Window paint. How and with what to paint wooden windows to last more than a couple of seasons? What color to paint window frames

Engineering systems 17.06.2019
Engineering systems

Despite the growing popularity of plastic structures, many owners of houses and apartments prefer wooden windows. In terms of the number of advantages, they are not inferior to polymer products. Designs from natural wood have high strength and sound insulation, low thermal conductivity, attractive appearance. Due to their natural origin, they do not pose a health risk. We will tell you how to care for and paint wooden windows in this article.

Wooden frames under the influence various factors lose their aesthetic appearance and periodically need to be stained. From the outside, they are exposed to atmospheric influences such as ultraviolet rays, rain and snow. And from the side of the room, the paint layer becomes unusable as a result of contact with condensate, dry air and more. high level temperature. In addition, wood material is affected by fungus, mold and various pests. Painting wooden windows in accordance with certain rules will help to avoid such consequences.

The result of the work depends on several factors:

  1. One of them are weather. For painting, you need to choose a suitable day without hot sun, snow and rain.
  2. In order for wood windows to dry well, the temperature must be at least 5 ° C, and the humidity level should not be higher than 80%.
  3. If you paint a wet frame, then bubbles will subsequently form on it and the paint will have to be reapplied.

Thermal insulation properties of wooden windows as a result of influence external factors may decrease. In the process of preparing for staining, this problem can be solved. If the windows are dry, sealing will be required. This procedure is performed in several ways.

One of them is the preliminary application of a sealant, and the installation of glass on it. But for this, glass must be removed from the frame, which can be a certain inconvenience.

There is an easier method - sealing with window putty. AT this case no need to remove the glass, but the thermal insulation of the window will be worse. Consider the features of the process in more detail:

  1. For this purpose, molten paraffin can be used. This material should first be heated to a temperature of 60 ° C, then draw it into a syringe and fill the slots.
  2. After paraffin hardening, its excess is removed.
  3. Before painting wooden windows, make sure that the frame closes well.
  4. If there are difficulties with this, a drill equipped with a special nozzle or a grinder will help to correct the situation.

Wooden windows. A photo:

Cleaning off the old coating

Necessary step preparatory work is the removal of the old paint layer. This can be done in two ways:

  • chemical;
  • thermal.

The first option involves the use of a special fluid, which is not difficult to find in a car dealership. The use of this tool significantly speeds up the preparation of frames for painting.

To remove the previous layer of paint thermally, you need an industrial hair dryer. Set temperature should not exceed 250 ° C, otherwise the wood will lose its performance properties. You should not try to use a household hair dryer for this purpose, because. he is not able to give the required temperature.

Paint removal is performed as follows:

  1. With the help of a hair dryer, sections of 30 cm are processed until the moment when the painted layer begins to bubble.
  2. Next, the paint is scraped off with a spatula.
  3. Also for this purpose, sandpaper with large grains and a scraper are also used.

It is advisable to remove the sashes and fittings. This will make it possible to keep them appearance after completion of work. If this is problematic then they need to be pasted over with masking tape to protect against accidental paint ingress. Glass also needs similar protection. They also need to be glued on the sides with adhesive tape at a distance of 2 mm from the edge. Old glazing beads can be replaced with new elements, which should be painted separately from the frame.

Antiseptic treatment

Wood windows need to be treated before painting. antiseptic. This is one of the most milestones preparation. Unfinished frames are susceptible to rot, fungus and insects. Then you need to putty all the cracks and potholes. The processing process has its own characteristics:

  1. This work is carried out in several approaches, because if you immediately apply a thick layer of putty mixture, it may fall off along with the paint.
  2. The frame should be treated with a special acrylic wood putty.
  3. When painting, the mixture is simply applied to the surface.
  4. If the window is supposed to be covered with a stain, the putty must first be painted with a color scheme in the color of the wood, otherwise the putty cracks will be noticeable.

Puttying and priming

The composition for sealing potholes and crevices can be made independently. To do this, you need to mix very small sawdust, which is also called wood flour with epoxy resin or glue. Putty is applied in several stages:

  1. After the first treatment, the surface must be cleaned with sandpaper, sanded and cleaned of dust with a damp cloth.
  2. Then you should wait 1-2 hours for the composition to dry.
  3. Then, using fine-grained sandpaper, the surface must be leveled and dust removed.
  4. If necessary, apply the next layer of the mixture.
  5. The procedure is repeated until an absolutely even base is formed.

The next stage of preparation is the application of the primer. Modern primers form a protective transparent film, which allows you to preserve the natural pattern of the tree and at the same time performs the task of an antiseptic. It is important to use a wood primer, as this mixture contributes to the preservation of the wood structure. The primer is made on the basis of resins, oils, pigments and glue.

Important! Before applying the composition, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased. To work with a primer, it is better to use a brush. The applied layer should dry well.

Rules for the preparation of the colorful composition

Paint for wooden windows should have such properties as: elasticity, moisture resistance, ability to withstand UV rays. Contact with moisture is highly undesirable for wooden frames. This can lead to the formation of rot and mold. The paint, which has moisture-resistant qualities, creates protective layer and prevents the penetration of water into the material.

The wooden frame is prone to swelling and shrinkage. The elastic paint composition will help maintain the integrity of the structure during these processes. Alkyd and water-acrylate enamels have all the necessary qualities. Such products are produced by foreign and domestic manufacturers, the main difference lies in the cost of the paint.

Important! It is impossible to paint wooden frames with bitumen-vinyl and bitumen-epoxy enamels, bituminous varnishes and facade perchlorvinyl paints.

You should also carefully approach the choice of color. Here you need to proceed from the location of the window. The process has the following features:

  1. If the window is in the shade most of the time, then you can choose any color according to your own preferences.
  2. For windows located on the sunny side, only light shades are suitable that will reflect Sun rays and thereby prevent the frame from drying out.
  3. You should also take into account the climatic conditions and the type of wood from which the window is made.
  4. When choosing a color, it is important to remember about the slopes. Their coloring allows you to improve the flow of light into the room. To get intense lighting you need to use bright hues.
  5. The internal slopes are painted with enamel paints, which reflect light well. And the surface covered with them is easily cleaned of contaminants.
  6. For external slopes, it is recommended to use oil paints, which include drying oil.
  7. It is recommended to dilute the paint before use. Often the feasibility of this procedure is questionable. This need is due to the fact that the paint in most cases has a thick consistency, and when applied to the surface it will not lie flat.
  8. To achieve a high-quality result, the colorful composition must be diluted with a solvent. But do not immediately dilute all the paint in the bank. To avoid mistakes, you should first pour a small amount of the composition and dilute it with a solvent. This will help determine the correct consistency.
  9. It is also recommended to filter the paint through a sieve, this will allow you to separate small lumps.

Do-it-yourself painting of wooden windows

For work you will need:

  • masking tape;
  • paint brush;
  • rags;
  • sandpaper with small and large grains;
  • putty;
  • ground seven;
  • White Spirit;
  • dye.

The first layer should be more watery than the next ones to soak all the pores and bumps. Therefore, a certain amount of paint must be diluted separately. To apply the composition, a brush or roller is used. After the first staining, the layer must dry, and only after that you can continue to work. Usually three layers are applied, but if the preparatory steps were performed in compliance with all the rules, you can limit yourself to two.
To avoid streaks, the paint for subsequent layers should be thicker than for the first. If it was not possible to avoid these defects, they must be removed immediately without waiting for drying with a rag soaked in a solvent. If the streaks are not eliminated, all the work will have to be repeated from the beginning. In the process of work, the brush is only half placed in the paint.

Important! It is recommended to prepare several pieces of brushes: large ones are used to apply paint on flat surfaces, and small ones are useful for processing hard-to-reach places. It is better to give preference to a flat brush up to 5 cm wide.

First of all, the outer side of the window is painted. You need to paint in the direction of the wood fibers. You can process the corners by making short brush strokes. Tape must be removed immediately upon completion of work. Because if you do this after the paint has dried, you can damage the finish. And to install the accessories back you need to wait for complete drying.

Do not close the window immediately after staining, you must wait a while. Otherwise, the paint may stick. This can be prevented by using aluminum foil, which is placed between the leaves.

Finishing windows in a wooden house with wood stain

Stain is a liquid impregnation for wood. It allows you to emphasize the texture of the tree and change its tone. For example, pine that has undergone such processing is difficult to distinguish from oak. In addition to improving the aesthetic performance of wood, the use of wood stain has other advantages. The composition penetrates deeply into the material, increasing its resistance to ultraviolet radiation and preventing decay. With the help of modern wood stains, wood can be painted in any color. These compositions are made on an oily alcohol and water basis. The most convenient in work due to the ability to be evenly applied is an oily liquid.

Alcohol and water formulations have some disadvantages. Impregnation in an alcohol solution dries very quickly, resulting in stains. In addition, for their application you will need a pneumatic or manual spray gun.

When using water impregnations, wood fibers rise, which makes the material more susceptible to moisture. Before applying such a stain, the surface of the wooden frame must be wetted and sanded after some time. Impregnations are produced in powder form (such compositions must be diluted with water), as well as in a ready-to-use state.


Features of painting wooden windows. Video:

The service life of a wooden window directly depends on how well its frame is protected by a layer of paint from the aggressive effects of the environment.

It suffers from exposure to two adverse factors: moisture and sunlight. Wood, not protected from water entering its structure, quickly begins to become covered with fungus and rot.

On the other hand, prolonged exposure to sunlight on the unprotected surface of a wooden frame leads to its overdrying, cracking and changes in structure.

It is in order to protect wooden windows from the influence of unfavorable natural factors, and not just for aesthetic reasons, wooden frames need to be periodically maintained and painted.

Preparatory work

To prepare for painting the frame of a wooden window, start by inspecting it for cracks, swelling, and peeling paint.

After diagnosing, use a hard metal spatula or similar scraper to remove cracked and swollen paint.

If there are many layers of old paint on the window frame, all of them must be scraped off.

Treat the outer part of the frame (or better, its entire surface) with a special antiseptic impregnation that protects it from fungal attack.

After that, proceed to cracks, chips and areas with removed paint, using a special wood filler. After the putty dries, sand the surface of the frame treated with it first with P120 sandpaper, and then with P240 sandpaper.

After sanding is complete, wipe the window frame with a damp cloth to remove tiny particles putty and abrasive.

Complete wet cleaning and in the room where the window is located, to prevent dust from adhering to the painted surface of the frame.

It remains to paste over with masking tape the areas of glass in contact with the frame and cover the floor near the window with a piece of construction polyethylene.


If the frame is new or old paint has been completely removed from its surface, cover the wood surface with a primer layer before painting. After the primer dries, proceed to painting the frame.

Paint for a wooden frame must be moisture resistant. Before staining, check if it is too thick and, if necessary, with the appropriate thinner.

The density of the paint should be such that it lies on the surface to be painted in an even thin layer and at the same time does not drip from it.

Usually the paint in the can turns out to be a little thicker than necessary, but some unfortunate craftsmen, not paying attention to this, smear thick paint on the surface of the frame.

As a result, the paint layer is uneven, with sagging and brush marks, and the excessive thickness of the paint coating leads to the fact that after a while the paint cracks.

Having dipped into the paint to a depth equal to about half the length of the bristle of the brush, alternately run both sides of the brush along the edges of the neck of the can in the direction from the inside to the outside, thus removing excess paint from the bristle. After that, apply paint to the surface of the frame.

Start painting the frame from its upper part - this way the paint will lie more evenly. When painting a wooden frame, pay special attention to its end parts - they are the most susceptible to destruction due to moisture.

Upon completion painting works, without waiting for the paint to dry, remove the strips of masking tape from the glass.

The best color option wooden frames is to paint them in two layers. After the first coat, carefully inspect the painted surfaces.

In case of cracking or swelling of the paint, eliminate the defects, and then apply a second coat of paint.

A correctly and conscientiously painted wooden frame will serve for a long time, not being afraid of rain, wind, or scorching sunlight.

Good luck to you! May you succeed!

What color to paint the windows? The answer to this question lies in the paint itself and in the technology of its application. Painting wooden windows is the final stage in the repair of the premises. In this case, the result will depend not only on the cost of the coating, but also on the preparation of the surface for painting. How to clean the window from the old paint and apply a new one, the article will tell you.

In order to paint wooden window frames with your own hands, they must be brought into proper condition:

  • The structure is inspected.
  • Are being prepared the right tools and materials.

For work you will need:

  • Electric grinder or electric drill with fittings.
  • Foam roller for coloring (see).
  • Spatula to remove old paint.
  • Scraper.
  • Several brushes.
  • Construction tape.
  • Plastic film or old newspapers.
  • Rags.
  • Container for dilution of paint.

Materials needed for work:

  • Putty.
  • Dye.
  • Solvent.
  • Primer.

In addition, you will need:

  • A reliable support, which can be a chair or stool, but it is preferable to use a stepladder.
  • A hammer.
  • Carnations.
  • Chisel.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Protective equipment: glasses, gloves, mask or respirator, cap or headscarf.

Wooden surfaces are painted with oil-based paint - alkyd, for internal works. Outside windows are painted with acrylic paint.

Tip: For painting windows, you should use universal paint, it is used for work outside and inside the room.

The price for painting wooden windows varies and depends on the cost of the materials used.

How to prepare surfaces

When repairing windows, surface preparation plays no less a role than the process of applying paint. If this issue is given due attention, then wooden frames are preserved for many years.

They should not be affected by any weather conditions: rain, snow, heat, dust.

A few rules for window repair:

  • The optimal day for coating is selected. Outdoors should be:
  1. not hot;
  2. it shouldn't rain;
  3. no wind.
  • The frames dry well at an air temperature not lower than (+5°C), and humidity up to 80%. On a cloudy, damp day, the tree dries out badly. The paint will set, but bubbles may appear, which is not good for the wood. In just a few weeks, you will need to redo all the work again.

Tip: To increase the durability of the coating, you should strictly follow the painting technology. With poor cleaning of the surface from dirt and residues of old paint, lack of a primer, the coating will not be durable.

Before taking off old paint from windows, it is necessary to check whether the wooden frame closes. If the wood is damaged and the paint is swollen, you will need to trim the frame with an electric drill with a nozzle or a grinder.

This operation can be replaced by special means for removing paint. The liquid is applied to the surface for the time indicated by the instructions for its operation (see).

After the paint begins to rise, wrinkle, its layers are easily removed with a spatula. The remains are cleaned with coarse sandpaper.

Before painting windows:

  • All unnecessary details are removed.
  • Metal parts are unscrewed: latches, locks, handles.

Tip: If you can’t remove some elements, you can glue them with construction tape to prevent accidental painting over them. The ideal option is to remove all the old fittings, and after painting the window frame, screw on the new one.

In addition to the frame, you will need to prepare windows and glass for painting.

For this:

  • Glass must be sealed with tape near the frame to prevent paint from getting on the glass.

Tip: Before painting wooden windows, it is necessary to stick masking tape on the glass, stepping back two millimeters from the frame. In this case, the paint will be able to fill the void and all the gaps between the frame and the glass, which will prevent the accumulation of moisture.

If at strong wind The glasses “tremble”, this indicates their poor retention in the frames. To prevent such troubles, you will need to replace the rails. New elements are painted separately and nailed after painting the frames.

How to prime and putty frames

After a preliminary inspection and preparatory work, you can begin the primary processing of the frame.

For this:

  • If there are metal fasteners that could not be removed, they are treated with a metal primer. It can be:
  1. "hats" of nails;
  2. hanging loops.
  • The wooden frame is treated with a special antiseptic to get rid of the reproduction of wood pests and prevent it from rotting.
  • All depressions, small bumps or potholes are filled with putty (see). In this case, the layers should be applied not of great thickness, slowly. Otherwise, a dense layer of putty will not be able to dry well, and immediately after painting the window, the putty from the tree will fall off along with the paint.

In addition to puttying the wood on the frame, it is necessary to putty the glass.

For this:

  • The surface is cleaned of old paint, as shown in the photo.

  • Irregularities are smoothed out with a sandpaper.
  • Removes debris and dust with a damp cloth
  • Putty is applied with a spatula in a thin layer, the tubercles are smoothed out.
  • After two hours, when the material dries, the surfaces are cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • A rag removes particles of dry putty.
  • If necessary, to get a perfectly flat surface, repeat all the steps again.

After this process, a primer is applied to ensure that the paint adheres strongly to the wood surface.

Tip: It is better to choose a primer that has been tested with additional function to disinfect surfaces. After coating, a thin protective film is formed on the surface, it provides protection from harmful insects, decay and maintains the desired moisture balance. At the same time, it must retain the structure natural wood. Do not use a metal primer for wooden frames.

Before coating, the wood is degreased with white spirit:

  • The liquid is applied with a roller, it is necessary to work with gloves and a mask to protect the face.
  • After applying the material, the wet areas should darken - this indicates that the putty has not dried out. After the paint dries, dark areas may appear. This could mean:
  1. putty is not completely dry;
  2. a section of wood was skipped that did not have a primer layer applied.

In this case:

  • These areas are cleaned with sandpaper to the ground.
  • A layer of primer is applied.
  • The surface is painted.

How to paint wooden windows

Before proceeding with the coating, it is necessary to determine which window paint is best in a particular case.

It can be:

  • Polyurethane varnishes. Such coatings are the most wear-resistant.
  • Acrylic varnishes- more accessible, not afraid after the water dries, dry quickly. If necessary, they can be diluted with water, and with the help of colors to change shades.
  • Alkyd paints. They are resistant to water and other atmospheric manifestations, to detergents, to mineral oil. A properly primed and then painted surface retains good view up to four years.
  • Nitrocellulose paints. This is an acceptable option, but when painting the surface, the acetone included in its composition begins to evaporate quickly, which requires good ventilation of the room. In addition, the paint is highly flammable.

When choosing a color, it is better to choose light colors. The use of dark coatings will cause the windows to heat up quickly in the sun, shortening the life of the window. useful properties paints. Cracks may appear on the lacquer surface and resin may come out.

  • Opening a can of paint. The composition is thoroughly mixed with a convenient stick, which can be made from an old plank.
  • If possible, you need to strain the paint through a metal sieve, which will get rid of lumps.
  • A small portion of paint is poured into a convenient container, you can use a tin can.
  • The brush is dipped into the paint, the excess is squeezed out of the brush so as not to spill the paint around.
  • The first layer of coating is applied to the wooden frames.
  • If the paint is thick, a little thinner is added.
  • The first coat of paint must dry completely.
  • The surface is repainted.
  • If two layers are not enough, a third, final layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Tip: When painting a wooden frame for the second and third time, the paint should not be sparse, it should be slightly thicker than on the first layer, which will avoid paint streaks. And when they appear, you must immediately remove the excess with a cloth, which is pre-moistened in a solvent.

  • It is desirable to apply paint along the fibers of the wood, so the coating will lie down better. Strokes should be made short and “light”, without pouring a lot of paint.
  • Surface painting must begin from the street.
  • After applying the coating and the final drying of the paint, the fittings are installed in place.

How to paint wooden windows correctly, how to paint slopes on windows, all the nuances of the process will be shown in the video in this article.

When installing new wooden windows or in the case of existing old ones, there is a need to paint them. The paint protects the wood from dampness and, as a result, from damage to the material by fungi and mold, as well as from external aggressive influences (winds, high or low temperatures, ultraviolet exposure).

Moreover, the finishing of window frames with the help of paints and varnishes will give the exterior and interior a finished, aesthetic look.

How to paint window frames outside and inside, what types of finishing materials to choose and which of them are the most practical and economical.

How to do all the work on the transformation of the window structure with your own hands and what you need to do for this, you will learn from our article.

Choosing the necessary materials and tools

In order to finishing coating the window frame outside and inside has served for quite a long time, it is necessary to choose the appropriate materials for the job.

Required Tools

Of the tools you will need minimum set, which includes:

  1. Grinding machine with nozzles;
  2. Building hair dryer;
  3. Nails for mounting glazing beads;
  4. Small hammer;
  5. A set of sandpaper with different grain sizes;
  6. Masking tape, newspaper, a small brush and a ditch for painting.

Choosing a paint

To perform work on updating the wooden frame of the window on the outside, acrylic paint is quite suitable.

And for you can use alkyd-based materials, although it is possible to use acrylic paints both outside and inside the room.

Any materials are suitable for antiseptic treatment, the main thing is that they are intended to protect wooden materials.

TIP: When choosing finishing materials, pay attention to the brands of domestic manufacturers. As a rule, our manufacturers offer more economical options, unlike foreign counterparts.

Not suitable for updating a wooden frame, for example, Zinga conductive paint or other brands, such as fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil, as they are used for protection metal structures, technical, etc.

Preparing the surface of the wooden window frame

The whole job of updating the window can be greatly simplified if window sashes do not remove from hinges. However, in order to get the highest quality result from the work done finishing works, the best option it will be the removal of individual elements of the window structure.

Painting old window frames includes the following preparatory activities:

  • Removal of shutters and dismantling of handles;

The sashes from the hinges must be removed carefully, especially from old windows, as there is a risk of damage to the frame and glass structure. If the pens are painted, then they can be left in their places or if it is not possible to remove them, paste them with masking paper tape.

  • Removing old paintwork with special tools (metal scrapers, grinding machines with appropriate nozzles, building hair dryers and solvents;

TIP: It is most convenient and quickest to remove old paint from the base with a building hair dryer and a metal hard scraper. To do this, the surface of the selected area is slightly heated, after which the paint layer will become pliable and can be easily removed with a scraper. This operation must be repeated until complete removal old paint layer.

  • Grinding a wooden frame structure, first with coarse sandpaper, then with fine sandpaper, until a smooth and even surface is obtained;

Dust from the surface after grinding is cleaned with a rag or vacuum cleaner.

  • Sealing of all irregularities, potholes and cracks;

Putty is applied to problem areas with a metal spatula, smoothed and dried well, and then sanded with fine sandpaper.

We close up all the recesses and irregularities - we putty

  • The final stage is the treatment of the frame structure with antiseptic solutions that block the appearance of fungi, mold and various pests.

Glazing beads fixing glass are best replaced with new, pre-prepared ones.

On this, the whole process of preparatory work is completed and you can safely proceed directly to painting the frame.

Frame painting

Important! When painting a window, you can get your clothes and hands dirty one way or another, so be sure to get protective rubber gloves, special robe, glasses and a headdress.

Renovating an old wooden window is somewhat more difficult, since the new frame does not require special preparation, unlike the old one. But if you do the work according to the rules and follow all the nuances, then the events will not take you much time and effort.

Painting a new wooden window frame

  • It is best to strain the paint through a metal sieve so that the mass is homogeneous without lumps. However, you can do without this procedure, but in this case, lumps may appear on the painted surface, which can somewhat spoil the appearance of the structure.

  • It is desirable to carry out work in calm, not hot weather. The best time for such work, early autumn and late spring.
  • Apply the paint along the grain of the wood with a small flat brush in a thin layer. To do this, the brush is slightly dipped into the paint and the excess is removed on the edge of the plastic tray.

  • The first layer is usually a primer, it must be applied, carefully rubbing into the base, while filling the entire wood structure.
  • The second layer of paint is a fixing one, it is applied over the first pre-dried layer with a thin film without smudges and ugly streaks.

TIP: Do not paint in wet, rainy weather, as bubbles are likely to form under the finish coat.

We update the old frame structure ourselves

In the same way as described above, the old wooden window is also updated. If the old frame is carefully prepared, then there should not be any special problems with the finish. Perhaps it will need to be painted in three layers to get rid of all the bumps.

The cost of painting window frames in case of execution independent work may be insignificant, and basically, the costs will be required only for the purchase of finishing materials and improvised tools. On the other hand, if you hire master finishers, then the price of the work can be quite serious, since such services are highly valued by specialists.


As you can see, everything is much easier than it might seem, and if you figure out a little how all the work on updating window structures is carried out, then the whole painting process will only be a joy to you. We hope our instructions for self-transformation of the window frame, you will certainly come in handy.

For a complete picture of the self-finishing process, we suggest watching the video in this article. Happy repair!

The appearance of windows for any building has great importance, and especially for a residential building. Clean, neatly painted frames and the right color make even the simplest facade attractive. In order for the windows to always look like new, it is necessary not only to follow the application technology, but to correctly choose the composition. Among huge assortment LKM, figuring out which window paint is better is not at all easy, and therefore we will take a closer look at the main types of paints, their characteristics and the most popular brands.

When choosing a coloring composition for wooden windows, one should take into account not only the properties of the tree, but also the operating conditions of the material. External frames all year round are exposed to atmospheric influences, tolerate sharp fluctuations in temperature, and are susceptible to sunlight. Dirt and dust collect on them more strongly, which means that they have to be washed more often, as a result of which the paint layer is gradually erased and loses its original smoothness and shine.

The wooden surface is prone to deformation and cracking, which also affects the integrity of the coating. Based on this, we can distinguish the main criteria for choosing a paint:

  • high water resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • coating strength;
  • resistance to microorganisms (especially fungi);
  • resistance to abrasion and fading.

As for toxicity, the requirements here are not too strict: since the paint is applied outside, harmful fumes quickly disappear and do not harm a person. Additionally, the coating must be moderately plastic so that microcracks do not form during the thermal expansion of the frame.

Please note - it is not necessary to paint both doors in the same shade.

Types of paints for outdoor work

On the this moment for painting windows on the outside, alkyd, acrylic and oil compositions are used.

Alkyd paints

These are universal formulations based on pentaphthalic and glyphthalic containing natural oils. They do not dry for a very long time (about a day), have elasticity, perfectly tolerate frosts and temperature changes - from -50 ° С to + 60 ° С. After drying, a very durable smooth coating with water-repellent properties is formed. The color palette is very wide, the paints are sold already tinted and completely ready for application. Solvent and white spirit are used as a solvent. Average paint consumption is 100-180 g/m2.

Due to the presence of resins and oils in the composition, alkyd paint very effectively protects wood from burning out, swelling and temperature deformations. Insect pests also bypass such surfaces, which prolongs the life of windows. Subject to the staining technology, the service life is about 5 years. Disadvantages - the presence of toxic and combustible substances.

Acrylic paints

Water-soluble paints with polymers. They do not contain harmful fragrances, as a result of which they do not have a pungent odor and are considered the most environmentally friendly. Thanks to high content polymers are resistant to fading and weathering. acrylic paint well withstands repeated freezing, amenable to wet cleaning, has long term service - up to 7 years or more, subject to the staining technology. It is easy to apply, dries very quickly, painted surfaces can be renewed without first stripping the coating. Average consumption is 120-150 g/m2.

Oil paints

They are suspensions of pigments on drying oil. Such paint forms a durable waterproof film on the surface, resistant to negative temperatures and atmospheric influences. It is also resistant to chemically aggressive substances, abrasion, does not fade in the sun for a long time, and has a high hiding power. The color palette includes more than 100 options.

Consumption, on average, is 100-150 g per square meter, and if the base material is too porous, then about 200 g/m2. Drying oil is used for breeding, as well as turpentine and white spirit, but not more than 5% of the total amount of paint. Despite a lot of positive properties, oil paint is less in demand than alkyd and acrylic, and the reason for this is short term operation - from 1 to 3 years, as well as a long period drying - from 24 to 48 hours. In addition, this composition contains flammable substances and has a sharp unpleasant odor.

Popular paint brands

Paints, impregnations and varnishes are products that are in stable demand, and the market is simply overflowing with paints and varnishes for every taste and in different price categories. Unfortunately, quality is not a priority for all manufacturers, and therefore many paints do not hold water. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you should give preference only to reliable, time-tested brands from well-known manufacturers.

Tikkurila (Finland)

The trademark "Tikkurila" has earned the recognition of consumers for a long time: the company has been producing its products for more than a century and is included in the list of leaders in the paint and varnish industry. Paints of this brand are of unsurpassed quality and are suitable for use in the most adverse conditions. As you know, the climate of Finland is quite severe, and therefore the development protective coatings for wood is made taking into account the impact negative temperatures and very high humidity. The composition of the paints contains antifungal additives, due to which mold and fungi do not develop on the painted frames.

Tikkurila Helmi - acrylate paint for furniture, doors, windows

The color palette of Finnish paints is very wide and includes about 15 thousand shades. For exterior and interior work, color catalogs are developed separately, as well as for different types of surfaces. For example, the Valtti catalog is intended for tinting glazing antiseptics. Unlike paint, these compositions do not hide the natural texture of the wood, but only emphasize it, giving certain shades and a soft sheen.

But in the Vinha catalog semi-matt paints of 30 natural shades are presented. They are intended exclusively for wooden surfaces- window frames, facade cladding, external railings. These paints are characterized by high opacity and excellent protective properties, and are best solution for surfaces requiring restoration.

A wider choice is provided by the catalog "Wooden facades". It includes 120 colors, ideal for outdoor surfaces, including wooden windows.

NameBrief characteristics

Oil based alkyd. It is used for painting wooden bindings and frames, both new and previously painted. It is tinted in accordance with the catalog "Wooden facades", has a semi-gloss sheen. One liter of paint is enough for an area of ​​8-10 m2, when applied in one layer. At a temperature of +23°C and an air humidity of no more than 50%, the paint dries for 24 hours. Packed in jars with a capacity of 0.9, 2.7 and 9 liters

Matt paint based on acrylates, oil content. It is used for painting new and previously treated wooden surfaces. 1 liter of paint is enough for 5-9 m2, depending on the density of the substrate. Can be applied by brush and spray, diluted with water. Complete drying takes 2-4 hours. Packed in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Semi-gloss paint for new and refurbished wooden bases. Diluted with white spirit and alkyd solvent, a brush is used for application. Consumption is about 8-11 m2/l, depending on the porosity of the substrate. At +23°C it takes 24 hours to dry. Packed in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Water-soluble acrylate-based paint. Designed for exterior painting of wood, both new and previously processed. It has a semi-matte degree of gloss, applied with a brush and spraying method. 1 liter of composition is enough for 6-9 m2 when applied in one layer. Drying takes 2-4 hours. Paint is packaged as standard in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Water-soluble paint-antiseptic, opaque, with a semi-matt sheen. Contains alkyd components, as well as mold and blue stain inhibitors. Designed for painting wooden surfaces of all types, especially old and in need of restoration. It is applied with a brush and by spraying, the consumption is 6-10 m2/l. It takes 2 hours to dry at 50% humidity and +23°C. Standard packaging - 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

"Dufa" (Germany)

The products of this brand include a variety of paints, primers, azure, varnishes and other related products for finishing and repair work. In terms of quality, Dufa paints and varnishes are not inferior to the best European brands, which is confirmed by high demand from foreign and Russian consumers. The company specializes in the development of paints for individual areas applications, and produces universal compositions in a minimum volume. Most of the paints are made on silicone, latex and acrylic base and are water soluble.

For windows, water-soluble colored enamels are intended, as well as enamels with increased whiteness. These compositions are easy to apply and spread over the surface, have good hiding power, after drying they form a very strong film. Enamelled frames can be washed with soapy solutions, mold does not develop on them and insects are bypassed. Due to the presence of special components, Duf's colored paints fade slightly in the sun, and whites do not turn yellow.

NameBrief characteristics

Alkyd paint with a glossy finish. It is resistant to weathering, abrasion and moisture. When applied, it is easily distributed over the material and does not form streaks. It is diluted with white spirit, dries for about 6 hours. Consumption is 10 m2/l, applied with a brush. Packed in containers of 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Semi-gloss alkyd-based paint. Has 20 tinting options, forms a silky-matte even coverage. It is applied by spraying and brushing, the consumption is 10-12 m2/l. The paint does not have a strong odor, dries in 8-12 hours. Packed in containers of 0.375, 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Glossy paint designed specifically for wooden frames and bindings. Forms a durable water-repellent coating with a high degree of whiteness. It is diluted with water, applied with a brush and by spraying. At an air temperature of 20°C and low humidity, the drying time is 8-10 hours. Consumption about 13 m2/l. Packed in containers of 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Acrylic paint with glossy finish. Differs in high adhesion and water resistance, does not turn yellow, is easily distributed over the material. Consumption is 10-11 m2 / l, diluted with water - no more than 10% of the total. Dries 4-6 hours. Standard packaging - 0.750 and 2.5 liters

The products of this German brand are of excellent quality and a rich assortment. The manufacturer focuses on the production of environmentally friendly products, therefore most of"Kaparol" does not contain paints harmful substances and solvents. The most popular are paints for outdoor work, which have increased resistance to fading and weathering.

For windows, enamels based on alkyd resins and water-soluble glazing compounds are produced. They fade slightly in the sun, with proper care they retain their original appearance for several years. Due to high hiding power and economical consumption, Kaparol paints can significantly reduce repair costs. The Caparol company also owns the Alpina trademark, whose products have identical characteristics.

NameBrief characteristics

Water-soluble semi-gloss paint for new and previously painted wooden substrates. Contains fungicides, resistant to negative impact. It is applied with a brush, the consumption is 150 ml/m2 in a single layer application. Dries completely in 12 hours

Water-soluble glazing composition that preserves the texture of wood. Forms a strong highly elastic film with water-repellent properties. Apply with a brush, consumption is 100-250 ml/m2

Water-soluble paint with increased resistance to moisture and weathering. It is applied in a thin layer, preserves the texture of the wood. Consumption is about 120 g/m2. Drying time - 6 to 8 hours

Sniezka (Poland)

The Polish brand "Sniezka" is an optimal ratio of quality and price. Its products are very diverse, rich color palette, wide selection related products. Paints for wood are made on an oil, alkyd and acrylic basis, while all formulations additionally contain antifungal agents and have enhanced fading resistance. Subject to the Sniezka paint coloring technology, they do not lose their visual appeal during the entire service life and provide stable protection against moisture.

Tex (Russia)

Among domestic manufacturers, products of the Tex trademark enjoy the greatest confidence of buyers. The paintwork materials of this company are maximally adapted to local operating conditions, while the compositions are constantly being improved. Excellent specifications and relatively low price allow Tex paints to successfully compete with foreign-made coatings. With proper application, their service life is at least 7 years.

Enamel for windows and doors "Teks Profi"

To the trusted list trademarks also includes ISAVAL (Spain), German brand REESA, Canadian Forester, VIVACOLOR (Estonia). Among domestic manufacturers, the Yaroslavl Paints, Stroykompleks, and Olivesta brands can be highlighted.

Yaroslavl paints, enamel

Basic rules for using paints

Coloring tool

There are three options for applying paint - brush, roller and spray gun. When painting bindings and frames, the roller is not very convenient, so it remains to choose between an airbrush and a brush. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the method of application on the paint packaging, since the spray method is not suitable for some formulations. If both tools can be used, consider the following factors when choosing:

Ambient conditions

In order for the paint to be firmly and evenly fixed on the surface of the frame, it must be applied at a temperature of +5 to +30 degrees. This condition is mandatory for almost all types of paints, with the exception of special heat-resistant compounds. But the most optimal temperature is considered to be in the range of 18-23 degrees above zero.

Humidity also matters. As a rule, staining is carried out in dry weather, at a relative humidity of 50-60%. For water-dispersion paints, this figure can increase up to 80%, but no more. In addition, the humidity of the air must remain the same as long as the surface dries. The higher its value, the longer the paint will dry, and the higher the possibility of various defects.

It is undesirable that direct sunlight falls on the surface during painting. If it is not possible to shade the windows with something from the sun, you need to paint on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon, when the surface will heat up less. Well, of course, you can not start painting in windy weather, otherwise everything will be covered with dust and small particles of debris.

Number and thickness of layers

If you only need to refresh the window, and the color of the paint matches the color of the previous coating, one coat is enough. Especially if the paint has a high covering ability. If you need to repaint in a different color, you will need at least 2 layers, otherwise the base will shine through. 2-3 coats are needed for raw new wood or material in need of serious restoration.

You can not apply paint in a thick layer in the hope of achieving a deep color at a time. This provokes the formation of streaks, sagging and other defects that show through perfectly after drying. In addition, such a coating dries longer, and its strength leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the paint is applied in a very thin layer and well rubbed into the base.

Instructions for painting a wooden window

Consider how to properly paint an ordinary window without removing the frame.

Step 1. Remove platbands, gratings, decorative elements- anything that gets in the way. If the window is in good condition, the frame and bindings are simply treated with medium grit sandpaper, but if the old coating is cracked and peeled off, you need to remove it to the ground.

Advice. Three methods are applicable here - clean everything with a metal scraper or brush, warm it up with a hairdryer and remove the old paint with a spatula, treat the surface chemical wash. The choice depends on how strong the coating is.

Step 2 The integrity of the structure is checked, the damaged areas are cleaned with a knife and sealed with putty on wood. After drying, the puttied areas are sanded with sandpaper.

Step 3 The frame cleaned of dust is covered with an antiseptic primer. If the surface is highly absorbent, it is advisable to prime in two layers.

Step 4 Tape or masking tape seal the fittings on the sashes, close the perimeter of the glass. Thoroughly stir the paint, if necessary, dilute it with a solvent.

Step 5. They take a narrow brush, dip up to half the length of the pile into the paint and carefully apply it to the frame, starting from the top. Movements are performed along the jumpers: horizontal elements are painted from side to side, vertical ones from top to bottom. The paint is well rubbed into the wood so that there are no streaks left.

Restoration of wooden windows - photo

Step 6 After applying the first layer, you need to wait for the paint to dry (the time is indicated in the instructions on the package), and then repeat everything in the same sequence.

After finishing painting, you need to immediately remove the strips of adhesive tape from the glass. This should be done very carefully so as not to get dirty and leave marks on the frame. While the window is drying, you can paint the trim.

Video - Paints for windows

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