Kitchen project without hanging cabinets. Kitchen design without upper cabinets - storage ideas, interior photos

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Hello dear friends! Personally, I was tired of these standard kitchens, consisting of two tiers, that is, different work surfaces and hanging shelves.

Interior design offers a range of interesting, new and innovative solutions. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, you first need to prove the practicality and viability of new ideas before they are introduced to the masses.

Whether you have a small, medium or large kitchen, its interior can be diversified and made unusual by applying a rather non-standard approach for today. This is a kitchen without upper cabinets. But how is that, you ask? After all, the upper cabinets perfectly complement the main set, allow you to place all kinds of products, household items and irreplaceable components in the kitchen there.

But believe me, a single-tier kitchen has every right to exist. At the same time, no one forbids you to leave kitchen furniture with a hood or to profitably beat a kitchen with a boiler in a private house. The only difference is that the usual upper cabinets will be absent.

How can such ideas be realized? I suggest you consider 6 very worthy options for implementing such an undertaking. But first, it is worth discussing the layout options for such a kitchen.


Everyone has their own idea of ​​the perfect kitchen. It is important for some to have work surfaces along with a pencil case for storing various utensils, cutlery, cereals, etc. Others want to realize a kitchen combined with a living room, with a bar counter.

If you read real reviews and look at real photos, you will see how interesting the interior looks, where a single-tier kitchen arrangement is used. Upper cabinets are not such a mandatory element. They just need to be replaced favorably and correctly with other items.

First, I advise you to decide how exactly the layout itself will look like. This largely depends on the size of the kitchen and on your personal preferences. Having decided on the layout, it will be easier for you to choose the best idea for a kitchen without upper cabinets.

The layout can be of the following types:

  • Linear. She is a straight line or a kitchen with one side. The bottom line is to install all floor elements of kitchen furniture along one wall. You can do this partially or completely. The sink, work surface and hob will be in close proximity. Nearby it is also better to place a refrigerator. This layout is suitable for those who have a small, or rather narrow kitchen with a window on one side;
  • Parallel circuit. Here, the layout provides for the placement of cabinets opposite each other, or the floor cabinets look at the cabinets-pencil cases. Between them you can place a table or area for eating. But keep in mind that such ideas can only be implemented in spacious rooms or long kitchens;
  • Corner option. There is also an angle pattern. I consider it the most practical and rational, since the outdoor kitchen furniture has an angular shape. Or the corner is created by column cabinets and floor furniture. Here it is important not to forget about the rule of the working triangle. That is, the sink, refrigerator and stove should be placed in reasonable proximity. Corner sets are perfectly combined with small rooms;
  • U-shaped. This scheme uses 3 walls along which furniture is placed. Here, too, it is not difficult to implement a working triangle, and the layout looks interesting. But a lot depends on the very layout of the room allocated for the kitchen. Not every project is designed for a U-shaped furniture configuration;
  • Island. There is a so-called island layout. The main work surface is in the center. This is a stove, sink, work surfaces. In theory, the walls can remain empty. But mostly island layout schemes are combined with cabinets, pencil cases and other furniture elements. The idea will be realized only in a spacious room.

You can implement such ideas in the style of minimalism, Provence, classic, loft. Scandinavian motifs are often used, which allows you to create an extremely pleasant-looking interior, not without the necessary practicality.

You can buy a ready-made set of a single-tier type, or you can purchase materials and do it yourself. Custom made would be a good option. The price will be higher than that of a finished kitchen, but this is not Ikea for you, but a delicate, sometimes jewelry work. To use wooden inserts, to make drawers without handles or to brighten up with decorative elements, everyone decides for himself.

The main thing is not to forget about the workers' apron so that the cooking zone does not provoke a quick deterioration of finishing materials in the kitchen. Now it is not necessary to lay tiles throughout the kitchen. While it looks really nice, plus it provides optimal practicality. Washing tiles is much easier than messing with wallpaper or some kind of decorative plaster.

Ideas for a single-tier kitchen

Modern designers offer a huge selection of options for implementing a single-tier kitchen without the usual wall cabinets. However, no one is forcing you to give them up. It is worth considering a similar variation for organizing the interior. If you like it, then why not try it?!

Will the kitchen be white, black, green or yellow, the question is still secondary. To begin with, it is worth considering how exactly to implement the storage system. After all, we refuse wardrobes. And storage space for various kitchen utensils is still needed.

For example, I offer 6 interesting and original ideas for a single-tier kitchen. Here we are talking about what exactly can replace wall cabinets.

  • Wardrobe-column. If your kitchen is more than 20 squares, this option is worth a closer look. The deficit in wall cabinets is compensated by high canisters, that is, column cabinets. Household appliances are often built into them, and at the same time they have an impressive internal space for storing things. Place such pencil cases opposite each other, or along one wall;
  • Buffet or pencil case. For a small kitchen, where it is problematic to allocate an entire wall for a column, there is an option to replace floor tall cabinets with one large sideboard. A rack or pencil case is also suitable, where you will put part of the kitchen utensils;
  • Open shelves. The option with shelves is also quite interesting. They visually lighten the interior, and quite adequately replace wall cabinets. But if you fix a lot of shelves, here we will no longer talk about a single-tier kitchen. Do not forget that open shelves will have to be monitored more closely, washed more often, dusted, etc. Sometimes a few open shelves in the most necessary places are enough;
  • Roof rails. It is not necessary to count on practicality in terms of storing utensils with the help of roof rails. But they add a little functionality to a single-level kitchen. Cutlery, knives and other things are hung on them. Just keep in mind that a lot of railings will create a chaos effect. And you will have to forget about minimalism;
  • Floor cabinets. Here you should choose outdoor furniture with increased capacity and practicality. Shelves, whatnots, drawers allow you to forget about the urgent need for wall cabinets;
  • Wall cabinets. Why not? After all, a wall cabinet can be installed only on one wall, or even one element can be mounted on the wall. This is no longer a kitchen without wall cabinets, but the idea is still rational.

What ideas do you have? Be sure to share in the comments. I once looked at the thematic forum, and found a lot of people who independently thought out the design of a single-tier kitchen. And, to be honest, the implementation exceeded my expectations.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to somehow sum up the results of a relatively single-tier kitchen, devoid of traditional wall cabinets, I would like to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of such a solution.

The benefits I would include:

  • spaciousness;
  • lightness and neatness of the interior;
  • decorative possibilities;
  • additional space for the implementation of other ideas;
  • no shadows over work surfaces;
  • more space;
  • lack of feeling of congestion;
  • perfect compatibility with country styles, loft, minimalism, provence and industrial.

It is not difficult to foresee the shortcomings. The capacity in the kitchen immediately deteriorates, and there is also a need to bend over more often. After all, the bulk of things will now be located not at the top, but at the bottom.

Designers often offer new ideas, guided by fashion trends, room features, and residents' preferences. Kitchen design without upper cabinets is becoming extremely popular. The desire to throw off template designs, a fresh trend, the need to unload the interior?

Why choose a single-tier kitchen

Often, guided by personal preferences, they get rid of the stereotype of the classical model, create an individual, unique space. The interior is designed to be a reflection of the inner world of its owner. The originality of the kitchen model without upper cabinets is high. A radically different design, different from the usual, brings lightness, openness.

A single-tier kitchen that allows you to fit a sufficient number of necessary things, bypassing the mess, is quite acceptable. Such diversity becomes a fresh solution.

Indeed, why load the work area with unnecessary furniture. The main thing is that the kitchen meets the functional needs, is quite roomy, ergonomic. The absence of unnecessary objects near the work surfaces will be an excellent indicator.

For some types of kitchens, such an organizational model is simply necessary. It will smooth out the load, create a feeling of spaciousness in small rooms. It is important to achieve the desired effect here, the creation of additional clutter is categorically contraindicated. An elongated kitchen due to the lack of upper kitchen cabinets will become visually shorter. When there is little natural light, the rejection of wall cabinets, combined with wall decoration in light colors, will add light and hide gloom. Some interior styles are against extra details, so a headset without top modules is perfect.

Pros and Cons of Ditching Upper Cabinets

The decision to design a kitchen interior without upper cabinets, like any other fundamental choice, has its positive and negative points.

  • The illumination of the room improves. It turns out the real flow of more light, the visual picture is transformed. Due to the normalization of lighting, the cooking process, the overall stay in the kitchen becomes more comfortable.
  • An additional space is created. The absence of bulky structures allows you to give the impression of expanding space: the walls seem to become a little higher, wider. There is a feeling of space.
  • The hygiene situation is improving. Cabinets located at the top are more difficult to keep clean. There accumulates dust, fat deposits. Cleaning with chemicals can damage the appearance of furniture. The top cabinets are also less accessible to keep things organized. When only more accessible surfaces remain at the top, the process is greatly simplified.
  • Substantial cost savings. When hinged structures are functionally involved poorly, why buy them. It is much easier to abandon unnecessary modules, facades, inserts, accessories that take a lot of money.
  • Improves security. Wall cabinets full of heavy items may fall. The upper sections are problematic to use with a small growth. Auxiliary use of improvised means: a stool, a stepladder carry an additional danger. The banal to stand on tiptoe, stretch up will bring a lot of inconvenience.
  • Storage system limitation. The kitchen usually has the peculiarity of being distinguished by a lack of usable space. Upper cabinets are really practical. Especially noticeable in small kitchens. Due to the limited length and width, it is incredibly convenient to use the height. When this problem is relevant, and there is no other way to solve it, it is better to abandon this idea than to face a limitation of functionality and comfort.
  • Openness of space. The smallest flaws in finishing and cleaning are on public display. The kitchen will have to be kept perfectly clean, otherwise stains and fingerprints will remain visible. The upper modules are able to hide, obscure imperfections.
  • Excessive clutter. Instead of hanging cabinets, shelves are usually installed. They are visually somewhat lighter, relieve the load of space. The contents of the shelves are incredibly quickly covered with dust. After the time has passed, it is also possible to overload open shelves with unnecessary things.

Space organization

The absence of upper cabinets can significantly reduce the functionality of the kitchen space if it is poorly organized.

The kitchen is small, the family is big, and then the main difficulties arise. The solution to the problem is the preparation of a detailed kitchen project, the manufacture of custom-made furniture, the transfer of part of the storage system. When planning space, you should take into account the entire possible area. The kitchen set must contain various devices that facilitate the storage and use of utensils. This is difficult to achieve by buying ready-made furniture. Rarely used items (large dishes, household appliances) should preferably be placed in other places (pantry, balcony).

When the kitchen is of sufficient size, things are much easier. An excellent solution is the installation of a separate sideboard, cabinets, pencil cases. The kitchen, equipped with an island, a bar counter, initially has additional racks and drawers. Headset options are desirable to choose angular, U-shaped.

In a kitchen of any size, it is possible to use various techniques to optimize the working area. All kinds of railing designs will provide additional space for small items: dishes, household chemicals, spices. In this way, ergonomic efficiency is achieved.

It is worth remembering that rails are not appropriate for every style.

Another option is to use shelves. It is desirable to place something aesthetic on the shelves: dishes, accessories. The main thing is to know the measure, excessive overload of space has an extremely negative effect.

Wall decoration

When freeing up space from the upper tier of furniture, it should be remembered that the main attention will be drawn to the walls. Therefore, only perfect condition is allowed: even, without chips, damage, always having a fresh, well-groomed appearance.

The main detail that attracts the attention of those entering the kitchen is a section of the wall above the work surface, often called an apron. This element is designed to bring aesthetic pleasure, a practical task - to protect the wall from various contaminants. That is why it must be made from suitable finishing materials.

The production of a protective screen for the working area is best done from:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • tempered glass;
  • Polished metal elements;
  • artificial stone;
  • Plastic.

The most acceptable will be the mosaic method, artistic masonry. Thus, in addition to the necessary practical task, the issue of optimizing the visual picture of the working area is solved. The decorative effect is additionally achieved by edging, lighting, photo printing. It is advisable to raise the usual area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apron a little higher.

The walls freed from bulky cabinets also need to be designed in accordance with the general style. It is advisable to use:

  • Art painting;
  • Photo;
  • Modular pictures;
  • Frescoes;
  • Ampelous plants.

Any option provides an opportunity to show creativity, imagination. Wall decoration will bring pleasure, the result will bring many years of joy.

Lighting Features

Although there is initially more light in a single-tier kitchen, it is advisable to think over this issue in more detail. The best solution to the issue of light would be a large window, minimally obscured by textiles. But this is not always enough. A long, narrow kitchen always suffers from a catastrophic lack of light.

The absence of upper cabinets entails the automatic rejection of built-in lighting. Local lighting of the necessary areas will be provided by devices on a flexible drive, bracket, light panels, portable structures. Light is allowed limited bright.

Consideration should be given to the possibility of manifestation of the reflective abilities of adjacent glossy surfaces in order to prevent eye fatigue.

It is desirable to light the dining area separately. It is also acceptable to be content with the general lighting of a chandelier, ceiling spotlight. The absence of upper cabinets makes it possible to choose a chandelier at your discretion. A large model, hanging elements is perfect. Here only stylistic restrictions are introduced.

Kitchen style without wall cabinets

The best design option for a kitchen space without upper cabinets is any style that supports a minimalist focus: minimalism, hi-tech, modern, eco, modern, Japanese. Also, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you can choose: Provence, eclectic, chalet, country.

Minimalism is best suited to a single-tier model. Strictly following the light monochrome color scheme, we get a fresh, incredibly light kitchen. It is necessary to limit the location of objects on the work surface. The linear, island version will fit perfectly.

Hi-tech is also the unsurpassed leader of this model. Built-in appliances, thoughtful storage systems, gloss, metallic sheen, discreet colors, lack of unnecessary details - a great solution.

Eco style is a good option. Natural materials, pleasing to the eye color scheme, abundance of light, natural plants will give the room more airiness and lightness.

To cross out the prevailing stereotypes, to abandon the upper cabinets, carrying out the design of the kitchen, is not a fundamentally new solution. Many, trying to give freshness, lightness, trying to throw off the heaviness of the interior, act in a similar way.

Kitchen set is a mandatory attribute of the room provided for cooking. It is of great functional importance, serves as a work surface, place to store dishes and other items. Cabinets , located at the top and bottom, the standard design option.

It is difficult to imagine a functional kitchen without upper wall cabinets.

Modern designers do not tolerate standard solutions, equipping cuisine . They offer to say goodbye to the stereotypes that have become so boring. Stylish, beautiful and unusual looks kitchen interior without upper cabinets.

Practice shows that a single-level kitchen is absolutely functional.

Interesting kitchen design without upper cabinets very popular lately. And this is not surprising. It fits perfectly into interior of modern kitchens. Makes them unusual, attractive and comfortable.

Such a kitchen has a number of positive features: it is lighter, more spacious, aesthetic and original.

Similar solution has a lot of advantages.

  • Suitable for small installations premises.
  • Fills the room with light. Thus, the process of cooking becomes more pleasant and convenient.
  • Visually increases space. Hanging cabinets , as a rule, are bulky and take additional place as shown in the photo.

    Their absence makes the walls wider and the ceiling higher.

  • Easier to keep clean kitchen . Dust, dirt settles on the structures that are located on top. Washing them is not easy, it takes time and effort. In addition, the facade under the influence of aggressive cleaning loses its attractive appearance. If a wall cabinets absent, it is easier to keep order. This will help the minimum set of devices: a wet wipe and a special tool. They are rubbed walls, which are finished with tiles, an apron and so on.
  • Saving money. The cost of such structures is much lower. Since the top row is missing lockers , then fittings, glass inserts, which increase costs, are not required.

    More and more people are choosing a kitchen of this format - without bulky structures at the top - it is convenient, practical and functional.

  • Safety. If the installation wall cabinets performed poorly, then there is a high probability of their fall from crockery . It is dangerous for human life;
  • Convenience. Low people get dishes, which is at the height is not easy. This causes difficulties and inconvenience, it is necessary to take a stool or stretch. Curbstones in this regard are much more convenient.

    Deep drawers are easy to pull out, access to their contents will be without obstacles.

No upper cabinets to the kitchen has many disadvantages. Such designs are roomy and practical. They help solve the problem of lack of space in a small room. In addition, they shade the bottom row, which hides its imperfection. Without upper tier stains, stains and other imperfections on glass surfaces are visible.

Visually, the kitchen becomes larger and brighter due to the lack of hanging modules.

When arranging a single-row option cuisine can be fixed on top open shelves as shown in the photo below. They will give interior lightness and airiness without loading it. But in such places dust collects quickly.

Cleaning will need to be more thorough.

Avoid upper cabinets stands in rooms with an area of ​​​​more than 10 square meters. m. Otherwise, this solution would not be appropriate. AT project It is worth including several such structures.

How to organize storage space?

If the kitchen does not have upper cabinets , then a new problem arises, which is the limited storage space. Floor structures of small sizes. Arranging the necessary kitchen items in them is not easy. But do not be upset, there are ways to help in this situation.

Way Peculiarities
Buffet setting It is installed as a separate element on the floor. Its color and style can be any. Tone match kitchen set is not required.
Arrangement of the pantry Good place to store more than just dishes but also food stocks. It is appropriate to equip it in the corner of the room. This will take at least places, convenient and practical.
Column cabinets This decision is modern and original. It can be used on large kitchens of any layout : angular, straight, island. The pencil case will fit various items. It will help to hide communications, built-in equipment. It must be placed according to the configuration of the room and the style of decoration, as shown in a photo below.
Balcony use Its presence is a huge plus that can be used in the arrangement of the dining room. The extra space is good storage space kitchen utensils. The main thing is to pre-warm the balcony.
Islet placement Used in canteens big area and is placed in the center, as shown in a photo . The design consists of shelves and drawers, so it will replace the traditional sideboard.

The working surface is better lit due to the fact that the shadow from the upper drawers does not fall on it.

Single-tier kitchen: in which rooms to use?

Choosing an arrangement kitchens, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of the owners and the features of the premises. The single-tier option is modern and unusual solution.

The interior looks original, open and easy.

Kitchen without top cabinets more free and spacious. It doesn't feel cluttered. Therefore, this option kitchen set suitable for small premises . It has a lot of positive aspects for this case.

It is also worth using it in narrow and long kitchens. If set top cabinets, then it will appear more elongated. The absence of such structures will hide the disadvantage.

The room will be cozy and comfortable.

If the lighting in the dining room is poor, then the cabinets on the wall will emphasize its gloom and darkness. It is better to install floor structures, and walls paint it white. The room will spacious and bright.

Such a project is appropriate in the premises decorated in the style of minimalism, hi-tech, modern. He will emphasize their modernity and the main idea.

The room will be comfortable, stylish and attractive in appearance.

Features of the organization of space

Kitchen set design is an important procedure. Functionality and ergonomics depend on the quality of its implementation. premises . If you think about the type in advance, planning , location working area and other details, then the space will be used rationally, access to accessories, utensils and fixtures free.

The absence of the top filling of the headset is an opportunity to facilitate cleaning: you do not have to wipe the non-washable surface of the kitchen cabinet.

Deal with this challenge furniture , made to order. It will take into account the individual dimensions of the dining room and the wishes of the owners. Ergonomics and convenience headset will be at a high level.

One of the advantages of the absence of hanging cabinets is the more budgetary cost of a kitchen set.

Avoid shortage storage space additional modules, located near walls. It will perfectly fit the necessary kitchen utensils. Thus, they will fill up the capacity top cabinets. It is appropriate to equip a bar counter or an island below with drawers and shelves.

Safety is a reason to purchase a kitchen set without upper cabinets: the likelihood of them falling due to weak walls or poorly fixed structures is reduced.

When choosing a design, it is worth giving preference to an angular or U-shaped planning . They make up for the lack top cabinets. Space will not lose functionality, will be practical. A wall railing can be installed above the tabletop. It is presented in the form of a metal tube equipped with special holders. It accommodates kitchen utensils: seasonings, ladles, towel, as shown in the picture. a photo below.

This option will improve ergonomics and increase the convenience of the work area.

Shelves look original above the table top. There should be few of them, otherwise ease cuisine will be lost. Enough two or three glass structures. They put interesting teapots, original vases and plates. The main task is to decorate the interior. It is appropriate to use the shelf in full length walls.

A modern and non-standard solution will be the logical conclusion of furniture design.

Style decision: what to choose?

Dining room without upper tier , has a number of features. They must be taken into account when interior . In this case, it is not appropriate to apply banal ideas. You need to decide on the style of arrangement, and stick to it.

This will make it possible to make the room bright, extraordinary and modern.

Main distinguishing feature kitchens without wall cabinets - spaciousness and a lot of light. The style direction should emphasize the characteristic features of the room. This is not easy to do.

When choosing a kitchen set without "extra" hinged structures, appreciate the room: is it spacious enough for this format?

Classic involves a lot of open designs, which is unacceptable. Interior characterized by an increased degree of clutter. Therefore, it should not be used. As for the baroque, there are also disadvantages here. For style characterized by luxury and brilliance, which will not have the desired effect in a kitchen without hinged structures.

Do not skimp on a single-level set and its content: let its shelves be as convenient and practical as possible, roomy and used so as not to load the upper open shelves of the room.

Great solution will become the direction of techno, country, industrial, loft. They are allowed to unload. the top of the room. Roof rails look good in the Scandinavian style. The eclectic direction accepts the presence of open shelves. They harmoniously complement the interior.

If you want to have a single-level kitchen set, you need to know that such a layout is suitable for spacious rooms, then you will be able to maintain the maximum return from the kitchen and get the desired result.

furnishing the kitchen, its geometry must be taken into account. If a furniture installed near a wall with a window, then upper cabinets not appropriate. They can't sit on the window. The wall along which the cabinets are located is decorated in an original way. One shelf, fixed above the apron line, will do.

A set without upper cabinets will harmoniously look in a kitchen that is too narrow or, on the contrary, wide.

Mandatory in the work area a hood is installed above the stove. Because upper tier absent, it will attract attention. Therefore, it is worth approaching her choice correctly. Thoroughness will help in this process.

The hood should harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the room.

No upper cabinets in the kitchen will be the main asset interior . This will fill room light and make it spacious. The main thing is to think over the design correctly module and organize area.

The use of various accessories, devices will make the space functional.

VIDEO: Kitchen design without wall cabinets.

The layout of the kitchen is more concerned about the hostess, comfort and maximum air, good lighting - that's what she needs. We have to break stereotypes, transform old design ideas into modern solutions. You can forget about piling up the walls with unnecessary cabinets and think about their other rational use.

Kitchen without upper wall cabinets - interior features

A cardinal solution would be a kitchen without upper wall cabinets. This type of layout involves the use of the lower tier for furniture installation. The lack of storage space is compensated by shelves, drawers or tall pencil cases. Doubts about the justification of changing cabinets to shelves are not justified. A mass of utensils, often not used, spices and other useless things are stored behind facades. Every year there is more piling up, less useful space. Open shelves force you to change habits, maintain an atmosphere of minimalism and order.

Advantages of a single-tier kitchen:

  • little things accumulated over the years will free up space for the necessary things;
  • the lower tier will be optimized for convenient storage of dishes, the storage space will be one hundred percent full;
  • visually the kitchen will become larger;
  • it is more convenient to decorate the room for any style of interior.


  • for some time it will be inconvenient to use appliances or utensils, it will be difficult to find something;
  • the cost of replacing furniture. Finding the right size modules to replace wall cabinets is more difficult. Custom-made storage sections are an order of magnitude more expensive;
  • you will have to maintain order, do not lay shelves with unnecessary things. It is difficult to immediately get used to the fact that the facades will not cover up the mess from suddenly arriving guests;
  • you will have to take care of the decoration of the walls. Previously, it would be enough to have an apron above the work surface, but now it is necessary to decorate the entire surface up to the ceiling.

Types and features of the layout of a single-tier kitchen

The design of the kitchen without upper cabinets is not suitable for everyone: it is difficult to make rooms smaller than 6 square meters functional using only one tier. Although it is a small room that you want to visually enlarge, add light, free space, for some wall cabinets remain indispensable. It happens that the owners deliberately refuse sections for storage on the second tier. A small family, the rare use of the kitchen for its intended purpose allows you not to accumulate mountains of dishes and other cooking utensils.

Types and rules of planning:

  • a linear furniture placement system will be convenient in a kitchen with a length of at least 3 meters. Much more is not needed: a greatly elongated work surface becomes uncomfortable. This layout assumes that floor modules, tables, a refrigerator, a stove will take up space along one wall. Perfect for narrow spaces. The design of the kitchen without upper cabinets will look harmonious if the wall is decorated with small stylish paintings, photo frames. Original posters, clocks will also help to create a cozy corner, to show the individuality of the owners.
  • the angular method of arrangement is considered the most convenient and rational. It is easier to place a sink, a refrigerator, a hob in a comfortable proximity. You can make the best use of a small room by placing a kitchen set without upper cabinets in a corner configuration.

  • parallel layout is suitable for spacious wide and long narrow kitchens. Floor modules are placed opposite each other or one wall is completely occupied by column cabinets. If there is space, the dining table is placed in the middle of the room, otherwise - at the end of the kitchen. The free space between the rows should be at least 1 - 1.2 meters for comfortable movement, opening the doors. The decor is better to use flat: paintings, narrow vases on the shelves, clocks.
  • U-shaped arrangement of furniture along three walls allows you to maintain a convenient connection of three working areas: refrigerator, sink, stove. Suitable for large and medium sized kitchens. The option of a headset with a bar counter replaces the dining table, adds a usable area for the working area. The ideal option would be to install a U-shaped headset in a room with a large full-wall window.
  • peninsular layout is the arrangement of furniture in the middle of a spacious kitchen and along one wall. The work surface is also a dining table, a sink with a hob is also located here. Modules are often used for zoning a room and arranging a small living room in the same room. A tall refrigerator, a column cabinet will not look harmonious, being in the center, so they take up space against the wall. This option would be appropriate if there are 20 square meters of space allocated for the kitchen.

What to occupy the kitchen wall - design features and functionality of the kitchen without upper cabinets

An empty wall in the kitchen will look inharmonious. Hanging a shelf for beautiful plates or jars of spices is the easiest way to take up a free surface. There will be additional storage space, which is also an element of decor. Not only useful utensils like dish dryers are placed on the shelves. Various ceramic products, photo frames, beautiful bottles are placed to create coziness.

The use of roof rails, hooks, and other suspension systems will be interesting in the interior. They are appropriate above the work surface. Towels, potholders, cutting boards, a colander, a ladle, and much more are hung here. These types of storage sections fit perfectly into the interior of the Provence style. An unusual combination of the atmosphere of a country house and a city apartment is created.

What furniture to compensate for the functionality of wall cabinets in a single-tier kitchen

Two-tier modules provide more storage space than a kitchen without top cabinets. You can compensate for the lack of hanging kits by installing a cabinet in the ceiling, a pencil case or additional furniture in the center of the kitchen (island type of layout).


  • the design, outwardly resembling a large wardrobe, contains a lot of useful things. Pots, cups, plates, even cereals and vegetables are placed in such storage. One module of impressive size will replace the whole pantry and save space.
  • a narrow pencil case becomes more convenient with the installed exit system. In a matter of seconds, you can find the desired jar. This module also fits well in a small corner, which is indispensable for a small kitchen.
  • Provence or country style interiors will be complemented by a retro sideboard with glass facades on the upper tier. Repainting with bright paint and the old cabinet will not only bring benefits, but will add zest to the design. Suitable option for a spacious room.

Extraordinary design solutions help turn your home into something special and unique. An individual approach to the room can solve a number of problems that arose when trying to copy a familiar design. For example, ditching the top tier can give you a fresh, uncluttered kitchen with no upper cabinets. The features of such a factor as the design of a kitchen without upper cabinets will be discussed in this article.

Kitchen without upper cabinets - a stylish and modern solution

A one-level kitchen for many is not just a fresh look at the design of this room, but a necessity associated with some factors. Low ceilings, flimsy or curvy walls are all fairly common problems that can be encountered when renovating and planning a kitchen interior without upper cabinets. Perhaps the only way to get around all these difficulties is to abandon wall cabinets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The decision to completely eliminate upper cabinets is risky and has a number of features, after reading which you can make a final decision in favor of one of the design options. It is worth remembering that almost all the advantages and disadvantages are individual, and therefore can change places depending on the specific room or person, so always make a decision based on your own desires and needs.

The lack of hanging cabinets is associated with some inconvenience, but the appearance of the room is changing for the better.

Practice has shown that a single-tier kitchen is quite functional.

The advantages of a single-tier kitchen are enough.

  • Space. Sometimes additional space is vital, especially this problem is acutely felt by the owners of dark kitchens. Rejection of half of the kitchen set frees up a significant part of the space. In addition, visually the room seems much more spacious.
  • Illumination. Often, due to wall cabinets, not enough light enters the room. When freed from wall cabinets, the working area does not require additional lighting and is dispensed with naturally during the daytime. The kitchen becomes significantly lighter, the oppressive atmosphere disappears.
  • Profitability. Many single-tier kitchen sets can be purchased cheaper than a set with hanging cabinets. This can be a significant plus in the absence of a large amount of free cash.
  • Additional design options. The walls freed from the "headset burden" can be used as a place for design experiments. Everything your heart desires is now possible to embody in a previously cluttered territory.
  • Safety. Although “out of the ordinary” situations are quite rare, no one is immune from their occurrence. Falling items from the upper shelves can end badly, both for the items themselves and for the person nearby. Cupboards that aren't secure enough can fall over too, and the fall of a heavy cupboard full of kitchen utensils will definitely have consequences.
  • Convenience. Hanging cabinets, and especially their upper shelves, are extremely inconvenient for people of short stature. This problem becomes more global if a woman is in charge of the kitchen, because most of the fair sex cannot boast of growth. Using only the lower tier in such situations is much more convenient than the constant "acrobatic numbers" with chairs.

One of the advantages of a kitchen without upper cabinets is the lower cost of the kitchen unit.

Without hanging modules, the kitchen becomes larger and brighter

Work surfaces are better illuminated, as the shadow from the upper drawers does not fall on them

But it was not without a couple of significant drawbacks:

  1. Space. Unfortunately, the main plus has a downside - all the freed up space
    must be kept clean. If earlier some flaws in the finish were hidden
    wall cabinets, now you have to deal with their elimination, it is possible even to make cosmetic repairs.
  2. Storage locations. Probably the only drawback that can make you think about abandoning a single-tier kitchen is limited storage space. The space on the shelves will be significantly reduced - by more than half, if you take into account the sink, oven, refrigerator, dishwasher. Household appliances occupy a significant part of the lower tier, and therefore there may not be enough space for everything you need. For pots, pans, plates, cups and small kitchen appliances
    have to find a new place.

There will be more dust on open shelves and they will have to be cleaned more often.

Storage organization

As a result, if, having weighed all the pros and cons, you nevertheless decided to abandon the upper tier completely and irrevocably, then the first thing to do is to solve the problem of storing numerous kitchen utensils. In this case, there are two options for the development of events. The first is to start moving along the path of least resistance, just add more drawers, cabinets and shelves, but already on the first tier. However, this solution can threaten the same heap of furniture in your kitchen as when using bunk sets. Not to mention the fact that not every kitchen is able to accommodate additional sideboards and other furniture modules. In this case, you will have to abandon some of the items previously stored in the kitchen - this is the second option. It is most suitable for small spaces.

The dream of any housewife is a separate pantry for food and kitchen utensils

Let's consider the second option in more detail. Where, after all, to place all those kitchen utensils that could previously lie quietly on the upper shelves.

  • Pantry. The best option is an additional room. A small pantry in one of the corners or a niche of the kitchen could help accommodate all the necessary utensils, and a pantry can also be arranged on an insulated balcony adjacent to the kitchen. Rarely used bulky items can be placed in such pantries.
  • Kitchen to order. If you have a certain reserve of funds, then turn your attention to the individual design of the kitchen. Typical headsets with standard drawers and shelves are not able to accommodate everything you need and use space very wastefully. A custom-made kitchen set, using special devices for storing certain utensils, holds much more than what is needed, in addition, the entire storage system will be tailored to the customer - that is, for you. This approach will not only help with the organization of the workspace, but in general will make working in the kitchen more enjoyable and faster.
  • Shelves and rails. Another option is to reuse free walls. Instead of hanging cabinets, which occupy a significant share of the kitchen, you can use lighter shelves and rails. Such a solution will help to preserve all the advantages of the absence of the upper tier, while adding a sufficient amount of space. However, it should be remembered that not every style allows the presence of such accessories, and some design options without wall cabinets will look ridiculous and unsuccessful.

Kitchen utensils are conveniently stored in deep full extension drawers

The use of rails, of course, will not be able to fully compensate for the lack of wall cabinets, but it will solve the problem of storing the most necessary and frequently used things.

The combination of these measures will certainly help to redistribute kitchen utensils and establish a convenient system for storing them. Under certain circumstances, in this way, you can even slightly increase the storage space for various utensils.

What should be a single-tier kitchen

Despite all the advantages outlined above, a single-tier kitchen is not a panacea, and the implementation of such a project is not possible in every kitchen. On the other hand, where such a solution is appropriate, this design can become the most comfortable, modern and pleasing to the eye. In what cases is it worth considering a single-tier kitchen as a completely feasible option.

Kitchen layout without wall cabinets

It is worth taking care of the layout of the future kitchen, since here the owners are given a lot of freedom and several different options to choose from.


One of the most popular and most straightforward option. All modules and cabinets are located along one wall in a kind of line. The option is suitable for narrow rooms, as they are conveniently close to the main working areas: hob or stove, oven, sink, refrigerator, etc.


This option is similar to the linear one, with the only difference being that there is more than one “line”. Two parallel work areas, consisting of kitchen sets or cabinets, are the basis of this layout. It is quite appropriate to use both in fairly narrow and large rooms. In the first case, the "lines" are located at two opposite walls, and in the second, an island of two parallel sets is located in the middle of the room.


Such a kitchen is a room with a not too large rectangular set in the center. This layout is typical for large rooms and is usually complemented by another set near one of the walls or cabinets for storing kitchen utensils and products.


The layout involves placing the headset near two adjacent walls. The corner set is most convenient for small kitchens, where you want to place as much working area as possible in a small square. Also, this type of layout is characterized by the proximity of the sink, stove and refrigerator, which makes the work most comfortable.


Headsets are located along three walls and represent the letter "P", this layout is most similar to the corner and combines its advantage and additional work areas and storage space near the third wall.

What style to choose for a single-tier kitchen

Free, rather minimalistic walls fit into the interior not in every style. It is hard to imagine a pompous baroque suite, columns and a chic wrought-iron chandelier in combination with a bare wall. Baroque is always poorly combined with work surfaces due to its saturation with patterns and light, often snow-white, shades, especially in the case of such an extensive and open work surface.

Open metal shelves, hooks and rails look great in a loft, and beautiful dishes serve as a bright decor.

Eclectic kitchen with lots of open shelves

Light wooden kitchen in Scandinavian style

Any of the rustic styles look great without wall cabinets.

Urban and some minimalist styles are more suitable for such a kitchen concept, a bias towards a rustic or Scandinavian style is possible. Single-tier kitchens in loft and industrial style look great. Don't forget about items on the second level that cannot be excluded from the project, such as a hood. Since she is no longer hidden behind one of the wall cabinets, she will have to devote much more time and money.

The kitchen hood should harmoniously fit into the overall atmosphere of the room.

In the end, with the right approach, a more detailed study of the features of different styles and the help of a professional designer, almost any style can look great even with such a whimsical layout.

Partial rejection of wall cabinets

A complete rejection of the second tier is often simply impossible due to certain circumstances. However, the desire to unload space and not experience the pressure of the environment, being in the kitchen, does not disappear anywhere. In this case, the ideal option would be a partial rejection of the second tier. Let's say you have a corner kitchen set and two adjacent walls are crammed with bulky wall cabinets. The obvious solution immediately comes to mind - get rid of half of them. Such a measure will indeed significantly free up kitchen space, but will not require
a complete overhaul of the storage system.

A good option would be to organize a storage system in floor-to-ceiling cabinets along one wall, while the other sides remain free.

Completely free the wall, the “islands” of wall cabinets, the solution will expand the design possibilities, certain styles of kitchens, implemented in the presence of wall cabinets.


The construction of a kitchen without hanging drawers must be approached thoughtfully and seriously: study and choose a layout, decide on a style. New design can refresh the kitchen, make it comfortable, beautiful and technological.

Nowadays, more and more owners choose a kitchen without hanging cabinets, because it is convenient and practical.

With the right approach, a kitchen without hanging cabinets comes out comfortable, stylish and attractive.

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