Remove stumps from removed trees. How to water a tree so that it dries quickly

Site arrangement 23.05.2019
Site arrangement

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At some point, every gardener or owner asks the question of how to uproot trees and stumps on the site. personal plot. Uprooting trees is not an easy task, and the choice of method for removing roots depends on each individual case.

Ways to uproot stumps

You can remove the stump from the site in different ways:

  1. With the help of technology;
  2. Manually;
  3. By using chemicals;
  4. biological way.

Let's consider everything in order.

With the help of technology

This is perhaps the most fast way. With an excavator bucket, the stump is hooked and picked out of the ground. In the case of a tree, its frame is tied with a cable and pulled out with the help of a tractor.

The speed of this method is perhaps the only plus. There are many more cons:

This method is good if you need to clear a large space, for example, for construction or for new plantings.

Stump Puller

Special device for uprooting. Can be manual and hinged. The manual rooter is used to remove young thin trees and shrubs. It consists of a support platform and a rack with a lever and a grip for wood.

  • Advantages: gently and quickly removes young shoots without disfiguring the landscape.
  • Disadvantages: it is not advisable to buy for personal use for isolated cases, and in order to rent it, you will also have to try - not every farm has such a unit.

The hinged stump is mounted on heavy equipment and is designed to remove a large number stumps over a wide area.

Pneumatic crusher

Self-propelled compact mechanism on wheels with a gasoline engine. Removes stumps by crushing wood to a depth of 30 cm. Suitable for removing single stumps among plantings or buildings. Among the advantages of the method, one can note the speed of work, accuracy and safety - the surrounding landscape, buildings and communications are not damaged.

Disadvantages: the crushing depth is small, only 30 cm. This means that the roots remaining at a depth in the future may give unwanted growth or interfere with plowing the land and laying communications; the use of such equipment is possible only in areas free of various solid debris. The presence of metal objects (bolts, nails, fittings, etc.) in the ground is especially dangerous, since an expensive apparatus can be damaged.

Uprooting stumps with a winch

Another option mechanical removal roots, which is suitable for removing young trees of small or medium size. To remove a tree in this way, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, namely: dig the object of removal within a radius of 1 meter or a little more and to a depth of about half a meter, chop off the exposed lateral roots. Then the stump is tied at the base with a cable, and at a sufficient distance from it for reliable support the winch is attached, and the pulling process begins. After the stump is removed, in the same way it will be possible to get rid of the roots remaining in the ground.

Advantages of the method: if the farm has necessary tools(bayonet shovel, crowbar, ax, hacksaw, winch and strong cable), then the method is not expensive. Really cope on your own without the involvement of assistants.

Disadvantages: not every stump can be handled by a winch. A strong young tree, and even growing in dense clay soil, it is unlikely to overcome. Or it may simply not be nearby a suitable object to which it can be attached.


She, too, can get rid of the stump without uprooting - the trunk is sawn off at ground level. The method is fast and not expensive. Good if needed short terms give the site an aesthetic appearance. But the disadvantages are obvious: only the aerial part is removed, the remaining roots will give rise after some time. In addition, it is impossible to plow the ground in place of a sawn stump. Yes, and construction is not recommended to start (remember about the shoots).

Manual removal

If for some reason it is not possible to use the technique, then unnecessary trees can be removed using ordinary tools - an ax, a shovel, a hacksaw, a sledgehammer, wedges, a crowbar (suitable as a lever).

The stump is dug in from all sides. As it deepens, the exposed lateral roots are chopped off or sawn off, the trunk is loosened and pulled out of the ground. To facilitate the task, you can use water: using a hose under pressure, water is supplied under the root. The soil is washed out, the roots are cut off, the trunk in the muddy earth loosens much more easily.

With the help of chemicals

If it is not possible to carry out the uprooting of stumps by the methods described above, there is an alternative - removal of stumps with the help of chemicals:

  1. Saltpeter;
  2. Urea;
  3. Salt.

Removing stumps with saltpeter occurs as follows: the tree frame is cut down at ground level. In the resulting tree platform, deep holes are drilled (about 30-40 cm), and the larger the diameter of the tree, the more holes are drilled. Then all this is abundantly wetted with water. After the water is absorbed, saltpeter is generously poured into the holes, the stump is covered with a waterproof film and left for several months (from early autumn to late spring). During this time, the tree roots are completely saturated with saltpeter and the stump can be set on fire. In a few hours, everything that is saturated with saltpeter will burn out.

The use of urea going on the same way, with the only difference that the stump will not need to be burned out. Urea accelerates the decomposition process, and after 2 to 3 years the stump will completely rot.

Application of conventional table salt is the cheapest and affordable way of all possible. Salt kills the living and contributes to the accelerated decomposition of wood. Used in the same way as urea.

  • The advantages of using chemicals are that it is effective, inexpensive, does not require the use of great physical strength and the involvement of assistants, and therefore is available to anyone.
  • Disadvantages: Excessive use of chemicals poisons environment. Get ready that after removing the stump with salt and nitrate, nothing will grow in this area, and the soil will have to be reanimated for several more years. In no case should you burn out the roots on peat bogs, as this can lead to a fire that is very difficult to extinguish.

Biological method

If you want to get rid of the stump and benefit from it, then there are at least two options to achieve what you want:

And one more thing: there are such trees, uprooting the stumps of which is a real torment. For example, American maple. It gives such a powerful growth that it seems that it will take forever to remove it and it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely destroy it. But do not despair. If all the above options have been tried, but there is no desired result, it is worth using herbicides.

The means by which weeds are burned should be sprayed with green maple leaves. Moreover, the procedure is carried out not once, but at least once a week. Be patient, be persistent. Sooner or later, the maple will dry out.

After the felling of trees, stumps remain and if they are not removed in time, the site may look somewhat untidy. It's like a mote in the eye: it seems to be small, but something constantly interferes with the review. Therefore, how to remove the stump from the site must be decided immediately after removing the tree, otherwise you can get shoots constantly appearing from the ground. The rhizome of an unremoved stump may be the cause of poor growth of other plants in your area, due to a lack of free space. And who will like it when something incomprehensible sticks out of the ground among the green lawn, and besides, it interferes with the beveling of grass and other work.

How to remove stumps from trees remaining after removal a lot has been said and it is almost impossible to find anything new, unless they soon invent a machine that will dissolve the stump before your eyes, without the use of chemistry or anything like that, and the unit itself will weigh several kilograms. Although everything is possible, because no one expected the appearance of a chainsaw before. Let's wait and see, but for now there are only the most well-known methods of struggle, tested by time and more than one generation of summer gardeners.

How to remove a stump by hand

  1. How to remove a stump in a garden where there are a lot of trees, bushes and beds? Of course, extract manually. It is necessary to dig around the trunk and gradually cut the roots that come out. The remaining piece of the trunk is loosened so that the most important tap (in most plants) root appears. Chop it - and consider the job done. Next, it remains only to draw out the most big roots and dispose of wood with residues. From the inventory, a shovel, a rope, a saw, an ax are useful, from overalls - garden gloves, glasses, shoes with durable soles and overalls. If the trunk is large, you will need an assistant, and preferably two.
  2. How to remove a stump in the country in an easier way? If you do not have assistants and are not supposed to, you can apply one trick. Namely, wash the roots with plain water. For this, another hole is dug, larger than the one around the stump. It is made in half a cube in dimensions and digs at a distance of about a meter from the trunk. When preparatory work completed, turn on the hose. A jet under high pressure washes out the soil, moistens it and the rhizome is better amenable to removal. True, there will be a lot of dirt during such an event, but less physical effort is applied and the process is much faster than with conventional manual uprooting.
  3. How to remove stumps garden plot chainsaw? A chainsaw is the first assistant to a gardener and summer resident. With its help, you can remove dry branches, the tree itself, cut shrubs, small shoots, or saw the trunk for firewood. Therefore, if you consider yourself an experienced worker in the field of growing green spaces, then she should certainly be in your arsenal of housekeepers. With its help, the remains of the trunk are cut as close to the surface as possible and the area is covered with earth. The stump removed in this way decomposes in the ground, although the process takes a long time and, as a rule, summer residents try to speed it up as much as possible. This can be done in different ways, but everything is in order.

The use of chemicals

  • How to remove a stump with saltpeter (potassium or sodium) - this method can already be attributed to chemical methods for removing green spaces, which allows you to remove the rest of the tree somewhat faster than described above. The fact is that saltpeter not only helps the wood decompose faster, but also allows you to remove the entire root system, which can be located very deep in the ground. To do this, many holes are made on the cut surface, where saltpeter powder is poured in large quantities. Then all the recesses are poured with water so that the substance dissolves and after that the surface is carefully clogged to prevent it from being washed away by precipitation. (If you do not know how to remove a large stump without uprooting, then this method will work just fine). Once the wood has chipped, it will be much easier to remove the stump. It is poured with a combustible substance or a fire is kindled from above and the wood burns, including the roots, which are located deep in the ground. Saltpeter, when burned, releases a large amount of oxygen, which is what helps to completely burn out the rhizome. This method is widely used not only by our summer residents, but also by foreign farmers. Of course, it will be necessary to wait a little (1 - 2 years), but the site will be completely cleared, besides, the young growth will not bother all this time.
  • How to remove a stump on the site by chemical means? An ammonia fertilizer called "urea" can be used. The principle of laying the substance is the same as when removing it with ordinary saltpeter, but the process takes a little longer and without ignition. But at the place of decomposition of wood, you can almost immediately plant another plant. Ammonium nitrate is used for soil fertilization. And in our case, it turns out two in one. It will also take several years to wait for the result, but the use of any physical effort is absolutely not necessary. This is the way of patient gardeners.
  • How to remove walnut stump with salt? In fact, in this way you can remove the rhizome of any tree, regardless of the species. This method will be affordable for any budget, since the price of a pack of ordinary kitchen salt is quite low. Even if it takes two packs to remove your stump. Salt is poured into prepared drilled holes, filled with water and wrapped. After a year or two, the stump will almost completely dry out, if the object is large - digging may be necessary, but this process will be so easy that you do not even need to involve an assistant. The only caveat is the excessive "salinity" of this method. The soil after it will be unsuitable for planting plants for some time.
  • How to remove a stump with chemistry using a herbicide? There are quite a few chemicals that are used both for weed removal and in the practice of removing stumps, but Roundup is the most popular. It's a herbicide general action universal for both annuals and for perennials, completely destroying not only the ground but also the underground part of green spaces. It is practically harmless, because when it enters the soil, it quickly decomposes into phosphates, water and carbon dioxide. To remove the stump with this substance, you need to carefully read the instructions and only then begin processing the cut surface. It is desirable that the object be freshly cut, then the drying process will be much faster. After root system dies, removing the stump will not be difficult. Such processing and removal on the site does not require additional top dressing of the soil, you can immediately plant a new plant or design a lawn.

Mechanical methods for removing stumps from the site

  • How to remove a stump from a garden or other open area? Here we come close to using special equipment. For gardening normal fit tractor. With it, you can not only level the ground or plow the site, but also remove a few stumps in a matter of minutes. A tractor is an excellent traction force that will help to pull an object out of the ground, as long as there is free territory for approaching the site for removal and there is an opportunity to turn around. It is necessary to observe safety precautions, not allowing the presence of strangers at this event.
  • How to remove an old stump with an excavator? Both large and small excavators are used. Old stumps are usually large-sized, therefore, large machines are also used to uproot them, i.e. the performance of the excavator must necessarily correspond to the size of the object. Also, you must remember that the larger the equipment, the more it will harm the topsoil. Basically, this method is used when developing a new territory, when reorganizing garden areas, or before starting site development. This method is extremely costly and calling a machine to uproot a single stump will not look entirely expedient and economical.
  • How to quickly remove a stump or how to remove a stump without uprooting and without the use of chemicals? Recently, a machine has been invented that turns wood into dust. Yes, that's right, it's reality, that's what they call it crusher machine. When using a cutter, the chopper cuts not only the outer wood, but also the inner roots, going deep into the ground by 20 - 30 cm. This technique cuts the object, turning it into ordinary sawdust, small chips and dust. In this case, it is impossible to damage anything: nearby trees, bushes, a lawn and even a flower bed will remain untouched. This is the most practical method, although somewhat expensive. How much it costs to remove a stump in this way will tell you the consultants of the organization for the removal of unwanted green spaces. If you are not going to open a business, then there is no point in buying such a machine for personal use.

Tools and rules

How to properly remove the stump (the price depends on the method of removal you choose). There are several general rules, during this process, but you need to start with the selection of tools and protective equipment:

  1. strong gardening gloves;
  2. protective headphones for working with a chainsaw;
  3. eye protection goggles;
  4. overalls and footwear;
  5. rake, broom, scoop for cleaning the territory;
  6. saw or hacksaw for cutting roots;
  7. shovel, axe, secateurs, pickaxe;
  8. rope, cable, rope or chain;
  9. hose with water;
  10. chainsaw.

How to remove a tree stump without harming yourself and others:

  • when attracting an assistant, it is necessary to provide him with the necessary means of protection;
  • accuracy above all, especially when using piercing-cutting-sawing objects;
  • read the instructions for using an electric or gasoline tool;
  • applying chemical substances, carefully read the leaflet about dosage and safe application;
  • do not work in very hot weather;
  • if you feel unwell or drowsy, you should stop the process;
  • when attracting special equipment to your site, take care of warning signs and barrier tapes.

Before you make a decision, remember that the method for removing an oak tree stump can be very different from the method for removing an apple tree stump in the garden. If you are not sure about right choice- turn to experienced people, you can save much more time and effort than you think.

"Treemaker" - a company with experience in removing stumps and trees, is ready to offer you different methods and ways to solve your problems. Our consultants will provide you with all necessary information in a short time and will be happy to answer your questions not only on uprooting, but also on pruning, treatment, crowning, replanting trees.

Employees "Treemaker" dispose of all garbage and logging waste after any process. We are also ready to provide this type of work separately. If you have stored firewood for fruit and ordinary trees, which are of no value to you, but only take up space - sell them to us!

How to remove a video stump

The stump left from a sawn tree spoils the view very much suburban area. Sometimes the stump can be somehow decorated, decorated under a flower bed or made one of the elements of decorating the site. It is not difficult to create the impression that the stump is on the site on purpose, it performs a decorative function. But in most cases, they still want to get rid of stumps. A dense growth often comes from a stump, which is insanely difficult to fight with hands and on your own. How to remove both the stump and the shoots from its root system on the site, how to do it as quickly as possible and with less effort? Anyone who has experienced this problem knows how much effort it takes. and how long this misfortune poisons the garden joy.

There are several methods for removing a stump.

Method one - chemical

Saltpeter is required. Saltpeter must be diluted in water. This solution is necessary long time pour a little into the stump. Pre-hollow out a hole or drill holes so that the liquid accumulates inside the stump and does not flow down it to the ground.

When the stump is well saturated with saltpeter and completely dry, it will need to be set on fire. This method is very efficient. At the same time, the stump burns out completely, even burns out underground part stump along with the shoots.

If the site is located on peat deposits, then this method should NEVER be used. Peat can ignite!

On such a site, ordinary coarse-grained (technical) salt can be used to remove the stump. It is necessary to fill the stump with salt, wait a while. Salt will turn wood into dust. Buy technical salt available at hardware stores.

Salt must be used with extreme caution. Plants near a salt-covered stump may die.

It is advisable to destroy the stump with salt only to clear the site for construction country house or outbuildings.

The second method is mechanical.

There are special machines for breaking stumps. Most easy way- buy such a machine in a hardware store. With it, you can literally chop a stump into chips in just ten minutes. This car is worth a lot of money. It is not economically feasible to buy it to destroy one or two stumps. You can ask for such a car for a while in some garden society. There are often economic gardeners with whom you can negotiate.

The third method is uprooting the stump.

Around the stump at a distance of one and a half meters, you need to dig the ground. Run a jet of water through the hose. Wait until the earth is washed away by water, the roots will appear. With a sharp saw in the center of the stump, two deep cuts should be made, almost to the ground, and a piece about ten centimeters wide should be cut out. Then, using a crowbar, swing the stump, trying to uproot it from the ground.

It will not be easy to uproot a large stump from an old tree in this way. Often the roots spread over a large area. Requires very significant efforts for uprooting and a lot of time.

Some firms carry out work on the destruction of stumps. For a fee, a team of workers will uproot and take away the stump from your summer cottage. Perhaps this is a good way to get rid of old stumps if you have a lot of them or if you have one, but very solid.

The fourth method is the removal of the aerial part of the stump and the fight against growth.

Preventing the growth of new shoots. You need ammonium sulfate. The stump should be cut as close to the ground as possible. Drill a few holes in the stump, pour ammonium sulfate into them. Cover the holes with something (clay, plasticine). If you have an electric (or petrol) saw and a drill, then this method is the easiest for you.

The growth, which will certainly grow and annoy you after the death of the main tree, after such an operation ceases to appear on the surface. The entire root system dies, which is what is required when removing old trees from the site.

Ennobling an old garden is much more difficult than setting up a new one in a wasteland. This is known firsthand by those who got such a plot. Sometimes it takes more than one year to fight stumps and overgrowth. All stump removal methods are good as long as they don't endanger the surrounding soil or risk starting a fire that you can't control on your own.

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Many gardeners have stumps left after cutting down old trees. And the owners of the plots have a choice either to uproot and eliminate, or somehow build the stumps into the design and continue their useful existence.

There are not many recipes for the latter. The easiest way is to use the stump as a stand or pendant for flower pots. But let's look more interesting option, alterations of the stump itself into a large pot - a flower bed, i.e. we will try to turn the stump into a deck, fill it with soil in which we will then plant flowers. As a result, we should get something like this.

1. We find out the state of the stump.
It makes sense to make a flower bed only from wood that is not infected with pests. In some places, it will even rot, and even have a hollow, this is not scary, but it will even make the job easier. If bark beetles and other beetles have chosen the stump, it is better to eliminate it so as not to make a hotbed of future problems in the garden.

2. We determine the size of the future flower bed and its configuration.

The simplest thing is to measure 5 cm from the edge on the saw cut and draw a line through these points - this will be the border of our pot.

3. Choose a method for removing the center of the stump.
But before this, the first thing we remember about safety precautions is to put on gloves goggles - there will be chips in any way of working!

So, you can choose the center of the stump in different ways:

- If a benzo or electric saw is available you can saw through the center and then work with a chisel to cut out the squares

- You can build a small fire in the center of the stump and burn out its center in this way.

- There is an option with "chemistry"- for this, we drill holes in the center of the stump and pour Epsom salt there (we buy it in pharmacies) or saltpeter and wait a few weeks.

After such an “attack”, the wood will quickly collapse and all that remains is to clean up the edges of the “funnel”.

- But we will go in the old grandfather's mechanical way.

- We take a pointed hoe and, moving in a circle, cut a hole in the center of the stump with its sharp end.

When the hole in the stump is larger, turn the hoe around and chop with the wide side.

Thus, we are moving towards the outlined line of the border of the “pot”. It is necessary to deepen the hole in the stump by 10-20 cm, depending on its diameter and the plants that are going to be planted there.
When you finish with the recess, consider that the flower bed is almost ready. Let's move on to the final steps.

4. We make drainage.
So that the water in the stump does not stagnate, it is necessary to take care of its removal.

Using a drill with a diameter of at least 1.5 cm, we make several inclined holes from the center of the flower bed to the ground surrounding the stump.
Further, drainage from pebbles can be poured to the bottom of the flower bed, then the water will leave more easily.

5. Fill the stump with earth and plant the plants.
On top of the drainage, we pour nutrient soil more suitable for the flowers you have chosen and plant them. A mixture of 1 part compost and two soil has proven itself well.
Everything, it remains for us to water and photograph the result of the work.

In conclusion, a few tips and tricks for making a flower bed from a stump:

- To make it easier for yourself to extract wood from the center of the stump, use a drill and a large drill bit. Frequent holes around the perimeter of the hole and in the center will significantly reduce the time of work and the cost of effort for chiselling.

- If you burn the center of the stump, you can use kerosene (not gasoline!!!) to saturate the wood, after which it will burn better.

- Almost any plant can be planted in a stump, but of course blooming ones look more beautiful like: marigolds, geraniums, begonias. Looks great in such natural pots, pansies, primroses and forget-me-nots. Daffodils, tulips and purslane grow well in stumps. Ampelous nasturtium and petunia look especially impressive in the stump. You can do any height, both undersized and high landings.

- You can extend the service life and facilitate the care of the stump flower bed with the help of plastic pots. The manufacturing technology will not change, except that the recess in the stump must be adjusted to the size of the pot or tray.

- And in the end, a very simple option with a portable stump - a blende. To do this, we cut down the stump above the ground itself and carry the saw cut to process it in the workshop, where we use a saw and all available tools to make big hole suitable for the pot, which we insert there. Then we return the stump to its native place - to the cut. Thus, it is possible to greatly facilitate the work on wood and the subsequent operation and maintenance of the flower bed.

Often, when arranging the territory of a dacha, it is necessary to cut down trees that are either dried up or for some reason do not look good on the site: they block the light in the windows of the house, drown out neighboring trees, etc. But even after the tree is removed, the problem does not disappear completely. After all, a stump remains from it, which is the more difficult to uproot, the larger the diameter it has and the more developed the root system was. However, there is a way out: any stump in the country easily turns into a masterpiece of decorative art.

Ways to decorate a stump

Like any creation of nature, a stump can have a very different appearance, and this, in turn, opens up unlimited scope for imagination. The most popular ways to disguise a stump as a decor element include:

  • Stump painting.
  • Decorating the stump with moss or flowers.
  • Turning it into a flower pot stand, table leg, armchair, vase and sculpture plinth, fairytale castle.
  • Making a full-fledged table from a stump.
  • Stump decoration with figurines or ready-made decorations.

Consider how to decorate a stump in more detail.

Stump painting combined with woodcarving

Before you start working on an already uprooted stump, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • Saw.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Texture or other paint.
  • Brush.

Now let's get ready to decorate:

  • We clean the stump from perennial layers of dirt and remove the bark from it. Then we clean from loose wood and those areas that have already begun to rot and collapse.
  • We give the stump any shape that is attractive to us with a saw and leave it to dry for fresh air. However, the future craft should not be under the influence of direct sun rays, otherwise the wood is very likely to crack (at least 5-6 days).
  • At the end of drying, we again clean the workpiece from loose wood and fibers.
  • We choose paint for processing the stump and varnish to protect it from negative atmospheric influences. If you want the surface of the stump to be shiny and smooth, do not immediately use texture paint (for example, Aquatex or Penotex). But, on the other hand, the composition of such paints includes not only a coloring pigment, but also a varnish with an antiseptic, which significantly slows down the processes of wood decay. Those who are attracted by the natural woody shade cover the stump in the garden with ordinary varnish, but after soaking it with linseed oil.
  • When the blank, which in the future is destined to become decorative element on the plot, dry well, it should be carefully sanded. Sandpaper is often used for these functions, beginning with a coarse grit sandpaper, gradually moving to a finer grit to ensure a smooth surface. The use of a grinder will significantly reduce labor and time costs, but it is of little use for grinding hard-to-reach places on a stump.
  • Then we paint or impregnate the workpiece (the latter - if it has a shade of natural wood).
  • For several days we transfer the workpiece to a warm and dry place, avoiding, however, direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Let's start varnishing the stump. There should be at least two layers of varnish, and even more is better, so that the surface looks glossy and shiny. When the varnish dries, we set the workpiece in a permanent place.

Stump like a flower bed

Since wood is a natural material, stump decor will look especially great if such a residue big tree turn into a flower bed. To do this, take a hammer, chisel, earth and flowers.

This is one of the simplest and effective ways stump disguise:

  • First you need to place the earth in a hollow stump. If the core of the stump is still intact, you will need a hammer and a chisel, with which a hole is made inside the future flower bed in the form of a flower pot. A more radical method to make a wide depression in the stump is to burn it with kerosene. The option is valid only if the thickness of the side wall of the stump exceeds 5-7 cm. In another case, it will simply not be possible to save the stump after removing the core: it will crumble in the hands. Kerosene is poured into a hollowed out wide hole and waited for about 12 hours until it is well absorbed. Then they add more kerosene, close it very tightly and wait 1-2 weeks. After that, the lid is removed, and the kerosene is set on fire, thus freeing the stump from the core.
  • So that the flowers do not die from waterlogging, they provide water drainage from the stump by making a small hole on the side in its lower part.
  • Now it is advisable to pick flowers for planting in a stump. Against the background of brown bark, plants of bright colors will look spectacular. When planting them, it is recommended not to forget about the sufficient amount of water and fertilizers. If you want to completely hide the stump from prying eyes, it is advisable to plant plants not in it, but around it.

A good addition to the stump-bed will be multi-colored pebbles laid out around it with intricate patterns.

Stump with moss decoration

It does not require a lot of time and serious material costs stylization of the stump "antique" - with the help of moss.

However, it should be remembered that this is only possible if the stump is in the shade and in a sufficiently damp and humid place.

When planting moss:

  • Water the plant with a cup of buttermilk, then it will take root wonderfully on the stump.
  • Constantly moisten the moss with water so that it grows more intensively.
  • Since moss tends to creep, it is advisable to plant climbing plants next to it.

Decorative design of the stump in a fairy-tale style

Not everyone knows how to decorate a stump in such a way that it becomes a gathering place for all the kids in the area. To do this, you need to show a little ingenuity and arrange a stump (or rather a few stumps) as a fabulous corner. From tools and materials, you should take a hammer, chisel, sandpaper, crayons, an antiseptic, wooden boards, tow, chestnuts, white corks from plastic bottles, glue, cones.

  • First, we clean the stump from the bark, using a hammer and chisel. We insert the chisel between the bark and the wood itself and gently tap on it with a hammer.
  • After removing the bark, we grind the stumps using sandpaper with a medium grain. We take a damp cloth and remove the wood dust that has arisen. We treat the wood with an antiseptic.
  • Then paint the stump with brown paint. After drying, we glue tow and cones on top, which will be impromptu hair of our "goblin", and chestnuts imitating eyes to the side of the stump. Under them, horizontally, we also glue a knot - the “mouth”, which we then paint with red paint. “The whites of the eyes” should also be glued to the chestnuts - caps from plastic bottles, and a little lower between them, insert a “nose” knot into the recess previously made in the stump. Now the fairy-tale character is ready.

Another fabulous option is Baba Yaga's house. To do this, we take only a hammer, chisel, wooden boards and nails. Then:

  • We outline in small places where the door and windows will be located.
  • From pieces wooden board we make shutters and a door of a size corresponding to the size of the stump and paint them.
  • After drying, we nail the door and windows to the stump with nails (the hats of the latter are bitten off).
  • An additional magical atmosphere will be created by branches and snags, which are placed in a picturesque mess around the resulting house.

If desired, any stump easily becomes the hero of your favorite fairy tale. Most well, various brownies, foresters, kikimors, mushrooms are obtained from it. The stumps turned into fly agarics look very bright and beautiful. This does not require special qualifications: just take an old small basin, paint it with paint in the appropriate red and white colors and put it on a stump.

Easily made from stumps and, for example, highchairs. They are made in this way: they take the seat from old furniture, open it with varnish and attach it to the top of the stump with nails.

A stump in the form of a fairy-tale castle will become a magnificent decoration of a personal plot. To do this, it does not even need to be cleaned of bark. The materials and tools used here are conventional cutting board a bizarre shape or a piece of chipboard, a piece of a peeled tree trunk, moss or tow, a set for woodcarving. The work is done in the following way:

  • A board or piece of chipboard is covered protective varnish and are nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws to the saw cut of the stump.
  • A pre-cut from solid wood is screwed onto this base. wooden house. Its roof is decorated by gluing moss or tow on it, and patterns are applied to the walls with a wood carving tool. After that, the structure is varnished or painted in any color you like. Then the first inhabitants are settled in the house: figures of fairy-tale characters or animals (for example, for the visual embodiment of the fairy tale "Teremok").

The simplest ways to decorate a stump

How to decorate a stump in the country, if on complex work wood carving type no time? For example, we cut upper layer bark, we clean it with sandpaper and paint it in cheerful red, orange, yellow colors. After that, we cut out flowers from plastic bottles.

Then we cover them with a layer of paint and glue them to the saw cut and on the sides of the stump. Plants are planted around it so that such a composition looks like a real magical forest. Another interesting option is to run a cable through the area, which is passed through a groove specially hollowed out in the stump (you should take care of good insulation), after which a light bulb is installed on the stump cut. This allows you to make a kind of lantern out of it. The same goal is achieved by painting the stump with luminous paint.

Stump table

A table made from an uprooted stump will turn out to be not only a decorative element, but also a completely functional piece of furniture for a warm family dinner in the fresh air. In the process of creativity, we need a chisel, chisel or mount, building level, planer, grinder or coarse sandpaper, chisel, furniture stands or wheels, varnish, soft abrasive cloth. Now about the actual process:

  • Make sure that the stump is dry and the bark is well moving away from it, after which, using a pry bar, chisel or chisel, completely remove the top layer of bark from the stump.
  • Now let's start leveling the future table. We check with the help of the level how even the lower surface of the stump is. If distortions are observed, the protruding edges are ground with a planer.
  • The surface of the stump should be smooth, so it is processed sandpaper with coarse grit or grinder. When the cut becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, the stump is placed on its side and also polished from all sides.
  • We clean the cracks in the stump from dirt and dust with a small knife, but at the same time we try not to damage the texture of the tree, since knots and small cracks give it an original look.
  • After that, we process the recesses in the stump from the inside with sandpaper and finally remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner.

  • We fasten furniture legs or wheels to the bottom surface of the stump, which are easy to purchase at any store. This is necessary not only for aesthetic reasons, but also in order to ensure good air circulation under the trunk: then it will be less susceptible to decay.
  • Then we varnish the almost finished table. After the first coat has been applied, wait half an hour and sand the surface with fine-grained sandpaper (preferably a grit size of 320). To make the table last as long as possible, it is recommended to apply at least 4 layers of varnish on it, after each leaving the stump to dry for the period of time recommended by the varnish manufacturer.
  • At the final stage, the table does not require grinding, but to get rid of the strong shine, a soft abrasive cloth is used, which is passed over the entire surface of the stump. Our table is ready for tea!

A simpler version of a stump table does not require such procedures and removing the stump from the ground. It remains in the same place where it stood, but a countertop of any shape, made independently or bought in a store, is screwed on top of it. A pair of old wooden stools or lacquered chairs will create a unique atmosphere. home comfort while relaxing in the country.

Instead of a countertop, a bird drinker or feeder is sometimes installed, for which the stump serves as a stand.

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