Consumer market: definition, basic concepts, structure, meaning and functions, infrastructure. Indicators of statistical study of the consumer market

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Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Federal state educational institution higher professional education

Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance

Russian Federation

Omsk branch

Faculty: financial and accounting

Specialty: finance and credit


by discipline:


Topic: Statistical study of the market for goods and services

Student: E.V. Kozlovoy

Group: 2F5

Scientific adviser:

Danilov A.N.

Omsk - 2009/2010 account. year


Chapter 1 The essence of statistics of the market for goods and services and the objectives of the study

1.1 Subject of statistics of the market of goods and services

1.2 Objectives of the statistical characteristics of the efficiency of market processes

Chapter 2 Methods and indicators of statistics of the market of goods and services

2.1 Fundamentals of Market Statistics Methodology

2.2 Turnover statistics

Chapter 3 Statistical study of the market for goods and services




The functioning of market structures in difficult conditions of the formation and operation of the market mechanism requires regular assessments of the state of the market and the prospects for its development. The system of sales and purchase relations and the inevitable commercial risk, development of pricing and investment policies, regulation of market processes in different levels management, etc. - all this requires the organization of constant and in-depth statistical studies of the market mechanism, patterns and trends, forecasting the proportions of supply and demand. Over the years of the formation of the market economy, along with the reformed system of state statistics, a subsystem of business statistics has developed, serving the needs of marketing.

The main purpose of this work is to determine the main directions of development and analyze the indicators of statistics of the market of goods and services. To achieve this goal, the work is supposed to solve the following tasks:

1) consider the main tasks of the statistical characteristics of market processes;

2) analyze the methodology and main indicators of statistics of the market for goods and services;

3) study the indicators of the market for goods and services using specific examples.

The first chapter examines the subject, tasks and information base of statistics of the market of goods and services.

The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of methods and indicators of statistics of the market of goods and services, and the indicators of commodity circulation, inventory and distribution costs are separately highlighted.

The third chapter examines the process of calculating the main indicators of statistics on the market of goods and services.


1.1 Subject of statistics of the market of goods and services

The market for goods (products and services) is a system of purchase and sale relations between economically free sellers and buyers. There are numerous intertwining and interacting internal and external forces that do not always clearly influence market processes. Therefore, it is necessary to learn that adaptation to market conditions and regulation of market processes are possible provided that these processes are studied, their patterns and trends are identified, that is, the market becomes the subject of statistical research.

Statistics have the ability to reflect the state of the market, characterize its structure and dynamics, assess its fluctuations, identify and model the impact of the complex market factors and allows you to make forecasts for its further development.

Market statistics satisfy the information and analytical needs of government agencies, which set goals for direct or indirect regulation of the market, control over the parameters of its development, development and implementation of socio-economic policy. It provides methodological and analytical needs of marketing and marketing research services, which provide recommendations to management for making optimal management decisions. In addition, the statistics of the market for goods and services contributes to the further development and improvement of economic theory, because it reveals new patterns and trends, confirming or denying the hypotheses and provisions put forward. Finally, market statistics play the role of informing the public about the nature of market development, about market processes in which society as a whole and its individual strata are interested.

The subject of market statistics is mass market phenomena and processes that can be quantified.

The market is a system with its own internal structure, hierarchy of individual elements and interactions, therefore, the statistical study of the market should be based on systems approach... The market for goods (products and services) consists of independent, albeit interconnected, markets:

· Means of production, from which submarkets of natural raw materials, agricultural products and industrial products (including semi-finished products) are distinguished;

· Consumer goods (food and food products);

· Services, including those of a production nature and consumer services.

In turn, each of these markets is subdivided into a number of local markets, in other words, markets for individual goods.

The regional market and its subsystems - urban and rural markets - are limited by the framework of a certain territorial-economic and administrative-geographical entity.

The state of the market as a whole, individual types and segments is characterized by such elements as demand, supply, price and competition.

Demand is a form of expression of the needs of buyers for goods on the market, secured by cash income.

Demand volume - the amount of goods that the buyer intends to buy in the market at a certain price level. In addition to the price level, the volume of demand for individual goods is influenced by such factors as the level of monetary income of the population, the level of prices for interchangeable and complementary goods, the stage of the life cycle, and others.

Offer - a mass of goods intended for sale that have been delivered to the market or can be delivered to it.

The volume of supply is the amount of goods that specific sellers (manufacturers) wish to sell on the market at a given time at a certain price. The volume of supply of individual goods is influenced by the level of costs for their production and delivery to the market, the physicochemical properties of the goods, the level of competition, and more.

Price - the monetary equivalent, in accordance with which the acts of purchase and sale of goods are carried out.

The price level develops within the range of supply and demand prices in the consumer market. The optimal variant of this level is the market equilibrium price, the level of which balances the volume of supply and demand in the market.

Competition - the rivalry of economic entities in the market for Better conditions sales of goods. The level of competition is determined by the number of sellers, the proportion of their operations in the market, and the forms of competition used.

An important characteristic of the market is the level of its monopolization. On this basis, markets are distinguished: monopoly (one seller controlling all 100% of the sale of a given product), oligopolistic (in which no more than five participants control 70% -80% of all sales), competitive (there is a sufficient number of sellers, and the share of sales of each they are small).

According to the degree of saturation with goods, the seller's market is distinguished, where the volume of demand exceeds the volume of supply and the seller can increase prices, and the buyer's market, where the volume of supply exceeds the volume of demand, and therefore the buyer can influence the price reduction.

The essence and nature of the functions of commodity markets determine a number of tasks that are faced by statistical research (Table 1)

Table 1

Statistical Research Objectives

Focus of tasks

Main directions


Objective and full assessment the state of the commodity market for a specific period of time,

Identification of patterns and trends in the development of the commodity market,

· Characteristics of the structure of the commodity market and its regional features;


Collection and processing of statistical information,

Assessment and analysis of market conditions and conditions,

Characteristics of the market structure,

Regional analysis,

Characteristics of economic and social consequences market development;


Research of supply and demand, their trends and relationships,

Characteristics of prices and pricing,

Study of the processes of commodity circulation, turnover, inventory and turnover,

Assessment of the state and development of the infrastructure of commodity markets,

· Identification and analysis of socio-economic results and the effectiveness of the functioning of markets.

The degree of market activity is determined by studying the market situation, which characterizes a specific economic situation in the market at the moment or for a limited period of time. The market environment has four distinctive features: dynamism, proportionality, variability and cyclicality. Accordingly, the same number of conceptual tasks are put forward market analysis:

· Analysis of dynamic patterns, trends;

· Proportionality of development;

· Analysis of the stability of the market, its fluctuations in statics and dynamics;

· Analysis of the frequency of market development, identification of cycles.

Dynamism is the most important property of the market, its ability to renew, grow or shrink, or remain stable.

The spatial limitation of the market manifests itself, firstly, in the number of its participants, secondly, in the volume of transactions (market turnover), and thirdly, in its hierarchical structure. There are four levels of this market structure: international, federal, regional and municipal (local).

Since the market is inherently prone to spontaneity, therefore, its parameters are subject to fluctuations, both random and constantly recurring (cyclical and seasonal), socio-economic influences, moreover, it is very dependent on political and psychological influences, rumors, panic, etc. .d .. The scope and duration of these fluctuations are due to the complex and combination of various factors and forces of the surrounding marketing sphere.

1.2 Objectives of the statistical characteristics of the efficiency of market processes

The functioning of the market for goods and services requires investment and current costs for the implementation of market processes, and it is important to know their efficiency and the prospects for changing it. In addition, the effect of the processes of commodity circulation is also manifested outside the sphere itself, for example, in production and consumption.

In addition to achieving an economic result (effect), the functioning of the market for goods and services is accompanied by the achievement of social results.

The social effect of market activity consists in meeting the needs of the population, increasing the standard of living, in reducing the time spent on purchasing goods, preparing them for consumption, etc. market processes.

Achieving this goal presupposes the need to develop a methodology for statistical evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of commodity circulation and the industries serving this process. In this regard, the tasks of statistics include:

· Determination of the socio-economic efficiency of the market for goods and services as an object of statistical study;

· Building a system of performance statistics indicators and developing a methodology for calculating them;

· Ensuring the completeness of accounting for the results of the functioning of the market, taking into account the shadow economy, including economic and social results;

· Characteristics of advanced and current costs for the functioning of the market for products and services and distribution costs;

· Identification of factors that determine the development of the market for goods and services and its results and efficiency, as well as the development of a methodology for determining the impact of each of them;

· Analysis of the efficiency of the market for goods and services in order to identify reserves for its increase.

The transition to market relations and to the international methodology of statistics put before the statistics of the efficiency of the market for goods and services a number of methodological and organizational problems, the solution of which largely determines the immediate prospects for the development of statistical science and practice.

One of these problems is to improve the assessment of inflationary processes and their impact on the efficiency of the circulation sphere. The problem of statistical characterization of the efficiency of the black market and its impact on the efficiency of the market for goods and services is very acute. It is important to assess the impact of exchange with neighboring countries on the efficiency of commodity circulation, the formation of customs statistics, etc. [7,610]

In addition to the problems that arose in connection with the transition to market relations, traditional problems of efficiency statistics have remained and require attention, for example, the problems of assessing social effect and efficiency, the problems of assessing the total volume of resources available to the circulation sphere, as well as the development of a methodology for assessing the efficiency of resource use.

One of the most pressing methodological problems is the characterization of the social result of the functioning of the market for goods and services and the entire sphere of circulation as a whole and the assessment of social efficiency.

The functioning of the goods market is focused on achieving economic and social results. The main goal is to meet the needs of the population in goods and services and is characterized on the basis of their volume and structure of implementation. However, social results in the sphere of circulation are diverse and require the use of a system of indicators; no indicator, no matter how generalizing it may be, can give an estimate of the social effect as a whole.

Achieving a social effect is often accompanied by a decrease in the economic effect, which indicates the need to take into account the social effect when assessing socio-economic efficiency.

However, the assessment of a significant part of social results is difficult, due to a number of reasons, as well as the presence of a set of methodological problems.

1. In some cases, the social effect cannot be quantified (for example, it is difficult to quantify the degree of improvement in the well-being of the population from reducing the time spent searching for and purchasing goods, from quality service, etc.) This explains the emphasis in the study of socio-economic efficiency on assessing economic results; Meanwhile, the achievement of social effect is often associated with significant costs, which implies the need to assess the effectiveness of these costs.

2. The difficulty of statistically characterizing social effects in the sphere of circulation is associated with their cumulative influence on factors external to it. For example, the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the population in goods depends not only on the number of products and services sold, but also on their quality, which depends on the manufacturer. Characterization of the social results of the functioning of the goods market is impossible without a statistical assessment of the "intermediate" social result achieved precisely in the process of circulation, the volume of which is difficult to determine.

3. The social effect, in contrast to the economic one, which, as a rule, is expressed in value terms, in many cases can be expressed only in natural measures that cannot be generalized (the amount of the buyer's time freed up due to the improvement of market structures, the number of consumers served).

4. The effect of improving the functioning of the market structure is manifested not in the sphere of circulation itself, but outside it, at the stage of production of products and services and their final consumption by households, government agencies, non-profit organizations serving households.

It is necessary to take into account the role that the market for goods plays in meeting social and personal needs: it contributes to the creation of conditions not only for the reproduction of material goods and services, but also for the labor force itself. In addition, thanks to the market, each member of society has the opportunity to exchange the funds received by him in the process of distribution and redistribution of national income for material goods and services.

The development of market competition should contribute to an increase in the level of social efficiency. The ability to achieve high results not only economic, but also social should become one of the criteria for competitiveness.

Chapter2. Methods and indicators of statistics of the market of goods and services

2.1 Fundamentals of Market Statistics Methodology

The market statistics methodology is based on the theory of statistical research and is developed based on the tasks set.

The methodology of the analysis is subordinated to the objectives of the study and, to a certain extent, is conditioned by the available statistical data. In all cases, one should not strive to use complex methods (in particular, econometric ones), if the necessary conclusions can be obtained on the basis of simpler methods of analysis. The statistical method of research is not the goal itself, but a means of obtaining reasonable estimates and conclusions about the studied market process or phenomenon.

In statistical market research at any of its levels, the use of absolute indicators is of great importance. It can be noted that in the past, their importance was even somewhat underestimated. The scale of the market, its potential, the volume of the mass of commodities involved in circulation, the operation of the market mechanism, the amount of profit obtained as a result commercial activities on the market, other indicators of the effect of market activity - all this objectively characterizes the state of the market and is the initial basis of the forecast. Also, an extremely important role in market analysis is played by relative values level, coordination, structure and dynamics, allowing to assess the market situation, to characterize the speed and vector of change, to ensure comparison with competitors, to reflect the proportionality of development, etc. The role of market planning at the macro level has changed. It has lost its directive nature, but it would be unreasonable to abandon it at the micro level, since: there is the concept of a marketing plan and control (target) figures; this relative value is used as an estimate of the fulfillment of contractual (contractual) obligations; the relative value is a measure of the forecast accuracy.

The method of groupings does not lose its importance as a way of identifying typical homogeneous groups from a multi-structural and heterogeneous market aggregate, and as a method for analyzing the structure of the phenomenon under study, and as a way to identify connections and dependencies. Multidimensional groupings are also used.

In business statistics, firms group their own sales and trading units according to a number of criteria in order to find the optimal characteristics, to assess the good and poorly performing departments. State statistics groups enterprises (firms), regions, consumer families in order to identify certain patterns of development, to assess the market situation. In marketing, groupings are often used to model customer behavior and preferences, and to segment the market.

The study of market patterns may require the construction and analysis of distribution series, calculation of their characteristics. In the analysis of the state of the market, the territorial distribution of turnover and some other indicators, specific methods of regional analysis are used. Indicators of statistics of interregional commodity flows serve as components of the characteristics of the situation in the regions, allow assessing the stability, balance and direction of socio-economic processes taking place in their territories.

In 2005, a concept and a system of indicators were developed to reflect indicators of the competitiveness of the Russian economy, which is also quite important.

The state of the market can be characterized through a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators, each of which reflects a certain side of the market situation. So the main indicators of market conditions are:

· The scale of the market - its capacity, the volume of transactions for the sale and purchase of goods (turnover), the number of enterprises of various types acting on the market;

· The degree of market balance - the ratio of supply and demand;

· Market dynamics (changes in the main parameters of the market, their vectors, speed and intensity, main trends);

· The degree of business activity (number and size of orders, volumes and dynamics of transactions, etc.);

· The level of market risk (assessment of the probability of loss of damage in the market);

· The level of stability (fluctuations) of the main parameters of the market in dynamics and space - indicators of variation;

· The strength and scope of the competition (the number of competitors, their activity);

· The cyclical nature of the market, i.e. market position at a certain point (stage of the economic or seasonal cycle);

· The average rate of return (the sum of gross and net profit and profitability indicators).

The given system of indicators of market conditions allows to comprehensively analyze the market situation and give a comprehensive assessment of the state of the market, primarily from the standpoint of the company's marketing actions, i.e. whether the conjuncture is favorable for the implementation of the set goals.

Market estimates are based on a combination of market indicators. These include: the receipt of goods, the sale of goods, inventory, prices and profits. Purely market indicators are not static indicators, but their growth rates (dynamic indices).

Informal market estimates are characteristics of consumer sentiment, reflecting trends in market activity and inflationary expectations that predict price changes.

Both of these characteristics are based on surveys of both consumers themselves and entrepreneurs who act as sellers in the market.

When studying the market situation, a number of mathematical and statistical methods are used, with the help of which it is possible to assess the potential of the market, its capacity, balance and a number of other factors affecting the market situation.

Calculation of elasticity indicators plays an important role in the study and forecasting of demand. In foreign practice, in order to analyze and predict a number of market phenomena and processes, methods of expert assessments and forecasts are widely used. Specific methods of conjuncture analysis are also used.

One of the most common methods of analysis in market statistics is index, which allows you to solve a whole range of problems and characterize a number of market indicators. The system of indices of variable and constant composition plays an important role in the study of structural factors. Index multivariate modeling allows you to identify and measure the impact of certain forces and factors on market processes, in particular on trade.

The transition to the market, focus on the experience of foreign statistical accounting practice forced to radically revise the methodology of index calculations. It should be noted that when calculating indices, the use of computer technology is widely practiced.

In a number of countries, and since 1993 in Russia, one of the most important market indicators of the consumer intentions market (IIT) has been determined, which is based on opinion polls systematically conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM). IIT directly reflects buying intentions (Fig. 1).

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Relatively in a simple way assessing the state and development of the market is a specific testing method.

To determine the vector and speed of market development, dynamic series of indicators are built that characterize the main parameters of the market, and then the growth or growth rates (basic and chain) are calculated:

Reed = Y1 / Y0,

where Y1, Y0 are the levels of the time series, respectively, of the base and current periods.

When the market phenomenon under study is a complex aggregated value (turnover, consisting of a set of dissimilar goods), the characteristic of the dynamics of quantitative indicators is achieved using aggregate or average indices, in particular the index of the physical volume of trade (i.e., an assessment of changes in the statistics of goods in comparable prices) and the general price index:

Iphysical volume = Уinqi1pi0 / Уinqi0pi0, where

qi0 and qi1 - the amount of the i-th product sold, respectively, in the base and current periods;

pi0 is the price of the i-th product in the base period.

The representativeness of the index decreases as the reporting period moves away from the period taken as the comparison base. This happens for a number of reasons:

· The qualitative characteristics of goods change;

· The representativeness of the indices by type of activity may vary;

· Production changes technologically and organizationally;

· The weighing base should be updated depending on the degree of structural changes in production.

Market development trends are determined based on the analysis of changes in its main parameters (supply, sales, prices, inventory). The dynamic series of growth rates or their graphic representation (diagrams) are visually examined, and on this basis a descriptive characteristic of the trends is given.

A more reliable way to identify the main trend in the development of the market is to build and graphically depict trend patterns (statistical or analytical alignment method). This method has the advantage that it determines the vector and rate of development, and also reflects its nature: acceleration (power and exponential curve, parabola), growth with deceleration (semi-logarithmic curve), decline with deceleration (hyperbola), uniform development (straight line) and etc.

The experience of the market economy teaches that in its development the market goes through a number of cycles, replacing each other according to the principle: rise-fall-rise, etc. This cycle change is repeated many times.

There is a methodology for identifying the cyclical nature of the market:

1.The market parameters that show the greatest fluctuations are selected, then their dynamic series for long time and each of them excludes a trend reflecting a single upward or downward trend and seasonal fluctuations;

2. Residual series, reflecting only conjunctural or purely random fluctuations, are standardized, i.e. reduced to a single denominator, ensuring their comparability; the synchronicity and interconnection of indicators is determined by calculating the correlation coefficients; multidimensionality of communication is provided by the breakdown of indicators into homogeneous cluster groups.

The most crucial moment of the analysis, completing all the work done, is the interpretation of the obtained indicators and parameters of the constructed models, as well as the conclusions that are formed as a result of the study. It is advisable in some cases to give recommendations to the management services, which are addressed to the findings of this study. Usually, the results of statistical calculations are presented in the form of tables, graphs and text explanations. Often it is necessary to accompany the conclusions with additional calculations, if they help to understand the essence of the issue. It is very useful to illustrate the conclusions with graphs, charts and diagrams.

There are two stages or steps in statistical analysis (this is especially true for such a complex phenomenon as the market):

1. statement of facts, when the researcher answers the question of how the given phenomenon developed, what are its volumes, level, structure, variation, tendencies, etc .;

2.interpretation of facts, their explanation, identification of cause-and-effect relationships, when the researcher answers the question of why the phenomenon has reached such a level, developed at such a pace, what factors caused the prevailing trends, etc.

Only on the basis of the second stage of analysis it is possible to draw practically significant conclusions and give a rationale for the recommendation, carry out a scientific forecast for further development, create a basis for marketing management and regulation of market processes.

2.2 Turnover statistics

statistics market commodity circulation service

The central indicator of the statistics of the market for goods and services is the turnover, which is understood as the volume of sales of goods in value terms in all links in the process of their economic movement to the final consumer.

It is considered as an indicator:

The cost of the mass of goods,

Cash receipts of sellers,

· Costs of buyers for the purchase of goods.

This indicator is widely used in various areas of economic analysis. It is used to characterize the size of trade enterprises, the structure of the trade network, the state and development of the market.

As an indicator of proceeds from the sale of goods, turnover is used to assess the results of a trading company (its volume and efficiency). In statistics of living standards, turnover is used to measure the amount of money spent by the population on the purchase of goods, as well as to assess the level of individual consumption. In macroeconomic statistics, when calculating GDP in terms of end use, trade turnover serves as the basis for calculating household spending on final consumption.

In addition, the measure of sales of goods is used as weights in price indices. This makes trade turnover a multifaceted indicator and requires caution in interpreting its value; its analysis has both an economic and social orientation.

Trade turnover is measured in monetary units and in kind. In monetary units, the value of turnover depends on the number of goods sold (q) and on the unit price (p), i.e. corresponds to the work

In every transaction for the sale of goods, two parties are involved: the seller and the buyer. Depending on who the seller is, a distinction is made between manufacturers' turnover and trade and intermediary turnover. The turnover of producers reflects the mass of commodities involved in the sphere of commodity circulation and corresponds to the concept of the sale of goods.

Depending on who is the buyer, there are four categories of turnover:

1.wholesale turnover (OT), which is the amount of sales of goods trade organizations;

2. retail turnover (RT), which represents the amount of sales to the population;

3. gross turnover (BT) is equal to the sum of sales of all goods;

4. net turnover (TH) is the sum of sales outside the trading system.

An important qualitative characteristic of commodity turnover and an integral part of the system of indicators of proportionality of the market are indicators of the structure of commodity turnover. The main indicators of the proportionality of the market include the share of certain social groups of the population in the total volume of purchases of products and services (based on sample statistics family budgets). In the statistics of the structure of trade, two directions are distinguished: assessment and analysis of the share of individual submarkets and various forms of trade in the total volume of trade; analysis of the commodity structure, i.e. the place of each product in the total sales.

In retail turnover, this indicator can be considered as a characteristic of the qualitative composition of satisfying consumer demand. The system of turnover indicators includes three indicators of the commodity structure: absolute size sales of an individual product and a product group and two relative indicators. The first relative indicator is the share of each product or product group in the total volume of trade (sale of services):

wi = piqi / Уin piqi,

where wi is the share of the i-th product;

piqi - sale of a separate i-th product;

Уin piqi - the entire turnover;

n - number i-goods(product groups).

The second relative indicator is the ratio of the sale of two products (product groups):

KA / B = pAqA / pBqB,

where pAqA is the sale of goods A;

pBqB - sale of goods B.

The indicator of the specific weight reflects the place of the i-th product in the entire set of goods or in a particular group of goods (how much money out of every hundred rubles spent on the purchase of a product was spent on the purchase of this i-th product). The second indicator allows you to correlate the size of the sale of various products. For example, how much money was spent on buying meat for every 100 rubles spent on buying bread.

Bringing the turnover value of two compared periods to a comparable volume is achieved by using the turnover deflator index, which can be represented by the formula:

D = Yi1 = n ippi0qi0 / Yi1 = n pi0qi0,

where ip is the price index (consumer prices or producer prices),

pi0qi0 - structure of retail (wholesale trade) turnover in current prices of the previous year for the corresponding nomenclature of goods.

The index of the physical volume of turnover for two compared periods is calculated by the formula:

IFO = O / D * 100,

where O is the trade turnover of the reporting period in actual prices;

D - turnover deflator index.

To date, the official statistics estimates the value of retail turnover at 3,039,879 million rubles, despite the fact that the calculated value of the turnover differs from the official one by the amount of shadow income generated in the industry. The research carried out by the Center for Economic Situations under the Government of the Russian Federation showed that the main form of creating shadow income in retail is the concealment of proceeds by trade enterprises.

Thus, at present, two factors - underestimation of fixed assets and shadow activity - are changing the system of indicators of retail trade.


Let's consider the calculation of indicators of statistics of the market of goods and services with specific examples that will help us better understand this topic.

Exercise 1

The following data is available on the retail trade turnover in the Russian Federation:


Retail turnover

Total (in actual prices), billion rubles

Including, billion rubles.

As a percentage of the previous year (in comparable prices)

Turnover of trading organizations

Turnover of trading organizations

Sale of goods in the clothing, mixed and food markets

Based on the given data, calculate:

a) indicators of the structure of retail trade turnover for each year;

b) indicators of the dynamics of retail trade turnover;

c) index-deflator of retail trade turnover.

Plot the structure and dynamics of retail sales.

Analyze the results and draw conclusions.


a) The structure of retail trade turnover for each year is defined as the ratio of turnover in two sectors to the total retail trade turnover.

For example, the specific weight of the turnover of trading organizations in the total retail trade turnover in 2000 was: 1735/2352 * 100% = 73.8%

The rest of the structure indicators are calculated in the same way. The calculation results are presented in Table 3.2.


Structure of retail trade turnover for each year,%

To visualize the obtained data, you can build structure diagrams:

Fig. 1. Structure of retail trade turnover in 2000

Fig. 2. Structure of retail trade turnover in 2002

Fig. 3. Structure of retail trade turnover in 2005

b) According to the turnover of retail trade, trading organizations and sales of goods in clothing, mixed markets, indicators of the series of dynamics (chain and basic) are calculated: absolute growth (Dy); growth rate (Tr); growth rate (Тпр) and absolute value of 1% growth (b).

1) Дy = yi- y0 (basic), Дy = yi- yi-1 (chain)

For instance:

Dy01ts = 3070 - 2352 = 718 = Dy01b

Dy02ts = 3765 - 3070 = 695

Dy02b = 3765 - 2352 = 1413

2) Tr (q) = (yi * 100) / yi-1, Tr (b) = (yi * 100) / y0;

3) Tpr = Tr -100%;

4) b = 0.01 * yi-1

The average level (y) in the interval series of dynamics is calculated using the arithmetic mean simple formula:

y = Y y / n = 26396/6 = 4399 billion rubles.

The determination of the average absolute gain is made by chain absolute gains using the formula:

D = Y y / n -1 = (7038-2352) / 5 = 937.2 billion rubles.

The average annual growth rate is calculated using the geometric mean formula:

Tr = n-1vyn / y0, where n is the number of levels in the series.

Tr = 5v2.99235 = 1.2004 or 120.04%;

Tpr = 120.04 - 100 = 20.04%

The calculation results are shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3

Indicators of series of dynamics of retail trade turnover

Retail trade turnover, billion rubles

Absolute growth, billion rubles

Growth rate, %

Growth rate,%

Absolute value of 1% growth, billion rubles




For better perception the obtained data, we will depict them using graphs:

Rice. 4. Growth rate (in%) of retail trade turnover for 2000-2005.

Rice. 5. Growth rate (in%) of retail trade turnover for 2000-2005.

c) Index-deflator of retail trade turnover or otherwise price index

Ip is calculated using the formula:

Ip = Ipq / Iq, where Iq = Уiqq0p0 / Уq0p0, and

Ipq = Tr (q) / 100%, we get

Ip (01) = 1.305 / (2352 / (1735 / 1.10 + 617 / 1.06)) = 1.179 (117.9%)

The deflator indices for the rest of the years are calculated in a similar way, and it turns out that

Ip (02) = 1.125 (112.5%), Ip (03) = 1.106 (110.6%),

Ip (04) = 1.102 (110.2%) and Ip (05) = 1.109 (110.9%), respectively.

Thus, the analysis of the results obtained allows us to draw the following conclusions: a larger share in the retail turnover is occupied by trading organizations (73.8% in 2000; 78.9% in 2005), while the share of markets decreased (26.2% in 2000 and 21.1% in 2005).

The dynamics indicators indicate the average changes for 2000-2005. retail trade turnover. According to the basic indicators, there is a significant increase, according to the chain indicators - a slight decrease. The average annual growth rate is 20.04%.

Retail turnover in 2001 Compared to 2000. increased by 30.5% due to an increase in sales by 10.7% (Iq) and, as evidenced by the deflator index, due to an increase in prices by 17.9%. Similar conclusions can be drawn for the rest of the years.

Assignment 2

The following data are available on food sales in the region:

According to the given data, calculate:

a) general index of turnover;

b) the general price index of G. Paasche and E. Laspeyres;

c) the general index of the physical volume of trade;

d) show the relationship of the calculated indices;

e) an absolute change in turnover, including as a result of changes in the volume of sales of products in the reporting period compared to the baseline.


a) The general index of turnover is calculated by the formula:

Ipq = Уq1p1 / Уq0p0,

where q1p1 and q0p0 are the turnover of the current and base year, respectively.

Ipq = 698/580 = 1.203 (120.3%);

b) The general price indices of G. Paasche and E. Laspeyres are found by the formulas:

IpП = Уq1p1 / Уq1p0 and IpЛ = Уq0p1 / Уq0p0, respectively.

Or using price indices:

IpП = Уq1p1 / (Уq1p1 / ip) and IpЛ = Уipq0p0 / Уq0p0.

IpP = 698 / (190 + 190.48 + 317.65) = 698 / 698.13 = 0.999 (99.9%),

IpL = (288 + 189 + 136) / 580 = 613/580 = 1.057 (105.7%)

c) General index of the physical volume of goods turnover:

Iphysical volume (q) = Уq1p0 / Уq0p0.

From the previous assignment it follows that


Iphysical volume = 698.13 / 580 = 1.204 (120.4%)

d) Ipq = IpП * Iq, Iq = Ipq / IpП


Iq = 1.203 / 0.999 = 1.204.

Ipq = Ip L * IqP, where IqP = Yq1p1 / Yq0p1 = 698/613 = 1.138.


IqП = 1.203 / 1.057 = 1.138

e) The absolute change in turnover is calculated by the formula:

Дpq = Уq1p1 - Уq0p0 = 698 - 580 = 118 million rubles.

The absolute change in turnover, as a result of changes in the volume of products sold in the reporting period compared to the baseline, is found by:

Дpq (q) = Уq1p0 - Уq0p0 = 698.13 - 580 = 118.13 million rubles.

Thus, the analysis of the results obtained allows us to draw the following conclusions: the turnover of food products in the reporting year compared to the baseline increased by 20.3% due to an increase in sales by 20.4% and a decrease in prices by 0.1% (100% -99 ,9%).

As a result of the reduction in food prices, buyers saved RUB 0.13 million. since 698 - 698.13 = -0.13 million rubles.

Assignment 3

The following data is available for the trading enterprise for the 1st quarter of 2006:

The volume of retail trade turnover according to the business plan is 2500 million rubles.

Inventories at the beginning of the quarter - 1,650 million rubles.

The standard of inventory according to the business plan is 80 days.

a) the actual supply of commodity stocks in the first quarter;

b) deviation of the actual supply of commodities (in days) from the norm according to the business plan;

c) deviation of the stock from the standard according to the business plan in value terms.

Analyze the results and draw conclusions.


a) To find the actual supply of commodity stocks in the first quarter, we will use the formula presented earlier in the paragraph on statistics of commodity stocks:

O = Z * D / P and we get that O = 1650 * 90/2500 = 59 days;

b) We find the deviation of the actual supply of goods from the norm according to the business plan:

DO = O - He = 59 - 80 = -21 days;

c) To find the same deviation, but in value terms, we use the formula:

where P / D is the daily requirement for the product.

P / D * DO = 2500/90 * (- 21) = -583.33 million rubles.

Thus, the analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude that the trading enterprise was not provided with inventories for 21 trading days in the first quarter of 2006, the amount of the missing inventory was 583.33 million rubles.

Assignment 4

There is the following data on the turnover and distribution costs of retail enterprises in the region, million rubles:

Commodity group


Treatment costs

Base period

Reporting period

Base period

Reporting period

Based on the data provided, determine:

a) indicators of the level of distribution costs (in% to turnover) for each period;

b) the index of the average level of distribution costs;

c) the index of changes in the level of distribution costs in the unchanged structure of trade;

d) the index of the influence of structural changes in trade on the dynamics of the average level of distribution costs;

e) an absolute increase in the amount of distribution costs, including due to changes in the level of distribution costs and turnover.

Analyze the results and draw conclusions.


a) To find indicators of the level of costs of circulation to turnover for each period, we calculate by the formula: y = (C / V) * 100, we get

y0 = 670/10000 * 100% = 6.7%,

y1 = 1130/18500 * 100% = 6.108%;

y0A = 420/5100 = 0.082;

y0V = 250/4900 = 0.051;

y1A = 850/12300 = 0.069,

y1B = 280/6200 = 0.045;

b) The index of the average level of distribution costs is found by the formula:

Iy = y1 / y0 = 0.06108 / 0.067 = 0.91;

c) The index of changes in the level of distribution costs in the unchanged structure of commodity turnover is calculated by:

Iy = y1 / (Yy0V1 / YV1) = 0.06108 / (0.082 * 12300 + 0.051 * 6200) / 18500 =

0,06108/ 0,071 = 0,86;

d) The index of the influence of structural changes in trade turnover on the dynamics of the average level of distribution costs is calculated by the formula:

Sh str = (Un0M1. UM1). h0 = 0b071 .0b067 = 1239b5.670 = 1b06g

e) The absolute increase in the amount of distribution costs is equal to:

DC = 1130 - 670 = 460 million rubles.

including by changing the level of distribution costs:

ДCy = y1V1 - y0V1 = 1129.98 - 1239.5 = -109.5 million rubles,

and by changing the turnover:

DCV = y0V1 - y0V0 = 1139.5 - 670 = 569.5 million rubles.

It can be verified that

DC = DCy + DCV (460 = 569.5 - 109.5).

Thus, the analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude: the average level of distribution costs decreased in the reporting year compared to the base year (y 0 = 6.7%, and y 1 = 6.1%), moreover, due to the change in the level of distribution costs, the increase the amount of expenses amounted to -109.5 million rubles, and due to the change in trade turnover, on the contrary, increased by 569.5 million rubles.


In my work, I tried to reveal the essence of the statistics of the market for goods and services. Find out the methods and main indicators of the state and development of the market for goods and services.

Market statistics have their own subject and method. Its subject is the system of relations between buyers and sellers, expressed in the exchange of goods for money at prevailing prices in order to meet demand and, on this basis, to make a profit, i.e. mass market processes and quantifiable phenomena.

The tasks of market statistics include the study of the volume, level, structure and dynamics of the market, its regional differences. The system of indicators consists of five blocks that combine the indicators of market conditions; the state and movement of the mass of goods: turnover, turnover and inventory; conditions and price changes; the state and development of infrastructure; effect and efficiency of market activities.

The information base of market statistics consists of sample reports from licensed enterprises, sample surveys of enterprises and trade censuses, surveys of consumers and entrepreneurs, expert estimates and indirect calculations, as well as data from other services.

The market statistics methodology uses the theory of statistics and econometrics: absolute, relative values, indicators of variation, groupings, balances. The index method is especially widely used. Various methods of statistical modeling are used. In addition, some specific marketing research methods are successfully applied.


1. Course of socio-economic statistics: textbook. For university students / ed. M.G. Nazarov. - 5th ed., Rev. And add. -M .: Publishing house Omega - L, 2006. -984s.

2. "On the activities of the Federal Target Program" Development of State Statistics of Russia in 2007 - 2011 "" // Statistics Issues, 2007, No. 2-104s.

3. “On the work of the state statistics system in 2005. And the main directions of activity for 2006. "// Questions of statistics, 2006, No. 4 -96s.

4. Workshop on socio-economic statistics: textbook. manual / ed. Dr. econ. sciences, prof., acad. Nazarova M.G. -M .: Academy of Budget and Treasury, 2005, 170s.

5. Salin V.N., Shpakovskaya E.P. Socio-economic statistics: textbook. -M .: Jurist, 2004. -461s.

6. Socio-economic statistics: Workshop: textbook. allowance / Ed. V.N. Salina, E.P. Shpakovskaya. -M .: Finance and statistics, 2004. -192s.

7. Statistics of the market for goods and services: Textbook. For universities on econ. specialties / I.K. Belyaevsky, 2nd ed., Revised. And add. -M .: Finance and statistics, 2003.-655s.

8. Khanin G.I., Fomin. O.A. "Alternative assessment of financial and economic indicators of retail trade in Russia" // Questions of statistics, 2005, No. 2 -96s.

9. Shustova E.A. "Production indices: experience and problems" // Questions of statistics, 2007, No. 1 -96s.

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Statistical study indicators

Consumer market 8

Current state of the consumer market in Bryansk

and Bryansk region 12

Chapter 2. Analysis of statistical indicators 15

2.1. Summary and Grouping 15

2.2. Average 17

2.3. Calculation of the indices of variation 20

2.4. Selective observation 21

Loudspeaker rows 23

Index Analysis 29

2.7. Correlation-regression analysis 32

2.8. Calculation of special indicators 35

Conclusion 36

References 37

Appendices 39


The market is one of the most common categories in economic theory, one of the basic concepts of economic practice and economic theory. Often the concept of "market" is used as everyone knows and does not require any explanation. Thus, the concept of the market in the theories of economics widespread in the West, although it is key, has a very superficial definition and does not attract special attention... Within this paradigm, the market is taken as a given (like a person, air, earth, etc.) that requires an answer to the question: not what it is, but how it works, how it functions. In fact, there are very different interpretations of the market in our country and abroad, which served as the basis for the assertion that until now no one knows what the market is. It should be noted that the doctrine of Karl Marx provides an answer to the questions of why and how the market emerged, on the basis of what patterns it developed, what are its historical boundaries, what is the market as an economic category.

One of the main criteria of the market is the presence of competition. For the market to be competitive, there must be several independent buyers and sellers. Markets with a significant number of independent participants are considered to be competitive. A market with one seller and several buyers is called a monopoly. The market of one buyer and several sellers is monopsony. These are the extremes of imperfect competition.

This topic is relevant, because each of us is faced with market processes every day, regardless of where we came to the market itself or to the store.

When writing the work, special literature on the structure and operation of markets was studied, as well as an analysis of the performance indicators of the Bryansk markets was carried out.

Chapter 1. Theoretical concepts and definitions of the market

1.4. Consumer market concept

The market for goods is a system of economic relations that arise in the process of exchange of labor products on the basis of stable interaction of commodity and money circulation. The consumer goods market is a system of economic relations regarding the sale and purchase of goods, when they mean a product of labor with a use value intended for sale (sale), including services.

Rice. 1. Market circulation and interaction of market entities

The consumer goods market is the market for consumer goods. It is formed as a result following measures:

1) through the development of entrepreneurship in the production and sale of food and non-food products.

2) by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises.

3) tax and credit incentives for consumer goods.

4) the transition to free pricing for most goods.

5) the gradual abolition of subsidies for unprofitable enterprises.

6) a radical revision of the preferential redistribution of consumer goods.

The subjects of the market of goods are both sellers and buyers of a specific product, including intermediary structures, the object is a specific product, the main one for a given market, which determines its purpose and brings benefits to the consumer.

The consumer goods market is a functional market, where the object is a product that satisfies the needs of an individual consumer - the population, and the subjects are sellers (enterprises and individuals) who promote the goods from the manufacturer to the consumer (population), including the process of selling goods and services.

The consumer market occupies a central place in the economy as a life-supporting element of the entire market mechanism. Trade, influencing production through the system of orders, transactions, contracts, moving goods from producer to consumer through the distribution network, satisfies the needs of both trade and industrial enterprises and the population, since the goods are a means of satisfying needs, and need is a driving force in the economy and incentive economic activity.

The infrastructure of the consumer market is a set of all types of retail and wholesale enterprises and organizations (trade structures) included in this industry, their types of activities, designed to provide, create conditions for the normal functioning of commodity producers and the circulation of goods, as well as for trade services for all groups of the population ...

The system of wholesale and retail trade can be distinguished as elements of the consumer market.

The wholesale link is the primary link in the consumer market and includes large wholesalers, depots, etc. both trading intermediary firms and manufacturing enterprises.

The system of retail trade enterprises consists of out-of-store and shop trade enterprises.

Out-of-store trade is an entrepreneurial activity carried out in the form of mailing goods, peddlers trade, TV and Internet commerce, etc. Out-of-store trade also includes out-of-store trade (from cars, street trade from stalls).

Shop trade is an entrepreneurial activity aimed at selling goods directly to the population (consumers).

The infrastructure of the consumer market is shops, rural urban markets, fairs, auctions.

The service market includes production and non-production services: transport, communications, repair, leasing, auditing, insurance, legal, household, cultural.

The consumer goods market is intended for the sale of a wide group of consumer goods, including clothes, shoes, hats, perfumes, household goods, furniture, medicines, certain types of building materials, vehicles personal and family use and other goods of a similar purpose.

The market of household, communal, information services is paid services for consumer services for the population (laundries, dry cleaners, hairdressers, transport services, communication services, security), for utilities (water, heat, energy, gas supply of dwellings, maintenance of the elevator economy maintenance of the normal functioning of houses and apartments), services for the repair of housing, household appliances and information services (inquiries, advertising, reproduction of information, consulting, notaries, etc.), etc.

The mechanism of state regulation of the consumer goods market is also based on certain principles, the observance of which makes it possible to effectively achieve the designated goals. These principles should take into account the specifics of the current period of socio-economic development: the state of the economy, the role of state institutions for market management, the scale of social priorities, the level of development of the material and spiritual needs of the population, etc. At the same time, they should include universal rules for management activities, regardless of the current specifics.

The functioning of the consumer market is a complex mechanism of interaction of social, economic, legal, administrative, political and other elements. The author's vision of the set of principles of state regulation of the consumer market is reduced to identifying three groups of them: target, functional and procedural, and structural and organizational.

Consumer market targeting principles include:

1. The principle of consistency of state interests with the interests of other market participants. Failure to comply with it leads to contradictions between the subject and objects in the regulation mechanism, a decrease in the motivation of market participants;

2. The principle of priority of the social component in the system of goals and objectives of market regulation, which means, first of all, the primacy of demand over product supply. In the conditions of an effective system for the formation and regulation of demand, he must determine the supply. The needs, interests and demands of the consumer in the market, even in a transitional economy, should be prioritized;

3. The principle of subordination of local interests to general interests, meaning that the system of goals of each market participant corresponds to the strategic and current goals of the state, as well as each individual element of any market subsystem, to the nature of the entire subsystem;

4. The principle of necessity and sufficiency. It assumes that the achievement of the goals of the previous level in the system of development goals of the consumer market should be a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the goals of the next level. For example, in order to ensure an acceptable price for the goods for the recipient, it is necessary to use raw materials at an acceptable price, which in turn implies an acceptable price for its extraction and transportation; a high level of demand in the market cannot be achieved without a corresponding increase in household income, etc .;

5. The principle of prioritization of goals (allocation of the leading link), which does not accept the dispersion of efforts to solve momentary, non-main tasks. Compliance with this principle means setting sustainable priorities with a high degree of urgency, fully justifying them and following them. In fact, the implementation of the named principle is associated with the construction of a system of landmarks in the form of a “tree of goals”;

6. The principle of commensurability of the goal and the means of achieving it, necessary as one of the conditions for the effectiveness of market regulation. It is important that financial, material and personnel efforts do not exceed the possible result. For example, the solution to the problem of saturating the market with necessary goods can be carried out on a loss-making basis for specific commodity producers, and subsidies to maintain such production can be several times higher than the effect obtained from saturating the market with these goods. In this case, a fundamentally new mechanism for stimulating production is needed, taking into account both the interests of consumers and the interests of producers.

Indicators of statistical study of the consumer market

Market research statistics use appropriate quantitative and qualitative indicators. These indicators are designed to reflect the state, development and stability of the market at various levels, in time and in space (geographic and socio-economic). They characterize individual phenomena and processes, their typical (group) combinations and general, consolidated aggregates of individual units.

The scorecard is based on the main economic and social categories of the market. These include: goods; supply, demand, price, turnover, inventory, fixed assets, distribution costs, profit from the sale of goods.

The sequence of the system of block indicators of the market process and their relationship are illustrated following scheme(fig. 2):

Rice. 2. The system of block indicators of statistics of the market of goods and services

In statistical research of the consumer market, the use of absolute indicators is of great importance. The scale of the market, its potential, the volume of commodity mass involved in circulation, the operation of the market mechanism, the amount of profit obtained as a result of commercial activity in the market, other indicators of the effect of market activity - all this objectively characterizes the state of the market and is the initial basis of the forecast. Also, an extremely important role in market analysis is played by the relative values ​​of level, coordination, structure and dynamics, which make it possible to assess the market situation, characterize the speed and vector of change, ensure comparison with competitors, reflect the proportionality of development, etc.

Market estimates are based on a combination of market indicators. These include: the receipt of goods, the sale of goods, inventory, prices and profits. Purely market indicators are not static indicators, but their growth rates (dynamic indices).

Informal market estimates are characteristics of consumer sentiment, reflecting trends in market activity and inflationary expectations that predict price changes.

To determine the vector and speed of market development, dynamic series of indicators are built that characterize the main parameters of the market, and then the growth or growth rates (basic and chain) are calculated:

Reed = Y1 / Y0,

where Y1, Y0 are the levels of the time series, respectively, of the base and current periods.

When the market phenomenon under study is a complex aggregated value (turnover, consisting of a set of dissimilar goods), the characteristic of the dynamics of quantitative indicators is achieved using aggregate or average indices, in particular the index of the physical volume of trade (i.e., an assessment of changes in the statistics of goods in comparable prices) and the general price index:

Iphysical volume = Уinqi1pi0 / Уinqi0pi0, where

qi0 and qi1 - the amount of the i-th product sold, respectively, in the base and current periods;

pi0 is the price of the i-th product in the base period.

The central indicator of the statistics of the market for goods and services is the turnover, which is understood as the volume of sales of goods in value terms in all links in the process of their economic movement to the final consumer.

Trade turnover is measured in monetary units and in kind. In monetary units, the value of turnover depends on the number of goods sold (q) and on the unit price (p), i.e. corresponds to the work

Depending on who is the buyer, there are four categories of turnover:

1.wholesale turnover (OT), which is the amount of sales of goods to trade organizations;

2. retail turnover (RT), which represents the amount of sales to the population;

3. gross turnover (BT) is equal to the sum of sales of all goods;

4. net turnover (TH) is the sum of sales outside the trading system.

The system of turnover indicators includes three indicators of the commodity structure: the absolute size of the sale of an individual product and commodity group, and two relative indicators. The first relative indicator is the share of each product or product group in the total volume of trade (sale of services):

wi = piqi / Уin piqi,

where wi is the share of the i-th product;

piqi - sale of a separate i-th product;

Уin piqi - the entire turnover;

n is the number of i-th products (product groups).

The second relative indicator is the ratio of the sale of two products (product groups):

KA / B = pAqA / pBqB,

where pAqA is the sale of goods A;

pBqB - sale of goods B.

Bringing the turnover value of two compared periods to a comparable volume is achieved by using the turnover deflator index, which can be represented by the formula:

D = Yi1 = n ippi0qi0 / Yi1 = n pi0qi0,

where ip is the price index (consumer prices or producer prices),

pi0qi0 - structure of retail (wholesale trade) turnover in current prices of the previous year for the corresponding nomenclature of goods.

The index of the physical volume of turnover for two compared periods is calculated by the formula:

IFO = O / D * 100,

where O is the trade turnover of the reporting period in actual prices;

D - turnover deflator index.

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Date the page was created: 2016-04-26

An important task modern management at all levels of management is timely diagnostics of consumer markets, which will reveal the problems of providing the population, organizations, the state with the necessary goods (services) and determine the place of the region in the national economy and the direction of its development.

To carry out a comparative characteristic of the consumer market, its characteristics are considered, diagnostic stages are proposed, supplemented by the need to study a block of complex indicators of the regional market. In the understanding of the authors, the consumer market is defined as a set of economic relations between its participants regarding the production, sale, consumption, goods, services (works).

The state of the consumer market depends on many factors, indicators of demand, supply, production volume, sales of goods (services), individual, public consumption, which are formed in trade, catering, service and other industries. The state of affairs in the consumer market is established by analyzing the system of social, economic and organizational - managerial relations in terms of the manufacture and sale of goods, as well as the socio-economic provision of the functioning of certain segments of the population with goods (children, pensioners, disabled people) in a particular region.

The main goals of the state regulatory impact on the consumer market are to optimize the needs and interests of market participants, their activation through the stimulating effect of fiscal, monetary, subsidized policies.

The purpose of the study is to identify the essence of consumer markets in the need for their diagnostics to ensure food security in the region.

The research methods were: inductive, deductive, analysis of literary sources, comparison.

Many economists, marketers distinguish the following types of markets: the market for goods (services); securities market (stocks, bonds, etc.); credit market; real estate market (primary and secondary housing stock); capital market; biological asset market; market of means of production, etc. Simplified, the consumer market can be represented by types (Table 1):

Table 1 - Types of consumer markets:

Market type Brief comment
Consumer goods market Includes markets for consumer durables, electronic goods, furniture, office equipment, machinery, equipment, etc.
Food market Includes submarkets: milk and dairy products, meat and meat products, bakery, confectionery, pasta, beverages, etc.).
Retail market Includes a range of products sold by supermarkets, department stores, specialty stores, etc.
Service (transportation) market Consists of postal services, hotel and restaurant services, courier services, logistics services, etc.
Biological asset market Agriculture Includes short-term and long-term biological assets of livestock and crop production, measured at fair value

Each of the considered markets has its own characteristics, which are due to the difference in economic entities interacting in these markets, the type of product (service) offered on the market, the specifics of the industry for which this product (service) is intended. Thus, the market for biological assets is aimed at producers and consumers of agricultural products. The purpose of biological assets is the production of agricultural products, which include meat, milk, wool, grain, etc. These products can be used both for their own needs (consumption) and for further sale. The heads of agricultural enterprises, farmers are active participants in such a market, they are interested in updating the breeding stock of livestock, the breed composition of farm animals, and the seed stock. This tendency is due to the possibility of increasing productivity (yield), the need to update the gene background of animals and plants. The intensification of relations between the participants in the market of biological assets is the main indicator of the development of the agricultural sector, which is especially important in the context of the state policy of import substitution.

In the composition of consumer markets, there are markets for consumer services and consumer goods, which consist of separate product groups. In modern conditions, the structure and volume of consumer markets depend on the level of organization of the activities of enterprises, the state of the industries National economy, government policy, macroeconomic indicators. Features of various kinds of consumer markets reflect the structure of trade, indicate the methods used for forecasting supply and demand for goods and services. It is impossible to predict the prospects for the development of demand with a sufficient degree of probability without data on the saturation of the market with a specific product. So the demand for biological assets can change depending on plans to expand agricultural production in a particular region or a large agricultural enterprise, depending on the effectiveness of the state programs for the development of agriculture, the effectiveness of restrictive measures against imports, etc.

It should be noted that the consumer market is undergoing transformation, it is impossible to imagine it without a market for services and services to the population (the market of household, banking, real estate services, services and services of hotel and restaurant complexes, the market for outstaffing, outsourcing, etc.) The complex existence of consumer markets for goods and services necessary to participate in the production and technological process, distribution, exchange and consumption. Disruptions in the food market change the natural course of the reproduction process and, first of all, it manifests itself in demographic policy and negatively affects the quality of life of the population. The territorial feature of the division of markets leads to the allocation of local markets. The functioning of the local consumer market is facilitated by a developed market infrastructure, it is this infrastructure that ensures the stable operation of the market system at the meso, micro and macro levels. A set of institutions, credit, banking systems, currency, commodity, stock, labor exchanges, trade, insurance companies, tax inspections, fairs, chambers of industry, advertising, information agencies, associations, system government agencies constitute the infrastructure of the consumer market. The classification approach to the consumer market in terms of infrastructure divides it into organized and unorganized. Organized (active) market, sells products through a distribution network, specialized commodity exchanges. TO this type the market should also include the sale of products (services) directly to the population, as well as the sale of goods received from exchange transactions and trade transactions. In the so-called unorganized (spontaneous) market, goods are sold to individuals. Such markets are located on the street, square and other public places.

An element of the market infrastructure, as well as a powerful instrument of import substitution in the activation of the consumer market, is the system of consumer cooperation, which in the Nizhny Novgorod region operates within the framework of the regional consumer union. It is this formation that has a multifunctional system of economic activity, including retail, wholesale trade, production, procurement, services, education.

Consumer Cooperatives Associations of the Nizhny Novgorod Region are in third place among the consumer unions of Russia in terms of the amount of taxes paid (after Moscow, Krasnodar Territory), they are the main budget-forming organizations of the consumer market in the regions of the region. Consumer cooperation today is aimed at import substitution in consumer markets through the establishment of economic ties in agricultural, processing and industrial sectors. The effectiveness of the strategy of import substitution through the functioning of consumer cooperation in the consumer market is obvious, it helps to reduce the risks of supplying products, and the need to create excessively large-scale reserve funds becomes less. Import substitution will allow mobilizing the resources of cluster formations, using innovative technologies, organize and establish new industries and industries. New models of consumer markets will become the basis for scientific research, entailing an increase in tax revenues to the budget, through the revitalization of business activity. It is in this case that a platform will appear for the formation of the economic security of the region.

Consumer cooperation, as an organizational tool, is a diversified system of the consumer market, carrying out in the interests of shareholders, partners, consumers, the state, trade, procurement, production and other activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, contributing to the development of the market infrastructure. Currently, the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Union of Consumer Societies unites about 100 thousand shareholders. In value terms, retail turnover from consumer cooperation in 2013 amounted to more than 11 billion rubles. The material base of consumer cooperation includes 1658 retail trade enterprises, including 1633 stores. Public catering includes 247 companies. It has modern organizational and economic management mechanisms in logistics networks - reengineering and information technology, 4 wholesale and retail enterprises. Cooperative production of the regional consumer union of the Nizhny Novgorod region is represented by 148 shops, of which 43 - for the production of bakery products, 5 sausage shops, 40 - confectionery, 12 - for the production of soft drinks, 10 - for fish processing, - for the production of semi-finished products, which is an important condition for food safety ...

The consumer goods market consists of the food market (including agricultural products, food) and non-food goods (household appliances, cars, agricultural machinery, etc.). It is characterized by the shares that these goods occupy in it. Non-food products are sold on the non-food market, and the market itself is characterized by a frequent degree of renewal of goods, changes in demand for them, and the absence of restrictions on volumes. Some market features determine individual approaches associated with the formation of demand and the structure of the product being sold. For example, at a certain time interval, the market may acquire various forms that identify new channels for the sale of products and services to consumers.

Consumer markets differ and by the nature of competition, in this regard, they distinguish: a monopolistic market, a market of free competition (practically not realizable), a market of monopolistic competition (where state regulation of prices is used, and monopoly high and monopoly low prices, as in a centrally planned economy), an oligopoly market (found in the energy sector, hotel and restaurant business, mechanical engineering, aircraft construction). There are international and national markets that are characterized by specific currencies, tax collection systems, customs duties, national or international standards the quality and safety of the goods (services) sold.

The consumer goods market is a market for consumer goods (services). It is formed upon the implementation of the following measures:

1. Development of economic activity in the field of production and marketing of food and non-food products.

2. Support for small and medium-sized businesses.

3. Flexible fiscal policy and credit incentives for economic entities selling consumer goods (services).

4. Free pricing for goods and services.

The implementation of these measures is based on state mechanisms for regulating market processes, which includes the following:

1. Adoption of legislative acts in terms of modernization and improvement of mechanisms for regulating consumer markets.

2. Stimulating economic activity through organizational and economic mechanisms for the implementation of tax and financial policies aimed at supporting individual industries and forms of entrepreneurship.

3. Social support for low-income strata of the population, motherhood.

4. Introduction of technologies related to the promotion of products to the market.

5. Implementation of an effective pricing and price regulation mechanism.

6. Standardization and certification of products (services), consumer protection.

7. Antimonopoly legislation and monitoring of market processes, etc.

In our opinion, in order to improve the consumer market, its timely diagnostics is necessary, in which step-by-step directions should be followed:

- allocation of priorities in the development of the consumer market;

- improving the quality of trade services, the population of various segments;

- development of modern shopping malls, complexes, discount, chain stores, shopping centers;

- optimization of commodity flows and distribution of goods based on the principles of modern logistics;

- improvement of the current legislation, regulatory legal acts and the development of new ones in the field of regulation of the consumer goods market;

- formation of a network of intermediary organizations, terminals, ensuring effective wholesale trade and promotion of goods to consumers;

- creation favorable conditions for innovation and investment activities in the consumer goods market.

Diagnostics of the consumer market is a modern organizational and economic management mechanism based on the main axioms of the existence of the market:

- the needs of a person, society are limitless;

- resources producing goods and services are limited and rare.

The analysis of the consumer market should be based on the economic principles of Alfred Marshall, which are supplemented and improved under the influence of economic, marketing, management, sociological research... Due to the lack of unified approaches to studying, researching many markets, in science there is a problem of conducting reliable diagnostics of the consumer market. Consumer markets are influenced by many factors, and a change in one of them entails not only a change in one variable in one market, it has a ripple effect on many markets. The authors offer an analysis of the state and development of the consumer market for goods and services in stages. Using the information resource, we interpreted the stages of diagnostics of the consumer market characteristic of the current situation (Table 2)

Table 2 - Stages of diagnosing the consumer market of the Nizhny Novgorod region

The first stage of consumer market diagnostics is preparatory
1. Definition of the subject and object of economic diagnostics of the regional consumer market for goods and services. The subject and object of research can be a product line:

Milk and dairy products;

Baby clothes;

Hospitality, banking product, etc.

2. Substantiation of the goals and objectives of the economic diagnostics of the consumer market related to the industry affiliation of the product, services by its sales policy in a certain lag of time.

The tasks of consumer market analysis are aimed at:

- for conjuncture and forecast market research;

- determination of capacity and individual market segments;

- study of competitors of similar products and their strategies through SWOT analysis;

- study of the possible reaction of buyers and competitors to the introduction of a new product (service).

3. The choice of the main methods of researching the consumer market, based on the synergistic effect of quantitative and qualitative research, in-depth interviews, group discussions, statistical methods

4. Development of a program for conducting economic diagnostics of the consumer market:

- putting forward the goals, objectives and problems of consumer market research;

- enumeration of hypotheses of ideas to be tested;

- determination of diagnostic methods;

- highlighting variables, ways to change each variable

- measurement of variables (prices, number of consumers, revenue);

–Selection of the procedure for organizing observation;

- a description of the analysis of future data;

- determination of the terms of research and provision of the results obtained;

- determination of the research budget

5. Formation of an information base on consumer markets using information technologies, through reengineering

The second stage of diagnostics of the consumer market is the main one
1. Highlighting the main problems and priority areas of the consumer market for goods and services

2. Assessment of the level of development of the consumer market for goods and services at meso-, micro, - macro - levels

3.Evaluation of the potential of the consumer market to determine the level of food and other security in the region

4. Diagnostics of the capacity of the consumer market for goods and services

5. Diagnostics of the efficiency of functioning of wholesale and retail trade organizations

The third stage of diagnostics of the consumer market is the final
1. The final results of the economic diagnostics of the consumer goods market.

2. Drawing up a report on the results of the analysis

3. Development promising directions development of the consumer market for goods and services on a territorial basis

4. Solving the problems of the functioning of the consumer market at the meso level

Diagnostics of the consumer market is closely related to the calculation and analysis of a wide range of indicators. When studying the market infrastructure in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the authors of the article propose to pay attention to the block of indicators of the consumer market in interaction with factors (Table 3).

Table 3 - Main parameters affecting the consumer market of the Nizhny Novgorod region

1) factor - socio-economic, demographic characteristics and indicators of the consumer market of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Standards of living

Real monthly income per capita rubles / person –X1

Monthly consumption of material goods and services, rubles / person - X2

Monthly consumption of food products, rubles / person -X 3

Monthly consumption of non-food products, rubles / person - X 4;

Average ratio of working and free time per month, number of working hours. hour / number of hours of rest - X5

Average monthly size of assigned pensions, rubles / pensioner - X6

Average monthly scholarship for students rubles / student –X 7

The size of the subsistence minimum per month per capita, rubles / person - X 8

Average annual number of employees, people - X 9

Average annual number of pensioners, people –X 10

Average annual population, people - X 11

Territory area, km 2 -X 12

Active population, people - X13

The number of unemployed, people - X 14

The number of taxes from the economic activities of organizations, rubles - X 15;

Inflation rate,% - X 16

Housing provision, people - X 17

2) factor - features of the consumer market

Consumer market infrastructure

Number of retail, wholesale, cooperative associations, catering facilities, units, –X18

The area of ​​retail premises, m 2, - X19

Area of ​​service rooms in catering, m 2 - X 20

The number of service points in catering organizations, number of places, - X 21

Room fund area, m 2 - X22

The area of ​​hairdressing salons, m 2 –X 23

Area of ​​fairs, chambers of commerce m2 - X 24

International interaction

The share of imports of food products in the turnover -X 25

The share of imports of non-food products in the turnover - X26

The cost of export products (per year), rubles - X27

Investment and innovation activities

Investment in fixed assets of the consumer market per capita, rub. / person, -X 28

Diagnostics of the consumer market, monitoring the indicators indicated in Table 3 should be supplemented with algorithms for calculating the potential of the consumer market in the region. V general view the formula for the production potential of the market is as follows:

P n.r. = H p.p. [E p.p. x M p.p. x Edd. (ss.)] + F.E.P., (1)

P p.r.– the potential of the consumer market;

H p.p. - the number of production and consumer units;

E p.p. - units of production or consumption;

M p.p. - indicators of the capacity of units (production or consumer);

Edd. (Ss.)] - elasticity of supply or demand;

FEP - other factors and elements of potential;

n is the number of potential units.

Market capacity for a certain product during calendar year calculated on the basis of statistical data according to the formula:

Ep = Q m.p. + TK + Q and - Q e, (2)

where Ер is the market capacity;

Q m.p. - the volume of production of goods by local producers in the region;

ТЗ - commodity stocks in trade enterprises, public catering, hotel and restaurant complexes;

Q and - the volume of imports of goods;

Q e - the volume of exports of goods;

The approximate capacity of the consumer market in the region as a whole can be calculated using the formula:

O.E p.r. = (D..d. Wed - S.F.N.P.T.U.) x H Wed, (3)

where D cf - average per capita money income (rubles),

S.Ph.N.P.T.U. - the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services used for interregional comparisons of the purchasing power of the population;

Wed - the average number of the population of the region in the study period

The consumer market is part of the first enlarged group and is "a territorial organization of the sphere of circulation, which, on the basis of developed commodity-money relations, satisfies the needs of the population at minimal distribution costs." In order to streamline market relations, achieve a rational balance and equilibrium on it, monitoring technologies should be used, current reporting diagnostics of the consumer market should be carried out.

The development of the consumer market in the Nizhny Novgorod Region is facilitated by the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Special conditions for the consumer market have been created by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region from the moment of its foundation to the present day, which operates on the basis and within the framework of the Law on Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, adopted by the State Duma in July 1993, and the Charter of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the NN. In accordance with the Charter, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region was created to promote the development of a civilized consumer market and to integrate a part of the market economy into the world economic system. It is the CCI of the Nizhny Novgorod region that performs the functions that bring the consumer market to an organized form.

So the regulatory and legal functions contribute to the interaction between business entities and the state, promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The staff of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry NO, interacting with the participants, organizers, buyers, carry out regulatory, scientific and analytical, research activities on the main problems of the development of the region.

The expert evaluation function certifies, in accordance with international practice and the procedure established by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, certificates of origin of goods, prepares documents related to the export and import of goods and services, conducts expertise, quality control, quantity and completeness of goods. Assists in carrying out an independent appraisal and examination of goods, infrastructure facilities of the market of services and services.

The function of organizing foreign economic relations and foreign economic activity contributing to the attraction of investments into the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the development of foreign economic relations of the region. She provides practical assistance to Nizhny Novgorod organizations in establishing economic ties, including with foreign partners. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod region can be considered an economic and legal institution that provides a set of services for business - communities and the population of the region, the main ones are:

- examination and certification of the origin of goods;

- appraisal activity and registration of intellectual property;

- services for the development of foreign economic and regional relations;

- legal advice, assistance in resolving disputes through an arbitration court;

- accounting and auditing services.

Having a perfect service infrastructure of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the region can take an active position in the formation of a consumer market focused on quality and satisfaction of individual, social needs.

So, consumer markets are sensitive organizations, they are associated with the peculiarities of their functioning, as well as the directions of the development of trade at the domestic, regional and international levels. Significant changes in the development of consumer markets are due to changing consumer preferences, the development of technologies and the implementation of public policy measures, as a result of this, a comprehensive diagnosis of the local market of the region should be tested in practice, through the entire set of indicators, to identify problem "points" and improve production, legislative, trade, personnel infrastructure.

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    1. Product in marketing activities: concept, structure (levels), classification
    2. Consumer market: characteristics, factors influencing the behavior of the buyer
    3. Practical task
    List of used literature
    1. Product in marketing activities: concept, structure (levels), classification

    The object of market activity is a product. The main goal of the seller, manufacturer, reseller) is to sell the product, satisfy the buyer's demand and, as a result, make a profit. The main goal of the consumer is to buy a product and ultimately satisfy his own needs. Product is the most important category of marketing.
    A product is anything that can satisfy a need or need and is offered to the market for the purpose of attracting attention, acquisition, use or consumption (physical objects, services, persons, organizations, ideas).
    A commodity unit is an isolated integrity characterized by indicators of size, price, appearance and other attributes (for example, a lipstick is a product, and a tube is a unit of a product).
    The product can be viewed from the perspective of three levels:
    1. Product by design.
    2. The product is in real performance.
    3. Goods with reinforcements.
    By design, the product turns into a product in real performance. An actual product has five characteristics:
    - quality level;
    - a set of properties;
    - specific design;
    - brand name;
    - specific packaging.
    A reinforced product means personal attention to the customer, home delivery, money back guarantee, etc.
    The idea of ​​reinforcing the goods forces the market actor to take a closer look at the customer's system of consumption as a whole, to how the buyer of the goods takes a comprehensive approach to the problem.
    Service maintenance includes:
    1. Subscription.
    2. Free repair.
    3. Freedom of choice.
    Competition in a new way - this is not competition between goods, but what the company additionally supplied its goods with (packaging, delivery specifics, etc.).
    When choosing marketing strategies, it is helpful to classify products on various grounds.
    1. Durable and non-durable goods, services. According to the degree of durability or material tangibility, goods can be divided into the following three groups: durable goods, non-durable goods and services.
    Durable goods are tangible items that usually withstand repeated use. Examples of such products include refrigerators, machine tools, and clothing.
    Non-durable goods are tangible goods that are completely consumed in one or more cycles of use. Examples of such products include beer, soap, salt.
    Services are objects of sale in the form of actions, benefits or satisfaction of needs. Examples of such products include a haircut at a barber shop, school training, or renovation work.
    2. Consumer goods. A convenient method for classifying products is to group them based on consumer behavior. It is possible to distinguish goods of daily demand, goods of preliminary selection, goods of special demand and goods of passive demand.
    Consumer goods are goods that the consumer usually buys often, without hesitation and with minimal effort to compare them with each other. Examples include bread, salt, soap.
    FMCG can be further subdivided into basic fixed-demand goods, impulse purchase goods, and emergency goods.
    Impulse purchases are purchased without any prior planning or research. Typically, these products are sold in many places. Ice cream is sold on every corner, because otherwise the consumer might not even think about purchasing it. Goods for emergencies are bought when there is an urgent need for them - these are medicines, plastic bags, etc. They are distributed through many retail outlets so as not to miss a sale opportunity.
    Pre-selection products are products that the consumer, as a rule, compares with each other in terms of suitability, quality, price and appearance before purchasing. Examples include furniture, clothing, cars.
    Pre-selection items can be further subdivided into similar and dissimilar items. The buyer views similar products as products of the same quality but different in price. The seller of such goods in conversation with the buyer must only justify the price. When buying clothes, furniture and more dissimilar goods, their properties often turn out to be much more important for the consumer than the price. If a customer wants a striped suit, the cut, fit, and look of the suit are likely to be more significant than the slight difference in price. Dissimilar products should have a wide variety, and sellers of such products should be more trained.
    Special demand goods are goods with unique characteristics or individual branded goods, for the sake of which a significant part of buyers is ready to spend additional efforts. Examples of such products include specific brands and types of fashion products: cars, stereo equipment, photographic equipment, men's suits.
    Passive demand goods are goods that the consumer does not know or knows about, but usually does not think about buying them, for example, tombstones.
    3. Industrial goods. Enterprises and organizations purchase a huge variety of goods and services. Industrial goods can be classified on the basis of how much they participate in the production process and according to their relative value. Three groups of these goods can be distinguished: materials and parts, capital property, auxiliary materials and services.
    Materials and parts are goods fully used in the manufacturer's product. Materials can be classified into raw materials and semi-finished products.
    Raw materials include agricultural products - wheat, cotton, fruits, vegetables, as well as natural products - fish, timber, crude oil. The supply of natural products is limited. As a rule, they are bulky, the average price of a commodity unit is low, and their transportation from producer to consumer is rather difficult. Only a small fraction of large producers seek to sell them directly to industrial consumers. Deliveries are usually made on the basis of long-term contracts. The main factors influencing the choice of a supplier are its reliability and the price of the product.
    Semi-finished products and parts are either material components - yarn, cement, rolled products, or components - electric motors, tires, castings. Material components are usually used with subsequent refinement. For example, cast iron is turned into steel, yarn - into linen.
    Capital assets are goods that are gradually used in production. Capital assets can be subdivided into fixed structures and equipment and ancillary equipment.
    Stationary structures are buildings and structures - factories, administrative buildings, stationary equipment is generators, machine tools, supercomputers, lifts, etc.
    Ancillary equipment includes movable plant equipment, hand tools, forklifts, office supplies and equipment - desks, personal computers. This equipment assists in the production process and is usually short-lived.
    Ancillary materials and services are not used directly in the production of products. These are working materials - lubricating oils, writing paper, pencils and materials for maintenance and repair, paints, nails, brushes. Ancillaries are to the industrial market what FMCGs are to the consumer market, as they are usually purchased with minimal effort through unmodified repeat purchases. They are usually traded through intermediaries, since there are a lot of buyers, and the cost of a commodity unit is low. Due to the fact that most of the auxiliary materials are standardized, the main thing when purchasing is the price of goods and service.
    Support services are subdivided into informational, including advisory services (legal advice, management advice), and maintenance and repair (washing windows, repairing equipment). Services are usually provided on a contractual basis.
    2. Consumer market: characteristics, factors influencing the behavior of the buyer

    Consumer market - individuals and households who buy or otherwise acquire goods and services for personal consumption.
    A detailed model of purchasing behavior is shown in Fig. 1.1.
    Fig. 1. Expanded purchasing behavior model
    Shopper behavior is influenced by four main groups of factors. They all provide insights into how to reach and serve a customer more efficiently.
    1. Factors of the cultural order:
    Culture is the main root cause that determines the needs and behavior of a person. Human behavior, of course, is basically an acquired thing. For example, a child learns a basic set of values, perceptions, preferences, manners, and actions that are characteristic of his family and the basic institutions of society.
    Subculture is a smaller component of the concept of culture. It presents its members with the possibility of more concrete identification and communication with their own kind.
    For example, ethnic communities, religious groups, geographic locations, etc.
    Social status is determined by the relationship of the individual to a particular social class. According to F. Kotler, social classes are relatively stable groups within society, arranged in a hierarchical order and characterized by the presence of similar value ideas, interests and behavior among their members.
    The social classes are characterized by a clear preference for goods and brands in clothing, household items, leisure activities, cars, etc.
    2. Social factors.
    Numerous reference groups have a particularly strong influence on human behavior.
    Reference groups are groups that have a direct (i.e., through personal contact) or indirect influence on a person's attitude or behavior. Groups that directly influence a person are called membership groups. Primary collectives - family, work colleagues, neighbors, friends. Secondary collectives are formal public organizations such as trade union associations and religious associations. Marketing services, studying the market, strive to identify all the reference groups of a particular market in which they sell their products. The idea of ​​selling at home is based on the concept of a reference group.
    The family is the most important within the consumer purchasing society and, accordingly, marketers are subjected to a comprehensive study. The mentoring family consists of the individual's parents, the individual's spawn family - his spouse (s) and children.
    Roles and statuses: the individual is a member of many social groups. His position in each of them can be characterized in terms of role and status. For example, in one individual the role of a son or daughter in relation to his parents, plus the role of a husband or wife in his own family, plus some kind of production role.
    The role is presented as a set of actions that are expected of the individual by those around him. Each role has a certain status, reflecting the degree of its positive assessment on the part of society. For example, the production role has a higher status in the eyes of society than the role of, for example, a son or daughter. And accordingly, the goods will be purchased, etc. .................

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