Small kitchen ideas. Small kitchens: design and layout

Landscaping and planning 30.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

Such a task is not as easy to cope with as it seems at first glance, but it is absolutely real. In fact, all the tips described below can, one way or another, be attributed to an attempt to follow this concept.

Modern materials and technologies - sounds rather general, but it is the key to diversity and finding ideal options. First of all, it concerns furniture.

Furniture for a small kitchen

It is important for you to know and understand that it is best to order furniture for the kitchen, and not buy ready-made kitchen sets in furniture store. For small rooms, this rule is especially important, because literally every square centimeter counts.

In this photo, a kitchen in a modern style with a breakfast bar. This design solution helps to solve the problem of lack of space for dining table.

To date, furniture manufacturers can offer you the most diverse both in terms of external parameters and internal content.

This solution is increasingly found in modern projects, especially youth apartments. Such layouts are called "studio" and allow you to smooth out the shortcomings of a small area, while making the kitchen comfortable and functional.

By the way, this kind of small kitchen design, as shown below, is one of the most popular modern ideas among young families in 2019.

If you have a small corner kitchen, then you have, in fact, two layout options: L-shaped or F-shaped. Each of them has its pros and cons, which must be considered before the final decision.

Choosing a style for a small kitchen

The most popular and suitable styles are the following:

  • Modern . This is a broad concept, which includes a number of styles, including those that will be described below. But in general, this style involves the use of fashionable and modern materials in everything: furniture, wall decoration, flooring, choice of lighting. Most of the photos that we posted in show the interiors in this particular style.
  • Minimalism. Even the name of this style suggests that it should be suitable for a small kitchen. And there is. Practicality, functionality, minimum decor and maximum use usable area: this is its main features. See more examples.
  • Classic does not mean old or obsolete. This means the rejection of catchy and defiant forms, colors, contours that are not to everyone's liking. There are a lot of such examples and the design of the kitchenette in the classics is common. Traditional designs of sets, floor and backsplash made of tiles, without stretch ceilings and fanciful chandeliers, a solid steel sink and flowers on the windowsill. You can look at a separate selection.


Lighting must be given special attention. Since the room is small, the central part can be illuminated with a compact chandelier or a pair of hanging lamps.

It is desirable to illuminate the working area separately using LED strip or spot lamps.

single window it is not necessary to curtain and it is desirable to ensure maximum penetration of natural light.


You need to understand that the design of any small kitchen, without the use of modern ideas and approaches, is initially doomed to failure. This is especially true for the choice of material and pattern for the floor. One wrong step, and you will make an already small room visually even smaller.

Our people are used to laying large tiles on the kitchen floor in the old fashioned way, which is fundamentally wrong. If a tile, then only a small or medium size. It is, one might say, the law.

It is also important to consider the type of coating, because we are talking about the kitchen. The floor in it should be easy to wash, be resistant to moisture. Ceramic tile, moisture resistant laminate, linoleum - the most optimal solutions.

To natural wood should be treated with some caution, because the material under the influence of moisture can be deformed.

Modern manufacturers today produce a board from an array, which is processed with special moisture-resistant compounds, but only its price is quite impressive. Therefore, not every owner can afford high-quality wooden floors. small kitchen.

More budget option capable of visually expanding small space is a glossy tile. Take a closer look at plain white, cream, beige options.

If desired, it can be combined with dark-colored tiles (black, dark blue, burgundy, brown), laying out the pattern in checkerboard pattern. Whether to make the drawing even square or rhombuses, everyone decides for himself.

Do not underestimate the glossy surface of ceramic tiles. It perfectly reflects both natural and artificial light, visually increasing the space.

Many designers lay out with it not only the floor, but also the walls and even the ceiling of a small room. We dare to assume that such a move will be very popular in 2019.

A moisture-resistant laminate is also suitable, imitating a natural plank floor in its pattern. Please note that such panels should not be laid across the room, but along.

The installation of the laminate diagonally will also look spectacular. Only you must understand that in this case the material consumption will be significantly higher than with longitudinal laying.

Give preference to light shades, because they are endowed with the ability to visually expand the room.

Linoleum is the most cheap material water resistant and easy to clean. Having decided to opt for it, give preference to light monophonic options or a coating that imitates a plank array.


When starting to repair walls, most of you will be faced with the need to level them. What should be done to properly prepare the surface, but not to reduce the dimensions of the room?

If the defects are not particularly serious, a small layer of putty will help to solve them. Otherwise, drywall sheathing will be required.

You can remove the layer with a perforator old plaster. As a result, you will reach the same level, while obtaining a perfectly flat surface.

Another tip: put drywall sheets on glue, because the design of the profiles will “steal” about 3-5 cm of usable area from you. Don't forget to pre-clean and prime the walls.

The prepared surface is suitable for painting, wallpapering, applying decorative plaster, laying tiles.

What wall color to choose for a small kitchen?

The main rule here is to avoid dark tones, they visually greatly reduce the space. Therefore, feel free to look at colors such as:

  • White
  • Beige
  • Coffee with milk
  • Light olive
  • Sand
  • Peach

Glossy ceramic tiles can be used not only for decorating a work apron. The shiny surface of the wall in the dining area will give the room a visual spaciousness.

Wallpaper also choose plain and light. A small unobtrusive pattern is possible or decorative panel on the wall next to the dining table.

Previously, we have already considered all the nuances.

The same rules should be followed by those who choose painting or for themselves.

Effective and unusual will look. Just make sure that the selected image does not overload the surrounding space.

Seascapes, images of street cafes are perfect. The picture itself should be a continuation of your room, visually expanding it and making it more spacious.

Mirrors will also be relevant on the walls of a small kitchen. It is not necessary to purchase a huge model for the entire wall. Create original composition from several small mirrors.


Often the ceiling in small kitchens is quite low. You can just paint it light water-based paint Or cover it with white wallpaper.

But we are talking about modern solutions. We advise you to take a closer look at plastic panels, suspended and stretch ceilings.

Plastic panels is an inexpensive, aesthetic, easy to install and maintain solution. During installation, they practically do not take away the already small height of the kitchen.

Having decided to opt for them, give preference to light, preferably white shades.

Suspended ceilings are often used in more spacious rooms, but correct selection material will allow you to apply them in small spaces.

Do not use drywall sheets in the design. Choose for yourself mirror or rack designs.

The shiny surface of the material is guaranteed to make the ceilings higher, visually expand the space, and the room is bright and free.

The most stylish and spectacular will look tension structures. During the installation process, they will take only 2-3 cm of height, which will not have any critical effect on the visual perception of the room.

Just give preference not to matte, but to glossy films. Color solution- any, the main thing is that it be in bright colors. Several spotlights make the picture more spectacular and complete.

Textile and decor

Completing small kitchen design, for which were used modern ideas, do not forget to pay due attention to the selection of textiles and decorative elements.

It is also important to avoid dark and heavy materials here, as in the main finish. For window decoration, use light translucent curtains, while it is better to exclude heavy curtains.

AT small space often every free centimeter of space is used. The window sill is no exception, so choose curtains for a small kitchen of such length and configuration so that they do not clutter up your access to it.

Remember, a well-lit room always visually seems more spacious and comfortable. Warm shades (red, orange, yellow, etc.) bring space closer and smaller, cold ones, on the contrary, seem more distant, which creates a visual effect of expansion.

Choose a material that is practical and easy to care for. If you have a stove installed next to the window, then the airy developing curtains will not the best options, because it good example fire situation.

Today it is not a problem to choose a fabric that would be distinguished by wear resistance and practicality.

One of these options is tulle. It does not attract dust, is resistant to pollution, but at the same time passes air and sunlight well.

Gaining popularity and photo-tulle. The variety of images allows you to choose worthy solutions for each buyer.

Popular enough modern solution for a small kitchen are blinds, fabric blinds,. They will become a concise frame for the window opening.

When choosing decor, you should also adhere to the principle of minimalism, because even a little overdoing it with accessories will overload an already small space.

Do you want to hang a picture, photo or poster on the wall? Choose not one, but a couple of small images, placing one above and the other slightly below the middle of the wall. This little trick will make the ceilings look taller.

Accessories can be selected in bright colors. Against the background of a general laconic finish, they will look especially impressive and attractive.

Transparent and shiny decor is the choice of many modern designers. These can be small vases, photo and picture frames, kitchen accessories, hot coasters, etc.

Fresh flowers are found in almost every kitchen today. Small spaces are no exception.

Lush houseplants in voluminous pots it is better to rearrange to another room. In the kitchen, limit yourself to small elegant compositions.

Bright multi-colored violets, delicate orchids, spring primroses and other flowers will fill the room with freshness, give naturalness and naturalness. It would also be appropriate to look at the phase with fruit, standing on the dining table.

As a bonus, here are some more examples of imitating small kitchen interiors that you can try in your apartment.

A small kitchen can be a big problem for apartment owners. The lack of space often does not allow you to equip a miniature room in accordance with the taste and needs of the hostess.

However, the competent design of a small-sized kitchen will help solve this issue, allowing you to rationalize the small space available for placing furniture and necessary small things.

Thanks to right approach the room will not look overloaded, because disadvantages can always be turned into advantages - thus, the kitchen will become cozy, functional and very comfortable.

Space optimization

When developing the design of small kitchens, specialists widely use the basics of ergonomics, which is the science of optimizing labor and living conditions. After all, limited space requires the use of every centimeter with maximum functionality. Any kitchen room, even the most modest size, can be mentally divided into three main zones:

  • storage area food products where shelves, cabinets and a refrigerator are located, which is the main element of this site.
  • The cooking area includes installed or built-in appliances for cooking; the main element is the plate.
  • The dishwashing area consists of a sink, drying facilities and a place where dishwashers are installed.

To ensure the comfort and functionality of the room, it is necessary to correctly place the main zones relative to each other. There are several of them for kitchens, but for rooms with not large area triangular and linear designs are considered optimal.

  • Triangular - active zones are located at the vertices of a mentally drawn triangle. The ideal location of the sink is between 100 cm and 120 cm from the refrigerator and 120 cm -180 cm from the stove.
  • Linear - involves the arrangement of all elements of the main zones in a line.

Color solutions

The successful design of a small kitchen involves not only taking into account the layout, but also the ability to use those developed by specialists and time-tested color schemes. For interior decoration walls it is better to use neutral or bright hues and beige shades, which will provide the missing volume and allow you to slightly smooth the geometry of the space.

  • North-facing kitchen needs space to compensate for poor lighting bright accents: orange, yellow or bright red. As the main colors, it is better to use creamy beige, light yellow or other warm shades. This will make the atmosphere of the kitchen more comfortable, while expanding the space.
  • For the interior of the kitchen, located on the sunny, south side, bright colors are not used, since an excess of bright, saturated colors affects the eyesight and psyche in an annoying way, which is contrary to the concept of the room. The best solution there will be a use of a cold spectrum - from pale blue to light green.

Furniture selection

Kitchen design in a small apartment requires expanding the available space. One of the techniques that have proven themselves in rooms with a small area is the selection of furniture in a color tone that is in harmony with the walls.

Don't worry it's beautiful New furniture lost against the general background - today, many designers successfully use this technique of visual simplification in order to "push" the space of a small room.

Transparent furniture is an excellent alternative for arranging a small kitchen. However, even in this case, it should be taken into account that small room it will be more interesting to look at several large pieces of furniture than a pile of many small cabinets that will give the whole interior a touch of slovenliness and chaos.

Well, according to experts, the best technique for arranging a small kitchen is to combine it with the living room, which is achieved by using harmonious finishing materials and additional accessories. For this purpose, background prints or pastel-colored textiles are widely used.

Little tricks from the designer

Creating high-quality kitchen design for small apartments, experts use proven techniques that are aimed at visual magnification space. The desired effect can be achieved through the skillful placement of additional light sources, selection colors, surface type and materials.

Using ready-made design developments, you can find a wide variety of ideas. kitchen interior, save space, increase the functionality of all elements of the environment and organize space with maximum convenience.

  • Give preference to light colors of furniture and kitchen finishes.
  • Glossy or chrome surfaces will add conciseness and integrity to the overall design of the room.
  • Decorative dishes and ceramics will add variety and exoticism.
  • Luminaires installed on different levels, "zoning" the room, thereby "blurring" its boundaries.
  • Do not use patterned wallpaper.
  • A table with a glass or folding top will help visually increase the size of a small kitchen.

Based on the advice of professionals, you can independently develop the design of a comfortable, ergonomic, stylish and modern kitchen that will inspire the hostess to cook a variety of dishes, and where the whole family can spend time with pleasure.


In particular, those who own small kitchenettes are concerned about the question of what furniture to purchase and how to properly furnish it in such a room? So let's discuss the design of a small-sized kitchen in this article.

Basic furniture in a small kitchen

Despite today's offer of modern manufacturers of simply the widest and most diverse range of furniture, there is still a "standard" set that you need to build on when creating an updated interior of a small-sized kitchen. It is important here that the space is as free as possible, and the furniture is as functional as possible. And so what is needed:

  • Required Items household appliances: stove and fridge, oven/microwave, dishwasher. It is highly desirable to make a choice on the built-in options, so as not to clutter up the space.
  • A dining table with chairs that is best suited in the shape of a circle or oval. This is not only practical, but also less traumatic. You can consider extending the window sill to use it as a countertop. And this option is also great if the table is in the form of a transformer, which is very practical.
  • Furniture with lockers where to store dishes, food. It should be in the minimum amount. Not required to use wall cabinets. AT this case modern railing systems are perfect. By the way, they are vertical, horizontal, angular. To avoid discomfort, choose sliding doors on a furniture set.

small kitchens

Here, as already mentioned, the placement of furniture plays a very important role. After all, the same walls in many kitchens are not long enough, but along the short ones it is completely impossible to accommodate all the desired furniture from the headset. As a rule, standard options are not suitable for a small kitchenette. That is why designers have developed other placement methods. About them, further.

Location in a classic way

Furniture is placed along the wall, and there is free space in the middle. Here it will be right to hide the tiles, sink, cooking zone - under one countertop. This option is very compact. Of course, this will require a built-in stove. In addition, this will also reduce the width of the countertop.

The kitchen table will be placed along, opposite the cooking area. It is important to remember that the distance from the table to the cabinets should be at least 60 cm.

Photo corner small kitchens

The L-shaped headset is one of the most suitable in shape for of this type kitchens.

It is quite compact, convenient in the process of work, everything is nearby, you do not need to go anywhere far. At the same time, you can easily make a separate cooking zone and a meal zone.

In the corner - opposite, from the headset, put a soft corner and a table. Many people will like this accommodation.

Also, the worktop can be continued by the bar counter, which replaced the dining table.

Economy kitchenette

This means that there is nothing superfluous, only the most necessary pieces of furniture and appliances. As a rule, they are made to order, in which case the customer has the right to choose whatever he wants according to his taste and color. For example, see a similar design in the photo of a small-sized kitchen in Khrushchev.

Premium kitchens

For example, these include furniture made to order, and for its manufacture they use natural wood. This includes any, even non-standard design solutions. All uncomplicated ideas are embodied in reality. And all this is only for the purpose of making the hostess feel as comfortable as possible. Of course, not without the fact that such an option is for a certain social status of people.

These and many other options can be made a reality in a small kitchen. See our photos to be inspired by new ideas, or pick up already turnkey solution for your home!

Photo of a small kitchen


Not all apartments can boast of a large area, and even more so a spacious kitchen. The cramped kitchenettes are located in the "Khrushchev" - a maximum of 5-7 square meters. Less only in the old brick houses for servants of the times tsarist Russia where people still live. It is small in many private houses. About how it is most convenient to plan the design of a small-sized kitchen, selecting it color design, the interior of individual zones, details in the text of the article.

corner layout

The most commonly used corner, L-shaped layout - the headset is located along two walls. There is enough space for a small dining area, and all necessary equipment, equipment is placed as ergonomically as possible. There is a corner module that can be used to the maximum by equipping it with a special pull-out section, a basket. From above, if there is no sink in the corner, gas stove, washing machine, equip open shelves on which they put a microwave oven, dishes.

  • little storage space;
  • lack of working surfaces;
  • inconvenient to work in tandem with someone;
  • lack of normal permeability.

Opposite the headset is a dining area, a refrigerator. The table is needed not too voluminous - it is imperative to leave room for normal movement.

U-shaped layout

U-shaped arrangement of furniture is suitable square kitchen. In order to leave enough workplace, they acquire a narrow set, the window sill is turned into another working plane. It is very convenient to cook here, lay out food, arrange dishes, but there is not enough space for the dining area, so it is transferred to the living room or you have to dine at the bar counter - a logical continuation of the headset.

The equipment may vary slightly if space permits, the kitchen is complemented by a dryer, a drawer for dishes, a built-in trash can, a mini-bar, a compact bar counter, etc. The rustic kitchenette, among other things, is equipped with a gas water heater and a water heater. AT standard version a refrigerator is mounted below, above it - hob with hood, side - Dishwasher, above it is a sink. Individual project it is completed with any equipment, proceeding from the wishes of the customer.

Location, kitchenette shape:

For a kitchen-living room, kitchen-dining room, kitchen-hallway, such furniture will be an ideal solution in a limited area.

Kitchen style

In the stylistic design of a small kitchenette, it is difficult to reveal such directions as baroque - suggesting the presence of many voluminous details, loft - requiring space, art deco - wanting luxury and brilliance.

The following styles work well:

  • classic - a dark or light wooden set, decorated with carvings, good-quality finishing materials, a large chandelier, a comfortable dining area;
  • minimalism - a minimum of furniture, lack of decor, clean, bright colors, built-in household appliances;
  • ethnic - a simple set, decor made from natural materials, wicker rattan furniture in the dining area;
  • high-tech - an abundance of light, glass, metals, modern household appliances;
  • ecological - used only natural materials, natural decor, the simplest furniture;
  • Provence - light furniture from wood "antique", decoupage decoration, rustic, floral ornaments;
  • country - the most suitable for giving, natural colors, there are floral prints;
  • futurism - a set of "cosmic" colors, asymmetry in everything;
  • modern - a minimum of decor, simple multifunctional furniture, the latest finishing materials.

When choosing a kitchen interior, you should be guided by your preferences, that is, “like it or not.”

Color design

The kitchen is, first of all, a place for cooking, eating it, therefore “appetizing” colors are often chosen, such as:

  • red-orange;
  • sunny yellow;
  • light green;
  • pastel green;
  • strawberry;
  • honey.

They are reminiscent of juicy fruits, fresh pastries, stimulating the appetite, helping digestion. For those who are going to lose weight or simply do not consider it necessary to eat a lot, blue, gray, purple-black, dirty green are preferable.
The color scheme directly depends on the illumination: if the windows face north, northwest, it is better to give preference to warm tones - after all, such a kitchen rarely “sees” the sun. For southern, southeastern rooms, cold, darker colors are acceptable.
The fewer "squares" the kitchen occupies, the lighter its design is selected. If the facades are the same color as the walls, the suite seems to “dissolve”, creating the effect of a large space. If the whole room is monochrome, then the furniture is chosen two or three tones darker than the walls, and the floor is darker than the furniture.

The presence of mirrors will expand the space, multiplying the available light several times.

Work area design

The working area is the main one in the kitchen. The floor here should be comfortable for frequent washing, so it is designed ceramic tiles, stone, linoleum, waterproof laminate flooring. It is important that the coating is not too slippery. The walls are decorated with tiles, washable wallpaper, covered with paint, decorative plaster. The kitchen apron is lined with plastic, glass panels. Different elements must be combined with each other - flooring with kitchen apron, facades with window curtains, etc.
The backlight is selected adjustable - during operation it is turned on “to the full”, after it is slightly muffled. LED Strip Light under the cabinets or the lamps inside them are more of a decorative purpose.

If the working area is located near the window, you can save a lot on lighting, but you will have to wash the window quite often.

Dining area design

The dining area is often distinguished by a carpet - it must be well cleaned of dirt, fit into the overall design. The lamp should be placed directly above the table - it is good if its height above the floor level can be adjusted. When the chandelier hangs in the center of the room, a sconce is hung over a table located against the wall, where you can also place:

  • a picture in a frame;
  • large 3D sticker;
  • photo wallpaper, combined with the size of the table;
  • decorative plates or clocks;
  • souvenir cutting boards.

To add coziness, pillows are placed on the chairs, stools are decorated with covers. If there is a corner sofa, it is decorated with drapery, combined with other kitchen textiles. Table linen, a homemade cover for a teapot, in harmony with an openwork knitted ceiling, will create unique interior. The window sill is often decorated with indoor potted flowers, if the dining area is located by the window, then it is easy to create the effect of a meal in the "jungle".

Furniture for a small kitchen

All furniture for a cramped kitchenette is selected small-sized - a narrow set, a compact straight or corner sofa, a miniature dining table or a folding bar counter.
What you need in the kitchen:

  • kitchen appliances - stove, refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, etc.;
  • dining group - a table with chairs, stools or a corner sofa;
  • storage spaces - hanging cabinets, open shelves, drawers, cabinets, pencil cases.

Production materials, colors, furniture design are selected individually in accordance with stylistic design interior.

Modern designers, preparing their projects, focus on spaciousness, freedom and minimalism in interiors. In particular, according to fashionable design trends, modern kitchen should be spacious enough to accommodate all the necessary pieces of furniture and appliances, as well as numerous devices and decorative delights on its territory. However, many of us inherited small-sized kitchens from Soviet construction, which are not always possible to equip even minimum set furniture.

But do not be discouraged if you are the owner of just such a kitchen, because there are design techniques that make even the smallest rooms convenient and comfortable. And "House of Dreams" will tell today about them.

We offer you 9 ideas, thanks to which a small-sized kitchen will become visually larger and more spacious, it will be more convenient to place it during cooking and eating, pleasant tea parties with guests and just alone with a cup of fragrant morning coffee.

1. We remove the doors

By removing the doors and the wall connecting the kitchen to the living room, you can increase its size not only visually, but also in practice. When dismantling the connecting wall, you will have at your disposal a few extra centimeters that can be used to arrange furniture or kitchen appliances. In addition, the kitchen, connected to the living room or other room, will seem more spacious and free. However, this technique is only suitable for you if you are ready for a radical redevelopment. If you do not want to combine the kitchen and living room, make sure that the doors in this room open outward.

2. Fill in the free space

Each room has several so-called "dead zones", the area of ​​​​which is very difficult to use. In the kitchen, such areas are the place under the windowsill, as well as the area under the ceiling. Since in our case every free centimeter is expensive, designers recommend using these zones to organize additional storage spaces. For example, under the windowsill, you can equip open or closed shelves for storage or another, or transform the windowsill into a dining table, as shown in the photo. And under the ceiling, you can hang small drawers, which can also be used to store the necessary things.

Small corner kitchens photo

Small kitchen design photo

3. We connect the kitchen and the balcony

An interesting idea for a small kitchen is the layout, in which the wall between the kitchen and the balcony is completely or partially dismantled. In the case of a complete dismantling of the wall, we will get a studio plan kitchen with additional balcony space, which can be used at your own discretion, for example, to organize shelves and cabinets or design a dining area. If you partially dismantle the wall, then the remaining structure can be equipped with a compact dining area.

Furniture for a small kitchen photo

Design ideas for a small kitchen photo

4. Choose a multifunctional headset

The convenience of a small kitchen largely depends on kitchen set. Because the room has custom sizes, it is better to make a headset to order. In addition, try to choose the most multifunctional design. For example, in such designs, the sink can be covered with a lid, using it as or expanding working area through retractable elements. In addition, it is desirable that in a set for a small-sized kitchen, all doors open vertically.

Kitchen set for a small kitchen

Small kitchen layout

5. Create an additional area

During the arrangement of a small-sized kitchen, the greatest difficulties arise when placing household appliances - a refrigerator, microwave, etc. However, this problem can also be solved by organizing built-in niches. into a niche, firstly, it will be less noticeable, and, secondly, it will take much less space, freeing up extra space. Concerning microwave oven, then to place it, you can also organize a separate niche or put it in a hanging cabinet. In addition, as you can see in the photo, it is convenient to use niches as additional shelves.

6. Dining table alternative

Unfortunately, in a small kitchen it is simply impossible to install a full-fledged dining table. Furniture for this room should be as light and compact as possible. This problem can be solved with the help of alternative dining table options. For example, its role can be played by a bar counter or a retractable countertop. If you choose a retractable countertop, then, as a rule, it is mounted inside the work surface or built-in niche, and if necessary, it can be pulled out.

7. Use the kitchen apron

Name the part of the wall between the countertop and suspended ceilings. This place can be put to good use by equipping it with hooks, or magnetic boards. These are small but incredible useful designs help you keep everything you need close at hand.

8. We fill the lower tier of the kitchen

It is optimal if the lower tier of the kitchen is equipped with multi-tiered drawers hidden behind one door. Unlike many small drawers, such a system will not overload the interior of a small kitchen and at the same time will allow you to use the space to the maximum. In addition, it is desirable that these systems are fully retractable.

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