How and how to wash a false ceiling. How to wash stretch ceilings at home: choosing a safe way How to wash a black stretch ceiling without streaks

garden equipment 20.06.2020
garden equipment

Stretch ceiling has long been considered a versatile material that combines the necessary practicality, sophistication and is used for decoration. In modern apartments, it performs the function of a decorative element.

Despite the popular assertion that such a coating does not need special care, it is still necessary to clean it periodically. However, this should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the texture of the material. How to do this without streaks on the material at home is described below.

How to wash stretch fabrics

For a long time, glossy stretch ceilings have become an integral attribute of most homes. This is a versatile material that gives the home comfort and individuality, and also helps to recreate a wonderful picture of comfort and prosperity.

More recently, such a design was the lot of fairly wealthy people. Only a few years have passed, and this finishing agent has gone to the masses, becoming one of the most sought-after materials.
Modern technologies for the production of such products use unique components, including PVC film and dense polyester fabric. Due to its composition, such material does not need more careful care, but you should not forget about it completely. It is necessary to wash the product periodically to rid it of dust and dirt.

To the delight of housewives, the need to clean such a coating does not arise so often. However, if you are faced with the need for hygiene procedures, then you need to approach this issue carefully and thoroughly.

Stretch canvases are a rather capricious surface that is easy to damage with careless movements or spoil with unsuitable cleaning products. In addition, it is necessary to try to avoid its contact with any sharp objects.
In order to qualitatively wash the glossy material, you need to immediately stock up on auxiliary tools, including:

  • a small ladder, stepladder;
  • loose soft napkins made of natural fabrics;
  • not hard washing sponges;
  • vacuum cleaner with an additional soft bristle nozzle;
  • non-abrasive detergents.

When there are small stains on the ceiling, such as individual spots or accumulations of dust, they can be removed with a suede cloth. First you need to wipe the stain with a damp cloth to completely remove the remaining dirt, and then it is recommended to wipe the stained area with dry material. This will help to avoid the appearance of streaks on the canvas, as a result of which the coating may lose its attractive external glossy sheen and overall appearance.

If the degree of pollution is serious and it is impossible to wipe the dust with a napkin, then you need to use a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle in the form of a brush. At the same time, it should be remembered that the brush must not touch the fabric material, as this may cause it to sag or warp. The brush must be placed within 2-3 cm from the canvas. This will protect the ceiling from potential risks of damage.

Very often, a regular mop is used to wash it. Its use is not prohibited, but experts recommend avoiding contact of the product with the mop whenever possible. If there is no other way out, then it is necessary to work extremely carefully with this device so as not to cause any damage to the ceiling.

How to wash a glossy canvas without streaks

It is worth noting that there are special cleaning agencies that will perform this unpleasant job. However, the service of specialists will not be cheap, so you will have to fork out. Given the financial losses that not every person can afford, in most cases our fellow citizens prefer to independently carry out the procedure for washing such a cloth. Let's try to figure out how to do it.

Asking the question of how to wash the dirt on such a coating, you can give a specific answer - with water. It is water that is the main tool for achieving the goal of cleaning the ceiling canvas from dust and dirt. It is worth noting that one should not be content with water alone. Some dirt and stains are not amenable to liquid, and they can only be wiped off with the help of special detergents.
Such a coating has a rather fragile texture that does not tolerate strong chemicals well. That is why for washing it you can not use such substances, which contain active and aggressive components.

Currently, special formulations are sold on the market that contain non-aggressive chemicals (so-called non-abrasive agents). Among the most popular are "Mr. Muscle" and "Vanish". Experts recommend using them when cleaning the ceiling. The concentration in these products is designed in such a way that the material does not experience any negative effects of chemical elements. In addition, in combination with warm water, they will release special components that will surely help get rid of dirt, while not affecting the glossy sheen.
Important! Before washing, remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets, etc.) from your hands that could damage the material due to your careless movements.

If for some reason you do not have a special composition on hand, you can use its home counterpart - soap suds. It is worth noting that for washing it is better to use foam from those products that do not contain a large amount of alkaline materials. These are dishwashing detergents, household and children's soap. The foam must be mixed with lukewarm water, as excessively high temperatures can lead to deformation of the ceiling covering.

When using a soap solution, you must be prepared for the fact that intense white stains may appear on the product. Naturally, their appearance will violate the aesthetic appearance of the ceiling, so it is necessary to get rid of stains as soon as possible.

In order to avoid stains during the washing process, it is necessary to process the material twice:

  • the first time the ceiling is washed using a damp soft cloth with soapy water;
  • the second time it must be treated with a dry cloth, ideally made of suede.

It should be noted that getting rid of soap marks will not be so difficult if you follow some recommendations, which are described below.
Experienced housewives recommend washing the ceiling gradually, without making circular movements. So the number of divorces will be minimal. If there is a seam on the canvas, then in this case it is necessary to wash along the seam, but in no way across. Failure to do so may result in soap suds getting on the inside of the web, causing warping and loss of gloss.

In addition, an alcohol solution of a small concentration (1:10) can help get rid of soap stains. As a rule, ammonia is most often used, which not only copes well with soap marks, but also does not interact with the coloring substances that cover the material.

Important! When cleaning stretch ceilings from pollution, you should not make physical efforts. Any sharp and inaccurate movement can lead to deformation of the canvas or its sagging.

Prohibited funds

Stretch fabrics are rather capricious and need a special approach in matters of washing. They negatively perceive the intense alkaline environment and the action of aggressive chemicals.

Any exposure to a strong chemical can cause the paint to begin to lose its original hue, and the ceiling will deform and sag.

Thus, it is possible to compile a list of some products that are categorically not recommended for use in the process of washing such a product:

  • any washing powders;
  • tar soap (due to the high content of alkali);
  • baking soda and mustard;
  • acetone;
  • formulations with a high content and concentration of chemicals;
  • chlorine-containing products;
  • powder detergents.

The use of any substances from this list may adversely affect the condition of the ceiling decor. They negatively interact with the paint, which fades and loses its original appearance. They destroy the glossy sheen and lead to the formation of microcracks, which in the future may cause the ceiling to sag or its complete or partial deformation.

In addition, when washing, it is necessary to refrain from using hard materials. Fabric is very easy to scratch. which will negatively affect its appearance, so it can only be washed with cloth napkins. Ideally, the use of suede or microfiber is recommended.

Washing a glossy canvas can be a real problem if the basic rules are not followed. A few general recommendations should be followed, thanks to which the washing process will turn into an easy task.

  1. Before using the composition, it is necessary to check its safety and interaction with the canvas. To do this, it is better to put a little substance on the ceiling in an inconspicuous place. If after wiping there are no stains and no traces left, then the substance can be used.
  2. It is not recommended to wash the ceiling with chaotic circular movements. As a result of this action, the number of soap streaks will only increase.
  3. Do not rub the stain vigorously. The material tolerates excessive physical exertion and can break through under intense impact. Therefore, it is necessary to wash it with smooth and soft movements.
  4. It is impossible to use sponges and napkins made of hard materials during the washing process. They can inadvertently damage the material.
  5. Do not use hot water for washing. Elevated temperatures will adversely affect the product and lead to its deformation.

Video on how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks:

Stretch ceiling can be matte or glossy, made of PVC film or fabric, it has a flat surface, does not crack and dust does not accumulate on it.

Despite this, during its operation, there may be moments when the canvas becomes dirty, for example, drops of champagne get in, and then the question arises whether it can be washed. Consider how this should be done so that there are no stains and streaks on the surface.

There are two ways to wash stretch ceilings: using a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge, or full cleaning.

If a vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, then you need to take a soft brush so as not to damage the canvas, and it should work at medium power.

If you use a wide, smooth nozzle on a vacuum cleaner, then a film is drawn into it, which can be damaged, therefore experts recommend pre-wrapping a smooth nozzle with a cloth. If there is no vacuum cleaner, then the dust is removed with a damp cloth or napkins., and to make the work more convenient, they wrap a mop.

The fabric is moistened in soapy water and moved along the canvas, performing movements without strong pressure. After that, everything is repeated with a damp and then a dry rag.

To create a stretch ceiling, different materials can be used, so the methods for cleaning them will differ:

  • if the surface suede fabric, then dry cleaning is carried out with a brush with a soft bristle;
  • to glossy canvas again it shone well, after a soapy solution it is wiped with a 10% solution of ammonia, and then everything is wiped dry;
  • fabric surfaces should be washed carefully as they are more fragile. In order not to change the texture of the fabric, you can not rub the cloth for a long time in the same place.

What is the best way to wash?

Depending on what material the canvas is made of, you need to have:

  1. ladder or ladder;
  2. piece of soft cloth or sponge;
  3. detergents, their composition should not contain abrasive substances;
  4. a vacuum cleaner and a nozzle, which should have a soft pile.

Now that you know how to wash such a ceiling, let's figure out how to wash it, and which is strictly prohibited.

One of the most effective and safe means used to wash a stretch ceiling is a soap solution.

To make a soapy solution, you need to cut the soap, laundry soap is best, or you can take washing powder and dilute them in warm water. In addition, you can take any means with which you wash windows or dishes.

If you are using the detergent for the first time, be sure to check how it acts on the canvas. To do this, it must first be tested on the most inconspicuous and small area. If, as a result of the use of this composition, no traces remain on the surface, then it can be used to wash the entire ceiling.

The store has a large selection of special products, but their cost will be much more expensive than a self-prepared soap solution. If we talk about what such special products are, then this is the same soap solution, only made under industrial conditions.

If you want to wash the stretch ceiling with high quality and at the same time save money, then you can safely use a soap solution prepared at home, the result will be no worse than after using expensive store-bought compounds. The main thing is that there are no abrasive substances in the composition of such a solution.

Care for glossy ceilings

The frequency of care for a glossy canvas is determined by its condition, if over time the gloss has faded, then it's time to wash the ceiling. Often, to restore the original shine, Simply wipe with a dry cloth.

You can only use soft rags or sponges so as not to scratch the gloss. You can soak them in soapy water it is necessary to move along, and not across the weld. After treatment with a damp sponge, wipe everything dry with napkins or a microfiber cloth.

All work is carried out without strong pressure, it is impossible to scrape off dirt with sharp objects. During the work, all jewelry is removed from the hands so as not to accidentally tear the canvas.

Features of caring for fabrics

Such ceilings have their own characteristics:

  • they are more fragile compared to PVC film, so it is better to clean them without detergents, but simply wipe them with a damp cloth;
  • Since the canvas is fabric, it is convenient to use a brush with a soft bristle to clean it.

It is best to dry clean such surfaces. and only in case of strong pollution, you can perform wet cleaning. If a soap solution is used, then its concentration should be very weak and be sure to test the action of the detergent in the most inconspicuous place.

If a vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, then its brush cannot be pressed tightly against the canvas, it must be kept at some distance from it.

Remember that stretch ceilings, regardless of the material they are made of, are afraid of mechanical stress, so they are cleaned very carefully. Under the influence of very high or low temperatures, the canvas can be deformed.

For a PVC film web, the optimum operating temperature will be + 10 ... 50 degrees. If you want to make such a finish on a loggia or in another unheated room, then it is better to use fabric structures that can withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees.

To simply and quickly clean the canvas from any material, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. so that after washing, the glossy ceiling regains its original shine, it is wiped with a solution of medical or ammonia;
  2. movements should be performed only along the location of the seam;
  3. before performing these works, remove all rings and bracelets so that you cannot damage the canvas with them;
  4. the kitchen must necessarily have an extractor hood, and during cooking, it is necessary to use lids, then soot and fat will not fall on the ceiling;
  5. do not use abrasive products;
  6. when cleaning, do everything carefully and do not make much effort.


Now you know how to care for a stretch ceiling and you can do this work yourself. For washing, it is best to take plain water or soapy water, all work must be done carefully and slowly. If you do not have time, then you can always call specialists who will quickly and efficiently clean any stretch ceiling.

In contact with

As you probably know, stretch ceilings are of two types, depending on their material, namely:

  • fabric
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

Fabric ones are more expensive, but at the same time they allow achieving aesthetic "seamlessness" over the entire tension surface.

The color possibilities of this type, compared to PVC, are slightly less. These ceilings are able to withstand and briefly hold water in case you are flooded by your neighbors. Their installation is somewhat reminiscent of stretching a huge canvas for drawing. True, after such "neighborly" water, stains will remain on the canvas, which can no longer be washed off and the ceiling will have to be completely changed. Alas.

PVC stretch ceilings, popularly film ones, are distinguished by the fact that they can be made in a wide variety of shapes, textures, colors, and even imitate the daytime or starry sky. This is achieved due to high-quality photo printing on film and the competent arrangement of lighting elements under it.

All stretch fabrics are either matte or glossy. Each of them has its pros and cons, as well as different care needs. If you have not yet decided on the view, we recommend reading for the kitchen.

How often should you wash?

It is necessary to wash stretch ceilings, both glossy and matte only as they get dirty.

For example, small droplets of fat and moisture that form during cooking can settle on the kitchen ceiling.

This can happen even if you have a hood. Sometimes you can accidentally leave a stain when carelessly opening bottles of highly carbonated water or champagne.

In other rooms, the most common pollutant is ordinary dust, which especially likes to settle in corners, at the ends of levels and at joints. Naturally, in order to keep a glossy stretch ceiling clean and shiny, it needs to be lightly rubbed as often as possible.

At home, this is easy and simple to do, we will talk about this later.

What and how to wash?

1. Use only soft fabrics, fibers or sponges. No scratchy or hard brushes, as well as shedding rags or those with pile.

2. To eliminate grease stains, it is recommended dilute and lather in a bucket or basin a regular dishwashing detergent. Do not overdo it, only a small concentration is needed, the ceiling is not a frying pan.

3. To wash any glossy stretch ceilings at home, in 90% of cases it will be enough detergents for windows and mirrors.

The most convenient and economical will be a spray for washing glass surfaces. Due to the alcohol or ammonia contained in such sprays, the surface dries very quickly and, most importantly, everything is streak-free.

4. Anyway do not use any kind of abrasive powder, as well as those containing acetone. They completely spoil the appearance of the surface. Therefore, before using a particular cleaner, please carefully read its composition.

Before you start cleaning:

1. The first thing to learn before washing is pressure control cloth, sponge or mop on the ceiling surface. It should be minimal, but at the same time sufficient to eliminate dust or stains. We recommend that you practice on some remote section of the ceiling to fill your hand.

2. If you have high ceilings, then you will need a stepladder and, most likely, a mop or sponge with a long handle. Make sure in advance that the stepladder is in good condition, does not stagger in all directions, and its height is enough to get to the canvas. The mop or other tool of your choice should be as light and as short as possible.

3. Remove rings, bracelets, watches from your hands- you can touch a fragile surface with them and leave a scratch or dent.

Start cleaning the ceiling

So, how to wash stretch ceilings at home:

  1. 1 Move from one corner to another, or by sections, if you have a complex design;
  2. 2 If you use a window spray, just spray it two or three times and walk in a circular motion with a cloth or sponge;
  3. 3 For a streak-free result, reduce spray intensity and use soft paper;
  4. 4 When removing grease stains, moisten a rag in the previously diluted dishwashing detergent, wring it out well and also gently and not pressing hard, walk with light circles over the contaminated area.
  5. 5 If you want to remove the web from the corner, it is better to get there with a cloth in hand, and not use a vacuum cleaner, as it can damage the surface of the ceiling. The same goes for using a mop, broom, broom, etc.
  6. 6 With regular maintenance of matte stretch ceilings, when you just need to wipe off the dust, it is better not to wash them, but to use a slightly damp fiber, and in the case of glossy surfaces, just a dry cloth is enough.

For greater clarity, we give you a short video that shows two options for how stretch ceilings are washed, it is worth watching.

Stretch ceilings, especially glossy and especially in the kitchen, are quite demanding to maintain.

Their beauty and grace go hand in hand with fragility and the need to treat them with care. Due to this it is recommended to refrain from:

  • use of strongly heated lighting elements (halogen bulbs);
  • tall houseplants and flying pets (especially large parrots);
  • experiments with the rapid opening of champagne, etc.;
  • children's games with darts, as well as toys that shoot plastic bullets and balls.

We are sure that now you know everything about how to wash stretch ceilings at home so that there are no streaks and damage to the canvas.

Good day, dear friends! If you have a glossy stretch ceiling, then you already realized that this is not an option that can do without special care.

A glossy surface cannot remain perfect for too long. Today we will find out: how to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks.

By choosing the right products, you can do this cleaning very quickly and easily. After all, a wonderful ceiling covering will look luxurious only with proper care.

The gloss should shine, because it’s not in vain that you spent so much time, money and effort on installing it. Therefore, let's figure out how to properly wash such a ceiling so that stains do not form.
These are the rules you can use:

  1. Use only a soft sponge. Hard materials will scratch the surface.
  2. The sponge can be wetted with soapy water.
  3. The ceiling should be washed with light circular motions. In this case, you need to move away from the weld.
  4. Also remove small dirt with a sponge.
  5. After washing, the surface should be wiped with a dry flannel cloth.

If you have not decided: what means to wash the ceiling, then choosing some option, try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe canvas.

Wait after application 10 minutes.

Do not wash the ceiling with hot water, as this will lead to deformation of the canvas.

What detergents can be used?

To wash a high-quality glossy finish at home, first choose the right product. Remember that such compounds should not have acetone.

Alcohol-containing products help well, which perfectly clean the surface from dust.
You can try to remove the stain with washing powder, but it should be very well diluted in water until completely dissolved.
You can use any cleaning product that does not contain aggressive or abrasive components:

  • the non-toxic detergent Mister Muscle copes well with pollution. Such a solution helps to wash soot, grease and all kinds of stains;
  • Fairy gel can be diluted with water. Such a tool also washes away fat well;
  • Try using glass cleaner. It must be sprayed on the surface and then wiped with a dry cloth.

There are also special products for washing ceiling coverings. But even they should be tested before use, especially if you have photo printing on the ceilings.


When deciding how to clean the ceiling, you first need to prepare. First of all, prepare a fixed ladder or a sturdy stepladder so that it is convenient to work on them.

Safety in this cleaning is of paramount importance. Remember that an unnatural position causes pain and numbness in parts of the body.
To treat the coating, prepare soft and clean cotton napkins. Pieces of a flannel diaper or rags from old bedding will do.
You will also need a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, foam rubber sponges or non-abrasive detergents.

You can’t leave scratches on the canvas, so remove all jewelry from your hands.

What tools to use

If you are wondering: is it possible to clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, then the answer is yes. This is exactly what the experts recommend.

But before such cleaning, make sure that the structure is securely fixed. This method of cleaning can be used no more than once a month.
By the way, so that the film coating is not heavily covered with dust, it should be treated with an antistatic agent.

How to remove stains

You can watch the video on how to remove stains correctly. Due to the presence of moisture, yellow spots may appear on the surface.

This happens when the roof or pipes leak. Did you know that ugly stains can appear from tobacco smoke?

Also, when a significant amount of moisture evaporates, yellow blotches can form on the ceiling.
Leak stains are difficult to remove. It is better to immediately check the roof and water lines for leaks.
Try these ways:

  1. Crumble some soap into shavings and dissolve in water. You can also add a mild detergent there. Then a soft cloth is wetted in the solution, which is used to wipe the contaminated surfaces.
  2. Try diluting the ammonia and gently rub the stain with this mixture.
  3. Use special compositions for washing ceiling surfaces.

How to get rid of circles after cleaning

When using a soapy solution to wash the ceiling in the kitchen or bathroom, circles and white streaks may form.

To remove them, the surface is washed with a sponge several times. After wet wiping, dry rags are used.
If seams are present, they should be cleaned along the seam line. If the processing is carried out at an angle to the seam line, then debris can get there.
To get sparkling highlights, use an alcohol solution, but in a small concentration.

How to wash tension structures?

Before washing the ceiling, it is better to vacuum it first. If the ceiling is fabric, then dry cleaning is used.

When using a vacuum cleaner, do not touch the surface. If the device is too powerful, the material may be deformed.
It is better to wash the stretch ceiling by hand. In this case, cleaning is carried out in stages. Wash small areas one at a time.

You can try wrapping a cloth around a mop to clean the surface.

But at the same time, you need to act very carefully so as not to spoil the canvas.

To add shine to the surface, you can add a little ammonia to the water.
Ceilings in the bathroom or in the kitchen deserve special attention. Due to high humidity, lime deposits may form on the surface.

It should be wiped with a wet cloth, and then wiped with a dry cloth.
In the bathroom, the glossy surface may be splashed when bathing. This results in divorces. Dried exile stains are more difficult to remove, so it is best to wipe the surface immediately.
The ceilings in the kitchen also require careful maintenance. After all, even with a high-quality hood, greasy spots, soot and dust form on the ceiling surface.

Large greasy stains are first treated with a detergent, and then with a wet cloth.

Cleaned areas are wiped with a dry cloth. You can also use a steam cleaner to remove stubborn stains.

When using a special steam mop, you must use a microfiber nozzle. After steam treatment, all dirt is removed with napkins.

What is forbidden to wash ceilings

Let's figure out what can not be used to clean the canvases, and also find out if they are washed with powder. Experts do not recommend the use of washing powder.

But for washing small stains, you can try making a solution with a small amount of it. In general, do not use abrasive products, metal brushes and hard washcloths.

Various solvents and preparations containing chlorine are prohibited.

Not suitable for the care of a shiny surface soda, tar soap and mustard. Such products have a destructive effect on the ceiling coating.

Paints can lose their shade, and cracks and deformations form on the canvas.

Do not use a broom when dry cleaning. Even a soft tool can damage the fabric of the structure.

The sellers certainly assured that your brand new stretch ceiling will never have to be washed. That the antistatic properties of the ceiling cloth will forever prevent dust and dirt from settling on it.

Stretch ceilings, indeed, never get dirty, but only in one case: they are installed in a sterile clean apartment in which no one lives. In all other situations they need regular care. There are some features in how to wash stretch ceilings at home.

The purity of a product can be affected by many reasons. Here are just a few of them:

  • live in your apartment children. The ceiling will inevitably suffer from wise children's fun. Plasticine, water pistols, balls, soda - this is only a small part of what the product will have to experience for itself. How to properly wash a stretch ceiling? - someday, yes, all happy parents ask themselves;
  • Do you like fresh air and ventilate the room. Street dust particles are not very selective. Covering all open surfaces in the house, they will not disregard the ceiling;
  • you cook food at home. Not a single hood will save the kitchen ceiling from soot, traces of grease and steam, even if you are extremely careful;
  • you wash yourself. Condensate, drying on the stretch ceiling of the bathroom, leaves quite noticeable prints;
  • you like to celebrate holidays at home. A spot on the ceiling from a flying cork is another good scenario. There could be a hole;
  • you started repair. In this case, washing the ceiling structure cannot be avoided. The construction dust that covered it is at least unhealthy and a good reason to learn how to clean a stretch ceiling without streaks;
  • you smoke indoors. Tobacco smoke is the surest and fastest way to yellow streaks and gray ash deposits on the product.

Thus, the stretch ceiling will become dirty even if you are a perfect tidy. If it is necessary for the ceiling to be clean - behind it need to look after. This problem is easy to deal with if you clearly know how to wash stretch ceilings.

How not to harm

Considering what the stretch ceiling is made of, washing it yourself is not a difficult task.

More than 90% of the produced ceiling cloths are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the rest are made of polyester woven material. PVC is a dielectric and, indeed, does not accumulate dirt and dust well. Thanks to this excellent property, it will not take much work to wash the stretch ceiling. In addition, PVC is a waterproof material with low flammability, resistant to alcohols, hydrocarbons (including gasoline, kerosene), salt solutions and acids.

But for all its merits, it is, alas, easily cut. Stretch fabric for ceilings is thin and very tightly stretched film, which can be accidentally pierced. There is another property of this material that is important to consider when cleaning: PVC film dissolves in acetone, chlorinated hydrocarbons, methyl ethyl ketone and other solvents.

Attention! Washing ceilings are easy to cut. Do not use sharp objects when washing it.

There are several important rules on how to wash stretch ceilings without harming the canvas. Remember them:

  • Do not use powder or paste abrasive detergents. This is just the case when you can overdo it. Even their smallest particles instantly leave scratches on the material;
  • strictly forbid yourself to use aggressive chemicals with PVC solvents (for example, acetone) included in their composition. After such experiments, you will no longer need to know how to wash the stretch ceiling. After all, he will melt before your eyes;
  • remove rings and bracelets before cleaning to avoid scratches and cuts. In addition to the fact that your favorite jewelry will harm the canvas, they themselves can be hopelessly damaged by chemicals;
  • leave any scrapers, knives, other tools, sandpaper with which you planned to scrape dried dirt from the film for other surfaces. The film will tear from any awkward movement;
  • even medium-hard brushes and washcloths are a real threat to PVC fabrics. Don't use them while cleaning;
  • think carefully about using a mop. With a long handle, it is difficult to control the pressure, and there is a risk of tearing the canvas. However, many people prefer it;
  • do not hurry. No sudden movements. Do not press on the canvas, so as not to tear it. Work very carefully.

Attention! When buying a detergent, make sure that it can wash stretch ceilings.

In order not to worry about how to wash the stretch ceiling at home and keep it safe and sound, you can contact the services professional cleaning. But is it worth spending honestly earned money when washing stretch ceilings is not more difficult, and even easier than washing any other ones. You just need to follow simple instructions.

Prepare properly

Purchase detergents specially designed for PVC films. If possible, contact your dealer and find out how to clean the stretch ceiling. He will certainly recommend specific brands.

You can successfully apply more affordable means. Choose from the following:

  • soap solution. Make it with warm (about 40%) water and soap shavings or laundry detergent. Be careful with the latter: the powder should not contain bleach so that the material does not shed. How to clean a stretch ceiling if it is not made of PVC, but of fabric? Wash with soapy water;
  • window cleaner. It must be alcohol based. They can wash the stretch ceiling without streaks;
  • m detergent for dishes. Particularly suitable for kitchen ceilings, as perfectly removes fat;
  • alcohol solution. To prepare it, mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1/10. The solution cleans the glossy stretch ceiling well. Cleaning them will give an incredible shine to the product.

Whatever tool you choose, try before cleaning apply it on a tiny area of ​​​​the canvas, the most hidden from view. After drying, the ceiling should not shed or deform.

Prepare soft, lint-free, cloth wipes such as flannel or microfiber. Suitable and soft comfortable sponges.

How to clean stretch ceilings if it is difficult to get to them? Take care of your convenience and use a ladder. Of course, you can also climb onto the table, but it is difficult to move it and it is inconvenient to get off it.

If you still decide to get to the surface with a mop, be sure to wrap its working part with a soft cloth.

Attention! A mop can damage the stretch ceiling. Work carefully.


How to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks at home depends on the texture of the canvas, the nature of the pollution and the cleaning method.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning carried out if there are no visible spots, and the ceiling only needs to be cleaned from accumulated dust. To do this, gently, without pressure, walk on it with a dry soft cloth. This applies to all types of surfaces.

If there is a lot of dust, for example, you are repairing something, use vacuum cleaner. Set it to low power, and walk along the surface, holding the nozzle no less than 5 cm from it.

Wet cleaning

It is produced if there is visible pollution, for example, left drink marks or nicotine residue. Washing will have to tinker longer, but the result is worth it.


When caring for a glossy canvas, it is important to understand how to wash the stretch ceiling so that there are no streaks. It is on this surface that stains are especially visible. Perfect fit here alcohol-based sprays which are used for glass. Just spray the product on the surface, wipe gently in a circular motion, and then wipe dry. To make the glossy surface sparkle, you can wipe it alcohol solution.

Attention! Do not wash glossy stretch ceilings with alcohol-based products.


These cloths have a rough structure, and the dirt is a little more difficult to wash off. But divorces on them are practically not noticeable. Use any of the above. Wet a soft cloth with the solution, wring it out, and gently wipe the surface. You can not wipe dry, there will be no stains.


Fabric products have a peculiarity - they cannot be cleaned with either alcohol sprays or dishwashing liquids. Ideal for them - soap solution. Wetting the rag, you need to wring it out well, since the material becomes heavy from the water and dries for a long time.

On the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the ceiling sheet needs the most care. Fat and steam are the eternal companions of cooking. It is advisable to wipe the surface here as soon as stains appear, because old fat is difficult to clean. Wash the kitchen ceiling with the same liquid detergent you use for washing dishes, as long as it does not contain abrasives. And always, when cooking, turn on the hood.

Special pollution

The applied efforts will be enough to remove, for example, soot stains. But how to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks if there are traces of primer, paint or glue on it?

Modern paint and primer are polymers. They are not very sensitive to mechanical and physical influences. It is almost impossible to remove them. But you can try.

Soak stains of water-based paint with water several times. It will swell and you can try to remove it. If it doesn't work, fix it white spirit and carefully remove any residue. Perhaps a pale trace will still remain.

You can try to remove the glue stain with the same white spirit or glass cleaner. It erases better.

With a primer, everything is much more complicated. We wipe a fresh stain with white spirit, and if the stain is old - we invite professionals from the cleaning service or just put up with it.

Useful video

In the video, let's see how to wash stretch ceilings without streaks:

Wash ceiling sheets only when necessary. Regular wet cleaning protects them well from dirt. If you keep the apartment clean, then you will need to wash the stretch ceilings only once every two years.

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