To the left of the bed is the cabinet.Conveniently located big wardrobe. Such a situation looks beautiful and proportionally.Bed and chest are located asymmetrically.
The bed is located parallel to the TV. Around the bed on both sides are cabinets. Behind the bed is a box and shelf.Symmetrically located cabinets, competently used space.Since the furniture is located on one side, there is a feeling of imbalance.
On the side of the bed with two couches is a wardrobe.This solution is very interesting. Appears more places For things.To the left of the bed there is little space, so it is undesirable to choose a big tumb.

How to save space when planning a bedroom

Very often in a small-sized apartment, you have to make a bedroom and living room in one room.

Perhaps, someone had a desire to carry out the kitchen in the bedroom, redevelopment of the premises should be consistent with the relevant services and only after that it will be possible to repair and planning the installation of furniture. In any case, there may be a need for saving space.

This can be done by adhering to some recommendations:

  • Instead of bedside tables, mount shelves.
  • They put lamps on them, and to relieve the interior lighting is hanging on the wall.
  • Instead of a separate chest, a wardrobe with a chest is purchased.
  • The wall mirror and under it is a shelf you can replace the dressing table.

Tip: Acquisition of PUPPU on wheels, which moves under the bedside shelf, and, if necessary, rolls out, helps to free a significant amount of space in the room.

  • For storage of linen, instead of a cabinet, it is better to use with drawers of the bed platform with drawers.
  • You can equip a place for storage of linen in bed with lifting mechanism.
  • In terms of saving space, suspended lockers are used.

The main element of furniture defining the tone of the whole bedroom is the bed. When using textiles light tones The room becomes easier and lighter, therefore, if the most important task in the interior design is lightness and fullness of the light, then you need to use the most light colors Furniture and textiles.

Of course, as in any other question when performing repair work Not last time is the price of the question. Therefore, when planning and preparing for repair, it is necessary to take into account all the details and on the basis of their desires and financial opportunities to start creating a comfortable setting in the bedroom of 12 square meters. m. For more information, we recommend watching a video.

When planning a bedroom, except personal preferences, a number of factors should be considered: the size, the shape of the room where the windows come out. Before you start buying furniture, it will be useful to learn photos possible options Bedroom planning. It is necessary to make a plan. Think over where and what will be. Passages between the elements of the interior should be from 70 cm. A smaller distance will make it difficult to move.

Little Bedroom Planning Secrets

Visitally expand the room bright hues In decoration and straight furniture, but they will not add places. The small size of the room forces to buy only the most necessary things.

Besides external view The future bedroom should be thought out of its functionality and convenience. Furniture should not interfere with the free move on the bedroom.

Doors of cabinets and Tumbas should freely open, not in contact with the upholstery of the sofa or chairs. The most successful solution of these questions is the interior elements capable of performing several tasks.

Convenient option for laying a small bedroom - modular furniture. It allows you to maximize the use of space. In the daytime, such interior elements are easy to fold or remove. It helps keep more free space.

Center of any bedroom - bed. From its size and position envue, where the rest of the furniture will be. To save place, you can put it at the wall. If the bed is double, you should leave stocking free. Then the one who sleeps at the wall will easier to get to their bedroom.

But it is more convenient when the passage is on both sides. For this, there is enough space in 70 centimeters on each side. Put the bed diagonally - this nearby method will provide free access to it.

Another option for efficient use of space is a bed with a lifting mechanism. Bed linen can be stored in its foundation. And it will save it from the need to buy a separate Tumba or Dresser for him.

Bedside tables are very comfortable. But in a small bedroom often there is no place for them. Replace them, without damage to space, suspended shelves can. Shelf, if you hang the mirror over it, replace the dressing table.

The correct placement of objects is important. If when planning a rectangular bedroom, put furniture along the walls, there will be free space in the center of the room. Niche will be useful. They can accommodate racks or a dressing table without prejudice to free space.

Save the place high cabinets and suspended shelves for storage of things. If we are talking about a children's room, a two-tier bed will be a good way out.

Do not place in a small bedroom massive decor elements. High vasesBig houseplants Much more organic will look in the living room.

Large bedroom arrangement

Big bedroom - scope for fantasy. Such a size provides a choice from a variety of modern layout options. The room does not contribute to the choice of furniture, style and decor elements.

The main rule is not worth the entire furniture to express clearly around the perimeter. Otherwise, the effect of the corridor will appear. IN small premises It is more convenient to have furniture near the walls, but in great it will lead to the fact that an excessive empty space will appear in the center.

When planning furniture arrangements in a large bedroom, there is no need to be guided only by functionality. In such a room, massive solid wood furniture will be organically looked a large bed. There are no restrictions and assortment of object items.

In a small bedroom, bedside tables can turn the passage to the bed, but they will not interfere with the big one. So, it disappears the need to refuse such a convenient furniture item. It will increase the comfort of the presence in the bedroom of the chest, and in the pan of the bed-POPIC.

It is more convenient to divide the room on the zone. The biggest one is designed for sleep. Its location depends only on the taste of the owner.

The bed can be the center of the interior or accommodate the wall. The bedside zone can be visually separated from the rest, for example, using light transparent tissue or screen.

The second part of the room may be a recreation area. There will be a chair or a dressing table. Make it comfortable will help bans with plants or stylish lamp.

Niche in can be used as an element of decor. Shelves with photos, or souvenirs.

Bedroom for child

When planning the situation, the age of children is taken into account. Often, the children's assumes the presence of a gaming and training zone. The game corner must be safe. It should be thought out so that the child would not accidentally hit the corner of the table or the cabinet. Sleep zone is separated. This will allow the child to fall asleep faster.

Teenagers in the room are required where they could communicate with friends. You can create it using a small sofa or a comfortable chair.

How to locate furniture?

The main criteria in the case of arrangement are the tastes of the host. But in order not to suffer comfort, a number of simple rules should be followed:

If the cabinet without mirror doors, then it is better to put it in a dark angle. The cabinet is organic, the length of which coincides with the long wall. Then it will be perceived as part of the wall, and not as a cumbersome addition to the bedroom.

The dressing table is located on the side of the window. For the right hand, the light should fall on the left, for left-handed - right.

The choice of place for the bed is due to the size of the room and the owner preferences. The double bed should be put so that it can be coming from two sides.

Leave the free window zone. It is necessary to approach him several times a day to open it or correct the curtains. It is inconvenient if every time you have to go bite the furniture.

The doors of the cabinet and drawers should not hinder anything. Comfortable distance is calculated as follows: opened door, or advanced drawer plus 30 cm.

It will be convenient for the mirror in full height. Especially for those who prefer to change clothes in the bedroom;

Puffy - N. mandatory element Planning. But he will increase comfort. Before bedtime, you can put a bathrobe on it, or bedspread.

Photo planning bedroom

Getting started to choose a bedroom planning, very many factors should be taken into account. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the size and shape of the bedroom, its location in an apartment or house, the side of the light, on which the windows overlook and, of course, the personal tastes and preferences of the bedroom inhabitants.

First of all, before proceeding with the choice and purchase of furniture, make a detailed literate plan for its placement in the room. When it is drawn up, consider the place that will occupy furniture and free space Between the objects of the situation, accessories and decor elements (paintings, frames with photos, for example), which you plan to accommodate in the room, room plants, especially if we are talking about large colors in large vases or tubs. The bedroom for children should assume the game zone (but we will talk about it separately in more detail).

Little bedroom: size matters

The small size of the bedroom obliges to create a thorough, thoughtful and scrupulously selected design.

Such dimensions are forced to stop the choice of furniture and accessories only on the most required things. Besides beauty mandatory condition Functionality and ergonomics are becoming. For small rooms are optimal to use interior items that simultaneously perform several tasks.

For example, a chest or chest, which, in addition to storing things, is useful as a table. The bed in a small bedroom can be a centrid-forming point, or you can place it by the window, thus breaking the usual stereotypes. Model acute corners, Backs and sideboard, preferably for a small bedroom. And if it is equipped drawers For bed linen, it is at all - a find!

Using furniture modules

Comfortable and beautiful in the bedroom-baby furniture modules, functionally spreading on time, while they have a need and calmly retractable in the rest of the time. Folding tables and chairs, beds that in the daytime are removed to the wall and do not occupy places, cabinets transformers, bedrooms and sofas-beds - all this allows with maximum functionality to use furniture and save free space in the room.

Properly placing furniture

In a small bedroom with proper geometric shapes, placing furniture along the walls allows you to free the center of the room.

If there is no such possibility, then the room furnishings should be made in such a way that the objects of the situation do not interfere with the free movement of the inhabitants of the bedroom. The niche in the bedroom needs to be used with possible functionality, placing, for example, in a fairly large wall closet the wardrobe, putting a dressing table or chest of a chest.

If the ceiling height allows (it happens that the bedroom, having a small metra, has enough high ceilings), let your bedroom "grows" up: cabinets with meresers, suspended shelves in several tiers, bunk beds (Especially relevant in children's bedrooms, or in the case when children and parents are forced to spend the night in the same room) will significantly save the place and use the height of the walls with benefits.

Bedroom layout - remove everything too much

Given the need for many objects of the situation and the existing small space, the distance between the furniture will most likely be reduced to a minimum. However, the furniture alignment should be planned in such a way that the passages in the room make it possible to move freely, and the interior items did not interfere with each other: the cabinet doors did not cling to each other, for the upholstery of the chair or fabric covered, eliminating the possibility of spoaling.

A reasonable decision will be a refusal of some objects in favor of expanding the living space, however, not everyone is ready for this. Placing houseplants, give preference to small forms and small vases on the windowsill, let the flowers live in a large personnel in another room, for example, in the living room.

Spearly expand the room with light tones of decoration, light fabrics and soft textures, but, unfortunately, the place in the room they will not even be addictive.

Big bedroom: if I were Sultan

Bedroom large sizes gives a huge scope for creativity. To finish such a room and its furniture, you can choose absolutely any style, you can only limit your fantasy or a lack of sufficient number money. However, neither one nor the other did not break the number of materials on the network, in design magazines gives rich food for reflection, and if there is no money for new furniture, then you can experiment with the old one.


The main subject of furniture in the bedroom, after all, the bed remains. In the large bedroom, the bed can also have large sizes. Its location is a matter of taste and habit: someone prefers a sleeping bed, located at the wall, and someone makes it a central element of the room.

The large room involves zoning on the bedside territory and, for example, a recreation area where you can read the book in a cozy chair or to take pictures near the dressing table. This zone can be equipped with a beautiful floor lamp, stylish sconce, it is also recommended to install vases or bans with plants. In your bedroom, therefore, there will be a separate recreational zone.

Little tricks

Unlike the bedroom is small, in a large bedroom, a niche has a niche in decorative purposes, placing a panel in it, a small shelf with photos, a vase with flowers or cute baubles. The bedside zone can be highlighted using a soft translucent tissue descending from the ceiling.

Bedroom of large sizes Receive the screen and partition, it will be relevant in solid wood furniture, array, chairs with large armrests and a monumental bed. In the large bedroom, you can afford the entire desired range of furniture, placing it in the order which will be convenient, to provide sufficient distances for movement.

Cabinets and toilet table can be shifted in a separate area, thus released, a place for the bed, where nothing will "push", and the setting for sleep will be the most favorable. The dressing table is better located perpendicular to the window line so that the light on the mirror falls correctly.

Pleasant trifles

The double bed involves approaches to it on both sides, in order to get comfortable, and in the morning there is no problem. If the size of the room allows, the distance to the nearest furniture item should be more than half a meter, with the exception of bedside table.

If the little bedroom makes it possible to refuse them at all, then in the big bedroom this comfortable subject Furniture can be used with pleasure. You can place the necessary little things on the bedside tube: the book you read before bedtime, a glass of water or alarm clock. In the legs, you can place the ottoman, where the bathrobe remains at night or the bedspread that the bed was covered. The bedside end can be replaced with the chest, but when placing furniture, take into account the place in order to open the doors of the cabinet or chest.

For the bedroom does not seem empty and boring, you should not arrange all the existing furniture along the walls, otherwise there will be a lot of blank space. Do not be afraid to experiment with the arrangement of objects, the most unexpected solutionsSometimes, become a real know-how.

Form - what to pay attention to?

For any size of the room, it should be considered its form. If square or close to the square rectangular forms More or less clearly, then in the elongated long "polarms" with the situation will have to be tinted.

In such a bedroom, the bed is better to position the room across the room, or lay it along the long wall (if there is enough space between the back of bed and the wall to get around the bed). In addition, the original output from the situation will be the diagonal placement of the bed. It looks somewhat unusual, but it is quite convenient and rational. Bedside stands in this case can be replaced with small shelves that will cope with the functions entrusted to them are not worse than Tumb, but will allow to save space and revive the interior.

Children bedroom

When planning a bedroom, in which children will live, some details should be provided. First of all, given the age of children, determine whether they are space for the game? The game corner in the child's bedroom should provide comfort and safety, to be carried away, the child did not hit the protruding angle of the closet or the back of the bed.

The sleeping area is generally better separated in such a way that the child is moving away to sleep, the child was distracted from everyday affairs and calmed down. On bedside table You can lie like a favorite book, night light over the bed to give a lack of light.

The wardrobe in the children's bedroom should be convenient for the child, furniture items should not interfere with each other, be freely access.

For older guys, teenagers, when planning, pride the corner, where they can take friends, communicate, rest: a small sofa or cozy chairs will make a comfortable similar recreation area.


  • In whatever style you did not plan to make your bedroom, whatever ideas you were going to bring to life, first of all, armed with a tape measure, carefully measure and write down all sizes - length, width, height, to know what to repel in the future.
  • Choosing furniture, always pay attention to it. dimensionsAnd do it first. It is very insulting to abandon the cabinet or a sleeping headset chosen with great love, finding out in the process that you have nowhere to put it.
  • Select furniture and interior items suitable for each other style. If the bedroom is generally furnished, and you plan to buy any furniture, proceed from what you already have, and not just acquire the objects you have liked.

Do not chase the fashion, bedroom, first of all, a place to relax and sleep, let it be comfortable and cozy.

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