Why does the dishwasher wash poorly? Bosch dishwasher does not wash dishes well - why? Breakdowns associated with active operation

landscaping 16.06.2019

Sometimes it happens that the dishwasher does not wash the dishes well, which is why stains or pieces of dirt remain on it. There can be many reasons why this happened - the wrong choice of program, a clogged filter or nozzle, a broken pump or sensor. Sometimes self-troubleshooting is allowed, while in other cases only a qualified technician can fix the machine.

If, the indicators on the control panel do not light up or any part inside is faulty, this is a serious malfunction, for which you will have to call the wizard. There are models that can determine the type of breakdown themselves and show an error on the screen. The number of this error in the instructions indicates the problem and the solution.

When the dishwasher works normally, but does not clean the dishes well, you can solve the problem yourself. The manufacturer's instructions must be followed for the correct operation of this instrument.

Solving common problems

For daily, high-quality washing, the dishwasher requires regular maintenance, which extends its service life. Here is what you should pay attention to first of all:

  • cleanliness of the filter and spray nozzles;
  • the presence of salt in the water softening system;
  • the presence of rinse aid in the dispenser;
  • proper arrangement of dishes.

Filter clogged

Filter clogging is common cause incorrect operation of the machine. If water stagnates at the bottom or does not enter the circulation and drain pumps, you need to remove the filter, rinse it under running water and, if necessary, brush it.

It is important to install it correctly in place, without distortions and gaps, otherwise debris will enter the system, which will lead to serious damage.

Rocker nozzles clogged

Once a week, the upper and lower rocker arms should be checked. They act as sprinklers, rotating and at the same time spraying water from the bottom up onto the dishes. The nozzles through which water enters become clogged with food particles, and the liquid stops spraying, which is why the dishes are not washed.

To eliminate blockage, the rocker must be removed and rinsed with water, if necessary, cleaning the holes with a needle.

ran out of salt

For high-quality washing, the dishwasher needs soft water with a low salt content, otherwise on the dishes, the walls of the machine and during internal systems lime scale will settle. This leads to failure heating element, poor wash quality, increased consumption detergent. Water softening is achieved by removing calcium and magnesium salt ions. With increased hardness, these ions accumulate inside the softening system, which is why it needs to be updated regularly. This is done by adding special salt for dishwashers through the neck into the compartment for it.

The system must be adjusted according to the available hardness, the value of which can be obtained from the company supplying the water. You can also order an analysis in the laboratory or do it yourself using a special strip. Incorrectly set hardness parameters can affect the cleanliness of the dishes.

Out of rinse aid

Rinse aid is required for fast drying utensils. An insufficient amount of it leads to the formation of lime stains, and an excessive amount of it becomes sticky after washing, and a blue coating forms on it.

You can fix the problem by correctly setting the rinse aid flow using the regulator.

Stacking dishes

  • laid too tightly, without gaps into which water jets should fall;
  • the location prevents the rocker arms from rotating;
  • dishes prevent the detergent drawer from opening.

Before laying, remove food residues from the dishes that can clog the filter, and dried dirt.

Heavily soiled dishes and pots should be placed on the bottom shelf, the rest on the top. The detergent should be of high quality, dissolve dirt and grease well, and the amount of detergent should be sufficient for the selected washing mode. The program is selected depending on the type of dishes and the amount of soiling.

When using gel or powder, you can choose short modes, and for tablets, a long mode is suitable so that there are no traces of tablets that have not had time to dissolve at the bottom of the dishwasher.

Serious malfunctions

The previous problems are fixed by hand, but if the dishes are still not washed, this may indicate a malfunction of one of the following elements of the dishwasher:

  • In the event of a breakdown circulation pump water stops flowing into the rockers and splashing onto the dishes.
  • When the water heater fails, the temperature of the liquid stops rising. The machine does its job cold water much worse than hot.
  • A faulty thermal sensor does not transmit information about the temperature of the water to the processor, as a result of which the water does not heat up.
  • Not all models have a water transparency sensor - it determines the purity of the liquid going into the sewer. Its burnout causes an incorrect one.
  • Malfunction of the control module that controls the rest of the dishwasher, as a result of which the machine does not work correctly or does not start.

To fix such problems, you need to call a specialist from the service department. Only those who have the knowledge and experience should try to repair the machine on their own. Unskilled repairs can only end with the purchase of a new machine.

For long-term operation of the dishwasher, you need to monitor it, carry out maintenance, use high-quality detergents, salt and rinse aid. Only then will the machine provide clean dishes which looks like new. And there will also be a lot of free time that you do not need to spend on washing.

Sometimes even the highest quality equipment does not bring perfect results. Speaking of, they can upset dirty dishes with food debris and numerous soap streaks. Such troubles can be caused by both breakdowns and operational violations, so let's look at each option.

A good half of the causes of poor performance is its misuse. I advise you not to neglect reading the instruction manual.

If the appliance does not wash dishes well, first eliminate the following:

  • the presence of dried food and leftovers on the plates. If you do not remove all this before loading, you can not count on perfect cleanliness at all. This fad is indicated by almost all manufacturers of this type of equipment. So it is better to observe it, no matter how lazy;
  • you choose the wrong washing mode- say, a baking sheet after frying a goose requires a long high-temperature wash - a short, economical cycle will not help here. To avoid mistakes, again, I advise you to read the instruction manual;
  • - an incorrect arrangement of dishes, accessories, or too much of them placed inside can play a cruel joke. In this matter, the manufacturer's recommendations are also followed. In addition, dirtier dishes should always be lower than clean ones;
  • wrong choice of chemicals- if you choose the wrong amount and type of cleaning agent, you can expect poor-quality work of the dishwasher. It makes sense to adjust the amount of rinse aid, cleaner or try another brand. Practice shows that the choice of one or another means depends on the operating conditions of the equipment and is usually selected empirically, so go for it;
  • regenerating salt enters the chamber. In this case, unpleasant whitish stains will remain on the dishes. Most often, this happens through the fault of the user: the lid of the salt edema was not tightly closed, the composition accidentally woke up at the bottom of the chamber, or even got into the wrong compartment by mistake. It would be better to check each item if you still encounter such a problem.

Consequences of intensive exploitation

If all the points listed above are not about you and all the rules of use are strictly observed, it makes sense to check its internal state. Perhaps the device has not received cleaning for a long time and has become overgrown with scale.

Calcium is the enemy of any technology that deals with heating water. Lime deposits are formed due to too high hardness. In some regions, even special emollients do not save the situation. If you look closely, scale can be found on metal, plastic parts technology, not to mention the internal stuffing.

To resolve the issue, you need to clean up. Descale a couple of times a year. It is necessary to drive the device with vinegar, citric acid or special means, using the program with maximum temperature regime. The agent is added to the powder filling compartment.

In general, I would advise immediately after the purchase new technology check the water hardness and set the correct hardness level by looking at the dishwasher settings. In general, the question tap water extremely important. If it is too hard, without the use of salt, get ready for the fact that there will always be white coating . In addition to detergents for without fail you need to use this simple component. Conversely, too soft water does not wash at all, since it simply has nothing to wash off.

The second point is the banal clogging. These can be accumulations of food debris, debris, particles of napkins, etc. All this settles on sprinklers, fine and coarse filters. If the device is working properly, the dishes were clean and suddenly stopped washing, it is necessary to revise the filters. By the way, manufacturers advise doing this after each wash cycle.

Extraneous sounds should suggest clogged drain filters. It can be sand, dirt, which creak and at the same time seep into the pump.

And now for the breakdowns.

Below I will list which malfunctions will affect the result of the dishwasher. Experience shows that poor washing can be caused by specific breakdowns.

Burnt out heating element (water heater)

All appliances of this type are equipped with water heaters. It is the heating element, by virtue of its purpose, that often becomes overgrown with scale, and during long-term operation it can simply burn out. A malfunction of this unit leads to poor water heating, and the dishwasher washes much worse with cold water. An indirect sign of a breakdown is a clear smell of burning.

Solution: in all likelihood, you will have to change the old heater to a new one. Such repairs require the participation of a specialist and on average cost from 1.5 tr.

The pump has failed

The circulation pump is a weak link in the budget dishwashers with Chinese assembly. Daewoo and Bosch equipment sins with rapid wear. Sometimes failures occur against the background of long-term operation. The purpose of this node is to pump water into the device. Malfunctions lead to a lack of liquid, the machine refuses to start the program, the dishes remain dirty. In addition to the lack of liquid, another situation may be observed when water accumulates inside. At the same time, the machine is able to go through the entire washing cycle, just the dishes will not be washed. Diagnosis is necessary for correct repair.

Solution: almost always a malfunction requires the installation of a new circulation pump. A worn out or failed node is changed to a serviceable one for 1.8-2 tr.

If the wine is in the sprinkler

Every sprinkler has an impeller. This mechanism rotates the rocker, so that the dishes are washed from all sides. If this assembly breaks, there is no rotation and dirt remains on the plates. Interruptions can occur in one or two devices. Moreover, sealing gum may leak on the rocker. If damage appears here, this provokes a reduction in the water pressure created by the machine. Then the dishes will be poorly washed either from above or from below, depending on which side the seal was damaged.

Solution: if it's a breakdown, the device is always replaced with a new one. Fortunately, it is inexpensive and will cost 0.9-1 tr.

Thermostat or thermostat not working

This thing works to measure the temperature of the water. The data received by the sensor is sent to the control module. From him, the heating element receives a command to heat. Lack of information leads to poor heating, which is deplorable for the washing result.

Solution: the sensor changes to a new one, which will be released at 1.2-1.5 tr, depending on the type of model.

The control module is out of order

This is the brain of any dishwasher planted on electronic control. It is the module that gives commands to all technical units, thanks to which the device knows that it is necessary to collect, drain water, etc. If the brain fails, the machine cannot work or performs its functions incorrectly.

Solution: if a failure occurs, it may be possible to get by with a flashing. For more serious faults, replacement is required. Repair will not be the cheapest. The most loyal services offer prices from 2.5 tr.

Water turbidity sensor broken

Such equipment can only be seen in the equipment of the premium price segment. The turbidity control sensor transmits information about the state of the water to the brain of the machine. If there is dirt and the water is not clean enough, the wash cycle will continue. If the device breaks, it plays a minus. The machine does not see the actual contamination of the liquid, respectively, the purification simply cannot be correct.

Solution: The sensor is almost always replaced with a new one. This is also not cheap and will cost over 2.5 tr.

Faulty water hardness sensor

If your dishwasher is equipped with such a sensor, if it breaks, the dishes will be covered with white spots, often there will be plaque and stains on them. As a rule, sensor failure is a disease of expensive equipment. For example, they are in Miele. A malfunction leads to a loss of control over the flow of regenerating salt. Insufficient softening worsens the result.

Solution: sensor replacement. Let me tell you right now that this is an expensive pleasure. Medium repair will cost 4 tr.

Incorrect installation

Oddly enough, poor washing can be caused by incorrect installation of the dishwasher and poor connection. For example, a drain device at a lower height or too low water pressure can cause just such a result.

Solution in this case one: reinstall the device and ensure the required water pressure.

In the same vein of “third-party problems”, I note that when operating equipment in countryside, or in houses with unstable networks, for high-quality cleaning on some programs, the device may not have enough voltage. This leads to the fact that the water is not as hot as it should be according to the regime. In other cases, there is no steam, where it should be. As a result, tablets do not dissolve during washing. etc. To check this point, you can try to run the equipment in a different mode, where the degree of water is higher, or eliminate jumps using a stabilizer. In any case, at a voltage below 200 V, the appliance will not wash the dishes until it squeaks.


All factors caused by improper operation can be corrected and corrected independently. However, I would not recommend repairing breakdowns if you do not have the proper experience. All malfunctions must be repaired by a specialist with the appropriate knowledge.. In addition, it is the professional who has special equipment.

Attempts self repair in 99% of cases lead to a worse result than it was. It is good if the master can correct all the consequences of amateur performance. In practice, the illiterate actions of the owners to replace small and insignificant components often lead to the complete departure of the control module, and so on. Such situations lead to a multiple increase in the cost of repairs.

If you are faced with a situation where the dishwasher does not wash dishes well, do not rush to sin for a breakdown. The reason may be the careless operation of equipment, blockage, improper use of detergents. Lastly, options with a possible malfunction are considered. What to do if PMM does not wash dishes? Let's look for solutions together.

Some users neglect the rules: they do not add special salt, believing that the machine will wash everything anyway. At first, this happens, but then stains, pieces of food remain on the plates.

What is the reason:

  • the cleaning of the machine is carried out out of time;
  • unsuitable detergent or incorrect dosage;
  • improper use of PMM;
  • technical difficulites.

User errors due to which the dishwasher began to wash dishes poorly:

If you have already checked everything possible options, but the dishes are also poorly washed, the reason may be:

Many users are interested in why the dishes are slippery after washing? Outwardly, the plates may be clean, but to the touch it seems that the product has not been washed off well (and if you start eating with them, a salty aftertaste appears). What could have happened:

  • got a low-quality conditioner;
  • the nozzles are clogged or the rocker does not work, so the devices do not rinse well;
  • The electronic module is not working properly.

How to fix the situation

Dishwasher parts can become clogged with debris, food debris, bones, napkins. Start by inspecting and cleaning.


You can clean two filters by yourself- filling and drainage. Soapy and cloudy dishes may be due to insufficient water pressure. How to be:

  • open the bunker door;
  • pull out the lower basket;
  • unscrew the filter, it is in the pan;

  • rinse under pressure from the tap, you can additionally clean the mesh with a brush.

Then turn off the water supply, unscrew inlet hose. Behind it is a mesh filter. Rinse it with water or leave it in a solution of citric acid.

Also clean the inner walls of the chamber from plaque. by special means.


The upper and lower rockers are equipped with holes (nozzles) through which water enters. They are also clogged with limescale and food particles, so the technique does not wash dishes well. Take them off seat. Clean the nozzles with a toothpick and rinse with running water.

Check the elements for clogging after each use.

If, even after these procedures, the PMM does not flush the devices, the matter may be in a breakdown.

Technical malfunctions of the dishwasher

Your technique has stopped washing kitchen utensils, while there are no complaints about the operation? So the parts are out of order. You can check and inspect them yourself. If necessary, it is better to call the master for repairs.

Heater problems

Scale, overheating, voltage drops can lead to failure of the heating element. V cold water the quality of the wash is deteriorating, and some PMMs stop the cycle altogether without completing it. How to replace the heating element described in one of the articles. Most often installed flow heater, which is located in the circulation pump unit. To check it, you will have to disassemble the car.

Temperature sensor failure

The latest models use sensors that monitor the temperature of the water heating. Once she reaches desired temperature, the sensor sends a signal to the module to turn off the heating element. A new item needs to be installed.

Problems with the circulation unit

A pump or motor circulates the water in the chamber, jets under pressure against the dishes. The motor winding may burn out, then it is carried out complete replacement block:

Electronic module failure

Since the control module manages the operation of all elements in the machine, it needs emergency repairs or replacement. But only a specialist can solve this problem. Sometimes the cost of a new board is so high that it is easier to buy a new dishwasher. The element may break due to a power surge or moisture ingress.

If your PMM has ceased to do its job well, the first thing to look at is the instructions. Make sure you are using it correctly.

The bulk homework goes, as usual, to the weaker ones, namely women. But there are still gentlemen who are always ready to help. They keep inventing new and new machines that should make it easier hard work women. After washing machine, in second place you can safely put a dishwasher that washes dishes. She really is a great helper, especially in large families with many children.

When we purchase such things, we hope that they will work for a long time and without breakdowns. But, unfortunately, technology sometimes fails, even machines from world famous manufacturers, such as Bosch, Siemens, Hans, can fail. Why, or does not wash at all? There can be many reasons for breakdowns, most often this is due to the fault of the owners themselves.

Dishwasher - complex mechanism requiring maintenance, and if the manufacturer's recommendations are not followed, its performance may deteriorate.

In this article, we will look at some of the main reasons bad cars when the dishwasher does not clean the dishes well. We will also try to explain how to deal with this without the help of a master, as well as how to prevent a serious breakdown of the unit.

The machine does not wash dishes - what is the reason

As long as the machine is new, it will do its job perfectly - washing dishes. But eternal mechanisms have not yet been invented, and those that we have need to be looked after. It’s the same with kitchen appliances, if you don’t carry out preventive maintenance in time, over time you will start to find food leftovers on the dishes, which means that the machine is malfunctioning, and it’s time for you to look into it. By the way, the reasons for poor work are most often banal, and the owners themselves are to blame for this. As practice shows, basically it is:

  1. When purchasing a car, you did not read the instruction manual to the end, or maybe you completely ignored it.
  2. In the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, you forgot that the equipment that washes also needs to be cleaned.
  3. They did not buy detergents in time, and for some time the machine worked without them.

Next, we will consider in more detail the reasons indicated above, as well as some others, in addition to this, we will try to figure out whether it is possible to cope with the problems on our own. Dishwasher inside looks something like this. Read the instructions for your machine - details may vary.

Reason 1 - You haven't cleaned your car for a long time

The dishwasher began to wash poorly, and you need to figure out the reasons. Whatever model your car is, no matter how reliable it may seem to you, but, like any mechanism, you need to take care of it. Your car needs regular maintenance cleaning.

What exactly should be periodically inspected and, if necessary, cleaned:

  1. Filters need constant inspection, as they can become clogged with food debris.
  2. Check the coarse water filters from time to time, especially if the water was dirty.
  3. Look around the nozzles, they can become clogged not only with food residues, but limescale can form in them.
  4. If your water is hard, then scale will soon appear on the heating elements.
  5. Also, a similar plaque can form in the water tank.

Now let's take a closer look at the above points:

  • In the lower compartment of each dishwasher there is a waste water drain, which is covered with a fine mesh (it is called a filter). Take it out, clean it, and rinse it at least once a week, but you can do it every day after use. It gets clogged very quickly with leftover food, napkins, labels, or anything else, the drain becomes clogged. This operation is simple and does not require any special knowledge or skills; any housewife can handle this operation.
  • There is another filter that also needs to be checked, but much less often, once a month. This is a coarse water filter, it is usually placed at the inlet, it is designed to hold large particles, they appear in pipes after various repairs. There are always enough of them in the pipes, and if there is no this filter, then your machine may fail in the first days of operation. If this filter is not cleaned for a long time, then over time the water pressure will weaken, the quality of dishwashing will deteriorate.
  • The third position is nozzles, they can also get food waste, but besides this, their narrow holes over time begin to be tightened with limescale. The nozzles may be clogged. Again, the pressure of the water supply is reduced, and dirt may not be completely washed off the dishes. To clean the nozzles use special detergents, wash carefully.
  • The same trouble awaits the heaters and the tank, they also need to be inspected and cleaned. Limescale is easier to remove when it is still a little, and it has not hardened, it is much more difficult to do it later.

Reason 2 - violation of the rules of operation

Even if your car is perfectly clean, it can still malfunction, what can provoke them? What mistakes do the owners of these devices make, what causes them to malfunction, and how this can be avoided. Three main mistakes that are allowed when operating dishwashers:

  1. The dishes are set incorrectly.
  2. Dishes may be more than the allowable norm.
  3. Incorrect operating mode is activated.

In the operating instructions for the machine of any model, it is necessary to spell out how to properly arrange the dishes. Therefore, before turning on your unit, carefully read the user manual.

The basic rule for all dishwashers: plates and mugs are placed so that the water must drain. Plates are set on edge, and mugs are upside down. Also, a minimum gap must be maintained between them so that water from the nozzles can reach all objects.

If you have a lot of dirty dishes and you use both baskets, then try to arrange the dishes so that the items on top do not cover the flushing of the lower ones.

Dishes that are too tightly spaced will not wash, the dishes will remain soapy, and you will have to run the machine a second or two. And if you stacked the dishes in such a way to save time, water and electricity, then after the first time you will realize that you were mistaken, water does not wash away soap. One more important requirement for successful dishwashing, this is the right mode. Soup bowls are one thing, and pilaf or roast bowls are quite another. Greasy and dry dishes quick wash may not wash off, and again you will lose both time and wind up extra kilowatts.

Be sure to remove food residues from the plates, only in this case you do not have to clean the filters after each dishwashing.

Reason 3 – Use of cheap detergents

After buying an expensive dishwasher, some owners of these units take cheaper funds in order to save money. And as a result: the dishwasher began to wash poorly, dried food will remain on the plates, the water pressure drops, there is no appropriate temperature, the filters clog faster.
It would seem that it's okay, it's just not the tool that the manufacturer recommends, but the problems are above your head. But you don’t have to worry much, all this is easily solved if you fill the dishwasher with the right chemistry again.

If your area has hard water, then you definitely need salt to soften it, this is necessary for the stable operation of the ion exchanger.

In some cases, even when using the products recommended by the manufacturer, the dishes may not be washed well, what is the reason? The reason is most often elementary - attempt to save money, incorrectly selected dosage of the product. Therefore, if the dishwasher began to wash the dishes poorly, after washing you noticed stains on the plates, this means you need to change the dosage of the detergent supplied. But do not overdo it - because if there is a lot of funds, it may not be completely washed off with water from the surface of the dishes, and subsequently you will have food with a taste of chemistry.

How to use the dishwasher correctly, and what tools are best to use - in the video.

The reasons why the dishwasher does not wash dishes well, which affects this factor, are considered in detail. Listed possible breakdowns techniques leading to the presented problem.

Common Causes

Most housewives do not think about the proper operation of equipment, which causes problems in the form of poorly washed dishes. If the dishwasher does not wash the dishes well, the following main reasons can be identified, the elimination of which will help to cope with the trouble that has arisen:

  • hostess errors in operation;
  • wrong;
  • lack of timely cleaning of equipment;
  • failure of a particular part or system of the machine.
To identify the cause of poor washing, you should carefully consider each factor that affects the poor quality of the procedure.

Untimely cleaning of parts

Failure to clean dishwasher parts on time is the most common dishwashing problem. Here you should check each part separately for condition and appearance:

If you find that the dishwasher has become poorly washed, be sure to carry out a high-quality cleaning of the parts. If the situation repeats, pay attention to other reasons.

Use of poor quality cleaning products

Poor cleaning may be due to the use of ineffective cleaning products or the erroneous purchase of a fake. famous brand. If the reason lies in this, then you will come across dirty metal dishes - pots and pans, due to their heavy pollution, will not be washed off, they will remain greasy.

In the question presented, you may encounter the following problems:

  • There are stains on the dishes - the reason is an insufficient amount of rinse aid. The solution to the problem is presented in the form of regulating the supply of funds - it is necessary to increase the pressure, slightly, so as not to provoke its difficult flushing.
  • White smudges remain on the dishes - this is due to the ingress of salt into the tank. Check if the compartment cover is closed properly.
  • There are traces of tea, coffee or lipstick on the cups, which means that there is no bleach in the product used.
  • Plastic dishes are poorly washed - for it, a special component is added to cleaning products that allows you to wash plastic items without streaks. If the quality of washing is not pleasing, it means that there is no special substance in the composition of the product used.
  • The dishwasher does not wash off dirt and cleaning agent well - it is appropriate to make an unconditional argument for using an inappropriate composition, which is often simply not intended for this technique.

The solution to the problem related to the presented group of reasons is to change. In most cases, housewives face similar problems immediately after acquiring the composition of a new advertised brand.

Errors in operation

The dishwasher does not wash dishes well even if the equipment itself is used improperly. In this case, the following problems and solutions can be distinguished:

To eliminate problems related to the presented category, you should re-read the instruction manual for your dishwasher. Different brands and models differ in equipment, which means that their use entails compliance with certain recommendations.

Possible breakdowns

If the dishwasher suddenly began to wash dishes poorly, the cause of the problem may be hiding in a serious breakdown that needs to be repaired in a timely manner. To figure out which part has ceased to function properly, the following instruction will help:

  • The heating element burned out - this is a special electric heater that provides timely heating of water. Due to the fact that it is constantly in contact with water, scale accumulates on it. The absence of its removal entails a breakdown of the heating element - often it burns out without assuming restoration or repair. If the reason lies precisely in the electric heater, the water in the dishwasher does not heat up, which means that all the dishes remain greasy.
  • The sprinkler impeller has stopped working - this element is designed to spray water in order to clean all the dishes as much as possible. If the impeller does not work, then the water does not reach all surfaces, and the loaded remains unwashed.
  • The water turbidity sensor has burned out - the system shown is available in modern models relevant technology. The operation of the system is to transfer the quality of the water to the module - if it is considered cloudy, the washing should continue, which is determined automatically. If the system fails, then there is no turbidity detection and the machine automatically decides to end the cycle upon completion of the program time.
  • The recirculation pump has broken down - in this case, the equipment will not start its work, since there is no water supply during the presented breakdown.
  • The thermal relay burned out - this system is a transmitter for the heating element about the intake of water in the car. The thermal relay at a certain moment gives a signal about the beginning of its operation and heating occurs. If the system does not work, the heating element does not turn on and does not heat the water.

The dishwasher may work poorly or stop altogether due to an error in the operation of the control module. In this case, the system does not give commands, which is why there is no collection of water or its heating. The presented breakdown requires serious repair with the involvement of a special programmer.

If the cause of dirty dishes or is the breakdown of any element, you should call the master. The specialist will immediately determine the cause and the out-of-service part. If necessary, they will immediately carry out a replacement, and it will be possible to use the equipment in the near future.

What to do?

Having disassembled everything possible reasons, it should be concluded what to do if the dishes remain dirty. The sequence of actions of the hostess is as follows:

  1. If the dishwashing detergent has been replaced, change it again with a new one or return the old one to use. Look at the changes that have taken place.
  2. If the product has not changed, purchase it again in another chain store. Perhaps a fake was bought, so the composition does not contain the appropriate and necessary elements.
  3. Increase the amount of rinse aid - this must be done every time the machine is loaded with a large number of utensils.
  4. In the next load, immerse a smaller amount of dishes to eliminate the option of misusing the equipment.
  5. Rinse all equipment - instructions for timely and proper care have been described above. It is important to descale the machine.
  6. Experiment with the mode of operation of the equipment - due to constant operation, parts wear out and work no longer at the same productivity.
  7. Check the sequence of the running program - as soon as the dishes are immersed in the tank and the program starts, water starts to fill. It should be checked for quantity, as well as for subsequent distribution over the entire surface of the washable elements. It is also necessary to check whether the water is being heated - heating element burnout is a common problem in the breakdown of equipment. Try to independently determine the cause of the breakdown in order to exclude possible other prerequisites.

If all the presented actions did not lead to a positive result - the dishes remain dirty after washing - contact the master who can identify the problem,. Timely replacement of one part will prevent other systems from breaking down.

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