Articles about natural agriculture. natural farming

landscaping 28.05.2019

Personal experience seasoned gardener

How do most gardeners sow in the beds? Usually, “how everyone does it” and how convenient it is for the owner of the site. And it would be better to sow the way the plants need! This is the principle of organic farming - to do as in nature. It turns out it's much more efficient. Yields are getting higher and work is getting smaller! Doubt it's possible? Check it out in the new season!

Usually the process of planting (sowing) looks like this: digging the earth - leveling the surface of the beds - cutting grooves - sowing (laying) seeds in them - filling the grooves with earth from their side walls - watering.

As a result:

Too much effort is spent, since digging is a very laborious process;

Soil fertility is lost (its air-water permeability is violated, since the porous structure of the earth, created by channels and voids, formed in place of already decayed roots and worm passages, is destroyed;

Soil microorganisms perish, processing plant residues into food for plants;

The grooves cut for sowing have a variable depth, as a result of which the seeds also lie at different depths. This leads to their germination and oppression of weaker late shoots by early ones;

The rows of germinated seeds are tortuous. Because of this, the row width is different, and it is larger than that of a flat line. As a result, weeding is difficult. This is because it is impossible to cut straight narrow grooves (even with flat cutters), and also due to the displacement of seeds already in the ground when they are irrigated after planting;

Few gardeners know that plants grow better if the seeds (as in nature) lie on dense, naturally porous soil, and a loose, loose “blanket” (mulch) covers them from above. Then best conditions for plant growth, because in the dense underlying soil, due to the capillary effect, soil moisture is constantly supplied to the seeds (it is not in vain that they compact the earth with rolls before sowing wheat); and from above (through the mulch) air constantly enters.

How to ensure the same conditions? You can repeat a theory a thousand times and not convince anyone. I will tell you about my experience, which I have been using for more than one year.

1. I don’t dig up the soil, but only loosen it by 5-7 cm with a Fokin flat cutter (without bending my back and with much less effort).

2. Combine this loosening of the soil with proactive weed control, as long as it is not “interfered” by the growing plants. it is known that with regular mowing (or mowing with a chopper), weeds degenerate; it is enough to mow them before planting 2-3 times, coming to the dacha once a week, so that the weeds become much smaller. At the same time, I spend no more than 10-15 minutes on such a “passage” of a ten-meter bed with a Fokin flat cutter.

3. I water the loosened bed ... before planting.

4. Then I push the grooves in wet soil with one or 2-3 slats, hammered together by crossbars. The distance between the slats is equal to the distance between the future rows of plants and slightly more than the length of the blade of a small flat cutter. This allows me in the future (before the grass) to loosen and weed the aisles with one movement of the flat cutter underground along the rows.

5. I spill the grooves with a solution of biopreparations "Siyaniye-2" or "Vostok EM-1" at a concentration of 1:1000 (a tablespoon per 10 liters of water) - to restore the capillarity of the soil, increase its fertility and sanitize it from pathogens.

6. I sow the seeds into the grooves pressed through by the slats.

7. I fill them with compost - and ... I don’t water them!

At first glance, this technology takes longer. And you reread it. How much use is in this technique, and how much we did “at the same time”: weeds were cut down with a flat cutter, and the rows for sowing were compacted, and EM-beneficial microorganisms were launched into the soil ...

As a result, we get what we were striving for - the seeds lie “along the line” and at the same depth, on a hard, wet bed, covered on top with “loose” compost, in which there is also plenty of nutrition! And the fight against weeds is facilitated - they are exhausted in advance. And I suppress the rest, covering them in the aisles of grown plants with a layer of 5-7 cm mulch so that light does not pass through it. As mulch - chopped grass. In addition, the grass, while decomposing, feeds the plants + it is not necessary to water it often, since the evaporation of moisture decreases + it is not necessary to loosen the soil under the mulch (a crust does not form after rains and watering).

Conclusion: less work, and higher yields. What is required!

Watch nature

Finally, I want to remind you of the wise advice: “trust, but verify!” Adapt to the conditions of your site!

On my “sand” I water the bed before pushing the grooves, and on clay soil this technique can lead to clay sticking to the rail and uneven grooves. In this case, you need to be pre-moist, but not sticky.

Use any advice ”wisely”! And even better - learn from the "smartest" - from nature! Check with her, copy her - she is wiser than any adviser!

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Are you still fighting weeds and pests in the country, earning yourself sciatica? But adherents of organic farming prefer to be friends with nature, rather than fight. But in order to live the same way, you will have to start with a radical change in the way of thinking about the purpose of agriculture, about what is the “correct” garden.

What is organic farming: basic principles

organic farming how the direction of agricultural technology arose from the end of the 19th century, and rumors, disputes and discussions around this method of cultivating the land still do not subside. There are also many approaches and theories within the adherents of this direction of agriculture. But the essence is the same: organic farming is, first of all, a careful, sparing attitude towards nature, maintaining the natural balance and ecosystems, refusing mineral fertilizers and pesticides.

Organic farming has many interchangeable definitions, synonymous terms: natural, ecological, biological, natural, life-giving farming.

Basic principles of organic farming:

  1. Refusal of plowing, digging of the earth. In this way, it is believed that a healthy balance of the soil ecosystem is maintained. And healthy soil means healthy plants that can resist diseases and pests.
  2. Growing environmentally friendly products. Complete rejection of the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Weed and pest control methods are reduced to the prevention and use of herbal, folk methods.
  3. The ground must always be covered with vegetation. Green manure crops are widely used here - fast-growing crops planted after the main crops on temporarily empty land.
  4. Less laborious processing of the site, giving with a greater and better result. Farming is fun, not hard work.

Natural farming guru

"Relieve your ardor, gardener!" - with these words, as a rule, the well-known author of many books on biological farming B.A. begins his appeal at lectures to gardeners. Bagel. In the traditional idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “correct” garden, many summer residents see such an exemplary garden: ideal even beds and rows of crops, not a single weed, and also a lot of hard work.

All these myths are debunked by fans of ecological farming. They believe that labor does not have to be slavish and exhausting. And it is much more useful for both man and nature to maintain the natural order of things in the ecosystem. “Spy” on nature, learn from it, apply the acquired knowledge and observations in your summer cottage.

Advice. If you decide to move away from traditional farming to natural farming, for inspiration, we recommend reading several books on the topic: One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukooka; "Agrarian revolutionary" Sepp Holzer; "About the garden for the thrifty and lazy" Bublik B.A.

So, Sepp Holzer has 45 hectares of land and cultivates it alone with his wife with a minimum of agricultural machinery: he has only one tractor. B.A. Bublik believes that steel has no place in the garden and refuses shovels, choppers, does not even loosen the soil with a pitchfork, but puts it “under the stick”, watering it only with ice water (not higher than 9 degrees). And the author of many works on natural farming, G. Kizima, well-known in Russia, preaches three “not”: do not dig, do not weed, do not water.

Practice natural farming in spring and autumn

You can switch from traditional to organic farming at any time of the year. One of the main methods of biological farming is the rejection of deep digging of the earth. It is believed that by raising the layer of earth more than 5 cm, the ecosystem is thereby disturbed. The earth eventually becomes poorer, with beneficial microorganisms, beetles, worms, etc. appearing in insufficient quantities. Which leads in the future to the need to use mineral fertilizers, which are harmful to both nature and humans.

Natural farming allows you to get environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits

The soil for sowing the crop is not dug up, but slightly raised with a pitchfork (ideally no more than 2.5 cm). Some farmers do not even use a pitchfork, but put them under the stick. That is, they stick a stick into the ground and plant seeds or seedlings in place of the formed hole. After sowing, the land is mulched with straw, sawdust, peat, rotted compost, etc.

Advice. For planting plants “under a stick”, you can use a stalk from a shovel or another stick that is convenient for working along the length. To do this, she sharpens the end with a cone, which will be stuck into the ground. For convenience, you can also make a handle at the top of the stick, and a limiter pedal at the bottom.

Due to the active use of mulch, which does not allow moisture to evaporate, watering is done much less frequently. Mulch is also one of the main ways to control weeds. But it is better to use mulching on proven crops: potatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes. There are plants that "do not favor" mulching, preferring open and hot soil: corn, watermelons, melons.

With the help of mulching, the land is cultivated on virgin soil. To do this, prepare the beds in the fall as follows:

  1. They mow the grass.
  2. They fall asleep with manure: horse, chicken.
  3. Lay a layer of mulch, for example, straw with a layer of 30 cm.
  4. In the spring, remove the layer of mulch, select the remaining weed roots with your hands and plant seeds or seedlings.

You can also cover the beds with dense material, for example: roofing material, pieces of linoleum. It is useful to cover a layer of mulch with a film on top - this will speed up the process of overheating and decay of the weed on virgin soil.
All listed actions can be applied in the country, both in spring and autumn.

Siderates are our everything

One of the agricultural practices, which is an integral part of biological farming, is the planting of green manure on temporarily empty land. According to many farmers, these crops are the best natural fertilizer. For these purposes, such fast-growing and micronutrient-rich plants are used, such as:

  • legumes;
  • mustard;

  • Clover;
  • colza;
  • spring rapeseed;
  • rye.

Green manure can be planted in spring, summer and autumn. In spring, such fast-growing and frost-resistant plants are planted as: mustard, rape, phacelia. They are sown very early and grow until it is time to plant the main crop. Then the green manure is cut with a flat cutter a few centimeters below ground level, and the main plants are planted in the soil prepared in this way. Tops, stems can be used as a shelter for beds with crops.

In autumn, rye and mustard are most often sown. Sowing is done after harvesting vegetables. Rye is harvested at the end of autumn, cutting the stems at the base. And the mustard goes under the snow. In the spring, it is cut with a flat cutter and the main crops are planted.

Organic farming is an environmentally friendly production based on respect for nature and human health. There are many techniques and methods of natural farming. But, in any case, each site is individual. There are no absolutely identical sites in terms of soil composition, microclimate, and list of planted crops. What fans of organic farming do not get tired of repeating is: “Listen, look at your land, your plants. And put the acquired knowledge into practice. Nature must be trusted always, every day.”

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Alexander Kuznetsov January 11, 2014 | 5152

Natural farming is a unifying concept that includes all alternative systems of land use and agriculture and excludes the use of mineral fertilizers, as well as deep digging of the soil. Let's consider them in more detail.

biodynamic farming

The essence of this method is that all living beings on the planet (people, animals, plants and soil microcosm) are exposed to cosmic and terrestrial energies. This process can be controlled by the proposed "biodynamic preparations". They were divided into "field" and "compost". These drugs are used in such minimal amounts that they cannot serve as a source of plant nutrients.

"Field" preparations act directly on plants and stimulate metabolism, activate soil life, enhance humus formation, and, as a result, plant nutrition.

"Compost" preparations are needed to control and stimulate composting processes (they exclude rotting).

Humic preparations

This is nothing more than a concentrated extract from the soil or biocompost. The use of humates is justified only for potted crops as a source of passive nutrition.

Vermiculture and vermicultivation

A very expensive bio-compost obtained using earthworms (compost) if bought ready-made. In fact, it is very easy to make it yourself at any time of the year from those organic residues that are available. And it is not necessary to buy Californian worms or "prospectors".

It is enough to go to the nearest farm and take worms there if you put manure in the compost. Or collect litter worms in the forest if there are other sources of organic matter in the compost. At the same time, useful microflora will also get there.


"Green Manure" various plants, which are planted in compact plantings or in empty areas. Later they are trimmed and left in place as mulch. If there is no other way to replenish the site with organic matter, you can successfully use this option. However, in this case, cut grass is nothing more than grass litter.


It can be of different origin and composition. Let's start with the inorganic: all kinds of film, roofing material, rubber, tarpaulin and everything that fully or partially retains moisture in the soil. Another feature is energy saving. Preventing the evaporation of moisture, it retains and accumulates the heat of solar energy, corrects temperature regime soil. Inorganic mulch is just a "home" for soil dwellers. It must be laid not on "bare" soil, but on organic matter.

Organic mulch is home and food for the soil microcosm. It prevents overheating of the soil, which is especially important in warm southern regions. Such mulch is just an element of natural farming. To unleash its potential - both energy and as a source of nutrients - you need to use (introduce and activate) the very microcosm of the soil.

Effective microorganisms

These are the most common soil microbes that are propagated in biofactories. This is not a fertilizer, but a kind of soil "sourdough", which is not so cheap. By the way, costs can be reduced very significantly if the volume of the nutrient solution is increased in the active phase of "fermentation". Then it can be obtained ten times more than "according to the instructions."

Since EOs and other biological products are only part of the soil microcosm that creates fertility, you can make them yourself. For example, using forest or meadow soil, bedding (rotted litter), worms. And also using the manure of healthy herbivores as a "sourdough", sprinkling it under organic mulch. It must be remembered that there will be no effect if you do not create a mulch house for these microorganisms and feed them with organic matter. Only in this case, living on your beds and in the garden, along with worms and mushrooms, they will feed your plants to the full according to the most advanced natural technology.

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Due to rising pollution environment organic farming is becoming more and more popular. Grown fruits and vegetables without the use of chemicals, meet high quality standards, contain only useful vitamins and contribute to longevity. Thanks to the discovery that was made over 100 years ago by a famous philosopher, we now have a unique opportunity to grow cultivated plants on garden plot with the help of the ecosystem.

A bit of history

The founder of biodynamic agriculture is the Australian philosopher and scientist Rudolf Steiner, he is also known as the creator of Waldorf pedagogy. Natural farming according to Steiner gave a powerful impetus to the unity of man with the natural environment, understanding the meaning of each blade of grass, and the use of organic waste. This is the brightest side of Rudolf Steiner's lectures.

A controversial issue remains his doctrine of "mystical" influence space forces on the growth of plants, according to the philosopher, this method is spiritually determined and cannot be proven by scientific research.

Agrotechnics of natural farming

Steiner's biodynamic ideas are integrated into organic farming and deserve attention. Today, "biodynamics" and "organics" have become synonymous, the purpose of using these methods is the same - to grow healthy products.

Natural farming in a garden plot differs from traditional farming using only organic fertilizers and minimal intervention. Consider in detail the natural agricultural technology in practice.

The soil

Soil cultivation is limited in several ways - only heavy, clay soil is dug up.

Light soil does not need to be dug up; in spring and autumn, after harvesting, the land is cultivated with light loosening.

Plant nutrition

Composting is an important part of natural farming. Compost includes all possible garden waste - dried fruits, dry and freshly cut grass, manure, tree bark and leaves, sawdust and branches. Compost is a "natural cycle" - fertilizer gives the roots valuable nutrients obtained from plants, and plants, in turn, retain some of the nutrients in the leaves for future compost, and the other part is shared with humans through fruits.

To improve the yield, green fertilizers are also used - green manure. Plants are planted in a garden plot in order to prevent the growth of weeds, improve the quality and composition of the soil. For example, lupine enriches the soil with nitrogen and improves its structure, while alfalfa nourishes the earth with calcium.


To suppress the growth of weeds, loose soil between crop rows should be covered with a layer of mulch. Mulching not only allows you to forget about the growth of weeds, the cover retains moisture and enriches the plants with organic matter.

Mulch consists of tree bark, grass clippings, straw, leaves, fresh compost. Mulch also includes autumn leaves, for this reason it is recommended not to remove fallen leaves.


Natural farming is different and watering plants for this purpose does not use tap water. Try to take water from other sources, it can be water from a well or rainwater. In heavily polluted areas, natural water should not be used.

In this case, I would like to mention the advantages of tap water - a high oxygen content.

Proper planting

Planting planning starts with correct selection plants. Some types of crops give a high yield if carrots are planted nearby (for example, beans). Other plants tend to repel harmful insects - garlic, parsley, nasturtium, tansy, wormwood, mint.

When planting, the distance between plants must be taken into account, since close planting contributes to the development of diseases.

Natural Plant Treatment and Pest Control

Choosing resistant varieties and proper plant care will help to avoid diseases. In emergency cases, use natural remedies- nettle decoction (against aphids), tansy (insecticide), horsetail (fungicide).

In the fight against pests, organic live farming advises maintaining the life of predatory insects in the garden plot (they feed on harmful insects) - ladybugs, hoverflies, lacewings, riders.

Biodynamic calendar

Using such a calendar experienced gardeners quite rarely, however, there are opinions that this type of "astrology" really works. The biodynamic calendar takes into account several aspects of the influence of the moon on the plant world:

Boarding days. This is the period when the moon is in an ascending position, it is most favorable for planting seeds and seedlings.

Days of leaves, flowers and fruits. The moon on certain days is in the background of various constellations. It is the constellations that determine when to pick fruit, prune shrubs, weed beds, and cut flowers.

Lunar nodes. It is assumed that during the intersection of the orbits of the moon and the Earth, it is forbidden to perform any actions in the garden.

Organic farming, the video about which you are now watching, with the right approach, gives successful results.

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