Premises Finishing Block House - spectacular design solution. Block House for Interior Finishing: Room Design Ideas Finishing Walls on Ducc

Engineering systems 23.06.2020
Engineering systems

Each person has its own perception and assessment of the surrounding, everyone prefers to be in a habitual setting for him, and it is purely individual. But there is a form of interior decoration, which is favorably perceived by most people. We are talking about the use of a tree in the interior design - and here the Block House for interior decoration provides ample opportunities for the implementation of its own designs and ideas.

The very first impression that leaves a block house is a regular board, with a face-side of a cylindrical shape and a comb and groove on the ribers. However, when the inner finish of a block house is made, a photo as an example of such interior design can be seen below, it will be completely different.

From the point of view of the characteristics of this material that makes it possible to use it indoors, the following can be noted:

  • ecology. This is absolutely harmless material that does not have a negative impact on the body;
  • easy and strength. When using a Haus block for interior decoration, it does not create an excessive impact on the supporting structures of the house and the foundation;
  • soundproofing. Block House, like all wood, provides significant absorption and weakening of noise;
  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • the finish of the block shop inside the house allows him to breathe;
  • microclimate indoors - Air, by the smell of wood and resin, acquires therapeutic properties.

In addition, such a board allows you to easily combine a variety of room design elements - such as beams, brickwork, wrought elements. What does this finish look like in a house inside, the photo below shows in sufficient detail.

Do not forget about the original appearance, reminiscent of the walls chopped from log logs. And about the feeling of warmth, which will constantly give a house, decorated with such material.

Selection of block house for interior decoration

In this matter, everything is quite simple, and at the same time there are some features that need to be considered. It is necessary to take into account, for what premises will be carried out internal finish at home by block mobile. It is easy to remind you that most often coniferous trees are used in the production of the Haws block. Each breed has its own, only her inherent in features. There were a lot of bitch, and they form an original drawing on the surface, the pine will demonstrate a magnificent texture, well, the cedar will create a kind of microclimate indoors.

If the walls of the residential premises have to be sewed, you can use any material to your taste. If it is planned to finish a box to a house inside the bath or sauna, it is best to avoid using coniferous wood, for these purposes, boards of hardwood (linden, aspen, alder) are better fit. The fact is that when heated, coniferous woods are isolated by a resin, in which you can retrain.

In addition, such boards are usually high density, which means its high heat capacity. This, accordingly, makes it more hot in the same steam room. As a result, it will be possible to earn burns in case of touching it. Therefore, the inner decoration by the blockhaus of such premises, as a bath, should reduce the likelihood of negative effects. To do this, it is best to use deciduous rocks, such as a lip.

After the type of the board is selected, which will be applied, you can start the choice of material itself. To ensure the greatest expressiveness, the finishing of the inner walls by the block key must be performed by narrow and sufficiently thin boards, their maximum width must be no more than 150 mm. This will allow to get a relief surface and not "take away" the volume of the room.

The quality of the boards and the quality of the board has an important meaning. In this issue, manufacturers have several approaches. Some are guided by the requirements of domestic GOST, other European and American standards, third their own standards, often exceeding the rigidity of GOST. Despite such various requirements, the finish of the house inside the Block House should be carried out by material only of excellent quality - without cracks, traces of tool, rot and blue.

In this case, the result obtained will correspond to expectations. What is the internal finish of the block key with this approach, the photo is slightly higher and the left shows in all details.

Features of internal installation block house

Regardless of which surface, the installation of blockhause inside the room (brick, wood, etc.) is performed, it is always performed on the shelter. For this, a bar is used 30-40 mm thickness. Bruks are attached to the wall with an interval of fifty-sixty centimeters and align in height. This is another advantage of such a design of indoors - when the plating block is performed in a house inside the house, you do not need to level the walls before finishing.

With all the details on the installation, the article will tell: a block house, installation in all the rules.

When finishing the facades, thermal insulation is carried out, however, when the inner finish of the house is carried out by the House of Block, it is not necessary to do this, especially for brick and wooden structures. The decision to do this (do, not to do insulation) must be taken in advance before installing the root. If the insulation is made, the thickness of the bars should be increased. By the way, the free airspace between the wall and the trim will improve the soundproof effect.

Typically, the installation of the House of the room inside the room, as well as outside, is performed horizontally along the vertical doom. However, in some cases, the vertical installation of the board is used. This is especially true in premises with high humidity, for example in a sauna or bath. This eliminates the accumulation of water in the grooves of the board and prevents wood destruction.

With this method of installation of the spike of the first and subsequent boards, should be directed to the light source, which will make a less noticeable bog of the boards, by analogy with the sticking of wallpaper. However, such a mount can be considered as an exception, and the generally accepted practice is the installation of the Haus block horizontally with the position of the spike from above, and the groove of the board.

Installation can be started both from above and below. The most common method of fastening is a nail or self-tapping screw at an angle in the spike. With this method of fastening the installation, it is better to start the bottom, so just more convenient to work. Another way is to use special brackets, kleimers. If it is so attached to the Block House, the internal installation is obtained high-quality and reliable, but its value increases.

In more detail with installation of a block house in inner corners, you can find the video:

How to care for the trim

After the entry is performed, it is desirable to protect it from moisture, dust, fat and dirt. For this now there are a large number of special means, primers, varnishes and verses. The best protection will be varnish or wax. In this case, it is enough to periodically remove dust with the help of a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp sponge. You can not use abrasive materials and aggressive detergents.

At the same time, the simulators allow you to paint the house in the desired color or give it the necessary shade. So, impregnating on a conventional pine board you can additionally highlight and emphasize its texture, to make it a tone of larch or enhance the shine. Serve such coatings for at least five years and then need to be updated. Varnished (wax) coating will significantly increase the service time of the Haus unit.

Use for finishing the inner premises The House Block allows them to give them a new one, the original look and create an atmosphere of an ancient chopped from the bribant at home. In addition, the wonderful combination of decorative finishes with deliberately rough elements of the decor (beams, forged products and a stone) will allow you to recreate the atmosphere of the atmosphere of these times and will strengthen the peculiar flavor of the entire situation.

The interior made using wooden elements always causes enthusiastic views. Well, if the wood is devoted to the whole finish of the house, the owner of such a creation will undoubtedly be on top. One of the most popular types of wooden finishes, is the finish block to House. With it, it is easy to create a plane, exactly repeating natural flexing log house.

Block house - This is a variety of already loved lining, which is made from the top of the log - the "top". Thanks to this, it turns out the round shape of the front of the board, which allows you to embody the most courageous design solutions in the Russian style. It should be noted that not only in the Russian style you can use the House Block, it is perfectly combined with other all sorts of finishes. In more detail, you can consider finishing options Block House inside the house and their design in the photo gallery presented below.

In this article we will talk about several frequently asked questions on the use of the Haus block in the interior

Block House in the interior of the apartment

With the help of panels Block House in the apartment interior, you can create the most original design solutions. The ceiling or walls are an excellent web, which can be decorated and complemented by various construction materials. With a block House, a stone, forged iron, glass, tile, etc. are perfectly combined. Combining panels with various finishes, it becomes possible to divide the room into several functional zones.

Photo 1. Block House in the apartment

Block House in the interior of the apartment is better to use small sizes, to avoid loss of visual volumes of the room, which are so roads in standard apartments. Fasten the panel data is more convenient to reinforced accumulated cleimers. Examples of finishing Block House in the interior of the apartment are presented in the photo.

Block House in the interior of the house

As a rule, on such a large area, like a house, panel Block House can be used everywhere. According to the outcome, the skin will effectively look at both internal and with an external finish. Of course, with facade works, a wide timber with a good pushed will look better and perfectly keep a blow from the impact of natural changes. Fasteners in such cases will need more massive than for smaller boards. Inside the house, a monolithic type of finishing is usually used. For such a work, the class panel is raised, an example of the variety "A". It uses high-quality wood that will emphasize all the advantages of the design of your home. All options and types of finishes Block House in the interior of the house, you can better consider on the presented photos and choose for yourself the most outdoor option.

Photo 2. Interior finish at home Block House

Block House in the kitchen

Kitchen - This is the place where all family members are gathering most often. There is a pleasant dinner, and discuss all the urgent things. And you see, in the kitchen with an excellent design, it is all doubly pleasant. For decoration in the kitchen, the panels of small sizes are suitable. Be sure to process them with the compositions that will be protected from excessive moisture and external damage. See how perfectly looks a house block in the kitchen, presented in the photo.

Photo 3. Interior decoration of the kitchen in a log house

Block House in the bedroom

Using the bedroom finishes natural wood parties, you make a huge contribution to your own health. After all, all the beneficial properties that the tree possesses will be every minute to fill your bedroom, providing a wellness microclimate. Of course this is not the only advantage of this building material. Thanks to the latest trends, now in most cases, the interior uses the White Block House. Experienced masters recommend not to paint panels in a purely white color, but to use all approximate shades, for example: champagne, ivory, etc. Since with time in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bitch, the yellowness can be shot. More delicate and calm colors will be favorable to influence your well-being and sleep. Admire how harmoniously looks at the trim bedroom block house of various shades on the photos represented.

Photo 4. Block House in the bedroom

Turn on the fantasy and make out the balance of the house of the House of Muscre

It is no secret that after any repair work remains finishing materials. Yes, something can be thrown out, but you do not rush to throw a high quality tree. You can easily build decorative elements for landscape design, make the original hedge for flower beds, make floral kashpo, etc.

Photo 5. Installation of the Haus block on the crate

Variations set, the main thing is not to postpone this building material for a long time, as it will come to the time and influence of different temperatures. We wish you inspiration to create a wonderful! Internet - Store Leathering Thanks you for your attention! Call the specified contacts, and we will gladly help you, make your home cozy and beautiful!

The modern decoration of the premises provides not only the creation of a beautiful interior, but also the use of high-quality natural materials. Therefore, in recent years, the owners of houses and apartments are chosen by a block house as a decorative cladding. This material is characterized by many positive qualities and is able to fill the space of the rooms with a special atmosphere of home heat and coziness. In addition, the block house in design testifies to the good taste of owners of housing, their ability to appreciate natural beauty. The finishing material is easy to install, and a huge variety of its textures and colors opens up huge opportunities for designers to implement creative ideas.


A block house is a unique building product that is a kind of lining. In contrast to the usual board, it is able to imitate a rounded log, thanks to this property, it is widely used in decorative trim. The material manufacturing process occurs according to special technologies using not only coniferous wood, but also aspen, birch and linden.

The outer side of the block house is convex and reminds of the type of natural log, and the rear is flat.Installing boards is performed using puzzles. As a result, it turns out high-quality lining without cracks and lumen. Depending on the wood rock, which is used in the production of block house, its characteristic indicators may change. There are plans A and in class, the main difference of which is the presence or absence of bitch and other flaws. Most often, the block house is chosen for decorative lining indoors, but before its installation it is worth considering the thickness of the boards, as it can "eat" the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Usually, the block house is released from 2 to 6 m long. As for the thickness of the material, it varies from 20 to 36 mm, and the width can reach 190 mm.


To date, the block House is considered the most popular finishing material that has high performance characteristics and allows you to create a strong and durable surfaces of surfaces. The design of the design is distinguished by boards with imitation of not only a rounded log, but also a polished bar. In addition, the block House is several species.

  • Wood. It is a classic material option that is produced from various deciduous and coniferous wood. As a rule, in the construction market, such wooden boards can be found thick from 2 to 4 cm. Therefore, for the inner lining room, in addition to decorative panels, it is also necessary to additionally purchase insulation. There is a wooden block house expensive, but it has a high noise insulation and is a pure ecological product. The mounting of the panels is recommended to perform on a pre-assembled structure that is prepared from the crate of the bars. The distance between the bars should not exceed 60 cm.

To obtain the maximum connection of the plates, they need to be recorded from the bottom up using the spike puzzle system. In addition, to extend the service life of such a finish, wooden boards should be treated with special antiseptics or verses.

  • Metal.This type of material is resistant to high humidity and temperature differences, does not need to be processed, practical and reliable in operation. Metal block house can last up to 60 years. The panels cost cheaply and their, compared to wooden boards, set it much easier. The mounting of the metal block house is also carried out on the crate, observing the step between bars from 35 to 40 cm. Mounting works can be performed in rooms with any temperature. To give the trim the aesthetic look, additionally use good parts.

  • Vinyl.Usually it is used only for interior decoration of rooms. Such a block house perfectly imitates a log, so you can create an unusual interior with it. The material is produced in a rich color, does not need to be processed, it is inexpensive and quickly installed. The only minus of the vinyl panels is their instability to the temperature differences, as a result of which they can lose their strength and tamper. Mounting work with a vinyl block house largely resemble the installation of metal panels, but when it is installed, it is necessary to leave a small slot between the boards in 2 mm. It must be done in order to avoid the formation of cracks on the surface of the material, since under the external influence it can expand.

Each of the above types of panels requires not only special installation technology, but also features its dimensions and modifications. Therefore, before choosing one or another type of material, it is necessary to first decide on the finishing design and take into account the features of the room where the decor is planned.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other building product, the block house has its own positive and negative characteristics.

The widespread use of this product in the interior decoration is explained by its merits.

  • Ecology. Panels are made exclusively made of natural raw materials. For this, high-quality wood is selected, which passes pre-processing and drying. In addition, a block house made from coniferous wood creates a good microclimate in rooms. As for the deciduous trees boards, they have a high hardness and moisture resistance.
  • Strength. The material can resist the effects of different environments. It is resistant to ultraviolet rays and does not lose its initial type and quality over time.

  • Aesthetics. A beautiful appearance of the boards allows them to apply for various finishes of rooms, additionally emphasizing the beauty of the interior. The material is released in a variety of color schemes, so it will fit perfectly in any design room.
  • Lightweight and easy installation. Installation work is carried out quickly and do not require a special tool, so they are quite realistic to perform with their own hands without resorting to the help of specialists. In addition, the small weight of the panels does not require additional strengthening of surfaces and the foundation of the house.
  • Heat insulation. The tree retains warmth well.

As for the minuses of block house, they can be attributed to them.

  • Insufficient vapor permeability. The surface "does not breathe" the surface "does not breathe", so condensate can accumulate on it. Most often, a similar problem is observed in the rooms where there is no constant temperature regimen. To avoid this, it is enough to establish a good ventilation system or make the walls of the walls in a step between bars in 50 mm.
  • Combustion. Since it is usually natural wood for the production of block houses, it is necessary to worry about its protection against fire and treat with refractory mortar.

Despite the presence of shortcomings, the finishing material is of great popularity among masters and designers and received positive feedback during operation.

How to choose?

Finishing work inside the house requires a lot of physical and financial costs, so at their end of them the result pleased with high quality, it is necessary to properly select the decorative material. Block House is a lining that has a convex shape and is designed to cover surfaces. For internal work, the boards not exceeding the length of 6 meters are most often used. In addition, when buying it is important to pay attention to the thickness of the material - if it is large, then the room after cladding will decrease in the area. A block house of a small thickness, on the contrary, takes at a minimum of space and successfully creates a coziness atmosphere.

The selection of panels also depends on the size of the room. For spacious rooms, it is best to give preference to wide boards, so it will achieve a better visual effect. In addition, the variety of wood plays a huge role when buying. For the internal finishing of the sauna and the bath, a block house is suitable from alder, oak or linden. The residential premises are recommended to decorate coniferous rocks, they have a high resin content and ensure the room excellent waterproofing.

Room design ideas

To date, there are many ideas for using a block house in the interior. Often, this material is used in combination with bright paint or decorative plaster and wallpaper. Facing with natural stone and finishing with panels will make quality repairs, which will not have to think for many years.

A wooden panels placed on one of the walls in the bedroom are especially beautiful. Thus, the bedroom acquires an interesting design, it is simultaneously combined with style and use. The tree fills the room with a pleasant aroma and creates an excellent decor to relax. It looks unusually in the interior of the bedroom angle, covered by a block house. In order not to break the unity of the image, it is recommended to decorate the boards and the ceiling. An interesting version of the decor can be obtained, decorating one of the walls of the bedroom by a block house, and the other is clapboard.

In the event that you need to create a style of Provence, then in the apartment is best for the internal design to use a panel of natural wood, giving preference to light shades. At the same time, not only the wall, but also ceilings or furniture can serve as a place of installation. Thanks to the game of colors and the use of boards of different textures in the rooms it is possible to create a situation that will resemble a merchant or noble house.

The living room is considered the face of the owners, therefore, its design must be appropriate. To fill this room with chic and beauty, it is enough to sheathe the walls and a ceiling by expensive wood species. It is advisable to choose the panel with the imitation of the natural pattern of the array in the form of bitch. At the same time, one wall looks good, covered with wooden panels, and others are decorated with decorative plaster. Such an idea avoids monotony in the interior and fill the space with natural motifs.

For decoration, bedrooms in the house usually use plastering mixes or vinyl wallpapers. However, in recent times, natural materials have received widespread. For example, the bamboo and cork panels began to be used. Alternatively, various drapery, plasterboard, MDF panels are used. If the room is withstanding in the style of minimalism, then you can use soft wall panels.

Finishing with tissue drapes is often used when decorating the bedrooms weathered in the classic style. To decor a bedroom, you can use such fabrics like flax, silk, velvet, tapestry or sitherium. As an alternative, suede can perform. This fabric is easy to glue and no moisture is afraid.

The sequence of the bedroom in the apartment fabric:

  • Slide the glue solution to the surface. It is recommended to use specialized furniture glue.
  • Secure the upper fabric of the web with a carnation.
  • Attach cloth to the surface, and endure it with an iron. Do not forget to pull the cloth before well, otherwise defects may appear after repair work.
  • Swim up the drape with an iron 2-3 times.
  • Surplus fabric Cut the knife.
  • If bubbles formed on the surface, remove them.

Bedroom Finishing Block House: Features and Interior

Many people for finishing the bedroom began to use a block house. It is a rounded configuration lamellae made from a natural tree. Preferably used trees of coniferous rocks.

Before starting repair, you need to pull out lamellas from packages, and give them to lie down in the room for several days. It is necessary so that the material extends a bit and was not deformed after installation.

The decoration of the bedroom block house is carried out in this order:

  1. Prepare the surface under installation. Remove whitewash, plaster and other finishing materials. If necessary, apply a primer layer on the base surface.
  2. Cover the surface with special impregnation with deep penetration. It will prevent wood rotting.
  3. Install the frame from a wooden bar with a thickness of 30 mm. If you wish, install an additional vapor insulation layer on the crate. Remember that the optimal level of humidity of the bar is 15-20%.
  4. Attach the starting bar using screws.
  5. Welcome a lamella lamella. Neighboring blocks between themselves are fixed using the Schip-Paz system.
  6. In places of angular connections, install special moldings.

Soft Bedroom Finishing Materials

Soft wall panels are a good finishing material that fits into the interior of any bedroom. Numerous examples and reviews have shown that in addition to the beautiful species, such panels allow you to achieve good sound insulation of the room.

Materials are used as filler for panels:

  • Porolon. Panels with this filler are used primarily when finishing a children's bedroom.
  • Sintepon. With this filler, you can create a perfectly smooth surface, since the low share of the synthetion excludes the possibility of deformation of the panel.

Soft panels do not require carefully pre-training. Moreover, this material allows you to hide the defects of the base surface.

Soft Panel Decoration Technology:

  1. Apply one primer layer on the surface.
  2. After that, mark on the surface of the fastening of soft panels.
    Apply glue to the wrong side of the soft panel.
  3. Plug the entire surface with soft panels.
  4. Remove the remnants of the material with a hacksaw.

Cheap Bedroom Finishing Options

If you are looking for inexpensive options for finishing the ceilings and walls in the bedroom, you can use MDF panels. They fit well into any design, are environmentally friendly and inexpensive. In addition, the MDF panel is easily mounted on almost any surface.

Remember that the basis of MDF panels are sawdust, so this material is fire hazardous. If you are planning to stretch the wiring in the undercarriage space, be sure to insulate it with corrugations.

Stages of mounting MDF panels on the ceiling or walls:

  • Apply markup to the surface with a laser level.
  • Install the starting profile and additional suspensions.
  • Secure the guide profiles throughout the perimeter of the wall or ceiling. Fixation is performed using self-tapping screws or dowels.
  • Insert intermediate profiles in the guide profiles.
  • After the lamp is done, do the holes in the MDF panels under the lamps or chandeliers.
  • Cut the frame panels. Between themselves, the adjacent panels are fastened with the Schip-Paz system.

Also with a limited budget, the bedroom can be separated using acrylic paints. This material is applied to a carefully cleaned surface in several layers. Before staining the wall or ceiling, be sure to apply a layer of putty.

Bedroom decoration by natural materials: step-by-step guide

If you prefer natural materials, then a plug can be used to finish a separate bedroom. This material is moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly and reliable. In addition, the plug is not inclined to rot, reduces the level of electromagnetic emissions and improves the soundproofing of the room.

Installation of the plug is performed on a clean and prepared surface, so before starting finishing works, align and drive the surface. Also, do not forget to eliminate cracks and chips.

Tube Surface Tube Technology:

  1. Apply markup on the surface with a plumb and construction level.
  2. Attach the panel to the surface, and outline it all over the contour.
  3. Apply an adhesive solution on the surface.
  4. Stick the plug.
  5. Similarly, glue the remaining panels.
  6. Walk through the material on the material. Do not forget to align the joints.

Also good natural materials are bamboo stems. Of these, special wallpapers are made, which are widely used when finishing the bedroom.

Bamboo bedroom finishing is performed in this order:

  • Cut the bamboo cloth with a hacksaw.
  • Apply glue solution on the wall with a toothed spatula.
  • After the glue is dry a little, attach a bamboo cloth to the surface.
  • Cross wallpaper with a rubber roller.
  • Similarly, take the whole wall.
  • After a few hours, repeatedly disperse wallpaper with a roller.

Decorating the bedroom in the house (video)

There are a large number of building materials, with which you can separate the bedroom in the apartment. For decoration, bedrooms are recommended to use exceptionally natural materials, such as bamboo wallpaper, a block house of a coniferous or cork. If you have limited financial capabilities, the MDF panels, acrylic paints or soft panels completely come.

The interior made using wooden elements always causes enthusiastic views. Well, if the wood is devoted to the whole finish of the house, the owner of such a creation will undoubtedly be on top. One of the most popular types of wooden finishes, is the finish block to House. With it, it is easy to create a plane, exactly repeating natural flexing log house.

Block house - This is a variety of already loved lining, which is made from the top of the log - the "top". Thanks to this, it turns out the round shape of the front of the board, which allows you to embody the most courageous design solutions in the Russian style. It should be noted that not only in the Russian style you can use the House Block, it is perfectly combined with other all sorts of finishes. In more detail, you can consider finishing options Block House inside the house and their design in the photo gallery presented below.

In this article we will talk about several frequently asked questions on the use of the Haus block in the interior

Block House in the interior of the apartment

With the help of panels Block House in the apartment interior, you can create the most original design solutions. The ceiling or walls are an excellent web, which can be decorated and complemented by various construction materials. With a block House, a stone, forged iron, glass, tile, etc. are perfectly combined. Combining panels with various finishes, it becomes possible to divide the room into several functional zones.

Photo 1. Block House in the apartment

Block House in the interior of the apartment is better to use small sizes, to avoid loss of visual volumes of the room, which are so roads in standard apartments. Fasten the panel data is more convenient to reinforced accumulated cleimers. Examples of finishing Block House in the interior of the apartment are presented in the photo.

Block House in the interior of the house

As a rule, on such a large area, like a house, panel Block House can be used everywhere. According to the outcome, the skin will effectively look at both internal and with an external finish. Of course, with facade works, a wide timber with a good pushed will look better and perfectly keep a blow from the impact of natural changes. Fasteners in such cases will need more massive than for smaller boards. Inside the house, a monolithic type of finishing is usually used. For such a work, the class panel is raised, an example of the variety "A". It uses high-quality wood that will emphasize all the advantages of the design of your home. All options and types of finishes Block House in the interior of the house, you can better consider on the presented photos and choose for yourself the most outdoor option.

Photo 2. Interior finish at home Block House

Block House in the kitchen

Kitchen - This is the place where all family members are gathering most often. There is a pleasant dinner, and discuss all the urgent things. And you see, in the kitchen with an excellent design, it is all doubly pleasant. For decoration in the kitchen, the panels of small sizes are suitable. Be sure to process them with the compositions that will be protected from excessive moisture and external damage. See how perfectly looks a house block in the kitchen, presented in the photo.

Photo 3. Interior decoration of the kitchen in a log house

Block House in the bedroom

Using the bedroom finishes natural wood parties, you make a huge contribution to your own health. After all, all the beneficial properties that the tree possesses will be every minute to fill your bedroom, providing a wellness microclimate. Of course this is not the only advantage of this building material. Thanks to the latest trends, now in most cases, the interior uses the White Block House. Experienced masters recommend not to paint panels in a purely white color, but to use all approximate shades, for example: champagne, ivory, etc. Since with time in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bitch, the yellowness can be shot. More delicate and calm colors will be favorable to influence your well-being and sleep. Admire how harmoniously looks at the trim bedroom block house of various shades on the photos represented.

Photo 4. Block House in the bedroom

Turn on the fantasy and make out the balance of the house of the House of Muscre

It is no secret that after any repair work remains finishing materials. Yes, something can be thrown out, but you do not rush to throw a high quality tree. You can easily build decorative elements for landscape design, make the original hedge for flower beds, make floral kashpo, etc.

Photo 5. Installation of the Haus block on the crate

Variations set, the main thing is not to postpone this building material for a long time, as it will come to the time and influence of different temperatures. We wish you inspiration to create a wonderful! Internet - Store Leathering Thanks you for your attention! Call the specified contacts, and we will gladly help you, make your home cozy and beautiful!

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