Wash dirty floors. How to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor

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Concrete is a durable and versatile material. This is the basis and standard floor coverings. Often concrete floors are left unfinished. The concrete floor may be smooth or rough, may be unique design and dyed.

Whatever type of concrete it is, in order to keep it clean and increase its durability, it is necessary to properly monitor it.

In this article, you will learn how to wash a concrete floor. It doesn't matter if it's the floor in your home or office, indoor or outdoor, if you follow these instructions, your floor will last you a long time.

In our company you can order cleaning after the repair of your apartment.

Method one - define the strategy

Method two - maintenance of interior concrete floors

Method Three - Cleaning External Concrete Floors

Method Four - Removing Stains from Concrete Floors


Apply a special protective wax to your concrete floors every three years.

Contact the professionals of our cleaning company.


What do you think about this? What else can be added to the above?

In order for the parquet floor to be always beautiful, you need to learn how to properly care for it. Parquet flooring, laid at home and in any other premises, requires special care not only because it is an expensive material, but also for a longer preservation of the proper appearance and extension of the service life. Caring for parquet natural wood not as easy as it might seem at first glance, since not all means and methods can give a positive result and will not harm the coating. If the care is incorrect, this will affect the operational properties of the coating and significantly spoil its aesthetics, and therefore you need to be very careful and it is not advisable to save.

Parquet care

It is worth noting that you can properly clean the parquet with your own hands.

Like all other floor coverings, parquet should not be washed, but carried out wet cleaning, since washing with the usual running water Not only is it undesirable, but it can also cause the formation of fungus and similar problems. Cleaning is done using special remedy, or to be more precise, a chemically neutral cleaner on water based- cleaner.

Parquet should be washed very carefully, because parquet flooring does not tolerate excessive moisture

It allows you to remove dirt as accurately as possible and without harm to the coating, without streaks. It is best to choose a cleaner of the same brand as the parquet itself.

Not infrequently, cleaning is carried out with special products that protect the floor and at the same time care for it. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they consist of natural oils and a mild solvent, due to which the care is carried out in the most gentle and completely harmless. The frequency of polishing depends on how much the passable place where the parquet is laid. In general, it is enough to use the product with oil 2-3 times a month, but it all depends on the composition and recommendations of the manufacturer of the liquid, as there may be various constituent components.

Daily cleaning: how to wash the parquet floor

In order for the parquet floor to fully meet all expectations, you need to: choose a high-quality coating, competently carry out installation, use the right detergent. It is much easier to clean a floor covered with laminate than one finished with parquet, since the laminate can also be washed from old stains, such as ordinary dirt, but parquet board requires daily care.

Start washing the parquet according to the pattern, this way you will avoid unwanted streaks

It consists in:

  • Removal of grains of sand;
  • elimination small particles mud;
  • Removing stains.

As far as possible, it is necessary to wipe the contaminated area with a cotton cloth, pre-wetted in a water solution with the addition of a cleaner concentrate. Once every 6-7 days, cleaning is required with a mop or microfiber mop, also moistened with a cleaner. If there are carpets in the room, then they need to be regularly thrown out in order to prevent the shedding of small particles of dirt, sand and small debris, so that the floor covered with parquet, additionally painted with varnish, does not become deformed from interaction with such particles. To clean the floor from dirt with a cleaner, you should first familiarize yourself with the recommendations from the manufacturer, and correctly observe the proportions, otherwise you may simply not achieve the desired effect or violate the aesthetics of the canvas.

How to care for lacquered parquet

Lacquered parquet flooring is: luxurious, expensive and beautiful. In order for it to actually meet such criteria, it needs to be monitored very carefully and just waxing it will not be enough. Whether old or new, parquet flooring must be treated with special polishes. Initially, it is processed 2 weeks after a fresh coat of varnish has been applied, and again after 4 months.

polish can be:

  • Matte;
  • Glossy;
  • Colorless;
  • Colored.

Before washing varnished parquet, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it with a vacuum cleaner.

Before applying the polish, you need to clean the floor surface from dirt, dust and residues from other products used to care for the canvas. To ennoble the coating with a polish, you can use a special brush or a wide mop, as well as due to uniform distribution composition around the perimeter of the floor. No matter what the size of the room, it must be treated in one go so that there is no discrepancy in hue.

The polish must be applied and left to dry completely, and the floor can be used only after a few hours, so that the surface of the parquet is completely dry. It is strictly forbidden to apply a second layer if the first one has just begun to dry out, in which case it is better to wait until it dries completely and re-treat a little later.

Caring for parquet at home

Some believe that indoor air humidity plays a big role and it affects how many times a week you need to treat the floor.

Actually it all depends:

  • Passability of the premises;
  • correct processing;
  • The quality of the composition used.

It is essential that regular general cleaning, but it is desirable to carry it out as needed. For example, if persistent dirt and stains begin to form that can damage the coating.

For such cleaning, you can use the most common cleaner, but only concentrated.

Important! Cleaners have their own subspecies, and therefore, when choosing a product for general cleaning, you should pay attention to the notes from the manufacturer. For example, Glutoclean is suitable for removing greasy and old stains on a waxed floor.

To remove complex stains, it is better not to use improvised means, as experiments can turn into harm to parquet

The Coswick company, is engaged in production of a parquet and release related products. The developers of the enterprise recommend that general cleaning is carried out according to a special scheme.


  1. Clean with a vacuum cleaner to remove small debris.
  2. Apply by means of a sprayer a concentrate previously prepared according to the recommendation on the vial.
  3. Waterlogging of parquet should not be allowed.
  4. Next, the floor is wiped with a special microfiber mop or cotton rag.
  5. As soon as the floor dries, it is treated with a special protective agent, again pre-diluted in the desired concentration.

This sequence is not too complicated, and in order to carry it out, you do not need to contact specialists. With regards to the choice of composition for cleaning and processing by manufacturer, this is a personal preference of each and no more, since it may differ: composition, price, method of application, concentration. For example, if you need to remove ink, resin or even heel stains from varnished parquet, it is best to use the proven Kiilto Parquet Stain Remover.

In order for the floor to maintain its excellent performance properties for a long time, it is necessary to carry out careful cleaning and properly care for the coating. It is very important that the floor is not subjected to mechanical damage. In the event of serious contamination, it is worth removing stains from the parquet plank immediately to prevent them from eating into the canvas.

How and how to wash parquet (video)

Parquet that has been varnished, oiled or waxed requires regular refinishing with a polish. Depending on the type of flooring, a certain agent and method of care with processing are chosen. Lacquered canvases require separate care. Important! It is quite possible to take care of the parquet with your own hands, but if there is no special need or desire to improve the coating on your own, then it is better to entrust all this to a specialist.

Marble is a soft porous stone that requires careful care. Marble floors need more maintenance because they get dirty faster. Fortunately, there are several safe ways marble floor maintenance. Use special products designed for cleaning marble. Also, avoid activities that could damage the floor material. If you do everything right, the marble floor will delight you with its cleanliness.


Wash the floor

    Use hot water. Whether you're making a floor cleaning solution or just using water, remember to only use hot water. Hot water helps remove dirt. This greatly reduces the need for cleaning agents that can damage the marble.

    Use distilled water. Distilled water is water that is free of minerals and other impurities. By using distilled water, you will reduce the chance of discoloration or staining of your marble floor.

    Add cleaning agent to water. Pour the cleaner into a bucket of hot distilled water. Follow the instructions supplied with the cleaning agent. Dilute the cleaner with the specified amount of water. Mix the resulting solution thoroughly. Use a neutral pH cleaner.

    Use a soft broom. Take a mop with a soft cloth (preferably microfiber) and dip it into the cleaning solution and water. Squeeze the nozzle to remove excess water and mop the floor. Wash the floor using stroke-like strokes that overlap each other.

    Wash the floor again using clean water. After cleaning the floor with a mixture of water and detergent, fill a bucket with cool water and mop the floor again. Thanks to this, you will be able to remove the dirt or debris left on the floor. In addition, you will remove the foam left after washing the floor.

    Change the water from time to time. Change the water or cleaning solution periodically. If this is not done, stains or even scratches from pieces of dirt may appear on the floor.

    Use a soft towel to dry the floor. Since marble is porous, try to remove as much liquid as possible from the floor surface. If you don't, the solution may soak into the floor and discolor the marble surface.

    • Change wet and dirty towels as needed.

    Avoid activities that may damage the floor

    1. Wash the floor immediately after any liquid comes into contact with it. As soon as you notice liquid on the floor, immediately remove it. Marble is a porous material that easily absorbs liquids. It may become discolored or stained if the liquid is not removed immediately.

      Use a neutral pH cleaner. This cleanser won't hurt. marble floor. Do not use acidic cleaners. Such substances can scratch or remove the shine of marble floors. Avoid:

      Don't wait for the floor to dry on its own. The worst thing you can do is wait for the floor to dry on its own. By doing this, you allow the water or cleaning solution to soak into the floor. Because of this, the marble surface may discolor or stain.

A brilliant result will be provided by professional tools "For a wooden floor" and proven folk ways, but before we start, we will introduce you to our partners http://magia-pola.ru/catalog/vinyl_tile/ , they have the largest and brightest catalog in Russia

Wooden floors are more susceptible to pollution than flooring with modern protective and decorative coatings. However, there are several ways to properly wash the floors, depending on the type of board and its processing. I will tell about this.

What should be taken into account?

Any problem is solved taking into account the type of board, its coating and the type of pollution.

The parquet floor cannot be wetted with water, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

Abundant moisture is unacceptable, even if the boards are varnished, since the parquet floor is laid from equally small boards. They are tightly fitted one to the other. This facing of a concrete or wooden base has many joints in which water traps and destroys the wood over time.

Means "For parquet" will provide high-quality washing and will not damage expensive wood flooring.

Means are also selected special- just for parquet. They form a shiny protective film, polish the boards and close the cracks.

Lacquered plank floors also require a special approach to cleaning.

A boardwalk is made of large boards. Their sizes are different. And in order to clean the plank floor cleanly, their own nuances are taken into account. Namely, whether it is painted or not. Therefore, care wooden coating depends also on its processing:

Clean all joints conventional vacuum cleaner with floor nozzle

  • Vacuum the floor first i.e. dry wash. This applies to all wood floors. After all, it is very difficult to wash the dust in cracks and joints, even using the most effective cleaning agent;
  • Then the wet cleaning begins. wood floors.

How to clean a wooden floor

You can ideally wash the boardwalk only with your hands and a soft cloth, but not with a mop!

Wood cannot be cleaned with dry products, with abrasives, undissolved soda. Hard brushes and rags will also scratch it.

A fluffy cotton cloth will wash off all dirt without damaging the varnish.

Choosing which rag is better to wash the floor, we prefer cotton. It is well wrung out, soft, as close as possible to the surface. The result is a perfectly clean floor.

For daily cleaning, you only need to slightly moisten the nozzle on the mop.

Routine cleaning- clean water and a damp (should not drip) mop.

General- using a diluted floor cleaner. The flooring is abundantly wetted with it, the cracks are washed out, and then the wet surface is wiped dry.

Method 1. How to wash an unpainted floor

Unpainted flooring is the most difficult to maintain - the tree absorbs dust and moisture.

Before washing, unpainted floors must be freed from debris with a vacuum cleaner. Particular attention is paid to the joints of the boards. After all, it is in these irregularities that dirt is deposited and is especially noticeable. And it is not easy to wash it out of there even with a brush.

Unpainted wood deteriorates from moisture: it swells, bends.

Then stains are considered, because various contaminants are removed in different ways.

Professional compositions will cope with many stains

Proven old ways:

  • powder baking soda black marks from shoes are eliminated (it can be applied on an unpainted surface). It is necessary to sprinkle soda on a dark mark, and then wipe this area with a damp sponge. And grains of soda will be drawn in by a vacuum cleaner.
  • Alcohol or vodka you can remove any stain from the tree. Then clean the trace with a sponge and soda.
  • A solution of ammonia you need to wash the sticky spots first, it will easily eliminate them. Then remove the remaining sticky substance with a spatula.

After removing all the stains, you can start a general wash.

Here is the best way to wash the floors if they are unpainted:

  • take lime and sand(it is necessary to mix 50g and 150g, respectively);
  • add 4 liters of water to the mixture
  • then with a soft brush wash unpainted boards.

This solution is great for cleaning unpainted boardwalk as well as disinfecting it. After drying, vacuum the floor.

Baking soda and vinegar are old-fashioned cleaners and disinfectants for hardwood floors.

soda solution– more available remedy. Dilute half a pack of baking soda with 4 liters of water. Then scrub the boards with a brush.

Vinegar and ammonia(2 tablespoons in 5 liters of water) - with this composition you can wash the floor in the store and at home. It will ideally relieve unpainted wooden surface from dirt.

Consider how to clean floors after repair:

  • sweep with a broom various garbage;
  • Go through the vacuum cleaner to completely clean the boardwalk from construction dust. Now ingrained dirt is already visible on it, as well as stains from paint, glue, plaster;

A special tool and a hard sponge will facilitate the work.

  • We use the means of the line “Everything for repair”. Using these universal developments, you can quickly eliminate all repair rubbish.

people's councils, how to wash floors after repair, they offer proven compositions from improvised ingredients:

  • sandpaper gently wipe off traces of glue without peeling off the paint;
  • brushed clean off drops of plaster, lime;
  • a glass of kerosene or gasoline in a bucket of water will refresh the wood after repair;
  • diluted vinegar immediately eliminate the pungent kerosene smell.

After washing, the surface is waxed - this is her protective layer.

The cleaned flooring is treated with a moisture-protecting agent with the addition of wax or silicone (the price of such a composition is acceptable).

Method 2. How to wash painted wooden floors

Brightly colored flooring can fade from improper washing.

Painted floors are easier to clean. After all, dirt does not eat into the wood due to the monolithic layer of paint:

  • Vinegar or ammonia diluted in water(1 spoon per 1 liter) and moisten a mop sponge or rag with the resulting solution;
  • The mop should slide without coming off the surface. And it is right to wash the floor - moving the mop in a sailor's way: "eight";
  • For shine you can make a solution of 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 spoon of preparation for cabinet furniture shine and 2 liters of water.

It is not recommended to rub the surface with wax or oil-containing substances, since the painted wood does not absorb them, and sticky dirt soon forms instead of gloss.

Household chemicals - the solution to the question of how to quickly wash the floors at home.

Stains from painted boards are removed locally with alcohol. Then the means "For the floor" are applied - they thoroughly wash the entire surface.

Such moistening is permissible only during “general” cleaning, and not daily

A trail of urine can be washed too. You will need:

  • Dry wipe. The urine of an infant or pet is eaten into the wood structure. Therefore, it is immediately collected with a dry cloth.
  • Dish detergent. Then gently wash the stain with dishwashing detergent.
  • Ammonia. Then it is rubbed with ammonia diluted in a glass of warm water. It will restore the surface shine and uniformity.
  • Vinegar. But washing the floor with vinegar and water (1:10) will eliminate bad smell and refresh the color of the painted boards.

The use of chlorine-containing products on a painted surface is undesirable: the smell will disappear, but the surface will brighten forever.

The final step is to wipe the floor dry

How to wash parquet

How to clean wooden floors? Clean parquet regularly water is better with vinegar.

Expensive exquisite parquet should be washed from dirt carefully and better with your own hands. After all, it is important to protect it from damage. Often, parquet flooring is not varnished, but simply rubbed diligently and regularly.

Lacquered parquet flooring must not be cleaned with dry powders, so as not to scratch the varnish. And regularly need to be refreshed with polish.

For frequent washing, you can purchase a special steam mop(pictured) so that the coating does not get wet

Moisture will penetrate even with a water-repellent coating: into microscopic cracks, cracks, holes. Then the tree is deformed, the floor will begin to creak, and the parquet boards will fall out.

Method 3. Professional parquet care

Only gel formulas - no powders!

Now there are many means for such a floor from planks. And the instructions for their use guarantee the desired result. Of course, with them, labor-intensive wet cleaning is noticeably simplified.

When fighting stains, it is better to beat the product until foam forms - it will wash the surface without penetrating deep into.

You should wash the floor with a slightly damp cloth - the foam cleans well and without excess moisture.

The selected solution must be marked "for parquet".

New formulas eliminate greasy spots and ingrained old dirt.

Such compositions cope, in addition to the effective removal of dirt, with several more tasks:

  • Forms a protective wax or silicone film;
  • Gives a glossy polymer sheen;
  • Leave no streaks;
  • Make wood resistant to moisture;
  • Does not require rinsing;
  • Effective even in cold water;
  • Non-toxic and safe.

The usual use is to dilute the composition in water and wash the floor.

And it will protect and update the wooden floor from scratches.


Now, having learned the recommendations and tips, you can easily wash the floor with a brilliant result, and admire the well-groomed wood flooring for a long time. And now I propose to familiarize yourself with the video in this article - in it good example than to wash such flooring. We can discuss your questions and ideas in the comments - write!

Quickly wash the floor throughout the house is not as easy as it seems to many housewives. In this business, as in any home cleaning, there are a lot of nuances, the knowledge of which greatly facilitates hard work. After all, modern interior design offers a variety of floor coverings, and each of them has its own approach in professional cleaning. Let's borrow a couple of secrets and find out how to quickly and easily clean the floor throughout the house. You will find this and other information in our material.

Mopping floors is the final stage of general cleaning of any home. After things are laid out in their places, the cabinets are wiped, and the surfaces are free from a layer of dust, it's time to clean the floor from sand, dirt and stains. If followed at this stage simple rules, then it will be possible to carry out this part of the cleaning much faster and with less effort. After all, you see, at the end of the cleaning activities, there is not much energy left, but meanwhile, it is the floors that are one of the dirtiest surfaces in the house, and they must be cleaned of dirt as thoroughly as possible.

Simple floor cleaning rules

Many of these rules seem obvious and overly simple, but they are the ones that allow you to quickly and effectively cope with mopping. If they are ignored, the process will inevitably drag on, absorbing time and effort. And that's what we don't want. Therefore, we follow simple tips and greatly simplify our lives!

Before you start washing the floor, you need to remove all things from it, and take small objects, such as chairs or stools, out of the room or put them on tables with their legs up. Needless to say, you need to first shake out the dust from the carpets. Otherwise, all dirt from the carpet will quickly be transferred to the clean floor and stick to it, making subsequent cleaning much more difficult.

Do not immediately start wet cleaning - it is best to first vacuum the floor or sweep sand and dry dirt with a broom or brush. If this is not done, then they will be smeared with a wet rag on the floor covering - it will be more difficult to wash the floor, in addition, stains will remain. If you are using a broom, dampen it a little so that the dust does not rise into the air and settle again on the already swept surface.

Washing the floor with a damp cloth should begin from the opposite corners from the entrance. Be sure to pay attention to skirting boards - they accumulate a lot of dirt and dust. Try not to step on already washed areas, gradually moving towards the exit. Otherwise, your marks will remain on the coating, which will be noticeable after the floor dries.

So that there are no streaks left, and the floor shines, it is best to wash it with water with a small amount of a special flooring detergent diluted in it. In this case, dirt is easier to wash off and you do not have to wipe the floor several times. In addition, after such cleaning, the coating will shine. Another plus: next time cleaning will be much easier, and dirt from the floor will be cleaned easier.

Change contaminated water frequently to keep dirt and harmful bacteria from being transferred from one room to another.

Cleaning methods for various floor coverings

Depending on the type of floor covering, the methods of its effective cleaning also differ. Indeed, today in houses you can find both parquet, painted wooden floors or cork, as well as laminate and linoleum. Each such material has its own characteristics, and also reacts differently to excess water. Smearing dirt with a wet rag can easily ruin the floor. Therefore, we understand the types of flooring and how to clean them.

Wooden floors

Wooden floors are usually covered with paint or varnish. Thereby natural material does not absorb water, which means that such floors can be washed with a damp cloth.

For daily cleaning, simply wipe the cover. If the floor is washed once a week, you need to dilute a certain amount of detergent in the water to clean off the accumulated dirt. You can use liquid soap and wash the floor with soapy water. After that, you will have to wipe the coating a couple of times with napkins dipped in clean water to remove soap residue.

If you use the HG parquet cleaner, you do not need to wipe the floor again after this treatment. This product is intended not only for parquet, but also for wooden floors. Quite a bit of the product must be diluted in water to prepare a cleaning solution. It is enough to wash the coating with a cloth soaked in it to get rid of dirt and give the floor a shine.

A popular way to make wooden floors shine is to use a solution of water and vinegar to wash. By the way, thanks to such cleaning, the paint will last much longer on the coating. A definite minus is the smell of vinegar, which will be felt in the room for some time. Therefore, for daily cleaning, this method is not very suitable.


Parquet, popular at all times, is extremely capricious in cleaning. A wet rag with dripping drops of water is fatal to him. As well as scratches from heels or animal claws - the varnish becomes covered with a web of scratches and the floor ceases to shine. That is why special products are best suited for washing parquet.

Before proceeding with wet cleaning, the parquet should be well vacuumed. Thus, all debris and sand that can scratch the varnish will be removed from it. By the way, a washing vacuum cleaner and a steam cleaner are absolutely not suitable for cleaning such a floor. Hot steam will cause the flooring to swell soon.

The main rule: parquet is not friendly with water. Therefore, for daily cleaning of the floor, only a slightly damp cloth, which has been wrung out in the most thorough way, is suitable.

Full washing of the parquet with a wet cloth using a soapy solution can be carried out no more than a couple of times a year. In this case, immediately after washing off dirt and stains, the coating must be wiped dry and treated with a special protective agent. To make the parquet shine, a little glycerin is added to the water for washing it.

Spots and traces of dirt must be removed from the parquet as soon as possible, otherwise they will be absorbed into the floor structure and it will not be possible to clean them. The coating will be hopelessly damaged.

Professional cleaning of parquet involves the use of a special composition. perfect for daily use. It will not only remove all dust and dirt from such a floor, but also help to cope with stains. But a special one will protect the floor covering from severe dirt, scratches and tarnishing. In addition, it will give the floor a delightful shine. Before applying the composition to the coating, it should be further cleaned. The product will remove the layers of the old polishing composition, as well as all stubborn dirt and stains. By the way, with this tool you can try to deal with old spots. Only after such a thorough treatment, a fresh polish is applied to the floor surface. In this case, even such a capricious coating as parquet will be reliably protected from any adversity.


Due to its moderate cost and at the same time good decorative properties, laminate is increasingly chosen for flooring in any home. The multi-layered nature of this material ensures its strength and durability. Upper layer, which is most often a coating with acrylic or melamine resin, protects the laminate from damage. However, this floor, of course, cannot be called absolutely invulnerable. Laminate is afraid of scratches and excess water.

For such a floor, timely cleaning of sand and dirt is a vital necessity. First of all, dry debris is always removed from the coating, and only then can wet cleaning be started. Grains of sand leave a web of small scratches on the laminate and deprive it of its shine.

It is undesirable to carry out wet cleaning every day if you have laminate flooring. A couple of times a week will suffice. On other days, use a broom, brush or vacuum cleaner to clean the dirt. By the way, a washing vacuum cleaner should not be used often. After cleaning the floor with it, immediately wipe the floor with a dry absorbent cloth to remove excess moisture.

A microfiber cloth or mop with a soft cloth nozzle is perfect for damp cleaning laminate flooring. The main thing is to prevent the accumulation of excess moisture on such a floor and the appearance of puddles. Water will cause the laminate to swell.

People's advice: so that there are no stains on the laminate, a little vinegar is added to the water to wash it.

Specialists in the field of cleaning use professional products to wash the laminate, which do not allow excessive wetting of the floor, gently clean it and create a protective layer on the surface. These compositions include. It easily cleans even difficult dirt, prevents fading of the floor and restores its beautiful shine. The product is very easy to use - just dilute a small amount of it in water and wash the laminate with a well-wrung napkin. After such treatment, the floor does not need to be wiped again with clean water, which significantly saves time for cleaning. The agent leaves a protective layer on the surface, which will contribute to less pollution, as well as extend the life of such a floor.


This type of flooring attracts with its practicality. In addition, linoleum looks good and shines nicely, especially if it has just been laid. Moreover, now a huge variety of such material is on sale. However, in order for linoleum to continue to delight with its beautiful appearance, it is necessary to properly care for it and protect such a floor covering from exposure to high temperatures, mechanical damage, abrasives and chemical substances. They can cause him irreparable harm.

Immediately after laying, linoleum should be left alone for several days and only a vacuum cleaner or a broom should be used to clean it, in other words, dry cleaning should be carried out.

Remember: before washing linoleum, it must be swept or vacuumed. Such a floor, like almost any coating, is afraid of exposure to abrasives. In this role, just the same, grains of sand and small stones will act if you do not remove them from the floor before washing. Otherwise, very soon your linoleum will lose its attractive shine, as it will be covered with a web of small scratches. In addition, unremoved dry dirt will spread over the surface and you will have to deal with stains.

A couple of days after laying, you can begin to carry out wet cleaning of such a coating - with a rag soaked in plain water, or in a solution liquid soap or powder if the linoleum is heavily soiled. However, keep in mind that after this you will have to wipe the floor with clean water several times to wash off the soap stains.

In order for linoleum to please with the brilliance and brightness of colors for a long time, and also not to dry out, cleaning specialists use professional detergent compositions to wash it. Their advantages are obvious: they do not need to be washed off the floor with clean water, they do not leave streaks, they easily remove all dirt and, most importantly, they protect the floor covering from external influences. These products include. It easily copes even with ingrained dirt, improves decorative properties cover and serve it reliable protection from the rays of the bright sun, abrasive exposure and other factors, subject to regular use. It is only necessary to wash the linoleum with a product diluted in water, wait for the coating to dry, and then lightly polish it to achieve a pleasant sheen.

cork floor

Sustainability and softness and warmth distinguish cork from other flooring materials. The disadvantages of this coating include the complexity of installation, rather high cost, as well as fragility. In order for the cork floor to serve for a long time, you need to know how to care for it, and strictly follow all the requirements.

Such a coating can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, a soft brush, and a well-wrung damp cloth. The cork is afraid of excess water, and accidentally spilled liquid must be wiped off immediately.

The cork can be washed with a solution of soap or powder. The main thing is not to rub the floor with abrasives and do not use aggressive substances for cleaning.

All the same will help to delicately clean stubborn dirt, renew the surface and protect it from microdamages. It is enough to dilute a little composition in water and rinse the floor with it to significantly improve it. appearance. A protective layer invisible to the eye, which will remain on the coating, will help to significantly extend its service life. To protect the cork floor as much as possible, experts advise using HG to clean it regularly.

By following the rules for washing floor coverings, you can cope with this difficult job quickly and easily. In addition, your right actions will help protect the material from which your floor is made and extend its life!

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