Clean the kettle with citric acid. How to clean the kettle from scale with citric acid

landscaping 16.06.2019

On each modern kitchen have a favorite teapot. Someone has an electric appliance, someone has an ordinary enamelled one. Over time, any of them needs proper cleaning. Plaque and scale inevitably accumulate on the walls of the vessel and it is not so easy to wash them. Today we have prepared for you tips that are guaranteed to help you cope with this problem.

Cleaning methods

An electric kettle or a traditional metal one will eventually become covered with scale from the inside. The reason is simple. The fact is that the water contains various salts, which form a hard coating on the walls, bottom, and also on the heating element. Especially quickly lime deposits arise from excessively hard tap water. However, filtered and bottled only temporarily delay the appearance of scale. So, serious cleaning of kitchen utensils is inevitable.

Each housewife has her own methods by which she copes with this kind of pollution. For example, someone is trying to get rid of scale with detergents. We do not recommend that you do this. After such cleaning, during subsequent boils, chemicals will be released into the water.. Drinking such a liquid is very harmful to health.

Under no circumstances should abrasive preparations, hard sponges, scrapers or metal meshes be used.. They will damage the inside of the product or the heating element, after which it may be damaged. You can easily and quickly wash the kettle using citric acid.

Why do we recommend descaling with citric acid? Because this tool is quite affordable, you do not have to spend a lot of money on it. In addition, it is completely safe - it will not harm your health in any way. There are several effective methods. For old thick plaque, the so-called hot way. If the pollution is not too strong, then suitable cold method. Now it's time to move on to the sequence of actions and the description of proportions.

How to clean from the inside?

If the scale layer in the inside is not too serious, you will need 50-60 grams of citric acid. Pour it into the kettle, fill it to the top with very warm water, mix thoroughly. Leave it on for about an hour, two is even better. After waiting for time, you just need to pour out the liquid and rinse the kettle big amount water. You will notice that the inside of the product has become much cleaner, the plaque is gone.

Such regular prevention, at least once or twice a month, will avoid the accumulation of stone deposits and preserve the dishes. The kettle will look like new for a long time.

By the way, upon completion of cleaning, after rinsing, we recommend boiling clean water in it for about five minutes, and then be sure to drain it. This is necessary so that the taste of citric acid is not felt in drinks.

If there is a thick layer of scale and the above method does not help, you will have to use a more serious method - hot cleaning. To do this, you again need the kettle itself, citric acid and water. Pour water to the top, put two tablespoons of citric acid and boil the water. Turn off the heat and leave to cool completely. Remember: after each procedure, the water is drained.

If small traces of plaque remain on the walls or bottom, remove them with a soft sponge. Did not help? You can safely repeat the procedure. After the second bath, the scale is already guaranteed to disappear. Another recommendation regarding the hot method. Never add acid powder to boiling or very hot water. hot water.

Citric acid should be poured exclusively into a cold or warm liquid. From interaction with boiling water, the acid will immediately begin to foam, which will violate the right process cleaning.

A little advice on getting rid of old scale. We recommend making such a “paste” in the evening. Take equal proportions of baking soda, which you usually use for baking, and citric acid. Dilute with a little water to make a thick slurry. Apply it on problem areas, leave overnight. The next morning, you can use any of the cleaning methods that we told you about.

Another proven method that will definitely help to cope even with the annual layer of plaque is the use of a mixture of table vinegar with citric acid. The combination of these two ingredients is well known to many housewives who regularly clean various kitchen utensils.

We warn you that vinegar should not be from the "strong". That is, 70% acid is categorically not suitable. Take the vinegar that can be used for food: its percentage is much lower, but the effect will be amazing. Please note that the use of vinegar is categorically not suitable for cleaning an electrical appliance, as it can seriously damage the integrity and performance of the heating element.

If you decide to clean an enameled or iron kettle with this method, then remember the recipe. So, to clean the kettle you need citric acid and table vinegar. Add 3-4 tablespoons of ordinary vinegar to a glass of warm water. The liquid must be poured into the kettle, left for about half an hour. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid and put the kettle on to boil. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

After such cleaning, thoroughly rinse the inside of the product with baking soda. Work with a soft sponge. Then, after rinsing the kettle thoroughly, leave it with the lid open for at least half an hour.

How to wash outside?

Very often teapots, now we will talk not about electrical appliances, lose their appearance. enameled or metal product covered with spots of fat, soot and even rust appear. What to do in this case? I would like all kitchen utensils to shine with pristine brilliance and cleanliness, and not scare away with their terrible appearance.

Don't worry, there are tips for this case too. As before, you will need citric acid. Small oil stains, burnt fat can be removed with a lemon peel. Simply take a lemon peel or citrus slice and rub it on the stained areas. The stains will easily come off, you can easily wash the dishes with a soft sponge.

If the dirt on the surface is too severe, then prepare a special cleaning solution in a large container. You will need a large container where you can completely submerge the kettle. Add 100-150 grams of citric acid to warm water, then immerse the kettle in it. Leave for about an hour. It is important to remember here: the hotter the water, the more acid, the faster the cleaning process will go.

Old stains that periodically appear after cooking can be easily removed with a "paste" of acid and baking soda. We talked about the preparation of the mixture, the consistency of the cleaning solution above.

The main thing is to make sure that both powders are completely dissolved, otherwise they may leave scratches on the surface.

Prevention methods

Exist simple rules teapot care to follow:

  1. In order to prevent the heating element and the inside of the product from becoming covered with a layer of scale often, use only clean water. You can use filtered or buy bottled. If this is not possible, always allow tap water to settle before boiling. Only then pour it into the dishes.
  2. Don't boil the same water multiple times. The best option- Replace each time with a fresh one.
  3. Rinse the inside of the kettle before use. Make sure that the water does not contain white flakes.
  4. If after each use or at least once a day, in the evening, you wipe your beloved kitchen utensils inside, the scale will appear less often, the product will serve you much longer.

Finally, we prepared a few more useful tips, which will help you keep the kettle in perfect condition:

  • If there is no citric acid in the house, then it is quite easy to replace it with ordinary citrus. You can squeeze the juice from one lemon, or you can simply cut it into small pieces and use it in the methods for getting rid of plaque, which were described above.
  • In some cases, for example, for cleaning an iron kettle, it is quite the usual one will do baking soda, which is also able to cope with severe pollution.
  • If you decide to use a mixture of citric acid and baking soda, but these powders were not in the house, then this does not matter. They can be safely replaced with ordinary baking powder or baking powder for dough. Their wonderful composition, which helps baking become more magnificent, already contains both soda and acid.
  • Fans of carbonated drinks, in particular lemonade, can use them as cleansers. Lemonade just needs to be poured into a container and left there for two or three hours. Leave the lid open to let all the gas out. Then you need to boil the drink in your favorite teapot and that's it. The result will pleasantly surprise you. Try to use transparent drinks, otherwise you risk staining the inside of the dish in a poisonous color.
  • It will become easier to take care of heat-resistant glassware if you wipe it twice a month with a slice of lemon on all sides: outside and inside. By the way, if there is no citrus at home, you can take the powder with "lemon", dilute it in water. It is better to clean the contaminated surface with a soft sponge or sponge, wetting them in the solution.
  • The following remedy perfectly copes with dark soot spots and smudges on metal products. Lemon juice and medical alcohol must be mixed in equal proportions, then apply the resulting mixture to the stains with a cotton pad and wipe the surface thoroughly. After half an hour, you can wash everything off. If the result is unsatisfactory, the whole process should be repeated.

Even if you use very clean, well-filtered water for boiling, scale will form inside the kettle over time. Citric acid will help get rid of it. This food product will perfectly cope with plaque and will not harm health.

For cleaning, we will buy a large bag (50 g) of the most common citric acid in the store. At home, we will take the kettle, which we will clean, and put the contents of the bag into it. Top up with water at room temperature, stir the contents well with a spoon so that the lemon dissolves a little, and leave for about 2-3 hours. If the scale layer is small, then it is not necessary to boil water in the kettle. Citric acid will very soon begin to interact with deposits and corrode them. After the set time, drain the water and rinse the kettle inside well. Then pour a new portion, put the kettle on the fire and boil it for about 5-10 minutes. Drain the water again and rinse again. Now the kettle inside has become like new, and it can be used for its intended purpose.

If there is quite a lot of scale inside, then we proceed to the second method of purification. To do this, pour citric acid (20-25 g), pour water and add about 100 ml of ordinary 9% table vinegar. Now boil this mixture over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. Drain the water, fill it with a new one and boil again for 10 minutes. We do this manipulation one more time.

If necessary, leave hot water with lemon and vinegar in the kettle overnight. In the morning, drain the water, wash the kettle well inside with a hard sponge and rinse in the same way as in the previous method.

In especially sad cases, if the scale layer is very large or the kettle has been cleaned for a long time, we use the following method. We collect a full kettle of water, add a tablespoon of soda and boil the liquid over medium heat for at least half an hour. Then we drain it, pour a new portion of necessarily cold water and add a tablespoon with a slide of citric acid, boil for 25-30 minutes.

Drain the boiling water, pour water again and add half a glass of ordinary vinegar. Boil again for half an hour. Now, properly wash the kettle inside, not forgetting to first drain the boiling water and rinse the dishes cold water. Even if in this case the scale has not been removed on its own, we remove it with a metal mesh. After a triple cleaning procedure, the sediment has become friable and can be easily removed. In conclusion, carefully wash the kettle, as indicated in the previous methods. We usually use a fairly concentrated citric acid solution for descaling. In almost hopeless cases, you can even take vinegar essence. But in this situation, we do not boil the water in the kettle, but simply leave it for a while so that the acid solution enters into a natural interaction with the sediment.

If you decide to clean the electric kettle with citric acid, then you should remember one nuance. A concentrated solution of lemongrass can harm its inner surface. Therefore, instead of the prescribed 25-50 grams, we take only 10-15, and then we proceed in the same way as in the methods proposed above.

In order for tea to always be tasty and fragrant, you should not wait until scale appears inside and spoils all tea drinking with an unpleasant aftertaste. Therefore, you should clean the kettle with citric acid regularly.

Hello dear readers. At daily work a kettle that is turned on more than once so that all household members can enjoy hot drinks, plaque forms on its spiral or heating disc. Such a nuisance is magnesium salts and calcium deposits that appear as a result of boiling water. It doesn’t matter what it is, from under the filter, bottled, or just tap. The formation of a layer on the bottom of the kettle worsens its operation, it becomes noisier, it takes longer to heat up. This also affects the human body in a bad way. Therefore, scale should be cleaned in a timely manner.

How to clean the kettle from scale inside - tips and secrets

You can use the tools offered by manufacturers household chemicals. But more often people try to use folk methods.

Their composition is not harmful to health, and there is no persistent bad smell during the process of boiling water.

The secret is quite simple, you need to remember that scale is removed when it is exposed to organic or inorganic acids.

In the home kitchen, almost everyone has such tools.

Without harm to the health and condition of the kettle, scale can be cleaned with the following substances:

1. Table vinegar (only 9% concentration).

2. Citric acid.

3. Soda powder and vinegar.

4. Coca-Cola.

5. Vegetable or fruit peels (potatoes, apples).

6. Pickle from cucumbers.

7. Lemon.

For easier cleaning of scale on the bottom of the kettle, you should follow the tips:

  1. Regular cleaning is important. It is enough to use one of the products every month that destroys deposits from the water.
  2. For the preparation of hot drinks, it is advisable to use pre-filtered water.
  3. Before each boil, the water that remains at the bottom of the kettle must be poured out. And rinse its inside under running water.

How to properly descale an electric kettle with citric acid

The kettle may be from a different price category, but scale will eventually appear on its heating element and walls.

Safely, effectively and quickly, salt deposits, after boiling water, remove citric acid.

It will help protect the internal organs (kidneys, liver, stomach) from the ingestion of flakes that appeared at the bottom of the kettle.

The use of citric acid is not able to negatively affect health. After cleaning the electric kettle, it is completely washed off with water after the first boil.

This method is good not only in terms of security, but it is also very economical. For cleansing, one tablespoon of acid is enough, which means that a large bag will last for a long time.

There are two options for getting rid of scale using citric acid powder.


This option can be used if a lot of salt residue has formed on the bottom and walls, and it has become very compacted. The technology provides for purification in several stages.

  1. Pour out the water from the kettle first. The upper, softer layer on the bottom and walls must be removed with a dish sponge. Do not use abrasive products or hard washcloths.
  2. After mechanical cleaning, rinse the kettle inside with clean tap water.
  3. Pour 40 grams of acid inside, pour 500 ml. water, boil.
  4. After automatic shutdown, turn it on again after 20 seconds.
  5. After re-boiling, do not drain the water for 1 - 1.5 hours.
  6. After this interval, pour out the liquid, if necessary, wipe the kettle inside from residual plaque.
  7. If the scale has not completely dissolved, then repeat the procedure, starting from the third paragraph.
  8. After removing the sediment, rinse the kettle with water, completely fill and boil.
  9. Drain the boiled water, rinse again. Then you can use a clean device without fear for health.

Use of warm water

The method is applicable as a preventive measure. For this you need:

  1. In a kettle, with previously boiled water that has cooled to a warm state, pour a small package of citric acid powder.
  2. Mix gently, leave the solution inside the kettle for at least 5 hours. If possible, it is better to do in the evening, the bay, so the kettle until the morning.
  3. After the time has elapsed, pour out the liquid, rinse the device with clean water.
  4. Having collected the capacity to the maximum mark, boil.
  5. After, drain the water. A clean kettle can be used as usual.

How to descale a kettle with vinegar

Many people prefer to clean the scale using table vinegar. This option is suitable for electric and metal kettles.

Table 9% vinegar is ideal for this purpose, but if only essence is available, it can also be used, diluted with water beforehand.

The action of vinegar is to dissolve deposits, when a reaction occurs, it destroys a dense layer.

After softening, it is removed with a dish sponge.

It is important to know that cleaning a plastic kettle with pure vinegar can ruin the material of its walls. Therefore, it is necessary to make a solution diluted with pure water.

The cleaning technology consists of the following steps

  1. Pour water into the kettle almost to the maximum mark.
  2. Add vinegar in the amount of 5 tablespoons.
  3. Wait 15 minutes for the reaction to occur and boil again.
  4. Repeat the previous points twice.
  5. Get rid of the pungent odor by washing the kettle with dish detergent, followed by boiling clean water 3-4 times.

For cleansing metal teapot, in which a layer of plaque has formed, you will need half a glass of table vinegar. You can use 1 tablespoon of essence.

  1. Dial at least half the volume of a kettle of clean water.
  2. Pour in the prepared vinegar.
  3. Put on the stove and boil the liquid for half an hour.
  4. After this time, empty the kettle and wash it with dish detergent.
  5. Clean water should be boiled 2 more times, only after that, you can boil water in the kettle for drinking.

Descaling the kettle with Coca Cola

Many have already seen the versatile properties of this drink on the net. The composition perfectly copes with traces of scale.

It is worth buying this lemonade in advance, in quantities half kettle volume.

The cleaning technology is as follows:

  1. Fill the kettle halfway with Coke.
  2. Boil, wait for it to automatically turn off.
  3. Leave the liquid inside for at least half an hour. The time will differ from the thickness of the plaque.
  4. After the solution has completely cooled, drain it.
  5. Wipe the walls and the heating element with a washcloth.
  6. Rinse with clean water and boil again.
  7. After re-boiling, the kettle can be used to prepare drinks.

If the state of scale is very dense, it did not disappear the first time, then Cola can be left not for half an hour, but for the whole night. In the morning, rinse with water, if necessary, repeat the procedure, starting from the third paragraph.

Is it possible to clean the kettle from scale with vinegar and soda

One of the simple but sure ways that our grandmothers used to clean teapots is baking soda and vinegar.

Thanks to the combination of sodium bicarbonate with vinegar, a reaction occurs that breaks down even the most dense layer of scale.

This option will allow you to quickly clean the kettle, both with a plastic case and glass.

The composition does not harm health, unlike chemicals presented in business departments.

For the cleaning electric kettle you will need soda, vinegar essence and clean tap water.

The technology that will quickly remove scale deposits is as follows:

  1. Fill the kettle up to the 1 liter mark.
  2. Add baking soda powder to it - 2 teaspoons.
  3. Close the lid and turn on, wait for the automatic shutdown.
  4. Leave the liquid inside for at least half an hour.
  5. After this time, it must be poured out.
  6. Refill the kettle (1 liter), add 2 teaspoons of soda and add vinegar essence - 1 teaspoon.
  7. Close the lid, turn it on and wait for it to boil.
  8. Pour out the solution after turning off.
  9. Using a sponge, carefully wipe the walls and the heating element from the remnants of deposits.
  10. Rinse with water and boil again.

It is advisable to repeat this method once a month so that a dense layer does not have time to form at the bottom.

Cleaning the kettle with fresh lemon

Another safe way to remove scale from the bottom and walls of the kettle is to use a cut lemon.

This option will be a little more expensive than the previous ones, but copes with the task very effectively.

The citrus fruit cleaning technology consists of the following steps:

  1. Cut one lemon into several circles (not very thin).
  2. Fill half the kettle with clean water.
  3. Move the prepared lemon into it.
  4. Close lid and turn on. Wait for the automatic shutdown after boiling.
  5. Leave the water for 5 minutes, then pour it along with the lemon.
  6. Wipe the inside of the kettle with a sponge and rinse well with tap water.
  7. After re-boiling, you can safely use the water for drinking.

Lemon can also be used in preventive cleaning of the kettle. This will require not the whole fruit, but only half of it. The technology of cleaning is completely repeated.

In order to prevent plaque from appearing in the kettle, you should boil water with lemon every 2 weeks. If it is hard, then every seven days is possible.

How can you clean the kettle from very strong scale

There are times when the weekly cleaning of the kettle is simply forgotten for preventive purposes.

This is repeated for a long time, and after a month, at the bottom you can see a thick coating, which is very difficult to remove.

Do not be upset, you can also get rid of it using the preliminary alkaline process. This is done with the usual soda solution.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Dial more than half a kettle of water, boil.
  2. After turning off, carefully open the lid, pour in 3 tablespoons of soda powder.
  3. Leave for at least half an hour for alkali to occur.
  4. When the liquid begins to cool, turn on the kettle again and boil.
  5. When it turns off, pour out the solution, rinse with warm water, gently rub the walls and bottom with a sponge.
  6. Pour half a teapot of water, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence.
  7. Boil the resulting solution, leaving it to cool completely inside the kettle.
  8. Pour out the liquid, apply dishwashing detergent to the hard side of the sponge and rub the teapot from the inside. Particularly careful handling difficult places near the spiral and spout.

After repeated boiling with such components, the plaque structure will soften sufficiently. Even the most dense and thick layer will be much easier to remove.

The scale in the kettle can even completely close the holes for water to escape from it. In addition, the resulting lime layer destroys the enamel, and also settles in our kidneys and blood vessels. Hard deposits mainly appear if too hard water is used for boiling and heating. But even with the softness of the heated liquid, sooner or later scale is formed in the kettle, consisting of petrified salts of magnesium and calcium. In any case, it is necessary to fight plaque, and this can be done with the help of such a simple substance as citric acid.

Why citric acid helps with scale

People with good knowledge in the field of chemistry managed to apply them in the domestic sphere, to our happiness. And one of the results mental labor became a recipe for deliverance household appliances from scale with citric acid. Other acids are also capable of fighting limescale, but it is the one made on the basis of lemon that is the safest for health.

The author of the article for a long time did not think at all about the dangers of limescale on the walls of the kettle, until it was accidentally discovered that her kidneys were literally clogged with salts (sand). But, believe me, the minimal effort to clean the kettle of lime is worth it in order to avoid lifelong treatment for urolithiasis and its complications, such as chronic pyelonephritis or kidney necrosis.

Along with lemon, it performs well and acetic acid, but the first one is a bit easier to use. As already mentioned above, scale is insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium (carbonates). Under the influence of acids, they turn into gaseous carbon dioxide and soluble salt, which are easy to remove from the walls of the device.

Descaling with citric acid is suitable for almost all types of kettles. The exceptions are ceramic and clay. Citric acid is one of the most effective and safe remedies for limescale.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning the kettle from scale with citric acid

Citric acid - practically universal remedy to rid the kettle of limescale. However, for various devices there are different recipes carrying out this procedure.

How to clean the electric kettle from plaque

The appearance of limescale on the walls and especially the heating element is dangerous because the heating process is strongly blocked by a layer of scale. This causes unnecessary costs of gas or electricity, and also threatens to quickly break down the electric kettle.
The formation of limescale in the electric kettle significantly reduces its life.

You can get rid of limescale in the kettle with citric acid using two options - with and without boiling.

Descaling by boiling

This option is optimal if the teapot is covered from the inside with a thick, tightly compressed layer of lime. For the procedure you need:

  • walk along the walls of the device with a rough cloth, ridding it of soft deposits. In no case should you use a hard sponge or a metal washcloth, otherwise small scratches will appear, where plaque will clog in the future. After wiping, the teapot is thoroughly rinsed with cold water;
  • depending on the condition of the teapot, citric acid is poured - with a thin coating, 20 g of the product (1 pack) is enough. To remove a thick lime layer, you will have to use 2 packs (40 g);
  • warm clean water is poured into the device by 2/3, dissolving the previously poured acid;
  • the kettle is turned on for boiling. If there is an automatic shutdown, 5 minutes after turning off the device, turn it on again and boil the solution. If the machine is not provided in the device, you need to boil water for about 2-3 minutes;
  • without pouring out the water, the kettle is left for 3-4 hours, then the liquid is drained and the softened plaque is removed with a hard (but not metal) sponge. If the procedure is not completely successful, it is repeated.

The author of the article, when she first tried to descale the kettle with citric acid, did not yet know all the intricacies of the process and simply brought the water to a boil and then drained it. The scale then, of course, did not disappear for the simple reason that time was not left for the action of the hot solution, which gradually softens the plaque to the state of softness of crushed chalk. Thanks to the advice of more experienced housewives who told me what the mistake was.

After cleaning is completed, the kettle is rinsed with clean water, more water is poured, boiled and poured out. After that, the device is ready for further work.

How to clean an electric kettle with citric acid - video

No boiling

For the purpose of prevention (1 time per month with soft water and 2 times with hard water), you can clean the device from plaque without boiling. For this:

  • 20 g (1 sachet) of citric acid is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water;
  • pour the solution into the kettle and leave for 5 hours, but preferably at all for the night;
  • after the specified time, the liquid is poured out, the device is wiped with a soft sponge and rinsed with water.

Boil water in a kettle and pour it out. The procedure is over.
Descaling with citric acid achieves excellent results

How to clean an enamel kettle

To clean an enameled teapot from plaque, you should:

  • dissolve in two liters of warm water 5 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • pour the solution into the kettle and bring it to a boil (it is not necessary to boil);
  • leave the liquid in the container for 15-20 minutes;
  • drain the solution and wipe the kettle from the inside with a sponge;
  • Boil the kettle with clean water 2-3 times.

If one procedure does not lead to the desired result, it is repeated. But pour cold water in the teapot is possible only after it has completely cooled down so that the enamel does not crack.

Scale in enameled teapot can be extremely destructive to enamel

How to clean a metal kettle

To clean a metal teapot from plaque, you should:

  1. Half fill it with water, in which a glass of vinegar (9%) is dissolved.
  2. Leave the kettle for 10-15 minutes for the vinegar to take effect.
  3. Pour 1 table into the container. a spoonful of citric acid, bring water to a boil.
  4. After boiling, the kettle is removed from the heat and left for 20 minutes.

After this time, the solution is poured out, and the container is wiped with a sponge soaked in detergent for dishes;

The kettle is thoroughly washed until all detergent is washed off.
To fully clean a metal kettle from limescale, you will need vinegar and citric acid

How to clean a glass electric kettle

To clean this kettle:

  • make a solution at the rate of two or three teaspoons of citric acid per liter of water;
  • pour the liquid into the kettle to the limit mark and bring to a boil;
  • the device is left alone until the water has completely cooled, then the liquid is drained;
  • the teapot is wiped with a soft sponge and boiled with clean water 2-3 more times until the cleaning agent is completely cleaned.

How to clean a glass teapot

To remove scale from a fireproof glass teapot, the following recipe is suitable:

  • for one liter of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of citric acid, the same amount of soda and 100 ml of vinegar;
  • the solution is poured into a kettle and boiled for about half an hour;
  • the liquid is drained and the device is boiled again with clean water, which is then drained.

A teapot with a glass body loses its attractive appearance immediately after the appearance of even a minimal lime layer

Is it possible to replace citric acid with fresh lemon

Although citric acid is the most safe means for descaling, some caring mothers think about whether it will harm the smallest family members. In this case, you can replace the acid with natural lemon. They do it like this:

  • half a lemon is cut into thin slices along with the skin and thrown into the kettle;
  • the device is two-thirds filled with water and brought to a boil;
  • water with softened scale and boiled lemon is poured out and a kettle with clean water is boiled, which also needs to be drained.

If the scale has "occupied" the walls of the container with a thick layer, the kettle will have to be half filled with lemon slices and repeat the procedure described above.
The acid contained in fresh lemons can effectively remove the lime layer.

Most settlements tap water contains many impurities, especially calcium and magnesium salts. During boiling, they form an insoluble precipitate. Therefore, an unpleasant coating often forms inside the kettle - scale. These salts pass into an insoluble form and are deposited on its bottom, walls and heating elements. Due to scale, the taste of water deteriorates, its small pieces get into tea and spoil its appearance and our health. For electrical appliance it is even more harmful because it boils longer and breaks faster. Most housewives know citric acid, but there are several other ways.

What are cleaning methods based on?

It is very unpleasant when yellowish scale flakes get into the cup when you add water from the kettle to your cup. Moreover, it is formed even if you use filtered water, because filtration does not purify it from calcium and magnesium salts. Over time, their insoluble forms corrode the enamel or plastic of the teapot walls. Due to scale, its boiling time is greatly increased. Therefore, you need to deal with it regularly: it will be easier to remove it than a thick layer.

All methods for cleaning the kettle are based on the fact that scale is a deposit of salts. Acids are used to remove them. They react with salts and convert them into a soluble form. Many people know how to descale a kettle. This method is based on this very property. chemical substances. Descaling products are now sold, some use them because it is easier. Pour the product from the bag into the water and boil. You can descale in this way at a time. But many do not like that traces of chemicals may remain on the walls, so they prefer to use folk methods.

How to descale a kettle with citric acid

This is the most common and well-known way to keep your heater in good condition. You just need to pour a bag of citric acid into the kettle and boil water for 5-10 minutes. Then leave this solution for half an hour. Many people leave the kettle with citric acid overnight if the scale layer is very thick.

How to properly dilute this remedy? For a regular two-liter kettle, take 1-2 sachets of acid (or 2 tablespoons with a slide). You can also use lemon juice, squeezing it out of 1-2 fruits. After the boiled solution has cooled, the water must be drained, but not into the sink, as it can become clogged with scale flakes. Remaining plaque can be easily cleaned with a sponge. If the sediment is very thick, the procedure must be repeated.

Cleaning the kettle with citric acid is a very easy and cheap way. So easily you can even clean the electric kettle from scale. But not everyone uses this method, because a concentrated acid solution can be dangerous for the metal, causing it to corrode. There are several other simple and safe methods.

The way of our grandmothers

Since ancient times, women have been cleaning dishes with baking soda. It was also used to clean the kettle from scale. Soda not only mechanically gently removes plaque, but also softens the sediment. Along with citric acid, it is one of the most safe ways. After all, even if you don’t rinse your kettle well and the rest of the product gets into your tea, it’s unpleasant, but it won’t harm you. Often these two tools are used together. So the old thick sediment is more effectively removed.

How to clean the kettle from scale with soda? Dissolve a couple of tablespoons in water and boil for half an hour. After the kettle has cooled down, boil it again. After draining the water, you will see that the scale has become loose. If it is not possible to remove it with a sponge, after that you can still boil water with citric acid, so the most difficult deposits are removed.

Other folk methods of dealing with scale

  1. Boil in a kettle for an hour potato peelings, apple peel or cut lemon.
  2. Instead of water, pour brine from cucumbers or tomatoes into the dishes and boil for at least an hour.
  3. Boil such a solution in a kettle for an hour and a half: two glasses of water, three glasses of crushed chalk and a glass of ammonia and laundry soap.

How to clean a kettle with acid

But most often modern housewives use acids to remove salt deposits. After all folk remedies not suitable for electric kettles.

Such solutions boil for a long time, and it will constantly turn off. Therefore, it is best to pour two-thirds of the water for this, adding table vinegar to the top. This solution must be brought to a boil and cooled. The scale should dissolve without a trace, but if pieces of it remain, the procedure can be repeated.

Recently, many housewives use Coca-Cola or Fanta instead of vinegar. These drinks also contain acid, which dissolves the sediment. The peculiarity of this method is that you need to pour only half the kettle, and before that, completely remove the gases from the drink. In addition, when boiling, traces of dyes may remain on the walls of the dishes, so it is better to take a colorless soda, such as Sprite.

How to properly clean the kettle from scale

  1. After using any method, the dishes must be thoroughly rinsed so that no traces of the solution remain on the walls. It would be nice to boil clean water in it and pour it out.
  2. When cleaning an electric kettle, do not make a highly concentrated acid solution, which can corrode the plastic walls and heating elements.
  3. Be sure to warn your family members not to drink tea at this time, because instead of water, they can pour acid into the cup.

Many housewives have long known how to descale a kettle with citric acid. But it turns out there are many other cheap and reliable ways to do this easily.

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