Antiseptic for wood from decay. The better to process wood from moisture

Water bodies 29.08.2019
Water bodies

For several centuries, wood has been the main and most widespread building material in the whole world, Russia is no exception. Wood is actively used not only in the construction of buildings and structures, but also in private construction. It has found application in the interior decoration of houses and apartments. Due to its valuable properties, this material is the most demanded in construction. Wood has a number of positive properties, which include durability, excellent external characteristics, strength, hardness. Great importance also has the ease of processing this material.

It is necessary to impregnate wood from decay, as this will extend the time of its operation.

Despite all this, the durability of wood depends largely on the way it is processed. If you use a tree in its pure form without protective equipment, then over time it will undergo destruction. To protect the tree from rotting, a variety of chemicals... With their help, you can make the material immune to moisture, combustion, and decay. Let us consider in more detail how to impregnate a tree from decay, the reasons for the destruction of wood, preparations.

Causes of rotting wood

Wood usually begins to rot due to the formation of mold on it.

Rot can form on different reasons... The main one is the development of moldy fungi on the material. The predisposing factors that contribute to the decay process are the following: high relative humidity, violation temperature regime, high solar Activity, which promotes drying out of wood, and others. Very often, rotting develops after the material has thawed or after it has been frozen. It is important that in the construction business, wooden structures that are in direct contact with the ground are most susceptible to rot. These include window frames and wooden products located in the room itself.

The mold itself develops when moldy, microscopic fungi enters the material. In most cases, this happens during transportation or improper storage of the tree. An important role in the development of decay is played by the initial moisture content of the tree itself. There are several groups of wood, depending on their moisture content. According to the method of drying, all species are divided into low-drying (spruce, pine, poplar, cedar), medium-drying (linden, oak, ash) and highly drying (maple, birch, larch). The hardness of the tree also plays a certain role in the development of the fungus. The hardest are birch, elm, beech, maple, apple.

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Classification of antiseptic drugs

Antiseptics are best used if the wood has already been exposed to mold.

You can impregnate a tree to protect it from decay with a variety of substances. All protective products are divided into varnishes, paints and antiseptics. Antiseptics occupy a special place. This is a group of drugs that prevent the formation and reproduction of rotting microorganisms on the surface of the tree. Antiseptics are best used when the wood has already been exposed to mold. These substances have very useful properties. These include high efficiency against microorganisms, resistance, good permeability.

It is also very important that when choosing a preparation for wood treatment, one should pay attention to such characteristics as harm to humans and animals, impact on the quality of wood, and anti-corrosion properties.

Antiseptic agents are divided into water-soluble, oily, pasty. Separately, we can distinguish a group of substances that dissolve only in organic solvents.

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Using water-soluble antiseptics

Advantages of a water-soluble antiseptic: efficiency, odorless, high penetrating power.

How can wood be impregnated with such a wide variety of protective agents? The wood can be impregnated with water-soluble antiseptic agents. This is the largest group. Sodium fluoride solution is most often used to impregnate wood. Its advantage is high efficiency, odorlessness, excellent penetrating ability. In addition, sodium fluoride does not affect the strength and appearance of the wood. It does not corrode metal parts in contact with the wood surface. Means BBK-3 is a solution of boric acid and borax. It practically does not pose a danger to people and animals during use and penetrates well into the thickness of the tree.

Another remedy is ammonium silicofluoride. Its colorless solution is used for impregnation. Its peculiarity is the ability to impart fire resistance to wood. But it can cause minor corrosion of parts. The preparation GR-48 contains pentachlorophenol. Used for impregnating sawn timber. It protects the tree from rotting and blue staining. There are complex preparations based on several substances. These include ХХЦ. It contains zinc chloride and chromic peak. Its disadvantages are the ability to stain the material and toxicity to humans.

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Other antiseptics

Usually, oily antiseptics are used to treat walls. wooden houses.

You can also saturate wood with oily antiseptics. They include shale and coal oils. Oils are excellent for impregnation, they are practically the most powerful antiseptics. We recommend using these products for treating wood that is exposed to moisture or soil. The disadvantages include a strong, unpleasant odor and the ability to stain wood dark brown. Another group of antiseptics is pastes. These impregnating agents differ in that they have several components in their composition: a filler, a water-soluble antiseptic and a binder (clay or bitumen).

Antiseptics, soluble in organic matter... PL type products contain petroleum products and pentachlorophenol. They are rarely used, as they are toxic to humans and animals. It is advisable to use them to process wood when exposed to moisture, so as not to subject the wood to drying. It is important to remember that when using toxic impregnation, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment: gloves, mask or respirator. The most famous antiseptics today are the following: "Senezhbio", "Bitsidol", "Bicidol 100", "Wuprtek", "Biotek", "Aquatex".

Wood is an affordable, environmentally friendly building material with an excellent appearance. Modern materials (expanded clay concrete, foam concrete) have recently become often used for the construction of walls and partitions, but their popularity in the construction of small houses is still losing out to wood.

However, being an organic material, wood is too hygroscopic, it is an excellent breeding ground for mold and microorganisms. Therefore, using this material, you should pay special attention to its protection from external factors.

Causes of rotting wood

The development of molds is the main factor that destroys wood. The development of mold (decay) occurs under certain conditions:

  • air humidity 80–100%;
  • moisture content of the material is higher than 15%;
  • temperature below 50 and above 0 С 0

Additional causes of decay can be material freezing, air stagnation, contact with the soil.

Factors favorable for the decay process are quite common. Therefore, you need to know how to treat wood in order to protect it from mold.

Drying wood

You should start with preventive measures. The wood must be dry to prevent mold growth. There are four methods for drying timber or boards:

  1. Natural drying in dry rooms with good ventilation. This is the longest method (drying time is up to 1 year).
  2. Drying in the chamber with superheated steam, hot air. This is a more expensive, but quick and effective method.
  3. Waxing. The wood is immersed in liquid paraffin and placed in an oven for several hours.
  4. Steaming in linseed oil. Applicable for small wooden products... The wood is immersed in oil, boiled over low heat.

Protection of wooden elements from moisture

Protecting the timber from capillary moisture allows modern waterproofing... The structure is protected from atmospheric moisture by a high-quality roof and the application of special paints and coatings.

Thermal and vapor barrier provides protection against condensation accumulation. The heat-insulating layer is placed closer to the outer surface, and between it and wooden wall have a vapor barrier. The beams of roofing elements are protected from rain and snow with waterproofing films.

Wooden houses and structures should be located above ground level, on the foundation. For effective protection from water, it is worth taking care of the presence of a blind area, an effective drainage system. The possibility of natural drying of the walls is of great importance for the biostability of a wooden building. Therefore, you should not plant trees near wooden structures.

What to do if the timber began to rot

Decay greatly impairs the physical parameters of the tree. Its density drops by 2–3 times, and its strength by 20–30 times. It is impossible to restore rotten wood. Therefore, the element affected by rot should be replaced.

If there is a slight mold infestation, you can try to stop the process. For this, the rotten area is completely removed (with the capture of a part of healthy wood). The removed part is replaced with steel reinforcing rods, which should go deep enough into the healthy part of the element. After reinforcement, the area is putty with epoxy or acrylic putty.

This is a laborious and complex procedure, after which it is not always possible to achieve the same structural strength. The problem is easier to prevent, for which the wood is treated against decay.

Tree protection with folk remedies

The problem of protection from decay has been relevant since the time when wood was first used as a material. For a long time, many effective folk recipes successfully used to this day:

  • Coating of wooden structures with silicate glue.
  • Treatment of walls and soil (up to 50 cm depth) with a solution of potassium dichromate in sulfuric acid. 5% solutions of acid and potassium dichromate are mixed 1: 1.
  • Processing with vinegar and soda. The affected areas are sprinkled with baking soda and sprayed with vinegar from a spray bottle.
  • Wood processing with 1% copper sulfate solution.
  • Hot resin impregnation. Very effective method for processing logs, fence stakes, benches in contact with the soil.
  • Use of boric acid salt. A mixture of 50 g of boric acid and 1 kg of salt per liter of water should be treated several times, with an interval of 2 hours, on the wood.

All of these methods are only suitable for healthy wood or when the tree has small lesions.

Modern methods of fighting decay

There are two ways to reliably protect the tree: conservation and antiseptic treatment.

When preserving, a product with a long-term toxic effect is applied to the timber or board. For this, the tree is soaked in cold or hot baths, or the preservative penetrates into it using diffusion or autoclave impregnation. The method is applicable only in the factory.

Antiseptic treatment involves self-impregnation of the material by applying chemicals with a spray gun or roller. The antiseptic agent must be selected in accordance with the operating conditions of the wooden structure. For example, water and white spirit-based impregnations are safe and inexpensive, but wash off easily. Therefore, for elements that come into contact with moisture or soil, only water-repellent antiseptics are suitable.

Classification of antiseptics

When choosing a tool to process the timber, it is worth understanding the main categories and types of protective compounds. There are three categories of wood preservatives: paints, varnishes, antiseptics.

Paints fulfill both protective and aesthetic functions. For internal works it is better to choose water-soluble paints, and for outdoor ones - based on an organic solvent.

Varnishes form a protective film on the surface without altering its appearance. For outdoor use, varnishes with fungicides that kill mold are used to prevent cracking and discoloration of the wood.

Antiseptics do a great job when mold has already infected the tree. There are 5 types of them:

  1. Water soluble. Odorless, non-toxic, dry quickly. They are made on the basis of fluorides, silicofluorides of a mixture of boric acid, borax or zinc chloride. Not recommended for surfaces that are often in contact with moisture.
  2. Water repellent. They differ in deeper penetration into the tree. Suitable for processing structures of baths, cellars and basements.
  3. On organic solvents. Allowed for use in external and internal works. Forms a thick film that dries up to 12 hours.
  4. Oil. Form thick durable coating insoluble in water. However, they should only be used with dry wood. When applied to damp wood, oil antiseptics do not interfere with the growth of fungal spores inside the material.
  5. Combined. Suitable for any wood, additionally have anti-flammability properties.

How to apply a protective coating to wood

Applying antiseptics, varnishes and paints is not difficult. However, carrying out such work requires compliance with certain rules.

  1. Wear gloves, face shield and goggles before handling.
  2. Clean the painted surface with a scraper from dirt, grease, old paint.
  3. Clean a board or timber old brush or emery.
  4. Wash the surface with water detergent.
  5. Wait until the wood is completely dry.
  6. Read the instructions for the application method.
  7. Start processing wooden structures from ends, cuts, damaged areas.
  8. If it is necessary to apply several layers of coating, pause 2-3 hours between each application.

What you need to know about mold protection

The protective composition should be selected based on the characteristics of the operation of the protected surface. Only hard-to-remove coatings are suitable for outdoor use. Such products will reliably protect wood for 30 years.

For damp rooms (basements, baths), special means are needed that can withstand sudden changes in temperature.

A change in the color of a tree, the appearance of chips and cracks is a signal that the protective coating should be urgently renewed. It is recommended to alternate antiseptic compositions without re-treating the tree with the same composition..

Wood due to its natural purity, availability, numerous advantages in terms of ease of processing and good operational qualities, from time immemorial, has been one of the main materials in the construction industry. However, it also has its drawbacks, which can lead to a decrease in the durability of both individual parts and the entire building as a whole. The main disadvantage is the low resistance of most wood species to biological damage. The tree undergoes natural decomposition and is a good breeding ground for various forms of microflora and for many insects. In order to avoid the rapid destruction of the material, to maximize the durability of wooden parts and structures, the lumber must be pre-treated with special means, and then, if necessary, the finished structure must also be processed.

Manufacturers offer for this purpose a wide range of solutions made on different bases- it is not so easy to figure it out with a "swoop". Therefore, consumers often have a question - which wood preservative is better to choose? To determine which protective compounds exist, and which of them are used in a particular case, it makes sense to consider them in more detail.

Antiseptics can be divided into types according to several criteria - this is according to the components on the basis of which they are made, according to the field of application of the compositions, and according to their functionality.

  • So, antiseptic impregnations are basically subdivided into water, oil, organic and combined solutions.

A few words should be said about their characteristics:

- Antiseptics for water based used for protective impregnation of wood of any species. For their manufacture, components such as sodium fluoride, sodium silicofluoride, as well as borax and boric acid(BBK3). Water-soluble compounds are most often used to impregnate wooden surfaces, which in the future will not be exposed to intense moisture.

- Oil antiseptics can be called the most popular, since they are able to protect wood from high humidity and moisture penetration into the fiber structure of the material. When applying an oil-based solution to wooden elements buildings, they acquire one of the rich dark shades.

This type of impregnation does not dissolve in water, since it is based on shale, anthracene or coal oil. It must be remembered that oil antiseptics do not protect wood from rapid combustion, that is, they are not fire retardants. They have a very pungent specific odor, so they are most often used for impregnation external surfaces buildings.

- Organic solutions most often used for impregnating facade surfaces. As a rule, they are used in cases where wooden walls are planned to be painted, since they create a thin film on the surface, which reduces moisture absorption wood and increases the adhesion of paintwork materials.

Prices for antiseptics Pinotex

Pinotex wood preservative

However, it must be said that they are also suitable for the treatment of internal wooden surfaces, so they can be used for the pre-treatment of timber or logs from which the walls will be erected.

Organic solutions give the wood a greenish tint and increase the porosity of the structure. In addition, they are capable of negatively affecting metal elements that are fixed on the facade and will come into contact with its surfaces, so chemical composition can contribute to the activation of corrosion processes.

  • According to the field of application, antiseptics can be divided into solutions intended for external and internal works for dry and wet rooms.

- Solutions for external works ... This category includes antiseptics for preparatory and decorative work, which are highly resistant to aggressive influences. environment, such as ultraviolet radiation, high humidity, freezing, sudden temperature changes with a pronounced large amplitude. Due to the fact that the compositions very often have a pungent unpleasant odor, it is not recommended to use them for the treatment of internal surfaces.

- Antiseptics for interior work... These solutions are made from environmentally friendly components, they do not have unpleasant smell and do not emit toxic fumes into the environment. At the same time, it must be remembered that different antiseptics will be required for the premises of a house or apartment with different levels of humidity. Manufacturers always place information about their specific purpose on the packaging.

  • In addition, antiseptics are divided into therapeutic and prophylactic solutions:

- Medicinal formulations used in cases where the wood is already affected by fungus, mold, decay or insects. However, this variant of solutions can be used for preventive work... Especially in cases where it is planned to operate wooden structures in an aggressive environment, for example, in bath rooms or bathrooms (showers). They are quite suitable for preventive treatment facade surfaces.

- Prophylactic solutions- the most common. It is clear that they are used, as a rule, for processing sawn timber before the start of construction or during its implementation. And it is recommended to impregnate the wood immediately after purchasing it.

Antiseptics can be colorless, that is not altering natural wood shade, or pigmented, giving the surfaces a certain shade. That is, many compositions can be used both for a primer preparatory layer for painting or other finishing, and as an independent tinting decorative coating.

Classification of wood preservatives by functionality

Antiseptics are also subdivided according to their functional effects on wood. There can be many reasons for "starting" the processes of biological damage to a tree - this is the lack of proper ventilation, timely processing with appropriate compounds, improper storage of lumber before the construction of a building, poor-quality insulation of the structure, exposure to moisture on the surface, and more. In addition, many compositions also have a directional effect - for example, restoring the normal color of the wood or giving the material a higher resistance to fire.

Whitening antiseptics

To provide protection and at the same time restore the original color of the formed or affected wood, "rejuvenate" it, special bleaching antiseptic solutions are used. The most popular of them are the following.

  • "Bio-shield 1" and "Bio-shield 2" - these impregnations are designed to prevent surface putrefactive processes in wood under the destructive influence of pathogenic microflora. In addition, they are able to preserve the physical and technical characteristics of the processed material, as well as restore the healthy natural color of unpainted wood.

If the damage to the wood is on initial stage, then you can use "Bioshield 1". After the treated surfaces have dried, they can be painted or finished with other decorative materials.

In case of severe damage to the tree by mold or lichen, it is necessary to use the "BioShield 2" agent.

Both of these compositions are well suited for processing wood used in the construction of log cabins for baths and houses.

  • "Prosept 50" is a whitening antiseptic "medicinal" product of domestic production for wood. The composition perfectly removes foci of biological damage, including gray bloom, restoring the healthy color of the tree, literally in 25-30 minutes, preserving it structural structure.

The penetration depth of this composition is 3 mm. And already 12 hours after applying the antiseptic to the wood, it can be painted or pasted over with insulation material or wallpaper.

"Prosept 50" is an environmentally friendly solution, so it can be used for both external and internal processing of wooden surfaces. In addition, they even handle wooden pallets on which food is transported and stored.

Wood bleach prices Prosept 50

Wood bleach Prosept 50

In order for the solution to be retained in the structure of the material as long as possible, it is recommended to additionally cover the surfaces with a preservative antiseptic agent "Neomid 430 Eco" or "Neomid 440 Eco". These funds will eliminate the likelihood of a recurrence of the occurrence of foci of biological damage.

  • "Neomid 500" - this whitening antiseptic is similar in its characteristics to the previous remedy. However, its cost is significantly higher, so it is not so popular among builders.

The mortar is an environmentally friendly product and can be used for internal impregnation of wooden surfaces. The tool is most often used by professional builders for processing wooden log cabins for bath buildings and residential buildings. Drying time after application is 24 hours.

  • Whitening antiseptics of the Sagus company are produced on a water basis. They are intended for radical removal from unpainted wood of any kind of damage caused by black mold and wood-staining fungus. The solutions are also used to impregnate logs and beams for the construction of baths and houses.

"Sagus" produces three types of whitening compounds - "Standard", "Profi" and "Light" :

- "Standard" is a solution of deep and fast penetration into the structural structure of wood fibers. It is used at the first manifestations of mold, the appearance of lichen or moss, as well as darkening of the material as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

- "Profi" is a composition that is able to cope with more serious damage to wood. In addition, it is suitable for impregnating surfaces made of mineral building materials (bricks, gas silicate blocks, etc.).

The tree is a favorable environment for the emergence and development of colonies of fungi and mold. The risk of their occurrence is especially great if the wood is constantly exposed to moisture. When a lesion appears, getting rid of it is not easy, since it penetrates into the structure of the wood fibers, destroying their integrity.

To prevent this process, a protective compound is used that prevents or stops the growth of fungal colonies. If microorganisms have captured large areas wooden surfaces, then antiseptics should be used only after therapeutic measures that are produced using special agents - fungicides.

In addition to protecting against such lesions, this type of agent is able to scare away insects harmful to wood, which in a very short time can turn it into dust. It should be noted that there are many varieties of wood beetles. But if you take preventive measures on time, none of them will be terrible for wooden products.

Below will be considered the most popular of the protective antiseptics of various manufacturers.

  • Senezh is a domestic manufacturer that supplies construction market excellent formulations for wood processing. A wide range of similar products are available, for wooden parts in any area of ​​the building and with various functionality, including - and purely protective antiseptic action.

These means include the Senezh Bio solution, which is able to fix the natural protective qualities of wood. The compositions are made on a water basis, they impregnate the wood structure well, forming a three-level protective threshold. Fully suitable for both external and internal surfaces of the building.

In addition to solutions that give the material resistance to mold and the appearance of a wood beetle, this manufacturer manufactures compounds that make the tree more resistant to fire, increased moisture and ultraviolet rays.

  • "PAF-LST" is a domestic production of antiseptic water-soluble paste based on fluorine and lignosulfate. The manufacturer promises that the product is able to increase the service life of wood up to 30 years or more.

The paste is intended for processing wood used for the construction of load-bearing and enclosing structures. Moreover, even raw wood can be processed. The product is odorless, and when applied, it paints the wood in a dark pistachio color, creating a rough layer on its surface. This option of an antiseptic is chosen if the elements processed by it are not planned to be painted.

"Homeenpoisto +" from the Tikkurila company is very convenient: compact packaging, and the solution itself is easy to quickly make just before processing wooden surfaces

- "Homeenpoisto +" - these are special tablets that are used to prepare a solution to remove foci of mold and prevent their formation. The composition can be used to treat old and new, external and internal, wood or mineral surfaces.

The process of processing with this substance is carried out before staining. The tablets are dissolved in plain water, and then the resulting solution is applied to the surface using a spray bottle. The agent is given a certain period for a more intense effect on the affected areas of the material. Then the surface is brushed or foam sponge, after which it is washed with clean water and dried. After drying, the surface must be painted immediately.

- "Homeenpoisto 1" is an antiseptic jelly-like agent designed to remove lesions from wooden surfaces and further protect parts from recurrent processes. The solution is made on the basis of hypochlorite, therefore it is intended for external use only.

    High-quality and reliable antiseptic "MOKKE" is offered by the Russian manufacturer of paintwork materials-color. The product is intended for the treatment of wooden facades and other external surfaces. The reliable composition of the antiseptic guarantees effective protection of wood from rotting, fungus, lichens, and various insects for up to 45 years.

Fire retardants - fire retardant solutions

Due to the fact that wood is a highly flammable material, it requires special fire retardant treatment, which will increase the fire resistance of lumber. Compositions for these purposes are called fire retardants, and they are produced in liquid, paste and powder forms.

  • Impregnants are aqueous solutions designed for deep penetration into the wood structure.
  • Varnishes form a protective transparent and thin film on the surface, which protects the wood from rapid heating and fire.
  • Paints and enamels perform two functions at once - protective and decorative.
  • Coatings are pasty compounds that are not decorative, they are only intended to protect surfaces from open fire.
  • Powdered fire retardants are applied to surfaces using special equipment by spraying.

Fire retardants are also divided into compositions for surface treatment and deep penetration into the structure of wood, as well as solutions for external and internal use. For the processing of facades are used weather resistant compositions, and for the interior - environmentally friendly and resistant to an aggressive environment solutions, especially if wooden surfaces are impregnated in baths or bathrooms.

Another important distinctive feature fire retardant is their principle of action, which can be active or passive.

  • Active substances are substances that, when heated, can emit non-combustible gases that prevent oxygen from reaching the combustion center. Thus, the possibility of flame propagation is reduced.
  • Passive fire retardants are called solutions that, when the surface of the wood is heated, forms a layer that protects the structure of the wood when exposed to fire. Compositions have the property of melting at high temperatures, creating a non-combustible "crust", which, by the way, wastes a lot of thermal energy, which increases the overall heat resistance of the wooden structure.

Fire retardants include in their assortment produced by the same companies that are engaged in the production of other wood preservatives.

  • The compositions "Senezh Ognebio" and "Ognebio Prof" are intended to increase the resistance of wood to open fire and protect against biological damage. These preparations are used to treat exterior walls before painting them. If the protective layers formed by such fire retardants are left uncoated, the substances will quickly fade away.

  • Neomid 450 and Neomid 450-1 are highly effective solutions for protecting wood from biological damage and fire. They are used for application to external and internal surfaces that have undergone mechanical treatment, but not painted or impregnated. film-forming compositions. If fungal lesions are found on the surfaces, then before applying the fire retardant, they should be treated with bleaching agents.

  • "Pirilax" is a bio and fire retardant solution designed for impregnation of wood and materials based on it, which can be used for external and internal work. The composition perfectly protects the tree from wood-staining and mold fungi, wood-boring beetles. And besides this, it enhances its resistance to open fire. In general, thanks to this treatment, the service life of any wooden parts is extended, the risk of cracking is reduced, and deterioration is slowed down.

The composition is compatible with other paint and varnish solutions, therefore it can be used for painting. The manufacturer of Pirilax indicates on the packaging that it provides antiseptic protection of wood for up to 20 years, and fire protection for up to 16 years. Moreover, the composition is environmentally friendly pure material safe for people and the environment.

On sale you can find fire retardants from other domestic and foreign manufacturers. When purchasing any of them, it is recommended to carefully study the characteristics of the solution and the instructions for its use.

UV protection formulations

Structures built of wood lose their attractive original appearance over time, as they are constantly exposed to damaging ultraviolet radiation. To protect the facades of wooden houses or baths, it is necessary to process the surfaces in time with preparations specially designed for this purpose.

Protective agents, which are designed to prevent the harmful effects of sunlight, contain pigments and special additives that reduce the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation.

Processed special means the wooden surface will be protected from UV damage for 8 ÷ 10 years, after which the treatment will need to be renewed. If a colorless solution is chosen for the coating, then the coating will have to be renewed every 3 ÷ 4 years.

If blue or mold damage is found on the lumber, then before coating them with protective compounds it is necessary to process with strong antiseptics.

As an example of this type of funds, the following compositions can be cited.

  • Senezh Aquadecor is decorative composition, which is not only an excellent antiseptic, but also includes special components - UV filters that absorb solar radiation. Thanks to such components. the wood does not darken, retaining its original appearance. "Senezh Aquadecor" is produced in a wide range of colors, which allows you to choose the most suitable shade for coating external or internal surfaces.

  • « Biofa 2108 " - this is a special solution of German production. The composition of this product contains microparticles of white pigment, they are the protection for wood from UV rays. The product can be used to coat interior and exterior wood surfaces. When the solution is applied to wood, the natural color of the material does not change.

The composition is made on the basis of linseed oil, which is well absorbed into the wood without creating a film on the surface. Due to the fact that the product is produced on an oil basis, it is not compatible with aqueous solutions. "Biofa 2108" - it is an environmentally friendly product, therefore, the coating from it is breathable and does not emit toxic fumes into the environment.

Protective solutions for wood used in humid environments

Parts of wooden structures in contact with the ground, buildings located in regions with traditionally high humidity, as well as the internal wooden surfaces of baths and saunas require the use of specially designed products for their treatment.

The following antiseptics are perfect for treating external surfaces:

  • "Senezh Ultra" and "Senezh Bio" - these solutions have deep penetration properties, impregnating the upper layers of wood, creating two and three-level protective thresholds against moisture penetration. These compounds can be used as a primer for decorative coatings.

  • Valtti Aquacolor is an oil-based antiseptic used to protect the walls of buildings used in humid environments. The manufacturer offers a 40-color palette for tinting solutions, therefore protective agent can easily become multifunctional, adding decorative effect to wood surfaces in the selected shade.

The oil is quickly absorbed into the structure of the wood, emphasizing the beauty of its texture. In addition to oil, the product contains a special wax, which is a water-repellent component.

The wax does not exfoliate from the surface, increases the wear resistance of wood, makes it hydrophobic, and also prevents mechanical damage. The manufacturer has provided for the possibility of tinting the product, the color range for which has 39 shades.

To protect surfaces in baths and saunas, special formulations are also provided, designed to withstand high temperatures, steam and moisture. Therefore, if necessary, surface treatment in these buildings or separate premises, it is worth choosing products, the packaging of which indicates their specification:

  • "KRASULA® for baths and saunas" is a decorative and protective solution containing natural wax in its composition, it is used to treat both dry and damp surfaces. The function of this tool consists in its following actions:

- protection of wood from the penetration of moisture, dirt, soot, grease, soapy water, as well as from the formation of stains from adhering leaves;

- destruction of arisen lesions of the tree by mold, algae and prevention of relapses;

- protection against damage by harmful insects, such as wood-boring beetles;

Safety tested operation at high temperatures. It does not alter the natural appearance of the wood and retains its natural aroma. It is important that the composition does not clog the pores of the material, allowing it to "breathe".

It is especially important for the conditions of the bath that it is an environmentally friendly solution safe for the environment and people. Conveniently, it is possible to process in a humid environment without waiting for the surfaces to dry.

The manufacturer gives a 7-year guarantee for wood protection in the relaxation rooms of baths and saunas, as well as 5 years for the surfaces of washing and steam rooms.

  • "PROSEPT SAUNA" is a water-based composition of synthetic biocides. It is used to protect the internal wooden surfaces of baths and saunas from wood-staining and wood-destroying manifestations. Prevents the appearance of colonies of fungi and pathogens on healthy wood. The mortar provides reliable protection against moisture penetration into the wood structure at high temperatures.

PROSEPT SAUNA can be used not only to protect new surfaces, but also to stop destructive processes already in progress. The active ingredients of the antiseptic quickly penetrate into the structure of the wood, binding with its fibers. Thus, a special resistance of the material to moisture penetration and leaching of the product itself is created.

This tool is used as a basis for surface treatment with oils intended for bath rooms, for painting or toning.

  • "Senezh Sauna" is another solution intended for the treatment of wooden surfaces in rooms where high humidity and high temperatures prevail. The impregnation has an environmentally friendly composition that does not emit toxic substances into the environment.

Antiseptics prices Senezh

Antiseptics Senezh

Protective agents for unbarked wood and with increased natural moisture

If fresh wood has been purchased for construction, not dried, or a log that has not been peeled from bark, then before laying the material for drying, it is necessary to process it. For this purpose, it is recommended to use specially designed products that will reliably protect the wood during the period of drying in natural conditions.

The preparations used to impregnate such wood have the property of deep penetration into the structure of the material, allow it to "breathe" and create unacceptable conditions for the appearance of fungal formations and insect infestation. Such solutions include "Neomid 420" and "Neomid 46", "Senezh Insa" and "Senezh Trans", "Prosept-42" and "Prosept-46", "Eurotrans", "BS -13" and others.

Protection for the ends of the timber and log

A specific area of ​​sawn timber that requires increased protection is the end piece of a bar, plank or log. Due to the fact that the end has a more porous structural structure, moisture is intensively absorbed into the wood through it, penetrating into the depths of the products. As a result, in the created favorable microclimate, mold destroying the material is easily formed. In addition, waterlogging in these places leads to the appearance of deep cracks, which sharply reduce the quality of the acquired material, becoming vulnerable places for further damage to the wood. processing of this area of ​​wood products were special antiseptic agents have been developed that are applied to the material prepared for construction or cladding, or to the ends of a log or bar of an already finished structure of a house or bath.

The most popular means for protecting the ends of lumber is Senezh Tor, which has all the necessary qualities. And, the processing process must be carried out not only for new materials, but also for objects already put into operation, with a frequency of every three to four years.

Protective agents for old painted wood

It is more difficult to save painted wood from biological damage, since it is more difficult to get rid of the old paintwork not easy at all. And, even in cases where the coating cracked and began to flake off.

In order for the protective agent to show its effectiveness, all layers of paint will have to be removed from the wood. This process can be done in several ways - mechanically, using a spatula or grinder with a metal brush attachment, and by the chemical method, when special compounds are applied to the surface that soften and peel off old layers of decorative finishes.

Antiseptics can be applied only after complete cleaning of the surface from the paint layers.

Protective measures are carried out both before the subsequent painting of wooden surfaces, and when leaving the cleaned material in its natural form.

For the treatment of cleaned surfaces, antiseptics such as Valtti Techno and Homeenpoisto 1 are used, which are able to penetrate deeply into the structure of previously painted wood and protect it from problems that have arisen. If the surface is completely cleaned of old paint, if desired or necessary, it can be whitened to its natural color, at the same time performing the desired "treatment". The name and description of the whitening compositions have been presented above.

What to look for when choosing a wood preservative?

Regardless of the purpose for which an antiseptic is chosen, it is very important when choosing it to pay attention to some points that will determine the quality of the composition and the duration of its protective action.

  • Manufacturer. It is necessary to understand correctly that protective compounds that meet all the established criteria can be made only on high-tech specialized equipment, which is available exclusively from large profiled companies.

As a rule, such enterprises have been operating for more than a dozen years and have already gained a certain prestige among consumers. Therefore, in order not to purchase a low-quality product that will not function properly, it is best to buy a solution of a well-known brand. Of course, you will not be able to save on such products, but you can be sure that the protective qualities of the purchased solution will correspond to the description given by the manufacturer on the package.

  • Effective protection period. It has been empirically established that antiseptic protective coatings are able to act effectively for no more than two to seven years, depending on their quality. That is, in any case, over time, they will need to be updated.

If the manufacturer indicates an operational period of 20 ÷ 40 years, then such a characteristic is hardly worth trusting unconditionally. Any, without exception, even the highest quality protective agent gradually loses its original properties under the influence of external factors. The above characteristics indicate operational terms given by the manufacturer. However, when purchasing one or another antiseptic option, you need to carefully study the packaging and find out the conditions under which such a period is possible.

  • Consumption of protective composition. Many consumers immediately pay attention to the cost of an antiseptic and try to save money by buying a more affordable solution. However, it is necessary to look at the material consumption indicated by the manufacturer, since many of them, having a low cost, require a large consumption and application in two, or even three layers. To be able to navigate in this parameter, you need to know that the average rate varies from 200 to 250 g / m². Only fire retardants can have a high consumption - here it can be 400 ÷ 600 g / m².

If large-scale work is planned, then it will probably be useful to immediately calculate how much antiseptic solution will be needed for the treatment. Calculate the consumption for any area (for example) - usually does not cause problems. It is more difficult when you need to process lumber, timber or board - in these matters, many begin to get confused.

To make this calculation as easy as possible, below is a calculator that will carry out the necessary calculations in just a few seconds.

Calculator for calculating the amount of antiseptic composition for lumber processing

The program will calculate the consumption of antiseptic for treatment in one layer, taking into account the traditional stock of 10 percent. Important - the amount is calculated ready solution, since many formulations are marketed in the form of concentrates, which must be diluted before use in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

To simplify the task, the amount of sawn timber can be specified both by piece and by volume, that is, "cubes", as they are often purchased at the bases.

Consumption is indicated by manufacturers either in milliliters per m², or in grams - alas, there is no consensus on this issue. It's okay - the principle of calculation does not change in any way from this.

Wood in its natural form does not always look attractive compared to the surrounding objects and furniture. It turns gray when exposed to ultraviolet light. Not covered by any protective compound wood is highly hygroscopic. It begins to warp even from the difference between winter and summer air humidity. In this regard, wood processing is a necessary procedure to preserve the consumer qualities of wood products. The finished item has a more attractive appearance than the natural one.

Any wood species from oak to birch can be processed. Though different breeds trees look different after finishing. For example, the natural pattern of birch is fairly uniform. It is devoid of contrasting transitions and tree rings around the knots. Pine and spruce look beautiful, especially their "knotty" parts. The natural pattern of chestnut, oak, beech is considered the most attractive.

Before finishing, you must carefully grind the wooden part with sandpaper (sandpaper). Moreover, the movements with the sandpaper should occur strictly in the direction of the fibers and without strong pressure. The resulting transverse marks will become easily visible after varnishing and staining.

Wood stain

To remove microscopic dust particles from the fibers, it is recommended to thoroughly vacuum the wood after sanding. After that, the part can be stained. It can be non-aqueous and aquatic. Water, as the name implies, on the water. This type of stain is rarely used, mainly for staining small parts. Non-aqueous (solvent) is used for any parts. The non-aqueous stain dries quickly and is absorbed and has a wide range of colors.

Treated wood is abundantly impregnated with stain. Small details are mostly stained, completely immersed in the stain. When staining large items, use a regular brush. Apply excess wood stain to wood. It is necessary that it is absorbed as deeply as possible. After that, the items are dried and proceed to the second stage of finishing - washing. Washing removes all excess stain that has not been absorbed and remains on the surface of the wood. After that, the textured pattern of the wood appears with a significantly increased contrast.

The non-aqueous stain is washed with acetone. Usually a large, thick brush is used for this. To facilitate the cleaning process, it is recommended to use the following method. Wooden detail must be positioned at an angle of 20 - 30 degrees. Dip the brush into acetone and smoothly wipe off excess stain from the part with smooth movements from top to bottom. In this case, it is necessary to put some hygroscopic material under the part, for example, paper napkins. Wash off the stain until the color of the part is uniform. After that, the part must be dried again.

Varnishing of wood products

At the final stage, the part is varnished. Part varnishing is carried out in two stages. On the first, the pile is raised. As you know, wood is hygroscopic and easily absorbs any liquid that gets on it. At the same time, its geometric dimensions change, the wood swells. After washing and staining, wooden objects are not as polished as they were before finishing. You can feel this by running your hand over the surface. For this purpose, the pile is raised, subsequently removing it by grinding.

The pile can be lifted with a quick-drying varnish (for example, NTs-222). With a soft wide brush, it is necessary to varnish the part, while the movements with the brush should occur along the fibers, and dry it. After drying, small wood fibers are formed on the surface, which have lagged behind neighboring cells (pile). After that, you need to grind the part again with a fine sandpaper.

After grinding, the part must be vacuumed. Following this, you can proceed to finishing the wood. Depending on the place of use and purpose, the products are varnished the required number of times. When used at home, it is sufficient to cover with one or two coats of varnish. In this case, the part will acquire a semi-matte surface.

This method of wood finishing does not require large financial costs and allows you to get an attractive appearance of wood items. The only drawback of this processing method is the use of materials with a pungent odor (acetone, varnish). In this regard, all work must be carried out outdoors or in a room with good ventilation (well ventilated). It should also be borne in mind that these materials are flammable. It is unacceptable to perform work in the presence of an open fire nearby.

Sometimes, when sanding wood, they bully, and sometimes small pieces of wood are lost. In most cases, these sharp-angled pieces that have fallen off or peeled off are the most beautiful parts of the texture design. Detachment can occur during the sanding phase or when the stain dries. Chips usually peel off from the plane by 1.5 - 2 mm, and even higher after varnishing. If this happens, it is necessary before further processing glue the whimsical petal with any means suitable for gluing wood. Also for these purposes, instead of glue, you can use the varnish prepared for further coating. The gluing procedure is the same.

And the restoration of wooden products can also be

If there are defects on the workpieces (cracks, chips, traces of insect activity), you can make a simple restoration. For these purposes, at the stage of grinding, it is advisable to collect the resulting wood dust. It can be used as a filler when preparing a "putty". Wooden blanks are well putty. The restoration mix can be prepared as follows. It is recommended to take furniture colorless varnish as a basis, use already prepared wood dust as a filler. If there is not enough of it, you need to take a piece of the same material and use a grinder to get the required volume. The stain will serve as a color scheme.

First, it is recommended to thoroughly mix the wood powder with the varnish. Then add color until the desired shade is obtained. As a "spatula", you can use any convenient tool, in your opinion. For example, you can use poster pens of the desired width.

The restoration of wood products should be carried out only after staining and cleaning the part, since the hardened mixture is practically unable to take color. It is also not recommended to prepare the mixture for the entire amount of work. Color matching usually takes a large number of time, and the "putty" prepared in this way quickly hardens. It is recommended to prepare the mixture in the amount required for the restoration of a particular fragment. At the end of the restoration (after the “putty” has hardened), it is necessary to clean the repaired places with sandpaper.

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    In gardens and in private plots, you can choose a warmer place for planting grapes, for example, on the sunny side of the house, garden pavilion, veranda. It is recommended to plant grapes along the border of the plot. The vines formed in one line will not take up much space and at the same time will be well lit from all sides. Near buildings, grapes must be placed so that water flowing from the roofs does not fall on it. On level ground, it is necessary to make ridges with good drainage due to drainage furrows. Some gardeners, in the experience of their colleagues in the western regions of the country, dig deep planting holes and fill them with organic fertilizers and fertilized soil. Pits dug in waterproof clay are a kind of closed vessel that fills with water during monsoon rains. In a fertile land root system grapes are developing well at first, but as soon as waterlogging begins, it suffocates. Deep pits can play a positive role in soils where there is good natural drainage, permeable subsoil, or reclamation artificial drainage is possible. Planting grapes

    It is possible to quickly restore an obsolete grape bush by the method of layering ("katavlak"). To this end, healthy vines of a neighboring bush are laid in grooves dug to the place where the dead bush used to grow, and sprinkled with earth. A top is brought to the surface, from which a new bush then grows. Lignified vines are laid on layering in spring, and green vines in July. They are not separated from the mother bush for two to three years. A frozen or very old shrub can be restored by short pruning to healthy aboveground parts or by pruning to the “black head” of an underground stem. In the latter case, the underground bole is freed from the ground and cut down entirely. Not far from the surface, new shoots grow from dormant buds, due to which a new bush is formed. Grape bushes neglected and severely damaged by frost are restored due to stronger fatty shoots formed in the lower part old wood, and removing loose sleeves. But before removing the sleeve, form a replacement for it. Grape care

    A gardener who starts growing grapes needs to study the structure well vine and the biology of this interesting plant. Grapes are lianas (climbing) plants, they need support. But it can creep along the ground and take root, as is observed in wild-growing Amur grapes. The roots and the aerial part of the stem grow rapidly, branch strongly and reach large sizes. Under natural conditions, without human intervention, a branched bush of grapes with many vines of various orders grows, which comes into fruiting late and yields irregularly. In culture, the grapes are formed, give the bushes an easy-care shape that provides high yield quality bunches. Planting lemongrass

    Chinese schisandra, or schizandra, has several names - lemon Tree, red grapes, gomisha (Japanese), cochinta, kozyanta (Nanai), Kolchita (Ulchi), usimtya (Udege), uchampu (Oroch). In terms of structure, systemic relationship, center of origin and distribution, Schisandra chinensis has nothing to do with the real citrus plant lemon, but all its organs (roots, shoots, leaves, flowers, berries) exude a lemon scent, hence the name Schizandra. The lemongrass vine, clinging or twining around the support, along with the Amur grapes and three species of actinidia, is an original plant of the Far Eastern taiga. Its fruits, like real lemon, are too sour for fresh consumption, but they have medicinal properties, a pleasant aroma, and this has attracted a lot of attention to it. The taste of Schisandra chinensis berries slightly improves after freezing. Local hunters who consume such fruits claim that they relieve fatigue, give the body vigor and improve vision. The consolidated Chinese pharmacopoeia, compiled back in 1596, says: "The fruit of the Chinese magnolia vine has five flavors and is classified as the first category of medicinal substances. The pulp of schisandra is sour and sweet, the seeds are bitter-astringent, and the overall taste of the fruit is salty. it has all five tastes. " Grow lemongrass

From ancient times to the present day, wood has been an irreplaceable building material. She possesses a number positive characteristics, thanks to which it is highly appreciated among buyers.

But, despite all the advantages, wood is very vulnerable and prone to decay, so any wooden object must be processed.

Causes giving rise to putrefaction trees are as follows:

  • air humidity is the main enemy of wood;
  • temperature changes that contribute to the expansion or contraction of the tree;
  • condensation that accumulates in the wood and does not come out of it;
  • freezing;
  • contact with the ground.

Means and preparations for wood processing

Measures to prevent decay, it is advisable to carry out from the moment of harvesting materials for construction.

Rotting wood reduces its density, gradually leading to loosening and destruction of the structure, which is very dangerous for human life and health, therefore, it is imperative to carry out processing.

Prevent decay of wood is possible if the entire surface of a wooden building is carefully examined once a year. Rotting in infected areas will be indicated by an unpleasant odor and a white film.

Signs of wood decay are the characteristic rotting smell and a white, thin film in areas infested with rot and mold spores.

Depending on the source, causing the process of decay of the tree, the measures for its prevention will depend.

  • For example, vapor barrier and thermal insulation protects wood species from condensation.
  • Protection from atmospheric humidity will be provided by special paints and varnishes.
  • Natural drying sunlight will also get rid of excess moisture.
  • The most common and in effective ways are the methods of preservation and the use of an antiseptic. The principle of operation of these methods lies in the poisonous effect of the drug on the causative agents of putrefaction.

Protective facilities usually presented in the form of paints, varnishes and antiseptics. The use of paints will not only protect the tree from decay, but also refresh the appearance. Using varnishes, you can prevent cracks, give the wood a matte or glossy appearance, and also avoid surface fading.

Application of antiseptic agents expedient already at the stage of the appearance of mold. When choosing a product, you must carefully read the instructions, since some drugs are suitable only for internal processing, for example, inside the house, and some are exclusively for external.

For example, combined antiseptics are only suitable for external processing, as they are toxic.

If we compare the cost of wood decay, then it should be said that paints and varnishes are more expensive than antiseptics, and in order to prevent rotting, you need to purchase a considerable amount of paint. So the use of an antiseptic is much more beneficial both from a practical and an economic point of view.

Manufacturers of products for wood from decay

The Russian quality remedy for wood decay is “ Sagus”, It protects the surface and gives the wood a beautiful and healthy appearance. The cost of 1 liter is 90 rubles.

Neomid and "League Bioshield" are often in demand means that protect the surface from decay.

Decay remedy " Neomid 500"Disinfects the surface, preventing infection with almost all types of fungus, and is also able to cope with the" advanced "stage of decay. According to the manufacturer's advice, the received treatment should be "preserved" by means of the same series "Neomid 440" or "Neomid 450". Prices for these drugs reach 700 rubles per 5 kg. "League Bioshield", acting no worse than "Neomid", is an order of magnitude lower, so the price is from 103 rubles for 5 liters.

Antiseptic " Senezh»Protects wood from rotting and mold, depending on the purpose, antiseptics are subdivided for treating wood both outside and inside, as well as for rooms with high humidity.

This antiseptic is also suitable for re-treating surfaces, except for those that were previously treated with oil products.

This product can protect the surface for up to 35 years. On top of it, paint, varnish, glue and other substances can be applied. Senezh costs from 550 rubles. For 5 liters.

Drevosan Profi protects the tree from insects and fungi, as well as from mold. This tool can be applied both to infected surfaces and as a prophylaxis. This tool is more suitable for external processing. Price for 1 liter from 120 rubles.

How to choose the right product correctly?

At choice protective equipment, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the object, its location, the purpose of its construction.

For example, if the object is in coastal zone or in the room itself is constantly stored high level humidity, then it is necessary to choose a product that will protect the wood at temperature extremes. Such funds last up to 12 years on average.

It should also be borne in mind that often the properties of the drug are designed not only to prevent rotting, but also to protection from wood ignition. The term of validity of such "multifunctional" funds is up to 7 years.

It is better to treat terraces or gazebos with hard-to-wash products, one treatment is usually enough for 35 years.

Special solutions are also provided for fences, windows and other objects with rounding. Such solutions are specifically aimed at protecting against cracks and provide uniform shrinkage of the wood over the entire surface.

Handle wood often not necessary, however, the first alarming sign that requires additional processing is the appearance of cracks on the surface. Modern manufacturers offer a number of impregnations that prevent wood from decaying. For instance, "Wood Doctor", "Elkon", "Biox" help to get rid of mold and mildew, and are also suitable for indoor and outdoor processing. These brands are made in Russia. Of the highest quality drugs from foreign manufacturers, one can name the Dulux company, which is famous for a large selection of impregnations against fungus, and the products of the Alcator company penetrate deep into the wood and dry quickly, and the treated wood serves for a very long time.

Wood processing technology

Wood processing can be carried out in various ways.

When preparing material for construction, processing is usually carried out by immersion in a solution. This method requires special equipment.

If the material was laid without processing, then you can use the method spraying, which also protects against decay, but has a small penetration depth. This method works well for temporary protection.

Spray protection can be provided when the facility is already built. Before applying the substance, you need to prepare the object well, cleaning it from dust and dirt, and then apply the agent two or three times with an interval of 15 minutes. Exists general rules application of the drug:

  • first you need to clear wood from dirt and dust;
  • use sandpaper to get rid of gaps;
  • wash the boards with warm water with any detergent;
  • dry the boards completely;
  • apply the protective agent as many times as indicated in the instructions.

When processing it is important carefully handle the substance for your own safety. The product should not come into contact with skin, eyes, in case of contact, immediately wash off the chemical with water. Respiratory safety must be ensured when using the spray method.

Today there are many means and preparations that prevent wood from rotting, so you can build a house or other wooden objects without fear that they may soon collapse. And most importantly, do not forget to observe all the necessary security measures.

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