Carrot business plan 1 hectare how much crop. Business idea: growing carrots

Site arrangement 15.06.2019
Site arrangement

The site should be sunny, because carrots develop too slowly in the shade. Because of this, by the time the harvest begins, the size of the vegetables may not be large enough.

Optimal soil- light, sandy, loose, with low acidity. If the soil is too heavy, the vegetable will be small, irregular shape, which makes it difficult to implement.

The best predecessors

The best predecessors: tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, onions and garlic, legumes, various greens with the exception of lettuce and parsley - after which they may remain in the soil dangerous pests. Also bad predecessors are zucchini and celery.

The best varieties of carrots

The best varieties are:

  • "Alenka": small size vegetables, different short term maturation (from sowing to harvest no more than 90 days), sweet taste, rich color;
  • "Laguna F1": the average size, correct cylindrical shape, bright Orange color and other features make this hybrid one of the most sought after;
  • "Touchon": the distinctive features of this early ripe variety are high yield and very short (up to 80 days) ripening period;
  • "Amsterdam": difficult to care for, but high-yielding hybrid, distinguished by excellent taste characteristics.

To simplify the harvesting process, it is better to use several varieties that have different dates maturation.

Soil preparation for planting carrots

The soil must be prepared in the fall: in October-November it must be carefully dug up, and in March the earth should be worked with a flat cutter. It is not worth digging again - the soil should settle a little.

After digging, you need to carry out sanitization : if weeds sprout before carrots, devoid of nutrients the root crop will grow slowly.

Approximately two weeks before planting, mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil, while from organic fertilizers- mullein and litter - it is better to refrain. They increase the acidity, which prevents the normal development of root crops.

Preparing carrot seeds for planting

Planting carrots is easier with seeds: it takes root well, so it makes no sense to waste time on seedlings. Seeds need to be prepared in advance:

  1. Soak in cool water for three hours;
  2. Put on moistened gauze and cover it with the same top;
  3. Moisten gauze periodically so that it does not dry out;
  4. When the first shoots appear, the seeds should be placed in the refrigerator for hardening for a week and a half.

Planting carrots

The sowing time depends on which variety you use: early ripe varieties are sown in temperate climate at the beginning of the second decade of April, mid-season - a week later, while varieties intended for winter storage, must be planted no later than mid-June.

How to plant carrots

Immediately before sowing, the bed should be sprinkled with crushed ash and grooves should be made in it with a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters.

The row-spacing between the grooves must be at least 20 centimeters wide: otherwise you will not be able to move around the garden without harming the plants.

Carrot seeds are small and inconvenient to sow, so they are mixed with sand or glued onto a strip of toilet paper using PVA or paste. Dragee (enclosed in a special nutrient shell) seeds are planted as is.

Seeds are laid in furrows 5-7 centimeters apart at the rate of 5-6 grams per 10 sq.m., after which the grooves must be covered with loose earth. In order for seedlings to appear as early as possible, the bed must be insulated: at a height of 12-15 centimeters, you can stretch polyethylene film, thus creating something like a greenhouse.

Technology for growing carrots

Simple, but requires responsibility systems approach. Care should be carried out regularly, especially for irrigation.

The first time after planting, watering should be frequent and plentiful, and with the appearance of the first green shoots, it should be reduced. Until ripe, carrots are irrigated two or three times a week, depending on weather conditions, and closer to harvesting, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week.

Watering should be moderate, but enough: in waterlogged soil, vegetables will begin to rot, while in too dry soil they will grow dense and tasteless. On average, the volume of water consumed is from 200 to 500 liters per 1 sq. m. per season.

After irrigation or heavy rain, the soil should be loosened: root crops may suffer from a lack of oxygen. In addition, timely loosening will help in the fight against weeds.

Harvesting carrots

So that the vegetable does not lose its juiciness and sweet taste, you need to remove it on time., in accordance with the terms declared for the variety.

In order not to damage the vegetables during the harvesting process, you need to take a pitchfork and carefully pry off a layer of earth along with root crops. The carrots dug up in this way are pulled by the tops with their hands and immediately cut off, cutting off the tops so that there are no petioles left.

Profitability of growing carrots

The total cost of seeds, implements and Supplies for sowing 100 sq.m. will not exceed 70-80 dollars. On average, the yield of carrots is 5-6 kilograms per 1 sq. m., that is, on a hundred square meters you can grow up to 600 kg of carrots per season, earning about $ 300 on this.

Now that you know carrots, it's time to move on to practice. After all, growing this root crop as a business is not a very difficult task that does not require significant labor costs, but brings a good income.

Carrots are a well-known and indispensable root crop, the demand for which exists throughout the year. Therefore, it is not surprising that many agricultural producers consider this plant as a source of stable income.

Carrots are a profitable crop to grow!

Why carrots are attractive to the producer?

  • there is a possibility of wholesale realization;
  • wide sales opportunities - shops, markets, catering establishments;
  • you can not be afraid of saving leftovers in storage;
  • low cost of cultivation and low storage costs.

Depending on the variety and growing conditions, the average crop yield is 500 c/ha at 100% profitability. It is more profitable to realize the harvest in late autumn and in early spring. In April, for example, the price of a vegetable is 4 times higher than in summer.

An undoubted plus is the fact that carrots are cold-resistant. Seeds are able to germinate already at +4, and seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5. The culture is better than others adapted to air drought, and the variety of varieties and hybrids makes it possible to obtain excellent marketable products not only on light sandy soils, but also on loams and peat bogs, as well as on heavy chernozems. Carrots can be a good precursor to many vegetables.

What is needed for a "carrot" business?

  1. Land plot. It doesn't have to be hundreds of hectares. Modern technologies allow you to get up to 1 ton of vegetables from a hundred, so a share is suitable, household plot or rented property.
  2. Equipment. The need for this or that inventory dictates the landing area. In one case, this will be enough for a walk-behind tractor, in another, a cultivator and precision seeders, a harvester for harvesting are needed.
  3. Seeds. Depending on your desires, soil climate and consumer demand in your region, you can choose the appropriate ripening period, taste characteristics, carrot seeds of a suitable variety type. The range of seeds is very wide, pick up suitable grade or a hybrid is not difficult. Domestic seed producers can please the farmer low prices, but foreign ones are of higher quality and percentage of germination.
  4. Fertilizers and plant protection products. What kind of fertilizers, it is difficult to say. It all depends on how depleted the soil is, what kind of crop was the predecessor, the ph of the soil on which you plan to grow carrots.
  5. Storage for finished products and reliable sales partners.
  6. Staff. Even if you plan to plant seeds, cultivate, harvest crops with the help of machinery, you will need people to guard, and also to sort and ship the harvested products. The larger the crop area, the more workers you will need. The good news is that it's seasonal.

How to grow a large crop of carrots?

Assume a household purchased carrot seeds good variety but the harvest was not good. Why? The trick is that the quantity and quality of harvested root crops depends not only on seed but also on growing technology.

The "correct" area! Carrots do not tolerate shading, so they choose well-lit areas throughout the day, the slope is oriented from north to south.

Soil preparation. The best predecessors there will be legumes and potatoes for one simple reason - these plants "clean" the field from weeds. The soil should be moderately loose and moist, but most importantly, leveled.

Compliance with sowing dates:

  • beam products - before winter until the soil freezes;
  • for early production - with the first opportunity to enter the field;
  • for storage - from mid-spring to early June;
  • repeated sowing - in the southern regions, in the presence of drip irrigation.

Variety selection. It depends on the chosen production strategy, hybrid or variety, coated or dressed. For industrial cultivation the following are recommended:

  • "Amsterdamskaya" - high consumer qualities;
  • "Red Core" - succeeds on heavy soils;
  • "Talisman" - productive variety;
  • "Leander" - for storage and processing.

Hybrids, as a rule, are more tolerant to flowering and specific phytopathogens, more stress-resistant. In any case, each variety or hybrid has its own recommendations for growing, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the quality. Carrot seeds contain high volume essential oils, which results in slow germination. In order for the seedlings to be friendly, pelleted seeds of a year ago are needed. The best quality can only be guaranteed by a major trusted supplier.

Fertilizers. It is important to take into account the high sensitivity of the root crop to organic matter. On a site fertilized with fresh manure, carrots should be the second, and preferably the third crop. A good top dressing can be phosphorus and potash fertilizers. And if the vegetable is planned to be stored for storage, the dose of potash fertilizers is increased.

Some features of cultivation

For all its unpretentiousness, the “royal” vegetable turns out to be extremely demanding on some factors.

The degree of soil moisture: "adult" root crops are not afraid of heat, but in the initial phases of plant growth, moisture is simply necessary. Watering should be plentiful, but avoid flooding. During the period of root formation, carrots are watered no more than once a week, and watering is stopped two weeks before harvest.

Neighborhood with weeds: carrots are exactly the crop that absolutely does not tolerate the neighborhood of weeds. You can destroy them manually or using selective herbicides.

Pests: Compared to other root crops, carrots are less affected by diseases and pests than others. Its main enemies are the carrot fly and the wireworm. You can get rid of them with the help of specially designed insecticides. But if you do not have a very large sowing area and you are an ardent supporter folk methods treatment, then you can try some grandmother's methods. Who knows, maybe they will help you, the main thing here is to control the result and prevent the pest population from increasing to the extent that it is already difficult to cope with the lesion even with professional insecticides. Here are some popular methods:

  • watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 5 l of water);
  • watering with a solution of ammonia alcohol (50g per 10l of water).

The vegetable is rich in trace elements and vitamins, every person knows about its benefits. Carrots are eaten daily various dishes, both raw and processed, in every home and in every family. You can even sell small carrots that used to be fed. This idea belongs to Michael Yurosheko, and it became so successful that a special variety of Baby carrots appeared.

Good luck to you, and great harvests!

There are places where experienced gardeners more carrots are grown than all other crops, including potatoes. They thoroughly know all the tricks and methods, and pass on their knowledge from father to son. They also believe that growing carrots is much more profitable than, for example,. Indeed, carrots in the markets are much more expensive than potatoes, while the harvest per hundred square meters can be up to a ton, which is comparable to the best harvests potatoes.

O preliminary preparation of soil and seeds for planting carrots we have already said, now let's go directly to the cultivation of carrots.

Soil preparation

In the spring, before planting carrots, it is useful to add mineral fertilizers to the site: 15–20 grams of ammonium sulfate, 30–40 grams of precipitate and 25–35 grams of potassium sulfate per square meter.

Carrots love light, well-structured soils. For structuring, it would be ideal to sow green manure in the fall, and mow them before planting.

Choose a site for planting as light as possible - carrots do not like shade.

Planting carrots

Carrots can be sown three times per season. The first planting of carrots is done in early spring , the second - summer, and the third - before winter, late autumn .

At spring sowing carrots can be planted very early, as soon as the ground thaws. It perfectly tolerates frosts down to -4 degrees. Only frosts greater than -6 degrees for a long time are fatal for her.

At summer sowing carrot cultivation lasts until October, or even early November, the main thing is that the soil temperature is not below 5 degrees.

At autumn sowing planting is done quite late, when the soil temperature drops to 5 degrees and below. You can do crops even on frozen ground. Before winter, carrots are sown if the winters are not cold, or if it is possible to organize a sufficient layer of snow over the plantings, 40–50 cm thick.

small carrot seeds , and it is difficult to sow them without thickening. It is best to mix a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of sand. Such a glass is enough for ten square meters.

Sow carrots in rows, between which they make a distance of 15 cm for early and medium varieties, and a distance of 20 cm for late varieties. The grooves need to be watered, powdered with ash, and the seeds sown in 1 cm increments. If you sow with sand, estimate in advance how many seeds you have and how to pour them in order to get the required distance between plants.

In spring and summer sow the swollen seeds, to a depth of 3-4 cm. After sowing, the bed cover with foil at a height of 5 cm above the ground. It is best to put the film on the bricks. autumn sow dry seeds before winter early varieties carrots, to a depth of 1-2 cm. In all cases, cover the soil layer of mulch 3-4 cm thick.


The optimum temperature for growing carrots is 20-22 degrees. At this temperature, the greatest growth of root crops occurs.


As a rule, carrots are watered once a week. At the very beginning, plants do not need a lot of moisture, about 3 liters per square meter is enough. After In the future, the rate is systematically increased, bringing it to 20 liters per square meter, when the root crop begins to grow. 1.5-2 months before harvesting, watering is carried out less often: once every 1.5-2 weeks, and the intensity of irrigation is halved - they spend 10 liters of water per square meter, and 2-3 weeks before harvesting carrots stop watering at all.

When growing carrots, care must be taken that the soil is neither too wet nor too dry. Excess moisture even in a short time will lead to rotting of root crops. During drought, root crops do not grow, which also negatively affects the yield of carrots.

Weed control and thinning

Carrots develop slowly, and therefore weeds overtake them and begin to stifle. Therefore, weeds need to be weeded regularly. The first weeding is done 10-12 days after germination, when the plants have real leaves. The second weeding is 8-10 days after the first.

Weeding is done after watering, best of all in the morning, and at the same time thin out, shoots of carrots. At the first weeding, thinning is done, leaving 2-3 cm between plants, at the second, 4-5 cm are left between plants. After weeding and thinning, the carrots are watered again.

top dressing

Top dressing is done 3-4 weeks after the appearance of the first shoots of carrots. To do this, mullein or bird droppings are bred for 10 liters of water, ash is added. At the beginning of the formation of root crops, top dressing can be repeated.

If you have fertile land, and you have been working on your site for several years according to the principles organic farming, then you can do without top dressing.

Pest control

Against carrot flies, it is useful to sprinkle the soil with ground red pepper ... You can also use an infusion hot pepper. Another protection option is the combined planting of carrots with onions.


Carrots are harvested later than all other crops. Early harvesting, when the soil temperature is above 10 degrees, is harmful to carrots, because the root crop is still growing.

In the next article, you will learn how to grow not just big, but.

Video on how to grow carrots

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Today one can often find the opinion that in agriculture money cannot be earned. This is partly true. But on the other hand, there are special, niche groups of agricultural products that can bring profit to the entrepreneur. One of the products of this group is the carrot, which will be discussed.

Why carrot?

It is quite simple to build a carrot growing business. There are three key reasons for this:

  • Carrots are one of the most sought after vegetables in the world. consumer market. Demand is guaranteed.
  • Carrot production is not expensive.
  • The vegetable itself is high-yielding, resistant to temperature changes.

In order to make money, you need to draw up a business plan for growing carrots.

land to grow

It could be yours country cottage area, and may be separately located agricultural land in ownership or lease. The lease option is the simplest, because it allows you to use soil fertility resources for little money. It is unlikely that you will spend more than 3,000 rubles for renting 50 acres for the summer. On the issue of rent, you can apply as to agricultural enterprises and conclude an appropriate agreement with them, or you can rent land from a municipal district, i.e. through the administration of the municipality. Pay attention to the use of leased land before planting carrots: farmers say that it can be sown after legumes and grains, or after potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage or onions. Naturally, if the earth "rested", then this will also have a positive effect on the future carrot harvest. Well, if before planting a vegetable, you fertilize the soil with 15-20 grams of ammonium sulfate, 30-40 grams of precipitate and 25-35 grams of potassium sulfate per square meter. Do not use chlorine fertilizers - you will get more substandard (crooked, forked, etc.). And remember that the site should be "light" - carrots do not like shade.

Work force

Of course, you can do the whole process on your own, with the involvement of relatives and friends, but it is more profitable to hire schoolchildren for part-time work. Especially if you manage to agree so that everyone will be given a large bag of carrots after the harvest. But even for money - 2000 rubles a month per person, assuming that three people will be enough - the use of labor will still bring you profit. Considering that you do not get your hands dirty at all, and your workers, on your signals, cultivate the field and prepare the harvest, 18,000 rubles of expenses for labor force over the summer is a small figure. The main work of your mercenaries will be to prepare the soil, sow seeds, periodically water (every 7-10 days), protect against pests and harvest (2 weeks before which watering stops). It is necessary to protect the vegetable mainly from the carrot fly through frequent loosening of the soil and shedding it with ash, tobacco dust or special protective equipment. Also, carrots are watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram per 5 liters of water) and onions are planted next to it.

Consumables (seeds)

You need seeds that need to be prepared: disinfected, soaked and germinated. You can do it yourself, or you can - and it will the best option- find a grandmother who will be happy with this business and pay her symbolically (you can use food - meat, sausage, a bag of pasta or something similar).

Seed preparation reduces the germination period up to 7 times: instead of 30-40 days, the treated seeds give the result in a week and a half. The main sowing starts from mid-May and ends in early June. At this time, already processed and dried seeds are placed on the beds. Seed sowing rates vary depending on climatic conditions, but on average it is 2.5-3 kg/ha. Therefore, based on a field of 50 acres, you will need to stock up on 1.5 kg of seeds. Currently, prices for seeds of various varieties of carrots vary in the range of 550-2000 rubles per kilogram.

In addition, in order for carrots to grow confidently, it is necessary that they do not have weed neighbors. Therefore, you either oblige your workers to weed the entire field (which they are unlikely to agree to for the amount we have pledged), or you preliminarily exclude the possibility of weeds. Here you can use a special agricultural black film in which workers make holes in the seedlings, or sprinkle sawdust between the rows of seedlings.

Equipment for growing carrots

There are two important points here:

  1. vehicle, with which you will transport seeds to the field, the workers themselves, if necessary, and equipment from the next point. Station wagon, minivan, crossover will fit, but it is better if you have a jeep or pickup.
  2. walk-behind tractor- for cultivating the soil, a hiller - for preparing holes, a seeder - for quickly and accurately planting seeds in holes, a digger - for harvesting. In total, all these devices will cost 25-40 thousand rubles.

In addition to all of the above, you will need to transfer the harvested crop to the cellar or vegetable base. Considering that from 50 acres the harvest can be 20-40 tons, depending on the variety of carrots, you will need a medium-duty truck (with a carrying capacity of 5-10 tons), which will make several walkers. The cost of transportation depends on the mileage. But if the site is located near the place of unloading, then they may ask for money for the “walker”. If you want to get a higher yield in terms of tonnage, pay attention to the Leander variety - it has some of the best indicators.

Sales of finished products

This is the most milestone. Grown carrots can be sold or processed. In the latter case, you can wind up a large profit, but the costs will also have to be increased. So you can process carrots into carrot juice or, with the addition of spices, into Korean carrots. If you sell carrots on your own to a finished consumer (in the market, through your own store, through ads) - you will probably make more profit, but over a longer period of time.

Let's take the average. So, selling 20 tons of high-quality carrots, you will receive 20 * 1000 * 20 (average price per kilogram on the market) = 400,000 rubles. The resulting substandard is best processed into juice or Korean carrots, because otherwise you will have to sell it for next to nothing - 5 rubles / kilogram. So, you can easily wind up another 100,000 rubles instead of 25,000 rubles based on substandard weight of 5 tons. If you decide to turn the crop into capital faster and with less headache, then you can sell the carrots to a retailer - one or more. In this case, be prepared that your selling price and the price in the store differ by two or three times - you will receive it for 10-12 rubles per kilogram. As a result, you will earn about 220 thousand rubles. One way or another, if you follow the rules for preparing and running this type of business, you will be in the black. Which one is up to you. Good luck!

Industrial technology for growing carrots

Like carrots vegetable crop for industrial cultivation, there are a number of advantages over other crops. This is an excellent adaptation to the climate. Middle lane Russia. With our climatic conditions carrots accumulate a lot of sugars, while more western and southern countries(Europe and Middle Asia) carrots are watery. The advantages of the culture can also include a large sales market and the relative optionality of irrigation (if there is no sharp drop in soil moisture). The disadvantage of carrots is the laboriousness of its cultivation. Crop rotation Carrots are placed after well-fertilized predecessors that clear the field of weeds. Potatoes and legumes are considered the best predecessors.

Soil preparation

In autumn, plowing is carried out to a depth of 25-30 cm with a greater accumulation of moisture and disinfection of the soil by freezing. The plowing depth is very great importance for normal root growth. If the main tillage is carried out shallowly, then the lower part of the root crops is bent, begins to branch and loses its presentation.

In the spring, at the onset - harrowing, after 1-2 weeks - shallow cultivation (by 2-3 cm). Such a depth of cultivation is needed in order for the seeds to lie on a "hard bed". If you carry out a deeper cultivation, then the soil capillaries will collapse, through which moisture enters the seeds, and the seeds may not germinate.

Heavy soils, when they swim in the spring, are plowed to 2/3 of the depth, followed by harrowing. After such spring plowing, it is necessary to carry out deep loosening with a cutter and rolling.

The main requirements for soil preparation before sowing are thorough deep tillage and a leveled surface before sowing.


A calculated rate of fertilizer is applied under carrots (see), which depends on the fertility of the soil and the planned harvest. In the literature, one can often find approximate recommended fertilizer application rates (N 100-120, P 2 O 5 - 80-100, K 2 O - 150-200 kg / ha), but, as a rule, the calculated rates are somewhat higher.

Of the minerals, carrots best absorb potassium, so potash fertilizers must be applied at least 20-30% more than nitrogen fertilizers. This improves the quality and keeping quality of root crops.

At the beginning of the formation of a rosette of carrot leaves, increased phosphorus nutrition is required, therefore, when sowing, 10-15 kg/ha of P 2 O 5 must be applied.

Carrots do not respond well to manure application (ugly, branched root crops with poor palatability), so it is placed in the second year after the introduction of organic matter.

Sowing preparation

Almost all foreign firms currently calibrate and dragee carrot seeds for precision seeders. But with the advent of new types of sowing apparatus of seeders of the "Klen" type, drageeing for seed alignment has become optional.

When buying raw seeds, you can carry out:
Calibration of seeds on sieves with a hole width of 1.5 mm (~ 60-70% of seeds are separated into a large fraction). Carrot seeds are heterogeneous, which greatly affects their germination. The selection of a large fraction allows you to increase germination.
within 18-20 hours, combined with treatment with microelements: potassium permanganate (0.02%) and boric acid (0.01%). Untreated seeds germinate very slowly, because. their seed coats contain many essential oils that make it difficult for water to penetrate into the seed.
Etching with Fundazol or TMTD for disinfection.

Sowing carrot seeds

Sowing dates - early spring, when the average daily soil temperature at the sowing depth will be at least + 8 °C. You should not be late with sowing, because. overdrying of the soil will lead to long delay seedlings. It is best to sow carrots under the upcoming long spring rains (if, of course, they are planned). Now it is not so difficult to predict: the weather for 2-3 days ahead can be found with a fairly high degree of probability on the Internet (on the sites,, etc.).

Another way is winter sowing in the fall, when the soil is slightly frozen. In this case, you can get very early products, but only for summer consumption, because. such root crops are stored poorly. The disadvantage of this method is that the soil is strongly compacted in spring, so only light sandy and sandy loamy soils are suitable.

The seeding rate of carrots depends on the purpose of the product:

per bunch - 5-6 kg/ha, standing density ~ 1.5 million plants/ha,
for storage - 3-4 kg/ha, standing density ~ 1 million plants/ha,
The feeding area of ​​one plant is from 66 to 100 cm 2 .

Carrot sowing schemes:
- ordinary wide-row, with a row spacing of 45 cm;
- tape two-line - 10 + 45 cm (the yield is higher by ~ 50%, but the disadvantage is that herbicide treatment is needed between the lines);
- tape three-line - 10+10+45 (yield is higher by 80-90%).

The distance between plants in a row is 3-4 cm. It should be noted that carrots react very strongly to changes in the distance between plants in a row: about long distance the diameter of the root crops may exceed the maximum allowed by the standard (see).

Sowing depth of carrot seeds: in rainy weather and on heavy soils 1.5-2 cm, in dry weather and on light soils 2-3 cm (in extreme cases - up to 4 cm).

Seeding care

Before the emergence of seedlings during the formation of a crust after rain and for the destruction of weed seedlings, they are treated with a mesh harrow BSO-4A.

Several times during the growing season, inter-row cultivation is carried out to loosen and destroy weeds. However, they do not completely help against weeds, because. in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, when weeds are especially dangerous, inter-row cultivation cannot be carried out - they are covered with earth and carrot seedlings suffer greatly.

Therefore, on large area herbicides are used (before sowing for presowing cultivation, after sowing before germination or after germination - in the phase of the first pair of true carrot leaves).

Top dressing is applied if fertilizers were not applied before sowing (effective only for irrigation).

Despite the economical use of moisture, carrots need watering in drought. For 1 ton of root crops, carrots consume 100 m 3 of water (i.e., with a yield of 40 t / ha, 4,000 m 3 of water are needed). It is better to water carrots with smaller norms and more often, because. with a large difference in humidity, carrots crack.

harvesting carrots

Cleaning times:
- carrots per bunch (for fresh consumption) - at the end of August (such carrots are poorly stored and the yield is lower, but very high cost).
- for storage - at the end of September.

In September, the dry matter content in root crops increases, sugars and carotenoids accumulate, which improves the quality and keeping quality of carrots.

Before manual harvesting, the tops of the KIR-1.5 are mowed or with a BM-SA haulm harvester.

Harvesting is carried out manually, using a SNSh-3 beet lifter or a KTN-2V potato digger. When harvesting by hand, you can not shake off the soil by hitting the carrots against each other or on the ground, you need to clean it off carefully with your hands.

On the large areas carrot harvesters MMT-1 (see figure) and EM-11 are used.

Scheme of carrot harvester MMT-1

The quality of carrot roots after harvesting must meet the requirements.

The yield of carrots ranges from 20 to 50 t/ha.

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