Domestic policy of Russia at the beginning of the XXI century is the restoration of the state. Presentation on history "Foreign policy of Russia at the present stage" Presentation on the topic of foreign policy of the state

Water bodies 30.06.2020
Water bodies

Foreign and domestic policy of Vladimir Putin Foreign policy

  • The foreign policy of Putin, as the new president of the Russian Federation, began in June 2000 with the signing of a decree on the "Concept of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation." The main idea of ​​this concept was an active Russian international policy aimed mainly at shaping a "positive image" of the state abroad.
Visit to Beijing
  • On October 14, 2004, during a visit to Beijing, Putin signed an agreement on the transfer of the Tarabarov Island and half of the Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island (total 337 km²) to the PRC; at the same time, the process of border demarcation was initiated in this disputed area. The territory of the disputed islands was divided between the two countries
September 6, 2000 V.V. Putin took part in the Millennium Summit under the auspices of the United Nations. After that, Vladimir Vladimirovich regularly took part in international summits of the so-called "Big Eight." It should be noted that this annual "congress" of leaders of key world powers had no practical legal value - it was more of an advisory nature. In 2014, the G8 turned into the G7 again, after the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the start of the sanctions policy of NATO countries.
  • September 6, 2000 V.V. Putin took part in the Millennium Summit under the auspices of the United Nations. After that, Vladimir Vladimirovich regularly took part in international summits of the so-called "Big Eight." It should be noted that this annual "congress" of leaders of key world powers had no practical legal value - it was more of an advisory nature. In 2014, the G8 turned into the G7 again, after the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the start of the sanctions policy of NATO countries.
A sovereign and independent Russia did not suit the Western democrats. It was then that terrorist attacks by Chechen fighters became more frequent in the Russian Federation. Already at that time, many journalists began to write about the sponsoring of Chechen extremists from Western Europe and the United States.
  • A sovereign and independent Russia did not suit the Western democrats. It was then that terrorist attacks by Chechen fighters became more frequent in the Russian Federation. Already at that time, many journalists began to write about the sponsoring of Chechen extremists from Western Europe and the United States.
2007 saw the final turning point in Russian foreign policy and a departure from Yeltsin's international strategy.
  • 2007 saw the final turning point in Russian foreign policy and a departure from Yeltsin's international strategy.
In one of his interviews, Putin indirectly acknowledged the inconsistency of the policies of the former presidents - Yeltsin and Gorbachev, stating that the collapse of the USSR was the biggest catastrophe in world geopolitics. All further foreign policy activities of the President were aimed exclusively at the interests of Russia and its allies, which was shown by the subsequent events in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea (2014) and the South-East of Ukraine.
  • In one of his interviews, Putin indirectly acknowledged the inconsistency of the policies of the former presidents - Yeltsin and Gorbachev, stating that the collapse of the USSR was the biggest catastrophe in world geopolitics. All further foreign policy activities of the President were aimed exclusively at the interests of Russia and its allies, which was shown by the subsequent events in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea (2014) and the South-East of Ukraine.
In late 2006 - early 2007, Putin agreed and approved a plan for a military response in case of Georgia's invasion of South Ossetia. On August 7 and 8, 2008, D. Medvedev and V. Putin made a joint decision to start a "military operation to force Georgia to peace."
  • In late 2006 - early 2007, Putin agreed and approved a plan for a military response in case of Georgia's invasion of South Ossetia. On August 7 and 8, 2008, D. Medvedev and V. Putin made a joint decision to start a "military operation to force Georgia to peace."
Nearest neighbors
  • Since 2009, Putin began to advocate closer economic integration with Kazakhstan and Belarus, which resulted in the creation of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. In the process of creating the Customs Union, a number of documents were adopted in the image and likeness of the EU, which removed the trade barriers that existed between the countries. Removing trade barriers stimulates business development and helps restore production chains that were broken after the collapse of the USSR. In August 2011, at a meeting of the heads of government of the three countries of the Customs Union, a more ambitious task was set - by 2013 to transform the organization into the "Eurasian Economic Union". Putin assessed this as "the first real step towards restoring natural economic and trade ties in the post-Soviet space."
  • In October 2011, the heads of government of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed an agreement on the creation of a free trade zone. On the day the agreement was signed, Putin announced his intention to abolish export and import duties "
Speech at the UN
  • In September 2015, Putin addressed the UN General Assembly in New York for the first time in 10 years, in his speech called for the formation of a broad anti-terrorist coalition to fight the Islamic State, blamed the events in Ukraine on “external forces”, warned the West from unilateral sanctions, attempts to squeeze Russia out of world markets and the export of color revolutions.
  • On September 30, 2015, by the decision of Putin, with the consent of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and official Damascus, Russia launched an air operation in Syria against the Islamic State "with targeted strikes against ground targets of ISIS terrorists." During the operation, Russian Air Force planes and Russian Navy ships bombed headquarters, military equipment, communications centers, vehicles, arsenals of weapons, ammunition and fuel and lubricants depots belonging to Islamic State militants from the air and cruise missiles from the sea.
Domestic policy
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich began to earn popular confidence while he was prime minister, when he finally took decisive action to resolve the Chechen conflict (the Second Chechen War). On December 30, 1999, after a speech with the article "Russia at the turn of the millennium", in which he briefly described his vision of the further development of the state and its place in the world, the rating of the Russian prime minister was 49% (exceeding Yeltsin's rating), and already in January 2000 popular confidence rose to 55%.

Prime Minister (August - December 1999)

After the Yeltsin government, the new head of state got the country in a state close to ruin, with a huge number of economic, political and social problems. Russia's gross domestic product was five times less than that of China and ten times less than that of the United States.

  • After the Yeltsin government, the new head of state got the country in a state close to ruin, with a huge number of economic, political and social problems. Russia's gross domestic product was five times less than that of China and ten times less than that of the United States.
Russia's GDP since 1991


2000 (Rosstat data)

2010 (Rosstat data)

The change

Gross nat. product ( PPP) in billion USD

Foreign trade in USD billion

Trade balance in USD billion

Foreign investments in billion USD

External debt in USD billion

Inflation in%

Industrial production

Salaries, adjusted for inflation

Pensions adjusted for inflation


Poverty rate in%

Unemployment in%

Number of births in thousand

Number of deaths in thousand

Natural decrease in population in thous.

Infant mortality in thous.

Expected continuation life in years

Crimes in thous.

Murders in thous.

Suicides in thous.

Alcohol poisoning in thous.

Number of abortions per 100 births

In 2001-2002, the reform of the legal procedure was also carried out, the Civil Procedure Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Arbitration Procedure Code were adopted. Thus, criminal and civil law, as well as judicial proceedings, have been improved.
  • In 2001-2002, the reform of the legal procedure was also carried out, the Civil Procedure Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Arbitration Procedure Code were adopted. Thus, criminal and civil law, as well as judicial proceedings, have been improved.

Under the new code, a search, arrest and arrest of a person suspected of committing a crime can be carried out only with the sanction of a court, and a criminal case can only be initiated with the approval of a prosecutor. In court, the accused were given the opportunity to defend not only lawyers, but also other persons, in particular, relatives.

Tax reform

  • In 2001, a flat personal income tax rate of 13% was established.
  • In addition, the income tax rate was reduced to 24%, a regressive scale of the unified social tax was introduced, turnover taxes and sales tax were canceled, the total number of taxes was reduced 3.6 times (from 54 to 15)
Monetizing benefits
  • (also the abolition of benefits) - the replacement of benefits in kind with monetary compensations, carried out by the Russian government in 2005 and led to massive protests by pensioners in the country.
Priority national projects - the program for the growth of "human capital" in Russia, announced on September 9, 2005 at the first meeting of the autumn session of the State Duma by Russian President Vladimir Putin and implemented since 2006.
  • 1 National Project "Health"
  • 2 National project "Education"
  • 3 National project "Housing"
  • 4 National project "Development of the agro-industrial complex"
The federal districts of the Russian Federation were created on May 13, 2000.
  • In each district there is a plenipotentiary representative of the president - for a faster response to public appeals and problem solving.
  • Central Federal District
  • Northwestern Federal District
  • Southern FD
  • North Caucasian Federal District
  • Volga Federal District
  • Ural Federal District
  • Siberian Federal District
  • Far Eastern Federal District
  • Crimean Federal District
Delineation of powers between federal and regional executive authorities.
  • It became clear who was responsible for what amount of work. The number of state institutions was cut by almost half. The huge sums that were spent on their maintenance remained in the budget.
In 2002-2003, the Land, Housing, and Customs Codes were also transformed, after which the reform of Russian legislation was practically completed.
  • In 2002-2003, the Land, Housing, and Customs Codes were also transformed, after which the reform of Russian legislation was practically completed.
Police Reform End

"Old Russian state" - Formation of the Old Russian state. Elders. Tysyatsky - the beginning of the militia. North. What was the main occupation of the Slavs? At the end of the 9th century, the state of Russia was formed. United 2 centers of the Eastern Slavs -. glade Kiy, Schek and Khoriv. Two centers of East Slavic statehood are Novgorod and Kiev. Prerequisites for the creation of the Old Russian state.

"Old Russian state and society" - Vladimir (980-1015). The beginning of Russia. Igor was immoderate in his demands on the defeated tribes. Rural community - "rope". From the Varangians to the Greeks. Power at the stage of formation of the Old Russian state. Cathedral of Prince Vladimir. What social classes are mentioned in the "Russian Truth". Olga's reform. Polyudye of Russian princes in the 10th century.

"Old Russian state" - Prophetic Oleg. Station "Names of Historical Figures". Historical facts. Svyatoslav Igorevich. Yaroslav the Wise. Duchess Olga. Old Russian state. Svyatopolk the Damned. Station "Chronicle statements". Rurik. Station "Historical dates". Station "Historical Map". Station "Nicknames". Princes Boris and Gleb.

"Formation of the Old Russian State" - Oleg 879-912. According to legend, Kiy died in Kiev. The formation of private ownership of land. The domination of the clan community. Rurik Oleg Kiy Askold and Dir. Anti-Normanists Varangians Veche State Druzhina Prince. (Slav. "Vet" - council) - People's Assembly in Russia. Kiy is the legendary founder of the city of Kiev. The head of state among the Slavs and some other peoples, later - the title of nobility.

"The period of formation of the Old Russian state" - Formation of state centers. Great Kiev prince. Villages. Prerequisites for the creation of the Old Russian state. Trade. State. Formation of the Old Russian state. The glades paid tribute to the Khazars. The emergence of princely power. The kings. Merchants. Rurik's vocation. Territories of northerners and radimichs.

"Economic development of the Old Russian state" - the Kremlin. Feudalization of the land. Trade routes of Ancient Rus. Craft. Mongol-Tatar yoke. "Positive" consequences of the yoke. Novgorod hryvnia. Taxes in Ancient Rus. Reasons for feudal fragmentation. Three-field system. The bisexual system. Classes of the ancient Slavs. The first Russian princes. Prince. Tribal and neighborhood community.

There are 19 presentations in total

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Foreign and domestic policy of Yaroslav.

Fedorova I.A. MAOU "Lyceum No. 36"

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Testing (repetition)

1) In what century did the calling of the Varangian princes take place. 1) 8c. 2) 9c. 3) 10c. 4) 11c. 2) Which of the named events happened in the 9th century? 1) Svyatoslav's campaign against Bulgaria 2) the death of Boris and Gleb 3) the calling of the Varangian princes 4) the baptism of Princess Olga. 3) Which of the named events happened earlier than others: 1) Svyatoslav's campaign against Khazaria 2) Prince Oleg's campaign against Byzantium 3) the adoption of Christianity in Russia 4) the murder of Prince Igor by the Drevlyans

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4) What event happened in 882? 1) the calling of the Varangians to reign 2) the death of Prince Igor 3) the formation of the Old Russian state 4) the campaign of Askold and Dir against Constantinople. 5) The prerequisites for the baptism of Rus include: 1) The impossibility of further development of agriculture while preserving paganism. 2) The need to strengthen the position of the Kiev prince as the single ruler of Ancient Rus 3) The inability of the pagan Russian army to fight the pagans 4) The impossibility of concluding trade agreements with the Byzantine pagan Rus.

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6) Russia was baptized by priests from 1) Poland 2) Germany 3) Byzantium 4) Rome. 7) The baptism of Rus refers to 1) 966, 2) 980, 3) 988, 4) 1015 8) Vladimir's decision to baptize Rus: 1) was happily accepted by the entire population of Ancient Rus. 2) caused rejection of the entire population of Ancient Rus 3) caused resistance from part of the population of Novgorod. 4) provoked resistance from the population of Kiev.

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9) The head of the Orthodox Church in the Old Russian state was Kiev 1) the patriarch, 2) the metropolitan, 3) the archbishop, 4) the bishop. 10) Choosing a new religion for Russia, Vladimir did not consider 1) Christianity, 2) Judaism, 3) Buddhism, 4) Islam as a possible option. 11) The construction of the Church of the Tithes in Kiev refers to: 1) 996, 2) 980, 3) 988, 4) 1015

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12) The strongest positions of paganism were in: 1) Kiev, 2) Chernigov, 3) Novgorod, 4) Smolensk. 13) The Kiev Metropolitan in matters of faith was subordinate to 1) the Jerusalem Patriarch. 2) to the Pope. 3) the Patriarch of Antioch; 4) the Patriarch of Constantinople. 14) Indicate the years of reign of Prince Vladimir 1) 912-945 2) 945-957 3) 980-1015 4) 988-1020

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15) What are the significance and historical consequences of the adoption of Christianity in Russia. 16) Paganism is not characteristic of: 1) worship of the forces of nature 2) idolatry 3) the presence of many gods 4) monotheism. 17) What is the name of the combination of Christian and pagan beliefs. 18) God of thunder and lightning among the Eastern Slavs 1) Perun, 2) Yarilo, 3) Mokosh, 4) Veles

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18) The adoption of Christianity did not have a significant impact on the development of: 1) architecture, 2) painting, 3) literature, 4) folklore. 19) The Eastern Slavs considered the patron god of cattle breeding and trade: 1) Svarog, 2) Dazhdbog, 3) Perun, 4) Veles 20) As the god of the wind, the Eastern Slavs revered: 1) Dazhbog, 2) Simargla, 3) Svarog, 4) Striboga 21) The son of Svyatoslav, Vladimir became the sole ruler: 1) 976, 2) 977, 3) 978, 4) 980

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22) The Kiev prince Vladimir sent his relatives to the former tribal reigns as governors. He first sent Dobrynya to Novgorod, who was to him: 1) an uncle, 2) a son-in-law, 3) a brother, 4) a son 23) Byzantium's refusal to fulfill the agreement on the marriage of Princess Anna with the Kiev prince Vladimir 1 provoked a campaign of the Russian army against Chersonesos. They managed to take the city with the help of a clergyman: 1) Anastas, 2) Anthony, 3) Filaret, 4) Daniel.

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24) Prince Vladimir of Kiev was baptized in the city: 1) Chersonesos, 2) Constantinople, 3) Kiev, 4) Jerusalem. 25) In Christianity, the Kiev prince Vladimir took the name: 1) Boris, 2) Peter, 3) Vasily, 4) Alexey. 26) At first, the population was baptized: 1) Belgorod, 2) Kiev, 3) Lyubech, 4) Turov. 27) The main military merit of the military policy of Prince Vladimir was: 1) the construction of a system of fortresses against the steppe inhabitants, 2) the fight against Prince Yaropolk, 3) a campaign against Byzantium.

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28) Svyatoslav had: 1) 12 sons, 2) 3 sons, 3) 4 sons, 4) 2 sons. 29) The adoption of Christianity took place in Russia during the time of the prince: 1) Svyatoslav, 2) Vladimir, 3) Yaroslav, 4) Olga. 30) By order of Vladimir, given before the adoption of Christianity, a silver head was attached to God: 1) Perun, 2) Veles, 3) Svarog, 4) Khors. 31) About which of the sons of Svyatoslav the daughter of the Polotsk prince said: “I don’t want to shoe the son of a slave girl”: 1) Oleg, 2) Yaropolka, 3) Vladimir.

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Vladimir was glad that he knew God himself and his people ... Then he ordered to cut down (build) churches and put them in those places where idols were first of all. And he set up a church in the name of St. Basil on the hill where the idol of Perun stood. And in other cities he began to erect churches. He sent to collect children from the best people and send them to book training. The mothers mourned for them, for they had not yet established themselves in the faith and wept for them as for the dead. C1: What event are you talking about? S2: What year did it happen? C3: How did the population perceive the innovations introduced by Vladimir? How can this attitude be explained? C4 How did religious beliefs come to be called in Russia?

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New topic:

Yaroslav the First Wise. Grand Duke of Kiev (1019-1054)

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Yaroslav Vladimirovich is the son of the baptist of Russia, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich (from the Rurik family) and the Polotsk princess Rogneda Rogvolodovna, father, grandfather and uncle of many rulers of Europe. At baptism he was named George. The Russkaya Pravda compiled under Yaroslav went down in history and became the first known set of laws in Russia.

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Rurik Svyatoslav Boris Igor, Olga Yaropolk Vladimir

Svyatopolk (Cursed)

Rurik dynasty

Yaroslav Gleb Izyaslav Mstislav

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In 1014, Yaroslav resolutely refused to pay his father, the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir Svyatoslavich, an annual lesson of two thousand hryvnias. Historians suggest that these actions of Yaroslav were associated with Vladimir's intention to transfer the throne to one of the younger sons, the Rostov prince Boris, whom he had brought closer to him in recent years and transferred the command of the princely squad, which actually meant the recognition of Boris as heir. It is possible that this is why the eldest son Svyatopolk rebelled against Vladimir, who was then imprisoned (he stayed there until his father's death). And it was precisely this news that could induce Yaroslav to oppose his father.

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In order to resist his father, Yaroslav, according to the chronicle, hired the Varangians overseas. However, Vladimir, who in recent years lived in the village of Berestovo near Kiev, was already old and was in no hurry to take any action. In addition, in June 1015, the Pechenegs invaded and the army assembled against Yaroslav, led by Boris, was forced to repulse the raid of the steppe inhabitants, who, hearing about Boris's approach, turned back.

Slide 18

Second Strife in Russia (1015-1019)

After the death of Vladimir (July 15, 1015), power in Kiev was seized by Svyatopolk (married to the daughter of the Polish king Boleslav I). Boris was on the Alta River here and was killed on the orders of Svyatopolk. Halfway to Kiev, Svyatopolk and Gleb were killed. Then Svyatopolk killed the Drevlyane prince Svyatoslav.

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Boris and Gleb are the first Russian saints.

Some of the first monuments of Old Russian literature are dedicated to the history of Boris and Gleb: "The Legend" by Jacob Chernorizets and "Reading" by Nestor the Chronicler.

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When the devil, the primordial enemy of all good in people, saw that Saint Boris had placed all his hope on God, he began to plot and, as in ancient times, Cain, who was plotting fratricide, caught Svyatopolk. He guessed the thoughts of Svyatopolk, truly the second Cain: after all, he wanted to kill all the heirs of his father in order to seize all power alone. The Legend of Boris and Gleb

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Yaroslav fled to the Varangians. He collected 40,000 troops and brought them to Kiev. 1016 - the opponents met on the Dnieper near the town of Lyubech. Yaroslav was the first to attack. Defeat of Svyatopolk, flight to Poland.


Slide 25

The struggle of Svyatopolk and Yaroslav.

1017 - Yaroslav occupied Kiev. He concluded an alliance against Poland with the German emperor Henry II. Svyatopolk returned with Boleslav and occupied Kiev, Yaroslav fled to Novgorod. Uprising In Kiev, Poles leave the city. Flight of Svyatopolk to the Pechenegs. 1018 - Battle on the Alta River. Svyatopolk defeated fled to the Poles, then to the Czechs and died on the way.

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Joint reign of Yaroslav and Mstislav.

1024 - near Listvin (not far from Chernigov) Mstislav defeated Yaroslav. 1024-1036 - joint board.

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Domestic policy

1024 -1026 - disturbances in the Suzdal land were suppressed. I planted my children in all major cities. He turned Kiev into an administrative, religious and cultural center. 1051 - the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery was founded. 1051 - Hilarion from Kiev was appointed metropolitan (author of "The Word of Law and Grace" -1049) 1045 -1050 - Construction of the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Novgorod. "Russian Truth" (1016) Dynastic marriages. Development of education.

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Yaroslav's foreign policy

Western direction. 1019 - victory over Svyatopolk and his ally Boleslav. 1030-subjugation of the western shore of Lake Peipsi (war with the Yatvingians) 1031 - together with Mstislav fights against Poland. 1032 - treaty with Norway. 1038 - campaign against the Yatvingians. 1040-campaign to Lithuania. 1041-1047- Alliance with Casimir

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East direction

1036 - the final defeat of the Pechenegs. Construction of defensive fortifications against the Polovtsians in the Northern Black Sea region. 1043 - unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium. 1046 - Treaty between Russia and Byzantium.

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Yaroslav the Wise. Yaroslav the Wise at the 1000th Anniversary of Russia Monument in Veliky Novgorod. Kievan Rus in 1015-1113. SAINTS BORIS AND GLEB. Mid-14th century Moscow From the collection of N.P. Likhachev DRZH-2117. Russian Museum BE% D1% 80% D0% B8% D1% 81_% D0% B8_% D0% 93% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% B1.jpg? Uselang = ru

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Boris and Gleb.http: // Uselang = ru Boris and Gleb Boris_and_Gleb_Moscow_school_02.jpg? Uselang = ru The Legend of Boris and Gleb. " Facial miniatures from Sylvester's collection of the XIV century. 1. Boris and Gleb are rewarded by Jesus Christ with crowns of martyrdom. 2. Boris goes to the Pechenegs. Saints Boris and Gleb on the ship. Yaroslav Legislator. Russian Truth, page of text "Reading to the people of Russian Truth in the presence of Grand Duke Yaroslav"

Preparation lesson for GIA grade 9

Shurdumova M.G.

Codifier GIA 2011

1. Power. The role of politics in the life of society

2.Concept and signs of the state

3.Separation of powers

4.Forms of the state

"The power of one person over another destroys primarily the one who rules" L. Tolstoy

Why do people need politics?

Can an ordinary citizen understand politics?

Can a society exist without power?

How is political power different from other types of power?

What is more difficult - power over oneself or power over other people?

What is politics?

What is power?

What is the principle of separation of powers?

  • Type of human activity, activity of social groups and individuals
  • The sphere of public life, one of the subsystems of society
  • Type of social relationship

Politics is:

1. Activities of state authorities, parties or social groups in the field of domestic government and international relations.

2. Events and issues of domestic and international public life.

3. The general nature of behavior, the way someone acts, aimed at achieving something, which determines the attitude towards someone, something.

Dictionary of the Russian language. In 4 volumes. Volume 3. M .: "Russian language", 1983.

(Ancient Greece)

Political power

The state is an instrument of power

Political power

People management

to achieve goals

Struggle for


Personal enrichment

« Power there is a right, strength and will over something, freedom of action and orders " V. I. Dal

Power is influence based on law or tradition.

Traditional (40-30 thousand years ago)

State (6-5 thousand years ago)




Subjects and objects of policy

Nations, classes,

estates, etc.

Social groups

Political organizations



Give examples


State leaders, party leaders

Political elites



Policy Objects

Foreign policy

Domestic policy



society as a whole

global community

international relationships


the culture

social sphere

national relations

A1. Are the following judgments about politics correct?

And Politics is an activity in the sphere of relations between large social groups and the state, when the question of power is being decided.

C. Politics is participation in the affairs of the state, the definition of the form, tasks, content of the state.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

H) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

1) relations between individuals about power

2) relationships between small groups of people about

H) relations between non-governmental organizations regarding the conclusion of the transaction

4) relationships between large groups of people about power

A3. Politics is

1) the sphere of activity of the state, parties and social movements

2) the sphere of the struggle for the conquest of state power

H) management of public affairs

4) all of the above

A4. Power is

1) persons vested with governmental and administrative powers

2) the right and the ability to dispose of, subordinate people to their will

3) political domination, government and its bodies

4) all of the above

A5. does not apply to the functions of political power

1) preservation, transmission and dissemination of cultural


2) ensuring the dominance of certain social

groups in society

3) management of social life

4) ensuring compliance with social norms, rules for the activities of people and social groups

IN 1. The above list indicates the features of the similarity of state and political power and the features of the difference between state power and political power. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) carried out by special persons - officials

2) disposes of forces, capabilities, resources,

which people have

H) applies to the whole society

4) is a means of streamlining public relations


Difference traits

1.What is a state?

2. What are the main features of the state?

3. What functions of the state do you know?

4.What is separation of powers?

5. What are the main functions of the separation of powers?

State in the political system .

Functions of the state .


Regulation of public relations,

protection of the constitutional order,

development and implementation of a common policy,

prevention and

resolution of social conflicts.

Defense of the country

and mutually beneficial


with other countries.

1. What are the forms of the state?

2. What are forms of government?

3. What forms of government do you know?

  • An absolute monarchy is a monarchy that presupposes unlimited power of the monarch. In an absolute monarchy, the possibly existing authorities are fully accountable to the monarch, and the will of the people can be officially expressed at most through an advisory body (currently Saudi Arabia).
  • A constitutional monarchy is a monarchy in which the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution or unwritten law or tradition. Constitutional monarchy exists in two forms: dualistic monarchy (Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867-1918, Japan 1889-1945, currently exists in Morocco, Jordan, Kuwait and, with some reservations, also in Monaco and Liechtenstein) and parliamentary monarchy (currently Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden).
  • A parliamentary monarchy is a type of constitutional monarchy in which the monarch has no power and performs only a representative function. In a parliamentary monarchy, the government is accountable to the parliament, which has more power than other organs of the state (although this may differ from country to country).
  • A dualistic monarchy is a type of constitutional monarchy in which the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution and parliament in the legislative field, but within the framework set by them, the monarch has complete freedom to make decisions.

A6. Are the following judgments about the essence of the separation of powers correct?

A. The essence of the separation of powers is that three

branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial) should be independent from each other.

C. The essence of the separation of powers is that when

one authority operates, others suspend their


1) only A is true

2) only B is true

H) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong -

A7. The government has the power

1) legislative

2) executive

H) judicial

4) party

2) judicial

3) executive

4) legislative

A9. Are the following judgments about the essence of the state correct?

A. The state is a form of influence on the behavior and activities of people.

C. State - the level of development in a given society of political relations, the system of democracy and political education.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

A10. The signs of the state include (are)

1) sovereignty

2) public authority

3) legislative activity

4) all of the above

A11. Are the following judgments about the state correct?

A. The state determines the rules by which the political life of the society proceeds.

C. The state exercises control and regulation of only the political sphere of the life of society.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

A12. The signs of the state include (are)

1) general culture

2) tax fees

3) democratic elections

4) the presence of political opposition

A13. External functions of the state include (are)

1) ensuring national security

2) ensuring democracy

3) consolidation of society

4) all of the above

A14. The internal functions of the state include

1) participation in solving global problems

2) development of mutually beneficial cooperation

3) regulation of economic relations

4) defending national interests in international relations

A15. Indicate the two main forms of government

1) federation, confederation

2) monarchy, republic

3) democracy, aristocracy

A16. Are the following judgments about the republic correct?

A. The republic is characterized by the fact that the bearer of political power is the people.

B. The republic exists today in most European countries.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

A17. The form of government in which the highest state power belongs to the elected for a certain period of time, the government is

1) monarchy

2) aristocracy

3) republic

4) Oligarchy

A18. In the state of Poland, the main legislative body is the National Assembly, which is formed by elections. The National Assembly creates and passes laws, which are approved by the King - the Government is responsible to the National Assembly. What is the form of government of the state P?

1) estate-representative monarchy

2) absolute monarchy

3) parliamentary monarchy

4) parliamentary republic

A19. The forms of state-territorial structure include

3) unitary state, federation, confederation

4) oligarchy, aristocracy, technocracy

"Compliance with the law and the presence of power leads to order, breaking the law and giving up power leads to disorder."

Han Fei (288-233 BC), Chinese philosopher

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