Giving gloss to parquet. Floor care

garden equipment 25.06.2019
garden equipment

The parquet board is sensitive to mechanical damage - chips, scratches, dents. In order to preserve the original appearance of the parquet, it is necessary to use it properly for as long as possible and provide the necessary care for this flooring.

General rules of care

Exist general rules caring for parquet board. Some measures must be taken immediately after laying, others are necessary for regular cleaning.

How to care for parquet board after installation

It is important to observe certain rules operation of freshly laid parquet:
  • Avoid drafts.
  • Do not use for 3-4 days - this means that even walking on a new floor is not worth it yet.
  • Minimum load for the first few weeks: no need to jump or run on the floor, move heavy objects.
  • When assembling or rearranging furniture, place some material on the floor, such as cardboard or a blanket.
  • There should not be any carpets or paths on the new parquet: subsequently, a dark spot forms on the place covered by them.
  • The first weeks you can not do wet cleaning of the parquet - this can ruin the fresh coating.
  • It is possible to wash the laid and impregnated parquet after 2 weeks, while the use of abrasive agents is prohibited.
  • On fresh parquet, it is worth applying a special protective layer(wax, wax emulsion).
  • Humidity in the room should be in the range of 50-60%: with high humidity, the tree swells, and with insufficient humidity, it shrinks. As a result, cracks may appear that quickly become clogged with dirt, depriving the coating of attractiveness.
  • It is important to protect the parquet from scratches. To this end, felt stickers are sold for furniture legs, they can also be used for chairs that are constantly moved. If the room is computer chair, then you can use a transparent rubber mat - it will be almost invisible, but at the same time protect the coating. By purchasing new furniture, you should pay attention that some items have wheels made of soft rubber - they definitely will not leave scratches. Also avoid dropping heavy or sharp objects– they can leave noticeable scratches on the surface.
  • You can not walk on the parquet in street shoes, especially high heels.
In order for the parquet to serve for a long time and not lose its original appearance, it is necessary to clean it according to the rules:

1. Routine cleaning:

  • cleanliness can be maintained with a conventional vacuum cleaner;
  • before wet cleaning, it is important to remove dust and sand from the parquet - for this you can simply sweep the floor;
  • for wet cleaning, the rag should be wrung out as much as possible;
  • wet cleaning can be done with a floor shampoo or a neutral concentrate - the product must be diluted in water 1:100.
2. spring-cleaning- it should be carried out no more than once a month:
  • performed by concentrated means;
  • after cleaning, apply a primary protection agent;
  • old parquet that has been waxed many times can be cleaned with a solvent-based cleaner and then also covered with a protective layer.
Varnishes are often used to cover parquet. They can be based on water or synthetic solvent. Parquet lacquer gives additional hardness and strength, provides water resistance. Lacquer coating requires special care:
  • an additional layer of varnish can be applied to the new parquet - moisture protection will increase;
  • pollution must be removed with cleaners - these special cleaning products can be in the form of an aerosol or concentrate (need to be diluted);
  • choose a cleaning agent better than that the same brand (manufacturer) as the varnish used for coatings;
  • periodic application of a protective coating: you can use a wax-based polish or special concentrates (the composition is almost the same as that of a varnish, but a lower concentration);
  • use "Freshener" for lacquered parquet, this parquet care product removes stains and restores shine to the surface;
  • polish the parquet every 2 months - this will help protect it from moisture.;
  • use a spray varnish so that the varnish layer does not completely wear out;
  • about once every 10-15 years to do a complete update of the varnish coating.

Parquet care with oil-wax coating

As a protective coating, not only varnishes are used, but also oil-wax mixtures. They do not form a film on the surface, but fill the pores of the wood. Such coverage requires special care:
  • The first year the parquet board needs to be treated with oil and wax every three months. To do this, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

    Wash the floor and let it dry for at least 5-6 hours;

    Treat the parquet with oil using a special brush;

    After a few minutes, remove excess oil with napkins;

    After applying the oil, you must wait a day and wax the parquet;

    Protective wax (in soluble form) must be added to water for wet cleaning;

  • Wet oil cleaning. It is performed only with a soapy solution (only on water!). You need to wash the parquet floor like this: wring out the rag strongly, and wipe the parquet parallel to the wood fibers. After wet cleaning and before further care floor must be allowed to dry.
  • Dry cleaning wax coating. If the floor is covered only with wax, then wet cleaning cannot be performed. Only wax-based products or solvents may be used. Soap solutions contain alkali, which can adversely affect the color of the floor.
  • Polishing. It is worth making it after each wet cleaning. use better universal means that provide both cleaning and protection.
  • The coating must be updated regularly. At normal conditions it is enough to do it once a year. If there are increased loads on the parquet, then the update should be done more often - once every six months.

Video, how and how to wash the parquet board

This video describes in detail how and with what cleaning products to properly wash parquet:

How to remove scratches on parquet?

Even with careful care, parquet can sometimes be scratched. In this case, you can remove scratches in several ways:
  • Manufacturers offer a special repair varnish or oil to combat scratches. All actions must be carried out according to the instructions. Means of brands Kahrs, HG, Novoryt are effective. It is better to choose products from the same manufacturer as the parquet board.
  • You can cover up a small scratch with a permanent marker or stain corrector. The main thing is to choose the right color.
  • Another way to paint over a small scratch is stain. You can purchase the tool suitable color and gently rub it with a dry and clean cloth. Similarly, deeper damage can be removed. First you need to treat the damage site. For this, fine-grained sandpaper or steel wool. Then you need to wipe the surface with a solvent and let it dry. The stain must be applied in a thin layer and rubbed with a dry cloth (in a circle) - such manipulations must be repeated until the difference in color disappears.
  • To remove minor scratches, you need to purchase colored wax to match the parquet. It is more convenient to use wax pencils. Wax must be melted in the oven or microwave. The softened composition must be applied to the scratch and carefully level the surface, removing excess funds. To do this, it is better to use a rubber spatula. Then you need to polish the repair site with a soft cloth.
  • Another way to deal with minor damage is to Walnut. It is necessary to rub the scratch with the core of the nut - after a while the treated area will darken. For parquet board light colors this method is not suitable.
  • Another home remedy is iodine. It can be used for parquet in oak, walnut or mahogany shades. Iodine must be diluted with water and applied to the scratch with a brush.
  • Deep scratches can be removed with a special putty. It is necessary to select it in the color of the parquet board. Apply and level the composition with a spatula, and then grind the treated area. To do this, you need fine-grained sandpaper. The remaining dust must be removed with a soft cloth and the repaired area treated with varnish or wax.
  • If there are a lot of scratches on the parquet, then you need to perform fine sanding and apply a layer of varnish.
  • If the damage is quite serious, then you should contact a specialist to replace the damaged area. Another cardinal method is complete sanding and a new coating. You can perform grinding yourself, but for processing large area You should use a grinder. Read more about and.

TOP-5 household care products for parquet boards

Among the many care products for the parquet board, it is worth highlighting some of the best representatives:

Cleaner Berger Fitpolish- L92

This product is colorless and contains wax. Suitable for all surfaces, including varnished, mastic or oiled parquets. Be sure to polish the surface after processing.

Cleaner Adesiv Parquetpro

This Italian manufacturer is suitable for lacquered parquet. The cleaner copes with greasy stains without destroying the protective layer of the surface. For cleaning, the product is used in a diluted form, and for heavy pollution, the concentrate is needed without additives.

Forbo 888 Universalpflege

The products of this manufacturer are produced on 5 continents. This tool perfectly repels dirt, without forming any film. The composition is based on soluble wax and does not require polishing. The treated surface acquires wear resistance and does not slip.

Detergent HG

The product is intended for the care of lacquered parquet and surfaces treated with polish of the same brand. The tool not only cleans the floor, but gives it a gloss. A protective layer forms on the treated surface. After cleaning, the parquet does not need to be washed.

Self-polishing detergent Idronet

This Italian manufacturer's concentrate is designed for lacquered floors. In addition to cleaning, the tool restores the worn surface, masking minor imperfections. It is enough to use the product for monthly treatment of parquet.

Parquet is a rather whimsical coating that requires careful operation and special care. If you follow all the precautions and regularly wash the parquet floor using the right products, then it will last a long time, retaining its original appearance.

The ability of parquet to keep beautiful for a long time appearance is largely determined by the degree and correctness of care for him. Since the parquet floor is the most exploited part of the room, it is necessary not only to monitor the cleanliness of the floor covering, but also to polish the parquet in time. Polishing will not only restore shine, but also delay the time of scraping and restoration of parquet.

Parquet polishing- this is one of the measures for the care of a wooden floor, which consists in rubbing the surface of the parquet floor with a soft material using restorative agents.

Consider how parquet is rubbed at home, what mastics, wax, oils and polishes are better to use.

How often should parquet be polished?

The frequency of polishing depends on many factors:

  • coating usage intensity. The degree of wear is determined by the mechanical load that falls on the floor. The higher it is, the more often you need to polish the floor;
  • coating material. Oil-wax mixtures penetrate deeper into the pores of the wood, protecting the board, but not its surface. Dirt accumulates in the pores, and there is a need for polishing. Lacquer, on the contrary, creates a film, thanks to which the surface of the floor remains protected longer. On the other hand, the varnish is characterized by shine, and it is erased during operation (when walking);
  • room area. Determine the type of product and a convenient way to apply it;
  • budget. The cost of parquet polishing when doing the work with your own hands is reduced to the price of the material, and when ordering a service, it is determined by the performing company (or a private master). In any case, the procedure will require certain investments, money and time.

Users often do not make any calculations, but are guided by the appearance of the parquet floor.

Types of parquet polishing

There are several ways to process a wooden floor.

1. By application:

  • manual polishing of parquet. It is carried out manually or with a mop with a brush head using special tools;
  • machine polishing. It involves the use of floor polishers - one- or three-disk machines. The use of a polishing machine is justified on a large area, due to the high cost of equipment or its rental.

2. By type of surface:

  • glossy (to shine);
  • semi-gloss;
  • matte.

The choice depends on how decorative material the floor is covered.

The most common type of coating are polishes, which allow you to get a semi-gloss surface. They are distinguished by: ease of application, environmental friendliness, drying speed, low price.

Parquet care products - which polish is better?

Good feedback have deserved means for polishing parquet boards of European manufacturers:

The materials listed in the table are suitable for polishing varnished parquet.

If as a final decorative coating oil was used, the surface should be polished using wax. Wax can also be the basis for using polishes.

Wax and wax polishes for parquet

Floor wax mixtures can be classified as follows:

1. By consistency:

  • liquid parquet wax. Convenient option, which is a ready-to-use mixture. Liquid wax does not create problems during application and can be applied to hard-to-reach places (H2Oil - 810 rubles / 0.75 l.);
  • paste wax for parquet. Option optimal in terms of application. Can be applied with a spatula, brush, rag;
  • hard wax for parquet. Needs to be mixed with water. This option is convenient in that it allows you to get the perfect shade for a particular gender (for example, Homastic - 221 rubles / 25 g).

2. By composition:

  • oil-wax- a thick mixture that penetrates well into the pores of the wood, provides a pleasant soft sheen to the floor surface, is applied every six months;
  • polish. Contains only wax, water and polymers. Apply once a month.

3. By color:

  • colorless. Universal composition that does not change the shade of the parquet board (American Wood Oil Clear - 212 rubles / 0.2 l);
  • dark- for dark woods (Homastic 221 rubles / 25 gr);
  • bleaching- for light wood species (Tehopesu Tikkurila - 900 rubles / 0.5 l; Neomid 500 - 300 rubles / 1 l.)

Before using polishes and oils, clean the surface of the floor from dirt. For these purposes, it is advisable to use special products for the basic cleaning of parquet, varnished or oiled. Good reviews about TM Dr. Schutz (polish - 910 rubles / 0.75 l).

Folk remedies for polishing parquet

In addition to those mentioned, there are folk recipes for polishing the parquet floor at home, among them are:

  • wax (bees) with oil (olive, coconut, citrus) in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of wax to 7 tbsp. l. oils. The mixture is heated in a water bath or microwave until dissolved. hard wax. Absolutely eco-friendly mixture, suitable for polishing the floor in the children's room and bedrooms. Such a means for polishing parquet can be harvested for the future. Shelf life - 1 year (when using olive oil) and 2 years (citrus).
  • wax and turpentine. The components are mixed in equal parts. In this case, the wax is heated in a water bath, then turpentine is gradually poured into it. After the components are combined, the composition is removed from the bath and cooled with constant stirring until the mixture solidifies completely.

Attention! Turpentine is a flammable agent, when working with it, you must follow safety rules.

Below are a few techniques on how to rub parquet to make it shine or become matte.

Polishing varnished parquet

The process of polishing parquet flooring under varnish is carried out in several stages:

  • cleaning the floor surface from dust and debris;
  • wet cleaning. It is recommended to use special parquet cleaners;
  • applying polish after complete drying of the prepared floor surface;
  • hardening of the applied mixture (12-20 hours depending on the type);
  • applying a second coat of polish (if necessary). The second layer is applied perpendicular to the direction of application of the first.

Polishing oiled parquet

There are two options to choose from depending on the conditions and opportunities.

cold way:

  • surface cleaning;
  • applying a thin layer of oil;
  • removal of excess oil 5-7 minutes after application (performed with a soft rag);
  • polishing with a polishing machine;
  • application of the second layer (after 5-12 hours). Oil consumption will decrease as the wood is already saturated with oil;
  • after the appearance of a "satin" sheen, the surface is considered polished.

The method is good because it does not require the use of special equipment.

hot way:

  • cleaning the floor surface;
  • heating the oil to a temperature of 80 ° C in a water bath;
  • applying oil to the floor using a spatula;
  • rubbing oil into wood using a thermal pad;

    Note. Before applying the oil, it is recommended to warm up the parquet, for this purpose a thermal pad is used. On a warm surface, the oil is applied more evenly, since the process of its cooling is slowed down.

  • if necessary, a second coat of oil is applied. Usually such a need arises in places with an increased load on the parquet.

The method is good because it allows the oil to penetrate deeper into the pores of the wood and increases its service life.

Waxed parquet polishing

  • wax is applied 2 days after applying the oil;
  • waxing is done using a thermal pad;
  • After drying, it is polished with a thermal pad.

The technology is good because it allows you to eliminate scratches on the surface of the wood.

Floor polishing - simple and budget way return the parquet to a luxurious appearance and extend its service life.

Modern methods of wood processing and high-quality protective coatings give the opportunity to admire the beautiful floor for many years. But a parquet board, like any natural material, requires careful handling. In order for a noble coating to retain a new look for as long as possible, care for the parquet board must be correct.

We have prepared for you 23 tips that will help you properly care for your parquet board and keep it in its original shape for many years to come.

Tip #1: Natural does not tolerate dampness. In a room with such a floor, you need to maintain a humidity level in the range from 45 to 60%. The temperature in the room should be between +15 - +25°C. Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations. Do not ventilate the room during rain. It is strictly forbidden to wash the parquet with water and leave “wet marks”. If water does get on the coating, it should be removed with a paper towel or soft cloth.

Board No.2: It is necessary to select means for caring for a parquet board based on what composition it has been treated with. Most often, varnish, wax or oil is used as a coating.

Board No.3: Oil impregnation prevents moisture and dirt from entering the wood structure, but does not create a dense film on the surface of the board. Wet cleaning can only be carried out using an oil-coated parquet cleaner.

Board No.4: Waxed parquet board needs dry cleaning. To do this, use special nozzles on the vacuum cleaner. Such nozzles have a wide felt surface, which polishes the floor during cleaning. You can also use a parquet brush with soft bristles. It will easily collect dust and small debris without damaging the coating. Liquid soaps can cause chemical reaction, during which the color of the parquet will change.

Tip #5: For the care of parquet boards coated with varnish, special products are produced. These can be ready-to-use liquids, concentrates or aerosols. The composition of such cleaners for the care of parquet boards is designed for a gentle and delicate effect. After all, it is important not only to remove dust from the floor, but also to preserve the gloss of the varnish coating.

Board No.6: Do not apply any cleaning compositions directly to the parquet. If the tool is used for the first time, then it is better to test it on small area gender. When preparing a cleaning solution, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. It is ideal to use products for washing parquet boards from the same manufacturer as the varnish. Sometimes manufacturers of premium parquet board indicate on the packaging what means the floor can be treated with.

Board No.7: Once every one and a half to two months it is necessary to use polishes for lacquered parquet. These products will help protect the wood from the damaging effects of moisture and significantly extend the life of the entire parquet. Polishes well mask minor scratches and add shine.

Board No.8: The lacquer coating should be changed every five years. During this time, small scratches and cracks form on the old coating, through which dust penetrates deep into the structure of the board and spoils the whole look. old layer Lacquer is removed by grinding, and then covered with fresh varnish.

Board No.9: If the lacquer coating is still fresh, and a scratch or abrasion has appeared on a certain area of ​​​​the floor, then this place should be treated with a spray varnish.

Board No.10: A special masking paste will help get rid of deep scratches. It is carefully rubbed into the damage with a rubber spatula. Excess paste is removed with a soft cloth. After drying, the restored area of ​​the parquet is covered with spray varnish and polished.

Board No.11: Wet cleaning of the floor should be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after applying the varnish. This time is necessary so that the varnish has time to carefully spread over the surface, fill all the cracks and micro-scratches.

Board No.12: A rag for washing a parquet board should have a high hygroscopicity. It should be soft. It is best to use special rags for parquet, which are sold in the household departments.

Board No.13: It is better not to use steam cleaners to care for the parquet board. The steam in such devices is very hot, it can damage not only the protective layer of the parquet, but also the board itself. Washing vacuum cleaners are also not used.

Board No.14: To prevent fine sand and debris from the street from being brought into a room with a parquet floor, two rugs should be placed in front of the entrance. The first is with a hard pile. It will clean the shoes from dirt and large debris. The second - with a soft pile. The purpose of this mat is to collect and absorb moisture, as well as small particles of dust.

Board No.15: The parquet board is easily scratched, so it is better to walk on it in soft slippers. You can’t walk on such a floor in heels - they will leave deep scratches which will be very difficult to get rid of. If there are pets in a house with parquet, then you need to carefully monitor the condition of their claws. Cut in time and not sharp, they will not harm the coating. It should also be borne in mind that the urine of a puppy or kitten can leave stains on the floor.

Board No.16: In places where the floorboard wears out the fastest, for example, near the sofa, you can put a soft carpet or rug. But this should be done no earlier than two months after parquet varnishing, otherwise dark spots may appear under the carpets.

Board No.17: To protect the parquet board from scratches, special felt or silicone substrates are placed under the furniture. It is not recommended to use cardboard or polyethylene as an alternative - they can cause stains. If metal rollers are attached to the furniture, they should be replaced with silicone or rubber ones. There is a sale of special furniture for rooms with parquet. It is equipped with wheels and pads made of soft material that will not leave any marks on the parquet board.

Board No.18: If there is a work chair with a leg on wheels in the room, then very soon the varnish coating of the floor under it will wipe off and take on an untidy look. To avoid this problem, you can buy a special polycarbonate mat. It can be transparent and completely invisible on the floor. standard size such a rug is enough to comfortably place a chair on it, and move within the working area.

Board No.19: A big problem for parquet boards are all kinds of stains that may appear in the course of the life of the household. The most common are greasy contaminants. To delete greasy spot from the parquet board, you can use turpentine. To do this, you need to apply it on a soft cloth and gently treat the stain. Then wipe the treated area with a floor cleaner. More difficult stains can be removed with parquet stain removers. In no case should you use gasoline, alcohol and all kinds of solvents.

Board No.20: The blood stain should be quickly blotted with a soft cloth dipped in cold water. Hot water will only make matters worse. Dried blood is treated with a soft cloth dipped in water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia. After the stain is washed off, you need to wipe the floor dry and polish it. Very well restores gloss means for the care of the parquet board "Polish".

Board No.21: A shoe polish stain can be stung with kerosene. Apply a small amount of product to a napkin and quickly process the contamination. In the same way, you can clean the parquet from soot and chocolate. And to remove black stripes from shoes, you need to rub the floor with a nylon cloth.

Board No.22: After the celebration of the New Year or just romantic evening by candlelight, drops of wax or paraffin may remain on the floor. To gently remove them, you need to put a piece of ice wrapped in a thin napkin on the stain. When the wax freezes, it will be easy to remove it with a rubber scraper. Chewing gum sticking to the floor is removed in the same way.

Board No.23: If the child painted the parquet floor with markers, paints or mother's lipstick, then you can remove the "art" with an alcohol solution. To do this, mix methyl alcohol and water in equal proportions and gently wipe off the dirt with a cloth. Repeat the procedure until the parquet board is completely clean. Then polish this area.

Making the floor with natural parquet board is quite expensive. Therefore, it is important to adhere to these simple rules during its operation. As a result, shiny parquet will delight its owners for many years, and family budget will not suffer from additional repair costs.

In my opinion, the best tool that gives parquet shine and beauty is parquet mastic. It consists of wax and various polymers. After applying the mastic, a protective film is formed on the parquet, which gives your parquet floor a more aesthetic and well-groomed appearance.

Mastic for parquet is sold in ready-made or soluble form.

If everything is clear with the finished mastic - take it and apply it right away, then with the soluble one there is a moment preparatory phase- to be added to the dry mix hot water in the proportions indicated on the package, and then mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency, and only then apply to parquet flooring.

When choosing a mastic, one should also take into account the fact that it can be both colorless and a certain shade. Colorless simply forms a colorless film on the surface of the parquet, giving shine, and colored mastic, in addition to shine, will give parquet floor certain shade.

In addition, mastic is divided according to its composition into several types:

  • water soluble
  • water emulsion
  • waxy
  • turpentine

Some of the listed mastics are available in solid, liquid and paste form.

Water-based mastic is suitable for almost all types of parquet.

Water-soluble mastic is more suitable for oak parquet.

Turpentine mastic is great for parquet made of wood such as beech and birch, which do not like moisture, and turpentine mastic does not contain water at all.

Wax mastic is the best option for polishing ash, juniper, pine and maple parquet.

Each type of mastic has its own technique for applying to parquet. Usually all conditions correct application mastics are indicated on its packaging.

But general principles the application of these compositions to the owners of parquets are known.

Water-based mastics are applied to clean, dry parquet, and after about an hour has passed from the moment of application, it will be possible to start rubbing the parquet with a special floor brush or cloth.

Turpentine mastic should be applied in two layers alternately, the second layer is applied only after the first one has completely dried.

Water-soluble compositions are applied to the parquet with a brush, allowed to dry completely, then the remains of the mastic are removed with a dry soft cloth, leaving the floor to dry completely for some more time. Then another layer is applied and when it dries, the flooring itself is polished.

Wax mastics are applied to dedusted parquet with a flat brush. At the same time, such mastics must be applied in an even thin layer, the quality of the wax coating depends on this.

choose any type of mastic that is more suitable for your parquet, and your parquet floor will shine.

Any parquet flooring requires care and careful handling. For different kind parquet, there are special tools. Consider how to rub the parquet to preserve its original appearance.

Lacquered parquet is the most durable and unpretentious. Usually it does not require special care for 10 years. When washing lacquered parquet, the composition of the lacquer must be taken into account. After applying the varnish, wet cleaning can be carried out only after 7 days. And arrange furniture only after two weeks.

Parquet board with oil or wax impregnation do not have a protective layer. Impregnation simply penetrates 3-4 millimeters deep into the wood, thereby protecting upper layer. Rubbing parquet by special means(polish).

For proper care for both types of parquet, one algorithm is usually used:

First layer. It is also called sacrificial. Required for initial stage operation. After such polishing, a protective film is formed. Applied with a soft cheek or special polishing machines.

current care. Parquet care products are applied. Repair damaged protective layer. Apply no more than three times a year.

current cleaning. The usual means for washing parquet, diluted in water, are used. Usually 2 caps are enough for a bucket of water.

General cleaning. Cleaning parquet from stains and hard-to-remove dirt that cannot be removed with normal cleaning. General cleaning removes old care layers.

The video below shows how to polish the parquet.

Additional Information:

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  • parquet varnish on water based(water-dispersion) is an environmentally friendly product, which does not contain harmful chemicals and solvents.…

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