Information in inanimate nature presentation. Information processes in wildlife, society, technology

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Information and information processes in inanimate nature.

  • In physics, which studies inanimate nature, information is a measure of the ordering of the system on the chaos-order scale ... One of the basic laws of classical physics states that closed systems, in which there is no exchange of matter and energy with the environment, tend over time to move from a less probable ordered state to the most probable chaotic state.
  • For example, if a gas is placed in one half of a closed vessel, then after a while, as a result of chaotic movement, the gas molecules will uniformly fill the entire vessel. There will be a transition from a less probable ordered state to a more probable chaotic state, and the information, which is a measure of the ordering of the system, in this case will decrease.
  • In accordance with this point of view, physicists at the end of the 19th century predicted that our Universe will have a "thermal death", that is, molecules and atoms will eventually be evenly distributed in space and any changes and development will stop.
  • However, modern science has established that some of the laws of classical physics, which are valid for macro-objects, cannot be applied to the micro- and megaworld. According to modern scientific concepts, our Universe is a dynamically developing system in which processes of structure complication are constantly taking place.
  • Thus, on the one hand, in inanimate nature in closed systems, processes go from order to chaos (information in them decreases). On the other hand, in the process of the evolution of the Universe in the micro- and megaworld, objects with an increasingly complex structure appear, and, therefore, information, which is a measure of the ordering of the system's elements, increases.
  • We live in a macrocosm, that is, in a world that consists of objects comparable in size to a person. Usually, macro-objects are divided into non-living (stone, ice floe, etc.), living (plants, animals, man himself) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machines and mechanisms, computers, etc.).
  • Macrocosm. Gulliver in the land of the midgets
  • Macro objects are composed of molecules and
  • atoms, which, in turn, consist of elementary particles, the size of which is extremely small. This world is called
  • microworld
  • Microcosm. Hydrogen atom and water molecule.
  • We live on planet Earth, which is part of the Solar System, the Sun, along with hundreds of millions of other stars, forms our Milky Way galaxy, and billions of galaxies form the Universe. All these objects are enormous and form a megaworld.
  • Megaworld. solar system
Information and information processes in wildlife.
  • Life began on Earth about 3.5 billion years ago. Since then, there has been self-development, the evolution of living nature, that is, an increase in the complexity and diversity of living organisms. Living systems (unicellular, plants and animals) are open systems, as they consume from
  • environment
  • matter and energy and
  • thrown into it
  • products
  • life activity
  • also in the form of a substance and
  • energy.
  • Information as a measure of the increasing complexity of living organisms.
  • Living systems in the process of development are capable of increasing the complexity of their structure, i.e., increasing information understood as a measure of the ordering of the system's elements. Thus, plants in the process of photosynthesis consume the energy of solar radiation and build complex organic molecules from "simple" inorganic molecules.
  • Animals are picking up the baton of increasing complexity in living systems, eating plants and using plant organic molecules as building blocks to create even more complex molecules.
  • Biologists figuratively say that "living things feed on information," creating, accumulating and actively using information.
Information signals.
  • Information signals.
  • Normal functioning of living organisms is impossible without obtaining and using information about the environment. The expedient behavior of living organisms is based on the receipt of information signals. Information signals can be of different physical or chemical nature. These are sound, light, smell, etc.
  • Even the simplest unicellular organisms (for example, amoeba) constantly perceive and use information, for example, about temperature and chemical composition of the environment to choose the most favorable conditions for existence.
  • The survival of animal populations is largely based on the exchange of information signals between members of the same population. The information signal can be expressed in various forms: postures, sounds, smells, and even flashes of light (fireflies and some deep-sea fish exchange them).
Genetic information.
  • Genetic information.
  • One of the main functions of living systems is reproduction, that is, the creation of organisms of a given species. Reproduction of their own kind is ensured by the presence of genetic information in each cell of the body, which is inherited.
  • Genetic information is a set of genes, each of which is "responsible" for certain features of the structure and functioning of the body. At the same time, "children" are not exact copies of their parents, since each organism has a unique set of genes that determine differences in structure and functionality.
Human: information and information processes
  • About 40 thousand years ago, in the process of evolution of living nature, appeared reasonable man(translated from Latin "homo sapiens"). A person exists in the "sea" of information, he constantly receives information from the world around him with the help of his senses, stores it in his memory, analyzes it with the help of thinking and exchanges information with other people.
  • Vision - with the help of the eyes, information is perceived in the form of visual images;
  • Hearing - with the help of ears and hearing organs, sounds are perceived (speech, music, noise, etc.);
  • sense of smell - smells are perceived with the help of special receptors in the nose;
  • Taste - the receptors of the tongue allow you to distinguish between sweet, salty, sour and bitter;
  • Touch - the receptors of the skin (especially the fingertips) provide information about the temperature of objects and the type of their surface (smooth, rough, etc.).
Ways of perceiving information.
  • The largest amount of information (about 90%) a person receives through sight, about 9% through hearing and only 1% through other senses (smell, touch and taste).
  • A person stores the information received in the form of visual, auditory and other images in memory, processes it with the help of thinking and uses it to control his behavior and achieve his goals.
  • A person cannot live outside of society. In the process of communicating with other people, a person transmits and receives information in the form of messages. At the dawn of human history, sign language was used to convey information, then oral speech appeared. Currently, the exchange of messages between people is done using
  • hundreds of natural languages
  • (Russian, English, etc.).
Information in the form of messages.
  • In order for the information to be understandable, the language must be known to all people involved in communication. The more languages ​​you know, the wider your circle of communication.
  • Comprehensibility is one of the properties of information
Information in the form of knowledge.
  • From the very beginning of human history, the need arose to accumulate information for its transmission in time from generation to generation and transmission in space over long distances. The process of accumulating information began with the invention in the 4th millennium BC of writing and the first carriers of information (Sumerian clay tablets and ancient Egyptian papyri).
Information in the form of knowledge.
  • In order for a person to be able to navigate correctly in the world around him, the information must be complete and accurate.
  • Completeness and accuracy are two more properties of information.
  • The task of obtaining complete and accurate information about nature, society and technology is facing science. The process of systematic scientific cognition of the surrounding world, in which information is considered as knowledge, began in the middle of the 15th century after the invention of printing.
Information in the form of knowledge.
  • For long-term storage of knowledge (transmission from generation to generation) and their dissemination in society (replication), information carriers are needed. The material nature of information carriers can be different.
  • Until now, paper has been used as the main information carrier.
  • The term "mass media" is widely known - mass media (newspapers, radio, television), which bring information to every member of society.
  • Such information must be accurate, current and useful. These are properties of information that are important for the media.
Mass media.
  • Inaccurate information misleads members of society and can cause social upheaval. The irrelevant information has no application at the present moment in time, and therefore no one, except historians, reads last year's newspapers. Useless information creates information noise that makes it difficult to perceive useful information.
Information and information processes in technology Control systems for technical devices.
  • The functioning of control systems for technical devices is associated with information processes, i.e., the processes of receiving, storing, processing and transmitting information. Control systems can perform various functions.
  • Control systems are built into almost all modern household appliances, numerically controlled machines, vehicles, etc.
Control systems for technical devices.
  • In some cases, the main role in the control process is performed by a person, in others, control is performed by a microprocessor built into the technical device or a connected computer.
  • Robots are automatic devices designed to carry out industrial, scientific and other work. Robots can have different looks and sizes, but they all perform actions based on the information processing program embedded in them.
  • Industrial robots usually
  • replace a person in those industries that require tedious and repetitive work (for example, assembly line assembly of cars and electronic devices), hazardous technical work (for example, work with radioactive materials), as well as work where the presence
  • a person is physically impossible (for example, automatic
  • space and deep sea
  • devices).
  • In recent years, robots have appeared, equipped with sense organs similar to human senses (vision, hearing, tactile sensations), having a memory and capable of processing the information received and carrying out purposeful actions. Such robots can work at home (a robot vacuum cleaner is already being produced), in a hospital (experimental samples are being delivered to patients with medicines), on other planets (lunar rovers and rovers travel on the surfaces of celestial bodies), etc.
  • In the modern information society, the main resource is information, the use of which is based on information and communication technologies. Information and communication technologies are a collection of methods, devices and production processes used by society to collect, store, process and disseminate information.
Information and communication technologies.
  • In the second half of the last, XX century, due to the rapid growth in the volume of information, special technical devices began to be created for processing, storing and receiving / transmitting information in digital form.
  • A computer is a universal information processing device. Peripheral devices connected to a computer (printers, scanners, digital cameras, etc.) allow information to be entered into a computer in digital form and presented in a form convenient for humans. Modems and other network devices are used to transfer information over computer networks.
  • pp. 7 - 9 read
  • pp. 9-11 draw up a plan - a synopsis in a notebook on the last two points.
  • page 11 control questions at the end of paragraphs.

Is there information in inanimate nature, if you do not take into account the various techniques created by man? The answer to this question depends on the definition of the concept itself. The meaning of the term "information" has been repeatedly supplemented throughout the history of mankind. The definition influenced the development of scientific thought, the progress of technology and the experience accumulated over the centuries. Information in inanimate nature is possible if we consider this phenomenon from the point of view of general terminology.

One of the options for the definition of the concept

Information in the narrow sense is a message transmitted in the form of a signal from person to person, from person to automaton or from automaton to automaton, as well as in the plant and animal world from individual to individual. With this approach, its existence is possible only in living nature or in socio-technical systems. These include, among other things, such examples of information in inanimate nature in archeology, such as rock paintings, clay tablets, and so on. The carrier of information in this case is an object that clearly does not belong to living matter or technology, but without the help of the same person, the data would not have been recorded and stored.

Subjective approach

There is another way that is subjective in nature and arises only in the mind of a person when he endows the surrounding objects, events, and so on with some meaning. This idea has interesting logical implications. It turns out that if there are no people, there is no information, anywhere, including information in inanimate nature. Informatics in this version of the definition becomes the science of the subjective, but not the real world. However, let's not dig deep into this topic.

General definition

In philosophy, information is defined as an intangible form of movement. It is inherent in any object, since it has a certain meaning. Not far from this definition is the physical understanding of the term.

One of the basic concepts in the scientific picture of the world is energy. It is exchanged by all material objects, and constantly. A change in the initial state in one of them causes changes in the other. In physics, a similar process is considered as signal transmission. A signal, in fact, is also a message transmitted by one object and received by another. This is information. According to this definition, the answer to the question asked at the beginning of the article is unequivocally positive. Information in inanimate nature is a variety of signals transmitted from one object to another.

The second law of thermodynamics

A shorter and more precise definition: information is a measure of the orderliness of a system. Here it is worth recalling one of the According to the second law of thermodynamics, closed systems (these are those that do not interact in any way with the environment) always pass from an ordered state to a chaotic one.

For example, let's conduct a thought experiment: put gas in one half of a closed vessel. After a while, it will fill the entire provided volume, that is, it will cease to be ordered to the extent that it was. In this case, the information in the system will decrease, since it is a measure of order.

Information and entropy

It should be noted that in the modern sense, the Universe is not a closed system. It is characterized by processes of complication of the structure, accompanied by an increase in orderliness, and hence the amount of information. According to the Big Bang theory, this has been the case since the formation of the universe. Elementary particles appeared first, then molecules and larger compounds. Later, stars began to form. All these processes are characterized by the ordering of structural elements.

Forecasting the future of the Universe is closely related to these nuances. According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat death awaits it as a result of an increase in entropy, a value opposite to information. It can be defined as a measure of the disorder in the system. states that in closed systems the entropy always grows. However, modern knowledge cannot give an exact answer to the question of how applicable it is to the entire Universe.

Features of information processes in inanimate nature in a closed system

All examples of information in inanimate nature are united by common features. This is a one-stage process, the absence of a goal, the loss of quantity in the source with an increase in the receiver. Let's consider the named properties in more detail.

Information in inanimate nature is a measure of free energy. In other words, it characterizes the system's ability to do work. In the absence of external influence, every time chemical, electromagnetic, mechanical or other work is performed, an irreversible loss of free energy occurs, and with it information.

Features of information processes in inanimate nature in an open system

Under external influence, a certain system can receive information or a part of it, lost by another system. In this case, the first will have an amount of free energy sufficient to do the work. A good example is the magnetization of so-called ferromagnets (substances capable of being magnetized under certain conditions in the absence of an external magnetic field). They acquire similar properties as a result of a lightning strike or in the presence of other magnets. In this case, magnetization becomes a physical expression of the acquisition of a certain amount of information by the system. The work in this example will be carried out by a magnetic field. in this case they are single-stage and have no purpose. The latter property distinguishes them more than others from similar phenomena in living nature. Individual fragments, for example, of the magnetization process do not pursue any global goals. In the case of living matter, there is such a goal - this is the synthesis of a biochemical product, the transfer of hereditary material, and so on.

The law of nonincreasing information

Another feature in inanimate nature is that an increase in information in the receiver is always associated with its loss in the source. That is, in a system without external influence, the amount of information never increases. This position is a consequence of the law of non-decreasing entropy.

It should be noted that some scientists consider information and entropy as identical concepts with the opposite sign. The first is a measure of the orderliness of the system, and the second is the chaos. From this point of view, information becomes negative entropy. However, not all researchers of the problem adhere to this opinion. In addition, one should distinguish between thermodynamic and informational entropy. They are part of different scientific knowledge (physics and information theory, respectively).

Information in the microworld

Studying the topic "Information in inanimate nature" in the 8th grade of the school. At this point, students are still little familiar with quantum theory in physics. However, they already know that material objects can be divided into macro- and microcosm. The latter is a level of matter where electrons, protons, neutrons and other particles exist. Here the laws of classical physics are most often inapplicable. Meanwhile, information also exists in the microworld.

We will not delve into quantum theory, but it is still worth noting a few points. In the microcosm, as such, entropy does not exist. However, even at this level, during the interaction of particles, there is a loss of free energy, the same one that is necessary for the performance of work by any system and the measure of which is information. If the free energy decreases, so does the information. That is, in the microworld, the law of nonincreasing information is also observed.

Living and inanimate nature

Any examples of information in computer science studied in the eighth grade and not related to technology are united by the absence of a purpose for the achievement of which information is stored, processed and transmitted. For living matter, everything is different. In the case of living organisms, there is a primary purpose and intermediates. As a result, the whole process of receiving, processing, transferring and storing information is necessary for the transfer of hereditary material to descendants. Intermediate goals are its preservation through a variety of biochemical and behavioral reactions, which include, for example, maintaining homeostasis and orientation behavior.

Examples of information in inanimate nature indicate the absence of such properties. Homeostasis, by the way, minimizes the consequences of the law of nonincreasing information, which leads to the destruction of the object. The presence or absence of the described goals is one of the main differences between animate and inanimate nature.

So, you can find a lot of examples on the topic "information in inanimate nature": pictures on the walls of ancient caves, the work of a computer, the growth of rock crystal crystals, and so on. However, if we do not take into account the information created by man (various images and the like) and technology, objects of inanimate nature differ greatly in the properties of information processes occurring in them. Let's list them again: one-stage, irreversibility, lack of purpose, the inevitable loss of information in the source when it is transmitted to the receiver. Information in inanimate nature is defined as a measure of the orderliness of the system. In a closed system, in the absence of external influence of one kind or another, the law of nonincreasing information is observed.

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There is no generally accepted definition of information. The word "information" comes from the Latin word information, which means information, clarification, familiarization. In the most general case, "information" refers to information (data), knowledge that is perceived by a living creature or device and communicated (received, transmitted, transformed, compressed, decompressed, lost, found, registered) using signs. What is information? Informatics is the science of ways and methods of presenting, processing, transferring and storing information using a PC.

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Nowadays, humanity has accumulated a huge amount of information! It is estimated that the total amount of human knowledge until recently doubled every 50 years. Now the volume of information doubles every two years. Sources of information

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The world around us is full of all sorts of images, sounds, smells, and all this information is conveyed to a person's consciousness by his senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. With their help, a person forms his first idea of ​​any object, living creature, work of art, phenomenon, etc. People perceive visual information with their eyes; The hearing organs deliver information in the form of sounds; The sense of smell allows you to smell; The organs of taste carry information about the taste of food; The organs of touch provide tactile information. Perception of information

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Vision - the main source of information The largest amount of information (about 90%) a person receives with the help of sight, about 9% - with the help of hearing and only 1% - with the help of other senses (smell, touch and taste).

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People, exchanging information with each other, must constantly ask themselves questions: is it understandable, relevant and useful for others, whether the information received is reliable. This will allow you to better understand each other, find the right solution in any situation. In everyday life, the life and health of people, the economic development of society often depend on the properties of information. Socially significant properties of information

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in sign written symbolic in the form of text, numbers, various symbols (text of the textbook); graphic (geographic map); tabular (physics table); in the form of gestures or signals (traffic lights); oral verbal (conversation). Information can be presented in various forms:

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The human mind is the perfect tool for learning about the world around us. And human memory is an excellent device for storing information. However, for long-term storage of information, its accumulation and transmission from generation to generation, it is necessary to be able to store it not only in human memory. For this, external media are used: knots on ropes, notches on sticks, birch bark letters, letters on papyrus, paper. Finally, the printing press was invented and books appeared. The search for reliable and affordable ways of storing information continues to this day. Data storage

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Information and information processes in inanimate nature In closed systems, processes go from order to chaos (reduction of information). In open systems, as a result of evolutionary processes, objects of complex structure are created (information increases). Order Chaos Decrease information Order Chaos Increase information

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order chaos decrease in information In physics, information is a measure of the ordering of a system on the "chaos-order" scale. For example, if a gas is placed in one half of a closed vessel, then after some time, as a result of chaotic movement, gas molecules will uniformly fill the entire vessel.

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World Macrocosm Microcosm Megoworld The universe dynamically develops increasing information We live in a macrocosm, which consists of objects comparable in size to a person. Molecules, atoms, elementary particles Universe, milky way, solar system, Earth

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