Chelated iron is an effective treatment for iron deficiency and anemia. The use of iron chelate for fertilizing horticultural and ornamental crops

Decor elements 14.06.2019
Decor elements

Far few people pay attention to the fact that in various vitamin and mineral complexes the composition contains different forms macronutrients. Rarely enough, but still sometimes there is such a form as a chelate. Also called chelate is the type of bond in which the intestine is able to absorb individual minerals only if they combine with their amino acids. This process is completely natural and occurs daily. It is this process that makes minerals more available to the body. What is the chelated form of elements and how does it affect the absorption of other macronutrients by the body?

Chelates belong to organometallic complexes. And chelate compounds are characterized by the combination of amino acids with minerals. For example, there is a zinc, magnesium, calcium or iron chelate. It will be about the chelated form of iron. If we talk more simply about the chelate form, then we can say that this is a certain form of macro and microelements that are easily absorbed in the human body. To better understand the essence of this form, we can give an example that hemoglobin known to everyone is a chelated form of iron, the mineral of which is iron.

Before the assimilation of a mineral occurs, it must necessarily combine with transporting substances, which are precisely amino acids. It is a daily exercise of a natural process that occurs in both humans and animals. The chelation process determines the bioavailability of the mineral. Distinctive feature drugs chelated iron is the fact that they do not require additional transformation, but are already completely ready for use and movement for assimilation.

Solgar Chelated Iron

Is it possible for life processes to take place without such a valuable and important trace element as iron? Certainly not. Iron takes an active part in a huge variety of processes, such as respiration, blood formation and regenerative activity. Deficiency of this essential trace element can lead to serious consequences that will be difficult to eliminate. There are a number of drugs that are designed to prevent the development of such a phenomenon as iron deficiency.

Chelated iron Solgar, which is also called mild iron, contains iron bisglycinate in its composition. Chelated iron preparations for humans are of great utility, since they are more bioavailable than mineral iron salts. This drug is absorbed absolutely as much as possible, while ferrous sulfate can only be absorbed in the intestines by 20%. Solgar also has another number of advantages that distinguish it from the rest - this is, first of all, the absence side effects like disordered stool.

Chelated Solgar is able to quickly increase the level of one of the main trace elements human body- iron. As many years of experience in the use of this drug by customers shows, taking Solgar is not accompanied by discomfort, and also, which is very important, does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in any way. The manufacturer of this iron-containing product offers consumers some variety of this line:

  1. Solgar Iron 25 mg 180 Veg Capsules. It has a mild effect and has a positive effect on the digestive tract.
  2. Solgar 90 capsules 25mg. These are vegetarian capsules.
  3. Solgar 100 capsules 25mg. Used to prevent the development of anemia.

Solgar's readily available iron is well suited to vegetarians who have critically low hemoglobin levels. The drug with 180 capsules is enough for half a year of use, and during this time it completely solves the problem of low iron content in the body. A well-deserved vocation on the part of buyers is shown in the fact that there are large volumes of sales. Any supplements are completely natural.

Instructions for use

Despite the large size of the capsules, they are easy to take. During the treatment course and the use of chelated iron Solgar, you should pay attention to your diet in order to exclude foods that interfere with the absorption of iron in the intestines: coffee drinks, tea and dairy products. It is also important to remember that calcium and vitamin E significantly reduce the absorption of the drug, and therefore they are taken separately. The drug has some contraindications that you should pay attention to, especially in patients with hemolytic anemia.

Instructions for the use of Solgar iron will help you figure out how to take this drug correctly so that it has only a positive effect, and does not bring harm. After all, if a person does not know how to take iron Solgar, an overdose is possible. Capsules are taken immediately before meals or during meals. Best time taking the drug is in the evening, before dinner. It has been proven that iron is well absorbed in the evening. One capsule contains daily rate iron for adults. Therefore, often only one capsule per day is enough.

Iron chlorosis is a common plant disease. It is characterized by a violation of the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves. At the same time, the leaf plate turns yellow, while the veins remain green. Almost everyone involved in gardening faces this disease. What is chlorosis in plants, how to treat this disease?

Cause iron chlorosis is a severe lack of iron, which may not be enough in the soil. In addition, changes can occur in the plant itself, leading to a loss of the ability to absorb iron. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the mistakes made in the agricultural technology of growing a plant and feed it with iron.

Signs of chlorosis

Chlorosis is not a fatal disease, it can be easily cured if the characteristic symptoms are seen in time.

A diseased culture is easy to identify by the following signs:

  • leaves decrease in size;
  • young leaves turn yellow, only veins remain green;
  • the edges of the sheet plate are twisted;
  • the shape of flowers and buds changes;
  • the development of the root system worsens;
  • apical shoots dry out.

Reasons for development

If you notice the manifestations of chlorosis in time, the plant can be successfully cured. To do this, you need to know the causes of the disease, and they can be as follows:

  1. Insufficient amount of minerals and trace elements in the diet. Most often, the soil lacks iron, zinc, magnesium, sulfur, and lime.
  2. Infection by insects, fungal spores, various viruses and microorganisms.
  3. Damage to the root system bad condition soil, lack of drainage and other germination defects.
  4. hereditary chlorosis.

Types of disease

There are many types of leaf chlorosis, the difference of which is reflected in the lack of a certain element in the nutrition of the plant. To determine which microelement is missing, you should focus on external signs.

Plants susceptible to chlorosis

To disadvantage nutrients all plants are susceptible. This applies to both domestic crops and those that grow on open field and even aquariums. But some plants are the most susceptible and, if not taken urgently, may die from chlorosis.

Most prone to disease:


To prevent plant disease, certain measures should be taken. It concerns proper preparation planting, optimal timely care of the crop. To carry out the necessary measures, it is important to know the varieties of chlorosis. This disease is:

Garden tools should be washed with boiling water and wiped with a cloth dampened with alcohol..

To reduce the risk of chlorosis, you must:

  • choose the right substrate for plants. The soil must be permeable and light. ;
  • monitor the soil, pay attention to the acidity of the soil. A shift towards an alkaline environment greatly increases the risk of chlorosis. Alkalinization should not be allowed;
  • water plants periodically with acidified water. To do this, a few grains citric acid dissolved in 1 liter of water.


If the plants are already sick with chlorosis, preventive measures will not be enough. Of course, you will have to change the soil and use it for irrigation acidified water, but, in addition, it is necessary to add chelated iron to the diet. It is easily digestible and suitable even for diseased plants.

Plant health is restored after application under the root and spraying with the following preparations:

Iron chelate can be sprayed on the leaves or applied to the soil. In the first case, the effect of the drug appears much faster. Useful substances penetrate the plant tissue during the day. When watering, this happens only after three days.

In addition, for the treatment of non-infectious chlorosis, you can use not only ready-made preparations, but also made independently. At the same time, for each species, it is necessary to select individual top dressings with a high content of the necessary this case substances.

To eliminate magnesium chlorosis, you should use drugs such as dolomite flour, potassium magnesia, magnesium sulfate, Mag-Bor. As a handy tool wood ash is recommended.

The lack of sulfur can be filled with special sulfur-containing fertilizers. Most often, they are complex and contain, in addition to sulfur, other substances useful for plants: nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, etc.

Nitrogen deficiency is eliminated by mineral fertilizers, which are based on nitrogen. They can be nitrate, ammonia, amide. The most popular are ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.

For top dressing vegetable crops nitrate fertilizers, calcium and sodium nitrate are mainly used.

To feed plants and replenish some mineral elements, you can use homemade compositions:

Home fertilizers, as well as ready-made ones, are used in small quantities with caution, carefully observing how the plant reacts to top dressing.


A good remedy for iron deficiency in plants is ferovit. They are processed not only flowering plants, but also fruit crops, and also spray seedlings.

This drug is carried out foliar treatment. It is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for use of Ferovit for plants. Excess iron can lead to poor absorption of manganese and phosphorus. The concentrate is usually sold in small ampoules. You can also find iron chelate in powder form.

To prepare a spray, it is better to take boiled water. Alkali contained in hard water can react with iron. This will weaken the effect of the drug.

It is necessary to spray the plants in cloudy weather, while taking into account the possibility of rain. Ferovit should be treated three times per season. In spring, it will contribute to the formation of beautiful foliage, in summer it will maintain strength, and before hibernation it will strengthen the immune system.

Home made iron chelate

It's easy to make your own iron chelate at home in two folk ways:

The shelf life of homemade iron chelate is 2 weeks.

One of the non-traditional and very common methods of dealing with chlorosis at home is burying in a pot with a plant rusty nails. The main thing here is the presence of rust.

It is always better to be proactive in order to prevent illness with the help of timely feeding and quality care.

I take iron chelate in ampoules, liquid and dilute in a 0.5-liter bottle, pour it into a spray bottle and process the plants when there is no sun. Works quite effectively


I added vermiculite to the soil with trace elements that kill chlorosis. In this case, the plant can not be transplanted, it is enough to remove upper layer soil and add soil with vermiculite. Ferovit, containing iron, feed the plant under the root. I personally used ferovit and the result is very satisfied.

I can tell from own experience how he treated passionflower. After applying a fertilizer complex with a high nitrogen content, I noticed that the leaves on the plant began to curl. Poured with a complex solution containing: manganese -4.2%, iron-8.14%; copper -0.5%; boron-1.6%, zinc -1.0% cobalt-0.2%, molybdenum -0 ,one%. Improvements were noticeable within a day. Chlorotic spots almost disappeared on the leaves, they turned around.

For getting good harvests plants need to be provided not only with basic nutrients, but also with microelements. Iron, along with copper, zinc, boron, manganese, cobalt and molybdenum, is among the seven most important. Iron chelate allows you to effectively feed the plants with this element. About what it is, how to use the drug and cook it with your own hands, will be discussed in the material.

Benefits of chelated mineral supplements

First of all, it is important to understand that nutrients are absorbed by plants only in a bioavailable form. Ordinary mineral fertilizers ( see → ) before it can be taken up by plants, it often has to go through a series of transformations. In chelated substances, the substances are initially in a bioavailable state. Chelated fertilizers penetrate better into plant cells, due to which they are absorbed by 90%. Ordinary mineral compounds absorb only 40-70%.

In addition to this important advantage, chelated fertilizers have an impressive list of others:

  • do not have a phytotoxic effect;
  • do not affect the acidity of the soil;
  • do not accumulate in the soil, causing its salinization;
  • do not enter into a chemical reaction with other substances, forming unwanted compounds;
  • perfectly soluble in water and well absorbed by the roots and leaves.

Being organomineral fertilizers, chelates do not harm ecological state site and can be used on soils of any type.

Iron chelate: characteristics and purpose

Externally, iron chelate is a dark red fine powder. molecules given substance are complexes formed by iron itself and a chelating agent. Various organic acids can act as the latter:

As can be seen from the table, different iron chelates exhibit unequal stability during external environment. So, for example, an EDTA-chelated product will work well in acidic soils, but will degrade in calcareous soils. These nuances must be considered when buying.

The main purpose of iron chelate is the treatment of non-infectious chlorosis caused by a deficiency of this trace element. Also, the drug can be used for prophylactic purposes.

Tip #1. Information about the chelating agent can be found on the package of the drug. It is usually given as a Latin abbreviation.

Signs of iron deficiency in plants

The most sensitive to iron deficiency in the soil are such crops as tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, raspberries, apple trees, apricots, cherries, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, grapes and greenhouses. citrus plants. Their deficient state is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the upper young leaves lose their color, the lower old ones remain green;
  • chlorotic areas of pale yellow, almost white color appear between the veins;
  • areas affected by chlorosis expand, capture the entire interveinal space, leaving only the veins green.

The plant, being unable to carry out photosynthesis normally, slows down growth, sheds flowers and ovaries. If new leaves appear on it, then they already turn out to be chlorotic when deployed.

Non-infectious chlorosis in plants occurs because chlorophyll in the cells ceases to be synthesized and is destroyed. All the described signs are a signal for immediate feeding of plants with iron chelate.

The effect of iron chelate on plants

Iron plays an important role in the biochemical processes occurring in the plant cell:

  • participates in the synthesis of chlorophyll;
  • participates in the transfer of electrons during photosynthesis;
  • participates in the construction of proteins that restore nitrites and sulfates;
  • involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids.

It follows that iron chelate can be used not only for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency chlorosis. Treatment with this drug allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • increase photosynthetic activity and cellular respiration of plants growing in the shade;
  • improve the condition of seedlings in the absence of additional illumination with phytolamps;
  • normalize nitrogen metabolism in cells and improve the absorption of other mineral elements;
  • improve pollen quality, stimulate flowering and fruiting.

Thus, iron chelate indirectly affects the volume and quality of the crop.

Ways to use iron chelate

One of the advantages of iron chelate is that this drug is equally well absorbed through the roots and through the leaves. This property allows you to use it for top dressing by any means.

Most often, chelate solutions are used for leaf dressing. For this right amount powder dissolves in water. The concentration of the working solution is as follows:

  • for top dressing fruit trees- 5 g per 5 liters of water;
  • for other crops - 5 g per 8 liters of water.

You can spray plants with iron chelate throughout the growing season. However, the greatest efficiency is observed when processing during the period of active growth - in late spring and the first half of summer. At this time, you need to do four foliar top dressing with an interval of 2 weeks.

Equally useful is the delivery of iron chelate with irrigation water. The solution is made in the same way as for spraying, only its concentration in any case should be 5 g of chelate per 5 liters of water. For 1 m 2 of soil during irrigation, you need to spend about 2 liters of working solution.

Important! If iron chelate treatment is carried out with medicinal purposes, stop feeding only after the disappearance of symptoms of chlorosis. This can be done both on the sheet and under the root. If the growing leaves acquire a normal color, then the iron deficiency is replenished.

Manufacturers of iron chelate and drug prices

Powdered iron chelate can be purchased from various agrochemical manufacturers:

Manufacturer Chelating agent Permissible reaction of the soil solution Price
NPP VIOST DTPA acidic or neutral 20 rubles for 5 g
OOO "Electrochemistry" DTPA acidic or neutral 22 rubles for 5 g
TPK Technoexport (Green Belt) Not specified Not specified 23 rubles per 10 g
"Agromaster" EDDHA alkaline 4200 rubles for 5 kg
Valagro EDDHA alkaline 1700 rubles per 1 kg
Yugreaktiv EDTA Sour 350 rubles per 1 kg
"Buy Fertilizers" EDTA Sour 700 rubles per 1 kg

Iron chelate can also be produced in liquid form. In particular, it is included in the "Hydroponics Kit Micro" solution, which can be used not only for hydroponic growing of plants, but also for watering the soil.

Do-it-yourself preparation of iron chelate

Considering that the consumption of iron chelate and the working solution is quite high, and at least four treatments are required to achieve the effect, this drug cannot be called cheap. Fortunately, iron can be easily chelated at home. For this, substances that are available to any summer resident will fit:

  • ascorbic or citric acid, apple cider vinegar;
  • inkstone.

These acids form unstable compounds with iron molecules, so you need to prepare homemade chelates immediately before use. If they are stored for a long time, the solutions age, change color, and iron precipitates.

Citric acid has an important property that will allow not only to feed plants with iron. In biochemistry, there is such a thing as the Krebs cycle. This is the basis of plant cell metabolism, thanks to which it is supplied with energy. chemical reactions, occurring at the same time, occur with the participation of citric acid.

To make iron chelate, you need to take iron sulfate powder and citric acid in a ratio of 1: 1.5⊕ . For example, to prepare 1 liter of chelate solution

4 g of acid and 2.5 g of vitriol are required. First, the acid dissolves completely in water. Then vitriol is gradually mixed into the solution. The result is a lemon-colored liquid that contains 0.5 g/l of ferrous iron in the form of citrate.

If ascorbic acid in tablets is taken for chelation, it must be pure, without dyes and glucose. Tablets are pre-ground into powder. A half-liter jar of water will require 10 g of ascorbic acid. After dissolving the acid, 1 teaspoon of ferrous sulfate is introduced into the solution. Then everything is diluted with water - the final volume of liquid should be equal to 3 liters.

Iron is one of the most important nutrients. It is not classified as either a macro or a micronutrient, it simply must be constantly present in plant nutrition. Lack of iron leads to a disruption in the production of chlorophyll in the leaves, i.e., the gradual cessation of a vital function - the process of photosynthesis.

The most surprising thing is that iron is the most common element, and in the soil it is in sufficient quantity, but, unfortunately, in a form inaccessible to plants. The only available and easily digestible form of the metal is iron chelate.

What is iron chelate

Chelates are highly effective microfertilizers, which include one or more trace elements enclosed in a shell. As the shell breaks down, beneficial elements are released and nourish the plants. One such fertilizer is iron chelate.

In the free form in the soil is III-valent iron - Fe (III). But its molecules are inactive and do not bring practically any benefit to plants, they are not absorbed. The divalent form of iron Fe(II) is mobile, easily and quickly absorbed, but the problem is that such iron oxidizes very quickly, turning into a trivalent form (rust).

To prevent this from happening, Fe(II) is placed in a "shell" - a chelate complex, which consists of weak organic acids (most often - citric). Chelated iron can retain its II-valent structure long time until the chelate complex breaks down. The advantages of using iron chelate are that:

  • the breakdown of chelates occurs at the same rate as the absorption of iron by plants, i.e. oversaturation with iron cannot occur, plants take as much as they need;
  • the chelate shell breaks down into elements that do not clog the soil and are harmless to environment- oxygen, hydrogen, carbon.

Chlorosis, its causes and treatment

Why do plants need iron chelate? Iron is responsible for the normal course of the most important process in plants - photosynthesis. The lack of an element leads to infection of plant organisms with chlorosis, i.e. synthesis of chlorophyll in green leaves is disturbed.

Plants seem to lose their vitality, weaken and may even die. This manifests itself mainly on newly developing shoots as follows:

  • the plates of young leaves between the veins turn yellow, but the veins themselves remain bright green;
  • leaves become small;
  • there is an unreasonable fall of foliage and unopened buds;
  • the shape of the buds and flowers changes, bends;
  • the edges of the leaves are twisted;
  • apical shoots do not develop or dry out;
  • the development of the root system slows down or stops, in the worst case, the death of the roots.

Even one of these symptoms indicates an insufficient amount of iron in the soil. To help the plants, it is necessary to make root or foliar top dressing with a solution of an iron preparation.

What is better for plants - iron chelate or ferrous sulfate?

The most common fertilizers containing iron are chelates and sulfates. However, many gardeners are inclined to believe that iron chelate is much more effective and safer than sulfate:

  • during the decomposition of Fe2 (SO4) 3 fertilizer, ferrous iron is released much less than active SO4 ions;
  • the rate of Fe(II) release and uptake by plants do not match, therefore most of useful element is lost;
  • to achieve the norm of iron consumption, it will be necessary to oversaturate the plants with sulfur, as a result, sulfur poisoning occurs;
  • ferrous sulfate is ineffective on depleted soils, in summer time and in difficult climatic conditions.

Much more efficient application iron chelate for plant nutrition.

How to apply

Fruit trees - apples, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, lemons - suffer the most from iron deficiency. In addition, a trace element deficiency is noticeable in such fruit and garden crops as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, corn, and raspberries. The most effective are foliar treatments of plants on the leaves, but root watering also gives good results.

For the prevention of chlorosis

For preventive purposes, the leaves are sprayed every two weeks from the appearance of new leaves to the beginning of flowering (but at least 2 times). To do this, prepare a solution: 5 g of iron chelate is diluted in 10 liters of water, which is used to treat plants at the rate of 1 liter per 10 m 2.

For the treatment of chlorosis

5 g of chelate are dissolved in 5 liters of water for fruit trees, in 8 liters of water for vegetable crops. Processing should be carried out at least 4 times with a break of 2 weeks. If it is necessary to treat deep chlorosis, you can water the plants under the root - 2 liters per 1 sq.m.

For indoor plants

Some types of home flowers are especially demanding on iron and other trace elements, as they are forced to remain in a closed substance for a long time. Iron deficiency is experienced by:

  • citrus trees;
  • azaleas;
  • hydrangeas;
  • clerodendrum;
  • gardenia.

If the symptoms of chlorosis are observed in other plants, regular spraying of the leaves with an iron chelate solution will help maintain a healthy appearance and normal development of pets.

Preparation of the drug at home

It is easy to make your own iron chelate at home. When ferrous sulfate is dissolved in water, Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions are formed. Chelating agent (citric acid) captures ferrous iron and supplies plants with it.

The drug is effective for preventive treatments, but contains a large number of ballast - Fe (III), therefore, when cooking, the observance of proportions is important. The working solution must be used immediately as long as it retains Orange color and transparency.

Cooking method:

  • in 2 liters of warm distilled or rain water (you can use clean settled water), dissolve 5 g of citric acid;
  • dissolve 8 g of ferrous sulfate in the same amount of water;
  • then slowly pour the vitriol solution into a solution of citric acid in a stream, constantly stirring with a wooden stick;
  • then, in the same way, pour another 1 liter of water and immediately use the solution.

Proportions and sequence must be observed. Processing should be carried out in the evening or early cloudy (!) Morning.

One of essential elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body - iron. Girls and women of childbearing age especially need it because of monthly blood loss.

Until recently, it was argued that iron supplements should not be taken if there is no iron deficiency, tk. too much iron can be detrimental to health. However, the latest evidence is that it is desirable for girls and women of childbearing age to take iron at least during menstruation, which my daughter and I do.

The chelated form of any mineral is the most bioavailable and digestible, so I try to choose trace elements in this form. In this preparation, iron is in the form of bisglycinate - a chelate compound with glycine, which is perfectly absorbed and does not cause side effects eg constipation.
I often recommend raw whole food iron with vegetables and fruits, like Garden of Life, but it's quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, such iron is a good alternative.

This preparation contains the daily norm of iron for women - 18 mg. Take 1 capsule daily after meals. Capsules standard size- 2 cm; easy to swallow. Childproof lid.

Before we started taking iron, my daughter had somehow reduced hemoglobin - 111 g / l, and she drank this iron for a month. The next analysis showed 127 g/l. In addition, she noticed that lethargy had passed, the brain began to work better.
My analyzes (once a year) now standardly show hemoglobin from 128 to 133 g / l.

For those who need a higher dosage, iHerb has Now with 36mg of iron per capsule.

It should be borne in mind that iron is better absorbed when there is a sufficient amount of vitamins A and C and copper in the body, but this does not mean that iron can be taken at the same time as multivitamins / minerals, because. it has poor compatibility with vitamin E and B12, calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium. It is advisable to take iron separately, after another meal, for example, multivitamins / minerals after breakfast, iron after dinner. The main thing is that the above substances are present in the body normally.
Iron interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12, and the latter is often included in complexes with iron in high doses to compensate.

Iron properties:
- is part of hemoglobin in red blood cells - erythrocytes, which are responsible for supplying oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body;
- strengthens immunity;
- participates in the production of thyroid hormones;
- helps the absorption of B vitamins;
- participates in the construction of muscle tissue;
- Regulates body temperature.

Signs of iron deficiency:
- pallor of the skin;
- lethargy, fatigue;
- decrease in memory and mental abilities;
- reduced immunity;
- Restless legs syndrome;
- long healing of wounds;
- during pregnancy, the risk of abnormal fetal development and miscarriage increases;
- increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, etc.

In what cases can iron deficiency occur:
- blood loss during menstruation and from donors;
- increased physical and mental stress;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, incl. gastritis with low acidity, autoimmune bowel disease due to impaired absorption of iron - the main cause of iron deficiency in men.

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