Water-based paint: specifications, manufacturers, composition. Characteristics of water-based paint Specific gravity of water-based paint

reservoirs 25.06.2019

Today, to perform interior finishing, it can be used a large number of materials. Popular water-based paint, which is distinguished by many positive characteristics not inherent in all types of coloring compositions.

This material demonstrates good adhesion, variety of types, fairly simple application. Care of the painted surface does not require special skills and equipment. But it is important to know how to choose the right suitable paint for repair.


Water-based paint contains fillers and polymers (sometimes latex) in water. In addition, an adhesive emulsion is added, due to which the adhesion of the composition becomes possible, and lastly, a pigment that gives the paint the main color sound.

Initially, the components of the paint do not dissolve in water, so its production is carried out in several stages:

  • adding pigments and polymers to water;
  • grinding (dispersing) the components of the composition;
  • the introduction of other additives using a special mixer (dissolver).

After that, the paint is considered ready, it is packaged and sent to stores. At the same time, the proportions of certain substances in the compositions of various manufacturers will differ.

It is thanks to the component features that the paint got its name. An emulsion is a dispersed system. Such a composition is distinguished by the presence of a mixture of microscopic droplets of two insoluble liquids. As a rule, these are water and polymers.

Another name for paint is water-dispersion, since it is based on aqueous dispersions of polymers. They, in turn, contain suspensions of fillers and pigments, auxiliary additives (emulsifiers, stabilizers). Water-based paint does not contain organic solvents, which explains its environmental Safety, non-toxic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Water-based paint has a number of advantages, among which the most significant are:

  • Ecological composition. It is due to the absence of organic solvents. Therefore, the paint is suitable for application in institutions for children.
  • Non-toxic. Such paint does not smell during application and during drying.
  • Fire and explosion safety, which are explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the paint.
  • Weak abrasion.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments, including alkalis.

  • Moisture resistance allows such coatings to be subjected to wet cleaning.
  • Gas and vapor permeability guarantees the maintenance of a microclimate in the room, the absence of the effect of "steam room".
  • Compatible with most surfaces.
  • Price availability.
  • Ease of application.
  • Long shelf life - 24 months. However, only the paint for which the conditions prescribed by the manufacturer are created is stored for so long.

Like any material, water-dispersion-based paint has "cons":

  • Exposure to bacteria, fungus, mold, which actively multiply when applying paint in damp, insufficiently heated rooms. In this case, the preliminary cleaning of the wall from mold and fungus, its treatment with special compounds allows to solve the problem. When choosing water-based paint for such premises, preference should be given to compositions with antibacterial and antifungal effects.
  • This composition is not suitable for unheated rooms and outdoor work, because when negative temperatures the painted surface is covered with cracks.
  • The impossibility of applying the composition on surfaces coated with adhesive composition and varnish, as well as on metals. However, if necessary, cover metal areas with a “water emulsion”, the latter are primed in several layers. After that, the paint lays down perfectly and keeps on metals.

Types and characteristics

The composition of water-dispersion paint may differ in the presence of certain additives. This, in turn, affects the technical properties of the paint: its appearance, scope, application features.

There are the following types of interior "water emulsion":

  • Polyvinyl acetate. The basis of this composition is a polyvinyl acetate emulsion, which is a very white thick homogeneous substance. It is also the basis of PVA glue. It can be plasticized (it freezes at 0 degrees, it is afraid of frost) and non-plasticized (withstands up to 4 freezing cycles). Plasticizers and stabilizers are added to the polyvinyl acetate emulsion. As for coloring pigments, they may or may not be present. The content and ratio of the components of the composition, as well as production processes are regulated by GOST 28196 89. After applying to the surface, water evaporates from the emulsion, and the remaining substances harden, acquiring hydrophobic characteristics. After drying, a porous semi-matt surface is formed. The hardening time at a temperature of +22 - 2-3 hours.

The popularity of this type of coating is due to good hiding power (a parameter of the decorative characteristics of the coating that affects the color properties and degree of gloss), the possibility of painting porous surfaces (brick, concrete, plaster, cardboard), obtaining a strong and attractive film, high drying speed.

You can get the right shade by purchasing the paint of the right color. or adding color to white paint. In the latter case, it is recommended to apply at least 2 layers of "water emulsion" to get a good result. Finally, it is worth noting the minimum price of polyvinyl acetate paint compared to other types of water-dispersion compositions.

At the same time, the paint is not suitable for rooms with high humidity. When applied to surfaces made of chalk, clay, limestone, metal, the paint begins to peel off, and when subjected to excessive mechanical stress, it cracks.

  • Acrylic. The main components of acrylic paint are a water-dispersion mixture and polyacrylates. It is the presence of the latter that provides increased moisture resistance of the paint, it is also called “washable” and is suitable for rooms with high level air humidity. At the same time, the painted layer is characterized by vapor permeability; mold and fungi do not form under it. Due to its good elasticity, the paint is suitable for application not only on walls, but also on the ceiling. At the same time, it demonstrates compatibility with almost all types of working bases, including metal ones. The latter types must be primed first. Due to UV and abrasion resistance, the painted surfaces retain their presentable appearance and brightness of the shade even when exposed to direct sunlight and with regular wet cleaning.

  • latex paint- this is the common name for several types of "water emulsion", which contain latex. This additive may be present in acrylic, acrylic silicone, acrylic polyvinyl acetate and acrylic styrene butadiene paints. Main Feature compositions containing latex is the ability to form a special "crystalline" surface structure, which acquires the properties of increased moisture resistance and resistance to aggressive environments, including alkaline. The finished coating is characterized by a higher density than other types of "water emulsion".

Depending on the appearance of the painted surfaces, or rather the gloss / haze indicators, the latex "water emulsion" can be of the following types:

  • highly matte (CM 0-5);
  • semi-matte (MP 11-29);
  • matte (M 6-10);
  • highly glossy (SG 90-100);
  • glossy (G 60-89);
  • semi-glossy (PG 30-59).

To achieve one or another effect of a painted surface, it is important to pay attention to these characteristics of latex compositions. So, for example, when applying paint over wallpaper, a matte one will emphasize the texture of the latter, while a glossy one will blur it and distract it from the features of the texture. Latex paints have all the "pluses" of water-dispersion compositions, but at the same time they have greater strength and abrasion resistance. However, latex paint should only be used in heated rooms, otherwise its quality deteriorates.

  • silicate water-based paint consists of water dispersion, liquid glass and color pigments. It has all the qualities inherent in water-based paints (environmental friendliness, breathability, fire and explosion safety). In addition, the painted surfaces have increased moisture resistance and retain their properties for a long time. The service life of such paint is up to 20-25 years. The presence of special additives prevents contamination of painted substrates with mold and fungus.

  • A feature of the composition of silicone products is the presence of silicone resins in it. Due to this, the paint can be used on most surfaces. Among other advantages is the possibility of coating surfaces with small (up to 2 mm in width) cracks. After drying, all defects are hidden, a smooth smooth surface is formed. The paint can be used in rooms with high humidity and even applied to semi-moist substrates. Due to the high vapor permeability, it is possible to avoid the formation of mold on the painted surface and fungal formations. It is also important that the hiding power characteristics are also on top - to obtain an optimal staining result, one coat of paint is enough.

The painted surface does not attract dirt, so its cleaning is extremely rare. Naturally, such technical qualities lead to a higher cost of the product.

  • The main components of mineral paint are cement and slaked lime , thanks to which the paint fits well on brick, cement and concrete surfaces. If a polyvinyl acetate emulsion is present in the composition of the mineral enamel, then the dried surface will be resistant to the effects of fats and oil products. A significant "minus" of mineral compositions is a short service life.

Colors and design

Among the advantages of water-based paint, color diversity is noted. However, more and more often on store shelves you can find white or transparent paint. To them, a small vial of color is purchased - a composition saturated with pigment, which, when added to the “water emulsion”, gives it the desired shade. The use of liquid colors allows you to get complex colors that are not commercially available. In addition, by changing the concentration of color in the paint, you can achieve a gradation effect when painting the surface. In other words, it will be possible to change the intensity of the color from more saturated to restrained.

Today, experts recommend avoiding ready-made solutions and use colors. This is due to the fact that during the production of colored paint a single shade is obtained, the equipment is not capable of outputting tones or halftones. As a result of staining ready-made formulations the degree of illumination of the working bases and their material are not taken into account. This is why dried surfaces can lose volume and the room itself can become dark and small.

But if it is necessary to use achromatic black, gray paints, it is better not to waste time on tinting, but to purchase a ready-made composition.

When tinting water-based paint, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • The ratio of components should be selected exactly in the room where the staining will be done. In this case, a test batch is first prepared, with which a small area is painted. All proportions are recorded. After drying, the result is evaluated in daylight and electric light. If the result is satisfactory, proceed to the preparation of the paint and painting the entire surface.
  • When adding color to the paint, you can not pour the contents of the bottle immediately. It is better to do this in small portions, literally drop by drop, regularly mixing the composition. This will achieve the desired intensity of the finished product.
  • You should prepare the entire volume of paint at once, otherwise in the future (when tinting in small portions) you risk not picking up a similar shade. Of course, if the work surfaces are large and the whole process takes a long time (the paint begins to harden already in the bucket), then this recommendation is irrelevant. In this case, it is necessary to carefully record the proportions of paint and color used and monitor their observance in subsequent preparations of the composition.

Please note that only white paint can be tinted. If it contains yellowish and other pigments, the result of staining is unpredictable.

The decor of surfaces painted with "water emulsion" in most cases is achieved not through paint, but through the use of various materials and application technique. Quite popular is the application of paint on decorative plaster. In this case, the base color is applied to the dried plastered surface as the first layer. It is important that the coloring composition fills all the recesses and protrusions of the surface, painting with an airbrush usually helps to achieve this. The next layer (of a different or the same shade as the base, but more intense) is applied with a sponge or a bald roller.

A crumpled newspaper or a damp rag allows you to get relief or abstract stains. To do this, blot the painted and uncured surface with a piece of newspaper or rags, after rubbing them. The application of paint has an unusual effect textured roller. It has a certain pattern on its surface, which is transferred to the area being formed. When choosing this method, it should be borne in mind that paint consumption will increase.

In addition to using special tools and improvised means, you can choose special acrylic paints providing the required decorative effect. To get texture, it is better to purchase acrylic, silicone, silicate or mineral versions of water-dispersion paints. The paint may contain quartz chips or other natural filler. The result of staining will be unusual visual effects, a sense of volume, imitation of various surfaces. The painted surface is uneven, embossed, reminiscent of rock. Marseille wax is used to simulate the surface of wood or cork. After drying, the surface is covered with a special wax.

For rooms with high humidity and surfaces that require frequent wet cleaning, it is recommended to use a glossy water-based paint. In addition, it allows you to achieve shiny smooth surfaces, while more "calm" matte paint It has a porous structure that attracts impurities. Painting ceilings with a glossy composition allows you to visually “lift” them, increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. But if the room has a ceiling height of about 3 m, the glossy finish is lost and looks inexpressive. Glossy paint gives a strong mirror effect.

An interesting result can be obtained using a mother-of-pearl composition. Its peculiarity is that with different light incidence, the surface shows many shades within one color palette. In other words, volume, versatility of color is achieved. Refraction of color is possible due to the introduction of the smallest pearlescent color scheme into the paint.

Scope of application

With many advantages, interior water-based paint loses them when applied to exterior surfaces. That is why such compositions are suitable exclusively for interior work. "Vodoemulsionki" are suitable for decorating walls and ceilings not only in residential, but also in office and industrial premises. In this case, for the ceiling it is better to choose special paint, it will have a thicker consistency that is easy to spread.

Due to its environmental friendliness and non-toxicity, "water emulsion" is actively used for surface decoration in children's and medical institutions. Most water-dispersion compositions demonstrate good adhesion with the main types of work surfaces. When applied to some of them (for example, metals), their preliminary primer is required. The most versatile in terms of compatibility with working substrates is an acrylic product. When applied to porous surfaces, the gloss / mattness of the paint is also important. For porous surfaces, it is better to use glossy and semi-gloss options.

Surfaces that are subject to frequent wet cleaning (in public places or in the kitchen) are recommended to be painted with latex compounds. Even after several years active exploitation they retain vapor permeability, resistance to moisture and an attractive appearance. In rooms characterized by high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms, washing and swimming pools, houses of old buildings), it is better to paint the walls and ceiling with silicate compounds, and if it becomes necessary to protect surfaces from mold and fungus, silicone.

The ideal paint for wallpaper is latex. When applying other types, it is possible to soak the wallpaper, disturbing their texture. And latex paint strengthens them, making wet cleaning of surfaces possible. It is more suitable for non-woven fabrics than for paper wallpaper. Moreover, the latter should be intended for painting.

If you need to paint a tree, then you should choose a "water emulsion" with a special mark on the package. Such compositions not only fit perfectly on wooden surfaces, preserving their original texture, but also protecting them from rotting, mold and mildew. For wood, only matte versions are used, as the gloss "eats" the natural beauty of the material.

Often there is a need to paint not walls or ceilings, but small elements rooms, for example, radiators. At the same time, the coloring composition applied to the battery must withstand high temperatures and protect the surface from corrosion. For these purposes, acrylic matte paint is optimal (gloss will draw attention to irregularities and defects in the coating). Do not forget that the paint should be intended for application to batteries, and it is better to paint outside the heating season.


The production of water-based paint is carried out both abroad and in Russia. Leading brands are:

  • Dulux is a British manufacturer specializing in the production building materials. Paint and varnish products are of the highest quality, and therefore a considerable price. You can buy Dulux paint in containers with a volume of 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 liters. The price for a container with a volume of 10 liters starts in the range of 4500-5000 rubles. At the same time, the paint consumption, according to the manufacturer, is 13-17 l / m2. The advantage is a wide range of products designed for different areas of use. There are many compositions for interior work with universal use (Dulux Trade Diamond Matt, Dulux Trade Ecosure Matt, Dulux Trade Diamond Eggshell), for rooms with high humidity (Dulux Trade Supermatt) and for kitchens (Dulux Reallife Kitchen Matt), as well as for surfaces, frequently washed (Dulux Trade Vinyl Silk).

Of the brand's unique compositions, it should be noted Dulux Trade Vinyl Soft Sheen (applied to wallpaper for painting), Dulux Light & Space Matt (reflective material), Dulux Magic White (has a color indicator).

Water-based paint for walls and ceilings is still very popular for repairs. The reason for this is its affordability and numerous functional advantages.


To describe the water-based composition, the following factors are important:

  1. Paint components. IN aqueous solution there can be a variety of fillers, thickeners, antiseptic substances. Depending on the composition, the paint is intended for facade or interior work, wet or dry rooms, etc.
  2. Sphere of use. The composition can be universal or for painting only one type of surface (for example, wood).
  3. Paint consumption. Calculate the amount of paint in milliliters, based on how much it will take to cover 1 square meter in one layer. In this case, many factors are taken into account, including the type of material and the condition of the surface.
  4. Specific gravity. quality water-dispersion paint has a density of approximately 1.5 kg per 1 liter.
  5. Viscosity. This parameter indicates the degree of dilution with liquid.
  6. Humidity environment during application and use.
  7. Drying time.
  8. Storage conditions.
  9. Best before date.
  10. Coating service life.

You should be aware of other technical details, including the proportions of paint components and common markings.

Note! Water-based paint is always white, and color is obtained by adding a special pigment.

Component proportions

An important component of water-based paints is the emulsifier responsible for film formation.

The following components are used as film formers:

  • styrene-butadiene;
  • acrylic resin;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • styrene-acrylate.

Also mica, barite, talc, chalk are added to the composition. The proportions in which certain components are contained in the paint are determined by its purpose.

The function of the thickener is performed by a complex compound - carboxymethyl cellulose. In everyday life, this component is called the adhesive composition of CMC.

Note! To work with emulsion paint, it is recommended to use a spray gun. Spraying allows you to get the most high-quality and uniform coverage.

The table shows the ratio of various components in the paint on water based:

A water-based paint material is made by adding a white pigmenting agent, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

According to the main component, all water-based dyes are divided into several types:

  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • mineral.


On a can of paint or in accompanying documents, abbreviated alphabetic and numeric designations are used. At the beginning there are letters indicating the type of composition:

  • VE - water-based paint;
  • VD - water-dispersion.

The following letters indicate the type of polymer used:

  • KCh (butadiene-styrene);
  • VA (polyvinyl acetate);
  • AK (acrylate or styrene-acrylate);
  • BC (polyvinyl alcohol).

In addition to letters, numbers are used:

  • 1 - compositions, especially resistant to atmospheric phenomena;
  • 2 - paints for interior work.

Note! Requirements for water-based coatings are set out in GOST 281960-89. Unlike GOST, TU rules are much less stringent, and therefore the quality of products manufactured according to TU cannot be guaranteed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Water-based paints have many positive qualities:

  1. Good adhesion with different types materials.
  2. Easy to dilute in water.
  3. Environmental Safety.
  4. Fast drying.
  5. Absence bad smell indoors after painting the surface.
  6. Strength. The coating does not peel off.
  7. Resistance to chemicals, including alkalis.
  8. Ease of removing dirt from the coating.
  9. Fire safety.
  10. High water resistance of individual modifications, which makes it possible to paint surfaces with such compositions in bathrooms and kitchens.
  11. Antibacterial properties.
  12. Long service life of the coating, reaching 18-20 years.
  13. The ability to mask surface defects (at the proper level of viscosity of the composition).
  14. Compatibility with any type of interiors. Thanks to tinting, the paint has the widest palette of colors.
  15. Low cost.

There are water-dispersed paints and cons:

  1. Sensitivity to temperature when staining. The minimum threshold is 5 degrees above zero.
  2. Some types of paints form surfaces that are not very durable.
  3. Not all water-based formulations are suitable for metallic substrates or glossy surfaces.

Varieties of paint

There are several types of water-based paints and varnishes.

Polyvinyl acetate

The most affordable in terms of money. The advantages also include resistance to ultraviolet radiation and fatty contaminants. These paints are non-toxic and fireproof. However, polyvinyl acetate dyes are unstable to moisture, and over time, coatings from them turn yellow.



The main component is liquid glass. Advantages: affordability, durability, mechanical strength, resistance to temperature changes and vapor permeability. Disadvantages: suitable only for painting concrete and plaster indoors, as they are unstable to moisture. In addition, silicate coatings do not adhere to metal and glass surfaces at all.


Acrylate-based paints are the most popular today. They are versatile and can be used on any type of surface. However, before painting the metal, you will need high-quality priming. Advantages: resistance to ultraviolet, mechanical stress, dirt-repellent properties, elasticity. An important quality of acrylic paints is a low consumption rate. Another advantage: a washable surface painted with acrylic paint can be used both outdoors and indoors with equal success.


The basis of this type of coatings contains latex. In this regard, the cost of paints is high. Latex gives the coating excellent moisture resistance. Such surfaces can be washed even with the use of aggressive detergents. Latex paints are suitable for all types of surfaces. A characteristic feature of the latex solution is the ability to mask surface imperfections.

A significant drawback of latex paint is the lack of vapor permeability, and therefore condensation appears on the coating. In addition, latex is not resistant to sub-zero temperatures, ultraviolet and fungus.


The main component is silicone silicone resins. Especially often used when painting ceilings. This is due to the good adhesion of the paint, so that no streaks form on the ceiling during the painting process.

Due to its high viscosity, silicone paint masks small surface imperfections. Such a base allows you to achieve an antiseptic effect, high vapor permeability, resistance to chemicals and fungal formations. In this regard, coatings are popular for finishing wet rooms.

Due to their excellent adhesion characteristics, silicone formulations are often applied over old paint layers. high density and the hiding power of the material allows you to get by with a couple of layers even when painting a black surface.

Classification of paints by purpose and type of coating

Water-based formulations are distinguished by purpose (information about this is contained on the label):

  1. For dry rooms with low operating load. Such paints are not suitable for wet rooms. This type of water emulsion is not the best option for children, as the coating cannot be washed.
  2. Resistant to mechanical stress. A similar marking is used for paints and varnishes that form coatings that are resistant to abrasion, but are afraid of moisture. The surface may only be cleaned with a dry brush or vacuum cleaner, not with water.
  3. Leave-in coating. Paints with this marking are used in rooms with a high level of humidity or in rooms where there is a need for frequent wet cleaning. However, don't work too hard with a damp cloth, as the coating is not abrasion resistant.
  4. Dirt-resistant. Coatings of this type are among the most durable, well tolerated by wet cleaning, even with the use of aggressive chemicals. You can choose a dirt-repellent paint if the coating is supposed to be used in conditions of high humidity or with constant pollution.
  5. Interior. The paint is marked with the word "interior" if it is intended for use only inside the building.
  6. For the ceiling. The peculiarity of ceiling paint is that it has a more liquid consistency compared to paintwork materials for walls or floors.

There are three types of coatings:

  1. Glossy. The shiny surface allows you to visually enlarge the space, create the feeling of a high ceiling. Glossy coatings are not afraid of wet cleaning and are resistant to abrasion. However, any defects (cracks, chips, etc.) are noticeable on them.
  2. Matte. Unlike glossy, matte coatings do not tolerate wet cleaning. However, on a matte background, minor surface imperfections are practically invisible.
  3. Semi-matte. This type of coating is a cross between matte and glossy.

Popular manufacturers

There is a wide variety of water-based formulations on the market. The best quality products are produced by such European manufacturers as Tikkurila, Dulux and Dufa. Products famous brands is expensive, but has excellent consumer characteristics and a proven reputation. Inexpensive paints from little-known companies are not always synonymous with poor quality, but it is recommended to study reviews of such products on the Internet before buying.

Surface preparation

In order for the paint to adhere well to the base coat, it must be carefully prepared. We are talking about removing irregularities, repairing cracks and cleaning the surface from dirt and dust.

During the preparatory work, a considerable amount of debris may arise, and when painting, it is easy to stain the surrounding interior items. To avoid damage to property, use a plastic film, which is attached to the baseboards with masking tape.

Surface cleaning

First you need to clean the walls of old paint or any other decorative coating. To remove paint, use one of three methods:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Thermal.

Note! The oil-based coating is incompatible with water-based coatings, so it will have to be removed in any case. If the old paint is enamel, it can be left, but the surface should be qualitatively primed with drying oil.

Standard steps for surface cleaning:

  1. Remove the old coating with a hard sponge or brush.
  2. If the wall is whitewashed, we moisten it with water and remove the remaining whitewash with a brush or a regular sponge.
  3. If it's about oil paint, we use a building hair dryer to heat the coating - this is the only way it can be softened and removed with a scraper or spatula.

On sale there are means for chemical cleaning of a surface of old paint. Such chemicals destroy the previous coating, so that after some time after their application, it remains only to remove the remaining paint mechanically.

Sealing gaps

When the walls are cleaned, we begin to search for and repair cracks in the base coat. If this work is ignored, it will not be possible to obtain a stable new coating and new cracks will inevitably appear on the painted surface.

We slightly expand the found cracks to fill them with a repair compound using a spatula or grinder. Next, we clean the cracks from dust and apply a primer for deep penetration painting. Let the material dry (most often we are talking about 4-6 hours of waiting).

The next step is to seal the cracks with putty or some kind of polymer (for example, silicone sealant). To prepare the putty, we use an electric drill with a mixer attachment. The composition must be brought to complete uniformity, only then it is considered ready.

The walls that have dried after puttying are once again treated with a primer. Again we wait for the surface to dry before continuing to work.

Paint preparation

Paint thinning

The paint in the can has a thick consistency. The undiluted composition is great for creating relief compositions, but for regular painting too thick. In this regard, the emulsion is first thoroughly stirred, and then water is added to it. The quantity is determined based on the recommendations of the manufacturer or empirically. Water is added until the LKM does not acquire the desired consistency. Properly diluted paint resembles fatty milk in density.

If you plan to use an airbrush, tap water will not work, because after the coating dries, a whitish coating forms on it. In this regard, distilled water or alcohol is used for dilution.

The paint must be diluted immediately before use. Already after 15-20 minutes the composition thickens. If this time is missed, the paint should be thinned again.


The water-based composition is offered in white. If you want to give the paint a different color, add pigment to it. This can be done at home or directly in the store, if there is specialized equipment.

If you carry out tinting yourself, it is recommended to purchase a pigment with a margin of 10-15%. This will allow in the future to easily recreate the composition to update the coating.

Color is added gradually, after which the solution is thoroughly mixed. If the intensity of the resulting shade does not suit you, then you need to add more pigmenting substance.

First, you should dilute a little tinted paint, which will allow you to see how it will look on the painted surface. Moreover, the shade of the dried coating differs from the color of the liquid coating. You also need to keep in mind that paint with a violated period of use or improperly stored may have a significantly changed color (compared to the original) and poorly adhere to the surface. Poor-quality paint will form a bubble coating or simply run off the surface completely.

Paint consumption

Approximate consumption per m2 is indicated by the manufacturer on the bank. Based on these data, it becomes possible to plan the consumption of paintwork materials.

However, it should be remembered that the consumption rates of 1m2 of the same paint can vary greatly depending on additional factors. In particular, we are talking about the type of material being painted. A smooth surface absorbs 15-20% less coatings compared to a rough one.

Note! The calculation takes into account the number of layers. Most often, one layer is not enough to paint the surface - they will need at least 2-3.

Also, the material used is affected by the tool used. For example, the use of an airbrush allows you to reduce the consumption of paintwork materials, but only if painting is carried out in calm weather.

Consumption also depends on temperature and humidity. In hot weather, the liquid quickly evaporates from the dye, and therefore the coating is formed unevenly - you have to reapply layers. Additional loss of coatings is a common occurrence when painting a ceiling, as the composition simply flows down.


Paint is applied with brushes, rollers or spray guns. Brushes are the best option for working on small surfaces with lots of angles and bumps. A spray gun is a handy tool, but not everyone has it, and buying it for one painting is not always advisable. Therefore, most often the best for painting the surface is a roller.

There are several types of rollers:

  1. Foam. Differ in low cost. Too much dye is taken in, and therefore bubbles and bumps form on the coating.
  2. Velor. Buying them is more difficult due to their lower prevalence. Velor rollers are characterized by low absorbency. This property has a positive effect on the quality of painting, but the roller will have to be dipped very often.
  3. Fleecy. The best way for painting. On sale there are rollers with different length pile (affects the thickness of the layer). The most expensive fleecy rollers are made from felt and fur. Also a good choice are rollers made of polyamide fiber.

Paint application

The prepared paint and varnish material is poured into the paint tray. To make it more convenient to paint, reaching the most remote areas, a long handle is attached to the roller. In this capacity, a plastic tube or a light wooden holder is used.

Start applying paint from the corner of the wall. And it is painted over with a brush. Then they dip the roller into the paint, squeeze it against the pallet and make movements in the direction down and then up. The thickness of the applied strip is equal to the width of the roller. Each next strip is overlapped with the previous one. In this way, the appearance of visible borders between the stripes is avoided. You need to paint quickly in order to have time to work out all the diluted paintwork.

2-3 layers of a water-based composition are applied to the puttied walls. Every time they wait until the coating dries, and only then proceed to apply a new layer. The average break is 3-4 hours.

Note! When applying paint to wallpaper, one layer is enough.

Decorative painting

If you wish, you can not just paint a wall or ceiling, but draw a picture or patterns. To do this, you need a figured roller, a stencil and masking tape.

Note! Decorative painting is carried out after the base layer has dried.

They work with a figured roller in the same way as with a regular one. There is a wide variety of patterns and textures, to select which it is enough to change the stencil. You can buy it at the store or make your own. An instruction is attached to the purchased stencil, which indicates the colors for all its segments.

Advice! When using a stencil, do not press it too hard against the surface, as this will result in streaks.

Masking tape will be needed to create geometric patterns. They close the section of the wall that currently does not need to be painted. Then the tape is removed and a layer of paint is applied to the freed surface. Thanks to the adhesive tape, it is possible to avoid getting paint on unwanted places. Remove it only after the paint layer has dried to prevent streaks.

Popular questions

  1. How to remove water-based paint? Water-based paint can be washed off with water, removed mechanically (using a drill) or thermally (using a hair dryer). Also, the paint is removed using chemicals (a mixture of vodka with salicylic acid or iodine with a soap solution.
  2. Is it possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint? The wallpaper will adhere well to the surface of the water-based paintwork material. However, sticking should be started only if there is confidence that the coating adheres well to the wall. In the worst case scenario old layer paint may peel off along with the wallpaper.
  3. Is it possible to paint with water-based paint on enamel? If the old coating is enamel, it can be left if the surface is qualitatively primed with drying oil. However, it is best to remove the enamel.
  4. Is it possible to paint the ceiling with water-based paint over old paint? It depends on the type of paint that was used to paint the ceiling. If it is an old non-water-based paint coating, in most cases it must be removed.

We are so used to some things that we don’t even think about what they consist of, how they are made. Why not examine under the microscope what surrounds us in the truest sense of the word! Water-based paint and its technical characteristics - than not the subject of research.

Water emulsion - a recipe for the right paint!

The water-based paints known to us are correctly called water-dispersion paints - in this term, the formula of the paint has already been partially deciphered, since this tells us about the method of manufacturing the composition. In it, pigments and basic components are dispersed in an aqueous medium until a stable emulsion is formed. In order not to break the language on the word “dispersed”, in everyday life we ​​may well use the not so scientific, but understandable “introduced”, since this is how the composition of the emulsion can be described - components are not dissolved in it, namely introduced into the aquatic environment.

Having examined the paint under a microscope, we will find the smallest particles of polymers, which, as it were, are suspended in water. When the emulsion is applied to the surface, the water evaporates and the polymers form a film. While the paint has not dried, it is easy to wash it from hands and even from the surface, but when it dries, it forms a fairly stable compound that cannot be easily washed off. Due to the high adhesion to the water-based emulsion, any paint and varnish material can subsequently be applied, although the paint itself will not lie on surfaces previously covered with glossy compositions.

Water-based paint for walls and ceilings - technical specifications

When buying paint, pay attention to the following technical characteristics inherent in this material:

  • Composition - Basically, most formulations contain latex, fillers, antiseptics and thickeners.
  • Viscosity - this parameter can be easily determined, guided by your feelings. The paint should be applied to the surface easily, effortlessly and adhere well to the brush or roller. If you don't like the viscosity, do it like the old ad - just add water! Stir well, too, will not be superfluous.
  • Specific gravity - on average, the normal weight of the material is 1.3 kg / l.
  • Consumption - this indicator depends on the method of applying the material to the surface and the number of layers. For a single-layer coating on one square, you will need about 200 ml of paint. The number of layers is determined by the ability of the substrate to absorb the paint.
  • Storage conditions - the storage temperature of the water emulsion should not fall to a minus value. The optimum is considered to be +5 ° С. In addition, do not allow a direct hit sun rays on a container. Depending on the shelf life, the heavier components may settle out, but this problem can be solved by normal agitation and the emulsion is ready for use again.

Water-based compositions are good for their vapor permeability - such paints "breathe" and do not interfere with the formation and maintenance of the correct microclimate in the premises. In addition, they do not flake off painted surfaces. The color range is wide enough not to think about, but if you really want to, then you can experiment completely freely!

Such a different water emulsion - what to choose for painting?

- the most famous among the dispersion compositions. However, acrylic paints should be distinguished - the best ones are made on the basis of acrylic resins, while those that are cheaper contain acrylic copolymers, which have much more modest characteristics compared to the "original". Strength and elasticity - this is what real acrylic paints are valued for, low cost in relation to acceptable quality - these are the advantages of cheaper copolymer compositions. By the way, acrylic paints are the best choice for ceilings.

Latex acrylic paints have a water-repellent effect, so the surface covered with such a composition can be washed without fear of harming it - it has been experimentally found that such compositions can withstand all five thousand brushing cycles! Perfect option for corridors and kitchens, because other compositions never dreamed of such endurance. At the same time, latex compounds retain the main "chip" inherent in dispersions - vapor permeability! Although the prices, admittedly, bite, acrylic latex formulations are the most expensive.

However, you can save on surface treatment with putty, since such paint can cover even millimeter cracks!

Silicate paints are a dispersion of the smallest particles of liquid glass, colored with pigments. Surfaces coated with silicate dispersions seem to acquire a second “skin”, since the bonds between the components and the surface are very strong and endure the influence of the atmosphere. At the same time, high gas and vapor permeability! The service life of such paints can reach all twenty years. True, it must be borne in mind that the steam (and to be precise, moisture) passes through the composition in both directions, which means that it will not work to protect the surface from the harmful effects of the weather.

Silicate or silicone - heavy artillery!

Silicate compounds are applied to concrete, plaster and brick, good adhesion also occurs with surfaces previously painted with lime. But if you are planning to apply silicate paint over alkyd enamel, then it will be much cheaper to completely clean the surface of the old composition. The opposite rule also applies - it will subsequently be very difficult to pick up another coloring composition for a room painted with silicate paint. Work with such a water-based emulsion should be done carefully, protecting your eyes and hands from droplets on exposed skin. They also protect surrounding objects from splashes - silicate compounds can cause corrosion of even glass surfaces.

That is why the color range of this type of paint is quite limited - manufacturers use only special alkali-resistant pigments in their compositions.

Silicone paints are the most advanced type of emulsion. The first thing that catches your eye when buying such a composition is the high cost, but if we talk about properties, then in the list you will find the entire list of advantages inherent in all water-dispersion compositions. While maintaining the quality common to all water emulsions - vapor permeability, they, unlike the others, do not absorb moisture at all. Especially relevant is the use of such compositions on fresh plaster, which hardens even under a layer of paint. Their compatibility with all types of coatings is impressive, from mineral to the same water-based compositions. Experts say that even silicate coatings can be painted with silicone!

Cracks up to 2 mm wide are not such a problem for silicone formulations. In addition, microorganisms are not able to breed on such a surface. This is despite the fact that ready-made paints are not dangerous to humans - if they get on the skin, they will not even cause irritation. The main component - silicone resins - is added as a reinforcing agent to other formulations, for example, to latex ones, however, emulsions with a pure resin content remain the best.

On the basis of slaked lime or cement, another type of water-based paints is made - mineral. These form waterproof and vapor-permeable layers on the surface. Best suited for painting concrete and brick surfaces that are constantly exposed to moisture. However, such paints are mostly rare - they have been replaced by other compositions, and attempts to produce them have not been crowned with anything good. Low cost - this is their main difference, however, such a coating does not last long, only a few seasons.

Water-based paint for outdoor use is not so often used, but when interior decoration premises, it is used most often. Water-based paint GOST 19214 80 guarantees the quality of the material. Today we will talk about her. There are options when it is not replaceable, but there are cases where it should not be used.

The characteristics of this dye must be chosen not only by color, but also by paying attention to the methods of application, since there are different types of water-based paints.

Also, your attention will be presented with photos and videos, where you can get additional and necessary information.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • Can be applied by hand. It is available in different packaging, for example, water-based paint in cans can make it easier to paint small surfaces.
  • Acceptable price also attracts the consumer.
  • Excellent the ability to hide dark areas on the wall surface we pass with one roller or one spray gun jet;
  • The coloring composition of the material has properties that allow quite dry quickly after application;
  • Simultaneously, water emulsion is not too liquid and easy to apply to the surface;
  • Walls painted with water-based paint in any way are completely covered with a coloring composition, without smudges and traces of brushes and rollers;
  • The paint has no particular odor. which distinguishes it from oil formulations, the smell of which lasts for two weeks;
  • When painting with a water-based emulsion does not harm health does not require respiratory protection. Therefore, after completing the work, there is no need to urgently leave the premises;
  • With special colors you can get any color of paint by adding them to a colorless composition (see). There is a diverse palette of colors for water emulsion, which allows you to independently create the desired color and shade. Each manufacturer provides its own table displaying shade options;
  • Water-based paint for outdoor use is very easy and simple to use, and at the end of work, coloring accessories (brushes (see) and rollers) can be easily washed in plain water.

Attention: If you have problems removing this dye, then in retail there is even a wash for water-based paint, which will help to wash everything off quickly enough.

Disadvantages of water-based dyes

The water emulsion has practically no drawbacks.

But they are still there:

  • The paint has a fairly high water content. Therefore, it should not be used for painting metal and glossy objects;
  • It is also quite simple to make it yourself and therefore a lot of fakes have appeared. Such a dye is smeared after drying and exfoliates. Therefore, it is better to give preference to trusted brands.

During repair work indoors, walls and ceilings often need to be painted (see). In addition, facade painting works are in demand today.


  • The composition of the coloring composition includes an aqueous suspension of pigments, polymeric substances and various fillers. Due to the polymers present in the paint, water evaporates quickly and a thin shell is created on the surface. Water-based dyes are distinguished by their use, properties and cost.
  • The main types of water-based dye include polyvinyl acetate, acrylic, latex, silicate and silicone. To answer the question of which type of water emulsion is better to use, it is necessary to consider the main types of this coloring matter and its corresponding characteristics.

Properties of polyvinyl acetate water emulsion

Water-based polyvinyl acetate coloring composition is considered one of the cheapest and highest quality. At its core, it contains PVA glue and is used for indoor and outdoor ceilings. The great popularity of paint is caused by its rather low cost.

Advantages of polyvinyl acetate water-based dye:

  • It can be used when painting cardboard, wooden, plastered surfaces and other porous materials;
  • It is used when painting surfaces in rooms that must comply with high fire safety standards;
  • in the composition there are no harmful components, fire and explosion-proof; when using a variety of additives, you can independently create any color and shade, as well as make the coating shiny or matte;
  • The cost is much lower than other water-based emulsions;
  • Excellent coverage for smooth surfaces walls lined with drywall;
  • Has a fast drying time.

The disadvantages of polyvinyl acetate water emulsion include:

  • Not suitable for coating metal surfaces;
  • Afraid of high humidity, therefore not suitable for outdoor work;
  • It has rather weak resistant properties, as a result of which it is possible to work with it only in dry rooms.
  • Consumption when using a coloring solution is 250 grams of light and 150 grams of dark composition per square meter.

The main properties of water-based acrylic dye

The coloring acrylic composition containing acrylic resins is the leader among other water-based emulsions, due to its strength and elasticity. But it is far from cheap.

There are also analogues on sale with a lower price, in their composition the main component is vinyl-acrylic, styrene-acrylic and acryl-silicon acrylic copolymers, but their quality is not inferior to acrylic water-based emulsion with acrylic resins.

The features of acrylic water-based paint include:

  • The possibility of using it when covering surfaces indoors; use when painting surfaces on the street, for example, a brick or concrete facade;
  • The paint can be applied to a surface treated with an alkali-containing compound (plaster), but only one month after the end of the work, since the plaster hardens for quite a long time;
  • The main properties include low gas permeability, good protection of the concrete solution from corrosion;
  • This type of paint is widespread, and you can buy it at any construction market or in a store;
  • it is not recommended to paint structures with poor waterproofing of the base and damp walls. In this case, a silicone or silicate coloring solution is used.

Washable latex-based emulsion

To create a surface that is not exposed to moisture, it is coated with a composition in which latex is added.

  • Such a water-based floor paint fit best way. It is also good to use for finishing the kitchen.
  • Such a surface can withstand 5000 brushing cycles, while when painting ordinary paints Wiping should be done infrequently and carefully. Thanks to these properties, it is most beneficial to paint walls in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • In addition, having a water-repellent property, the surface covered with paint has good vapor permeability. A water-based emulsion in two layers is able to cover cracks one millimeter wide, and there is no need to pre-putty it. The type of such a water emulsion has the highest cost.
  • The main companies producing washing paints are: Expert, Eco House, DALI, Premiere, Alpalux (ALPA).
  • silicate water emulsion
  • Represents the mix from liquid glass containing additives of color pigments. It can paint any surface. The paint has an excellent degree of adhesion, is not afraid of moisture, sudden changes in temperature and other atmospheric phenomena.

The main features of the silicate coloring composition include:

  • The possibility of using when painting the walls of old structures, as well as at high humidity in the room;
  • Walls coated with water-based paint have good air and vapor permeability;
  • The paint keeps on the surface of the wall for up to twenty years;

Popular manufacturers of water-based paints

A certificate for water-based paint is issued to each manufacturer separately, although there is only one GOST for water-based paint. Currently, a fairly large number of companies are engaged in the production of various dyes.

From the whole variety of manufacturers, several companies can be distinguished, the demand for their products is quite large. And the water-based paint GOST 28196 89 determines the technical characteristics of this coating.

Tikkurila's productsTikkurila is a very popular coloring company with consumers.
  • Water-based paints are of excellent quality, but their price is quite high.
  • Due to their safety from the point of view of ecology, they paint children's rooms and premises of various institutions. Surfaces painted with Tikkurila paint have a long service life and a high degree of strength.

Dyes of this manufacturer are suitable for surfaces made of wood, concrete plaster mixture. They are resistant to fire and moisture and are an excellent solution for painting kitchens and bathrooms.

Paint and varnish products of the company "Dufa"Painting products manufactured by Dufa are distinguished by their high cost and the highest quality parameters.
  • This manufacturer produces a large number of various kinds paints, the range consists of both ordinary waterproof dyes and compositions with textured additives.
  • The composition of the paint affects the quality of the painted surface. Dufa products are perfect for various rooms. The surface treated with it has a glossy, matte and reflective effect.
Paint and varnish products of the company "Dulax"The Dulaks company, which produces high-quality coloring compositions, has proven itself in the market of paint and varnish products.
  • For the manufacture of its products, the manufacturer uses various technical innovations in the form of special additives. These are additives to increase whiteness, and even marble powder. Especially for the design of children's rooms, the company's specialists developed and released a series of paint and varnish products for children.
  • The company "Dulax" produces products for all types of coatings, the price of which, unfortunately, is very high and sometimes not available to everyone.
Paint produced by TexThe domestic firm produces quality products for middle-income consumers.
  • The coating has a long operational period and absolute safety from the point of view of ecology.
  • Moisture-resistant paints are great for painting bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Products "Teks" - one of the most popular building materials on the market, which means high quality products, time-tested.
Paint and varnish products of the company "Caparol"On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Kaparol company is not popular enough, although it produces products of the highest class. Many paints of this manufacturer are not available due to their high cost. Coloring compositions are great for kitchens and bathrooms, as they are highly resistant to a humid environment.
Products of the company "Snezhka"The Polish manufacturer of paints and varnishes produces a large assortment products for painting.
  • Each room has its own type of paint.
  • Products are intended for consumers with different income levels. For rooms where children will be constantly present, a special series of Disney paints has been released.
  • It should be noted that Snezhka products have a lot of negative reviews regarding the quality of the goods.
Products for coloring of the company "Lakra"Another local manufacturer This company gained popularity due to the fact that it produces paint at affordable prices for many consumers.
  • Coloring compositions are developed for premises various types. For bathrooms and kitchens, waterproof varieties of paints are produced.
  • Basically, the products of this manufacturer have high quality characteristics.

Attention: How much this dye costs depends on its type and manufacturer. When buying, give preference to trusted brands and this will be a guarantee of quality and durability of the coating.

Self-preparation of water-based paint

In terms of composition, all water emulsions do not have any special differences. They have a viscous base (glue, etc.), fillers, dye and various elements in the form of additives. The type of binder base depends on the area of ​​​​application of the dye.

Oil paints are made on an oil basis, and water-based paints are made on a water basis. Making your own water emulsion is pretty easy.

This will require:

  • PVA glue (the main component for viscosity) - from 0.5 to 1 kilogram per ten liters of water;
  • Chalk powder (as a filler) - 6 kilograms;
  • Plasticizer - 50 grams;
  • Dye, to obtain the desired color and shade;
  • Non-toxic pigment powder or color for water-based coloring solution.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • First you need to dissolve PVA in water, then add a plasticizer and chalk powder to it, and mix to get a homogeneous composition. white color. Then we add dyes.
  • The consistency and viscosity are determined by eye. The resulting mixture should evenly cover the surface and not be very thick.
  • To obtain plasticity, you can add large quantity glue and plasticizer. Before staining, the solution must be filtered.

Textured water-based paint or non-combustible water-based paint, all of them must be applied according to the technology. And on this occasion, each of them has instructions on our website, so be sure to read it before work.

Water-dispersion (water-based) paints are paints with a base and pigments dispersed in an aqueous medium. They form an emulsion. Dispersed in the aquatic environment - these are not divorced, but “turned on”. Water does not dilute, but dilutes the components that are in it. So, what are the specifications?

The content of the article on the technical characteristics of water-based paint

Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, %53 - 59 52 - 57 47 - 52 52 - 57
paint pH6,8 - 8,2 8,0 - 9,0 7,5 - 9,5 from 8.0
Dried film hiding power, g/m2120 100 80 120
Resistance to static action of water, at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °С, h12 24 24 24
Frost resistance of paint, number of cycles5 5 5 5
Conditional light fastness, %- 5 5 5
Degree of grinding, microns30 60 60 60
Drying time (20 ± 2) °С, h1 1 1 1

Main technical characteristics of water-based paint VEAK 1180

One of the most popular materials for painting interior and exterior walls is. Paint characteristics:

1. View - acrylic paint.

2. Color - white.

4. Consumption - 150 gr. per m2.

5. Composition for dilution - water.

6. Drying time - 1 hour.

Water-based paint veak is developed in accordance with GOSTs, and therefore corresponds to the indicators discussed above.

The composition of water-based paint

The composition of the paint may vary depending on the required characteristics. The smallest particles of polymers are part of the water-based paint. They are in limbo aquatic environment. This is the basis of water-based paint. Manufacturers attach a wide variety of substances to it. These additives define each brand of paint. The composition of water-based paint includes thickeners, antiseptics, plasticizers and dispersants, defoamers, antifreezes and other additives.

The purpose of water-based paint depends on the ratio of these components. Polyvinyl acetate, acrylate or versatate, butadiene-styrene or styrene-acrylate, are part of the paint as a film former. For a rich white color, a white pigment (zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) is deliberately introduced into the water-based paint. Chalk is used for inexpensive paints, it also performs the function of a filler. Other fillers are also used for this purpose, such as calcite, barite, mica and talc, but most often the filler is produced as a complex one, adding several minerals at once.

A special thickener is also added to the paint to give it the desired consistency. For the same purpose, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC glue) is often added to the water emulsion. The role of the solvent is performed by demineralized water. The proportions of the occurrence of some components depend on the brand of paint. Yet overall picture such: film former - 40-60% (water dispersion 45-70%), pigments and fillers - 30-40%, plasticizers - 5-10%, other additives - 5-10%. These are the percentages of the composition of water-based paint.

Properties of water-based paint:

  • Water-based paints have good permeability to water vapor and moisture, so they are used for interior and exterior, plastered and non-plastered surfaces.
  • Water-based paints do not peel off. They are environmentally friendly and harmless to humans.
  • The best among water-based paints are acrylic. They are made on the basis of acrylic resins, they have high strength and elasticity. But they are expensive. Therefore, at the time of purchase, you can choose more economical paints - based on acrylic resins: either styrene-acrylic or vinyl-acrylic. These paints have slightly more modest physical and chemical characteristics, but the price is much lower.
  • Latex is often present in water-based paint. This composition gives the painted surface a strong water-repellent effect. Latex water-based paints withstand 5,000 washes, while latex-free paints can only be wiped occasionally with a soft sponge. It is very important that in this case the water-repellent effect does not interfere with vapor permeability.

Video: Painting walls with water-based paint.

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