Development of recommendations for improving the management of the competitiveness of the retail trade organization "vigas". The level of competitiveness of an enterprise as a basic result of the efficiency of resource use

Landscaping 26.09.2019

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The competitiveness of the company - the ability of the company to produce products that are more attractive to consumers in terms of price and non-price characteristics than the products of competitors

Industry competitiveness is determined by the presence of its competitive advantages, allowing:

1. produce(with costs not higher than international ones) high quality products that meet the requirements of specific groups of buyers (consumers) regarding the consumer value of goods, their market novelty and value (price);

2. supply it to the competitive world market in the optimal time frame dictated by the market situation.

Country competitiveness - the ability in conditions of free competition to produce goods and services that meet the requirements of the world market, the implementation of which increases the welfare of the state and its citizens;

Is the efficiency of using its resources, embodied in the value of the national income per capita (M. Porter)

Competitiveness of the national economy - Comparative characteristics, containing a comprehensive assessment of the state of the most important indicators of the economy relative to external parameters, due to this, the competitiveness of the national economy manifests itself in international competition. Its changes are characterized by such indicators as the growth rate of GNP, the growth rate of labor productivity, wages, the share of foreign investment in the total investment in the country, spending on education, fundamental science, R&D as a percentage of GNP, the share of raw materials and labor-intensive industries, capital-intensive industries, high-tech industries in the country's exports, the share in world exports, etc.

To determine competitiveness at the level of the national economy, one can refer to the concept of M. Porter, which is based on the efficiency of the use of production factors (resources). The researcher believes that the term “ competitive country»Does not have much independent significance, since the main goal of the state in the economy is to provide citizens with a high (increasing) standard of living, and the achievement of this goal primarily depends on the efficiency of resource use.

The merit of M. Porter is the analysis of the country's competitiveness, the main indicators of which should be the standard of living and the level of social productivity.

The four determinants of competitive advantages, formulated by M. Porter, are as follows: parameters of production factors; parameters of domestic demand; availability of related or supporting industries that are competitive on world markets; the strategy of firms, their structure and rivalry. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in the country, which determine both the nature of the creation and management of firms, and the specifics of competition in the domestic market, the presence of a competitive environment that provides the opportunity for breakthrough inventions and technologies, as well as government policy and its compliance with the stage of development of competitive advantages.

M. Porter identifies the stages of factorial, investment and innovation advantages. In his opinion, the government is able to exert a direct influence on national competitive advantages in the first two stages.

Modern definitions of national competitiveness are largely consistent with adopted by the Organization economic and social development its general definition as the ability of companies, industries and regions of the country open to international competition to provide relatively high level income and wages. Accordingly, such factors of national competitiveness are assessed, such as the levels of labor productivity and quality of life achieved in the country, the latest technologies used, the formed competitive environment and the ongoing competitive strategy, as well as the country's participation in political and economic unions. True, this often does not take into account such traditional factors as a favorable geographic location, the possession of rich natural resources and the presence of relatively favorable prices for labor and natural resources. Nevertheless, it can be considered that there is a convergence of the concepts of productivity and competitiveness.

V Republic of Belarus the Program of Structural Restructuring and Increasing the Competitiveness of the Economy has been developed and is being implemented. In general, the Program is a targeted set of measures designed to ensure a timely turn of the socio-economic policy of the Belarusian state to new external and internal realities. The program is aimed at more efficient use of factors that ensure the growth of the competitiveness of the economy, mainly at the macro level. The main goal of the Program is to develop the main directions and priorities of structural transformations of the economy, a system of measures and mechanisms for modernizing production, ensuring the creation and the most effective use of the competitive advantages of Belarus, increasing the level of its competitiveness. The main competitive advantages of Belarus include, in particular: a favorable economic and geographical position; developed system of transport communications and industrial infrastructure in general; significant land, water and forest resources; the presence of a number of minerals; significant scientific and technical potential; diversified industrial complex; high educational level of the population and others. In general, the realization of competitive advantages in Belarus is constrained, in particular, by the following factors: underdevelopment of the innovation infrastructure; low level of management, training and retraining of personnel to work in market conditions; lack of a developed competitive environment in the domestic market for goods and services, capital and labor.

Topic 11. Internationalization of economic life and its features at the present stage.

Economic internationalization- it:

q exit of the reproduction process (economic relations) beyond national borders

q the emergence and deepening of stable economic ties between national economies, due to the international division of labor

q participation of the country in the world economy, the formation of stable ties between economic entities of different countries, the intertwining of capital, services, goods, currencies;

Internationalization of business activities:

Strengthening the relationship and interdependence of the economies of individual countries, the impact of international economic relations on national economies, the participation of countries in the world economy;

Convergence and interpenetration of national economies at all stages of the reproduction process:

Ø results of national production (goods, services);

Ø factors of production (capital, technology, labor resources, currencies);

Ø the production process itself.

Any company pursues one ultimate goal - to win the fight against competitors. It is not achieved immediately, but is the result of competent and stable efforts of the firm. The achievement of the goal depends on level of competitiveness business.

Competitiveness levels - what does this mean?

Competitiveness (lat. Concuro - competition, collision) determines the predisposition to victory, leadership, competition.

How often does a leader need to tackle or change the company's strategy? Most of the directors who created successful businesses, and management consultants agree on one thing: in these times - constantly. A change in strategy is not an indicator of weakness, but, on the contrary, an indicator of a company's vitality.

In this article, we have collected four types of strategic approaches, their examples, as well as templates and tables for determining the company's strategy.

Economist A. Smith introduced the concept of competition in the 18th century. He believed that private enterprises using ideal conditions free market, they are fighting for the buyer and are ready to offer high quality goods at an affordable price. Companies that fail to adhere to this principle are left bankrupt as a result. In practice, states try to increase the level of competitiveness of enterprises, provide them with support, or prevent foreign companies from developing on their territory, putting forward various protest measures.

The existing diverse competitive relations that arise in economic sphere, modern experts divide, with a certain degree of convention, into three levels:

  1. Macro level - allows you to determine which conditions of functioning are most developed in the country's economic sector. The country's competitiveness is interpreted by the modern economic vocabulary as follows: it is the ability of the economy of the state and the country to take part in international trade, to expand and retain certain segments in the markets in the world, to create products that will be on a par with world standards.
  2. Meso-level - deals with the formation of prospects for the development of a corporation or industry, which cover a number of groups of enterprises.
  3. Micro-level - here the product acts as a subject of competitiveness, and the level of competitiveness itself is determined by the ratio of quality and price of products.

The creation of the bulk of competitive advantages in firms and enterprises at the meso-level is considered an obvious fact. In the current period of development of market relations, all organizations assess their position in the market, work, service or goods. Applying a variety of methods and forms of fighting competition, all firms develop their own methods and advantages in competition in order to achieve success in the market.

Competitiveness is basic concept at each enterprise, and it is considered in three interrelated aspects:

  1. Enterprise level (whole).
  2. Production level.
  3. Product level.

Under the competitiveness of the enterprise in general, it implies its ability to carry out production and marketing activities efficiently, and thus create resistance to competitors. The level of competitiveness of an organization depends on the interest and trust with which the company's services are perceived in the markets.

The following factors help to determine the level of competitiveness of an enterprise: the price of the organization, organizational systems, how the workplaces are technically equipped, how the management concept is implemented, strategic marketing and human capital are used, management technologies, innovation, investment and technical policies.

Competitiveness of the production complex or its separately taken types - a measure of the entire potential of the production system at the enterprise, which characterizes all of its main sections: personnel, scientific and technical, production and technological and financial and economic.

Taking as a basis a competitive industrial complex, or its individual types, you can create interest in investors and confidence in the production of products. Investments in this complex contribute to an increase in the level of competitiveness of the enterprise, general and innovative potential.

Competitiveness of the company's products depends on how satisfied, loyal and committed the owners and customers of the products are. An indicator of an increase in the level of competitiveness of a product is the relative share of sales of the evaluated product in comparison with a competitor's product.

A number of factors that determine the competitiveness of the level of the firm, production and goods are considered components (components) of competitiveness:

  1. Quality, consumption or operating costs, sales price (technical and economic components).
  2. The company's image, market conditions, advertising, the service provided (commercial components) - contribute to the determination of the conditions for the sale of products in a separate market.
  3. Patent and legal requirements, as well as technical, environmental and other safety of using products in a specific market, are reflected by the requirements of regulatory components.

Enterprise competitiveness level: market position

Modern management theory identifies three levels of competitiveness. All levels have their own approach to the organization of marketing and management.

Level 1

The first level of enterprise competitiveness is considered by the managers of firms or companies as an internal neutral factor of management. According to them, management is not capable of influencing in any way the competitiveness and the stable management that once developed in their companies.

The role of managers is made up for only in the production of products without any kind of innovation, without worrying about any "surprises" for customers and competitors. Managers' confidence in the quality of their products and in the efficient operation of their sales and marketing services is so great that they are able to make their customers happy only by supplying the goods they advertise. They consider other additional measures in management and production superfluous.

This kind of approach can be successful for a company only if it has a place in the market that is free from competition.

As a rule, this is inherent in small businesses or firms that are able to target a market niche. However, by increasing the scale of business, companies can outgrow this niche, or create competition in a new market sector, or turn a market niche into an emerging market attractive to different manufacturers. Over time, distant and obscure competition turns into visible and near. It is not enough to be able to establish regular management and produce products with good quality. You need to think about how to get around the standards proposed by competitors in the price segment, production costs, quality, service level, delivery accuracy, etc.

Most of former companies and state-owned enterprises in Russia corresponds to this level of competitiveness, regardless of the scale of the business. Some of the companies from the number of subsidiaries of foreign firms are also included here. The share of our companies that jointly market the created products or use “screwdriver technology” is another indicator of the second-tier enterprises in the first model of competitiveness.

Characteristic features of Russian enterprises occupying the first level of competitiveness.

  1. The ability to understand marketing as one of the more important management functions compared to the rest. Hence the belief in the use of the unlimited possibilities of advertising (in particular, television) in order to promote goods.
  2. Blindly observe the primitive price competition... A price reduction is considered sufficient to solve any sales problems (the more the price is reduced, the better).
  3. Lack of desire to research the market. Businesses of this kind perceive marketing as a sales job.
  4. Inadequate attention is paid to issues of personnel management, motivation and qualifications of employees. High staff turnover is typical for this point. In order to increase the volume of production, it is required to hire more personnel. Usually they do not think about the negative reflection of this approach on the level of quality of the competitiveness of products.
  5. Not a complete understanding of how the control factor affects, in general.

Asking questions about improving systems and structures, methods and forms of management is perceived as unnecessary. The emphasis is on methods that were expedient and well-proven. The large number of companies in Russia that have the first level of competitiveness is due to the weakness of competition in the domestic market, which is not so well saturated. Many former state-owned enterprises that produced poor quality product, stand idle, and the consumer is forced to purchase foreign products. In addition, it speaks of perseverance (deserving better application) and thanks to which public authorities at all levels are resisting the ruin of uncompetitive enterprises. However, everything happens differently: the budget is depleting, since in the understanding of most managers in such companies, business is, initially, the skill to take more from the state budget.

Level 2

Enterprises with the second level of competitiveness are aimed at creating their own management and production systems "outwardly neutral". Enterprises of this kind need to adhere to the standards set in a certain market (in the region or in the industry) by their main competitors. Their task is to reproduce at home the same as the leading firms, and for this it is necessary: ​​the desire to obtain as many techniques, technologies, methods of creating production from well-known enterprises of the industry as possible, the acquisition of raw materials and materials, semi-finished products and components products using the same sources as major competitors.

These enterprises use the same principles and approaches, managing the quality of goods, controlling the level of stocks and backlogs within production, and create relationships with employees of the same nature in their production.

Many of the enterprises in the domestic market already have a second level of competitiveness. For example, Novomoskovskbytchim, which is more than 90% owned by Procter & Gamble, tries to manufacture products in accordance with changes in the demands and needs of customers, on a par with leading foreign companies represented in our today's market.

The features of enterprises in the Russian Federation, standing at the second level of competitiveness, include:

  1. Marketing with the main management function. These companies use a product-oriented marketing concept. Market assessment is a systematic daily analytical work aimed at finding what can hook the souls of potential consumers who will succumb to the influence of effective advertising.
  2. Desire to appear in the role of a marketing-oriented firm, where they contribute to the preparation of sales forecasts (with the participation of the market research service), development processes and production planning.
  3. Maintaining unusual shapes and methods of competition in which the level of customer service and competition for quality replace price competition. These enterprises tend to be close to the main competitors in these parameters.
  4. Replacement of personnel policy. V in this case, owners of enterprises and managers, without taking into account the specifics of a particular production and enterprise, want to hire, if necessary, specialists and managers from various firms in the same industry, taking professional qualities and high qualifications as a basis.
  5. Propensity for distribution, typical management technologies (not to be confused with regular management) that ensure market success for competitors. The principle of reasonable prosperity (which our competitors do not have, we don’t need that) helps to stimulate labor, improve the organization and management systems.

However, it has long been clear that the original cannot be compared to any copy. The use of proven experience at a certain stage does not affect the increase in the level of competitiveness of the enterprise. The management of such companies asks whether it is worth adhering to standard methods management and organization of production, when their enterprises have other significant advantages among market competition. Those who manage to find the correct answer to the question asked, as a rule, grow into third-level enterprises of competitiveness and become on a par with industry leaders.

Level 3

Distinctive features in the third level of competitiveness are as follows:

  1. Management in such companies actively contributes to the development of production systems, special attention is paid to the requests and needs of buyers, a consumer-oriented marketing concept is used.
  2. These companies can be safely called marketing oriented.
  3. Companies with a third from the inside maintain their production. The rest of the enterprise's divisions are aimed at its development.
  4. Russian companies that take the third one can be counted on one hand. That is why, the main task for the near future is to build the same management organization as that of global companies. This will lead to an increase in the number of enterprises reaching the third.
  5. Changes in the production of goods (assortment, quality, etc.), any innovations, do not occur until there is complete confidence in their approval by end users.

However, there are a number of companies for which this is not enough.

Thus, local airlines strive for maximum efficiency and flexibility when organizing passenger services. But, for its own needs, it will prefer a different type of airliner than a large airline serving the entire territory of the country.

At the same time, no one provides guarantees of obtaining special advantages in comparison with a small air company using the same equipment. The success of the company, in this case, will depend on effective work each company using the same technique, special advantages in production and management system enterprises.

Do not forget that the success and assessment of the level of competitiveness of an enterprise depend not so much on production activities, but on management, its efficiency and quality in a broad sense.

The concept of integrated marketing, focused on anticipating the needs and needs of customers, is used by companies with the third level of competitiveness.

Other production systems and management functions are continually being improved in line with marketing demands.

Here, there is a place to be: flexibility and efficiency in decision-making, the ability to organize an economical and quick restructuring of the management apparatus, improvement of employee motivation. The efficiency of production systems depends not so much on internal factors (managerial, for the most part on the sophistication and variety of marketing tools, optimal production planning or integrated managerial quality focused on high individual and mobile demands and buyers need), but on external management factors (quality of the organization and the effectiveness of the management system).

Companies that have reached the fourth level of competitiveness are ahead of their competitors by several years.

They have a great desire to exceed the most stringent standards in existence and not to imitate the experience of other firms in this area. They are determined to challenge any competitor in various aspects of management and production around the world. Only after studying the results of the market, it is possible to make changes in the production and management organization, as well as in strategic development... In addition, all management functionality remains involved in the research process from the point of view of marketing and systematization of the results obtained. Marketing work there is less and less place to be in specialized divisions. These units are responsible for summarizing data, integrating and coordinating the efforts of different services.

Practitioner tells

Alexey Kanevsky, President of the Interportfolio organization, Moscow; PhD in Chemistry.

Within the framework of the free market, local products must compete on equal terms with the products of European manufacturers, that is, beer of good quality will be more expensive, and not what will have to be transported further. In the event of a decrease in prices by importers, local producers would have to resort to producing better quality products, that is, to increase their own quality standards. Currently, the government is exercising an artificial advantage for Russian alcohol producers and other firms. An approach of this kind will not allow improving the quality of domestic products.

We, and all importers, were waiting for the country to join the WTO. This would make it possible to reduce payments at customs, in particular, for highly liquid products. However, this has not happened yet. Therefore, customs duties and excise taxes play a huge role in the final price.

Factors determining the level of competitiveness of an enterprise

The level of competitiveness of an enterprise depends on labor resources(quantity, cost and classification of labor), physical resources (quantity, quality, minerals), knowledge resources (the sum of scientific, technical and market infrastructures), monetary resources (capital), infrastructures (type, quality, infrastructure).

According to the principle of attitude to the enterprise, factors can be classified as external and internal.

External, which include interventions to help the manufacturer navigate the market and make the right strategic decisions; on the part of the state - administrative, economic and economic factors; market characteristics - competitors, capacity, segmentation; the situation in politics.

Internal- marketing; participation of scientific, technological, human resources; advertising efficiency; assessment of the quality of goods and their movement; service; material and technical supply.

Thus, internal and external factors constitute a competitiveness reserve, which makes it possible to improve one of them and increase the level of competitiveness.

Consider five reserves:

  1. The expense of the financial and economic potential of the enterprise.
  2. The consumption of the production and technological potential of the enterprise.
  3. Expense tax incentives.
  4. Expenditure of human resources.
  5. The expense of the organizational potential of the enterprise.

The choice of the correct indicator affects the levels of assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The importance of indicators affecting competitiveness has different parameters for the population, commodity enterprises and product manufacturers.

Manufacturers are interested in economic (production costs, sales growth rate, development costs, profitability of sales, market size, serial production and design of new products), technological (ease of manufacturing a product, the ability to reduce the cost of production, reduce material consumption and labor intensity, apply modern ways production, unification and standardization of part nodes) and organizational (level of legal protection of goods, forms of sale, efficiency of the system for organizing sales of goods, costs of selling products) indicators.

The consumer treats with attention to quality, conformity to fashion, price, packaging, advertising, service of goods.

Trade enterprises distinguish such indicators as: sales support by combining the efforts of stores and manufacturers, the provision of incentives for the sale of products.

If the characteristics of the levels of competitiveness of products are able to reflect the differences both in the cost of meeting the need and in the degree of its compliance with a specific social need, then it is necessary to know what indicators affect the level of competitiveness of the firm.

Selecting the indicators with the help of which the assessment will be made, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  1. The ability to reflect the financial condition of the enterprise and its significant aspects of economic activity.
  2. Conversion of indicators into an interconnected view.
  3. Information about the economic activity of the enterprise is required to calculate the indicators.

The mechanism for assessing the competitiveness of a firm is represented by the following indicators:

  1. Production and marketing level.
  2. The financial activities of the enterprise.
  3. The level of product competitiveness.

The level of production and marketing activities is characterized by:

  1. The ability not to lose the sales market.
  2. Ability not to reduce the volume of sales of products (services, works).

When calculating, the following blocks of indicators are taken into account:

  1. Ability to sell products in comparable prices and in kind.
  2. Ability to manufacture products at comparable prices and in kind.
  3. Property characterized by circulating and fixed assets.
  4. Labor, which includes the number of employees (productivity) and in comparable prices its level of payment.

Level financial activities characterized by:

  1. The ability to solve the set tasks, having certain financial resources.
  2. Using financial resources at a specific enterprise.

In order to determine the level of competitiveness of products, there is a nomenclature of parameters participating in the assessment.

Technical and economic indicators should also be used in calculations.

Aesthetic, ergonomic, purpose parameters, normative parameters - constitute a group of technical parameters that are used in assessing the level of competitiveness of an enterprise.

Significance of factors

When conducting the analysis, it is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to the indicators of financial activity (liquidity and profitability ratio), since the criteria have a heterogeneous influence on the levels of competitiveness of the enterprise.

Secondly, you need to deal with the rate of return on your capital. It ranges from 0 to 0.4. The second place in terms of the degree of influence on the level of competitiveness of the enterprise in the second group of indicators is taken by the profitability coefficient equity capital... The limits of its change are from 0 to 0.4. Depending on how much more this indicator is, the higher the level of competitiveness of the enterprise will be.

The group is less significant in terms of product competitiveness indicators.

In order to increase competitiveness, it is necessary to assess not only the size and structure of factors of individual economic entities, but also to analyze the level of competitiveness, to identify the features of a bad structure. Then, to manage these factors, having previously made a real assessment of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, relative to the current economic situation in the region, using forecasts and relying on information from external users.

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Analysis of the level of competitiveness of the enterprise: stages of assessment

Competitiveness should be studied constantly and systematically in order to notice in time when the level of competitiveness becomes low, to be interconnected with the phases life cycle the entire enterprise and individual goods. Thus, the concept of competitiveness is relative, associated with a specific time and market.

The main goal in assessing competitiveness is to determine the place in the industry market that a given enterprise occupies. The results of the assessment include:

  1. The ability to draw up programs for the future activities of the enterprise.
  2. The desire of the company to choose a partner for joint activities.
  3. Ability to attract investment funds to promising markets.
  4. Development of measures to increase the level of competitiveness.

Assessment of the level of competitiveness of an enterprise reveals its strengths and weaknesses... This will serve as, in the future, the foundation for the development promising directions in the development of the economic sector, when management decisions aimed at maintaining their competitiveness (with a strong market position) or increasing it (in the event of a weakening of market positions).

A more complete analysis of the level of competitiveness of an enterprise presents the following stages:

  1. Statement of tasks.
  2. Selection of objects for assessing competitiveness.
  3. Analyzes and forecasts for demand, prices, production costs, requirements of the external and internal market.
  4. The choice of parameters in order to assess the levels of competitiveness of objects.
  5. Selection of bases (analogue) in order to compare with objects.
  6. Assessment of the levels of competitiveness of objects with given parameters.
  7. General assessment of the competitiveness of objects and the development of recommendations.

Thanks to the existing experience in assessing the levels of competitiveness of an enterprise, you can use the aspects:

  • finding indicators of competitiveness;
  • assessing the competitiveness of an entire enterprise and its products;
  • determining the required competitive level;
  • bringing the existing parameters to the required competitive level;
  • regulation and control of the enterprise in order to maintain its competitive level;
  • forecasting a competitive level;
  • development and planning of a strategy in which a promising competitive enterprise develops.

Evaluate the system for assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise 3 blocks.

Block I. The stage of assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise.

It is presented by parameters from the moment of setting the task, to assessing the overall competitive level of the enterprise.

This block includes such a range of actions as:

  1. Setting tasks.
  2. The right to select an object to participate in competitive evaluation. It can be a separate enterprise household, their associations and the whole industry.
  3. The ability to choose a base in order to compare with an object, which allows you to assess the levels of competitiveness of an enterprise in dynamics over several years, calculate its level, or compare analogous enterprises that are competitors in the considered time period in a specific market industry.
  4. The right to choose parameters for evaluating an enterprise and products.
  5. The ability to collect and process information. Depending on the place of collection, it is divided into internal (any information collected within the company) and external (information collected outside the company) - materials from official departments, information of a scientific nature, funds mass media and advertising. Information channels include information acquired by a company on commercial terms; placement in exchange announcements and messages, official reference publications, mass media, etc .; one-time or regular research of families-panels of consumers, etc. When collecting the necessary data about your company, it is best to use in-house reporting, and to evaluate competitors - to conduct marketing research.
  6. A method is selected by which the level of competitiveness of the enterprise will be assessed, which includes acquaintance with the existing methods, the search for the disadvantages and advantages of these methods, the distribution according to the importance of all methods.
  7. The level of competitiveness of the company's economic and production activities is being assessed.
  8. The level of product competitiveness is assessed.
  9. The level of competitiveness of the enterprise itself is assessed.

Block II. Creation of a forecast of the level of competitiveness of the enterprise for the nearest period.

Forecasting competitiveness is a search that consists in identifying and describing its possible state in the near future. As a rule, analogies, models of the future state of the system and extrapolations serve as fundamental predictions.

It is customary to consider three main ways when developing competitiveness forecasts:

  1. Modeling, which contains a list of techniques in the development of a forecast and allows you to obtain wide objectivity.
  2. Expert assessment of specialists.
  3. Extrapolation based on the study of a number of dynamics and the subsequent set of approximating functions.

In addition, scripting is considered the most commonly used technique in forecasting practice. Scientists recommend the use of scenarios because they encourage managers to clearly articulate their proposals and avoid the danger of using one-sided forecasting trends.

Therefore, using forecasting, as one of the methods of strategic marketing, they evaluate the features of the influence on the levels of competitiveness of the enterprise, individual market factors, that is, they control it in this way.

Block III. Implementation of management of the level of competitiveness of the enterprise

This includes the steps:

  • determination and assessment of the required competitive level of the enterprise;
  • strategies aimed at completing the current parameters to the desired level or to maintain existing various levels of competitiveness, through control and regulation.

How to improve the level of competitiveness

Ensuring the competitiveness of the main types of products, which is a common characteristic and is formed due to the influence of aggregate factors, is directly related to the competitiveness of the enterprise. That is why, when developing measures to increase the level of competitiveness of products, one should adhere to integrated approach, affecting almost all branches of the enterprise.

The key areas to increase the competitiveness of products are:

  1. Work with the innovative activities of the enterprise.
  2. Accounting and analysis of the advantages and quality of competitive products.
  3. Falling cost of goods.
  4. To reduce the conditionally fixed costs, the restructuring of production volumes is carried out.
  5. Increasing the quality of the product.
  6. Stimulating large final results work among company employees in a material way.
  7. Improving the marketing system at the enterprise.
  8. Improvement and creation of a service system.
  9. Engaging advertising policies.

The realization of the competitive advantages of an enterprise is considered together with its competitiveness.

The advantages of competitiveness lie in the determination of the set of positive positions and characteristics of the levels of competitiveness that are important for the market, which allow the company to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. Common sources of competitive advantage include:

  1. Introduction and emergence of new technologies at the enterprise.
  2. Lowering the level of costs due to the sale of goods, the cost of individual parts in the technological link of production and changes in the structure.
  3. The release of services or goods by an enterprise, the formation of new consumer requests, with the help of which they are realized.
  4. A change in the market rules of the game, allowing the company to create a competitive advantage.

Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School, divides competitive advantage into two main types:

  1. Use of lower costs for selling and creating products.
  2. Product-product differentiation.

Competitive advantage based on differentiation is more robust than one based on cost alone. There are also used such levels, types of competitiveness as:

  1. Patented technologies.
  2. Differentiation based on specific services or products.
  3. The credibility of the organization based on enhanced marketing activities.
  4. The presence of close relationships with customers, which are retained for a fairly long time.

Modernization of production and improvement of the main activities of the company, based on innovation, help to maintain the levels of competitiveness of the enterprise that already exist and contribute to the creation of new ones.

It is interesting to analyze the specific steps and actions taken by production and technical leaders in order to make the next leap in the leadership struggle.

Firstly, this is a stable renewal of the products that are being produced, and secondly, the rapid development of new product samples, their non-stop development, an increase in labor flexibility, efficiency, a simultaneous increase in labor productivity, and a decrease in all types of costs and expenses.

With a simultaneous reduction in prices for new types of products, a special place is given to ensure the reliability of new products and their stable quality.

This contributes to the release on a large scale of new products that are in increased demand, prices for which are reduced, and reliability and performance, quality characteristics are increased. To solve this problem, it is required to carry out technical, organizational and managerial measures. The end result should be new production systems operating in the newly introduced conveyor mode, which will increase the level of competitiveness.

The essence of this approach looks like this:

  1. For production and sale in this moment some sample is supplied which meets the current market requirements.
  2. During the testing stages, a new sample is created for mass production, better than the old one, where independent experts and the media are invited to it.
  3. A completely different quality product is being developed, which is being prepared for the future and which may not yet be fully in demand today.
  4. Constant research is underway, in order to create new goods that have not previously been on the markets, the possibility of creating a need for a new product on the market is being considered.

Such a direction can be realized through research and development innovative divisions focused on the preparation and development of new technologies and products for mass production, possibly newly introduced firms that will carry out production and independently raise the level of ko?

Fundamentals of competitiveness management Mazilkina Elena Ivanovna

2.5. Competitiveness of the organization

Competitiveness of the organization- This is a relative characteristic that expresses the degree of difference in the development of a given organization from competitors in terms of the degree of satisfaction of people's needs with their goods. The competitiveness of an organization characterizes the possibilities and dynamics of its adaptation to the conditions of market competition.

The factors of the competitive advantage of the organization are divided into external, the manifestation of which depends to a small extent on the organization, and internal, almost entirely determined by the management of the organization. External factors the competitive advantage of an organization is determined by the following indicators:

- the level of the country's competitiveness;

- the level of competitiveness of the region;

- the level of competitiveness of the industry;

- state support for small and medium-sized businesses in the country and regions;

legal regulation functioning of the economy of the country and regions;

- openness of society and markets;

scientific level management of the country's economy and other systems;

- national system of standardization and certification;

- state support for science and innovation;

- the quality of information support for management at all levels of the hierarchy;

- the level of integration within the country and within the international community;

- tax rates in the country and regions;

- interest rates in the country and regions;

- availability of affordable and cheap natural resources;

- the system of training and retraining of management personnel in the country;

- climatic conditions and geographic location of the country or region;

- the level of competition in all areas of activity in the country.

The value of each benefit can be quantified and analyzed over time. However, it is hardly possible to integrate all the benefits into a single indicator. The more an organization has competitive advantages, the higher its competitiveness, survivability, efficiency and prospects. For this, it is necessary to raise the scientific level of management and build up new competitive advantages.

Internal factors competitive advantage includes several components:

1. Structural:

- the production structure of the organization;

- the mission of the organization;

organizational structure organizations;

- specialization and concentration of production;

- the level of unification and standardization of products and component parts production;

- accounting and regulation of production processes;

- personnel;

- information and normative-methodical management base;

- the strength of competition at the entrance and exit of the system.

2. Resource:

- suppliers;

- access to high-quality cheap raw materials and other resources;

- accounting and analysis of the use of all types of resources at all stages of the life cycle of large objects of the organization;

- optimization of the efficiency of resource use.

3 . Technical:

- patented product;

- patented technology;

- equipment;

- quality of workmanship of goods;

4. Management:

- managers;

- analysis of the implementation of the laws of the organization;

- organization of delivery of raw materials, materials and components according to the principles "just in time";

- formation of the management system;

- the functioning of the quality management system in the organization;

- Carrying out external and internal certification of products and systems.

5. Market:

- access to the market for the resources required by the organization;

- access to the market for new technologies;

- significant market share;

- exclusivity of the organization's product;

- exclusivity of distribution channels;

efficient system sales and after-sales service;

- forecasting pricing policy and market infrastructure.

6. The effectiveness of the organization:

- indicators of profitability (in terms of profitability of products, production, capital, sales);

- the intensity of the use of capital (according to the turnover ratios of types of resources or capital);

- financial stability of the organization's functioning.

The competitiveness of an organization is determined by the following factors:

1) the quality of products and services;

2) having an effective marketing strategy;

3) the level of management and qualifications of personnel;

4) the technological level of production;

5) the tax environment in which the company operates;

6) availability of funding sources.

The competitiveness of an organization is a relative characteristic that expresses the degree to which the development of a given organization differs from its competitors in terms of the degree to which its products satisfy people's needs. The competitiveness of an organization characterizes the possibilities and dynamics of its adaptation to the conditions of market competition and depends on a number of factors, such as market capacity (the number of annual sales), easy access to the market, the type of product produced, market homogeneity, competitive positions of enterprises already operating in this market, the possibility use of technical innovations.

Assessment of the competitive position of an enterprise in the industry market allows:

- develop measures to improve competitiveness;

- select partners for the organization of joint production of products;

- to attract investments in promising production;

- to draw up programs for the enterprise to enter new sales markets.

Achieving this goal is possible if there is an operational and objective methodology for assessing competitiveness.

Matrix methods developed by the Boston Consulting Group can be used as methods.

Noteworthy is the method based on the assessment of the company's products - the higher the competitiveness of the manufacturer, the higher the competitiveness of its products. The criterion for assessing the competitiveness of a product is the ratio of price and quality. In this case, quality indicators can be measured in various ways, for example, according to the warranty period of the operating time of a technically complex product.

The method based on the theory of effective competition gives an idea of ​​the competitiveness of an enterprise and covers the most important aspects of its economic activity. According to this method, the most competitive are those enterprises where the work of all departments and services is best organized.

The method is based on the analysis of groups of indicators of enterprise competitiveness.

1. Indicators characterizing the efficiency of the production activity of the enterprise:

- production costs per unit of production in rubles;

- return on assets in value terms;

- product profitability;

- labor productivity in value terms per person.

2. Indicators of the financial position of the enterprise:

- the coefficient of autonomy, which characterizes the independence of the enterprise from borrowed sources;

- solvency ratio;

- liquidity ratio;

- the ratio of the turnover of current assets.

3. Indicators of the effectiveness of the organization of sales and product promotion:

- profitability of sales;

- overstock ratio finished products;

- coefficient of utilization of production facilities.

4. Indicators of competitiveness of goods:

- product quality;

- the price of the product.

Each group of indicators assesses a certain direction of the enterprise. Together, they provide an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the efficiency of the production process management.

Recently, a significant influence has been given to the key factors of enterprise success (KFU). It seems that these should include: solvency (1), profitability (2), strategic management (3), adaptability of the management system (4), financial and managerial transparency (5), business manageability (6), investment attractiveness (7) (fig. 6.).

Rice. 6. Components of the competitiveness of the enterprise

Analyzing the key characteristics of the state of the enterprise and the known approaches to assessing and increasing its competitiveness, it is possible to formulate the basic principles of the concept of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises:

- the task of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise includes ensuring the competitiveness of products and the enterprise itself;

- it is necessary to highlight different criteria for the competitiveness of the enterprise, depending on the horizon of planning and management at the enterprise;

- the main indicator of the competitiveness of an enterprise at the operational level is an integral indicator of the competitiveness of products;

- at the tactical level, the competitiveness of an enterprise is ensured by its general financial and economic condition and is characterized by a comprehensive indicator of its condition;

- at the strategic level, the competitiveness of an enterprise is characterized by investment attractiveness, the criterion of which is the growth of business value (Fig. 7.).

Rice. 7. The system of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise

In the context of the development of market relations, great importance is attached to the management of the competitiveness of organizations focused on the development and expansion of sales markets. There are four strategies for ensuring the competitiveness of an organization: Violent, Patient, Commutant, Experiential.

Violent the strategy assumes mass production and supply to the market of products of acceptable quality for consumers at low production costs, which allows manufacturers to set low prices based on a significant volume of demand. Violent strategy can be carried out by large organizations with a stable reputation, which have gradually mastered significant market segments.

Patent the strategy is designed to conquer and retain relatively narrow market niches, within which exclusive goods of special purpose and very high quality are sold. Manufacturers and sellers of such goods sell them on the market at high prices for wealthy buyers, which makes it possible, with small sales volumes, to receive high income and significant profits. Competitiveness is achieved by the sophistication of a product that meets refined tastes and demands, quality indicators that surpass the quality of similar products of competitors.

Commuting the strategy is designed to satisfy not rare, but rapidly changing, short-term needs of consumers in goods and services. Therefore, the commutative strategy is characterized, first of all, by high flexibility, which makes special demands on the restructuring of production for the release of periodically updated products.

Usually such a strategy is adhered to by non-specialized organizations with sufficiently versatile technologies and limited production volumes, when the implementation of this strategy does not set the task of achieving high quality and selling at high prices.

Explicit strategy is based on achieving the organization's competitive advantage through the implementation of constructive and technological innovation allowing to outstrip competitors in the production and supply of fundamentally new types of products to the market by investing in promising but risky innovative projects... Such projects, in case of successful implementation, allow not only surpassing rivals in terms of the quality of products presented on the market, but also creating new markets, where for a certain time they may not be afraid of competition, since they are the only manufacturers of a unique product. Implementation of such a strategy requires a large initial capital, scientific and production potential, highly qualified personnel.

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Lecture number 4. Competitiveness of states in the world

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4. World competitiveness of various US countries. The United States has been the undisputed leader of the global economy since the Second World War. In the post-war years, American firms not only preserved the conquered at the beginning of the 20th century. key positions in many areas, but

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5. Competitiveness of States at the Micro Level Along with a stable political climate and sound macroeconomic policies, a prosperous economy requires a microeconomic foundation for economic development. They lie in competitive practices and

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From the book Fundamentals of Competitiveness Management the author Mazilkina Elena Ivanovna

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International Organizations INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS are permanent associations of an intergovernmental and non-governmental nature. created on the basis of an international agreement (charter, statute or other constituent document) in order to facilitate the solution

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2.1. Competitiveness as an indicator of the development of the economic system The transition to sustainable development, accompanied by global processes, presupposes the formation of a new level of regulation of economic relations. Therefore, in the conditions of the formation of a new model

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2.2. National competitiveness National competitiveness (competitiveness of a country) is the ability of its enterprises, organizations and industries to outstrip a rival in gaining and strengthening positions in foreign markets and is determined by

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2.3. Competitiveness of the region The competitiveness of a region should be understood as its role and place in the economic space of the Russian Federation, the ability to ensure a high standard of living of the population and the ability to realize the potential in the region (production,

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2.4. Competitiveness of the industry The competitiveness of industries should be understood as the efficiency of individual branches of the national economy, assessed, in addition to traditional criteria, according to indicators characteristic of a given industry and describing the degree

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2.6. Competitiveness of a product The competitiveness of a product is a relative and generalized characteristic of a product that expresses its advantageous differences from a competitor's product in terms of the degree of satisfaction of needs and the costs of its

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Chapter 3. Competition and competitiveness of goods and enterprises in the food market 3.1. The concept and types of competition Competition is the main regulating force of market commodity production, a form of economic struggle for maximum implementation

Page 1

The level of competitiveness (UKS) of products is assessed through the relative characteristics of the main technical and economic parameters of the products being developed on the basis of comparing them with the highest domestic and foreign achievements.

The level of competitiveness of a product is assessed through the relative characteristics of the main scientific and technical parameters of the products being developed on the basis of comparing them with analog products.

The level of competitiveness of an enterprise in the market depends on the level of total costs. The prime cost of the actual production of products can occupy an insignificant share in the structure of logistics costs, while the amount of costs for promoting products to the consumer and for organizing a sales network, on the contrary, can be relatively high.

The scientific and technological level and the degree of perfection of production technology, the use of latest inventions and discoveries, implementation modern means production automation.

However, the level of competitiveness of products is determined not only by technical and parametric characteristics, but also by economic ones, for example, such as the price of a product. It is this factor that is put by the consumer in many cases at the forefront when choosing a product.

Control of the level of competitiveness and solvency of the enterprise is carried out in the process of diagnosing its financial and technical and economic condition. It should be remembered that diagnostics allows you to identify the presence of actual signs of insolvency of the enterprise, but in no case establishes the fact of its bankruptcy. Formally, this is confirmed only by the decision of the arbitration court.

Assessing the level of competitiveness not only of a separate new product, but also of an enterprise that produces these products, is the most important prerequisite for creating a system for managing the production and sale of goods in a market economy.

The calculation of the level of competitiveness of a particular product is made according to the following scheme.

To determine the level of competitiveness, a mixed assessment method based on the joint use of single integral indicators can be used. When applying this method, it is necessary to combine single quality indicators into groups and determine the corresponding complex (group) indicator for each group. Separate, important indicators are allowed not to be combined into groups, but to use them in further analysis as single ones. Then, on the basis of the obtained set of complex and single indicators, the level of competitiveness of products is assessed by the differential method.

Enterprises of the second level of competitiveness strive to make their production systems outwardly neutral, i.e. fully complying with the standards set by their main competitors. Such enterprises strive to borrow as much as possible all the techniques, technologies, methods of organizing production and labor, as the leading enterprises of the industry.

To maintain the level of competitiveness, the most dynamic companies are increasingly transferring their activities to the territory of other states. In doing so, they take into account the fact that the host firms have the best knowledge of the needs of the population and the specifics of the local market. The support of the local government and the desire of patriotic buyers to purchase domestic products are also important factors.

To assess the level of competitiveness of a product, it is necessary to correlate its various characteristics with the indicators of an ideal or simply the most popular analogue - a standard recognized in the considered market segment.

Negative influence the level of competitiveness of the Russian industry is affected by obsolescence and physical deterioration of fixed technological assets.

At enterprises of the third level of competitiveness, the management system actively influences production systems, i.e. production is, as it were, supported from within by all other departments. Success in the competitive struggle in this case becomes a function not so much of production as of management.

In the case of assessing the level of competitiveness of products at the development stage, in the absence of information about the export price, the calculation of the indicator can be carried out at the minimum price (limit price converted in the corresponding currency at the current exchange rate), which is indicated when agreeing on the terms of reference.

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