How to communicate with the judge at the court session. How to behave in court in different situations

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how to behave in court, the procedure for conducting a lawsuit

How to behave in court during the trial they know not all. Many, being in the civil procedure, behave like a production meeting, which causes irritation of judges and other participants in the process, leads to an unfavorable court decision. Hence, the participants of the Civil Process need to know how to behave in court.

The procedure of the trial is regulated in detail by law, which the judge and all participants in the process are obliged to strictly observe. In practice, the judges often violate the procedure of the trial, but the main provisions are still always adhered to.

At the entrance to the court hearing of the judge (judges), all those present in the hall are obliged to get up. You can sit down after it is offered to make the presiding judge.

Indications by the parties, other participants in the process, the witnesses are given in court. Only with the permission of the judge, the testimony can be given the court sitting. It should be remembered that the testimony is given to the court, and not to the participants of the process, therefore, when the participant of the process gives the testimony, he must apply to the presiding judge and not to join the rewriting with other participants in the process.

The presiding judge then finds out the court session at the Secretary, who appeared to the court of people caused by him. If someone has not appeared, the well-known causes of non-appearance are reported. Appeal witnesses, specialists are removed from the courtroom. In practice, they are in the hall and not allowed, warning them to wait for them when they call the judge to the hall.

After that, the judge announces which civil case is listening to what composition, with whose participation, and finds out the parties and third parties do they have undersecated to the judge, the secretary of the court session or the prosecutor, if he participates in the process.

If the judge is declared, the judge alternately finds out the opinion on the declared allure of all participants in the process and is deleted to the advisory room to resolve the declared removal.

If the removal is not declared, then the judge clarifies the parties and third parties their rights and obligations. After clarification of the rights, the judge finds out these individuals whether they have the petitions before the start of the trial (on the challenge and interrogation of witnesses, admission to the materials of the case of documents or research and attachment to other evidence, on the appointment of expertise and others). If the petitions are announced by anyone, the presiding judge, finding out the opinion of the participants in the process according to the claimed petition, allows it in essence, that is, satisfies or refuses to satisfy.

The Court then finds out the opinion of the participants in the process of the possibility of consideration of the case in the absence of an appeared party, its representative. After finding out the opinion of the participants in the process of the judge decides on the continuation of the hearing of the case or its sediment and re-call all participants in the process.

Often, due to the non-appearance of the participants in the process, the trial is repeatedly postponed, due to the lack of information about the proper notice of the party about the time and place of the hearing of the case. Parties often express their discontent about the deposits of the case, but completely in vain. If the court consider a civil case in the absence of a non-revealed defendant, information, about the proper notification of which is absent, the higher court on the respondent's complaint will cancel any decision that would not be correct.

The court cannot consider the civil case in the absence of the plaintiff, if he did not ask about it. In the event of a re-showing without a valid reason, the plaintiff, the judge has the right to make the definition of leaving the application without consideration.

If the place of finding the defendant is not known, the court attracts to participate in the case for presenting the interests of the defendant of a lawyer.

If all parties appear or the court recognizes the reason for the failure to appear the defendant disrespectful, the judge reports the case, that is, sets out the being of the claimed claims. After the announcement of the case, the judge asks the plaintiff whether he supports his claims, and the defendant recognizes whether he recognizes these requirements, similarly to this issue it turns out from third parties.

Then the judge offers the plaintiff or his representative to present his claims. After presentation by the plaintiff or his representative of the claims, the judge asks the defendant, his representative, third parties, the prosecutor, whether they have questions to the plaintiff essentially set out requirements. After the answer to the question, you can ask the following question. When answering questions, you should not interrupt the plaintiff, comment on his answer, join the controversy with the participants of the process. Firstly, this is a violation of the procedure for conducting a process, in the second will not bring benefits to the parties, since the secretary of the court session controversy between the parties to the protocol does not record.

After the questions of the plaintiff will define all the participants in the process, the questions asks the presiding judge. After questions of the presiding party, ask a question only with the permission of the judge.

After questions, the plaintiff is given the defendant who expresses his objections on claims. Then, the defendant alternately ask questions the plaintiff and his representative, third parties, the prosecutor and the judge.

After interrogation of the parties, the court passes to the interrogation of the witnesses of witnesses. Before interrogation of the witness, the Court warns his criminal responsibility for the gift of obviously false testimony. Initially, witnesses are being interrogated by the plaintiff, and then by the defendant. Interrogation of their witnesses lead sides or their representatives. After presenting a witness of the testimony, he asks the questions of that party, on whose initiative was caused by witnesses, then the other side of the process. After all the participants in the process, the questions asks the judge.

After the interrogation of witnesses, the court interrogates a specialist, an expert, if parties petitioned about it.

After all interrogations, the judge announces the beginning of the study of civil matters. The judge reads the documents in civil cases, if there are questions about the documents, asks them as a document submitted to the document.

After researching materials, the court invites the prosecutor to give his conclusion in the case. After the conclusion of the prosecutor, the Court finds out the participants in the process, whether they have any statements or petitions. If so are there, the court allows them.

After that, the court declares the trial completed and proceeds to the debate. The first in the debate is the plaintiff and (or) his representative, then a third party on the side of the plaintiff. Further, the defendant and his representative, a third party on the side of the defendant, acts in the debate. The latter is the third person who has declared an independent requirement, if any.

After the speeches of the parties and third parties everyone has the right to perform a separate replica.

At the end of the debate, the court is removed in the advisory room to make a decision. When removing the judge, all process participants get up.

After reaching a court decision, the court returns to the courtroom and announces a complete decision or only its operative part. The announcement of the court decision is listened to standing.

After the announcement of the decision of the court, the judge explains to persons participating in the case and the procedure for appealing a court decision. If the judge announces only the operative part of the decision, he explains when the parties can familiarize themselves with the full court decision.

For violation of the order at the court session, the judge is entitled to declare a remark, remove the violator from the courtroom, impose a fine of up to 1000 rubles.

In accordance with the law, the participants in the process appeal to the judges in the "Dear Court" process. The appeal to the words "Your Honor" is provided in the criminal process. Hence, the appeal to the presiding judge in the civil procedure "Your Honor", from the position of the law is incorrect.

The audio record of the court session can conduct participants in the process freely, for this you only need to notify the chairmanship. Refusal to conduct audio records Court cannot. Maintaining a photo and video filming is possible only with court permission. Seeing audio recording, photo and video shooting You should not break the order at the court session may follow a litigation.

The article on how to contact the judge at the hearing read the article

According to statistics, most marriages sooner or later end with divorces. You can not always break the official relationship simply, sometimes you have to go to court.

Statistics of divorce disappointing

Some married couples can officially terminate relationships exclusively. These cases are listed below:

  1. partners did not come to a common opinion about the divorce;
  2. spouses are presented with property;
  3. there are general.

Ban for divorces

The law stipulates the cases where the spouses are not allowed. If the following situations occur, the divorce procedure is postponed:

  • And I do not agree to divorce.
  • The overall child did not reach the age of 1 year (even at the birth of a dead baby, divorces are not conducted without the consent of the woman, while after delivery will not be a year).

Each spouse has the opportunity to submit documents for divorce by remote method. If it is impossible to present his interests, you can invite a trustee. Then the person who will choose one of the spouses will completely replace him in court and answer questions. You can submit a petition for refusing to attend the process. Then the spouses do not have to be on the process, everything will be considered without them.

Preparation for a court

If you do not work, you turn to court

At the court session, all circumstances of the divorce will be considered. Therefore, you need to be prepared for what will ask different questions. The list of questions to the sides of the judge forms from the presented. The statement of claim formulates the following requests:

  • make a decree on divorce;
  • allow questions related to the sharing section;
  • identify the main points associated with the payment of alimony;
  • solve children's residence.

Depending on mutual claims, each of their spouses should prepare for the meeting, collect a package of documents that can be useful to confirm their position. Eats a standard list of documents that always need:

  1. (with a copy of all pages);
  2. marriage certificate;
  3. all common children;
  4. documents confirming the availability of ownership;
  5. certificate of income;
  6. certificate from the passport table about the composition of the family;
  7. receipts about paid.

The absence of any of the listed papers can cause a stopping of the marriage process. It is impossible to share, for example, the country that there is no documents. Therefore, it is necessary to reinforce all your words by official documents. To start the start to move, the statement is first filled. Fill this document has its own rules.

How to make a suit?

Without trial sometimes not to do

The statement of claim submits the initiator of the marriage process. There is a special form that is filled by bringing all the necessary information regarding the circumstances of the divorce. There must be written in passport details, explain in detail the reasons that prompted the dissolution of marriage. At the same time, it is necessarily said that reconciliation is impossible.

If there are disputes on property, there are common children, all this must be fixed in the statement. The application must come from both spouses, but 2 separate blanks will have to fill. At the same time, the essence of the statement will coincide. If one of the spouses against the divorce, then the application is fed from one that seeks to break the relationship.

It is not always necessary to go to court for divorce. Sometimes enough to come to the registry office. Such an opportunity is provided for spouses convicted more than 3 years, for those whose spouse is officially considered missing, dead. Husbands / wives of incapacitated citizens possess the same right.

If the documents referring to the category of category called above gives a divorce, then it will additionally need to make a court decision on the recognition of his spouse as incapable, dead,. Most often, 2 meetings take place for consideration.

The first is intended for general familiarization with the situation. Spouses talk about their disagreements, prove that they cannot reconcile, report the property situation. The judge may ask about joint children, about the common property, about shared debts. He will find out what between her husband and wife there are disputes and disagreements. In the absence of disputes at the place of residence of children, the judge can make spouses on the 1st meeting. Just before that, he will make sure that merry the spouses and save the family unrealistic.

If one of the parties does not come to court if all the necessary documents are not collected, if there are disputes between spouses, then the consideration of the issues will be conducted on the 2nd meeting. The time cut between the 1st and 2nd hearing may be long, this period may be given that the parties have found a general solution, they have risen.

Maximum gap - 6 months. The 2nd meeting should lead the same judge. On this hearing, issues related to disagreements will be resolved. Main goal: Find an objective solution to the laws. I will definitely address issues related to the content of children. Partners will negotiate this with the participation of the judge. Here the question must be resolved, you need or not a schedule for visiting children by the parent who goes out of the family. Of course, the main question, who will live with children. He is also deciding at the meeting.

If the situation is conflict, complicated, then some words of the spouses themselves will not be enough. Usually they attract witnesses that cover the situation for their part. As a result, an objective picture of what is happening is obtained.

The judge can all hto-sharing equally, but more often all the children left with whom the larger part goes. This is done to comply with the interests of children. For objective and legitimate resolution of disputes, the judge will require a list of all property objects that are subject to disputes.

In order for the section to be as right as possible, the property must be appreciated by experts with the relevant license. This is the only way to distribute property between the parties legally.

If the mood of the parties change, they can conclude that will become the basis for further action. When a decision is made, it will be necessary to wait a few days until the decision becomes completely legal. After that, with judicial documents, they go to the registry office and put a print to the passport that will confirm the divorce. The registry office also gives a certificate of divorce.

Need to behave calm and confidently

In order not to cause the judge discontent, it is necessary to comply with the rules of conduct:

  1. First, the judge cannot be interrupted.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to speak only after applying to you officials.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to be quite loud, but without screaming, clear.

Capture with the former spouse during the court is far from the best position. Relationships can be found out infinitely, and on the court decision all these squabbles will not have a positive effect, only delayed. We must remember that you came to court to completely complete and part according to the law.

In court appreciated calm, confident behavior. It is necessary to demonstrate goodwill, restraint. The behavior of spouses, witnesses must be correct, tactful. If the resultant will be shown in the perjury, it will be fined. In addition, the overall adverse impression of this side will be.

If necessary, hold a meeting with a lawyer, it is necessary to talk as quieter as possible. If those surrounding will hear scraps of speeches and misinterpret them will understand the situation will become complicated.

Looking at the meeting is unacceptable. If irresistible circumstances arise, it is necessary to warn about their delay, explain the causes.

Behavior in the presence of children

Older children are invited to the meeting. If children are present at the court, then it is necessary, first of all, think about them. You should not put a spouse with a complete insignificance, opposing himself to him. Children of school age are already understood. They are hard to see the quarrels of parents. After all, they are equally loved and dad, and mom. At the sight of their conflict, they can call and wave both.

Correct behavior on the court is the key to further benevolent relations. After all, even with strong cooling and mutual hatred over time, it is possible to translate the relationship in the category of neutral.

How to behave in court, tells the video:

Our legislation is so wonderful that becoming a defendant in the lawsuit is quite simple. Of course, the first advice for such a case is to transfer the fate of the process in the reliable hands of good lawyers, however, knowing the methods of work of some lawyers, the level of their professionalism and responsibility, increasingly come to the conclusion, it's like a doctor, its contacts are transmitted from hand to hand . Of course, a professional lawyer will cope with the tasks of judicial protection much easier and less losses. But still be aware of the process, the respondent is vital: a lawyer is also a person, and some procedural errors may be irreparable.

So, the first rule - there is no decision of the court, which has entered into force, no one has the right to argue that the defendant should (to blame for something), all information only assumptions requiring evidence. Therefore, the defendant is a full-fledged face in the lawsuit. And the fact that you are the defendant does not mean that the claims have already been almost proven - there are many processes that walked in full swing, but in the end "collapsed" due to the lack of a strong evidentiary base. Hence the goal - to win the evidentiary base, especially falsified, must be professionally ruined (about the methods below).

Rule second. The challenge of evidence is a painstaking work with a large magnifying glass in the hands, and tears and hysterics - the first enemy of attention. Therefore, complete calmness, despite the fact that in the courtroom there is always a very intense atmosphere. The judicial system and its capabilities are such that it is possible to sue for a long time, so it is still unknown who will be reorder and who will get faster from it.

The third rule is to turn the knowledge, regardless of the process of the process of legal education of any level - a very valuable thing. You will use the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation) - the very necessary document and even unprofessional understandable. The procedural rights and obligations of the sides are painted in very detailed. The defendant, in particular, has the right: to get acquainted with the materials of the case and take copies from them, to conduct an audio record of the court session, to provide evidence of its legal position, ask the plaintiff and other participants in the process of issues, attract witnesses and third parties; If the defendant cannot independently produce evidence, but he knows about their presence and location, he can ask for the court to refine them, including the plaintiff. Of course, the Court is obliged to clarify the party of her right and obligations, however, in practice, it often looks like a cheerful patter, to catch the meaning in which it is quite difficult. Therefore, we study our rights on our own - chapter 4 "Persons participating in the case" (special attention - article 35).

What follows from this? First, having received a claim, check in it every letter and the figure for compliance with the facts known to you - the plaintiffs often have original points of view on important events. The first meeting is called conversation, it simply finds out the opinion of the parties on a controversial issue, no decisions, except for the workers, is not accepted about the direction of requests, for example, not accepted. Usually, no evidence is not present there, however, if the plaintiff joined a document, be sure to read the case - perhaps your copy is different from the one that remains in the materials. When reading, be sure to remove photocopies or photocopies. Get acquainted with the case better after each meeting, after three to four days. Be sure to check how they number the sheets - they must be numbered by the handle, since the pencil is easily erased, and documents are added to the case; The sheet number must be viewed on your photocopy. At all meetings, bring a cassette recorder, this right is given to Part 7 of Article 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, just do not forget to make the court inform about this fact. The ban on the recorder is a violation of your rights. In order to introduce a record to the case, you must have two cassette voice recorders at the same time - one cassette remains with you, the second (also original) remains in the materials. The presence of a voice recorder in combination in the Olympic tranquility of the defendant disciplines the court - there are doubts about the fairness of the claimant's claims and the error characteristic of any fear (and there is something to lose!), Multiplied by the announced struggle with corruption. For you, the record is of great importance: houses in silence, scrolling up the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you can once again hear the plaintiff and take a fresh look at his position. In any case, you will hand over a lot of useful.

There is a big attention to the minutes of the court session, which for some reason unprofessional signs without looking. And in vain. The protocol must contain everything that the parties say in the meeting room, there were cases when the side with amazement found almost his own agreement with the position of the opponent, however, such cases are rare. Maintaining the Protocol - the duty of the court in accordance with Art. 228 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, but on the conversations, it happens, he does not behave at all, in this case - the recorder is irreplaceable. Carefully read the protocol is necessary. If you have noticed that some essential details have escaped from the attention of the judge or secretary, it is necessary to demand to make them in the protocol. Remarks on the protocol are made in writing and declare within five days from the date of signing the protocol of the judge - Art. 231. In practice, you can come to court in three or four days, no later than the meeting, in court, to write comments in court by passing them through the office. If the judge did not make your comments, its motives will be reflected in the definition that will remain in the case file.

Try to check all the proof of the plaintiff by the method of counter check. It is necessary to understand whether the information that he proves his position is contained. For example, if the plaintiff claims that in the disputed moment was, say, in a bank, there was some kind of operations, proving it with testimony, ask the Court of request to find out whether this person really was present at the specified time. When the plaintiff provides papers emanating from third parties, check whether it has the right to receive these information and copies - evidence obtained illegally cannot be based on the court decision.

On the actions of the judge, in which case, it is possible to declare a private complaint against the appeal instance within 15 days from the date of determination, which, in the opinion of the parties, violates the law or infringe on the right.

The obligation to prove his position lies with the one who declares this position, therefore collect the maximum evidence of the unlawfulness of the claimant's claims. All evidence fix it; Before adding them to the court case, copy. It is better to give copies to the court, keep the originals. Keep any documents, including drafts on the shur of the newspaper - can all be useful. Correspondence with the plaintiff and any questions regarding his documents must be stored, and it is necessary to maintain everything since that moment when you have entered into an agreement - any will confirm that even the most intelligent relationships have a good chance to become bad and welcome to court.

Remember that all the documents important for you need to be attached to the case in the first instance, because the parents only check the work of the court, and not a creature of the dispute, that is, the reward will not be considered. You can submit documents to the cassation only if you prove that they could not imagine them earlier.

If you intend to conclude an agreement in which it is written that the dispute will consider the arbitration court, change the wording for general jurisdiction. Never transfer anything to anyone in one copy, refer the evidence of acceptance from you, items, orders, etc. (One of the options is the accompanying letter).

My practice makes it possible to conclude that the outcome of the case largely depends on the knowledge and attention of the defendant, the absolute confidence in the representative is excluded. Your process is your job, if a representative is wrong, the responsibility will still have to be responsible for you.

And last. Before putting the signature under the contract, go to a lawyer, a lawyer - saving time, money and nerves it turns out very significant.

Tags: , 0 0 Lawyers http: //syt/wp-contective/uploads/2017/11/logo1-300x40.png.Lawyers2013-09-16 11:29:37 2016-03-21 21:26:54 Judicial process for dummies. You are the defendant how to protect yourself.

Preliminary court session How to behave in court at the preliminary meeting? The preliminary meeting of the World Court of Civil Affairs is most similar to the usual conversation between all participants in the process. The judge finds out all the details of the upcoming process, finds out whether participants need help in finding evidence, and also proposes to conclude a settlement agreement. At the preliminary meeting, it is necessary to behave in the same way as during the process - correctly, not shouting out of place, contact the judge you need a "dear court", to get up when contacting, etc. How to behave in court the defendant initially in a disadvantage Positions, as he is forced to defend against accusations. Although from the point of view of the law, until the fault is proven, it is considered innocent.

Management: how to behave in court in a civil case without a lawyer

Indications can only be given standing. In the same position you need to do all applications, contact the court and ask questions. From this rule there are exceptions - for the state of health, the plaintiff, the defendant or a witness can allow testimony sitting, and sometimes lying.

Supplement your testimony or give explanations is permissible only with the permission of the court. 4. Observe the procedure must be obliged to all those present at the court session.

5. Violation of the procedure during the process leads to the prevention of the violator. If this happens again, he threatens to remove from the courtroom - sometimes temporarily, sometimes until the end of the meeting.

It must be remembered that any manifestation of disrespect for the court can lead to a fine. 6. All participants in the process, including the audience, must have a certificate of personality (passport).

If you were summoned by the agenda, then you must report your arrival by the secretary.

Company executive


Do you like when you want to deceive and do it openly? Moreover, the change in the subject / base of the claim, an increase in the amount of claims - the basis for deploying the trial of the case, and the procedural time has already been written above. Lower the right line of protecting your rights and success awaits you.

9) Talk about legality / illegality, validity / unreasonableness. Talking about legality / illegality, validity / unfairness or that "the judge is incorrectly judged" one can, moreover, it is worth the appellate / cassation court, but not in court of the first instance and even more so before the court ruled .

So far, no one canceled the court decision - it is legal, let it even in it will be continuous violations of the law. 10) bring to the court session "Support Group". No one wants to be distracted from the consideration of the case and watch the "Theater" in the courtroom.

How to behave in court?

As part of the Civil Procedure, participants often actually act without the help of a professional representative-lawyer. How to behave in court in a civil case if you are not ready to use the services of a lawyer? After the citizen was rendered to legal advice, he becomes confident that in a sentence to cope with his business.

As part of the Civil Procedure, participants often actually act without the help of a professional representative-lawyer. It is very difficult to achieve the desired result, but there are such precedents, which means that with proper preparing for the process, it is quite realistic without the help of a lawyer to increasing the court in your direction.

Himself to the lawyer


Before interrogation of the witness, the Court warns his criminal responsibility for the gift of obviously false testimony. Initially, witnesses are being interrogated by the plaintiff, and then by the defendant.

Interrogation of their witnesses lead sides or their representatives. After presenting a witness of the testimony, he asks the questions of that party, on whose initiative was caused by witnesses, then the other side of the process.

After all the participants in the process, the questions asks the judge. After the interrogation of witnesses, the court interrogates a specialist, an expert, if parties petitioned about it.

After all interrogations, the judge announces the beginning of the study of civil matters. The judge reads the documents in civil cases, if there are questions about the documents, asks them as a document submitted to the document.
After researching materials, the court invites the prosecutor to give his conclusion in the case.

How to behave in court the defendant, the plaintiff and witness: detailed instructions

Development Development Be sure to know that the court is not interesting to some common words, guesses and assumptions. Each argument must be supported by proof, and preferably documentary. If we are talking about the amount of damage, then the main argument will be an expert opinion. In addition, any contacts (as well as attempts to those) with the defendant before the court must be described and secured in the document.

Of course, the debate of the parties without the participation of witnesses lose their direct purpose, so the plaintiff will need to take care not only about the presence of a documentary base, but also to attract witnesses to their side (or citizens who have something to say in the court on the merits). The legislative framework Finally, a detailed study of the legislative base is also mandatory.

How to behave in court

In addition, when preparing a case for a trial, the plaintiff (or his representative) conveys a reply copy of evidence that substantiate actual claims; declares the request for the request for the evidence that he cannot receive independently without the help of the court, and the defendant (or his representative) clarifies the claims claimant's claims and the actual foundations of these requirements; presents the plaintiff or his representative and the court of objection in writing relative to the claims; transfers the plaintiff or his representative and judge of evidence, justifying objections regarding the claim; He declares the request for the request of the evidence that he cannot get independently without the help of the court.

Judicial process for dummies. You are the defendant how to protect yourself.

If, when submitting a claim, violations of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation were allowed, the court leaves the claim without movement or returns the claim to the applicant. After the claim was adopted, you need to wait for a call to court.

Challenges to the court are usually drawn up by the agendas that the court sends to the address specified in the claim. However, this is not the only way to notify the participants in the process.

The court may also inform you by telephone, telegram, and in some courts it is also possible to inform the court session. Of course, sitting and waiting for the call is not worth it. I recommend after all the same periodically call to court and check for what time a meeting is scheduled, because

Sometimes the agendas come with significant delay. Yes, and non-appearance in court without a good reason can have very unfavorable consequences. So the court on the basis of Art. 222 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation may lend a claim without consideration.
This is done so that witnesses do not know the testimony of other witnesses and the court could catch the truth independently and ask the necessary questions. Is it possible to produce audio, video or photography in court? In the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation there is no ban on arbitrary audio recording.

There is a direct indication of the permission of the court for the production of photo and video, but about the audio - no. This is due to the fact that video and photo recording can reproduce the image, and the audio is not. This is all logic. Therefore, write down on health and do not listen to the judges who say the opposite. Summary and finally I would like to add. If you still worry before the trial, it's best to hire a lawyer or a lawyer. By paying one day for its services, you will not only save your nerves, but also often money. The services of a lawyer are reimbursed by the other party by the court decision.

How to behave in court plaintiff without a lawyer

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The author is like! Sometimes there may be a situation when a person has to defend its legitimate interests in court. For example, if he acts as the plaintiff. Or, on the contrary, as a defendant, proving the unreasonableness of someone's claims nominated against him. People, far from jurisprudence, are confident that this requires a lawyer. Indeed, an experienced professional is always better understanding in purely legal intricacies of the issue. On the other hand, a lawyer service is not for everyone to pocket. Articles

Observation of lawyer practices: a person who never happened in court, go there for the first time is afraid. It does not matter, as whom he will participate - a witness, a party in the case or as a third party. Doubts and fears go away, as a rule, after the lawyer explains in detail, as it should behave in court and what is required from this participant in the process.

Tell in order.

Going to court, do not forget to take a passport with you. It is them that you will confirm your identity before the court. Driving and other certificates are not suitable for this purpose.

Show respect for the court: get dressed in a fit (do not come to a meeting in shorts, T-shirt, etc.).

Try to arrive at about fifteen minutes before the meeting, so that there was time to navigate - find the room you need.

Do not take volumetric bags in the courthouse, backpacks with personal belongings that will not be required to you in the process.

As a rule, immediately at the entrance in the courthouse there is bailiffs. Passports, show the contents of the bag, go through the metal detector frame.

Find the court hearing you need. He is written in the agenda and in the court definition that you received; It can also be found by calling the surname of the judges to which you are called.

The meeting can be held in the very office of the judge. In any case, you can learn about this from the agenda or definition.

The door of the court session is hosted by a list of cases considered on this day. You can make sure that your business is present in it.

If at the appointed time of the participants of your case are not invited to the hall and if you know that now there is no other meeting there, you can go and inform the secretary or the assistant judge that you came to participate in the case.

You will be invited to the hall. Hello, sit down. Sit down there - you will correct.

The judge, opening the court hearing, will report, what matter is listening and asked to report who arrived at the court hearing. The plaintiff presented, the defendant, third parties. Transfer their passports, (if applicable). As a rule, the judge asks about the appearance of witnesses separately.

The judge will ask if your judge, the secretary, is there. As a rule, they should not be. (The removal declares if you have reason not to trust the court, but it is done in the extreme case and the like steps are best coordinated with a lawyer).

Then the judge will explain to you your procedural rights and obligations. Feel free to ask if something is incomprehensible to you.

The judge manages the process, determines the order of the hearing, asks you to state a position, suggests asking questions to other participants. Carefully monitor what the judge says in order to do what follows, and not do what is not needed. At the same time, show a reasonable initiative.

What should be avoided, so this is a cross-strike with other participants, stocking with the judge, interrupting the speakers.

Every time you talk to a judge or judge addresses you, you need to get up. Also stand also when a judge enters the hall and when a court ruling is announced.

In the civil and arbitration process to the judge addressed the "Dear Court". In the criminal process - "Your Honor".

All the above is intended to eliminate some ignorance about the procedure for participation in court sessions, how to behave. However, this is only a form, and the content is your position in the case. You can allow errors and in that, in the other, but errors are positioned in position, as a rule, more expensive.

There are cases when the personal participation of the induced person at the court session is necessarily. For example, when they call as a witness. (May have the negative consequences that we have previously told).

In all other cases, the help of professional lawyers should be resorted. Contact - and we will achieve the best result.

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