What is the wooden door? Basic elements of a wooden interior door

Landscape design and layout 03.03.2020
Landscape design and layout

Classification of doors

Doors, depending on their position in the building, the number of cloths, the opening method, etc. It can be divided into the following, presented in Table 1, the main types.

Carefully examined the table, you can highlight those characteristics (signs) that are distinguished by modern doors. This is a way to open, material and functional purpose.

Table 1

By location in the building, there are:

  • outdoor: entrance and balcony;
  • domestic: entrance to the apartment or other rooms with staircases and corridors, interroom and cabinets.

The outer doors impose requirements that differ from the doors internally, which is determined by the location of these doors in the building. The outer doors are exposed to atmospheric precipitation, oscillations of outdoor air temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, winds, and the like. They must protect indoor rooms from cold and noise. Consequently, exterior doors should be sound and heat-shielding. Materials used for the manufacture of similar doors and their outer decoration should be resistant to the negative impacts listed above. Another function that external doors must perform (as well as the entrance to apartments) is the opposition to unauthorized access to the premises, i.e. security.

By the opening method, the doors distinguish:

  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • folding;
  • rotating.

The most famous and are familiar - swing doors . They can open one way or both in both, i.e. To be swinging. Apply both internal and as external. May be glazed and deaf. Similar doors can be made of any material used for the manufacture of doors and have any design. Swing doors can be like a threshold, and without it. In modern structures, the threshold is automatically lowering, which increases the sound and heat-shield characteristics of the doors. As you know, one-board doors are right and left. If, when opening the door "on itself", the loops are on the right, then this is the right door, if the left is left (see Fig. 2). Modern deaf doors are universal.

There are one disadvantage in the opening doors, they require a certain space to open, and this is not always convenient, especially in close rooms. Therefore, the light appeared sliding doors and folding . These types of doors make it possible to create the necessary interiors, increase the transformability of the room, and also, with their help, it is easy to redecessing the inner space, both residential buildings and public premises (offices, restaurants, conference rooms, etc.).

Folding doors Consist of separate sections moving along the guide installed in the doorway. They can be deaf and glazed, made of solid wood, from plastic coated with natural wood and from other materials. Apply such doors only as internal.

Sliding doors , when opening, or go into the cavity inside the wall, or move in parallel to it. They are used both internal, and as entrance to public buildings, often with the use of modern automation. To finish the doors, modern materials are used: glass, laminate, mirrors, wood veneer, as well as their combinations. Currently, this type of doors is also widely used for the so-called, "wardrobes".

Revolving (carousel) doors Used in public buildings (hotels, department stores, airports, etc.). They are in two, three and four suts for execution, with manual or automatic opening.

By material from which doors are made, they can be divided into:

  • wooden;
  • profile;
  • based on PVC profile;
  • based on aluminum profile;
  • steel;
  • glass.

Modern doors are modern materials. The tree is dried and processed by new technologies, new tree-like materials and their combination in door designs. Wooden doors are applied as external and as internal, for residential and for public buildings. But if, as internal, interroom (for residential premises), they confidently continue to keep the first place to use, then when used as outdoor, they are currently acquired serious competitors. They are steel doors and, so-called profile doors, which are based on the design of the aluminum or PVC profile. Profile doors are perfectly combined with modern facades and profile entrance groups. And steel doors can provide the required safety of the premises.

Profile doors Currently, more and more often began to be applied as internal in business centers, large stores, banks and other public buildings, often in combination with profile partitions. As internal, and steel doors made of refrigerated thin polystylene steel. They can fully imitate wooden doors, having the same web site membership, panel and embossed wood texture.

Glass doors Expand the palette of the architect's capabilities for organizing entry into public building and internal space.

Doors can be combined, manufactured using various materials, which increases the ability to give them the necessary technical characteristics and external forms.

Depending on the number of cloths, doors can be:

  • one-board;
  • bipoly;
  • one-and-a-half (with two canvases of unequal width).

The doors of three- and four-dollar are used very rarely. The number of door shells dictates, as a rule, width of the opening in a partition or wall. The width of the opening depends on the functional purpose of the room and fire requirements. All bispal doors, except swinging, require additional panels of lacker - door decogets. Spivenets are usually installed on one of two beds of a biscuit door, or on a narrow leaf of the two-and-a half doors. The sash, fixed on top and bottom of the spinages, becomes a part of the door frame, while, at any time you can free and open, expanding, thereby, the doorway.

To fill the door leaf doors can be:

  • glazed;
  • deaf.

Balcony doors Always make glazed, energy-saving. Internal doors are also often done glazed, for example, for lighting the second light of auxiliary premises. With the same purpose, framugues are arranged over the doors. Glasses or double-glazed windows can be transparent, matte, or with a relief pattern, different colors, with stained glass. The glazing form can be the most different, both traditional: rectangular and arched and round or even triangular. For spreading doors, hills (false and real) are used.

The functional purpose of the door is:

  • for residential buildings
  • for public buildings
  • special

Depending on the functional purpose of the room, various technical requirements are presented to the doors. At the same time, the design of the doors should not be confronted with their appearance, which must correspond to the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior or facade of the building.

Special doors are divided into:

  • flame retardant;
  • energy saving;
  • increased sound insulation;
  • protective (shockproof, bulletproof, anti-burglary);
  • waterproof;
  • others (for example, anti-radiation protective).

More details on special purpose doors will be discussed below. Here we also want to note that, thanks to the use of new materials and technologies, the doors stopped being just a universal element that provides the connection of the premises. These are more stringent requirements for technical specifications, and each room, depending on their destination, should be equipped with an appropriate door. Today it is real, since modern technologies give us such an opportunity.

The main components of the doors remained today almost the same as they were over the centuries. But in modern doors, they can be made of new materials using the latest technologies. This makes it possible, on the one hand, achieve the required technical characteristics, and on the other, to obtain unlimited possibilities for artistic doors.

The doors are installed in the doorways left in the walls and partitions separating the premises.

Separate parts and details of doors wear the following names:

  • awritten part of the door is called door blast ;
  • frame installed in the doorway on which door canvases are hung, called door box ;
  • for registration of the opening and covering the slot between the box and the partition or the wall, along the perimeter of the box, install platbands ;
  • transition from platbands to plinths and semi can be treated bedside tables ;
  • to improve thermal insulation, sound insulation and fire resistance doors, arrange door threshold which is a special bar in the floor, at the bottom of the doorway;
  • to protect the lower part of the door canvase from pollution and damage can be applied plinth (mainly in the outer doors);
  • door naschelniki called bars with a shaped profile, intended for covering the front of the bipoon doors;
  • door hills called bars with a shaped profile intended for the membership of the glazed part of the door and strengthen the glass;
  • door cloth straps , with a frame (scrap), the door solving is called the main bars, mountains - Bruks that divide the door canvas on the part and serving the link between the strapping;
  • files They are called individual shields that fill the space between the straps and the fittings;
  • door canvases are attached to the box (hang) on loop ;
  • to the canvas are attached door instruments : locks, handles, spiing tags (valves), safety chains, etc.;
  • to increase the sound and thermal protection properties of doors, apply special seals .

This is not a complete list of elements that can be used for the manufacture of doors. For example, guide and rollers are used for sliding and folding doors, in heat shielding doors - special insulation and double glazed windows, etc.

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The outer doors impose requirements that differ from the doors internally, which is determined by the location of these doors in the building. The outer doors are exposed to atmospheric precipitation, oscillations of outdoor air temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, winds, and the like. They must protect indoor rooms from cold and noise. Consequently, exterior doors should be sound and heat-shielding. Materials used for the manufacture of similar doors and their outer decoration should be resistant to the negative impacts listed above. Another function that external doors must perform (as well as the entrance to apartments) is the opposition to unauthorized access to the premises, i.e. security.

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Before equipping the interroom unit, you need to learn from what the interroom door is. It will help you to make the optimal choice of design, which will last for many years, will be convenient to use and will decorate your interior.

Basic elements of interior design

The interior door includes two main parts: the door canvas and the handle. In addition to the main elements, the interroom door is complemented by additional devices and fittings, which provides functionality and performs decorative functions. Each of these components has its subtleties in the device and has varieties.

Door leaf

This most weighty and significant parts of interroom and entrance doors, which performs an important function: opening and blocking the opening. The market presents a great manifold of products that differ in design, weight, size, facing and manufacturing material. Several types of door canvases can be distinguished:

Lickey type interior door



It has in the design frame from a tree, which is divided into fragments vertically and horizontally located imposses. Composite parts are independent and equipped with panels - separate frames with filling (fiberboard, glass, chipboard, etc.). The most high-quality models are manufactured using self-locking thorns without glue. They are not prone to dryness and exploited longer.

It contains a frame frame in the design made of wood bars and material finishing material (MDF, laminated Fiberboard or DVP under painting). Empties inside the door are filled with or wood bars or cellular filler (cardboard stripes, chipboard, fiberboard). These doors are available at a price and have high performance, so they take about 90% of the market.

Operations of panel doors - Majonite, having a cellular filler and the relief of the viper product.


This type of product may be devoid of frame and frame and consist only of a canvas made of kalen glass. The all-glass cloth visually increases the space of the room, does not block the light, suitable for modern interiors. Most often used in offices, shops and shopping centers.

It has an aluminum or plastic profile structure and filling elements from single glass, double-glazed glass, sandwich panels, laminated chipboard and other finishing materials. These doors are distinguished by increased strength even with an increased operational load and lack of restrictions in shape. The disadvantage is low heat and sound insulation.


This element is necessary for the installation of the door and give the product of the finished species. The design of the handling contains several parts: box, platbands and good.

There are two main types of molding - standard species and telescopic. The peculiarity of the latter is that it has in the design of the groove to expand the door box to the required thickness by nullifying the goodbird.


This element is performed as a fixed profile of the interior block and consists of one horizontal crossbar and two vertical racks. The roofs are fixed on the box, which hits the door leaf. On the form of door boxes there are traditional execution or complex curly species. In telescopic handling, the box is made of MDF or wood massif and has longitudinal slots for platbands.


These door structure elements are used to mask the area of \u200b\u200bconnecting the web and box. Most often, the platbands are produced from a wood massif or MDF with a coating of veneer. By type of fastening, platbands are two types:

  • overhead - fixed on glue or attached screws;
  • telescopic - equipped with wings to insert into the box, which allows even significant clearances to quickly and aesthetically.


This element is a bar and serves to extend the door box when the width of the corresponding box indicators is exceeded. During the production of doors, dimensions are observed. Standard size of the canvas correspond to the standard size of the box. In the case when the wall thickness is greater than the width of the box, it is used for a good, which is manufactured from the material of the door of the door. Installation of the problem is carried out in principle to the box or in specially intended for these purposes. Dobor gives high aesthetic qualities to the interconnect unit, connects all the elements into a single monolithic design.

Additional elements and fittings

These elements are not included in the doors, but are necessary for its full operation.


This product is intended to enhance sound insulation, blocking the penetration of dust into the room and to mitigate the blow when the door slam. The main requirement to the seal is soft and elasticity. Otherwise, it is very difficult to ensure uniform and dense adjacent to the door, which will cause difficulties in its operation.


This additional design element in the form of a wooden bar attached at the bottom of the doorway provides increased sound and thermal insulation, increases the fire safety of the door block. In addition, the threshold can become a good masking device for the joint of the floor covering or a smooth transition between the floor level in adjacent rooms.


These are small in size, but very important elements of any doors that provide comfortable operation, increase the blocking properties of the product. Accessories include loops, locks, various types of door handles, closers, spiing, chains and other products. When choosing these products, much attention is paid to the quality of the product and its combinance with the web and the interior as a whole.

The most important type of fittings is door handles. They provide door opening and closing, increasing the isolation and safety of the room. The structure of the door handle directly depends on its type. The simplest are stationary models. Pressure and rotary products contain small parts in the design, which make up the mechanism of fittings. The material of the manufacture of door handles is of great importance. Metal products are the strongest and reliable, but they increase the mass of the door and give extra load on the loop. For thin partitions, you can choose a handle from a tree or plastic.

Do not hurry with the choice of door - with the current number of proposals you probably can find a product cheaper and better. To be confident in choosing, deal, what do the doors come, what they differ, which structural features have.

Classification based on materials - what do the doors do?

There are many classifications of door canvases, and it will be more correct to start with the classification based on the materials from which they are manufactured. In the first place on this door wooden list. If earlier products made of wood were something ordinary and ordinary, then today it is often elite products. Fashion is affected by environmentally friendly materials, as well as the growing value of raw materials.

As there is no pair of identical snowflakes, so there are no two identical doors of wood - thanks to the endless manifold of wood fibers, even made by one drawing of the product will be all different, original. Modern designers learned how to use in the new light. Wood texture features - instead of covering her layer of paint or varnish, today it is fashionable to emphasize the natural color and drawing.

The tree "breathes", cleans the air indoors, improves the energy. And it is not necessary to purchase wood from wood will fly into a penny - functional and practical doors made of pine are available even for a small budget.

Of course, oak or a more exotic breed will cost much more expensive. In the list of products from natural raw materials - veneered doors. In this case, the frame is covered with a thin cut from wood of various breeds - veneer. Veneer thickness a little more cardboard. Such products are inexpensive, but also the durability will not boast. They should be considered only as a temporary option.

Majonite doors are an option of economical use of wood. In this case, the main canvas is made from pressed shallow shavings, with the addition of various stabilizers and modifiers. Thanks to additives, the canvas gets a solid margin of safety and durability. It is glued with veneer of valuable wood wood, which provides an excellent appearance.

The relatively natural products include laminated and combined doors, which are also produced from MDF plates, but are covered with artificial coating, imitating the pattern and wood texture. The combined products are less durable, but the cost is small, but the laminated will serve for a very long time.

Metal and plastic - Product Features

Statistics says 80% of new doors are made of metal. However, metal metal Metal - on the market you will find offers for any pocket.

  • Aluminum doors - have increased resistance to aggressive substances. They sound well and insulated the room, and provide a high level of fire safety. On the market, aluminum products are in sustainable demand - in addition to all the listed qualities, they are very durable. The lack of such doors is a high price. Compared to PVC products, they cost 2-3 times more expensive. In addition, aluminum enters the reaction with substances contained in rainwater. If such products are used as outer doors, they need an additional protective coating.
  • Steel - are known for their reliability and hack resistance. High-quality products are made of steel with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm. The metal must be processed by anti-corrosion paints, and the design must necessarily provide a layer of heat insulation. Fireproof.
  • Plastic products are used mainly as inland doors. Their main dignity is unlimited color gamut, ease of production and installation, interesting design ideas.
  • Glass doors are also mainly used indoors, since they have an interesting property to visually expand the space. Glass - material with a low thermal conductivity coefficient, and therefore protects the building from temperature drops. From the glass you can create almost any pattern, apply toning or make engraving. The lack of glass products is a high level of sound permeability.

Types of doors and their designs - the way to open

All doors can be divided into classes according to the opening method. The most common option is swinging. Products can be both internal and outer, deaf and glazed. In modern structures there are adjustable thresholds that are lowered automatically when opening the doors - it significantly increases the thermal insulation qualities of products. The simplicity of the design still has one disadvantage - for the door canvas, the space is necessary for the opening, which in close room may not be.

Sliding structures of this shortcoming are deprived. They allow you to create interesting interiors, increase visually space in close rooms. Most often, such decisions can be found in offices, however, gradually sliding doors are moved into and residential apartments. Today is a very popular solution for wardrobes, as well as for separating adjacent rooms. Sliding automatic systems are often used in quality.

The door leaf in the sliding system goes into the cavity inside the wall or moving on top of it. In the market, you can meet the proposals from two sliding canvases or one shifting. The canvas are attached to one of the guides or on both. Plus fastening on the upper guide - a visual increase in the plane of the floor, however, the design is loosened, which leads to breakdowns. Door canvases fixed on the lower guide or on both are more resistant, but in this case you have to put up with a spawning.Specialists are recommended to hide it in the floor, but in this case the garbage will often be stuffed in voids.

Folding, swinging, stables - these varieties of doors are extremely rare in residential and office premises. In the case of folding, the door consists of individual sections that are folded into the harmonica when driving in the doorway. The complexity of the design determines their rare application in the interiors.

Swing doors can be found perhaps in the subway and public buildings - they swallow in both directions. They can be found only in specialized stores. Stable constructions are applicable in rooms where animals contain. The door canvas consists of lower and upper parts that move independently of each other. This allows the upper part of the door to ventilate the room - animals in this case will not be able to leave the room. Or, on the contrary, open the bottom half to release animals, but at the same time delay heat.

What do the doors come - the features of the door canopies

By asking the question, what dimensions of the doors are, do not forget to clarify, in which house you are going to install the door leaf. If it is a Khrushchev, then between rooms in 80% of cases there are doors of 2000 mm * 800 mm. The door leading to the kitchen in such houses is 10 cm already, and another 10 cm already the door canvas in the bathroom. For houses, the days of Stalin's construction, dimensions can be the most unpredictable - for example, there are doors with a height of 2300 mm and a width of 750 mm.

In the houses of more modern buildings, interior canvases have parameters on average 2000 mm * 700 mm (800 mm). In a word, you do not need to change the dimensions of the doorway - it is much easier to find a ready-made option that perfectly fit into the existing parameters.

The width of the doors is also due to the requirements of fire safety. So, if in residential buildings in all rooms doors of one-board or, maximum, one-time (of two halves of different widths), then in public buildings only the doors for two halves should be installed. The second half closes on the spinages, and, if necessary, opens to increase bandwidth.

In addition, the door canvases can be deaf (from solid canvas) or with glass inserts. Glazed doors visually expand the borders of the room, allow you to skip the light from one room to another. The deaf canvases can be made of a solid of valuable wood. This option is quite expensive, and the door is very heavy. Wood must necessarily be impregnated with all sorts of substances that will protect it from the impact of moisture and spread the fungus.

Among the deaf canvases are often meticulous - in this case, decorative rounded or straight elements (panels) are embedded in the canvas. These doors are distinguished by beauty and execution skill. Instead of fillets, there may be inserts from matte or reinforced glass.

Modern interior doors perform many functions, the main of which is to distinguish between the space of various rooms on separate residential areas, for each of which you can create an independent atmosphere, to separate the various purpose of the rooms and create absolute different interior designs. Also, interior doors allow a person to retire in its own world and space. So, in the same room, a child can deal with lessons in full silence, and in another room there will be a fun and noisy feast of his parents and family friends. If we talk about the aesthetic side, then interior doors are able to decorate and emphasize the interior of the room, to highlight some of its elements or visually increase the space.

One of the most popular interior doors are wood doors. Moreover, wooden interior doors can be either made of wood massif and made of mdf or chipboard. Next, we consider the basic structural elements of the interior door.

The false box is a predominantly wooden product that is installed at the construction stage and significantly facilitates the future installation of the interior door. This product is the box in which the door can be installed. Modern builders usually do not use false boxes - the mounting foam is used instead. The mounting foam fixes the doors in the opening, and the fixation process itself is very simple, inexpensive and fast. However, the mounting foam is short-lived and over time the door is loosened. If you install a false box in the opening, this situation is not observed - the doors will be rigidly fixed for a long time.

Door leaf
The door canvas is the moving part of the door that opens and closes the doorway. Door canvases are divided into deaf, viper and glazed. Glazed door canvases are equipped with through openings in which transparent, matte, color or relief glass is installed. The deaf doors are distinguished by the absence of sealers and glazing.

Pilented doors are distinguished by the presence of flat or convex panels. Pilenki can be made of wood massif, MDF or chipboard. It should be understood that the particulates from the array are used less frequently, since when they are installed in the room with an increased level of humidity, they can change their shape and deform the door leaf or vice versa, it will be reduced that it will cause the appearance of unpainted sections on the panels. That is why, doors with similar elements require support of certain climate modes, however, if the panels are made of MDF or chipboard - they are not so sensitive to the level of humidity and temperature.

It should be understood that the canvases are made from a solid of a tree or frame from an array with a cellular filler and MDF panels or chipboard. The doors made from a solid piece of wood - array, have a lot of weight that requires the installation of more durable door hinges, followed by a more careful care. Unlike the door of the array, the rod of frame doors is easy, which does not impose special requirements for the quality and strength of door loops.

Door box
The door frame (box) of the interior door is a fixed element that is made of wood array or MDF and is a profile to which the door canvas is attached. The door frame is securely installed in a false box. In the case of marking, the door frame is installed directly in the doorway and attached to the wall. It is necessary to understand that when assembling the dimensions of the door frame are adjusted directly under the door leaf, and not under the door connector in the wall.

The box consists of two vertical racks and one or two crossbars. Special slots are performed in vertical and transverse racks, which ensure the installation of telescopic platbands. If such an item is not provided - the slots are not done.

By stylistic design, the door frame is manufactured under the color and texture of the door leaf. However, it is not always manufactured from identical coating material. For example, you can meet the doors made of natural veneer with a door frame with an artificial coating under the color and texture of natural veneer of the door canvase.

Cashbar interior doors
Calcarcasts for interior doors are decorative overhead elements that hide the doorway connection places with a doorway. The connection of the door box can be both stamped and with a false box. Prints are traditionally manufactured from various materials, among which platbands from an array, veneered MDF or plywood are most popular. According to the style of execution, the platbands are divided into flat, curly and semicircular.

It should be noted that, depending on the installation, the plated and telescopic platbands distinguish. Overhead platbands are simply superimposed on the door elements and part of the wall and are attached using adhesive solutions or fasteners. Telescopic platbands are characterized by a special way of fastening, which is provided at the stage of production of the door frame. In the door frame at the stage of production, slits are done in which special guide elements of platbands are inserted. A similar solution allows you to install the platbands perfectly at a relatively door frame and door leaf.

Door Dobor.
The good door is a mounting decorative element of the interior door, which is used in case of inconsistency of the width of the door frame Wall width. The good is a wooden panel, which is installed between the platband and the door frame, which allows elegant to hide the surplus wall, which was formed due to the difference in the width of the door frame and the wall.

The use of sobers allowed to aesthetically solve the problem of finishing a wall of a wall that is not covered with a box. Previously, this part was covered with wallpaper, applied putty or painted. With the advent of door voltages, this problem was solved by itself. There is no need to invent something, and most importantly, there is no need to remove and level the corners of the doorway - they are fully formed by platbands and good.

When choosing interroom or armored doors, a lot of special definitions associated with locks, doors and door production are sometimes collected on the consumer. Many of the terms for hearing, others are less known and in most cases most people say nothing. Offered dictionary of door terms It will help to facilitate the choice of doors, presenting in its essence a significant part of the materials of our site in a compressed form.

If you need a more detailed interpretation of the term, then you can find it in the relevant section of our site. All terms of the dictionary are located in alphabetical order on the principle of "adjective + noun" (example: armored door, and not the door armored). To facilitate the work, use the search on the page (Ctrl + F).

Door Dictionary

Bumping is a way to open cylinder locks with a vertical position of the pins (see "Pins"), based on tapping on a special key inserted into the cylinder.

Bronnoscaps - see "Protective fittings".

Armored door - The general name of metal doors, sometimes even poor quality.

Buxet - see "Dornmas".

Burglar resistance doors - a set of constructive solutions, which determines the time of confrontation of doors in various levels of hacking. It is expressed in classes (see "Doors").

Entrance doors. In most cases, this definition means input metal doors, but some manufacturers focus on the fact that such doors are not intended for operation under the influence of atmospheric precipitation. (See also "Cottage doors").

Drilling - the method of hacking of locks, which consists in drilling the door in the right place. Suwald locks such places are special points characteristic of each model, the cylinder itself is a cylinder itself. Armor protection are bron alphabet.

Bent profile - see "Profile"

Door box - frame design inserted in the doorway. Usually manufactured from the profile (see "Profile"), is part of the door block.

The door block is the common name of the door structure, in most cases consists of a doorway and box, but may contain fraamuga and other elements.

Door jamb - door frame.

Door canvas - opening, moving part of the door block, placed in the door frame and attached to it by means of loops.

Door opening - a hole in the wall in which the door block is mounted and fastened.

Door furniture - The general name of the mechanisms and items hanging and mounted in the door canvas (locks, eyes, handles, decorative lining, etc.)

Two bipoly doors - The door of two canvases (sash), one of which is active (with a lock), the second - without a lock (passive). See also "One-hour doors"

Dobor, Dobly Planck Used in cases where the wall thickness exceeds the depth of the door frame. It is a decorative bar located on several sides of the door in order to conceal the difference between the width of the wall and the depth of the box.

Deevator, deviator - See "Crab System".

Dornmass (Buxet), Dormas - distance from the center of the cylinder or key channel to the front plank or the end of the castle. In the usual speech, sometimes is distorted by Dormas. Buxet - Synonym Dornmas. See Material with Dornmasse illustrations.

Eurobrus - see "Array".

Protective fittings - Elements made of kalena steel or its alloys protecting the mechanisms of metal doors' locks from penetration using mechanical effects. It is also called armored panelands (not to be confused with decorative fittings and lining), extensive internal and outdoor type.

Impripa - Planck or Rake, separating door segments from each other (for example, opening parts of the doors from Framug).

Intelligent methods of hacking - methods of hacking doors without the use of coarse physical strength and destruction of locks: bumping, selection of keys, opening with hoes, etc.

Doors class. Standardized criteria that allow you to separate the doors by certain features. Most often implies a class of hacking resistance of metal doors (see the "Steel Doors" section).

Knobset, Knobset - the American handles for interior doors' widespread distribution. Synonyms are the terms "knob-Nob" and "Nob" (abbreviations from Knobset or Knob - round). The knobset looks like a ready-to-install set of latch and two round-shaped handles, although there are options with pressure handles (see the material "What a Knobset").

Cottage doors - Option of metal doors, aimed at using the outside of the room and confront atmospheric precipitation.

Crab, crab system - Multilateral locking system, based on the use of additional devices (removitators) with bollards, driven by the main lock using the thrust.

Laminate is an artificial coating in the form of a film imitating the texture of a tree and with high resistance to mechanical effects. It is used to cover the fiberboard (wood-fiber plates) in the manufacture of decorative cladding of steel doors, giving it moisture resistance and resistance to damage.

Left-sided (left) doors Opened on yourself with your left hand. The loops in such doors are located on the left side of the door frame.

An array of wood is high-quality natural wood boards from which interior doors are manufactured. It may be solid (the most expensive) and glued, also called Eurobrus.

MDF is a fibrous medium density stove, used for cladding metal doors. From MDF various elements of interroom doors are also made.

Pressure handle - (see "Fale handle")

Nob - see "Knobset".

Door covering - decorative decoration of metal doors MDF plates, wood, etc. It may also mean the metal of the door leaf (example: the door is covered with a two-millionth metal).

Fire resistant (fire-fighting) doors Designed to confront fire during certain standards of temporary segments, depending on the class of fire resistance doors.

Spinning door leaf - Method of hacking doors with a fombus or a lomica (see "Fomka") inserted between the web and the box, and the subsequent spin (reducing) of the canvas from the box.

Patented cylinder - cylinder (see "Cylinder") with an increased degree of burglary, using modern technologies protected by patents. The most common proprietary cylinders of the ABLOY, MUL-T-Lock and Mottura companies, installed in the armored doors of the highest price categories.

PIN (pin) cylinder - small elements of the cylinder (see "Cylinder") in the form of small cylinders, on the coincidence of which the cylinder lock secrecy is built with a key pattern.

Fitter (quarter) - a constructive solution that covers the gap between the web and the box. Usually used in relation to wooden doors. Detailed description of the feeding with sketches in will be found in the section "Interroom doors".

One-and-half (one and a half) doors - Two-handed doors, one sash is greater than the second. Passive, the second sash has a small width and is usually in a closed state. Overhead doors are used in openings with a large width, where you need to fill over the unnecessary space.

Powder paint - Widespiliated polymer coating used to protect metal doors from exposure to the external environment. After applying in the form of a powder, a firing of the product occurs on the metal, after which the paint acquires its properties and hardened.

Antzyzlome labyrinth - a special design of the profiles of the web and the door frame, which when trying to hack the pressure by pressing (see "Spin") form a "lock" that does not allow the door opening.

Fire doors - See "Fire resistant doors."

Antician comb - a constructive solution that prevents the removal of the door after cutting the loops at which the profile of the box and the door will be curved in a special way - as a niche and protrusion (ridge).

The profile is plastic, aluminum or steel element in the form of a pipe of a rectangular or more complex section, from which metal structures are manufactured. In the production of armored doors, a curved profile is most often used, manufactured by the manufacturer of metal sheets itself.

Rigel - a rod nominating from the castle, directly locking the door.

Socket, socket handle - Pen for interior doors, the return mechanism of which is located under the compact decorative casing (socket) of the circular or oval shape. The socket does not provide places for cylinders, turntables for latches, etc.

Handle on the bar, plate - Door handle under which the place for the cylinder is provided, the turntable is placed for a latch or another mechanism. A sign of such a handle is a decorative casing of a rectangular, elongated shape, called a plank or plate.

Silumin - Aluminum and silicon alloy used as elements of various mechanical devices. It has low strength, the locks and door handles of the lowest price categories are used.

Cellular filler - Cells made of pressed cardboard (usually cat-shaped), used by the door leaf in the door of the lowest price ranges - "Canadian" doors, Chinese, etc.

Steel cold rolling - Steel that has been treated with high pressure, after which an increase in the strength characteristics of the metal occurs. Used in the production of armored doors.

Opening side (opening) doors. Direction of the movement of the door canvase when opening the door (see "Left-sided" and "right-hand doors"), asked the side of the placement of the loops on the door frame.

Suwald Castle - The name of the lock, the secret part of which is based on the use of special plates, called Suwalds. A sign of such a lock is the key of a safe type.

Framuga is an extra, often not open door sash, located in the upper or side of the door block. Usually there is a double-glazed window in it, although there are deaf options.

Cylinder castle - The name of the lock, the secret part of which is in the cylinder - with a changeable device, within which pins generating the secret code are located. The cylinder lock in most cases is unlocked by the English key, which is inserted into the cylinder (see also the "cylinder and eurocyarder").

Cylinder lock (larva, euro cylinder). The cylinder or larva is called a replaceable, equipped with a set of keys an element of the lock, inside of which there are special elements - pins. Coinciding with a key pattern, Pins allow you to rotate the movable part of the cylinder, necessary to open the lock.
The eurocyardrome is called the eurodin type cylinder, which is the most common variant of the larvae - almost all types of cylinders in our stores are eurocycloths. Cylinders are of different execution - "key-key", a key-turntable (on the one hand the key, on the other turntable-lamb, etc.). See also "Patented cylinder".

Sealers (sealing circuit) - gaskets made of elastic material (usually rubber) located around the perimeter of the door frame or canvas. Prevent the penetration of noise, odors and cold air.

Ball loop - loop, inwards to reduce friction and ensure the lung and smooth stroke of the door leaf, a ball of calendar metal is installed. Ball loops are installed in most armored doors.

Veneer is a thin layer of solid rock wood. In the manufacture of wooden doors from soft wood, pasting veneer gives them protection against mechanical effects.

The pin is antisrea - special pins in armored doors, in most cases placed on the door frame. When closing the door, enter the door leaf, preventing the discovery of the door when the loop cut.

Cam - zinc alloy, aluminum and copper, used, among other things, for the manufacture of door handles. The alloy received the widest distribution and most of the quality handles is cast from it.

Fale handle - handle, resulting in a latch tongue (Fale Latch) Castle. In most cases, the faual handle is associated with the handles of the pressure type - the habitual handles of the bracket form, which are considered by Europe. A variety of Fale handles is considered to be round-knobs (see "Knobsets")

Pilenka - board or plywood installed in the doorway frame. There are also armored doors manufactured by Metal Pilenk technology.

FOMCA - thieves tool in the form of a small bent lomika.

Steel profile

crab system

Fomka -
famous thieves tool

Patented cylinder

Outdoor cornmarklacks
to protect against drilling

Cylinder Castle (in the bottom
pieces visible places for pins)


Suwald Castle

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