Snow guards on the roof distance. Why do you need snow retainers on the roof and how to install them

Decor elements 20.06.2020
Decor elements

In areas with snowy winters, the installation of snow retainers is a mandatory step in the construction of the roof. A large amount of snow that has fallen in the wrong place can damage the roofing material, the roof structure itself, wires, air conditioners and ventilation systems, and even cause injury to people.

Types of snow retainers

According to the type of construction are:

  • tubular,
  • lattice,
  • lamellar
  • hooks.

Tubular snow retainers - metal pipes threaded in 2-3 rows into special holders installed on the roof. The retained volume of snow depends on the thickness of the pipes, the distance between them and the roof, between the fasteners. The advantage of this design is the ability to increase the length and increase the allowable load by more frequent arrangement of fasteners and pipes.

Lattice snow guards are like a ladder mounted on an edge across the roof. They are made of a metal profile or corner and are just as easy to lengthen and strengthen as tubular ones. Lattice and tubular types are the most versatile and reliable, they can be installed on roofs, both from natural tiles and from sheet materials.

The plate version is able to hold a smaller amount of snow, but is the least noticeable on the roof. They are usually made from the same material as the roof itself, and they are more suitable for flat roofs made of metal profiles, metal tiles, etc.

Hooks also retain a small amount of snow and are usually installed on roofs covered with soft materials: ondulin, shingles.

Lamellar snow guards and hooks are cheaper and easier to attach, so it is quite possible to use them in regions with little snow or short winters. The roof on which they are installed should have a slope of no more than 30 degrees. One of the varieties of the lamellar snow retainer is the corner ones, which in the section are a triangle.

It is necessary to decide which type will be used even before starting work on, since it is better to fix them at the same time as the roofing material. An exception can be made for tubular and lattice structures, but for them it will also be necessary to provide reinforcement of the crate. They can be mounted on the roof of any material. Their number and frequency of location depend on the amount of snow falling on average during the winter.

Fastening rules

When planning the installation of snow retainers on the roof, a number of rules must be taken into account.

  • The crate in the places of the proposed installation must be reinforced, and the elements should be attached only to it.
  • The lower element should be located at least 40-50 cm from the edge of the roof.
  • Snow guards are located across the roof, parallel to its lower edge.
  • They can be located in a line (preferably for tubular and lattice) or in a checkerboard pattern (lamellar and hooks).
  • If the roof area is large, then several rows are arranged with a distance between them of 35-40 cm.

On roofs with a large slope, about 60 degrees, you can avoid installing snow retainers, since the snow comes off on its own. However, strong winds negatively affect such a roof, and more materials are needed for its construction.

Preparatory stage

Even during the construction of the crate in places where snow retainers are supposed to be fixed, it must be reinforced with a board with a thickness of at least 25 mm. Subsequently, fasteners will be mounted to it. All installation work, as well as other roofing activities, must be carried out with insurance, observing safety precautions.

Installation of snow guards

The delivery set usually includes the pipes themselves, a grate or snow retainer profile, a support element, and a decorative overlay. First, the places for future installation are marked on the roof, and a lining element is attached to the roof. For corner snow retainers, the decorative overlay rests with the side directed upwards on the lining, for lamellar ones it is superimposed from below in the direction of the roof. The lamellar one is screwed onto each comb, the angled one is screwed onto each comb from above and through one from below.

If there is a roof window on the roof, a snow retainer must be installed on top of it.

For fastening, it is important to use galvanized self-tapping screws, preferably with a rubber cap, to prevent rusty drips on the roof. Mounting holes are sealed with rubber gaskets and waterproofed with sealant.

Important! The installation of snow retainers does not relieve the need to clean the roof of snow. Thanks to these structures, snow accumulates on the roof and increases the load on it. As a result of the large weight of snow accumulated on the roof, the snow retainers themselves may break and the roofing material may sink.

Many regions where the winter is quite snowy are faced with the problem of snow falling off the roofs of houses. Snow sliding from a great height is a great danger and can not only damage property, but also take several lives.

To avoid such a problem, it is enough to put a snow retainer on the roof of the house. This design will allow snow to be retained on the roof until the moment when it turns into water.
To install a snow retainer on the roof, several factors should be taken into account: the angle of the roof, the material of the cover and the snow content of the region.

Types of snow retainers

There are two categories of snow retainers - snow cuts and snow barriers. The former are a barrier to snow and completely hold it until the very spring, while the latter, as it were, cut the layer of snow into small pieces so that the snow safely descends in small pieces.

Also, snow retainers differ in the material from which they are made.


This snow retainer is a structure made of vertical plates and pipes inserted between them. The plates are screwed to the roof with screws.

Such a snow retainer can be easily installed on a roof with a large slope (up to 60◦).


It has a fairly simple design - these are the brackets between which the grate is fixed. The entire snow retainer is almost always made of galvanized steel and can be painted, which will allow you to choose a snow retainer of the same color as the roof cover (if we are talking about metal tiles or corrugated board).

Such a snow retainer belongs to the category of a snow barrier, because it completely holds the snow until it melts.

But there is one minus - if there is too much snow, then the grating can bend and deform under the pressure of the formation.


This type of snow retainers is installed on a matello tile with a small amount of snow in the area.

Lamellar snow retainers are made of the same color and material as the roof covering, which is very convenient and does not spoil the overall appearance of the building.

On numerous photos of snow retainers for the roof, you can see that the design is a simple metal triangles. This type of snow retainer is usually used for roofs with a small slope (up to 30◦).


Such snow retainers are usually used as an addition to tubular or lattice snow retainers, as they retain the minimum amount of snow.

This type can only be installed during the installation of the roof, because it is attached under the roofing material.

wooden log

The simplest and most budgetary type of snow retainers. Such a log is installed more often on a wooden cover and it is fixed on special fasteners.

Installing a snow guard

When the owner of the house still decides to buy a snow guard, he immediately thinks about the question of how to install snow guards? There are several answers. It all depends on the material of the cover, the degree of the slope of the roof, etc.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to install snow retainers near the eaves overhangs less than 40 cm, because this will entail the convergence of the eaves along with the snow.

Installation on a metal roof The installation of a snow retainer on a roof made of this material is as follows (the sequence is indicated for a tubular snow retainer):

  • Mark the place where the snow retainer will be attached
  • Strengthen the crate
  • Assemble the construction kit, but without fixing
  • Fix roofing material and drill holes
  • Screw brackets
  • Insert tubing into brackets

In addition to the tubular snow retainer, a lattice or lamellar one can also be installed on the metal tile.

Installation on a corrugated roof

As well as for metal tiles, tubular, lattice and lamellar snow retainers can be used for a corrugated roof.

The installation of the structure is also practically the same, only the crate is not required for installation.

Seam roof installation

Installation is different in that the brackets are attached to the fold.

Seam roof installation:

  • Attach the clip to the fold
  • Drill 2-3 holes
  • Pin

Installation on a soft roof

On this type of roof, the snow retainer can only be installed during the installation of the roof. On such a roof, either a point or tubular snow retainer is installed.

The installation of a tubular snow retainer is the same as on corrugated board or metal tiles.

The sequence of installation of a spot snow retainer:

  • Draw a checkerboard pattern
  • Place the fastener under the cover
  • Fasten with self-tapping screws

In any case, no matter which roof the snow guards are attached to, it is worth remembering that the roof, in any case, must be cleaned once a week, regardless of the amount of snow, or a heating cable must be installed so that the snow melts immediately.

Photo of snow retainers on the roof

It's no secret that the snow accumulated in large quantities on the roofs carries a great danger to others, since, falling from a great height, it can cripple a person, or even take his life. The only device that allows you to hold snow masses in full is a tubular snow retainer - we will tell you about what it is and how to install it in this article.

When is it appropriate to install snow guards?

All kinds of loads and impacts on the roof are described in detail in SNiP. Here you can find information broken down by regions of our country by the level of snow cover and its pressure on the roof.

It is worth noting that wet loose snow has an even greater load on the roof - 10-100 kilograms per cubic meter of snow. Before the beginning of spring, this figure can reach 280 kg. The density of snow increases greatly in wet spring conditions, when the rafter system must counteract as much as 700 kilograms for every cubic meter of snow.

Why do snow masses become so heavy? The reason lies in the physical process - the fermentation of snow - this is when frozen balls of water vapor appear inside the snowdrifts. Dry snow corresponds to a two-phase fermentation stage, and wet snow corresponds to a three-phase stage, since ice particles have already formed inside the wet snow.

Therefore, if your house was built according to a well-designed project in which the roof is able to withstand the loads that correspond to the standards of your place of residence, then you can not clean off the snow from the roof, but simply install a universal tubular snow retainer. Thus, you will protect yourself from a possible unexpected snow avalanche. If your roof was built without taking into account the climatic features of your region, then harsh winters can cause big trouble.

There are times when installing a two-pipe snow retainer is the only right decision. In conditions of heavy snowfalls, in particular, when wet snow accumulates on the roof, a simple corner snow retainer can simply bend without coping with the task. Pipe snow retainers are recommended by experts due to the fact that they divide the snowfall into at least two parts, ensuring the safety of their convergence for people. In this case, the fastening of snow retainers must be performed only along the perimeter of the roof and over the roof windows.

In appearance, tubular snow retainers are very similar to cornices, since they have two rows of steel pipes attached to rafters or battens. In reality, this design makes it possible to retain a significant amount of snowfall.

Simply put, tubular snow guards are designed to separate large amounts of snowfall into smaller ones. This greatly reduces the kinetic energy of the falling snow and its destructive power. As a result, several problems can be solved at once: the snow comes off the roof under the influence of weight, and in the event of a fall, it is no longer so dangerous for others.

The design of the tubular snow retainer

It is especially necessary to install a snow retention roof where it has a slippery coating. This applies to corrugated board, metal tiles and seam roofing material. The installation of tubular brackets in this case will be the ideal solution, because they do not collect large volumes of snow masses on the roof, but only cut them into smaller pieces, which is the most correct solution.

Tubular snow retainers consist of two tubes fastened with special brackets in one direction with the edge of the roof. They are usually made of galvanized steel coated with paint, but you can also find aluminum and copper products.

The following materials are used as raw materials for them:

  • For galvanized products, hollow pipes with a cross section of 3-4 cm are taken, they are installed on supports in two rows.
  • Snow guards made of aluminum and copper are made of flat-oval pipes with a section of 40 × 20 mm or 45 × 25 mm. For them, special universal supports are designed, suitable for any type of roof. Mount them in several rows.

Deciding on the right device

The entire list of characteristics of snow retainers is determined by the type of profile pipes, brackets used, as well as the thickness of the steel. It is best if they are made of galvanized steel, opened with a polymer material. Such products will best resist corrosion, as well as increase their service life. In terms of strength, an oval profile pipe is considered the strongest.

Currently, there are many options for snow retainers on the market, which differ in fairly low prices, however, their quality and shelf life do not stand up to criticism.

To choose the right snow retainer, you should focus on the following parameters:

  1. Thickness and brand of sheet steel. These indicators have a direct impact on the strength, as well as the level of permissible loads on the snow retainers. Different manufacturers use a variety of steel grades with different thicknesses.
  2. The quality of the zinc coating, the thickness of its layer and the method of application. It is noteworthy that hot zinc coating is more durable, since it is carried out on finished products. Cold galvanizing assumes that the coating is applied to sheet steel, from which snow retainers are subsequently made. The disadvantage of this approach is the reduction in the thickness of galvanizing or its complete absence as a result of the production of products. Such weak points are more susceptible to corrosion.
  3. The quality of product coloring. Not only presentability, but also the service life of the snow retainer will depend on what kind of paint is used and how it was applied. Since these products are constantly in contact with moisture, it is very important that the zinc coating is well protected. Otherwise, any flaws will quickly begin to rust.
  4. Configuration. When purchasing a snow retainer, make sure that its design is consistent with similar products from other manufacturers. Reducing the number of main components of the device only indicates a desire to reduce the cost of production, but not to improve its quality.
  5. Step between support elements. Sometimes you can find such products in which the bracket for the snow retainer 3 m long is equipped with only four supporting elements. In this case, the step between them will be 80-90 cm. Such a kit is only suitable for short slopes. It is noteworthy that in European countries the maximum distance between supports is 70 cm.

Based on customer reviews, foreign companies Borge and Orima provide the highest quality products. Of the Russian manufacturers, the brand "Rus" is quite well-known. However, judging by the reviews, the thickness of the pipes and brackets, as well as the quality of the product, leave room for doubt.

Method of installation and fastening

Perhaps the tubular design of snow retention devices is considered the most reliable. They are used in the arrangement of roofs with a smooth surface, a large slope and a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes.

However, for best results, it is important to install correctly. Here are detailed instructions for installing a tubular snow retainer.

Planning the placement and number of devices

The first stage of work on the installation of snow retainers is to draw up a diagram and calculate the expected loads on the structure. This step will avoid problems during the installation process. Ideally, if in the process of work there is no surplus or lack of fasteners.

Preliminary calculations of snow loads on the supporting elements will allow you to accurately determine how many of them need to be installed on a given roof area.

Calculation of the step between the supports and the distance between the elements

According to the regulations, the optimal distance between the brackets for snow guards is calculated based on the planned snow load in a particular region. This approach is due to the need to redistribute the load from the snow retainers to the load-bearing walls of the building. If this condition is neglected, then in the event of an excessive amount of snow accumulating on the overhangs, it is able to work according to the lever principle, violating the roof structure as a result.

The contour of the tubular snow retainers installed along the perimeter of the roof must be continuous. In cases where the length of the ramp exceeds 5.5 m, it is allowed to install 2-3 rows of snow-retaining devices. The distance between the snow guards in this case must be at least 2 m, however, the circuit must not be interrupted.

Snow retention devices on metal roofs should be installed flush with the load-bearing walls, so that the snow mass will only press on the roof section located above the eaves. At the same time, 60-100 cm should remain from the overhang of the eaves to the bearing wall. It is mandatory to install snow retainers above the attic windows. In these places, a continuous crate is required for the installation of snow retainers from pipes.

Fasteners and adapters for snow retainers allow you to adjust the number of rows and pipes. Please note that the main load from snow always falls on the fasteners. Therefore, the roof covering used must be strong enough to withstand a similar load. As a result, the step between the fasteners can be increased up to 120 cm. With a slope length of more than 5.4 m, the fasteners must be mounted in increments of 90 cm. If the length of the slope is in the range of 1.26-5.4 m, then the fasteners can be set at a distance of 60 cm.

Under the condition of a slope of roof slopes of 30º and an expected snow load of 180 kg per 1 m 2, snow retainers of a two-tube design will be required.

Installation of brackets on the roof

If the roof is covered with materials such as ondulin, metal tiles or corrugated board, then the brackets for tubular snow retainers must be mounted in the crate. Before you install snow retainers on a corrugated roof, you need to think carefully about everything. In the case of using bituminous tiles, fastening is made in chipboard. But for ceramic tiles, the brackets must be attached to the support beams.

It would be preferable to expand the roof sheathing with bars at the installation sites of snow retainers. Their installation is carried out through the roofing material, using self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets.

Varieties of brackets

The structure of brackets for tubular snow retainers can be simple, simplified and perfect. In the case of a simplified type of construction, the base of the bracket should be slightly curved so that it can be fixed to the waves of the metal tile. The spring effect is created by sealing gaskets.

First, mount the side supports of the bracket. At the same time, the edge of the snow retainer should not extend more than 10 cm. Then they try on devices with brackets installed on them.

It is not necessary to fix intermediate supports in advance, since there is a possibility that their location will not coincide with the holes in the roofing material. In addition, the bracket must be fixed to the crate, otherwise, wet snow can tear it out, damaging the roofing.

Ways to solve some complications

Most often, when installing snow retainers on the roof, craftsmen are faced with the fact that the length of the bracket does not match the pitch of the runs. The standard is the distance between the fasteners of 3, 3½ and 4 m. If the departure of the rafter legs is not provided, then 50-80 cm must be retreated from the eaves.

The few disadvantages of a tubular type system include the fact that their height is lower than that of gratings. In addition, additional waterproofing is required at the joints of the snow-retaining device with the roofing material. To avoid the shedding of small ice fragments, in combination with tubular snow retainers, you can attach a special bar.

It was found that on the roof of a house with an area of ​​​​only 40 square meters. m can accumulate about 5-8 tons of snow. If there are no snow guards on the roof, then one can imagine what will happen to a person passing by when a huge mass of snow suddenly falls on him. In this case, the owner of the house may be punished, up to criminal liability, since according to the laws of Russian legislation, the owner of the property is fully responsible for the nearby territory of his home. In addition, snow melting can cause serious damage to both personal property and someone else's.

Types of snow retainers: corner, lattice, tubular.

Some people do not attach much importance to anti-landslide devices, worrying that they will spoil the design of the roof, but in fact this opinion is erroneous, since such systems, on the contrary, add touches of completeness. Due to the fact that snow retainers are safety devices, it is impossible to neglect their installation in any case. Accordingly, many will have the question of how to install snow retainers on the roof correctly, because not everyone has the opportunity to hire expensive specialists. Moreover, sometimes the price for their services far exceeds the cost of the device itself. Before proceeding directly to the installation of snow retainers, you should figure out what types they are divided into.

Types of snow retention systems

An illustrative example of the work of snow retention.

  1. Lattice snow retainers are the most popular, as they are considered the most effective. This is the best option, both for high-rise city houses, and for suburban private estates. An important plus is that this type of anti-fall device can be installed on almost any roof, regardless of what roofing material it is covered with. This system is usually made of metal and has the form of a lattice. Mount it either on hanging or nailed supports.
  2. Lamellar (corner) snow retainers, which are made of the same material as the coating, can be mounted on a roof made of metal tiles and corrugated board. This is the most budget option. However, their installation is possible only on a roof whose slope angle does not exceed 30 degrees, otherwise they will be ineffective.
  3. Snow stops look very similar to hooks. The installation of snow stops is carried out mainly on roofs with a soft roof, or they are used as additional elements that enhance safety in the winter. Nowadays, they are made of transparent plastic, which makes them invisible.
  4. Tubular snow guards are in no way inferior to lattice ones and are a versatile, modern and highly efficient device that prevents sudden snow from the roof. This design is a connection of several pipes with special bracket-supports. They can be installed on a roof made of corrugated board, tiles, and it is also an excellent option for a seam roof.

Thus, it turns out that the most optimal options are two types of anti-landslide systems: lattice and tubular.

For some, the first system is suitable, and for some, the second. But in order to install the selected snow retainer on the roof, you need to know that there are individual installation rules for each type. If you decide to produce it yourself, then you will need to stock up on a standard set of tools that is suitable for installing both devices. It includes:

  • ladder;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • level.

Rules for installing tubular snow retainers

Scheme of installation of a tubular snow retainer.

You can install these anti-landslide systems both on a roof that is just under construction, and on a finished one. They can be located on the roof in a checkerboard pattern and horizontally in one or more lines. They are installed above skylights, porches or walkways. In no case should they be placed above the cornice overhang.

Tubular snow retainers are attached perpendicular to the crate with special brackets, which, in addition to the fastening function, play the role of a uniform load distributor on the truss system, which prevents the snow retainers from “pulling out” from the roof. The brackets are directly fixed with metal screws. They should be located in places where there are load-bearing walls. The distance between the fasteners directly depends on the angle of the roof and the length of the slope. Usually it is somewhere around 0.5 m or 4 mounts per 3 meters. They should be mounted butt-to-butt, while it is necessary to set them exactly according to the level.

If the slope on the roof is long, then such security systems must be installed in several rows. When installing tubular snow retainers, rubber washers must be placed between the roofing material and the supports. Such a measure will ensure tightness in places where fasteners pass and prevent leaks. In addition, such washers allow you to adjust the installation plane.

Rules for installing lattice snow retainers

Recently, with the advent of tubular systems in private construction, lattice snow retainers are increasingly used only for tiled roofs. To install lattice systems, it is necessary to purchase universal either suspended or nailed supports, through which they are placed on the roof. Nailed supports are attached to the roof sheathing with self-tapping screws, and suspended supports are hung on the sheathing using a special metal hook. Unlike other snow retainers, lattice systems can be installed directly along the edge of the eaves.

Types of snow retainers



Installation of a lamellar snow retainer

Snow stopper

Where to install

Snow guards keep the mass of snow

  • roof area;
  • roofing material;
  • tilt angle;

Double row installation

Installation of snow retainers

Installation of a tubular snow retainer

Lattice snow guard on the eaves

Snow guards on the roof

Snowshoes on a soft roof


Instructions for the installation of flexible tiles, including the installation of snow stops:

The lack of snow protection can lead not only to damage to the roofing and drainage systems, but also to damage passers-by and parked cars.

To avoid such a nuisance, you can install a special snow retainer.

The device and installation of snow retainers on the roof is not such a complicated process as it seems at first glance and is accessible even to a beginner in the construction business.

In this article, you will learn why you need and how to properly install snow retainers on the roof of a private house.

Snow guard - a special design that allows snow not to fall from the roof, that is, the snow does not come off in one layer. Only melt water will flow down the gutters. Many people think that it is not necessary to install such snow retainers, but as practice has shown, this is an important detail that should not be neglected.

Two main functions of such an important roof structure can be distinguished:

  1. prevents sharp and sudden descents of a mass of snow from the roof itself;
  2. keep the snow on the roof so that it melts there.

There are several types of such a design, and choosing them, it is necessary to take into account several important factors:

  • direct angle of inclination of the slope;
  • how much precipitation will fall in the area (snow);
  • What material is the roof made of?

There are two main types of such a structure:

  • type of snow retainer that passes snow through itself;
  • the second type is snow-proof.

The choice of any of the proposed designs depends on personal motives, as well as on the factors mentioned above.

Snow retention in action

It is interesting that in different stores there are different names: snow blocking fences, snow guards and so on. It is likely that the names characterize the functions of such installations.

For example, snow barriers keep all the snow on the roof (of any size). And the snow will melt on the house in its natural way. The snow will not melt even in parts. Snow cutters - by name it is clear that this design allows you to divide a whole piece of snow cover into small pieces.

Some parts fall, others melt right on the roof surface. The advantage of the construction is that the snow does not fall in a continuous layer, which ensures the safety of people, and also does not spoil the roofing.

Of course, snow retainers are different in shape, size, they differ in the material of manufacture. And before choosing, you should focus on how much snow should linger.

Varieties of design, advantages

The most popular version of such structures is tubular type.

By itself, this unit is a simple design of brackets into which two tubes of the same diameter, approximately 15-30 mm, are inserted.

In fact, this type can be attributed to the universal and can be applied to any material (metal, tiles, wood, and so on).

And according to professionals, it is this type of design that is considered the most effective.. In addition, it can be installed on the roof that has been in operation for a long time.

The bracket itself looks like a simple plate with “outlets” for pipes. Often its height is not more than 15 cm. It is attached to the pitched part with a special horizontal stick.

To do this, take special screws that can be attached to the metal.


When installing this type of structure, it is necessary to install it along the line of the load-bearing wall. This is necessary so that the load is divided evenly. The essence of the operation of such a device is the gradual transmission of snow (the snow will pass between the pipes).

This version of the snow retainer is popular and has received the status of the most hopeful installation. Also, the tubular structure must be installed exclusively in one line, runaway option is excluded. If the design is in the color of the roof, then it is almost invisible on the roof.

The process of mounting such a system is quite simple:

  • mark the holes and drill them with a drill;
  • assemble the kit itself, but do not tighten the bolts;
  • the existing assembled bracket must be fixed through the roof to the crate;
  • attach the lower part of the structure to the eaves ( at the level of the bearing wall);
  • now just connect the components by tightening the bolts.

tubular type

Another good option for saving from improper snowfall is snow stops (hooks). By the name it is clear that outwardly such structures resemble hooks.

But they can't hold a lot of snow, so it is best to use them in cases where the roof will be cleaned on a continuous basis. Often such hooks are mounted on soft shingles.

Experts advise using this option as an auxiliary to other, more reliable systems, in places where there is a lot of snow.

Snow guard - hook

Lattice type snow retainer. This type of construction is suitable in places where there is a large amount of snow, since special grating able to withstand strong pressure. Snow is kept on the roof, and only melt water flows down.

Install them at a large angle. The efficiency of such an installation is affected by its height (lattice height). The color of the grille can be matched to the color of the roof.

The maximum height reaches 20 cm.

lattice type

The corner version of the snow retainer is relevant where there is not so much snow. Most often they are mounted on corrugated board or metal tiles, because the structure itself is made from these materials.

As the name suggests, outwardly, this type of installation resembles a corner on which there are special fasteners for mounting. It is not recommended to install on slopes over 30 degrees.

Attach them directly to the roof itself, you can arrange them randomly or in one line.

Angle view

Some people prefer to use a wooden log as a way to hold the snow.. The option is not very common. You can meet him on roofs of various types, for example, on a shingled roof. It is attached to the roof with large hooks.

L Naturally, the size of the log affects its capabilities, that is, the larger it is, the more snow it can hold. To have the effect of such a design, it is worth attaching it at a distance of 2-3 cm from the roof.

This causes a small amount of snow to melt and run down the drain, while most of the sediment remains on the roof and melts naturally.

Do-it-yourself installation of snow retainers on the roof

How to install snow guards on the roof? If you yourself decide to install snow retainers, then you need to take into account the type of roof and the amount of rainfall.

After that, already buy what you need and start the mounting process itself.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to know some rules for installing such a design.

If you are building a house from scratch, or changing the roof, immediately think about installing such structures. This will help you save time, effort and nerves.

The installation process itself does not take much time and does not require serious preparations.. It is enough to know a couple of rules and step by step to execute the existing algorithm of actions.

Since metal roofing is the most common type of roofing, it is worth considering the option of installing it on such a surface. For more information about installing snow protection on metal roofing, click here.


Its very design suggests that snow will fall on it very often, and its smooth surface cannot hold snow on its own. During the day, it begins to melt and go off in layers, and this can lead to scratches on the surface of the metal tile, which in turn will lead to corrosion and damage to the coating.

On the roof of such a plan, you can take different types of structures:

  • tubular;
  • lattice;
  • corner.

Installation of tubular snow retainers:

  • first step - outline where exactly the snow retainer system will be located;
  • costs enhance crate with a special additional bar;
  • an important stage of installation, assembly of the structure, but do not tighten the bolts;
  • we begin to fasten the roofing material, where it is necessary to make holes on top for the fastening itself. Such holes should be located only on the lower wave, to the one adjacent to the crate itself;
  • next comes the attachment of the structure to the slope, using bolts 8 * 60 mm. Be sure to waterproof the holes with rubber pads. The very same step between the bracket depends on two factors, on the slope and length. For example, a step of 50 cm is enough, even for the most powerful design;
  • the last step of the installation of the system - pipe insert. Do you have any questions? Watch the video below.

Installation of a tubular snow retainer

Fastening step

It is important to remember that it is necessary to mount the system only above a load-bearing wall.

Installing a snow retainer on other materials

Decking is another popular type of roofing.. Like a metal tile, it has sensitivity to temperature changes.

Installing a snow retainer on such a roof is critical. Read more about installing snow protection under corrugated board here.

When the snow melts during the day and freezes in the evening, icicles are formed that can scratch the material, and this over time will lead to the fact that the galvanized coating deteriorates and scratches form in those places, as a result of which material starts to rust.

If you choose such a roofing material, you can also use tubular or lattice snow retainers.

In fact, installing a structure on corrugated board is not a very complicated procedure, and almost no different from installation on a metal tile.

Installation of the structure on corrugated board:

  1. the fastening itself is carried out through the material;
  2. be sure to reinforce the crate;
  3. small holes for fasteners should be reinforced with rubber gaskets;
  4. installation of the structure should be carried out only on the lower part of the wave of the material.

Hook mounting

In cases where the structure is attached to an already finished roof covering, it should be understood that you will have to disassemble it in order to strengthen the crate and it is logical to think about this in advance - during construction.

Installation on the example of various types of roofing

Hole marking

Useful video

Video instructions for installing a tubular snow retainer:


Such an element as a snow retainer is necessary on the roof of any building, regardless of style and location. Installing an additional element will allow your roof to maintain its strength and reliability, and also help to ensure the safety of others.

When choosing the right and high-quality design, carefully study what it is made of. Whatever type of snow retainer you choose, it is not necessary to install it around the entire perimeter, since they can be correctly positioned only in the right places on the roof.

It is enough just to install them in the most dangerous places and this will ensure the effective functioning of additional elements and at the same time save money spent on roofing equipment. Be careful when making a decision, consult with experts and your choice will be fully justified.

Self-installation of snow guards on the roof #8212; types and order of installation

Roof safety is one of its mandatory qualities, along with functionality, durability and beauty. Snow retention systems are designed to provide this safety. What it is, what they are for and what they are - we will talk about this, and also give advice on how to install snow retainers with your own hands.

Why do you need snow guards on the roof?

Russian winters are full of surprises: either snowfall, or frost, or thaw. And this often leads to emergencies and injuries. Especially dangerous are sudden descents from the roofs of snow and ice. They can do a lot of trouble: injure bystanders, damage the roof, gutters, climate control equipment (air conditioners), cars parked near the building, cut off electrical wires.

To prevent these unpleasant, and sometimes tragic, incidents, it is necessary to install snow retention systems on the roofs of buildings. For Russian reality, they have not yet become a generally recognized phenomenon, although in the West, snow retainers are a necessary condition for the adoption of a house under construction. Without them, it will be impossible to insure the building.

Does this mean that snow retainers are always needed on any roofs? Not at all. You can do without them in cases where the roof has a large slope (more than 60 °), the snow simply will not linger on it. But the most dangerous slope of the roof is from 20 ° to 35 ° - snow retainers are necessary on such roofs.

These devices can also perform another function: to act as one of the safety elements for a person who clears snow from the roof. If necessary, they will keep a person from falling. Most of all, this applies to lattice and tubular snow retention systems.

Types of snow retainers

Snow guards can be adapted to a particular type of roof or be universal and used on roofs made of any materials: sheets, rolls, natural tiles.


For the first time, such systems were used a long time ago in the Alps and Bavaria, and they were called "snow-retaining logs." Today, such a design consists of metal pipes in one or two rows and brackets to which the pipes are rigidly attached. In turn, the brackets are fixed to the roof - to the crate or rafters. The smaller the distance between the fasteners, the stronger the tubular snow retainer.


They are made of a metal profile, which is assembled in the form of a lattice, reinforced with vertical crossbars. To the roof, this design is also attached to the brackets.

Angle or plate

They are made of galvanized metal sheets or a metal roofing profile, mounted parallel to the ridge on the roof of the same material as themselves. Such snow retainers are less durable, they will not be able to hold a large mass of snow. Therefore, they should be installed on roofs with an inclination angle of less than 30° and, best of all, in areas where there is little snow cover.

Metal yokes (snow hooks)

The most inefficient snow retainers. They are intended for roofs with a minimum slope (up to 15 °) and covered with a soft roof, such as roofing material. Hooks are installed only during the construction or overhaul of the roof: as the roofing is attached to the crate, hooks are mounted in one or more rows, or over the entire surface of the roof in a checkerboard pattern.

Features of mounting snow retainers

The most durable snow retainers - tubular and lattice - are recommended to be installed on roofs on which snow accumulates in large quantities. Usually they are mounted around the entire perimeter of the roof at the level of the cornice or slightly higher. These systems can be installed both during construction and during operation.

If the budget is limited, snow stoppers can only be installed in the most dangerous places: over footpaths, entrances, car parks, etc.

Installation should start from the edge of the cornice, stepping back from the edge of the roof about 50 cm. Tubular snow retainers are usually located along the line of load-bearing walls so that the load on the roof is uniform. The brackets are fixed in such a way that the distance between them is 60-110 cm. They are mounted using long self-tapping screws with rubber seals to achieve tightness at the attachment point.

It should be noted that snow retainers are not only necessary for safety, but they look great on the roof, give the building architectural completeness. And almost anyone can cope with their installation. Just do not forget about safety: the installation of snow-retaining structures, cleaning the roof of snow and any other high-altitude work must be carried out using a safety cable, mounting belt, and non-slip shoes.

Last revision: 28.11.

One of the most dangerous manifestations of the spring thaw is, as you know, the unpredictable fall of melting snow from the roofs of buildings, often resulting in injury to bystanders (sometimes fatal).

For owners of private houses, it is not difficult to completely remove such a threat, or at least reduce it to a minimum - it is enough to manually remove the snow mass in time, which has not yet completely dried up on the roof surface. In addition, you can simply install snow retainers that allow you to keep snow from unpredictable falling and “bleed” it from the roof surface in small portions.

Snow that has accumulated in excess can destroy (push through) the roofing, and if it comes off too sharply, tear it off or damage the protective layer on the material.

In addition, an unexpected snow mass can break wires, as well as damage or disable air conditioners. To properly install the snow retainer on the roof, we recommend that you read this article.

Types of snow retainers

There are the following types of snow retainers:

Classic snow guards can be made in several versions:

  • in the form of brackets fixed on the roof sheathing with two-row metal pipes passed through them. The possibilities of snow retention in such a design can be adjusted by changing the distances between the pipes, as well as between the lower pipe and the roof. By adjusting the mounting pitch of the brackets, it is possible to change the system parameters according to the allowable load.
  • in a lattice version, which involves the installation of rigidly fixed brackets with lattice sections fixed to them;
  • in the form of lamellar or corner snow retention elements, which are usually mounted on flat roofs made of metal materials (metal tiles, galvanized steel, etc.). Such systems are not designed for increased loads and, as a rule, are ineffective.


Self-installation of plate (corner) snow retention systems on the roof is possible, but subject to certain conditions. So, to install snow retainers on metal tiles, for example, it is necessary that the roof slope angle be no more than 30 °.

Installation of such snow retention elements is carried out in the following order:

  • First of all, at selected points of the roof, support brackets (plates with a corner) are installed, made of durable metal, on top of which a decorative overlay made of roofing material is attached.
  • in the case of installation of corner-type snow retainers, the latter are mounted in two rows along the height of the slope, alternating through one element;
  • in this case, the lamellar elements are attached to each wave of the metal tile, while the corner elements are fixed in each wave along the upper row and through the wave - along the lower row.

When using tubular and lattice snow retainers, their installation is possible both during the construction of the roof and during its operational operation (on the finished roof). In this case, the type of coating used is not significant, since it is possible to fix the brackets on such a surface without much difficulty.

They are installed vertically on the plane of the roof and are fixed on its surface in the most convenient way for you. In the case of fastening the brackets along the joists of the crate, depending on the planned dimensions of the structure, their length can be from 300 to 1000 mm.

Note! On the slopes of a large area, snow retainers can be mounted in several rows (with a solid fence or in a checkerboard pattern).

As for the slope restrictions, this indicator is not standardized for these fence samples. In this case, roofs with a slope angle approaching 60 ° are not taken into account, since in this case the snow on the roof does not hold by itself. An interesting conclusion follows from this that it is possible to completely get rid of problems with snow retention if a roof with a large angle of inclination of the slope (with allowable wind loads) is laid in advance in the project.

The validity of this conclusion follows from the fact that it is much more convenient to clear the roof of snow with a completely flat slope surface without snow catchers placed on it. In the presence of the latter, on the contrary, the removal of snow from the slopes should be carried out as often as possible, which is necessary to remove excess weight from the roof structure.

We note in passing that even in the absence of snow retainers in the northern regions of our country, by the end of winter, a layer of snow on roofs with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 80-100 m² can reach an average weight of 8 to 16 tons.

There is another circumstance that should not be forgotten when installing snow retainers with your own hands. We are talking about the use of auxiliary equipment on the roof, without which snow removal can turn into an unsafe event. The composition of such protective devices should include fences (with a building height of more than 6 meters), which are mounted around the perimeter of the roof, as well as roof ladders or stairs of a special design that allow you to move freely even on a heavily snowy surface. The perforated surface of these ladders does not retain snow and provides good grip with any type of footwear.

When carrying out such work, no one relieves you of the obligation to comply with safety regulations. Any high-altitude work should be carried out only with a safety mounting belt and shoes that prevent slipping on an icy surface.


Another video about choosing a snow retainer:

A photo

How to install snow guards

The roof of a house is a very complex structure. There may be various devices and devices. One of the roof structures are snow retainers. This is an optional but required element. The fact is that during a snowy winter a lot of snow can accumulate on the roof, and if this mass suddenly comes down, it can do a lot of trouble. In this article we will talk about how to install snow retainers. Let's talk about their varieties and features.

Types of snow retainers

Installing a snow guard is a must. He will be able to protect you from accidents and litigation, in case of damage to someone else's property during an avalanche. And which one to choose? What types of snow guards are available?

The most common option is lattice structures. They are made of metal and can be installed on almost any type of roof. Lattices are quite effective and they are usually used to protect against snow masses in multi-storey buildings. Such structures can be mounted both nailed and hinged.

On metal tiles and profiled sheets, you can install a lamellar type of snow retainers.

Such structures do not work well if the roof slope is more than 30 °.

Lamellar structures are made of the same material as the roof and are relatively inexpensive.

On a roof made of soft material, snow guards can be mounted. They have a hook design. Very often, such snow retainers are installed as additional protection. Thanks to the use of modern technology, snow guards are made of a transparent material, which makes them less visible.

Another universal (independent of the type of roof) snow retainer is tubular. It is a bracket with attached tubes. This design retains snow no worse than the lattice.

Among the variety of designs of snow retainers, the most common are lattice and tubular. They are quite effective and are great for all types of roofs. It is about the installation of such products with our own hands that we will talk.

Where to install

Before starting the installation of snow retainers, it is necessary to determine the place of their installation. Installation can be carried out both during the construction of the roof, and already at operated facilities.

The number and location of snow retainers is determined based on several factors. Namely:

  • roof area;
  • roofing material;
  • tilt angle;
  • amount of precipitation in winter.

If the roof area is large, and even a significant amount of snow falls, then there should be a lot of snow retainers. They can be installed in several rows, staggered or only in dangerous areas. According to the recommendations of experts, with a slope length of more than five meters, snow retention devices should be placed in two rows. In other cases, depending on the amount of precipitation.

Also, the number of devices will depend on the type of roof. The metal tile and profiled sheet that are popular today are a smooth material. With a slight heating (for example, on a sunny day), snow from such a roof will actively descend. Therefore, it is on such a roof that snow retainers are simply necessary.

As a rule, snow retention devices are mounted above skylights, footpaths, porches and other areas where a large amount of snow can fall off to damage property or human health.

During installation, it is necessary to deviate from the cornice at least 50 cm. An exception can only be the installation of lattice structures, and then on condition that the cornice is formed by the roof rafters.

Installation of snow retainers

Snow guards in the form of gratings have recently begun to give way to tubular structures. But still they are still widely used, as before. It is lattice products that can often be found on a tile roof.

The principle of installation of both types is the same. The only thing is that lattice structures can be installed directly on the roof eaves.

Installation takes place in the following sequence:

  • we mark the future location of structures;
  • in these places the crate is reinforced with additional bars;
  • We assemble snow guards. At the same time, it is not necessary to tighten the bolts tightly;
  • in the roofing material we drill holes for fastenings. If the coating is made of metal tiles, then it is necessary to fix it in the lower wave, which is adjacent to the crate;
  • we mount the bracket to the crate. In this case, a certain step must be followed. It will depend on the slope of the slope. The larger it is, the smaller the installation step of the brackets should be. As a rule, a distance of 50 cm is enough even for the steepest slope. Fasteners are made using bolts, with the installation of additional rubber seals;
  • now we attach the structures of the snow retainers to the brackets.

In this way, you can install snow retention devices on almost any type of roof.

The installation of snow retainers on a soft roof is slightly different.

If the slope of the slope is less than 15 °, then the installation of such devices is generally not advisable. Also, the formation of an "avalanche" is unlikely in the presence of a sprinkle of stone chips. That is why powerful snow retainers are not installed on the soft roof, the presence of snow stops is quite enough.

Such devices are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The installation itself is done with simple self-tapping screws. In this case, it is not necessary to strengthen the crate. Firstly, snow stops weigh little. And secondly, the soft roof is laid on a continuous type of crate. If the slope of the slope is large, then both tubular and lattice snow retainers can be mounted.

When installing such structures on a soft roof, there is always a risk of damaging the tightness. Therefore, mounting holes must be carefully sealed. This can be done with rubber gaskets or any sealant.


Installation instructions for tubular snow guards:

Instructions for the installation of flexible tiles, including the installation of snow stops.

The widespread use of metal roofs is explained by their excellent performance and relatively low cost. At the same time, plastic water drainage systems are installed, and the building takes on a complete look in a modern style.

But few people know that metal roofing has one common and rather unpleasant drawback - a low coefficient of friction. As a result, in the spring, snow masses descend like an avalanche and damage the plastic elements of the spillway systems. In addition, this situation can cause serious injury to pedestrians. To protect people and structures, snow retainers should be installed.

Prices for snow guards

Snow guard

In order to understand the principles of mounting various types of snow retainers, it is necessary to become more familiar with their device, technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. These parameters have a great influence on the choice of the correct installation algorithm for rooftops.

Table. Types of designs of snow retainers

Type of snow retainerPerformance characteristics and mounting features

They have different shapes and sizes, cut one thick layer of snow into several thin ones. This reduces the load on the gutter of the drain system and minimizes the risk of injury to passers-by. Tubular snow guards are fixed to the crate, which guarantees their high strength. In addition, they do not delay, but cut the snow, which further reduces the effort on the fasteners and increases the reliability and durability of the devices.
All elements are made of galvanized steel, some have a decorative coating. Height 5–20 cm. The fastening method is no different from tubular ones. The disadvantage is that the gratings hold the entire snow cake, and it can have a very large mass. Such critical loads have a negative impact on the durability and safety of the structure.
These devices are recommended to be installed only with insignificant snow cover parameters. The fact is that they are fixed not to the crate, but to the waves of metal sheets. Such a fastening is very fragile and breaks out under relatively small loads, leaving holes from under the hardware on the roof. As a result, leaks and the need to perform unscheduled repairs. If you follow the recommendations of manufacturers and mount corner plate snow guards only in regions with little snow cover, then a logical question arises - why snow guards where there is no snow? Why waste time and money just to drill extra holes in your roof?

In addition to these, there are also quite original point (rope) and wooden devices. But they are used so rarely that it is not necessary to describe them. Such snow retainers are completely ineffective, installation on the roof has only negative consequences.

Important. Snow guards are recommended to be installed only on metal roofs. Mounting them on a flexible bituminous tile, asbestos-cement slate, natural tile is impractical, since these coatings have a high coefficient of friction, snow never avalanches from them.

Prices for snow guards on a seam roof

Snow guard for rebated roof

Each type of snow retainer has its own mounting technology, but general recommendations have been developed for all cases. What exactly?

  1. As mentioned above, it is advisable to install such structures only on roofs made of profiled sheets, metal tiles or seam roofs.

  2. Snow guards prevent damage to plastic drainage systems. If a metal system of galvanized sheet steel is mounted on your house, hooks are made of a strip of carbon tool steel with a thickness of not about 2 mm, then no snow of this design is terrible.

  3. It is strongly not recommended to mount corner lamellar snow retainers, you do not need to pay attention to manufacturers' advertising. Practice has proven not only their inefficiency, but also harmfulness. The risks of damage to the integrity of the roof exceed 90%, and where structures remain intact for several years, there is no snow. Lamellar snow retainers are fixed only to the metal sheets of the roof, this mounting option is the most unfortunate of all possible.

  4. On the metal tile there is a slope of individual segments. In this regard, the laths of the crate have a strictly regulated step of 35 cm, at this distance there are even horizontal profile lines. Only such a condition ensures the correct position of the sheets, the load does not bend the profile, but is transferred directly to the truss system. This means that the distance between the fixation points should also be 35 cm, if this is not the case, then even at the stage of manufacturing the crate, it will be necessary to provide separate places for fixing tubular or lattice snow retainers and install additional rails.

  5. The bearing brackets of the snow retainers must comply with the technical parameters of the roofing materials. They are the same for profiled sheets, others for a seam roof, and third for metal tiles. If you have any doubts, it is highly recommended to consult with a sales consultant. He must know the differences and performance characteristics of all types of mounting devices.

Failure to follow simple tips will cause big problems with the roof. You must always remember that snow retainers are not installed for beauty or completeness of the roof, but to perform strictly defined tasks.

Installation of tubular snow retainers

Each break in the metal tile should lie on the laths of the crate, the distance between them is 35 cm, but there may be other options. Brackets of snow retainers are fixed only to them. It is necessary to carefully study the manufacturer's instructions and only then proceed to.

Important. When buying devices, pay attention to the mounting brackets. The distance between the fixation points must fully correspond to the distance between the breaks. The lower end of the bracket should be curved, the length of the leg should correspond to the height of the tiles. This section of the bracket works in compression, if it is even, then the metal tile is deformed during operation.

Step 1. Count the number of snow retainers and hardware. The structures are fixed with special self-tapping screws, the diameter of the thread is slightly larger than that of the hardware for fixing metal tiles. The length is selected taking into account the thickness of the battens. The general rule is that it is desirable that the end of the self-tapping screw does not protrude beyond the bottom surface of the rail.

Step 2 Decide on a specific mounting location for devices. Architects recommend installing them in the plane of load-bearing walls, but not everything is so simple. It is necessary to take into account the overhang of the roof, in some cases its length does not allow fixing snow retainers. There are times when, on complex multi-pitched roofs, the location is chosen taking into account the zones of maximum snow cover height, the presence of skylights and doors. If it is difficult to make a final decision on your own, then it is better to consult with experienced roofers. They have been observing the behavior and functionality of snow guards located in various places for many years and know the places for their optimal fixation.

Installation can be done directly from the roof, stairs or scaffolding. If the elements are located near the edges of the slopes, then you need to work from the stairs, if far away, then you need to climb the roof.

Important! Never disregard safety regulations. You can not rely only on experience and luck, especially if the work is carried out at a height.

Step 3 Place the brackets on the roof, check their position. Fasten the elements to the roof with a cordless screwdriver. Each requires two self-tapping screws, both should be screwed in as close as possible to the breaks in the tiles. Fixing is done in several stages.

  1. Attach the bracket to the roof and mark where to drill the holes. This can be done with a felt-tip pen or immediately with a drill for metal.

  2. Remove the bracket and carefully drill holes, note that holes should only be made in the metal tile, the laths of the crate should remain intact. While drilling, gently press down on the tool.

  3. Insert a self-tapping screw into the bracket hole, put a rubber sealing gasket on it from below. It is made from a modified material that is not afraid of the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Special rubber does not crack for a long time, does not have the effect of fatigue from internal stresses and retains elasticity at low temperatures. Such physical characteristics make it possible to guarantee a long period of reliable sealing of the snow retainer attachment points.

  4. Screw the fasteners firmly.

Pay attention to pads. Some types of brackets do not have bent legs; the height of the tile elements is leveled due to linings. The front is shorter than the back, do not confuse them when installing snow retainers.

The number of elements and the distance between them is selected individually in each case. This takes into account the length and angle of inclination of the slopes and the climatic zone of the building.

Step 4 Insert the tubes into the special holes in the brackets, their diameter makes it easy to enter the prepared places, but not to stagger.

Practical advice. If the length of the eaves of the house exceeds three meters, then it is necessary to mount another set of snow retainers. The tubes of both devices are firmly fixed to each other; for this, the manufacturer has provided a detachable double socket connection. To exclude the possibility of spontaneous exit from the connection, it must be fixed with a bolt and nut, the pipes have through holes for this purpose. It is not necessary to tighten the nut strongly, it is enough to tighten the nut by hand.

If everything is done correctly, then the design will reliably cope with its tasks for a long period of time.

Installation of corner lamellar snow retainers

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


We have already mentioned that this is the worst option for protecting the roof from snow avalanches. But if there is a desire to use such structures, then it is recommended to take into account practical advice, they minimize possible negative consequences.

Step 1. The snow retainer strips are laid out on the roof and markings are made, after which the edge of the product is fixed. Self-tapping screws need to be screwed only into the crest of the wave. For convenience, you can make holes first in the roof, and then in the plate. The length of the self-tapping screws must be such that the fixation is carried out to the lath of the crate. This means that the first attachment point is always located on the bend of the tile.

Step 3 Finally, fix the bar in the middle. There are 6 screws for each plate.

Do not install plate elements in a continuous row, make gaps between them. This will reduce the load on the snow retainers and reduce the risk of separation.

Due to the fact that the holes are made in the ridges, leakage will be very small, there is no need to install special seals. A few drops of water caught during a heavy downpour will dry without any problems, there will be no harm.

If the angle of inclination of the slope does not exceed 15 °, then snow retainers are not needed, the snow melts slowly even without them, there are no avalanches. And the main advice - do not buy corner plate snow retainers, use more reliable and functional types. Moreover, there are many options for sale with different color and design solutions. It is not difficult to choose the most successful one for yourself.

Video - Installation of snow retainers on the roof

When installing snow retainers, it is very important not to damage the roofing in order to avoid leaks. But what if this did happen? You can read about how to seal the roof, and which sealant is better.

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