Linear fire speed. Spreading flame on the surface of the liquid

Decor elements 20.06.2020
Decor elements

Calculations of forces and means are performed in the following cases:

  • when determining the required amount of forces and means for extinguishing a fire;
  • with an operational-tactful study of the object;
  • when developing fire extinguishing plans;
  • in the preparation of fire and tactical teachings and classes;
  • when conducting experimental work to determine the effectiveness of extinguishing agents;
  • in the process of researching a fire to assess RTP and units.

Calculation of forces and means for extinguishing fires of solid combustible substances and water materials (propagating fire)

    • characteristics of the object (geometrical dimensions, the nature of the fire load and its placement on the object, the placement of water sources relative to the object);
    • the time from the moment of a fire before the message about it (depends on the presence of the type of means of protection, means of communication and alarm, the correctness of the actions of persons who have found fire, etc.);
    • linear fire distribution rate V. L.;
    • forces and means provided by the schedule of trips and the time of their concentration;
    • fire extinguishing intensity I. Tr..

1) Determining the development time of the fire at different points in time.

The following stages of fire development are distinguished:

  • 1, 2 stages free fire development, and at 1 stage ( t. up to 10 minutes) The linear propagation rate is taken equal to 50% of its maximum value (tabular) characteristic of this category of objects, and from the moment of more than 10 minutes it is taken equal to the maximum value;
  • 3 Stage it is characterized by the beginning of the introduction of the first stems on fire extinguishing, as a result of which the linear speed of the fire spread is reduced, therefore, in the time of the introduction of the first trunks, until the lapse of the dissemination of the fire (the moment of localization) is taken equal to 0,5 V. L. . At the time of the conditions of localization V. L. = 0 .
  • 4 Stage - Fire elimination.

t. St. = t. ONN + t. STI + t. Sat + t. SL + t. Br. (min.), where

  • t. St. - the time of free fire development at the time of arrival of the division;
  • t. ONNthe time of fire development from the moment of its occurrence until its detection ( 2 minutes. - if there is an APS or AUPT, 2-5 min. - in the presence of round-the-clock duty, 5 minutes. - in all other cases);
  • t. STI - time message about fire in fire protection ( 1 min. - If the phone is in the duty room, 2 minutes. - if the phone is in another room);
  • t. Sat \u003d 1 min. - the time of collecting personnel on the alarm;
  • t. SL - the time of the fire division ( 2 minutes. 1 km of);
  • t. Br. - the time of combat deployment (3 min. When filing the 1st trunk, 5 min. In other cases).

2) Distance Definition R. traded by the front of the burning during t. .

for t. St. ≤ 10 min:R. = 0,5 · V. L. · t. St. (m);

for t. BB \u003e 10 min:R. = 0,5 · V. L. · 10 + V. L. · (t. BB – 10)= 5 · V. L. + V. L.· (t. BB – 10) (m);

for t. BB < t.* ≤ t. Lok : R. = 5 · V. L. + V. L.· (t. BB – 10) + 0,5 · V. L.· (t.* – t. BB) (m).

  • where t. St. - time of free development,
  • t. BB - time at the time of the introduction of the first extinguishing trunks,
  • t. Lok - time at the time of the location of the fire,
  • t. * - time between the moments of the location of the fire and the introduction of the first extinguishing trunks.

3) Determination of fire square.

Square Fire S P. - This is the area of \u200b\u200bprojection of burning zone on a horizontal or (less often) to the vertical plane. When burning on several floors, the total fire area on each floor is taken on a few floors.

Perimeter Fire R P - It is the perimeter of the fire square.

Fire Front F - This is part of a fire perimeter in the direction (directions) of the spread of burning.

To determine the shape of the fire area, it is necessary to draw the scheme of the object on the scale and from the location of the fire to postpone the amount of the path R. Fire covered in all possible sides.

It is customary to allocate three versions of the Fire Square:

  • circular (Fig.2);
  • angular (Fig. 3, 4);
  • rectangular (Fig. 5).

When predicting the development of a fire, it should be borne in mind that the form of fire square can change. So, when the front is reached the front of the flame of the enclosing construction or the edge of the site, it is believed that the fire front is hidden and the form of fire area changes (Fig. 6).

a) Fire area with a circular form of fire development.

S. P= k. · p. · R. 2 (m 2),

  • where k. = 1 - with a circular form of fire development (Fig. 2),
  • k. = 0,5 - with semicircular form of fire development (Fig. 4),
  • k. = 0,25 - with the angular form of fire development (Fig. 3).

b) Fire area with a rectangular form of fire development.

S. P= n. · B. · R. (m 2),

  • where n. - the number of directions for the development of a fire,
  • b. - Width of the room.

c) Fire area with a combined form of fire development (Figure 7)

S. P = S. 1 + S. 2 (m 2)

a) Fire extinguishing area around the perimeter in the circular form of fire development.

S T \u003d k ·p. · (R 2 - R 2) \u003d k ·p.·· H t · (2 \u200b\u200b· r - H t) (m 2),

  • where r. = R. h. T. ,
  • h. T. - the depth of extinguishing of the trunks (for manual trunks - 5m, for beftle - 10 m).

b) Fire extinguishing area around the perimeter with a rectangular form of fire development.

S. T.= 2 · H. T.· (a. + b. – 2 · H. T.) (m 2) - all over the perimeter of the fire ,

where but and b. - Accordingly, the length and width of the fire front.

S. T. = n · b · h T. (m 2.) - on the front of the spreading fire ,

where b. and n. - Accordingly, the width of the room and the number of submission directions of the stems.

5) Determination of the required water consumption for fire extinguishing.

Q. T. Tr. = S. P · I. Tr.forS p ≤S T (l / s) orQ. T. Tr. = S. T. · I. Tr.forS p\u003eS T (l / s)

Fire extinguishing intensity I Tr. - This is the amount of fire extinguishing substance supplied per unit of time per unit of the calculated parameter.

Distinguish the following types of intensity:

Linear - When the linear parameter is accepted as the calculated: for example, the front or perimeter. Units of measurement - l / s ∙ m. Linear intensity is used, for example, in determining the number of stems for cooling burning and adjacent to the burning tanks with petroleum products.

Surface - When the fire extinguishing the fire is adopted as the calculated parameter. Units of measurement - l / s ∙ m 2. Surface intensity is used in fire extinguishing practices most often, since to extinguish fires in most cases, water is used, which extinguishes fire on the surface of the burning materials.

Volume - When the amount of extinguishing is taken as the calculated parameter. Units of measurement - l / s ∙ m 3. Volumetric intensity is used primarily at volumetric fire extinguishing, for example, inert gases.

Required I Tr. - The amount of fire extinguishing agent that must be supplied per unit of time per unit of the calculated extinguishing parameter. The required intensity is determined on the basis of calculations, experiments, statistical data on the results of extinguishing real fires, etc.

Actual I F. - The amount of fire extinguishing agent that is actually submitted per unit of time per unit of calculated extinguishing parameter.

6) Determination of the required amount of extinguishing stems.

but)N. T. Art = Q. T. Tr. / q. T. Art - at the required water consumption,

b)N. T. Art \u003d P p / r - on the perimeter of the fire,

P P. - part of the perimeter, the extinguishing trunks

P st \u003d.q. Art / I. Tr.h. T. - part of the perimeter of a fire that is stealing with one trunk. P \u003d 2. · p. · L. (circumference), P \u003d 2. · a + 2. · B. (rectangle)

in) N. T. Art = n · (m. + A.) - in warehouses with rack storage (Fig. 11) ,

  • where n. - the number of fire development directions (bodies input),
  • m. - the number of passes between burning racks,
  • A. - Number of passes between burning and neighboring non-robing racks.

7) Determination of the required amount of compartments for feeding the stem.

N. T. deposit = N. T. Art / n. stop ,

where n. stop - the number of trunks that one compartment can serve.

8) Determination of the required water consumption on the protection of structures.

Q. Z. Tr. = S. Z. · I. Z. Tr. (l / s),

  • where S. Z. - protected area (overlap, coatings, walls, partitions, equipment, etc.),
  • I. Z. Tr. = (0,3-0,5) · I. Tr. - The intensity of water supply to protection.

9) The water reproduction of the ring water supply network is calculated by the formula:

Q to network \u003d ((d / 25) v c) 2 [l / s], (40) where,

  • D - diameter of the water supply network, [mm];
  • 25 is a translated number of millimeters in inches;
  • V B is the speed of water in the water supply, which is equal to:
  • - under the pressure of the water supply network HB \u003d 1.5 [m / s];
  • - under the pressure of the H\u003e 30 m water network. -V B \u003d 2 [m / s].

The water reproduction of a dead-end water supply network is calculated by the formula:

Q T network \u003d 0.5 q to the network, [l / s].

10) Determination of the required amount of trunks on the protection of structures.

N. Z. Art = Q. Z. Tr. / q. Z. Art ,

Also, the number of trunks is often determined without analytical calculation of tactical considerations, based on the places of placement of the trunks and the number of protected objects, for example, for each farm one by one boilers, in each adjacent room on the RS-50 trunk.

11) Determination of the required amount of separation offices for the protection of structures.

N. Z. deposit = N. Z. Art / n. stop

12) Determination of the required number of departments to perform other works (evacuation of people, mat. Values, openings and disassembling structures).

N. L. deposit = N. L. / n. l off , N. MC. deposit = N. MC. / n. MC Rem , N. SPU deposit = S. SPU / S. SPA

13) Determination of the overall required amount of departments.

N. common deposit = N. T. Art + N. Z. Art + N. L. deposit + N. MC. deposit + N. SPU deposit

Based on the resulting result of the RTP concludes that the power of forces and funds raised towards fire extinguishes. If the forces and means are not enough, the RTP makes a new calculation at the time of arrival of the last unit at the next elevated number (rank) of the fire.

14) Comparison of the actual water consumption Q. F. on quenching, protection and water reproductive Q. water Fireproof water supply

Q. F. = N. T. Art· q. T. Art+ N. Z. Art· q. Z. ArtQ. water

15) Determination of the amount of ACs installed on water sources to supply the calculated consumption of water.

It is not installed on the water sources not all the technique that arrives at the fire, but such a quantity that would ensure the supply of the settlement consumption, i.e.

N. AC. = Q. Tr. / 0,8 Q. N. ,

where Q. N. - pump feed, l / s

Such optimal consumption is checked by adopted combat deployment schemes, taking into account the length of the sleeves and the estimated amount of trunks. In any of these cases, if the conditions are allowed (in particular, the pump-sleeve system), combat calculations of arriving units should be used to work from cars already installed on water sources.

This will not only provide the use of technology at full capacity, but also accelerate the introduction of forces and means of extinguishing fire.

Depending on the situation on the fire, the required flow rate of the fire extinguishing agent is determined by the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe fire or on the extinguishing area of \u200b\u200bthe fire. Based on the resulting result of the RTP, it can conclude the sufficiency of the forces and funds raised towards fire extinguishing.

Calculation of forces and means for extinguishing fires air-mechanical foam on the square

(non-extending fires or conditionally leading to them)

Source data for the calculation of forces and means:

  • fire area;
  • the intensity of the filming solution of the foaming agent;
  • water supply intensity for cooling;
  • estimated extinguishing time.

In case of fires in reservoir parks for the calculated parameter, the area of \u200b\u200bthe liquid mirror of the reservoir or the largest possible area of \u200b\u200bthe LVZ spill during fires on airplanes is taken.

At the first stage of combat operations produce cooling of burning and neighboring tanks.

1) The required number of stems for cooling the burning reservoir.

N. ZG STU = Q. ZG Tr. / q. STU = n. π D. Mountains I. ZG Tr. / q. STU but not less than 3 x stems

I. ZG Tr. \u003d 0.8 l / s m - the required intensity for cooling the burning tank,

I. ZG Tr. \u003d 1.2 l / s m - the required intensity for cooling the burning reservoir in the fire in,

Cooling tanks W. cut ≥ 5000 m 3 And more appropriate to carry out the boilers.

2) The required number of trunks for cooling the adjacent non-burning tank.

N. zs. STU = Q. zs. Tr. / q. STU = n. 0,5 π D. SOS I. zs. Tr. / q. STU but not less than 2 x stems

I. zs. Tr. = 0.3 l / s m - the required intensity for cooling the neighboring non-burning tank,

n. - the number of burning or adjacent tanks, respectively,

D. Mountains, D. SOS - the diameter of the burning or adjacent tank, respectively (m),

q. STU - the performance of one (l / s),

Q. ZG Tr., Q. zs. Tr. - Required water consumption for cooling (l / s).

3) Required Number of GPS N. GPS The extinguishing of the burning reservoir.

N. GPS = S. P I. R-OR Tr. / q. R-OR GPS (PC.),

S. P - Fire area (m 2),

I. R-OR Tr. - The required intensity of supplying the solution of the foaming agent for quenching (L / s ∙ m 2). For t. pm ≤ 28 O. C. I. R-OR Tr. \u003d 0.08 l / s ∙ m 2, with t. pm \u003e 28 O. C. I. R-OR Tr. \u003d 0.05 l / s ∙ m 2 (See Appendix No. 9)

q. R-OR GPSthe performance of the GPS by a solution of the foaming agent (L / s).

4) Required amount of the foaming agent W. by For extinguishing the tank.

W. by = N. GPS q. by GPS ∙ 60 ∙ τ R ∙ to Z. (l),

τ R \u003d 15 minutes - the estimated time of extinguishing when submitting a VMP from above,

τ R \u003d 10 minutes - the estimated time of extinguishing when the VMM is filled under a fuel layer,

To Z.\u003d 3 - the reserve coefficient (for three foam attacks),

q. by GPS - Performance of GPS on the foaming agent (L / s).

5) Required amount of water W. in T. For extinguishing the tank.

W. in T. = N. GPS q. in GPS ∙ 60 ∙ τ R ∙ to Z. (l),

q. in GPS - Productivity of GPS on water (l / s).

6) Required amount of water W. in Z. on cooling reservoirs.

W. in Z. = N. Z. STU q. STU τ R ∙ 3600 (l),

N. Z. STU - the total number of trunks for cooling reservoirs,

q. STU - the productivity of one fire trunk (l / s),

τ R \u003d 6 hours - the estimated cooling time of ground reservoirs from mobile fire equipment (SNiP 2.11.03-93),

τ R \u003d 3 hours - the estimated time of cooling underground tanks from mobile fire equipment (SNiP 2.11.03-93).

7) General required amount of water for cooling and extinguishing reservoirs.

W. in common = W. in T. + W. in Z. (l)

8) Approximate time of the onset of possible emission T petroleum products from a burning tank.

T. = ( H. h. ) / ( W. + u. + V. ) (h), where

H. - the initial height of the fuel liquid layer in the reservoir, m;

h. - layer height of bottom (fit) water, m;

W. - linear heating rate of combustible liquid, m / h (tabular value);

u. - linear velocity of flavoring liquid, m / h (table value);

V. - linear rate of lowering the level due to pumping, m / h (if the pumping is not produced, then V. = 0 ).

Fire extinguishing indoors of air-mechanical foam in volume

In case of fires in rooms, sometimes resort to fire extinguishing in a volume of the fire, i.e. Fill the entire volume of air-mechanical foam of medium multiplicity (ships holds, cable tunnels, basement, etc.).

When submitting a VMP to the room, there should be at least two openings. Through one opening, VMM is served, and the smoke and excessive air pressure occurs through another, which contributes to the best promotion of the VMM in the room.

1) Determination of the required amount of GPS for volumetric extinguishing.

N. GPS = W. POM · K R / q. GPS t. N. where

W. POM - the size of the room (m 3);

K p \u003d 3 - coefficient, taking into account the destruction and loss of foam;

q. GPS - consumption of foam from GPS (m 3 / min.);

t. N. \u003d 10 min - Regulatory time extinguishing fire.

2) definition of the required number of foaming agent W. by For volumetric extinguishing.

W. by = N. GPSq. by GPS ∙ 60 ∙ τ R ∙ to Z.(l),

Throughput of sleeves

Appendix No. 1.

Bandwidth of one rubberized sleeve 20 meters long depending on the diameter

Throughput, l / s

Sleeve diameter, mm

51 66 77 89 110 150
10,2 17,1 23,3 40,0

application 2

The values \u200b\u200bof resistance of one pressure sleeve 20 m long

Type of sleeves Sleeve diameter, mm
51 66 77 89 110 150
Rubberized 0,15 0,035 0,015 0,004 0,002 0,00046
Unpainted 0,3 0,077 0,03

application 3

Volume of single sleeves 20 m long

Appendix No. 4.

Geometric characteristics of the main types steel vertical tanks (RVS).

No. p / p Type of tank Reservoir height, m The diameter of the reservoir, m The area of \u200b\u200bthe fuel mirror, m 2 Perimeter reservoir, m
1 RVS-1000 9 12 120 39
2 RVS-2000 12 15 181 48
3 RVS-3000 12 19 283 60
4 RVS-5000 12 23 408 72
5 RVS-5000 15 21 344 65
6 RVS-10000 12 34 918 107
7 RVS-10000 18 29 637 89
8 RVS-15000. 12 40 1250 126
9 RVS-15000. 18 34 918 107
10 RVS 20000. 12 46 1632 143
11 RVS 20000. 18 40 1250 125
12 RVS-30000. 18 46 1632 143
13 RVS-50000. 18 61 2892 190
14 RVS-100000 18 85,3 5715 268
15 RVS-120000. 18 92,3 6691 290

Appendix No. 5.

Linear springs of combustion of burning in facilities.

Object name Linear speed of combustion, m / min
Administrative buildings 1,0…1,5
Libraries, archives, book printing 0,5…1,0
Residential buildings 0,5…0,8
Corridors and galleries 4,0…5,0
Cable facilities (cable burning) 0,8…1,1
Museums and exhibitions 1,0…1,5
Typography 0,5…0,8
Theaters and Palaces of Culture (scenes) 1,0…3,0
Ground covers of the workshops of a large area 1,7…3,2
Ground structures roofs and attic 1,5…2,0
Refrigerators 0,5…0,7
Woodworking enterprises:
Sawmills (buildings I, II, III CO) 1,0…3,0
The same, buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance 2,0…5,0
Dryers 2,0…2,5
Procurement shops 1,0…1,5
Plywood production 0,8…1,5
Rooms of other shops 0,8…1,0
Forest arrays (wind speed 7 ... 10 m / s, humidity 40%)
Sinea up to 1,4.
Yelnik up to 4.2.
Schools, medical institutions:
Buildings I and II degrees of fire resistance 0,6…1,0
Buildings III and IV Power Resistance 2,0…3,0
Transport objects:
Garages, tram and trolleybus depot 0,5…1,0
Repair halls of the Angars 1,0…1,5
Textile products 0,3…0,4
Paper in rolls 0,2…0,3
Rubber products in buildings 0,4…1,0
The same in the stacks on the open area 1,0…1,2
Rubber 0,6…1,0
Commodity values 0,5…1,2
Round Forest in Stacks 0,4…1,0
Sawn timber (boards) in stacks at humidity 16 ... 18% 2,3
Peat in stabel 0,8…1,0
Flasolokna 3,0…5,6
Rural settlements:
Living area with dense building buildings V degree of fire resistance, dry weather 2,0…2,5
Straw roofs of buildings 2,0…4,0
Livestock in livestock 1,5…4,0

Appendix No. 6.

The intensity of water supply when steaming fires, l / (m 2 .c)

1. Buildings and structures
Administrative buildings:
I-III degree of fire resistance 0.06
IV degree fire resistance 0.10
V Fire resistance degree 0.15
basement 0.10
attic premises 0.10
Hospitals 0.10
2. Residential buildings and utility buildings:
I-III degree of fire resistance 0.06
IV degree fire resistance 0.10
V Fire resistance degree 0.15
basement 0.15
attic premises 0.15
3.Gery buildings:
I-III degree of fire resistance 0.15
IV degree fire resistance 0.15
V Fire resistance degree 0.20
4. Cultural and entertainment institutions (theaters, cinemas, clubs, cultural palaces):
scene 0.20
auditorium 0.15
utility premises 0.15
Mills and elevators 0.14
Hangars, garages, workshops 0.20
locomotive, car, tram and trolleybus depot 0.20
5. Production buildings Plots and Come:
I-II degree of fire resistance 0.15
III-IV degree of fire resistance 0.20
V Fire resistance degree 0.25
coloring goals 0.20
basement 0.30
attic premises 0.15
6. Breathous coverage of large areas
when caring from below inside the building 0.15
when extinguishing outside the coating 0.08
when extinguishing outside with a developing fire 0.15
Building under construction 0.10
Trade enterprises and warehouses 0.20
Refrigerators 0.10
7. Power plants and substations:
cable tunnels and semi-stores 0.20
machine halls and boiler rooms 0.20
galleries of fuel supplies 0.10
transformers, Reactors, Oil Switches * 0.10
8. Solid materials
Breakfast paper 0.30
balance with humidity,%:
40-50 0.20
less than 40. 0.50
timber in stacks within the same group with humidity,%:
8-14 0.45
20-30 0.30
over 30. 0.20
round forest in stacks within the same group 0.35
ships in piles with humidity 30-50% 0.10
Rubber, rubber and rubber products 0.30
thermoplars 0.14
reactoplasts 0.10
polymer materials 0.20
textolite, carb, plastics waste, triacetate film 0.30
Cotton and other fibrous materials:
open warehouses 0.20
closed warehouses 0.30
Celluloid and products from it 0.40
Yadochimikati and fertilizers 0.20

* Feeding fine water.

Tactical and technical indicators of foam feed devices

Foam feed device Pressure at the device, m The conclusion of RR,% Consumption, l / s Multiplicity of foam Production of foam, m cubic / min (l / s) Foam feed distance, m
water BY p-ra
PLS-20 P 40-60 6 18,8 1,2 20 10 12 50
PLS-20 C 40-60 6 21,62 1,38 23 10 14 50
PLS-60 C 40-60 6 47,0 3,0 50 10 30 50
Svp 40-60 6 5,64 0,36 6 8 3 28
SVP (E) -2 40-60 6 3,76 0,24 4 8 2 15
SVP (E) -4 40-60 6 7,52 0,48 8 8 4 18
SVP-8 (er) 40-60 6 15,04 0,96 16 8 8 20
GPS-200. 40-60 6 1,88 0,12 2 80-100 12 (200) 6-8
GPS-600. 40-60 6 5,64 0,36 6 80-100 36 (600) 10
GPS-2000. 40-60 6 18,8 1,2 20 80-100 120 (2000) 12

Linear speed of burnout and warming of hydrocarbon liquids

Name of flammable liquid Linear burnout speed, m / h Linear spray rate of combustible, m / h
Petrol Up to 0.30 Up to 0.10.
Kerosene Up to 0.25. Up to 0.10.
Gas condensate Up to 0.30 Up to 0.30
Diesel fuel from gas condensate Up to 0.25. Up to 0.15
Mix of oil and gas condensate Up to 0.20. Up to 0.40.
Diesel fuel Up to 0.20. Up to 0.08.
Oil Up to 0.15 Up to 0.40.
Mazut. Up to 0.10. Up to 0.30

Note: With increasing wind speed to 8-10 m / s, the fuel burning rate increases by 30-50%. Crude oil and fuel oil containing emulsion water can burn up with a greater speed than indicated in the table.

Changes and additions to guide for oil and petroleum products in tanks and tank parks

(information letter from GUGPS from 19.05.00 No. 20 / 2.3 / 1863)

Table 2.1. Regulatory intensities for feeding the foam of medium multiplicity to extinguish fires and petroleum products in tanks

Note: For oil with gas condensate impurities, as well as for petroleum products obtained from gas condensate, it is necessary to determine the regulatory intensity in accordance with the acting techniques.

Table 2.2.Regulatory foam intensity of low multiplicity foam to extinguish oil and petroleum products in tanks *

No. p / p View of petroleum products Regulatory intensity of the supply of the foaming agent solution, L M 2 C '
Fluorine-containing foaming agents "non-film-forming" Fluorosinthetic "film-forming" foaming agents Fluoroprotein "Film-forming" foaming agents
on the surface in a layer on the surface in a layer on the surface in a layer
1 Oil and petroleum products with TB 28 ° C and below 0,08 0,07 0,10 0,07 0,10
2 Oil and petroleum products with TSP over 28 ° C 0,06 0,05 0,08 0,05 0,08
3 Stable gas condensate 0,12 0,10 0,14 0,10 0,14

Main indicators characterizing the tactical possibilities of fire units

The head of fire extinguishing should not only know the possibilities of divisions, but also to be able to determine the main tactical indicators:

  • possible area extinguishing air-mechanical foam;
  • possible amount of extinguishing foam of medium multiplicity, taking into account the stock of the foaming agent available on the car;
  • the maximum distance for feeding extinguishing agents.

Calculations are given according to the director of the head of fire extinguishing (RTP). Ivannikov V.P., Klyus P.P., 1987

Determination of the tactical possibilities of the unit without installing a fire car on the water source

1) definition water Stems Time Formula From tank truck:

t. slave \u003d (V C -N p · v p) /N st · Q station 60 (min.),

N p \u003d.k.· L. / 20 \u003d 1.2 ·L. / 20 (PC.),

  • where: t. slave - operation time of trunks, min.;
  • V C. - the volume of water in the tank, l;
  • N R. - the number of sleeves in the trunk and working lines, pcs.;
  • V R. - water volume in one sleeve, l (see application);
  • N art - number of water trunks, pcs.;
  • Q art - water consumption from trunks, l / s (see application);
  • k. - coefficient taking into account the irregularities of the area ( k. \u003d 1,2 - standard value),
  • L. - distance from the place of fire to the firefighter (M).

Additionally, we draw your attention to that in the RTP directory, the tactical possibilities of fire units. Terebnev V.V., 2004 in section 17.1 is given, exactly the same formula, but with a coefficient of 0.9: Trab \u003d (0.9VC - NP · VP) / NS. · QT · 60 (min.)

2) definition the formula of a possible area extinguishing water S. T. From tank truck:

S. T. \u003d (V C -N p · v p) / j tr ·t. calculation · 60. (m 2),

  • where: J Tr.- the required intensity of water supply to extinguishing, l / s · m 2 (see application);
  • t. calculation \u003d 10 min. -estimated extinguishing time.

3) definition formula of the operation of foam feed devices From tank truck:

t. slave \u003d (V Rr -N p · v p) /N GPS · Q GPS · 60 (min.),

  • where: V r-ra - the volume of the aqueous solution of the foaming agent obtained from the refueling containers of the fire truck, l;
  • N GPS - number of GPS (SVP), pcs;
  • Q GPS - consumption of a foaming agent solution from GPS (SVP), l / s (see application).

To determine the volume of the aqueous solution of the foaming agent, you need to know how much water and the foaming agent will be spent.

K \u003d 100-C / C \u003d 100-6 / 6 \u003d 94/6 \u003d 15.7 - The amount of water (L), entering 1 liter of the foaming agent for the preparation of a 6% solution (to obtain 100 liters of a 6% solution, 6 liters of the foaming agent and 94 liters of water are required).

Then the actual amount of water, falling on 1 liter of the foaming agent, is:

To f \u003d v c / v ,

  • where V C. - the volume of water in the fire truck tank, l;
  • V in - the volume of the foaming agent in the tank, l.

if to F.< К в, то V р-ра = V ц / К в + V ц (l) - water is fully spent, and part of the foaming agent remains.

if to f\u003e k in, then v p-ra \u003d V by · K + V (l) - the foaming agent is spent completely, and part of the water remains.

4) definition possible formula Square extinguishing LVZH and GJ Air-mechanical foam:

S T \u003d (V Rr -N p · v p) / j tr ·t. calculation · 60. (m 2),

  • where: S T. - extinguishing area, m 2;
  • J Tr. - the required intensity of supplying a solution for quenching, l / s · m 2;

For t. pm ≤ 28 O. C. J Tr. \u003d 0.08 l / s ∙ m 2, with t. pm \u003e 28 O. C. J Tr. \u003d 0.05 l / s ∙ m 2.

t. calculation \u003d 10 min. -estimated extinguishing time.

5) Definition formula of the volume of air-mechanical foamderived from AC:

V n p \u003d v rr · k (l),

  • where: V P. - volume of foam, l;
  • TO - multiplicity of foam;

6) determination of the possible air-mechanical extinguishing foam:

V T \u003d V p / k (l, m 3),

  • where: V T. - the amount of fire extinguishing;
  • To Z. = 2,5–3,5 - Foam reserve coefficient, taking into account the destruction of VMM due to the effects of high temperature and other factors.

Examples of solving problems

Example number 1. Determine the operating time of two trunks B with a diameter of a nozzle 13 mm with a pressure of 40 meters, if one sleeve D 77 mm is laid before the branch, and the working lines consist of two sleeves D 51 mm from ATS-40 (131) 137a.


t. \u003d (V C -N R V r) /N vault · q st · 60 \u003d 2400 - (1 · 90 + 4 · 40) / 2 · 3.5 · 60 \u003d 4.8 min.

Example number 2. Determine the operating time of the GPS-600, if the pressure of the GPS-600 60 m, and the working line consists of two sleeves with a diameter of 77 mm from ATS-40 (130) 63b.


K Φ \u003d V c / V software \u003d 2350/170 \u003d 13.8.

To f \u003d 13.8< К в = 15,7 For 6% solution

V p-ra \u003d v c / k + v c \u003d 2350 / 15,7 + 2350» 2500 liters

t. \u003d (V Rr -N p · v p) /N GPS · Q GPS · 60 \u003d (2500 - 2 · 90) / 1 · 6 · 60 \u003d 6.4 min.

Example number 3. Determine the possible area of \u200b\u200bextinguishing gasoline VMM average multiplicity from ATS-4-40 (URAL-23202).


1) Determine the volume of the aqueous solution of the foaming agent:

K F \u003d V C / V PO \u003d 4000/200 \u003d 20.

K F \u003d 20\u003e K \u003d 15.7 For a 6% solution,

V p-ra \u003d v along · K + V PO \u003d 200 · 15.7 + 200 \u003d 3140 + 200 \u003d 3340 l.

2) Determine the possible extension area:

S T \u003d V Rr / J Tr ·t. calculation · 60 \u003d 3340 / 0.08 · 10 · 60 \u003d 69.6 m 2.

Example number 4. It is possible to determine the possible amount of extinguishing (localization) of fire foam of medium multiplicity (K \u003d 100) from AC-40 (130) 63B (see example No. 2).


V. P = V. R-R.· K \u003d 2500 · 100 \u003d 250000 L \u003d 250 m 3.

Then the amount of extinguishing (localization):

V. T. = V. P/ K z \u003d 250/3 \u003d 83 m 3.

Determination of the tactical possibilities of the unit with the installation of a fire truck on the water source

Fig. 1. Water supply scheme in pumping

Distance in sleeves (pieces) Distance in meters
1) Determination of the limit distance from the place of fire to the head firefighter N. Goal ( L. Goal ).
N. MM. ( L. MM. ), running in pumping (the length of the stage of pumping).
N. Art
4) the definition of the total number of fire trucks for pumping N. Avt.
5) Determination of the actual distance from the place of fire to the head firefighter N. F. Goal ( L. F. Goal ).
  • H. N. \u003d 90 ÷ 100 m - pressure on the AC pump,
  • H. sewage \u003d 10 M. - pressure losses in branching and working sleeve lines,
  • H. Art \u003d 35 ÷ 40 m - pressure in front of the barrel,
  • H. VK ≥ 10 M. - pressure at the entrance to the number of the next stage of pumping,
  • Z. M. - the highest height of lifting (+) or descent (-) of the area (m),
  • Z. Art - the largest height of lifting (+) or descent (-) of the trunks (M),
  • S. - resistance of one fire hose,
  • Q. - the total consumption of water in one of the two most loaded trunk sleeves (l / s),
  • L. - distance from the water source to the place of fire (M),
  • N. hand - distance from the water source to the place of fire in the sleeves (pcs.).

Example: To extinguish the fire, it is necessary to submit three barrels with a diameter of a nozzle of 13 mm, the maximum height of the lifting of the trunks is 10 m. The nearest water source is a pond, located at a distance of 1.5 km from the place of fire, the rise of the area is uniform and is 12 m. Determine the number of tank trucks AC 40 (130) for pumping water to extinguish a fire.


1) We accept the method of pumping from the pump to the pump on one main line.

2) Determine the maximum distance from the place of the fire to the head firefighter in the sleeves.

N goal \u003d / Sq 2 \u003d / 0,015 · 10.5 2 \u003d 21.1 \u003d 21.

3) Determine the maximum distance between fire cars working in the pumping, in the sleeves.

N mr \u003d / Sq 2 \u003d / 0,015 · 10.5 2 \u003d 41.1 \u003d 41.

4) Determine the distance from the water source to the place of fire, taking into account the terrain.

N p \u003d 1.2 · L / 20 \u003d 1.2 × 1500/20 \u003d 90 sleeves.

5) Determine the number of pumping steps

N stack \u003d (n p - n goal) / n Mr \u003d (90 - 21) / 41 \u003d 2 steps

6) Determine the number of fire cars for pumping.

N Az \u003d n stup + 1 \u003d 2 + 1 \u003d 3 tank trucks

7) Determine the actual distance to the head fireman, taking into account the installation of it closer to the place of fire.

N Goal F \u003d N p - n staxes · n Mr \u003d 90 - 2 · 41 \u003d 8 sleeves.

Consequently, the head car can be brought to the place of fire.

Methods for calculating the required amount of fire trucks for the water enjoyment to the fire extinguishing site

If the building is burned, and the water sources are at a very long distance, the time spent on the laying of the sleeve lines will be too large, and the fire will be filtered. In this case, it is better to carry water with tank trucks with a parallel pumping organization. In each particular case, it is necessary to solve the tactical task, taking into account the possible scale and duration of the fire, the distance to the water sources, the rate of focusing fire cars, hosted cars and other features of the garrison.

Water Formula Water AC

(min.) - The time of the water consumption of the AC at the place of extinguishing the fire;

  • L is the distance from the place of fire to the water source (km);
  • 1 - the minimum number of AC in the reserve (can be increased);
  • V motion - the average speed of the AC (km / h);
  • W cis - the volume of water in the AC (L);
  • Q P - average water supply by pump fueling AC, or water consumption from a fire column installed on a fire hydrant (l / s);
  • N Pr - the number of water supply devices to the fire extinguishing site (pcs.);
  • Q Pr is a total consumption of water from water supply devices from AC (L / s).

Fig. 2. Water supply scheme by the way by firefighters.

Water supply should be uninterrupted. It should be borne in mind that the water sources must (necessarily) create a refueling point of tank truck water.

Example. Determine the amount of tank truck AC-40 (130) 63b for the waterproof of water from the pond, located 2 km from the place of fire, if it is necessary to suck three barrels with a nozzle diameter of 13 mm. The refueling of tank trucks is carried out by AC-40 (130) 63B, the average speed of the tank truck 30 km / h.


1) Determine the time of following the AC to the location of the fire or back.

t Sl \u003d L · 60 / V Motion \u003d 2 · 60/30 \u003d 4 min.

2) Determine the time of refueling tank truck.

t Zap \u003d V c / Q N · 60 \u003d 2350/40 · 60 \u003d 1 min.

3) Determine the water consumption time at the fire site.

t bell \u003d V c / N v. · q vt · 60 \u003d 2350/3 · 3.5 · 60 \u003d 4 min.

4) Determine the number of tank trucks for the water enjoyment to the place of fire.

N AC \u003d [(2t Sl + T Zap) / T bell] + 1 \u003d [(2 · 4 + 1) / 4] + 1 \u003d 4 tank trucks.

Methods for calculating water supply to the place of extinguishing the fire using hydroelectory systems

In the presence of wetlands or densely overgrown shores, as well as at a considerable distance to the water surface (more than 6.5-7 meters), exceeding the depth of the fire pump (high steep shore, wells, etc.), it is necessary to use hydroelectric water for water intake M-600 and its modifications.

1) Determine the required amount of water V. SYSTE necessary to start the hydroelectric system:

V. SYSTE = N. R · V. R · K. ,

N. R \u003d 1,2 · (L. + Z. F.) / 20 ,

  • where N. R- the number of sleeves in the hydraulic system (pcs.);
  • V. R- the volume of single sleeves with a length of 20 m (L);
  • K. - coefficient depending on the number of hydropower units in a system running from one fire truck ( K \u003d 2. - 1G-600, K. =1,5 - 2G-600);
  • L. - distance from AC to the water source (M);
  • Z. F. - the actual height of water lifting (M).

Having determined the required amount of water to start the hydroelectric system, compare the resulting result with the water in the fire tank truck, and detect the possibility of starting this system to work.

2) We define the possibility of collaborating the AC pump with a hydraulic system.

And \u003d.Q. SYSTE/ Q. N. ,

Q. SYSTE= N. G. (Q. 1 + Q. 2 ) ,

  • where AND - the pump utilization coefficient;
  • Q. SYSTE- water consumption by hydroelectric system (l / s);
  • Q. N. - feeding the pump of the fire car (L / s);
  • N. G.- the number of hydroelectors in the system (pcs.);
  • Q. 1 = 9,1 l / s - working water consumption of one hydroelevator;
  • Q. 2 = 10 L / C - supply of one hydroelevator.

For AND< 1 The system will work, with And \u003d 0.65-0.7 There will be the most stable joint and pump.

It should be borne in mind that when water fence from large depths (18-20m), it is necessary to create a pressure on the pump 100 m. Under these conditions, the working consumption of water in the systems will increase, and the pump consumption is to fall against normal and it may turn out that the amount of worker and ejectable expenses will exceed the flow rate of the pump. Under these conditions, the system will not work.

3) We define the conditional height of water lifting Z. SL for the case when the length of the sleeve lines Ø77 mm exceeds 30 m:

Z. SL= Z. F.+ N. R· h. R (m),

where N. R- number of sleeves (pcs.);

h. R - Additional pressure losses in one sleeve on the line area over 30 m:

h. R \u003d 7 M. for Q. \u003d 10.5 l / s, h. R \u003d 4 M. for Q. \u003d 7 l / s, h. R \u003d 2 M. for Q. \u003d 3.5 l / s.

Z. F.the actual height from the water level to the axis of the pump or the tank neck (M).

4) Determine the head on the AC pump:

When the water fence is one hydroelector G-600 and ensuring the operation of a certain number of water trunks on the pump (if the length of rubberized sleeves with a diameter of 77 mm to the hydropower does not exceed 30 m) determined by table. one.

Having determined the conditional height of the rise of water, we find the pressure on the pump in the same way table. one .

5) We define the limit distance L. ETC Fire extinguishing equipment:

L. ETC \u003d (N. N. - (N. R± Z. M.± Z. Art) / SQ. 2 ) · twenty (m),

  • where H. N.pressure on the pump of the fire car, m;
  • N. Rpressure at branching (taken equal: N. Art+ 10), m;
  • Z. M. lifting height (+) or descent (-) of the terrain, m;
  • Z. Art - height of lifting (+) or descent (-) of trunks, m;
  • S. - resistance of single sleeves of the main line
  • Q. - total consumption of stems connected to one of the two most loaded main line, l / s.

Table 1.

Determination of the pressure on the pump during water fence with hydroelevator M-600 and the operation of the trunks according to the appropriate water supply schemes for the extinguishing of fire.

95 70 50 18 105 80 58 20 – 90 66 22 – 102 75 24 – – 85 26 – – 97

6) We define the total number of sleeves in the selected scheme:

N p \u003d n r.Syst + N MRL,

  • where N. R.Syst- the number of hyroelelectric system sleeves, pcs;
  • N. MRL- The number of sleeves of the trunk sleeve line, pcs.

Examples of solving problems with the use of hydroelectory systems

Example. To extinguish the fire, it is necessary to submit two trunks, respectively, in the first and second floor of a residential building. The distance from the place of fire to Tussitser Az-40 (130) 63B mounted on the water source, 240 m, the rise of the area is 10 m. The entrance of the tank truck to the water source is possible for a distance of 50 m, the water lift height is 10 m. Determine the possibility of watering water tank truck and Feed it to the stems on fire extinguishing.


Fig. 3 water fence diagram with hydroelevator M-600

2) Determine the number of sleeves laid to the hydroeleevant M-600, taking into account the irregularities of the area.

N p \u003d 1,2 · (L + z f) / 20 \u003d 1,2 · (50 + 10) / 20 \u003d 3,6 \u003d 4

We accept four sleeves from the AC to M-600 and four sleeves from M-600 to the AC.

3) Determine the amount of water required to start the hydroelectric system.

V system \u003d n p · v r · k \u003d 8 · 90 · 2 \u003d 1440 l< V Ц = 2350 л

Consequently, water to start the hydroelectric system is enough.

4) We determine the possibility of joint work of the hydropower system and the tank truck pump.

And \u003d q system / Q n \u003d n g (q 1 + q 2) / q n \u003d 1 · (9.1 + 10) / 40 \u003d 0.47< 1

The operation of the hydroelelectric system and the tank truck pump will be stable.

5) Determine the necessary pressure on the pump for the water intake of water from the hydroelector M-600.

Since the length of the sleeves to M-600 exceeds 30 m, first determine the conditional height of water lifting: Z.

Administrative buildings................................................ ................................... 1.0 1.5

Libraries, book printing, archives ......................................................... 0.5 1.0

Woodworking enterprises:

Sawmills (buildings I, II, III degree of fire resistance) .................... 1.0 3.0

The same (buildings IV and V degree of fire resistance ......................................... ..... 2.0 5.0

Dryers ................................................. .................................................. .......... 2.0 2.5

Procurement cages .................................................. ...................................... 1.0 1.5

Plywood production ................................................ ....................................... 0.8 1.5

premises of other workshops ............................................... ....................................... 0.8 1.0

Residential buildings .................................................. .................................................. .......... 0.5 0.8.

Corridors and galleries ............................................... ................................................ four, 0 5.0

Cable structures (cable burning) ............................................ ............. 0.8 1,1

Forest arrays (wind speed 7 10 m / s and humidity 40%):

Rada-pine sphagnum .............................................. ........................................ up to 1,4.

Yelnik-Long-Digger and Green Study ........................................................... ............... to 4,2

Pine-green member (berry) ............................................ ......................... up to 14,2

Pine Bor-White Footmaker .............................................. ..................................... to 18.0

vegetation, forest litter, teen,

ancient with the root fires and wind speeds, m / s:

8 9 ................................................ .................................................. ...................... up to 42.

10 12 ................................................ .................................................. .................. up to 83.

same on the edge on the flanks and in the rear at wind speed, m / s:

8 9 .......................................................................................................................... 4 7

Museums and exhibitions ................................................... .................................................. . 1.0 1.5

Transport objects:

Garages, tram and trolleybus depot ............................................ ..... 0,5 1.0

Repair halls of hangars ............................................... .................................. 1.0 1.5

Sea and river ships:

Frightened superstructure with an internal fire ............................................ 1 , 2 2.7

The same with outdoor fire ............................................. .............................. 2.0 6.0

Internal fires add-in in the presence of

synthetic finishes and open openings ............................................. ........ 1.0 2.0

Polyurene Foolder

Textile industry enterprises:

Places of textile production ............................................... ......... 0,5 1.0

Also if there is a layer of dust on the designs ............................................. . 1.0 2.0

fibrous materials in a swung ........................................ 7.0 8, 0.

The combustible coverage of large areas (including empty) ..................... 1.7 3.2

Combustible designs of roofs and attic ............................................. ............ 1.5 2.0

Peat in stabels ............................................................. .................................................. 0.8 1.0

Libolokna ................................................. .................................................. ....... 3.0 5.6

Textile products .................................................. ........................................... 0.3 0.4

Paper in rolls ............................................................. .................................................. 0.3 0.4

Rubber and technical products (in the building) .......................................... ............. 0.4 1.0

Rubber-technical products (in stacks on

open platform) ............................................... .............................................. 1.0 1. , 2.

Rubber ............................................................... .................................................. ........... 0,6 1.0


Round Forest in Stacks .............................................. .................................. 0.4 1.0

sawn timber (boards) in stacks with humidity,%:

Up to 16 ................................................ .................................................. ........................ 4.0

16 18 ........................................................................................................................ 2,3

18 20 ........................................................................................................................ 1,6

20 30 ........................................................................................................................ 1,2

Over 30 ................................................ .................................................. ................... 1.0

a pouch of the bookwood with humidity,%:

Up to 40 ................................................ .................................................. ................ 0.6 1.0

more than 40 ................................................ .................................................. ............... 0.15 02.

Drying branches of leases ............................................... ....................... 1.5 2,2

Rural settlements:

Living area with dense buildings of V degree buildings

fire resistance, dry weather and strong wind ............................................... ......... 20 25

Straw roofs of buildings ................................................... .............................. 2.0 4.0

Loafing in livestock breeding .............................................. . 1.5 4.0

Steppe fires with high and dense herbal

pokrov, as well as grain crops with dry weather

and strong wind ................................................... .................................................. .. 400 600.

Steppe fires at low rare vegetation

and quiet weather ................................................... .................................................. ......... 15 18.

Theaters and Palaces of Culture (Scene) ........................................... .......................... 1.0 3.0

Trade enterprises, warehouses and bases

commodity values \u200b\u200b.................................................. ........................... 0,5 1,2

Printing house ................................................. .................................................. .......... 0.5 0.8.

Milling peat (in the field of production) at wind speed, m / s:

10 14 ................................................................................................................. 8,0 10

18 20 .................................................................................................................. 18 20

Refrigerators ..................................................... .................................................. ..... 0,5 0,7

Schools, medical institutions:

Buildings I and II degree of fire resistance ............................................ .................. 0.6 1.0

Buildings III and IV degree of fire resistance ............................................ ............. 2.0 3.0

Appendix 8.


The intensity of water supply when steaming fires, l / m 2 s.

Administrative buildings:

V - degree of fire resistance .............................................. ............................ 0.15

basement ................................................ ................................ 0,1

attic rooms ................................................ .. 0,1

Hangars, garages, workshops, tram

and trolleybus depot ............................................... .................................... 0,2

Hospitals; .................................................. .................................................. .. 0,1

Residential buildings and utility buildings:

I - III degree of fire resistance ............................................. .......................... 0.06

IV - degree of fire resistance .............................................. ........................... 0,1

V - degree of fire resistance .............................................. ............................. 0,15

basement ................................................ ................................. 0,15

attic premises; .................................................. ............................... 0,15

Livestock buildings:

I - III degree of fire resistance ............................................. .......................... 0,1

IV - degree of fire resistance .............................................. ........................... 0,15

V - degree of fire resistance .............................................. ............................. 0,2

Cultural and entertainment institutions (theaters,

cinemas, clubs, Palaces of Culture):

· Scene ................................................ .................................................. ....... 0,2

· auditorium............................................... .......................................... 0.15

· Utility rooms ............................................... .............................. 0.15

Mills and elevators ............................................... .................................. 0.14.

Production buildings:

I - II degree of fire resistance ............................................... ..................... 0,15

III - degree of fire resistance .............................................. ..................... 0,2

IV - V degree of fire resistance ............................................... .................. 0.25

painting shops ................................................ ............................................ 0,2

Basement ................................................ ........................... 0,3.

Attic rooms ................................................ ............................. 0,15

· Big covers of large areas:

When steaming from the bottom inside the building ............................................. ............ 0.15

When extinguishing outside the coating side ....................................... 0,08

When extinguishing outside with a developed fire ................................. 0,15

Built buildings0,1

Trade enterprises and warehouses

commodity values \u200b\u200b.................................................. ................... 0,2

Refrigerators ..................................................... ............................................... 0,1

Power plants and substations:

· Cable tunnels and semi-stores

(Submitted water) ................................................. .................. 0,2

· Machine halls and boiler rooms ............................................ .... 0,2

· Fuel supplies galleries ............................................... ............................ 0,1

· Transformers, reactors, oil

switches (subtle water supply) ........................................ 0.1

When studying fires, the linear speed of the flame front is determined in all cases, as it is used to obtain data on the averaged combustion rate on typical objects. The spread of burning from the initial place of occurrence in different directions can occur with the unequal rate. The maximum propagation rate of combustion is usually observed: when the flame front moves towards the openings through which gas exchange is carried out; on fire load having a high coefficient of burning surface; in the direction of wind. Therefore, for the rate of propagation of combustion in the study period, the rate of propagation is taken in the direction on which it is maximum. Knowing the distance from the location of the burning to the border of the fire front at any time, you can determine the speed of its movement. Considering that the speed of propagation of combustion depends on many factors, the determination of its value is carried out under the following conditions (restrictions):

1) Fire from the focus of ignition applies in all directions at the same speed. Therefore, initially the fire has a circular form and its area can be determined by the formula

S P. \u003d · P · L 2.; (2)

where k. - the coefficient that takes into account the magnitude of the angle in the direction of which the flame is distributed; k. \u003d 1, if \u003d 360º (adj. 2.1.); k. \u003d 0.5 if α \u003d 180º (ad. 2.3.); k. \u003d 0.25, if α \u003d 90º (ad. 2.4.); L. - The path passed by the flame during τ.

2) when the flame is reached the boundaries of a combustible load or enclosing walls of the building (premises), the combustion front is hidden and the spread of the flame goes along the border of the combustible load or walls of the building (rooms);

3) The linear rate of spread of the flame for solid flammable materials with the development of the fire is changing:

in the first 10 min free fire development V. l take equal half,

after 10 minutes - regulatory values,

since the beginning of exposure to fire extinguishing agents on the burning area before the location of the fire used in the calculation is reduced by two times.

4) When burning loosen fibrous materials, dust and liquids, the linear speed of combustion is determined in the interval from the moment of burning before the introduction of fire extinguishing agents.

It is less likely to determine the rate of combustion during the localization of the fire. This speed depends on the situation on a fire, the intensity of feeding of fire extinguishes (OT), etc.

Linear propagation rate of combustion, both with the free development of fire and when it is localized, is determined from the relation

where Δ. L. - The path passed by the flame for Δτ, m.

Average values V. l during fires on different objects are shown in the ad. one.

In determining the propagation rate of burning during the period of fire localization, the distance passed the combustion front during the time of the introduction of the first barrel (on the propagation paths of the combustion) to the localization of the fire, i.e. When the growth of the fire area becomes zero. If the linear dimensions according to the schemes and descriptions cannot be established, then the linear speed of combustion propagation can be determined by the formulas of the circular area of \u200b\u200bthe fire, and for the rectangular development of the fire - in terms of the growth rate of the fire area, taking into account the fact that the fire area increases by linear dependence, and S. n \u003d n. a. L. (n.- the number of fire development directions, a. - Width of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Based on the data obtained, the values \u200b\u200bof the linear propagation of combustion V L. (Table 2.) Schedule is built V L. = f.(τ) and conclusions are made on the nature of the development of a fire and the effect on it the extinguishing factors (Fig. 3.).

Fig. 3. Changing the linear speed of combustion in time

From the graph (Fig. 3.) It can be seen that at the beginning of the fire development, the linear speed of combustion spread was insignificant, and the fire could be eliminated by voluntary fire formations. After 10 minutes. After the emergence of a fire, the intensity of the propagation of combustion increased dramatically at 15 h. 25 min. The linear speed of propagation of burning reached its maximum value. After the introduction of stems for quenching, the development of the fire slowed down and by the time of localization the rate of propagation of the flame front began to zero. Therefore, necessary and sufficient conditions were performed to stop the spread of the fire:

I f ≥ i norm

V l, V S n \u003d 0, forces and means is enough.

Original document?

Fire parameters: duration, area, temperature, heat, linear fire propagation rate, flammable burning rate, gas exchange intensity, smoke density. Lecture 2.

It is known that the main phenomenon on the fire- burning, but the fires themselves are all individuals. Diverse types and combustion modes: kinetic and diffusion, homogeneous and heterogeneous, laminar and turbulent, didlagrate and detonation, complete and incomplete, etc.). Diverse conditions in which burning occurs; The condition and location of combustible substances, heat and mass exchange in the burning zone, etc. Therefore, each fire must be registered, describe, explore, compare with others, i.e. Study fire parameters.

Duration of fire τ p (min.). The duration of the fire is called time from the moment of its occurrence until complete cessation of burning.

Fire areaF. p (M. 2). The area of \u200b\u200bthe fire is called the area of \u200b\u200bthe burning area on the horizontal or vertical plane.

On the fig. 1 the characteristic cases of the definition of fire area are shown. On the inner fires in high-rise buildings, the total area of \u200b\u200bfire is located as the amount of fire areas of all floors. In most cases, they use the projection on the horizontal plane, relatively rarely - On the vertical (when burning a single design of a small thickness, located vertically, with a fire on the gas fountain).

The fire area is the main parameter of the fire when evaluating its size, when choosing an extinguishing method, when calculating the forces and means necessary for its localization and liquidation.

Fire temperature, T. P ( K.). Under the temperature of the inner fire, they understand the mid-paying temperature of the gas medium indoors, and under the opening temperature- Flame temperature. The temperature of the internal fires is lower than the open.

Linear speed of fire distribution, V P. (m / s). Under this parameter, the rate of propagation of burning on the surface of the combustible material per unit of time is understood. The linear rate of combustion spread determines the fire area. It will hang on the type and nature of flammable substances and materials, on the ability to ignite and the initial temperature, on the intensity of gas exchange in the fire and the direction of convective gas flows, on the degree of crushing of combustible materials, their spatial location and other factors.

Linear combustion spread rate- The value is non-permanent in time, therefore, in the calculations, we use average values \u200b\u200bthat are approximate values.

The greatest linear speed of combustion is possessed gasessince in the mixture with air, they are already prepared for burning, only it is necessary to heat this mixture to the ignition temperature.

Linear combustion spread rate liquidsdepends on their initial temperature. The greatest linear propagation rate of combustion for combustible liquids is observed at the ignition temperature, and the rate of propagation of burning in steam-air mixtures is equal.

The smallest linear speed of the propagation of burning has solid combustible materials, to prepare for the burning of which more heat is required than for liquids and gases. The linear rate of propagation of combustion of solid combustible materials is largely depends on their spatial location. The spread of the flame on vertical and horizontal surfaces is different in 5- 6 times, and when the flame is spreading on the vertical surface, bottom and top down- 10 times. The linear speed of the propagation of burning along the horizontal surface is often used.

The rate of burnout of combustible substances and materials. It is one of the most important combustion parameters in the fire. The rate of burnout of combustible substances and materials determines the intensity of heat dissipation on the fire, and, consequently, the fire temperature, the intensity of its development and other parameters.

Most burnout called the mass of a substance or material that burned out per unit of timeV M. (kg / s). The mass rate of burnout as well as the speed of combustion propagation depends on the aggregate state of the combustible substance or material.

Gorry gazait is well mixed with the surrounding air, so completely burned in a flame torch. Mass speed burning liquidsit is determined by the speed of their evaporation, the receipt of vapors into the combustion zone and the conditions of their mixing with oxygen. The speed of evaporation at the equilibrium state of the system "liquid-pairs" depends on the physicochemical properties of the liquid, its temperature, the elasticity of vapor. With a non-equilibrium state, the intensity of the evaporation of the fluid is determined by the temperature of its surface layer, which in turn depends on the intensity of thermal flows from the combustion zone, heat of evaporation and heat exchange conditions with the lower layers of fluid.

For multicomponent combustible liquids, the composition of their steam phase is determined by the concentration composition of the solution and depends on the intensity of evaporation and the degree of equilibrium. With intensive evaporation in surface layers of the fluid, the process of dispersal occurs, and the composition of the steam phase differs from the equilibrium, and the mass rate of burnout changes as more volatile fractions burn out.

The burnout process depends on mixing the vapor of fluid with air oxygen. Thisthe process depends on the size of the vessel, from the height of the side above the liquid level (the length of the path of mixing to the combustion zone) and the intensity of external gas threads. The larger the diameter of the vessel (up to 2- 2.5 m, further increasediameter does not affect the parameter in question) and the height of the side over the level of fluid, the greater the fluid path length to the combustion zone, accordingly, the less burnout speed. The high speed of the wind and the temperature of the flammable liquid contribute better mixing of vapor fluid with air oxygen and speed growth fluid burnout.

The mass of fluid burned out of the time from the surface of the surface area is called details of burnout V M, kg / (m 2 s).

Volumetric speed of burnout called the volume of fluid, burned out per unit of time from the unit of the surface of the combustion surface,V. ABOUT . For gases - This is the volume of gas burned out per unit time m / s, for liquids and solids and materials- This is a specific volumetric speed of the m / (m . c) or m / s, i.e. This is a linear speed. The volumetric rate expresses the rate of decrease in the level of the fluid as it burns away or the fuel of the thickness of the layer of solid fuel material.

Actually surround burnout speed- This is the rate of decrease in the level of the fluid as it burns out or the speed of burning out of the thickness of the solid fuel material. Translation of volumetric (linear) speed into the mass can be carried out according to the formula:V. M. = .

The burnout speed of thin (< 10 мм) слоев жидкости и пленок выше усредненной массовой или линейной скорости выгорания жидкости верхнего уровня резервуара при отсутствии ветра. Скорость выгорания твердых материалов зависит от вида горючего, его состояния (размеров, величины свободной поверхности, положения по отношению к зоне горения и т.д.), температуры пожара, интенсивности газообмена. Удельная массовая the speed of burnout of solid combustible materials does not exceed 0.02 kg / (m 2 s) and it is rarely below 0.005 kg / (m 2 s).

The mass rate of burnout solid combustible materials depends on the relationship of the opening area (F NP.) through which gas exchange is carried out, to the fire squareF NP./ F N. . For example, for wood with a decrease in opening area, the burrming speed is reduced.

The mass rate of wood burnout, kg / (m 2 s).

Relative parts,F. Ave. / F p.









The speed of burnout of solid combustible materials takeproportional area of \u200b\u200bopenings, i.e.

V MD \u003d. φ . V M.T. \u003d. . V M. . ,

where V MD - valid lifted mass burnout speed;V M. . - tabular lifting mass speed of burnout; φ.- The coefficient taking into account the conditions of gas exchange. This expression is valid for φ \u003d 0.25- 0.085, and for open fires, φ \u003d 1 is taken.

Intensity of gas exchange I. T., kg / (m 2 ּ C) - This amount of air coming into a unit of time to a unit of fire area. Distinguish the required gas exchange intensity and actual. The required intensity of gas exchange shows how much air is necessary for admission per unit of time per unit area to ensure complete combustion of the material. The actual intensity of gas exchange characterizes the actual influx of air. The intensity of gas exchange refers to internal fires, where the enclosing structures limit the inflow of air into the room, but the openings allow you to determine the amount of air entering the room.

Intensity or density of smoke x.This parameter characterizes the deterioration of visibility and the degree of toxicity of the atmosphere in the smoke zone. The deterioration of visibility in smaller is determined by the density, which is estimated by the thickness of the smoke layer, through which the light of the reference lamp is not visible, or by the amount of solid particles contained in a unit of volume (g / m 3). Data on the density of smoke formed during burning carbon containing substances below.

Fire parameters There are quite a lot: the heat of the fire, the size of the fire, the perimeter of the fire, the front of the flame spread, the intensity of the flame radiation, etc.

The concept of fire load.

The main factor determining the fire parameters is the form and magnitude of the fire load. Under fire load object understand the mass of all combustible and labor-burning materials per 1 m 2square flooring or square occupied by these materials on open Playground: R G N.\u003d, where r Gn.- Fireload; P - Mass of combustible and labor-made materials, kg;F.- Floor area of \u200b\u200bthe room or an open site, m 2.

The fireloads of premises, buildings, structures include not only equipment, furniture, products, raw materials, etc., but also structural elements of buildings made of combustible and hard-scale materials (walls, floor, ceiling, window bindings, doors, racks, overlap, partitions, etc.). (combustible and hard-scale materials, technological equipment) and temporary (raw materials, finished products).

Fire load of each floor, attic, basement is determined separately. The magnitude of the fire load is accepted as follows:

- for residential, administrative and industrial, does not exceed 50 kg / m 2, if the main elements of buildings are non-combustible;

- The average value in the residential sector is for 1-room apartments 27

kg / m 2, 2-bedroom- 30 kg / m 2, 3-room- 40 kg / m 2 ;

- in buildings III degree of fire resistance- 100 kg / m 2 ;

- In production facilities related to production and processing

combustible substances and materials- 250 - 500 kg / m 2 ;

- indoors where modern technological lines are locatedprocesses I. high-skill Warehouses- 2000 - 3000 kg / m 2 .

For solid combustible materials, it is important structure fire load, i.e. Its dispersion and character of its spatial placement (tightly packed rows; separate stacks and packs; solid arrangement or with a gap; horizontal or vertical). For example, cardboard boxes with shoes or rolls of fabrics, located:

1. Gorifornly on the floor of the basement warehouse;

2. On the stellage of the warehouse height 8- 16 m,

give various fire dynamics. In the second case, the fire will be distributed in 5- 10 times faster.

The degree of sufficient "openness" for combustion depends on the size of the surface of the combustible material, the intensity of gas exchange, etc. For matches, the gap in 3 mm is sufficient to have every match burning from all sides, and for the wooden slab size 2000 × 2000 mm Clearance in 10- 15 mm is insufficient for free burning.

On practice free consider the surface lagging behind another nearby surface at a distance of 20- 50 mm. To account for the free surface of the fire load, the coefficient of burning surface to n is introduced.

Coefficient of burning surface call the ratio of the surface of the burning surfaceF. N .g. To the fire squareF n .g.: To n \u003dF. P.G. / F n.

When burning fluid in tanks to n \u003d 1, solids to P\u003e 1. For this reason, for the same type of solid fuel material, for example, wood almost all fire parameters will be different depending on the coefficient of burning (burning logs, boards , chips, sawdust). For furniture factories (I and II. The degrees of fire resistance) The value to n varies from 0.92 to 4.44. For most of the fireloads, the value of the value to P does not exceed 2-3, rarely reaching 4-5.

The coefficient of burning surfacedetermines the actual magnitude of burning area, mass rate of burnout, the intensity of heat dissipation in the fire, heat Industry combustion zones, fire temperature, its distribution speed and other fire parameters.

Classification of fires and their features

Different types of fires can be classified according to various distinctive features to which the closeness or openness of the burning center can be attributed, the type of aggregate state of the burning substance used by fire extinguishing. All of them have their own features of the emergence and development, or a fire place, etc. Unified universal fire classification does not exist. We give several classifications of fires found in special literature:

I. On the flow of fire in an open or limited space.

I. a. . Open fires- These are fires developing in the open space. These include fires on technological installations (distillation columns, sorption towers, oil, gas, chemical industries), in tanks with flammable liquids, fires of combustible substances (wood, solid fuel), forest and steppe fires, bread-and-sized fires. In the open fires can go through internal fires in buildings and facilities.

The features of open fires include the conditions of heat and gas exchange:

1. He is accumulated heat in the burning zone, since it is not limited to building structures;

2. The temperature of such fires take the temperature of the flame, which is higher than the temperature of the inner fire, since it takes the temperature of the gas environment in the room;

3.Gazo exchange is not limited to structural elements of buildings, therefore it is more intense, and depends on the intensity and direction of the wind;

4. The heat exposure is determined by a radiant heat flux, since the convective flows go up, creating a water zone at the base of the fire and providing an intense blowing with fresh air, which reduces the thermal effect;

5. The zone of smoke, with the exception of the peat burning, in large areas and does not create difficulties in the fight against open fires.

These features of open fires determine the specifics of the methods of combating them, applied methods and extinguishing methods.

The open type includes fires, called fire storm, which are a thermal high-temperature whirlwind

16. Internal fires they occur in closed "closed" spaces: in buildings, aircraft stores, in the trums of ships, inside any units. Here sometimes separately allocate, so-called anaerobic fires, i.e. without air access. The fact is that there are a number of substances (nitrized cellulose, ammonium nitrate, some rocket fuels), which, with increasing temperature, undergo a chemical decomposition, leading to a gas glow, barely differ from the flame.

Internal fires in turn are divided into two classes by the method of distribution of fire load:

- Fire load is distributed unevenly indoors;

- Fire load is distributed evenly throughout the area.

II.. According to the aggregate state of a combustible substance.There are fires caused by burning gas, liquid, solid. Their burning can be homogeneous or heterogeneous, i.e. When a fuel and oxidizer are in the same or various aggregate states.

III. By the speed of propagation of the burning zone by Nozhnar: delagrate (slow) distribution of the combustion zone (speed from 0.5 to 50 m / s) and detonation (explosive) distribution of burning zone at a shock wave speed from several hundred m / s to several km / s.

IV. According to the origin of the initial stage of the fire:self-ignition (self-burning) combustible substances and forced (forced) ignition. In practice, the second type of fire occurs more often.

V.. By the nature of the combustible environment and recommended extinguishing agents. IN according to the International Standard, the division of fires for grade 4 is established: A, B, C,D. within which subclasses allocateAl, A. 2, etc. It is convenient to present it in tabular form.

VI. According to the degree of complexity and danger fire He is assigned a number (or rank). Room or Rank- The conditional digital expression of the amount of forces and means attracted to the extinguishing of the fire in accordance with the schedule of departure or the plan to attract forces and means.

The number of call numbers depends on the number of divisions in the garrison. The schedule should provide for the rapid focusing (calculated) amount of forces and means in a fire with a minimum number of rooms.

For fire number 1 A duty guard carings in full force to the area of \u200b\u200bservice of the fire unit, as well as objects with their fire divisions, in all areas of accidents, natural disasters, where the danger to the life of people, the threat of an explosion or fire was created.

By fire number 2. Additionally send three- four branches (depending on how much profound No. 1) on tank trucks and autonos, as well as the separation of special services. As a rule, guard guard to the area of \u200b\u200bdeparture of the neighboring fire parts leave for a fire in full.

In garrisons having 10- 12 fire parts, it is not more provided three ranks Fire, where the most appropriate is such an order at which for each additional number, starting from the second, four were traveled to the fire- five branches on major firefighters. When determining the number of fire offices, traveling to the largest number, should be provided in the garrison some reserve in case of the event of a second fire. In small garrisons, this reserve can be created due to the introduction of a combat calculation of the backup fire technology with a person free from serving.

Larger number ( 4 and 5) installed in large garrisons. When drawing up the schedule of departure of parts for increased rooms, the condition of roads and travel in certain areas of departure is taken into account. For example, with bad roads, the number of forces leaving No. 2 or 3 increases and sent from various directions. Extra tank trucks and sleeves are sent to districts with insufficient water supply. For the individual most important and fire-hazardous facilities, on which the rapid development of the fire and the creation of a threat to people's life is possible, it is envisaged to leave forces and funds at an elevated fire number at the first post. The list of such objects includes important industrial enterprises or individual corps, latch with fire-hazardous processes of production, warehouses of combustible liquids and gases, material values, children's and medical institutions, clubs, cinemas, high-rise buildings and individual residential organizations at the discretion of the head of the fire department.

On some objects, an increased number may not be submitted according to the first message about the fire, and to the fire No. 1 can additionally be expensive- three compartments from fire units on major or special cars.

The departure schedule includes applications in which lists:

- Objects on which forces are expelled by increased fire numbers;

- Anhydrous sections of the city, which are additionally sent tank trucks and sleeves;

- Multi-storey buildings, which, at the first message, the fires are additionally sent to auto expensive, car lists, GDZS cars, smoke stations.

The number of special cars and their type are determined depending on the features of the object. For example, when extinguishing a fire on the tank farm it provides for the departure of cars of foam or powder extinguishing; In the buildings of museums, libraries, bookkeeping- carbon dioxide cars and GDZS; in high-rise buildings- autleptic, car lifts, GDZS cars, dehimar stations.

fire Chemical Combat Management

The growth rate of fire square is an increase in fire area over time and depends on the propagation rate of combustion, the form of fire square and the effectiveness of combat operations. It is determined by the formula:

where: V. sN. - growth rate of fire square, m 2 / min; DS N is the difference between the subsequent and previous values \u200b\u200bof the fire area, m 2; DF - time interval, min.

333 m 2 / min

2000 m 2 / min

2222 m 2 / min

Fig. 2.

Conclusion according to schedule: From the graph, it can be seen that a very high speed of fire development occurred in the initial period of time, this is explained by the properties of the burning material (LVZ-acetone). The flooded acetone quickly reached the limits of the room and the fire development of the fire was limited to fire walls. A decrease in the rate of fire development contributed to the rapid introduction of powerful water trunks and the correct actions of the site personnel (the emergency drain is powered and the fire extinguishing system is not running in automatic mode, the supply ventilation is disabled).

Determination of linear combustion speed

When studying fires, the linear speed of the flame front is determined in all cases, as it is used to obtain data on the averaged combustion rate on typical objects. The spread of burning from the initial place of occurrence in different directions can occur with the unequal rate. The maximum propagation rate of combustion is usually observed: when the flame front moves towards the openings through which gas exchange is carried out; by fire load

This speed depends on the situation on the fire, the intensity of feeding of fire extinguishes (OT), etc.

The linear rate of propagation of burning, both with the free development of the fire, and during its localization, is determined from the relation:

where: L is the distance traveled by the combustion front in the study period under study, m;

f 2 - F 1 - a period of time in which the distance traveled by the front of the burning was measured, min.

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