Decorative lemon care at home. Lemon tree care at home How to plant an ornamental lemon

Engineering systems 26.06.2020
Engineering systems

Anyone who wants to grow a lemon tree at home on a windowsill can do this without much difficulty. Indeed, for planting a plant, only seeds from a fresh lemon fruit or a stalk from an adult plant are required. Caring for a plant at home does not differ in any complex manipulations, but has its own characteristics. And with proper care, already in the seventh year after planting, you can achieve a stable rich harvest.

Caring for a lemon tree is not difficult.

We create the best conditions for growing lemon at home

A homemade lemon planted in an ordinary pot often reaches a size of one and a half meters (some varieties may be higher). Lemon looks like a small tree with oval dark green dense leaves. A lemon in a pot looks impressive, but a tree makes a greater impression when the fruits ripen on it. Planting and growing a homemade lemon tree is not difficult, but in order for a lemon flower to bear fruit, certain conditions must be met.

Choose a place in the room

The lemon tree is a rather unpretentious plant, but just putting a pot on the balcony and forgetting about it will not work. It is necessary to monitor temperature changes, because room lemon is very sensitive to changes of this nature. It is best to place the lemon on the windowsill in a room where there are no drafts. So the lemon will receive enough natural sunlight during the day, and the temperature will remain stable throughout the day.

If you place a lemon next to a heater or radiator, then the thermal masses will conflict with the temperature in the room and the plant will feel a constant temperature difference. This negatively affects the plant and it sheds leaves, sometimes it can even die. If the weather is hot outside and the sun's rays fall on the lemon, then the plant will have to be watered regularly and deployed daily.

It is best to place the lemon in a bay window or a room with a glass roof, which maintains a constant temperature without sudden changes and there is high humidity.

Lemon Genoa, like other varieties, does not like drafts

Choosing the right container

To grow a beautiful lemon at home, you need to choose the right container. The material of the pot can be any (plastic, ceramic or metal). In diameter, the container should not exceed fifteen centimeters, and at the bottom there must be small drainage holes to drain excess moisture. Tall pots are not suitable for lemon, as its roots are small.

What kind of soil is needed for a lemon tree

It is not difficult to grow a lemon at home, for this you need to meet several conditions, one of them is the right soil and drainage. Land from the garden or soil for seedlings is not suitable for lemon. In a specialized store, it is best to purchase soil for indoor citrus plants and expanded clay drainage. Drainage can also be used on the basis of sand and wood ash.

If it is not possible to purchase soil for citrus fruits, then ordinary soil can be prepared for planting on your own. To do this, take forest land with humus, sand from the river bank and wood ash. There is a special formula for preparing soil for citrus fruits, it looks like this:

  1. Three glasses of forest soil with humus.
  2. One and a half tablespoons of wood ash.
  3. Half a glass of sand.
  4. Water.

All components are mixed until a consistency similar to sour cream is obtained from the mixture. After that, the mixture is poured into a container prepared for planting, and a lemon is planted. The roots of the plant must be completely covered with the mixture.

Soil for lemon can be bought at the store

How to care for a lemon tree

Caring for a lemon tree is quite simple, you just need to maintain a constant temperature regime and avoid drafts. Then the houseplant will please with abundant flowering and juicy fruits. Those who are going to grow lemons at home are interested in the question of whether lemons grown on a windowsill in an ordinary flower pot can be used for food. There are such lemons can be useful. Therefore, growing lemons on the windowsill is not just an exciting activity, but also a contribution to your own health.

Watering and fertilizing

Lemon, as a southern plant, needs regular and plentiful watering. In summer, the soil in a pot of lemon should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise its leaves will begin to curl up and fall off. In winter, it is necessary to water the plant only a few times a week, as it enters an artificial dormant stage. It is necessary to monitor the leaves of the plant, it does not like the accumulation of dust. It is necessary to wipe the leaves several times a month with a damp cloth.

Citrus roots need oxygen, so when watering, you need to slightly loosen the soil. In addition to moisture, citrus fruits are very susceptible to fertilizers, with proper feeding, the lemon will bloom all year round (with a break only in winter). For fertilizer, it is best to use organic fertilizers (chicken manure or manure), or mineral fertilizers for citrus fruits without chlorine. In winter, citrus fruits do not need fertilizers.

Chicken manure is suitable for fertilizing lemons

plant pruning

In order for a lemon to please with flowering, it needs a properly formed crown. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the emergence of new branches and prune them correctly. This is an obligatory component of plant care, and not just its decorative part.

In the second year of life, a lemon produces many shoots, in which, with the onset of winter, it is necessary to cut off the top, leaving two leaves on each branch. Over time, shoots of the second order appear on the branches, on which you also need to remove the tops and leave two leaves. The operation must be repeated until six to eight main branches are formed on an adult plant. Such branches will eventually give shoots of the fourth order, on which flowers and fruits will grow. In this way, you can also form a lemon bonsai - a small flowering tree that will produce miniature fruits all year round.

When the crown is formed, long fatty shoots appear at the base of the plant. They are easy to identify by their elongated rod-like shape and rapid growth. Shoots must be removed, as they interrupt the process of feeding the upper branches and the plant will not bear fruit.

Pruning a lemon gives a crown of the correct shape

Transplant Features

All citrus fruits do not react well to a change of residence, so it is better not to disturb the plants without the need to once again. It is possible to transplant plants without flowers every year without harm to it, but if the plant has flowers or fruits, then it is better to leave it alone. If transplantation can be done, then it is performed according to a certain scheme:

  1. The plant is taken out of the old pot along with an earthy clod. It is impossible to clean the roots of plants from the earth - it may die.
  2. About five centimeters of drainage are poured into a new pot, then a few centimeters of fresh earth.
  3. The plant is placed on top along with an earthen clod and sprinkled with fresh earth until the roots are completely covered.
  4. The land is watered abundantly.

You can not feed a lemon for several months after transplantation. The plant needs time to recover fragile small roots that were damaged during transplantation.

If the plant has long shoots, then some of them can be planted in small pots of sand, where they will quickly take root and begin to grow.

When transplanting a lemon, do not damage its roots.

The best indoor lemon varieties for home growing

All varieties of lemon for home cultivation can be divided into three groups:

  1. Varieties of a habitual form for lemons with a bright sour taste.
  2. Sweet varieties of lemons that are completely acid-free (acid-free varieties).
  3. Large varieties with a shape close to a real lemon.

If you do not divide lemons into these groups, then plants are distinguished by the thickness of the skin, the roundness of the shape and the presence of seeds (seed or seedless). All types of lemons that are suitable for indoor cultivation tend to reproduce quickly. The cuttings of such plants take root quickly and grow vigorously.

When breeding indoor lemons, it is necessary to choose those varieties that are adapted to shady lighting and feel great in the dry air of apartments.


This variety is distinguished by a small height of mature trees, all of them do not reach the mark of one and a half meters. The fruits have an oval shape of medium size, slightly pointed downwards. The description notes that the lisbon lemon has excellent tasting fruits, there are few seeds in the pulp. The skin of a Lisbon lemon is thin and smooth, it glistens in the light. The smell of lisbon is strong and pleasant. And the branches of the tree are strong, the crown is well formed even without stopping the upper shoots.

Home care for this variety is simple - lisbon easily tolerates dry air and high temperatures and needs only constant good lighting.

Lemon Lisbon does not grow above one and a half meters

New Zealand variety

The New Zealand lemon is one of the most beautiful exotic hybrid plants that you can grow on your windowsill. The form of the New Zealand lemon variety is unknown in origin, but compared to other varieties it has a more attractive appearance. The New Zealand lemon is the closest relative of the citron, so it has signs of this variety:

  1. Large beautiful flower shape.
  2. The presence of spines.
  3. Narrow winged leaves.
  4. Strong fresh aroma.

This is the largest variety of lemons that can be grown at home. Fruits often reach a weight of eight hundred grams, are egg-shaped with a wide nipple. The skin of the fruit is rough and thick with large tubercles. The flesh of the New Zealand lemon is juicy and moderately acidic.

Lemon New Zealand has a bumpy thick skin


The Genoa lemon variety has a beautiful crown shape from nature. The genoa lemon is a low-growing tree with few thorns on the shoots (sometimes no thorns).

The fruits of this variety are elongated, pronounced oval shape. At the end of the fetus there is a small elongated nipple. The description of the variety says that the skin of the genoa, although dense, but without bitterness, is suitable for eating.

The plant feels great at home, endures high temperatures and exposure to direct sunlight. The best locations for plants are windows on the south side of the building.

Yugoslav early variety

Yugoslav lemon is an early ripe variety that gardeners love very much. The plant has juicy, fragrant, medium-sized fruits that can hang on a tree for up to six months. The long stay of the fruits on the tree turns them orange, and it is for this attractive feature that many give preference to Yugoslavia. Such a plant becomes an ornament for a winter garden. And it grows up to three meters in height. The Yugoslav lemon is very prolific, in seven years it is able to produce more than twenty kilograms of fruit per year.

Yugoslav is unpretentious in care, but loves humidity and shade. Therefore, the plant feels best in winter gardens or on the windows of the shady side of the house.

Lemon Yugoslav early ripening unpretentious in cultivation and very decorative

Difficulties in growing indoor lemon

Although most varieties of homemade lemon are unpretentious in their care, there are certain problems when growing it.

In order for the tree not to hurt and regularly bear fruit, it is necessary to water it in a timely manner, feed it and observe a certain temperature regime in the room. An important role is played by lighting, with its lack, the plant withers and sheds leaves.

Citrus fruits often get sick, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of the tree and follow all the rules of care. And if you find any unpleasant changes in the appearance of the plant, you should carefully study the defect and eliminate its cause.

It is difficult to observe all the subtleties, so most owners are advised to think several times before purchasing a citrus. Although experienced gardeners claim that over the years you can get used to the characteristics of citrus fruits.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease among citrus fruits is leaf yellowing. Among the causes of this disease are the following:

  1. There is too little moisture in the air containing lemon.
  2. Lemon has not been fertilized for a long time or the bait was wrong.
  3. In winter, the plant entered a state of artificial dormancy, and it needs a certain temperature (from plus five to minus ten degrees). Elevated room temperature during this period causes yellowing of the leaves.
  4. The plant is infected with spider mites.

Sometimes leaves fall off a lemon, and often this pathology is associated with infection of the plant with a spider mite or a change in temperature. The main pests affecting lemon trees are aphids and mealy worms. If the plant is massively infected with pests, then chemical insecticides are used to eliminate them.

Spring for many plants is a period of awakening from winter rest and a transition to the stage of activation of life processes, a set of green mass and flowering. Lemon trees are no exception. What care do lemons need in spring? They also wake up and begin to show activity. But for this they need certain resources. Let's take a closer look at how to help your citrus fruits get through this period in the most favorable way.

at home requires more care than a normal outdoor lemon tree. This is due to the fact that the room is an unusual environment for this plant, so it is necessary to create the necessary conditions favorable for the growth and flowering of the plant. But the efforts will not be in vain: a lemon tree growing indoors will perfectly fit into the interior and become a highlight of the decor, pleasing the eyes of the inhabitants of the house for a long time.

What does it include indoor lemon care at home and how to protect it from death?

To get beautiful with fruits in an apartment, special attention should be paid to top dressing.

Features of caring for indoor lemon in the spring

1. The need for top dressing.

requires special care in the spring, because it is during this period that the branches grow most actively, new buds form, and the flowering period begins in older plants. The plant spends more resources than at other times, so it needs additional watering and feeding. The latter can be used

  • - special fertilizers for the care of a lemon in a pot;
  • - fertilizers for domestic citrus and other fruit trees;
  • - universal fertilizers.

The first option is the most optimal and will give the best result, providing the tree with all the substances and trace elements necessary for the harmonious development.

2. The beginning of flowering and precautions.

homemade lemon care does not always mean the preservation of all flower buds. Flowering and subsequent fruits require a huge amount of resources, therefore they are safe only for mature strong plants. If the tree is still young or simply weak, then the buds should be cut off, otherwise they will pull all the forces on themselves and destroy the plant. It will not be possible to save them in any case, but if you try to do this, the whole tree will dry up. In order for it to bloom safely, you need to strengthen it earlier, starting from the end of winter and increasing feeding as it gets warmer outside and the lemon “wakes up” accordingly (this will happen even if it is always indoors - it will respond to an increase in the duration solar lighting).

3. Washing after wintering.

4. Transplant to a larger pot.

At caring for a lemon in a pot at home you always have to be careful. As soon as it grows so much that the pot becomes small for it, you need to immediately transplant it into a large container. Otherwise, in cramped conditions, it may dry out, as it will not have enough space for the spread of the rhizome. As you know, the larger the plant, the wider its root system is developed in order to be able to take a sufficient amount of nutrients from the soil. If there is too little space for it to grow, then it will not be able to provide nutrition to the entire plant, so it will begin to dry out and soon die, no matter how plentiful watering and top dressing are.

5. Pest control.

Spring top dressing

in a pot at home, despite the same room temperature throughout the year, implies regular top dressing in the spring. Any high-nitrogen fertilizer designed for citrus fruits will do. They will help the tree to actively grow foliage and gain strength for fruit set.

It is important to follow the instructions on the packaging and dosages, because satiation with nutrition can be more harmful for the plant than its deficiency. The mixing of two or more preparations is undesirable, unless the need for this is indicated in a separate paragraph (this may be with complex feeding).

With increasing daylight hours, lemons need more nitrogen to grow green mass.

: keep or delete?

As mentioned above, flowering of weak plants should not be allowed, otherwise they may die. But how do you know if a lemon has enough strength? This is determined not only by its general condition (no dry or yellowed elements, healthy appearance), but also by the number of leaves: there should be at least 12-15 (depending on the size of the tree). If there are fewer, then the buds should be removed. If more, then the tree is already strong and developed enough to withstand flowering and fruit formation. With proper care, you can get not only decorative lemons, but quite edible and tasty fruits that do not differ from store-bought ones.

Timely removal of early ovaries will allow the plant to bear fruit more productively in the future, since its health will not be undermined by beriberi and lack of nutrition in the process of formation.

Proper washing of leaves

Conditions lemon cultivation and care followed by washing it as needed. This helps to get rid of dust and possible pests, and also cleans the pores of the plant and refreshes it. How to do it right?

First you need to wrap the pot in a plastic bag so as not to flood the ground. Then put it in the bath and wipe all the leaves with water and laundry soap diluted with it. Then you need to rinse the plant with a weak pressure of a warm shower.

It is important to ensure that a lot of water does not get into the ground (even wrapping the pot in cellophane does not make it acceptable to shower directly from above). It is advisable to tilt the pot so that the water flows directly into the tub, and not down the trunk.

Also, in order to avoid flooding the lemon, you need to pause in watering before washing, waiting for some drying of the earth. Then the water that got into the pot will not be superfluous, but will be perceived by the plant as watering. But it is impossible to constantly water in this way, because it requires settled water with a minimum amount of chlorine and other elements harmful to any indoor greenery.

Transplanting a lemon by transshipment

The transshipment method does not require a complete replacement of the soil, but involves transplanting the plant, along with the old earthen clod, into a new container. To do this, you need to carefully remove the plant from the pot along with the ground and inspect the roots. If they noticeably stick out in different directions, then the new pot should be larger than the previous one. If they are intertwined at the bottom, then the same size is sufficient.

In a new pot, you need to fill the bottom with coarse coarse sand, then add a small layer of earth, and then place it there along with the old earthen clod. At the end, you need to level the soil and make it comfortable.

This is best done at the end of February, shortly before the plant has entered the phase of active growth, but after a period of deep hibernation.

Preventive treatment of lemon with Fitoverm

So, caring for a dwarf lemon in spring and preparing it for summer It takes time, effort and precautions. But a well-groomed and healthy plant will not only decorate any interior, but can also produce juicy fruits rich in vitamins. For lovers of floriculture indoor lemon care not difficult, but for beginners this task is quite difficult.

Spring top dressing of indoor lemon with organic matter

There is a category of flower growers who like exotic plants. They try to either acquire such a pet, or grow their own. Most often found on window sills in houses. It is valued for its evergreen disposition, the ability to bloom all year round and, as a result, bear fruit. But in order to achieve fruit ripening, you need to know how to care for a foreign guest.

To plant a green pet in your house, you need to decide on the type:

  • Pavlovsky is not afraid of the shadow, for which gardeners have appreciated him for many years. After planting, he begins to produce flowers only in the 3rd year. It begins to bloom in March-April and in October. Within 12 months, a tree can produce up to 15 fruits. They are distinguished by thin skin, pleasant taste and weight (on average - 400 g). The plant can grow up to 2 m in height.
  • Ponderosa is a low-growing shrub that does not exceed 1 m, does not require special care, but produces a small amount of berries - up to 5 pieces in total. It does not differ in large sizes - up to 300 g. It begins to bloom only in the 4th year, but all flowers are removed. Only on subsequent flowering can you leave up to 6 inflorescences. It has a thick skin (1 cm) and a sweet and sour taste, but contains many seeds inside the fruit.
  • Meyer - a dwarf variety, reaches 0.5-1 m. Throws out inflorescences already 1-2 years after planting. Like the bush itself, the fruits are not cumbersome - up to 200 g. The taste of the fruit is inconspicuous. During the period it brings up to 12-15 berries of sun drops, which ripen quickly (in 9 months). Of the minuses - in winter, additional lighting is needed, it often gets sick and is quite capricious in care. The fruits boast a round shape and thin skin structure.
  • Lucario is very common in Europe. The most unpretentious of all varieties. It bears fruit well with small lemons (150-180 g) - up to 16 pieces. Taste qualities do not differ in features.
  • Lisbon - characterized by thorns on the branches. It tolerates sunlight well and is tolerant of heat. Gives berries for the 3rd year in the amount of 16 fruits. Valued for its excellent taste.

There are also varieties such as Genoa and Kursk with excellent taste, Maidan (endowed with high yields), Novogruzinsky, Eureka and Villafronka. All species have proven themselves only on the positive side, but they very rarely appear on sale.

The most important thing for a plant is light. A good location is the southeast window sills. At noon, it is recommended to shade the bush, it is possible to acquire burns on the leaves. In winter, it is required to highlight with fitolamps to increase the length of the day to 12 hours.

Lemon loves fresh air, but is sensitive to drafts. Therefore, they should be avoided. In order for the development of the branches to occur evenly, the bush should be turned to the light 1-2 times in 4 weeks. If you do not saturate the lemon with light, then its leaves will stop growing rapidly. Also, the lack of lighting will affect the taste of the fruit - they will become sour. In the spring, it is required to withstand a certain temperature regime. At this time, the tree is actively growing, developing and releasing buds.

The following points should be followed to normalize the temperature:

  1. When flowering, the optimal degrees of air is +18 C. If you exceed the threshold, then all the inflorescences will dry up and fall off.
  2. In the spring, you should reduce the heat to +12 C by moving the flowerpot to the loggia, glazed balcony or open garden plot. Such conditions will have a good effect on the growth of the crown.
  3. In winter, the temperature is good from +15 to +18 C and additional lighting.
  4. In summer, for fruit ripening, it is necessary to slightly increase the heat in the room to + 21 + 22 C.

It is imperative to monitor the temperature rise to +25 C and the decrease in humidity. In this case, the plant may die. Lemon loves moisture. On dry days, it must be sprayed 2-3 times a day with soft, settled water. You should adhere to humidity of 60-70% and +18 C - the most ideal conditions for growth.

Watering is very important for a lemon - in no case should the earth be overdried. Irrigation requires melt water, river or rain water is also suitable. In the absence of such a nutrient fluid, tap water is usually used. It must be boiled, cooled and slightly acidified. Such a process will soften it.

It is necessary to water the flowerpot evenly around the entire perimeter, distributing moisture. It is not recommended to pour water directly under the root!

It is necessary to carry out the process of watering either early in the morning, or when the sun sets over the horizon. This is necessary so that less moisture loss occurs. Abundant watering should begin in March. In the summer months, it is more advisable to water up to 3 times a week, make sure that the soil does not dry out. If the soil is dried out, the plant will respond with yellow leaves and their death. In autumn, the water supply is gradually reduced. In winter, irrigation is not needed too often - only 1 time per week. Especially if the battery is far from the flowerpot with a bush, then watering is minimal, if a heat source is close, then as needed.

Lemon responds well to top dressing. But only adult plants need a mineral supplement (upon reaching 3-4 years). For young shrubs, such stimulation of development is not needed.
It is recommended to feed from March to mid-autumn - 1 time in 21 days. Be sure to alternate with organic. In the summer, they are fed along with watering, and in winter you need to let the moisture soak in - after 2-3 hours.

There are some tricks that can be applied when fertilizing:

  1. For a large harvest - water is replaced with a tincture of egg shells.
  2. In the case of normal growth and development, you should not resort to any top dressing.
  3. During the growing season, it is recommended to fertilize with superphosphate 2 times.
  4. Ammonium nitrate is used to increase growth.
  5. For full development, top dressing "Citrus mixture" is introduced. It successfully combines all the microelements necessary for the growth of a green pet.

It is necessary for the plant to form a beautiful crown, as well as improve the yield. When a young plant reaches 25 cm in height, its top must be pinched (removed). This contributes to the formation of side branches, which bear fruit.

Transplantation is performed annually up to 3 years. It is produced so as not to damage the roots of the plant. But for better growth, transshipment is used, while removing part of the land layer. After the shrub is transplanted no more than 1 time in 2-3 years in early spring, but until flowering and fruit formation.

Transplant features:

  • Choose a container for planting should be no more than 15 cm in diameter, about 30-50% larger than the previous flowerpot. A cone pot is perfect.
  • During the transplanting process, the soil around the trunk is well moistened so that it can be carefully pulled out of the flowerpot. After the clod of earth is taken out, you need to carefully examine the outer roots. In case of damage, it is required to cut them with sharp scissors or a blade.
  • At the very bottom of the flowerpot, on the drain hole, it is recommended to install a broken handle from a ceramic pot, so that the soil does not clog the hole. After that, a drainage is placed, on which a layer of earth is laid on top to the middle of the pot.
  • The substrate should be taken nutritious, airy, loose, neutral acidity. It is more expedient to mix the optimal composition from leaves and soddy soil (4 parts each), 1 part sand and manure, and also add 1 tbsp. wood ash.
  • Having filled the pot with soil, the root system of the lemon is installed in the middle and densely covered with the remnants of the soil, so that there are no empty cavities.

Thus, transplantation is carried out by the transshipment method, while not shaking off the roots of the earth and without injuring the plants.

In order to exclude uninvited guests on the stems of a lemon, it should be regularly washed with settled room water. Also, the bush can be affected by diseases:

  • Fungal diseases (late blight, root rot, mold, soot fungus) - in most cases, the affected area or roots are cut, disinfected and sprayed with chemical insecticides, for example, copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid.
  • Infectious diseases are not always curable. For example, Malchenko - the shoots dry up, affecting all the stems. With Gammosis, cracks are observed in the bark, from which the juice of the bush flows.
  • Viral diseases (xylopsorosis, citrus cancer, leaf mosaic, trithesis) - are not subject to treatment. It is more expedient to remove a flowerpot with an affected pet from healthy specimens and burn it.

The main pests for lemon are: aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, spider mites and thrips. At the first detection of insects, they must be removed immediately. After you need to wash the stems and leaves with soapy water. It is recommended to carry out cold ablutions of the shrub 2 times a week.

If the actions do not lead to the elimination of the problem, then it is necessary to treat the crown and branches with chemicals aimed at pest control.

Thus, in order for the plant to grow healthy and bear fruit abundantly, it is recommended to monitor its condition, do not pour and shade at noon. The main thing is to feed in time and notice the problems that have appeared. Then the bush will delight not only with excellent development, but also with delicious fruits.

More information can be found in the video:

If desired, everyone can grow a lemon tree at home. Home care is not particularly difficult, but of course there are certain nuances. If everything is done correctly, then in the 5th or 7th year you can wait for the fruits from your own grown lemon. Everything is important for a homemade lemon tree, and the composition of the soil and water for irrigation, and air temperature, humidity. The leaves of an evergreen tree emit phytoncides, freshen the air of the room, and exude a delicate, unobtrusive aroma. Lemon is good as a fruit, applicable as a prophylactic drug, tasty as candied candied fruits, but simply beautiful, like an exotic indoor tree. However, even dark green leathery lemon leaves look beautiful, and at the same time have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Fragrant, tasty, healthy citrus is familiar to everyone, we see its bright yellow fruits on store shelves all year round.

Lemon tree, photo:

Depending on the variety, the lemon tree can be of different sizes. If the goal is precisely the fruits, and not just a decorative function, then there are two ways to get the result. Citrus grown from cuttings will begin to bear fruit earlier (with proper care), but the plant from the seed will be healthier and more actively developing.

If you do not want to bother with the process of germination / cultivation, then you can purchase ready-made lemon seedlings in specialized departments and stores. You can buy a lemon tree in an online store that belongs to a botanical garden, for example, or from amateur breeders. If you are not looking for easy ways, you are interested in the process of plant birth itself, then you will find information on how to do it in another article. The planting method itself is not very different from the technology for growing other citrus crops.

Lemon Tree Care

An important stage of care is proper lighting at home. The permanent location of the lemon should be well lit, but direct sunlight should still be avoided. How to care for a lemon tree? Try to decide in advance on the permanent place of residence of the plant, as it does not like to be moved. In order for the crown to develop evenly, it is allowed to gently turn the lemon towards the light. This process must be done slowly and gradually.

For harmonious growth and development, the plant at home must be transplanted annually. Each time, the container should be larger, during transplanting, the roots and soil are carefully moved into a new pot, the missing amount of earth is filled up to the required volume. The soil for indoor lemon should be similar in composition to the previous soil.

When the plant reaches a certain size, and the pot will hold 10 liters, then transplants can be stopped. Now you only have to periodically renew the top layer of soil (twice a year), feed the plant with fertilizers (Vermisol, Humisol, Biohumus - for citrus crops).

Caring for a young tree at home at first does not include top dressing, but with the onset of summer time, you can add a little fertilizer to the water for irrigation. The plant is very capricious, it needs a delicate approach regarding ambient temperature and moisture. There should be no sudden drops - a little something is wrong - the plant will react with the loss of leaves.

How to prune a lemon tree? Pruning forms a crown, prevents it from growing to large sizes, which is very important if you have a small apartment. Crown care should be started from a young age, when the plant reaches 20-30 cm in height. Thus, the top of the tree is cut off, the side shoots are cut off at the level of the 5th leaf, the lower branches (those that are close to the soil) are also removed - this makes it possible for the trunk to fully develop.

If you see a “bust” of crown splendor on one of the sides, then carefully cut off the excess, give the tree the desired shape. Branch pruning is always done just above the leaf. The lower branches should be longer than the upper ones. Pruning should be carried out only when it is really required (stimulation of the growth of new branches, rejuvenation of the old tree). Frequent pruning of branches can weaken the plant.

Should a lemon tree be pruned according to the time of year? There are several approaches to this process: the best time for pruning is spring. March is the best. Often, pruning is done during lemon flowering, budding. Winter pruning is also used: if the plant is already bearing fruit, then it must be produced after harvesting.

Lemon blooms very profusely and spreads a truly magical aroma. The indoor plant lemon tree has bisexual flowers, so fruit set occurs by itself. If you want to increase the yield, then you can apply the technique of artificial pollination. To do this, the flowers must be ripe, using a soft brush, collect pollen from the stamens and carefully transfer it to the pistil (on the sticky top). This is a rather monotonous process, but very effective. Additionally, you can insure yourself with fruit formation stimulants and plant growth regulators - fertilizers Ovary and Bud (spraying).

The ideal temperature for the growth of foliage and branches is +16..18ºC, for the harmonious development of fruits - 22..23ºC. Sudden temperature fluctuations, very high, as well as too low, have an extremely negative effect on the general condition of the lemon tree.

The soil temperature at home should be about the same as the air temperature. Sometimes a lemon is taken out to "ventilate", for example, on a balcony, and then brought into a room - this is undesirable. Such changes are stressful for the lemon. It reacts by dropping leaves. Because the cold earth and warm room air form an unfavorable temperature difference.

How to water a lemon tree at home?

The most vigilant lemon care extends from autumn to spring (October-March). In winter, batteries and heating devices are actively working at home, which dry the air. For this reason, the plant should be placed away from sources of active heat, the batteries should sometimes be covered with a damp cloth and the crown should be irrigated daily with water. Such care also requires compliance with the measure, because excessive moisture of the lemon threatens the development of the fungus. You can also place water containers next to the pots - the evaporation of moisture has a beneficial effect on the plant. With the onset of summer heat, lemon leaves are recommended to be wiped with a damp cloth.

How often to water a lemon at home? Here you need to adhere to the golden mean - do not allow the soil to dry out and do not flood it beyond measure. Boiled or settled water at room temperature is suitable for irrigation, twice a week will be enough.

Below in the comments you can read the surprised and indignant exclamation of the reader, about watering the lemon with boiled water. Alas, I did not explain why the quality of the water is so important for indoor lemon. The fact is that the chlorine present in tap water has a depressing effect on the lemon. Boiling or settling water will help correct the situation. Even the hardness salts in the water prevent the lemon from feeling comfortable. If you have hard water, then only boiling will make it softer, at the same time the chlorine will evaporate.

If it so happened that you overdid it with watering (the soil began to rot), then you need to change the soil in the pot as soon as possible. Clay pots are ideal containers for growing lemons at home, they evaporate excess moisture well and allow the soil to "breathe".

If the lemon dries

Sometimes on gardening forums you can see requests for help: a lemon tree dries, what should I do ?! - often this situation arises again from a lack of moisture and dryness of the air in the room. Improper care: lack of lighting, stagnation of water in the soil are secondary causes of lemon drying. Sometimes such adverse changes can occur due to the attack of a pest - a spider mite.

If we know how to cope with the lack of moisture, then more drastic measures are needed to combat the tick. The treatment of the lemon tree with insecticides will put an end to the harvest, since after it it will not be possible to eat the fruits. But there is a way out - ultraviolet (UV lamp) kills spider mites in 2-3 minutes, and such a short "irradiation" of the plant at home will be enough.

The cause of drying out can also be the seasonal acclimatization of the plant. We'll have to cut off the dried branches. And in the spring, new shoots will appear in their place. The lack of micro and macro elements is also expressed in the form of drying, the introduction of the necessary top dressings and balanced fertilizers solves this problem. Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium additives or fertilizer Root feeder (KP-5) will help the tree come to life and get all the missing nutrients.

pavlovsky lemon

As we can see, a lemon requires careful care and compliance with the rules of cultivation, but the result of such efforts cannot but rejoice. A beautiful plant with vitamin fruits is a worthy gift that a lemon tree gives us. behind it is not so complicated, if you know all the nuances.

Lemon(Citrus limon) belongs to the Rutacea family and unites dozens of varieties of evergreen citrus trees of small size. These beautiful plants with a well-leafy crown are quite abundant in fruiting. The leaves of the lemon tree are very dense, shiny, dark green in color and have an ovoid-shaped plate with serrated edges. Some varieties of lemon are perfectly adapted for growing at home. Caring for a lemon tree is quite simple. You will find photos of indoor lemon varieties and home care rules for this miniature tree later in this article.

Many lovers of indoor plants have long appreciated the decorative qualities of a lemon, as well as the opportunity to annually harvest tasty, juicy and healthy fruits. Indoor lemon can be used to form a floristic composition of bushy and treelike plants in a home interior. Together with a lemon, such miniature trees as Benjamin's ficus, Marginata dracaena, Crassula Money tree, Zamioculcas Dollar tree, bonsai sheffler, myrtle with a lush crown, home yucca will look interesting.

One of the most popular indoor lemon tree varieties in our country is Pavlovsky (Citrus Limon Pavlovsky), Panderose (Ponderosa), Meyer (or Chinese). Usually Pavlovian lemons grow to a height of 1.5-2 meters, have a rounded crown shape with oblong shiny leaves. They begin to bear fruit already at 3-4 years. The rough peel of the ripened fruit has a light green color. In a panderose lemon, the first fruiting season at home can begin as early as the second year. The variety is famous not only for its delicate, pleasant-tasting fruit pulp, but also for its abundant flowering. Large cream-colored flowers are collected in beautiful inflorescences.

In recent years, the Meyer lemon (Citrus Limon Mejer) has held the palm in terms of popularity of growing at home. A miniature tree reaches a height of 1.2-1.5 meters. By pruning and pinching young shoots, you can give a very interesting, original shape to the crown of this lemon tree. This variety of indoor lemon is valued for its beautiful white flowers, which have a unique delicate aroma. Fragrant flowers bloom, usually at the end of the winter period, 2-6 pieces per inflorescence or one per shoot. But the main distinguishing feature of the Meyer lemon is its very juicy, sweet fruits with yellowish-orange flesh. The round fruits are protected by a thin skin and change color during ripening from green to bright yellow or light orange. This miniature lemon tree is often used to form an original phytodesign indoors or for landscaping winter gardens. Against the background of these compact trees with a lush crown, such popular flowering houseplants as the phalaenopsis orchid or dendrobium, male happiness (anthurium) or female happiness (spathiphyllum) flower, Thompson's clerodendrum, New Guinean balsam, home gerbera, miniature saintpaulia violets, geraniums will look interesting with lush large flowers, tuberous begonia, Persian cyclamen.


Location and lighting.

Indoor lemon refers to a light-loving plant. The plant will feel comfortable on the windowsill of a window facing the east or west side of the room. You can also place a pot with a tree next to the south window on a stand, but in this case it is necessary to shade the window glass so that direct sunlight does not damage the foliage (yellow spots from burns begin to appear on the leaf blade). If possible, take the lemon tree outdoors when the temperature does not drop below 12°C. At home, try to ventilate the air more often, but keep the plant away from drafts. When there are short periods of sunlight during the day, be sure to put phyto or other high-quality fluorescent lamps next to the pot. The daily lighting period for indoor lemon is 12-14 hours.

Temperature regime.

The comfortable temperature for a lemon tree in spring and summer is 16-24°C. Sudden changes in temperature during the day can worsen the decorative value of the plant - lemon leaves begin to curl and turn yellow at the edges.

In order for the budding period to come on time and the lemon fruits to ripen completely, it is advisable to organize a “cold wintering” the day before. In winter, try to keep the temperature in the range of 14-17°C.

Air humidity.

The best option is moderate humidity. Protect the lemon from dry air during the heating season and during the summer heat. Try to spray the plant more often with warm settled water (3 times a day with dry indoor air). You can put a pot with a tree on a pallet with wet pebbles, and place a container of water next to the pot.


Water the indoor lemon with warm boiled or settled water for several days. In late autumn and winter, it is necessary to water the plant very moderately, when the top layer of soil dries completely. But it is also impossible to overdry the earthen ball, as the leaves will begin to turn yellow and crumble. In spring and summer, you can water the plant abundantly, but without overflowing. Pour out all the water flowing into the pan. With constant waterlogging of the earthy coma, the roots begin to rot.

Earth mix and top dressing.

To plant a lemon, you can use a purchased substrate for citrus fruits or make an earthen mixture yourself: soddy soil, leafy soil, humus, peat and coarse sand (proportion - 2: 1: 1: 1: 1).

In winter, it is not necessary to feed the lemon (a weak solution of complex fertilizer once a month) if the room is slightly cool. If the room is cold, then fertilizing during wintering is not necessary at all. In spring, summer and until mid-autumn, apply liquid fertilizer once every two weeks, alternating organic top dressing with mineral.


For transplanting, it is best to choose a burnt clay pot with a hole in the bottom. A young plant is transplanted every year, and an adult lemon - once every 3 years, annually changing the topsoil. A 2 cm drainage layer of expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the pot, and a layer of sand is placed on top. A new pot for transplanting should be 5-6 cm in diameter wider than the previous one. Do not bury the root neck of the tree in the substrate.



Lemon can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, by grafting (a cutting from a fruiting plant can be grafted onto a three-year-old stock grown from seed).

At home, propagation by cuttings is most often used. From a fruit-bearing indoor lemon, a shoot 3-4 mm thick, ripened since last year, is cut with a sharp knife. In a container with wet sand, we deepen the stalk a few centimeters. Roots will begin to appear at high humidity and temperatures of 21-24°C.

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