How to get rid of domestic cockroaches. The most effective remedies and methods for cockroaches at home

garden equipment 23.06.2020
garden equipment

Neighborhood with insects is unlikely to please the hostess. The most frequent and unpleasant inhabitants of apartments are cockroaches. There are many reliable means to combat them, but the question of how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever is still acute.

In addition to their unpleasant appearance and ubiquitous presence, cockroaches carry infections that are dangerous to human health. The diseases caused by these infections are terrible primarily for children.

To understand how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever, you need to "get to know" insects, have an idea about their habits, life cycle and addictions. With such knowledge, you will create conditions in which cockroaches simply cannot exist.

Below I will list the main reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment and how to deal with them.

Using the above tricks and our subsequent tips, you can get rid of cockroaches in the apartment at home for good. Further in the article, we will try to understand the ancient and modern ways of dealing with cockroaches, and readers will choose the most appropriate for themselves.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever

Before moving on to emergency measures, such as the use of chemicals and calling insect control specialists to the house, let's turn to the good old and no less effective "grandfather" methods. The time for the disappearance of pests when working with such means is noticeable from three weeks to a month. Despite the long withdrawal period, such methods are highly effective.

The use of boric acid

One of the most effective and safe for humans and pets ways to deal with cockroaches is the use of boric acid. This drug is widely distributed, and it will not be difficult and costly to purchase it at any pharmacy. Let's study the existence of insects, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to treat with boric acid the places where they accumulate near water taps, in the bathtub and toilet, as well as all the corners and junctions of the floor and walls, do not forget about the ventilation holes - they are also a favorite place for cockroaches.

Having run through the acid, the insect does not die immediately. Unbearable itching will torment him for a long time, during which the cockroach will have time to infect a few more of his relatives.

Important! Despite their short memories, insects still have a sense of self-preservation and can find workarounds.

You should not be very upset about this, because there is another proven way. Prepare a tempting and deadly dinner for uninvited guests. The main ingredient of the future dangerous delicacy will also remain boric acid, add a boiled egg or potatoes to it. To make it impossible to refuse the proposed food, add a little oil to the dish. Roll the resulting mixture into small balls and leave in a warm place or on the windowsill until completely dry. Spread the finished poison throughout the house, paying special attention to the kitchen and restrooms. It is best to do this at night, firstly, in the dark, insects come out of their shelters more boldly, and secondly, during the day the balls will not interfere with the owners of the apartment moving around the house.

Tempting and appetizing balls will not allow you to recognize poison in them, and will work properly for the benefit of the owners, attracting more and more insects. To increase the effectiveness, it is necessary to keep the balls in their places as long as possible. Even if you are sure that all the cockroaches have died, you should not throw out the bait. This will keep your home safe from new intruders.

We act with cold

In addition to boric acid, there are several more ways to answer the question "how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever." A great enemy for cockroaches is low air temperature. It is clear that the application of this method is applicable only in the winter season and only in houses with their own heating. To use this method, a long ventilation of the whole house is enough.

Important! Freezing an apartment can cause the heating pipes to burst, so it's best to omit this option for getting rid of cockroaches and move on to the next one.

DIY traps

It is not necessary to use purchased insect traps if you have scotch tape or a regular can for seaming at home. Making reliable traps is not at all difficult. We will tell you more about the recipes:

  • For the first trap, you will need regular tape. Unroll it and lay it sticky side up in insect areas. To increase the likelihood of cockroaches visiting your trap, drop jam or fragrant honey on the scotch tape.
  • If there is no tape at hand, you can use a strip of cardboard or thick paper. As an adhesive base, use a viscous glue that will not completely harden yet.
  • Another great trap can be an ordinary glass jar, originally intended for winter sunsets. It remains only to lubricate it from the inside with oil so that the cockroaches cannot get out and place the bait inside. Ordinary fresh onions can be used as a tempting delicacy, its strong smell will lure cockroaches in large numbers.

Purchased means of combating cockroaches

Purchased chemicals remain one of the most effective means to combat unwanted settlers. They can be found in any store, and the manufacturers of such products have been working on improvements for years and know firsthand how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever. Using industrial preparations, you will cope with the problem of insects in the house as soon as possible. However, reactive gels and aerosols have their drawbacks.

First of all, this is a high toxicity not only for insects, but also for children and pets. It’s easy to get poisoned with legs if you try them “by the tooth”, which kids and pets like to do, but you don’t need to try aerosols, just one breath is enough.

Important! Be careful when choosing chemicals and take the safety advice on the packaging seriously.

So, let's turn to ways to use various store-bought cockroach remedies:

  • Gels. Let's make a reservation right away that if your house or apartment is large enough, then you will need not one, but two or even three tubes. The gel is applied throughout the house in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baseboards in drops. The distance between the drops should be from ten to fifteen centimeters, depending on the requirements of the manufacturer. Complete expulsion of pests will be carried out within one week.
  • Sprays. As for sprayers, they must be used not only at the junction of the floor and the wall, but also in other favorite places for collecting insects. As you remember, these include "watering holes", various cracks, outgoing wallpaper joints and doorways.

You can not constantly use the spray of the same brand. The fact is that cockroaches easily adapt to aerosols.

  • In stores, you can also buy various traps for cockroaches. The principle of their work is that insects, attracted by the bright color of the device and a pleasant smell, become infected with chemicals themselves and transfer it to the nest.
  • Effective in the fight against cockroaches are special houses, getting into which insects stick to the walls inside the device and die, unable to get out.

Call of experts

If it is not possible to cope with pests on your own, professionals from private firms or from the sanitary and epidemiological station will come to the rescue. The work of such services is highly profitable, but there are also disadvantages. On the one hand, these are large financial costs, and on the other hand, the forced absence of household members in the apartment during the day.

After completing the disinfestation procedure, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of specialists regarding cleaning and airing the apartment. Your health and the well-being of your children depends on the correct implementation of this stage.

Fans of such a houseplant as geranium least prone to cockroach infestation. The fact is that the specific aroma of this flower repels insects. So if you have a geranium, we recommend moving it to the kitchen.

An encounter with ubiquitous insects often ends in an attempt to kill a cockroach. However, from the fact that a cockroach dies, one clap of shoes on it is not enough. It is necessary to verify the exact death of the pest, since even without a head, a cockroach can live for a long time.

Kitchen pests do not tolerate lemon flavor. Therefore, if you want that after the expulsion of insects they do not return to you from unscrupulous neighbors, we suggest that you leave a chopped lemon in the kitchen. Again, I would like to clarify that it is best to do this at night.

You already know that the survivability of cockroaches is also manifested in their ability to adapt to the environment, including all kinds of poisons. In view of what it is not recommended to use the entire stockpile of poisons at once. Introduce a new way to deal with cockroaches sequentially, as needed. Otherwise, none of them will work.

After you have actively spoiled the life of cockroaches and, as it seems to you, the insects have completely disappeared, there is a possibility that they were simply safely buried until better times. The absence of cracks in the apartment, and peeling wallpaper does not mean that they have nowhere to hide.

The favorite and secret place of their safe haven often becomes fridge. Of course, low temperatures are detrimental to insects, but sealing gum is a great place to hide. Agree, few will guess to look for them there.

To finally eliminate pests, it is necessary to make this haven as uninhabitable as possible:

  • first of all, remove the gum from the groove of the refrigerator and wash and dry well;
  • conscientiously treat the notch for the gum with boric acid;
  • put the elastic in place and be sure - the cockroaches will have no chance of survival.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever (video)

Our tips on how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home will bring more benefits forever if you follow the recommendations exactly. You should not give pests even a small chance to escape, otherwise the fight against them may never end.

The article “5 effective ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever” turned out to be useful? Share with your friends using social media buttons. Bookmark this article so you don't lose it.

Why are people so eager to get rid of them? These insects are carriers of many serious diseases, such as hepatitis, helminthiasis, dysentery and even tuberculosis, they are dangerous and can even bite. People have come up with many different safe, effective methods of dealing with red and black cockroaches, as well as their variety - insects - albino.

In this article, we will consider how to remove cockroaches of all kinds from an apartment forever with folk remedies. What is the best way to poison and how not to harm yourself and your pets?

Cockroaches often settle in apartment buildings. The number of baleen pests is gradually decreasing: many researchers believe that waves from mobile phones and electronic devices repel baleen pests. It has not yet been possible to completely remove cockroaches: the abundance of food and warmth attract insects.

Toxic drugs are not always suitable for use if there is an allergy sufferer, a sick person, a future mother or children in the apartment. What to do? You will need safe, non-toxic compounds. How to get rid of cockroaches folk remedies? Proven methods and simple recipes will help you get red and black cockroaches out of your home.

  • Reasons for the appearance
  • Homemade traps
  • herbal ingredients
  • poisoned baits
  • Essential oils
  • Cold against cockroaches
  • Prevention

Reasons for the appearance

Mustache pests are attracted by many factors:

  • food in open bags and glass containers;
  • dirty dishes in the sink, on the table;
  • free water;
  • clutter of premises;
  • secluded places where it is easy to hide;
  • heat, dampness;
  • particles of fat mixed with dirt, food debris on and near the stove.

Where do cockroaches come from in an apartment? Entry routes:

  • through cracks in the floor and baseboards;
  • through suffocators;
  • from the entrance;
  • from neighboring apartments, where the owners are struggling with the "mustache";
  • from the basement, mainly black cockroaches climb into apartments;
  • through holes in floor slabs;
  • with provisions, after a visit to a house inhabited by harmful insects;
  • by telephone wires, risers;
  • inside household appliances, rented;
  • with used furniture, bought from sloppy owners.

On a note! Unsanitary conditions are the main condition for the reproduction of "barbels". The ideal cleanliness of the home dramatically reduces the likelihood of cockroaches settling: without enough food and water, harmful insects will go in search of another shelter.

Proven folk methods of dealing with cockroaches

You can not tolerate the presence of cockroaches in the apartment. "Mustache" spread the infection, provoke allergic reactions to secretions and excrement, freely crawl through the garbage, rotten food remnants, move to food.

Cockroaches need to be destroyed, and not “evicted” from the apartment: harmful insects will crawl further and harm other owners. Killing a barbel with a slipper or newspaper is only a small part of the possible methods for removing harmful insects.

How to remove cockroaches from the apartment forever? Five rules for successful pest control:

  • Maintain cleanliness in the apartment, get rid of trash, open access to places where it was difficult to get to for regular cleaning. Ventilate rooms daily. Take out the trash more often, keep the bucket clean.
  • Hang a mesh with medium-sized cells on the ventilation grilles so that pests cannot climb from other apartments.
  • Cover all cracks in baseboards, floorboards, doors, put in rubber windows if the wooden frames are completely dry. Without sealing these zones, the fight will be ineffective.
  • Develop good habits: put food in the refrigerator or closed containers, wash dishes immediately after eating, never leave an open bread box overnight, food supplies on the table.
  • Wring out rags, fix leaks in pipes, deprive cockroaches of access to water.

Learn the instructions for use of the insecticide Regent from cockroaches, as well as the precautions for using the product.

Homemade traps

It takes a little time and delicious bait to make a cockroach trap. Arrange the trapping containers every night, in the morning collect the "mustache" that has fallen.

Effective traps:

  • from the bank. A simple, effective way. Pour a little jam, honey or crumble the yolk into a 0.5 liter jar, grease the walls with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. To make it easier for insects to get to the treat, put a "ladder" to the neck of cardboard or a ruler. Pests that got inside will not be able to get out along the slippery walls;
  • from double-sided tape. Another simple model of trapping capacity. Stick adhesive tape on thick paper, drip jam on the central part. Insects will stick along the way to the bait. For the success of the operation, make 5-6 traps, spread out in places where pests often occur.

herbal ingredients

What are cockroaches afraid of? Prussians, like many insects, cannot stand the smell of certain herbs or flowers. Pots of geraniums on the windowsill are an effective remedy for driving out the "mustache".

Plants that repel red and black cockroaches:

  • mint;
  • sagebrush;
  • eucalyptus;
  • wild rosemary;
  • Melissa.

Herbs are easy to prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy. Make bouquets of odorous plants, wrap with gauze, hang or spread out in areas where whiskered pests are seen. If the room has carpets, hide fragrant herbs under the flooring.

Advice! The smell of pyrethrum is not tolerated by many harmful insects, including cockroaches. A special type of chamomile is often used to influence the "barbels". The best option is to buy pyrethrum powder at a pharmacy, sprinkle it in all areas where pests run. Combination with other control measures (cleanliness, lack of food and water, blocking of penetration routes) gives good results.

poisoned baits

How to deal with cockroaches in an apartment with baits? A simple method of dealing with harmful insects. The success of the operation depends on the number of caps with a "treat", the frequency of replacing dried products with new ones. The more containers are placed around the apartment, the higher the probability of destroying the Prussians (red variety) and black cockroaches.

Effective baits:

  • with boric acid No. 1. The traditional means for the destruction of "mustache". For humans and pets, boric acid is not dangerous, harmful insects die after tasting a poisoned treat. Boil an egg, crush the yolk, mix with a bag of boric acid. Add a little water to form balls, decompose into pest habitats;
  • with boric acid No. 2. All you need is a powder that causes poisoning of harmful insects. Sprinkle boric acid over all areas where cockroaches crawl. The slightest touch of paws or antennae to the substance, the penetration of the powder into the digestive system starts a slow, irreversible process in the body of the pest. Another positive moment for a person is that insects carry a drug into the nest that is detrimental to the "barbels", infect other individuals;
  • with a storm. The drug is sold in a pharmacy. Mix white powder with powdered sugar, liquid mashed potatoes, vanilla. Decompose the bait in the same way as a boric acid-based agent.

If there is a rabbit, cat, dog, small children at home, you will have to think about where to place the bait so that cockroaches, and not household members and animals, will taste it. Suitable options: next to the trash can, in cabinets, under the sink (if the sink is built into the kitchen set), behind the screen under the bathroom, in the bathroom.

Essential oils

Bright aromas repel harmful insects, are considered one of the best remedies for cockroaches in the apartment. Folk methods using valuable ethers have proven their effectiveness.

How to proceed:

  • method number 1. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of cool water and 15 drops of fragrant oil. Useful esters: mint, eucalyptus, lavender, fir, geranium, lemon balm, lemongrass, lemon balm. Thoroughly spray pest areas. Processing is carried out every two to three days until the cockroaches leave the apartment;
  • method number 2. Prepare a spray of 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. l bite, 10 drops of any of the listed essential oils. Lubricate all areas where barbels get to or spray home spray from cockroaches. To enhance the effect of the repellent composition, apply or spray three times a week.

Important! In case of increased sensitivity of the body, confirmed allergic manifestations, check how essential oils work: spray a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with a solution, follow the reaction of the body. In the absence of side effects, treat the entire apartment.

Vinegar for pest control

Effective Methods:

  • moisten a cloth or foam sponge with vinegar, wipe all areas where the "barbels" crawl. Particular attention - skirting boards, floor, area under the sink and bathtub, next to the trash can;
  • prepare a spray of 500 ml of warm water, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%, a tablespoon of ground red pepper. Mix the components, pour into a spray bottle, treat areas where insects live.

How to remove house ants from the apartment? View a selection of effective tools and learn the rules for their use.

Cold against cockroaches

Another simple, effective method. Barbels do not tolerate the influence of low temperatures, they love dampness and warmth. Frost quickly destroys harmful insects.

Freezing to get rid of adults and eggs. Take out all the things and objects that you get into the cold, wait a few hours until the pests freeze. The method is more suitable for residents of private homes.


The appearance of cockroaches in the house is a signal for immediate action. The destruction of insects accidentally noticed in the bathroom or in the kitchen does not indicate the success of the "operation": behind the baseboards, in the corners, next to the pipes, under the floor, hordes of "mustache" often live. It is easier not to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of harmful insects than to send the “neighbors” out of the apartment for a long time and unsuccessfully.

Prevention measures:

  • fight against mold on the walls and dampness in the house: regular airing of the apartment or house, taps closed on time, no leaks;
  • cleanliness in residential and utility rooms, in the bathroom and bathroom;
  • lack of crumbs and products on the table;
  • taking out the trash can as it fills up: rotting food waste is food for many harmful insects (cockroaches, midges);
  • storage of food in closed containers or refrigerator;
  • regular cleaning of the apartment;
  • lack of trash, dirt, dust;
  • placement of fragrant plants to repel pests. Pungent odors drive out not only "horses", but also moths, bedbugs, fleas, ants;
  • placement on the windowsills of geraniums. The leaves of a popular houseplant give off an odor unpleasant to cockroaches;
  • lattices with frequent cells on the air vents, mosquito nets on the windows;
  • replacement of old, cracked structures: skirting boards, doors, window frames. Sealing of joints, cracks is obligatory.

With the invasion of "barbels" not only toxic chemicals help, but also proven folk remedies. From cockroaches that have bred in an apartment, there are many effective, safe compounds. The best option is a combination of homemade traps with sprays made from natural ingredients and preventive measures. Cleanliness, normal humidity, lack of free access to water and food will make the dwelling unattractive for cockroaches.

Video - an overview of the best folk remedies for cockroaches in a home:

Attention! Only today!

Neighborhood with insects is unlikely to please the hostess. The most frequent and unpleasant inhabitants of apartments are cockroaches. There are many reliable means to combat them, but the question of how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever is still acute.

In addition to their unpleasant appearance and ubiquitous presence, cockroaches carry infections that are dangerous to human health. The diseases caused by these infections are terrible primarily for children.

To understand how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever, you need to "get to know" insects, have an idea about their habits, life cycle and addictions. With such knowledge, you will create conditions in which cockroaches simply cannot exist.

Reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment

Below I will list the main reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment and how to deal with them.

  1. Water. Cockroaches are very tenacious creatures and the main thing that gives them the opportunity to live long is water. Without the presence of life-giving moisture, their days will be numbered, but even a small amount of water will breathe life into an almost dying, poisoned insect. Therefore, it is necessary to block the access of cockroaches to water as much as possible. Thoroughly dry all surfaces in the kitchen, do not leave taps open. If the faucet drips, try to fix this problem. Clean and dry dishes will also not leave cockroaches a chance to profit from life-giving water. After taking a shower or bath, go over it with a dry rag, and even more so do not spray water all over the bathroom. The only place in the apartment where you will not be able to do anything with the presence of water is the toilet.
  2. Unsanitary conditions are the main friend of cockroaches. Another way to help with the question of how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever is to keep the apartment perfectly clean. Despite the fact that cockroaches can go without food for a long period, order and excellent cleanliness in the kitchen will make it easier for you to get them to eat poison. Insects simply won't have any other food source other than poisoned treats. You can also attract the attention of cockroaches with something colorful and tasty to smell. Nature itself will accelerate the disappearance of insects. The fact is that cockroaches do not have a long-term memory and calmly distribute poisoned pieces of food to their relatives.
  3. Cracks and crevices in floors and walls. To prevent the appearance of new harmful guests, carefully cover all the cracks in the floor and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baseboards, tightly seal the wallpaper and get rid of other ways cockroaches get into the apartment.

Using the above tricks and our subsequent tips, you can get rid of cockroaches in the apartment at home for good. Further in the article, we will try to understand the ancient and modern ways of dealing with cockroaches, and readers will choose the most appropriate for themselves.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever

Before moving on to emergency measures, such as the use of chemicals and calling insect control specialists to the house, let's turn to the good old and no less effective "grandfather" methods. The time for the disappearance of pests when working with such means is noticeable from three weeks to a month. Despite the long withdrawal period, such methods are highly effective.

The use of boric acid

One of the most effective and safe for humans and pets ways to deal with cockroaches is the use of boric acid. This drug is widely distributed, and it will not be difficult and costly to purchase it at any pharmacy. Let's study the existence of insects, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to treat with boric acid the places where they accumulate near water taps, in the bathtub and toilet, as well as all the corners and junctions of the floor and walls, do not forget about the ventilation holes - they are also a favorite place for cockroaches.

Having run through the acid, the insect does not die immediately. Unbearable itching will torment him for a long time, during which the cockroach will have time to infect a few more of his relatives.

Important! Despite their short memories, insects still have a sense of self-preservation and can find workarounds.

You should not be very upset about this, because there is another proven way. Prepare a tempting and deadly dinner for uninvited guests. The main ingredient of the future dangerous delicacy will also remain boric acid, add a boiled egg or potatoes to it. To make it impossible to refuse the proposed food, add a little oil to the dish. Roll the resulting mixture into small balls and leave in a warm place or on the windowsill until completely dry. Spread the finished poison throughout the house, paying special attention to the kitchen and restrooms. It is best to do this at night, firstly, in the dark, insects come out of their shelters more boldly, and secondly, during the day the balls will not interfere with the owners of the apartment moving around the house.

Tempting and appetizing balls will not allow you to recognize poison in them, and will work properly for the benefit of the owners, attracting more and more insects. To increase the effectiveness, it is necessary to keep the balls in their places as long as possible. Even if you are sure that all the cockroaches have died, you should not throw out the bait. This will keep your home safe from new intruders.

We act with cold

In addition to boric acid, there are several more ways to answer the question "how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever." A great enemy for cockroaches is low air temperature. It is clear that the application of this method is applicable only in the winter season and only in houses with their own heating. To use this method, a long ventilation of the whole house is enough.

Important! Freezing an apartment can cause the heating pipes to burst, so it's best to omit this option for getting rid of cockroaches and move on to the next one.

DIY traps

It is not necessary to use purchased insect traps if you have scotch tape or a regular can for seaming at home. Making reliable traps is not at all difficult. We will tell you more about the recipes:

  • For the first trap, you will need regular tape. Unroll it and lay it sticky side up in insect areas. To increase the likelihood of cockroaches visiting your trap, drop jam or fragrant honey on the scotch tape.
  • If there is no tape at hand, you can use a strip of cardboard or thick paper. As an adhesive base, use a viscous glue that will not completely harden yet.
  • Another great trap can be an ordinary glass jar, originally intended for winter sunsets. It remains only to lubricate it from the inside with oil so that the cockroaches cannot get out and place the bait inside. Ordinary fresh onions can be used as a tempting delicacy, its strong smell will lure cockroaches in large numbers.

Purchased means of combating cockroaches

Purchased chemicals remain one of the most effective means to combat unwanted settlers. They can be found in any store, and the manufacturers of such products have been working on improvements for years and know firsthand how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever. Using industrial preparations, you will cope with the problem of insects in the house as soon as possible. However, reactive gels and aerosols have their drawbacks.

First of all, this is a high toxicity not only for insects, but also for children and pets. It’s easy to get poisoned with legs if you try them “by the tooth”, which kids and pets like to do, but you don’t need to try aerosols, just one breath is enough.

Important! Be careful when choosing chemicals and take the safety advice on the packaging seriously.

So, let's turn to ways to use various store-bought cockroach remedies:

  • Gels. Let's make a reservation right away that if your house or apartment is large enough, then you will need not one, but two or even three tubes. The gel is applied throughout the house in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baseboards in drops. The distance between the drops should be from ten to fifteen centimeters, depending on the requirements of the manufacturer. Complete expulsion of pests will be carried out within one week.
  • Sprays. As for sprayers, they must be used not only at the junction of the floor and the wall, but also in other favorite places for collecting insects. As you remember, these include "watering holes", various cracks, outgoing wallpaper joints and doorways.

You can not constantly use the spray of the same brand. The fact is that cockroaches easily adapt to aerosols.

  • In stores, you can also buy various traps for cockroaches. The principle of their work is that insects, attracted by the bright color of the device and a pleasant smell, become infected with chemicals themselves and transfer it to the nest.
  • Effective in the fight against cockroaches are special houses, getting into which insects stick to the walls inside the device and die, unable to get out.

Call of experts

If it is not possible to cope with pests on your own, professionals from private firms or from the sanitary and epidemiological station will come to the rescue. The work of such services is highly profitable, but there are also disadvantages. On the one hand, these are large financial costs, and on the other hand, the forced absence of household members in the apartment during the day.

After completing the disinfestation procedure, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of specialists regarding cleaning and airing the apartment. Your health and the well-being of your children depends on the correct implementation of this stage.

Fans of such a houseplant as geranium least prone to cockroach infestation. The fact is that the specific aroma of this flower repels insects. So if you have a geranium, we recommend moving it to the kitchen.

An encounter with ubiquitous insects often ends in an attempt to kill a cockroach. However, from the fact that a cockroach dies, one clap of shoes on it is not enough. It is necessary to verify the exact death of the pest, since even without a head, a cockroach can live for a long time.

Kitchen pests do not tolerate lemon flavor. Therefore, if you want that after the expulsion of insects they do not return to you from unscrupulous neighbors, we suggest that you leave a chopped lemon in the kitchen. Again, I would like to clarify that it is best to do this at night.

You already know that the survivability of cockroaches is also manifested in their ability to adapt to the environment, including all kinds of poisons. In view of what it is not recommended to use the entire stockpile of poisons at once. Introduce a new way to deal with cockroaches sequentially, as needed. Otherwise, none of them will work.

After you have actively spoiled the life of cockroaches and, as it seems to you, the insects have completely disappeared, there is a possibility that they were simply safely buried until better times. The absence of cracks in the apartment, and peeling wallpaper does not mean that they have nowhere to hide.

The favorite and secret place of their safe haven often becomes fridge. Of course, low temperatures are detrimental to insects, but sealing gum is a great place to hide. Agree, few will guess to look for them there.

To finally eliminate pests, it is necessary to make this haven as uninhabitable as possible:

  • first of all, remove the gum from the groove of the refrigerator and wash and dry well;
  • conscientiously treat the notch for the gum with boric acid;
  • put the elastic in place and be sure - the cockroaches will have no chance of survival.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever (video)

Our tips on how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home will bring more benefits forever if you follow the recommendations exactly. You should not give pests even a small chance to escape, otherwise the fight against them may never end.

The article “5 effective ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever” turned out to be useful? Share with your friends using social media buttons. Bookmark this article so you don't lose it.

Many of us, especially those living in rented or communal apartments, have faced such a terrible problem as the appearance of cockroaches. These unpleasant insects appear suddenly quickly, but it is very difficult to get such uninvited guests out. How to get rid of cockroaches forever with folk remedies or chemical poisons, we will tell in this article.

Can cockroaches be useful?!

I would like to note that cockroaches, it turns out, are not our enemies at all, but on the contrary - helpers! They are forced to eat up the remnants of our food, saving us from the appearance of dangerous infections and bacteria caused by spoiled foods. But the saddest thing is that, helping to "clean up", they themselves can be sources of various diseases. And in general, there is little pleasant when insects that cause disgusting feelings scurry around the house. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will find a person who would treat them with gratitude. Of course, with their appearance in the house, everyone thinks about how to get rid of domestic cockroaches.

What to do when they are already there?

There are a lot of ways to expel uninvited "guests", ranging from modern chemical aerosols, gels, crayons, etc. to old grandmother's recipes. From this article you will learn how to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies.

First of all, put things in order in the house: carefully sweep or vacuum the floor, the joints between the cushions of the sofas, soft chairs. Then, with a good disinfectant, wash all the problem areas in the apartment, paying special attention to the kitchen.

If you add ammonia to the detergent, you will make it even better - cockroaches cannot stand it.

It is worth saying a few words about store-bought means of getting rid of cockroaches.

Let's go shopping

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches using chemicals? There are a wide variety of gels, aerosols and other insect repellents on the shelves of hardware stores:

  • Traps. Plastic boxes with poison inside. They are attached with Velcro and poison cockroaches.
  • Gel. It is applied with a syringe in places of the greatest accumulation of insects.
  • Crayons. Looks like regular children's drawing crayons. They process skirting boards, walls, cracks.
  • Aerosols. Sprayed in problem areas of the apartment, especially in the kitchen and in the toilet.

But not everyone buys newfangled chemicals, because this is not the best way to get rid of cockroaches. After all, they all contain poison, which means they are harmful not only to these insects, but also to the person himself. Vapors of chemicals have a negative effect on our body, weakening the immune system and making it impossible to resist various infections. And if there are small children or animals in the house, then this method becomes completely dangerous. Toddlers crawling on the floor can accidentally put their fingers in their mouths and thereby get severe poisoning. But cats and dogs of small breeds are waiting for a completely sad fate: when washing, they lick their paws and wool, on which traces of pesticides may remain. And then many of them die. In addition, such products have a sharp unpleasant odor that can cause allergies in sensitive people. In addition, many consumers note that cockroaches disappear only for a while, and then reappear, or they simply become smaller.

So, you have cockroaches. How to get rid of them without using any means of modern "chemistry"? And here there is only one solution - to use something more sparing. For example, folk ways to get rid of cockroaches can help you.

Temperature effect

Cockroaches are insanely afraid of the cold. If the temperature in the room drops to 5 degrees, then the life of your insects will be in danger. They will hide wherever possible and look for a warmer shelter. Of course, this method is not entirely suitable for apartments, because it threatens to rupture the pipes of the fuel system, but for summer cottages, houses with stove heating, it may well be used. Open all windows and doors and ventilate the room for several hours. Of course, the temperature outside should be minus. And the result will not keep you waiting.

Homemade cockroach traps

Store-bought traps that use chemicals may well be replaced by homemade traps. Only the principle of influence they have is completely different. On a strip of adhesive tape or ordinary cardboard, you need to drop glue, and next to it - droplets of honey or jam as bait. Putting such traps is worth in places of the greatest accumulation of cockroaches. They will come to the sweet bait, but they will not be destined to leave from there, most likely they will stick and will not be able to escape.

Also, the trap can be made in another way. To do this, you need a small glass jar, lubricated inside with oil. It is necessary to put something edible in it, some add beer. Then uninvited guests will climb inside for a treat, but thanks to the slippery oil, they will not be able to crawl out. And if these methods do not help, how to get rid of cockroaches? There is still an effective way, however, you will have to learn how to conduct experiments.

No water - no cockroaches

Everyone knows that these annoying insects can live for a very long time without food, but water is the source of life for them. What is most surprising, the liquid is even a poison neutralizer for them! If a cockroach ate poison, but managed to drink it well with water, then its chances of continuing life are very high. By the way, if you stepped on him or slightly crushed him, then he will also remain alive: the restorative ability of his body can only be envied! Therefore, starting the fight with your mustachioed enemy, start by depriving him of the most valuable thing - water. Try to dry all wet corners of your home, and wipe the sink with a rag. Even if after that they do not completely disappear, they will certainly weaken, and it will be easier to defeat them by another method.

Boric acid to the rescue

Another favorite method of dealing with cockroaches is the use of boric acid. This is also a kind of poison, but it is not harmful to the human body. But for small pets it can be fatal, so you need to know the rules on how to get rid of cockroaches with boric acid.

Loose powder of this acid is laid out around the apartment where there is most moisture. After all, as you know, without water, cockroaches will not live long.

The principle of the effect of boric acid is as follows: the insect eats this poison and cannot drink water. But just a cockroach will not eat powder - it's tasteless, but mixed with food - very much nothing. Therefore, acid is mixed with food according to various recipes. Most often, ingredients such as an egg, boiled potatoes, boric acid and a little oil are useful for preparing poison.

Mash all these ingredients with a fork and mix into a dense porridge. The egg will hold the mass together, and the potatoes and butter will be a tasty bait. Now you should roll small balls from this dough and scatter them where your uninvited "friends" most often like to be. Smelling the smell of food, the cockroach will come to him. As soon as the insects eat such a mixture, they will begin to die one by one. The rest will not live where their brothers die, and will quickly run away.

Now you already know how to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies, but this is not the whole list of methods.

Harsh odors are not for them

One of the distinguishing features of our baleen insects is orientation in space by smell. But if they are deceived and interrupted by the familiar aroma by which they find food and water, then they will have no choice but to leave your house and look for something more suitable. An essential oil can be such an agent.

These oils are obtained from many plants. Now we will tell you in more detail how to get rid of cockroaches. Essential oils are applied with a cotton swab, and to treat a large surface they are added to water. First of all, they lubricate those areas where cockroaches like to visit most often. They are usually found near water.

Treat the bathroom, pipes, faucets most intensively. On those areas that cannot be lubricated, put a swab or cloth soaked in pure oil.

Do not forget about the trash can - it contains the largest accumulation of food residues.

But this method is good for those who do not react to the strong smells of essential oils. In large quantities, they can adversely affect your well-being, causing a headache.

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches with borax

Any remedy for annoying mustachioed insects has its negative sides. Everything that can be poison for cockroaches is harmful to the child. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before using anything. Another good way to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies is borax. This is also a powder with which to prepare a poisonous "menu".

You will need a small amount of powdered or granulated sugar, vanilla and starch. All this is mixed to a thick mass, divided into pieces and laid out in favorite places for cockroaches. Vanillin perfectly attracts the attention of mustachios to the poisoned bait. This method is very similar to the boric acid method, and borax can also be added to egg and potato slurry.

Try to carefully process the toilet and kitchen. Lay out the resulting lumps everywhere: between cabinets, under the sink, near the trash can. The more poisonous delicacies cockroaches taste, the higher the chances of getting rid of them forever.

We have described quite a few universal poisons and how to get rid of cockroaches. Feedback from those who have used these methods is mostly positive. Of course, folk methods may not be as effective as purchased chemicals, but their main advantage is relative safety for humans. Do not panic if you see cockroaches in your home. There are no invincibles! Being savvy, you will cope with this trouble in the shortest possible time, knowing how to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies.

Quite well showed itself in the fight against cockroaches of the drill, and sodium salt. They are added to baits that are detrimental to insects. Often, vinegar is used to fight the Prussians, which is used to treat baseboards, crevices, ventilation, thresholds, kitchen cabinets and other surfaces. As a repellent, folk rumor recommends using odorous essential oils of cedar, geranium, mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus and other plants with a sharp, persistent odor. Used to catch insects.

It is desirable to combine the deterrent effect of aromatic substances with poisonous baits.

Inna, Saratov

Maria, Perm

Physical tricks

Sticky traps with baits will not help get rid of cockroaches forever, but you can make them yourself and significantly reduce the population. For their manufacture, cardboard boxes or strips of thick paper are suitable, on which an adhesive is applied or double-sided tape is attached. Appetizing bait is placed in the center of this design. Wanting to get to the delicacy, the cockroach will firmly stick to its base.

On a note!

Recently, they have been popular. However, their effectiveness is constantly the subject of controversy.

Most people shudder to imagine being next to them. This is especially unpleasant in the apartment, where they crawl on the kitchen table and things. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of cockroaches at home is so relevant. There are many chemicals that destroy these insects, but they do not give a 100% guarantee. You can use proven folk remedies for cockroaches or invite specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station. Whichever method you choose, you need to do it as soon as you notice the presence of these insects. After all, they are very prolific, and over time it will be more and more difficult to cope with them.

Why you need to get rid of cockroaches

The presence of insects in the apartment is very unpleasant, because they crawl over things, they can climb onto the table and into the bed. In addition, such a neighborhood can be very dangerous, since cockroaches are carriers of various diseases. Crawling on the toilet and the trash can, they cling to the bacteria on their paws, spreading them through the kitchen and bedroom. Most often they carry eggs of worms, but can infect a person with E. coli, dysentery or typhoid. Many people have an allergic reaction from the presence of cockroaches in the apartment. Some especially large individuals can greatly frighten the residents of the house and even bite. There have also been cases when insects climbed into a person’s nose or ear, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Therefore, each owner must know how to deal with cockroaches, because no one is immune from the appearance of insects.

Types of cockroaches

This is one of the most common and tenacious insects on the planet. Many species are known, but only two of them settle in our apartments: red cockroaches, or Prussians, and black ones.

What are the remedies for cockroaches

All methods of dealing with these annoying insects can be divided into several groups:

Mechanical means: you can destroy them with a slipper, cracker or vacuum cleaner. But most often they use various traps. These can be cardboard boxes with sticky floors and walls, boxes with narrow labyrinths, or makeshift traps.

Poisoned baits are tasty treats for insects that contain substances that are poisonous to insects. The disadvantage of this remedy is that cockroaches quickly develop immunity to them, in addition, children or pets can eat the poison.

Freezing at very low temperatures.

You can scare away insects. This has long been done with the help of the smells of plants that insects do not tolerate: elderberry, tansy or flowering rye. They will also go away if you add ammonia to the water for mopping or wipe the places where they often appear with lemon juice. And in the store you can buy ultrasonic repellers.

Chemical preparations created in recent decades are the most effective remedies for cockroaches.

But whatever method you use, the most important thing is to keep the house clean. It has long been known that cockroaches start up where crumbs, food and debris often remain. Therefore, even if you know how to quickly get rid of cockroaches, they may return. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow some rules.

An important step in the fight against cockroaches

If you follow these recommendations, you will create unbearable living conditions for cockroaches. Sometimes in such cases, insects leave the premises without any additional measures. But very often you have to use more effective remedies for cockroaches. This is especially true for residents of apartment buildings, where there is sure to be a dirty apartment, from where insects crawl across all floors. It is good if you manage to agree with neighbors on the joint processing of the house by specialists from the SES. Otherwise, everyone will have to choose on their own how to get rid of cockroaches at home.

How to deal with cockroaches with boric acid

  1. The easiest way is to sprinkle the powder in places where these insects often visit, especially on the outskirts of the water. But the problem is that cockroaches are very cunning and will quickly realize that it is dangerous there. Having smelled boric acid, they will not approach it.
  2. A more effective way is to prepare a bait with boric acid that is attractive to the cockroach. Most often, the powder is mixed with egg yolk. 2-3 sachets and one yolk should be mixed well and form small balls the size of a pea. They need to be laid out in places where cockroaches accumulate. These insects are very curious and will definitely come up to sniff an object that is attractive to them.
  3. Boric acid powder can be mixed with breadcrumbs or added to any bait. The main thing is that the insect touches this substance.

Destruction of cockroaches by freezing

In many cases, it is not possible to apply chemicals and lay out baits that can be eaten by pets or children. But it's rather unpleasant when cockroaches start up in the house. How to get rid of such neighbors with folk remedies can be learned from old people who fought this scourge when there were no strong poisons yet. One of the safest methods for all living beings, except for cockroaches, is freezing. It is especially easy to apply it in a country house or in a new apartment, because in order to kill all insects and their young, you need to keep the room at a temperature below 5 degrees for at least three hours. Cockroaches are very thermophilic insects, and such conditions kill them quite quickly. Frost is also fatal for their unhatched offspring. It is very convenient to use this method when you have caught all the adults with the help of traps. This prevents young cockroaches from appearing after a while. The only condition for the application of this method is the protection of radiators and heating systems from damage. To do this, you need to drain all the water from them.


It is best to apply them when you first notice that cockroaches have appeared in the house. Not many people know how to get rid of them with the help of traps. After all, only recently such devices made by an industrial method have appeared on sale. They are easy to use: you only need to periodically change the bait or pour out the caught insects. Cockroaches are curious, they will definitely climb where it smells delicious. The most attractive baits for them are pieces of biscuits, sugar or some sweets and bread dipped in sunflower oil. All traps can be divided into three groups:

  1. Various boxes with bait placed inside. To prevent insects from escaping, a special glue is used to lubricate the traps from the inside. Some manufacturers make these boxes with narrow, winding passageways that cockroaches can't find their way out of. For the same purpose, you can make a trap yourself by simply brushing the edges of a deep bowl or jar with sunflower oil and placing the bait on the bottom.
  2. The second type of traps are those that are powered by an outlet. They kill insects with an electric discharge.
  3. And the third type of trap does not catch, but poisons insects. Inside they have poison, which the cockroach brings on its paws to the colony. One insect can poison everyone in this way. Many who are looking for the best way to get rid of cockroaches at home choose such traps because this way the poison will not harm pets and people.


Now this is the most effective way to deal with any insects. This is due to the fact that chemicals are guaranteed to destroy cockroaches, and they penetrate inside the colony and poison all individuals there. Modern insecticides are produced in several forms:

Using cockroach gel

Among those who are looking for a way to get rid of cockroaches, they are becoming increasingly popular. The main advantages of using this product are the convenience of its application, high efficiency in the destruction of insects and relative safety for people. All gels are available in tubes and syringes, most have a long spout that facilitates access to crevices and under furniture. This remedy

it is applied in small drops, and if there are a lot of cockroaches in the room, then you need to make paths from such drops along the baseboards, under the bathroom and in other places where these insects accumulate. You can also apply small drops in the corners on the inside surface of bedside tables and cabinets. Gels do not contain fat and other substances that stain the surface, so after a while their residues can be easily removed with a regular rag.

The principle of operation of this tool lies in its composition. It includes a substance that is poisonous to cockroaches, which is odorless, and odorous baits that serve to attract insects. Most often it is the aroma of vanilla, honey, chocolate or anise. People do not notice it, but you still need to apply the gel in places inaccessible to children and pets. After eating the gel, and in some cases just sniffing it, the cockroach returns to the nest, where it dies. His remains are eaten by relatives and safely infected. So in 3-4 weeks it is possible to completely free the apartment from these insects. The best gel manufacturers are Global, Reid and Raptor. "Storm" and "Fas" have the strongest effect, they are mainly used for professional processing of industrial premises. And in an apartment, especially if children and pets live in it, it is best to use Russian-made Domovoy gel. It contains a large amount of bitterness and attractants. These substances do not scare away insects, but the warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment will not eat the gel because of this, even if they stumble upon it.

Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches forever

Despite the abundance of ways to destroy cockroaches, there is no universal method. Even if you use the most effective remedy and they disappear, there is no guarantee that after a while they will not appear again. After all, the most prolific and hardy insects are domestic cockroaches. How to get rid of them forever

many would like to know. But experience shows that this is possible only in a private house, subject to all conditions. In a city apartment, even if you use the most effective means, after a while they can crawl from the neighbors. And then the fight will have to start over. To be sure to get rid of these annoying neighbors, it is better to use several means at once. For example, spray with a spray, draw lines along the baseboards with the small "Mashenka" and spread the poisoned baits. In addition, you need to maintain cleanliness in the house, close up all the cracks and close the ventilation holes with a fine mesh. Wipe the floors regularly with ammonia and water, and place tansy or elderberry flowers in secluded places.

The presence of cockroaches in apartments of multi-storey buildings is a common occurrence, since many residents do not effectively control these insects. Despite this, according to experts, the populations of these insects are declining sharply. This is due to the rapid development of the radio-electronic industry in all spheres of the national economy, including in everyday life. This factor negatively affects cockroaches, since electromagnetic waves emitted by household devices repel these pests. And yet, despite this, cockroaches are attracted to conditions such as heat, moisture, and the presence of food. Although, it can be said in another way: cockroaches began to adapt to such living conditions.

To combat cockroaches and other pests, people have come up with many effective ways. The most effective of them are modern chemicals that act literally instantly. Unfortunately, their use is not always allowed, especially if small children, pregnant women or infirm family members live in the same living space. In such cases, folk remedies made from natural ingredients can help get rid of cockroaches.

Cockroaches can appear in any apartment, but not in every one they can take root. In order for them to take root, a number of factors must contribute to this, for example:

  • Food is stored in such a way that it can be easily accessed.
  • The presence of dirty dishes in the sink or on the table.
  • Free access to water.
  • There are a lot of unnecessary, old things in the room.
  • The presence of places where cockroaches can hide.
  • High humidity and heat.
  • Unsanitary conditions in the apartment.

Cockroaches appear in the apartment in various ways, such as:

  • Through various slots placed in the floor and around the skirting boards.
  • through ventilation systems.
  • From the entrance.
  • From neighboring apartments, especially if their owners began to fight these insects.
  • From basements and attics.
  • Through holes in floor slabs.
  • With food bought at the market and supermarkets.
  • On risers, telephone and electric wires.
  • Together with the purchased household appliances.
  • With furniture or other things bought at a flea market.

Important! As a rule, cockroaches actively breed in unsanitary conditions. Cleanliness in the home prevents the appearance of these insects in the apartment. If the apartment does not have access to food and water, then these pests are unlikely to be interested in this dwelling.

When cockroaches appear in the apartment, it is necessary to immediately take measures to get rid of them. Moreover, this is just the case when it is better to destroy cockroaches, and not expel them from the apartment. They will leave, but they will appear at other residents and will terrorize them, harming food, as well as people's health. To successfully combat these insects, you need to follow some rules:

  • Maintain living conditions in the apartment at an appropriate sanitary level. Moreover, the approach should be comprehensive: it is necessary to maintain cleanliness not only in the kitchen, but also in other living quarters. It is advisable to get rid of old, unnecessary trash.
  • The ventilation system must be equipped with gratings with sufficiently small cells.
  • Close up all the cracks through which pests can enter the apartment.
  • Store food only in the refrigerator or in special containers and do not leave unwashed dishes after eating.
  • Timely eliminate leaks in pipes or taps, cutting off access to water.

DIY traps

As a rule, such traps are made without extra time and money. For the effectiveness of the application, it is advisable to check the traps every day.

Simple traps:

  • From the bank. Although the trap is simple, it is effective. It is enough to take a half-liter jar and pour a little jam, honey or other bait into it. It is better to lubricate the walls of the jar from the inside with vegetable oil. You need to substitute an object to the jar so that the insects can easily reach the neck. If cockroaches get inside the jar, they will not be able to get out.
  • Made from double sided tape. A fairly simple, but also effective trap. Scotch tape is glued to a piece of cardboard or other material. A bait in the form of a drop of jam is placed in the center. On the way to the bait, the insects will simply stick. The more such traps, the more likely it is to destroy all pests.


People have long used strong-smelling plants to protect their homes from various types of insects, including cockroaches. The presence of flowers such as geraniums in the apartment protects against the invasion of cockroaches.

As a rule, scaring away is used:

  • Mint.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Bogulnik.
  • Melissa.

These plants are medicinal, so they can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared on their own, if desired. Before use, it is better to dry them under cover, although fresh harvested ones can also be used. Small bouquets are made from raw materials and laid out in places where pests appear. A good option is to place bouquets under various things where barbels can hide.

On a note! The smell of a certain type of chamomile, called feverfew, is not tolerated by many insects. Powder from this plant has been used since ancient times. It is simply scattered on problem areas. Together with other preventive measures, this option yields tangible results.

Placing various, poisoned baits gives good results in the fight against insects. The main advantage of these simple remedies is accessibility and safety, especially if they were prepared according to folk recipes.

The most effective baits:

  • Lure 1, based on boric acid, is used by many in the fight against cockroaches. For humans and pets, this treat will not harm, but cockroaches die from it. To prepare the substance, it is enough to boil the egg and separate the yolk from the protein. The yolk is mixed with boric acid. You will need to add some water to form balls. Balls are laid out in places where insects appear. In addition to the fact that cockroaches themselves will try this destructive remedy, they will also bring it for their relatives in the nest. As a result, it is possible to destroy the entire colony of barbels.
  • Lure 2, based on the boric acid powder itself. It is enough to scatter it in places where cockroaches appear. In case of contact with boric acid, insects die, but not immediately. During this time, while they are alive, they have enough time to infect the rest of their relatives.
  • Lure 3, based on borax. It is a white powder to be mixed with powdered sugar, mashed potatoes and vanilla. It is used in the same way as in the case of using boric acid.

The use of essential oils

Bright, persistent aromas have a negative effect on many insects and cockroaches are no exception. Essential oils, which have a sufficiently rich aroma, are able to expel cockroaches from human habitation.

Ways to prepare repellent solutions:

  • Option number 1. Take 1 liter of cool water and add 15 drops of any essential oil. As a rule, extracts from mint, eucalyptus, lavender, fir, geranium, lemon balm, lemongrass, etc. are used. Problem areas are treated with a spray bottle. Processing is carried out until the pests leave the apartment.
  • Option number 2. Take 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar and 10 drops of any essential oil. The spray prepared in this way is used for its intended purpose: they are sprayed with problem areas. This composition is sprayed three times a week to ensure a positive effect.

On a note! If family members prone to allergies live in the apartment, then it is necessary to check the body's reaction to essential oils. To do this, it is enough to process a small area and control how the body reacts. If there are no allergic reactions, then you can start processing the entire area.

How to proceed:

  • Take a piece of cloth or a foam sponge, and moisten them in vinegar and wipe the places where insects appear. To be processed: skirting boards, floor, areas under the bathroom and sink, as well as next to the trash can, etc.
  • The active substance is being prepared, consisting of 500 ml of warm water, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and 1 tbsp. tablespoons ground red pepper. The components are mixed and poured into a spray bottle, after which the product is sprayed in places where barbels appear.

Cold against cockroaches

As far as we know, insects are attracted to food and heat, so cockroaches do not tolerate the influence of low temperatures and quickly die. Cockroaches hide in various things, so it is enough to take them out into the cold for a while, both adults and the eggs they lay will die. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take everything out of the apartment, just as it is impossible to set a minus temperature in the apartment, although the method is quite effective.


The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment indicates a serious problem or even a number of problems, as well as the fact that it is necessary to start destroying them. At the same time, it is necessary to analyze the causes of the appearance in order to eliminate them. If this is not done, then such insects will appear again and again.

Prevention measures include:

  • The fight against high humidity in the apartment, which leads to the appearance of mold. As a rule, various leaks in water supply and sewerage systems lead to such consequences.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in residential and non-residential premises.
  • Removing leftover food from the dining table after eating.
  • Timely release of the trash can from food debris.
  • Control over the storage of food: they must be stored either in the refrigerator or in special containers.
  • Regular general cleaning, with the release of the home from unnecessary, old things.
  • Regular cleaning of dust and dirt.
  • Use herbs with a persistent fragrance to repel insects, including cockroaches.
  • Installation of mosquito nets on windows, and use grilles in ventilation systems.
  • Timely make cosmetic repairs with the replacement of old, dried out wooden products, such as skirting boards, platbands, window frames, window sills, etc.

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