The result of the manager's work is the decision made and the organization of its implementation by other employees. Unintentional misrepresentation means

Decor elements 26.09.2019
Decor elements

Management work is a kind of social work. The job of a manager is constituent part all management work.

The essence of management lies in its functions, the main of which are:

  1. Planning - the stage of the management process at which the goals of the organization's activities and the means and actions necessary for this are determined. This is the most important management function, without which all further production activities are meaningless.
  2. Organization - it is the distribution of duties, powers and responsibilities in the organization, i.e. determining who will do what.
  3. Motivation - determination of incentive motives of employees of the organization to more productive work.
  4. Control - it is the process of comparing (comparing) the results actually achieved with the planned ones.

The specifics of the manager's work lies in the fact that he, as a leader, does not take a direct part in the production process, he only manages and directs this process.

The subject of the manager's work is information.

The object of influence of the manager is a person (customer, employee, business partner, etc.).

Manager's tool is office equipment (computer, printer, fax, etc.).

Product of manager's labor is information.

Homework: according to the textbook N.A. Zaitseva pp. 25 - 36 read

Lecture #2

The evolution of management. The main scientific schools of management.

Management (management) in one form or another has always existed where people worked in groups and, as a rule, in three areas human society:

  • Political - the need to establish and maintain order in groups.
  • Economic - the need to find, produce and distribute resources.
  • Defensive - protection from enemies and wild animals.

Even the most ancient societies required individuals who could coordinate and direct the activities of human groups (gathering food, building housing, etc.).

It is customary to distinguish several stages in the development of management science:

I. "Ancient" period (9 - 7 thousand years BC - end of the 18th century). The first and most simple shapes joint labor organizations existed at the stage of the primitive communal system. During the formation of slave states in Ancient East(Egypt, Babylon, India, China), the state administrative apparatus and its service layer (officials - scribes, etc.) are being formed. In the Middle Ages, management functions in feudal estates were carried out by managers - majordomo. Some of them concentrated enormous power in their hands (for example, the king of the Franks, Pepin, the father of Charlemagne, began as a simple majordomo on the estate of King Dagobert). In Russia, such managers were called tiunas.

II. The second period in the development of management science is the “industrial” period (1776–1890). The greatest merit in the development of management during this period belongs to Adam Smith (1723 - 1790). He analyzed various forms division of labor, described the economic benefits that organizations and society would receive as a result of the division of labor, and also made a significant contribution to the development of ideas about public administration.

III. The period of systematization (1890 - 1950). During this period, the main schools of management are formed.

IV. Information period (1950 - present). There is a constant systematization and informatization management process. Computers and the latest information technologies are increasingly used in management.

The main scientific schools of management:

I. Scientific school of management (1885 - 1920).

The founder of the scientific school of management is considered to be Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915).

Taylor's main views were set forth in the books "Management of the Enterprise" (1903), "Principles scientific management"(1911).

Representatives of this school substantiated the need to select specific employees to work with personnel (HR managers), substantiated the need for employee training, their training and retraining both inside and outside the enterprise, substantiated the need for rationalization of labor and its motivation.

This school developed 12 basic management principles, which are relevant to this day:

1) Clearly defined goals are the starting point of control.

2) The main quality of a manager is common sense, which implies the recognition of mistakes made and the search for their causes.

3) To improve management processes, competent and competent consultation of professionals is necessary.

4) Necessary condition normal labor activity is a discipline provided with a clear regulation of people's activities, control over its execution, and timely encouragement.

5) Fair treatment of staff.

6) Fast, reliable, accurate, complete and permanent accounting.

7) Clear distribution of duties and powers.

8) Norms and schedules that facilitate the search and implementation of reserves.

9) Normalization of working conditions.

10) Rationing of labor operations.

11) Written standard instructions for staff.

12) Reward for performance.

II. Administrative - classical school of managers (1920 - 1950). The founder of this school is a French industrialist Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925). In 1916, his book "General and Industrial Management" was published, in which he revealed the basic principles of scientific management. Fayol's followers formed the theory of management of the entire organization. Contribution This school is that the founders considered management as a universal process, consisting of several interrelated functions. The purpose of the administrative school was the creation universal principles management, following which the organization can achieve success. Fayol singled out the following groups of operations in the management of the production process:

1. Technical operations.

2. Commercial transactions.

3. Financial transactions.

4. Insurance operations.

5. Accounting operations.

6. Administrative operations.

Close interaction between these groups of operations was the ultimate goal of the administrative school.

III. "School human relations”(from the 1950s to the present).

and Elton Mayo (1880 - 1945). This school appeared on the wave of numerous speeches of workers for their rights around the world. the globe. Researchers from the human relations school assumed that if management takes more care of their employees, then the level of employee satisfaction will increase, which will lead to an increase in labor productivity. The essence of the school of human relations is control interpersonal relationships and the application of psychology and sociology.

The main content of the theory of human relations justifies the need for the following actions:

  • Developing a sense of both individual and collective responsibility among workers;
  • Creation of an atmosphere of “genuine community of interests” at the enterprise;
  • The transition from "central" authority to "fundamental" authority, i.e. from the authority of the position to the authority of knowledge and professionalism.

Homework: according to the textbook by N.A. Zaitseva, read pp. 14 - 17, pp. 20 - 21 complete task 3 in writing, justify your answer in writing.

Lecture #3

Basic approaches to management.

Currently, there are 13 scientific approaches in management:

Name Summary
Administrative With the administrative approach, functions, rights, duties, elements of the management system are determined in regulatory legal acts
Reproductive This approach is focused on the constant resumption of production of goods to meet the needs of the market at a lower cost.
Dynamic With a dynamic approach, the control object is considered in dynamic development, based on the past activities of the organization, a forecast is made of its possible future development
Integration With the integration approach, relationships are established between individual subsystems and elements of the management system, levels, subjects of management
Quantitative The essence of this approach lies in the transition from qualitative assessments to quantitative ones using mathematical statistical methods, engineering calculations, expert assessments, a scoring system, etc.
Complex The most voluminous approach to management. When applying it, technical, economic, social and other aspects of management in their interrelation are taken into account. If you miss even one of them, then the problem will not be solved.
Marketing It provides for the orientation of the control subsystem in solving any of its tasks on the consumer.
Normative With a normative approach, standards are set in management
Behavioral The behavioral approach is to help the employee realize his place in the organization and his own capabilities. The main goal of this approach is to increase the efficiency of the company by improving the quality of human resources.
process With the process approach, management is considered as a set of interrelated functions.
Systemic With a systematic approach, any system is considered as a set of interrelated elements (see diagram)
situational The situational approach assumes that the application various methods management is determined by the specific situation.
Functional The essence of the functional approach is that the need is considered as a set of functions that must be performed to satisfy it.

Essence systems approach in management:

With a systematic approach, any management object (a unit or an entire organization) is considered as system (a set of interrelated elements), having an input (human, material and financial resources), the process in the system, communication with the external environment, feedback and output (the product of the organization - a product or service).

The essence of this approach: To ensure a high quality output of the system, it is first necessary to ensure a high quality input, and then a high quality process in the system and communication with the external environment. If the quality of the input is excellent and the quality of the process is satisfactory, then the quality of the output will also be satisfactory, i.e. the output quality rating is equal to the lowest rating of the previous elements.

For example: the input quality of a machine-building enterprise is satisfactory, and even if the production process itself is excellent, the output quality of the enterprise will still be satisfactory.

Scheme of a systematic approach:

Homework: according to the textbook by N.A. Zaitseva, pp. 36 - 41 read

Lecture #4

Process approach in management. Kinds management decisions.

One of modern concepts management is based on the allocation of business processes and the construction of a system effective management them. It uses several basic concepts:

Buisness process - a stable, purposeful set of interrelated activities (sequence of work), which, according to a certain technology, transforms inputs and outputs that are of value to the consumer.

Business process owner an official or collegial management body that has at its disposal the resources necessary to carry out the process and is responsible for this process.

Business Process Resources a material or information object that is constantly used to execute a process, but is not an input to the process, i.e. these are information (documents, files), finances, materials, personnel, equipment, infrastructure, environment, software, necessary for the execution of the business process and at the disposal of the owner of the business process.

Business process indicators - quantitative and / or qualitative parameters characterizing the business process and its result.

Business process performance indicators - business process parameters that characterize the relationship between the achieved result and the resources used.

Business process structure

Management Business Process Report

managerial labor- a type of labor activity for the performance of management functions in an organization, the purpose of which is to ensure purposeful and coordinated activities labor collective in solving the problems ahead of him.

Content management work in relation to a particular object is determined by the composition of management functions. These include: setting goals and planning, organizing execution, coordinating and stimulating the activities of performers, accounting and monitoring performance. Each function reflects a certain form and method of managerial influence on the managed object, causing the appropriate style and methods of management.

Production management is an area of ​​activity aimed at ensuring the coordinated and efficient work of the workforce that creates wealth or provides services. It includes various functions. According to their content, these functions can be reduced to several main groups: . Leadership Planning Organization Motivation. Control Regulation

Characterizing managerial work, it should be noted that its object is the scope of its application - an organization, a structural unit, a territory, that is, the management of production or other objects.

Subject managerial work - information about the state of the object and the necessary changes in its functioning and development. Because of this, managerial work is informative. Information in form can be oral and written (documented), according to functional affiliation - technical, labor, accounting, commercial, according to the media used - paper, magnetic, etc.

Product managerial work - managerial decisions and practical actions necessary to ensure the functioning of the object in a given mode.

The means of managerial work are organizational and computer technology, the level and completeness of the use of which determine the culture and efficiency of management in the organization.

Managerial work, compared with the work of workers, has its own essential features. First of all, it is predominantly mental work. There are three types mental labor: heuristic, administrative and operator.

Heuristic work is a creative component of mental activity. Administrative labor-kind mental labor, the functional purpose of which is the direct management of the activities and behavior of people. Operator labor this is the work of performing stereotypical (constantly repeating) operations of a predetermined nature.

Considering the features of managerial work, that this work, like workers' labor, is a necessary and productive labor. But at the same time it has a special productive form. Those engaged in managerial work do not directly create material values, but by carrying out the technical and organizational preparation of production, improving the methods of planning and economic work, solving commercial problems, they realize their activity in the product of labor of the total worker.

The peculiarity of the results of managerial work is that they are difficult to quantify. The results of the work of managers, as a rule, are evaluated indirectly - according to indicators production activities the teams they lead or the departments in which they work. That is, its effectiveness should be assessed not by the number of prepared documents and issued orders, but by the effectiveness and progressiveness of the technical, organizational, economic decisions made - by their impact on the performance of workers directly involved in the production of products or services.

In the section on the question The subject of the work of the manager are ... given by the author Olga Litovchenko the best answer is To manage means to lead the enterprise towards its goal, extracting the maximum possible from the available resources. Company management requires compliance with a certain technology for the development, adoption and implementation of decisions. Specialists of the new time need deep knowledge of management. Therefore, the correct organization of the manager's work is very important. The work of managers should be organized in such a way that the loss of working time is minimal. However, labor efficiency must be combined with compliance with the norms of manageability, norms of working conditions and rational planning of the working day.
Features of the work of managers:
1) managerial work has a purposeful nature
2) managerial work is work with people
3) the subject and product of the manager's work is information
4) managerial work and production. labor have one and the same single ultimate goal. Combining and coordinating the joint efforts of people is aimed at achieving specific planned results.
5) Managers have intellectual work. The product of the manager's work is the solution.
6) The work of managers is very diverse.
7) Managerial work is efficient. We can talk about the effect of management, expressed by a system of parameters characterizing the new state of production, achieved as a result of managerial influences. The control effect is manifested in the fact that the elements of the system are put into action and used in accordance with their purpose in the most rational way.

. Managerial work -it is the systematic activity of employees of administrative and management personnel, aimed at organizing, regulating, motivating and monitoring the work of employees of the organization. The content of managerial practice depends on the object and is determined by the structure of production processes, labor methods, its technical equipment, as well as the relationships that arise in the process of performing managerial functions.

Management activity - a specific type labor process. Managerial labor has its own characteristics in comparison with productive labor, as a result of which material values ​​are created. Management is first and foremost work with people, and their labor activity is the object of managerial influence. This is creative work, mainly mental, which is carried out by a person in the form of neuropsychic efforts. The process of mental labor consists of such elementary actions or operations as listening, reading, speaking, contacting, observing the action, thinking, drawing conclusions.

Managerial work - labor is unproductive. Participation in the creation of material wealth occurs indirectly, through the work of others. The product of managerial work is a decision, not goods and services, the subject is information.

. Manager's work- this is a purposeful specific type of mental activity to ensure effective work managed system

Figure 12. Characteristics of the content of managerial work

. Organization of manager's work should be understood as the process of preparing and implementing appropriate activities aimed at achieving the goals set for the system

. The subject of labor manager is information about control objects and the external environment

. The object of labor manager is the personnel of the managed system and the relations that develop in it in the process of performing certain functions

. By means of labor organization manager is a set of organizational and accounting equipment for receiving, fixing, transmitting, copying, reproducing, processing information that is necessary for the implementation of the systems management process

The work of a manager is different from the work of other employees of the systems management apparatus. She is creative. The manager must constantly own initiative look for ways to ensure the efficient operation of the controlled system and mobilize its person for this.

The manager is first of all the organizer of work of this or that system. He is always faced with the task of uniting the staff into a single whole and determining the strategic directions of its activities, coordinating the work of functional units and direct executors.

In the process of organizing labor, the manager performs such functions as forecasting, organization, planning, accounting, control and regulation. In a managed system, he is not only an organizer, but also an educator of staff. To do this, the manager applies the appropriate principles and methods of influencing people.

In conditions market economy rise sharply requirements for managers enterprises. They must constantly work on themselves in order to demonstrate high professional and true qualities in the process of performing their functions.

An analysis of the enterprise management process makes it possible to single out two interrelated components: functional-technological and organizational-human. On the functional and technological aspect of management, it is the object of study of such disciplines as technology, organization, marketing, etc.

Consider the features of managerial work

Like any other process, managerial work consists of the following main elements: the subject of labor (what is subject to influence, processing), the means of labor (what through which the impact is carried out), the process itself is a purposeful activity and result. These elements make it possible to determine the nature and characteristics of managerial work, regardless of the position of a managerial employee, field of activity, etc. simplified into a diagram, it can be represented as a system at the input of which information(subject - what the labor is directed to) to be processed inside the system intellect human through technical means management- computer and organizational technology (means of labor), and at the output - qualitatively new information or managerial solution(result of labor) (fig. 13)

Today, a qualified specialist, busy management activities are of great value. From how he carries out the organizational and technological preparation of production, the operational regulation of the activities of production units and individual performers, depends on labor productivity, the efficiency of using production assets, cost of production.

The nature of leadership is very diverse. He acts as an organizer, specialist, administrator, public figure and educator. Performing organizational and administrative functions, managers are also engaged in the search and preparation of new solutions. Their work is of a creative nature, characteristic of inventors, innovators, innovators of production.

Often different kinds activities of the leader are carried out in parallel, primarily in the application of educational and organizational work, and often simultaneously with creative work leader. The state of the organization of managerial work has certain disadvantages. main reason is that the labor of highly qualified specialists is not always used for its intended purpose. Thus, the standard amount of time to perform each function and the actual costs of its implementation, as a rule, do not coincide. This reflects the difference between the formal and content structure of workers' labor.

The effective operation of the administrative apparatus should ensure the reliable functioning of the management system, which would exclude accidental errors in information due to the bias of its preparation, census, or obstacles in its transmission and use.

The rapid growth and improvement of production lead to a sharp increase in the volume of managerial work, and the growth rate of labor productivity of managerial personnel cannot satisfy the growing needs of production. This gap must be reduced by further improving the methods and forms of organizational work, as well as the mechanization and automation of managerial robots.

One of the main issues of improving the organization of labor of managerial workers is the development of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor. Many experts pay considerable attention to the issue of the influence of the rubric on the moral and psychological climate of the team. As the level of the manager's position rises, the requirements for his professional and personal requirements increase. Somehow.

Therefore, a particularly urgent task is to improve the process of training and retraining of managerial personnel, strengthening control over their selection according to the business and personal qualities of employees, them. VVI abilities and inclinations to organizational work, strengthening control over the educational activities of a manager.

In the process of management, its subjects (managers) solve a variety of problems - organizational, economic, technical, socio-psychological, legal, etc. This diversity is also an important special opportunity for a manager's work.

Information is a specific subject of managerial work, in connection with which it has information nature. It combines creative, logical and technical operations associated with the processing of information, and the exchange of activities between the subject and the object of management, between the subjects of management is informational in nature, the achievement of management goals occurs through the preparation and implementation of the total management. Instance of influence on the team, on its labor activity, this is the specific result of managerial work. The main form of such influence is a managerial decision.

The adoption of managerial decisions is determined by a complex set of factors of internal and external environment who constantly create unusual situations. It is these circumstances that require from a person, and is engaged in managerial activities, qualities. Accepted by managers depend on their knowledge and experience, intuition, personal characteristics. If, when making decisions, all this set of qualities gets stuck, then we are talking about the art of management.

. Management work is characterized by:

1 saturation of actions (mostly short-term);

2. Variety of activities;

3 fragmentation of activity;

4 parts by outside interference;

5 wide network of contacts that go far beyond the working group;

6 predominance of verbal (oral) communication with others (up to 90%)

Analysis of managerial work indicates its functional heterogeneity. Compared with the labor of workers, it has its own essential features. First of all, it is mental work. There are three types of mental labor: i: heuristic, administrative and operator(fig. 14)

. heuristic labor- the creative component of mental activity. According to its functional purpose, it is characterized as a work on research, analysis and development of various issues (development of plans and analysis of their implementation, determination of directions for improving the design and composition of products, technology, organization of production and labor, decision social problems). In terms of content, the heuristic work of bandages is associated with the implementation of their analytical and constructive operations and is aimed at developing and making decisions.

. Administrative work- type of mental work, functional purpose which is the direct control of the activities and behavior of people. In terms of content, it is very diverse and includes the implementation of various organizational and administrative active operations - coordination, administrative, control. This type of mental labor is designed to ensure the coordination of the activities of individual participants and labor collectives.

. Camera work- this is work on the implementation of stereotypical (such constantly repeating) operations of a prescribed nature. In terms of content, this is information and technical work, including documentary operations (registration in. Document, their copying, reproduction, storage, processing of correspondence, etc.), primary settlement and accounting, data entry into. Computer, processing information according to a previously developed program, in the number of operations.

The advantage of certain types of mental loads to a large extent determines the specifics of the organization of managerial work in relation to the methods of performing work, types of norms, methods of regulation, conditions pr rats.

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