Potato peels as fertilizer - for which plants can or cannot be used? Simple fertilizers for house plants.

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Substances in the potato are concentrated unevenly: their concentration directly under the skin is much higher than in the center of the tuber. Alas, it is this, the most useful, part that we have to cut off when cleaning. Approximately 15–20% of the mass of potatoes ends up in waste.

An unpleasant situation arises: all summer the gardener takes care of potatoes, diligently fertilizes the bushes, so that later with my own hands throw away a fifth of the crop. But a good owner does not lose anything: it is quite possible to use the remains of potatoes as fertilizer.

Useful properties of potato peelings

Potato peels contain many trace elements necessary for plants: potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, fluorine. Phosphorus accelerates the growth of the root system and promotes abundant flowering vegetable and ornamental crops. Thanks to potassium, berries and root crops become sweeter and juicier.

That is why fertilizer from potato peels is recommended. in early spring for the following plants:

  • all kinds of currants, raspberries, gooseberries, other berry and ornamental shrubs;
  • fruit trees;
  • strawberries and strawberries;
  • vegetable crops, especially pumpkin;
  • flowers, including indoor ones.

However, pathogenic fungi or bacteria dangerous for plants of the nightshade family may remain on the potato peel. In order not to infect vegetable crops, fertilizer from raw potato peels cannot be fed: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, other plants of the nightshade family, as well as garlic.

Preparing potato peels

Potato skins can be harvested all year round. But in late autumn and winter, it makes no sense to carry "skins" to the country. Cleanings are dried and stored until spring in paper bags or bags made of natural fabric. Before peeling, potato tubers should be washed well with a brush.

  • just lay out the cleaning in one layer in a dry, warm place;
  • Rhizoctonia grains or any pathogenic fungi may remain on the peel. To disinfect the future fertilizer, the cleanings are dried in an oven at a temperature of +200°C.

Cleanups will take less space and will dry faster if finely chopped before drying. It is even better to grind the potato peel in a meat grinder. Instead of drying, cleanings can be frozen (in the freezer or on the balcony).

Fertilizer with potato peels of various plants

Cultivated plants can be both fertilized with cleanings, and periodically watered with water infused on them. It is only important not to scatter potato skins on the surface of the soil, as the smell attracts pests.

For irrigation, cleaning is placed in a barrel and poured with boiling water (water should completely cover the layer by at least 5-6 cm). After about a week, the liquid is ready for use. As you use, add water to the barrel. The rotten thick is subsequently used as fertilizer. In the same barrel, you can add chopped nettles.

Shrub fertilizer (currant, raspberry, gooseberry)

Most of all, the waste of potato peel "loves" currants. On a bush fertilized with peelings, large, fleshy and very sweet berries grow. But you need to properly fertilize. Currant root system- superficial. Therefore, it is impossible to dig directly under the cleaning trunk, so as not to damage the tender young roots.

Currant reacts better than other plants to fertilizer from potato stonecrops

In the spring, before the flowering of the currant, you should use a cord to make a projection of the crown of the bush on the ground. The resulting circle is the boundary of the root system. Along the drawn line, it is necessary to dig a groove 15 cm deep, lay a layer of pre-moistened cleanings on the bottom and bury it. The potato peel will gradually decompose, saturating the bush with starch, potassium and other beneficial substances.

If there have been cases of plant disease with late blight or scab on the site, it is better to pre-disinfect the cleaning by pouring a hot, weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). After half an hour, drain the liquid, and pour the waste again with a small amount of ordinary boiling water (just to soften).

Raspberries, gooseberries and hibiscus are fertilized in the same way. Practice shows that after feeding with potatoes, hibiscus pleases the owners with especially large flowers. Once a month, the bushes can be watered with water infused with potato peelings and nettles.

Fertilizer with potato peels of strawberries and strawberries

In the spring, no later than 7–10 days before the first processing of strawberries (before flowering, when the bushes bloom - they cannot be disturbed), the cleanings are placed in a plastic or metal container and poured with boiling water in a ratio of 3: 1. The container is covered with a lid and left to infuse. Periodically, once every 2-3 days, the potato mass is mixed, achieving uniformity, if the consistency is too thick, water is added. For the preparation of such a composition, cleaning is ideal, even before drying, finely chopped or ground in a meat grinder.

After weeding strawberries or strawberries, the infused potato mass is diluted with water (3–4 liters of water per liter of mass), mixed, poured into a watering can without a strainer and watered the beds. After watering, the soil is loosened a little, embedding fertilizer in it.

So that slugs do not crawl to the smell of potatoes, it is recommended to sprinkle strawberry or strawberry beds with crushed eggshells or coffee grounds.

Fruit Tree Fertilizer

For spring feeding fruit trees with potato mass prepared according to the same recipe as for strawberries, water the loosened soil around the trunk. The fertilizer is then incorporated into the soil.

Fertilizer for vegetable crops

One week before boarding vegetable crops insist potato mass according to the same recipe as for strawberries (but do not dilute additionally). Seedling holes or sowing grooves are dug about 12-13 cm deeper than usual. A glass of potato thick is poured onto the bottom of each hole, then 5 cm of earth is poured, a glass of thick is poured again - again a 5 cm layer of earth, and a plant is already planted on it. Such top dressing is especially useful for cabbage, onions, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins.

When sowing carrots, beets or radishes, a layer of potato grounds 0.5–1 cm thick is poured into the grooves, covered with a layer of earth 5 cm thick, then the ground is poured again, 5 cm of earth is poured and root crops are sown.

flower fertilizer

Flowers, including indoor ones, will bloom better if they are watered with pure (without pulp) potato infusion prepared in the proportion of 1 liter of cleanings per 10 liters of water. Such top dressing replaces mineral fertilizers for flowers that “do not like” manure: peonies, marigolds, asters.

In no case should gloxinia be watered from above: if the potato infusion gets on the leaf, the plant will begin to rot. The infusion is poured into a stand under a pot with gloxinia.

Powder from dry potato peel ground on a coffee grinder is added to the ground when transplanting indoor flowers.

Potato peels in compost

Potatoes can also be used as a fertilizer in compost. Adding scraps speeds up the composting process a lot. The only problem is that pathogenic fungi that cause potato diseases are very tenacious, and plants from the nightshade family also fertilize compost. Therefore, only boiled potato waste is put into the compost.

Only boiled potato waste can be put into the compost

The peel is crushed and boiled in water (2 liters of water per liter of peel). The boiled potato mass, without straining, is diluted with water in a ratio of 10: 1 and the compost heap is poured with the resulting liquid.

Flowers - what could be more beautiful? Perhaps that is why we are summer residents, we grow them not only on our own garden plots but also at home. It is especially pleasant when snow sweeps outside the window, and beautiful flowers bloom on the windowsill in the room, isn't it?

Today I propose to talk about important nuance, without which it is problematic to grow healthy, beautiful ones - about natural dressings. And if in the country we always fertilize the plantings, then when it comes to home flowers, some top dressings are neglected. But in vain.

When to feed

Home flowers should be fed much more often than we sometimes think. The need arises, first of all, limited area plant nutrition. And even if your flowering pet grows in a large, spacious pot, this does not mean that it lacks minerals. The plant in any case strongly depletes the earth, therefore, it needs additional feeding.

Part of the way out of the situation will be a periodic transplant into a new nutrient soil substrate. But the supply of nutrients contained in this very substrate will be enough for about two months, but not for six months or a year, as many beginner flower growers believe. And after these very two months, the plant, especially if it begins to bloom or actively grow, must be fed. The only exception will be specimens that have entered a dormant period: they temporarily do not need additional nutrition.

The signal that you need to urgently start feeding home flowers will be the following signs:

  • slow growth;
  • weak elongated stems;
  • pale, slightly colored, excessively small, drooping leaves;
  • unwillingness to bloom;
  • low resistance to diseases, yellowing and dropping of leaves, the appearance of various spots on them and other signs of ill health.

Of course, it is better not to bring green pets to such a state. Therefore, let's talk about what natural fertilizers we can use for our pets, and how exactly.


Perhaps the most popular natural fertilizer for feeding indoor flowers is ordinary sugar. Yes, yes, it is sugar, I did not make a reservation!

Who first guessed to use it as a fertilizer for plants, history is silent, but we can successfully use it to feed our own flowers.

What are the benefits of sugar supplements?
We remember from chemistry lessons that sugar breaks down into fructose and glucose. The first one is useless to us, but the second, that is, glucose, performs 2 functions at once. First of all, it serves as a source of energy for all life processes of plants (respiration, absorption of various nutrients, and so on); Second, glucose construction material necessary for the formation of complex organic molecules.

True, there is one caveat: glucose is an excellent builder only if it is well absorbed, which, in turn, requires carbon dioxide. With insufficient concentration of carbon dioxide, sugar will turn from a builder into a food source for mold, root rot, and so on. Therefore, together with sugar dressings, it is very desirable to use one of (for example, "") - such a combination will be 100% good.

How to feed plants with sugar?
To prepare top dressing, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 0.5 liters of water, or simply sprinkle sugar on the ground in flower pot and then water.

How often can you use sugar for top dressing?
Such top dressing of home flowers should be resorted to no more than once a month, so do not overdo it.

When feeding house plants, do not overdo it-everything is good in moderation

Sugar or glucose?
Instead of sugar, you can also take ordinary glucose, which is sold in a pharmacy - such top dressing will be even more effective. One tablet of glucose should be diluted in a liter of water. It is also necessary to water or spray the plants with “glucose” water no more than once a month.

drunk coffee

An excellent fertilizer for all home (and not only) flowers - it is all the more convenient that it does not need to be specially prepared. Simply, after drinking a cup of fragrant drink, do not pour out the coffee grounds, but mix it with the ground in a flowerpot.

Thanks to this simple technique, the soil will become looser and lighter, the acidity of the soil will increase, and there will be more oxygen in it.

What flowers love coffee?
When using spent coffee as a top dressing for home flowers, remember: not all plants have a good effect on increasing the acidity of the soil. And do not forget about the green pets in the flower garden: this fertilizer will benefit:

  • all kinds;
  • and other evergreens.

Not just coffee...
For dressing home flowers, they often use not only sleeping coffee, but also tea brewing. Unfortunately, it can give not only a positive, but also a negative effect. Undoubtedly, such additives will make the soil in the flower pot looser, but do not forget that black flies (sciarids) simply “adore” tea leaves in the soil, so be careful.

Citrus and other fruits

The peels of tangerines, oranges and bananas can turn into an excellent fertilizer for houseplants. True, for this they will have to “conjure” a little.

To prepare fertilizer from citrus fruits, their peel must be crushed, filled by about a third liter jar and top up with boiling water. After insisting such a “citrus” fertilizer for a day, we take out the peels, again bring the water in the jar to a liter in volume, adding clean water, and water our flowers.

Fertilizer from banana peels is prepared in approximately the same way: grind them, fill a liter jar to half and fill it to the top with water. We insist for a day, after which we filter, discard the peel, and again fill the jar to the top with clean water.

Unlike citrus fruits, it can also be mixed directly into the ground substrate. When transplanting home flowers, add to a pot with nutrient soil a few pre-shredded and dried banana peels. Over time, they will rot and feed the plants with microelements, which will favorably affect the growth of green mass.

And from the zest of citrus fruits and banana peels, you can prepare a nutritious mix for feeding plants. For this, chopped zest and banana peel(in equal proportions) fill a third of a three-liter jar. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar, pour everything with warm water, let it brew for 3 weeks in a warm place. From time to time, the nutritional mix needs to be shaken, but don't worry - a very decent aroma comes from it :) After the specified time, you will get a light yellow cloudy liquid that is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. For top dressing, it must be diluted with plain water 1:20 and safely used once a month.


The benefits are underestimated by many, but in vain. After all, it contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and even sulfur.
Moreover, potassium and phosphorus are in a form easily accessible to plants, which makes ash one of the best fertilizers for flowers.

How to use ashes for dressing home flowers?
To feed the flowers, the ashes can simply be mixed with the soil when transplanting plants. So you will not only make the soil substrate more nutritious, but also disinfect it, so that the roots damaged during transplantation will definitely not rot. And you can also prepare liquid top dressing from it: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash is diluted in a liter of water.

Yeast is an excellent growth stimulant for house flowers

Did you know that yeast can be used not only to make delicious kvass and yeast dough? It turns out that they can be used to make an excellent stimulating solution for plant nutrition.

Yeast-natural growth stimulator

By the way, unlike most fertilizers home cooking have been repeatedly studied by scientists. As a result, it has been proven that thanks to them, the activity of microorganisms in the soil increases sharply, there is a rapid mineralization of organic matter and the release of carbon dioxide is significantly enhanced. Therefore, top dressing of plants with a yeast nutrient solution is equated to top dressing with a complete mineral fertilizer.

How to cook nutrient solution from yeast?
To prepare top dressing, dissolve 10 g of yeast and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 1 liter of slightly warm water. If there is no ordinary yeast at hand, you can also use dry ones, taking 10 g of dry yeast and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar per 10 liters of water. Regardless of which yeast you use to prepare your nutrient solution, let it sit for about 2 hours before using. Then dilute with clean water in a ratio of 1:5 and water the plants.

onion cocktail

Such a familiar and beloved onion, without which it is simply impossible to imagine our cuisine, can be successfully used not only in cooking. A "life-giving" cocktail made from will favorably affect the growth of all domestic plants without exception - after all, it contains a complete set of trace elements.

How to make an onion cocktail?
In the preparation of a cocktail onion peel there is nothing complicated, the only nuance that needs to be taken into account: it cannot be stored for a long time, so this top dressing must be prepared anew each time. So, to prepare an onion cocktail, you need to pour about 50 g of onion peel into 2 liters of hot water, bring the broth to a boil and, after boiling for about 10 minutes, let it brew for three hours. After the broth has cooled, strain it and spray the plants.


- a truly universal fertilizer, which is used with equal success both for feeding plants in the garden, and for feeding indoor flowers. That is why many flower growers rightly believe that better fertilizer you simply will not find: nutritious and easily accessible, it has a lot of advantages.

However, humus is different from humus: if the main qualities of the varieties of this fertilizer are approximately the same, then different house plants prefer strictly certain types as top dressings. For example, palm trees, citrus fruits, and love humus based on bird droppings, the effect of which is much higher than that of fertilizing with mullein. This is due to the fact that bird droppings are several times more nutritious than mullein. That is why apply it to fertilize most indoor plants need to be very careful, using only for large and fast growing species.

Before using humus with bird droppings, it should be diluted with water (10 g per 3 liters of water) until a liquid of a faint, cloudy greenish tint is obtained, and before fertilizing the flowers, the potted soil should be slightly watered with ordinary water.

To feed the rest of the indoor flowers, it is best to use it, for example, by adding it to the ground substrate during plant transplantation. Leaf humus contains a number of elements necessary for plant nutrition. In addition, it significantly affects the structure of the soil, improving it at times.

You can also feed the flowers with humus based on cow (pig and so on) manure, for which 100 g of humus is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Using humus for feeding home flowers, be prepared for the fact that for some time a not very pleasant smell will come from the pots, which will disappear within a few hours. There will be no smell only if you use humus prepared using accelerated technology, which does not contain weed seeds and pathogens. True, it is not recommended to use it as liquid top dressing, it is better to mix it with the ground during plant transplantation, using it as a baking powder for heavy soils.

Vegetable decoctions

The use of decoctions of fresh vegetables for top dressing is rather doubtful, but many believe in the miraculous effect of such an unusual fertilizer, arguing that a decoction of vegetables is very nutritious for domestic plants and can only benefit them. Whether this is so, I personally can’t say - this top dressing did not affect my flowers in any way, but I could be wrong. I will be glad if you convince me.

aquarium water

Ordinary aquarium water can be an excellent alternative to purchased fertilizers. It contains a large number of substances that perfectly stimulate the growth of plants, it is very soft, with a neutral pH. But it is recommended to use it for top dressing only in spring or early summer - when the plants begin to actively grow leaves and shoots. But starting from the middle of summer, it is better not to use aquarium water for fertilizing home flowers.

Again: everything is good in moderation, so you need to feed the plants with aquarium water no more than once a month, otherwise a lot of microscopic algae will get into the soil potted flower, will multiply greatly, as a result of which the soil will turn green and sour.

succinic acid

Succinic acid is obtained after processing natural amber, it has a lot of useful qualities, due to which it is widely used, including for feeding home flowers.

To prepare a nutrient solution, dilute 1 g of the drug in 5 liters of water. This liquid can not only be watered, but also sprayed with houseplants. Especially love such dressings, citrus fruits, ficuses, haworthia, prickly pear and fat women. Please note: use succinic acid for dressing home flowers, you can do it no more than once a year, otherwise you risk getting the opposite effect.

In addition to the 10 most popular fertilizers for home flowers, there are several other options that are used less often, but, according to their proponents, are no less effective:

  • filtered water left after washing meat and fish, is also considered a good flower fertilizer. True, I could not find scientific confirmation of this fact. Maybe you are luckier? If you are already convinced miraculous power such dressings, tell us about it in the comments, please;

  • some flower growers use to feed home flowers cereal washing water: buckwheat, rice, millet and so on which contains iron, silicon, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • eggshell, according to many lovers of home flowers, is also very useful. It is buried in the soil during plant transplantation, the water that is used for irrigation is insisted on it, but whether it is actually top dressing is a question. Yes, it contains a large amount of calcium, but it is practically inaccessible to plants, and then what is the use of it? Moreover, a very limited number of indoor flowers differ in love for calcium, and its excess in the soil only contributes to the fact that chlorosis begins in plants. So it turns out that the benefit eggshell as a fertilizer is very doubtful, except that it can be an excellent drainage;

  • toothpaste and tooth powder can also become fertilizers for house flowers. To prepare a mix with tooth powder, you need 3 tbsp. spoons of powder, 3 tbsp. spoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of copper sulfate in a liter of water. It is not required to insist this fertilizer, it can be applied immediately after preparation. You can make fertilizer with toothpaste very easily and quickly: dissolve a third of a tube of toothpaste in 1 liter of water. Such top dressing will give nutrition to the roots of flowers, as a result of which the plants will acquire a healthier appearance.
And the last thing: before using fertilizers for home flowers, remember a few simple rules:
  • do not feed transplanted new ground plants earlier than 2 months later, because fresh soil also contains nutrients, an excess of which will only lead to the death of a green pet;
  • before fertilizing, spill the soil with plain clean water, this will help you not to destroy them if the fertilizer is concentrated;
  • all weakened or diseased plants must be fed very carefully, using a fertilizer solution of a much lower concentration for this purpose;
  • no need to fertilize all year round, home flowers need fertilizer only in the spring-summer period.

Using various fertilizers for home flowers, try not to overdo it, because everything is good only in moderation, and excess nutrients will disturb the uniform development of your plants and may cause their death. That is why top dressing should be correct and as balanced as possible, only in this way they can be beneficial.

Well, it seems that I have listed all the most popular natural top dressings for home flowers, although I may be wrong. Maybe I did not mention the fertilizer that you successfully apply? Please tell us what you use to feed your houseplants, and why?

The article is posted in sections: fertilizer

How, besides epin, zircon, HB-101, you can cheer up your green pets? It turns out that there are a lot of tools in the home arsenal that can successfully replace newfangled preparations that can not only facilitate plant care, but also completely replace micronutrient fertilizers or growth and flowering stimulants. Moreover, they are good not only for indoor, but also for seedlings of vegetable and garden plants, strawberries.

The most elementary , and does not require any tricks - hot shower! Hot water(not boiling water, of course), but with a temperature of about +50 o C it will not only be a prophylaxis against pests, but a good growth stimulant.

Before the procedure itself, all indoor plants should be well watered, after 1-2 hours put in the bath and turn on the shower.

The temperature of hot water should be such that the hand endures. Water the plants with a hot stream for one to two minutes. Hot water that has fallen into the pot will help in the fight against soil pests (if they are wound up). After showering, plants should be left in the tub overnight to dry out excess water from glass pots. Hot showers can be done by almost everyone indoor flowers except Saintpaulia. Such procedures begin to be done in February and continue throughout the season. The results will not be long in coming, they can be seen in a week.

Sugar. For top dressing, it is enough to pour one teaspoon of granulated sugar on the surface of the soil in a pot before watering, or water it with sweet water once a week. Two teaspoons of granulated sugar are taken for one glass of water. Cacti adore top dressing with granulated sugar.

Castor oil. Castor oil top dressings are good for stimulating flowering and fruit formation. One teaspoon of castor oil is enough for one liter of water. Shake the solution well before use.

Plain brilliant green(brilliant green solution), as well as fucorcin(red liquid), which have a powerful antifungal effect, will help in the fight against fungal diseases. Bulbs of hyacinths, lilies, tulips and other bulbous and bulbous plants in places of damage, as well as scratches and damage to the stems of roses, especially after winter, can be smeared with brilliant green or fucorcin. Scratches and damage, heal and do not rot.

Boric acid. Solution boric acid It is also a stimulant for the formation of buds, ovaries. Boric acid can easily replace the well-known "Ovary" in the garden to stimulate flowering and fruit formation in vegetable crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as during the formation of heads on cabbage, and even all fruit bushes and trees. Working solution - dilute a sachet of boric acid in two liters of water. Spray the plants with this solution several times per season: before flowering, immediately after flowering, two weeks after flowering, so that the ovary does not fall off.

An effective stimulator of growth and root formation is considered aloe juice. It is good for soaking or germinating seeds.

Honey, to be exact. honey solution, is also a powerful biostimulant. It can be successfully used for soaking and germinating seeds, rooting cuttings. Honey solution can be used in the garden during flowering for better pollination and ovary formation.

Honey solution is good to use in bucket traps hung on fruit trees, for the preservation of fruits from pests.

fresh apples. One kilogram of chopped apples insist in five liters of water for two days, and top dressing for all plants is ready. An infusion of fresh apples is especially adored by such plants as Schlumbergera, Zygocactus, Ripsalidopsis.

Milk. For variegated and ornamental leafy plants, regular milk can be used as a top dressing. Working solution: 100 ml of milk is diluted in one liter of water. Such watering is very fond of ferns. Watering with milk water is alternated after 2-3 waterings with plain water.

Vitamins of group B (B 1, B 6, B 12), as well as vitamin C, can be used for rooting cuttings, soaking seeds, and developing the root system. For a working solution, just a few drops per liter of water are enough.

yeast solution can with great success replace such a root stimulator as heteroauxin. Preparation of a working solution: 100 mg of yeast must be dissolved in one liter of water. In this solution for a day, place the cuttings prepared for rooting. After that, the cuttings must be removed from the yeast solution, rinsed with water and placed for rooting in a mini-greenhouse or a container of water. If you put the cutting into the water, then do not forget to put a small piece of charcoal there.

Yeast solution can also be used in the garden. In the spring, when planting, they can water all plants, including roses.

Decoction of onion peel is perceived by all plants without exception as a complete fertilizer. With a decoction, you can not only water the ground, but also sprinkle the entire plant for prevention from pests. Preparation of a working solution: pour one or two handfuls of onion peel with one liter of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, let cool. After that, strain the broth and you can use it! It is advisable to use all the cooked decoction of onion peel at a time.

Excellent fertilizer for indoor plants - aquarium water. There are many substances in aquarium water that stimulate plant growth. It is recommended to use aquarium water as top dressing only in spring and early summer, when new shoots and leaves are actively growing. In the second half of summer, when young shoots and seeds are already ripening, and also for feeding slowly growing cacti and succulents, it is better not to use aquarium water.

Potato broth can also be used as a top dressing for all plants. Cool the water in which the potatoes were boiled, strain and then dilute it strongly. I tested, it works! Of course, at first I was very afraid, I thought that suddenly the earth in the pots would immediately turn sour, then, nevertheless, I took a chance. Satisfied with the result.

Water used to wash raw meat, can be used as a top dressing for all plants. To feed indoor plants, it is recommended to insist this water for two weeks so that it ferments and becomes suitable for irrigation. I watered the plants in the garden with such water without insisting. Dahlias, which often got water after washing their meat, bloomed much earlier than the others, the bushes were gorgeous, and the buds were dark. So that's checked too.

Decoctions and infusions from other plants are the best suited not only for feeding, but also help to cope with pests.

Infusion of wormwood increases the immunity of plants, helps to cope with rust on the leaves of pelargonium, stock roses, lavaters, roses, and is also used in the fight against aphids, various caterpillars and other leaf-eating insects. Preparation of working solution: wormwood can be used dry and fresh, pour cold water and let stand for 1-3 days. Used without dilution. This infusion is very effective in the spring.

You can hold the infusion of wormwood for two weeks, let it wander. Such an infusion is recommended to be diluted ten times. It can be used for watering and spraying indoor and garden plants.

As has long been observed, some garden plants possess not only healing power, but also restrain the onslaught of pests. For example, gypsophila and lavender prevent the attack of aphids and ants on neighboring plants, marigolds and calendula protect neighboring plants from nematodes and other underground pests, garlic kill fungi and viral diseases, including powdery mildew. Therefore, infusions and decoctions of these plants have exactly the same strength and can be used with great success as biological means pest and disease control.

Nettle infusion increases the immunity of plants and is also used as a complete top dressing for all plants. Nettle infusion is prepared according to the same principle as wormwood infusion. You can insist nettles in water for a day or three and water the plants with this infusion, or you can wait until fermentation begins. In order not to stink so much, you can add a little borax to this infusion. After fermentation, strain the nettle infusion, dilute with water at a concentration of 1:10. Such herbal infusions are good to do outdoors in summer. And the herbs are in abundance, and the house does not smell. To combat aphids, you can spray the plants with undiluted nettle infusion.

Nettle infusion is a natural and versatile complex with micro- and macroelements, which surpasses all chemical growth stimulants in its effect on plants.

Infusion comfrey can be used as top dressing in the second half of summer, when plants need a lot of potassium to prepare for winter.

Making an infusion of comfrey is similar to making an infusion of wormwood or nettle. An infusion of comfrey can be used for all plants, but it is especially useful for plants that need full development You need a lot of potassium and a little nitrogen. Spraying with comfrey infusion over the leaves very quickly removes the signs of potassium starvation. In the infusion of comfrey, the main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are in such a proportion of 3:1:7.

A decoction of horsetail it will help not only strengthen plant tissues, it will help to cope with rust on leaves, powdery mildew, spider mites. Horsetail can be used both fresh and dry. Preparation of the working solution: Pour the grass with cold water and leave for a day. After that, boil the infusion with horsetail, let it cool, strain into a glass or plastic utensils. A decoction of horsetail can be sprayed on both indoor and garden plants. A decoction of horsetail can be added to water for irrigation. Against spider mite for a lasting effect, it is necessary to carry out repeated spraying with a decoction of horsetail.

Valerian juice. Grind fresh valerian herb, add a little boiled or rain water, squeeze. The resulting valerian extract, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. The container with valerian extract must be shaken well before use. It is enough to add only 30 drops of such an extract to a bucket of water. It is recommended to water and spray all plants, including orchids. They say that this is truly a "magic remedy". Why not HB-101, which is sold for big money?

Such extracts, infusions, decoctions can be made from almost any plant and in any combination.

Many of you have probably heard that potato peelings can be used as an organic fertilizer for country plantings. This is true, because they contain starch, potassium, and other valuable mineral components. This method of fertilization is absolutely harmless, economical, helps protect the garden from Colorado potato beetles (as well as their larvae), slugs, and wireworms. How to use potato peelings as a fertilizer, for which plants they are suitable as a top dressing - we will consider below.

How to prepare fertilizer from cleanings?

Potatoes are loved by so many of us, in most families they are considered the most popular, most commonly used vegetable in food. After peeling potatoes, always peel. And the highest content of valuable components is located in it and in the layer that is located under the skin. Raw potato waste contains a ton of macronutrients, micronutrients, and an impressive list of vitamins. If you use them rationally, do not throw them in the trash, then all useful elements will give their properties to the soil, plants in your garden.

It is much easier for residents of private houses to determine a place for organic fertilizers, they have a plot of land set aside for a garden-garden. In this case, you can immediately send the potato peelings to the compost.

If visiting the dacha is seasonal, there is also a way out - the peel can be dried or frozen. When the street keeps subzero temperature, potato peelings can be laid out on an unheated balcony (on suitable surfaces). They will freeze and thus be preserved. New "portions" of cleanings can be easily taken out to the balcony as needed. As soon as early spring comes, you will have to visit the dacha and take them there, because in the heat this product rots, spreads bad smell and no one needs it.

Drying potato skins is a more troublesome method of preservation, but more reliable and convenient. It can be dried on a hot radiator or in an oven - this way it will be better stored. If you make an extra effort, grind the peels in a meat grinder after heat treatment, and then dry them again in the oven, you will get the perfect raw material for fertilizer.

With the onset of spring, frozen or dried potato peels are placed in a large container (for example, a barrel), poured very hot water, leave to soak for 2-3 days. This nutrient mixture should be stirred periodically. Thus, potato peels are used as a fertilizer rich in starch, salts, minerals, and vitamins.

How to apply potato peel fertilizer?

The resulting slurry is just perfect for increasing soil fertility when planting seedlings of cucumbers, cabbage, melons, fruit and berry trees, bushes. At the bottom of the holes and beds, a small amount of the resulting potato infusion with gruel is first poured, and only then the plants are planted. Such a fertilizer acts as an organic top dressing, thanks to which onions, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, all varieties of cabbage develop well and grow actively. You can apply this top dressing (by watering the bushes under the roots) every 10-14 days, for this, the infusion is first filtered through a sieve.

Potato peel infusion is the best fertilizer for currants and similar berry crops. Thanks to this infusion, it becomes large, sweet. It is especially good to add top dressing at the stage of the appearance of the ovaries, during the ripening of the berries, before harvesting.

However, there are some limitations - tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, and other nightshade crops should not be fertilized with this method, since this fertilizer simply will not work on them. In some cases, it can even harm these particular plants, because they are prone to common diseases (black scab, late blight).

If you still want to feed the tomatoes with this organic composition, then use only those cleanings that have previously been in the oven. The hot-treated raw materials no longer contain phytophthora, if you pour boiling water over it before applying it to the soil or simply dig it near the plants, nothing bad will happen.

It is good to use potato peels for fertilizer fruit trees, berry bushes. To do this, they are buried in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe near-stem circle. It is best to carry out this procedure in the spring.

You can also use potato peels, beneficial features contained in them not only as fertilizers. With their help, you can scare away pests and save your crop.

Options for "external" use of potato peel:

  1. You can spread it between the beds, as well as in places where slugs accumulate - they are attracted by the smell, they willingly crawl onto it. After that, it can be easily collected and destroyed.
  2. If a lot of heaps of peelings are poured between the rows of potatoes, this will attract the Colorado potato beetles, their larvae. After the pests crawl into heaps, they are collected together with their peels and burned, after dousing them with kerosene.
  3. Also, potato peelings will help to significantly reduce the number of wireworms, only here you will have to additionally donate a few potato tubers. Cleanings and tubers cut into several parts are added dropwise in different places of the site, and after 3-4 days they are removed from the ground along with voracious pests. Subsequently, the wireworm, together with the bait, is similarly destroyed by burning.

Potato peels and currants

According to the set positive feedback from summer residents, feeding currants with peelings gives excellent result. This berry bush "loves" starch and glucose, namely the skin of the tubers is the richest in these elements. Dry potato peels can be buried under currant bushes in spring and summer. They decompose in the ground, giving it all the useful components during the process. You can also pour boiling water over the cleaning, after the infusion has cooled down, they can be watered with shrubs.

In order for currant berries to approach cherry fruits in size, feel free to “treat” the bushes with an infusion of potato peels.

With the onset of autumn, remove the fallen leaves under the currant, loosen the soil, dig dry skins in a circle, and then cover the ground with dry grass on top. The result of your efforts will pleasantly surprise you later.

You can use cleaning not only for currants, but also for gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries. This fertilizer is very suitable for garden flowers, (strained infusion).

This simple free top dressing helps to increase soil fertility, is safe, non-toxic. It is a viable alternative chemicals, and this is a significant plus. Do not rush to throw away a product rich in useful elements, especially since it dries easily, quickly, and is well stored in cloth bags. Use potato peelings as a fertilizer, for which plants they can be used, and for which they cannot - we tried to specify in this article.

Have a generous harvest!

Potato tubers are covered with skin. In cooking, it is of no value, but is actively used in agriculture. The main thing is to properly prepare raw potato peelings as a fertilizer, to know for which plants they are used. If everything is done correctly, the agrarian will receive almost free top dressing to increase productivity.

The benefits of feeding from cleanings

The use of inexpensive organic fertilizers for the soil minimizes the cost and application of chemicals. There are not very many effective natural top dressings, which makes farmers look for new ways to increase yields. And if not every household has manure or litter, potatoes are present on the table of any family throughout the year, and waste from one root crop, even with fine cleaning, is at least 15-20% of the total.

The advantages of such organic feeding are many:

The versatility of fertilizer concerns not only a wide range of crops, but also seasonality. Seedlings are fed with gruel, watering is carried out with an infusion of potato "waste". In some cases, ground cleanings are used, obtaining a product that can be stored throughout the summer season, and not used immediately. Apply such organic matter in spring, summer, autumn. It is rich in potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus and other valuable elements, necessary for the plant at every stage of development.

How to prepare?

Organic top dressing will benefit only with proper harvesting. Do not use fresh potato waste. Spread out on the beds, they will begin to rot, attract the attention of rodents. It is not recommended to bury the raw peel in the ground. decomposition will take long time, the risk of planting late blight infection will increase.

The procedure for "turning" tuber waste into nutrient fertilizer is quite simple. The peel is thoroughly washed, squeezed, dried, and then resorted to one of the following harvesting methods:

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Dried potato peels are more practical as a fertilizer because they have long term storage. Frozen peel must be used in full immediately. If it is defrosted, it is impossible to re-place organic matter in the freezer.

How to store cleanings?

Collect the peel begin in the fall or winter. If it was not laid in a compost pit, but dried or frozen, the organic matter must be properly preserved. Otherwise, it will not be usable. This is true for organics prepared in any of two ways.

Dried cleanings are transferred to cloth bags. Polyethylene cannot be used. They don't let air through. Naturally dried potato peelings, so as not to worry about the presence of pathogens when we fertilize the beds, it is better to store in a cool place, and then in the spring you can feed the plants without fear of scab and late blight.

Past heat treatment skins are stored in a cool and well-ventilated area. They are completely devoid of pathogenic organisms. Frozen cleanings are left in the freezer or transferred to the balcony when frost hits outside. You have to be careful not to let them thaw.

Preparing potato peels

There are three options for preparing nutrient dressings with potato peels that can be used to fertilize various plant crops:

The gruel is laid in the hole or added dropwise next to the plant. Infusion spend watering. Flour is used as a universal fertilizer. Its main advantage is a long shelf life, but it is not recommended to immediately grind cleanings from autumn. Pests can start in the flour.

For which crops is the fertilizer suitable?

Potato peelings are suitable as a fertilizer for almost all garden, fruit, and vegetable crops. They are versatile and effective, they are an excellent alternative to mineral supplements. Under perennial crops, such organic matter is introduced into the soil in the fall, and under annual crops - in the spring.

Additional feeding is carried out in the summer

Organic useful fertilizer, unlike mineral compounds, not only gives nutrients to plants, but improves soil composition. It contributes to the formation of humus - a fertile top layer. Speaking about the benefits of potato peelings, one cannot ignore the composition of this top dressing.
It is rich in glucose, vitamin C, starch, fats, potassium, salt. Getting into the soil, this set of nutrients enriches the soil, releases heat, which is especially important for the full development of vegetable and horticultural crops.

What plants need to be fed?

Potato fertilizer is of great value for crops that are in need of starch and glucose. Top dressing is necessary for raspberries, strawberries, currants, gourds. It is also useful for other plants, including even indoor and garden flowers.

Especially high is the need for nutrients, which are rich in cleaning, for seedlings. Top dressing is best done nesting. Porridge or flour is laid in the hole, covered with a small layer of earth. A second portion of fertilizer is added from above, and sprinkled again.

Fertilizer for indoor flowers

Potato peelers are great not only for use in vegetable gardens, but also for home gardening. Indoor ornamental crops respond well to organic feeding. Greenery becomes more magnificent, and the plant itself is more resistant to pests and diseases.

For indoor flowers, watering is used. The infusion is applied at intervals of once a month. When fresh, cleanings buried in the ground are useful for saprophytic and epiphytic plants. Dracaena, orchids and others flower crops With aerial roots decomposing organic matter.

Fertilizer for vegetable crops

Melons are fed by laying slurry in the hole. Cabbage, melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, squash are recommended to be watered with potato infusion throughout the season. This will stimulate the set of green mass, increase productivity.

Radishes, garlic, onions and turnips begin to fertilize through watering from the last days of May. Top dressing is applied every 2 weeks. It is better to pour the infusion into the furrows dug between plantings. This will enrich the soil so that the plants receive all the necessary elements.

flower fertilizer

Great for keeping flower beds in great condition. When transplanting perennials or planting annual flowers, you need to make a small amount of gruel in each well. As practice shows, 1 scoop is enough. Further care involves watering with infusion in the phase of active growth and flowering once a month.


Fertilizer is most useful for raspberries and strawberries. The first is fertilized in a basal way. Flour is brought in, the earth is loosened. Water the bushes with infusion. On the running meter landings need about 5 liters. Ground peelings are also poured under the strawberries in the spring. Top dressing is used for mulch.


Annuals and perennials respond well to watering and root bait. But, if we talk about the shrub, which is most useful for potato peelings, they are considered the best fertilizer for currants, especially black currants. Berries grow the size of cherries or sultanas, acquire a wonderful sweet taste.

Currant bushes are fertilized with dried potato peels moistened with water, digging the peel at the roots 15-20 cm deep. Such top dressing is carried out when the soil has warmed up sufficiently. The event is held every two years. If the quality of the crop does not meet expectations, it is carried out annually.
Helps to increase the yield by watering every 2 weeks. In winter, bushes, if the soil is covered with polyethylene, are also fertilized. They rake the snow, scatter cleanings, which are then buried.

Fruit Tree Fertilizer

The trunks are dug around, receding about 50-100 cm, and the resulting furrow is sprinkled with flour. The soil must be well loosened. For each mature tree it takes about 1 kg of top dressing, and for young ones - 0.5-0.7 kg.

It's interesting to know! Peeling potatoes will help get rid of slugs, wireworms, and the Colorado potato beetle. It is enough to spread the peel on the ground, leaving it overnight, and the next morning, burn the waste along with the pests that have accumulated on it.


Organic fertilizer is not used for related nightshades. It is contraindicated for the following cultures:

  • nightshade;
  • tobacco;
  • physalis;
  • tomatoes;
  • capsicum;
  • eggplant;
  • potatoes.

Potato peels as fertilizer

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

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