Preparations for disinfection of the food warehouse. food industry

reservoirs 16.06.2019

Disinfection of storage facilities is one of the measures to prevent damage to these premises by pests of agricultural products. These activities help the tenant or owner operating these buildings to protect themselves from the much higher costs of fumigation (gassing) of the premises, as well as products or raw materials stored in them.

Moreover, decontamination of warehouses strictly regulated federal law dated July 15, 2000 No. 99-FZ "On Plant Quarantine".

In pursuance of the Law on Plant Quarantine, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia issued Order No. 681 dated September 3, 2002 “On Approval of the Rules for Ensuring Plant Quarantine during the Import, Storage, Transportation, Processing and Use of Grain and Its Processing Products Imported into the Territory Russian Federation for food, feed and technical purposes. According to clause 1.1 of the said Order No. 681, the Rules approved by it apply to grain (seeds of cereals, cereal legumes and oilseeds), flour, cereals, mixed fodder, bran, cake, meal, malt imported into the territory of the Russian Federation in food, feed and technical purposes, and grain, flour, cereals, mixed fodder, bran, cake, meal, malt, produced in the territory of the Russian Federation, in case of their joint storage and transportation with grain, flour, cereals, compound feed, bran, cake, meal, malt, imported to the territory of the Russian Federation for food, feed and technical purposes, hereinafter referred to as grain and products of its processing.

According to clause 1.13. warehouses of organizations, individual entrepreneurs and citizens engaged in the storage and processing of grain and its products are subject to regular, at least once a year, preventive phytosanitary disinfection by fumigation teams and expeditions public service plant quarantine of the Russian Federation.

Then, after repeated court decisions not in favor of Rosselkhoznadzor and instructions from the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), another document was issued - Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 10/29/2010. No. 456, repealing Order No. 681, and in accordance with which:
item 23. Warehouses of organizations, individual entrepreneurs and citizens engaged in the storage and processing of grain and products of its processing are subject to regular, at least once a year, preventive phytosanitary disinfection by fumigation.

Thus, at the moment, the previously existing uncertainty of the legislation in the decontamination of warehouses, objects, products, not related to the import / export and crossing the border of the Russian Federation, has been removed. This means that these works are carried out on a contract basis. legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, while confirmation of their competence by the Ministry of Agriculture and its subordinate organizations is not required.

Our company, on a par with state fumigation services / units, It has great experience carrying out these works. At the same time, we can carry out disinfection both with the use of phosphine-containing preparations and with the use of aerosol technologies using hot or cold fog - which is much cheaper. Moreover, a technique has been developed for combining the above technologies, which also reduces the cost of work, while not reducing their quality.

Timely disinfection of storage facilities will help to secure the enterprise and protect the warehouse from the sanctions of regulatory authorities. . Infection of premises with bacteria, viruses, fungi and their spores occurs constantly. The microclimate of warehouses promotes the development of pathogenic microorganisms. high humidity and dusty warehouses adversely affect human health and are ideal for the development of populations of pathogenic microbes.

Warehouse disinfection: disinfection methods

The sanitary and epidemiological condition of the premises should be given attention, regardless of what is stored in the warehouse. Microbes and fungi can harm industrial products, food, and agricultural products.

Disinfection treatment of premises can be preventive or forced. To neutralize pathogenic organisms, the following methods are used:

  • physical (mechanical, thermal, radiant);
  • chemical (treatment using disinfectants and antiseptics).

Modern techniques make it possible to completely destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi in warehouses.

Sequence of disinfection

A strict sequence of operations will help bring the sanitary situation back to normal. Only a set of measures for decontamination of storage facilities will give the maximum result. They can be divided into the following groups:

Disinfection of empty warehouses is carried out before filling them with goods. In emergency cases, it may be necessary to completely empty the warehouse of products.

Preparation for disinfection

Before the start of measures for the disinfection of premises, they must be properly prepared. Preparation includes:

  • vacating the premises;
  • shelter of equipment that may be damaged during disinfection;
  • providing free access to all corners of the room.

After disinfection, the warehouse is ventilated. At least for 3 hours, and preferably for 6-12 hours, access to the premises is closed. Sometimes disinfection is combined with deodorization of premises. This is important for food warehouses.

Frequency of disinfection

Decontamination of warehouses is strictly regulated by law. Accepted regulations, approving the rules for ensuring the storage of food and agricultural products.

Warehouse decontamination works are carried out at least once a year. At the same time, appropriate documentation is drawn up indicating the drugs used and processing methods.


A well-chosen preparation will help to avoid bacteriological contamination of the warehouse and the products stored in it. From chemicals use:

  • bleach;
  • carbolic acid;
  • caustic soda;
  • iodine monochloride;
  • xylonaft;
  • other substances.

Equally important is the form of presentation. Hot and cold mist generators are popular today. They spray products in the form of microparticles with a size of less than 10 microns. Chemical substances get into all cracks and cracks, destroying pathogenic microflora in hard-to-reach places. Modern disinfectants do not leave stains on walls, do not damage equipment and furniture, and are easily washed off surfaces with soapy water.

In the SES of Moscow and the Moscow Region, you can order disinfection both with the use of phosphine-containing preparations and with the use of aerosol technologies.

Do you need the services of a Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Moscow?

The safety of any food production is the key to business prosperity. It is to the manufacture of food products that the state regulatory authorities impose the most requirements in terms of sanitary and epidemiological standards. Their observance is a guarantee of the health of all employees of the plant and end users of the product. If customers methodically massively poison themselves with food or drinks of a certain brand, then in the end such a company will incur impressive losses. Numerous complaints to Rospotrebnadzor can lead to the fact that the enterprise will simply be closed or fined a disproportionately large amount. Sanitary standards vary somewhat in detail depending on the specifics of each area of ​​\u200b\u200bproduction, but the essence of any cleaning process does not change from this and necessarily includes the following points:




    Sterilization (in some cases)

    Daily housekeeping all premises and equipment

    Completion and submission of reporting documentation on the conduct and result of all the above procedures

Disinfection is logical to do after the elimination of rats, mice, cockroaches, moths and thorough cleaning. Some mistakenly believe that killing bacteria and removing visible impurities are the same thing. No doubt they are related, but even if you have brought all the surfaces to a shine, this does not mean at all that they are free of germs. The human eye does not see pathogenic microorganisms, so their number can only be determined with the help of special instruments. In order to get rid of pathogenic bacteria, you need to use special chemicals.

Disinfectants for the food industry

Permissible disinfectants for use in the food industry are contained in the list-appendix No. 1 to the rules for the use of detergents and antimicrobial agents in the food industry. The edition of SP includes the following items:

    Chlortab (Eslana LLC, Russia)

    Sokrena (Bode Chemi GmbH & Co, Germany, declared: A.K.HAASE, Germany)

    Nika-2 (Genix, Yoshkar-Ola)

    Veltonen (CJSC Velt, Orenburg)

    Septabik ("ABIK", Israel)

    Aquatabs (Medentek LTD, Ireland)

    Fogutsid (Pharmkombinat, Usolye-Sibirskoe)

    Msta (VIEW A) (Triada LLP, Torzhok, Tver Region)

    TRN5225 Terraline (Schulke & Mayer, Germany)

    MD-1 (VNIMI, Moscow)

    Sanifekt-128 (Likva-Tech Industries Inc., USA, supplier of Natural Istochnik LLP)


    Belen (JSC Plastpolimer, Russia)

    PVC (JSC Sintez, Moscow, NIIPTiD)

    Bromosept 50% solution (ABIK, Israel)

    Silva-Dez (JSC "Movek", Estonia, representative in Russia "Firma Phobos S")

    Precept (Johnson-Johnson Medical, USA claimed: Johnson-Johnson, Russia)

    Neutral Anolyte ANK (VNIMI, Moscow)

    Perform (Schulke & Mayer, Germany)

    Microbak Forte (Bode Chemi GmbH & Co, Germany, announced: A.K. HAASE, Germany)

    Sanifekt-128 (Likva-Tech Industries Inc., USA, announced: Excort JSC, Moscow)

    MJ-1 and MJ-2 (JSC Plastpolimer, Russia)

    Tepsichlor 70A (PFH Pettens Chemistry, France, declared: RASTER LTD, Yekaterinburg)

    Damicept (JSC "DAMI", declared: CJSC Process-service, Russia)

    Biskar (JSC Plastpolimer, Russia)

    Catamine AB

    Septodor (Dorvet LTD, Israel)

    Katril-D (VNIMI, Moscow)

  • Alaminol (SSC RF "NIOPIK", Moscow, NIID GKSEN RF, Moscow)

All of these antimicrobial and disinfectants are considered optimal for food production. At the enterprise, it is possible to use other means at its discretion, in addition to those recommended in the list above, but they must pass state registration and the procedure for issuing a certificate of conformity in the GOST standard system.

Any chemicals for disinfection of enterprises are divided into neutral, acidic and alkaline. Each type is suitable for different situations and has its purpose. Hygienic treatment of the skin of personnel, cleaning of the catering unit and equipment, disinfection of means of transportation, inventory, administrative and utility rooms require funds specially designed for this. In addition, some essences are intended for use in a specific area of ​​production, for example, only in the dairy or exclusively in the meat industry.

Before you start using any product in the production of food, consult with specialists from professional sanitation services. A mistake in choosing, hasty conclusions or a thoughtless desire to save money can play a cruel joke on you and lead to serious consequences both for you personally and for consumers of your products. Specialists of a professional sanitary service will always advise you on all matters of concern absolutely free of charge and, if necessary, offer expert assistance that will protect you from losses and contribute to the prosperity and development of your business.

The sanitary condition of any enterprise must comply with certain standards. If it does not meet the requirements, then it is necessary to take some measures to eliminate violations.

Room disinfection

Room disinfection
is a set of measures aimed at the destruction of pathogens infectious diseases. In this case, it is necessary to use some special room disinfectant or multiple funds.

There are several ways to perform disinfection. They are:

  1. Chemical;
  2. Physical;
  3. Mechanical;
  4. A combination of several methods.

Conducting disinfection of premises chemically means the treatment of the premises with various antiseptic substances that have a detrimental effect on harmful organisms. These agents include chlorine, phenols and others.

Quartzization of the room is an effective physical method of disinfection. Quartzization is the processing of space, using the ultraviolet radiation mode installed on special devices.

Conduct room disinfection possible mechanically. This is done by wet cleaning. Most often, mechanical disinfection is combined with other types of treatment for maximum efficiency.

Types of disinfection

Enterprise disinfection and various premises can be done various types. There are three types of processing:

  1. Preventive disinfection of premises;
  2. current;
  3. Final.

TO preventive treatment include pre-planned activities for cleaning the premises and eliminating possible harmful bacteria. Routine disinfection is carried out in cases of an epidemic. The final treatment is the final stage of disinfection, which is carried out after several ongoing treatments.

Store disinfection

In the premises of stores, various harmful microorganisms can accumulate in large quantities. This is due to the high traffic of people, the presence of dust on the boxes with goods and other specific features.

Store disinfection has some features. It is performed as follows:

  • V trading floor and there should be no people in the warehouse, it will also be necessary to remove the goods;
  • It is necessary to take samples to determine the type and nature of the infection;
  • If fungi and viruses were not detected during the examination of samples, then only wet cleaning using conventional means;
  • Upon detection of various bacteria, fungi and mold will require the use of special disinfectants for processing;
  • Only authorized products that are harmless to humans should be used.

Warehouse disinfection

Warehouse disinfection is an great way maintaining cleanliness in a room that has a certain functional purpose. It is very important for enterprises, and allows you to avoid difficulties with government inspection bodies.

Warehouse disinfection carried out according to the usual standard scheme. First of all, the inspection examines the presence of pests - rodents, insects and bacteria, fungi, viruses, mold. After that, the procedure for performing disinfection and the selection of the necessary methods are formed, depending on the results of the study. Next is performed SES disinfection. Decontamination of warehouses is usually carried out by the following methods:

  • Irrigation;
  • Rubbing;
  • Immersion;
  • Steam treatment;
  • The use of aerosols, etc.

If necessary, processing can be repeated. After carrying out all the activities, the warehouse must be closed for 3-6 hours, and after that, ventilation must be carried out.

The final stage is the delivery of the processed premises and the acceptance of documents. It should be borne in mind that disinfestation and disinfection of storage facilities is mandatory requirement, regardless of whether the premises belong to private enterprise or belong to state facilities.

Moscow Disinfection Center

To perform high-quality disinfection, you need to contact a trusted and reliable company. Moscow Disinfection Center offers its services for the responsible implementation of disinsection of various premises, including warehouses, enterprises, shops and others.

We use only modern and new equipment, highly effective insecticides for work, which ensures high quality of work performed. Various objects of any purpose and area will be processed in a short time.

Our company has numerous advantages:

  • High professionalism and extensive experience of employees;
  • Quick response to the application;
  • Individual approach, selection of the necessary method of disinfection and means, based on the type of enterprise and the purpose of the premises;
  • Using only proven high-quality disinfectants;
  • Acceptable prices;
  • Performing disinfection works of any complexity;
  • Compliance with all rules and regulations when performing work.

Disinfection of premises - price will be different, depending on the type of work performed, the size and purpose of the premises, the urgency of the processing and other individual characteristics.

Why is it necessary to carry out disinfection, disinfestation, deratization of warehouses - premises?

Safe disinfection disinfestation of warehouses and premises

The company's experience shows that warehouses are more affected not only by fungus or mold, pests in the form of insects and rodents disrupt the vital idyll of storing products indoors. Based on what products are stored in the warehouse, a preparation is selected for the destruction of insects, taking into account the safe treatment of the premises with high-class means, including (deratization), measures for the extermination of rodents. The Unified Disinfection Service carries out processing that is safe for humans and environment(products stored in a warehouse).

Warehouse disinfection and legislation

Sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, ensures the disinfection of storage facilities, the law obliges to carry out processing in cases of contamination of the territory, and was approved by the state. The legislation pursues one goal, the impact of harmful factors in the environment on humans, the detection of invasions, the elimination and disinfection of the territory from microbes, fungus, mold, viruses, insects, and rodents. That allows you to keep goods and products in good quality, for provides the consumer.

Preparation of the object for work

Preparation for carrying out these works implies the release of passages and the entire facility from obstacles blocking access. Closing electrical equipment from moisture penetration, in order to avoid breakdowns and damage to equipment. Isolation of personnel, animals, compliance with security measures. These are general measures that should be taken, additional measures are taken to prepare the territory, depending on the specifics of the premises. At the end of the work, the room is closed for 3-5 hours, after which it is ventilated.

Ways sanitization warehouses and premises

High-quality, effective disinfection of warehouses and other premises is carried out in several ways, using mechanical and chemical effects. This includes the method of use, ozone spreading, UV lamps, plus this method allows you not to empty the warehouse, also used without ozone UV lamps, with strong ultraviolet radiation, which can destroy microorganisms. Chemical methods the use of devices that produce hot and cold fog, the sterilization of the premises, using specialized means. As a result, complex methods of struggle guarantee a high result.

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