The state of the natural environment in Buryatia. Ecological problems of the area

Landscaping and layout 22.09.2019
Landscaping and layout
The current state of the natural environment

In the last decade, a set of measures has been taken to ensure environmental protection in the republic. However, the ecological situation remains difficult.

For example, over 10,000 thousand large and small stationary sources emit more than 170 thousand tons of pollutants into the air environment of the republic. Of these, 51% are emissions from road transport. A high concentration of air pollution is noted in Ulan-Ude. The average content of benzopyrene (6.8 MPC), formaldehyde (2.3 MPC), phenol (2.0 MPC), nitrogen dioxide (1.5 ^ MPC). In Gusinoozersk, nitrogen dioxide is 1.4 MPC / g. Severobaikalsk - 1.3 MPC, and in the village. Selenginsk average value of benzopyrene (4.5 MPC), carbon disulfide and formaldehyde (2 MPC).

In recent years, there has been a persistent tendency towards a deterioration in the quality of land, the total area of ​​agricultural land covered by erosion processes has increased (more than 3/4 of arable land is subject to water and wind erosion). In Kurum-Kan and Kizhinginsky districts, more than 90% of arable land has been eroded, in Mukhorshibirsky, Khorinsky and Selenginsky, more than 75%. The main reasons are non-fulfillment of measures for planting field-protective and water-regulating forest plantations, for the construction of hydraulic structures, etc.

There is a constant decline in soil fertility. The application of mineral fertilizers per hectare of sowing decreased 28 times, and organic fertilizers - 6 times. In a number of places, soil contamination with compounds of heavy minerals is observed.

So, for example, when carrying out an ecological-geochemical survey of Ulan-Ude, land contamination with mercury compounds above the MPC was found (areas of LVRZ, Instrument-making association, right and left banks of the Uda river, Arshan village, Myasokombinat, central part of Zauda , settlement Kir-zavod, etc.); lead above the MPC (Instrument-Making Association, the villages of Yuzhny, Kirzavod, Zagorsk and Vostochny). Contamination of farmland with lead, zinc, nickel, arsenic and chromium continues above the maximum permissible concentration. The most contaminated with lead and zinc were the agricultural lands of the southern regions of Buryatia. In general, soil pollution here is of a local nature. In the lands of these areas, the presence of persistent pesticides (DDT and hexochlorane) and mercury-containing fungicides (gronosan) was found.

When assessing the ecological state of the lake. Baikal and the whole Baikal region Special attention attracts the city of Baikalsk with a pulp and paper mill located there (BPPM JSC). The zone of pollution of Baikal water with sulfur compounds of this plant reached 24.6 km, with difficult-to-hydrolyzable carbohydrates and lignin-humus complex - 13.4 km2. Dust and gas emissions from the BPPM damaged 250 thousand hectares of fir-cedar forest, of which 40 thousand hectares died. At present, the area of ​​dying forests has exceeded 500 thousand hectares. The consequence of all this was the appearance of erosion on the slopes, activation of mudflows, avalanches, landslides, depletion and drying out of small rivers and streams.

A very unfavorable situation is also developing in the mining industry. In the first 25 years of operation of the Irokindinsky mine (Vitim plateau), amalgamation was used to extract gold. The accumulated industrial products, enriched with mercury, during this time, were constantly eroded and flowed into the Irokinda River. The stream of scattering of mercury and gold along the river has a length of about 15 km. As a result of these actions, the grayling spawning grounds were destroyed and the hunting grounds of the Evenks were badly damaged.

The situation is not entirely favorable at the Kholbinsky mine (Eastern Sayan). Here, for many years in a row, household waste has been dumped directly into the loose sand and pebble strata of the river. Samarta, which flows into Kitoy. The constructed tailing dump in the valley of this river does not quite fulfill its direct function. Industrial waste from the plant stored here, no matter how hard the gold miners try, nevertheless seeps through the loose strata of rocks into the river. Samarta.

A dangerous ecological crisis is associated with the Dzhida tungsten-molybdenum combine, located in the Baikal basin in the middle reaches of the river. Jida. After 60 years of operation, the plant closed. V soil cover around it, exceeding the maximum permissible concentration was revealed: for nickel by 3-5 times, lead by 1.5-10.0 times, copper by 1.5-3.0 times, antimony - by 20-100 times. On the territory of the former plant, more than 40 million tons of waste - sulphide products have been accumulated on an area of ​​about 700 hectares. The erosion of industrial waste from the combine by storm and melt water, the filling of roads and streets with them, sharply increased the radiation background, caused pollution of soil and water with heavy metals and specific substances. As a result, the incidence of morbidity in the population has increased, and life expectancy has sharply decreased.

In recent years, cases of deliberate arson of forests with the aim of buying up for a pittance a cheap burning forest for subsequent sale have become more frequent. Over the past 10 years, the number of forest fires has been growing and reaches 1000 fires per season.

For the republics, natural-man-made desertification is characteristic due to increased wind and water erosion. The main centers of moving sands appeared in the basin of the Selenga and Barguzin rivers. On some arable lands, erosion affects up to 70-90% of the area. Due to the moving sands settlements (Staro-Selenginskoe, Maryino, etc.) are transferred. In the northern regions, intense wind erosion is manifested in inter-mountain basins, especially in the Barguzin ones. where the plowing of Kuytuns led to the appearance of typical aeolian landforms - dunes, ridges, blowing hollows. In general, in Buryatia, the area of ​​waving sands exceeds 100 thousand hectares (Tunkinskaya badars, Bauntovskaya tukulans, Barguzin kuytuns). In the steppe depressions (as, for example, in the Borgoiskaya steppe), soil salinization was manifested in connection with the irrigation of lands.

The continuing pollution of water bodies causes concern. Although, according to the regulatory authorities, there is a decrease in the intake of sulfides, chlorides, iron, nitrite nitrogen, suspended solids in water bodies, the quality surface waters worsens. So, for example, the Upper Angara with its tributaries in 1995 was transferred from class 2 (clean) to class 3 (moderately polluted). Here MPCs are constantly exceeded for phenols, oil products, and for the river. Tyya, in addition, on the ions of copper and iron. A similar situation is observed on the rivers of the Eastern Cisbaikalia (Barguzin, Turka, Kika) and in the river. Selenga with its large tributaries. Of all the rivers in Buryatia, the water quality index 2 is preserved by the r. Bol. The river.

Unfortunately, the number of dried up rivers is growing steadily. Their number has now grown to 240.

The water quality of the lake is deteriorating. Gusinoe. Since 1992, the lake water has been recognized as moderately polluted (class 3) - ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, oil products, copper ions. There is a gradual warming of the lake water by 1 ° C and overgrowing of its bottom with green algae.

More than 125 million m3 of groundwater is used annually in Buryatia for drinking, industrial and technical needs. V countryside about 8 thousand water wells are in operation. The quality of groundwater is observed in the areas of landfills in the cities of Ulan-Ude, Gusinoozersk, pos. Selenginsk and at the waste disposal sites of the Zaigraevskaya and Ulan-Udeskaya poultry farms. The main elements-water pollutants are oil products, phenols, and increased oxidizability is also noted.

Household pollution is recorded by an increase in nitrites, nitrates and ammonium in the water. Numerous household waste dumps and cesspools located within residential areas are the source of nitrogen intake. In almost all settlements, there is a deterioration in water quality due to the presence of nitrogen compounds.

The impact of economic activities on the environment

Currently, economic activity has a decisive impact on the state of the environment in Buryatia. The greatest damage is caused by the fuel and energy complex. For example, the Gusinoozerskaya GRES annually emits 28 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere and discharges 328 million m3 of normatively clean waters into Lake Gusinoe, which, due to the high temperature, violate the thermal balance of the lake. CHP-1 and CHP-2 (Ulan-Ude) emit 79.5 tons of pollutants into the air every day.

During the development of the Kholboldzhinsky coal mine, 2.5 thousand hectares of land were disturbed and occupied under waste dumps, and the total volume of waste dumps on the shore of Lake Gusinoe is estimated at 300 million m3.

The experience of the Dzhida Volfram-Molybdenum Combine has shown that the development of minerals in Buryatia is still being carried out without taking into account environmental components, therefore the city of Zakamensk and r. Modonkul are experiencing serious environmental pressures. The use of rocks from dumps for construction work (damming, road construction, etc.) has sharply increased the radiation background in the soil and water.

Many environmental protection measures have not been carried out during the construction of enterprises for the extraction of Cheremshansky quartzite, Muisky chrysotile asbestos, Kholbinsky and Irokindinsky gold, polymetals of Ozernoye and Nazarovskoye deposits.

In the Republic, there are 2015 hectares of disturbed land during the construction of various kinds of facilities that have not been reclaimed; construction and road complexes use 405 quarries for the extraction of stone, crushed stone, sand and gravel.

The volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere from vehicles increases annually. Ulan-Ude is experiencing a special load. There are more than 75 thousand vehicles in the capital of the republic, plus more than 15-20 thousand transit vehicles annually. The analysis of monitoring the state of vehicles showed that 1/3 of cars are operated with toxic emissions that exceed the established standards by 3-4 times.

During the years of restructuring, enterprises of the agro-industrial complex practically stopped environmental construction, hundreds of warehouses for fuels and lubricants and mineral fertilizers, livestock farms continue to function in the water protection zone. If in 1991 there were only 205 land users and landowners in Buryatia, now there are more than 3,000 of them.

Military units do great harm to the natural environment. Most of the boiler houses are not equipped with dust and gas trapping equipment (the cities of Ulan-Ude, Kyakhta, Gusinoozersk, the Dzhidinsky, Ivolginsky and Zaigraevsky districts).

Resorts located on the coast of Lake Baikal, mineral springs, places traditional treatment, health improvement and recreation. In these places, the problems of garbage disposal have not been resolved, the parking places for vehicles, accommodation and meals for vacationers have not been determined. The urban green zone of the city of Ulan-Ude is subject to a great load; here it is necessary to equip places of mass recreation. In Ulan-Ude, there are absolutely not enough squares and parks for the recreation of the townspeople; the area of ​​greening of the streets is only 75 hectares or 2.2 m for each inhabitant (4 times less than the required norm).

According to "Sosnovgeologia", in Buryatia, in small areas, there is an increased radiation contamination with radiocaesium-137 (Tunkinsky, Dzhidinsky, Kabansky, Kyakhtinsky districts, slightly less - Barguzinsky, Bauntovsky and Yeravninsky). Cesium-137 is fixed in the near-surface part of the soil and is not fixed deeper than 15-20 cm. Ex-press radon imaging revealed high-contrast radon anomalies in the settlements of Ivolginsk, Krasnoyarovo, Gurulba, Tulunzha, Arshan (Ulan-Ude), pos. Upper Berezovka, pos. Oreshkovo.

In recent years, accidents and incidents in production and transport have become more frequent. These are major accidents on the railroad in Buryatia (station Kedrovaya, overturned 14 wagons with aviation fuel, station Onokhoy when a freight train with oil products crashed, etc.). There were accidents in the North-Baikal port (spill of oil products from the tanker "Maikop"), in warehouses of fuels and lubricants in the village. Pine Forest - fuel oil spill on sewers in Gusinoozersk, Ulan-Ude and Kyakhta.

Waste disposal process in Ulan-Ude

Burial, disposal and recycling are not only problems of the recreation area. The influence of landfills and waste disposal sites is already affecting the quality of groundwater. Annually, according to incomplete data, excluding household waste, more than 600 thousand tons of industrial waste are disposed of in landfills.

In Ulan-Ude, the issue of organizing landfills for industrial waste has not been resolved for many years. The municipal waste dump requires serious improvement. The construction of a waste processing plant in Ulan-Ude is planned in the Integrated Baikal Program; its financing is envisaged from the Federal budget of Russia. Unfortunately, most settlements the republic is surrounded by garbage dumps, especially in the district centers. So, in 1998, 385,268,181 that wastes of all types were placed on the territories of enterprises and landfills in Ulan-Ude.

The amount of waste used as secondary raw materials and materials remains low. A total of 33,674.1 tons of waste was used, or 8.6% of the total volume. It is necessary to solve the issues of organizing the collection and processing of secondary raw materials and materials, the construction of a waste processing plant and a landfill for industrial waste in Ulan-Ude.

Currently, there are 100 landfills on the territory of Ulan-Ude. Compared to 1997, the number of landfills has decreased due to the elimination and reclamation of unauthorized landfills. Nevertheless, there is an increase in cases of littering of land in the suburban area, including urban forests, floodplains of the Selenga and Uda rivers.

The Republic has developed the Waste program within the framework of the federal comprehensive program to ensure the protection of Lake Baikal and the rational use of the natural resources of its basin. According to this program, activities have been developed that should be carried out in 3 stages.

The first stage provides for the development of legal and regulatory documentation for waste disposal; carrying out the formation and analysis of the data base of waste in Ulan-Ude; collection and analysis of information on technologies and equipment for waste processing. At the second stage, preliminary proposals for program activities were prepared in accordance with the data bank for Ulan-Ude. At the 3rd stage, the development of the text block of the program and the necessary tabular applications should be carried out.

In connection with the entry of the Law of the Russian Federation "On production and consumption waste" (1996), as well as with the adoption in 1996 of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Belarus "On approval of the annual report on the generation, use, disposal, transportation and disposal of waste production and consumption on the territory of the Republic of Belarus ”, at industrial enterprises of the republic, the collection and accounting of generated waste has significantly improved.

Industrial waste. In 1998, the enterprises of Ulan-Ude generated 293,721, 681 tons of industrial waste, including toxic ones - 47,972,895 tons. ...

Usually industrial waste is divided into hazard classes: 1st class - extremely hazardous; Class 2 - highly hazardous; Class 3 - moderately dangerous; Grade 4 - a little dangerous.

Waste of the 1st hazard class in the city was formed 1.285 tons (0.0004%), 2nd hazard class - 784.2 tons (0.27%), 3rd hazard class - 250.315 (0.09%), 4 hazard class - 46937.095 tons (16%). Only at Ulan-Ude TPP-1

113593.5 tons of waste (29.5% of the total amount of waste), a lot of ash and slag waste - 112842 tons (38.4%).

In Ulan-Ude, ash and slag are stored in 2-3 ash dumps: intermediate and main. The intermediate ash dump is operated in winter and does not have an anti-filtration screen. Monitoring of the impact of ash dumps on the state of groundwater has not been carried out since 1997.

Ulan-Ude TPP-2 generated 30,072.68 tons of waste, including 30,035 tons of ash and slag waste, which is 7.8% of the city-wide waste.

Wastes of the 1st hazard class are stored on the territory of enterprises in adapted storage facilities, which poses a great danger to the environment. Taking into account the past years, 55.667 tons of hazard class 1 waste were stored at the enterprises. These are mainly fluorescent lamps, electroplating sludge, trash waste. More than 30,000 pieces of fluorescent lamps have been accumulated at the enterprises of the city, 14,820 pieces in 1998 alone. 7878 of them were sent to Ulyanovsk for disposal. At present, a centralized collection of such lamps has been organized by JSC Vtormet, which has been operating since 1988, to transfer them for processing to other regions, such as the city of Barnaul and the city of Chita. OJSC "Vtormet" received 11170 lamps from the enterprises.

The main type of waste of the 2nd hazard class is waste oils, of which 736.414 tons are formed (93.9% of all types of waste of the 2nd hazard class). Such oils are used as lubricants and are burned in boiler rooms. The remainder (67,253 tons) is stored in the territories of the enterprises.

From wastes of the 3rd hazard class, 62.487 tons (25%) were used, including 36.2 tons of alcohol-dreone mixture (100% of the generated per year), 89.582 tons (35.8%) were neutralized; including 73.325 tons of oil-contaminated sawdust burned in boiler houses.

Class 4 waste includes sawdust and sleepers 7007.282 tons (93.4% of this type of waste received per year).

Basically, waste of hazard classes 3 and 4 is stored on the territory of enterprises.

Of non-toxic waste, the main share is ash and slag waste - 206416.528 tons (84%) and scrap metal 29534.159 tons (12%).

From ash and slag waste NPO "Ecodom" produces new wall materials with high thermal insulation properties.

In 1998, work began on the recycling of waste in the republic. JSC "Selenginsky pulp and paper mill" began processing waste paper into fiberboard and laying for eggs. Waste paper supplies are carried out by Buryattara JSC.

Also at OJSC "Selenginsky pulp and paper mill" waste activated sludge and lignin sludge is processed into compost. In the locomotive depot st. In Ulan-Ude, a plant for the regeneration of dry cleaning waste (trichlorethylene slag) was introduced.

Municipal solid waste. In 1998, in Ulan-Ude, 91,546.5 tons of solid household waste were generated, which were disposed of at an authorized landfill operated in violation of sanitary requirements and technology. At the moment, it is the only authorized nasal dump in Ulan-Ude. Glassworks. Today it is overloaded, which creates a certain threat of environmental pollution. Due to the termination of the reception of industrial toxic waste at the city dump, the number of unauthorized dumps in Ulan-Ude and the suburban area is increasing from year to year. During 1998, 58 unauthorized landfills with a total area of ​​53.9 hectares were liquidated on the territory of the city. Liquidation costs amounted to 189.12 thousand rubles, including funds allocated from the Unified Environmental Fund of the Republic of Buryatia in the amount of 71.0 thousand rubles. The administration of Ulan-Ude is taking measures for the operation of landfills and their timely reclamation, and work has begun on the selection of a site for the construction of a waste processing plant.

Today, in the current economic conditions, the landfills have remained practically ownerless.

Housing and communal enterprises do not carry out regular removal of the generated solid household waste. The issues of removing solid household waste from the private and uncomfortable sector have not been regulated, the current practice of removing solid waste from the private sector is ineffective. Also, the territories assigned to enterprises and organizations are irregularly cleaned; there are practically no trash bins on the streets of the city.

Such a situation with littering the territories of settlements, arrangement and operation of landfills creates a threat to the state of the environment and human health.

The main enterprises that are sources of air pollution. Ecological state of the air environment of the city of Ulan-Ude

At present, within the republic, it is possible to distinguish the existing, problematic areas in terms of ecology: Zakamenskiy, Kyakhtinskiy, Gusinoozerskiy, Nizhne-Selenginskiy (Kamenskiy), Severo-Baikalskiy and Ulan-Udenskiy. Industrial production in these regions are not only the main participants in air pollution, but also suppliers of acid precipitation precursors.

Zakamensk industrial hub

The industrial hub covers the central part of the Zakamensk region on both sides of the Dzhida River. Base enterprise is the Dzhida tungsten-molybdenum combine. The total number of sources of emission of pollutants is 118, of which only 50 are equipped with dust-collecting equipment. Unlimited sources of pollution include emissions from blasting operations in open pits, dry tailings storage facilities of ore processing. Gross emissions from stationary sources averaged 6089 m3 (according to statistical data from 1991), and from mobile sources 5932.2 m3. Comparison of actual emissions and approved MPE indicates a significant excess of emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. In general, in the area of ​​the Zakamensk industrial hub and in the city of Zakamensk, a crisis ecological situation has developed, which directly affects the health status of the population.

Kyakhta industrial hub

In its area, a major polluter of the natural environment is the Kyakhta fluorspar mine, which is located 230 km south of Ulan-Ude. Fluoride and fly ash, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, fluoride compounds are emitted into the atmospheric air. Emissions do not sufficiently correspond to the MPC at the border of the sanitary-industrial zone.

Gusinoozersky industrial hub

The area of ​​the Gusinoozersky industrial hub covers the area of ​​Lake Gusinoe in the central part of the Selenginsky region. The largest enterprises, which account for most of the environmental pollution, are the Gusinoozerskaya mine, the Kholboldzhinsky open-pit mine, and the Gusinoozerskaya GRES. The level of air pollution in the city of Gusinoozersk remains high. Exceeding the MPC for dust by an average of 1.5 times, in winter, the content NO 2 exceeds the standards by 1.5 times due to the beginning of the heating season.

Nizhne-Selenginsky industrial hub

The area of ​​the industrial hub occupies a significant part of the territory of the Kabansky District and has an extended character (along the Selenga River). Among industrial enterprises, the main air pollutants are the Selenginsky pulp and paper mill and the Timlyui cement plant, due to which the overall environmental situation in the area of ​​the Nizhne-Selenginsky industrial hub remains difficult and unfavorable.

Ulan-Ude industrial hub

It is the largest in terms of population and occupied territory. In total, the industrial hub has 6043 sources of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, of which only 1784 (61%) sources are equipped with dust and gas cleaning equipment. The main pollutants are Ulan-Ude TPP-1, an aircraft plant, a LVRZ, a glass plant, a meat-packing plant, PO Buryatfermash, a Fine-Suited Plant, etc., as well as large and medium-sized dumps of household and industrial waste.

The CHP-1, located in the Zheleznodorozhny district of Ulan-Ude, and its ash-and-dump is especially dangerous.

In 1998, CHPP-1 consumed 492,030 tons of coal and 42,256 tons of fuel oil. The total amount of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere (according to the explanatory note to the annual report for 1998 for CHPP-1) was 12,130.8 tons. Reduction of gross emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere in 1998 compared to 1997 due to a reduction in fuel consumption. This is due to the transition to the combustion of Tu-Nui coal and the stabilization of the scrubber irrigation system.

Phenol is known to be dangerous. However, no one knows where LPRZ dumps phenol-containing resin and water from the gas-oxygen station. In addition, the settling tank of phenolic waters of the LVRZ poses a particular danger, since as a result of evaporation, it pollutes the atmosphere of the city with phenol, lead, manganese, and phosphorus. In 1991-1992 the central ecological and geochemical party of the PGO "Buryatgeologiya" ("Buryatgeocenter") carried out work on the lithochemical survey of the Ulan-Ude territory. As a result, four pockets of toxic substances were identified over the city. A hotbed of chromium came from an aircraft factory.

The main mercury pollutants were the LVRZ, the city dump and, again, an aircraft plant. It should be noted that the actual content of oxides and metals that is emitted into the air and water and is indicated in the reports is suspiciously close to the maximum permissible concentration, although at some enterprises, in particular at Teplopribor, they could not show neither methodological instructions, nor devices that allow you to accurately determine the content of certain elements. A similar situation is at TPP-1. According to the data of the mobile ecological-meteorological station, created in 1996 by the laboratory of radiophysics of BIEN SB RAS, in Ulan-Ude, a high level of air pollution with sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide in the zone of influence of CHPP-1 is determined and is about 3 MPC. According to the reports, CHPP-1 is being adjusted to the MPC standards. But the trouble is not only that. And also in the fact that with such "accuracy" harmful substances then they are thrown into the air or lie on the territory of the enterprise, then carried away by wind and rain into the rivers that feed us.

It should be noted that industrial enterprises of nearby cities and regions "seek to help" in air pollution of republican enterprises.

Angarsk city

In 1997, 185 thousand tons of pollutants were released into the atmosphere from stationary and mobile sources, including SO 2 - 66 thousand tons, nitrogen oxides - 21.7 thousand tons and 27 tons of sulfuric acid. The level of air pollution is high.

Irkutsk city

According to the state of atmospheric air, the city is also one of the most polluted cities in Russia. In 1997, 104.7 thousand tons of 78 types of pollutants entered the city's atmosphere. SO 2 - 20.2 thousand tons, nitrogen oxides - 13.3 thousand tons.


It is one of the most polluted in Russia, due to significant emissions from chemical production in combination with unfavorable meteorological conditions, which make it difficult for the dispersion of impurities. In 1997, 42.5 thousand tons of pollutants entered the city's atmosphere. SO 2 - 9.2 thousand tons, i nitrogen oxides - 5.5 thousand tons.


Gross emissions into the environment from sources of enterprises and vehicles amounted to 15 thousand tons of pollutants. SO 2 - 3.54 thousand tons, nitrogen oxides - 1.2 thousand tons.

Shelekhovo town

The total emissions from sources of enterprises and vehicles in 1997 amounted to 33 thousand tons of pollutants of more than 48 names, among which SO 2 - 202 thousand tons, nitrogen oxides - 1.8 thousand tons.

At first glance, it may seem that atmospheric emissions outside industrial enterprises cannot have a detrimental effect on the atmospheric air of the Republic of Buryatia and its inhabitants. However, a closer analysis of this issue proves the opposite. Namely, the fact that extraneous industrial emissions do not play the last role in the deterioration of the atmospheric air over the republic and, as a result, are among the main culprits in the formation of acid precipitation (in particular, acid rain). This happens as a result of the formation of a single cloud of industrial aerosols, which covers the cities themselves, the territory between them and shifts along the wind rose. There is a combination of external and local environmentally hazardous compounds. This results in acid rain and snowfall in summer and winter. On this occasion, the question involuntarily arises: is it possible, having overcome a long distance (from the source to the place of fallout), chemical elements, gases, etc. do not dissipate and do not lose the ability to form acids in the atmosphere? This question can be answered by knowing the basic characteristics of acid-forming elements. So, the sulfur dioxide molecule ( SO 2) on average, it can cover a distance of 1000 km, and for nitrogen dioxide it can be even greater, while they do not lose their acid-forming force.

Thus, as a result of the work of all the above-described enterprises, 760 thousand tons of harmful substances enter the atmosphere of Buryatia every year, among which the oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon are in the first place ( SO 2, NO 2, CO). Naturally, the elements of the cloud cannot grow infinitely. Drops generated by gravity sooner or later fall out in the form of rain from a height of several hundred or thousands of meters. During the fall, the droplets wash out the layer of the atmosphere between the clouds and the earth's surface. At this time, new gas molecules are absorbed, and new aerosol particles are captured by the falling drop. Thus, water reaching the surface of the earth, contrary to popular belief, is in no way distilled.

Fuel and energy complex

Electric power engineering is a leading branch of the modern industry, leading in harmful influence on the natural environment, upsetting the balance in ecosystems. One of the forms of its technogenic impact on the environment is atmospheric pollution. The fuel and energy complex (FEC) of Ulan-Ude emits into the atmosphere almost half of the total city-wide emission of harmful substances -47.4% (Fig. 25).

Combustion products ejected from the pipes of thermal power plants, boiler houses and other energy facilities of the city are carried over long distances, of the order of several tens of kilometers, along the directions of the prevailing winds, participating in regional environmental pollution. But the most dangerous for Ulan-Ude are those emissions that settle on the territories close to the source, in the sphere of the so-called intense technogenic impact, i.e. to city squares. The danger is aggravated by the fact that most of the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex are located near densely populated areas of the city (for example, CHPP-1).

According to the conditions of combustion and the structure of fuel consumption, the fuel and energy complex of Ulan-Ude can be conditionally divided into two groups: the first includes CHP-1 and CHP-2, the second - various furnaces and boiler houses - sources of technological and communal heat ( furnaces of the metallurgical industry, industrial heating boilers, etc.). Gold dumps are a concomitant source of air pollution in the fuel and energy complex. The largest ones belong to CHPP-1, with a volume of 1 mln. m3, where high concentrations contain lead, molybdenum, zinc, vanadium and other harmful substances.

When burning harmful fuels, which are used by the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in Ulan-Ude, the following characteristic substances are emitted: carbon monoxide, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter. For example, in the area of ​​CHPP-2, very high maximum one-time concentrations of harmful substances are observed: nitrogen dioxide - up to 21 MPC, sulfur dioxide - up to 4.4 MPC, and the values ​​of surface dust concentrations in the area of ​​the gold dump of CHPP-1 reach 70 MPC. The maximum concentration of soot in the air of the CHPP-2 area is equal to 1.1 MPC.

The main fuel at the thermal power plants of the city is Tugnuy coal, which, in terms of its environmental characteristics, is quite profitable in comparison with the coals of other deposits - in terms of the gross emission of harmful substances per 1 that fuel, it takes the 3rd place among the listed types, after natural gas and Kansk-Achinsk coal (Table 42).

Solid fuels contain all the elements of the periodic table in an amount from 5 to 500 g for that coal. In the process of combustion, a number of elements sublimate into gaseous oxygen compounds, and then, as the gases cool, they condense on solid particles. Others do not produce volatile gaseous compounds, but when burned, they also turn into oxides, which are evenly distributed between slag and ash.

Coals and shales of the main deposits of Buryatia have an increased content of highly toxic metals - vanadium, lead, mercury, arsenic, strontium and uranium, as a result of which in the area of ​​TPP-1 the values ​​of surface vanadium concentrations are 0.9 MPC.

Main components emitted to the atmosphere during combustion different types fuels in power plants, non-toxic carbon dioxide and water vapor.

One of the most difficult to clean air pollutants are sulfur oxides, which are not cleaned in thermal power plants and boiler houses.

When fuel is burned in boilers of CHPPs, nitrogen oxide is formed. In boiler flues, 1-5% of the total amount of nitrogen oxide is converted to dioxide. Emissions of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere by weight are equal to those of ash and only 3-5 times less than emissions of sulfur oxides.

The output of nitrogen oxides depends on the combustion temperature of the fuel. The higher the temperature, the greater the emission of this harmful substance. At the thermal power plants and boiler houses of the city, there is no purification of the exhaust smoke from nitrogen oxides.

Incomplete combustion of fuel produces carbon oxide. However, CHP plants, where the most complete fuel combustion is ensured, emit significantly less carbon monoxide than small heating plants. When these plants are converted to liquid and gaseous fuels, carbon monoxide emissions drop to almost zero.

Other products of incomplete combustion of fuel are aldehydes, organic acids and hydrocarbons - in the area of ​​TPP-2, the values ​​of surface concentrations of hydrocarbons are equal to 1.6 MPC.

When fossil fuels are burned, carcinogenic substances are formed. The most widespread is benzopyrene, which is formed during the pyrolysis of coal and hydrocarbon fuels at temperatures above 6 * 0 ° C. Heating boilers are the main sources of benzapirene emissions into the atmosphere of Ulan-Ude.

The main findings are as follows:

1. The fuel and energy complex is the main pollutant of the air basin. Its factories emit 47.4% of the total

generic emission. It should be especially noted that emissions generated at high altitudes (up to 100 m) are mainly carried outside the city.

2. The degree of environmental friendliness of the city's heat and energy enterprises is very low, since this production is characterized by high water capacity, intense consumption of atmospheric oxygen and large emissions of harmful substances. It is quite clear that further development the production of heat and energy, the needs of which increase from year to year, should be accompanied by both the search for fundamentally new methods of its production, and the improvement of the technology of fossil fuel combustion and purification of waste gases. This is the main environmental problem of the thermal power industry. Industrial enterprises. Beginning in the mid-1980s, a decrease in the volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere began, both in the republic and in Ulan-Ude (Fig. 26). It was a direct consequence of the drop in the pace of work of the entire complex. National economy, and first of all industrial production... All industrial enterprises of the city have reduced their production many times, and some have completely stopped.

The main sources of air pool pollution among the industries are: mechanical engineering and metalworking - LVRZ, ZMMK, aircraft construction - an aircraft plant, production of construction materials - Zarechny KSM, ZhBI-1 plant, food - meat-packing plant. The share of industrial enterprises in the citywide emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere is 17%.

Consider the features of emissions of pollutants from enterprises in these industries.

Engineering enterprises emit 5.5% of the total city emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, which include dust, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, various acids and alkalis, cyanide and other compounds. The main sources of pollution are galvanic and paint shops. Dust, phenol, formaldehyde, methanol, cyanides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon oxide and other impurities are released into the air from foundries. For example, the foundry of the LVRZ emits phenol into the atmosphere with concentrations up to 2 MPC, the contamination zone covers nearby residential buildings. From electroplating industries: cyanides, oxides and ions of metals (copper, nickel, chromium, etc.).

From the paint shops, paint aerosol, solvent vapors (toluene, xylene, solvent, chlorobenzene, dichloroethane, alcohols, acetates, white spirit, etc.), ingredients of organic and inorganic fillers (titanium salts and oxides , zinc, lead, chromium and other metals), as well as constituents of film-forming substances (styrene, formaldehyde, diisocyanate, etc.). So, in the area of ​​the Shipbuilding Plant, very high values ​​of one-time concentrations of toluene are recorded - up to 26 MPC, the source is the paint shop of this enterprise. And the painting shop of the "Elektromashina" plant is a source of air pollution with xylene, in the area of ​​this enterprise there are maximum one-time concentrations of the substance, up to 17 MPC.

The share of air emissions from aircraft manufacturing enterprises in the citywide emissions is 5%. In aircraft manufacturing, the sources of atmospheric pollution are: paint and varnish production (xylene concentration - up to 4.7 MPC in the Aviation Plant area), galvanic and battery sections, repair facilities, and a landing site for aircraft. During the treatment of aircraft at the working aerodrome of the Aviation Plant located near the village of Zagorsk, catastrophic one-time concentrations of nitrogen dioxide were recorded - 136 MPC. Combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in aircraft engines is accompanied by the formation and emission of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, soot and other harmful substances into the atmosphere. For example, in the village of Zagorsk, high values concentrations of chromium and its compounds - up to 3 MAC.

The contribution of the production of building materials to the overall urban emission of pollutants into the atmosphere is 5.3%. Construction industry enterprises producing concrete, lime, gypsum, glass, within a radius of up to 5 km, strongly pollute the air not only with dust, but also with carbon monoxide, phenols, soot and other substances.

Cement production is associated with significant dust emission, the concentration of dust in the exhaust gases from the drying drums of the raw materials shop is 15-40 g / m3. The exhaust gases from rotary cement kilns contain 10-20 g / m3 of solid particles. The dust concentration in the aspiration air of cement mills is 120 g / m3.

Asphalt concrete plants and individual plants in terms of their capacity are incomparable with the production of cement, lime, glass and other large-tonnage products. However, these objects are located within the city (districts of the settlement of Kirzavod, "Strelki") and have a significant negative impact on the air condition of the residential area. Dust sources in asphalt concrete production are drying drums, mixers, screens, elevators and bunkers for sand and gravel. Both during the drying process and during the stirring of all components, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides, phenol vapors, sulfurous anhydride and unsaturated hydrocarbons are formed. So, for example, asphalt mixers of DSU "Buryatgrazhdanstroy" emit dust into the atmosphere with very high one-time maximum concentrations - up to 93 MPC.

Contribution Food Industry in the city-wide gross emission of harmful substances is 0.2%. Large sources of air pollution are poultry farms, emitting ammonia and its derivatives, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides, foul-smelling substances (in-dol, skatole, etc.). For example, in the area of ​​the poultry farm in Yuzhny, there are high concentrations of the following substances: ammonia - up to 5 MPC, hydrogen sulfide - up to 11 MPC, nitrogen dioxide - up to 13 MPC.

The meat-packing plant has significant emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. As a result of production at the Ulan-Ude meat processing plant, a large amount of methyl mercaptan is released into the atmosphere with very high single concentrations - up to 27 MPC, the contamination zone covers the entire village. Meat processing plant.

Main conclusions:

1.Starting from the mid-80s. there is a decline in industrial production, as a result of which the volume of air emissions from industrial enterprises is steadily decreasing.

2. The contribution to air pollution by industrial enterprises is 17% of the city's gross emissions.

3. In the emissions of various industrial enterprises, very high one-time values ​​of the surface concentrations of the following substances are recorded: nitrogen dioxide - 136 MPC, inorganic dust - 93 MPC, methyl mercaptan - 27 MPC.

Road transport

The increase in the car park in Russia in recent years has made motor vehicles one of the most significant air pollutants. This situation has arisen due to the lack of a unified state policy aimed at stimulating the development and implementation of advanced technologies to reduce the toxicity of engines and motor fuels. Domestic cars are morally obsolete, but the industry continues to produce extremely toxic carburetor engines, while industrialized countries are constantly modernizing the production of more economical and less toxic gasoline engines with direct injection and electronic regulation of the process of forming an air-fuel mixture.

The environmental problems of vehicles in Ulan-Ude, caused by the structural characteristics of the engine and the fuel used, are aggravated by the existing climatic conditions of operation - a long, harsh winter requires more energy consumption. In addition, the deplorable state of the roads, the absence of engine toxicity diagnostic points in the city and the organization of road traffic still do not allow maintaining economical operating modes of engines with minimal toxicity.

Unlike stationary sources of atmospheric pollution tied to certain territories, auto transport is a mobile source that actively and constantly penetrates into residential areas and recreation areas.

21404 t / year (as of 01.01.95) of toxic substances are emitted into the air environment of Ulan-Ude, which is 24% of the total urban emissions. In terms of its gross emissions, the city belongs to the 1st category of hazard. It should be noted that the number of vehicles in Ulan-Ude is increasing from year to year, as is their total emissions.

Emissions from vehicles, yielding in volume to emissions from stationary sources, have a higher toxicity. Exhaust gases from cars, entering the lower atmosphere, immediately enter the respiratory tract of a person, and the process of their dispersion differs significantly from the process of dispersion of emissions from high stationary sources. Therefore, vehicles should be classified as the most dangerous sources of air pollution.

Automotive gases are an extremely complex, insufficiently studied mixture of components - a running car emits more than 280 substances and compounds with toxic effects into the environment. The composition of exhaust gases varies considerably and depends on a number of factors: the type of engine (carburetor, diesel), its operating mode and load, technical condition, fuel quality, qualifications and experience of the driver. Table 43 shows the approximate composition of the exhaust gases from cars with carburetor and diesel engines.

Considering that lead, nitrogen dioxide and sulphide an-hydride belong to the first category of hazard, and carbon oxide - to the second, there is reason to classify atmospheric emissions from vehicles as the first category of hazard, i.e. the most dangerous.

From the data in Table 43, it follows that for most of the given components, diesel engines are more environmentally friendly than carburetor ones. But diesel vehicles emit significant amounts of soot and ultra-microscopic soot particles.

One of the partial and real solutions to the problem of toxicity of exhaust gases from automobiles is currently the use of neutralizers, particulate filters, etc. in release systems. This way is successfully used in developed countries, moreover, the design of filters is constantly being improved, there is a search for effective adsorbents and technologies for their regeneration. In contrast to Western countries, the widespread use of neutralizers and filters in Russia is difficult due to their relatively high cost. The approach to solving the problem of reducing carbon dioxide emissions fuels. Undoubtedly, the use of automobile engines running on gas fuels, as well as the concept of an electric vehicle, could significantly alleviate the very tense environmental situation associated with the so-called greenhouse effect.

Thus, the versatility of the problem of creating an environmentally friendly car is reduced not only to optimizing the design solutions of the engine and the type of car, but also to the type of ecological fuel and optimizing the overall performance.

1. Toxicity and aggressiveness of emissions from the motor transport port due to the low location of sources above industrial ones. Motor transport is the most dangerous source of air pollution, emitting harmful substances directly into the breathing zone of a person. The contribution to its pollution of the air basin of Ulan-Ude is 24% of the citywide emissions. It should be noted that the number of vehicles increases from year to year, as does the contribution to air pollution.

2.Lack of high-quality motorways and general bad condition roads in the city have a negative effect on the mode of movement of vehicles. Periodic "traffic jams" in the "Elevator" area, in the city center and other places create an increased background of atmospheric pollution. -pa "the concentration of carbon monoxide is equal to 4 MPC.

3.Since the beginning of the 90s. in Ulan-Ude, there is a tendency of growth in the number of vehicles due to the import of used cars from Japan and South Korea, mainly 5-10 years old, the technical condition of which often does not meet the requirements of the Russian traffic police. And the general dilapidation of municipal transport and the decline in the quality of produced domestic cars ultimately lead to an increase in the pollution of the city's air basin.

4. Necessity of construction of bypass transit roads is in place.

However, the cardinal solution to the problem of environmental pollution by vehicle emissions lies completely differently and is associated with the latest technologies in the automotive industry. Since this is a global problem, its solution must be complex and requires a special approach.

Private residential sector. Private residential areas are scattered evenly throughout the city, growing spontaneously along the outskirts and gradually displacing comfortable housing in the center and new areas. The main areas are settlements: Battery, Left Bank, Zauda, ​​Shishkovka, Arshan, Komushka, etc. Private houses, as a rule, are heated individually.

The private residential sector belongs to II hazard categories with emissions at the level of 3% of the city-wide, which is 2582 t / year (see Table 45).

Furnace heating pipes in the residential sector are classified as minor sources of pollution, but at the same time, a large number of small sources under unfavorable meteorological conditions can significantly pollute the surrounding air. According to the data of the Ulan-Ude fire department, the number of sources is 21388 (stoves). The type of fuel burned in private houses is wood (pine, larch, birch) and coal (mainly Tugnuisky). The approximate annual consumption per furnace, according to Hortop, is 4 m3 of firewood or 0.5 tons of coal.

The calculation of pollutant emissions from furnace heating pipes was carried out by the Republican Ecological Information Center using the method of fuel combustion in boilers with a capacity of up to 30 t / h. The calculation results are shown in table. 45.

The share of a private residential area in the citywide emission of pollutants is the lowest among sources

pollution - 3%. The highest contribution among pollutants is made by carbon monoxide - 6%.

Consequently, a characteristic feature of the private residential sector is that the emission of harmful substances is carried out only during the heating period - from September to May, its contribution to the citywide emission is insignificant -3%, reaching 6% for carbon monoxide, 2% for coal ash and di- nitric oxide - 1%.

Pollution r. Selenga by industrial enterprises of Ulan-Ude

The main sources of water pollution in Ulan-Ude, mainly the river. Selenga, there are MP "Vodokanal", Ulan-Ude TPP-1, JSC "Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant". Although TPP-1 and Aviation Plant discharge wastewater directly into the river. Uda, they pollute and r. The Selenga, since the Uda is one of its tributaries, and, flowing into it, brings with it waters polluted by the above-mentioned enterprises.

Within the city of Ulan-Ude there are 4 wastewater outlets (2-MP Vodokanal, Ulan-Ude TPP-1, JSC Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant), through which 51.6 million m3 of wastewater were discharged in 1998 waters (in 1997 - 55.43 million m3) and 24.5 thousand tons (in 1997 - 28.12 thousand tons) of pollutants.

The discharged wastewater is categorized as:

Insufficiently treated - 51.59 million m3 (in 1997 - 55.42 million m3);

Contaminated - 0.005 m3 (in 1997 - 0.007 m3). Discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater into water bodies is carried out in excess of the MPD standards for pollutants. The excess is allowed for the content of suspended solids, organic pollutants for BOD5, nitrogen group, phenols, oil products, synthetic surfactants, sulfates, iron, chromium, copper, fluorine ions, etc., which has a significant impact on the state of the Selenga and Uda rivers.

According to the Buryat Center for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring, the average annual concentration in the river. The Selenga of suspended and mineral substances in the control section (0.5 km below the wastewater discharge from the Vodokanal MP) were slightly higher than in the background - 2 km above the city. Compared to 1997, the level of pollution has not changed significantly, and the water corresponds to class 3 (moderately polluted).

On the river The influence of wastewater is observed for suspended solids, ions of copper, chromium, oil products and iron. According to the Buryat Center for Hydrometeorology, in the control section (1.5 km from the mouth) the average annual concentration of oil products did not exceed MPC, phenols corresponded to MPC, copper ions - 2 MPC, iron - 6 MPC. The content of organic substances (by COD), on average, exceeded the MPC. In general, the level of pollution of the river. The oud has decreased in comparison with the last year and corresponds to the 3rd grade.

Dynamics of discharge of waste water containing pollutants from MP Vodokanal. The municipal enterprise "Vodokanal" in Ulan-Ude has the largest capacity of wastewater treatment plants, which operates two structures on the right-bank and left-bank parts of the city with a total capacity of 202 thousand m / day. In addition, on the balance sheet of the MP "Vodokanal" are the main water intake facilities of the city of Ulan-Ude (59 wells), 221 km of sewage networks. MP "Vodokanal" is one of the main sources of pollution of the river. Selenga, dumping insufficiently treated wastewater into it. And also the issues of disposal of sewage sludge are a problem. The presence of pollutants of industrial origin, such as heavy metal ions, petroleum products, synthetic surfactants, does not allow the use of the sediment as a organic fertilizer in agriculture. Of the more than 25 thousand tons of sludge generated annually, only 30% is utilized, the rest of the sludge is stored on the territory of treatment facilities, unorganized dumps, and is an additional source of groundwater pollution.

In 1994, the right-bank treatment facilities of the MP “Vodokanal” discharged 64 million m3 of insufficiently treated wastewater containing 840 tons of suspended solids; 728.7 tons of organic pollutants according to BOD5; 313.2 tons of ammonium nitrogen; 159.8 tons of phosphorus compounds, as well as heavy metal salts.

The left-bank treatment facilities discharged 2 million m3 of wastewater containing 13.5 tons of organic compounds; 15.8 tons of suspended solids; 3.6 t of nitrogen; 5.4 tons of phosphorus compounds.

In 1995, the volume of wastewater discharged from the right-bank and left-bank treatment facilities amounted to 62.167 million m3, and the amount of pollutants was 30518 tons.

In 1996, 55.5 million . m3. The amount of pollution discharged with wastewater was 24407 tons, including suspended matter - 127.7 tons, nitrite nitrogen - 22.2 tons, nitrates - 827.5 tons, synthetic surfactants - 4.7 tons, phenols - 0.23 t., Oil products -2.7 t.

In comparison with 1995, a decrease in the discharge of pollutants by 6.1 tons is observed due to a decrease in the volume of processed wastewater by 5.76 million m3 / year.

Discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater affects the hydrochemical composition of the Selenga in terms of the content of organic compounds and mineral pollution.

With the design capacity of biological treatment facilities on the left-bank part of the city 17.0 thousand m3 / day or 6.2 million m3 / year, the actual discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater in 1996 amounted to 4.8 thousand m3 / day or 1.765 million m3 / year. Pollutants were discharged 1325.24 tons, including suspended solids - 13.6 tons, organic compounds according to BOD5 - 9.4 tons, nitrite nitrogen - 0.12 tons, ammonium nitrogen - 2.5 tons, nitrate nitrogen - 33.2 tons, synthetic surfactant -0.1 tons, iron ions - 0.04 tons, oil products - 0.28 tons.

Compared to 1995 insufficiently treated wastewater and pollution were discharged by 279 thousand m3 and 826 tons less. At the same time, an increase in the mass of contamination with respect to ammonium nitrogen by 2.2 tons was observed.

Discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater has an impact on the river. Selenga in the control station for the concentration of suspended solids, nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates, dry residue.

In 1997, it was dropped into the river. Selenga MP "Vodokanal" from two treatment facilities 6.9 million m3 of insufficiently purified wastewater, polluting - 27586 tons. The quality of wastewater does not meet the MPD standards for suspended solids, organic pollution according to BOD5, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen , zinc, synthetic surfactants, chlorides, sulfates, phenol and copper.

The impact on the Selenga at the wastewater outlet is observed in terms of organic pollution by BOD5, phosphorus phosphates, nitrogen, nitrites, zinc, chlorides and sulfates.

In 1998 it was dropped into the river. Selenga from two treatment facilities 51.4 million m3 of insufficiently treated wastewater with a pollutant content of 24289.1 tons. The quality of wastewater from the right-bank treatment facilities does not meet the MPD (maximum permissible discharge) and exceeds the norms for suspended solids 3.4 times; for organic pollution of BOD, iron - 5 times; phosphorus phosphates - 58 times; ammonium nitrogen 9 times; nitrogen nitrite by 57 times; nitrates, petroleum products 2 times; Synthetic surfactants, phenolamines, for metals, nickel 3 times, copper 4 times.

The excess of the MPD norm in wastewater from the left-bank treatment facilities is 1.5 times for suspended solids, 3 times for BOD, phosphate phosphate 68 times, ammonium nitrogen 4 times, nitrite nitrogen 28 times, nitrate nitrogen 2 times times, synthetic surfactant, total iron 4 times, chlorides 54 times, chromium 14 times, copper 2.8 times.

Influence on the r. Selenga in the place of wastewater discharge from the right-bank treatment facilities is observed for suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen. At the place where the left-bank treatment facilities are discharged, there is an effect on the reservoir in terms of nitrogen, nitrates, and total iron.

At present, the volumes of wastewater discharges and the mass of pollutants are gradually decreasing. This is due to the decline in production at the industrial enterprises of the city.

Dynamics of waste water discharge at Ulan-Ude CHP.

1. At Ulan-Ude TPP-1, the ash dump is the source of surface water pollution. As a result of design flaws and violations in the technological scheme of production of the circulating water supply system, the construction of which was completed in 1991, is not operated in a pure mode. The discharge of insufficiently treated industrial wastewater (surplus) from the ash dump into the r. Uda, a reservoir of fishery use of the 1st category. In addition, the ash dump affects groundwater, as it is designed and operated without impervious protection.

In 1994, 490 thousand m3 of insufficiently treated wastewater was discharged into Udu from the ash dump.

In 1995, the volume of discharged wastewater was 520 thousand m3, including 18 thousand m3 of drainage water. The amount of pollutants discharged with wastewater was 332.6 tons, including suspended solids - 4.24 tons, oil products - 10.06 tons, sulfates - 163.63 tons, chlorides - 155 tons.

Discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater has an impact on the river. Udu for sulfates (up to 36 MPC), iron ions (up to 12.4 MPC), the reaction of the medium increases.

In 1996, 484.8 thousand m of insufficiently purified wastewater containing 755.2 tons of pollutants was discharged, including suspended solids - 5 tons, oil products - 0.08 tons, sulfates - 151 tons, chlorides - 127.4 tons, fluorine ions - 1,085t.

The qualitative composition of the discharged wastewater does not correspond to the norms of PDS for suspended substances, oil products, chlorides, sulfates. The quality of discharged wastewater has deteriorated in comparison with 1995 in terms of the content of suspended solids, chlorides, phenols.

In 1997, Ulan-Ude TPP-1 discharged 375.5 thousand m3 of insufficiently treated wastewater. The amount of pollutants was 531.9 tons.

In 1998, it was discharged from the ash dump into the river. Uda 191.07 thousand m3 of insufficiently treated wastewater, polluting substances 209.28 tons. The quality of discharged wastewater does not meet the requirements of permissible concentrations (MPC) for MPD, exceeding them for fluorine by 5.14 times, weighed substances 4.2 times, sulfates 4 times.

The influence of insufficiently treated wastewater on the state of the river. Uda can be traced by the content of suspended solids, oil products, sulfates.

Dynamics of waste water discharge of JSC Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant

In 1994, the aircraft plant was dropped into the river. Uda 0.012 million m3 of untreated polluted industrial and storm water.

In 1995, the volume of discharged untreated contaminated wastewater was 0.01 million m3. In the same year, for 30 days, polluted wastewater was discharged into Uda in excess of the Air Force standards (temporarily agreed release) for suspended solids, oil products, and general iron.

In 1996, the enterprise discharged wastewater in the amount of 0.01 million m. The amount of pollutants was 0.035 tons.

The quality of the discharged wastewater does not meet the requirements of the "Conditions for the reception of industrial wastewater in the city sewer network" for chromium ions, synthetic surfactants.

In 1997, waste water was discharged in the amount of 0.007 million m

In 1998, in the river. Uda Aviation Plant discharged 0.005 million m3 of industrial storm wastewater with a mass of pollutants of 0.028 tons, including oil products - 0.009 tons (30 MPC), iron ions - 4.013 kg (5 MPC), suspended solids - 0.013 tons (0.65 MPC), copper ions - 0.032 kg, chromium ions - 0.074 kg, zinc ions - 0.068 kg.

Influence of pollutants on aquatic organisms. Pollutants entering the river. Selenga, as a result of the discharge of insufficiently treated and contaminated wastewater from industrial enterprises in Ulan-Ude, have a noticeable effect on aquatic organisms. In the ecological chain: water - algae - plankton - benthos - fish, there is an accumulation of ecologically highly hazardous elements, especially heavy metals. Heavy metals are the most abundant group of highly toxic and long-lasting chemical substances... These substances in low concentrations, especially with chronic effects, are able to accumulate in the tissues of aquatic animals and be transmitted through trophic pathways, actively affect the reproductive system of aquatic organisms, in addition, they can cause toxic, allergic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effect. These substances, accumulating in the body of fish, can adversely affect the health of people who consume fish. Considering the low rates of destruction of pollutants (oil products, a number of specific substances), these substances in significant quantities enter the lake. Baikal. Despite the fact that with the waters of the river. Selenga is carried out to the lake. Baikal, about 50% of all chemical substances entering it, study chemical composition This river, and in particular the content of heavy metals in fish, has been devoted to a relatively small number of works.

Fish for research were caught at three stations:

1) a control site in the delta of the river. Selenga;

2) in the vicinity of Ulan-Ude (harbor);

3) below Ulan-Ude (platform of Zenit station).

Places of catching fish for chemical analysis in the vicinity of Ulan-Ude are shown in Fig. 27.

Fish were caught with nets with a mesh from 24 to 45 mm with a total length of 120 m and with fry seine in June, July, September and October.

Data from studies of the content of heavy metals in fish in the vicinity of Ulan-Ude are given in table. 52.

Analysis of the data on the content of ecologically highly and moderately hazardous elements in the muscles of fish in the vicinity of Ulan-Ude showed that, according to the level of accumulation of these elements, the perch is in the first place, the roach is in the second place, and then the ide, etc. the accumulation of heavy metals is due to the peculiarities of nutrition (trophic connections) of the studied fish. With an increase in the number of trophic links, the level of accumulation of heavy metals increases.Series ide (specialized benthophage), - roach (benthophage with an element of euryphage) - perch (euryphage with an element of predation, including cannibalism) are given in Table. 52.

The accumulation of heavy metals in the body of fish is associated not only with the discharge of wastewater, but also with their arrival from the atmosphere, precipitation from surface and underground flows and fish migrations.

The presence of a high level of heavy metals in the fish organism increases the number of anomalies in embryos, contributes to the development of toxicosis, and the zinc content in a concentration of 10 to 40 mg / l causes impaired coordination of movement, increases the respiration rate and enhances the locomotor activity of fish. From this position, the most unfavorable effect of heavy metals can be observed in the river. Selenga in the vicinity of Ulan-Ude and especially near perch and grayling.

Thus, fish can be bioindicator organisms for assessing the level of pollution of water bodies and the quality aquatic environment, since they are the final link in the food chains in the reservoir and reflect changes in the habitat at all stages of their development.

Pollution control of the river. Selenga. Monitoring of pollution sources and their impact on the quality of surface waters, including the river. Selenga, carried out by specialists from the State Committee for Ecology of the Republic of Buryatia and 3 special inspections of analytical control - Selenginskaya, Severobaikalskaya and Kyakhtinskaya. In addition, 71 departmental laboratories are engaged in these issues at 101 treatment facilities, 68 outlets and 136 control points.

Pollution monitoring of the r. Selenga in the places of waste water discharge. The quality of water at the point of discharge from the treatment facilities in Ulan-Ude improved according to the following indicators: synthetic surfactants from 0.008 mg / l to 0.004 mg / l, oil products from 0.08 mg / l to 0.03 mg / l, which is lower MPC, sulfates from 15.8 mg / l to 14.3 mg / l, nickel from 0.0006 mg / l to no detectable and dry residue from 136.8 mg / l to 132.3 mg / l. Remained unchanged in the concentration of phosphorus phosphates (below the MPC) and copper (1.5 MPC). For the rest of the indicators, there was a deterioration in the quality of water - nitrites to MPC, iron ions up to 18 MPC, for the rest within the MPC.

In the control section at the point of discharge from the left-bank treatment facilities of Ulan-Ude, the water quality improved in terms of: organic matter according to BOD5 from 2.2 mg / l to 1.7 mg / l (below the MPC), phosphorus phosphates from 0 , 48 mg / l to 0.016 mg / l (below the MPC), nitrite nitrogen from 0.0086 mg / l to 0.004 mg / l (below the MPC), nitrate nitrogen from 2.7 mg / l to 0.19 mg / l , oil products from 0.2 mg / l to 0.017 mg / l (below the MPC), chlorides from 20.9 mg / l to 3.5 mg / l, sulfates from 22.8 mg / l to 13.2 mg / l , nickel from 0.0007 to not detected, dry residue from 161.0 mg / l to 131.0 mg / l. The concentration of suspended solids remained unchanged - 2 MPC, zinc, synthetic surfactants and chromium were not found. For the rest of the indicators, a deterioration in water quality was observed - ammonium nitrogen from 0.12 mg / l to 0.3 mg / l (close to MPC), copper from 0.0003 mg / l to 0.002 mg / l or 2 MPC, phonols with 0.0003 mg / L to 0.0007 mg / L (below the MPC) and iron ions from 0.11 mg / L to 0.97 mg / L or 19 MPC.

Water quality r. Selenga in the control and background sections. In the area of ​​Ulan-Ude, water pollution observations were carried out in three sections: 2 km above the city (background); 0.5 km below the wastewater discharge of the city wastewater treatment plants (control) and near the railroad. Mostovoy. The influence of waste water from city enterprises was traced to one degree or another in almost all indicators. The average annual and maximum concentrations of suspended, mineral and pollutants in the control section were higher than in the background. Average concentrations of petroleum products, phenols and copper were within 1-3 MPC, the maximum, respectively, 4 MPC (10.09), 5 MPC (29.09) and 6 MPC (12.05). The salinity of the river water, as usual, depended on the water content of the river: during the winter low-water period it was medium, and in the summer period it was low. The maximum amount of suspended substances was registered in the amount of 115 mg / l at the rise of the water level (18.06) in the control station. The value of the pollution index ranged from 1.02 in the background section to 1.41 in the control section (water is moderately polluted, III Class). No organochlorine pesticides were found in the river water, the concentration of the TCA herbicide did not exceed the MPC. Compared to last year, the level of pollution of the river in the region of Ulan-Ude has not changed significantly. Hydrobiological characteristics of the water quality of the river. Selenga. According to the state of phyto-zooplankton, zoobenthos in the controlled section of the river (graph 6) from the village. Naushki to s. Kabansk (402.0 - 43.0 km from the mouth) at 8 sections in 1998 in comparison with 1997 there was a higher general level water pollution, benthal of the Selenga. Against this background, a decrease in the quality of water was even more marked, the benthal of the watercourse in the sections below the wastewater discharges from the treatment facilities of Ulan-Ude.

The general level of pollution, water quality, soil of the Selenga in 1998 compared to 1997 was recorded slightly higher, but the pollution was characterized as moderately polluted, III class.

In order to achieve the MPD standards for pollutants, since 1989, the construction of additional treatment has been carried out at the city sewage treatment plants. On the basis of the Federal complex program for the protection of the lake. Baikal and the rational use of natural resources of its basin by the order of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia dated 12.03.96. No. 137-r in 1996, funds were allocated from the budget of the republic for measures to reduce synthetic surfactants in the wastewater of city treatment facilities.

Work is underway on the first start-up complex - facilities for dewatering and drying sludge: a dewatering box, sludge cards, centrifuges have been purchased. According to the plan of water protection measures in 1998, the replacement of filter plates in 3 aeration tanks with aeration pipes was carried out. Disinfection of wastewater with the use of chlorine, as an ecologically especially hazardous substance, has been stopped, but at the same time, MP Vodokanal is not working on the disinfection of wastewater from pathogens before being discharged to Selenga.

Measures carried out by industrial enterprises in Ulan-Ude to reduce their negative impact on the river. Selenga.

At Ulan-Ude TPP-1, work was carried out on the reconstruction of the old ash dump, partial work on the replacement of the dredger, cleaning of the pool with clarified water, in addition, work on the expansion of the new ash dump was carried out.

In order to reduce negative impact on water bodies and rational use of water resources at the Aviation Plant the following works were carried out:

Development and implementation of diffusion galvanizing technology instead of cyanide cadmium plating;

Introduced a technical process of chromium plating of parts with an electronic circuit for automatic control of given pulse modes;

Measures have been taken to improve the efficiency of local treatment facilities, waste water accounting, storage and storage of toxic waste;

In terms of increasing the efficiency of reagent cleaning facilities, rubber-lined valves are being installed drain pump, repair of electric motors;

Silver-containing waste is processed;

In order to stop the flow of technogenic pollution into water bodies, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant JSC plans in 1999 to complete the reconstruction of the industrial storm sewer.

Drinking water problems in Buryatia

Surface water

The Republic of Buryatia is one of the regions of Russia that occupies an exceptional place in terms of provision water resources... Only in the lake. Lake Baikal is concentrated in 23.6 thousand km3 of low (up to 0.1 g / l) mineralization water with high content oxygen and an almost complete absence of organic matter. In addition, there are thousands of smaller freshwater lakes, of which 16 have a surface area (mirror) of water over 10 km2. The largest of them, Lake Gusinoe, has a volume of water mass of about 2.5 km3.

Buryatia is characterized by a rather ramified river network. On its territory there are 25106 rivers with a total length of 125,026 km with an average density of the river network of 0.36 km / km. The largest is the river. Selenga is the main tributary of the lake. Baikal, which carries about 60% of the total runoff and has a significant impact on the level and hydrochemical regime of the lake waters. About 80% of the population of the republic and 90% of industrial and agricultural enterprises are concentrated in the river basin. The average annual discharge of the Selenga is 944 m3 / s. The rivers Vitim, Upper Angara, Barguzin, Chikoy, Khilok, Dzhida, Oka, Uda, and others are less large in terms of catchment area and water content. By the nature of the regime, all rivers belong to the type of rivers with floods, rainy floods and long winter low water ...

The groundwater

The natural conditions of the republic determine the patterns of distribution, formation and regime of groundwater. Intermontane depressions, which are arrtesian basins, contain significant (up to tens of cubic kilometers) natural reserves of groundwater. Mountain ranges, composed of crystalline rocks and in many places frozen, little watered except for large tectonic faults. They are areas of groundwater recharge of intermontane depressions and river valleys.

On the territory of Buryatia, there are two types of artesian basins: Baikal and Transbaikal. Baikal. They are made by a thick (up to 3-5 km.) Talitsa of loose and poorly cemented sediments (sands, pebbles, gravel, sandstones, clay) and represent a huge sandy reservoir of fresh, well protected from pollution, groundwater. The artesian basins of the Transbaikal type are filled with well-cemented sandstones, conglomerates, mudstones, and Mesozoic coals and contain significantly less groundwater resources. In addition, waters often from a depth of 50-100 meters have an increased (more than 1 g / l) mineralization and are not suitable for domestic drinking water supply.

Thus, according to the degree of provision with groundwater on the territory of Buryatia, there are three categories of regions: well-provided, medium-and low-income. The first category includes intermontane depressions of the Baikal type with an almost unlimited volume of water intake (up to 3-5 m / s and more). The second category includes artesian basins of the Trans-Baikal type with a freshwater intake volume of up to 1 m / s, and the third category includes mountain ranges with limited (up to 5-Yul / s) operational resources of fractured waters. The waters of alluvial deposits of river valleys and large zones of tectonic disturbances are azonal. Cutting through mountain ranges and depressions, river valleys and faults concentrate large volumes of fresh groundwater suitable for household and drinking needs. At present, more and more large water intakes in Buryatia are exploited by the waters of river valleys (Ulan-Ude, Kyakhta, Zakamensk, Selenginsky CCM, etc.) or fractured-vein waters (Ulan-Ude CHP-1, etc.) ... To date, 55 fresh groundwater deposits with operational reserves in categories A + B + C in the volume of 1,100 thousand m3 / day have been explored and approved by the State (GKZ) and Territorial (TKZ) commissions, incl. 27 deposits for settlements with reserves in the amount of 480 thousand. m / day

Qualitative characteristics of water sources

The vast majority of surface waters are of the fresh and ultrafresh type. The amount of ions fluctuates in the waters of small rivers from 0.01 g / l during the period of rains and snowmelt to 0, Sg / l during the winter low-water period. On medium rivers and lakes, seasonal changes in mineralization are less and are in the range of 0.1-0.3g / l. In terms of chemical composition, surface waters are classified as hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium and calcium-magnesium, contain macro- and microcomponents within the standards of GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water". The exception is some small rivers and streams with a low content of fluorine in the waters (up to 0.5 mg / l), and some of them, especially those flowing through ore-bearing zones (Zakamensky, Ozerny and other ore clusters), are characterized by increased concentrations of heavy metals. -lov (zinc, lead, molybdenum, etc.). A noticeable deterioration in the quality of surface waters occurs in places of anthropogenic pollution. The latter is mainly associated with the discharge into drains and water bodies of insufficiently treated wastewater by flushing with rain and melt waters of organic fertilizers, pesticides, and oil products. Surface waters contain nitrogen compounds, phosphorus, phenols, pesticides, synthetic surfactants, oil products and other organic substances that are not characteristic of waters formed under natural conditions. So, in 1994, in some river sections, the concentration of oil products was 1.1-5.0 MPC (fishery reservoirs), phenols 2-7 MPC, copper ions 2-4 MPC, total phosphorus 1.2-3 , 0 MPC, ammonium nitrogen 1.0-5.9 MPC, nitrite 1.3-12 MPC. Organic substances in terms of BOD and COD increased, respectively, to 2.2-2.6 MPC. The content of iron ions in rivers was almost everywhere high and amounted to 1.3-25 MPC, which is mainly due to natural factors. The greatest anthropogenic impact of surface waters was noted: r. Se-lenga - Naushki, Ulan-Ude, r. Uda - Khorinsk village, Onokhoy village, r. Tugnuy - coal mine, r. Timlyui - downstream of the waste water discharge of the ATCI plant, lake. Sosnovoye - with. Sosnovoozrersk, lake. Gunda - s. Gunda, lake. Gusinoe - the city of Gusinozersk.

The underground waters of the region are very diverse in chemical composition and are subject to a certain geochemical hardening. The underground waters of the mountain ranges contain ultra-fresh (salinity 0.03-0.05 g / l) water. In the Artesian basins of the Baikal type (Ust-Selenginsky, Barguzinsky, Verkhne-Angarsky, etc.), their mineralization to depths of 2000 meters does not exceed 0.5-1.0 g / l with a predominantly hydrocarbonate-sodium and calcium-sodium composition. Depressions of the Trans-Baikal type (Borgoiskaya, Gusinoozerskaya, Orongoiskaya, Ivolginskaya, etc.) are characterized by very complex hydrogeological and hydrochemical conditions for the formation of fresh groundwater deposits for household and drinking purposes. These depressions are distinguished by a very uneven and generally weak water cut of water-bearing vapors. Groundwater, of interest for water supply, is confined to small, closed structures, developed, as a rule, in river valleys. Partial absorption of river runoff provides a significant share in the formation of operational reserves of these structures. A consequence of the high variability of the permeability and filtration properties of water-bearing rocks is the diversity of the chemical composition and mineralization of groundwater in the depressions of the Trans-Baikal type. In the areas of development of low-permeable rocks with low filtration properties, hydrocarbonate-sulphate, sulphate sodium waters with a salinity of up to 3g / l are formed. These waters are not suitable for household and drinking purposes due to high mineralization, total hardness (up to 12 mmol / l) and sulfate concentration (up to 1.5 g / l). In water-bearing structures, characterized by a sharp increase in the filtration capacity of water-bearing rocks and an increase in water exchange, low-mineralized (0.2-0.3 g / l) hydrocarbonate calcium, calcium-sodium waters are developed, which are quite suitable for drinking water supply.

The underground waters washing the ore deposits contain increased concentrations of fluorine and metals. Thus, in the southern regions of the republic, numerous manifestations of fluorite ( CaF 2), and the waters in many places are contaminated with fluorine. Natural pollution of groundwater with iron is widely developed in Buryatia. It is especially clearly manifested in the valley of the Seleng River and its left-bank estuarine part. The concentration of iron in the waters here reaches 48 mg / l.

Anthropogenic pollution of groundwater is of a local nature and occurs mostly in places of storage of solid industrial and domestic wastes, as well as in areas of concentrated wastewater discharge onto the relief. In the areas of the gold dump of the TPP and the Gusinoozerskaya SDPP, groundwater contains increased concentrations of sulfates, chlorine, phenols, oil products, cadmium hydr. Heavy metals. Where poultry manure is stored, groundwater contains up to 137 mg / l of ammonia, 3600 mg / l of nitrates, and other pollutants. Intensive groundwater pollution occurs within the settlements located in the floodplains of rivers and the first terraces above the floodplain. The waters here are enriched with nitrogen compounds, chlorine, synthetic surfactants, phenols. The upper hydrodynamic zone of ground waters with a thickness of up to 5-15 m is subjected to pollution. Anthropogenic pollution of surface and ground waters is confirmed by microbacterial indicators.

Sanitary and epidemiological condition

The sanitary-hygienic, epidemiological and ecological situation, along with the socio-economic conditions in the republic, is tense, which has a noticeably negative effect on the health indicators of the population, especially in recent years. A significant share in the incidence of infectious and paracytic diseases in the population is made up of acute intestinal infections, infectious hepatitis: annually intestinal infections 7-8 thousand people are sick.

The water consumed by the population of the republic from the sources of non-centralized economic and drinking water supply is regarded in 12 districts as high epidemiological risk. In the Barguzinsky district, this figure is 41.1%, Ivolginsky 44.4%, Eravinsky 44.6%, Dzhidinsky 41.1%, Kabansky 33.6%, Kyakhtinsky 36.6%, Tunkinsky 32.3%, Khorinsky 31, 7%, Pribaikalsky 30.8%, Kizhinginsky 30.9%, Bichursky 29.3%, Bauntovsky 20.1%. Increased epidemiological risk is drinking water from non-centralized water supply sources in 3 districts of the republic: Zaigraevsky 14.3%, Kurumkansky 12.5% ​​and Mukhorshibirsky 17%.

Only in 3 districts and the city of Ulan-Ude water from non-centralized sources of high epidemiological risk - the number of samples with an excess of the salt index in these districts is no more than 10% of the total number of studies in Severobaikalsky 3.3%, Tunkinsky 1.4 %, Tarbagataiskiy 6.2%. Ulan-Ude city 1.8%.

Thus, in Buryatia, water from sources of household drinking water supply in most regions is highly epidemic, especially intensive pollution of water from non-centralized sources. Considering that in Buryatia, only half of the population is provided with centralized water supply, it is possible to assess the state of the republic's drinking water supply as unfavorable. This is one of the main reasons that a high incidence of diseases of the digestive system is recorded in ten regions of the republic.

Particularly alarming is the problem of the growth of infections, the occurrence and spread of which is associated with water factors. For the period 1991-1994. the incidence rate of intestinal infections in the republic increased 4.5 times - from 104 cases to 465.8 cases per 100 thousand people. Among diseases, about 60% are children under 14 years of age. The incidence of bacterial dysentery increased 6.2 times. The incidence of infectious hepatitis A has almost doubled - from 73.4 cases to 145.7 cases per 100 thousand people.

Low water supply to the population, and such unsatisfactory water quality, in particular the high iron content in most regions, limits the use of water for household and drinking needs, causes a high incidence of scabies and head lice (lice) among the population. The incidence rate is threatening due to the possibility of the emergence and spread of typhus, especially among persons without a fixed abode and others. social groups population.

Current state of water supply

As of 01.01.95 there are 88 ground water intakes in operation in the republic with a total capacity of 449.1 thousand cubic meters. With the total number of wells - 356 pcs. Centralized water supply systems provide 43% of the population, including 10% of the rural population. In the city housing stock, apartments equipped with water supply make up 80%, sewerage - 78% and hot water supply - 70%. The average daily supply of water for household and drinking needs per one resident of Buryatia is about 150 l / day.

All cities and most of the workers' settlements have group water intakes and groundwater is used for water supply, with the exception of the city of Gusinoozersk and the village. Kamensk, where the sources of water supply are surface waters. The total length of the operated networks is 1135 km and their wear is 45%, they require complete replacement about 200 km of networks. Many water intake facilities were built a long time ago and their wear often exceeds 47%. Downhole water intakes are not equipped with instrumentation, and complete chemical and bacteriological analysis of water is not carried out regularly or at all.

Up to 12% of the population of the republic is decentralized use for drinking needs from surface water sources, including 120 rivers and streams, as well as lakes Baikal, Gusinoe, Yeravninskoe, etc.

The city of Ulan-Ude with a population of 385.6 thousand people has infiltration water intakes on two islands of the river. Selenga - Bogorodsky and Spassky with a total capacity of 219 thousand m3 / day and about. Bogorodsky - 51 thousand m ^ / day. Water intake is carried out from 60 wells by submersible pumps with a capacity of 160-250 m3 / hour. The length of water supply networks in Ulan-Ude is 184.8 km. Due to the dilapidated state of the networks, the wear of which is more than 50%, up to 45 major accidents occur annually. In addition to the city water intake, there are more than 10 departmental ones that provide separate enterprises (CHPP-1, aircraft plant, LVRZ, PSH, etc.). The population of micro-districts, not covered by centralized water supply, is supplied with water from 13 single wells and from behind water booths. In connection with the development of the southwestern, southeastern and left-bank parts of the city, as well as the provision of centralized water supply to its suburbs, it became necessary to increase the productive capacity of water intake facilities to 330 thousand m3 / day and, accordingly, to increase the length of water supply networks.

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Straight talk with a professional ecologist

The garbage scandal in Volokolamsk near Moscow coincided with fires at landfills in Vakhmistrovo. After the terrible shots with sick children, rallies and the resignation of officials, many of our readers wondered if the situation with Volokolamsk would repeat itself.

Meteorologists promise a hot spring, and with the onset of heat, burning landfills will begin to exude harmful substances. We invited Natalya Tumureeva, a professional ecologist who has been dealing with garbage problems for many years, to discuss the current topic.

The East Baikal Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor Valery Malkhanov recently told the media that now there is a question of closing the burning landfill in Vakhmistrovo completely, since it does not meet the technical and sanitary-epidemiological requirements for such facilities. How could such a landfill be opened at all? Environmental examinations are carried out before the opening of such dumps, how are the places chosen?

The environmental examination of such facilities is carried out by Rosprirodnadzor. How all this was coordinated, I cannot say, since I have nothing to do with these organizations. I can only say that the solid waste landfill is a special facility for isolation and neutralization, i.e. it's not just a dump. To open a landfill for storing waste, it is necessary to fulfill many conditions that are dictated by SNiP, SanPiN and other laws and by-laws related to environmental protection and urban planning.

For example, a landfill should be located at a distance from residential buildings and have its own sanitary protection zone. There is a whole list of objects on the territory of which and in the immediate vicinity it is not allowed to store garbage: places for out-of-town recreation of people, I - III zones of sanitary protection of water sources, recreational and water protection zones, territory of medical treatment facilities, etc.

The best basis for placing large volumes of debris is soil with a high content of dense clay and heavy loam. Or it is necessary to backfill a waterproof layer of soil in order to provide waterproofing of the landfill. Today we are told that these polygons do not meet the requirements. And where did you look at during its construction and commissioning? Now the mayor's office tells us that the landfill is located on the lands of the Tarbagatai district and allegedly has nothing to do with it. This is not the case, if only because garbage is taken there from the city and its improvement plant is serviced.

Today Ulan-Ude, which is the capital of the region, does not actually have its own test site. We are talking about the need to remove garbage from the coast of Lake Baikal, we are talking about the central ecological zone. But where to take out this garbage, even if the landfill in Ulan-Ude is overcrowded? These are the words of the prosecutor. Do you agree with him?

I agree, but I think that the problem can be solved, we need to abandon burial and start recycling waste. We have built two luxurious processing lines, spent 2.5 billion budget money on this, and everything is idle. Why? They wrote a lot about various conflicts around these lines. I, as an ordinary resident, can only say that this is a conflict of interest from which the entire republic suffers. Political will is needed to resolve this issue.

The incident with the poisonous dump in Volokolamsk frightened many. Especially considering the fires at the landfills in Vakhmistrov. How do you assess the risk of a repeat of the Volokolamsk situation in Ulan-Ude?

The risk of recurrence is great, and this must be understood. I am outraged by the inaction of the authorities in this matter. It was only after the meeting with the head on April 7 that this problem was taken up seriously. The landfill has been on fire for a month now, people are breathing this poison, and the city is reporting that the landfill is not ours and that it is burning at a private trader, even if they figure it out. This is how ordinary residents suffer, among them there are many children, because the 100th quarters are mostly young families. I already spoke about this at the meeting: first put out the landfill, and then find out whose it is and why it is burning. If it's arson, fire the watchman, hire a normal guard. If it is spontaneous combustion, then due to improper operation of the landfill, find out who is to blame and punish. And in our country until the social activists made a scandal in the media, there was complete inaction, and then they also say about us that we are PR.

In Buryatia, a competition was held for the performance of the duties of a regional operator, but the results of the auction were contested and proceedings are continuing in the OFAS. Who do you think would be better as a regional operator?

It doesn't matter, if only they were honest people who really care for the favorable state of the environment and the quality of life of the population. Instead of laundering money by buying colorful tanks. Who will first of all think about people, and then about profit. I heard an interview with the winning operator on Echo of Moscow. Yes, he is an intelligent man, but, unfortunately, he does not know much in the republic, does not know that our waste processing plant does not work, does not know why. He does not know that our medical waste is disposed of by the antediluvian method, and the modern line is idle, and much more. At a meeting with the public, the head said that there would be a regional operator and then the problems would be resolved. I am not sure that he alone will cope, the support of the republican authorities and municipalities is needed here. Today I get the impression that this magic operator will come and do everything for us. We have been shitting here for so many years, but he will come and fix everything. Well, if it doesn't work out, then he can be made guilty.

Many of us do not hesitate to throw plastic bottles and plastic bags into the trash can. But they decompose for hundreds of years or do not decompose at all. It turns out that they end up rotting in landfills around settlements, releasing a whole bunch of toxins?

Now everyone is doing this because there is no alternative. Okay, we will collect it separately. Where will all this go? Again to the same dump. This is again a matter of processing.

The melted snow has exposed all the rubbish of our streets. The traditional April Saturday cleanup is coming soon. Many of us will go out to clean the streets of garbage. But where is this garbage removed from the streets then taken out? To the same open landfill. It turns out like a negligent hostess who hastily sweeps garbage under the sofa before the arrival of guests. The main thing is that the dirt is not visible! But this does not solve the whole problem. Pure does not mean safe.

The answer is above. Until there is processing, everything will be so. But subbotniks are still needed.

I remember with longing the times when there was little harmful waste, especially in the villages. And that was mainly food and decomposed in just a year. The products were wrapped in paper bags, and they were folded into reusable shopping bags. Now garbage actually "occupied" not only the city, but also the villages. My relatives, hunters, say that bears have begun to go out to villages more often just because they are attracted by the smell of food waste. How can this problem be solved?

Here is the problem of a culture of wastelessness. And this global problem... Previously, there was not so much packaging. Remember toothpaste? One tube, it went to waste. And now? Pasta in a box, inside which, besides the tube, there is also an instruction that no one reads, and all this is thrown away. The same goes for cosmetics and detergents. Well, it's not worth talking about bags, everyone knows about it, but few people use reusable bags. I remember when I was in school, for us the bag was something of a fashionable thing, even instead of a bag we went with beautiful bags. And now? Therefore, it is a matter of culture. You need to decide for yourself that I will produce less waste and live by this principle. Buy only necessary things, use reusable bags. I periodically clean my house, give good little-worn things to charity funds, take books and toys to kindergarten, and my children play and read there. I sell good things for children at symbolic prices or give them to church. I try to walk with a reusable bag (by the way, it doesn't always work out). In the store I refuse extra bags, and if I have already given them, then at home I mine and reuse them, it is much more environmentally friendly, I use phosphate-free detergents and gentle household chemicals. This is the minimum that can be done. Unfortunately, I am not doing separate collection at home yet. Well, about food waste... This is also a culture. Well, or we live well that we throw away the products.

Over the past 80 years, the amount of waste in Russia has crossed such a line that it is simply impossible to recycle all of them. The amount of garbage in Buryatia is growing every day. Is it really impossible, as in China, to recycle it? There I am always amazed by the picture near the garbage cans. Homeless people there pack up garbage, bottles to bottles, cardboard to paper, press cans. Then they rent it all out for money. What prevents our authorities from coming to this?

Nothing gets in the way.

To reclaim means to return the fertile properties of the land where the landfill was located for several years. A huge amount of harmful elements has accumulated in the soil. What can be done with the former landfills?

Use world experience, there is such experience. Anything that can be recycled to the maximum, non-toxic waste can be burned, but in special furnaces and with cleaning of exhaust gases. In Japan, for example, soccer fields with evergreen grass are being built in place of polygons. There is technology, you just have to do it.

Another problem of landfills is a breeding ground for harmful insects and rodents. You will not envy the residents of the neighborhoods adjacent to the landfills. What advice can you give them?

Demand to clean up the landfill, all that can be advised. Above, I explained what a polygon is. There should be no settlements near the landfill.

Another pain - liquid decomposition products, leachate, get into the soil and groundwater, causing severe pollution. How do our terrible landfills fit in with the Law on the Protection of Lake Baikal?

There should be no landfills in the CEZ, only temporary storage places. This year, together with Moscow State University, we want to analyze the dumps on Lake Baikal. We carried out such mapping work in 2008 with graduate students of VSGUTU, now with MSU we want to carry out just the analysis of landfill gases and leachates. I will share the results.

- In the Soviet years, we handed over scrap metal and waste paper to schoolchildren. Why have they stopped doing it now?

Because nobody recycles it. Previously, due to a shortage, everything was recycled, but now it is easier and cheaper to buy than to recycle. In Ulan-Ude there are organizations that accept waste, but you need to go to them on purpose, i.e. to accumulate at home, and then take it there at once. Which, of course, is not very convenient for residents.

There are penalties for those who throw garbage in the wrong places. But have you ever met cases when you paid such fines?

Yes there is. But there is also a very complicated procedure, you can be fined if caught red-handed. Nobody sits in the forest and watches. Here all hope is for vigilant and conscientious citizens.

It turns out that the garbage does not disappear anywhere. That storage in a landfill, that incineration cause pollution of soil, water and air, which ultimately affects the nature and human health. What is the alternative?

Processing only. You need to treat garbage like a resource.

Until 2015, of the environmental problems for Buryatia, perhaps only one topic was really relevant and acute - the preservation of Lake Baikal. Mass "wild" recreation on the sacred lake was accompanied by mountains of waste and garbage. The past year has shown that in Buryatia and in addition to garbage on Lake Baikal, there are many unsolved or potentially dangerous environmental problems. The most terrible incident of the year, undoubtedly, was the fires, which caused irreparable damage to the entire ecosystem of the republic.

"Phenol Lake" LVRZ

Scandalous phenolic waters burst into the territory of the republic a long time ago, but the year 2015 continued this topic no less sharply. The most unpleasant thing for all the "greens" in the republic and beyond was the fact that phenolic waters are also associated with the Baikal theme.

This scandal began to gain momentum back in 2014 and entered 2015 with the same calm gait. Let us remind you that in 2005 LPRZ stopped operating a gas generating station, which resulted in the formation of phenolic or oily water, waste of hazard class II. Phenolic waters were discharged into a storage sump with a total area of ​​27.6 thousand square meters. meters, with a depth of two to four meters, without a sealed bottom and walls. As a result of drainage processes, phenolic waters polluted the groundwater flowing below the bottom of the storage tank.

Also, due to the sloping terrain, groundwater contaminated with phenols mixes with the waters of the Uda River, which in turn flows into the Selenga, the main artery of Lake Baikal. The residents of the Kirzavod microdistrict sounded the alarm by posting photos of this sump on social networks. It seemed suspicious of the sale in the summer of 2014 of the site on which the storage tank is located to the TransLogistic firm.

Oil waste can get into Baikal. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

The progress of the topic began in 2015, then in January the Ulan-Ude Railway Court satisfied the requirements for recognizing the actions of the Ulan-Ude LVRZ (a branch of Zheldorremmash OJSC) to pollute groundwater and atmospheric air as illegal. Also, the court forced JSC "Zheldorremmash" to neutralize the phenolic sump, to restore the disturbed state of the land plot at the expense of own funds, to reimburse the amount of damage caused to groundwater in the amount of almost 9 million rubles, as well as to ensure the quality of atmospheric air purification.

However, on this, apparently, all the progress ended. As far as is known, work on liquidation of the "phenolic lake" has not begun.

Water is the new currency ?!

In the last decade of January 2015, another an important event related to the ecology of the region. The Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation for Emergency Situations then decided to introduce a high alert regime in the area of ​​Lake Baikal. Nevertheless, the country's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev allowed the discharge of water from Lake Baikal even after its level dropped below the critical level. According to him, it is necessary to "avoid the threat of an emergency and ensure water, heat and energy supply to the population and economic facilities of the region." Throughout the year, ecologists have been closely monitoring the changes in the water level; by April, the water level had dropped by 14 cm below the critical mark. According to scientists, this "record" can be broken in May 2016, and the water level will decrease by another 28 cm.

Meanwhile, around Lake Baikal, disputes flared up on one more issue: the signing of an agreement with Chinese company for the export of Baikal water. At the same time, Beijing investors intend to become the leaders in the Chinese drinking water market due to the valuable Baikal liquid. The design capacity of the enterprise is 2 million tons of water per year. In addition, the Well of the Earth trademark has already been registered in Chinese and English in 12 countries. In the region, work has already begun on the design of a water intake and production workshops. Issues related to power supply, construction of a railway line for the shipment of products for export to China are being resolved. The entire project is estimated at 1.6 billion rubles. The company will employ about 500 people, mostly local residents.

Baikal grows shallow, and Baikal water is sold to China. Photo: Olennikova Maria, IrkutskMedia

Environmentalists are also concerned about Mongolia's intention to build a number of hydroelectric power plants on the Selenga; discussion of this topic even reached the state level in May of the past year. It should be reminded that Selenga supplies half of the annual runoff to Baikal. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the transfer of a part of the flow and a sharp increase in water consumption for evaporation and underground filtration will also reduce the volume of water supplied to Baikal. This, in turn, against the background of its shallowing, will lead to a large-scale environmental disaster. However, the Mongolian government announced that they had abandoned the construction of a hydroelectric power station, having calculated all the environmental risks. But already in mid-July, information appeared in the republican media that Mongolia had announced a tender for preliminary technical and economic works. In turn, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Buryatia said that they would closely monitor the situation and would not allow damage to Lake Baikal.

Burning region

In 2015, Buryatia became the most "burning" region of the country. The fire season began on April 1st. Two weeks later, an emergency regime was introduced in the republic - for residents and guests of the republic, entry into the forest was prohibited. On June 15, the regime was removed, but four days later it was announced again.

In total, according to and. O. head of the RALH, ​​this year in Buryatia about 1.5 thousand wildfires were registered on an area of ​​about 800 thousand hectares - compared to 2014, their number increased by 22%, and the area covered by fire increased seven times. Also, data on the efficiency of the extinguishing work was made public. According to official data in the republic, the efficiency of detection and start of work is 20%, for comparison in Irkutsk this figure is 80%. According to the estimates of the staff of the Baikal Institute of Nature Management of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the damage from forest fires in Buryatia is more than 200 billion rubles.

Forest fires. Photo: Gurshal Yuri, SakhalinMedia

On September 18, a meeting of the Interfactional Deputy Group "Baikal" was held, the deputies also discussed forest fires in the Baikal region and their consequences. In addition, at the meeting, Mikhail Slipenchuk announced the data on the fires in Buryatia, and also asked the President of the country, Vladimir Putin, to help create a center for eliminating the consequences of fires in Buryatia.

We will remind, the Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov said on August 14 that the department will cope with fires in three days, he repeated the same the next day at a meeting in Ulan-Ude. However, after two weeks, the area of ​​fires increased from 90 to 140 thousand hectares. The situation began to improve only by mid-September.

In addition to forests, the republic was engulfed in flames of peat fires, they captured an area of ​​about one thousand hectares. The administration of the Kabansky district of Buryatia called for help from Greenpeace Russia specialists. Grigory Kuksin, a Greenpeace firefighting program specialist, came to Buryatia with his team to survey and assess the territory. In addition, they began training volunteer organizations in the technology of extinguishing this type of fire. Based on the results of the check, a statement was sent to the East Baikal Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office about the inaction of the medical unit and the administration of the republic. The claim was fully satisfied, and a fine was imposed on the Ministry of Emergencies. Greenpeace experts have roughly estimated the environmental damage caused by the fires. The result was an amount of about 640 million rubles.

Recall that when peat burns, heavy metals hazardous to human health are released. Assess the damage caused to health local population impossible. In addition, due to the close location of fires to the federal highway M-55 and strong smoke on the road, several accidents occurred, including those with lethal outcome.

Due to the smoke from the fires on the roads, there were accidents, also fatal. Photo: Olga Levashova, PrimaMedia

"Garbage extravaganza"

In recent years, the number of illegal landfills on the territory of the republic has increased tenfold. The first to pay close attention to this problem were public volunteer organizations.

The Big Baikal Trail - Buryatia Association has begun installing camera traps in urban forests in order to exercise public control over unauthorized dumps. As part of an innovative project for the republic, by the end of the year, it was planned to install four photo-recorders in different areas. The project of setting the traps is carried out with the funds of the program "Every drop matters - Lake Baikal: clean Baikal for a clean future". Such a measure will help public figures to establish control over the illegal dumping of garbage. Also, the received photos will be transferred to the authorities for further investigation.

The government of the republic, in turn, allocated 2 billion rubles for the construction of landfills and waste processing stations. During 2011-2015, the volunteers of the "Baikal Coastal Service" collected and removed about 850 tons of garbage from the shores of Lake Baikal.

There are more and more illegal dumps in Buryatia. Photo: Anton Balashov, PrimaMedia

Note, according to official data, at the beginning of last year in Buryatia, there are almost 150 illegal dumps on an area of ​​about 90 hectares, the volume of accumulated waste here is a little less than 100 thousand cubic meters. Also, the state inspectors of Burprirodnadzor revealed about 400 new unauthorized dumps on an area of ​​206 hectares, here the volume of accumulated waste amounted to almost 23 thousand cubic meters.

And after the trash about pigs ...

After describing the garbage problem, one cannot but say a few words about pigs. Only not in a figurative sense, but in the most direct one. In November last year, the republican Rospotrebnadzor discovered significant violations of environmental and environmental legislation in a large pig farm "Nikolaevsky", located in the Tarbagatai region of Buryatia.

As the department reported, as a result of the activity of the enterprise, production and consumption wastes are generated, mainly fresh pig manure (3rd hazard class). According to the annual report 2-TP (waste) for 2014, its amount was just over 30 thousand tons. It was also found that the enterprise violates the quality of the soil in the place of temporary waste accumulation. This is due to violations: the place of temporary waste accumulation was not equipped properly.

The pigs were definitely not in the blame. Photo: Vitaly Grechanyuk, PrimaMedia

Thus, the enterprise polluted the soil with ammonia nitrogen, calcium and oil products, while technical regulations(instruction) or any other document determining the conditions for the collection and accumulation of waste solid fraction of pig manure is absent at the enterprise.

In addition, the enterprise has not developed and registered passports for gas treatment plants in the boiler room, there is no actual data on the efficiency of the plants in violation of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air". The enterprise was fined 150 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the Nikolaevsky agricultural holding, in spite of the revealed violations, is developing quite dynamically, we hope that all violations have been eliminated. Let's remind, at the moment "Nikolaevsky" supplies a significant part of the republican market and plans to bring its own products to the Irkutsk market.

Features of the nature of Buryatia

On South Eastern Siberia on an area of ​​351.4 thousand sq. km the land of Buryatia is spread. The features of its nature are greatly influenced by the distance from the seas and oceans and mountainous relief territory.

The continuous and focal distribution of permafrost and the predominance of a sharply continental climate are also closely related to the high relief.

These factors are actively involved in the formation of various natural complexes - taiga, dry steppe, treeless rocky high-mountainous areas, swampy areas.

The territory of Buryatia above sea level has a significant elevation, and its lowest mark is the level of Lake Baikal (-456 m). The highest point is Munku-Sardyk (3491m).

Basically, the territory is occupied by highly dissected medium-altitude mountains. Plain areas can be found only in tectonic depressions and in the valleys of large rivers.

Depressions can be intramontane - this is the Baikal type and intermountain - the Transbaikal type.

The Baikal depression, the Verkhneangarskaya and Barguzinskaya basins are of the Baikal type.

The Transbaikalian type of depressions includes the Gusinoozerskaya, Chikoisko-Khilokskaya, Udinskaya, etc.

Remark 1

The Transbaikal type of depressions is distinguished by the fact that they have almost no pronounced asymmetry of mountain slopes and they are usually located between mid-mountain ridges.

Eastern Sayan mountains from Buryatia are the tallest and youngest - this is "Tibet in miniature".

On the southern shore of Lake Baikal, there is the Khamar-Daban ridge, or as it is also called the "Siberian jungle", because its slopes are covered with rugged thickets.

From the east, the Barguzinsky ridge adjoins Lake Baikal, their figurative name is the "Country of a Thousand Lakes". Indeed, there are a large number of lakes of glacial origin here.

The Baikal ridge, overgrown with forest, is located in the north of the lake.

Remark 2

The peculiarity of the Baikal ridges is that most of them have soft outlines and flat tops. They run parallel to the Baikal basin and are directed from the southwest to the northeast. The exception is Khamar-Daban.

The region is seismically active. The strength of earthquakes can reach 8-10 points. Permafrost of rocks is widely developed in Transbaikalia.

A feature of the sharply continental climate of Buryatia is large annual and daily temperature fluctuations and uneven distribution of precipitation over the seasons. The harsh and calm winter is replaced by a late dry spring with strong winds and night frosts.

Summer is short, its first half is dry and the second is rainy. Early frosts and sharp daily fluctuations are typical for cool autumn.

In the cold period, a powerful northeastern spur of the Siberian anticyclone develops here, so in winter the temperature in Transbaikalia is low and a large number of sunny days.

In Buryatia, the January air temperature is -24, -25 degrees, on some days it can drop to -45 degrees. Precipitation falls up to 500 mm.

The republic is often called "sunny Buryatia", because the duration of sunshine averages 2200 hours.

On the territory of Buryatia formed different types soil. In Transbaikalia, on the plateaus, the podzolic type of soils is widespread under larch, pine, cedar-fir forests.

The areas of fertile chernozem soils are much smaller in comparison with chestnut soils. The transitional soils between them are gray forest soils.

Meadow and bog soils formed in river valleys, where groundwater lie close to the surface. Meadow-permafrost soils are formed along river valleys, where there are permafrost rocks. In the southern regions of the Republic, solonetz and solonetzic soils are found.

Resources of the Republic of Buryatia

The bowels of the Republic are rich in various mineral resources. In terms of their reserves, Buryatia is in one of the leading places in Russia.

There are about 30 coal-bearing areas within the Republic, such as the Uda coal-bearing depression, Dzhida, Pribaikalskaya, Gusinoozerskaya, etc.

In the depths there are tungsten ores, molybdenum, nickel. Large tungsten deposits are Kholtosonskoe, Inkurskoe. Orekitkanskoe, Maloyonogorskoe, Zharchikhinskoe - large deposits of molybdenum. Large nickel deposits include Chaiskoe and Baikalskoe.

Explored reserves of non-ferrous metals - beryllium, lead, tin, zinc.

Even before the revolution, large deposits of ore and placer gold were being developed in the north of Buryatia.

Non-metallic minerals include phosphates, apatites, fluorspar. There are proven reserves of fluxes and refractories. Large deposits of asbestos are concentrated in the deposits Molodezhnoe, Ilchirskoe, Zelenoe.

The unique deposits of potassium-alumina ores and nepheline syenites include the Sannyrskoye and Mukhalsky deposits, respectively.

The area of ​​land occupied by forests in 2012 amounted to 84.3% of the area of ​​the Republic. Forest areas increased by 403.1 thousand hectares, while the area of ​​forest lands decreased by 88.8 thousand hectares.

The reason is related to their transfer to the lands of specially protected areas.

The forest resources of the Republic are subject to frequent fires, the average area of ​​which is 63.1 hectares.

Fresh, mineral and thermal waters are a great treasure of the Republic, on the basis of the latter there are resorts of Russian importance - Arshan, Goryachinsk. Local resorts are Nilova Pustyn, Khakusy, Kuchiger, Goryachy Klyuch, etc.

Water resources are represented by rivers and streams, of which there are more than 9 thousand. The Selenga, originating in Mongolia, is one of the most large rivers Buryatia. The history of many peoples of Asia is associated with this river, which flows into Lake Baikal.

The Barguzin River is no less famous. The famous song "Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal" is associated with this river. This unique lake is known all over the world, it is ancient and deep. The lake has the status of a "Site of World Population" by UNESCO. The lake basin contains 20% of the world's surface fresh water reserves and more than 80% of Russia's water reserves.

Figure 1. Typical landscape of Buryatia. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

There are many other lakes on this land - Gusinoe, Shchuchye, Sobolinoe, Guitar, Heart, etc.

There are specially protected natural areas on the territory of Buryatia, where all resources are protected by law.

These include:

  • Barguzinsky, Baikalsky, Dzherginsky reserves;
  • Tunkinsky and Zabaikalsky national parks;
  • twenty game reserves;
  • 266 natural monuments.

The total area of ​​these territories is 10% of the area of ​​the Republic itself.

Ecological situation in Buryatia

Compared to other regions of Russia, Buryatia is one of the ecologically clean regions.

But, nevertheless, environmental problems for the Republic are also typical.

Problems include:

  • deterioration of the air basin in Selenginsk and Ulan-Ude;
  • the state of some water bodies;
  • growing solid waste and their unauthorized disposal;
  • environmental damage of past years;
  • low ecological culture of the population.

According to Burstat, emissions of pollutants from stationary sources amounted to 26195.1 thousand. tons in 2011 There was an increase in emissions compared to 2010.

By hazard classes:

  • an increase of 70.0% in first class;
  • a 17% decrease in second class;
  • a 42.5% decrease in third class;
  • a 22.5% decrease in fourth grade;
  • an increase of 58.1% in the fifth hazard class.

The increase in the amount of waste is associated with an increase in the number of overburden rocks that are formed during the development of coal deposits, and this is the fifth hazard class.

The increase in waste of the first hazard class occurred as a result of the decommissioning of capacitors at the Buryatenergo facilities that had expired their shelf life.

In view of the fact that the volume of work at the facilities of Russian Railways was reduced, there was a reduction in waste of the third hazard class.

With the transition of the Selenginsky pulp and cardboard mill to secondary raw materials, waste of the fourth hazard class has been reduced.

With the interaction of society and the natural environment (OPS) in the production process, landscapes and their components change, which affects the health and lifestyle of people. To assess the consequences of human activity and identify ways to rationalize nature management in the study area, it is necessary to determine the levels of impact of settlements on the environment. The Republic of Buryatia is a complex in which residents, in the process of life, influence the state of the OPS.

To determine the level of such impact, it is necessary to calculate the average ecological population density (EPav) by adjusting the population size for the pollution concentration factor:

K1 = 1; K2 = 1.5; K3 = 2.0,

where K1 - corresponds to the population size up to 500 thousand people; K2 - from 501 thousand to 1.0 million people; K3 - over 1.0 million people

Then, identify the level of impact (HC) of an urban settlement on the natural environment. HC is determined by the formula:

HC = EPsr / Ksr,

where Kav is a tabular indicator that takes into account the ecological situation and the significance of the state of the soil (Kp), atmosphere (Ka), water basin (Kw) of the Republic of Buryatia.

Kav = Kp + Ka + Kv / 3.


1.4 + 1.1 + 1.25 / 3 = 1.25 - Kav


377100 / 1.25 = 3168 - impact level of Ulan-Ude;

25500 / 1.25 = 2400 - impact level of Severobaikalsk;

23500 / 1.25 = 14400 - impact level of Gusinoozersk;

19500 / 1.25 = 14800 - the impact level of Kyakhta.

The Republic of Buryatia is one of the most environmentally friendly regions of the Russian Federation.

The main types of negative technogenic impacts are associated with only a small part of the territory of the republic belonging to industrial centers and adjacent zones.

The ecological situation in Buryatia is moderately acute. The greatest impact on the water bodies of the republic is exerted by the housing and communal services of the city of Ulan-Ude (more than 40% of the total volume of polluted wastewater). On the territory of the republic, 4 sites of contaminated groundwater were discovered, the largest is located in the area of ​​activity of the Selenginsky pulp and paper mill. Three industrial centers (Ulan-Udinsky, Gusinoozersky and Nizhneangarsky) account for about 70% of the total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere of the republic.

The main environmental problems of the region:

- air pollution, including emissions of pollutants from vehicles;

- pollution of surface water bodies;

- an increasing amount of production and consumption waste.

Air pool

The formation of a high level of air pollution on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia is caused by emissions from enterprises producing, transmitting and distributing electricity, gas, steam and hot water and vehicles.

Over the past five years, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in the Republic of Buryatia have increased by 18.1 thousand tons.

Table 10

Key indicators of the impact of economic activities on the environment and natural resources

Water withdrawal from natural water sources for use1), mln m3

Discharge of contaminated wastewater2), mln m3

Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

air, thousand tons:

from stationary sources

from vehicles

Disturbed lands due to non-agricultural activities, hectares

Worked out disturbed lands, hectares

Generation of production and consumption waste3), thousand tons

of them used and rendered harmless

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