Glass on the walls of the kitchen apron. Which apron for the kitchen is better to choose: plastic or glass? Advantages and disadvantages of glass panels

Decor elements 03.03.2020
Decor elements

Transparent kitchen skins are made of tempered glass and triplex. Both sheets are extremely difficult to break. The heat-strengthened material, with a loss of integrity, crumbles into mild granules (up to 3 cm2). Laminated glass with PVC keeps the fragments on the film. Three types of material are used for the production of transparent glass skins. Products are distinguished by the presence of tint impurities and color accuracy.

Glass Clear

Natural material has a "bottle" tint at the end. Therefore, decorative panels with a thickness of 8 mm or more add pronounced greenish impurities to the object behind the glass, which enhance the color distortions of the decorative design of the walls.

Price: 1.740 rub. per m2 with a thickness of 4 mm.

Optiwhite glass

The lightened material with a bluish tint of the edge is characterized by increased light transmission (on average from 90%). Glass shows closed objects without optical illusions, conveys the pure colors of natural materials. The edge of the transparent kitchen apron does not contrast with the surface and remains invisible.

Price: RUB 2.790 per m2 with a thickness of 4 mm.

Ultra Vision Glass

The crystal clear glass is Premium. The glass belongs to the optical category with a color rendering index of 100%. The Ultra Vision clear glass kitchen apron reflects natural light without distortion.

Price: RUB 7.340 per m2 with a thickness of 6 mm.

Measurer's call

DO NOT KNOW EXACT ORDER SIZES? The measurer will come to you and determine the width and height of the future structure. Free consultation on the preparation of the work surface. We do not recommend measuring the dimensions yourself - you risk making mistakes in the drawing. A difference of 3-5 cm will lead to the manufacture of a product that is obviously inappropriate in size.

Is it possible to buy ready-made KITCHEN SKINALS?

The product is made according to your individual dimensions. Standard terms are 7-10 days. In the showroom store on Nagornaya, 17, ready-made versions of standard constructions are presented. Choose the type of glass and processing in the office or place an application on the website to buy skins from 1800 rubles per sq. meter.

A glass backsplash is 99% the ideal choice and an excellent alternative to tiles, porcelain stoneware, stone and other types of wall panels for the kitchen. If you are thinking about buying just this type of apron, then most likely you have already heard that there are many varieties of glass kitchen aprons on the market: skinned, triplex, plexiglass, optimized, satin, enamel ... Let's find out what these words mean and what else you need to know before going to the store.

General characteristics - pros and cons


  • Glass panels look much more harmonious in the interior of kitchens in a modern style (, neoclassic, loft,), as they are ideally combined with glossy and glass facades of the headset, as well as with chrome and glass elements of household appliances;

  • Installation of any type of glass is done very quickly and without dirt in about 1-2 hours;
  • Glass panels are seamless or have a minimum of seams, making it easier to keep them clean than, for example, an apron made of ceramic tiles, since dirt does not accumulate at the joints;
  • The glitter of the glass is beautiful in itself, besides, it reflects light and visually enlarges a small space. Small kitchens with a glass apron are presented in the following selection of photos.

  • With glass, you can realize original, personalized decorative ideas: decorate it with photo printing, stereo printing, sandblasting pattern, vinyl colored monochromatic substrate, or order a substrate with a pattern (from the workshop catalog or with your own). You can also choose a matte or textured glass surface. The photo below shows skins with graphic images (scroll to the right).

If you wish, you can not only come up with a design yourself, but also make a decor with your own hands, for example, insert a family collage of photos or your favorite recipes under the glass.

  • Only transparent glass can protect noble materials and textures like stone or wood, without hiding their beauty.

Often, wallpaper or painted walls are covered with glass so as not to overload the kitchen interior with dissimilar surfaces.

  • A glass backsplash can be combined like no other with any lighting.


  • A glass panel for the kitchen is relatively expensive (except for quite budgetary plexiglass). Average price of a standard apron: 4700 rubles. for 1 sq. m. together with the installation.
  • The installation of glass aprons is carried out only after the complete assembly of the headset, or at least when you are completely sure of the dimensions of the future kitchen, and sockets, switches, communications, etc. have already been installed. The manufacture of an apron is a responsible business without the right to make mistakes, alterations and improvements during and after installation.
  • If you can buy a tile and deliver it home on the same day, then skinning (glass with photo printing) will take about 7-14 days.
  • An incorrectly chosen skinny design can ruin the entire kitchen interior, overloading the space with its variegation or unsuccessful color, and also quickly get bored.
  • Although the design of the glass apron may be different, it is still not suitable for every kitchen. For example, in style interiors, glass panels (even with a discreet image) will look less organic than traditional tiles.

But how does glass withstand temperature extremes, humidity, frequent washing, shocks and other kitchen difficulties? These characteristics may differ depending on the type of glass, which we will look at in order below.

1. Tempered glass apron (stalinite)

Tempered glass (stalinite)- This is an ordinary silicate glass, which was subjected to high-temperature heat treatment, and then sharply cooled.

Pros: in addition to all the advantages listed above, an apron for a kitchen made of stalinite-type glass has a significant advantage - its impact resistance is 5-10 times higher than that of ordinary glass, and if such an apron is still broken, it will split into small fragments with blunt edges, which cannot be cut. Unlike acrylic or raw glass, tempered glass can be easily installed near a gas stove - it does not deform or burst from temperature extremes and overheating. It practically does not scratch, does not fade, is not afraid of moisture, it can even be washed with a brush with abrasives. Like tiles, stalinite can last about 10 years or more.

Cons: more expensive than ordinary glass and plexiglass (but not more expensive than high-quality ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or stone), does not provide an opportunity to change the size of the panel and the holes in it during the installation process (all the cuts can only be made by the manufacturer before the tempering stage), it takes about a week ...

  • Stemalite (enamel, enamelled, back-colored glass) is glass that was first painted with colored enamel and then tempered, due to which the paint and glass became inseparable from each other;

  • Satin - frosted glass. It costs a little more than transparent, unbleached tempered glass, looks beautiful, but is more difficult to clean;
  • Skinali - glass panels with a decorative backing, that is, with an image - vinyl film, with photo printing or stereo printing. Photo printing increases the price of a product by 30-50%, and stereo printing costs twice as much.

  • Optiwhite is a bleached tempered glass that does not have a characteristic "bottle" greenish-blue tint, and therefore is more suitable for aprons with a light decorative backing and in the event that the purity of color and detail of the pattern are important to you. However, a kitchen apron made of Optivite glass costs about one and a half to two times more expensive than an unbleached apron. In the photo below you can see the difference between Optiveite glass and unbleached glass.

  • Glass panels with built-in LED backlighting - the backlighting is built into the profiles that are attached at the top and / or bottom of the apron. Thus, it turns into a stand-alone lamp.

On the other hand, you can install the backlight in another way, for example, simply by gluing or installing as shown in the photo below.

  • The cheapest type of stalinite has a thickness of 4 mm, but it will also have less impact and bending strength. A glass panel with a thickness of 6 mm or more will be much more reliable;
  • Keep in mind that, as a rule, an apron made of tempered glass is ordered on a turnkey basis, that is, starting from measurements and ending with installation, therefore the final price of the apron also largely depends on the nuances of the installation - the method of fastening, the number of parts of the apron, if it is composite, the number of cutouts for sockets and rails, etc.
  • If you want to order skins, then you can choose the image yourself on. Most often, designers in workshops take pictures for printing from this photo bank.
  • As for the choice of design for skinning, it is important to proceed not from the beauty of the picture itself, but from how much it can fit into the interior of the kitchen in terms of plot and color. It is better when the drawing consists of a maximum of 3 colors that are present in the design of your kitchen, otherwise it will be too intrusive, active, and create a sense of disorder. If in doubt, choose a win-win versatile option - white or neutral glass, and if you want brightness, then color panels without pictures.

If the walls in the kitchen have a beautiful finish, for example, wallpaper with a pattern, brickwork or textured concrete, then it is best to choose transparent Optivite glass, and not skinned.

2. Apron made of triplex (laminated glass)

Triplex is a laminated organic, silicate or tempered glass, that is, when two or more layers are glued to each other with a special polymer film, which, in the event of damage to the glass, does not allow the fragments to crumble, keeping them on itself. The thickness of the laminated apron is usually 8 mm. If transparent triplex is used on the windshields of cars, then for aprons the polymer layer often has not only a protective, but also a decorative function.

Pros: absolute safety, durability, heat resistance, design variability, ease of maintenance, etc.

Cons: triplex is used for the manufacture of an apron less often than tempered glass, as it costs a little more (tempered glass triplex is the most expensive material), it is heavier and less transparent than tempered glass. Another disadvantage is the long production time for decorative triplex (14-30 days).

Varieties and variations of design: triplex with photo printing, triplex with a decorated layer of glass, (frosted, painted), triplex with a mirror or foil, triplex with a layer of tempered glass, also a triplex apron can imitate leather or fabric.

In the following video, you can see different combinations and variations of triplex decor:

3. Plexiglass apron

Plexiglass is often called acrylic glass, PMMA glass, it is also produced under the names plexiglass, acrylite, carboglass, limacryl, etc.

Pros: plexiglass cannot be broken, it is very cheap, lightweight, flexible, undemanding to the quality of the wall. You can install it yourself and cut it yourself, if necessary add holes for sockets, etc. The advantages include fast production times, design variability, moisture resistance, impact resistance and environmental friendliness - even when burning, plexiglass does not emit harmful substances.

Cons: scratches, fades, you cannot wash the apron with abrasives and hard sponges, it is afraid of acetone and alcohol, it can deform from overheating (at temperatures above 80 C °), therefore it is undesirable to install plexiglass behind a gas stove. It also loses to ordinary and tempered glass in appearance and transparency.

Varieties and variations of design: plexiglass can be colored (dyed in the mass), as well as decorated with photo printing.

4. Polycarbonate apron

Polycarbonate is very similar to plexiglass, but it has qualities that are more suitable for the role of a kitchen apron.

Pros: a glass panel for a kitchen made of polycarbonate will be much cheaper than panels made of stalinite, triplex, tiles and other popular materials. More resistant to high temperatures than plexiglass and stronger than tempered glass. In addition, it is lightweight, flexible and can be installed by hand.

Cons: the main disadvantage is that it scratches quickly, loses to ordinary glass in appearance.

Installation and types of fastening

When ordering a glass apron for the kitchen, you will also need to choose one of three mounting methods:

  1. With the help of screws, on which decorative plugs are then put on. This method is reliable and good because the apron can be installed on any surface - imperfectly flat or even on an old tile, and if desired, remove the apron and reinstall it. A distance of about 4 mm will remain between the wall and the panel. Minus: the plugs will be visible, although they do not spoil the view much.

  1. With the help of hinged fasteners. In this case, the panel is inserted into inconspicuous metal clips as in the photo on the right. This method of installation is more suitable for installing non-one-piece aprons, since it allows its parts to be aligned evenly.
  2. Using liquid nails or glue. It is possible to plant a glass panel on glue or liquid nails only on smooth, plastered walls, but glass planted on glue will not have visible fasteners.

After installing the glass apron, the gap between it and the tabletop is closed with a corner. If the apron consists of several parts, then the seams are treated with a thin layer of sealant, which will not be noticeable.

A kitchen apron is an integral functional and at the same time decorative interior detail. In the modern market of building and finishing materials, there is a growing demand for kitchen plastic panels. It should be noted that materials with plastic, including laminated MDF, are in an affordable price category, while there is a significant plus in performance characteristics, this is acceptable moisture resistance. Experienced finishers recommend materials made from tempered glass that are superior to tiles in many ways for optimal protection of kitchen walls. It should be noted that tempered glass is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and the possibility of implementing attractive design ideas. Below are the experts' reasoning about which apron for the kitchen is better to choose: plastic or glass. It will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with interesting facts.

How to make an apron in the kitchen professionally?

Correct calculation of the size of the apron

When marking the dimensions of the apron, it is necessary to add a couple of centimeters in the right places. This approach is needed so that the protective wall decoration goes not only under the countertop, but also under the floor and hanging kitchen cabinets.

lilac design

mirror apron in a minimalistic interior

Sealing seams

The kitchen apron should have a flat, smooth surface, exclude noticeable seams. The fact is that, as a rule, particles of dirt and moisture penetrate into the joints, and the cleaning process is quite laborious. To prevent such problems, it is worth using a silicone-based sealant.

mirror apron made of small elements

apron made of mirror tiles in two rows

Adding skirting boards

The place of contact between the apron and the table top needs proper protection. For this purpose, a plinth is taken, and in addition to it, the aforementioned silicone sealant. If we neglect this point, then water will inevitably enter the area where the floor cabinets are installed. In such furniture, the back walls are usually represented by a fibrous sheet, in a humid environment it tends to grow abundantly with mold, deform and swell.

apron of mirror tiles in one row

gray-beige glossy apron

Practical apron

The kitchen needs the right materials. Traditionally, when developing an apron, unglazed ceramic tiles and other porous finishing materials are immediately excluded. When choosing a material, it should be borne in mind that fat and moisture are firmly fixed in the pores, care for the surface is difficult, it is a favorable environment for the life of bacteria and dangerous mold.

ceramic tile apron with decor

apron made of small ceramic tiles with patterns

Glass kitchen apron

Expensive tempered glass is a practical and aesthetically pleasing material. Such a coating has a number of properties similar to the time-tested tiles. The glass apron is extremely easy to clean from dirt, moisture adhesion and constant temperature drops do not spoil the coating. The purchase of glass material will cost more than tiles, mosaic wall material, chipboard with plastic and MDF. When calculating the cost of an apron, the fate of an expensive installation using special fasteners, a specific process of creating holes for roof rails and sockets follows.

The apron is ideally fastened with fasteners specially designed for this purpose, while leveling the wall and even removing the old tile is not required. In the case of using glue to attach the material to the wall, you will need to adjust the wall to the level, dryness and cleanliness of the surface.

Attaching glass material to the wall does not provide for dirty work, it is carried out quickly. You can start installing the apron only after the kitchen set has been installed. The craftsmen carry out the work carefully, it usually takes 2 hours.

from glass with large flowers on a dark background

glass with a forest landscape

A glass apron for the kitchen has the following positive qualities:

  • long-term operation without damage;
  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • easy care.

The quality material is UV printed with good ink and has a 5 year warranty. The exact opposite is the budget imitation glass coating made of plexiglass with a pattern on the film. It is necessary to emphasize that grease and water stains, stains are hardly noticeable on the glass apron, in this respect the material wins against the background of mosaic or ordinary tiles. The smooth surface without seams is easy to clean, which cannot be said about an apron with an abundance of seams.

made of glass with white swans on a blue background

glass with green apples and leaves

Plastic kitchen apron

Description, surface preparation and material installation

We continue to talk about which apron for the kitchen is better to choose: plastic or glass. Next, we will describe the properties of the plastic finish. This option can be called economical. There are several types of material, the most popular are practical panels made of MDF, fiberboard or chipboard, covered with a layer of plastic. The surface imitates wood, mosaic tiles, stone surfaces. Alternatively, you can choose another type of plastic apron - polycarbonate. Resistant to mechanical and damp factors MDF boards are inferior to artificial or natural stone surfaces, mosaic finishing, ceramic tiles, but are sold at an affordable price.

Bars of wood act as the base of the apron, the panels do not adhere to the wall. From this it follows that surface leveling is not required.

It is easy to work with MDF panels, installation is available for beginners. It is not difficult to create holes for roof rails and sockets.

plastic apron with fruit

plastic apron with bright colors

The main characteristics of the material

An apron for a kitchen made of plastic panels has the following advantages:

  • durability of the material;
  • moisture resistance;
  • easy care.

It has been noticed that high-quality material made of MDF and plastic can serve for several years without problems. True, the service life is shorter than that of glass and tiles. A plastic apron based on MDF is more resistant to a humid environment than chipboard panels, but loses in this sense to a stone, mosaic, tile and glass apron. To avoid damage, it is necessary to thoroughly process the edge, to qualitatively hide the joints with the countertop by means of a plinth. Housewives note the simple care of the surface: a smooth and even apron has no joints, it can be washed well with a sponge or soft microfiber.

apron made of plastic with large white flowers

apron made of plastic with coffee beans

In addition to the considered options for finishing the kitchen apron, today the following are common: ceramic tiles, natural stone, natural wood, metal, artificial stone or marble, laminate panels, postforming sheets of chipboard and plastic, mosaic tiles, mirror material, plexiglass and panels with built-in lighting ...

Initially, kitchen aprons were made mainly of ceramic tiles, and moisture-resistant paint was also used for this purpose. Nowadays, glass kitchen aprons, which have a lot of advantages, are becoming more and more popular. This material is practical, has an external appeal and fits perfectly into the interior of premises made in a variety of styles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of a glass apron:

  • High hygiene due to the absence of unevenness, bulges and grouting, which have the property of accumulating dirt.
  • Huge selection of all kinds of design options.
  • Easy to install glass panels.
  • The ability of glass surfaces to visually enlarge the kitchen space and fill it with light.
  • Aesthetic and attractive appearance.
  • Possibility of installing additional lighting.
  • Glass will reliably protect noble surfaces made of wood or natural stone from external aggressive influences, and at the same time will not hide their beauty and texture.

Disadvantages of glass panels:

  • The finished glass panel cannot be cut into pieces, it is impossible to drill additional holes in it and adjust its dimensions - this must be taken into account when equipping a kitchen apron made of glass.
  • The cost of a glass panel is quite high.
  • In some interiors, a glass apron looks out of place (shabby chic, Provence, classic, country styles).

While there are some drawbacks, the advantages of installing a glass panel as a backsplash still prevail.

What are the main qualities of a glass kitchen apron

The glass apron must completely match the shape and size of the surface on which it will be installed. Plus, it needs to be durable and reliable, so don't skimp and go for the cheapest model.

A good quality glass kitchen apron will last a long time without losing its functional and aesthetic qualities. When choosing a glass panel for installation in a small kitchen, preference should be given to a glossy rather than a matte surface - it perfectly reflects light and makes the room more spacious.


Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of models of glass aprons made using advanced technologies. The most popular of them should be considered in detail.

Colorless glass panels

They are opaque or transparent. The advantage of a transparent panel is that it is practically invisible, it dissolves completely on the surface and is not conspicuous. At the same time, such an apron perfectly fulfills its main function - it provides reliable protection against moisture and dirt of a wall covered with wallpaper, painted or decorated in any other way. Frosted glass does not create glare and looks more discreet.

Panels with photo printing on glass

Such panels are called skins. Any image that the owner of the kitchen likes is applied to the seamy surface of the glass, this is done using a special technology. The special ink used in this process does not fade in the sun, is not afraid of high humidity and can easily withstand temperatures up to 120 degrees. There is only one drawback of such a panel - the drawing can quickly get bored, and then you will have to completely reinstall the kitchen apron.

Painted colored glass panel

This surface of the backsplash looks very bright and stylish. If desired, you can choose a color scheme that fits perfectly into the interior of the room. For the manufacture of colored glass panels, stemalite material is used, on the inner surface of which a pattern is applied, after which the glass is thermally treated. Such a surface will last a long time, remaining colorful and attractive.

Panel with a pattern printed on vinyl decorative film

This option is quite budgetary. A pre-prepared film with a pattern is applied to the inner surface of the glass panel. The disadvantage is that the film can fade over time, peel or wrinkle. However, if you choose quality materials, this will not happen.

Panel made of triplex (tempered glass)

Such a kitchen apron is a structure of laminated glass with different thicknesses. The drawing applied to it is perfectly protected from any external aggressive influence, since it is reliably "baked" in the middle of the glass "sandwich".

It will be very difficult to break such a panel, because even with a strong impact, it will simply be covered with cracks, but will not crumble. The disadvantage of this option for arranging a kitchen apron is the high cost of triplex and its impressive thickness. In addition, it is quite difficult to cut it out for all existing roof rails and sockets.

Mirror panel

Such a kitchen apron looks very aesthetically pleasing, moreover, it visually increases the size of the room. Since not everyone wants to admire their own reflection while cooking, mirror panels in the kitchen are not often installed.

Using the backlight

Correctly selected lighting will literally transform a glass kitchen apron and significantly increase its decorative effect. Most often, an LED strip is installed inside such a panel, or along its perimeter, which not only provides effective illumination of the apron itself, but also well illuminates the entire work surface.

At the same time, the owners of the apartment receive significant energy savings. If desired, and depending on the interior of the kitchen, you can use colored or white lighting.

In addition to the back, or backlight, side or end illumination is often used, when the LED lamp is attached to the ends of the panels, using an aluminum profile of different colors (gold, silver, cognac shade, and so on) for this.

This type of lighting looks original and is perfect for modern kitchens.

Most popular sizes

There are standard sizes of glass aprons - their height can be from 40 to a maximum of 90 cm. As for the length of the panels, experts do not advise installing structures that are longer than 2.5 meters. If the kitchen area is spacious and the work surface is quite large, it would be wiser to use split panels.

A good craftsman will make sure that the joints are completely invisible. Whatever the size of the room, it is not difficult to choose glass panels of the required size for it.

How is the process of installing glass panels carried out

Installation of glass panels does not take much time, the whole process will take no more than two hours from the master. This work is not dirty and quite simple, but it is still better to entrust it to a specialist.

There are several ways to attach a glass apron:

  • Using special fasteners- fixation is reliable, while the thickness of the glass and its dimensions do not matter. Before starting work, there is no need to prepare the wall and level it. If necessary, the panel can be quickly dismantled, tidied up and reinstalled. Fasteners can be hinged or straight through.
  • Using liquid nails or glue- before starting work, it is necessary to carefully level the wall, dry it and degrease it. The advantages of this method are that there is no need to fiddle with fasteners and tools for drilling a wall. However, fastening is considered more reliable.

How much is a glass apron for the kitchen

Glass panels offered by modern manufacturers can have very different prices. The price of such an apron depends on several factors: the way the image is applied to the glass, the type of glass itself, the chosen method of installing the panels, the type of surface on which they will be installed, and so on.

Most online stores selling glass panels offer their customers online calculators that allow them to quickly calculate the cost, taking into account all factors. However, it should be understood that this price will be approximate.

For example, a kitchen apron made of tempered glass with a photo print, the length of which is 250 cm and the height is 60 cm, will cost about 15 thousand rubles. The indicated cost includes the implementation of all measurements, and the production itself.

The average cost of a tempered glass apron starts from 5 thousand rubles per 1 sq. meter, including fasteners. The cost of glass panels with 3D effect or photo printing - from 9.5 thousand rubles per 1 sq. meter. The minimum cost of tempered glass panels, without drawing pictures and without photo printing - from 3.5 thousand rubles per 1 sq. meter. Tempered glass costs about 50% more than so-called "raw" silicate glass.

If the panel is made to order, you will have to wait a while, usually from 10 to 15 days. You will have to pay extra for some additional services - these services include color proofing, fitting an apron, creating a layout according to individual parameters, design processing of the selected pattern, installing additional glass protection with a special film, and so on.


As already mentioned, glass kitchen aprons are very easy to clean. To keep such a panel clean, it is enough to use ordinary household glass cleaning products, which can be bought at any supermarket.

They are sprayed onto the entire surface of the apron, after which the panel is wiped with a soft dry cloth. Repeat this procedure as soon as the glass panels become dirty. Since the seams in such an apron are either completely absent or practically invisible, dirt does not accumulate on its surface, and the care process does not take much time.

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Glass has long become a worthy competitor to ceramic tiles and other materials used to decorate an apron - a wall element located above the kitchen's working area and immediately attracting the eyes of guests. It is considered the most environmentally friendly and hygienic of similar finishing materials. The glass apron is impervious to water or steam, dirt and greasy drops are not absorbed into it, and they are washed off without much effort. Well, let's not forget to mention its attractive appearance.

From this article you will learn: how to choose an apron for a kitchen made of glass and not regret it, 6 most common mistakes when ordering, details on the installation of glass panels; you can read a price review, designer tips, reviews of glass aprons and see a gallery of photos of kitchens from the skin.

The most common misconception in our time about glass aprons is that water or grease drops, dust, stains, etc. will be visible on the smooth surface of the glass. But if you believe the reviews of those who have long decided to make such an apron in the kitchen, then the marks on it are visible in the same way as on similar surfaces, for example, on ceramic tiles. At the same time, it requires less effort to maintain cleanliness, in particular, due to the fact that the glass does not have tile joints, which are gradually clogged with dirt.

What glass to use for the apron?

The most common glass thickness for a kitchen backsplash is 6 or 8 mm.

Next to the working area of ​​the kitchen, tempered glass is considered the optimal material in terms of safety, reliability and long service life.

Tempered glass has a strength 5 times higher than that of ordinary glass. However, even if for some reason it breaks, then the fragments in this case will be small and without sharp edges. It is recommended to use such an apron next to the stove or hob, as it is not afraid of high temperatures.

Ordinary glass cannot boast of such reliability, and an apron made of plexiglass cannot initially be a good option for decorating walls in a kitchen. Since it is afraid of high temperatures, it cannot be used near a gas stove; besides, plexiglass is unstable to damage, even scratches, quickly becomes dull and it can be difficult to clean it from traditional kitchen dirt.

When you are thinking about which glass to choose for an apron, keep in mind this option: discolored glass - Optiwhite. Ordinary glass at first glance seems transparent, but it has a subtle greenish tint. On colored aprons, for example, with a landscape, texture, city panorama, you will not notice it, but if a white or other light shade is used on the apron, this greenish tint will ruin the whole look.

According to experts, thanks to the better opacity, the pattern on the apron looks brighter and clearer. Clarified glass costs about 30 percent more than regular glass.

What types of glass apron are there?

1. Colorless glass without color pattern

It can be transparent or frosted. A significant advantage of a transparent apron is that it is invisible and disguised as a common space. Its main purpose is to protect walls painted or covered with wallpaper (photo wallpaper) from dirt.

The frosted glass apron does not glare and has a more interesting appearance.

It is not necessary to use glass with a smooth glossy surface. Panels with a surface with textures applied, for example, satin, look quite extravagant and attractive.

And the last option involves the application of any elements to the glass surface using silk-screen printing or other technology - it can be a drawing, an inscription, etc.

2. Photo printing (with full color UV printing) on ​​glass

Panels with an interesting image applied to their surface are called skins. To date, this version of the glass apron has become widespread and popular, and therefore is quite in demand.

The glass apron with photo printing is quite beautiful and has a long service life. Using special equipment, the image is transferred to the inner side of the glass. Application is very reliable, does not fade from sunlight, it is not afraid of exposure to high temperatures (up to 120 degrees) or high humidity.

Panels with a 3D effect look best, but you will have to pay much more for such an apron than for an analogue made of colorless or painted glass.

A colored glass apron painted in the same range looks bright enough and at the same time inconspicuous, and at the same time does not hurt the eyes. Here, the choice of shades is practically unlimited.

In the manufacture of this type of aprons, the so-called. stemitis. This technology consists in applying a paint intended for this to the inner surface of a glass panel, after which the glass is subjected to heat treatment. This staining method has a very high degree of reliability.

4.With pattern printed on decorative vinyl

A kitchen apron with a printed vinyl film glued on is a cheaper option than photo printing. This technology consists in the fact that the film is rolled from the inner side of the glass surface, which serves as its protection from harmful influences. In this case, it is necessary to choose high-quality material, and work with it should be carried out by qualified specialists, otherwise it will peel off after a while, wrinkle or burn out.

Glass, consisting of several layers of different thicknesses, is called triplex. Its main advantage is that the drawing is not exposed to absolutely any harmful influences for it.

A triplex apron is two layers of glass, fastened together, and between them there is the image itself. Another plus is that in the event of mechanical damage, it does not shatter into pieces, but only cracks. This option is practically not used in the kitchen. The reason lies in the high cost, the thickness is more than that of an ordinary glass apron, plus it can be difficult to make holes in it for roof rails and sockets.

6. Mirror apron

Visually looks pretty good, visually enlarges the space and creates a cozy atmosphere. However, he is not for everybody, since not everyone likes to see their reflection or the process of cooking, washing dishes. An interesting compromise is to use the same elegant semi-matt sandblasted mirror tile instead of the mirror panel.

From the designer. A glass backsplash works well for small kitchens, which are often found in older homes. With a slight reflective effect, it visually enlarges the room. The smooth surface of such an apron, reflecting light, makes the room brighter.

A beautiful landscape or a picture of a city view can bring depth and perspective, as well as push the boundaries - these are indispensable features for a small kitchen.

Glass panels, made with the correct adherence to the technological process and installed during the kitchen renovation, are of high quality and can last for many years, so an apron is not the thing to save on.

Glass apron assembly - important information

The installation of the apron chosen does not take much time and will only take a couple of hours if installed by qualified technicians.

Unlike an apron made of ceramic tiles or mosaics, the installation process of any skinals does not require general cleaning after the end of the work and will save you time.

The glass apron is attached to the wall using two methods.

1.With fasteners

This mounting method is preferred. The apron, regardless of what glass and what thickness was used in its production, is fixed quite well. Another advantage with this method of fastening is the absence of the need for a thorough leveling of the wall. In addition, if necessary, the apron can be easily dismantled and then reinstalled.

Note: for this operation, two types of fasteners are used - hinged or straight-through.

Hinged fasteners- 10mm are hook plates made of metal into which a glass panel is inserted. At the same time, absolutely no holes need to be drilled in the apron. These plates are practically invisible and press the glass well. If the apron is divided into parts, then with this method of installation it is possible to dock the edges of the panels so that the joining points will be invisible.

When applying through fasteners before the glass tempering process, the required number of holes for the screws is drilled along the edges of the apron. After installation, they are covered with special two-centimeter overlays.

The advantage of this method is that there is little space between the glass and the wall, for this reason the aprons can be fixed without any preparation and leveling of the wall. A small disadvantage is that the fasteners will remain in sight and may spoil the design a little.

2. On glue or liquid nails

The essence of this method is that the glass panel of the apron is glued directly to the wall. In this case, a very flat wall is required. To do this, it is plastered, putty and dried. Installation of skins using glue is considered easier, since there is no need to drill through the walls and suffer with fasteners, but the method using fasteners is more reliable.

After the installation of the glass panel is completed, a special side is installed on the joint between the apron and the tabletop. In the event that you chose a composite apron, and not a one-piece one, make sure that the installers hide all the gaps by aligning the panels as tightly as possible. To exclude the appearance of fungus on the wall, all joints are sealed with a sealing compound. If the specialists performed the work efficiently, then neither sealant nor joints will be noticeable.

As a rule, the installation, which is carried out by Moscow companies, does not imply the necessary work on leveling the wall and installing additional parts (skirting boards, roof rails, sockets, lighting, etc.). These works are carried out by agreement, and you will have to pay extra for them.

If possible, the installation of a glass apron can be done on your own. However, please note that this work should be carried out by an experienced person, preferably with a prior experience with glass.

Backlit glass apron

A certain charm and romance to an apron made of glass panels is added by a beautiful backlight with correctly placed accents. Around the apron, and in some cases and directly in it, an LED strip is attached, which slightly illuminates the surface of both the apron itself and the work surface, while having an energy-saving effect. The LED strip offered in stores is available in white or colored. When using the second, it becomes possible to change the lighting as you please. We have already written in more detail about backlit aprons.

Dimensions (edit)

The standard height of a kitchen backsplash most often ranges from 0.4 to 0.9 meters. According to professionals, the length of the glass panel should not exceed 200-250 centimeters. If you have a large kitchen and you need a long apron, the manufacturers will make it a composite one. Moreover, you don't have to worry about the visibility of the joints: if the work is done by good masters, then they will not be visible at all.

Prices for an apron made of glass both in Moscow and in other cities vary considerably. How much a custom-made product will cost is influenced by many different factors, including dependence on the type of glass, the method of painting or drawing an image, the method of installation and the cost of fasteners; combined is an apron or one-piece; whether there are non-standard angles in the working area; Do you need correction or image editing using design programs, etc.

The journalists of the website portal, having looked at the prices on the resources of Moscow firms engaged in the manufacture of glass aprons to order, calculated the average level of prices for various services.
So, the departure of a specialist for the production of measurements in Moscow costs about 1,000 rubles, outside the Moscow Ring Road - an average of 1,500 rubles.

By the way, the calculation of the cost of the apron you are interested in can be done directly on some of the companies' websites. The price will naturally be inaccurate and can easily increase when ordering.

We decided to experiment and calculate the cost of a tempered glass apron with photo printing, the length of which is 2.5 meters and with a height of 0.6 meters, in which there should be two holes for sockets and rails. The calculations of three calculators showed that for such a plan an apron would have to pay about 15,000 rubles. The calculated price includes the departure of the measurer, the cost of manufacturing the apron, delivery within the city and installation.

In the event that Optivite glass is used for production, then the price of a similar apron will increase on average to 18-19 thousand rubles.

Average prices for an apron made of tempered glass, the thickness of which is 6 mm, with UV-photo printing, start at 6,000 rubles per sq.m., this includes the cost of fasteners.

An apron with photo printing with a 3D effect will cost you 9500 rubles per sq. M.

The lowest price for a transparent apron made of tempered glass 6mm without photo printing starts at 3,500 rubles. A similar apron, but made of transparent Optivite glass, will require 30 percent more money.

Tempered glass is usually about 40-50 percent more expensive than regular "raw" glass.

If the choice fell on triplex with photo printing, then prices for it start at 11,000 rubles per square.

On average, the production time for a glass apron in many companies is about two weeks, and it is business days that are counted.

It should be borne in mind that for some additional services that are needed, you will need to pay extra.

Among them are an apron fitting, color proofing, some design services for creating and editing a layout. Some firms include payment for the purchase of an image from a photo bank in the specification. Many manufacturers also offer an additional coating of any apron with a clear or colored protective film. Some produce it for free, while others ask from 600 rubles per running meter.

A virtual fitting of 3 options for aprons in a photo of a real kitchen in the city costs 1000-1500 rubles. Several companies, when placing an order, undertake to make it at no additional cost.

Examples of how a glass apron will look in your kitchen can be viewed in our photo gallery:

The photo was skinned with the image

Colored plain glass aprons

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