Names of streets in honor of state, public and political figures. Former city names

Decor elements 25.09.2019
Decor elements

We present the readers to readers a dozen famous geographical objects of the world, named after the Orthodox Saints. Everyone is notable for their name itself, but has in their biography and other interesting features.

  • St. Petersburg

About this city, founded by Emperor Peter Great during the Northern War with Swedes in Izhora swamps, I heard every Russian. But not everyone thought about the fact that this great city, considered the "cultural capital" of Russia named after the Heavenly patron of the emperor - the Holy Apostle Paul.

The Apostle Peter was loved by the Lord for the stronger faith, for which he was allegorically nassed by "Peter" - "stone".

And Saint Petersburg began with a fortress dedicated to Peter and Paul - both apostles, a worshiped church as older among the apostolic fraternity.

The first Governor General of the city was the Duke of Izhora, Prince, Graph and Generalissimus Alexander Danilovich Menshikov. Almost two centuries there was the capital of our Motherland. The regiments of the Russian Guard were quartered here. Marine Corps, Admiralty, General Headquarters of the Army, Prazheski Corps, the School of Law, Synod and Senate, the most important plants and the base of the Baltic Fleet are located.

St. Petersburg is the first city of the right quarterly plan in Russia. It contains many shrines and beautiful temples, museums and galleries, parks and monuments. The city on the Neva is the second largest in Russia - it has more than 5,000,000 inhabitants.

  • São Paulo.

This city, the second of the largest in Brazil, was constantly rolled with Rio de Janeiro for the title of the capital, so Brazilians had to rebuild it aside from both. The city of St. Paul was recognized as the largest in the southern hemisphere, as there are more than 19,000,000 inhabitants.

São Paulo, located in the distance from Europe, was named after the second of the main apostles - St. Paul, who was known for his sermon among the pagans.

In Sao Paulo, many old buildings, museums and churches have been preserved. At the same time, São Paulo is one of the most modern cities, its main part is built up with high spirits from glass and metal.

The city was laid in 1554 by Jesuit Missionaries, which then had in South America big influence. They were ethnographic surveys among local population And they told the world about music and other arts of the Indians, and also described the local nature.

The local law faculty is the oldest in Brazil. The city is famous for the art and music center, and also constantly takes large scientific forums on its territory. There is something to see, especially at night when thousands of cafes work.

  • Bay of Saint Olga

Located in the south-east of the Primorsky Territory and communicates with Japanese sea. Named after the Holy equal to the Apostles Princess Olga, wise government Rus, the first of the princes of Christianity adopted.

Two rivers are falling into Olga Bay - Olga River and Avvakumovka River. Open it in 1857 by the famous steamer-Corvette "America" \u200b\u200bunder the command of N. M. Chikhacheva. In winter, the bulk of the bay does not freeze.

On the shore is the village of Urban Type Olga, the center of the Olginsky district of Primorsky Krai and Olginsky sea \u200b\u200bport. Before entering the Bay of Olga, there is a Chihacheva Island, a lighthouse is located on the island.

During the Great Patriotic War And the first postwar years on the shore of Olga Bay was located a division of naval aviation of the Pacific Fleet of the USSR.

  • Santa Barbara in California

Thoversty people remember that it was here that the famous series of Santa Barbara was shot, many years spinning in the post-Soviet space.

As you probably guessed, this small town on the west coast of the United States is named after the Holy Great Martyr Barbara, which is known for being a locked in the tower, by observing nature independently reached his thoughts about God and realized that he was guided by the law of love for everything Essential.

The first settlement on the site of the modern city was founded on December 4, 1786 as the mission of Spanish Franciscan.

Santa Barbara is located approximately 140 kilometers to the northwest of Los Angeles on the shore Pacific Ocean. From the northeast, the city surrounds the mountain range, some peaks of which exceed the height of 1000 meters above sea level, protecting the settlement from continental winds.

This resort town is a favorite refuge of many stars and tourists.

  • Arkhangelsk

The historic center and until the beginning of the 20th century, the main port of all Russian north. Located on both shores of the Northern Dvina and Delta Islands, 30-35 km from the place of the river in the White Sea. Lives in the city about 350,000 people.

Arkhangelsk is based on the decree of Ivan the Terrible in 1584 near the Mikhailo Arkhangels Monastery, therefore, it was named after Arkhangel Mikhail's Heavenly Force ArchReart, who launched from heaven rebelled against God Satan.

From the late 80s of the XVI century, Arkhangelsk became the center of Russian foreign tradewho brought up to 60% of the revenues of the state treasury. Trade growth was accompanied by the development of the city. Pomeranian Kochi and carbasses were built here - special Pomeranian ships adapted for driving in ice.

It was from here that many northern expeditions were launched, who had passed the Northern Seaway, who opened the Bering Strait, Grumant (now Svalbard) and other Northern Islands.

The city has always had a strong fishing fleet, feeding the population and supplied by many areas of Russia (remember the fishing conversations with which Lomonosov came to Moscow).

IN late XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century, Arkhangelsk has become the largest forestry and forest-exporting center of the country, and during the Great Patriotic, the caravans of allies took.

  • Big Yakimanka

Few residents of Moscow think why this street of our capital is named after whom is named, and meanwhile she wears the names at once both parents Blessed Virgin Mary - Joacima and Anna.

Street passes from the Yakiman embankment to Kaluga Square and is part of the historic center of Moscow.

The name of the street received at the end of the XVII century by name, by the name of Joacima and Anna Annunciation Church, located on it until 1933, when the Bolsheviks were demolished.

In ancient times, Bondari lived here, and when Ivan Grozny, apartments soldiers of the hired regiments were located. Yakimanka is one of the few streets that was practically not touched by a 1812 fire.

In addition to the Church of Ivan the Warrior, the temples of St. Marona and Nikola in Golutvaine have been preserved on Yakimanka to this day (the famous priest Dmitry Smirnov is urged there.

  • Saint Helena Island

Absolutely all schoolchildren know that this island after the loss in the war was exiled, France Napoleon Bonaparte. But not everyone is aware that some of the leaders of the boots after the Anglo-Borc War were referred here.

Named in honor of the Holy Equal-Apostles Empress Elena - Mother of Emperor Konstantin the Great, who found the main Christian shrines - the cross of Christ, nails, a thorns and other instruments of passion.

Located in Atlantic Ocean 2,800 kilometers west of Africa and is part of the overseas ownership of the UK. Before the construction of the Suez Canal, the island was a punt replenishment and repairs for ships on their way to the Indian Ocean.

Live here just over 4,000 people. Saint Helena Volcanic Origin. In the southern part of it there are several extinct craters with a height of up to 818 m.

The local population is mainly engaged in fishing, livestock breeding and sales of handicrafts and tourist services arriving at Napoleon Links.

  • Saint-Denis in Paris

This area of \u200b\u200bthe Freservation capital is famous for its triumph arch and an ancient abbey, who mentioned in the "Three Musketeers" Alexander Duma.

Saint-Denis is named after the patron saint of the city - St. Dionysia Paris, whom some are identified with the Apostle Dionisia Areopagitis - a student of the Apostle Paul and the first Bishop of Athens.

Here in the first century there was an ancient Roman settlement called Katulliac. And the first temple here was built even at the beginning of the V century.

In the King of Dagobre I, the monastery of the Benedictians was founded here, and in 630 Basilica was rebuilt and became the main temple of the monastery. 25 French kings were buried here (from Dagobhera I), 10 queens and 84 prince and princesses.

From 1815, in the building of the old abbey, founded in 1801 Napoleon in Ekuan Institute for the daughters and sisters of cavaliers of the Order of the Honorary Legion. Now this is a national architectural monument.

In the last century, the same quarter adjacent to the Abbey became the refuge of migrants from Africa and the Arab countries and now even the police look here with caution.

  • Osters of St. Martin

This island, which is part of the Caribbean Archipelago, is the name of the Heavenly patron of France Martin Tour. Saint is famous for its personal piety, active missionary activities and charity.

The island of St. Martin is the most small inhabited island in the world, simultaneously managed by two independent governments. The northern part of the island is the overseas community of France Saint-Martin, and South is a self-governing state with a significant autonomy consisting of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and is called Sint Martin.

After the opening of the island of Christopher Columbus in 1493, the ownership of the local Aravakov tribe was renamed Saint-Martin, and on November 11 - the day of application of the island on the map of the world was to reckon with his public holiday. After a half century, the first settlements of the French and the Dutch, who beat off the coconut paradise in the first colonizers appeared here.

A little more than 74,000 people who are busy in the tourist sphere live on the island. Here is your airport, which occupies a solid part of the island. The landing in it is considered one of the hardest, because it is adjacent to the seabed, and the aircraft are forced to sit literally above the heads of tourists vacationers on the beach, while the length of the band is only 2300 meters.

  • Santiago de Compostela

The town in the northeast of Spain, who became the place of pilgrimage of many believers because of the legend, that it was here that the relics of the Apostle James Zeyadeeva are resting - the brother of the Apostle John the Godlov. Here the famous "Path of St. Jacob" ends.

In honor of this apostle, the town itself, in which almost 95,000 people live, and his chief cathedral.

In 896-899, the king of Alfons III issued a decree, and a small church was built on the place of finds above the relics. The place itself was called compostela means " Place marked with star ». It is believed that the Holy Jacob was wonderfully Spaniards during the battles with the Moors, and therefore became the patron saint of Spain and reconquists.

In addition to a huge cathedral in the city there are two monasters, a university and several museums, and the inhabitants live not only from tourism, but also seriously engaged in pharmaceutics.

Andrei Stemteda

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Name of famous people

Many geographical names are associated with the names of the outstanding people of our country.

The name of the immortal Lenin - the founder of the Communist Party and the Soviet state is called the city of Petrograd (previously Petersburg), the cradle of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Leningrad today is known to people around the world.

In honor of Vladimir Ilyich, named Ulyanovsky his hometown Simbirsk. Lenin's name is assigned to some other cities and working villages, mountain tops, artificial rivers (channels).

Two cities on the Volga (in the Saratov region) are named after the creators of the scientific communism of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Another manifestation of the internationalism of our party and the people was recent assignment of the three Soviet cities of the names of outstanding figures of the International Communist and Work Movement - Maurice Toreza, Palmyir Togliatti and George Georgiu-Dej.

The names of a number of other prominent figures of the Communist Party and the Soviet state are also captured in the names of the cities: Sverdlovsk, Kuibyshev, Kalinin, Kaliningrad, Dzerzhinsk. On the legendary heroes of the Civil War resemble the names of Chapaevsk, Shchors, Lazo, Kotovsk. One of the largest cities on the Volga is the name of the great proletarian writer Alexey Maximovich Gorky. The names of Pushkin and Belinsky are assigned to the cities with which their life is associated.

The Ukrainian city of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky is based on more than a thousand years ago. At first he was called just Pereyaslav - in honor of the victory of the Russian warrior in a duel with a giant-peek. "Further's Rusky Ruster Powder from Giant," the chronicle says about this event. In 1654, Pereyaslavskaya Rada took place here, at which the Ukrainian people expressed their will to reunite with fraternal Russia. In 1943 to commemorate this event in 1943, the name of the great son of the Ukrainian people Bogdan Khmelnitsky was joined, and the Old Town began to be called Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky.

In honor of one of the most prominent revolutionaries, Dagestan Makhacha (the real name of Dahadaev) was named the capital of Dagestan. The literal name of Mahach Kala means the city of Mahacha.

The great honor was provided by scientists, researchers, travelers who enriched our domestic science with outstanding discoveries.

The Russian landline and industrialist Erofee Pavlovich Khabarov in 1649-1652 made several campaigns in the Amur region, made a great contribution to the study of the Amur basin. In the places where he passed, subsequently arose small settlements that served military posts. One of these posts appeared in 1858 was called brewing-in honor of Erofey Pavlovich Khabarova. And in 1893, the swabbarovka was renamed Khabarovsk. The Railway Station Yerofee Pavlovich also named the name of the famous landowner.

If you look at the geographical map, we will meet such names like Michurinsk, Przhevalsk, Barents Sea, the Sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev, the Strait of Wilkitsky, Bering Sea, Bering Strait.

It is curious that Beringov shed with their discovery is obliged to hear. The Portuguese navigator Marco Polo suggested that there is a so-called Anian Strait, allegedly dividing Asian and American mainland. The intended assumption of Peter I decided to check his reality. He equipped the Bering Kamchatka expedition, which really found the strait on the site of the alleged one. Now this strait is called Bering.

Important discoveries Our compatriot, Russian scientist, honorary academician Yu. M. Shokalsky replenished the world geographical science. He first proved that all seas and oceans globe Make up the United Great World Ocean. And science noted this merit. Two straits, two islands, are named after Schocalsky, social flow and glacier.

To our national pride, it should be said that the names of Russian scientists and researchers are repeatedly found on geographic maps of the whole world.

Numerous names on maps are honorary monuments to the glorious sons of our country.

With the name of the famous Navigator Vespucci, Florentine on the origin, which was in the service of Spanish, and then the Portuguese king, is associated with the name of the American continent. Amerigo Vespucci in 1499-1504 took several swimming pools during which he visited the northern part South America And called it with a new light. By the name Vespucci, the new continent was named America. According to justice, it would be necessary to call it the name of Christopher Columbus, who opened America for another seven years before Vespucci swims - in 1492.

However, he was also not forgotten. The name of Columbus is called the state in the northwestern part of South America and even eleven settlements, states, districts, hills and pridins.

The city of the USSR, named after people, will not cause the slightest surprise from our compatriot. We all have been accustomed to such a tradition in the names of administrative territories and geographical objects. The countless streets of Vladimir Lenin are fully understood, Fyodor Dostoevsky Boulevards and Vladimir Putin's avenues. In the overwhelming majority of cases of the city of the USSR, named after people, are the names of the prominent communist figures of the first generations. At the same time, the habit of giving such names existed in Russian society and in long-standing times. It suffices to recall the same Petrograd or Ekaterinoslav. And even earlier, Vladimir, laid by Prince Monomakh, who gave him a name. Some cities former USSR Our names are not statesmen, but representatives of culture, which is also quite common and good for national memory. On some interesting examples We take such settlements in the given text.

Cities of the USSR, named after people: perpetuated government figures

Joseph Stalin

Perhaps the "leader of peoples" in this sense used the greatest popularity. List of cities of the USSR, who worn in different time His name is not that it is impossible to count, but it exceeds a similar tribute to any other policy:

  • Stalino: Until 1923, Yuzovka, and from 1955 he became Donetsk.
  • Stalinir, and since 1961 Tskhinval (city, located in Georgia).
  • Stalinobad - Modern wore this name until turned into Dushanbe.
  • Stalingrad is a city that has become an insurmountable obstacle for the armies of course, the most famous of this Pleiad.

In addition, not only in the USSR of the city was called in honor of his leader. There were such both in fraternal so, a large Bulgarian port of Varna in a period of time was also called - Stalin. The modern Polish Katowice had a name to Stalingrud, and the Hungarian city of Dunuywaros was ten years old.


Not everyone knows but this russian city Also named after the communist revolutionary. Modern wears the name of the local party owner of the time of the revolution Makhach Dahadaev.


But the name of this city is a kind of response. He is named after the Secretary-General of the Italian Communist Party in the year of death of the latter. Until 1964, the city was called Stavropolem-on-Volga.

Cities of the USSR, named after people: the memory of cultural figures

This list is also impressive in its full. In Georgia there are the city of Mayakovsky, Rustaveli, in Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk and Khmelnitsky, Chekhov, Tchaikovsky and other cities of Russia.

Przhevalsk, Kyrgyzstan

Interestingly, and to which list it would be worth attributing a small Kyrgyz town (with a population of just over sixty thousand), wearing from 1889 to 1922 and from 1939 to 1992, the name of the famous Russian traveler and naturalist, whose name for the irony of fate more glorified the horse, and Not a city?

Names of streets in honor of the famous people

but) scientific figures:


Dokuchaev Vasily Vasilyevich (1846 - 1903) -Russian scientist, prominent scientist, who wrote a lot of work on soil science.


Named in honor of the famous physician, professor and public figure S. P. Botkin.

Botkin Sergey Pavlovich (1832 - 1889). In 1855, Botkin was engaged in a number of medical clinics abroad and in Russia. He was an honorary member of the Moscow and Kazan universities, 35 Russians and 9 foreign medical societies.


Ukhtomsky Alexey Alekseevich (1875-1942) - Russian physiologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1935). Laureate of Lenin Prize (1932). The creator of the doctrine of dominant, the author of many works on physiology.


Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1711-1765) - the first Russian scientist-naturalist of world importance, chemist and physicist, founder physical chemistry, astronomer, instrument-making, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet who laid the foundations of modern Russian literary language, artist, historian, advocate for the development of domestic education, science and economy, founder of molecular-kinetic theory, glass science. Developed a Moscow project state University, Subsequently named in his honor. Opened the presence of the atmosphere from Venus.


Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) - Russian scientist and public figure. Chemist, physicochemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, aeronaut, encyclopedist. One of the most famous discoveries - Periodic law of chemical elements.

b) russian Flotovodians

Admiral Nakhimov

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich (1802-1855) -Russian fleet, admiral, hero of Sevastopol defense. During the Great Patriotic War on March 3, 1944, Nakhimov's Medal and Order Nakhimov 1st and 2nd degree were approved.

Admiral Ushakova

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich (1744 - 1817) - Russian Flotodets, Admiral, Member of Russian turkish war 1787. During the Patriotic War, 1812 was elected head of the militia of the Tambov province.

Street names in honor of state, public and political figures

Antonova Ovseenko

Antonova-Ovseyenko Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1883-1939) - Member of ADRP since 1902. Active participant October revolution. In the years civil War He was the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian fleet.

Karl Marx

Karl Henry Marx (1818- 1883) - German philosopher, economist, political journalist. His scientific works and publications have formed dialectical and historical materialism in philosophy, in the economy - theory surplus valueIn politics - the theory of class struggle. These directions became the basis of the communist and socialist movement and got the name "Marxism".


Kikvidze Vasily Ishidorovich (1895-1919) - an active participant in the Civil War. Commanded near the parts of the south-western front.


Lavrov Andrey Sergeevich (1886-1936) - a Communist Party since 1905, from the spring of 1921, the Chairman of the Council of Workers and Peasant Deputies of the Tambov province.


Violet Ivan Timofeevich (1883-1918) - a participant in the struggle for the Soviet power in Azerbaijan. On April 25, 1918, the member of the Baku Council of People's Commissars, in the affairs of the national economy.


Schlichter Alexander Grigorievich (1868-1940) - Soviet state leader, doctor economic Sciences. From 1920 to 1921, Shlichter was the chairman of the Tambov Gubspolkom.


Ernst Telman (1886-1944) - German and M. International labor movement.


Armovich Grigory Aleksandrovich (1890-1918) -n the Communist Party since 1907.


On November 25, 1911, the City Duma assigned her name Gavryushenskaya. March 16, 1938 was renamed Volodarsky Street.

Volodarsky Moses Markovich (1881-1919) - an active participant in the armed uprising in Petrograd, was a member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee, the Bolshevik agitator.


On February 27, 1951, the newly designed street was named after Kotovsky Grigoria Ivanovich.

Kotovsky Grigory Ivanovich (1881-1925) - Soviet military and politician, participant of the civil war.


Named in honor Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevskogo (1828-1889) - a revolutionary democrat, writer, literary criticism and publicist.


Frunze Mikhail Vasilyevich (1885-1925) - party, state and military leader. Active participant of the revolution of 1905-1907 and the October Revolution.


On May 25, 1953, the executive committee of the city council, the newly educated street called the name Dobrolyubov. Named in honor of the Democrat revolutionary, philosopher, literary criticism Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubova (1836-1861).

Boris Vasilyeva

Vasilyev Boris AfanasyevichSince 1904 a member of the Bolshevik Party. From 1921 to 1922 He worked as secretary of the Tambov Sponge.

August - Bebel

August - Bebel(1840 - 1913) - the prominent figure of the German and international Movement, founder and head of the German Social - Democracy and II International. The author of the famous book "Woman and Socialism".


Chikhanov Mikhail Dmitrievich (1889-1919) - In March 1918, he was elected chairman of the city executive committee of the provincial council.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky

On April 9, 1957, the executive committee of the city council called the newly educated street in memory of the outstanding Ukrainian statesman and the commander, the hetman of Ukraine, who actively promoted the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595 - 1667).


Ieronim Petrovich Kalievich (Full surname: Kalievich-Guiborevich) - Military and politician, commander of the 1st rank. In January-February 1918, the commander of the Red Guard squad in Bessarabia, fought against the Romanian and Austria-German troops, was captured, captured.


Kuibyshev Valerian Vladimirovich (1888-1935) - prominent Soviet party and statesman. He headed the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power in the Samara province.


Urbanions are the world's most mobile and variable toponic vocabulary, they contain a large amount of information about traditions, indices, peculiarities of mentality and peculiarities characterizing this or that language community.

Chapter II, when considering and analyzing urbanions, is associated with the study of own names and determining the status of urbanonim in toponymy and onomastics. Here attempted the theoretical and linguistic and cultural understanding of the specifics of the names of intracity objects.

I was analyzed 80 units. As a result of the research conducted by me, it was revealed:

55 single-main and 25 single-maintenance units.

23 Street names in honor of the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

The names of the streets in honor of the famous creative figures, of these, 18 writers, 1 painter and 1 musician.

Street names in honor famous people, Of these, 7 scientific leaders and 2 Russian fleets.

28 titles of streets in honor of state, public and political figures.

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