What to do if yellowing thuja in the summer. Tui processing against diseases and pests - turn the thuly and what to do

Gardening 03.06.2019

How to care for Tuya in the garden so that it is a lush and green?

Want to admire beautiful green plants on the plot, then you need to know how to care for the tau so that it does not shy or not shifted.

It happens that Tuya loses its color, pomp and beauty after winter or landing, and many beginner gardeners do not know how to return the health of conifers. To avoid mistakes and learn how to properly contain garden plotIt is necessary to remember and apply the rules of agrotechnology when cultivating coniferous plants.

Depending on when the Tui landing was carried out, will be carried out further care. The correct landing and the selected room for the conifer will be the starting points of follow-up, these two important factors have a huge impact on the state of plants in the future.

For the Tui, planted in spring and summer, first of all, careful watering once every seven days, subject to warm, but not hot days. If the weather is solar, hot air is hot, increase the watering to two times a week.

The volume of water introduced under the shrub should be at least one bucket in conventional conditions, In extreme - two. Large quantity fluids will be required to adult and great Plantand in cases where a transplant was made.

The first month of growth of the Tui is accompanied by a mandatory sprinkle, in which the revelation of pores and the plant begins to breathe, it will be possible to feel thin coniferous smell. The scaly needles of the thuy actively evaporates moisture, therefore it constantly needs feeding with water.

Spray once a week, in sunny hot days, sprinkle is required every day. Better time The irrigation of the plants is considered evening, after sunset, but in the morning, if a couple of hours will be not in the sunshine.

Thuy after landing in the fall require watering and sprinkling in the same volumes as spring seedlings. A young plant needs to be scored enough moisture to get well, if autumn rainy and protracted, watering should stop or reduce the amount. The abrasion of moisture for a period of more than two weeks can lead to a disease of the Tui.

Feelable after landing there is no need, the corresponding feeders were supposed to be entered during planning. If for any reason, fertilizers were not introduced, and the soil on the site is poor on trace elements, then it is better to feed the plant, but it is possible to do this in the spring and summer.

When applying fertilizers in the fall, the Tui will begin to develop shoots and twigs that will not have time to form for the winter, with severe frosts they may die.

After landing, it is best to fow the zircon solution, the drug stimulates the formation of the roots, improves water absorption and nutrient elements Plant. Fungicidal and antiviral zircon properties will protect the conifers from diseases, viruses on initial stages development.

Care for Thuy at different times of the year

The care of the thia begins after the winter, lasts all the spring and summer, ends in deep autumn. According to many gardeners, the plant is unpretentious and can grow with minimal attention, but in the process of cultivation there are a number of significant problems: Thuy after winter is dry, blackened, yellowing after a transplant, how to water what to get to and what to do with it? There are answers to all these questions, consider the most common and most important.

When to open the thuu after the winter?

It is not necessary to remove the shelter from the plants immediately with the advent of the first rays of the Sun, especially for young seedlings, the growing first year. Make sure the land around the thuu tuttered and warmed up a little, then remove the underfloor material. Opening earlier, there is a risk of yellowing the Tui, since the warm sun will cause the growth of twigs and shoots, root system The sober in the frozen soil will be at rest, and the water exchange is broken.

What if the thuja wish after the winter?

Before proceeding with active actions, you need to find the reason for the yellowing of green twigs and shoots, there may be several of them:
Spring burning of the coniferous part of the plant. A fairly common phenomenon to avoid this, the plants are pronounced in February in February, and not in April, when the snow melts. Do not use dense tissues and matter for the shelter of the car, march and mosquito net are quite suitable.

Spunbond is not suitable, as it misses the ultraviolet rays that are most dangerous for the thuu in the spring. Not necessary coniferous plants "Bug in a fur coat", greenhouse effect Inside only worsen the state of green handsome. If the moment is missed in early spring Pour the seedlings with warm water and spray plants with an eco-cell biostimulator to accelerate growth. With the beginning of the summer you will need to cut the burnt twigs;

in the photo - yellowed thuja

The rooting of the roots occurs when water stuck on a plot or closely arranged groundwater. Excessive moisture In the soil, there may be a source of not only yellow needles, but also mold on Tue. If the plants were in the water for a short time, remove the bad twigs with the help of a secaterator, gently shallowly braid the earth around the trunk, trying not to hurt the root system.

Treat with any antifungal drug, crown and branches spray with a zircon or epic for growth stimulation. In the case of a close embedding of the groundwater, it must be transplant to another place, since with time the roots will grow even more, the plant will die from the excess of moisture;

If the thua after the winter has been soooed, most likely that the fungal infection approached. Cut all the bad branches and treat the drug Xome, when the fungus is reappeared, process again. The concentric circles of the Tui can be poured with a solution of fundamental or other fungicide. Black plant may in the event if his pets are taken, protect the plant and treat with any fungicide.

In spring and summer, as in the fall, thus watered as after landing, given weather And observing the time frame. The tuy bearing starts early in the spring, ends in the second half of August, so as not to cause the growth of shoots to winter.

In the first year of life, the plants are not faded, then fertilizers are made as needed. Use complex fertilizers for tui, such as osmocotes (10-15 grams per bus) or Kemira-Universal (100 grams per 1 m² of landings).

Please note:

We planted with my husband the beautiful in the quality of the living hedge in the country area. Thought that there will be no concerns with her - I planted and that's it. But Winter passed and we noticed that this evergreen thuua suddenly yellowed, and in some places and at all brown became! Not immediately, but we were able not only to identify the cause of the disease, but also to cure our thi.

Now she again pleases us with their healthy and well-groomed look! In this article, I want to tell you what might be sick after the winter, how to cure it, as in the future it is to secure from diseases and pests. Then your thua will round year delight your evergreen beauty!

Initially, it is necessary to find out whether it is not for your Tui variety annual yellowing. There is such a grade of the Tui, whose needle darkens before the onset of the winter season, thus getting ready for winter to make it easier to transfer the cold. With the onset of spring, she again returns its green color.

If you notice that Tuya periodically turns at the bottom of the crown, then do not be scared, it is a natural process for her. In this case, it will be enough to remove yellow processes.

If you often water it, which was recently planted, as well as move the pot with her all over cottage plot Or put under the scorching rays of the sun, then it will soon please.

Also, her damage can be damaged, making a subcople to her roots or sprinkling her chew. Therefore, animals undesirable to let the young tue.

Spring sunny rays

One of the main reasons for the yellowing of the conifers of the Tui can be a spring sun, whose rays are reflected from the snow that has not yet been miserable, by increasing their intensity. It is not surprising that Tui, only waking up from winter cold, in the spring often gets sunburn.

It can be saved only with the help of underfloor material that will protect it from sun ray. Any burlap, fir branches or kraft paper can be used as a covering material.

It is preferably preferably at the end of winter, if there is no bleaching material for the entire shrub, then you can only cover off with sunny side. But do not close it completely, it should have access to air.

If she has already received a burn, then in this case it needs to be hidden in the shadow and more often water. Over time, she will definitely increase their cheva and return the original green color.

Fungal diseases

Like many plants, conifers are also subjected to fungal diseases, from which their needles can get caught and fall. Therefore, first of all, after landing in the soil, it needs to be treated with antifungal solution from Fundazola.

In the decades of the water bucket, ten grams of the drug are poured and mixed well. This solution is preferably periodically watering. But it can be replaced by bordrian liquid.

Brown shoots

This is the name of the fungus, which causes brown shoots. When Tui is amazed by this fungus, it becomes brown very quickly. In this case, it is important to notice the disease on time and immediately remove infected branches.

Then add a fertilizer to the root and sprinkle with limestone on top. After every two weeks from June to November, the entire Kronu of Tui needs to spray 0.2% "Fundazole".


She often amazes young chew, just recently planted. The needle acquires dark brown and everything is covered with red dots. In this case, the affected branches need to cut and burn. And the plant is treated with copper-containing drugs.

In order for a rust in the future, it is desirable to periodically process it with this drug. It does not prevent additional watering under the root of "Fundazol".


It is very dangerous funguswhich completely destroys the coniferous plant. By the time of this disease, the needles becomes gray, tangible fades, and the barrel, which affects the strongest, becomes soft to the touch and is covered with a raid.

If the shrub appeared nasty smell, then this is the signal that the fungus is already penetrating the roots. In this case, the plant must be pulled out and destroy. After that, the Earth needs to carefully treat the fungus from disputes so that the neighboring plants do not get sick.

Therefore, during the Tui landing at the bottom of the pit, it must be drainage that does not allow moisture in the soil. So that the thua is not amazed by this fungus, it periodically needs to spray "Fundazole".


In addition to fungal diseases, if it does not care for it, insect pests can attack, from which it can die.

In this case, you need to carefully examine the branches and the thieves of the thuly carefully, as insects are often very small and their unarmed look difficult to notice.



On the presence of leaflerting on Tue, small cocoons attached to the chevings with a web. This is very little insect For the month it can easily destroy it, eating her. To get rid of the leaflement, you need an affected shrub to treat insecticides in May, June and July.


If you found yellow brown on the bottom of the chewing small insects, not more than three millimeters in length, then this is a false thing, the most dangerous pestwhich is short term Can destroy a whole shrub.

If there are few them, it is simply believed from the branches and the bark. And if there are a lot of them, it will only help insecticide spraying. In order to falsify the early spring, as soon as snow comes down, did not attack it, the barrel is wrapped in burlap.

Mol Pestry

Tuya does not eat Mol Pestry, but her larvae, whom she puts out in the hiookees. The larva themselves are very small, do not exceed four millimeters.

Usually she puts the eggs in June, so this month and July, the shrub is necessarily sprayed with drugs containing pyrethroids so that the Mol Pestry woman settled on Tui. But if the thua has already managed to attack and damage the top of the shrub, it remains only to cut, and the rest of the crown is treated with the drug.

Cobed tick

If the needles turned out to be an enlarged web, and small red insects run on the branches and chemicals, it means that it was attacked by a web tick, an incredibly fruitful pest, which is difficult to get rid of it.

He appears on plants suffering from drought in a hot summer and sucks the latest juices from them.

Therefore, so that the same web tick does not visit, it is necessary to water it into hot summer. To get rid of the tick, the plant needs to be sprayed with a tincture of garlic. But if the tick has already managed to reproduce huge offspring, but in this case only acaricides will help.


If you have noticed that Tuya began to root often and stopped growing, her branches began to dry out, see her roots, the likelihood is that you will see small golden worms there. This is a wire, which harms the roots of the shrub, destroying his immunity.

To get rid of the wire, late autumn you need to step up the soil around the plant, drain and deoxide the earth. If the wire is a lot, then in the soil is stirred with means containing diazine.


If there were numerous small gray-brown insects on the shoots, then this is a wave that likes to eat a juice of a tree, bringing it to the state of drying.

If the tli is not very much, then it can be eliminated with the help of soapic coofing. It must be done weekly, closing the soil by a waterproof film so that the soap solution is penetrated into the roots.

If the pests are a lot, that even the kneading does not help, in this case, the spraying of shrubs by any insecticides will help to get rid of them.

So that no pest insects wanted to settle on your Tue, in the late spring, as soon as the snow comes up, boys worships preferably spray "Fufanon".

Repeat spraying you need twice a month before late autumn. In the hot summer spray better early in the morning or late in the evening. And do not forget when spraying, we have a protective suit and close the face of the protective mask.

Landing and care

Many novice gardeners allow the same mistake in landing Tui, having its roasting neck too deep in the ground or leaving on fresh air. And then they forget about drainage at the bottom of the pit. Because of this, the immunity of the coniferous shrub falls, and its roots are amazed by rot.

And also undesirable to plant the same next to groundwaterSince her roots will be installed, it will lead to drying and dying off the branches. Thuya is not a moisture-loving plant.

It is not recommended to plant too close to each other, as they will touch the branches and feel closely, in connection with which they can stop their own growth and throw a housing. The distance between them should be at least meter.

Soil landing should not be too dense, acid, wet, poor minerals. The soil must consist of a delicate land with the addition of peat.

If the above errors have been made, then the coniferous plant is better to transplant in more a good place And do not forget about drainage. First time after the transplantation it is better to strengthen it from the scorching sun, to give the plant to calmly adapt in a new place.

And be sure to climb the land around it with sawdust or peat. Water once a week during the first month, and then less often.

Thuja is a tree of coniferous plants, which means that it refers to the list of evergreen. That is why it can be observed "in all its glory" as in summer periodAnd in winter.

However, sometimes its natural greens is violated, and today we will deal with why the thuja in the fall and what to do in such a situation.

Why does Tuyu shy in autumn

One of the answers to the question of why the Thuja Smaragd turns in the fall is the end of the life of coniferous leaves of a tree. The fact is that the leaves of these evergreen trees have their own "shelf life", or their life expectancy, if they liberate. Of course, the life of conifers is not short, and sometimes reaches 6 years. However, on average, it fluctuates between the indicators in 3-6 years.

Of course, after the expiration of the life of the needles, the tree does not die, only the complete loss of chlorophille grains occurs, after which the coniferous leaves of the tree die, and they, as a result, replace new, fresh and green. However, for the replacement process of leaves for new, it takes some time, so see again green Tree It will be possible only at the end of the winter.

Why yellowing thuja in the trunk in autumn

Another problem with the yellowing of the Tui may be associated with the advent of yellowness directly at the tree trunk. If you have noticed a similar problem in the trees on your site, it is practically guaranteed the reason for its appearance can be considered the presence of stem rot. Carefully check the trunks of trees for the presence of rot, and if you find the presence, immediately proceed to its elimination.

Why yellow thuja smaragd inside in autumn

The last problem associated with the yellowing of the Tui Smaragd, which we planned to consider today is the yellowing of the tree inside. This trouble may also be familiar with many gardeners and people who have such in the private site. coniferous shrubs.

However, stem pests are often the reason for the appearance of such trouble. The presence of all sorts of insects in the tree of the tree, such as, for example, Loubohed, is quite capable of bringing the tree to turn yellowing from the inside.

The pests fall to the tree trunk through the holes in the cortex, and then begin to spoil it. To eliminate such a nuisance, it is necessary to process the trunk using carbofos, as well as use others antiseptic means For trees.

When the car is black, can only be two reasons for this:

1 Impact on the housing of animal feces like cats and dogs.
2 fungal diseases

On the photo on the left - the result of the effects of animal defects, as the contact zone is clearly tracked. In the differentiation of two mentioned reasons for the blaracting of the Tui, an experienced monitoring of the duration and progression of the process, the presence of visible arrangements of mushrooms or fungal plates, the presence of neighboring sections of the defeat of a different character, presence in your or neighboring yard of animals (Believe me, you will not see when they Make your favorite one). It also happens that the blackening of the Tui is associated with both aforementioned reasons.

Handled thuja - what to do. Before finding out the exact reasons for the blackening of the needle, it can go through the time for which the state of the Tui may worsen. Therefore, in any case, apply a single or double spraying of thuuy fungicides against fungal diseases, as this will not harm the plant if you have not done this procedure for a long time.

The first reason - from animal feces The leaves in the thui black in the contact places of needles with urine (see photo). The vastness of the blackening depends on the duration of the impact of the affected factor. If we consider individual twigs, the areas of the blazing on them first are scattered, that is, they are located in chaotic order, like splashes watercolor paint (See photo under the following paragraph). In contrast, for example, from fungal diseases in which the infection is distributed in the course of escape gradually. As urine influences, the Tui forms an extensive area pronounced blameAs if painted with black paint. In the future, these sites will not be restored. In the photo below, you can see a typical example, which does not doubt that Thuja has been painted from animal defectors (photo clipable).

The affected Tui, which we see on the upper photos, are close to death because of the extensive area of \u200b\u200bdefeat. In general, the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion plots largely depends on the height of animals, which "swept" the plant and on their quantity in the yard. And the watering for the Tui is the urine not only dogs, but also cats, however,, like all other animals. Below, see my photos of some twigs and plants, like the needle of the needles at the Tui from animal defectors (the reason is established true with the personal presence of a professional):

In the photo they have twisted individual cupopics in contact places. What then happens to them? They begin to gradually dry, lose shine, then die and creep. If you have a low thuja and her "visited" a big dog in the yard, then the plant will inevitably die if you do not take action. Unfortunately, the coolers affected by the feces will not be restored and such sites on the Tue in the future will remain "lys". It happens when the animals begin to marvel at the bottom of the high, so only the lower parts suffer.

What to do if the thuaa handled from animal feces. To begin with, you can try to wash off the remnants of feces with ordinary water. In any case, this tou will not harm. Then it is necessary to create a fence that would prevent dogs and cats to marvel a plant. You can also use scaping aerosols that are sold in veterinary pharmacies. Of the natural discharge substances, I can only advise the ground pepper, whose smell does not like any dogs nor cats. The blackened chevings must first try to make themselves with their hands, because if the branch is alive, it is possible that part of the needle can recover. For this, it will not be superfluous to use reanimating solutions. For example, to stimulate the growth of new shoots, the throne of the Tui should be sprayed with stimulants of growth, such as zircon, epin, etc. These drugs can be splashing 2 - 3 times with intervals in 1 to 2 weeks. Fully dried branches will have to cut.

The second reason for the blaracing of the Tui - from fungal diseases. It should be noted that the vital activity of such microorganisms, like mushrooms, is associated not only with a different change in the painting of the needle in the Tui, but also with the characteristic appearance on its surface of the sputs of fungi. The fungi, perhaps, most often create problems with gardeners, causing various manifestations of diseases in plants.

Of course, fungal diseases do not immediately cause blackened needles, and not all of them lead to such a result. There are many pathogens of fungal diseases, but they have something in common. For example, the needle is first painted in red - brown, brown or red color, then can darken. With a neighbor consideration of the affected areas, you can see the arguments of the form of black dots or strokes. There are mushrooms that cause spoil spirits, as well as the appearance of early spring of dense mycelial films or plaque from white, white - gray to dark - brown. The presence in the spring of the most thick and dark plaque is characteristic of a fairly common coniferous disease, referred to as Brown Schuce. It was during this period that the presence of a dark fly forces us to think about why the thuja shook after the winter (see photo). In the summer, with the defeat of Brown Schute, you can see the black fruit bodies of the mushroom.

On the first photo on the left you can see the yellowed areas of the needles, and inside the blackening sites, which, according to the nature of localization, cannot be the result of the effects of animal feces. Apparently, this is a fungal disease. In the second photo on top of the blackening sections, adjoaded with the areas of taking and yellowing of varying degrees of severity, allowing to draw a preliminary conclusion that the blackening was the result of the aggravation of a single progressive process, most likely fungal disease.

At the brown, the cup of the khuminsky at the thuu is turned yellow, then, as the disease develops, becomes darker and even black - brown. In the middle of the summer, the fruit bodies of the mushroom, causing this disease, visible to the eye, they are oval shape and black.

In any case, only a professional can distinguish fungal diseases, it's enough to know only them general signs And be able to treat the plant. In more detail about the diseases of the Tui is written in another article: the car is sick and how to treat it.

Treatment of fungal diseases. Cheva spray any of the known fungicides: Fundazole, copper oxycholoride, homom, etc. Usually, the spraying is carried out twice, sometimes three times (depending on) with intervals of 1 to 2 weeks. It should be remembered that excess copper leads to a slower growth. Then yellowed chewing branches with live branches will be absorbed by their hands, followed by sprinkling growth stimulant, as it is possible to appear on them new leaves, although not fact. As a stimulator, a zircon can be used at a concentration of 4 drops per 1 liter, it can be sprayed several times with an interval per week. If the plant is weakened, the crown can also be sprayed with epinom in a mixture with cytioitis 3 times with an interval of 1-2 weeks. Fully dried sick branches need to be removed and burned, the same should be done with the dead plants, as they are a source of infection.

26.07.2016 210 538

How to care for Tuya in the garden so that it is a lush and green?

Want to admire beautiful green plants on the plot, then you need to know how to care for the tau so that it does not shy or not shifted. It happens that Tuya loses its color, pomp and beauty after winter or landing, and many beginner gardeners do not know how to return the health of conifers. To avoid mistakes and learn how to properly comprise at the garden plot, it is necessary to remember and apply the rules of agricultural engineering during the cultivation of coniferous plants.

How to care for the thuya after landing

Depending on when the Tui landing was produced, further care will be carried out. The correct landing and the selected room for the conifer will be the starting points of follow-up, these two important factors have a huge impact on the state of plants in the future.

For the Tui, planted in spring and summer, first of all, careful watering once every seven days, subject to warm, but not hot days. If the weather is solar, hot air is hot, increase the watering to two times a week. The volume of water introduced under the shrub should be at least one bucket under normal conditions, in extreme - two. A greater liquid will be required to adult and large plants, and in cases where a transplant was performed.

In the photo - Little Thua after landing

The first month of growth of the Tui is accompanied by a mandatory sprinkle, in which the revelation of pores and the plant begins to breathe, it will be possible to feel thin coniferous smell. The scaly needles of the thuy actively evaporates moisture, therefore it constantly needs feeding with water. Spray once a week, in sunny hot days, sprinkle is required every day. The best irrigation time of plants is the evening, after sunset, but in the morning, if a couple of hours will be not in the sun's rays.

Thuy after landing in the fall require watering and sprinkling in the same volumes as spring seedlings. A young plant needs to be scored enough moisture to get well, if autumn rainy and protracted, watering should stop or reduce the amount. The abrasion of moisture for a period of more than two weeks can lead to a disease of the Tui.

In the photo - landing Tui
In the photo - Watering Tui after landing

Feelable after landing there is no need, the corresponding feeders were supposed to be entered during planning. If for any reason, fertilizers were not introduced, and the soil on the site is poor on trace elements, then it is better to feed the plant, but it is possible to do this in the spring and summer. When applying fertilizers in the fall, the Tui will begin to develop shoots and twigs that will not have time to form for the winter, with severe frosts they may die.

In the photo - Tuya in landscape design
In the photo - Tuya Western "Holmstrup"

After landing, it is best to focus with a zircon solution, the drug stimulates the formation of roots, improves water absorbability and nutrient elements. Fungicidal and antiviral properties of the zircon will protect the conifers from diseases, viruses at the initial stages of development.

Care for Thuy at different times of the year

The care of the thia begins after the winter, lasts all the spring and summer, ends in deep autumn. According to many gardeners, the plant is unpretentious and can grow with minimal attention, but in the process of cultivation there are a number of significant problems: Thuy after winter is dry, blackened, yellowing after a transplant, how to water what to get down and what to do with it? There are answers to all these questions, consider the most common and most important.

In the photo - the yellowed thuly branches

When to open the thuu after the winter? It is not necessary to remove the shelter from the plants immediately with the advent of the first rays of the Sun, especially for young seedlings, the growing first year. Make sure the land around the thuu tuttered and warmed up a little, then remove the underfloor material. Opening earlier, there is a risk of yellowing the Tui, as the warm sun will cause the growth of twigs and shoots, the root system of the conifer in the frozen soil will be at rest, and the water exchange is disturbed.

What if the thuja wish after the winter? Before proceeding with active actions, you need to find the reason for the yellowing of green twigs and shoots, there may be several of them:

  • Spring burning of the coniferous part of the plant. A fairly common phenomenon to avoid this, the plants are pronounced in February in February, and not in April, when the snow melts. Do not use dense tissues and matter for, march and mosquito nets are quite suitable. Spunbond is not suitable, as it misses the ultraviolet rays that are most dangerous for the thuu in the spring. No coniferous plants "Bound in a fur coat", the greenhouse effect inside will only worsen the state of green handsome. If the moment is lost in early spring, the seedlings with warm water and spray plants with a biostimulator EcoGel - anti-stress to accelerate growth. With the beginning of the summer you will need to cut the burnt twigs;

In the photo - yellowed thuja

If the thua after the winter has been soooed, most likely that the fungal infection approached. Cut all the bad branches and treat the drug Xome, when the fungus is reappeared, process again. Surveral circles of the Tui can be watered or other fungicide. Black plant may in the event if his pets are taken, protect the plant and treat with any fungicide.

In the spring and summer, as in the fall, thus watered as after landing, given the weather conditions and observing the time frame. The tuy bearing starts early in the spring, ends in the second half of August, so as not to cause the growth of shoots to winter. In the first year of life, the plants are not faded, then fertilizers are made as needed. Use complex fertilizers for tui, such as osmocotes (10-15 grams per bus) or Kemira-Universal (100 grams per 1 m² of landings).

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